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Manalo, Sam Antholem G.


My reflection in Green Theology

My Reflection in Green Conference

Last November 29, 2019 at the University Theater, Theology 102 held the Green
Conference. The Green Conference depicts topics that is concern about the nature nature and
thoughts about the solid waste specifically how to avoid them and the disadvantages that we can
encounter if we don’t take care of the solid waste in our nature. With that, the Green Conference
is important to know the effects of these not just in our environment but also to ourselves. Last
Friday, November 29, 2019 at 8:00-10:00am, the speaker thought us about what we can do for our
nature's health and what will happen if we didn't pay attention and took care of it. So the significant
insights that I gained from the conference are we need follow the simple rules like avoid littering
in a public places, make sure to put our food waste or any garbage in the proper trash bin in where
it belongs, if its recyclable, non-biodegradable or biodegradable. Second insight that I gained is
we can keep or recycle the plastic bottles that we have used or plastics so that we can use it again
and will not add to the pollution of our world. We can also collect them and sell them. Third insight
is I want to help the Mother Earth and other people to avoid making and adding the pollution in
our environment and avoid diseases that caused by the solid waste for solid waste are one of the
causes of diseases and issues in industries. With that, to avoid those issues, we should also avoid
littering. It can also be a cause food, land pollution, and water pollution that causes to flood so we
must avoid such wrong habits of throwing trash anymore. And lastly is I get to learn how to recycle
the plastic bottles and avoid burning such plastics because it will put us in danger and also the
ozone layer will get harm for once we burn a plastic, they will turn into a carbon dioxide and
methane that can damage our ozone layer. I can apply these insights in my daily living in just
simple manner like everyday I clean my house and throw my trash in the trashcan, I make sure
that I will put them in their proper designation like recyclable, biodegradable, and non-
biodegradable. Also in school, we have a trash can where can you put your trash and it is practicing
proper segregation. When I was in school and I will take a break time or lunch, I will buy food to
eat and drinks like water that is placed in a plastic bottle. With that, sometimes I keep my bottle in
my bag or if i will throw it, I make sure that it is in the recyclable trashcan. Also, instead of burning
the bottle, I will just keep it on my house and use it again as a container for my water. It is important
to practice such simple things that will help our environment and with that, I will make sure that I
will do it everyday and apply all that I learned in Green Conference for I'm so thankful on what
the speaker taught us.

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