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President University Student Housing Warehouse

Mid Exam Report (New UIs and Tables Applied)

1) Introduction
Nowadays, people are confused by the location of goods reception especially for those who
are living in the boarding house and dormitory, it can be a serious problem. People may be worried
with misdirected of their belongings. Therefore, there has been released a service, President
University Student Housing warehouse, which provides the users to keep their belongings. By
directing the address to the service’s name, your belongings will be impossible misdirected to the
wrong address.

President University Student Housing (PUSH) warehouse is a well-known storage to keep your
goods which is coming from online purchasing, parents, and anything related to delivery services.
PUSH warehouse is a common service used by college students in President University living in
either President University dormitory or boarding house.

In PUSH warehouse, your goods are guaranteed to be safe and impossible to be incorrectly
given until the real consignees take their belongings. PUSH warehouse provides storage system
and identity proof checking. The storage system is possible to connecting between the storage and
the system which is integrated each other. So that, the information between the storage goods and
the system will be impossible missed. Whereas, the identity proof checking can prove the guests
whether they are real consignees or fake consignees.

2) Project Features, UIs and Tables

PUSH warehouse is a modern service with modern system consists of several features which
is possible to be accessed by the staffs and is possible to be changed by only the system admin.
The features are including Staff login, adding new staff, adding new courier, adding new goods,
misdirected guarantee, completed the goods keeping order, goods lists, goods keeping history.

By using a simple UI, PUSH warehouse system can be understood and used easily by staffs.
For the guarantee system, the staff can simply contact the phone number of the responsible party.
The goods out data will be kept instead of deleted from the database. So that, the consignee
information can also be kept if there exists any misdirected goods or goods complains. You can
check the PUSH warehouse UIs and tables as given below.
The user interface implements many features include the security system, guarantee system,
and misdirected goods out tracking. Each of the features consist many data of the involved parties
which was made before the part to be processed begins. The features of the project will be
explained below with the picture and table examples

1. Staff Login
The staff login interface is the first page interface which will be displayed. If you are
willing to access the system, you have to put on a correct ‘staff ID’ and ‘password’. However, you
can ask the system admin for a new one only if you have the permission to asking for it. Take a
look on picture below.

2. Forgot Password, Adding, and Deleting Staff

In case the staff forgot their account and unable to access the system, they have to contact
the system admin in order to get a new account. After the system admin logged in using the admin
account, he must click the manage button located on top option and it will display some features.
The feature can only be accessed by the system admin, include adding staff, deleting staff, adding
storage, deleting storage. Take a look on the picture below to see the interface and table.
3. Adding and Deleting Storage
Another features that can be accessed only if you are logged in as the system admin is
adding and deleting storage. This function can be found after you click on the manage button then
‘storage’ button will be displayed under the ‘staff’ button. This function is used to add or remove
if there exists any issue regarding the storage (1 block storage = 1 cupboard).
4. Creating A New Keeping Goods
If the users clicked ‘goods’ button on the top column, there will appear a new column
consist of ‘goods in’ and ‘goods out’ on the left side. Then, ‘goods in’ button will be automatically
selected and will display this page. The function of this page is creating goods data which is given
by the delivery service in order that it can be saved inside the warehouse storage until the consignee
comes to take the belongings. Take a look on the picture below to check the interface.
5. Update the Existing Goods
If the users clicked ‘goods out’ button which is located on the left side column, this page
will be opened. The function of this page is maintaining the goods inside the warehouse storage
only if the consignees come to take their belongings. When the ‘Update’ button was clicked, there
will appear a pop-up confirmation which explains the good’s location and the goods keeping order
will be considered as completed. Take a look on the picture below to check the interface.
6. Courier
If the users clicked ‘Courier’ button, this page will be displayed. This page is used to add
the new company information which provides delivery service. If there exist any misdirected
packages, the staff can simply contact the involved parties. Take a look on the picture below to
check the interface.
7. History of Existing Goods
If the users clicked ‘History’ button on the top column, there will appear a new column
consist of ‘goods in’ and ‘goods out’ on the left side column. Then, ‘goods in’ button will be
automatically selected and will display this page. This page will show information of goods that
is currently kept on the warehouse storage, such as the time of good creation, the company who
deliver the package, and etc. Take a look on the picture below to check the interface.

8. History of Completed Order

If the users clicked ‘goods out’ button on the left side column, this page will be opened.
This page will display all goods which had been taken by the consignee with all information related
to the goods, such as the staff who completed the keeping order, the completed keeping order time,
and etc. It can be used to be the evidence that the goods were taken.
3) Information report of System Usage
After creating the UIs and tables, we input several data into the database in order that we can
obtain any information or conclusion regarding the data applied in the database

1. The Arrangement of People Who pays the most


SELECT goods_out.consignee, goods_out.charge, COUNT(goods_out.charge) AS mostPaid

FROM goods_out

WHERE goods_out.charge = 10000

GROUP BY goods_out.consignee ORDER BY COUNT(goods_out.charge) DESC

The customer will only pay after they take their belongings from the staff. From the data above,
we found that Tesa is the people who pays the most. we can also conclude that there are 3
customers who were completing the transaction and living outside the dormitory. This part can be
found by searching the number of people who pay 10000 for us. Therefore, there was given an
execption ‘WHERE’ on the query.

2. Most People Who Use Our Service


SELECT goods_out.consignee, COUNT(goods_out.consignee) AS mostUser

FROM goods_out

GROUP BY goods_out.consignee ORDER BY COUNT(goods_out.consignee) DESC

The same issue with the previous, but there are available an unexpected customer, Maya, who
has used our service 3 times and lived inside the dormitory. From the data above, we also can
conclude that there are 4 people who were completing the transaction and Maya is the most people
who use our service. This part can be found by searching the number of people who took their
belongings. Therefore, we only used ‘COUNT’ for this part.
3. Checking the Transaction Data with Delivery Service Provider

SELECT AS courName, COUNT(goods_in.courier) AS createAndComplete

FROM add_cour

INNER JOIN goods_in ON goods_in.courier =



SELECT AS courName, COUNT(goods_out.courier)

FROM add _cour

INNER JOIN goods_out ON goods_out.courier =

GROUP BY add_cour company

Delivery service provider is the most helpful part of our project. From the data above, we can
conclude that there are 1 package inside storage from JNE, 5 packages inside storage from JNT, 3
packages had been taken by consignee from JNE, and 4 packages had been taken by consignee
from JNT. This part can be found by integrating between the goods in and the available
courier(company) for inside storage and between the goods out and the available courier(company)
for been taken by consignee. Thus, we gave ‘INNER JOIN’ function in order to integrate between
the table data.
4. Determining Staff with Highest Amount of Completed Transaction

SELECT AS staffName, COUNT(goods_out.staff) AS completeAmount

FROM add_staff

INNER JOIN goods_out ON goods_out.staff =

GROUP BY ORDER BY COUNT(goods_out.staff)

It will be calculated only if the transaction is stated as clear which is the consignee must take
their goods in order to increase the number of ‘completeAmount’. According to the picture above,
we can conclude that ‘asdasd’ reach the highest number of completed transaction. We can integrate
between the goods out with the staff to display the report.

5. Determining Staff with Highest Amount of Created Transaction


SELECT AS staffName, COUNT(goods_in.staff) AS createAmount

FROM add_staff

INNER JOIN goods_in ON goods_in.staff =

This report can be proceed only if the courier gives the packages to the staff. The number of
‘createAmount’ will be increased when the staff receive and keep the packages to the storage.
From the picture above, we can conclude that ‘Ibnu Athailah’ is the staff with highest number of
transactions created. Similar with the previous, we can simply integrate between the staff and the
goods in to display the report

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