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The Impact of Age on Cognition

Daniel L. Murman, M.D., M.S.1


This article reviews the cognitive changes that occur with

normal aging, the structural and functional correlates of these cognitive
changes, and the prevalence and cognitive effects of age-associated
diseases. Understanding these age-related changes in cognition is
important given our growing elderly population and the importance
of cognition in maintaining functional independence and effective

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communication with others. The most important changes in cognition
with normal aging are declines in performance on cognitive tasks that
require one to quickly process or transform information to make a
decision, including measures of speed of processing, working memory,
and executive cognitive function. Cumulative knowledge and experien-
tial skills are well maintained into advanced age. Structural and function
changes in the brain correlate with these age-related cognitive changes,
including alterations in neuronal structure without neuronal death, loss
of synapses, and dysfunction of neuronal networks. Age-related diseases
accelerate the rate of neuronal dysfunction, neuronal loss, and cognitive
decline, with many persons developing cognitive impairments severe
enough to impair their everyday functional abilities. There is emerging
evidence that healthy lifestyles may decrease the rate of cognitive decline
seen with aging and help delay the onset of cognitive symptoms in the
setting of age-associated diseases.

KEYWORDS: Cognition, aging, neurodegeneration

Learning Outcomes: As a result of this activity, the participant will be able to (1) describe the type of
cognitive abilities that decline with normal aging and those that do not and name several of the structural and
functional changes in the brain that correlate with these changes in cognition, and (2) list several age-
associated conditions that result in increased neurodegeneration, as measured by hippocampal size, and
summarize the lifestyle factors that may improve neuroplasticity and limit this neurodegeneration.

Department of Neurological Sciences, University of Cognition and the Aging Auditory System; Guest Editor,
Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, Nebraska. Lindsey E. Jorgensen, Au.D., Ph.D.
Address for correspondence: Daniel L. Murman, M.D., Semin Hear 2015;36:111–121. Copyright # 2015 by
M.S., Department of Neurological Sciences, University of Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc., 333 Seventh Avenue,
Nebraska Medical Center, 988440 Nebraska Medical Cen- New York, NY 10001, USA. Tel: +1(212) 584-4662.
ter, Omaha, NE 68198-8440 (e-mail: dlmurman@unmc. DOI:
edu). ISSN 0734-0451.

C ognition is critical for functional indepen- some of the limitations that are inherent in
dence as people age, including whether someone studying cognition and aging.3–5 Studies of
can live independently, manage finances, take cognition across the life span are subject to
medications correctly, and drive safely. In addition, several biases, some of which apply in general
intact cognition is vital for humans to communi- and some that are specific to study design.
cate effectively, including processing and integrat- General biases include recruitment bias and
ing sensory information and responding misclassification bias. Recruiting subjects for
appropriately to others. Cognitive abilities often any clinical research study may be biased by
decline with age. It is important to understand which subjects are willing to enroll (recruitment
what types of changes in cognition are expected as bias). For example, those who are too ill or have
a part of normal aging and what type of changes more limited social and financial support may
might suggest the onset of a brain disease. find it hard to participate. Recruitment bias
It is imperative to understand the effects of tends to underestimate the degree of cognitive
age on cognition because of the rapidly increas- decline seen with aging because only the health-
ing number of adults over the age of 65 and the iest or most advantaged are included in the
increasing prevalence of age-associated neuro- study. Misclassification bias is when a subject is

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degenerative dementias. Over the past century, misclassified in a research study, such as classi-
the life span for both men and woman has fying a subject as normal when they are not. For
increased dramatically. For example, in 1910 example, by misclassifying a subject as normal
the life expectancy of a man was 48 years and a when they actually have early signs and symp-
woman was 52 years. In 2010, this has increased toms of a degenerative dementia, this subject’s
to 76 years for men and 81 for women. The cognitive test scores would overestimate the
number of Americans over the age of 65 is degree of cognitive decline attributed to normal
projected to more than double over the next aging and add a misclassification bias to the
40 years, increasing from 40 million in 2010 to study.
89 million in 2050.1 Because many more people Study design biases include cohort bias,
are living longer, the number of people with practice effect (learning) bias, and attrition
age-associated neurodegenerative dementias (survival) bias. Cohort bias occurs in cross-
also is increasing rapidly. The Alzheimer’s sectional study designs that compare groups
Association estimates that 5.2 million people of subjects (cohorts) in specific age groups on
in the United States had a clinical diagnosis of their performance on cognitive tests. The co-
Alzheimer disease (AD) in 2014, and the hort bias is the difference between groups that is
number of people with a diagnosis of AD is not due to aging but is due to other differences,
projected to increase to 13.8 million people in often unmeasured, between the age cohorts. For
2050, unless effective preventative or treatment example, when comparing a cohort of subjects
strategies are developed.2 Thus, it is vital to that were born in the 1990s to subjects born in
understand how age impacts cognition and the 1940s, the two cohorts might differ signifi-
what preventative or treatment strategies might cantly in nutritional variables, childhood edu-
preserve cognition into advanced age. Any cational experiences, exposure to environmental
approaches that could decrease the negative toxins or social stressors, knowledge of new
effects of age on cognition or decrease the technology, and other unmeasured variables.
risk of developing a neurodegenerative demen- These other factors may influence test perfor-
tia would have a tremendous impact on the mance over and above normal cognitive aging.
quality of life of millions of older adults in the Longitudinal studies examine how an individ-
United States. ual person performs on cognitive tests over time
to understand how aging affects cognition. One
limitation of longitudinal studies is the practice
CHANGES IN COGNITION WITH effect (or learning) bias. By testing subjects on
NORMAL AGING similar test batteries over time, there is the
To appreciate how cognition changes with potential for improvement in test performance
normal aging requires an understanding of due to a practice effect. A second bias found in

longitudinal studies is attrition or survival bias. Tests of fluid abilities require the subject to
If there is selective attrition of subjects over attend to one’s environment and process new
time, the remaining subjects’ results may not be information quickly to solve problems. Multiple
generalizable to other older adults. For exam- cross-sectional studies have shown that there is
ple, if a subgroup of patients selectively remains an improvement in crystallized abilities until
in the study (e.g., the healthiest or the best approximately age 60 followed by a plateau until
educated), their change in cognition may not age 80, and there is steady decline in fluid
accurately reflect the change in cognition with abilities from age 20 to age 80 (see Fig. 1).
normal aging for many older adults. Both For example, there is a nearly linear decline in
learning bias and attrition bias tend to under- processing speed, a fluid ability, with a 0.02
estimate the degree of cognitive decline seen standard deviation decline per year in one very
with age. large study.4
Despite these limitations in studying nor- Cognitive abilities can be divided into
mal cognitive aging, there is research evidence several specific cognitive domains including
of predictable and reproducible changes in attention, memory, executive cognitive func-
cognition that occur with normal aging.3,4,6,7 tion, language, and visuospatial abilities. Each

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The most common terminology, used to de- of these domains has measurable declines with
scribe which cognitive abilities change with age age.6 For each of these domains, a subject must
and which do not, divides cognitive abilities first perceive the stimulus, process the informa-
into crystallized abilities and fluid abilities. tion, and then respond. Both sensory percep-
Crystallized abilities are the cumulative skills tion and processing speed decline with age, thus
and memories that result from cognitive proc- impacting test performance in many cognitive
essing that occurred in the past, typically in the domains. For example, auditory acuity begins to
form of acquired knowledge. Tests of general decline after age 30, and up to 70% of subjects
knowledge (e.g., reading comprehension, math, age 80 have measurable hearing loss. Also,
science), historical information, and vocabulary speech discrimination and sound localization
would reflect crystallized abilities. Fluid abili- decrease in advance age. In addition to these
ties require cognitive processing at the time of change in sensory perception, there is a clear
assessment and reflect manipulation and trans- decline in processing speed in advancing age
formation of information to complete the test. with older adults performing these activities

Figure 1 Change in “crystalized” cognitive abilities, represented here as vocabulary, and “fluid” cognitive
abilities, represented here as processing speed, with age in normal subjects. Graph is based upon data
presented by T.A. Salthouse and colleagues.4 Zero line represents the mean or average performance on these
measures, while values above zero represent better than average performance and below the line worse than
average performance.

more slowly than younger adults.4 This slowing Executive cognitive function involves deci-
of processing speed causes worse test perfor- sion making, problem solving, planning and
mance on many types of tasks that involve a sequencing of responses, and multitasking.
timed response. Each of these areas of executive cognitive
The most noticeable changes in attention function declines with advancing age.6 Execu-
that occur with age are declines in performance tive cognitive function is particularly important
on complex attentional tasks such as selective or for novel tasks for which a set of habitual
divided attention.6 Selective attention is the responses is not necessarily the most appropri-
ability to focus on specific information in an ate response and depends critically on the
environment while at the same time ignoring prefrontal cortex. Performance on tests that
irrelevant information. Divided attention is the are novel, complex, or timed steadily declines
ability to focus on multiple tasks simultaneous- with advancing age, as does performance on
ly, such as walking an obstacle course and tests that require inhibiting some responses but
answering questions. Normal subject perfor- not others or involve distinguishing between
mance declines progressively with age on these relevant and irrelevant information. In addi-
more complex attentional tasks. However, sim- tion, concept formation, abstraction, and men-

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ple attention tasks such as digit span are main- tal flexibility decline with age, especially in
tained in normal subjects up to age 80.6 subjects older than age 70.6
Some aspects of memory are stable with Speech and language function remains
normal aging, but there are consistent declines largely intact with advancing age.6 Vocabulary,
in new learning abilities with increasing age and verbal reasoning, and speech comprehension in
some decline in retrieval of newly learned normal conversation all remain stable into
material.6 Immediate or “sensory memory” is advanced age. Speech comprehension in the
stable with age, but tests that require subjects to setting of background noise and ambiguous
exceed normal primary storage capacity (e.g., six speech content declines with age. Speech com-
to seven items) are more difficult for older prehension involves both the peripheral nervous
adults. Historical memories for public events system’s sensitivity for perception and the cen-
and autobiographical memories (episodic mem- tral nervous system’s speech-specific cognitive
ory) are relatively stable with advanced age, but abilities.8 These central nervous system cogni-
the accuracy of source memory (i.e., accurately tive abilities are especially important under less
knowing the source of the known information) favorable listening conditions and are sensitive
declines with age, as does the level of detail of to changes with age. Recent work suggests that
recalled episodic memories. New learning, as aging-related changes in left frontal lobe struc-
measured by delayed free recall, also declines tures correlate with performance on a speech-
with age. Learning is further compromised in in-noise test.9 Verbal fluency, verbal retrieval,
older adults if the test requires mental manipu- and some confrontational naming tasks show
lation of the material to be learned (working some decline with age. Critchley observed that
memory) or if subjects must perform more than in advanced age, older adults were less verbose,
one activity while learning (divided attention). more repetitive, and less specific in word choice
Working memory requires active manipulation in spontaneous speech when compared with
of material to be learned and declines with age. young adults.10
Retention of newly learned information is There are age-related declines in aspects of
relatively stable with advancing age, but retriev- visuospatial processing and constructional prax-
al of information may require more cueing or a is.6 Visual recognition of objects, shapes, ges-
recognition format to remain stable in advanced tures, and conventional signs remains stable
age groups. Prospective memory, specifically into advanced age. However, visuoperceptual
remembering to perform intended action in judgment and ability to perceive spatial orien-
the future (e.g., taking medication after break- tation decline with age. A person’s ability to
fast), declines with age. Procedural memories, copy a simple figure is not affected by age, but
such as remembering how to play the piano or ability to copy a complex design (e.g., Rey
ride a bike, are preserved with age. figure) declines with age. On standard IQ

measures such as block design and object as- loss can be seen in the substantia nigra and
sembly, much of the declines with age are due to cerebellum. Age-related neurodegenerative dis-
time, but when time is factored out, there are eases such as AD are associated with much
still declines in test performance with increasing greater loss of neurons, especially in the hippo-
age. On free drawing tasks, pictures drawn by campus and entorhinal cortex.16 In normal
older adults become more simplified and less aging, a substantial number of neurons change
articulated with age. in structure but do not die. These aging-related
structural changes to neurons include a decrease
in the number and length of dendrites, loss of
AGE-RELATED CHANGES IN BRAIN dendritic spines, a decrease in the number of
STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION axons, an increase in axons with segmental
The size of the brain decreases with age.3 In the demyelination, and a significant loss of synap-
past 20 years, our ability to quantify this atrophy ses.15 Synaptic loss is a key structural marker of
has improved using structural brain imaging aging in the nervous system.17,18
technology (computed tomography and mag- The number of neuronal synapses can now
netic resonance imaging [MRI]). The brain is be measured using immunohistochemistry

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often divided into gray matter and white matter techniques that label presynaptic proteins,
based on the brain’s appearance at autopsy. Gray such as synaptophysin. Using synaptophysin
matter is used to describe the cerebral and antibodies to quantify presynaptic terminals
cerebellar cortex and subcortical nuclei, each in the superior, prefrontal gyrus, a steady de-
of which contains a predominance of cell bodies cline in synaptic number can be seen across the
and dendrites. White matter refers to regions of life span. Results from dementia research sug-
the brain with a predominance of myelinated gest that symptomatic dementia occurs when
axons that connect gray matter structures. Not there is a 40% or greater loss of neocortical
all brain areas develop atrophy equally with synapses as compared with normal adults.17
aging, but both gray and white matter regions Using the rate of change in cortical synapses
are affected with aging. Gray matter volume seen with normal aging and the 40% synaptic
loss is most prominent in the prefrontal cor- loss threshold, Terry and Katzman predicted
tex.11,12 The temporal lobes, especially the that dementia due to aging (senility) would
medial temporal lobe, which includes the hip- occur at approximately age 130 without requir-
pocampus, also show moderate declines in ing the development of a disease state such as
volume with aging. White matter volumes AD.19 They also discussed the concept of
decline with age also.13 The greatest white cognitive reserve in terms of cortical synaptic
matter volume losses are seen in the frontal density and discussed how synaptic reserve,
lobe white matter and in major white matter aging, and the development of a neurodegen-
tracts such as the corpus callosum.12 In addition erative disease could all impact when a person
to age-related decreases in volume of the white would cross the symptomatic threshold of 40%
matter, there is evidence of a decline in white loss of cortical synapses and develop signs and
matter tract integrity with age, using MRI symptoms of dementia.19–21 For example, those
diffusion tensor imaging.14 with a synaptic density deficiency at birth (e.g.,
It has been assumed that gray matter low synaptic reserve due to neonatal hypoxic
volume loss was due to neuronal loss, but brain injury) would cross the 40% synaptic
with improvements in neuron-counting tech- threshold earlier in life with the same rate of
niques, it is now clear that this is not the case. synaptic loss with aging. Similarly, the devel-
Many studies demonstrate that loss of neurons opment of a neurodegenerative disease such as
during normal aging is restricted to specific AD would accelerate the rate of synaptic loss.
regions of the nervous system and that this loss The age of dementia symptom onset would be
is no more than 10% of neurons found in young determined by a combination of how close the
adults.15,16 Cortical neuronal loss is most nota- person was to the 40% synaptic threshold at the
ble in the dorsal lateral prefrontal cortex and time of disease onset and how quickly synapses
hippocampus, and greater subcortical neuronal were lost due to disease. Alternatively, if there

was a preventative lifestyle or treatment that mushroom spine) in the dorsal lateral prefron-
slowed the rate of cortical synaptic loss caused tal cortex, which mediates more stable circuits
by aging, then the 40% synaptic threshold that may be related to maintenance of crystal-
would be reached later in life and this person lized cognitive abilities (i.e., experiential ex-
would have greater synaptic reserve to compen- pertise). Resting state functional MRI imaging
sate for degenerative disease-associated synap- (rs-fMRI) can identify functional connectivity
tic loss (see Fig. 2). across distinct brain regions.14 A series of
Age-related changes in the structure and intrinsic connectivity networks have been
function of synapses and changes in neuronal identified, including networks important for
networks correlate with cognitive changes memory, organization, and coordination of
with aging. Morrison and Baxter reviewed neuronal activity, priming of the brain for
the aging changes that occur in the cortical coordinated responses, and the default mode
synapse in the dorsal lateral prefrontal cortex, network (DMN), which is active in the ab-
an area important in working memory and sence of a task. The DMN is thought to be
executive function, and the hippocampus, an important for memory consolidation. Connec-
area vital for learning and memory.22 They tivity and network integrity appear to decrease

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summarized the morphological and functional in normal aging.14 In neurodegenerative dis-
changes that occur at these synapses and how eases, such as AD, these declines and disrup-
these changes may correlate with changes in tions are accelerated, especially in the DMN,
cognitive function. For example, in the dorsal and can bias rs-fMRI studies of normal aging
lateral prefrontal cortex, there is a 46% loss of that include subjects with preclinical AD.23
one subtype of cortical neuron dendritic spines Correlation of structural changes in the brain
(i.e., thin spines). These spines are the most and measured age-related, cognitive changes
plastic spines and their loss causes a loss of have been modest and at times inconsistent,
dynamic plasticity in the ever-changing cir- but inclusion of functional measures such as
cuits that are important for cognitive flexibili- blood flow, glucose metabolism, and rs-fMRI
ty, working memory, and executive cognitive or the combination of functional and
function. Interestingly, there is relative stabil- structural measures can provide stronger
ity of a second type of dendritic spine (i.e., correlations.14,24,25

Figure 2 Change in synaptic density with advancing age in four groups. When synaptic density declines to
60% of maximal density, symptoms of dementia would be expected (i.e., dementia threshold line). Someone
with normal reserve and normal rate of synaptic loss with age (i.e., normal aging) would cross the dementia
threshold line around age 130. An intervention that slowed the rate of synaptic loss with age (slower aging)
would keep the synaptic density above the dementia threshold beyond age 150. However, someone that
started with 30% less synaptic density than normal at age 25 would cross the threshold line much earlier
even with normal aging (age 62), as would someone with normal density who developed a degenerative
disease such as Alzheimer’s that increased the rate of synapse loss with age (i.e., age 72). Graph and
concepts based upon data and hypothesis presented by R.D. Terry and R. Katzman.19

AGE-ASSOCIATED DISEASES AND first demonstrate a subtle decline in memory

COGNITION and new learning, followed by mild changes in
A variety of factors can cause cumulative dam- executive cognitive function and later changes
age to the brain with age and produce cognitive in language and visuospatial processing. Many
impairments. These factors include damage to of these changes in cognition are similar to
the brain due to cerebral ischemia, head trauma, normal cognitive aging changes, but differ by
toxins such as alcohol, excess stress hormones, severity.31,32 The onset of cognitive decline is
or the development of a degenerative dementia subtle and hard to determine. Progression is
such as AD. Degenerative dementias are the gradual and may be more apparent to family
most common cause of significant late-life members than the patient. Clinically, most
cognitive decline, but a combination of factors patients first develop mild cognitive im-
is common. Community-based autopsy series pairment (MCI), which is defined as a syn-
of patients who died with dementia found that drome of cognitive complaints, measureable
the most common cause of dementia was AD, mild declines in cognition, but no change in
followed by vascular dementia, and then de- functional abilities, including instrumental ac-
mentia with Lewy bodies.26 However, mixed tivities of daily living. MCI can involve one or

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dementia or dementia caused by more than one more cognitive domains, but memory domain-
pathology was very common.27 These same only MCI (i.e., amnestic MCI) is seen most
pathologic changes are very common in older commonly in patients who go on to develop
adults without dementia. In a large clinical- AD. If cognitive impairments continue to
pathologic study of older adults without de- progress and the patient develops evidence of
mentia combining participants from the Rush functional impairment caused by these cogni-
Memory and Aging Project and the Religious tive impairments, then he or she would be
Orders Study, 100% had neurofibrillary tangles, diagnosed as having dementia. If the patient
82% had amyloid plaques, 29% had macroscop- meets the clinical criteria for AD, then he or she
ic infarcts, 25% microscopic infarcts, and 6% would be diagnosed with probable AD. Longi-
had neocortical Lewy bodies.28 Because of the tudinal studies suggest that the conversion rate
very common overlap of disease-associated pa- from amnestic MCI to probable AD is 15%
thology and cognitive decline in the elderly per year.33
population, it is difficult to separate disease- The development of biomarkers for AD
related declines in cognition from those due the has improved our ability to understand the
normal aging. A recent larger study from the temporal sequence of changes that occur in
same longitudinal studies found that faster rates the brain of someone with AD. The develop-
of cognitive decline were associated with AD ment of amyloid positron emission tomography
pathology, macroscopic infarcts, and neocorti- (PET) imaging (e.g., Pittsburgh Compound B/
cal Lewy bodies, but the combination of all of PiB) has allowed researchers to detect the
these pathologies explained only 41% of the presence of amyloid plaque deposition in living
variation in rate of decline in this sample of subjects. Studies in subjects with genetic forms
older adults without dementia.29 Thus, these of AD demonstrate that amyloid plaques can be
late-life diseases cause an acceleration of cogni- detected 15 years before clinical symptom onset
tive decline that results in the development of and cortical amyloid deposition is the earliest
dementia in many patients, but some older marker of AD pathology.34 PET imaging of
adults without dementia do have cognitive glucose metabolism uses fluorodeoxyglucose
decline not caused by these pathologic changes. (FDG-PET) as a marker of neuronal activity
AD is the most common cause of cognitive and neurodegeneration. Glucose metabolism,
decline in older adults. The prevalence of as detected by FDG-PET, declines in the
clinically diagnosed AD increases exponentially posterior cingulate gyrus and the association
with age. At age 65, less than 5% of the cortices of the temporal and parietal lobes closer
population has a clinical diagnosis of AD, but to the time of measureable cognitive decline.
this number increases to more than 40% beyond Additional markers of neurodegeneration in-
age 85.2,30 For patients who develop AD, most clude volumetric MRI measurements of the

hippocampus and measurements of cerebrospi- AþNþ (AD with neurodegeneration) in-

nal fluid levels of the protein tau. These bio- creased to 42% by age 89. The frequency of
markers begin to show changes before very mild ANþ (SNAP) increased to 24% by age 89.
cognitive symptoms appear and can be mea- Thus, AD pathology with neurodegeneration
sured. New diagnostic classifications for AD and SNAP with neurodegeneration become
have recently been proposed that incorporate increasingly more common with age and affect-
these biomarkers.35,36 This classification system ed up to 66% of people by age 89, despite
includes a determination of whether there is normal performance on cognitive testing.
evidence of amyloid deposition, neurodegener-
ation, or both and whether cognition and
function are normal or abnormal. Patients MODIFYING AGE AND DISEASE
with stage 1 disease have cerebral amyloidosis EFFECTS ON COGNITION
only; those with stage 2 disease have amyloid- With aging, there is a dynamic interplay be-
osis plus neurodegeneration but no cognitive tween factors that leads to neurodegeneration
decline; those with stage 3 disease have amy- and cognitive impairment and factors that lead
loidosis, neurodegeneration, subtle cognitive to neuroplasticity and improved cognitive func-

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decline, but no functional decline; and those tion. A growing body of research uses automat-
with stage 4 disease have amyloidosis and ed, high-resolution MRI measurements of
neurodegeneration, with measurable cognitive hippocampal size as a practical and reliable
and functional decline. The availability of these measure of this dynamic balance.39 Hippocam-
new biomarkers and the new classification pal size is associated with memory and cognitive
system has been helpful to define preclinical function in normal individuals, and atrophy of
AD for prevention trials; individuals with pre- the hippocampus is associated with dementia
clinical AD have evidence of amyloid deposi- due to AD and conversion from amnestic MCI
tion on amyloid PET imaging, but normal to clinical AD. Recently, growing evidence has
cognition and function (i.e., stage 1 and 2 indicated that a variety of factors are associated
AD), and AD biomarkers predict incident with decreased hippocampal size including di-
cognitive impairment in cognitively normal abetes mellitus, hypertension, obesity, hypoxic
subjects followed longitudinally.37 brain injury, obstructive sleep apnea, clinical
Recently, Jack et al examined a large cohort depression, bipolar disorder, alcoholism, and
of subjects with normal cognition age 50 to 89 head trauma.39 Importantly, the hippocampus
for evidence of amyloid deposition using PET possesses a high capacity for neuroplasticity. In
imaging and evidence of neurodegeneration the past several years, a growing number of
using MRI measurements of the hippocampus interventional studies have looked at the ability
and FDG-PET measurements of hypometab- of intervention to slow the rate of hippocampal
olism.38 He divided the cohort into four groups atrophy or reverse such atrophy caused by
based upon biomarker results, specifically clas- degenerative, cerebrovascular, metabolic, or
sifying amyloid imaging results into positive traumatic causes.39
(Aþ) or negative (A) and classifying com- A variety of cellular mechanisms of neuro-
bined neurodegeneration biomarker results into degeneration and neuroplasticity have been
positive (Nþ) or negative (N). With this proposed and are being actively investigated
classification, the AN group would be clas- as to how they may mediate neuronal health and
sified as having normal biomarkers, the ANþ hippocampal size and ultimately cognitive
group would have suspected non-Alzheimer function. Microvascular ischemia, inflamma-
pathology (SNAP) with neurodegeneration, tion, oxidative stress, excitotoxicity, and
and the AþN and AþNþ groups would apoptosis are common mechanism of neuro-
have evidence of different stages of AD pathol- degeneration, and there are multiple common
ogy (i.e., stage 1 and 2 AD, respectively). In this signaling pathways that are important for neu-
study, the population frequency of AN roplasticity including pathways important for
(normal biomarkers) was 100% at age 50 and neuronal differentiation, plasticity, and surviv-
declined to 17% by age 89. The frequency of al.39,40 Ultimately, decreasing the presence or

impact of neurodegeneration and increasing the onstrated less AD biomarker abnormalities

activity of signaling pathways important for than those who were physically inactive, includ-
neuroplasticity could decrease hippocampal at- ing less amyloid burden on amyloid PET
rophy and cognitive decline that is so common imaging and less neurodegeneration based on
with aging. There is emerging evidence that MRI measurements of hippocampal volume
healthy lifestyle choices improve the dynamic and FDG-PET measurements of glucose me-
balance toward neuroplasticity and away from tabolism.44 A systematic review of studies using
neurodegeneration including eating a healthy cognitive stimulation to improve cognitive
diet; avoiding excessive alcohol consumption; functioning in people with dementia found
exercising regularly; participating in cognitive that there was consistent evidence from multi-
stimulating activities; managing emotional ple trials that cognitive stimulation programs
stress, which might include meditation; and benefit cognition in people with mild to mod-
managing medical problems such as hyperten- erate dementia over and above any medication
sion, diabetes, depression, and obstructive sleep effects.45 However, many studies had small
apnea.39 sample sizes and methodological problems.
Observational studies and preliminary clin-

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ical trials have raised the possibility that physi-
cal exercise and cognitive training or CONCLUSIONS
stimulation may improve cognitive function It is important to understand how cognition
in older adults with normal cognition and changes with age, given our growing elderly
potentially in those with AD and other forms population and the importance of cognition in
of dementia.41,42 Previous reviews have sum- maintaining functional independence and effec-
marized the literature concerning physical ac- tive communication with others. Measurable
tivity, enhanced fitness, and cognitive function changes in cognition occur with normal aging.
in older adults without cognitive impairment The most important changes are declines in
and have concluded that the preponderance of cognitive tasks that require one to quickly process
evidence suggests that physical activity is bene- or transform information to make a decision,
ficial for cognitive function in the elderly pop- including measures of speed of processing, work-
ulation, but that a majority of the evidence is ing memory, and executive cognitive function.
based on studies with potential methodological Cumulative knowledge and experiential skills are
problems and moderate risk of bias.41,42 These well maintained into advanced age. There are
studies have not determined which types of structural and function changes in the brain that
exercise are most beneficial in general or on correlate with these age-related cognitive
specific types of cognitive function. A large, changes, including alterations in neuronal struc-
well-controlled study of older adults with nor- ture without neuronal death, loss of synapses, and
mal cognition examined the impact of cognitive dysfunction of neuronal networks. Age-related
training on cognitive abilities and functional diseases accelerate the rate of neuronal dysfunc-
outcomes over 5 years of follow-up.43 Cognitive tion, neuronal loss, and cognitive decline, with
training resulted in improved cognitive abilities many persons developing cognitive impairments
specific to the abilities trained, and these im- severe enough to impair their everyday functional
provements persisted for 5 years after the initial abilities, the definition of dementia. There is
intervention. The subgroup that received growing evidence that healthy lifestyles may
reasoning training had less functional decline decrease the rate of cognitive decline seen with
at 5 years, as measured by self-reported ability to aging and help delay the onset of cognitive
perform instrumental activities of daily living. symptoms in the setting of age-associated dis-
Similar to older adults with normal cogni- eases. These healthy lifestyle factors may include
tion, physical activity and cognitive stimulation physical activity, mental stimulation, avoiding
may benefit those at risk for AD or those that excessive exposure to neurotoxins (e.g., alcohol),
have a diagnosis of dementia. A recent obser- treating depression and managing stress, and
vational study found that normal middle-aged controlling common medical conditions such as
subjects who were more physically active dem- hypertension, diabetes, and obstructive sleep

apnea. Thus, we may already hold the keys to 15. Pannese E. Morphological changes in nerve cells
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