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SET 2016

Signature ol'tlre Invigilator Quesrion llooklct No.|.J.1.:i i.
1. O\IR Sheet No..

Subject Code
Time Allo* ed : 75 Minutes
Max. Marks : 100
No. ofpages in this Booklet : l2 No. of Questions : 50
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2. Fill in the necessaq, inlbrmation inthespaccs provided onthe OMRresponse sheet.

3. This bookletconsists ofselentyfive (50) compulsory questions each carrying 2 marks.

4. Exanine the question booklet carefully and tal1y the nunber ofpages/questions in the booklct wift the inlbrmation
printed above. Do not accept a damagcd or opcn booklet. Damaged or t'aulty booklet may be got replaced
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5. IachQuestion has fouraltemative responses marked(A). (B). (C) and (D) inthe OMRsheet. You llavc to
completely darken the circle indicaline Ihe mo.t cppropriate response Jgainsl each item as in the illusftation.
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1 1 . Use oftu1y calculator, mobile phore or log table etc. is strictly plohibited.

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cMB-33265 Paper-II

1. A measuring scale system of assigning number The major problem ofmalautrition includes :

slmbols to events in order to label them : (A) Marasmus @) Pe[agra

(A) Ordinalscale (B) lnteflalscale (C) Goiter (D) Allthe abole
' (C) Ratio scale @) Nominal scale
. fhe direct biodiversitY valuc is :

2. PFIRf is
(A) Aesthctic value
(A) Programme Lvaluation and R'\ie
Tcchnique lll) Prcduciive usc value

@) Proi ect [yaluation al1d flevicrv

Technique {C) Elliic \31ucs
(c) Programme Evaluation and Rese ll)) OPriL.n \alLr!
(D) Proiect Evaluation and Research Technique ). -l'he
most imponan! dar! used lbr busl shaping in
women'sPatlem are :

3. Opemtion within the organization is :

(A) Ilront shoulder dan
(A) Mamgement system
G) Back shot der dart
@) Micromanagement (C) Venical waist-shaPing darts
(C) Macromarugement
(D) Managemert bY operator (D) I:ront underarms dart

4. The depaftnent ofwomen and child development 10. fhedcvelopme conmunicationisalsokno\\oas:

setup in the year : (A) Devcom (13) DcYeloPcom
(A) 1985 as aseParate depadment (C) Dcr"comnur (D) I)e\ elopcommrul
@) 1975 as a separate depafimert
(C) 9 85 as a Part of HRD
I 1 . \Urich ir.l'long thc {bllo*ing is ,rlrn d1 eing I

@) 1975 as apafiofHRD
a. Package dr eing

5. The exosphere is also knolrn as : b. Top d.eng

(A) Ionosphere @) HYdrosPhere c. Spacedleing
(C) Lithosphere (D) Biosphere d. \\ LtT bean d\eing
Stock d-yeing
6. The modem environmental hazard is : Skein (hank) dleing
(A) Food coniamination with palhogen Code:
@1 Lack olaccess to:a te drinLing uater
(A) a,b.d.f @) b.c,e.f
(C) Unequal solid waste disPosal
(C) a. d, e, I (D) f, a, c, d
(D) Water pollution from polluted areas

12. The environment can be experienced in the 15. Which among the following behnged to programmed
ways :
a. Tltough time and its movement a. Probiems are unique
b. Tkough love and care ofpeople b. Decisions are ntade by iower level peoplc
c. Through fir,e senscs - sight. louch. aste. c. Problems are repetitive
and smell
d. Top ma,lagement is responsiblc
d. Though f.miture and linnishins e. 'l hc conditlon lor decisions arc
highly certain
i e. Through thought. nlemory and jmagination I Solurion are q,ith sonle hahit mle end procedure
Code: Code:
(8) b,d,e (.\) |
b. c. e. @) a. c. e. f
(C) c, d, e @) a,b,e (C) a, b. d. | (D) b. d, e, f

1J. lhc rcqui(ements ofan ideallighdng installarion are: 16. Which among thc lbllo$ing are the bpes of Rajas*Hni
a. Crealing sourccs oflighr . Ebroidery
b. Elininationol'glarc a. Raga
c.,{voidanccofshado\\s b. Mochi Bhzrat
d. Circularionol-lighl c. Appliqucwork
e. \o n-prod uction ofexcessi\e hcal d. Ragini
Code: e. \eo Embroidery
(A) a, b, d (B) a. c. c I HeaiBharat
(C) a, b. c (D) b, c. c Code i
(A) a, c, d, f (B) i
b, d, e.
'14. Which b, c. e, I
among the lbllo$ ing arc the variables of (C) ()) a, c, d, f
,n.rrior u.<d tnrprirc ole.nt impnvctnenl:
a. Acceleration fhe direct bcnelits liom lbrcsrincludel
h. .\pplances a. Controlcclinarc
c. Cost b. Iood
d. Lighting . c Soil impro\emr-nt
c. Dircction d. Paper
i. l-ffbctiveness
e. Ra1,on
Code: 1. Iimber
(A) a, d. c, I (B) b,d,e,f Codc:
(C) a. c. e. f (D) a,b,c,d (A) f
b, d. e, (B) a, b, c. d
(C) c,d.e.1 @) b,c,d,f

21 Match l,ist-l to Listjl ol'research design and its $pe
role in
18. Which agencies are playing an impodant
specifying the notms for various efiluents ListlI
a. SamPlingdesig:r (i) Probabiliry samPling
b, lSI d.sign
c. UPSC b. Statistical design (i1) Advanceddecisions
about oPcrational
d, TfHO
e. ICN{R
(iii) Prcplarreddcsign
c Obsen'ational design
Code :
d. Operational &sign (iv) l{igid design
(A) a. c. d. c @) b,d.e,f (v) Strxctucd instrumenls
(C) b. c. d. I @) a,b,e,f li-.r dalacollection

19. Approaches ol Der clopmenl Comlnruication
includcl ab c d

a. Extension apploach
(^) (1) (iii) (v) (il)

(B) (1\, (1) (v) riii)

h. lnlegrated approach
(c) (, (i, CD
c. CentraliscdaPProach
(D) (iii) (, (ii) (nl
d. Planncd stratcgy

e. IrrlerpersonalaPProach 22. Nlatch List-l to LisFll

| \'lass Media approach List-I List-II
a. l'olic) G) ItalloNsnormge of
decisiol making
(A) a, c, d, e @) b,c,d,e
b. (iii Tl e excrcise oltask
(C) a,b.d,f (D) b, d, e,l liule
c' Lau (iii) Itis a guide fbr
making decision
20. ThefeaturcsofDevelopmerfl Commu:icxion d. Procedure (,v) A Working Book

a. Behaviotuodentation (v) It is a igid statement

by extemal authoritY
b. Deeperunderstanding (O Steps uken to
c. Effective odentation accompljshajob
d. Cognitiveorientation
Code :
e. lndividualoriertation abc d
f Nalional develoPment (A) (iv) (ii) (, (v)
Code: (B) GI (9 (ii) (vi)
(A) a, c, d, f @) a,b,d,e (c) c, (, (ii0 (1",

(C) a, c, d, e (D) b, d, e, f @) Gl t) (.,) (o

21. \Ialch List-l !o List-II about periods ofmanagement 25. Match List-l to I-ist-ll oft)?es ofpleats
ListJ List-II
List-II a. Inveftcd pleats (, Narro* at &e top amd
List-I widcning tot ards the
a. Scientilic managed (0 1930- 1950 hexn
b Humanrelation (ii) 1970 on*ards b. BoxPleats (ii) Two pleats folded in
the same dircction
c. Gntingencyaptrroach(ij, 1950 - 1960
c. Knifcpleaa (iit) Prcssed flat and can
bc stitched dow part
d S) stem approach (i\) 1960 on!\ards a way
1\ ) 1900 - 1910 d. Graded Plcats (iu) 'lwo pleats foldcd
(\r) uPlo 1gth centu4' away ftorn each other
(r) Are of same width fbr
firI length
ab cd (vi) 'Iwo plcats ibldcd
(A) (1v) G) (v) (u) towaad each other
(B) (v) (r) (ii) (iu) Code:
(c) (ii) (v) cD (, a bcd
(D) (iii) (, (r) (.i) r.A) (.4) (iu) (ii) 0
(B) (1ii) (r) (i) (1,
(C) G) (,) (o (1)
24. Match List-l to I-ist-ll olCorurLrnlq ecology @) (19 (, (\) (!1)
Listl List-II
a. Strucurc (i) Community consist of 26. l\'latch Lisl-lto List-ll ofPrinciples ofdcvelopmcnl
different goups of plants
List-I List-II
and animals
a. Development (, As this twig is bcnt
involves chalge so the tree is inclined
b. Dominance (ii) It is azone ofr,egerables b. Earlydevelopment (ii) Creeping. crau'ling.
c. Diversiry (iii) lt has one or more specles is more critical than seuing riding
occurring in large nunber later
c. Development is the (ii) Progressive senes of
d. Periodicity (i, Naturalforcst
product ofmatumlion ordcrly coherent
communities posses and leaming changc
nu.'nber oflayels d. De\elopment patterl (iv) Problemofpoor
(!) It is the study ol is predictable adjustnent
various processes (r) llere is a genetic
scquence uith cedain
(vi) It is determined bY
traits appearing at
the density, ftequency and fixed interval
abundance ofspecies (o Suca€ssfrl
Code : achievcment in an
activity is impodant
abcd forchild
(A) (ii) (19 @ 0) Code:
(B) Gi, (1) 0, (o abcd
(c) (O tii) (, (") (A) (O 0 (iii) (v)
(D) (1v) (v) (ii) (B) (v) (ii) (1, (,
oii) (, (ii) (v)
(D) (, (n0 (v) (tl)

5 Paper-II
27. N{atchI-is1 ItoI-ist Il olcharacterisllcs ol leadqs 29. MalchList-l to Lisrll ofvarious charts :

List-I List-Il List-I List-II

a. Appearance (i) Age and trainjng a. Organizalional chart (i) It ma,v depict a scries
helps in rcalistic ofprocesses
approach h Flowchart (ii) It illustrates the
b. Populariq (ii) Clothcs and prccess which cannot
groolning resuhs io be brought in meeting

attcntion asitis
c. Securiry (iii) Urillinrness to malie c. Tree chart iiii) A lull story depicted
ma,Y be kept hidden
\\ith strips ofpaper
d. Maturitl (ir) Lrcresesrespectzurrl
esteem in group d. Pictoral chart (iv) It may depict dirisions
:rnd subdivisions
(r) It encourages
(\') It may depict
llexibilitl a
inibnnatlon in lorm
(\i) olpictures a,rd graphs
Wins grouprespecl
(\i) I! ma-Y depict the
Code :
struclure ofany
a b cd deparment
(A) (ii) (n, (v) (i)
Code :
(B) (ii) (n, (v) (ti)
(c) (, (ii') (iv) (\)
(A) (vi) (, (n) (\l
(D) (' (ii) (i\') (\i)
(i,) (\, (vi) (iii)
(c) (\) (ii) (i!) (iii)
Match LisGI to t,ist-ll on sampling I
(D) (iii) (\') (ii) (,
List-I List-II
a. Non-probabiliry (i) Ifthe population is
30. Match Lisftto I-ist-ll ofcommunication aids :

sampLing 11ot homogeieous List-II

(ii) a. LraUcts (r) 24-48 pages
b. Probability sampliig I otal area 11
b. Pamphlets (ii) Abriel simple, single,
is 1oo big
clean and complete
c. Systematic sampling (iii) Every ith itcm on the information u,hich
listisselccted leads to action
d. Statilied sampling (i!) The clustcrofsludy is
c. Bulletirx @ 12-24 pages
a gcograPhical
d. Circuiar letters (n) Contains points
subdivision discussel in a meeting
(v) Random orchancc (") 4- 12 pages
sampling (o Infomation about
(\.i) Purlosivcor the fortl coming
.judgc-mcntal salPlilg meeting
Code : Code:
ab cd a bc d
(A) (O 0i) (1v) (') (A) (\) @(, (ii)
(B) (19 O (ii) (,i) (B) (ii) (iv) (v, (,
(c) (vi) (v) (iii) (, (c) (ui) (v) (1v) (ii,
@) (iv) oiD (o (ii) (D) (ii) (') (v) (iii)

cMB-33265 Paper-II
3l . Assertion (-{) : Kutch EmbroiJery is pracriced in -l-1. ,\ssertion (A) | Organizalional objcctives gives
Kamataka di€ction to rhe actjvitics ofthe group
Reason(R) : Kathiawar Flmbroidcrl is ihc Reason (R) : Organizatlonal obicctives do not
popularily olRajastha,'l sene as a media by uhichmuhipic

Code: intcrcsts arc chanalized

(A) (A) is corectand (R) is urong Code:
@) (A) is r.rrong and tRriscorrect (A) (.\)is \lrong and (R) is conect

i( J Both a.\l and rR \\rons

(ll) l.\ i is co rect and (R) is $,rong

(C) Both l \)and(R)areconect

I R..:i. \ r .inJ i R)are con cct
il)) Borh (.{) and (R) are wrong

32. Assertion (A) : A flexibility budget shorr s erpcct.'J

ji. .\ssertion (,4.) r A plan is a prcdetcmrined course of
costs ofproduction a1\ irious 1.. eis
Reason (R): Ilexibililr L,.rJ:.i (ipcns
Reason (R) : It may bctailored or established lbr
oppomr,ritics i,.r meil.i:
(,\) Bolh ( \lr1ni rRrare Rrong
(A) (A) is corectand (R) is \roog
18) (.\ ) is \r rong and (R) is correct
@) (,\) is \rcrigand (R) is correct
(C) (.\)ls correcr (R) is !\'rmg (C) Uoth (A) and (R) are $rong
,D, r.\l is lorr<cl .mJ r R r i. ir. erplunatrun (D) (A) js corcct and (R) is its cxplanation

1i. Assertion (A) : Managcrnent practicc is as old as 36. Assertion (A): Intcrchangc of \\,atcr bct$,ccn
hurnan ciriliialion I-.arth's surlacc and atmosphcre is
gor emed br hldrologicalcycle
Reason (R) : lluman beings arc full of
organizalion activities Reason (R) r I1rdrologicalcYclc at ar,v timc is of

Code: no importanoe in shaping o1'

{Al (A) is correct and (R) is $,rorg liurdscape

(B) (A) is corect ard (R) is its explanation
(A) (A) is corectand(R) is \r.rong
(c) (A) is wrong and (R) is corect
(B) (A) is wrong and (R) is conecl
(D) Both (A) and (R) are wrong
(C) Both (-\) and (R) are correct
(D) Both (A) and (R) are inconecr

cMB-3326s Paper-Il
17. Assertion (A) : I)cvclopmcnt is a \\h.rle. it is an 40. Asscrtion (A) : Fonnal education teaching is vellical
intcgral, r alue-addcd cuh.n'al proccss and curriculum ccntred

Reason (R) : It encompasses the natural Reason (R) r It is conceptual fi amcu ork and leads
environrnent and social relation. to praclical work
edurati.,nar.l'aelt hcin^: Code:
Code: (A) Both (A) and (R) are conect
(,^) (A) is correctand (R) is utong (E|) Both (A) and (R) are rlrong
(B) (A) is $aong and (ll) is conecl (C) (A) is conect and (R) is *tong
(C) Iloth (A) and (R) are conect (D) (A) islrong and (R) is correct
(D) lloth (A)and (R) are \\rong

41. Arrange lhe lrli.r'' r..! ir ircrea:ire order eccording

38. Assertion (A) :The study ofchild psychology and
to the amounl.r: \\ :taa a anstituent fre!an:
child development are same
I. T,^eth
Reason (R) : Clildpsychology concentEtes on
II. Blood
psychological phenomena where as
III. Voluntaq \ftLscle.
child development conceltrates on
lV Bones
pattern of development of these
(A) r, rrr. rY n
Code :
(B) rv, x, IIr. I
(A) Both (A) and (R) are corect
(B) Both (A) and (R) are \uong
(C) (A) is correct and (R) is wroog
(D) (A) is wrong and (R) is conect
42. Formaklng rhc traditional filtration pitcher anange
the follo\\ing liom top to bottom
39. Assertion (A) : Theories guide research into areas
which might not otherwise attract
l. Grar eland sand

II Ciean \lLlslin clolh

Reason (R) : Theories are the prospector's map o

IIL \ lus1in cloth

secret fteasutes
I\:. Po\\'dered coal

Code :
(A) (A) is conect and @) is its e,'?lanation (A) n, nr. rv, r
(B) Both (A) and (R) are wong G) NI, IY I, N
(C) (A) is wrong and (R) is correct (C) I, IY II, III
(D) (A) is conect and (R) is wrong (D) IY I.III. II

cMB-33265 8 Paper-II
Arrange the body foundation patrem makirU
in srcps
L \TerlicalGuiclelines
II. Recrangular Blocks
IL (ilucose
lll. Making Darts
IIt. SodiumChloride
1\i Shapingrhc side scans
Motassiun Chloride \i Shaping rhc bodics
VL HodzontalGuidelines
(,\) III.I, IV, II Codc:
1B) I. IL II. N (A) rr.vr. r. v, lY rir
rLr I\: L IIL II (B) Vr. n. \i rv, r. rrr
rDi ll. iil. I\,'. I
t() rrr. r. r\: rr. v v]
(I)) III. II. V: VI, IV. I
44. Forwashing and cleanjng arango lhc
sleps in order
L Sreeping 4',7. Arrangc thc phases ofdemonslration programme
II. Rinslrg I Lt aluation ofdemonstration
IIL Soring IL r\n.J)sing rhc situation
IV Stiffening and Blucin,: lll Reviewofres nc\!.situation
ts in
V \hshir-s l\, Deciding onobjecrires o].goals
Code: V Dcmonstaation and cxccLrtion

(A) III. [. \t r. Iv Code:

@) r, n. rv rrr. \,
(;\) III, IV, I. V, rl
(C) ]I. I II. IVI.V (B) tr. v.IIr. t.N
(c)rv, v. rrr, r. tr
. (D) III. ]. \,. II. IV
(D) n. rv v r, tll
,15. Arrange the sreps in I)ecisiorl making process
in .18. An'ange lhe elements
ol.shannon and Wcavcr,s
comnunication modcl in sequence
l. Obninin-srnibn,-lr.j(rIl l. Ilncodcr
il. Ideiiiticationofprob!)n ll. Decoder
IIL Selecting Bcst course of aclion IIL Rc-cei\er
IV LvalLladng conscq uences I\: S.ndcr
Code i \ Charurel
(.{) nl r. rrr, x Code:
(B) I. I\: III, II (A) IV I, V II, NI
(c) Irr, r\,. r, lr @) IV. II. ]. V III
(D) rr, t, rv rrr (c) IV. Y I, II, III
(D) IV. Y II, I, III

9 Paper-II

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