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Volume 4, Issue 11, November – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

To Estimate the Prevalence of Work Related

Musculoskeletal Morbidity amongst Tailors: A Cross
Sectional Study in a Rural Area of Tamilnadu
Principal Investigator: A. Ravisankar , IIIrd Year
Co-Investigator: Dr. Ruma Dutta , Department of Community Medicine


 Introduction: Musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) consist of a

This study has been conducted to assess the conditions affecting the muscles, tendons, joints , ligaments
prevalence and factors associated with musculoskeletal associated nerves and blood vessels. Work related MSDs
morbidity amongst the workers involved in the tailoring usually occur when the person can’t cope with the work as
occupation they don’t have the physical competence or due to improper
workstation ergonomics. Work related musculoskeletal
 Aim &Objectives: disorders have been known to affect workers in a wide
1.To assess the prevalence of musculoskeletal morbidity variety of occupations eg. Tailors[1] . These musculoskeletal
amongst tailor in a rural area of Tamil Nadu. disorders are a major causes of pain and disability. The
2.To assess their ergonomical factors in the workplace. global prevalence of MSDs ranges from 14% to as high as
42%; on the other hand in India, epidemiological studies
 Materials and Methods: indicate the community-based prevalence of 20% and
A Cross sectional study was conducted in a rural occupation-specific prevalence found to be as around 90%
area of Tamil Nadu over a period of 3 months from in various studies, heavy lifting , twisting and bending ,
March to May 2019. The sampling frame comprised of Repeating an action too frequently , Uncomfortable working
tailors in a rural area of TamilNadu. A total of 50 position , Exerting too much force during work, Working
subjects who were willing to participate in the study too long without rest[2] ,Adverse work environment (eg hot
were interviewed (p=66%). The sampling method was or cold) ,Psychosocial factors (eg high job demands, lack of
simple random sampling and the data collection tool was contro land time pressures) , not acting on reports of
a questionnaire and the data collection technique was the symptoms quickly enough
interview method. Data entered in excel sheet and
exported to SPSS for windows , version 16.0 software for Indian textile industries are one of the largest industries
analysis in India. It is the second largest industry in terms of
providing employment to more than 35 million people in the
 Results: country. Many of the people in the textile industry are at risk
In this study, 50 questionnaires were returned by of developing some kind of work related disease due to long
the individuals involved in the tailoring occupation in working hours and low pay etc. Tailoring involves repetitive
Chennai. The prevalence of the various musculoskeletal tasks like , assembly , cutting, sewing
morbidity risk factors in tailors were found to be ,embroidery,alterations, pressing and finishing work,
significant. Working hours has been found to cause performed in a sitting working posture with back curved and
trouble in the last 12 months in 26% individuals who head and neck bent over the sewing machine. Working in
work more than 8-10 hours per day, chair without this awkward posture for a long duration increases the
backrest has caused trouble which hasn't allowed a chance of developing musculoskeletal disorders in them. It
person to do work in the past 12 months in 28% provides employment for both men and women, who are
individuals, and unsatisfactory workstation ergonomics majorly from the lower socioeconomic classes.
has caused trouble in the past 12 months in 34%
individuals, apart from others. Musculoskeletal The present study was conducted to explore the
morbidites were found in individuals 52% , and is found prevalence of musculoskeletal morbidities amongst tailors in
to have a significant relationship with being a tailor. a rural area of Tamil Nadu and the relation is has with
certain risk factors their ergonomical factors in the
 Conclusion: workplace such as good lighting , properly tilted tables and
To recommend suitable ergonomical alternatives proper backrest. The three primary ergonomic risk factors
and reduce associated musculoskeletal morbidities are high task repetition , forceful exertions and repetitive
and awkward postures

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Volume 4, Issue 11, November – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
II. Methodology 12 months was found to be 78%. The most commonly
affected site was neck (36%) and lower back (40%),
This is a cross sectional study which was conducted in hand/arms (12%), knees (12%) etc. Out of the total 50
a rural area of Tamil Nadu over a period of 3 months from workers having MSD, 21 persons (42%) complained of
March to May 2019. The sampling frame comprised of discomfort for the last 7 days. 58% of people who
tailors in a rural area of Tamil Nadu. A total of 50 subjects complained of discomfort did not have any trouble in the
who were willing to participate in the study were past 7 days before the interview
interviewed (p=66%) . The sampling method was
convenience sampling Out of the 50 people interviewed , 22 people did not
have backrests (44%) while 28 people did have backrests
Data collection: and the data collection tool was a (56%), 14 people who did not have backrests were
questionnaire whcih was divided into 3 parts , Part A was prevented from doing there work due to musculoskeletal
about the sociodemographic details , Part B was about the morbidity (63.63%)
ergonomic factors in the workplace , Part C was about the
trouble that was caused due to the musculoskeletal When the table was not tilted towards the worker there
morbidity and the data collection technique was the was an increase in the discomfort which prevented the tailor
interview method by which i conveniently selected tailors from working over the past year 43.33% of them had an
for my study and interviewed them after obtaining increased risk of developing a musculoskeletal disorder
neccessary consent
Out of the 50 people interviewed , 35 of them (70%)
 Analysis : were males and 15 of them were females (30%) , 13 males
Data entered in excel sheet and exported to SPSS for were prevented from working in the past 12 months due to
windows , version 16.0 software for analysis the pain (37.14%) , while 7 females were prevented from
working in the past 12 months due to pain (46%) , so , MSD
III. Results were more common among females as compared to males

A total of 50 workers participated in the study.

Majority of the workers were between ages 40 to 49 (42%) Musculoskeletal disorders were more common among
and belonged to class II socio economic class (74%) Among those who were of the age 30 - 59 and 96% of these people
the workers, 20% were illiterate and 34% studied till middle were prevented from doing there work due to due to the pain
school , 36% studied till high school and only 10% of them that they had
graduated and got a degree. Musculoskeletal problem in last

Frequency Percentage
Age 20-29 1 2.0
30-39 17 34.0
40-49 21 42.0
50-59 10 20.0
60-69 1 2.0
Total 50 100.0
Education illiterate 10 20.0
middle school 17 34.0
high school 18 36.0
graduate 5 10.0
Total 50 100.0
Male 35 70.0
Gender Female 15 30.0
Total 50 100.0
nuclear 29 58.0
Type of Family joint 21 42.0
Total 50 100.0
Lower middle class 13 26.0
Socioeconomic Upper middle class 37 74.0
Status Total 50 100.0
Table 1 – Sociodemographic variables

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Volume 4, Issue 11, November – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Frequency Percentage
Years of working
<10 years 1 2.0
>10 years 17 34.0
Total 21 42.0
Timing Of Job part time 4 8.0
full time 46 92.0
Total 50 100.0
5 4 8.0
Working hours per 6 4 8.0
day 7 7 14.0
8 5 10.0
9 7 14.0
10 11 22.0
11 12 24.0
Total 50 100.0
Table 2 – Working Nature

Frequency Percentage

Chairs with/without
backrest with backrest 28 56.0
without backrest 22 44.0
Total 50 100.0

with lighting 35 70.0
without lighting 15 30.0
Total 50 100.0

Table tilted towards tilted 4 8.0

worker not tilted 4 8.0
Total 7 14.0

Workstation satisfied 27 54.0

not satisfied 23 46.0
Total 50 100.0
Table 3 – Facility at work

Frequency Percentage

In the last 12 months yes 20 40.0

have you been no 30 60.0
prevented from
Total 50 100.0
doing your work

Trouble in the last 7

yes 21 42.0
no 29 58.0
Total 50 100.0

Table 4 – Trouble in the past

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Volume 4, Issue 11, November – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
IV. DISCUSSION responsible for the development of pain in the neck, back,
shoulders, the arms and knees. As a result of excessive
The textile industry is the largest manufacturing sector bending, majority of them complained of pain in the lower
in India, So adequate importance should be given to the back, the neck and knees. The chairs used by the majority of
health of the tailors and people employed in this sector, the operators were not cushioned for their comfort when
which is one of the pillars of this sector. Health risks that the seated for long hours. The tailors must be made aware of
tailors face increases over time due to many factors such as these things. It has been reported that garment workers may
number of years of working, number of working hours and experience a decline in neck/shoulder pain if they are
ergonomic factors.In this study, the prevalence of MSD provided with adjustable height chairs with proper backrest
among the tailors was reported to be significant , most or cushioning.
common site being the neck and lower back[4,6], then knees
and hands/arms. Apart from age, sex and duration in the V. CONCLUSION
profession, MSD was associated with age , sex , number of
hours of working in a day . Long hours of bending down This study talks about the prevalence of
with neck flexed and continuous eye straining due to musculoskeletal morbidities amongst tailors and the factors
inadequate lighting of the workplace probably explains the associated with the development of these disorders and the
high prevalence of neck involvement among the studied associated ergonomic factors This should be corrected early
workers. or else over time , these will add-on to further disability . All
of these can also affect their earning power, Thus leading to
Tailors of the lower socioeconomic classes was a cycle of them not being able to work ,and earn money, and
associated with elevated risk of musculoskeletal disorders as eat proper food which is necessary for staying fit and
, these people were more likely to have a small work space , healthy. Intervention at the work place like providing the
increased years of working, unsatisfactory lighting and workers improved workstations with regards to lighting and
seating arrangement in combination with increased working the seating combined with ergonomic advising the tailors to
hours [4] take regular breaks , walk around and stretch and do certain
exercises that have been instructed /or change position in
This study revealed age over 45 years and duration of between their working hours, and task rotation through tasks
work for more than 8 hours per day were significantly that do not require constant pressure and awkward leg and
associated with increased Musculoskeletal disorder The neck posture would defeinitely help in reducing the
development of such disorders in people was caused due to incidence of MSD among them.
a combination of poor work environment and unsatisfactory
ergonomic conditions such as lighting and seating of the REFERENCES
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