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Informed Consent

We hope you will participate in a student research project The Psychology of Politics. This study being
conducted in part with Psychology Research Methods at Loras College and the faculty sponsor is Dr.
Grinde. The student researchers involved in this study are Logan Eckhardt, Madison Holerud, and
Elainna Simpson.
The purpose of this research is to examine the political views of 60 Loras College students. All
participants will be asked to read a short document written by a political candidate and then complete a
survey on their political opinions. The procedure should only take 30 minutes of your time and will be
located at Mary Alexis Conference Room or the Arizona conference room in the ACC.
Since political beliefs are sometimes personal, we will randomly assign each participant a number and
use that for identification of the data. There will be no names involved anywhere within the research.
Only the researchers will have access to the survey data during the span of the experiment and all data
will be erased at the end of the semester. Participation in this research is voluntary and you may
withdraw from the study at any time throughout. Within the survey you may skip any question that may
make you feel uncomfortable answering. If you have been asked to participate from a class, there will be
no effect on your grade by participating or not participating within this research.
The risks in this experiment are no more than that of everyday life. There is a small risk in participating
and that is anxiety about your political views being made public, this risk has been reduced due to the
anonymity of responses. There are no direct benefits for participating in this study. The only
compensation for participation is an optional piece of candy.
Should you have any questions about the research or your participation in it please contact Logan
Eckhardt, Madison Holerud, and/or Elainna Simpson in person or through email at,, or If you have any
questions or concerns about your rights as a research subject please contact Dr. Kristen Thompson, chair
of Loras College’s Institutional Review Board, at, tel. 563 588-7122.

__________________________________ ______________________________
Signature Date
Print name
Your signature indicates that this research study has been explained to you, that your questions have
been answered, and that you agree to take part in this study. You may request a copy of this form.

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