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BRANCH CLERK All rise, silence is hereby enjoined the Hon. Nikki Esperanza is presiding; please
remain standing for the ecumenical prayer for the courts

Almighty God, we stand in Your Holy Presence as our Supreme Judge.

We humbly beseech You to bless and inspire us so that what we think,
say and do will be in accordance with Your will.
Enlighten our minds, strengthen our spirit and fill our hearts with fraternal
wisdom and understanding, so that we can become effective channels of
truth, justice and peace.
In our proceedings today, guide us in the path of righteousness for the
fulfillment of Your greater glory.
JUDGE  Knocks gavel
BRANCH CLERK For trial criminal case no 123, people of the phil versus Rocel Rivera
JUDGE Appearances?
Fiscal Representing the state your Honor, we are ready
Counsel for For the accused, your honor, we are ready
Judge Call your first witness
Fiscal We are calling Ms. Angeline Rodgriguez
Judge Swear the witness
Court Please raise your right hand.
Do you swear to tell the truth the whole and nothing but the truth so help you God?
Witness Navarro I do
Court Please state your name and personal circumstances
Witness I am ANGELINE RODRIGUEZ, 25, my is address at 1234 Barangay Maawain, Tondo
and I am currently employed as a Barangay Kagawad
Court Your honor, fiscal the witness is ready
Counsel for the Subject to cross your honor
Judge Alright, Proceed
Fiscal Your honor, we are presenting the testimony of Angeline Rodriguez to prove the
following: (1) identify of the accused ; (2) direct assault was employed; (3) the
damages incurred ; (4) other related matters as may be necessary to prove guilt of
the accused.
Fiscal Your honor, may we be allowed to adopt the offer of testimony contained in the
judicial affidavit. We have furnished a copy to the court and to the accused’ counsel
in accordance and compliance with the prescribed period
Counsel for the We confirm your honor, we only have one objection as to the affidavit. On page 3
Accused question 35, it asks for an opinion and we are requesting to have said question and
its subsequent answer stricken of the record, your honor.
Fiscal We, submit your honor.
Judge Strike it off
Fiscal Ms. Witness do you recall having executed a judicial affidavit in connection with this
W Yes sir
Fiscal If that judicial affidavit is shown to you, would you be able to identify it?
W Yes sir
F Showing to you this Judicial affidavit of ANGELINE DC. RODRIGUEZ consisting of 4
pages, what is the relation of this document to the you made mention?
W That is the same document sir
F And on page 4 of said document there is a signature over the printed name of
ANGELINE DC. RODRIGUEZ, whose signature is that Ms. Witness
W That’s my signature sir
F Did you voluntarily execute this affidavit?
W Yes sir
F Do you attest to the correctness and truthfulness of everything stated in this
W Yes sir
F Your honor we request that this document be marked as our exhibit A, the
subsequent pages be marked exhibit A-1, A-2 and A-3 respectively. And finally on
page 4 the signature be bracketed and marked as exhibit A-3-A
J Mark it
F Ms. Witness on page 5 of your judicial affidavit you you have attached as annex A a
photocopy of your ID, do you have that ID with you right now?
W Yes sir here it is (hands ID to Fiscal)
F May we manifest that the witness has produced her ID 2008 10 2406 and we request
that the counsel for accused stipulate on the faithful reproduction of the ID
Counsel for Faithful reproduction, your honor
Accused (CA)
F And on the 3rd page of your judicial affidavit you made mention of a medical
certificate, do you have the original with you today?
W Yes sir here it is (hands med cert to Fiscal)
F May we manifest that the witness has produced a medical certificate number 2016
800 99 and we request that the counsel for accused stipulate on its faithful
CA Faithful reproduction, your honor
F Finally miss witness, is the accused present in this court?
W Yes sir
F Can you point at her, where is she?
W (Stands and points at Rocel)
Court Int. (CI) (ask Rocel to stand stand) please stand up ma’am, what is your name?
Rocel Rocel Rivera
CI For the record, the witness pointed towards a female wearing (short descript of what
she wears) and when asked to identify herself she replied Rocel Rivera
F That will be all, your honor

_____________CROSS EXAMINATION OF PROSEC WITNESS______________

_____________FORMAL OFFER OF EVIDENCE (PROSEC)______________

JUDGE Anymore witness?

F None your honor. May we present our formal offer of evidence
J Proceed
F For our exhibit A and its subsequent submarkings


_____________ CROSS EXAMINATION OF ACCUSED______________

Judge Cross?
Fiscal Just a couple of questions your honor
Judge Proceed
Fiscal Ms. Witness, for all the time you have known the complainant in this case, can you
think of any reason she might have carried a grudge against you?
Counsel for Objection your honor, speculative.
Fiscal We withdraw the question your honor. Ms Witness were you and the complainant
in this case ever involved in a previous incident, if any?
Rocel None that I can think of sir
FIscal Thank you, Ms. Witness. Do you then agree with me that if not for the singing and
celebrating of your group, the complainant would never have approached you in
the first place
Rocel …. Uhmm.. Yes sir
Fiscal No further questions your honor

_____________FORMAL OFFER OF EVIDENCE (DEFENSE)______________

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