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Cognitive Continuum Theory in nursing decision-making

Raffik Cader BA MSc DN CertEd RGN RMN
Senior Lecturer, School of Health, Community and Education Studies, Northumbria University, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK

Steve Campbell BNurs PhD RGN RSCN RHV NDNCert FRSH

Head of Research and Development, Education and Training Centre, City Hospitals Sunderland, Sunderland, UK

Don Watson BA MPhil PhD CPsychol AFBPsS

Emeritus Professor of Applied Psychology, School of Health, Community and Education Studies, Northumbria University,
Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK

Accepted for publication 21 June 2004

Correspondence: C A D E R R . , C A M P B E L L S . & W A T S O N D . ( 2 0 0 5 ) Journal of Advanced Nursing

Raffik Cader, 49(4), 397–405
School of Health, Cognitive Continuum Theory in nursing decision-making
Community and Education Studies,
Aim. The purpose of this paper is to analyse and evaluate Cognitive Continuum
Northumbria University,
Theory and to provide evidence for its relevance to nurses’ decision-making.
Manor House,
Coach Lane West, Background. It is critical that theories used in nursing are evaluated to provide an
Newcastle Upon Tyne NE7 7XA, understanding of their aims, concepts and usefulness. With the advent of evidence-
UK. based care, theories on decision-making have acquired increased significance.
E-mail: Method. The criteria identified by Fawcett’s framework has been used to analyse
and evaluate Hammond’s Cognitive Continuum Theory.
Findings. There is empirical evidence to support many of the concepts and pro-
positions of Cognitive Continuum Theory. The theory has been applied to the
decision-making process of many professionals, including medical practitioners and
nurses. Existing evidence suggests that Cognitive Continuum Theory can provide
the framework to explain decision-making in nursing.
Conclusion. Cognitive Continuum Theory has the potential to make major con-
tributions towards understanding the decision-making process of nurses in the
clinical environment. Knowledge of the theory in nursing practice has become

Keywords: decision-making, evaluation, nursing information, intuition, cognitive

continuum, task continuum

Theory in providing a middle ground for decision-making in

nursing practice. The theory, being both prescriptive and
The implementation of evidence-based care in clinical prac- descriptive, also prompted Harbison (2001) to endorse its
tice has increased the need to understand decision-making in application to nursing practice and research.
nursing. The purpose of this paper is to show how Cognitive Evaluating a theory is important to provide an understand-
Continuum Theory can contribute towards such an under- ing of its aims, concepts and usefulness. Fawcett’s (1993)
standing. There is evidence of discussions on the Theory in framework is useful for the purpose of analysing and evaluat-
the nursing literature (Luker et al. 1998; Thompson 1999; ing Cognitive Continuum Theory as applied to nursing because
Harbison 2001; Lauri et al. 2001). Thompson (1999) argued it is both comprehensive and a suitable for middle-range
for the appropriateness of Hammond’s Cognitive Continuum theory. Many theoretical frameworks that are being used to

 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 397

R. Cader et al.

generate research questions and hypotheses in published extends into evaluation so that value can be judged. Through
research in nursing tend to be middle-range theories from analysis, a non-judgemental and detailed examination of the
other disciplines (Moody et al. 1988). McKenna (1993, p. 126) scope, context and content of the theory is carried out using
perceives borrowing knowledge from other disciplines ‘as one the theorist’s published work. The result informs the evalu-
of nursing greatest strengths’. The literature, however, pro- ation process that is undertaken from interpretations and
vides many examples of the need to advance the discipline of critiques by other scholars, from research reports and from
nursing by the development of theories unique to nursing reports of practical application.
(Crow 1982; Jennings 1987). It has been argued that non- The evaluative criteria identified by Fawcett (1993) are:
nursing theories do not reflect the uniqueness of nursing significance, internal consistency, parsimony, testability,
(Draper 1990), but the literature also includes evidence on the empirical adequacy, and pragmatic adequacy. The signifi-
contributions of theories from other disciplines to nursing. One cance criterion is achieved when the metaparadigmatic,
example is Bandura’s (1977) Self-Efficacy Theory, which has philosophical and paradigmatic origins of the theory are
been used by practitioners to empower clients through educa- made explicit. The criterion for internal consistency is
tion (Oetker-Black & Kauth 1995; Fleming et al. 2003). fulfilled when all the elements of the theorist’s work are
Another example is Ajzen and Fishbein’s (1980) Theory of congruent and when there is semantic clarity, semantic
Reasoned Action, which has helped to inform studies on consistency and structural consistency. To meet the parsi-
nurses’ attitudes and caring behaviour (McKinlay et al. 2001). moniousness criterion, the theory has to be stated clearly and
In the field of nurses’ decision-making, the need for increased concisely. The testability criterion considers whether the
quality (Harbison 2001) and for nurses to be accountable for concepts and propositions of the theory can be measured. The
their decisions (Dowding & Thompson 2002) point to an criterion of empirical adequacy evaluates empirical evidence
apparent knowledge deficit. Cognitive Continuum Theory, as a for its theoretical claims. Finally, the pragmatic adequacy of
middle-range theory, can help to bridge this knowledge gap. the theory is judged by the educational requirements for its
Focusing on middle-range theories is the appropriate stage for application and usefulness in practice. These criteria consti-
knowledge development in nursing (Blegen & Tripp-Reimer tuting Fawcett’s (1993) framework are general enough to be
1997), as middle-range theories have greater potential to guide used in the analysis and evaluation of Cognitive Continuum
research (Lenz et al. 1995). Theory.

Cognitive Continuum Theory Analysis of Cognitive Continuum Theory

The Cognitive Continuum Theory (Hammond 1981) is a
Scope of the theory
descriptive theory that illustrates how judgement situations
or tasks relate to cognition. Hammond (2000, p. 83) asserts Cognitive Continuum Theory focuses exclusively on judge-
that ‘judgement is a joint function of task properties and ment and decision-making. It can be appropriately classified
cognitive processes’. The theory suggests six broad modes of as a middle-range, descriptive theory as Hammond offers
decision-making based on two continua: cognition and explanations about general and specific relationships between
judgement task structure. The cognitive continuum ranges the concepts of tasks and cognition and also about the precise
from intuition to analysis, and the judgement task structure relationships between the nature of tasks and modes of
ranges from ill-structured to well-structured. The volume and cognition. These have been tested by Hammond et al. (1997),
nature of information cues associated with judgement tasks Hamm (1988b) and Dunwoody et al. (2000).
are crucial in Hammond’s theory. The more structured a task
is, the more analytically induced will be the decision-making
Context of the theory
mode. Conversely, with an ill-structured task decision-
making is likely to be intuition-induced. Originating from cognitive psychology, Cognitive Con-
tinuum Theory offers researchers of judgement and decis-
ion-making a framework in which the concepts of task and
Fawcett’s framework
cognition are linked together. Hammond (2000) stresses the
Fawcett’s (1993) framework has two components – analysis necessity to have a theory of task properties to parallel a
and evaluation – with separate criteria for each component. theory of cognitive properties. To exemplify the concept of
Identifying a theory’s strengths and weaknesses to make it two parallel continua – task and cognition – Cognitive
more understandable is undertaken through analysis, which Continuum Theory includes the concept of task properties

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Nursing theory and concept development or analysis Cognitive Continuum Theory in nursing decision-making

from Social Judgement Theory, which describes the weighing

Modes of cognition
and combining of information by decision-makers to make
judgements (Hammond et al. 1975). Social Judgement The concept modes of cognition are not clearly defined by
Theory asserts that the accuracy of an individual’s judgement Hammond; however, the three dimensions associated with
in a situation depends on the weighting the individual this concept have been clearly defined: analysis, intuition and
attaches to the different information cues emanating from quasirationality.
that situation. If information cues are weighted to reflect the Analysis is defined as a process that is slow, conscious and
real situation, then the judgement will be accurate (Dowding consistent (Hamm 1988a), and is detailed by Hammond
2002); otherwise an inaccuracy in judgement is likely. (1988) as high cognitive control, slow data processing, high
Fawcett’s (1993) widely cited metaparadigm concepts of conscious awareness, task-specific organizing principle and
nursing, which are person, environment, health, and nursing high confidence in method.
and associated propositions, are not explicit as the theory Intuition involves rapid and unconscious data processing
was not specifically designed for a nursing environment. (Hamm 1988a). Its properties are detailed by Hammond
However, as nurses are constantly in the process of making (1988) as involving low cognitive control, rapid data
decisions that have implications for their clients’ health, the processing, low conscious awareness, averaging organizing
metaparadigm concepts of person and environment can be principle and low confidence in method.
said to be implicit in the theory. Similarly, it can be argued Quasirationality occupies the central region on the cognitive
that the theory clearly supports the interaction in nursing continuum and relates to modes of cognition that include
between person and environment and its linking of person, elements or properties of both intuition and analysis
environment and health. This is because in the clinical (Hammond 1996). The term ‘quasirationality’ originates from
environment nurses are constantly interacting with clients to Brunswik’s (1956) extensive work in cognitive psychology.
take decisions that have a direct effect on the health of
Task properties
The main philosophical claim made by Hammond (1996) is
based on a person being capable of both modes of cognition – Task properties concern (i) the task complexity (number of
intuition and analysis. He claims that, although these two information cues, redundancy of cues and the principle for
modes of cognition have made positive contributions to combining information), (ii) the level of ambiguity of its
modern existence, they have also suffered from imperfections. content (existence of a principle to organize information,
From an ontological perspective, he dismisses the view that familiarity with content, potential for accuracy in judgement)
intuition and analysis are ‘rival’ forms of knowing, and and (iii) its presentation (potential for decomposition into sub-
questions the belief that judgement and decision-making can tasks, visual or quantitative presentation and time available to
be either intuitive or analytical. In addition, he has argued at undertake the task). The two identified dimensions for task
length that coherent and correspondence theories of truth properties are: well-structured and ill-structured tasks.
provide the epistemological basis for Cognitive Continuum Well-structured tasks have properties that induce analysis.
Theory: ‘both types of inducement frequently occur in human According to Hammond (1988), these tasks have a high level of
ecologies’ (p. 104). He maintains that the notion of rationality decomposition, to have a high degree of certainty, and to take
(coherent theory) and the achievement of empirical accuracy time to resolve. An example of a well-structured task is a nurse
(correspondence theory) are essential in making sound judge- deciding on the significance of the tracing from an electrocar-
ment and decisions. Reconciling these two approaches diograph, and needs time to compare it with a normal
strengthens research endeavours by understanding judgement electrocardiograph. To increase certainty in the outcome of
and decision-making. this task, the nurse can potentially divide (decompose) the
electrocardiograph into sections to facilitate analysis.
Ill-structured tasks have task properties that induce intu-
Content of the theory
ition. According to Hammond (1988), they have a low level
Central to the Cognitive Continuum Theory are the concepts of decomposition and certainty, and need to be resolved
of modes of cognition and task properties. Additional quickly. For example, when a nurse attempts to support a
concepts are modes of inquiry, pattern recognition, func- falling patient, the speed of such an incident makes it
tional relations, oscillation, and alternation (Hammond impossible to break up (decompose) the task into its potential
1996). The definitions of these concepts are included for subtasks, with the consequence that the certainty of the
clarity and understanding. outcome is low.

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R. Cader et al.

Modes of inquiry Evaluating Cognitive Continuum Theory

Borrowed from Churchman (1971), ‘modes of inquiry’ repre-
sent the different reasoning strategies needed to ensure episte-
mological safeguarding in decision-making (Hamm 1988a). The metaparadigm concepts and propositions addressed by
This is justified by Hammond (1996), who states that ‘different the theory and the philosophical claims on which Cognitive
modes of inquiry make different demands on human judge- Continuum Theory is based are explicit. The conceptual
ment’ (p. 233). He identifies the six dimensions to ‘modes of model from which the theory is derived is the Social
inquiry’ as modes 1–6, with modes 1–3 being biased towards Judgement Theory and this provides the basis for some of
analysis and modes 4–6 biased towards intuition. the key propositions of Hammond’s Theory, in particular
Mode 1 exemplifies pure analytical cognition requiring ‘true the influence of task properties on judgement and modes of
experiments’ to support the evidence for decision-making. cognition. Hammond (1996) claims that both intuition and
Mode 2, based on statistical inference, is seen as less ana- analysis have properties and merits in the different contexts
lytical than mode 1 and is referred to as ‘control-group where they are applied. He acknowledges Egon Brunswik’s
experiments’. concept of quasirationality when he states that Brunswick
Mode 3 is the weakest of the three analytical modes and is ‘made clear the relative value of each mode of cognition’
labelled ‘quasi-experiments with relaxed controls’ because (Hammond 1996, p. 90). Hammond has borrowed the
strict random assignment and double-blind experiments are concept of ‘modes of inquiry’ from Churchman (1971) to
not feasible. set up his six modes of inquiry. He also acknowledges the
Mode 4 is labelled ‘computer modelling’ and relates to psychologist Edwards (1954) for introducing the coherence
‘thought’ experiments, making it less analytical than mode 3. approach in judgement and decision-making (Hammond
Mode 5 is referred to as ‘data-based expert judgement’ and 1996). The special significance of this Theory is that it
decisions are based on expert judgement, making this mode counteracts the traditional view that judgement and decis-
less intuitive than mode 6. ion-making can be either intuitive or analytical. Instead it
Mode 6, called ‘unrestricted judgement’, is based purely on presents a unifying theory for these two modes of cogni-
intuitive thought. tion, with quasirationality establishing the link between
Pattern recognition refers to inference drawn from patterns them.
of information recognized from experience.
Functional relations refers to inferences made from obser-
Internal consistency
vations of statistical data.
Oscillation describes the process by which modes of cogni- The Cognitive Continuum Theory is congruent with the
tion can change from analysis to intuition, and vice versa. philosophical claims and conceptual model on which it is
Alternation occurs when there is a complete shift from based. Semantic clarity is evident, in particular, in providing
pattern recognition to functional relations, or vice versa. comparable definitions for both intuition and analysis. This
The main propositions of Cognitive Continuum Theory are has an important implication for the four middle range
both relational and non-relational in nature and assert that: modes of cognition relating to quasirationality, because two
• Modes of cognition can be on a continuum, depending on of these are biased towards intuition and the other two are
whether they are analytical or intuitive, with quasiration- biased towards analysis. Semantic consistency is evident in
ality providing the link between the intuition and analysis Hammond’s published work in the consistent use of terms,
endpoints on the cognitive continuum. with the same definition attached to each of them. There are
• Tasks can be placed on a continuum depending on their prop- no concept redundancies, as each concept contributes some-
erties, with well-structured tasks and ill-structured tasks thing unique to the theory. Analysis of the Theory indicates
forming the end-points of the continuum and tasks exhibiting that it is structurally consistent.
the properties of both situated in the middle of the continuum.
• Properties of a task could influence the modes of cognition
on the continuum.
• Whilst undertaking a task, there can be oscillation between Hammond offers a detailed explanation of his concepts and
intuition and quasirational modes of cognition and also propositions, with many illustrative examples (Hammond
between quasirational modes and analysis. 1981, 1996, 2000). Whilst the use of such examples from
• There can be alternation as modes of cognition change. many situations justifies the relevance of the theory in many

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Nursing theory and concept development or analysis Cognitive Continuum Theory in nursing decision-making

areas of decision-making, it also serves to ensure clarity. The

Empirical adequacy
analysis reveals that the Theory is made up of seven major
concepts, some of which have two or more dimensions. Hammond et al. (1997) undertook the first application of
To achieve a parsimonious presentation of the theory, Cognitive Continuum Theory with highway engineers. The
some terms have been grouped as dimensions of others. For engineers were asked to undertake nine judgement tasks
example, the explanation Hammond offers for intuition, relating to aesthetic, safety and capacity of highways. It was
analysis and quasirationality clearly identifies them as found that the closer the engineers were on the cognitive
dimensions of the concept of modes of cognition. Similarly, mode predicted by the task structure, the better was their
well-structured and ill-structured tasks have been identified as overall judgement performance. The relationship between
the dimensions of the concept of task properties. It is also tasks and modes of cognition was also demonstrated by
clear that the modes of inquiry concept has six dimensions in Dunwoody et al. (2000) in their study with undergraduates.
the form of modes 1–6. Extensive explanations of the Hamm (1988b) also showed that the cognitive activity of
concepts and propositions (Hammond 1996, 2000) have highway engineers does move back and forth between
served to clarify the complexity of the Cognitive Continuum intuition and analysis as they undertook sub-tasks to com-
Theory without oversimplification. On the whole, the plete their overall tasks. All these studies have shown the
arrangement of the concepts, as shown in the analysis interaction between cognitive modes and task structure.
section, provides a parsimonious structure for the theory. Lauri et al. (2001) conducted an investigation on the
process of decision-making used by Registered Nurses work-
ing in elder care and medical–surgical wards in Canada,
Finland, Sweden, Switzerland and the United States of
The dynamic interaction of the parallel concepts of task and America (USA). They used a structured questionnaire based
cognition has been identified by Cooksey (2000) as an on the Theory, and found that nurses used five models of
important focus for researchers investigating the Cognitive decision-making represented by analytical, intuitive, and
Continuum Theory. This proposition and some others have quasirational modes of cognition. Hence, on a worldwide
been tested using quantitative methodology. Eleven criteria to basis, nurses from short-term and long-term care environ-
measure task properties have been identified by Hammond ments have been shown to use cognitive processes that are
(1988). These are: the number of cues associated with the reflected in the Theory.
task, the degree of certainty associated with the task, the A secondary analysis of the data in a study with
measurement of cues (objective or perceptual), the level of postregistration nurses undertaken by Cader et al. (2003)
redundancy of cues, the availability of an organizing principle on evaluating nursing information on the WWW gives
for the cues, the weighting of cues, the degree of non-linearity support to the Cognitive Continuum Theory by demonstra-
in the organizing principle for the cues, the distribution of ting that nurses use a range of sub-tasks with different levels
cues, the level of task decomposition, the way cues are of complexities and structure in the evaluative process. The
displayed and the time available to do the task. The task sub-tasks identified are: ‘Evaluating research evidence’,
properties are important as they help to determine its location ‘Assessing the nature of WWW information’, ‘Evaluating
on the task continuum. publication source’, ‘Assessing application to practice’,
Data collection methods used to test Cognitive Continuum ‘Assessing the cultural origin of WWW information’, and
Theory include: a task continuum index (TCI), constructed ‘Assessing user-friendliness of websites’. Using Hammond’s
using the above mentioned criteria to locate a task on the task (1988) definition of ill-structured tasks, the sub-tasks of
continuum; a cognitive continuum index (CCI) derived from ‘Assessing the cultural origin of WWW information’, and
the cognitive properties of analysis and intuition to locate a ‘Assessing user-friendliness of websites’ are labelled as ill-
cognitive activity on the cognitive continuum; the ‘Think structured. With these sub-tasks multiple cues have to be
Aloud’ method to allow participants to verbalize their processed almost instantaneously, pointing to low conscious
thoughts; and a questionnaire (Hammond et al. 1997; Hamm awareness and low cognitive control, indicating that these
1988b; Dunwoody et al. 2000). tasks induce intuition. Similarly, according to Hammond’s
A range of methods have proved useful for data analysis, (1988) definition of well-structured tasks, ‘Evaluating
and these include correlational analysis to examine the research evidence’ is classed as well-structured. Processing
covariation between TCI and CCI, coding scheme and a this task involves analysis, as it demands a high level of
one-way analysis of variance to show whether participants cognitive control, requiring a ‘step-by-step, conscious and
shift from intuition to analysis, and vice versa. logical process’ as stated by Hammond (1996).

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R. Cader et al.

The empirical evidence discussed above supports the to emphasize their relevance to medical practice (Figure 1).
Cognitive Continuum Theory to a large extent. As the The same rationale seems to have prompted Hamm
empirical data conform to the theoretical assertions of the (1988a) to introduce minor changes to some of the terms
Theory they can be accepted as reasonable and valid. The used for the six ‘modes of practice’. For example, ‘intuitive
secondary analysis of the data from Cader et al.’s (2003) judgement’ replaces ‘unrestricted judgement’; ‘peer-aided
study with postregistration nurses also offers support to judgement’ has replaced ‘data-based expert judgement’;
the Theory, albeit in a non-clinical environment. In ‘computer modelling’ has been replaced with ‘system-aided
addition, Lauri et al. (2001) provided support for its use judgement’; ‘quasi-experiments with relaxed controls’ sim-
in nursing practice. Although there is conclusive evidence ply becomes ‘quasi-experiment’, ‘controlled trial’ replaces
to support many of the propositions of the Theory, there ‘control-group experiment’ and ‘scientific experiment’
has been no empirical evidence to show alternation of replaces ‘true experiment’. His work in medicine has been
cognitive activity between pattern recognition and func- influential in making these changes.
tional relations. There is a need for further investigations Thompson (1999) has argued that Hamm’s analysis of the
to clarify this issue. theory from a medical perspective can equally be applied to
nursing practice. Cognitive Continuum Theory can be used in
any context where decision-making is crucial, including
Pragmatic adequacy
nursing activities demanding that nurses constantly take
The Cognitive Continuum Theory has been applied to the decisions to assist clients. The application of Hamm’s version
decision-making process of many professionals in the field of the Theory to medicine has exemplified its relevance to the
of engineering, social policy-making, medicine and nursing. clinical environment where nurses practise. His use of
In engineering, to reduce the many design failures attrib- terminology which is more familiar to nurses has helped to
uted to over-reliance on an analytical mode of inquiry, position the Theory closer to nursing.
Cognitive Continuum Theory is proving useful (Hammond Fundamentally, in practice Cognitive Continuum Theory
et al. 1997). For the formulation of social policies, can help nurses in two ways. Firstly, it assists them to
Hammond (1996) recommends the inclusion of social predict the modes of cognition most appropriate to making
values as well as probability factors to increase their nursing decisions, depending on the number and nature of
feasibility and effectiveness. In medicine, Hamm (1988a) cues presented by clients. The implication of this approach
has shown that the Theory can assist with improvement in is that Cognitive Continuum Theory provides the frame-
clinical judgement in an environment of uncertainty, where work to assist nurses to aim for accuracy in their decision-
scientific medical knowledge has to be applied to specific making process. Adjusting modes of cognition to corres-
patient complaints before reaching a decision. In his pond to judgement tasks leads to accuracy in decision-
version of the cognitive continuum, he has replaced making (Hamm 1988a). Not adhering to this basic premise
Hammond’s ‘modes of inquiry’ with ‘modes of practice’ of the Theory is likely to lead to judgement inaccuracies.

Well structured

Mode 1
Mode 2
Mode 3

Mode 4
III structured

Mode 5
Mode 6
Figure 1 After Hamm’s (1988a) Cognitive
Intuition Cognitive mode Analysis Continuum.

402  2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 49(4), 397–405
Nursing theory and concept development or analysis Cognitive Continuum Theory in nursing decision-making

Secondly, when practising within a multiprofessional envi- 2001), supporting Dowie’s (1996) empirical assumption. As
ronment, nurses should expect their decisions to be anticipated, within the WWW environment too, many
challenged by other professionals or clients or clients’ evaluative tasks are located at mode 6. In an investigation
representatives. Cognitive Continuum Theory can help on how postregistration nurses evaluate WWW information
nurses explain the rationale underpinning their professional (Cader et al. 2003), cross-checking with peers has also been
decisions to challengers because they will be cognisant of identified as an option. This informal professional discussion
whether they have used tasks that induce intuition, analysis to assist with the evaluative process can be said to be
or a mixture of both to reach their decisions. Therefore, equivalent to mode 5 (not pure intuition), as Eraut et al.
nurses’ judgement will manifest varying levels of rational- (1995) acknowledge that professional deliberations contain
ity, depending on the activities being undertaken and the both intuition and analysis. The data in Cader et al.’s
nature of the cues associated with these activities. With (2003) study also indicate that, depending on the nature of
Hammond’s (1981) support for equity in modes of cogni- the tasks, nurses use a mixture of intuition and analysis,
tion, nurses can also argue that, with the Theory’s thus providing evidence to demonstrate the dynamic inter-
framework, analytical cognition is not always superior to action between the two continua within the cognitive
intuitive or quasirational cognition as the choice of modes continuum framework. Another study (Lauri et al. 2001)
of cognition is task-dependent. The theory has the potential has indicated that the models of decision-making used by
to help make nurses’ decision-making process in clinical nurses, in clinical practice, mirror intuition, analysis and
practice more transparent, which is highly relevant to quasirationality.
clinical governance. Cognitive Continuum Theory gives nurses a tool that can
Although no specific skills are required to apply Cognitive assist in making their decision-making process more trans-
Continuum Theory in clinical practice, it is important that it parent to peers, other professionals in the multidisciplinary
is included as part of the curriculum for nurse education. team, and clients. With the advent of evidence-based
Providing student nurses with the appropriate learning practice, the nursing literature is encouraging nurses to
experience will ensure that they have a sound knowledge adopt an analytical approach in decision-making (Luker
base and understanding of the Theory in order to be able to et al. 1998). There is support for this view from Lamond
apply it in practice. Preregistration nursing curricula could and Thompson (2000), when they explain that the infor-
incorporate the Theory as part of a management module in mation on which decisions are based should be known, to
which students are usually taught decision-making. For allow for choices from related outcomes to be made
postregistration nursing curricula, the Theory could be explicit. The current dichotomous view that decision-
included as part of a core module in continuous professional making can be either intuitive or analytical does not
development, ensuring its importance as a decision-making clearly reflect the level of analysis that nurses use. The
theory. This will complement other approaches to decision- quasirational modes within the Theory should offer nurses
making currently included in nursing curricula, widening the the required framework to exercise the appropriate level of
scope for understanding and explaining decision-making in analysis as demanded by their judgement tasks in clinical
nursing. In addition, strategies associated with these different practice.
modes of cognition, for example decision analysis, will also For nurses to be able to use theory, it is crucial that they
need to be incorporated in nursing curricula. An appropriate are given the necessary education (Levine 1995). Teaching
method is problem-based learning, where students can be decision-making in nursing has followed the traditional
given video scenarios and other information representing a dichotomous approach. Cognitive Continuum Theory offers
range of cues from which decisions can be taken within the a compromise between analysis and intuition. Unless nurses
Theory’s framework. To operate within the framework, are taught that accuracy in decision-making depends on the
Harbison (2001, p. 132) has identified ‘basic numeracy, logic tasks they are undertaking, they will not exercise skills
and critical thinking’ as the skill requirements, and these appropriate for analysis or intuition or a combination of
important skills already form part of existing nursing both. The inclusion of Cognitive Continuum Theory in
curricula. nurse education will not only increase the knowledge-base
of nurses, but will also ensure that the level of analysis in
their decision-making process becomes explicit. If the
Theory assists them to achieve accuracy in their judge-
In clinical environments, nurses are operating at modes 5 ments, then its impact on nursing practice can only be
and 6 on the cognitive continuum framework (Harbison positive.

 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 49(4), 397–405 403
R. Cader et al.

Blegen M.A. & Tripp-Reimer T. (1997) Implications of nursing

What is already known about this topic taxonomies for middle-range theory development. Advances in
• A range of theoretical frameworks has been published Nursing Science 19, 37–49.
Brunswik E. (1956) Perception and the Representative Design of
to offer an understanding of the decision-making pro-
Psychological Experiments. University of California Press, Berkeley.
cess. Cader R., Campbell S. & Watson D. (2003) Criteria used by nurses
• The majority of published nursing research has adopted to evaluate practice-related information on the World Wide Web.
either an analytical or intuitive approach to explaining Computers, Informatics, Nursing 21, 97–102.
decision-making in nursing. Churchman C.W. (1971) The Design of Inquiring Systems: Basic
Concepts of Systems and Organization. Basic Books, New York.
• Hammond’s Cognitive Continuum Theory can be
Cooksey R.W. (2000) Commentary on ‘Cognitive Adaptation and its
applied to the decision-making process of many pro-
consequences’: a test of Cognitive Continuum Theory’. Journal of
fessionals, including those in health care. Behavioral Decision Making 13, 55–59.
Crow R. (1982) Frontiers of nursing in the twenty-first century:
development of models and theories on the concept of nursing.
What this paper adds Journal of Advanced Nursing 7, 111–116.
Dowding D. (2002) Interpretation of risk and social judgement the-
• An analysis and evaluation of Cognitive Continuum
ory. In Clinical Decision Making and Judgement in Nursing
Theory. (Thompson C. & Dowding D., eds), Churchill Livingstone,
• Evidence that Cognitive Continuum Theory can be used Edinburgh, pp. 81–93.
to explain decision-making process in nursing practice. Dowding D. & Thompson C. (2002) Decision making and judgement
• Cognitive Continuum Theory can contribute to in nursing – some conclusions. In Clinical Decision Making and
Judgement in Nursing (Thompson C. & Dowding D., eds),
achieving accuracy in nursing decision-making.
Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh, pp. 183–191.
Dowie J. (1996) The research–practice gap and the role of decision
analysis in closing it. Health Care Analysis 4, 5–18.
Conclusion Draper P. (1990) The development of theory in British nursing:
current position and future prospects. Journal of Advanced
The process of applying Fawcett’s (1993) framework to Nursing 15, 12–15.
analyse and evaluate Cognitive Continuum Theory shows that Dunwoody P.T., Haarbauer E., Mahan R.P., Marino C. & Tang
it consists of concepts and propositions that are expressed C.C. (2000) Cognitive adaptation and its consequences: a test of
clearly to ensure their understanding. There is evidence that Cognitive Continuum Theory. Journal of Behavioral Decision
Making 13, 35–54.
the theory can be applied to the decision-making process of
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