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Peer Feedback on Project

Deen was the one who did my peer review, the main thing dean pointed out to me
was the lack of length in certain areas. It was a difficult fix, I had to restructure some of
my paragraphs and add new information. There were also some basic grammar errors
that I needed to go over and fix. Dean helped by highlighting specific areas where my
grammar was incorrect. This made it easier for me to go back and correct my mistakes.

Besides that, Dean said all the content was required there . I answered all
questions to the best of my ability and my ideas were complex and insightful. He
explained that he agreed with the ideas in my work and how technology could be used
in a classroom. Peer reviews really helped me when revising my work.

2. Implementation of feedback:

When Dean gave me feedback on my work, one of the things he did was highlight
specific areas that needed to be fixed or could possibly be improved. Any instance
where my grammar was incorrect he would highlight. This helped me save time when
revising by allowing me to know specifically where I made a mistake. If not for the
highlights, I would have had to go back and read each line one by one multiple times to
pick out all the mistakes. Dean also mentioned that some of the points made in my
work were a little confusing, so I was able to go back and clarify those.

3. Learning Reflection:

For this project I did not learn too much new information on the process of revision and
iteration. Revision of work is implemented in almost every other subject of school
especially english so none of this is new to me. If I were to start this project again I
would probably try to talk to more people who are heavily involved with those specific
technologies I talked about. Knowing their perspective on these technologies and how
they could work in classrooms would help me come up with my own ideas.

4. Alternative Use / Future directions

When talking about Virtual Reality, the main way I can see it being used for education purposes
is through a science class. For example: in biology the class is reviewing the functions of a
heart, instead of reading about it the class could use virtual reality to observe a virtual heart
pumping blood through someone's body. This would catch the attention of students and be
more engaging than reading about a heart in a book. Although, like any technology this can
possibly be abused. Instead of watching the heart in virtual reality, those trouble maker students
could be messing around inside of the VR headset and disrupt the class. Or in some extreme
cases, a tech savvy student might be able to bypass restrictions on the headset all together and
play some sort of game on it.

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