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Mindanao State University – Iligan Institute of Technology Student: _________________________ Section:___________



Brand Name: ____Cardizem____________________________ Generic Name: ____Diltiazem__________ Drug Classification: __Calcium channel blockers / Antianginals___

Dosage, Route & Frequency Drug-Drug & Drug- Side Effects Adverse Reactions
Drug Action Indications Contraindications
Recommended Prescribed Food Interactions (By System) (By System)
Tablets: 30 mg, 60 mg, 90 mg, 120 mg *Increased risk of *Systemic vasodilation *blurred vision, disturbed
Contraindicated in:
Inhibits transport of hypotension may occur *Angina pectoris and resulting in decreased equilibrium, epistaxis,
PO: (Adults) 30–120 mg 3–4 times daily tinnitus
when used with fentanyl, *Hypersensitivity; BP.
or 180–240 mg once daily as CD or XR calcium into vasospastic
capsules or LA tablets (up to 360 other antihypertensives,
mg/day); Concurrent simvastatin myocardial and nitrates, acute ingestion (Prinzmetal's) angina. *Sick sinus syndrome; *Coronary vasodilation *cough, dyspnea
therapy–Diltiazem dose should not vascular smooth of alcohol, or quinidine. resulting in decreased
exceed 240 mg/day and simvastatin *Supraventricular *2nd- or 3rd-degree AV frequency and severity *abnormal dreams, anxiety,
dose should not exceed 10 mg/day.
muscle cells, resulting confusion, dizziness,
*Antihypertensive block (unless an artificial of attacks of angina.
in inhibition of tachyarrhythmias and drowsiness, headache,
effects may be ↓ by pacemaker is in place);
IV: (Adults) 0.25 mg/kg; may repeat in excitation-contraction NSAIDs. rapid ventricular rates *Reduction of ventricular
nervousness, psychiatric
15 min with a dose of 0.35 mg/kg. May disturbances, weakness.
follow with continuous infusion at 10 coupling and in atrial flutter or *Systolic BP <90 mm Hg; rate in atrial fibrillation or
mg/hr (range 5–15 mg/hr) for up to 24
*May ↑ levels of and risk fibrillation.. flutter.
subsequent of myopathy from *dysuria, nocturia, polyuria,
hr. *Recent MI or pulmonary sexual dysfunction, urinary
contraction.. simvastatin and congestion; *Concurrent frequency
lovastatin. use of rifampin.

Responsibilities in the Nursing Process (ADPIE) Responsibilities in the Nursing Process (ADPIE)

 Monitor BP and pulse prior to therapy, during dose titration, and periodically during therapy.  Monitor vital signs and symptoms of infection to determine antibacterial effectiveness. (Another drug or
 Monitor ECG periodically during prolonged therapy. May cause prolonged PR interval different dosage may be required.)
 Monitor intake and output ratios and daily weight. Assess for signs of HF (peripheral edema, rales/crackles,  PO: May be administered without regard to meals. May be administered with meals if GI irritation becomes a
dyspnea, weight gain, jugular venous distention). problem. Do not open, crush, break, or chew extended-release tablets. Empty tablets that appear in stool are
 Obtain a complete health history including allergies, drug history, and possible drug interactions. not significant.
POTENTIAL DIAGNOSIS  Advise patient to take medication as directed at the same time each day, even if feeling well. Take missed
 Acute pain doses as soon as possible unless almost time for next dose; do not double doses. May need to be
 Decreased cardiac output discontinued gradually.
 The client will demonstrate an understanding of the drug’s action by accurately describing drug side effects  Evaluate the decrease in BP.
and precautions.  Decrease in frequency and severity of anginal attacks.
 Decrease in need for nitrate therapy.
 Increase in activity tolerance and sense of well-being.
 Suppression and prevention of tachyarrhythmias.

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