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To all Welcome to the second capsule about a

Course in Miracles delighted again to be with

all of you. Today we are going to work, we are
going to see, we are going to investigate, we
are going to become aware of such important
concepts as the healing of a course of
miracles. When we are talking about healing,
we are not talking purely about physical
healing, but really a course of miracles says
where to cure, which is in the mind. A course
of miracles focuses on the mind. Phrase: for a
thought to become flesh, a belief is needed.
Therefore, look at how important it is: the only
thing to heal is the mind. That does not mean
that we cannot use means to heal our body, it
would be missing no more. A course of
miracles calls it magical principles, we use
things to work our body while we are becoming
aware that we really have to change in our
mind. Also, as we know the formation that we
all inherit and that makes it clear: the
information is transmitted from generation to
generation. Biblical phrase: the sins of the
parents are inherited from generation to
generation. Very cruel assertion from an ego
point of view, but when through the Holy Spirit,
we can transcend that information. We
transcend it when we apply forgiveness
derived from that understanding and that
leads us to a state of inner peace (main
objective of a course of miracles). Many
people have many problems to enter that book
as you can see has their little leaves and etc.
And that was the first book I wrote, where it
allows you to find the right tools to get into the
biggest book. I'm not saying it, people said it.
Book that came out years ago. It is still current,
it's like easier. That said we are going to get
fully into the fear of healing and the release of
fear, understanding that a course when talking
about healing is not talking about the body, but
about the mind, it also says that be glad to see
your beliefs and transcend them to through a
course of miracles, because it will also be
manifesting in your corporality.
Therefore, we are going to influence that, and
without further delay, go ahead.
We will remember very important things: we live
in a dual world, in the belief in separation, therefore
that automatically generates fear. The disease is
based on fear, in the external search, believing that
the solution to my ills is outside and that is what
really causes us to extend our state of suffering and
our state of pain in a world, because we desperately
seek solutions outside when The solutions are in
ourselves. Therefore, the world is a place just like
our body and the world is a screen that we can
always see in it, those things that we are projecting
because we are not seeing the world as it is, but as
we are interpreting it. The body is a vehicle that is
intertwined with our mind and with our soul and
that everything is in correlation and that everything
has an energy, a resonance, a vibration that is like
really when we are thinking or feeling or living a
certain experience that will be reflected in our
corporality. Remember that we are neither a body,
nor a mind, nor very much an ego. We are
conscience. We are not soul. The soul is a dual
theme, it is a vehicle that is not subject to the laws
of spacetime. The soul allows you to travel in that
universal consciousness and experience many
situations always in function at that level of
consciousness or that vibration of consciousness.
Your consciousness is expanding that has an
increasingly high vibration, therefore you will
transcend different physical or less dual states.
When we talk about healing and fullness, it must
be made very clear that what is healing here on
earth is creation in heaven. Healing is always
integration. We have talked about polarities, the
importance of integrating those polarities, realizing
that we know joy because we know sadness, we
know health because we know the disease, we
know the masculine because we know the
feminine; In short, when I really project or send out
my guilt, what I am doing disintegrating into a state
of internal struggle, a loss of inner peace. My mind
falls into the wrong mind, a dissociated mind,
which is constantly projecting towards the other,
projecting guilt, believing that the causes of
everything that happens to me is out and the course
of miracles teaches you that the cause is you and
What you have in front are the effects.
The ultimate cure is to love your neighbor as
yourself. Those who don't love each other sacrifice
themselves and get sick. Attention to that phrase
because it is very powerful and creates a
commotion, those who do not love each other
sacrifice themselves and get sick.
We will talk along the capsules and the courses that
I do online and face-to-face with a course of
miracles, I always make it very clear, that sacrifice,
suffering, in the end says a course of miracle
It will be a bitter resentment. And we sacrifice
ourselves believing that it is a good thing because
we understand that to really arm you have to
sacrifice yourself, but in reality a course of
miracles makes it clear that the sacrifice is
selfishness because you want to change a thing that
you do not like to be so and use the sacrifice, and
the ego always uses it to make others feel guilty
and to be able to tell others, because of you I am
sick. Therefore, if we want to reach the state of
healing we must understand that we live in a dual
world but that it is definitely a world of illusion of
a belief in separation. The most important vehicle
we have to manage that is thought. A course of
miracles says that you do not believe that you are
responsible for your actions, you are responsible
for your thoughts because that is where you are
creating everything. Buddha told us, not even our
worst enemies can harm us as much as our own
thoughts. About thinking, we are too tolerant of the
wanderings of the mind, it is as if we think that the
thoughts we have, the turns we give to things do
not go anywhere and if we are to be fully aware that
this is where we begin to create and we have to be
very alert about what we feed the mind. First we
must take care of the thoughts that nest in the mind,
what thoughts we turn around. There is a phrase
from a course of miracles that says, thoughts are
dangerous for the body because in the end those
thoughts create emotional states, create certain
perceptions and that ends up being reflected in our

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