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University of West Alabama

5E Lesson Plan Template ONE

Teacher: Sherry Wallace McWilliams

Date: October 28th, 2019

Subject area/course/grade level: Physical Education 9th-12th grade

Materials: Cones, Fitbit (class set), Ipads (class set), Chromebooks (Clas set)

Standards (State and ISTE Standards for Students): CCRS 9.) Utilize health and fitness
technologies to develop a healthy lifestyle.
CCRS 10.) Demonstrate the level of fitness required for successful participation in a
variety of physical activities.

CCRS 11.) Describe personal goals implemented in an individualized physical fitness

performance plan.

CCRS 12.) Utilize safe practices when participating in physical activities.

ISTE 6a) Choose the appropriate platforms and tools for meeting the desired objectives of
their creation or communication.

ISTE 1d) Understand the fundamental concepts of technology operations, demonstrate the
ability to choose, use and troubleshoot current technologies and are able to transfer their
knowledge to explore emerging technologies.

Objective: The students will perform a circuit as a class that is teacher led. During the
lesson, the students will use heart rate monitors and Fitbits to track the calories that are
burned during the circuit workout. After the workout, the students will use the class set of
Chromebooks to create a PowerPoint using the fitbit monitors of the different heart rates
they had throughout the circuit.
Differentiation Strategies (How will the lesson address the various learning styles of the
students and the needs of those with special needs?): The lesson will address the various
learning styles of the students and the needs of those with special needs by having
different modifications for each exercise. For example, if you cannot lunge, you can squat.
If you cannot do floor pushups, you can do wall pushups, etc.


-Students will be prompted to put their index finger and their middle finger on their neck
under their jaw bone and take their resting heart rate. To find this, you will count how
many times your heart beats in 60 seconds. (They will also have a fitbit to tell them what
their heart rate is but I want them to be able to do it on their own as well).
-Once they find their resting heart rate we will talk about a maximum heart rate. The
students will calculate this on a sheet of paper and turn it in as their bell ringer assignment.
You calculate this by subtracting your age from 220.
-After that, the students will complete their warm up before we begin class. Students will
do 15 jumping jacks, 20 squats, and stretch their legs and arms.

Assessment: I will grade the students bell ringer to see if they are understanding how to
calculate their individual maximum heart rate. (Summative)


-The students will be completing a circuit workout that consists of jumping jacks, burpees,
lunges, and sit ups as well. Each student will have a fitbit on their wrist that will monitor
their heart rate. Throughout the workout, they will be prompted to check their heart rate
and between sets, they will be told to write down their current heart rate and their peak
heart rate when doing that exercise.
-Here is an example of a circuit workout :

Assessment: I will monitor students throughout the workout to see if they are on task,
then, at the end of the workout, I will check their paper to see if they recorded their hear
rate when they were prompted to do so in their circuit.

-Vocabulary: Heart rate, circuit, exercise, set, rep

-Higher order thinking questions:
What does heart rate mean?
What is the difference between a set and a rep?
How does exercise fit into a circuit?

Before we get started with the circuit workout, I will explain and demonstrate every
exercise in the circuit workout as well as explain how many sets and reps we are going to
do of each exercise.

Assessment: When the students have to perform the circuit workout, I will be observing
them to see who understands how to complete each exercise. (Formative)


Powerpoint Teacher Made Example to show class:
Assessment: To complete this assignment, the students had to record their heart rate
during the exercise and at the beginning of each exercise. I will check for that in each
powerpoint to see if they understood instructions and if they understood how to check
heart rate with their fitbit or without. (formative)

Grading Rubric:
1. Does student perform circuit workout all the way through (meaning each exercise
the full reps and sets) 15pts.
2. Does student measure heart rate and record it when prompted to? 20pts
3. Does student complete the powerpoint of the different heart rates for each
exercise? 45pts.
University of West Alabama
5E Lesson Plan Template TWO

Teacher: Sherry Wallace McWilliams

Date: October 29th, 2019

Subject area/course/grade level: Physical Education 9th-12th grade

Materials: Cones, Fitbit (class set), Ipads (class set), Chromebooks (Clas set)

Standards (State and ISTE Standards for Students): CCRS 1.) Demonstrate movement
combinations from a variety of physical activities that enhance cardiorespiratory
endurance, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, and body composition.
CCRS 9.) Utilize health and fitness technologies to develop a healthy lifestyle.

CCRS 10.) Demonstrate the level of fitness required for successful participation in a
variety of physical activities.

CCRS 11.) Describe personal goals implemented in an individualized physical fitness

performance plan.

CCRS 12.) Utilize safe practices when participating in physical activities.

ISTE 6a) Choose the appropriate platforms and tools for meeting the desired objectives of
their creation or communication.

ISTE 1d) Understand the fundamental concepts of technology operations, demonstrate the
ability to choose, use and troubleshoot current technologies and are able to transfer their
knowledge to explore emerging technologies.

Objectives: Students will be put into groups of 4 and will create their own game or
circuit workout for the class to perform. The students can use heart monitors, the Ipad to
help find different exercises and modifications, and the fitbits. The students will create the
circuit or show the game instructions by using the PowerPoint app on their Ipads. They
will airplay the powerpoint onto our TV for the class to see and perform their circuit
workouts or play the game.

Differentiation Strategies (How will the lesson address the various learning styles of the
students and the needs of those with special needs?): The lesson will address the various
learning styles of the students and the needs of those with special needs by allowing them
to work alone OR in a group and the lesson will have modifications such as, access to the
internet to help them look up different options and research different circuit workouts or
physical education games.

The students will be instructed to stand on a line in the gym. Anywhere, any line. I will
tell them we are going to play a game called Pac Man. I will choose one person to be the
Pac Man and that person will have to chase the rest of the students and tag them.I will
choose one person to be a “Unfreezer”. Once tagged, you are frozen until the “unfreezer”
can get to you and crawl through your legs to unfreeze you. The catch is, you have to stay
on a line the whole time because the floor is lava. This video is similar to our game. We
do not use pennies.

Assessment: This is just a warm up game for us to play. The students will not necessarily
receive a grade for this. I will be monitoring student engagement and effort.

Students will be put into groups of four and given instructions on how to come up with
their own original circuit workouts that includes sets, reps, and 6 exercises. OR the groups
can come up with their own active game for the class to play. Students are to collaborate
together and turn in on a sheet of paper whether their group chose a game or a circuit
1. Circuit: 6 different exercises that target the whole body. Explain the reps and sets
of each exercise.
2. Game: has to be an active movement game that will include each student in the
class being active and moving around.
3. Make a powerpoint explaining how to perform the circuit or how to play the game.
Assessment: I will check to see if each group is doing a game or a circuit workout and if
they understand the assignment. (Formative)

Circuit Workout

Higher Order Thinking Questions:

1. Elaborate on the game that you are playing. What is the purpose? The goal?
2. What part of your body does your groups circuit workout target? How?

Main Idea and Concept:

The main idea of this assignment is to get students to collaborate and work together on
physical activities that can be fun AND healthy for your body. Another main idea of this
assignment is to get students to understand that you do not need a gym or equipment to be
active or workout.

Assessment: Monitor students work and give them informal feedback on their describing
words for their game/circuit. (Formative)

qNciYm0Vw9QXASs/edit?usp=sharing (Game Example Powerpoint)
sQpGyAvvM/edit?usp=sharing (Circuit Workout Example Powerpoint)
Assessment: I will check each groups PowerPoints and give points to those who worked.
The students have been instructed to put their initials next to the part of the powerpoint
they did. (Summative)


Grading Checklist:
1. All group members names included on powerpoint? 5pts
2. Instruction slide with descriptive instructions? 20pts
3. Rules slide with at least 5 rules? 20 pts
4. If circuit, slide for each exercise with sets reps? 25 pts
5. If game, slide for equipment and pictures? 25 pts.
6. Engaging, active game or circuit 25pts
7. Able to make all students participate at the same time 5 pts

ISTE Checklist according to the following standards:

ISTE 6a) Choose the appropriate platforms and tools for meeting the desired objectives of
their creation or communication.

ISTE 1d) Understand the fundamental concepts of technology operations, demonstrate the
ability to choose, use and troubleshoot current technologies and are able to transfer their
knowledge to explore emerging technologies.

1. Student shows the prior knowledge from previous circuit workouts or group games
played and comes up with a completely new game or circuit workout. 25pts
2. Students use Google Slides or PowerPoint to create a game or circuit workout that
will take the class period, include all students at the same time, and requires other
students to be active. 25pts

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