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Climate change; Energy

Hydropower, dams, climate finance,
emissions reductions

Issue date
December 2019

Policy How climate finance can help

pointers repurpose hydropower
As public finance, Climate funds should facilitate the transition to a low-carbon and
climate funds are highly
scrutinised and must climate-resilient future. Energy storage and ancillary grid services are critical
uphold high standards of to expanding the proportion of intermittent renewable generation on the
social justice and
environmental electricity grid. Hydropower remains the largest and most cost-effective
sustainability. But they provider of bulk energy storage, offering the flexibility to provide most other
must also focus effectively
on the transformation of recognised grid services. While sustainable hydropower may not broadly
systems for adaptation
and mitigation outcomes. meet climate finance criteria, hydropower projects with the necessary
characteristics for transition do meet these objectives and should attract
Hydropower has, overall, climate finance support. Meanwhile, concerns about the social and ecological
not attracted major climate
finance investment, given integrity of hydropower, such as impacts on local communities, provide more
concerns about social and
ecosystem outcomes, and reasons for climate finance to incentivise hydropower designs that are
reservoir emissions. The socially, environmentally and technically appropriate for future conditions,
emergence then of
transition hydropower as a supporting the shift to accessible, affordable, clean, distributed smart grids.
subgroup that meets all of
the criteria, presents a
need for strategic The role of climate finance in contribution to the transition to low-carbon and
refocusing of
supporting the transition of the resilient energy.
power sector Why hydropower is critical to
Although hydropower is Commitments to provide climate finance were reduce grid emissions
not a new technology,
hydropower’s energy agreed in the Copenhagen Accord in 2009 as
The current global average electricity grid
storage and ancillary grid one way for the richer, big emitters to help the
emissions of 475g of CO2 per kilowatt hour are
services facilitate higher poorer, low-emitting countries reduce emissions
penetration of renewable not in line with meeting the Paris Agreement
and adapt to climate change (Box 1). The Paris
energy, which is critical to global warming target of well below 2°C, with the
Agreement further enshrined the expectations
the transformation of 1.5°C ambition further still. A near 90% reduction
energy systems. for a just transition — putting social justice at the
in grid emissions to 50g CO2/kWh is required for
heart of the response.
any chance of achieving either target.
Climate finance The potential for enabling the transformation to
investors should consider Hydropower plays vital roles in enabling the
climate-resilient and low-emission futures is
transition hydropower as a reduction of grid emissions. It is, in the majority
game changer for energy emerging as a criterion and should be universal
of cases, low carbon — albeit with significant
emissions, and an — but to be usefully applied, it needs unpacking
outliers — and can provide critical services for
alternative to current in context. Climate finance seeks to enable new
short-term approaches operating a reliable and affordable electricity
energy pathways through supporting innovation
that are unlikely to align grid with a high proportion of intermittent
in technologies and markets. It therefore has a
with a 1.5°C pathway. renewables. These services include the energy
role to incentivise the shift in hydropower design
storage, load following and grid stabilisation
and operations that would increase hydropower’s

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needed with solar and wind generation. reservoirs, potential social and environmental
Batteries also offer bulk energy storage, but are impacts with reputational risks for investors.
more expensive, while gas provides other grid
However, a comparison of fund mandates against
services but is higher carbon.
hydropower characteristics demonstrates that a
Despite the potential of distinct subset of sustainable hydropower
Hydropower plays climate finance to incentivise projects, specifically transition hydropower, fully

vital roles in enabling the development of

hydropower that is operated to
meets the objectives of climate finance.
Sustainable hydropower projects are those that
the reduction of grid enable reliable, affordable,
clean distributed smart grids,
emerge from a basin-wide process and respect
good practice (as defined by the International
emissions it is currently doing little to
support this.
Hydropower Association). Transition hydropower
is designed explicitly to support intermittent
renewables on the grid through the provision of
Current climate financing to energy storage and grid ancillary services.
While sustainable hydropower characteristics
Climate finance investment in hydropower alone do not meet climate finance criteria, projects
projects from 2003 to 2018 amounted to that also embed the transition characteristics
US$693 million.1 This compares with nearly represent a critical investment to achieve a reliable
US$300 billion of public and private climate low-carbon grid and should therefore attract
finance (US$238 billion and US$57 billion support from climate finance. To understand
respectively) for renewable energy in 2016 alone whether a hydropower project is sustainable
— 90% of which was for wind and solar. enough to attract green finance or transitional
enough for climate finance, investors should
Of the multilateral climate funds, only four have
assess projects against the following criteria.
provided any support to hydropower projects
(Figure 1): the Clean Tech Fund (CTF), the Social and ecological integrity. Hydropower
Scaling-Up Renewable Energies Program has the potential to significantly impact both
(SREP), the Global Environmental Facility (GEF) communities whose land is flooded by the
and the Green Climate Fund (GCF). Figure 1 sets reservoir and downstream ecosystems, meaning
out the number of hydropower projects, and the the balance of costs and benefits has often
level of climate finance committed by each fund. proved controversial. A minimum standard of
social and ecological integrity must be met for
How climate finance can assess eligibility, but this is still not enough to justify
hydropower projects climate finance support.
The lack of support from climate funds for There is widespread agreement that the negative
hydropower suggests funders do not see its impacts of hydropower are best managed at
development as being in line with their mandates basin scale, avoiding sensitive areas, rather than
(Box 1). This is because it is a proven technology, at project level, where the margin for manoeuvre
with recognised downsides: high cost, long is more limited. Basin managers can ensure the
delivery time, variable emissions from its benefits for irrigation, energy, water, ecosystems
and local communities through good quality
strategic basin assessments. These should
Box 1. Climate finance criteria: the background consider a range of scenarios to optimise

development objectives through the placement,
In theory, climate finance is expected to support adaptation and mitigate
design and operation of hydropower.
emissions, additional to business as usual

The Hydropower Sustainability Assessment
In practice, global climate fund decisions indicate the need to demonstrate
protocol is a tool that climate funds can use to
social and environmental sustainability, by considering possible impacts
assess sustainability and they should expect
from the planning stage onwards and reducing negative impacts as far
projects to achieve a ‘good practice’ level
as possible
of 3 against all parameters.2
• As climate finance is a relatively small flow, global funds also expect
Low-emission renewable energy. Hydropower
investments to demonstrate the potential to mobilise or influence larger
usually produces low-carbon electricity. A 2018
funds and enable system transformation
review of 178 single-purpose dam reservoirs and
• Practical experience demonstrates that the mandate of climate finance is 320 multipurpose dam reservoirs found the
to tip climate action — mitigation or adaptation — into viability. This can be global median lifecycle greenhouse gas emission
through extra resources to ensure meaningful social and environmental intensity to be 18.5g CO2 eq/kWh, while 84% of
sustainability, through de-risking of wider investment or through supporting reservoirs exhibited emissions less than 100g
experimental and innovative approaches as proof of concept. CO2 eq/kWh.3 This is comparable to the median
IIED Briefing

lifecycle carbon equivalent intensity of other

Figure 1. The multilateral climate funds financing hydropower projects1
renewables and significantly lower than that from
fossil fuel energy. Estimating the lifecycle 450 30

Total funding to hydro (US$ millions)

emissions of any hydropower system requires

Number of hydro projects funded

analysis of its specific context to understand the 400
carbon intensity of the electricity it produces. 350
The G-res Tool allows climate funds to assess 300 20
‘reservoir emissions’.4 The International 250
Hydropower Association and UNESCO have 15
developed this standardised methodology for 200
assessing potential greenhouse gas emissions 150 10
from reservoirs. 100
Contribution to resilience. Changing 50
precipitation patterns and variability in river flow
0 0
affect the power output of dams. These CTF GCF SREP GEF
hydrological risks to the energy system can
therefore affect the resilience of the energy Total funding (US$ millions) Total number of projects
systems they serve — whether national or
regional grids. However, when well-designed in a
incentivise them, facilitates transformation. Climate
basin system, these risks can be managed so that
funds should invest in projects with this intention
reservoirs also support adaptation through water
as the central criterion of transition hydropower.
supply and management services.
How hydropower projects can present their
Robust analysis and strategic basin
case for climate finance. Table 1 explores how
assessments are tools to assess hydrological
a hydropower project was justified as meeting
risk. As with the evaluation of ecological and
climate fund criteria. The Solomon Islands’ Tina
social integrity, these assessments offer the
River Hydropower Development Project was
best assurance of climate resilience through
approved for support by the Green Climate Fund
specifying the placement, design and operations
in July 2017 and is building a 15MW dam-tunnel
of projects. But, at a minimum, climate funds
should expect a hydropower project to
undertake robust analysis of hydrological Table 1. Tina River Hydropower Development Project case study
futures. Given the limits of forecasting models,
they should also expect regular assessments of GCF criteria6,7 How does the project meet the criteria?
hydrological risk over the lifetime of the project,
1. Impact The hydropower will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by
with adjustments made in response.
potential 49,500t CO2 equivalents per year.
Transformation potential. Grids must carefully 2. Paradigm This project enables a shift from 97% diesel to >65% (of 120
manage voltage and frequency to balance shift potential GWh demand projected in 2022) renewables and facilitates
demand, transmit electricity efficiently and reliably further integration of solar power onto the grid.
provide the right voltage of power to households.
3. Sustainable The project doubles the number of households with energy
To increase intermittent renewables on a grid, its
development access by 2021, and reduces the cost and volatility of a diesel-
systems have an ever-greater need for energy
potential dependent electricity tariff. Access to reliable and affordable
storage and ancillary services such as flexible
energy enables savings and investment by businesses.
generation and grid stabilisation. Hydropower
dams can be developed and operated to provide 4. Needs of As the Solomon Islands is a least developed country, funding is
these services. the recipient critical for financial viability. The project requires concessional
In 2011, the Transmission System Operators in finance due to the high cost of capital and the low cost of diesel,
Ireland and Northern Ireland looked at the services given recent low oil prices.
required to meet the challenges of safe, secure 5. Country The project agreed a land acquisition process with local
and efficient operation of the grid while facilitating ownership indigenous groups through a benefit sharing agreement. The
higher levels of renewable energy.5 They identified Solomon Islands government will have full ownership of the
14 system services, including inertia response, project after the 34-year concession period. The project aligns
operating reserves and fast frequency response. with the country’s climate goals and policies.
Hydropower can provide 13 of the 14 system 6. Efficiency The annual greenhouse gas emission reduction potential of the
services identified. and project is over two and a half times the government’s
While hydropower is a mature and proven effectiveness commitment in the Nationally Determined Contributions. Given
technology, designing and operating it to provide estimated costs of US$233.98 million, the emissions reduction
these services, and developing markets that per dollar over the project life is 10.6kg CO2equivalents.
IIED Briefing

hydropower plant that includes access roads, • Restructure markets to reward transition
transmission lines and technical assistance to the services. Transition hydropower enables the
regulator. It is contracted through build–own– transformation of electricity grids to a clean
operate–transfer (BOOT), under a project energy system built around intermittent
company owned in partnership between a renewables via grid services, such as energy
tendered private company and the government. storage, dispatch and stabilisation. Energy Products
markets need to identify, value and pay for
What does this mean for these services.
climate finance? The International Institute
• Reduce the cost of capital for transition for Environment and
Climate finance can justifiably support transition hydropower. Hydropower projects are high Development (IIED)
promotes sustainable
hydropower. Accordingly, climate funds should be risk and expensive to construct. Climate funds development, linking local
mandated to support the development of can mobilise private financing by balancing priorities to global
hydropower projects with these transition risks across public and private sector interests, challenges. We support
characteristics. Climate finance should therefore: optimise social and environmental outcomes, some of the world’s most
and ensure attractive revenue streams for vulnerable people to
• Support basin assessments for strategic strengthen their voice in
private investors at affordable tariffs. decision making.
hydropower development. High quality
strategic basin assessments should consider a • Set clear criteria for the hydropower
range of hydrological risk scenarios and projects that climate finance will support.
optimise development objectives (irrigation, Climate financiers are inconsistent in Sejal Patel
energy, water and ecosystems), thereby interpreting how hydropower fits their
minimising negative impacts of hydropower mandates.. Through better guidance, climate
80–86 Gray’s Inn Road
development through careful placement, financiers can reduce ambiguity and incentivise London, WC1X 8NH
design and operation. project developers to design their projects with United Kingdom
the required transition characteristics.
• Increase performance of existing Tel: +44 (0)20 3463 7399
hydropower for climate objectives.
Rehabilitation of existing hydropower can Sejal Patel, Neha Rai and Clare Shakya IIED welcomes feedback
provide low-carbon energy and expand the Sejal Patel is a researcher in IIED’s Climate Change Group. Neha via: @IIED and
transition services required to increase Rai is a senior researcher in IIED’s Climate Change Group. Clare
Shakya is director of IIED’s Climate Change Group.
intermittent renewables on the grid in a ISBN 978-1-78431-766-9
cost-effective and low-carbon way.

This briefing was funded by

FutureDAMS. FutureDAMS
is funded by the Global
Challenges Research Fund

From the Climate Funds Update database. (data accessed November 2018) /
2 / 3 International Hydropower Association (2018) 2018 Hydropower Status Report. See
publications/2018-hydropower-status-report / 4 / 5 EirGrid and SONI (2017) Consultation on DS3 System
Services Enduring Tariffs: DS3 System Services Implementation Project. See
Services-Enduring-Tariffs-Consultation-Paper.pdf / 6 GCF (2019) How we work. /
GCF/B.09/23 Annex III: Initial investment framework: activity-specific sub-criteria and indicative assessment factors. www.greenclimate.

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