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The Power of Media and Information and the Responsibility of the Users.

In this Era, our daily routine seems to be incomplete without the presence of media; it refers
to the tool or medium of communication. It also performs three functions, it is to inform people,
to influence netizens and last is to entertain the public community. Some of the media platforms
are television, radio, newspapers and magazines, internet that includes social networking sites such
as Facebook, Youtube, Google, etc. Media is easy to access in this age and that proves that our life
revolve around it, and that is how powerful media is. This technology makes our life easier. For
instances it makes our communication faster through e-mails and such, it make us easier to gain
and gather information by just one tap. The media today has become so influential to the extent
that it affects the society positively and negatively. However, the downside of the media depends
on how the user handle it.
As media is considered one of the most controlling tools in providing information to people
and society, one of its various forms is the televisions which shows advertisements that can affect
the viewers in a way how they take it. Another instance is watching an explicit shows that contains
violence and nudity or anything that are inappropriate to the viewers, they might think that the
certain show is right and correct without a proper guidance which is under the responsibility of the
user. As a consequence, it can affect the mindset of the viewer. On the other hand, in the internet,
nothing is private. Nothing is censored in the internet, so in this case, the user should be responsible
when it comes to posting online. As a responsible user, an individual should not and avoid posting,
commenting, sending private data and information. Some users might take it as an invitation or an
advantage to cause you a harm. Briefly, data information posted online risks your life.
Another instance is, media is powerful that it can manipulate the people, such as spreading
of fake news, making them to believe on the information and affecting their mindset. So as a
responsible user, we must be educated enough about the netiquette. A user must be smart and
vigilant enough to spot the difference between fake and the truth. The basic way of how to spot a
fake news is looking for the source if it is reliable and credible or not.
In order to attain a peaceful media, every individual must turn and become a responsible
media user. Media is helpful, yet it can destroy us, but its effect depends on how we handle it. In
this way, we can avoid the negativity and irresponsibility. There is one saying that reminds us,
“with great power comes great responsibility.” So as we are. Use the media wisely, so we can
attain something positively.

Aquino, Trizia Mikhaella D.


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