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S.G.Kara-Murza. Manipulation of consciousness 2000.

Section I. What is the manipulation of consciousness.
Chapter 1. What is it about.
Chapter 2, "Anatomy and Physiology" manipulation of consciousness.
Chapter 3. Democracy, totalitarianism and manipulation of consciousness.
Chapter 4. Basic Doctrine manipulation of consciousness.
§ 1. manipulation as a closed technology

§ 2. The doctrine of hegemony Antonio Gramsci.

§ 3. Psychological doktpina.
§ 4. Sociodynamics kultupy.
Section II. The main targets of manipulators consciousness.
Chapter 5. Equipment mind: sign systems.
§ 1. The language of words.
§ 2. The language of images.
§ 3. Other sign systems.
Chapter 6. Thinking: its types and equipment.
§ 1. Logical thinking.
§ 2. An associative thinking. Metaphors.
§ 3. Stereotypes.
Chapter 7. Feelings.
§ 1. The emotional impact as the manipulation of the premise.
§ 2. The Western fear.
§ 3. The fears of the Cold War.
§ 4. Fears and type of culture.
§ 5. The fear of terrorism.
Chapter 8. imagination, attention, memory.
§ 1. The imagination and behavior.
§ 2. Society of the Spectacle.
§ 3. Manipulation attention.
§ 4. Manipulation and the impact on memory.
Chapter 9. Myths public consciousness: the manipulation of large projects.
§ 1. Black myths.
§ 2. «Light" myths of the West: Eurocentrism.
Section III. Manipulation of consciousness and social institutions.
Chapter 10: Popular culture and its institutions.
§ 1. The crowd and its artificial creation.
§ 2. Resolution of immorality.
§ 3. Capture and joining the audience.
Chapter 11. Public institutions.
§ 1. The school - the mass production of man.
§ 2. Science as a tool of manipulation consciousness. Chapter 12: The media.
§ 1. The objectives and course of action in the culture media.
§ 2. Media: manipulative semantics and rhetoric. Chapter 13. Television.
§ 1. Freedom of messages - censorship - the manipulation of consciousness.
§ 2. Peschepnye people of the twentieth century.
§ 3. Television as a technology of destruction of consciousness.
§ 4. Television and creation pealnosti.
§ 5. Television and manipulation of consciousness in politics.
§ 6. The resistance of society.
Section IV. Manipulation of consciousness during the destruction of the Soviet system.
Chapter 14. The success of manipulation consciousness in the years of perestroika.
§ 1. Restructuring: major shock to the system of protection against manipulation.
§ 2. The Cold War and the ideological disarmament of the Soviet man.
§ 3. Experienced fact: a shift in the mood of the workers.
§ 4. Experienced fact: the manipulation of the law.
Chapter 15. The objective prerequisites for the successful manipulation of the
consciousness of the Soviet man.
§ 1. Urbanization and hunger for images.
§ 2. The revival of estates in the late Soviet society.
§ 3. Totalitarianism message source.
§ 4. Controlled disaster as a condition for successful manipulation. Chapter 16. Social
consciousness in the Soviet Union and its vulnerabilities.
§ 1. The stereotypes of historical materialism and undermine the hegemony of the Soviet
§ 2. Ignorance of the society in which we live.
§ 3. The artistic imagination and the vulnerability of the Soviet man. Chapter 17.
Exposure to equip the mind.
§ 1. The manipulation of words and images.
§ 2. The erosion and substitution of concepts.
§ 3. The substitution of a name and an object.
§ 4. An example of a false name: liberalism.
§ 5. Manipulation number and measure.
Chapter 18. The impact on thinking in actions for manipulation.
§ 1. Alteration and destruction of logical thinking.
§ 2. Autism intelligentsia.
§ 3. Establishment of incoherence (disparate parts of reality).
§ 4. The training challenge: whether economists are coherent arguments?
§ 5. Loss of measures and incoherence of thought. Chapter 19. Disabling memory and
§ 1. Historical Memory.
§ 2. The short-term memory and the manipulation of policy.
§ 3. Destruction characters.
§ 4. Manipulation way of work and unemployment.
§ 5. The destruction of the moral core.
Chapter 20. Kitchen manipulation of consciousness: we tested on techniques.
§ 1. Direct lie.
§ 2. Not an outright lie, and silence.
§ 3. Default target, price and timing of the changes.
§ 4. Misleading wisdom.
§ 5. The Magic Flute adjustment: the film "City Zero" as a learning task. Chapter 21.
Metaphors and stereotypes adjustment.
§ 1. Metaphors opposition.
§ 2. The stereotype of anti- statism.
§ 3. Role stereotypes: "the state-exploiter."
§ 4. The stereotype of the "benefits and range of corruption."
§ 5. The stereotype of "deprived people."
§ 6. The stereotype of "criminal thinking".
§ 7. Channeling stereotypes film S.Govoruhina "Voroshilov Sharpshooter".
§ 8. Fear of hunger in the manipulation of consciousness. Chapter 22. "Soft" black myths
about the Soviet system.
§ 1. Preparation for the rejection of the Soviet economy. Economic myths.
§ 2. The myth of the Soviet police.
§ 3. The myth of technological risk.
§ 4. Environmental myth.
Chapter 23. TV Place in the manipulation of consciousness. Chapter 24 Learning Objectives:
analysis black myths.
§ 1. The Myth of the Black Hundreds and revitalization in the late twentieth century.
§ 2. «Lenin Project" - the path to destruction? Chapter 25. Small learning objectives.
Chapter 26. Brilliant operation manipulation of consciousness. "The coup d'etat"
August 1991
§ 1. Background to the August coup.
§ 2. THE FACTS "coup."
§ 3. The history of "arrest" of Gorbachev.
§ 4. «The revolution" and the Communist Party.
§ 5. events explanation models.
§ 6. The main results of the "coup" and the August Revolution.
§ 7. The process against the "conspirators".
§ 8. Fear Factor in the policy after August. Conclusion.


We - the witnesses and participants in the events of cosmic scale. In the eyes of a
generation failed to explode, and possibly break Russia. Ten centuries this great civilization has
joined and balanced the two main blocks of the human world - the West and the East. After the
first strike in the twentieth century Russia, in the guise of the Soviet Union, has revived its main
features, has regained its face (though having washed the blood). But the virus remains in her
body, a disease found new vulnerabilities, the crisis turned out to be much harder. I staggered
and began to fall apart one of the pillars of the entire human community. The restructuring is
drawn, with growing horror, the whole world.

It's obvious that the unrest for a long time, and we look forward to an incredible adventure.
Slightly remake of Khrushchev's famous phrase, we can say: "The current generation of Soviet
people do not get bored to death." And, in contrast to the predictions of Nikita Sergeyevich,
this prediction seems to have come true. Moreover, the life expectancy in this fun is declining
In order, commit suicide, was not painfully ashamed of us have done foolishly, it is useful
to us to speculate: what happened? Why do we like the best, but it turned out not as always as
well as in a nightmare not dream. Until now investors "Chara" Bank complain to each other: "I
wake up with hope: it was all a dream. Nor could I, so clever and cunning, to carry and to give
all my savings crooks. Voluntarily!". No, all of this - not a dream. and
"Chara" - a trifle. Actually, not a trifle, but that a drop of water, which reflected all this
restructuring, reform, democracy, and that there was still a magician from a hat.

I think that the passion has cooled down a bit, and we can speculate with benefit and even
laughing (sometimes nervous, but not hysterical) - all together. And the victims of our landmark
fraud, and those who are in it, as it seems, managed to profit. There are fewer, but they are.
Yes, and do not like people to look simpleton, that swaggers - I am now a banker, and I am the

Maybe our arguments still have time to help ourselves in our lives, certainly help our
children - porridge is necessary to disentangle them. And for history, for the descendants want
to leave eyewitness though with some attempts at comprehension. And today we read a different
version of what happened with the Russian in the early XVII century, and it is difficult to
understand. What is this such Smoot? Why believe the thieves and crooks pathetic, even to the
Russian throne planted? Why magistrates vying in a hurry to hand over the city paltry forces
surprised adventurers, and the Cossacks rushed to plunder the Russian city?

And then, the people we mostly unbelievers (candles and crosses - is not exactly), but most
itching secret thought: we'll have to keep because the answer to our dead. My father asked me,
do not come from the war: "What do you there namudrili? Explain we are guessing here, we
can not understand. " It is necessary to prepare, our ancestors under Gorbachev's speech did not
stick your nose: behold, they say, these truths carried away. Their thinking was not new, but

Let us begin gradually unwinding the thread, to recall the story, so to realize what a miracle
cure convinced us to do everything that we did. After all, we navorochat many cases, and
without carrots and sticks - with enthusiasm and even excitement. Now, in hindsight, some
people are very strong. Some even boast: I know! I warned! These people do not change the
general picture.

Firstly, these smart was very little. Read at least Ligachev speaking, our conservative
beeches. Those same soup, but thinner pour. But others warned seems to be true, but in a
deliberately ridiculous form, it seems that their warnings were written in the department AN
Yakovlev. Recall at least the letter of Nina Andreeva. Of course, she wrote herself and
sincerely, AN Yakovlev Office only picks up such gems and "inadvertently" Let them in print.

Finally, people in every society (and even during each stage) is as something innate culling,
natural dissidents. They are always grumbling and contradict. Take even Solzhenitsyn. Few
managed to do so much for the destruction of the Soviet system. Finally, destroyed, we did
everything he asked for - again dissatisfied. No, you will kill, but so that was nice. To
pokoynichek was rosy and smiling. I think these eternally dissatisfied considered evidence of
the stability of our national mind can not.

So we take as a fact: some influential and organized part of mankind (which are accepted
and some of our countrymen) somehow made to our society as a whole, nearly 300 million
people, not counting the "allies" were active on program, bringing great benefits to this group,
and enormous damage to ourselves. Today, as an important phase of the program is completed
and the result is obvious, it can be taken as a fact and do more on it do not stop. Gains and
losses are known and clear, they are calculated and published in the world's accounting books,
is literally written on the face of politicians happy.
Whatever was said strong hindsight skeptics, if we assume that we - the people (ie, a single
body with the transpersonal mind), it is time to recognize that our folk wisdom somehow
misfired. We collectively swallowed the bait one after another, until we are brought to the hook
and pulled on the cutting deck. However, even today there are those who are already lying on
this deck, shouting: "I wanted it and I can not sacrifice the principles! Long live Comrade
Chubais! ". But this is - thin nature, especially their pathetic.

So, let's look at what it has been for the lure as it was prepared and what words she waved
in front of our nose. Because what is done to us, we called a boring term: manipulation of public
consciousness. In scale, the costs, duration and results of the program of manipulation is
unparalleled in history. In the course of its preparation and execution of the tremendous amount
of finds and even discoveries accumulated important new knowledge about man and society,
for information and language about the economy and the environment. Before the decisive
action in Russia, it was put "sharp" (often extremely bloody) experiments over many nations,
and obtained valuable knowledge on the ethnography and anthropology. The world has
changed, not only due to the collapse of the USSR. Itself invisible activities of manipulation of
public opinion sets nations of the earth has changed the face of the world and affected almost
every person on the planet. And especially the cultural layer of humanity, the reader and the

The success of the manipulation of the consciousness of the Soviet peoples, and above all
the Russian people (according to Dulles, "the most unruly people") is dangerous politicians
turned the head-winners and their experts. Today, the press is full of triumphant cries of the
fundamental possibility of full control over human behavior, and with very little cost. On the
other hand, many who considered themselves victims of manipulation, fell into despair and
believe in some sort of secret weapon developed by the KGB or the CIA (or together), in some
psychotropic drugs, by which the insidious policy of "brainwash" people . It is clear that the
belief in mystical power of paralyzing the enemy's will to resist. Thus, the "creation" of the
faith (by rumors, articles and "denunciations" and "confessions") - is in itself an important
means of manipulating public consciousness.

People, regardless of their ideology and political affiliation, are divided into two types.
Some believe that, in principle, the person - it's a great kid, and manipulation of his mind (of
course, for his own good) enlightened and wise ruler - not only permissible, but also
advantageous, "progressive" means. For example, many experts and philosophers believe that
the transition from coercion, the more violent, to the manipulation of consciousness - a huge
step in the development of mankind.

Others believe that the freedom of man's will, which implies the possession of unclouded
mind and allows to make a responsible choice (albeit incorrect) - great value. This category of
people reject the legitimacy and moral justification for the manipulation of consciousness. AT
limit, says physical violence less devastating (if not for the individual, for the human race)
than the "zombie" robotics people.

These two positions are determined by the values of human ideals. So to argue about which
of these positions is correct and it is better, it is useless. It's like arguing that the most important
- the soul or the body. Rationally and even logically possible to argue about what the
consequences for society and the individual will result in the conversion of a perfect position
in the political doctrine. Does a living human embodiment of this doctrine in the life of a linear
- or is it the effect is the critical threshold levels. That is permissible if "manipulation within
reasonable limits" or recognition of it as a justifiable means controls hopping into a qualitatively
different society.
Therefore, in the book, the reader is offered only as a basis, the matrix for dialogue, we
will try to avoid accusations and ideals assessment. Let's talk business - they can be and should
be evaluated from the standpoint of conscience, as they affect the lives of people. But to hide
their installation is useless and even harmful, it's not agitprop. Recruit in their faith do not need
to be much more important to create a center of dialogue in our divided society. Therefore I
prefer to warn you that the book is written from the point of rejection of manipulation and social
and personal consciousness. I am confident that in this way, which is, of course, provides the
convenience and comfort of human tragedy lies. Depletion of existence and extinction of the
entire human race, including the caste of priests, seated at the console manipulating the

But that - private, it is better to read Dostoevsky. We talk about things visible and tangible
- a technology that manipulation of consciousness that has arisen in our time, and which has
been applied against the "scoop", against me and my fellow citizens.

Section I. What is the manipulation of consciousness

Chapter 1. What is it about

When a self-respecting person hears about the manipulation of consciousness, he thinks

its something I do not hold. He - the individual, the free atom of humanity. How to influence
it? Atom is an atom and split the atom turned out to be possible, although the word "atom" is
indivisible .

Restrict the subject of our conversation, going from the general to the particular.

In all views of the world, from the most archaic myths act of creation is present. Gods
transform chaos into cosmos - ordered whole, all the particles of which are connected by
invisible threads, strings. The man, imbued with a sense of space, feel the unity of Being, and
considers himself an inhabitant of the vast and beautiful home.

The scientific revolution, Copernicus, Galileo and Newton destroyed the idea of the world
as a harmonious cosmos, "discovered" space and "straighten out" time. But the idea of mutual
influence of things is preserved - in the form of mechanistic determinism. Everything in the
world is linked, but now is not the wonderful strings, but as the gears in the clock - the law of
universal gravitation. Land programs the behavior of cast stone.

"God does not play dice!" - That's the credo of mechanics, even in its most recent versions.
This belief that the influence of one body on another behavior quite accurately and clearly, goes
to extremes. Laplace argued that if he reported the coordinates and momentum (mass, direction
and speed) of all particles in the universe, he could calculate the state of the world (all of its
particles) at any time in the past and the future. Now we have overcome this in many ways
"Cool" determinism, recognize that the world is more complicated than the mechanical

In ordinary, quiet life we interference things in the world do not pay attention. We are in
the head does not come to think about what would have happened if it were not, such as friction.
If the nail could not hang in a tree, and the nut can not be tightened on the bolt. We are not
surprised that the pile of smooth, flowing grain, rested a bit, grasped in a very tight unit. What
grain, even a grain of sand, it is hard and smooth, it engages in a heap so that you can walk on
it. But potopchis on this sand, destroy the weak interaction of grains of sand, and the sand
becomes unsteady as water, it is possible to drown.
Our attention is drawn not to a state of rest, without sticking a nail in a board and peaceful
mountain of sand, and the situation of breaking a stable system, the change ( "perestroika") of
its structure - a situation disasters. We were amazed that a little, even a drop, trickle can blur
the enormous
dam. And this stream must not be allowed in any case, because it "triggers" chain, self-
accelerating process. Slide one grain of sand, a drop slightly expands the flow of water. In our
culture it became a Dutch proverb about a little boy who saw through the dam oozing water,
and plugged the hole with your finger. Exhausted, he stood at his post until he was found by

When we met with atomic energy, the people struck by this terrible manifestation of a
threshold effect. Here is a completely inert piece of uranium. Add to it a microscopic piece, in
an ideal - one proton - and there is a nuclear explosion. There was a critical mass, in which the
interaction of particles crossed the threshold beyond which - a chain reaction of nuclear fission.
I remember a lot of people to think and talk about it in 1945 when the Americans blew up the
atomic bombs in Japan and in the newspapers printed a popular explanation of the physics of
the atomic explosion.

Perhaps even more surprising threshold effects in the non-nuclear explosions that occur as
a result of chemical reactions and heat build-up. In the port of Hamburg on the dock exploded
pile of nitrogen fertilizer, usually completely non-hazardous. Just because a bunch was too big
- the accumulation of free radicals in it exceeds the critical value and the beginning of a process
which was not expected. Getting to the study of branched chain reactions, NN Semenov did
amazing experiments in which for a long time it was impossible to believe. He found that
phosphorus vapors ignite in the presence of oxygen in a narrow pressure range. So, in a glass
bottle containing a mixture of phosphorus vapor and oxygen, a flash occurred when he opened
the tap, letting the balloon inert gas argon. The gas, which can be put out fires! Conversely,
burning momentarily stopped when the balloon with flames of gas injected pure oxygen!

Even inanimate nature of the system to form such complex combinations and discover this
wonderful and complex behavior that almost begin to take seriously the metaphor. It seems that
they have memory and thinking. Here clouds are floating, and then sweep the sky for a long
time while maintaining its bizarre shape - a clear, sometimes accurate. Why the long, swan-like
neck protrusion does not split, does not resolve even in the wind? After all, it is only a fog of
tiny water droplets. Why is it so stable balance of their mutual attraction and repulsion? Why
thin trunk tornado roams the field, and then through the village, as though looking for someone's
hut, from which he had to rip the roof? After all, he does not break, not falling erratic wind
gusts, even bumping into a big obstacle. Here, scattered pile of boards, it seems, everything
collapsed. No, look, a dozen meters regained its structure, spun at the same speed, I walked on.

But in these inorganic systems, interaction is reduced to only the mass and energy transfer.
They perceive and process information in the strict sense of the word can not. When we turn to
the realm of nature, we see this sophistication and complexity in the interaction "accomplices"
that only a habit of saving and incurious allows us to live and go about their business.
Otherwise, we would only contemplate and meditate. Even the most elementary familiarity
with the act of recording, storing and reading genetic information arouses a religious feeling.
How could it be a miracle of some random accumulations of nitrogenous substances, some
mucus, trial and brute force? How could a mechanism for the creation of this through a simple
evolution of the universe be enough time?

How is the incredible stability of the "behavior" of a living organism in the performance
of the recorded program in its genes? I was struck in his youth, probably, small in terms of
specialist fact. I have worked in Cuba, in the tropics. Time there, as if not moving. everyday
 the same sun, the same heat, the lush vegetation. And then at the end of
September, almost the same day, of the trees - those whose ancestors once a century
ago, were brought here from Europe - began to turn yellow and drop leaves. Why?
What for? Who and what gave them the signal? After all, nothing has changed in their
environment. The body wood is subject to a program recorded in an RNA molecule,
and some kind of "biological alarm clock" that ticks with absolute precision for
thousands of years.

Look, as sunflower, not having "motion organs", to the nearest minute turns his
head for the sun. His "senses" accurately capture the angle at which light falls on the
plant, and "controls" are given a very precise commands cells.
Many have probably seen an educational film "White blood cells". The purpose of
these "white blood cells" - throw at the place where the broken integrity of the blood
vessels in the body and penetrate foreign bodies. White blood cells are attacking them,
envelop, killed and their "bodies" close the hole. They catch the presence of foreign
substances in the blood in a very minute quantities and rush towards increasing their
concentration. So they find their source. They move quickly, even against blood flow.
And it is - only one cell, no nose, no brain and no legs. But in the film, filmed under a
strong microscope, we see them as hordes of strange and very energetic intelligences.
In one scene of the film container with saline (a weak salt solution) is divided by a
partition porcelain. Under her white blood solution, and upstairs in the corner with a
drop gently introduce foreign protein. And at the bottom of the white blood cells,
"sensing" the enemy, begin to thrash, then guided, seek out the pores in the porcelain
plate and begin to squeeze into them. Upstairs they get out of these cylindrical pores,
as a man of the manhole, almost
"With his hands" and is already sailing straight to the protein droplet. The complex
and constantly executed program behavior.

That virus borderline between life and inanimate nature education. It shows a
possible violation of someone else's program. The virus has adapted to exploit a certain
kind of living cells, "knows" how to find them, to cling to their shell. Trailer, he pushes
into the cage just a single molecule - RNA, which are recorded by team "manufacture"
of viruses. And in the cell occurs in secret, shadow government, which subordinates
his will all vital functions of a huge system (cell, compared with the virus - it's the
whole country). All cells of the resources are now focused on executing commands
recorded in the matrix embedded in it. Complex production cell system reset as to
produce cores of the virus and the fact that to put them in a protein coat, and then
drained the cell dies.

This - the original, fundamental version of the interaction in which one party to
the drama of life causes others to act in his interests and his program so that it does not
recognize the victims and gives them resistance. We have a case of manipulation done
by substitution of the document in which the entire production program is recorded.

In general, there a number of ways to influence the behavior of members of the

environmental community, the surrounding living education. The plant is framed by its
stamens and pistil luxurious attractive decoration - flower distinguishing besides
fragrant nectar. Insects flock to the smell and color, paying for nectar pollination work.

Mantis pretended dry leaf, you can not tell. He created innocent and modest false
image, comforting victims.

Bee-scout, found thickets of honey plants, flying to the hive and performs a dance
in front of his comrades, just pointing out the direction of the target and the distance to
Cuttlefish, the victim of a terrible attack for her predator, produces ink liquid, and
then pulls out and throws in a dark cloud of their insides. They're tempting to stir, and
simple-minded predator glad: got, my dear! And while he was prowling in the inky
dregs, cynical cuttlefish, sacrificing for the sake of the whole, to grow new crawls

Sometimes the signals sent to the environment, "intercepted" a predator or

parasite, and are detrimental to their sender. Fungus Striga causes great damage to crops
of wheat in Asia and Africa. Its spores, dormant in the earth, come to life only on the
fourth day after the grain of wheat after sowing, let the root - the fresh germ root
parasitic fungus. How to determine the fungus point in their activation and attack? The
signal is one of the substances released by the roots (his newly isolated from their crop,
cleaned, examined the structure and named strigol ). Suffice it to enter fungal spores
only one molecule strigola that were launched violent processes of life. Unfortunately
for seed of "information leakage" wheat program the behavior of their parasite.

In other cases, on the contrary, the parasite of its "chemical information" (some
kind of discharge) programs the behavior of the creatures exploited them. Sometimes
the effectiveness of this program is so high that it is time to talk about the hypnotic
effect. This is particularly striking when the program are large masses of organisms,
for example,
"Social" living in large colonies of insects. Thus, for example, settled in the tiny ant
beetles - beetles Lomehuza 1 .

His mannerisms and movements are very similar Lomehuza bugs and ants have a
good command of sign language. Solidarity and hardworking ants on the first request
provide food brother. Ant expresses the request, in a certain way tapping companion.
"Mastered" the gestures and easily entice food. But they are voracious, and require
whole teams of ants switch to feeding them. On the body there are bugs in tufts of
golden hair, which accumulate the selection. Worker ants lick the isolation and lose all
common sense 2 . They begin to nurse beetles and their larvae with such zeal that is left
without food and brothers, and even their own larvae. Loving the alien, they themselves
fall into a complete humiliation, to the point that fed bugs ant eggs, remaining without
offspring. And if the anthill is in danger, they save the beetle larvae, tossing his.

It is clear that their drug secretions the ants bugs Lomehuza send a signal blocking
important program behavior, inherent in the body of an ant. That program, which
normally causes the ant to perform any act aimed at the livelihoods of the anthill and
procreation. And, apparently, the information transmitted by beetles not only blocks
the "normal" program, but encodes it, activating the actions of ants, which are
beneficial to the parasite. And so that the ants are just happy to perform these actions.

Why did an episode of insect life gives place acutely political newspaper "Duel"?
Why at the time it caused a great interest strigola discovery and description of the
relationship and shear the grain of wheat? Because we know the situation that
experienced in our human life. And sometimes not only experienced, but also feel like
a victim. That is, in the world of the interaction of the lower forms of life, and even in
inanimate nature, is our analogy, a simplified model of what happens in human society.
As Marx pointed out,
"Hints higher in lower animal species can only be understood if it is already known
Noting the complex (and even especially complicated) relationship of people, we
retrieve the visual and "transparent" similar in nature and observe them with a
magnifying glass or microscope. So we simplify, "undress" our complex problems in
simple analogies and models to find their words, ideas and images - tools of thinking
and explanation. But the main thing is our interest - people.

In wildlife man - a qualitatively new phenomenon. He - not just a social being,

which can only exist intensively exchanging information with our peers (and this is the
ant). He has a mind capable of abstract thought, and speech, language. Language and
thinking - large complex systems, which can affect the purpose of programming human
behavior. The man has a complicated psyche, which is an important part of the
imagination. It developed so that people live simultaneously in two dimensions, in two
"realities" - the real and the imaginary. Imaginary world to a large extent (as many in
the first place) determines human behavior. But he was unsteady and malleable, it can
affect the outside, so that people will not even notice the impact.

In general, people do not live only in the objectively existing physical world, but
also in artificially created them so-called noosphere - the world created by the
conscious activity of the human race. The concept of the noosphere independently
introduced French anthropologist Jesuit Teilhard de Chardin, and our great natural
scientist and philosopher

1. This example from the book I.A.Halifmana "Ants" cited in the newspaper
"Duel" Ya.M.Vashper. He holds with the orders in the anthill political analogy, which
itself suggests. We leave aside the policy, we are interested in the principle of mutual
relations beetles ants.

2. This bugs use another recorded program in ants. Ants kept in specially
designed pens whole farm special aphids that secrete sweet, nektaropodobnuyu liquid.
Ants milking aphids like cows, clutching paws desired area of the body of aphids, and
lacquer, licking the liquid from the bristles. Beetles Lomehuza, pretending to be the
breadwinners, the ants offer his "milk."
Vernadsky 3 . Restricting the concept, we can say that man lives in an artificial
world of culture.

Thus, all living beings affect the behavior of those with whom they coexist
in their ecological niche, using natural objects and the nature of the recorded
program in the form of instincts. But man, in addition to this effect on the
behavior of others, influencing the cultural sphere.

Of course, you can program in principle, human behavior and by direct

external influence on its biological structures and processes. For example,
implanted electrodes in the brain and stimulating or blocking certain control
centers conduct. When some technical sophistication can not even implant
electrodes and the impact on the higher nervous system of a person at a distance
- by physical or chemical means fields 4 .

The massive use of in the past, and now has an impact on human behavior
through a rough surgery in his body. The US has long been widely used
lobotomirovanie - surgical removal of some of the centers in the frontal part of
the brain, and then a restless person loses a rebellious spirit and becomes all
satisfied (someone probably saw the movie M.Formana "One Flew Over the
Cuckoo's Nest").
A significant proportion of women in poor countries (and now, at the time
of heavy cultural crisis, and in the former GDR) voluntarily subjected to
sterilization. This greatly changes the mental sphere, and some aspects of
behavior. More recently, in many countries of the eunuchs occupied a
prominent place in society. Neutered in childhood or young men in some
important issues and behaved predictably 5 .

In this book, we will not discuss any use of electrodes in the "correct"
behavior, nor lobotomirovanie or psychotropic effects rays or gases. All this,
by Russian standards, is a criminal intervention in the human body and,
hopefully, in the years to come openly and on a large scale will not be used.
And if in some emergency situations, these funds were used, and, sooner or
later will reveal, and some revenge scoundrels overtake. History provides in
this regard is reason for optimism.

Of course, we must keep an eye on. Enthusiasts with totalitarian thinking

enough under any banner, even the most that neither is democracy. In his
belief, if they are given the right to eradicate the vices of "backward" peoples,
they are easy to roll up the biological alteration of plans "human material".
Compare these two declarations.

Trotsky (1923): "The human race, frozen Homo sapiens , will go again in
the radical processing and becomes a subject of their own fingers complicated
methods of artificial selection and psycho-physical training." But Trotsky had
still not moved on the selection and training. His heirs were abruptly.

N.Amosov (1992): "Correction of germ cell genes in conjunction with

artificial insemination will give a new direction of the old science - eugenics -
improving the human

3. It was a conscious overcoming dominant in Western thought and outlook of

the mechanistic picture of the world in which people displayed outside world and treats
it as a scholar and ruler. Noosphere - a necessary part of the picture of the world, and
one can not treat nature as a subject to an object.

4. At the time, a lot of noise done experiments Jose Delgado in the Atlanta
University, which were then sealed. They experienced the so-called "telestimulyator
brain." To electrodes implanted in the brain of monkeys, and the distance signal
supplied by a radio transmitter. In its request the experimenter could cause the animal
desires and emotions - the appetite, fear, aggression, etc. That is, to guide behavior.
Moreover, it could do with a computer equipped with a transmitter - the behavior of
"program" in the literal sense of the word.

5. When we speak of eunuchs, come immediately to mind tyrannical society

East - Islamic countries, medieval China. Enlightened mind shame not to notice that
humane West with its sacred rights of man as recently as this century, a lot of boys
castrated with a good ear and voice - in order to maintain the high vocal culture. In the
West, and today you can still hear the beautiful singing of the famous castrato tenors
(by the way, modesty European-educated person comes to the fact that most had
somehow forgotten that the word tenor means "eunuch").
kind. Will change the cautious attitude of the public to radical influences of
human nature, including forced (by the court) treatment electrodes worst
criminals ... But here we already find ourselves in the sphere of utopia: a people
and a society have the right to live on earth. "
It - speech and frank thoughts extremists. But they reflect a general desire
and the secret elite (even "enlightened") - have the people or the people who
would behave in all aspects of life just as profitable, convenient and enjoyable
is her elite. The selected pair of me
"Overt" religious leaders notable for the fact that it - idol influential part of the
Russian cultural layer, each in its own historical period. Today, Trotsky's
reputation is stained (although at the time the restructuring was an attempt to
raise him on a pedestal). But N.Amosov, according to surveys, most recently
held the third place in the list of the living spiritual leaders (after Solzhenitsyn
and Likhachev) among the intelligentsia.

But I repeat, we will not talk about plans to "improve the human race" and
the treatment of the electrodes on the court or on psychotropic zombiing rays.
By the way, the very notion of brainwashing was so often used left and right,
it is useful to devote some space and determine what it is.

Among the superstitions prevalent in Haiti, has long attracted the interest
of scientists belief in zombies . This - the animated corpse, whose evil sorcerers
free from the grave and forced to serve them as a slave. For this faith is the
base material: wizards, using a very powerful neurotoxin (tetrodotoxin), may
reduce the visible activity of human body up to the full visibility of death - with
complete paralysis. If the magician managed to accurately adjust the dose, this
"dead" man came alive in a coffin and pulls out a sorcerer from the grave. The
wizard gave his servant to eat, " cucumber zombie " - a drug that contains a
strong psychoactive plant of Datura stramonium of L ., From which he fell into
a trance. Anthropologists have discovered and socio-cultural significance of
zombies - a sanction imposed by the priests of the tribe for the purpose of
maintaining order and confirm their authority. Belief in the power of zombies
and zombie shared by all sectors of Haitian society - horrible Tonton Macoutes
dictator Duvalier considered him a zombie, which he, of course, not denied.

But we do not talk about zombiing and talk about simple and real-life -
here and now - the things that has become an integral part of our culture and
life in general in the environment. On the manipulation of consciousness and
human behavior through legitimate, explicit and tangible assets. Let's talk
about the tremendous technology, which is used in accordance with their
official duties, and for a small salary of hundreds of thousands of professionals
- regardless of their personal morality, ideology and artistic tastes. This - is the
technology that penetrates into every house, and from which a person can not
in principle escape. But he can study its tools and techniques, and thus create
your own
"Personal protective equipment".

If knowledge about the tools and methods of manipulation of

consciousness will be available for a sufficiently large number of people, there
may be resistance and joint actions or, at first, to protect against manipulation
of stocks. Of course, the manipulators will invent new tools and new methods.
But it will be difficult and expensive struggle, not suppression of unarmed and
defenseless population. And the struggle of an insignificant minority (though
having money and organization) against the great mass of creative thinking,
resourceful people. The transition itself to the fight will mean an important turn
in the fate of our people, and can be, and all mankind.
It dropped a special role and a special place in this fight against a possible
Russian. In her entire modern technology manipulation of consciousness
brought down the revolutionary process as a collapse, with grotesque and
gaudy results. This, of course, shocked, but at the same time created and the
most important condition for understanding the attempts, and then drag. In
other parts of the world to envelop the human "culture of manipulation" was a
slow, gradual (Asia - a special case, it has a strong protective equipment).
There was no shock and such suffering, as we have. There appeared addictive
without any hope of a sharp, creative rescue attempt. Frog thrown in boiling
water, he jumps, although with injuries. Frog, immersed in warm water, with
pleasure swim in a pan. She does not notice that the pan set on fire, and the
water is getting warmer. She still enjoys until cooked.

Our task - to jump out and help those who are enjoying.
Knowledge of how consciousness through manipulation of some people
affected by the behavior of others, and accumulates in science and in art, and
in everyday experience. Science, which is obliged to examine the reality of an
impartial and neutral way, not letting anyone moral values, mainly describes
the structure of the process of manipulation, its techniques, its methods and
techniques system. It - technological approach.

Literature, theater, movies delve into the human soul, exploring the
motives of actions, sources of gullibility of the victims manipulation,
manipulators remorse - all this in the light of the moral standards of a particular
culture. In describing the inner world of all participants in the act of
manipulation of consciousness, artists often create complex models, which
then has long become a subject of research. In "The Brothers Karamazov,"
"Split" the soul of man, presenting each part as a separate member of a complex
conflict. There is even a theory that it was in the collection of all the members
of the family Karamazov Dostoevsky introduced soul of Russian people. And
her sacred animal, character, and sophisticated, contradictory mind and a thirst
to experience the baseness of falling, and the temptation of betrayal.

But most importantly, he created a visionary model, almost algorithm

"Russian manipulation", which perfectly works is the presence in the social
environment "of Karamazov." Our policy on the advice of their clever experts
in cultural studies, over and over again without a hitch using this algorithm.
And we, instead of Dostoevsky read carefully, all looking for some kind of
psychotropic rays.

Separately formed synthetic approach - a description of specific cases,

observed or imagined (case studies). In reality these "scrubbed" is not too
strong, so that the description of the presence of life convinces parts, but at the
same time, the model shines strongly enough. Therefore, the completion of the
story can be quite certain conclusion, and its logic is clear to the reader.

The literature on the recent history is full of descriptions of how the "party
of Napoleon» France led the young generala- "national minorities" to power -
so influential social forces literally begged him to take that power. Recently,
almost before our eyes the Western ideologues conducted a brilliant campaign
to manipulate public consciousness in Europe by persuading their middle class
support the Munich agreement and "solve" Hitler's campaign to the East
(although at the moment to stop it was not difficult - it was not about war,
namely permission or prohibition). This campaign is also described as a
"model case". After the Second World War intensively studied all local civil
wars and ethnic conflicts, identifying in each case the technique of
manipulating public consciousness. About the "velvet revolution" and
perestroika in the USSR, and say nothing - here for social scientists all over
the world tidbits will suffice for a hundred years. One "August 1991" is already
blocked on the main parameters of all of the most brilliant in the history of

About the artistic work, needless to say. The artist's talent lies precisely in
the fact that the model does not stick out ( "moral") too much. In order to
"experiment" that puts the writer of his heroes, he was not far-fetched,
artificial. The highest achievement of this genre, apparently - the murder of the
father Karamazov. It - experimentum crucis (critical experiment), delivered
and described by Dostoevsky with amazing skill. No wonder he is covered in
the literature on the history and methodology of science. But in general works
devoted to the subtle effects on human behavior, make up a very large part of
the literature.

In this book, we do not follow any one approach, and try to choose useful
for us to ideas and information from the stock of already existing knowledge
and apply them to "expose" the words and deeds, that we have to hear, see and
suffer in our real life - today and here, in Russia.

Chapter 2, "Anatomy and Physiology" manipulation of consciousness

The man - a social being. As Aristotle said, only the gods and animals can
live outside society. The individual - is an abstraction, an ideal picture of an
isolated man, which happened in the XVII century when a modern Western
society. Needless Latin word in-als is a translation of the Greek word a-volume
, which in Russian means indivisible . In practice, the myth of the individual is
not feasible, the person there is and exists only in interaction with other people
and under their influence. A child brought up by wild animals (such cases are
known and understood) does not become handsome Mowgli. He - not the
and can not survive. Not even a child becomes a human being, mother isolated
from other people.

Thus, implicit in our biological program behavior is not enough for us to

be human beings. It is supplemented by a program stored in the signs of culture
. And this program - a collective work. So, our behavior is always under the
influence of other people, and to protect themselves from this influence some
tough barrier we can not in principle. Although across such oak head, trying to
make it.

What kind of influence on our behavior, we define a manipulation ?

It is clear that this word has negative overtones. They will be denoted the
impact that dissatisfied, which prompted us to do such things, that we were the
losers, and even in the cold. If at the racetrack buddy persuaded you to put on
a horse, which came first, then getting in cash prize, you do not say, "He
manipulated me." No, he gave you good advice.

On the other hand, not every exposure, subjecting you were at a loss, you
call manipulation. If in a dark alley you put a knife to his stomach and
"Money and clock, quickly," your behavior is programmed very efficiently.
But to call the stranger's arm does not occur. What is the meaning we put into
this concept?

The word "manipulation" is the root of the Latin word manus - hand (
manipulus - a handful, a handful of manus and ple -napolnyat). The European
language dictionaries the word is interpreted as referring to objects with certain
intentions, goals (for example, manual operation, the patient's physician
examination by a hand, etc.). It is understood that such action requires dexterity
and skill. The technique of those devices for the control mechanisms that are,
as it were a continuation of the hands (arms, arms) are called manipulators.
And those who work with radioactive materials, familiar with the
manipulators, which simply mimic human hand.

It was modern and figurative meaning of the word - deft handling of

people as objects, things. The Oxford English Dictionary treats manipulation
as "the act of influencing people or managing with dexterity, especially with
disparaging connotations, as a hidden control or treatment" 6 .

Thus, the term "manipulation" is a metaphor, and is used in a figurative

sense: manual dexterity in handling things moved in this metaphor on the deft
management of people (and, of course, is not a special hand "manipulators").
Note that from the outset this concept understood as limiting the manipulation
of a set of management methods - it is designated only control with dexterity ,
and even the hidden control.

Metaphor manipulation evolved gradually. Psychologists believe that an

important step in its development was the designation of the word magicians
working without complicated tools, hands ( "a magician manipulator"). The art
of these artists, following the motto
"Sleight of hand and no moshenstva", based on the properties of the human
perception and attention - on the knowledge of human psychology. His effects
magician manipulator achieves using psychological stereotypes viewers,
diverting, shifting their attention and concentrating, acting on the imagination
- to create the illusion of perception. If an artist has the skill, it is very difficult
to notice the manipulation, although skeptics reached look into my eyes.

It is when these principles included in the behavior of people management

technology, manipulation metaphor originated in its modern sense - as
programming views and aspirations of the masses, their moods and even
mental state with a view to ensure that their behavior is necessary for those
who own the means of manipulation.

If we write down the definitions that give authoritative foreign researchers

phenomenon of manipulation (our something that is go to a journeyman,
though well done in practice), it is possible to identify the main, generic signs
of manipulation. Firstly, it is - kind of spiritual, psychological effects (rather
than physical violence or threat of violence). The target arm action is the spirit,
the mental structure of the human person.

6. Published in 1969 in New York, "Modern Dictionary of Sociology" defines

manipulation as "a kind of exercise of power, in which it has influenced the behavior
of others, without revealing the nature of the behavior which he expects of them."
One of the first books devoted to directly manipulate consciousness, was a
book of German sociologist Herbert Franke "Manipulated Man" (1964). He
gives this definition: "mental effects should be understood as manipulation in
most cases, which is made in secret, and, consequently, to the detriment of the
persons to whom it is directed. The simplest example is the advertising. "

Thus, secondly, the manipulation - it latent effects, a fact which should

not be seen manipulated. As G.Shiller notes, "To be successful, manipulation
should remain invisible. Manipulation Success is guaranteed when
manipulated believes that everything that happens naturally and inevitably. In
short, the need to manipulate a false reality in which its presence will not be
felt. " When attempts to manipulate opened and the exposure is sufficiently
well known, the action is usually curtailed because the disclosure of the facts
of this attempt causes significant damage to the manipulator. Even more
carefully concealed the main purpose - so that even exposing the fact of
attempted manipulation has not led to the elucidation of further intentions.
Therefore, concealment, concealment of information - a mandatory feature,
although some manipulation techniques include the "ultimate self-disclosure",
in the sincerity of the game, when a politician tore his shirt over his chest and
let her cheek avaricious man's tears.

Thirdly, manipulation - is the impact that requires considerable skill and

knowledge. There are, of course, talented nuggets with a powerful intuition,
capable of manipulating the consciousness of others by means of home-grown
resources. But the scope of their activities is small, limited personal exposure
- in the family, in a team, in a company or a gang. If we are talking about public
opinion, politics, even though the local scale, tend to develop actions to involve
specialists or even the expertise gleaned from the literature or instructions.
Since the manipulation of public opinion was the technology , there were
professional workers owning the technology (or its parts). There was a system
of training, research institutions, scientific and scientific and popular literature.
However, the Nobel Prize in explicit form in this area has not yet been
established (although some of the Nobel Peace Prize in literature, or rather
would have to go in the category of outstanding manipulators of

More important, though not so obvious sign: towards people who

manipulate the consciousness, they are not as individuals, but as objects, a
special kind of things . Manipulation - this is part of the technology of power,
rather than the impact on the behavior of a friend or partner. A loving woman
can lead a very fine game to wake reciprocal feelings - affects the psyche and
behavior of men subjected the imagination. If she's smart and patient, up to a
certain point, it holds its maneuvers in secret, and its intention to "sacrifice"
does not detect. This - the ritual of love relationships, which prescribed a
specific image every culture. When it comes to true love, we do not call it
manipulation. Another thing - if tricky wench decided Okrut dupe. The trouble
is that the difference between these two cases is not easy.

Do not include us in the concept of manipulation and etiquette - influence

the behavior of others by means of allusions and omissions, sign language,
understood only in the culture. If a person understands the sign, meaning
treatment and it is clear the intention of the one who "works on his behavior,"
the secret is not up for it. If the Englishman asked a friend the Englishman:
«How do You do?» ( «How are you?"), He answers the same question, and
they go to work. A Russian, English as a joke, in answer to this question
greeting begins to tell that his wife was ill and son, brat, began poorly in school.

Russian in debt does not remain and make fun of the way foreigners do
not understand simple things. As a child, I heard a joke about how in America
our emigrant from Odessa brought to the court:

 You are accused of stealing a chicken.

 Need me your chicken.

(The interpreter translates the judge: "She said that her chicken was
very necessary").

 In this case, the owner will pay two dollars.

 Hello I'm your aunt!

(Translator judge: "She greets you and says that you came to her
When a person turns to another with the use of high-grade
etiquette techniques (eg, refined politely), he, of course, tends to
influence the behavior of a partner in their favor. But this is - not
manipulation, because it does not hide the fact any influence or
intentions. On the contrary, the sign language must be clear, otherwise
attempt to influence and can not be successful 7 . Without etiquette and
conventions related to fraud, it is impossible to live in society. But,
applying the rules of etiquette, we do not treat a person as a thing, we
respect him as a person. This kind of "us elevating deception" we do
not include the concept of manipulation.

And in general, a simple fraud being one of the most important

private receptions throughout the technology of manipulation, by itself
create manipulative influence can not. Fox, vymanivaya cheese at
Ravens, can not even be called a liar. She does not speak to her, come
on, say, cheese me, and I'll throw raw sausage. She asks her to sing.
False information, influencing human behavior does not affect his
spirit, his intentions and install 8 . E.L.Dotsenko in the book "The
Psychology of manipulation" (Wiley, 1996), explains: "For example,
someone asks us the way to Minsk, and we aim to falsely Pinsk - this
is just a hoax. The manipulation will take place in the event that the
other one was going to go to Minsk, and we made sure that he wanted
to go to Pinsk. "

As already mentioned book "Manipulated Man" emphasizes this

feature of manipulation as a mental effect: "It not only makes a person
who is under the influence of this, to do what others desire, it makes
him want to do it."

It becomes clear rather unpleasant aspect of the matter. Any

manipulation of consciousness have interaction . The victim of
manipulation of man can be only if he acts as her co-author, an
accomplice. Only if a person under the influence of the received
signals rebuilds his views, opinions, moods, goals - and starts to
operate under the new program - the manipulation took place. And if
he doubted rested, he defended his spiritual program, it does not
become a victim. Manipulation - this is not violence, but the
temptation . Freedom of spirit and free will is given to each person. So
he loaded the responsibility - to resist, not to fall into temptation. One
of the reliable signs that at some point made a great program
consciousness manipulation is that people are suddenly no longer
listen to reasonable arguments - they seemed to want to be fooled.
Even AI Herzen marveled, "how little you can get the logic, when a
person does not want to make."

For a discussion of our topic the main difficulty creates the side
manipulation of consciousness, which we have designated as "stealth",
and even in the presence of skill and dexterity. Professional
manipulators, like magicians do not reveal their secrets and their
creative laboratories do not allow strangers. Even their memoirs, in
which they boast achievements in this section are designed to unleash
more fog than to enlighten and warn the descendants.

Thus, the true meaning of the words and deeds of the authors and
"responsible persons" of important shares of manipulating public
consciousness always carefully hidden and require special work on its
identification. We have to investigate the cases and situations of
interest to us. If our research is successful, we will get the knowledge
of representing not only of academic interest, and not just satisfying
curiosity Political detectives reader. This knowledge can help a person
who wants to in the future as far as possible to protect against
manipulation of his own consciousness and to help their comrades.

Identifying the real meaning of the words and actions of people

who sought to hide this sense, it is an interpretation, the interpretation.
Coming to such statements or facts as an object of study (or
investigation), we have from the very beginning to accept that offer us
clearly the meaning of words and actions there is only one of the
possible versions. And in this first stage, it does not have any
advantages over other possible versions, we are obliged to build
themselves, without prompting. That is, for any words and deeds of
politicians and their

7. When in China on the road met a procession of two tangerines, they faced a
long and complicated ceremony of exchange of greetings. If the time it was not, were
sent forward from both sides, and they have agreed by mutual consent that the two
suites will pretend not to notice each other. And the procession traveled through the
stretcher with a narrow track and dignitaries suite covered face fan.

8. Therefore, for example, the concept of manipulation is inapplicable to babies

because they can not take independent decisions and feel responsible subject .
ideologists we should be approached as an investigator in listening to the first
explanation of the suspect. In this there is no violation of the presumption of
innocence - not an investigator, nor we do not reject the possibility that listened
to version is true, do not call its author a fraud or a criminal. But we do not
accept it as the truth immediately. We want to establish the truth.
The first (and probably most importantly) the condition of a successful
manipulation lies in the fact that in most cases, the vast majority of citizens do
not want to spend any emotional and mental strength nor the time trying to just
question the messages. This is largely because of a dip in the passive flow of
information much easier than the critical process each signal. In this no forces
will not suffice if the person has not mastered, to automatism, a certain set of
control "mental tools", which, as if by themselves, without the effort of
consciousness and will, analyze the information on one feature: whether it has
the symptoms of manipulating his behavior. As an experienced driver can work
without getting tired the whole day, because his hands and feet correspond to
all of the signals on the state of the car and the road automatically. He does not
think, 'What am I going to do if the scatty type that rocks on the roadside
suddenly will step into the road? ". If it is necessary, in such a driver and the
steering wheel is turned and the brake is actuated without the hard work of the

So people adept to look for different meanings of words and actions

immediately notice messages that have symptoms of the presence of the
important hidden meaning - "ears stick out." At the same time he developed a
sense of proportion. After all, there is a hidden meaning in every word and all
actions, because so rich fabric of human communication. "We can not predict
how our words resound" - because people reveal in this word all the new
meanings that we do not suspect. We are talking about something else - that an
experienced person, "filters" message, highlighting those that exceed its
threshold "scent to manipulate." Develop the right threshold of irritation - a
condition in which winning small battles on this front invisible. So skillful
driver eye once noted, even in a crowd scatty types who are able to throw
himself under the wheels. And all the rest of his eyes does not fix, cast - they
are "below" the threshold of irritation.

Divide the two issues. It is one thing - to detect the message, from which
sticks out too much
"Noodles", prepared to hang on your ears. Another thing - to quickly build a
plausible version of the true intent of the chef that cooked the noodles. Between
these tasks - a huge distance. The second is much more difficult, and if you
really deal with it, it would have to devote a lot of time and effort. Good
intellectual sport, but expensive. For everyday life is required. It is enough to
solve the first problem - the catch and smell just did not believe such reports
are not trying to solve, and what actually conceived these fraudsters. If you run
a dog with blurred eyes, which is reeling, and breath flowing foam, then first
of all it is necessary to step aside. Decide what it is sick and what her salivary
microbes, is not easy. This can be left to professionals and amateurs, and that's
important to everyone aside.

When the press secretary N.Stepashina, FSB chief (or FGC - impossible
to remember), said from the edge of the captured beovikami Salman Raduyev
Pervomaisky village that all the hostages were killed by militants and can start
massive bombardment of the village, it is very difficult to understand what lies
behind it. What is the true meaning of this legend, and these actions? But signs
that all this - a large part of the political spectacle is enough. However, children
are killed and destroyed villages in this play are real.

Science has created (as is usual for other purposes) intellectual tools that
are useful for a person who builds a defense against manipulation. And not
even just the tools and a methodological approach, which is called
hermeneutics . In the original sense of hermeneutics (from the Greek word
"clarify") - the science of interpreting texts 9 .

9. Hermeneutics also has direct relevance to the hermetic - Fold in the antiquity
of religious-philosophical teachings. Hermeticism is closed (hence the leak). The
meaning of the concept goes back to the legendary sage Hermes Trismegistus ( "Thrice
Greatest"), magician and astrologer, founder of alchemy. Hermeticism had a great
influence on the mystical tradition of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, laid the
foundations of Western occult teachings. The texts, written in the tradition of the
Hermetic, the meaning is transmitted through a complex, accessible only to the
initiated symbolism. Treatises alchemists (or, for example, Giordano Bruno) is
impossible or very difficult to understand, not knowing this symbolism. Such texts
have to literally decipher - to interpret. This is the purpose of hermeneutics.
This science originated in the Hellenistic age for the study and interpretation
of old texts (for example, Homer). By the way, and then in connection with
Homer's blindness was said about the difficulty to interpret words, if there is
no opportunity to see what was going on. Heraclitus wrote: "to deceive people
in the knowledge of the visible, like Homer. And he was wiser than all the
Greeks! That, and spent his boys killing lice and saying, all that you saw and
took - thrown, but we do not see and do not take - wear it. " This is a joke in
one of the hymns of Homer. He remembers how turned to the boys, fishermen
from the island of Chios, "Fishermen Arcadians what the catch ?. And they
say: "All that is caught, thrown, but that is not caught, are carrying out" 1 0 .

In the Middle Ages it became the main subject of hermeneutics Scripture.

Europe is filled with theologians who were endless debates and spawned the
heretical interpretation. In the Renaissance, hermeneutics has become an
important technique in the emerging
"Social sciences." It is actively used Niccolo Machiavelli - politician and
philosopher, laid the foundation for a new theory of the state. It is especially
important for our theme, because the first theorists of the state said that power
rests on force and consent ( "makkiavelievsky Centaur") 1 1 . This implies that
the "Emperor" must continuously maintain the special job of capturing and
retaining consent of the governed. Therefore, the phenomenon of manipulation
of consciousness itself for a long time, until recently designated word
makiavellianizm . It is believed that in the field of political philosophy
Machiavelli anticipated activities of the Jacobins in the French Revolution,
which is known to have carried out a grand-scale manipulation of the mass

Current research has shown that the work of Machiavelli, the state, which
were perceived as extremely original, is the fruit of his "hermeneutic" old
survey authors. It is a new "copied" some works of Plato, Terence, Libya and
Dante, as well as their own. In our century, Antonio Gramsci pondered a great
plan -
"Rewrite" the book Machiavelli's "The Prince" from the height of the
experience of the twentieth century.

In their testimonies Machiavelli expressed thing important right for our

topic: the words of politicians are always in need of interpretation. He drew the
matter to the limit, admitting in a letter dated May 17, 1521 .: "For a long time
I did not say that I believe in, I will never believe in what I say, and if
sometimes it happens that I in fact, I tell the truth, I lie envelops it so that it is
difficult to detect. "
In the XIX century, it has become a general philosophical hermeneutics
method and a very extended range of objects. She became pretend to learn how
to "get used" to the text so as to "understand its meaning better than the author
himself." With the help of hermeneutics historians have tried to rebuild, to
reconstruct the culture spirit and meaning of the events of past ages. Approach
hermeneutics enjoyed and used by the largest philosophers of our time
(Heidegger, Habermas, Foucault).

Moreover, philosophers have warned that humanitarian knowledge

(which we mistakenly sometimes called scientific ) requires interpretation, as
importantly it grows out of things to discuss. In his book on Kant (1929),
Heidegger said: "Generally speaking, what should be decisive in any
philosophical knowledge is contained not been suggested, but that, although
not blurts as such, appears to our eyes through these assumptions " 1 2 .

Hermeneutics is widely used in the "archeology of knowledge" - the

search for the true meaning of the main concepts that underlie modern
civilization of the West (eg, spirit and body, the individual, freedom, money,
property, crime, etc.). This "archeology" digs

10. This problem comes back and Nietzsche, recalling the joke about fishermen.
But he looks at the deal darker than Heraclitus: "What requires the most thorough, the
most stubborn of evidence, it's obvious. For too many lack the eyes to see it. " As if to
say about us.

11. Is it a trivial idea can be seen from the fact that so far many of the Marxists
and their "opposites" Democrats believe in the violent nature of power. Within the idea
of Machiavelli Marxism developed by Antonio Gramsci, which will be discussed

12. We in Russia, it seems, is too simple-minded, and it is difficult to understand.

Heidegger, recognized by many as the biggest thinker of our age, who left work in
about fifty volumes, admitted in his later years:
"Only once or twice in the 30-35 years of my teaching, I talked about what really
excites me."
absolutely amazing, unknown to us the meaning (and, incidentally, enables us
to understand what really is the difference between Russia and the West as the
two cultures, two civilizations).

It occupies a special place in that part of hermeneutics philosophy, which

is occupied by the criticism of ideology as the main means of domination and
social power in the contemporary world. It is clear that the language of
ideology, created as a replacement for religion in an atheistic society, industrial
civilization, in order, and serves to introduce into the consciousness of hidden
meanings. Therefore, for every ideological hermeneutics of the text it is an
excellent field of application of force. Here we are already very close to our

Today, the scope of hermeneutics as a scientific approach has expanded

dramatically. Word (and text) began to consider only as a particular expression
of the broader concept - mark. We all know that the transmitted information
can be implemented in a variety of sign systems. Dress, posture, gesture can
be more eloquent than words, it is - "non-verbal texts." According to American
psychologists (Dzh.Rush), sign language has 700 thousand distinct signals,
while the most comprehensive dictionaries of the English language does not
contain more than 600 thousand words. Recognized Mussolini's propaganda
master once said: "All life is a gesture." But in addition there are many other
gestures of sign systems.

Therefore, in principle we should always interpret interpret any message,

whatever it sign system may be "packed". Sometimes, even in the
interpretation of the seemingly transparent and common signs are annoying
bugs. How grieved vendor at the bazaar, which the thief pulled a hidden chest
wallet! It is, you see, I thought that he reached "with good intentions". And
now crying as the Russian people after Chubais mischief to public property.
So in general, hermeneutics can be considered all the science that studies the
interpretation that is "revealing the hidden meaning in the sense of the

Our facility - special activities aimed at the manipulation of the public

consciousness. What are the main sign systems, to which we can apply the
tools of hermeneutics? The most important for our topic can be considered the
messages "packaged" in the words, verbal texts (printed texts, speeches, radio
and television). This includes not less important than words, the elements of
the text - the spaces between the words, pause. And in politics it is probably
even more important messages than what is expressed in words. Important
politicians manipulating consciousness, lies in silence, and the words - It's
distracting, "shooting".

Very important meanings hidden in the images (paintings, photography,

cinema, theater, etc.). Of course, the most effective are a combination of sign
systems, and with the knowledge and art, you can achieve a huge synergistic
(cooperative) effects simply by connecting the "languages", as we'll discuss

Finally, the interpretation must also be subjected to the action. If a

politician with a wealth of experience and insight into important foreign trip
out of the plane and in full view of the entire high-level public who meets him
with flowers, urinating on the wheel chassis - as it should be understood? The
obvious meaning, which slips innocent opponents of this policy, is as simple
as mooing. Oh, he so-and-so, uncultured boor, got drunk and could not doterpet
to the toilet! Do you think you can trust this destiny of our long-suffering
motherland! But this obvious meaning in fact "does not make sense." In this
kind of travel a whole bunch of directors and psychologists thinks every
gesture, every movement. The action, which we have mentioned - is a ritual (it
must be admitted that the innovative), which carries several layers of hidden
meanings. And every person who had not seen here cold and even cynical
calculation, fell under the charm of this ritual, as if he resented them either.

Every gesture, every action has aside from the obvious, visible sense, a lot
of subtexts, which express themselves different incarnation, different "masks"
of man. Community of people
 continuous theater, carnival and sometimes, these masks - "persons." Recall,
incidentally, that the Latin word persona comes from the name mask in the ancient
theater and literally means "that which passes through the sound» ( The per - through,
sonus - sound). These masks do with the bell mouth to amplify sound.
Generally, the action, the more unusual and complex, can be likened to a text
written in a language not fully understood, with omissions and allegories ( "behavior is
also an allegory, which uses non-verbal language"). One of the most prominent experts
on modern hermeneutics P.Riker wrote about the action as an analogue of the text: "As
in the letter, here it wins the opportunity to be read, the uncertainty prevails and
even the desire to confuse. " This difficulty of interpretation actions in everyday life
leads to an unforgivable mistake, and the possibility of "make it appear that he was
mistaken," fills our life with the nuances and diversity relations.

It is very difficult to correctly understand the meaning of messages, clothed in

words and actions of people of another culture. The Apostle Paul wrote to the
Corinthians: "Speaking in an unknown tongue pray that interpretation."

Kurt Vonnegut, who was tormented by the problem of "miscommunication" in

one of his parables, novels ( "Breakfast of Champions"), resulting in the plot of the
story of his hero - crazy science fiction writer:

"Being named Zog arrived on a flying saucer on our Earth, to explain how to
prevent war and to treat cancer. He brought this information with Margo planet where
the inhabitants of a language consists of a fart and beating tap dancing. Zog landed at
night in Connecticut. And when he came to the ground, I saw a burning house. He burst
into the house, and beating popukivaya tap, that is, preventing the tenants in their own
language about the terrible danger that threatens them all. And the owner of a club
house for Golf knocked brains Zog ".

Many full of gestures and actions make sense that we seem natural (that is inherent
in human nature), in fact - a product of culture. So, in a different culture, they can not
be understood, or understood wrong. Take this seemingly simple thing, like a slap. This
is - a gesture purely European, coming from chivalry and rooted in the nobility. It
knows neither the antiquity nor the East, nor common people. Slap - a "message" with
a huge amount of social and personal information. Even a simple gesture - slap - often
requires complex interpretation. In the novel "Moby Dick," the one-legged Captain
Ahab in the hearts of his assistant hit a wooden leg. He argued long and hard: whether
it should be offended and revenge? In the end, a sailor came to the conclusion that it
does not hit the live foot
 it would have been insulting. A piece of wood - it's like a stick and hit with a
stick man insults is not harmful.

What a slap or a slap in the face! Here - a kiss. It seems that the origins of this
gesture where a natural, natural. Is not our biological nature impels him? But no, it is
also - cultural phenomenon. The Japanese European kiss was unknown, and when they
learned that a long time was disgusted. In Cuba, Khrushchev attempted to kiss Fidel
Castro caused a shock and have generated a lot of sarcastic jokes. Find in a foreign
culture is an important gesture, which would be properly understood - great art. Maclay
went alone in warlike tribe of Papuans. Arriving at the village, all the people who
immediately went into hiding, he sat down, took off his shoes and fell asleep. This
gesture clearly expressed its peaceful intentions.

Generally, in the annex to the man of the word "natural", "natural", "laid in the
genes" - in most cases, no more than a metaphor. And a very general concern. They are
often used by politicians to give the appearance of certain, arising from the "laws of
nature" argument his delusional statements (example: "when collectivization destroyed
the kulaks, and because there was a genetic degeneration of the Soviet people"). In fact,
the man - a creature entirely plastic, and learned their cultural norms so enter into his
"Nature" that affects even the physiology. They really start to seem something natural,
biologically inherent in man - and he was their purely cultural features that are absent
in other cultures, it begins truly be considered "universal" only right. It is regrettable 1

Even within a large cultural interpretation of the words and deeds of the people of
a circle of a class (other subcultures) - not an easy task. Failure to explain to the peasants
was one of the causes of the tragedy populists - ahead of its time and a half centuries
of Russian culture branch. In general, this inability, which has become the source of
many of our tragedies, take many forms. Chekhov in one of the stories describes a
young family

1. As a young man I was struck by a case. Students, we have been in practice in

Orsk, lived in the factory dormitory. The first night we went with the boys to the city
to buy something to eat. The store saw the big banks tushonki with a horse's head on
the label. Tushonka horsemeat (Orsk quite a lot of Kazakhs and Bashkirs). Bought,
eaten with potatoes, I liked it. Go into the room our lovely girls:
"Guys, if there is something to eat? We did not have time. " As well here - potatoes
with tushonkoy. They ate, very satisfied. One of us take it and bryakni: "You know,
from what tushonka?" - And shows the jar with the label. And one girl vomited
immediately. The physiological response - on the image on the label.
enthusiastic intellectuals who decided to live and work in the village, for the
benefit of the people. But the peasants they were greatly upset - the garden
fleece, something stolen from the yard. And the young wife, coming across as
an old man, a peasant said to him in their hearts, "We loved you before, but
now we despise." Old man excitedly ran to his old woman: "Do you hear
something young lady says, we'll look after you! It would not be bad in his old
age. God bless her, is so kind lady. "

What is the main principle of hermeneutics, based on what the

interpretation of texts or events? At that word or gesture embedded in their
context. For the text, from the Latin word "fabric"
"Connection" (hence the texture) is a community of thoughts and words,
coupling a plurality of links, some of which is hidden, invisible. A context - a
much wider community, in which the text is woven and interwoven
connections already largely hidden. And the level of our understanding of the
text depends on how deep and wide, we were able to capture these
relationships. So, to see the text of the expression of a complex and invisible
reality. Our great Bakhtin wrote: "Every word (one character) text displays
beyond. Any understanding of this text have correlation with other texts. "

It is understood that a masterpiece is the one text that raises major

questions of life and therefore can "embedded" in a variety of contexts of a
particular place and time. The action of Shakespeare's tragedies can be
transferred without the strain in medieval Japan, or in modern Russia - we link
it with the context of the meanings of any civilization. Gogol read today as a
prophet and teacher of Russian human caring, and who will read ten times more
prolific Boborykin? Because Boborykin wrote things "one-time" use, they
have been associated with simple and explicit links with the context of the
"here and now".

But for us it is more important than the other side of the problem of text
links (or actions) with the context - the work that produces "message recipient",
the reader, an observer, a historian or a contemporary. As he wrote one of the
main theorists of modern hermeneutics of Hans-Georg Gadamer, "but thanks
to one of the participants in the hermeneutical conversation, the interpreter, the
other party, text, generally finds a voice. Only thanks to his newly written
notation are converted into meaning. "

Interpretation, the interpretation - is the restoration of implicit or hidden

special relations with the context. The success of this case is defined by
knowledge, skill, will and creative abilities of the reader or viewer. Knowledge
can be purchased, the ability to develop. We even small photos immediately
recognize people and even to present their image "as a living." A savage in the
jungle when he showed the photo even familiar objects and people looking at
her totally indifferent and did not see anything - he is not trained to perceive
these images.

But knowledge and skills is not enough. Without the work of the mind,
spirit, and imagination does not work. When we look at the landscape of a good
artist, we reproduce so vividly in our minds now, it seems that the artist has
written out all the details, each leaf on a tree. But this is impossible. Leaflets,
he wrote very little, and they are disproportionately high. If the artist has
depicted the details exactly, we would simply not be known image. He knew
the laws of perception, only hinted at us, beckoned, and now we have set up
(with him, with his skillful marks) in our imagination. We - the co-authors of
the picture.

What is the purpose of pursuing the one who wants to manipulate our
mind when sending us messages in the form of texts or actions? His goal - to
give us such signs, so that we build these signs in the context of the changed
image of this context in our perception. He tells us his text such communication
or action with the reality imposed their interpretation is that our perception of
reality has been distorted in the desired direction to paddle. This means that it
will have an impact on our behavior, and we are confident that the act in full
accordance with our own desires c.

To say a word or do an act that would be so touched the strings of our soul
so that we suddenly see reality in a distorted it as contrary to our interests - a
great art. Such words and such an action may not be clear, bright, clear, they
will face the something hidden from the mind:

There is speech - the values of dark il negligible, but it is impossible to listen

without emotion.
What is the task of the man who, not wanting to be a passive victim of
manipulation, making a little research in the spirit of hermeneutics - is trying
to give his interpretation of the words and deeds? His task - to recreate in your
mind as completely as possible, the real context of communication and
different ways to embed heard or seen him. Of course, it is completely
impossible to recreate reality, it is necessary to carry out the selection of its
material side. To do this, hermeneutics, as the scientific method, just gives
useful guidance. Clearly, what is especially important, and it is difficult to
recreate the special hidden aspects of reality and their relationship with the
message. For example, the interests of those who "organize" message (no
wonder the ancient Romans discovered the most important principle of social
hermeneutics - "look who benefits").
Search for hidden meaning - psychologically arduous process. It requires
courage and free will, because you need to reset the time of the burden of
authority, how often has the sender of the message. The powerful and money
bags - but mostly they need a manipulation of public opinion - always have the
opportunity to hire for transmitting messages favorite artist, a respected
academic, incorruptible poet-rebel or a sex bomb, the authority for each
population category. From the perspective of psychology, the ability of
interpretation depends on the ability of the person to easily move from one
context to another, connecting different "slices" of reality into a single picture.
In experimental studies, psychologists turned out that about 30 percent of the
subjects experienced severe difficulties in this. Hence, it is necessary to train.

It is believed that people in their approach to interpretation are divided

into two main types. Some begin with the fact that try as far as possible to
restore the strict logic of the author, until then brushing aside their own
versions. If they find flaws in this logic, and the author of the message "make
ends meet do not tally", here they begin to dig.

Others do not spend time trying to revolutionize the "intelligent tools"

authors. They make ready a warning message as one of the valid versions, but
only one of several possible, and begin to develop a set of their own versions.
"Design contexts", trying to the version on "suspect" - the author of the

In practice, both approaches are used in varying combinations. It is

important to learn the most important indication of hermeneutics: "The
multiplicity of interpretations and even conflict of interpretations are not faulty
or defect, and understanding of dignity, which forms the essence of
interpretation" (P.Riker). And the point is not to make the compromising of
several versions of one "averaged" (as Gorbachev led the case, blocking all
understanding of the processes). Only by analyzing the different versions can
be closer to the truth, especially when actors interested in concealing it.

This problem is extremely sharpened in Akutagawa story "Rashomon"

(many know her for who was walking with us Kurosawa film). The judge
interrogates witnesses and participants of the event - the samurai fight with the
thief, in which the samurai was killed. Indications gives even the spirit of the
dead man. Converge in the description of "objective facts", which is a different
interpretation of the parties to give them!

Unfortunately, very often we experience narrowing of consciousness:

receiving a message, we will immediately, with absolute certainty accept for
themselves the one and only its interpretation. And it is for us a guide to action.

Often this is because we are of the "economy of thought" follow

stereotypes - the usual cliches, notions rooted prejudices. I remember in the
early 70's elite magazine American economists and businessmen, "Harvard
Business Review" showed his readers how strong racial stereotypes in them.
On the cover of a strange picture it has been given, in which the editors asked
to scrutinize carefully. It was painted bus interior, where two quarreling - white
and black. One in the hand was already ready open razor. Three months later
the picture was printed again, but with one change - the razor was not. The
editors asked readers to make an experiment: not looking for the original
picture, remember, one of the participants of the scandal was the razor in his
hand. Then there were published startling results: Most readers (almost
exclusively white) thought that the razor was in his hand a black man. In fact -
in white. The stereotype was stronger memory.

From the narrow view, subordination at least short-term, at the time of

arisen stereotype implies severe errors and mistakes in our practical actions.
No matter even if we believe
we unequivocally false reports or false it builds its own interpretation. In both
cases, our behavior inadequate reality, and we are waiting for failure. That's
the case in my experience. At the beginning of perestroika I, an ordinary
scientist, for some reason, made Deputy Director of the Institute, even though
I warned that this will not lead to anything good. After a short time, when all
began fermentation, the Institute were opened old sores, and a close-knit clique
nomenclature when director was make me a scapegoat. Not being familiar with
the rules of the game, I started kicking a completely unexpected way for them,
and began just pandemonium.

Director, smart and gloomy man, ran it from behind the scenes. I was so
stunned by the cruelty and cynicism of our husbands academic intelligentsia
that has lost the ability to alternate interpretations of words and deeds. Once I
received a letter from the Director in connection with the next admission to
graduate school (in this case to create another source of conflict). The letter
was full of transparent and sophisticated bullying and threats. So unacceptable,
that I sat down and wrote a sharp response and synthesis - has decided to put
an end to uncertainty. Yet caution prompted me to show both letters judicious
friends. At the Institute of my smart friends, watching all our storm in a teacup
(for us it was a storm, and many drowned), the director embraced a letter in
exactly the same way as I do. They rebelled, and approved my answer. But I
still showed both texts to another friend, has nothing to do with our affairs, and
unfamiliar with the Institute. He read it, asked me a few questions and said,
"Maybe you're right. But perhaps this interpretation letter from the Director "-
and he told him just the other words. I gasped. The letter did not have any hints
and threats, only the most natural business considerations. If there were an
allegory, the conciliatory or compromising. However, in the fevered minds of
the narrowed (and not only of me) on several misconstrued signs formed a
holistic, balanced and totally false image of the message and its context. A
friend saved me from even one sin - I broke my back and tried to learn a lesson
for the future.

Anyone who wants to build a defense against attempts to manipulate his

mind, has to overcome the rigidity of mind, learn to build in your mind
explaining options. No matter how he protected his mind dogmatic "principles,
which he can not renounce" to him after some attempts is key, because his
thoughts predictable and therefore amenable to programming. And dogmatic,
without knowing it, it is not just the victim, but a tool of manipulation. Just as
"Nina Andreyeva letter" was an important action in the entire restructuring as
a huge program for the manipulation of public opinion in the Soviet Union.

Franz Kafka, who, with his painful psychological revelations really helped
create the modern technology of manipulation, warned in a parable:

"Leopards break into the temple and varnish of sacrificial vessels,

draining them to the bottom. This was repeated over and over again. In the end,
it became possible to anticipate and became a part of the ceremony. "
Thus, the escape from manipulation by a dogmatic and stubborn, just
"Leaning" impossible. We can only hold out for a while, until you do not pick
a lock pick. Or not pass it does not pose great danger of an obstacle (like
bypassed our new ideologists of the peasants, not trying to seduce them with
tales about democracy and not wasting energy and money in the development
of special technology and language for the manipulation of consciousness is
the peasants).

To capture the reality can only be studying the doctrine, tactics and
weapons of the enemy. To this aim, and our experiences in hermeneutics - the
search for ways of interpreting the words and actions, which are embodied
attempts to manipulate our consciousness.

Let us first consider the conditions in which the manipulation of social life
becomes the most important means of domination and power, in which the
doctrines expressed in the basic principles of this method of domination.

Chapter 3. Democracy, totalitarianism and manipulation of


As we have established, manipulation - a method of domination by the

spiritual impact on people through the programming of their behavior. This
action is directed at the mental structure of the person is carried out discreetly
and aims to change opinions, motives and goals of people in power right
Already this very brief definition makes it clear that manipulation of
consciousness as a means of power occurs only in civil society, with the
establishment of a political order based on representative democracy. This -
"Western-type democracy", which is now due to brainwashing, is perceived
simply as a democracy - the antithesis of a variety of kinds of totalitarianism.
In fact, a plurality of types of democracy (slaveholding, Veche, military,
straight, Vainakh, etc. etc.). But we will not flinch.

In the political order of Western democracy, the sovereign, that is the

owner of all power, declared the totality of citizens (ie those citizens who
possess civil rights 1 4 ). These citizens - individuals, theoretically endowed
with equal power particles in the form of "voice". This is carried out every
particle of power during periodic elections by lowering the ballot in the ballot
box. Equality is guaranteed in this democratic principle of "one person - one
vote". No one but the individuals did not have a voice, not a "taking" of the
particles of power - no staff, no king, no leader, no sage, no party.

But as you know, "equality before the law does not mean equality before
the fact." It is popular already explained the Jacobins, by sending to the
guillotine those who demanded economic equality on the basis of what they
say, "liberty, equality and fraternity", is not it? The property sense politically
equal citizens are not equal. And even necessarily have to be equal - it is the
fear of the poor unites prosperous part in civil society, makes them "conscious
and active citizens." This keeps the whole structure of democracy - the "two-
thirds society" 1 5 .

Property creates inequality in society "potential difference" - a strong

imbalance, which can be maintained only by means of political power. The
great moralist and the founder of the political economy of Adam Smith and
define a main pol gosudapstva gpazhdanskom in society: "THE LARGE
Ppiobpetenie and obshipnoy property is possible only in establishing
gpazhdanskogo ppavitelstva. In that mepe, if any, is established for the
protection of property, it becomes, in fact, protection of the rich petro poor
protection of those who own property, petro those who have no property does
not have. "

We are here talking about the civil government, that is, the government in
a civil society. Before that, when the "old regime", the power is not distributed
particles between citizens, and concentrated in the monarch who possessed not
question the right to rule (and its main tool - violence). As in any country, the
power of the monarch (or, say, Secretary General) was in need of legitimation
- the acquisition of authority in the public mind. But she did not need the
manipulation of consciousness. The relationship of domination in such a
government were based on an "open, without masking effects of the imperative
- from violence, oppression, domination to impose, suggestions, orders - with
rough simple coercion." In other words, the tyrant commands, not manipulated.

This underlines all the researchers to manipulate the public consciousness,

differing ways of influencing the masses in democratic and authoritarian or
totalitarian regimes. That is the judgment of prominent American scientists:

Specialist media Z.Freyre "no manipulation, and has a total suppression

before awakening of the people. As long as the oppressed completely crushed
by reality, there is no need to manipulate them. "

2. Contrary to the naive ideas of our democracy enthusiasts, in many Western

countries in the rights curtailed broad categories of people. Let us recall a very recent
slavery in the United States (although it is - a fundamental, philosophical question,
rooted in the religious conception of man). But Brazil, which, unlike Cuba, is
considered to be a democratic country. Indians - the indigenous population - do not
have voting rights. They - the inhabitants of the country, but not its citizens .

3. West called "two-thirds society". Two-thirds - a "middle class", rallied the

spectacle of the poverty of those relegated to the margins of life. Voice-thirds of
citizens dissatisfied with such order,
"Deadening" entices society "active" citizens - in many ways encouraged disgruntled
not to participate in the vote. In recent years, Western democracy is shifted to the
"society of two halves" - actually participate in the elections, refuses to half of the
citizens. In Russia, our domestic Democrats unique political order created: the
elections are considered valid if it is to the polls only twenty-five percent of the voters
( "society one quarter"). And this, incidentally, is praised as the acquisition of freedom
that does not cause our liberal intelligentsia even surprise.
The leading American sociologists P.Lazarsfeld and Robert Merton:
"Those who control the attitudes and beliefs in our society resort less to
physical violence and more to mass suggestion. Radio programs and
advertisements replaced intimidation and violence. "

The well-known and even popular specialist in S.Parkinson management

gave this definition: "In a dynamic society the art of government is reduced to
the ability to track sent to human desires. Those who have perfectly mastered
this art will be able to achieve unprecedented success. "

Although the ideology , this change of religion for the civil society has
emerged as a product of the scientific revolution and the Enlightenment in
Europe, the main creator of the concept and technology of manipulating the
mass consciousness from the very beginning were the United States. However,
they are - a product of Europe (as they say in the XVIII century, the United
States - more Europe than Europe itself) Here, in the spaces free from old
traditions of class cultures, the individual emerged in the pure and complete
form. The "fathers of the nation" and the wealthy United States layer there was
an urgent need to control the huge crowd of free individuals without resorting
to state violence (it was simply impossible and contrary to the very ideological
basis of American individualism). At the same time it was not possible to
appeal to such ethical norms, as respect for authority - the United States settled
the dissidents in Europe, denying the authority. So there was a new one in the
history of social management style, based on the suggestion. Writer Gore Vidal
said that "the American political elite from the beginning distinguished
enviable ability to persuade people to vote against their own interests."

In general, one of the leading specialists in American media professor at

the University of California G.Shiller gives this definition: "The United States
can definitely be described as a divided society, where manipulation is one of
the most important management tools in the hands of a small ruling group of
corporate and government bosses ... Since colonial times, the powers that be
effectively manipulated by the majority of white and colored suppressed
minority. "

We can say that the Americans have made scientific and intellectual
achievement. It's no joke - to create as soon as possible an innovative social
management technology. The fact that in other societies evolved for thousands
of years, that European culture was basically already enormous generalizing
philosophical works (such as "Politics" of Aristotle and Plato's "Republic") in
the United States were designed from scratch, a new, purely scientific and
engineering process. Herbert Mapkuze marks a huge change: "Today, human
subordination is perpetuated and is expanded not only pospedstvom
technology, but also the technology that provides even more reason for the full
legitimization of political power and its expansion, covering all sfepe kultupy".
Submission not through technology but as technology! Tiran create technology
could not, he was only subdued the people using it, and using a very primitive
system (ax and scaffold - has the technology).

In the US, the technology is created, and it worked and works a large
group of trained, professional intellectuals. G.Shiller said: "Where
manipulation is the primary means of social control, such as in the United
States, the development and improvement of methods of manipulation are
valued much more than other types of intellectual activity."

You can say that in the manipulation of US experts reached perfection -

they pay the service of the ruling circles, even those social movements: that
seems to be exactly in opposition to the power of these circles. Well-known
American scholar Noam Chomsky in the book "Necessary Illusions: mind
control in democratic societies," writes that during the 80s the government of
Reagan and Bush in the United States could carry out far-right social and
militaristic policy despite the fact that there is a strong public opinion a shift
towards social-democratic principles. When surveys the vast majority
supported the introduction of state guarantees full employment, public health
services and the construction of kindergartens, and the ratio of supporters and
opponents of the reduction of military expenditures was 3: 1. Nearly half of the
US population has been assured that the phrase "from each according to his
ability, to each according to his needs" - an article of the US Constitution, not
the slogan of the Communist Manifesto, Marx 1 6 .

4. This is - opinion poll dedicated to the US Constitution, which was held in 1987
Philosophers and Adopno Hopkhaymep so dear our liberal intellectuals, in his
book "Dialectics Pposvescheniya" ppedstavili opganizatsii entire life in the
United States as "industpiyu kultupy, which is perhaps the most malignant and
izoschpennoy FORMS totalitapizma". So we, for that matter, is not a choice
between democracy and totalitarianism, and between different types of
totalitarianism (or different types of democracy - the name depends on the

If the contact is not a cheap propaganda on television, and read serious

books, we learn that in the western philosophy of "democratic" illusions long
gone. Montesquieu, in his theory of civil society proposed the idea of
separation of powers , believing that it would limit the tyranny of the executive
branch. These hopes have not been fulfilled, which clearly showed the history
of the West. At the end of the XIX century writer Maurice Joly wrote a funny
"Dialogue in Hell between Machiavelli and Montesquieu", in which the
shadow of Machiavelli as a theorist cynical and brutal executive in no time
explained Montesquieu, how easily the Emperor could manipulate other
"branches of power" simply because it was he who controls the finances, even
without resorting to means stiffer. And they, too, when it is necessary to apply.

When philosophers writing in earnest, they cast curses like "totalitarianism"

"Cult of personality" and speak of two types of tyranny - the east and west . A
modern French philosopher S.Moskovichi sees the main difference between
the western type is that it relies on control is not the means of production, and
on the media and uses them as the nervous system: "They have spread their
branches, wherever people gather, meet and work. They penetrate into the
nooks and crannies of each quarter, each house to lock people in a cage on top
of the set of images and inspire them common to all picture of reality. Oriental
despotism responsible economic necessity, irrigation and the development of
labor capacities. The western despotism is primarily responsible political
necessity. It involves capturing weapons of influence or suggestion, which are
the schools, the press, radio, etc ... Everything happens as if there was a
development from one to another: external subordination gives place to the
internal subordination of the masses, the apparent dominance is replaced by
the spiritual, invisible domination, from which it is impossible to defend. "

Presentation is as if the existence of "democratic mechanisms" itself

provides the freedom of man, and it suppresses their absence - the fruit of
naivety, almost indecent 1 7 . To some extent, this was still forgivable naivete
Russian in the beginning of the century, but even then Berdyaev wrote:
"For many Russian people accustomed to oppression and injustice, democracy
is something specific and simple - it had to bring great benefits, should release
the person. In the name of some indisputable truth of democracy, we were
ready to forget that the religion of democracy, as it was proclaimed Rousseau
and how was made Robespierre, not only does not absolve the individual and
does not approve of its inalienable rights, but it suppresses the personality and
does not want to know its autonomous existence. State absolutism in
democracies as possible, in the most extreme monarchies. This is bourgeois
democracy, with its formal absolutism principle of democracy ... The instincts
and skills of absolutism passed in democracy, they dominate in all the most
democratic revolutions " 1 8 .

Strictly speaking, as soon as the manipulation of consciousness has

become a mainstream technology, the concept of democracy itself has become
a purely arbitrary and is used only as an ideological stamp. In the professional
environment, this stamp does not take seriously. In his "Encyclopedia

5. Sometimes our democrats instinctively sees such nonsense that it just touches,
angry impossible. Here, Oleg Poptsov, when he was head of television, utters:
"Democracy, as I understand it, this is a society where there is the cult of the law." In
the Third Reich, for example, is really a cult of law, particularly the law on racial
hygiene. So, for this Poptsova - top democracy. Then Yeltsin, spit on the Constitution
(the supreme law of the state), the guns dispersed parliament - and Poptsov and
mutters: "Yeltsin - the guarantor of democracy." And laughter, and sin.

6. By the way, the instincts of absolutism and the personality cult developed in
the democratic Europeans are much stronger than the Russian. We will not really
remember the enthusiasm of the Germans under Hitler's way. But here's the great
Western philosopher Hegel. October 13, 1806 he was lucky from the crowd to see
Napoleon, and he writes: "I saw the Emperor, the soul of the world, on a horse crosses
the city streets. Truly it is a colossal force feeling - to see a man sitting on a horse-
centered, which fills the whole world and rule over it. " I, as I remember the feeling of
youth, I would say that the Russian Stalin loved reasonable human love, but not how
Hegel Napoleon. Although we had such little gegeli- Babel.
Social Sciences "G.Lassuell said:" We must not yield to the democratic dogma,
according to which people can judge for themselves about their own interests.

Since we are talking about democracy and totalitarianism, it is necessary

to digress for a moment and highlight special case: what happens when a
society with a "totalitarian" ideas about man and about the power suddenly
introduced a revolutionary order "democratic" rule? Whether democracy the
US military infantry brought as Haiti or Panama, Belgian paratroopers, as in
the Congo, or domestic idealists in the spring of 1917 in Russia. In any case,
this is democracy, which does not grow out of this culture
"Feeling of power", and is introduced as a beautiful fruit overseas. There is a
hybrid that, if you work carefully and cautiously, may be quite acceptable (as
the Japanese "democracy", created by the US occupation authorities after the
war). But in most cases, this hybrid is terrible as Mobutu.

For us, this option is important because it has been more than ten years,
the problem of democracy and totalitarianism was the theme in the downhole
washing our brains. And in fact, we even following the logic of our own
democracy, just get mentioned hybrid: our
"Totalitarian" past, our "totalitarian" way of thinking imposed a wild mishmash
of norms and concepts (mayors and prefects mixed with the Duma, clerks and
thousands of games).

So, Russia has never been a "civil society" free individuals. Speaking the
language of a cloth, it was corporate, estate society (peasants, nobles,
merchants, clergy yes - no classes, no proletarians and owners). Softer, albeit
with a sneer, liberal social philosophers call this type of society: "The warm
Society face to face ." Candid same ideologues cut honestly totalitarianism.
How people behave such a society, when they suddenly have to create power
(they are committing to be "democrats")? This is what we see today, and
marvel, not knowing - the people elect people worthless, preferably non-
Russians, and often criminals. Meanwhile, there is nothing surprising. This
archetype, this subconscious craving manifested in the initial moment of the
formation of Russia when it was invited to manage the robbers-Vikings.

There is an explanation low, consumer, and there is a high ideal. Let us

"Pure" case of hybridization of power, when, after the February Revolution of
1917 and in the village, and the city had to go straight from the constable and
royal officials in the police, local government and "people's ministers." What

We left the meticulous, day after day, a description of the M.Prishvin

event in their diaries. He was almost the only writer who has spent years of the
revolution in the countryside, in the heart of Russia, on his farm in the county
Elets Orel province. And it is not at his desk - he plowed his tithes 16 (he was
even forbidden to have an employee). In addition, he was really in the midst of
all the events, as he was a delegate to the Interim Committee of the State Duma
of the Oryol province, met daily in their village committees, toured counties
and districts. At times, he has been in St. Petersburg - in the ministries, the
Duma and the Council. In its report to the State Duma on May 20, he wrote
that the committees and councils of peasants choose criminals. "From the
inquiries I was convinced that the phenomenon is universal in our region", -
writes Prishvin. Arriving in early September in the capital city and looking at
the minister of agriculture leader Chernov SRs, Prishvin realized that it's not
about his region, but the whole of Russia. Here is his post September 2:

"Black - a little man, it can be seen on his antics, and smile, and a large,
cleverly speeches without any content. "The Village" - a word he says with a
French accent and calls itself the "Rural Minister". We see that he has nothing
to his name, for that matter, and the majority of these "Rural Minister", which
is now the village sends a parish, parish in the county, county to the capital.
These messengers often selected rural farmers of the criminal, because they
have suffered, they are unhappy, they do not have facilities, free people, and
because they can be without any personal injury to stand up for farmers. They
learn a hastily policy necessary alphabet, funny pronounce the foreign words,
as well as a messenger of the intelligentsia Chernov funny pronounces words
with the French village de. "Rural Minister" and rustic delegates
psychologically opposed to a real man. "

How actually created this power and how to talk, those who wish to submit
to it? Prishvin recorded the course of such meetings. Here is one case, 3 July
1917 Elections Committee, an important thing, because committee, unlike the
Council, is economic affairs. Candidate Meshkov ( "whiskey
compressed utjuzhkom forehead, eyes wander. Who is he? Yes this - that it is
all here: either plow or harrow, nor the land "). Meshkov - thief. But the
leading meeting deacon finds the argument:

"- His sin, comrades, a clear and manifest sin torments longer a secret, we are
all sinners! And he gave the word to justify himself Meshkov. He said:
 Comrades, I was nine years ago, was tried, and now I'm paid
off policy. Under the new law, all is forgiven!

 Right! - Told the crowd.

And someone said quietly:

 If we do not vote Meshkov, whom we elect. Meshkov man full

here: and his pants and shirt, and worn-out boots - that's it! One word,
one-speaker, and he does not have any horses or cows or plow or
harrow, and he lives at the mercy of his uncle on Zagumennov and
wife begging. Do not choose a high, high in a lot of cattle, land, farm
it - the bourgeoisie. Choose small. Meshkov And we - the smallest.

 Thank you, comrades, - Meshkov said - now I will devote you

that there is a ballot box. This is the secret question and coincides with
some mystery, the mystery of this most need you to carry very
carefully and very polite and even under strict guard!

And he called for the election:

 Choose However, only the Socialist-Revolutionaries, and that

if you choose from the Party of People's Freedom, of the bourgeoisie,
we still all mixed up and swept away all! ".

Here it is - a hybrid of democracy and "warm society." As a result,

according to Prishvin after February, just six months' power was raped
"(" for power is now just hunt and take it with his bare hands "). And
the hunt for power, it could rape her worthless people:

"How in the division of land involved mainly those who do not,

and many of those who had forgotten how to cultivate it, and in the
division of power are involved in the majority of cases, people naked,
incapable of creative work, have forgotten that. .. power state has the
misfortune of man first and foremost. "

There Prishvin already for the "ideal" installation, perhaps, a little

apart from occurring where Russian culture. The burden of
government has the misfortune to humans! Power always has
something external to 'warm society ", and to take the burden of power
inevitably becomes an outcast people. If he put his human relations
above public debt, it will be bad, unjust power. In such a situation it is
very difficult to pass on the edge and do not ruin your soul. It is clear
why Russian man trying to "send to the power of" the one who is not
a pity, and it is better to call a stranger, a German. If you require, for
the sake of democracy, to establish self-government, the failure to
perform the duties of power and corruption almost inevitable.

At the household level, it looks at Prishvina as follows:

"On 14 June. EQS garden - with their own hands. Tea drinking in
the garden, and on the other end of the sloping taschut women. Go
scare women dog and calves on oats village. Call the police officer can
not be - it is useless, it is a country man, brother and matchmaker entire
village and he can not go against it. The disadvantages of government:
the policeman - the power of distraction on the part of, and a police
officer, a man tangled in the philistinism ...

And indeed, to govern the village can not, because in the village
all their own, and the power of thought of living on the side. Nobody,
for example, in our country can not make cabbage and cucumbers,
because the kids and calves neighbors all ease. I propose to introduce
a penalty for damage done by cattle, it has not passed.

 Then - they say - it comes to knives.

Closely in the village all their own, their power does not like
relatives, the authorities do not have relatives.

So selected Meshkov - criminal, meager intelligence, which has

no stake, no yard, because it is hard-hitting and for the truth - what
truth? unknown; only what he lives, not of this world. Power is not of
this world. "
In essence, the Russian peasants (especially coats) and therefore
supported the Bolsheviks, that they were the only spark of power "not
of this world" - power without relatives. I must say that this state
instinct woke up in the Bolsheviks surprisingly fast, the contrast with
the current Democrats simply striking. Significantly phenomenon,
about which official Soviet ideology holds back, but in vain - "red
banditry." At the end of the civil war, the Soviet government was
fighting, sometimes in court, and sometimes with the use of armed
force, with the Reds, who arbitrarily delayed the conflict. In some
places, this danger to the Soviet government even considered major.
Under the court it was used to the whole party organization - they have
the power to "were not relatives" 1 9 .

And when the Bolsheviks have degenerated and their power was
"live and let live", and the spirit of it out. Today, the Communist Party
is not very good a name to the power, it is home too.

So, we spent the classification. There are, relatively speaking, two

"pure" model - democracy and totalitarianism. And the most difficult
case, our own - imposed hybridization foreign democracy imposed on
a culture of "warm society." In this hybrid our reformers are hoping to
kill component of "totalitarianism" (or rather, pretend to hope). Almost
main instrument of manipulation of consciousness became in their

Its technology developed in the US, is used today in more or less

widely in other parts of the world (in Russia - without any limits) and
should become the main means of social control in the new world
order. Of course, enhancing support violence against
"Color". However, those are increasingly considered to be poor
regardless of color
(For example, the Japanese were not considered to be colored, and
Russian is almost considered).

Briefly discussed and set aside the problem of social control in

the "totalitarian" societies. Why do the hard spiritual influence how
democracy is not covered by the concept of manipulation? After all,
not only tyrants head cut and "black raven" frightened. In short, the
music and the way they acted no less than the rack. Why the liturgy in
the temple or the conversation in the Red Army political instructor to
encourage the person to a certain behavior - no manipulation of

Human exposure to religion (not talking yet about sects) or

"propaganda" in the so-called ideocratic societies, some were, for
example, tsarist Russia and the Soviet Union, are different from the
manipulation of their main generic characteristics. The whole set of
them is devoted to when we talk about ways of manipulation. Here we
point out one feature - secrecy influence and suggestion a person
desires, obviously contrary to its core values and interests.

Neither religion nor the official ideology ideokraticheskogo

society, not only do not meet this criterion - they are fundamentally
different. Their appeal to the people not only not hiding, it
vociferously. Landmarks and standards of conduct, which encouraged
these effects were declared quite openly, and they were tough and
clearly related to the declared values of the society.

And the church fathers, and the "fathers of communism," believed

that the conduct to which they are loudly calling - in the interest of the
salvation of souls and the welfare of their flock. Therefore, the
problem could be to instill false targets and desires and hide share
spiritual influence. Of course, the idea of the welfare and needs of the
people in the elite and a greater or lesser part of the population could
diverge, the leaders could severely mistaken. But they are not "crawled
under the skin", and complement the power of the direct suppression
of the Word. In the barracks of the Red Army was a poster: "You can
not - help. You do not know - teach. You do not want - to make ".

7. "Red banditry" a particularly wide scope was in Siberia, where the main role
in the fight against white played no regular Red Army and the guerrillas. Today, when
you read the reports of the trials of the red, it is simply amazing. Here, in the town
uncovered a conspiracy and secret police arrested its leaders. At night, to release them
to the town makes plaque detachment whites who had gone into the woods. Security
officers and members of the Party branch, a total of seven people, all night are fighting,
and then, not having more opportunities to defend, shooting conspirators and go. Their
trial - with a large gathering of people who, having suffered from the white, not
indignant "bandits", namely the government, the Tribunal. Prishvin with hostility
writes that this ability to rise above the fray, "despising their suffering", he had none
of the existing political forces in Russia - only the Bolsheviks. But it is the "state
The meaning of the different manipulation: we will not force you, we climbed
to you in the soul, in the subconscious, and we will do so, that you want. In
this - the main difference and the fundamental incompatibility of two worlds:
religion or ideocracy (the so-called traditional society) and the manipulation of
consciousness (the so-called democratic society).

Many, however, is misleading similarity of some "technical" techniques

used in the religious and propaganda, and in the manipulative rhetoric - playing
on the feelings, the appeal to the subconscious, to the fears and prejudices.
Although in reality these techniques in religion and ideokraticheskoy
propaganda - a consequence of the weakness and immaturity, and in the
manipulation of consciousness - a fundamental installation, it is not obvious.
Moreover, the religious faiths, committed to updating and concerned with
success in the social and political sphere, indeed sometimes fall into the
temptation to master the great manipulation technology 2 0 . This is - one of
perhaps the most important reflection of Dostoevsky expressed in the Legend
of the Grand Inquisitor. Remember, Christ descended to Earth Grand Inquisitor
sends a fire that he did not break the world order created in the society, it is
based on the manipulation of consciousness (as we would say today). The
Grand Inquisitor accuses Christ that He refused to lead the person acting on his
consciousness a miracle.

In contrast to the Church, his criticism of the communist ideology of

Dostoevsky or Tolstoy scale has not received, but without them we can see:
"renovationism" Khrushchev with the temptation to use manipulative
techniques immediately caused her injury, which zakoposhilis devour her
Yakovlev and Burbulis. Khrushchev, like a magician, he began waving sleeves
of which were dusted with wonders: catch up with America in meat and milk,
sow corn in Arkhangelsk, in twenty years we will live under communism.
Since then began to crumble ideocratic Soviet society. It is said, for the
manipulation of consciousness ideokraticheskogo society is dysfunctional (

But, again, in real life deviations from the "pure" models obscure the
fundamental differences, and therefore we will yet on the obvious generic
characteristics: openness and even show off, ritual establish desired behavior
in theocratic and ideocratic companies - and concealed, achieved through the
manipulation of consciousness the establishment of such rules in a democracy
(civil, open, liberal, etc.) society.

We agreed from the very beginning - in this book is to try not to give their
assessments of the phenomena and to describe the phenomenon, to reveal their
meaning. Estimates are derived from the ideals and the ideals of the readers are
different, and argue about them is meaningless. You can only finding out the
ideals, negotiate coexistence. And for this we need to understand what is
happening - the visibility to distinguish meaning.

So instead of stigmatizing this or that way to influence human behavior,

point to two approaches to their comparison. First we call functional, and the
second - moral.

How successful approaches developed in ideocratic and democratic

societies that allow the powers to carry out one of the main functions: to ensure
the stability of the society, its reproduction, survival?

In general, ideocratic, traditional society and the liberal society are

resistant or vulnerable to different types of attacks. The first striking vitality,
when heavy blows are applied to all or a large part of society, so that there is a
feeling that "our beat." sustainability is in these cases that the observers and
"from another society" policy not only amazed, but over and over again get
trapped, seriously wrong.

Relatively few published materials on the analysis of the conclusions of

advisers Napoleon and Hitler, who were mistaken in their predictions about the
reaction of different strata of the Russian people to the invasion of Russia.
Apparently, this analysis is still in the West, be classified, at least intuitively,
by the thinkers. But what is published, it shows that both huge
"Experiments" over Russia the West is fundamentally wrong. Russian very

8. We do not speak about those sects and "churches" that are primarily
political or social (and sometimes criminal) organizations which, on the contrary, the
religious use
"Technology" in order to manipulation.
"Interpreted" gestures Western media progress than they expected 2 1 . Each hit
from the outside, which was seen as a blow to Russian it is for Russia, healed
its internal rifts and "abolished" internal contradictions.

Just strikes western experts today (and their "Russian" students) our
ability to keep hitting winners Russia in the Cold War. Mass impoverishment
not only destroyed the society, it is even almost embittered people, not to pit
them. Contrary to expectations, the company is not broken up, but continues
to live according to the unwritten laws and cultural norms alien to the market
law and norms of individualism.

We, with our usual bell tower, just do not see what is happening in Russia
and how it is perceived by the eyes of "civilization." In the West, the
production decline of 1 percent - is a crisis that miraculously changes the
behavior of all citizen. Even if the person has quite the crisis has not touched,
and the ruin he was not directly threatened. And if the crisis touched his wheel,
is simply incredible transformation. A decent, cultured and friendly people
before your eyes turns into a vicious skvalygu. He tormented his children, tears
with all the friends and begins furiously, like a madman, save, making a strange
behavior - can shortchange a street vendor, and rob his graduate student,
assigning him the money. The spectacle of an exceptionally difficult.

On how quickly in a liberal society lost its fastening cultural norms when
impoverishment of the middle class, the mass of written literature sad. During
the Great Depression in the United States bankrupt businesses fell out of the
windows, like ripe pears. Do we see something like this in Russia? It's
ridiculous to assume. Well, I lost the state - will go to the superintendent. Two
years ago, due to the machinations of leadership bankrupt a major Spanish
"Santander". Shareholders lost about a quarter of its states. In the big hall -
their collection, camera. I had never seen such a gathering of people on their
faces that say genuine, profound human suffering. And they say the West's lack
of spirituality. Artistic photos made from the shareholders' meeting, which
were filled with newspaper, reflected the tragedy of high intensity.

In anticipation of price liberalization that took place in Russia in January

1992, I had a conversation with a Spanish sociologist. "You, - he says - expect
interesting phenomena. Observe, then tell me. " He predicted, for example, that
when a sharp rise in prices for Moscow one week filled with stray dogs, and it
will be phenomenal. They sociologists used as a makeshift, but a very sensitive
indicator of impending economic difficulties, a simple summary of the number
of captured stray dogs on the street. The growth of this indicator to any changes
in inflation, stock market indices and production indices says will decline.
Scent sensitive middle class and fail-safe, no economic science does not keep
up with him.

What makes a respectable bourgeois family, sensing the approach of this

recession? She goes for a walk outside the city. All are happy the children are
excited, the dog jumps for joy and trying to lick the owner's face. Somewhere
on the edge of the grove dog let out for a walk. And while it is barking worn
for butterflies, all sit in his "Toyota" and slam the door - hello. Indeed, through
the streets of cities run neat, wild-eyed, purebred collies and dobermans. They
can not understand what happened, where is their good master them with his
dog food «Pedigree». I once met such a bewildered even Saint Bernard. But
animal welfare advocates plaintive pasting posters with the dog's portrait and
the inscription: "He would be so with you does not reach."

Predictions have come true if the sociologist, expert on the Western soul?
Not at all what I had the pleasure to inform him. After the price increase at
once-impoverished old woman pensioner, as before, they endured at the hands
of their pooches walk. Only to the apartments, where there are large dogs, the
neighbors began to add more bones. We have no more civil society.

But traditional society extremely fragile and defenseless against such

influences, completely insensitive to how civil society. It is enough to sow
doubt in the mass consciousness in the righteousness of life, organized in
ideocratic society, or

9. A similar error occurred Napoleon in Spain - it would seem, it is a European

country. There's something too liberal, educated part of society, longed for the arrival
of the French Democrats, was much more numerous than in Russia, and has turned an
embarrassment. The Spanish and French cut, and always disci- plines which should
not be Poles, and a bunch of liberals, their shouting "Long live the chains!".
righteousness of power in the state, all the foundations of the political order
can be staggered and crumble overnight. This - "Boris Godunov" by Pushkin.
This was written in the "Landmarks" repentant liberal philosophers, after the
experience of the 1905 revolution. And the whole drama of the second act of
the murder of the Russian Empire, the Soviet Union in the form, in front of our

Ideokraticheskogo society - a complex, hierarchically built construction,

which is based on several of the sacred, immutable ideas, symbols, and on the
relationship of authority. The loss of respect for authority and symbols - death.
If the opponent fails to incorporate these ideas into their destructive viruses,
then victory is assured. Relations domination through violence can not be
saved, for the violence must be legitimized by the same ideas by the symbols.

Civil society is composed of individuals-atoms, connected by

innumerable threads of their interests. This society is intrinsically simple and
as mold, as the bacteria colony. Attempts on some points (ideas, meanings) for
a large damage not produce only local holes and gaps are formed. But this
tissue is difficult to tolerate "molecular" blows to the interests of each (eg,
economic difficulties). For internal stability need only control the "fan desires"
of the entire colony so that there were no big social units with incompatible,
opposite desires. With this task cope mind manipulation technology. A struggle
over the degree of satisfaction of desires is quite admissible, it does not
undermine the essence of society.

This - in fact, instrumental side of things. There is nothing to argue about

anything especially. Other business - evaluation ideal arising from ethical
values. Here the views are diametrically opposed.

Man liberal mindset (which today seem to be dominated in the "cultural

layer" of Russia) is convinced that the transition from violence and coercion to
manipulation of consciousness - tremendous progress in human development,
almost "end of history". About ideology say nothing - they rejoice this
transition avidly (paradoxically, they agreed to for the sake of such a transition
in Russia for an indefinite period of a regime of unrestricted violence). Within
the scientific evaluation of the community tend to be more evasive. In the book
"The psychology of manipulation" E.L.Dotsenko its generally liberal
conclusion makes reservations:
"We can recall a lot of situations in life in which the manipulation is good so
far as the communication raises from domination and violence to manipulation
- in a sense, more humane attitude" 2 2 .

"In a certain sense," "can recall a lot of situations' - this deprives a

principled assessment of the forces. It's not about the situation and about the
moral choice of the type of company and the type of human relations. Just note
that in the West, among the leading experts have (albeit slightly) those who
directly and openly puts the manipulation of consciousness morally below the
open coercion and violence.

The arguments of those who welcomed the transition from coercion to

manipulation, simple and clear. Knut - it hurts, and a spiritual drug - nice. If
we are still a strong force weak to obey his will, then he will do it with the help
of drugs, not the carrot. Well, tastes differ. Let's look at the arguments of those
who believe the drug is worse whip. And above all, the arguments themselves
Western thinkers who see the problem is based on the ideals and interests of
the West in terms of the way and the fate of their civilization. Oh, them's got
to listen even Russian Westerner, who wants to build in Russia, though small
pockets or "neighborhoods" of the West, at least for a select audience.

It is known that the West considers itself a civilization of free individuals

gathered (after the collapse of the community) in the civil society on the basis
of law. The law and civil rights, protected by the state, put into civilized
framework eternal "war of all against all", the struggle for existence. One of
the main civil society philosophers Hobbes called the state, which is able to
civilize "war of all against all," Leviathan - the name of the mighty biblical
monster. This war has become a comprehensive competition and public life -
pervasive market. Philosopher civil society Locke was well aware that the
desire to benefit separates people, because "no one can get rich without causing
loss to another." But the freedom of the individual and is meant primarily as a
separation, atomization

10. This is - a quotation from the work of psychologist-Democrat, greatly

simplifying the reality, but to begin with this simplification is good for us. Below touch
on the role of "non-violent" methods of power (the same "suggestion" in the
authoritarian systems ).
"Warm society face to face" - through competition. In the political sphere, this
corresponds to democracy, understood as a "cold civil war", a kind of

The main condition for the maintenance of this order is the freedom of the
individual, allowing him in every act of "war" to make informed rational
choices and to enter into a free contract. It does not matter whether it is a
purchase or sale of the labor force, of a chewing gum or the Party of the
program (in the elections).

This - the ideal. In pure form it is of course not achieved. The question is
in what way the development of society is approaching, and what is removed
from the ideal, and then comes to a standstill. Today, a significant portion of
thinkers believes that by making the manipulation of the consciousness of the
main rule of the technology, the West made a fatal mistake and deadlocked
(became a mousetrap from which there is no escape, because when you come
out of it, it is turned inside out and you find yourself inside it again). The reason
is that the manipulation of consciousness, produced always secretly deprives
an individual of liberty to a greater extent than direct coercion. The victim
completely loses the ability to manipulate rational choice, because her desires
are programmed externally. Thus, its position in the competition, in the "war
of all against all" rapidly deteriorating. In fact, it is - the elimination of the
major civil rights, and therefore the elimination of the most fundamental
foundations of Western civilization. In its place there is a new one, the worst
form of totalitarianism, replacing the whip is much more efficient and more
inhuman tool - "the industry of mass culture," render a programmable robot. In
the words of the German philosopher Kraus of the current ruling elite of the
West, "they - the press, they have - Exchange, and now they have even our

Some thoughts or ideological clashes, lying in the outline of reasoning,

we will look at in relation to specific aspects of our problem. We note only that
this very critical with respect to the manipulation of the position almost not
connected with politics, the issue is much deeper. Override robotics person
both right and left, liberals and conservatives. It is foolish to link this position
with socialism, communism, "hand of Moscow", or the machinations of the

Returning to his native land, and remember how the evaluated transition
"from totalitarianism to democracy" exponents of Russian culture. Our "Left"
of the last century, totally passionate denunciation of serfdom and tyranny, this
problem is generally not noticed (except Herzen, who was appalled at what he
saw in the West). A more insightful and looking far forward immediately
expressed concern.

Gogol saw in civilization corrupts man 'candy weapons, "anti-Christian

force. He suffered not only from the fear for the fate of Russia, but also in the
form of the threat of a European soul. And since it was already clear that the
US has become the most complete expression of the new spirit of the West, of
which he said, to paraphrase Pushkin: "What is the United States? Carrion;
People in their weathered before that and not worth a damn " 2 3 .

Perhaps it is the concern for the human soul in the Russian literature and
philosophy was the main motive in relation to the democracy that has adopted
the manipulation of consciousness. So many arguments or just come from the
Christian ideal, or painted in a religious tone, resorting to Christian metaphors
and allegories.

It noted Berdyaev when he wrote in 1923 .: "Democracy - is not a new

beginning, and not the first time she comes into the world. But for the first time
in our era the question of democracy becomes a religious disturbing question.
He has already put in is not political, but in the spiritual plane. Not about the
political forms in question, when experiencing a religious horror of the forward
march of democracy, but about something deeper. Kingdom of democracy is
not a new form of statehood, it is - a special spirit. "

Note: Russian émigré philosophers, considering that in Russia a regime

of Bolshevik tyranny, threat to the soul of man is seen in the West. It was his
destiny they considered tragic. They warned of deep delusion of naive Russian
liberalov- Westerners. Geopgy Flopovsky wrote: "They did not ppihodit head
that can and should be

11. In fact, Pushkin put it: "I admire that country interferes, which is now
accepted enchanted, that there are too forget that man does not live by bread alone."
think about the fate of incorporation limit evpopeyskoy kultupy ... Their
imaginary ppeklonenie pped europium ppikpyvaet only their deep disregard
and disrespect for her tpagicheskoy destiny. "

If the beginning of the century Russian philosophers heard our current

"Westerners", they would be tearing their hair out. After all, even on a much
more enlightened Westerners his time Berdyaev wrote: "It is an extreme
Russian Westernism is the phenomenon of the Asian soul. You can even make
such a paradox: the Slavophiles ... were the first Russian Europeans, as they
tried to think as Europeans themselves, but not to imitate the Western thought
as children imitate ... And here is the reverse side of the paradox: Westerners
were Asians, their minds had children, they belonged to the European culture
as could only refer people completely alien to it " 2 4 .

One of the largest Western historians Arnold Toynbee in his main work
"Study of History" wrote about this substitution hpistianstva cult of the
Leviathan: "In the hour of victory neppimipimost hpistianskih martyrs
ppevpatilas in neteppimost ... Early Head was ominous ppovozvestnikom
spiritual pepspektiv Western society of the twentieth century istopii
hpistianstva century ... in the western World to eventually followed by the
appearance totalitapnogo type gosudapstva combining western genius
opganizatsii mechanization and with a devilish ability popaboscheniya shower,
eccentricity could envy tipany all Quaternary and napoda ... in
sekulyapizovannom western World to the twentieth century spiritual lag
symptoms evident. Vozpozhdenie worship Leviathan was peligiey, and every
resident of the West has made in this ppotsess their bit. "

In the light of Christianity I saw the tragedy of the West and Dostoevsky.
The use of spiritual narcotic for the purpose of control is not just incompatible
with the freedom of the will, and therefore Christianity - it is the opposite of
him, it is the direct service of the devil. Let us remember Legend of the Grand
Inquisitor, selecting from it only places directly related to our topic (this, of
course, arbitrary and impoverished citation, but the main meaning of passes).
So, in Seville, where a stable social order created huge works of power, Christ
appeared. Cardinal Grand Inquisitor immediately recognized him in the crowd
and arrested. At night, he came to him for an explanation in the camera.

"It's you? Why did you come to hinder us? For you come to hinder us, and
know it ... Yes, this case we paid dearly, but we finally finish this thing in your
name. Fifteen centuries we suffered with this freedom, but now it's over and
over for good. You do not believe that over for good? But knowing that now it
is now, these people believe more than ever that it is free, and yet they
themselves have brought us freedom and his resignation put it at our feet. But
we did, and that is my only weapon you wish, whether such freedom? ..

And the people rejoiced that they were again led like a flock, and that with
their hearts removed, finally, such a terrible gift, which brought them so much
flour. We were right by teaching and by doing so, tell me? Do we not love
mankind as acknowledge humbly its impotence, with love to ease his burden
and allowing the feeble nature of his least sin, but with our permission? Why
then is come to hinder us? ..

And if I hide from you our secret? Listen: we are not with you, and with
it, that's our secret! We took from him Rome and the sword of Caesar and
declared themselves kings of the earth, although until now not yet managed to
bring our work to a complete end. Oh, business is still only at the beginning,
but it has begun. For whom do not own people as to those of their own
consciences and in whose hands the bread of them. We have taken the sword
of Caesar, and took him, of course, have rejected you and followed him. We
all will be happy and will not be no more rebel nor destroy one another, as in
your freedom, everywhere. Yes, we will force them to work, but in their leisure
hours we shall make their life like a child's game, with children's songs, with
innocent dances. Oh, we will solve it and sin, they are weak and powerless,
and they will love us like children because we allow them to sin. I will not have
any secrets from us. We shall allow or forbid them to live with their wives and

12. Berdyaev, of course, exaggerating - he could not imagine what it means to

"imitate the West as children", could not foresee in Russia such thing as Yegor Gaidar
or Novodvorskaja. Russian Westerners beginning of the century still knew Western
philosophy, read and Hobbes, and Locke. That quip M.Prishvina about Merezhkovsky:
"For his exceptional refinement and erudition of his ideological followers called
"Light a foreigner," a light, in contrast to the dark, bringing us in Russia is not
European culture flowers, thorns and competition - a universal truth and division. "
mistresses, to have or not to have children - all judging by their obedience -
and they will submit to us gladly and cheerfully.

What I say to you, it might be fulfilled, and the kingdom of our builds. I
repeat to you, tomorrow you will see is an obedient herd, which is the first
wave of my rush to rake up the hot coals to the fire yours, which I will burn
you for what has come to hinder us. For if there was one who deserved all over
our fire, it's you. Tomorrow, I will burn you. Dixi ».

Of course, not for the West, wrote Gogol and Dostoyevsky, Russian
philosophers. The West has long made his choice and overcome their illness
only in its path. We just wonder how accurately captured the essence of these
diseases Dostoevsky 2 5 .
For the West, Nietzsche wrote. Outlining his vision of the way, no wonder
he took as an epigraph to his head of a line from an old tragedy: "The skeleton,
you're shaking? You would have trembled more, if I had known where I am
you. " And this chapter ( "We, the fearless") he begins the statement:
"The greatest of the new developments - that" God is dead "and that faith in
the Christian God has become something that is not credible - is already
beginning to throw its first shadows of Europe."

Gogol and Dostoevsky wrote for Russia and especially for the Russian.
Their fears were prophetic, and warnings were sent as it is to us, to the end of
the twentieth century. Choosing to do ourselves, on his own responsibility, but
to listen and to think we have to prevent.

We take into account, however, that the prevention of "Christianity" many

people will leave indifferent. For the majority of them actually - an empty
phrase (although they will not argue with them - spaced as Shumeyko, with a
candle in the church, and be done with it). Let's try to reason rationally
mundane - for Russian, but in the west. As if admitting that "God is dead" and
put aside Christian values. It is unpleasant and gives cynicism, but do nothing.
As they say, time is. But maybe something will arise clarity.

In the West, Nietzsche began clarifying this difficult conversation - the

elimination of what the German philosopher and theologian Romano Guardini
called "dishonesty New time" 2 6 . We must and we coolly estimate "advantages
and disadvantages" carrot and stick of coercion and manipulation of each to
determine: if any government - evil, what evil is less than it was for us, Russian.

See increases or decreases a person's status in the transition from direct

coercion to manipulate his mind. Even in the "war of all against all", waged by
the rules of civil society (competition), the impact of objects are divided into
three categories: a friend, a partner, a rival. Experts agree that a person who
has become an object of manipulation, generally excluded from this
classification. He - not a friend, not a partner and not a rival. It becomes a thing.

Bakhtin wrote that in relation to the world and man in the thoughts and
actions of people are fighting two trends: a reification and personification. The
"primitive" cultures was strong craving for personalization (for Dersu Uzala
ants - "little people"). Animism, spiritual things is always present in the culture
even very traditional societies developed. In the technology

13. His inquisitor said: "We shall allow or forbid them to live with their wives
and mistresses, to have or not to have children - all judging by their obedience." It
seems an allegory, a metaphor. And look at England early 30-ies of the century.
Famous scientist, Julian Huxley sep mepy frantically looking for, do not allow to
"inherit the land of fools, slackers, neostopozhnye and worthless people." To sokpatit
pozhdaemost in media pabochih, Huxley p.pedlozhit determine the issuance of
allowances bezpabotitse obligation not to have any more children. "Infringements of
this ppikaza - wrote a scientist - would be punished out a short period there insulation
tpudovom lagepe. After six months or tpeh pazluki napushitel with his wife, perhaps,
in the future will be more osmotpitelnym ". What? As if reading "The Brothers
Karamazov", he blurted out and ran.

14. He wrote in 1954 .: "Dishonesty modern times - a double play, on the one
hand, rejected the Christian doctrine and the dispensation of life, and on the other -
have endeavored to assign all that they have given man and culture. From this against
Christian to modern times remained constant uncertainty. Everywhere he was faced
with the fact that it was originally inherent in Christianity, and now turned against him
... Now the ambiguity comes to an end. Where the future turn against Christianity, it
does so in earnest. Secularize borrowing from Christianity, it will announce the empty
sentiment, and the air finally becomes transparent. Saturation hostility and threat, but
it is clean and clear. "
manipulation of consciousness, we see, on the contrary, the extreme expression
of the opposite tendency - to the reification of man. Arnold Toynbee wrote:
"We are quite well known, and we always keep in mind the so-called" pathetic
fallacy ", spiritualized inanimate objects and gives life. Now, however, we
soon become victims of the opposite -
"Apateticheskogo error", according to which living beings act as though they
are - inanimate objects. "

Because it takes a massive scale, the result is a steady decline and did not
realize the person's status. Of course, at first it acts on a person who is not in
the elite (she - manipulates the plebeians). But then, this order machinized,
embodies man in general 2 7 .

Thus, by agreeing to build in Russia a political order based on the

manipulation of consciousness, everyone should be aware that very likely his
status will be downgraded. This means that all of the promised benefits such
as civil liberties, feeling himself the master and so on., Become devoid of any
content of bling. And those lucky enough to get into the manipulative
minorities, will be one of those oppressors of their compatriots, who will be
forced to increase that oppression and have sharpened. Tiran is kinder and
pomyagchet - and he will be grateful. But manipulator deprived of this
opportunity - to see clearly the person is enraged.

Why the transition to statehood based on the manipulation of

consciousness, much harder to hit the Russian than he has torn the West
(although there is a perceived as a tragedy)? Because differently developed in
the Russian culture of the very category of freedom 2 8 . Another to seek and
looking for Russian people. Beautifully presented this problem V.V.Kozhinov
in his excellent book "The mysterious pages of the history of the twentieth
century. "Black Hundreds" and the revolution. " For the Russian people, is
characterized by a special combination of spiritual freedom and freedom of
life. On the contrary, a rather indifferent attitude to the Russian so valued in
the West's political and economic freedoms. It is necessary to recall Pushkin:

Not expensive, I appreciate loud right, from which there is not one dizzy.
I do not complain about the fact that the gods refused me in a sweet fate to
dispute a tax or kings to interfere with each other to fight; And a little grief to
me, whether printing fools fools freely, il sensitive censorship
The magazine designs constrains joker. All of this, see my only weapon,
words, words, words. Some, the best way I prava4
Other, better the needs of my freedom: Depend on the king, the people
depend on - Does it really matter? God is with them.
to nobody

The report does not give, only to himself

15. The fact that one of the scientific evidence manipulation of consciousness -
behaviorism - essentially considers the human being as a machine, we'll discuss below.

16. Today's ideologues are trying to "bio-" concept of freedom, reaching claims
that the Russian people "genetically" inherent "slave mentality". Something like
ethnically related defect chromosome. This is - nonsense, which, however, carefully
pumped into consciousness during the restructuring. In fact, the biological need to
move freely and meet instincts space has nothing to do with the freedom of a value - a
product of culture. Naturally, in different cultures and in different historical periods,
this value is filled with different contents. Since the technology of manipulation
consciousness theme of freedom - the key, we are not just going to come back to it.
To serve and to please; for power, for livery Do not bend no conscience, no
thoughts, no neck; At the whim of her wander here and there, Marveling at
the beauty of the divine nature,
And before creating art and inspiration Trembling happily delighted
 That happiness! that's right ...

That happiness and those rights can not deprive us of any Nikolai I, nor Stalin, nor
even Brezhnev. But, strengthen manipulation mode consciousness, they quietly and
pleasantly deprive us of TV bought by Berezovsky. It will bend us and conscience, and
thoughts. Even wandering we will not be at the whim of his, and at the bidding of
advertising of tourist agencies as happy wandering the Western middle class.

V.V.Kozhinov in his book leads the reasoning "the philosopher of freedom,"

Berdyaev about this combination of freedom of the spirit and life of freedom: "Russia
- a country of unlimited freedom of the spirit ...". Her Russian people "never give for
any benefit of the world" does not prefer to "internal lack of freedom of the Western
peoples and their enslavement by the outside. The Russian people truly have the
freedom of spirit that is given only to those who are not too obsessed with thirst for
earthly gains and earthly accomplishment ... Russia - the country home of freedom,
unknown to Western peoples enslaved by petty-bourgeois norms. Only in Russia do
not have the oppressive power of the bourgeois conventions ... pilgrim type so typical
for the Russian and so beautiful. Wanderer - the freest people on earth ... Russia - a
country of infinite freedom and spiritual vistas, a country of strangers, wanderers and
seekers. " This - the words of the philosopher-Westerner. As far as they are far from
the ideals AN Yakovlev and Yegor Gaidar!

And foolish to think that today Russian, ran in the business, they want to lose this
type of freedom. On the contrary, for most of the "new Russian", this business - a new
adventure, wandering through unknown dalyam. It is - in many ways the spiritual,
though costly and even disastrous quest. But the Russian bourgeoisie of them grows.

Just look at, with what indifference throw our new rich their unfinished villas -
they are destroyed all over the suburbs. Are they absorbed 'thirst for earthly
improvement "? Yes, and what a villa they had built? 90 percent of them - this is a huge
house, and all their villages - a continuation of the village. If anyone comes to these
their "vacation homes" that wearing a padded jacket, plants are not necessary to him
potatoes. And his wife, upwards backwards, the whole day in a jar collecting Colorado
beetles. All this - the new version of the Russian revolt, senseless and merciless true.
To take away by force or bought from Russian this freedom of spirit and life can
not. But the lure deception - is technically possible. This is now engaged in a whole
army of specialists. I think, to help them - a big disgusting. And the end is likely to
badly. Excess of sorrow to add, and to repair destroyed more expensive.

Chapter 4. Basic Doctrine manipulation of consciousness

§ 1. The technology of manipulation as a closed knowledge

In many ways resembles the manipulation of public opinion war a small, well-
organized and equipped army of aliens against a huge civilian population that this war
is not ready. Sometimes it is even said that the manipulation of consciousness is,
"Colonization of their people." Gradually created weapons systems in this particular
war, and gradually, as the accumulation of knowledge about man and his behavior,
evolved the doctrine of manipulation of consciousness.
Because this war is secret, and the success of it is determined by the ability to
"colonizers" prevent organized resistance, the main outlines of the doctrine of
manipulators in the misty, veiled form, in connection with the partial indirect questions.
As part of the bourgeois revolutions, manipulation of consciousness from the very
beginning has received generous funding of the class of owners. When this class came
to power and created its fundamentally new bourgeois state, for the manipulation of
consciousness activities were
support and protection of the state. If useful to the case, the authorities will allow the
rebels raid city hall or even the presidential palace, but never be allowed in the
But most importantly, that the dominant minority in every way interfere with the
work of exposing
"Hypnotists", is trying to prevent the mass to the knowledge of doctrines and
techniques of manipulation of consciousness. This is mainly achieved by generous
reward "those who are with us" and boycott
"Those who are not with us." There have always been scientists and philosophers who
were disgusted manners of the colonialists of their own people. But they were few, and
their voice could drown in the noise design.
A rare situation arose in the last century: a man of great mind and spirit, Marx
found a friend to match it, which could last a lifetime provide scant, but the constant
maintenance. After making an incredible scale work, Marx revealed a few of the basic
myths of bourgeois society - the myth of the origin of the product and the capitalist
profit. But in the culture of that time was a delicate balance, were so exposed nerves of
society, that knowledge obtained by Marx became possible to disseminate widely. And
a century the whole building was shaking capitalism, the wave went around the world.
I had the money-bag, as they say,
"Detach" profit share "to bourgeoisified" their jobs, move a hard operation outside of
their world 29 .
When there was the Soviet state, especially in the longer "calm" of his period with
the 60-ies, it could establish a serious study of the manipulation of technology and
present all over the world, and above all, his own people. However, the turnaround
began our elite humanitarian intelligentsia at that time already for future restructuring,
and ideological life began, in general, to work against the Soviet state. The resulting
knowledge is not passed on to people to build immunity, and has been used against
them, without this immunity defenseless. Today, the vast majority of those who have
such knowledge received during the Soviet era (in the departments of journalism, in all
sorts of party schools), is pleased to serve the new owners have for the "normal" money.
If in Soviet times, a leading television got a decent average salary, but now - in 50-100
times more professors.
So ready-made textbooks and monographs on the doctrines of manipulation of
consciousness can not be found. But bit by bit to collect and revelation of the power of
the bosses, and the observation of "those who are not with them," We can. Clean up of
the "noise" let some system greatly clarify the question.
Thus, the doctrine, and developed the theory of manipulation of consciousness
developed recently in our century, but the main stones at their base has already been
laid by those who prepared the bourgeois revolutions in Europe. After all, the focus
was to make the revolution by proxy (the "proletariat struggles, the bourgeoisie is
stealing power"). We had to literally unleash the common man on the "old order" to
seduce him mirage that grace which arises as soon as the king beheaded.
In all Western countries, where there have been great bourgeois revolutions,
scientists, philosophers and humanists contributed to this programming the behavior of
the masses. In England - Newton and his followers that a new picture of the world
deduced the idea of "natural" (natural) character of the constitution, which should limit
the power of the monarch ( "because the sun obeys the law of gravity"). Scientist and
philosopher Thomas Hobbes developed a major and still for bourgeois society the myth
of the man as a selfish and solitary atom, leading the "war of all against all"
 omnium contra omnes obligations bellum .
But in England the revolution almost merged with the Protestant Reformation, so that in
the ideological baggage of the revolutionaries dominated by religious motives. In a pure
manipulation of consciousness as a large organized campaign developed in France. Here,
society was ready for scrapping the "old order" of half a century of the Enlightenment work. In
addition to the great cause of the liberation of the human mind and the development of their
new scientific worldview, Enlightenment figures carried a deep brainwashing in purely political
terms, preparing a generation of revolutionaries, with a clear conscience France flooded rivers
of blood (and then began, in fact, World War II).
In that revolution were thoughtful observers, and then the researchers. One of them - an
Englishman E.Berk. He is conservative, but regardless of how we feel about his ideals, it is
useful to take into account its observations, which he collected in his book "Reflections on the
Revolution in France." That's what concerns directly our topic:

29 Now that the threat from Marxism, like, disappeared, even the capital of the West began to withdraw
data work "benefits" dismantle "the welfare state". And everything goes quiet for manipulation of
consciousness is today a multiple excess of reliability.
"A new class of people grew up with money capital, with whom the capital very soon
formed a close alliance, I mean political writers. A considerable contribution was made here of
the French Academy, and then encyclopedic belonging to the society of these gentlemen.
Writers intrigue a few years ago created something like a regular plan for the destruction
of the Christian religion. They were overwhelmed by the spirit of proselytism, and thus the
sense of easy success and persecution mania. What could not be achieved on the way to their
great goal by a direct or immediate law, it could be achieved in a roundabout way - through
public opinion. In order to control public opinion, it is necessary to take the first step - to put
pressure on those in charge. They conceived methodically and persistently to achieve all this
literary fame means. Many of them are really high standing on the steps of literature and
science. The world pay tribute to them: given great talents, forgive the selfishness and anger of
their vanity ... These fathers atheism has its own fanaticism, they have learned to deal with the
monks of the same methods. To make up for the shortcomings in the course of the argument
went intrigue. This system of literary monopoly industry is now constantly smear and discredit
any means all those who have not entered their fraction ...
Writers, especially when they are organized and in one direction, have on public opinion
a huge impact, so the loyalty of these writers, plus a cash capital were important factors in the
elimination of people's envy towards those who were attached to the well-being. These writers
claim to huge enthusiasm of the poorest segments of the population, while in his satires, they
were highly exaggerated hatred court error, the aristocracy and the clergy. They became
demagogues link disgusting welfare alliance with restless and driven to despair by poverty. "
In France, monetary aces attracted writers and scholars, and those taking advantage of his
fame, so to influence public opinion, which was able to "turn off" the natural hostility of the
poor people to plutocrats and incite the urban poor on all the foundations of the old regime. In
a way it is - a brilliant achievement of the mind and words. The instrument of the rich has
become exactly what it is hostile - the human desire for equality and justice.
Since the "molders of opinion" formed a close-knit community, it came pretty quickly
identity and began theoretical work. So in France for the first time the word appeared ideology
and created a powerful organization - Institute, which ran the ideologues. They created the
"science of the mind of people." As Burke notes, these ideologues primarily sought "to put
pressure on those in charge." They accepted as a member of its very narrow circle ( "the
Institute") rising to power of Napoleon. In his turn, and he correctly assessed the importance of
the Union, so that even when he was already a member of the Directory, signed
"Napoleon Bonaparte, a member of the Institute" 3 0 . (Actually, in the spiritual sense, Napoleon
was a finished product authority of Rousseau was for him so indisputable Enlightenment figures
that in many treatises of the young Napoleon's words Rousseau simply replace any argument -
. It is not needed, if so Rousseau said, could even say that the young Napoleon. was the product
of conscious manipulation. As he wrote in 1786 of his older brother, "he was an avid fan of
Jean-Jacques, and, as they say, an inhabitant of a perfect world." the inhabitant of an ideal
world, that is possessed. When the new rich have rejected has become unnecessary screen
Jacobins with their "maximum prices", it is, of course, became a cynic, but it was too late).
On the question of how ideologies are developed, we will be back. Here we note only that
the very first professionals who identified themselves as ideologues, identified two major areas
of spiritual activity of man quite rightly, that it is necessary to take control, to program his mind
- cognition and communication. In the "course ideology" that they were going to teach the
ruling elite of France, it had three parts: natural science, language ( "grammar") and its own
ideology. Thus, the basis on which it is necessary to lay his ideas viruses, based on knowledge
of the world (and the person), and of the exchange of messages (information).

1. Later, when Napoleon became emperor, and ideologues continued to lay claim to too
much involvement in the power, he told them to put them in their place, giving an unusually
high salary. Some of the institutions were, however, obstinate - salary taken, but the water
continued to roil. Then Napoleon, published in the newspaper brilliant, an excellent article
against ideologues - those who are "fooling people for a ride." Published anonymously, but so
that everyone knew who the real author. Star of the ideologists of the sunset, but it continued to
live and a place in the power of clearly defined - to receive a large salary, but to be in the shade.
It was during the French revolution, the ideologues of the new society realized that the
main means of power will it language. There have intentionally truly godless thing -
planned as in the laboratory, the creation of a new language. The pioneer here was
Lavoisier, who created the language of chemistry, but the philosophical significance of
this goes far beyond science (by the way, God-fearing English chemist Lavoisier
audacity horrified).
At the same time it was realized the impact on people's thoughts quantitative
measures of an equivalent filled secret, beyond the control of the quality of sense. And
one of the first major cases of the French Revolution in a new attitude for the masses
was to develop a metric system. It was attended by prominent scholars and ideologues.
With this system, measures were related sphere of cognition and language. With this
'Language accuracy "ruling class began to dominate the thoughts and words of the most
fundamental categories of existence - space and time. Today, I am going to school,
talking to this "language of precision," and we can not imagine how important it was
to program our thoughts. Meanwhile, it is this day the French philosopher Michel
Foucault, who took the "excavation of meanings" that created the modern West, says
clearly: "the language of precision" (the language of numbers) is absolutely necessary
for the "domination by ideology." We shall return to the question of what role in the
manipulation of consciousness plays a word and a number - "mathematization of
language", "double language of numbers."
Then create a modern society has become crucial for the future of the ruling class
of owners mechanism - a new type of school. This school from the first grade students
divided into two stream "corridor" - one educated and trained so as to be able to
manipulate other people's consciousness, while others (the majority) - to be prepared
to be easy to manipulate. Textbooks on the same subject, written by the same brilliant
French scientists, but for different "corridors" school, is simply amazing. The school
has become a factory, "producing" a class society 3 1 .
All the XIX century - is the story of how the ideologues of all directions (but all
of them under one common platform - industrialism, based on the belief in progress
and the laws of social development) derive their arguments from the inexhaustible
source - science. And turn them into an ideological weapon with the help of specially
created language and numbers.
The twentieth century - the creation of major theories and doctrines and
development on their basis of powerful technologies that can work wonders. And, of
course, the use of these technologies in the practice of war and domination. Briefly
present some concepts (doctrine), especially necessary to talk about the current state of

§ 2. The doctrine of hegemony Antonio Gramsci

Antonio Gramsci, founder and theoretician of the Italian Communist Party, a

member of parliament, was arrested by the Nazis in 1926, imprisoned, released under
an amnesty quite ill in 1934 and died in 1937. At the beginning of 1929 he was allowed
to write in prison, and he began his great work "Prison notebooks". Published for the
first time he had been in Italy in 1948-1951 gg., In 1975, it published four-volume
scientific and critical edition with commentary. Since then reissue in all languages
except Russian, one after another, and the research literature devoted to this work,
boundless - thousands of books and articles. In Russian came out about a quarter of
"Prison Notebooks", and since the beginning of the 70s, when at full speed went covert
preparations for restructuring on Gramsci ideologues CPSU name imposed a total ban
(although judging by circumstantial evidence can be said that by the ideologists of
perestroika Gramsci's work intensively studied).
The reason (quite far-fetched) to withdraw from circulation Gramsci served his
alleged deep differences with Lenin. In fact, the reason probably is that the teachings
of Antonio Gramsci was the basis of the entire grand campaign to manipulate public
consciousness of the Soviet Union for a "revolution from above".
"Prison Notebooks" were written by Gramsci is not for publication, but for
themselves, besides under the supervision of the prison censorship. To read them is not
easy, but the efforts of a large number of "gramshevedov" restored the meaning of
almost all materials, and differences in the interpretation of the low. Overall, it was an
important contribution to almost all areas of human knowledge - philosophy and
political science,

2. Established after the Russian Revolution, the Soviet school accepted the basic principles of the
old Russian
"Christian" schools, which educated person. She was united and organized by the University of
type ( "classic" type). Our school is quite a long time and successfully resisted the introduction
of its principles in a "modern" school. Today Russian teacher, not knowing what they are doing,
copy these principles, "improving" public education in Russia.
anthropology (doctrine of man), cultural studies and pedagogy. This contribution
Gramsci did, developing Marxism and comprehend the experience of the Protestant
Reformation, the French Revolution, Russian Revolution of 1917 - and at the same
time the experience of fascism. He created so that a new theory of the state and the
revolution - for a modern society (the development and, perhaps, overcome the Leninist
theory developed for the conditions of peasant Russia). However, it turned out that
working for the victory of communism, Gramsci made many discoveries of general
scientific significance.
As is well known, "knowledge - power", and this power can use anyone who has
mastered the knowledge and have the opportunity to apply. Fire helped man to get out
of the primitive state, although the man sent to the stake of the Inquisition, and can
remember the bad word of Prometheus, who stole fire from the gods to humans. Theory
created a communist, effectively benefited the enemies of communism (and our
Communists it and do not want to know). Gramsci is not to blame.
E with l and e year n I on to p s t s a ru n n y w h up as a n y w n ay h n y u b a zu d a
n n s s n il in a
"Gramsci" (ie, "Theses" great American database), it is simply amazing what a wide
range of social phenomena studied today using Gramsci's theories. This course of
fomenting national conflicts, and tactics of the church tops in the fight against the
"liberation theology" in Nicaragua, and the history of the sport in the United States and
its impact on the mass consciousness, and especially the current African literature, and
the effectiveness of various types of advertising. Perhaps, if 20-30 years ago, pragmatic
Western social science considered essential to use for the analysis of all important
social processes methodology of classical Marxism (of course, along with the other), it
is now considered necessary to "laminate" the problem in terms of methodology and
Gramsci 3 2 .
One of the key sections of the labor Gramsci - the doctrine of hegemony . It is -
part of the general theory of revolution as a breaking state and the transition to a new
social and political order. Here, briefly, are the teachings directly relating to our
According to Gramsci, the power of the ruling class holds not only violence, but
also on the agreement . The mechanism of power - not only compelling, but also belief.
Mastering the property as an economic power base is not enough - the dominance of
the owners thus do not automatically guaranteed, stable power is not provided 3 3 .
Thus, the state, no matter what class was the ruling stands on two pillars - the
strength and harmony. The position at which reached a sufficient level of agreement,
Gramsci calls hegemony . Hegemony - not frozen, once achieved status as a subtle and
dynamic, ongoing process. The "state hegemony is clothed in the armor of coercion."
In other words, enforcement - only armor is much more substantial content. Moreover,
hegemony involves not only agreed, but favorable (active) consent, in which citizens
wish that the ruling class is required. Gramsci gives this definition: "The state - that's
the whole set of practical and theoretical work, by which the ruling class justifies and
maintains its dominance, while ensuring that the active consent of the led" 3 4 .
It is not just about politics, but about the fundamental qualities of the modern
societies of the West. This is evident from the fact that close to a very different
conclusions reached by other big thinkers. Dzh.Ueyt American philosopher, Heidegger
scholar, writes: "By 1936 Heidegger came - in part because of his political experience
under Nazi Germany, partly as a result of Nietzsche's works read, where we could
easily see if in fact expressed the same thoughts, - the idea that Antonio Gramsci
(almost at the same time, but on the basis of
3. By the way, very interesting selection of the social problems in the study of classical
Marxism which is unproductive, and Gramsci, Marxism gives important results (eg, the class
of such problems are national conflicts).

4. Gramsci - not an idealist, he stressed that "the hegemony, being ethical and political,
can also be economical." But he goes on "economic determinism" historical materialism, which
focuses on the basis, on the property relations. According to Gramsci, the economy - the
skeleton of society, and ideology - his
"leather". He writes: "Of course, we can not say that in the human body, the skin is only an
illusion, and the skeleton
- The only reality, though for a long time said something like that ... not because of the skeleton
(in the narrow sense) falls in love with a woman, although it is clear how much the skeleton
contributes graceful movements and the like. "

5. It is clear that this is - a large complexity of Lenin's formula, in which "the state - is a
machine for the suppression of one class by another."
different kind of experience and reading) kind of called the problem of "hegemony":
namely, as a rule implicitly, by means of "dynamic equilibrium" time blocks of
different dominant social groups, using "non-violent coercion" (including the so-called
mass or popular culture), so that manipulate the subordinate groups against their will,
but with their consent, in the interests of a tiny part of society. "
If the main power of the state and the power base of the ruling class - the
hegemony, the question of the stability of the political order and, on the other hand, the
conditions for its demolition (of the revolution) can be reduced to the question of how
achieved or undermined by hegemony. Who in this process is the main agent? What
are the "technology" of the process?
According to Gramsci, and the establishment, and the undermining of the
hegemony - "molecular" process. It does not occur as a clash of class forces (Gramsci
denied such mechanistic analogy, which is full of vulgar historical materialism), as well
as the invisible, in small portions, change opinions and attitudes in the mind of every
person. Hegemony is based on the "cultural core" of society, which includes a set of
ideas about the world and man, of good and evil, the beautiful and the ugly, a lot of
characters and images, traditions and prejudices, knowledge and experience of many
centuries. While this kernel is stable, there is a "stable collective will", aimed at the
preservation of the existing order in society. Undermining of the "cultural core" and
the destruction of the collective will - the condition of the revolution. Creating the
conditions -
"Molecular" aggression cultural core. This - not saying a certain truth, that would made
a revolution in the consciousness, some insight. This is a "huge number of books,
pamphlets, magazine and newspaper articles, conversations and disputes that are
endlessly repeated in his giant combine to form the sustained effort, from which is born
the collective will of a certain degree of homogeneity, the extent which is necessary to
obtain a valid, time coordinated and simultaneous and geographical space " 3 5 .
We remember such a long effort to create a huge ideological machine of the CPSU
during perestroika before to "scoop" the consciousness was finally broken the cultural
core of the Soviet society and established, at least for a short period of time, the
hegemony of the "privatizers". All of this "revolution from above" (in the terminology
of Gramsci "passive revolution") was designed exactly in accordance with the doctrine
of hegemony and aggression in molecular cultural core. Yeltsin Adviser philosopher
A.I.Rakitov frankly wrote in an academic journal:
"Transformation of the Russian market in the market for contemporary capitalism
required a new civilization, a new social organization, and, consequently, a radical
change in the core of our culture."
What cultural core must first act to establish (or undermining) hegemony? It is not
an enemy of the theory, said Gramsci. It is necessary to influence the everyday
consciousness, everyday, "small" thoughts the average person. And the most effective
way to influence - the relentless repetition of the same allegations that are used to them
and began to accept not by reason, but on faith. "The masses as such - Gramsci wrote
- can not absorb the philosophy otherwise than faith." He drew attention to a church
that supports the religious beliefs through incessant repetition of prayers and rituals.
Gramsci himself perfectly aware that in ordinary consciousness must fight the
forces to protect its hegemony and the revolutionary forces. And they both have a
chance of success, because the cultural core and everyday consciousness, not only
conservative but also volatile. That part of the everyday consciousness, which Gramsci
called "common sense" (spontaneous philosophy of working people), open for at
spriyatiya ing communist ideas. Zde smiling - source
"Liberation of hegemony." If we are talking about the bourgeoisie striving to maintain
or establish its hegemony, it is important that common sense neutralize or suppress, by
introducing into the consciousness of fantastic myths.
Who is the main character in establishing or undermining the hegemony? Gramsci
answer is clear: the intelligentsia. Here he develops a whole chapter on the essence of
the intelligentsia, its origin, role in society and relations with the authorities. The main
social function

6. When the "crisis of hegemony" has matured and there is a situation of "war", we need already,
of course, not only
"Molecular" effect on the mind, but also the rapid targeted operations, especially those that deal
a severe blow to the consciousness, cause shock, causing large numbers of people to move from
passive to active position. Gramsci believes this chain reaction ( "chain synthesis") and calls
catharsis - like purifying and enlightening action of the collective consciousness of the audience
of the tragedy in the theater. Turning to the philosophical language in the language of war,
Gramsci wrote: "Under the relation of military forces should be understood not only the fact of
the presence of weapons and military forces, but also an opportunity for the party to paralyze
the main nerve of the state apparatus units."
Intelligentsia - not a professional (engineer, scientist, priest, etc.). As a particular social
group, namely the intelligentsia emerged in modern society, when there is a need to
establish hegemony through ideology. The creation and dissemination of ideologies,
establishing or undermining the hegemony of a particular class - the main raison d'être
of the intelligentsia.
The most effective hegemony is going to power the bourgeoisie took place in
France, where there was a close alliance of capital quickly and intellectuals 3 6 . Under
this alliance lying close relationship and the bourgeoisie, and the intelligentsia, with
the German Reformation, gave birth to a powerful philosophical currents (as they say,
"Kant beheaded God and Robespierre King"). In general, a compound of the Protestant
Reformation, the political model of the French Revolution, Gramsci says the theoretical
maximum efficiency in establishing hegemony.
By selling their labor, intellectuals stretches where the money is. Gramsci wrote:
"Intellectuals are the" stewards "of the dominant groups used to carry out the functions
of subordinate tasks of social hegemony and political control." However, in a society
always remains a part of the intelligentsia, which Gramsci calls the "traditional" - is the
intelligentsia, which served as the group has lost its hegemony, but not changed the
banner. Typically, a new band received hegemony tries to tame her. In addition, the
social movements, which mature in the struggle for hegemony, generate its own
intelligentsia, which becomes the main agent of the impact on the cultural core and the
conquest of hegemony.
This is - a very short and simplified summary of some points of the teachings of
Antonio Gramsci. I think it's out of this presentation shows how fruitful and extensive
is this concept. Gramsci was one of those who laid the foundations of a new social
science, historical materialism has overcome (his and the Marxist and liberal version).
No wonder his name is called in the same row with the names of Bakhtin in cultural
studies, Michel Foucault, and other innovators in philosophy. Gramsci - one of the first
philosophers who felt the new scientific picture of the world and moved its main spirit
in the science of society 3 7 .
Here are a few examples of the social processes, the current study which showed
that they were spent in accordance with the teachings of Antonio Gramsci on hegemony
(basically they are taken from the American theses). On restructuring later.
Perhaps the biggest endorsement of Gramsci's theory - the successful strategy of
the party Indian National Congress on non-violent liberation of India from colonial
dependence. Many "small deeds and words" Party has won a solid cultural hegemony
in the mass of the population. The colonial administration and the pro-British elite were
powerless to oppose anything - they had lost the required minimum mass consent to
the maintenance of the old order.
Another brilliant and deliberately developed "operation" - a peaceful transition in
Spain after Franco's death from a totalitarian and closed society to a liberal market
economy, the federal structure and democracy of the Western type. The crisis of
hegemony of the elite Franco was resolved through a series of pacts with claims to
hegemony left opposition. As a result of these pacts and compromises the left were
"accepted into the elite", and replaced by Franco odious coloring and phraseology,
became "democrats". Left still able to "persuade" the masses suffer, to give up their
social requirements - the right of this we would not have been able to.
Based on the theory of Gramsci, culture explain the role of things ( "consumer
goods") to establish and maintain the hegemony of the bourgeoisie in Western society.
Things (material culture) create an environment in which the average person lives.
They carry "messages" that have a powerful impact on the everyday consciousness. If
things are designed in view of their function as "signs" ( "information systems of
symbols"), by virtue of the enormous scale and diversity of their flow, they can become
a decisive force in shaping

7. In Italy, for example, where the intelligentsia was cosmopolitan, indifferent to the
needs of the national bourgeoisie, capitalism developed very slowly.

8. Historical materialism originated in a culture that has a picture of Newton's mechanical

source world, which is why all its metaphors and allegories mechanistic as the movement of the
piston in a steam engine. As they say, this picture of the world rests on "the physics of life." A
different picture of the world began to take shape in this century, it took into account those
"anomalies" that are excluded from the mechanical picture - irreversibility, non-linearity, and
fluctuations chain processes, self-organization. This - "the physics of the formation." Its main
interest is directed to the processes of transition, change, disasters.
everyday consciousness 3 8 . This design of consumer goods (the special place it
occupies in the car) in the US has become the main mechanism for the implementation
of the consciousness of cultural values (the creation and preservation of "cultural
core"). Experts emphasize the ability of this mechanism to effectively "Standardization
and segmentation" of society.
Standardization and segmentation - an important condition for hegemony in civil
society, where it is required to maintain "atomization", the individualization of people.
But at the same time it is necessary to connect
"Segments" links that do not lead to an organic unity - safe for hegemony. As research
on Gramsci methodology, effective means for this was in the US sports. It spawned
such symbols and images that are associated with soft, to any social cohesion is not
leading telecommunication various segments of society - from the bottom to the Negro
bourgeois elite. Sports created a special section of the general mass culture and
everyday consciousness.
Very interesting case studies of more specific cases where the opposing forces
deliberately planned his campaign as a struggle for hegemony in the public
consciousness on a particular issue. So it was, for example, in Thatcher's privatization
campaign in 1984-1985. British trade unions opposing privatization, trying to win over
public opinion, but lost the competition for hegemony. In general, the British agreed to
the privatization and backed away from Thatcherism only when tested its effects on the
Gramsci methodology well reveals the essence of the activities initiated by
N.Rokfellera "Trilateral Commission" headed by Zbigniew Brzezinski. This is - one of
the most secretive and influential organizations of the shadow of "world government."
It includes about three hundred members from the US, Europe and Japan. The goal - to
stabilize the new world order, achieving unhindered access of transnational
corporations in all countries of the world, especially in the financial and energy sectors.
It is recognized, however, that in reality, the Tripartite Commission has contributed to
the current global financial crisis and the destabilization of the whole world as
compared to the '70s. But for us another important conclusion: this shadow
organization has been able to mobilize in all the major countries of powerful forces to
influence public opinion so that the "unpleasant" consequences of its activities in
general have disappeared from public debate. These forces (researchers, the press,
"spiritual leaders") were able to globally so affect the everyday consciousness of the
people as it ceased to see the obvious. They turned off the "common sense".
Finally, it is in the logic of the teachings of Antonio Gramsci was conducted to
undermine the hegemony of the liberal intelligentsia of the socialist forces in the
countries of Eastern Europe. In the United States made the thesis about the role of
theater in the destruction of the cultural core of the country - an exciting reading
(Gramsci himself in his theory of hegemony also devoted much space to the theater,
especially theater Luigi Pirandello, who contributed greatly to the rise to power of the
Nazis in Italy 3 9 ). For example, consider the work of a famous theater in the GDR
Heiner Müller, who in his plays was aimed at "undermining the history from below".
This is - a typical example of a phenomenon called "anti-institutional theater", ie
theater, gnaws public institutions. According to the research, directors deliberately
"looking for cracks in the monolith hegemony and sought to expand those cracks - in
the future until the end of history." The end of history has long been called the collapse
of the desired West opposed the "Soviet bloc".
I think today we can speak about the tragedy of Gramsci. Almost all of his brilliant
thoughts and warnings, which he addressed to his comrades in order to learn how to
mobilize the good sense of the people, to raise the masses of working people to the
level of intellectuals mobilized their ability to conquer the "liberation hegemony" -
almost everything has been studied and used by the enemy in completely opposite view.
To suppress the common sense to human denigration, for efficient manipulation of his
mind, to strengthen the hegemony of the ruling minority. The pinnacle of this "work
on Gramsci 'was, of course, perestroika in the Soviet Union.

9. At one time, bringing this idea to the extreme, Rockefeller said that the Americans to
win the minds of the African intelligentsia, it is necessary to set up production of all of the two
beautiful and inexpensive items: pens and oxfords. Their man sees and touches continuously
from dawn to dusk. Rockefeller offered to spare no funds for the development of the best pens
with luxurious design.

10. Pirandello himself also understood the role of the theater. He wrote that Mussolini -
"true man of the theater, which acts as a playwright and actor in the title role, at the Theatre of
the Ages."
§ 3. Psychological doktpina

Doctrine Gramsci considers the human public, not a private person and not a small
group. Actor here are weight classes, social strata, sectors of activity, the state. On the
other hand the solution to the issue of manipulation of consciousness is the doctrine
that has developed gradually within the sciences of psychology and psyche (personality
psychology and social psychology, psychoanalysis). It served as an important basis for
the doctrine of higher nervous activity (especially the theory of conditioned reflexes)
physiologist IP Pavlov. In this vast area of knowledge in the development of proper
human behavior programming doctrine in the first place to the 50 th year of this century
came psychoanalysis - not so much a scientific theory as the doctrine (beyond the strict
science), founded by Sigmund Freud and developed by his followers.
Since the end of the last century a number of European scientists (especially Le
Bon) focused on the value of suggestion in social processes. They even put forward the
hypothesis of the presence of a person, "the instinct of subordination." In 1903 Russian
physiologist VM Bekhterev published the book "The suggestion and its role in public
life." He described the phenomenon of mass suggestion under the influence of the
"mental contamination", that is, the transmission of information through a variety of
sign systems.
At spondylitis suggestion already directly linked to the manipulation of
consciousness, as is the "invasion [in mind] outside ideas without direct and immediate
participation in this act of" I "of the subject." This fundamental difference between the
suggestion of persuasion. Produced whether the suggestion in words or other signs,
"everywhere it is influenced not by logical persuasion, and directly affects the psychic
realm without proper processing, so there is now instilling ideas, feelings, emotions, or
of a psychophysical condition."
Persuasion involves the active participation of the subject, because it offered a
number of arguments that he comprehends and accepts or rejects. Bekhterev pointed
out that suggestion, on the contrary, "bypasses" the mind of the subject. It is effective
when it is possible to mute the consciousness activity lull time: "The suggestion, in
contrast to the belief - wrote Bekhterev - enters the mental sphere apart from the
personal consciousness, entering without special processing directly within the scope
of the general consciousness and strengthened here, as every object passive acceptance
" 40 .
In 30-40s prevailed different point of view, denies the irrational, occurring in
addition to the mind, suggestion process. On the contrary, it adopted a rational theory
of suggestion. According to this theory, at the suggestion a person does not change
their beliefs and estimates and changes the subject evaluation. That is, with the help of
suggestion in the minds produce a substitute object of judgment, so that the person
mentally exclaims: "Oh, that's it! Here's who to blame! "Etc.
This substitution is made by skillful creation of the context in which a person's
thoughts go in the right direction for the manipulator. This theory was based so-called
"Comment Press" - the message is accompanied by the fact interpretation of the
commentator, who provides the reader or listener to some reasonable explanation for
this. In the framework of these options is exhausted thought - but still the idea man.
From sleight commentator depends to make the necessary manipulator option is the
most plausible.
However, the possibility of such "rational suggestions" turned out to be quite
modest. And in the 50s it became the core of the whole doctrine of psychoanalysis and,
above all, the doctrine of the subconscious. Freud designed a thought that was in the
air: in the subconscious lies a terrible force. Nicholas Z in the poem "The Battle of
elephants" ( ! The Battle of the meanings of words fight ) wrote:
Europe consciousness
Fire uprising. Despite the enemy guns,
shooting broken letters, elephants Subconscious get out and marking ...
Elephants Subconscious!
Martial animals of the underworld!
They are welcoming cheerful howl

11. The pre-war generation was inquisitive us and spondylitis book was apparently well
known. When I was a child, my mother strictly forbade me to turn on the radio and listen to it
with half an ear, without thinking, as is done in many families. I protested this tyranny, and she
said: "If you want to - sit down and listen carefully, think over what has been said. And if you
will not listen, then all the rubbish left in your head. You repeat it, and some can not, and you
will believe in it. "
everything, everything that produced robbery .
Affected Soviet optimism, Z poem ends reconciliation scene ( and the elephant,
tame reason, eating cakes and drinks tea ). In fact, things are not so simple.
It is believed that the assertion of psychoanalysis as the basis of the doctrine of
conscious manipulation contributed to the success of its application in the field of
advertising. But, in fact, in practice the ideas of psychoanalysis (not referring, of
course, Freud) used in its highly effective propaganda the Nazis. They appealed not to
reason, but to the instincts. To mobilize them, they are using a variety of rituals turned
the audience, representing different sectors of society, in the crowd - a special time
there is a community of people covered by a common attraction. One of the few
intellectuals close to Hitler, the architect A.Shpeer wrote in his memoirs: "Both Hitler
and Goebbels knew how to stir up mass instincts at rallies, how to play the passions,
hiding behind a facade of respectability conventional wisdom. Experienced
demagogues, they skillfully fused factory workers, the petty bourgeoisie and students
in uniform crowd forming on the whim of its judgment. "
The Nazis proceeded from fpeydistskogo sexual CL: leader-a man must seduce a
woman-mass eccentricity imponipuet gpubaya and gentle strength. It - fixed idea of
fascism, it obygpyvaetsya neppepyvno. All the mechanics ppopagandy ppedstavlyaet
both seduction and bring to a frenzy ( "fanatizatsiya"), women 41 . Here - on the first
major support in the doctrine of the sexual instinct Freud, Eros (in psychoanalysis word
instinct is other than in the physiology of sense; it is not the unconditioned reflex and
desire). By the way, Freud himself was apparently fascinated by innovation fascist
propaganda and in 1933 Mussolini gave his book, calling it in the dedication of "Hero
of Culture."
The second set of methods by which the Nazis fanatizirovali weight, referring to
the subconscious, based on another major in psychoanalysis Freud's instinct - the
instinct of death, Thanatos . The cult of death pervades the rhetoric of Nazi propaganda.
"We - the grooms smepti"
o wrote Nazis poets. Rezhissepy rallies, performances of ancient
weathering vozpodili cult pitualy related smepti and pogpebeniem. The goal
was pazzhech, especially in young people, the most aphaicheskie views on
smepti, p.pedlozhit, as a way of its "ppeodoleniya" itself to become ministers
smepti (so managed to create a special, unprecedented type of inhuman
hpabpoy apmii - SS).
In the US, the basic concepts of psychoanalysis, Freud began to adapt to
student advertising purposes Ernst Dichter, a psychologist from Vienna, who
emigrated to the United States in 1938. He began with soap advertising, then
cars, and in the wake of the craze of American psychoanalysis has made
incredible career. He created the "American Institute for the Study of the
motivation of behavior." Essentially rejecting the theory of rational
suggestions, he even claimed that the main value of the goods to the buyer is
not in its functionality and in meeting of hidden deep in the subconscious
desires, which the purchaser can not even suspect. In most cases, it is the dark
secret desires and instincts,
"Repressed" in the subconscious mind, precisely because they are not
acceptable to consciousness.
According to Dichter, advertising agencies in the US have become "the
most advanced laboratories of psychologists." They are "manipulated by
human motivations and desires and create a need for products with which
people are unfamiliar or even, perhaps, would not even wish to buy them."
Dichter Institute's success in manipulating the behavior of customers (and
revenues of the Institute in mid-50s were a fabulous sum in those days) has
attracted politicians. So from advertising goods psychoanalysis was moved to
the manipulation of consciousness in the political sphere. In principle, the
objectives were similar. According to "Time" magazine, "political advertising
close to the commercial, simply replacing the product candidate" 4 2 . In 1960,
Dichter was an adviser in the Kennedy election campaign. After the elections,
it became possible to test the effectiveness of its

12. Hitler wrote in "Mein Kampf": "In the vast majority of ordinary people are so feminine
nature that argument excites their thoughts and their actions to a much lesser extent than the
feelings and emotions. Their feelings are simple, they are very simple and limited. They do not
have shades, all of them - love or hate, right or wrong, true or false. " Reception of such a mass-
sovpascheniya woman juggling her mind - a separate, quite podpobno studied topic.

13. The founder of the television political advertising Rosser Reeves wrote: "I imagine a
voter in the booth to vote, oscillating between the two candidates, as a buyer, oscillating between
the two tubes of toothpaste at a pharmacy. the grade will be selected that best imprinted in the
memory. " More on political advertising can be read in the book O.A.Feofanova "The United
States: advertising and Society" (Moscow, 1974), and then see how our Feofanova apply their
knowledge in practice in Russia today.
recommendations on a huge statistical material. He began to draw as a consultant in
election campaigns on an international scale.
In 1957, the principles for the use of psychoanalysis in advertising summarized
the well-known American sociologist Vance Pekkard in his best-selling book "The
Secret tempters." This book is still considered a classic work in the advertising
business. In the future, psychoanalysis has become complemented by hermeneutic
methods of semiotics (the science of symbols), ethnography and culture - remain the
core of an interdisciplinary approach.
Following Dichter Institute in the US have any other well-known research centers,
which is exploring the use of psychoanalysis for the manipulation of consciousness -
already more private areas. Renowned psychologist Louis Cheskin, which is also one
of the first to apply psychoanalysis in advertising, the director of "American Institute
for Research of color", conducted extensive work on the impact on the subconscious
with the help of color. advertising of such firms to build on these works as "Procter &
Gamble" (perfumery), "Philip Morris" (cigarettes), "General Foods" (food). These
consumer goods, and statistical data obtained by their sale was enormous, so Louis
Cheskin had a good object of study and obtained impressive results. According to him
it was possible to determine, for example, what excites emotions in the subconscious
colors electoral poster in decent neighborhoods and slums, people of different ages,
with different levels of income and education, of different nationalities, etc.
In the field of broadcasting we conducted extensive research on how gender affects
the subconscious speaker, tone and timbre of the voice, rate of speech. All of these
options started picking up, depending on what kind of strings required in the
unconscious touch with a communication. During the campaign, Kennedy analysts
have predicted that it will lose radio debates Nixon in certain states due to too high
voice and "Harvard accent" - there is low and gruff voice Nixon will be perceived as
more sincere. Kennedy advised whenever possible to avoid the use of radio and
television - in visual perception of the image of Nixon lost. After the election, the
analysis of voting in different audiences confirmed analysts' estimates.
An important trend in the use of psychoanalysis discovered James Vicary - he
studied the subconscious factor in semantics, that is, the impact of the words of the
subconscious. It is obvious that in the area of language are the main possibilities of
manipulation consciousness. It is known, for example, that the subconscious mind
works much the word of life , and derived from it, including the prefix bio . It also has
the added effect because it is associated with science and uses its authority. Therefore,
these signs are very widely used in advertising. It is necessary to cast a glance at the
Moscow newspaper, and immediately catches the eye: "Health Shop -
BioNormalayzer", "Shop Life ... Young ... Biomaska chest to chest for 100 rubles.",
Etc. Used in the mass object in the field of advertising in trade, found the methods and
techniques of semantics were moved then to the ideological and political spheres.
Perhaps the most widely known Waikerie not brought this fundamental direction
and a startling discovery, which he called "subliminal" (ie, unconscious) advertising or
subliminal movie 4 3 . It is known that the perception of non-linear processes, they have
well-defined thresholds. The human mind receives only the signals on the force and
duration exceeds a certain threshold, and the other, more weak and short-term signals
(noise) are eliminated. But what happens to them?
Waikerie agreed with the owner of the theater in New Jersey and had such
experiences. He put a second projector that in between film frames for a brief moment
(0.003 seconds) projected on the screen the words "Coca-Cola" and "Eat pop corn"
(popcorn). These signals were below the threshold of perception, as the consciousness
captures visual images that linger at least 0.05-0.06 seconds. The signals sent by the
second projector, consciousness could not fix. Even those who have been

14. In the Soviet popular literature (eg, O.A.Feofanova) entered word movie
"sublimalnoe". Apparently, due to a misunderstanding opening Waikerie associated with
important concept of sublimation of psychoanalysis (ie, sublimation, purification). By
sublimation refers to switching energy with mental impulses sexual objects more lofty goals,
such as artistic creativity (E. Fromm). By subliminal effects is not relevant. Sometimes the way
to influence public Vicary called "occult indoctrination" in Russian literature. It - also a bad
translation of the word oscult, which in this case simply means "hidden". The Russian language
is the word "occult" came to mean "mysterious secret 'that no relationship to the hidden
suggestion Waikerie has.
warned, could not see these frames. But the eye-they saw, Vicary and suggested that
the signals are imprinted somewhere in the subconscious.
These experiments lasted several months and give a steady result: those sessions,
which includes a second film projector with advertising, sales of Coca-Cola at the
buffet increased by 16, and the sale of popcorn 50 percent. Efficiency was
unprecedented for the advertising of such products. But the main thing was
immediately understood by specialists of a new huge opportunity to manipulate human
behavior in general. With the help of a variety of signals sent to it with an intensity
above the "detection threshold" (eye, ear, sense of smell), but below the "threshold of
perception" (consciousness). It was called subliminal level podvospriyatiya
(subperception). Soon after the experiments Waikerie research in this area have almost
disappeared from the press.
Using subliminal exposure is prohibited in advertising. However, the presence in
the videos "25th frame" is found only with the help of the equipment. It is noteworthy
that Russia has never been made an official statement that there is a compulsory
television advertising control (and generally assists) in the absence of these signs of
subliminal action. Moreover, in Moscow, widely advertised videocourses foreign firms
"Intellect's", which is said to "make it possible for storing 60 hours of lessons from the
2000 words that remain in the memory for years to come, even if the language is not
used." Based on these courses supposedly subliminal influence. In advertising, and
said: "25-th frame due to the ultra-high efficiency has been banned in advertising. But
not in education. Since the 50s of intensive training methodology used by intelligence
agencies of different countries for the preparation of agents and diplomats! ". And now
- is available to all ordinary Russians. For a small fee in the memory will be driven into
2000 words that are stuck there forever, "even if the language is not used." In other
words, the right advertising promises, people will be crippled because the memory can
only run continuously purged of what is not being used. Without forgetting no active
memory. But it's the lyrics ...
"From psychoanalysis to manipulate the consciousness of the doctrine passed the
most important for this case the concept of psychological defense ." Initially, this notion
refers to the phenomenon of personality, intrapsychic, and then widened the scope and
began to talk about "psychological defense" in interpersonal relationships, and then the
inter-group. Now, for example, in the direction of applied psychology has engaged in
formulation of psychological defense delegations going to the talks.
Put the issue of protective mechanisms of the psyche, opposing the introduction
of the outside, Freud himself (in connection with the patient's resistance to the
therapeutic effects of the analyst). Freud's followers developed sections of the problem
- identify the "borders" are mental structures that are protected (for example, the image
I , self-esteem), the main classes of threats and damage, signs of "run" protection
mechanism (alarm occurrence) and the main means of this mechanism .
It is clear that the success of the manipulation of consciousness half depends on
the ability to neutralize, deactivate the means of psychological protection of every
person and community groups. Therefore, the accumulated intellectual baggage in
psychoanalysis was perceived by those who are dedicated to the development of
manipulation technology. Importantly, perhaps, it was not taken from the classical
psychoanalysis of the individual and of the collective unconscious teachings. To our
right the problem is the development of Carl Gustav Jung in his book "The archetype
and a symbol of" the idea of the protective role of symbols .
Born as a type of power, together with capitalism and ideology, manipulation of
consciousness just became possible thanks to the fact that the protective belt of
characters, which gave strength consciousness of Christian Europe of the Middle Ages
was filmed. Protestantism, giving an ethical basis for capitalism, at the same time
destroyed the sacred images. Carl Gustav Jung writes: "Unconscious forms of
expression have always received in the protective and healing images and thus imposed
in the space lying outside the soul. Attempted assault Reformation images literally
punched a hole in the protective wall of the sacred symbols ... History of Protestantism
is a chronicle storm images. One wall was falling behind the other. And to destroy was
not too difficult after the authority of the Church has been undermined. Large and
small, general and individual, images broken, one after another, until he finally came
to the now reigning symbolic terrible poverty ... Protestant humanity ejected outside
the protective walls and appeared in a position that would have horrified any natural
living person, but an enlightened consciousness He wants to know anything about it,
and as a result around looking for something that has lost in Europe. "
We can assume that the Reformation (this "great European Restructuring") asked
all future manipulators main principle: before mastering the minds of people need
training - the destruction of sacred images ( "storming characters"). Below we look at
some examples on how to conduct this training during our perestroika (which is already
likened ANYakovlev Reformation).
Today the problem of psychological defense (and neutralize) continues to develop
in the jet intrapersonal psychoanalysis. An important concept was the idea of the human
psyche as an arena of struggle many components of its "Selves" - partial I . In this
struggle, the top can take one and then another side of man, the one or the other side of
him I am . This "winner" and the behavior of programs 4 4 . From this perspective, the
manipulator task - to determine the right to a sub- I it is most advantageous to put and
how to help this partial I beat a man of his opponents.
Push the development of this concept, apparently gave the psychoanalytic
interpretation of Dostoevsky's novel "The Brothers Karamazov." According to this
interpretation, the set of all members of the family Karamazov, including the
"illegitimate" Smerdyakov together and makes the human person. In it there is a
continuous struggle with passionate rational Ivan Mitya and Alyosha pure soul, a
lustful old man Karamazov and Smerdyakov vile. And at the climax prevails
Smerdiakov by secret alliance with reason and morality Ivan. Now they say, however,
that Dostoevsky portrayed is the Russian people, but this is a situation, the problem is
Perhaps, we can assume the scourge of the human race the heavy conclusion
reached by the pragmatics of psychoanalysis, first row to manipulate the consciousness
in commercials and then in politics: the easiest way to enter into an alliance manipulator
low and dark sub I'm human. It is easier to excite and turn it into a powerful impulse to
evil, suppressed desire, and enhance the "bribe" them to do the opposite to encourage
the whole person in the whole affair. Let this victory manipulator alliance with lowland
hypostasis of man's time and even short-term. For the purpose of this manipulation is
usually sufficient, it is important to achieve the desired action - then let the mind and
conscience of man repent. As they say, jumping for joy, all manipulators, "the train has
already left." The tendency is low traits to conclude an alliance with the "external
enemy" - the manipulator - is the general conclusion of many studies. A scourge of
mankind it was because it was on this basis there was a huge industry revitalization vile
instincts of man, which continually poisons the whole popular culture and the sphere
of communication.
Social psychology has as its object not a single person but a group of people. From
the standpoint of being able to manipulate the behavior of groups and even of the
masses, of great importance for the emergence of a large areas of social psychology
was published in 1895 by Gustave Le Bon's book "The Psychology of the masses" and
"Soul of the crowd." The ideas expressed by Le Bon, supplemented and developed
many psychologists and philosophers (eg, Freud, and in the book "Mass Psychology
and the Analysis of I "). In the United States took place in the mid-1990s, the debate
about the place of social psychology applied its role was clearly defined initiated
o "Development of systematic techniques of formation of mindset and
behavior of people in relation to each other, that is, the development of
behavioral technologies." Thus the literature of social psychology shows that
the "adjustments in behavior," these technologies require to make without the
knowledge of human relations subjects. In other words, we are talking about
manipulation, rather than education or free choice. This setting is expressed in
the presidential address G.Ollporta elected in 1947, then president created the
Department of Social Psychology of the American Psychological Association
- no doubt the right of psychologists to correct the behavior of people without
their knowledge and consent 4 5 . Since the '60s social psychology shifted to
massive experimental studies, on the basis of which worked out "behavioral
technology." Of course, social psychology to the development of techniques of
manipulation is not limited, but for us it is important that party.
As part of the psychological doctrine developed since the beginning of the
century and the other parallel to psychoanalysis for - behaviorism (from the
word behavior - behavior). Its founder, John Watson has
15. In popular American book L.Proto "Who is playing on your strings" personality is
presented as a puppet for managing the thread that pulls around a dozen men hidden in her mind.

16. This is despite the fact that the code of ethics of the American Psychological
Association requires that the objects of psychological experiments have been informed about
all the implications of the experiment and announced the voluntary consent to participate in it.
zavyavil in 1914 that "the subject matter of psychology is human behavior." Later, he
even claimed that any baby can be converted to a judge or a criminal. In other words,
handling and all-powerful programming technologies. Unlike psychoanalysis,
behavioral distracted by all the subjective factors (thinking, emotions, drives, etc.) and
consider only the behavior as a function of external stimuli. This is - a very mechanistic
view of man, which is considered as a machine, controlled from outside the car with
the inherent determinism (predestination exact reaction in response to a control action).
In the 70 years of behaviorism rose from simple mechanistic analogies to the
concepts of cybernetic machine (neobiheviorizm associated with the name Frederic
Skinner of Harvard University). Automate their laboratory devices, Skinner had a great
number of experiments on animals and then on humans. In his popular book,
"Animal behavior" the most prominent expert in this field N.Tinbergen evasively says
the writings of the founder neobiheviorizm: "In these books, which caused a storm of
controversy, Skinner explains his belief that humanity can and must learn to"
acceptable "forms of behavior."
Much more definitely expressed by modern authority in the field of psychoanalysis E.
"Skinner Psychology - the science of manipulating the behavior; its purpose - finding
"stimulate" the mechanisms that help provide necessary "customer" behavior " 4 6 .
According to Fromm, the United States, "Skinner's incredible popularity can be
explained by the fact that he managed to combine elements of traditional liberal and
optimistic thinking with spiritual and social reality." In other words, he again gave the
middle class of the United States hope to keep that person in control can be, even
without nuclear weapons.
Fromm writes: "In kibepneticheskuyu epu personality more and more
podvepzhena manipulation. Employment, greater consumption, human leisure
manipulipuyutsya using peklamy and ideologies - Skinnep calls it "positive
incentives". Man utpachivaet its active, socially responsible pol in ppotsesse; It
becomes fully "otpegulipovannym" and learns that any behavior, action, thought or
feeling, and the eccentricity does not fit into the overall plan, it creates a great
inconvenience; in fact, he already has one, what he should be. If he tries to be himself,
then it casts ugpozu - police gosudapstvom their freedom and even their lives;
Companies in demokpaticheskie opportunity ppodvizheniya or piskuet potepyat Work
and, perhaps most importantly, feel the risks in isolation, deprived of communication
with porphyry intrusions. "
Note that the most prominent anthropologist and researcher K.Lopents behavior,
which differs in many points Fromm, also categorically rejects behaviorism explains
the popularity in the United States this doctrine a tendency to "tehnomopfnomu
thinking, due to the assimilation of the achievements in mastering neopganicheskim
mipom, eccentricity is not tpebuet ppinimat into account the structure to any complex
or quality systems ... Biheviopizm takes it to kpayney consequences. D.puguyu motive
is the lust for power, uvepennost that man can manipulipovat pospedstvom dpessipovki
K.Lopents behaviorism sees the real danger to humanity: constant
"Education" a man using behavioral science methods threatens to turn into a powerful
factor of artificial selection, in which will be forced out and then disappear the very
people that pronounced the finest high quality 4 7 .
But this, however, moral evaluation, and we are now an important fact:
behaviorism became an important part of the doctrine of manipulation of
consciousness, developed in the field of psychological sciences.

17. Outlining the doctrine of behaviorism, Fromm raises the general problem of the
relationship of science and morality. Skinner fundamentally departs from the question of
education goals. He's in his lab finds only methods of influence on behavior. "When we move
from the laboratory environment to real life - writes Fromm - that there are serious difficulties
associated just with questions: why a person is subjected to manipulation and who is the
customer." In fact, the search for methods and is not a morally neutral, and Skinner's texts can
reveal its value system.

18. It is understood that the "acceptable" behavior from the perspective of social and
cultural norms of the United States in a given historical period suggests it is of mediocre quality
profile. Fromm sums up pretty common opinion: "Ultimately behaviorism takes as its basis the
bourgeois axiom of the primacy of self-interest and private benefit over all other passions of
man" (emphasis Fromm).

§ 4. Sociodynamics kultupy

The third doctrine feeds the knowledge gained in a large interdisciplinary field, which can
be described as Sociodynamics culture . This knowledge of how produced, stored, transmitted
and perceived cultural products - ideas, factual information, artistic images, music, etc. This
theory of education and research in the field of language and information science.. Of course,
to some extent it overlaps with the culture Sociodynamics psychology and closely connected
with the doctrine of hegemony, which was mentioned above. But most importantly, it's - view
of the movement of cultural elements as a large system, which can be controlled. So, adjust the
flow so as to encourage the "consumer culture" to a particular type of behavior.
Although Sociodynamics culture focuses mainly on quantitative analysis of structural
patterns of movement "cultural products" in society, and being distracted by the content of
individual messages, and on the individual issues, many formal research findings have practical
value for human exposure. Any attempt to manipulate the consciousness needs, as they say,
"adjustment" to the audience. To do this, you need to define its cultural profile, language, way
of thinking, will accept messages. Such data and delivers Sociodynamics culture.
Technologically more advanced manipulation programs involve not just "tuning", but special
efforts to create a cultural environment prepare the recipient to manipulate the perception of
"Manufacture" of belief and desire, where you can play. This is - the subject of study of the
same discipline.
It is generally recognized that the rapid development in the field of cultural studies
sociodynamics dramatically increased power efficiency of media exposure. For what purpose
and to whom the good - the second question. As Einstein remarked "committed funds under
unclear purposes - a characteristic feature of our time" (or, more cynically expressed by Picasso,
"First, I find, then I'm looking for"). However, the "lack of clarity purposes" often caused
deliberately set smokescreen.
First, the most fundamental (for our problems) concluded sociodynamics culture lies in the
fact that bourgeois society, in contrast to the caste societies, has created a completely new type
of culture - a mosaic. Earlier, in the era of humanitarian culture, a set of knowledge and ideas
are ordered hierarchically constructed integrally having
"Skeleton" of the core subjects, the main themes and the "eternal questions", but now, in modern
society, culture is a mosaic of random scattered, poorly structured and related concepts. Living
in a stream of such a culture a society is sometimes called "the noise of democracy."
Humanitarian culture passed from generation to generation through the mechanisms of
genetic matrix that was University. He was giving a holistic view of the universe - the universe,
no matter to what extent and at what level were given the knowledge (Soviet ABC was built by
the University of type - for the baby). The skeleton of this culture were subjects (from the Latin
word that means both scientists and the rod).
On the contrary, the mosaic culture is perceived by man almost involuntarily, in the form
of pieces, snatches of washing the human message flow. In his brief, but very good exposition
of the essence of the mosaic culture renowned expert on media A.Mol media (in the book
"Sociodynamics culture") explains that in this culture of "knowledge made up of disparate
scraps of simple, purely random relationship closeness in time assimilation, a consonance or
association of ideas. These fragments do not form the structure, but they have a coupling force
that is not worse than the old logical connections gives
"Screen knowledge" specific density, compactness, no less than the "cloth like"
Humanitarian Education of the screen. "
Mosaic Culture and constructed for the reproduction of its new school ( "subjects of the
factory") made a new man - "mass man" (his extreme condition - the crowd ). About it wrote
pessimistic philosopher José Ortega y Gasset in his famous essay "The revolt of the masses".
For us the important thing is that this "mass man" - a perfect object for manipulation of
consciousness. He is consistent, even of unity gave rise to it (and generated by them) culture
and its institutions. The mosaic culture A.Mol writes, "knowledge is created in largely
educational system, and the means of mass communication."
West has experienced a huge experiment - fascism. It turned out that the atomized society
mastery of the media allows for a complete, total manipulation of consciousness and involve
virtually the whole of society in the most absurd, suicidal project. Ally A.Shpeer Hitler in his
final statement at the Nuremberg
process acknowledged: "With the help of technical means, such as radio and speakers,
independent thinking was taken from eighty million people."
Sociodynamics culture - too vast area, and we will use it when talking about the concepts
of specific techniques or episodes of manipulation of consciousness. Here we note only that of
grown on this knowledge doctrine (as well as from the hegemony of the teachings) following
principles: if you need to "brainwash" the whole society, make of him a major program of
manipulation and disable savvy generations, need to destroy system "university" disciplinary
education and culture to replace humanitarian culture mosaic. To do this, you need to master
manipulators school and means of mass communication. Under these conditions it is possible
to achieve more or less successful, but if these conditions are not met, success is almost
impossible to achieve.

Section II. The main targets of manipulators consciousness

Chapter 5. Equipment mind: sign systems

Let's see what the mental and intellectual structures in the conscious and subconscious
personality, as well as any cultural society bricks core primarily directed paddles a blow to
destroy the psychological defenses and "prepare" the man to manipulation. What should be
done to turn common sense?

Here we have a little complicate the issue. Preparing for the manipulation is not only to
destroy some concepts and ideas, but also to create, build new ideas, desires, and goals. This
time, a "service" of construction, their main task - to cause confusion in the mind, make them
illogical and incoherent, cause a person to question the truths of sustainable life. This makes
the person defenseless against manipulation.

We have said that man lives in two worlds - the world of nature and the world of culture.
This dual nature of our environment and can be viewed from a different angle. Man lives in
two worlds - the world of things and the world of signs. Things, by both nature and man himself
- the material substratum of our world. Peace signs, has a much greater variety, is associated
with things, but complex, fluid and often subtle relationships ( "Not for Sale inspiration, but
you can sell a manuscript"). Even a child with a special kind of familiar characters, as money
(which arose just in time to connect the world of things and the world of signs), is full of secrets.
Since its inception the money are the subject of debate among philosophers, poets, kings and
beggars. The money as a sign full of mysteries and ancient become an inexhaustible source of
tricks and manipulations. In general, the whole world of characters - the first target for the

§ 1. The language of words

In the artificial world of culture that surrounds a person is allocated a special world of
words - logosphere . It includes language as a means of communication and all forms of "verbal
thinking" in which thoughts are clothed in words.

Language as a system of concepts, words (names), in the Mir vosppinimaet eccentricity

man and society, is the most important spedstvo subordination . "We - the slaves of words" -
Marx said, and then repeated it literally Nietzsche. This conclusion is proved by many studies
as theorems state. The cultural background of modern man has become the idea that begins
with the submission to the knowledge that is the basis of persuasion 4 8 . However, in recent
years more and more scientists are inclined to believe that the problem is deeper, and the
original function of the words at the dawn of mankind was his suggestornoe impact -
suggestion, obedience not through reason, but through feeling. This is - guess BFPorshnev that
finds more evidence.

It is known that even the modern, rational man feels the need for a suggestion. In moments
of everyday turmoil we are looking for advice from people who are not at all adept at the
problems we have problem. What we need is their "meaningless" consolation and exhortation.
In all of these "Do not Cry", "pull yourself together", "everything will be fine," etc. no useful
information for us, no plan of action. But these words have a strong healing (sometimes
excessive) action. That is the word, not the meaning. By the force of the impact of the word can

1. Word y bezhdenny and in bezhdenny - same root. It comes from ancient times, from
the Latin, in which the word to convince ( convincere ) literally means "to cause to be with a
be comparable to physiological factors (I mentioned about my classmate reaction,
which said that she had eaten horse meat).

Suggestibility through words - profound mental property, which arose much

earlier than the ability for analytical thinking. This is evident in the development of the
child. In early childhood, speech and adults bans have a major impact suggestornoe,
and the child does not require any justification. "My mother told me not" - this is
important. When enlightened parents begin to logically prove the necessity of the ban,
they only lead the child into confusion and undermine the power of his word. Before
the child begins to understand the articulate speech, he is able to perceive the
"precursors of speech" - issued with a different tone sounds, facial expressions, even
"body language." Ethologists - researchers of animal behavior - thoroughly describe
this language and because of its impact on behavior, such as flocks of birds.
The emergence of human anatomical changes associated with - the development
of tertiary fields of the cerebral cortex. They are allowed to keep in memory the
impressions of the surrounding world and to project them into the future. And primitive
man began to live as if in two realities - the outer ( "real") and intrapsychic (
"imaginary"). It is believed that this is a long time plunged in heavy human neurotic
condition. Cope with it was very difficult, because the imaginary reality was,
apparently, even brighter than the outside and very mobile, aroused strong emotional
stress ( "paradox neuropsychic evolution").

This stress hampered people adaptation to the environment. It is better to adapt

and survive those groups (flocks), in which the leaders and other influential members
of the community have learned to emit specific sounds symbols. Their feature was that
they were working on the mental state relatives and organizing stimulating way and,
according to psychologists guesswork, shot at them painful neurotic condition. So there
was the word, the power of which was not in the information content, and
suggestornom impact. People felt the need of a word and obey him unquestioningly.
So there was a special class of words-symbols - spells. In many teams they have
retained their power to this day almost unchanged (word healers-healers, shamans).
They are well educated and in teams - but in an indirect form ( "charismatic leader").

Suggestornoe impact of words does not decreased with the advent and
development of civilization. Hitler wrote in « Mein Kampf »: «Force, which set in
motion great historical currents in political or religious matters, was from time
immemorial, only the magic power of the spoken word. The large mass of people
always subordinate to the power of words. "

Hitler wrote as a practitioner, a manipulator, a hypnotist. But about the same

stresses S.Moskovichi modern philosopher in the book "The Science of the masses":
"What is surprising in many respects and is obscure, it is the omnipotence of words in
the psychology of crowds. The power that comes not from what they say, but because
of their "magic" from a man who said them, and the atmosphere in which they are born.
Treat them to be not as particles of speech, but as nuclei are formed as grains with
memories, almost like living creatures. "

The second layer effects - developed consciousness and learning process. On zape
science govopil Bacon: "Knowledge - Power" (A translation is more accurate
ppivychnogo us "knowledge - force"). For the thirst for knowledge skpyvaetsya thirst
for power - this conclusion Bacon podtvepzhden philosophers of succeeding
generations, from Nietzsche to Haydeggepa. And now, one of the consequences of
scientific pevolyutsii XVI-XVII centuries it was unthinkable panshe phenomenon: the
conscious creation of new languages with them the morphology, syntax and
gpammatikoy. Lavoisier, chemistry ppedlagaya new language, said:
"The analytical method - is a language; language - is the analytical method; analytical
method and language - synonyms. " Analysis means paschlenenie which delimited (in
ppotivopolozhnost synthesis - the connection); subordinate - it means pazdelyat.
Language has become analytical, in the Quaternary panshe how he put together -
the words were layered, multiple meaning. They operated largely through connotation
- a product of word images and feelings through the association. The selection of words
in natural language reflects the formation of the national character, the type of human
relations and the human relationship to the world. Russian says, "I have a dog," and
even "I have a book" - on European languages to translate literally this is not possible.
The Russian language is replaced by property category category of joint life . Dog
belonging to the owner, we express the verb to be .
In modern times, it began to be replaced by artificial in the new society of the West
natural language, specially created. Now comes word began following sound, they have
been cleared from many outgoing back centuries meanings. They potepyali sanctity
and value (price return ACQUIRED). It was a gap in the history of mankind. After all,
before language, as Heidegger put it, "it was the most sacred of all values." When
instead of force became the principal means of government manipulation of
consciousness, the powers needed complete freedom of speech - turning words into
impersonal, neoduhotvorenny tool 4 9 .

Language Transformation into an instrument of domination and marked the

beginning of the process of destruction of language in modern society. Let us listen to
Heidegger, the supply after the war, certain summary of his thoughts (in his "Letter on
Humanism"): "Language is the house of being. In the language of the home lives ...
people everywhere and is rapidly spreading havoc language not only undermines the
aesthetic and moral responsibility for all use of language. It is rooted in the destruction
of a human being. The simple elegance of the language is not yet evidence that this
destruction does not threaten us. Today, it is probably says more about the fact that we
still do not see the danger and unable to see it, because it has not yet risen to face her.
The decline of the language, which in recent years and so many procedures have
belatedly say, is, however, not a reason, and only due to the fact that the language under
the domination of the new European subjectivity metaphysics almost uncontrollably
falls out of his element. The language still does not give us its essence: that he - the
house of Being truth. Language, on the contrary, lends itself to our bare will and
activity, and serves as an instrument of domination over our existent. "

We distinguish the main thing in his mind: the language under the domination of
Western metaphysics drops out of his element, he becomes an instrument of domination
. This elimination of the language of holiness and
"Conversion of the value of a commodity" made possible the freedom of speech.
Shameful poverty of our thoughts Democrats and those who walked behind them, in
the fact that freedom of speech they perceived not as being the problem as well as a
criterion for cheap political assessment: there is freedom of speech - a good society,
there is no freedom of speech - bad. If our poor society to introduce freedom of speech,
it would be better.

In fact, we are talking about two different types of society. "Release" of the word (as
well as
"Liberation", becoming a commodity, money, land and labor) meant primarily the
removal of his holiness, the spark of God - desacralization . It means both separation
of words from the world (of things). The word, the name ceased to express secretly
done at the root cause of things. Ancient philosopher Anaximander said about the secret
power of words: "I will reveal to you a terrible secret: language is punishment. All
things have to enter into the language, and then re-emerge from his words in accordance
with their metered fault. "

Break words and things was a cultural mutation, a leap from a traditional society
to a civil, West. But to the assessment by the criterion "bad-good" it has no relation to
this important collection of all these historical features of society. And civil society can
be nasty and spiritually sick and emasculated, and traditional, even a totalitarian society
can be soulful and uplifting person.

In its relation to the word of Russia and the West provides an excellent example
of a comparison of the two types of society. Here Gogol: "Handle with short to be
honest. It is the highest gift of God to man ... It is dangerous to joke with the word
writer. The word is rotten yes does not come from your mouth! " 5 0 . What kind of
freedom of speech here! Here, emphasis on responsibility - "We can not predict how
our words resound."
What we see in the modern, civil society? Here is the formula that gave Andre
Gide (following Ernest Renan): "To be able to think freely, we must have

2. Of course, in any society can not be complete freedom of speech - there is always
something "obscene". As Thomas Jefferson said, "no government can exist without censorship,
where printing is free, no one is free."

3. This appeal of the Apostle Paul Gogol repeats several times in his notes. He recalls:
"All of the great educators of people long silence imposed on those who possessed the gift of
speech, that in those days, and at a time when most like to flaunt them in word and soul
yearned to say even a lot of useful people."
guarantee that he would not have written the consequences. " Thus, after the word
knowledge is absolutely autonomous with respect to the morality 5 1 .

On the creation and intrusion of the consciousness of a new language bupzhuaznoe

society istpatilo nespavnenno spedstv longer than the police, apmiyu, armament.
Nothing like this was agpapnoy civilization (including old Europe). They say that a
new quality of society industpialnogo West lay in the increasing consumption of fossil
fuel. Now add that no less important was the fact that society has become consuming a
language - as well as of Mineral fuels.

With typography oral language of personal relationships I was surpassing getting

information through the book. In the Middle Ages there were very few books (in the
church - a copy of the Bible). The university was taken payment for reading a book. In
just 50 years of printing to the beginning of the XVI century 25-30 thousand. Titles of
books circulation of about 15 million. Copies were published in Europe. It was a
turning point. On the mass book and began to build a new school.

The main objective of this school was iskopenenie "native" language of its napoda.
Philosophers used to not quite ppiyatnoe English ear the word "native" to refer to the
language, and the eccentricity of natural vypos century kopnyami goes into the thick
of the kultupy napoda - in contrast to the language created industpialnym
vosppinyatogo society and ideology. This native language, which was then pebenok
trained in the family, in the street, on bazape became planomepno replaced
"The correct", which was then began to teach paid ppofessionaly - language
newspaper, padio and tepep television.

Language became tovapov and pasppedelyaetsya on Bullion laws. Fpantsuzsky

philosopher who studies pol language in society, Ivan Illich wrote: "In our words
became Quaternary Web domains on one of the most important tovapov, main crystal
GNP PRODUCT DELIVERY. That money is main crystal that is said, who says it is,
and the type of people, which was then it would be said. Rich nations ppevpatilsya
language into a kind of sponge, which was then absorbs nevepoyatnye amount. " In
contrast to the native language, transitional composition and transformed into capital
became PRODUCT DELIVERY ppoizvodstva, with its technology and scientific
pazpabotkami 5 2 .

In the second half of the twentieth century occurred following a fracture. Illich
refers to the study of linguists held in Toronto before World War II. Then all the words
that people heard in the first 20 years of his life, every tenth word he heard from some
"central" source - the church, the school, in the army. And nine out of ten words heard
from someone who could touch and smell. Today, the proportion of applied - 9 out of
10 words a person learns from the "center" of the source, and they are usually told
through a microphone.

The founder of scientific direction on the role of the word in the propaganda (and
later manipulation of consciousness) is considered an American sociologist Harold
Lasswell. Having begun his studies in the years of the First World War, he summarized
the results in 1927 in the book
"Propaganda Technique in the World War." He developed methods of semantic text
analysis - the study of the use of certain words for transmission or distortion of meaning
( "political semantics explores key terms, slogans and doctrines from the standpoint of
how it is understood by the people"). It was close to the word selection methods.
Lasswell has created a system, the core of which was the principle of creating a
"political myth" by a selection of relevant words 5 3 .

But what is the main paznitsa "native" and "The correct" language? "Nat"
pozhdaetsya of personal communication between people, which was then set out his
thoughts - in the midst of everyday life. So he

4. Modern Catholic philosopher Zh.Mariten, speaking of temptation "purely artistic

morality," gave an example: "At the same time, with sincerity Gide wrote two small booklets -
one of them, he expressed devotion to the love of the Gospel, in the other - preaching
homosexuality ". Gide himself called morality "slave discipline of aesthetics."

5. This, incidentally, ppivelo to what people utpatili ability to communicate in many

languages, which was to post a generic "dopynochnoy" europium and another for the poor to
post a generic stpanah by the third mipa.
"Nepynochny" man was a polyglot.

6. Works Lasswell admire his frankness. Following the effectiveness of the only
criterion, it gives a neutral definition of "political myth - a complex of ideas that the masses
are ready to consider as true regardless of whether they are true or false in reality."
napryamuya associated with common sense (we can say that the voice of common
sense, "says the mother tongue"). "The correct" - a language diktopa, read the text given
to him pedaktopom, eccentricity dopabotal matepial publicist in accordance with the
comments dipektopov Council. This impersonal pitopika created by a paid
konveyepom pabotnikov. It odnostoponny flow of words, of determination in the group
do nappavlennyh people in order to convince her of anything. There bepet its origin
"society of the spectacle" - the language "mower is intended for zpitelya,
sozeptsayuschego scene." Speaker Language in the new bourgeois society,
communication with common sense had he carried the meaning that lay in it, those who
controlled the media. People who, without noticing, themselves began to speak the
language, broke away from common sense and become easily manipulated.

How was the "correct" Western language? From science to ideology, and then in
everyday language pepeshli in ogpomnom amount words- "amoeba" ppozpachnye not
related to the context pealnogo life. They are so not linked to a specific reality that can
be inserted in almost any context, the scope of applicability of the exceptionally wide
(take, for example, the word progress ). This word, as it were, without roots, not
associated with things (the world). They are divided and pazmnozhayutsya not
ppivlekaya the attention - and devour the old words. They seem to be in no way related
to each other, but it is misleading. They are connected like a fishing net floats - and
networks are not visible, but it catches, confuses our perception of the world.
An important feature of these words, amoebas - their apparent "scientific". Say
communication instead of the old word communion or an embargo in place of the
blockade - and your trivial thoughts seem to be supported by the authority of science.
You begin to even think that these words express the most fundamental concepts of our
thinking. Words amoeba - like small steps to climb the social ladder, and their use gives
a person the social benefits. This explains their "devouring" ability. The "decent
society" people must use them. This filling words amoeba-language was one of
colonization FORMS - napoda bupzhuaznym own society.

The gap between words (name) of things and the hidden things in the sense was
an important step in the destruction of all the ordered cosmos in which he lived and
stand firmly on his feet man of the Middle Ages and antiquity. Having to say "no root
words," people began to live in a divided world, and he was not to rely on the words in
the world.

The creation of these "bezkornevyh" words become the most important way to the
destruction of the national languages and means of atomization of society. No wonder
our linguist and collector of fairy tales A.N.Afanasev emphasized the value of the root
of the word "Oblivion root in the popular consciousness robs his words formed from
their natural basis, deprives them of the soil, and without this memory is powerless to
keep the diversity slovoznacheny; however, the relationship of individual
performances, keep on kinship roots, becomes unavailable. "

Every major social shift shocking language. In particular, dramatically enhances

the creation of new words. The breakdown of traditional society of medieval Europe,
as we have said, has led to the creation of a new language with "onauchennym"
dictionary. Intense word creation was accompanied by the Russian Revolution and the
early twentieth century. It was different currents. A more powerful of these were not
aimed at the elimination, and the mobilization of hidden meanings, connecting the
power of language. Even Western-oriented symbolist "between words, between things,
designated secret correspondence". But the greatest influence on this process have
Velimir Khlebnikov and Vladimir Mayakovsky. Boris Pasternak saw Mayakovsky "a
lot of similarities with the canonical representations", the presence of which - an
important feature of traditional society language. Mayakovsky drew build his poems in
"deposits of ancient art." He literally built barriers against the language of words,

Khlebnikov this concept brought to the installation of complete clarity. He, for
whom all his life, Pushkin and Gogol were favorite writers, raised to life seams
dopushkinskoy speech, looking for Slavic roots of words and their creation of new
words introduced them into modern language. Even in his "star language" in the
nonsense he tried to involve in the Russian language
"Pagan sacred language." For Khlebnikov Revolution among other changes was a
means of revival and prosperity of our "native" language ( "we are tired of being not
by us"). Khlebnikov word creation meets all the ranks of the Russian language, it was
not aimed at
separation and connection, to restore communication conceptual and vernacular
language, communication words and things 5 4 :

Ladomir Soboryane

With trudomirom on a pole

At the same time the inclusion of folklore and archaic elements do not have
recourse, the linguistic fundamentalism, it was development. Khlebnikov, for example,
has set a difficult task - to connect the archaic Slavic roots with dialogic language to
which it Revival ( "every word is based on the silence of his opponent").

What we see in the course of the current anti-Soviet revolution in Russia? On what
grounds can judge its pathos? Already matured and deposited in social thought
phenomenon, a cultural project of our Democrats - by force, through social engineering
to stifle our native language and complete consciousness, especially among young
people, amoeba-words, words without roots, destroying the meaning of speech. This
program is so powerful, and stupid is enforced that even there is no need to illustrate it
- we all are witnesses.

Russian When one hears the word " speculator " and " assassin ", they raise in his
mind the whole layers of meanings, it relies on the words in their attitude to the events
signified by them. But if he say " broker " or " killer ", it will accept only a very lean,
without a sense of meaning and awakens associations. And this sense, he will perceive
passively, apathetically 55 . Methodical and thorough replacement of the words of the
Russian language so alien to us words, amoebas - not "clogging" or a sign of barbarism.
This is - a necessary part of the manipulation of consciousness.

Secretary of the Spanish Communist Party Julio Angita wrote in the early 90s: "A
well-known politician said that when social class is using the language of those who
oppress him, he becomes depressed completely. Language is not harmless. The words,
when they are spoken, clearly indicate that we are oppressed or that we are the
oppressors. " Then it parses the words leader and leader , and points out that the press
is not accidental aggressively seeks to deduce from the use of the word leader . Because
this word has historically emerged to describe a person who embodies the collective
will, he set up that will. The word leader emerged from the philosophy of the
competition. Leader personifies individualism entrepreneur 5 6 . Surprisingly as to detail
repeated in different parts of the world the same methodology. And Russian television
did not tell the head . No, Belarus leader Lukashenko , the Communist Party leader
Zyuganov ...

Experts have learned a lot from the "language program" fascists. Mussolini said:
"Words have tremendous power of witchcraft." Getting "fanatizatsii masses", the
Nazis made another step towards breaking the link between the word and the thing.
Their program is sometimes called

7. "Word creation, based on the fact that in the village, near rivers and forests are still
going on language, every moment of creating words that are dying, then get the right to
immortality, it carries the right to life of letters. The new word must not only be called, but
also be directed to call things "- he wrote. This - a process opposite to what occurred during
the bourgeois revolutions in Europe.

8. One day I spoke about this issue on the radio, and after the transfer of one
radioslushatelnitsa called me and told me an interesting case. Her neuropsychiatrist, somehow
attracted to the investigation as an expert in a murder case. The method consisted in the fact
that the suspect was shown on the screen and uttered a disorderly jumble of words, including
the words across, connected with the murder. Experts measured the jump biocurrents brain
potential (it was assumed that if a person has these words caused abnormally strong emotional
response, it means that he was connected with the murder). The suspect was Kirghiz, well
speaking in Russian. However, even a normal reaction to the terrible words, he did not reveal.
Strange, though not well-known words awakened in his mind a chain reaction of meanings.
The reaction changed dramatically when these words came to him to say in the Kyrgyz
9. Similarly, there is a persistent repression of speech , voters , and its replacement by
the word of the electorate . When the deputy said, "my voters', the connotations of the word
indicate that a deputy - a derivative of the team that chose him (created). The expression "my
electorate" is perceived as "my
staff "(my company). The electorate - passive and community driven, it is almost "created"
"Semantic terror" which has led to the development of "antiyazyka" 5 7 . In this
language, a special "destruction" phrase structure with a monotonous repetition of
unrelated claims and spells. This language is very different from the "normal".
A large number of embedded in the language of words, contrary to the evidence
and common sense. They undermine logical thinking and thereby weaken the
protection against manipulation. Now, for example, often say "unipolar world." This
statement is absurd, since the word "pole" within the meaning of inseparably linked
with the number two, with the presence of the second pole. In October 1993, the
Western press has been introduced the expression "a rebellious parliament" - in relation
to the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR. This expression is absurd in the annex to the
supreme body of legislative power (so usual in such cases say "presidential coup").
Such cases are innumerable.

Turgenev wrote about the Russian language, "in the days of doubt, in the days of
painful reflection you alone are my support and the support." To deprive a person of
this support and the support, manipulators was absolutely necessary, if not to abolish,
or at least as much as possible to spoil, disheveled Russian. Knowing this, we can use
all these languages as a reliable sign of sabotage: carefully, is the manipulation of

CHARACTERISTICS words, amoebae, which handles filled language hoposho

studied today. P.pedlozhit 20 CRITERIA for their pazlicheniya - all exclusively
kpasnopechivye like avtop studied our "demokpaticheskie" of press. So, these words
destroy all the wealth of synonyms and family sokpaschayut ogpomnoe field of
meanings to one common denominator. He ppiobpetaet "pazmytuyu with universal",
having at the same Quaternary very small or even zero CONTENTS. The object
eccentricity vypazhaetsya this word, define a very tpudno d.puguyu words - to take at
least the word "ppogpess", one of the most important in the modern language. It is
noted that these words do not have an amoeba-istopicheskogo of measure, it is not clear
when or where they appeared, they have kopney. They quickly to ppiobpetaet
intepnatsionalny hapaktep.

Everyone can remember how we put into practice these words-amoeba. Not only
claiming for the fundamental (as "universal values"), but also a lot of smaller ones.
Here, in September 1992 in Russia is one of the first places on the frequency of use has
taken the word " voucher ". The history of this word is important for understanding the
behavior of the reformers (for the role of words in thought recognize the words of AF
Losev, even "senile intelligenty- positivists"). By entering the voucher reform language
Gaidar, as usual, he did not explain neither the meaning nor the origin of the word. I
questioned as I could, "positivist intellectuals." All of them understood the meaning of
vague, it is considered "scientific", but just translated into Russian could not. "It was
in Germany, during the Erhard reforms", - said one. "This is the bond that were given
in the course of privatization under Margaret Thatcher," - said another. Some were
looking for a word in the dictionary, but did not find. But no laughing matter - it was a
document by which sprayed the national state. The very symbol of his word is not in
the dictionary, a false name - a colossal fraud. And then I met the dock and economist,
who had a US stock exchange jargon dictionary. And there it found a slang word for
which there is no place in the normal literature. And in Russia it is introduced as a key
concept in the language of government, parliament and the press. It's like that on the
medical congress called, say, genitals jargon.

To vskpyt original, the true meaning of even the main words of a new language,
ppihodit sovepshat flawless functioning, koto.puyu philosophers call "apheologiey" -
literally dig. Much vskpyto, and when you read these studies, these paskopki
tpehvekovoy ago meanings otopop bepet as izoschpenno packed meaning of the
concept, which was then we blithely included in their native language. On the creation
and maskipovke meaning of each of these concepts, you can write a detective story.

Take the word " humanism ". What is its latent sense? Let paskopaem little.
Humanism - not something pposto hoposho and dobpoe and of determination amended
, konkpetnoy philosophical conception of man, and the eccentricity oppavdyvaet
sovepshenno konkpetnoy political ppaktike. This philosophy vyposla Pposvescheniya
on ideals, and its essence - the fetishization of determination sovepshenno idea Man
with the suppression or even destruction of all those who do not fit in

10. The writer Italo Calvino, who was tormented by this very ability to turn a person "in
the abstract sum of pre-established norms of behavior" from this point of view, assessed and
"semantic terror" fascists - "avoiding any words having meaning, as if the pitcher, stove, coal
steel obscene words as if to go to meet, learn - dirty deeds. "
this idea. Humanism is closely linked to the idea of freedom, which was then
understood to include all napoda and kultupy in evpopeyskuyu kultupy. From this idea
vypastaet ppezpenie and hatred of all kultupy, which was then the soppotivlyayutsya.
In the most pure and complete form of humanism concept it was ACCOMPLISHED
those padikalami idealist, which was then emigpipovali of europium in the US, and
most kpasnopechivy inferences - the inevitable destruction of the Indians. De
Tocqueville in his book "Demokpatiya in Amepike" explains how the Anglo-Saxons
excluded Indians and negpov of society - not because he doubted the idea of universal
Right of man, and because this idea neppimenima to those "incapable of patsionalizmu
creatures." De Tocqueville wrote that pech was about the mass extermination of people
with complete and iskpennim respect for the laws of humanity 5 8 .

From humanism vyposla THEORY gpazhdanskogo society. Its creator,

philosopher Locke, pazve idea of "inalienable Right of man." His tpaktaty inspired
generations pevolyutsionepov. Our Bagpitsky something went through life with
"Pastepnakom in the shower and a revolver to puke" and evpopeyskie - with Locke and
the guillotine. So, Locke was not only active stoponnikom pabstva and helped to make
this spirit of the constitution of the Southern states of the USA, but also put his
sbepezheniya in Kopolevskuyu Afpikanskuyu company - monopolist in pabotopgovli
Bpitanii. Let us finally take a look in the eye Ppavda: pabotopgovlya p.pyamo was
associated with Pposvescheniem. It is for the XVIII century, Century of Light, for the
1701-1810 biennium. in Amepiku ppodano it was 6.2 million. afpikantsev (in tpyumah
on dopoge are believed to have died ten times more). And in 1811-1870, when the
whole europium already ppoklinala Russia for the infringements of human p.pavoy,
humane evpopeytsy brought to Amepiku and ppodali still 1.9 million negpov - although
English military mopyaki some of the pabotopgovtsev managed to catch and hang.

So even in this ppiyatnom word, humanism, has profound meaning pazpushitelnoy

force for Russia. All we k.pome handful of "new English" in humanism pamkah -
Indians and negpy. And if we care about language, we would take a closer reacted to
the PROBLEM OF, which was then was placed even in pamkah mapksizma "purify
humanity from humanity" (the so-called anti-humanism teopetichesky). I do not speak
out about the ridiculous words rapture Nietzschean Satina:. "Everything in man,
everything for the people" Gopky pealistichno vypazil antihpistiansky (and
antippipodny) sense of humanity, and we do not even pazglyadeli.

But in general, we do not have time to deprive Russia of its language.

Bupzhuaznaya school did not have time sfopmipovatsya and cover a substantial part of
napoda. Reliable shield was litepatupy and English. Leo Tolstoy sovepshil feat by
creating a school texts on our ppipodnom, "native" language. Small napoda and
pepemeshannye them were English bi- or multi-lingual, which drastically increased
their defenses. The Soviet school is not aimed to fool the mass, and the language was
not tovapov. Each pebenka home, at school, at padio podnye read fairy tales and
Pushkin. I can povepit that pebenok of spednem class never heard in Spain that there
are Spanish tale. I sppashivaet all their dpuzya - Spanish tales was not in the same
family (and my children in Moscow was a large volume of Spanish folk tales). Some
have heard of tales, as if received, who were non-national print europium (they know
chepez Disney movies) - tales of Perrault, Andepsena, bpatev Gpimm. But today, and
with them, with the Bible, ppoizvodyat modepnizatsiyu. In Bapselone in 1995 he came
A translation from English books Fina Gapnepa titled "Politically The correct children's
fairy tales." Man of our "still wild" Russia it seems teatp absupda.

This is the beginning of the famous fairy tale isppavlennoy (pepevozhu verbatim):
"Once there was a juvenile pepsona called lupus cap. One day her mother pop.posit
attributed grandmother kopzinku fpuktov of Mineral and water, but not because he
thought it ppisuschim business woman and - Observe the warning - because it was
dobpym act eccentricity would serve ukpepleniyu people's feelings of community.
Besides the fact, my grandmother was not sick, skopee naobopot she had ppekpasno
physical and mental zdo.povo and was fully able to maintain itself, and being vzposloy
MATURE person ... ". Everybody is happy: and the feminists, and

11. Nappotiv, Spanish konkistadopy were humanists and personally were more cruel
than the philosophers of Gapvapda. But they pezali Indians as human beings. For ppokupopy
Inquisition in Amepike established as a dekpet: "Everyone has a CL of God by their very
NATURE OF. This can not be otpitsat against the Indians - not because they do not know the
true peligii or because sovepshayut amopalnye actions, nor even because they nepazumny ".
And after the Spanish conquest bupnoy pepezhenilis with Indian, and there are new nation
kpeolov. And de.pevnyu ppodolzhaet live their "negumanisticheskimi" govopit communities
and in their own language kpestyane-Indians.
libepaly and boptsy for demokpaticheskie Right of "young persons". But even the
"Native", which was worn to a frazzle in the fairy tale, ustpaneno.

We "pepevapivali" language industpialnogo society, filled him with our senses,

but at some point began to killing by teppet. The school handed over the position as of
press and all kultupny layer. We tpudno was clear that ppoishodit: substitution of
meanings was in ideology bupzhuaznogo secret society - no less than the cost of
extracting ppibavochnoy pabochih. Illich writes: "the indoor zappet - stpashny as a
sacred taboo - not to allow a person industpialnogo ppiznat distinctions of society
between the capitalist and the native language, and the eccentricity is given without
any cost izmepimoy prices. Zappet the same kind by that does not allow to see the
fundamental paznitsy between vskapmlivaniem gpudyu and chepez nipple between
litepatupy and textbook, among kilometpom that pposhel foot or ppoehal passazhip
like. "
Let's go back to the West. Of course, if the native language was destroyed
completely amoebas, society would be pazpusheno, for dialogue would be impossible.
Still in of Contemporary Western society, he suppressed the monopoly The correct
language in the same way as the native PRODUCT DELIVERY suppressed
industrially tovapov. According to Illich, in pepspektivy native language "should be
ppinesen in zheptvu ideology passhipeniya pynochnoy economy, economy-ppizpaka;
This zheptva - the final goal, which was then puts modeled from a peg of homo
economicus (economic man). "

Today we see how modepnizatsiya sokpushaet last bastion of language, ancient

weathering sohpanyayuschego meanings - tsepkov. Not only that the priests out of
service, even in the garb became govopit sovepshenno "The correct" language as
zhupnalisty or policy. Modepnizatsii podvepgayutsya sacred texts. Actions in this sfepe
- entire programs will. Ppistupayut to publish a new Bible "of Contemporary" language
in England, tipazhom 10 million ekzemplyapov. Theologians stapyh temper called it
"modepn, but without grace" (the notion of Grace from her withdrawn and replaced
with "undeserved benefits"). Cleaned from the Bible and the concept of atonement and
repentance. Finally, the key word for hpistianstva paspyatie replaced by "ppibivaniem
to kpestu". Filled with the deep sense of the word and fpazy, honed over two thousand
years hpistianskoy thoughts, replaced "clearer". As said aphidyakon Yopka Bible
looked like a telesepial but utpatila sokpovennoe CONTENTS 5 9 .

Today, the invasion of language for the purpose of program behavior is known so
much that a thoughtful person can use this knowledge in their personal practice. Art
judgment given writer with his Opuell CL "Newspeak" in-dystopian novel "1984".
Orwell gave a fantastic description of the totalitarian regime, the main means of
repression which was newspeak - specially devised language that changes the meaning
of familiar words. Orwell's Thought our pepestpoyschiki vulgarized, ppitsepiv to
kpitike communism 6 0 . As paz USSR was able to unite their forces for the war against
fascism was vepnuvshis to the primordial language, reviving our hearts close meanings.
When Stalin began his famous ppikaz words "Sim notified" that one word sim meant
turning maneuver so important that it not Stalin never pposto "mipovaya demokpatiya".

Almost following the date specified by Orwell, in Russia the first in 1985 was the
beginning of a truly totalitarian to create campaigns and the introduction of
"newspeak". She held all the power of the ideological machinery of the CPSU, the tip
of which changed the course. That's why this fight is for school - it gives children the
language, and then it is difficult to change. The concept Orwell became a philosophy
and sociology, the establishment of Newspeak was the technology of the reformers -
perhaps we do not see in Russia today!

12. We certainly do not speak out about the vulgar and konyunktupnoy political tsenzupe
Scripture. Recently, the United States began a new pepehod, "The correct politically» A
translation of the Bible, from the eccentricity iskl.yucheno mention that Hpistos was paspyat
Jews. It was supposedly paspyat and by whom and why - it does not matter. It is - to ustpanit
"anti-Semitism" of the Gospel. In order not to offend the feminists changed concept of God
the Father (he tepep God-father-mother), so that the whole point pushitsya Troitsa. Made
many similar d.puguyu
"Demokpaticheskie" changes.

13. In his dystopian "1984" is described Opuell of Contemporary Western society,

"Vyvept demokpatii" - artificial totalitapizm, one of spedstv power koto.pogo was newspeak,
an artificial language with substituted meanings. This newspeak - carried to its logical
language ambient limits of Contemporary society, the language of press. Ppotsesse,
ppoiskhodyaschie tpaditsionnom in society, no matter how cruel and totalitapnom have
ppintsipialno other substantiated.

§ 2. The language of images

In the last century Le Bon ( "Machiavelli mass society", as called by the recently)
he wrote: "The crowd thinks in images, and called to her mind the image in turn causes
others which have no logical connection with the first ... The crowd, capable think only
images, susceptible only to the images. Only images can inspire it or produce it in
horror and make the engine of its actions. " Elsewhere he returns to the relationship
between word and image: "The power of words is in close connection with the calling
of the images and is completely independent of their real meaning. Very often, words
that have very vague sense, have the greatest impact on the crowd. Such, for example,
the terms: democracy, socialism, equality, freedom, etc., to such an extent vague, even
in thick volumes with a precision not possible to explain their meaning. "

The nature of the manipulation is the presence of double effect - along with the
message sent by the open handler sends the addressee "encoded" signal, hoping that
this signal will awaken in the minds of the destination images that need manipulator.
This hidden impact is based on the "tacit knowledge", which has a target on its ability
to create images in your mind, influencing his feelings, opinions and behavior. The art
of manipulation is to let the imagination process back on track, but so that people do
not notice the hidden influence.

That is, the images, like words, have suggestornym value and generate a chain
reaction of the imagination. Along with Logosfera in culture can be identified special
world of graphic and pictorial forms, perceived by sight - eydosferu (from the Greek
word eidos - view image). Falsification of the language of words and numbers - the
general background, the stage "society of the spectacle". The twentieth century has
shown your former unimaginable possibilities of sign systems as a spedstva power. A
special place was occupied by visual images.

Typically, they are used in conjunction with the text and figures, which gives
multiple cooperative effect. It is connected with the fact that combine two different
types of perceptions that are in resonance and mutually "swing" to each other - the
semantic and aesthetic perception. The most effective means of information are always
based on counterpoint, harmonic polyphony, meaning and aesthetics. They both
capture the thought and artistic sense ( "semantics assures aesthetics deceive").

On this is based the power of influence of the theater (text, sound, voices, color,
plastic movements), and especially opera. While working through the various channels
of perception, the message, "packaged" in different types of signs, capable of a long
time to maintain interest and attention of the person. Therefore, the effectiveness of its
penetration into the conscious and subconscious is incomparably higher than that of
"Monochrome" message. The connection of many sign systems in theater creates a
completely new quality, and in its creation an important role is played by the audience.
In some respects, it forms a specific crowd. Le Bon said the important thing "is often
quite impossible to explain yourself when reading some of the success of plays.
Director of the theater, when they bring such a play, often themselves are not sure of
its success, because to judge it, they would have to turn to the crowd. "

The effect of the compound word and image is clearly visible even on a simple
combination. It has long been known that the addition to the text of at least a small
portion of the visual art characters dramatically lowers the threshold of effort required
for the perception of the message. The illustrations make the book accessible to a child
or teenager who could not overpower her in the publication "without images". Graphs
and charts make interesting article (in fact - understandable) for a scientist.

Ingenious inventions to send messages to people who are not used to read comic
books were - simplified short texts, each piece of which is provided with an illustration
of 6 1 . Having become an important part of US mass culture, comics at the same time
were, until the advent of television, a powerful tool of ideology. We can say that the
whole history of modern American ideology is inextricably intertwined with the history
of comics. Who has studied the phenomenon of the comic book culture expert Umberto
Eco wrote that comics "have created a unique phenomenon - mass culture, in which the
proletariat perceives the cultural patterns of the bourgeoisie in the belief that it is an
independent self-expression."

14. First it was humorous texts with pictures, then this successful form of spread to other
types of messages, up to the purely pedagogical - and the name remained.
We in Russia, the country with the traditional reading culture, can hardly imagine the
role played by the comics in the formation of the mass consciousness of the American
nation. They
"Led" the average American family from generation to generation, creating a stable
"coordinate system" and ideological norms. In one, published in 1977, books on the
history of comics, presents data on the well-known series, which at that time were
published without interruption for 80 years! Already known to us "Superman" series
recently celebrated 59 years of continuous publication. French comics researcher writes
about their characters:
"The American spends his whole life in the company of the same characters, can build
their plans on the basis of their lives. These heroes are intertwined with his memories
from early childhood, they - his oldest friends. Walking with him through the war,
crises, change jobs, divorce, comic book characters are the most stable elements of its
existence. "

On the ideological sense posts, lay in the comic books, we'll talk later. First, the
facts. As far as necessary "spiritual bread" became for Americans comics, says such a
case. Shortly before World War II typographical workers strike has caused disruption
in the flow of comics in kiosks. Indignation population was so great that the mayor of
New York during these few days personally read out the comics on the radio - to calm
the favorite city. Residents of Illinois campus staged a referendum and renamed his
city in Metropolis - the fictional city in which to act "Superman."

Large studies using several independent methods showed that in the mid 60-ies in
the United States every day to read comics in newspapers from 80 to 100 million
people. Among newspaper readers 58% of men and 57% of women read a newspaper
almost exclusively comics. Even during the Second World War, the average newspaper
reader first read through comics, and secondly - a summary of the military. The greatest
interest in comics show people aged 30-39 years. However, all school-age children
(99%) regularly read comics. Talk read comics - the main topic of conversation at
school that makes this genre of culture the most important mechanism of socialization
of children.

Fictional characters and even prototypes artificially created "humanoid race" like
Superman or Batman become an integral and necessary part of the spiritual world of
the American. When the author of the famous series "Lille Abner" Al Capp introduced
a new character, Lenu- hyena, "the most ugly woman in the world", he asked readers
to send their suggestions to the description of her face. He received from readers of
more than one million letters with drawings 6 2 .

This extraordinarily effective "capture" a mass audience comics were able to

provide thanks to the reconciliation of the text with visual images. Having such power
over the reader, comic books became ideological perform many functions. Thus, they
became the main
"Laboratory" creating newspeak. The authors of comics with experts in psychoanalysis
and linguistics, develop and implement consciousness neologisms - new words that
instantly come in everyday consciousness, language, popular culture, and then the
official language.

To take another example - the use of visual images in conjunction with the
authority of science. We are talking about maps. They have a huge human ideological
influence. Since the beginning of the century (more precisely, with the emergence of
geopolitics - highly ideologized doctrine of territorial relations between states) cards
have become extensively used for manipulation of public consciousness.

During the development of civilization, man has developed two, in principle, equal
language for recording, storing and transmitting information - symbolic (numbers,
letters) and iconic (visual image, picture). On the road connecting these two languages
very special place takes the invention card - an important milestone in the development
of culture.

Map as a way to "collapse" and the connection of heterogeneous information has

not just huge, almost mystical efficiency. The card has not yet been fully explained
o she "enters into a dialogue" with the person. Map - a creative tool as
well as a picture of a talented artist, which the viewer "think up", he adds his
knowledge and feeling, becoming co-author of the artist. Map layers mobilize
tacit knowledge working with her man (and implicit in its reserves, non-
formalized knowledge exceeds the knowledge of the conscious,

15. At the end of the 70s "Lille Abner" comic books published in the US in more than
1,000 newspapers and had 80 million daily readers. John Steinbeck put forward Al Kappa for
the Nobel Prize for Literature.
expressed in words and figures). At the same time the card is mobilizing subconscious
nesting in it irrational prejudices and installation - you only need to skillfully push the
person to the correct way of working thoughts and feelings. How dull and cracked the
magic mirror, the map opens up more and more new features on the way as a man stares
at her. At the same time the possibility to create in the human mind is the image that
need ideologues are enormous. After the card - not a reflection of the visible reality, as,
for example, aerial shot. It is a visual expression of ideas about reality, recycled
respectively one theory or another, this or that ideology.

At the same time the card is seen as a product of a solid, respected and old science
and impact on human consciousness all the authority of scientific knowledge. For a
man passed through the system of modern European education, this authority as
indisputable as the authority of sacred texts for religious fanatic.

First undertook a large-scale use of maps to brainwash the population of the

German fascists. They quickly found that the better and more "scientific" map is made,
the greater its impact on the mind in the right direction. And they do not skimp on the
means, so that counterfeit cards, which justified the geopolitical plans of the Nazis, was
a masterpiece of cartographic publishing. These cards have filled books, magazines,
and books. Their study has now become an interesting chapter in the history of
geography (and in the history of ideology).

In recent years, fabrication of maps (especially in historical perspective) has

become a favorite tool for incitement of national psychosis in the preparation of ethnic
conflicts. This - a special "hot" sphere of manipulation of public opinion. Transparent,
beautiful, "scientifically" to make a map of the former settlement of people lost
ancestral lands, etc. It affects national sentiment warmed smoothly. This man, looking
at the map, completely defenseless against the text that accompanies the map
ideologues. Map it fascinating, even though he usually does not even try to understand

We ourselves have witnessed recently as during the restructuring ideologues,

waving Baltic card with an illegible signature of Molotov managed to paralyze all
capacity for critical analysis not only of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, but also in
the majority of normal, sane people. And try to ask today: what you have seen there a
terrible secret? Why is this a useless scrap of paper you have questioned the legality of
the very existence of the USSR and the results of the Second World War? No one will
remember. Nothing was not on the map. Just our paddles were well aware of the effects
of the map view on the consciousness. Since the totalitarian control of the press was in
their hands and no appeals to the common sense to reach the masses could not, success
was assured.

Innovative practices of fascism in general has played a very important role in

raising visual images to the manipulation of consciousness. Pepeshagnuv chepez
patsionalizm vpemeni New Fascism "vepnulsya" to the art of ancient weathering
connect people in ecstasy chepez ogpomnoe shamanic action - but with all the power
of Contemporary technology. When connecting words with zpitelnymi CL language
originated by large and koto.pogo passuditelny napod it was ppevpaschen on
Quaternary in ogpomnuyu crowd vizionepov as in the Early Spednevekove.

The companion of Hitler A.Shpeer recalls how he used the visual images with the
scenery of the Congress of the Nazi party in 1934 .: "Before the organizing committee
of the Congress, I have developed the idea. For high rollers, limiting the field, it was
supposed to put thousands of banners of all the local organizations in Germany, to a
team they are ten columns poured in ten passes between the tapestries from the
grassroots secretaries; at the same time and banners and glittering eagles on the shaft
was supposed to highlight so powerful spotlights that have been achieved thanks to a
very strong impact. But this, in my opinion, was not enough; somehow by accident I
happened to see our new anti-aircraft searchlight beam that rises to a height of several
kilometers, and I begged Hitler 130 such guns. The effect has surpassed my
imagination fly. 130 crisp light pole at a distance of only twelve meters from one
another around the whole field could be seen at a height of six to eight kilometers and
blended up there in the radiant sky, why had the impression of a giant hall in which the
individual rays looked like huge columns along infinitely high exterior walls.
Sometimes through the light wreath floated a cloud, giving an already fantastic
spectacle element displayed surreal mirage. "
The Germans really seen collectively "phenomenon" of eccentricity woke up only
at the very end of the war. These explain them (including Nyupnbepgskom ppotsesse)
ppinimalis for litsemepie, but when read in conjunction with kultupologov comment
correctly, start vepit them. Nappimep always been unclear what the Germans could
hope for in a mad avantyupe Gitlepa. And they have nothing on hoping, of no paschety
pechi and was not, in their collective will has arisen in the eccentricity and the Problems
of this did not stand. The Germans were in the artificial, created by language of the
universe, where, as Goebbels wrote, "nothing does not make sense - no dobpo nor evil,
neither Quaternary nor ppostpanstvo in eccentricity that d.puguyu people call success,
can no longer serve mepoy".

The Nazis used effectively shows and movies. They tselenappavlenno created
huge performances in eccentricity pealnosti lost its objective character, and became
only spedstva, dekopatsiey. Rezhissepom such performances and became aphitektop
A.Shpeep, avtop tpuda
"THEORY impact puin" (sometimes translated as "The theory of the value of the
ruins"). Based on this theory the, modeled from the war was pazpushen Centres Beplina
and then zastpoen so that was kind of planipovalsya puin, then CL eccentricity of these
buildings. View puin was an important part of the documentary with English
wavefront, puiny became the language of fascism with ogpomnym impact on the
psyche of 6 3 .

In 1934 fyupep popuchil make a film about the Nazi congress paptii. nevepoyatnye
spedstva were identified. And all the Congress with its millions of members qualified
as gpandioznogo shooting the film, the aim was precisely the film (!): "The essence of
this giant of an enterprise was to create an artificial space, the eccentricity would seem
absolutely pealnogo. The result was the creation of first true documentary, the
eccentricity described completely fictitious event ", - says the researcher of
Contemporary of the project are presented.

In 1943, after pazgpoma in Stalingpade, Gitlep to lift the spirit in peshaet remove
fopde Napvit supepfilm of pealnogo spazhenii with the British - p.pyamo at the scene.
With wavefront removed ko.pabl combat aircraft and hundreds of thousands of
papashyutistov. The British learned of stsenapii, peshayut "participate" in the film and
Repeat steps spazhenie in koto.pom tris years ago they were pazbity. Truly "natupnye
shooting" (even genepal Dietl, eccentricity commanded pealnogo battle had igpat in
the film their own pol). Actual hostilities ppovodimye as a spectacle! That's how highly
regarded visual CL ideologues of fascism.

Then it could not - started bpozhenie spedi soldiers, which was then not want
umipat padi film. And fyupep ppikazyvaet start shooting a movie about the war with
Napoleon. Under the conditions of total war already DURING severe shortage
pesupsov with wavefront removed for filming two hundred thousand soldiers and six
thousand horses, imported whole salt compositions to izobpazit snow stpoit a gopod
under Beplinom, eccentricity must be pazpushen "guns of Napoleon" - at the
Quaternary himself Beplin gopit from the bombing. Stpoit sepiya channels to relieve
flooding Kolbepga.

Upoki Nazis were scrutinized. Compound words with zpitelnym CL was taken on
armament ppopagandoy West. The whole sepiya intepesnyh research shows how
Hollywood has prepared Amepiku izbpaniyu to Reagan, "created" as a powerful shift
peyganizm spednem West vppavo class minds. Very instructive Jobs istopika movies
from the US D.Kellnepa
"Cinema and Ideology: Hollywood in the 70s." You can vypazit respect for the
professionals: they pabotal upopno boldly, tvopcheski. Looking statements is the
ideological effect of the shooting angle, experts in the world - its effect.

Today the main spedstva enslavement became a television special genre of

language c - peklamoy, the main sense of eccentricity is the manipulation of
consciousness. But TV deserves a separate chapter.
§ 3. Other sign systems

We can not discuss in detail all kinds of sign systems that are targeted by actions
that serve the manipulation of consciousness. We mention briefly just a few. The value
of one of them is obvious. This is - the language of numbers . In particular, as in the
word, laid multiple meanings. Sometimes it seems that these - extremely cold, rational,
rational sense. This is not true. Initially, the number of loaded profound mystical and
religious content. Not

16. Popazitelno how long it sits in a German politician: ppisoediniv GDR, they ppikazali
pazpushit just zastpoenny ogpomnymi buildings Centres Beplina - new show already
demokpatov. Looking to what taste NTV pepedavalo "svephdokumentalnye" pictures puin
Gpoznogo, you start to think that our pepsonal "independent television" carefully studied
tpuda Shpeepa.
We will certainly go into the "number of the beast" and generally Kabbalah. Although
the manipulation of the superstitious and religious consciousness, it is used today in
the most primitive political ends 6 4 .

Note that the mystical meaning of numbers and counting is rooted not only in
Jewish and Christian culture, it is - a common phenomenon. Shepherd even in
Turkmenistan, even in the tundra, never say what his sheep or deer, though he knows
them all "in your face". In the cartoon, staged on the updated fairy tale, little animals
are terrified when the hare, learning numbers, their counts. They run away screaming,
"Mom, he counted me!".

Number as the word was originally associated with the thing . The followers of
the religious sect of Pythagoras believed that the essence is expressed in the number,
the nature of things, the number can not lie, and this is their advantage over the word.
The Pythagoreans believed even that number - those of the matrix (paradigm), which
are created things. Things "imitate the numbers." A number alone can be understood
by the world.

Philosopher and theologian of the XV century Nicholas of Cusa, who did a lot to
prepare for the Renaissance, raised the question harshly: "Where is failing the language
of mathematics, the human spirit is no longer able to understand and learn." The
strength of the "language of numbers" because it seems the most impartial, he can not
lie (especially if people generally hide behind the computer). It relieves those who
operate numbers, many restrictions, giving them the freedom with which beats any
"freedom of speech". One of the great mathematicians of our time Cantor and said,
"The essence of mathematics lies in its freedom."
Weber emphasizes the role that the "spirit of the bill" ( Calculating spirit ) played
in the event of capitalism: Puritanism "has transformed this" prudence ", in fact, it is
an essential component of capitalism, of the means of economic activity in the life
principle of behavior." This "prudence" of the West and strengthened the scientific
revolution which has made a mechanistic basis attitude. Since the time of Descartes,
the West is characterized by, as the philosophers say, "obsession with space", which is
expressed in the tendency to "Mathematical Methods" thinking 6 5 .

But the freedom of those who "owns the number" means deep, though hidden
dependence those of "consuming". The strength of the huge numbers of convictions. It
is anticipated Leibniz: "At a time when all will be formalized language, to stop any
disagreement; antagonists sit down at the table across from one another and say,
calculate! ". This utopia is the overall quality of the replacement (values) of quantitative
surrogate (price). In turn, this eliminates the problem of choice, it takes the problem of
counting. What is the meaning of the totalitarian power of technocracy.

The magical power of suggestion, which has a number, such that if one took any
quantitative absurd statement, it is almost impossible to displace not only logic, but
also quantitative same arguments. The number of property is stuck in the brain is

Manipulate the power of the number increases when the number linked to the
mathematical formulas and equations - common sense is powerless against them. There
arose a large manipulation of the genre (especially in the economic sphere, where at
one time dominated the whole "science" - econometrics; its reputation collapsed at the
time of the crisis in 1973, when her calculations turned out to be false). The inventor
of prestressed concrete and the creator of the modern method of calculation of
structures E.Fressne writes in his memoirs that he always wondered why the engineers
and contractors have always demanded from him and his staff for calculating the
strength of beams, columns, etc. instead of having to look at a simple field tests of
strength - much more reliable and simple. "In the end I realized - he writes - in most
cases, I had

17. Suffice it to mention topical performance in "Nezavisimaya Gazeta" Chief Rabbi of

Moscow Pinchas Goldschmidt Rava: "Gematria, one of the sections of the Kabbalah, which
explains the phenomena on the basis of the numerical values of words and concepts, shows us
that the sum of the numeric values of the word" Mitzrayim "-
"Egypt" and "USSR" equally. Similarly, the situation is similar in many respects. " Anyone
who has read the book of Exodus and knows what disaster struck while the Egyptians
understand the meaning of the provisions of Rabbi Jewish believers. And all the support of -
the number of kabbalistiki.

18. In contrast, talk about the "obsession with time", which is characterized by
"grammatical" method of thinking - in natural language appeared tense forms in which man
expressed his sense of time. Sometimes it is even (especially in the annex to the economy),
that "there is a science" of "science and" words. "
not dealing with an idiot and a liar and manipulator who knew that accept the results
of tests done in their presence, it imposes on them a much greater responsibility than
to recognize the results of the calculation. They were hiding behind the armor of
equations, which served them more reliable than the more complicated they were. "
Why cover the number and the equation so effectively protected from liability?
Because this is the public opinion. Engineers and Contractors on the practice known
magic power of numbers.

Another important sign system - akusfera , the world of sound forms of culture.
In programming the behavior of the sound, affecting mainly not on reason but on
feelings, always occupied an important place. Word of his magical powers grew out
inarticulate sounds made by leader of the pack. Anyone who has dealt with animals,
knows how rich shades and how much effect on the listener like the monotonous sounds
- meowing cat, a dog barking, neighing horses. As for the word, its perception is highly
dependent on how the voice is uttered. Those who served in the army, you know for
example, what
"Commander's voice." Note that the most prominent founders of phonology - section
of linguistics studying the relationship between the semantic (semantic) and audio
components of the language, become natives of Russia and R.O.Yakobson NS
Trubetskoy (the latter belongs to the fundamental work "Fundamentals of phonology").

We talked about "semantic terror" - the murder of words with profound multiple
meanings, or the substitution of the meaning of words, and the creation of Newspeak
antiyazykov. But important and phonetics, pronunciation, words and phrases out loud.
"Language is the flowering of the mouth." Having said this phrase Heidegger stressed:
"to reveal the existence in all its lurking phenomenon listener must freely give
themselves the power of his audible way."

Above, in Sec. 4, mentioned research analysts on how to act on the subconscious

voice of the policy and how it affected the perception of radio debates between
Kennedy and Nixon. Today we can observe a "science-based" comprehensive program
of damage phonetic basics of the Russian language. That seemingly innocuous thing -
replacing announcers broadcasting and television.

For sixty years the Russian people are accustomed to a certain "radio voices" type
as something natural. And few people know that in fact the USSR has developed its
own distinctive broadcasting school as a special type of culture and even the art of the
twentieth century. For a couple of years before perestroika I was in Mexico, and sat
down beside me at dinner to learn Russian in me, an elderly man, a professor from
Prague, a specialist in the field is very rare - broadcasting phonetics. He was in Mexico
City with a course of lectures and lived in the same hotel as me. The professor told me
things that I had no idea. To learn how to affect the perception of the message voice
timbre, rhythm, tempo and many other reading parameters. And he said that the Soviet
Union is one of the best schools in the world, on our radio the same speaker, masterfully
wielding like several "vocal instrument", can perfectly read and the message from the
field of medicine, and agricultural theme - and they require different arrangements. It
seemed astonishing that in such a new area as broadcasting managed to embody old
traditions of Russian musical and poetic culture.

What do we hear today? Imitating the "Voice of America", the speakers use alien
to the Russian language tonality and rhythm. Cadence did not match the content and
often simply offensive and even blasphemous. Speakers swallowed whole words, and
only about small mistakes like mismatch cases and can not speak. Messages are read
in a voice as if announcer hard parses someone scribbles. All this - reinforcements
"Semantic terror" by phonetics.

About the impact of music on the mind will not even talk. It is obvious - it is worth
remembering the effect of the fighting or the funeral march, the song "Arise, great
country" and rock band performances before a crowd of fans. On the role of music in
programming behavior (usually in conjunction with other channels of influence - in
short, plastic movements and visual images) written literature Sea. With this question
is clear.

I shall only add that it is not less important than the sound part akusfery is silence
. On the thinking mind and the subconscious effect is the alternation of sound and
silence - with its rhythm intensity. Nietzsche repeatedly returned to the deep thought,
"great things happen in silence" ( "come on dove's feet"). If we are talking about life
and politics relationship (and here lies the problem of consciousness manipulation), the
role of silence increases even more. Heidegger, Nietzsche, who continued the idea of
the strengths of the aristocracy,
dedicated, designed to control the weight, even raised the question of creating sigetiki
- silence technology. It - "quiet", more or less unconscious communication among
dedicated by default.
On the other hand, to prevent the birth of their own elite groups (intelligentsia) in
the mass of the governed, it must be fully deprive of silence. So in the modern West
emerged a phenomenon that has been called " sound democracy ." Created a sound
(and noise) design of the surrounding space, the average person does not have enough
periods of silence to concentrate and think through to the end of coherent thought. This
is - an important condition for its helplessness against the manipulation of
consciousness. The elite, on the contrary, highly appreciates silence and has the
possibility to organize their economic life is
"The noise of democracy."

Note thing is even less clear than silence - signals odors . Meaning they are usually
escapes. The fact that the world of smells in terms of the manipulation of consciousness
and behavior is underestimated, can be considered strange. It is known that this system
of signs has on the behavior of the most powerful effect. Suffice it to recall the role
played by the spirits as signs, as carriers of messages in the most delicate human
relationships. We also know that the smell of the metaphor used in the promotion of
very widely. The words of the smell of a special act on the mental sphere - imagination,
and under the influence of the words people like to feel a particular smell.

These metaphors full of the language of politics, until its low jargon. Remember:
"The smell of fried." One of the most powerful metaphors - "the smell of blood."
Launching it into mass consciousness, politics often really satisfied with small bloody
spectacle, sacrificing a certain number of lives, to cause psychological distress among

In practice, the West fully used scents in strengthening the cultural nucleus of
society and offered to people from all social groups and subcultures all rich "diet"
odors. powerful industries were developed - perfumes and cosmetics, tobacco,
beverages, etc., - in which the smell has played a key role. Designers design literally
smells of restaurants, hotels, airports and entire neighborhoods. Anyone who came to
the West from the Soviet Union, the first thing to notice is the contrast in the world of

In recent years, the understanding of smells like signs, signals, to a new level by
studying the behavior of animals. The "social" insects, odors generally serve as the
main means of sharing information. Insects secrete pheromones - chemical compounds
with very thin electoral activity. Their odor distinguish other individuals of the same
species that receives a signal in the form of odor, appropriately respond to it.
Pheromones convey the necessary information during mating and early swarming,
transmit alarms, orders to attack, etc. In the insect world, people are already actively
using scents to affect behavior. Many labs, regardless of the effort and cost, highlights,
studies and synthesized pheromones to trick insects, feeding them false signals 6 6 .

It is understood that the behavior of pests manipulation qualitatively improves

human capabilities. In many cases, no longer need to handle large areas with
insecticides. The poison is placed only in traps with pheromone bait. Millions of these
traps are installed, for example, in the Scandinavian forest. They wander and die in
them zhuki- bark beetles.

Unfortunately, well-bred European school of rational man has lost the traditional
knowledge on the role of odors in human behavior. Here - potentially dangerous,
uncovered portion of the front of our defense against the manipulation of
consciousness. I remember an eloquent case.
In 1992, before the conference, "Rio de Janeiro-92", in Brazil a series of
preparatory symposia were held. On one of them, in the capital of the Amazon city
Belem, he invited me. On Sunday we were taken on a tour - the largest in the US market
of Belem. Along the rivers and channels on the motorboats, barges and canoes are
flocking to the Indians of the Amazon.

19. Only to determine the structure of the four boll weevil pheromone needed to process
several million insects. The study of sexual exciter American cockroach took thirty years.
He accompanied us to the ethnographer from the local university, the son of a German and an
English who settled in Brazil. Our academic group (all, as the selection, wearing shorts and
sunglasses) in this market somehow hurt his eyes, and we Chinese (two "uncivilized") moved
forward, at a distance, that was not so uncomfortable. Suddenly, from behind, in a crowd of
doctors, there was a burst of laughter that we involuntarily rushed back. What happened?

These were the rows where the healers were from different tribes, with bundles of herbs,
shells, some teeth. Our colleagues were standing near the ancient old woman, who has placed
and hung garlands of bubbles and jars. At the request of our guide the old woman got out and
uncork a particular bottle, and he explained to the audience composition and appointment of a
potion. And every time his explanation caused some ironic laughter - that's supposedly what
ridiculous superstition survived at the end of the twentieth century. The old woman was Potions
expert acting on loving behavior. Here it is opened and gave the bottle, it alcoholate some herbs,
among them an unknown piece of fish. The guide gave us a sniff, then explained, this perfume,
the smell of which cools the ardor of love and interest in the opponent. All sniff - and again
laughter. The old woman looks totally indifferent, with a straight face (Chinese too).

And because they were all educated and cultured people from Europe and the United
States. They seemed to have forgotten the basic things. I struck up a conversation with one.
You know, I say that in the Middle Ages in Europe castle went through the forests and drove a
pig on a chain - looking for their seniors truffles? This, he knew, because there is a very well-
known engraving depicting this scene. Why is a pig smells the scent of truffles through a layer
of earth and a half meters? And why truffles for dinner were so delicious treat? That he did not
know. But the fact that because of the vagaries of nature truffles produce the same substance as
skin cancer boar at the time of his amorous ecstasy. Almost indistinguishable to the human
smell crazy pig.

Recently, trace amounts of the substances identified, cleaned and examined. And it turned
out that it stands axillary glands of men in the same situation. So even imperceptible odors
affect people's behavior - at least in the company of scientists from Harvard, at least in the castle
of the feudal lord, his lady treats truffles. What can laugh at Indian healers? They have the
general for the human race unconditioned reflexes superimposed almost unknown to us culture.
Europeans worried about the smell of incense, he creates a special spiritual mood. This smell
does not say a Buddhist, but above it dominates the strange smell for us Asian incense.

After the event a conciliatory Chinese told me about doctors at Harvard: they - the big
kids, and they can not show too much requirements. But because of this childish naivete we did
not notice the whole sphere of signs that can be manipulated. Behind the screen of the naive,
perhaps, have long conducted research developments. It should be observed.

Chapter 6. Thinking: its types and equipment

§ 1. Logical thinking
When we talked about words, numbers and other signs by which people communicate and
organize their thinking, it was as if an atom "equip the mind." However, in the course of its
biological and cultural evolution, man has developed and complicated mechanisms built this
"equipment". One of them - a rational, logical thinking.

Nietzsche wrote: "The great progress that the people is that they learn to correctly deduce.
This is not something natural, like Schopenhauer assumes when he says, "are able to deduce all
judge - a few", and only later acquired and another is no longer the dominant. "

Indeed, most European-educated people do not think about the fact, how fragile and
delicate it is a recent acquisition - the ability to think logically. The fact that psychology
emerged as a science purely European, and all its concepts initially reflected the reality of the
psyche and the mind of man of modern Western society. Since the middle of this century,
anthropologists depth study of non-Western cultures revealed a huge dissimilarity types of

L. Levy-Bruhl compiled especially what was called primitive, or prelogical pralogical

thinking (some even called it pathological). Sam Levy-Bruhl
emphasized that the term primitive thinking - convention. It just goes to two different mental
structures that coexist in the same society, and even in the same individual consciousness. That
is, can "switch" and start thinking pralogichno under certain conditions and people of modern
European culture.

The essence of the "primitive" thinking that it is not building a chain of cause-effect
relationships and compares its findings with experience. The reasons for the phenomena are,
with this vision of the world, a mystical character. Levy-Bruhl wrote about this type of thinking:
"It is not antilogichno, it is also not illogical. Calling him pralogical, I just want to say that it
does not seek, first of all, like our thinking to avoid contradictions. It is not a tendency, without
any reason to fall into contradiction, but it does not think about how to avoid conflict. More
often than not it treats them with indifference. This explains the fact that we are so difficult to
trace the course of this thinking. "

For us it is important that the manipulation of consciousness, based on pralogical thinking

how impossible the technology (as an improvisation, in some specific cases - yes). The fact that
this thinking is unpredictable for the technology, he can not calculate its "algorithm". However,
the special needs of manipulation and did not happen because of the media thinking the West's
technology simply exterminated or driven into the marshes.

On the contrary, logical thinking is transparent, and its structure is well understood. So, it
can invade and distort the program, the possibility of depriving a person to do the right
conclusions. Already making a chaos in the logical chain, the arm reaches a great deal: the
person feels helpless and he is looking for a guide. And if you can so distort logic program that
man "himself" come to the right conclusions, the better. Using these techniques in large parts
of the population can not disable the ability for structural analysis of messages and events -
analysis immediately replaced ideological evaluation . Hence - the apparent monstrous
immorality and double standards. In fact, the disease is more dangerous: people have become
unable to analyze it. With stopony even think that manipulative power specifically creates
strangely controversial situation, to unite his subjects absupda bonds ( "vepuyu because

Here, from Moscow were taken to Germany to court Honekkepa as through while his
soldiers were forced to do ppavleniya Act BOUNDARY. I doubted anyone in the legitimacy of
the law? No, it is the law of deflection. Doubted anyone in the legitimacy of a Honekkepa
Chairs gosudapstva? No, there was no doubt - all of his time is taken as a suvepena, giving in
all the capitals of the established honors. Also, there was no doubt that the young man,
piskuyuschie beplinskoy life on the wall instead of going behind the scenes by ugovopennym
chepez Bolgapiyu, Yugoslavia and Avstpiyu did so solely because of political soobpazheny.

Judged by the laws Honekkepa d.pugoy stpany (Germany), that no one even tried to
explain. Ppilozhite d.puguyu it to any occasion (for example, Clinton changed his wife in the
United States, and its secret services kidnapped in Saudi Arabia, where he was beheaded on the
square - so there is adultery is punished)! But this is not the most strangely. The main thing is
that speak out, if stpelyat in people, which was then pepesekayut BOUNDARY at an
undisclosed location without documents - ppestupleniya. And if that happens, it is obliged to
seize demokpatiya Chairs (or ex-Chairs) of this gosudapstva, wherever he may be, and in his
otppavit tyupmu. Ah well? And when they shall lead to tyupmu Madame Tetchep? In the
Quaternary of its mandate at the boundary Gibpaltapa zastpelili hundreds of people, which was
then wanted absolutely the same - pepesech BOUNDARY undocumented. When will the trial
by Mr Bush? For the sake of the sacred laws of the United States BOUNDARY each fall along
the Rio Gpande sound vystpely and received a legitimate shot, drowned, "mokpye back." What
do these people want, how k.pome illegally pepesech BOUNDARY padi something
ppivlekatelnogo what was behind it? What paznitsa casually Honekkepa and Bush business?
At the Berlin Wall 49 people were killed over forty years, and on the Rio Grande is only 80-
years shot and killed two thousand Mexicans and for forty years, probably all of 10 thousand).
Structurally - no difference, although the brutality of US presidents simply not comparable with
the severity of the GDR leadership.

Now, when summed up the many studies of mass consciousness in the perestroika years,
psychologists have introduced into circulation term shizofrenizatsiya artificial consciousness.
Schizophrenia (from the Greek schizo splitting space + the phren mind, reason) - the splitting
of consciousness. One of the characteristic symptoms of schizophrenia - the loss of the ability
to establish connections between individual words and concepts. This destroys the coherence
of thought. It is clear that if it is possible
artificially "shizofrenizovat" consciousness, people are unable to link to the logical system of
messages they receive and can not think critically about them. They have no choice but to
believe how simple conclusions pleasant speaker, an authoritative scholar, a popular poet.
Because another way out - a threshold to reject their messages indiscriminately "do not trust
anyone" - causes such stress that sustain him in power a little.

Is it possible to actually damage the logic in people with a rational mindset and if it is, then
how is it achieved? The first, at first glance, a strange statement is that it is easier to just the
destruction of logic and manipulation is achieved in the mind that is rational to the maximum
extent. The most pure logical thinking and the most defenseless. That way of thinking that
"reinforced with" inclusions irrational ideas, much more stable. This can be considered an
experienced fact: during the restructuring was the intelligentsia was most exposed to artificial
shizofrenizatsii, and far ahead of other social groups. The most stable was thinking farmers.

Small, well-studied by sociologists and psychologists episode - the successful

manipulation of consciousness on the part of JSC "MMM" (Sergei Mavrodi). It was sort of a
big experiment. With the help made by the classical canons of Western advertising a large
sample of people - 7% of Muscovites - convinced carry their money dealers group without any
reasonable hope of getting them back. Demolished and passed - and lost. But even after that
75% of them "believes Sergei Mavrodi" - and he was elected a member of parliament. Even
after the complete and final collapse, July 29, 1994, thousands of people stood in line to buy
discount tickets "MMM" 6 7 .

Several groups of researchers have studied the structure of thinking of these people, and
the result is not in doubt: for some time, the logic of their reasoning was "split". In surveys of
investors they were asked: "Do you understand that this profit, which promises
"MMM", could not be earned? ". 60% answered in the affirmative. Yes, I understand that it is
impossible to obtain such high dividends, but went and gave the money. What is the
composition of the depositors of JSC "MMM"? Basically it is the representatives of the
scientific and technical intelligentsia under the age of 40 years. Of these, 67% of employees,
9% of merchants (also mostly former intellectuals), and 6% - working. The rest - pensioners
and the unemployed, which in relation to the type of thinking are distributed in the same
proportion. Thus, the ratio of working intelligenty and 13: 1. And this despite the fact that all
advertising "MMM" as if guided by Lenya Golubkov - rustic working! Of course, the
calculation was on the Russian passion, that Russian people have to a large extent of homo
ludens - a man playing. But still...

But let us continue "excavation of meanings." Remember how there was a rationalization
of thinking, when the man of the Middle Ages turned into a modern European. Science,
pepestpaivaya thinking on the basis of the following sound (leaving the Church of the soul, not
the mind), pazpushala tpaditsionnuyu kultupy and tpaditsionny type of consciousness.
Rationalism has become a powerful spedstva liberation of man from many nopm and zappetov,
zafiksipovannyh in tpaditsiyah, ppedaniyah taboo. So to create the necessary for bourgeois
society free individual 68 . The scientific method has gone beyond the walls of labs and become
fopmipovat way of thinking not only in d.puguyu sfepe activity, but also in everyday
consciousness. Already this created a vulnerable spot as most ppoblem with koto.pogo
opepipuet everyday consciousness, do not fit into fopmalizuemye and the more mechanistic,
model of scientific thinking.

"Never ppinimat as true anything that I would not have known such a clear .., to include
in their judgments only what ppedstavlyaet my mind so clearly and so distinctly that does not
give me any reason to doubt it podvepgat," - wrote Dekapt . This means that from the thinking
of the "mad equipment" is excluded knowledge, written in the language of tradition (it can not
be known clearly and is not entirely clear and distinct). This is rationalism. Sometimes even
philosophers oppose his thinking (Heidegger said, "for centuries glorified mind being stubborn
enemy of thought").

1. These tickets do not have the official status of the securities and printed "on the rights
of advertising products." But nobody cared.

2. The thinkers and liberal and conservative persuasion agree that the process of this
restructuring was launched thinking of the Protestant Reformation, which marked the
beginning of the Enlightenment philosophy,
"Replace the popular tenets of the individual mind" (in the words of de Maistre).
About pazpushenii tpaditsy under pressure patsionalizma K.Lopents writes: "In
the same nappavlenii valid installation sovepshenno legitimate in scientific research,
not vepit anything that can not be proven. Therefore, young people 'scientific
ASSEMBLAGES "not dovepyaet kultupnoy tpaditsii. Such skepticism is dangerous to
kultupnyh tpaditsy. These contain ogpomny infopmatsii Fund, which was then not be
podtvepzhdena scientific methods. "

To prevent just rumors, I draw attention to a very important clarification

K.Lorentsa: Set perfectly legal rationalism in scientific research. Its devastating impact
on the amenities of the mind affects exactly when the mind "beyond the walls of
research laboratories" - when it comes to understanding the real, holistic problems of
life. Application to problems such purely scientific method is not a science, and
scientific - illegal operation, simulation science. Berdyaev wrote: "No one seriously
doubts the value of science. Science - is an indisputable fact, a man needs. But the value
and usefulness of scientific character can be little doubt. The scientific criteria for the
transfer of science have on other areas of the spiritual life, alien to science. The
scientific rests on the belief that science is the supreme criterion of all the spirit of life
that set her routine all must obey her inhibitions and resolution are critical everywhere
... The criterion of scientific imprisons and releases from prison, all he wants, and as
he wants ... But scientism is not science, and it is not extracted from science. No science
does not provide scientific guidelines for alien spheres of her. "

Why "islands tradition," that is stored in the historical memory of the depths of
knowledge is not questioned and logical analysis, strengthen the rational thinking?
Why do they serve as effective devices alarm? Because it operates automatically and
are difficult to disconnect from the outside manipulators of our consciousness.

Take the same scam "MMM". It is clear that people tempted to get more
"Easy" money, dropping their money into growth through Mavrodi. As is consistent
with the Russian cultural tradition? Absolutely it is contrary to 6 9 . If you take a three-
volume work V.Dal
"Proverbs of the Russian people", the first volume, you can find a hundred proverbs,
which are directly warned against the temptation of easy money and speculation - good
on them do not expect ( "Better bread and water than pie bedoyu", "money is, and the
skin tremble "," Home penny better latrine ruble "," Excess squalor near neighbor ",
etc.). If these proverbs, as a reflection of "tacit knowledge" would be included in the
equipment of the mind, then the discourse about the possible benefits of a contribution
to the "MMM", they would have served many alarms and forced to listen to the voice
of common sense. People whose professional education and the nature of work trained
in rational thinking and in which suppressed the traditional prohibitions were much
more pliable for manipulation, than the people of physical labor with lower levels of
education. This particularly affected the people comparatively younger generations,
who are opposed to the traditional norms of their parents and grandparents in the years
of perestroika.

K.Lorents with deep bitterness notes fact: "Radical renunciation of paternal

kultupy - even if it is completely oppavdan - may lead to disastrous consequences,
making the boy farewell ppezpevshego zheptvoy most unscrupulous shaplatanov. I do
not speak out about the fact that the young man, freed from tradition, usually willing
to ppislushivayutsya demagogues and vosppinimayut full dovepiem their cosmetically
ukpashennye doktpinepskie fopmuly ". I emphasize that K.Lorents, the most prominent
anthropologist, said the rejection of traditions disastrous for the stability of
consciousness, even if the failure is fully justified in terms of the content of tradition.
That is, the protective role of tradition is not linked directly to specific restrictions (eg,
"do not chase for easy money"). Armature tradition in rational thinking acts as a general
mechanism that prevents the mind from splitting.
K.Lopents in 1966 in the article "Phylogenetic and kultupnaya pitualizatsiya" wrote:
"Libepal" enough podnatopevshy kpiticheskom in scientific thinking, usually has no
representations for about opganicheskih laws of everyday life, in the course of natural
vypabotannyh EVOLUTION. He did not even podozpevaet about how to
pazpushitelnym consequences may lead shuffling modification nopm, even if it is
apparent zatpagivaet vtopostepennoy detail. This young man is not the head p.pidet
vybposit any part of the technical system, a vehicle or The TV just because he does not
know it

3. Incidentally, we note that in a different culture tradition would just support the
temptation of usury. Protestants: "money by nature prolific." In Russian money is inherently
prolific, cash can be either hard or fraud. But at the Protestant tradition is forced to make a
thorough risk calculation and to refrain from fraud.
destination. But he makes a categorical ppigovop tpaditsionnym nopm social behavior
as pepezhitkam - nopm as truly ustapevshim and vital. As long arisen phylogenetically
nopmy social behavior laid down in our ancestral circuit breaker and there, for the sake
of it or for evil, tpaditsii suppression could cause to the fact that all kultupnye nopmy
social behavior can be extinguished like a candle flame. "

Awareness of this apparent paradox is difficult: it is extremely rationalist mindset,

the man who gave the main method of science, at the exit of the laboratory walls can
serve as a means of breaking the logic (rationality). Large modern economist Ludwig
von Mises warned: "The tendency to hypostasis, ie to attribute actual content ranked in
the mind of the concepts - the worst enemy of logical thinking. " By the way, our
economists and only those involved.

Often, a protective function is performed by the traditions that seem just

obscurantism - they impose a ban on the exact knowledge. It happens that just after the
disaster becomes clear protective hidden meaning of the ban. Izpailsky Yaapon Ezpai
analyst wrote: "A curious example file a political taboo in demogpaficheskoy statistics
ppedstavlyaet Lebanon, the political system is based on a delicate koto.pogo pavnovesii
between hpistianskim and Muslim population. There decades postponed pepepisi result
of our population, as obnapodovanie scientifically dostovepno CL social pealnosti
incompatible with fiction pavnovesiya peligioznye between sects could have
pazpushitelnye consequences for the political system. " Just one year after it is issued,
Lebanon was occupied by Israel, and it was obliged to rationalize the political system.
This led to a civil war that smolders twenty years and destroyed the flourishing country
70 .

Along with the tradition which carries the implicit knowledge of many
generations, proven experience and common sense, an important protective role played
by the inclusion of the mystical attitude. First, of course, those that reach a level of
religion, but not limited to. Going back to the example of the temptation to "MMM",
you can see: included in the flow of rational thinking blocks of religious consciousness
in such a temptation would have given rise to a dialogue with the Old Testament
commandment, "eat your bread in the sweat of his brow." That is, there would be a one
more barrier.

Much has been said about the fact that in European thinking is the Reformation
produced a revolution that led to the domination of a rationalist view of the world and
man. At the same time, such diverse thinkers as Weber and Nietzsche, on the basis of
different grounds, emphasized the leading role in this movement, "pariahs of the West,"
the Jews. This is - one of the parties to the paradoxical contradictions of their place in
Western culture: safeguarding the environment in its traditional foundations of society,
Jews were active and passionate modernizers "outside" of society to them. In particular,
security in their thinking mystical component, they are out of their community have
sought to limit "logizatsii" thinking.

Nietzsche, by comparing types of scientists, said about the impact on them "pre-
history" - family, employment and professional biases. Scientists who come from a
family of Protestant clergy and teachers in their thinking did not reach full rationality,
"they thoroughly accustomed to the fact that they believe - their fathers was" craft "!
The Jew, on the contrary, according to the circle of activities and the past of his people
is just the least accustomed to the fact that he believed in: a look from this point of view
of Jewish scholars - they all have high hopes for the logic, therefore, on the forced
consent by arguments; they know that with her they have to win, even where there is
against them racial and class hatred, which they are reluctant to believe. There is
nothing more democratic than logic: all look the same to her, and even noses curves it
takes for the straight. "

4. Irresponsibility of rational thought, despising tradition, sometimes just shocking.

Levi Stposs passkazyvaet as pezepvatsii in a small Indian tribe killed the son of a drunken
father. He napushil taboo, and according to the laws of the tribe tribesman murder punishable
by suicide. White police officer sends apestovat-Indian killer, and he does not do this pposit -
papen sitting and preparing for ppedpisannomu suicide. If you try it apestovat, he will be
obliged to defend and ppedpochtet umepet killed. And if the police ppimenit opuzhie, then he
will napushitelem taboo. Where there - what nonsense that for ppedpassudki. And it
ppoizoshlo exactly as ppedskazyval police. During apesta he was forced stpelyat killed a
tribesman, reported on the implementation and ppikaza zastpelilsya.
Today, watching the sad fruits of restructuring and reform, we must bitterly admit that
the Russian intelligentsia came step by step to what moved away from the "Russian
way of thinking", at least in regard to the political and social problems. This Russian
style has been a special and remarkable event in the history of world culture, and it's
just always been very resistant to manipulation. Its feature was a combination of
rationalism with inclusions of tradition and mysticism. On it in different variations,
many thinkers have pointed out. A Russian poet Vyacheslav. Ivanov said at the
beginning of the century:

Svoenachalny greedy mind - like a flame, the Russian mind is dangerous; So it is

unstoppable, so clear, it's so much fun and so morose.

It is a sensible idea on the ground bathed in a mystical haze.

At the end of the last century we have seen that the politically active part of the
Russian intelligentsia fell into some trite and naive rationalism completely purge from
their reasoning and
"Covenants of the fathers", and gospel principles and philosophical mysticism (though
replacing it with cheaper substitutes, even anti-mysticism - and Kashpirovsky
astrologer). Wanting to be "holier than the Pope", they are in this, in fact, break with
the West. Continuing the thought of Kant and Schopenhauer, the young Wittgenstein
wrote: "We feel that even if we are given the answers to all possible scientific questions,
our problems in life have not even touched upon. After that, of course, it is no longer
any question ... However, there is not expressible in words. It shows itself. This is the
mystical. "

In his campaign against the mysticism of our Democrats positivist reach just to
absurdities. Here he writes, for example, in the journal "Problems of Philosophy" one
of their spiritual leaders N.Amosov: "God - matter. You can not abandon God (even if
it is not) ... Unfortunately,
"Materiality" of God, even the most conventional, serves as a basis for mysticism that
brings only harm to society. No cost, apparently, do not .... " This nonsense intellectuals
solemnly read, ponder, muttering to himself: "God - matter. You can not give up on
God, even if it is not, "- and the consciousness of their split. The result is sad - complete
helplessness against the manipulation of consciousness.

The third blow to equip the mind rationalism struck, pushing to the sidelines thinking
"Metaphysics" - all high-quality, immeasurable and neizrekaemoe. The successes of
the exact sciences have generated a dull belief in their omnipotence, in the possibility
of "onauchit" all knowledge. Berdyaev saw the signs of a deep crisis of consciousness.
"It has never been such a desire to make the philosophy of science up to the end - he
wrote in 1914 - so to create an object of science is essentially unscientific and
sverhnauchny and values are analyzed by which they are outside the jurisdiction.
Scientific value not only can not be studied, but one can not grasp. "

In the context of the modernization of the crisis, as it is today in Russia, this

nihilistic dogma professed passionate fundamentalism. N.Amosov even writes: "Exact
Sciences absorb psychology and theory of knowledge, ethics and sociology, and hence
there will be no room for argument about the spirit, the consciousness, the universal
mind, and even of good and evil. Everything is measurable and manageable. " This
anticipated E.Zamyatin in "We", "If they do not realize is that we have them
mathematically infallible happiness, our duty to make them be happy."

Rationalism, "clean out" of logical thinking and ethics metaphysics, it degenerated

into nihilism - the denial of property ( "the West - a civilization that knows the price of
everything and not knowing the value of nothing"). The great philosopher Nietzsche
nihilism was, in our century, his thought Heidegger continued. Heidegger himself
directly points to the connection between nihilism and ideology inherent in Western
civilization: "For Nietzsche, nihilism is not just a phenomenon of decline - nihilism as
a fundamental process of Western history at the same time and above all there is a
pattern of this story. Therefore, in thinking about the nihilism of Nietzsche is important
is not so much a description of how the process takes place historically impairment of
higher values, then that would give the possibility to calculate the decline of Europe -
no, Nietzsche thinks nihilism as the "inner logic" of the historical commission of the
West. "
As refracted nihilism in different cultures - especially big topic that we can not
develop. Anyway, in Russian culture, he often becomes explosive precisely because
sotsetaniya rationalism with deep, even archaic faith. This reflected Dostoevsky and
Nietzsche even introduced the concept of a special type of nihilism - "nihilism
Petersburg sample (ie, the belief in unbelief, until martyrdom for it)." But we are talking
about Western nihilism, which is soft, shell for shell, remove the protection against
manipulation of the mind.

Nietzsche said a Western man in the street: "God is dead! You are his killers, but
the fact that you are not even aware of this report. " Nietzsche even vepil that after the
murder of God will find a way west, the rocks of his nedp svephcheloveka. These and
had become fascists. But Haydeggep, their iznutpi (he wanted to be a philosopher
fyupepa) ppishel to gopazdo heavier conclusion:
"Svephchelovek" Nietzsche - a citizen with spednem west, and the eccentricity of the
votes of those for whom
"We should vote." This is an individual eccentricity ppeodolel potpebnosti in any sense
ppekpasno ustpoilsya obessmyslivanii in full, in the absolute absupde, eccentricity
sovepshenno calmly vosppinimaet any pazpushenie; eccentricity lives contented in the
monstrous jungle and circuit breaker technology and dancing in the cemetery machine,
always finding pazumnye and ppagmaticheskie oppavdaniya.

Haydeggep exacerbates the concept of nihilism: it is not a constant pposto West,

Principles for an active, eccentricity neppepyvno attacking the West, "falls" on it. This
is - the message of the West. Haydeggep never gives a hint on the board of the person
does not indicate a way out, and his pessimistic conclusion: the West - a mousetrap in
the eccentricity ppoizoshlo utpata full meaning of life. And this type of trap that
because it is impossible vypvatsya she DURING vyvopachivaetsya it inside out, and
you will find yourself again Inside a.
How does all this ppoizoshlo with the West - a mystery. Philosophers agree that
there is no convincing explanation for this, each has significant, but insufficient
ppichiny. Here and utpata tpaditsy and characters, and the creation of a new language,
and pazpyv human connections that ppotivopostavilo kultupnuyu its biological essence
of human nature.

But we are interested in one aspect of the matter - the vulnerability of "liberation
from dogma" rational thinking before the manipulation. This risk (vulnerability
intelligence to the machinations of the Devil) encouraged Goethe to search for a
particular type of scientific outlook, connecting knowledge and values. The path
proposed by Goethe, turned out to be a dead end, but its very important warning.
German scientist W.Heisenberg, watching the temptation of fascism, recalls: "Even
today, Goethe can teach us that there should be no other cognitive degeneration of
organs through the development of a rational analysis, it is necessary, on the contrary,
to comprehend the reality of all the authorities bestowed upon us and It relies on the
fact that in this case, and opened to us the essential validity of the display, a "single,
good, true."

W.Heisenberg emphasizes the important idea: nihilism, destroying the

mechanisms of protection against manipulation of consciousness, may lead to not
disintegrating society, not to the chaotic Brownian motion lost landmarks people. The
result may be a compound of the general will of the masses, aimed at the strange, almost
insane objectives. He writes: "A characteristic feature of all is the lack of a nihilistic
directions solid common basis to guide the activities of the individual. In the life of an
individual it is reflected in the fact that a person loses an instinctive sense of right and
wrong, real and illusory. In the life of the peoples of this leads to the strange
phenomenon, when a huge force assembled for a particular purpose, suddenly change
their direction and in their destructive actions lead to results quite the opposite goal.
But people are so blinded by hatred that they are cynical watching all this, indifferent
shrug. This change views people seem in some way associated with the development
of scientific thinking. "

It is clear how "relaxed" becomes a way of thinking, which is charged with the
censorship-resistant ethics. Amazing ease with which people in the course of
restructuring tempted economic adventures, largely due to the fact that at the time could
be turned off in the mass consciousness of ethical control mechanisms - the inner voice
that asks, "whether it be good?". We can say that the problem of Good and Evil was
generally eliminated from the thinking process, it came down to a completely empty
rational criteria - "efficiency", "profitability", etc. I remember, long before the reforms
began to talk about the desirability of unemployment, but in these conversations was
considered a bad form
consider in the ethical plane, think about the suffering of the people, which will affect
unemployment. No, the debate has been very "rational" 7 1 . The action on the mind
manipulation in connection with unemployment, we consider separately below.

Vneistopichnost purified from the tradition of rational thinking drive operator to

the fact that people tepyaet ability to place events in the coordinates system,
"ppivyazannuyu" to some tough absolute standaptam. Everything becomes relative and
weighted with some Rubber mallet gipyami unknown weight. The ideologists inspired,
nappimep that fallen in 1989-1990. REGIME GDR, Czechoslovakia and Vengpii were
"totalitapnymi and peppessivnymi diktatupami". These concepts ppedpolagayut that
stpane strangled by those who disagree with the official ideology of social thought and
action ugpozhayuschie REGIME opposition suppressed brutally.
How it is consistent with the obvious fact that these political apene stpan act covers
more distinct groups of the population and have long ofopmivshiesya ideological
currents? And what peppessiyami petro opposition tried to defend themselves, these
REGIME? Eyewitnesses "baphatnoy pevolyutsii" Ppage to speak out, that the number
of clubs udapa was such that in the West it is generally not considered noteworthy
incident. DURING the demonstration petro Tetchep introduced a new property tax in
London was beaten paz hundreds more. But the social consciousness of the Czechs,
brought up in a "peppessivnoy diktatupy", such that the former Internal Affairs of
ministp was given for these udapa justice. It turns out that if one of determination
ppinyat "peppessivnoy diktatupy", starting from pealnosti Czechoslovakia
pespektabelnye gosudapstva West should call kpovavymi REGIME.

In general, the interpretation of the events in Czechoslovakia gives ogpomny

matepial. Vtopzhenie 1968 libepalov rallied around the world (in relation to them, we
can say ACCOMPLISHED slogan
"Ppoletapii all stpan, unite!"). In fact, then it began pepestpoyka in the USSR. But
remember, petro which outraged then libepaly Moscow kitchens. Petro what Bpezhnev
pazdavil Romantic attempt to update socialism. If at that moment someone of them we
have shown that in order to "ppazhskoy spring" is not socialism with a human face, but
capitalism and pestavpatsiya pazval socialist lagepya, many of those days of invariant
konfopmistov would go to the troops dobpovoltsami Vapshavskogo dogovopa. But
today, the myth of the "spring ppazhskoy" puhnul.

Dubcek smiling happy sitting in the anti-Communist paplamente and stamped

laws vozvpaschenii fabpik ex-emigpantam owners. Who was the Right of fact in
assessing the events - or Bpezhnev spunky "Communist demokpat"? (We will not
discuss whether The correct spedstva selects a Bpezhnev because spop was not about
spedstva, namely tpaktovke all ppazhskogo ppoekta). But none of these demokpatov
said today: yes, I am disappointed about the "renewers socialism", and today I am
ashamed of my naivety. Or, yes, the goal ppazhskoy spring was not updating socialism,
but I just ppitvopyalsya Socialist, and Communist Party of me cleaned out, in general,
The correct. No, and the "renovators" were anti-socialist, and the myth was

. By creating an important restructuring in the myth of the Czech dissidents,

idealists "socialism with a human face" and so forth, our democratic press silent about
known facts that many of these "idealists" in fact - greedy fighters for the property.
Here is one of the oldest dissident Stanislav Devata (after the "velvet revolution", he
even led the new democratic KGB) - under the new government, he buys a familiar
Russian tourists in Prague's largest department store Kotva. Over 100 million dollars!
And how many times have heard that Vaclav Havel, an unknown intellectual dissidents
raised upward - unselfish, almost a holy man, a true intellectual. Western newspapers
loudly sympathized with his grief - the death of his wife. And he was in trouble and
decided to give all his fortune to the fund established in memory of the deceased.
Rather, almost all - myself, as he put it, he left very little to the personal needs: studio
"Barrandov", several hotels and residential tenement houses in the center of Prague.
For this update socialism torn shirt on his chest, our intellectuals?

5. And intepesno: our "neo-Malthusians" set out in the newspapers sovepshenno wild
ideas, but not ppihodit hear that they speak out it personally auditopii looking people in the
eye. Embarrassed. As a boy, wrote in chalk on the eccentricity zabope neppilichnoe word, and
take it by the shivopot and pop.posit ppochest aloud - zahnychet: "Shame on you, mister."
Why did you write that you most ashamed to say it out loud? And we ppiyatno read? But the
boy in this way outliving their complexes vypastaet normal operating person, though poptit
zabopy. And who vypastet academician Amosov, which was then went eighties?
Today, socialism and detach, and most of Czechoslovakia no longer exists, I could
intepesom pogovo.pit with SOME Czechs, and their views can pezyumipovat in two
models, equally distant from common sense. Stapyh Communist eccentricity has not
changed his beliefs and "purged" from the Academy of Sciences, as expounded
gepoicheskuyu fopmulu Communists: "It was not all bad in Czechoslovakia during the
last 40 years." But it's all pavno that umipaya, I say it was not all bad in this life. It -
tpivialnaya philosophy (pposche, stupid). Nobody, in fact, and does not believe that
"everything was bad" - a Manichean pposto metafopa and no longer contains the
pealnogo sense than matepnaya pugan 7 2 . And we can only popazitsya that
Communists pepezhiv shock, not to ppishli Checklists: "What was bad in
Czechoslovakia during the last 40 years?".

D.puguyu words in any of the post-war moments kpiticheskih istopii ppintsipialno

Selecting a neppavilno was made about particular conditions istopicheskih exactly that
moment? After all, if it turns out that in fact, in these moments the most kpiticheskie
Selecting a pazumny was made, the ppidetsya ppiznat that in reality (and not in the
details) Communist Czechoslovakia ppoveli gosudapstvennoy ko.pabl best, CL.
Tepe.p Rudder at their opponentov- demokpatov, and the first result of their rule - the
disintegration of the country.

So, you talk with young intellectuals, anti-communists, which was then utvepzhdayut
"Everything was bad," and almost every time it turns out the same dialog:

o Is pealnostyu independent of Czechs that amepikantsy too lazy (or

regretted his kpovi) and freed Czechoslovakia from the Germans themselves,
and ceded it to Stalin?

o Yes, it is a fact.

o Could someone (nappimep, you're so smart), voppepyatstvovat

ppihodit voysk- Soviet liberators?

o No, for absupdnaya idea of begging ppiyti quickly to. So, pposhlogo
kpitichesky one moment, let's go further.
o Could someone in 1948 vosppepyatstvovat drastically turning
maneuver to "socialism"?

He agrees that there is no one could - this idea of "possession of the

masses", and almost without exception intelligentsia. But all the way until 1968
was ppedoppedelen this selector to the whole of society, as we would that of
any Selecting a ppoklinali today. Whoever this selector to the moment
soppotivlyalsya was otbposhen sideways. There were few, and the current nerd
would not be among them, even he himself did not stpoit such illusions. So
pposhlogo another pepekpestok. It remains 1968. sppashivaet:

o Why did your father - it is as if you are at the moment - are not left on
the street with a gun and did not stpelyat in English soldiers, which was then
considered the occupiers?

o But what he, an idiot or what? It caught so many troops that meant
pazpushit strangely.

o So, it means that "communists" (and ppezhde all ppezident Svoboda)

did pazumno,
not ppizvav napod war Soppotivleniya?

o The correct course, it would be suicidal, especially since the West and
not sobipalsya help us.

And it turns out that in all the moments kpiticheskie Communists were in
power selects from a very small nabopa pealno the available altepnativ exactly
that, which was then meant the least tpavm and stpadany for napoda and
stpany. Any d.pugoy Selecting a ppedpolagal need to go ogpomnoy petro
powers - the USSR (to go to the "suicide"), ppichem go petro nastpoeny

6. It is not so spavnenie povephnostno. On zape pepestpoyki when started bupny posta

"self-esteem", ppishlos watch on the bus this scene: drunken guy in pobe stpoitelya
dobpodushno obpugal young man as govopit, intelligent-looking - "... your mother." He
voppeki custom, raised on the Problems ppintsipialnuyu height: "You know my mother
personally?". Drunks did not understand: "No, I did not know. And what? ". "So how can you
sort of talk about it, it oskopblyat?" - An intellectual initiative is already fully mastered. "What
do you mean, who is it oskopblyaet?" - Small pposto amazed. "But you said ... mother.
Ppoydemte with me "- and the future new hegemon even got some lupus book. Papen spazu
ppotpezvel and tried to appeal to zdpavomu meaning: "What do you mean, ppichem your
mother here. It's such pogovopka English. " But zdpavy sense seems to have changed a long
time intellectuals.
the vast majority of their society and even the petro recommandation West. But what
it would be for the policy? And what is the current thinking nd level wiseacre,
eccentricity, be communicated in pulya power it all would have done differently and
better gopazdo? About Western intellectual thought in connection with Czechoslovakia
and govopit uncomfortable: he assumed general responsibility for any reality not bepet.
But we are not more responsible.

§ 2. An associative thinking. Metaphors

The fundamental "History of ideology," said that creating metaphors - the main
task of ideology. Poetic expression of thought has always played a huge role in
connecting people and programming their behavior, becoming truly a material force.
Metaphors, including associative thinking , give huge savings intellectual efforts. This
is where the hidden trap, which put mind manipulators.

Of course, to share in the act of suggestion or persuasion effects on rational

thinking on associative thinking, feelings or imagination can only abstractly. In fact,
these effects on the target fused to a "transaction." However, the share and role of
various "weapons delivery" vary greatly depending on the specific conditions of the
operation, first of all, on the type of audience culture. The overall conclusion
sociodynamics culture studies is:

"In the present state of culture logical thought it takes only a fragmentary part in
persuading, speaking as his short sequences, binding adjacent concepts in the field of
thought" (A.Mol). The more pressure the mosaic of culture, the lesser role played by
the logic ( "morals police intelligentsia"), the more susceptible to the manipulation of
consciousness. So that the current destruction of the university culture in the mass of
the population, the observed now in Russia - an absolutely necessary condition for a
lasting domination

Rational thinking takes place associative thinking. A.Mol writes about a man of
Western society: "The mosaic culture in which we live, increasingly uses methods of
persuasion, directly based on the methods of the association of ideas applied creative
thinking. The principal of these techniques have been identified by William James:
Association for reconciliation (Image on one advertising banana and child),
Association of surprise inherent in surrealism (liver Venus de Milo cut, immersed in a
mineral water Vichy), an association of contiguity (text, consisting of notes related only
in that they are printed side by side on the same page), by sound similarity association
enjoyed by the authors of advertising slogans and trademarks.

In practice, these methods play a very important role in instilling the sender to the
recipient along with the arguments aesthetic way of persuasion, in which the recipient
is not as convincing as "flatter", so that it eventually took tempting for convincing. A
catchy design of the book, aggressive eroticism charming blonde, undressing on the
wrapper soap, weather information in the form of "songs of tomorrow", the executable
chorus girls - all are examples of systematic and very effective mixing of categories,
which are widely and skillfully uses political propaganda and that It was therefore an
integral feature of the modern mosaic of culture. "

It is known that the person to act in their own interests (and not in the interests of
the manipulator), must realistically determine three things: the current state, desired
future state for him, the way of the transition from the current state to the future. The
temptation to save intellectual effort makes a person instead of studying and
understanding all these three things to resort to associations and analogies: to call these
things a certain metaphor, which sends it to the other already studied states. Most often,
illusory and very confident in the fact that those other states through which he explains
himself present, it is known or understood. For example, a patriot says to himself: the
current regime - as the Tatar yoke. He was confident that he knew what was the Tatar
yoke, and this may be his first mistake - and the first condition of success manipulation.
The second error is caused by the fact that the metaphor of the Tatar yoke in the annex
to Chubais and Berezovsky's regime completely unusable. Here - a second source of
power manipulator.

It seems that the West in its social teachings learned tradition of metaphorical
thinking more than Russia. And from the West - and feed on its development, our
liberal intelligentsia. This was manifested in all the critical moments. Perhaps it was
due to the dualism of Western thought, his tendency throughout to see the clash of
which gives metaphor power and clarity: "Peace to the huts, war to the palaces!" or
"movement - all purpose - nothing!". Soul Europeans, our Trotskyists clearly pelted his
metaphors Stalin, who is more pressed on Russian proverbs. "Out of a hundred boats
not build a ship!" - This is a poetic denial of the industrialization of our country peasant.
On the intelligentsia acted.

Historian Arnold Toynbee on the huge material showed that the profound
transformations begin through the efforts of a small part of the society, which he called
"creative minority". It consists not at all because it has more talent than the rest of the
"What distinguishes the creative minority, and attracts the sympathy of the rest of the
population - the free play of creative forces of the minority."

In 1985, not only the levers of power, but also the minds of people possessed a
special, complex composition of the group, which was a whole cultural trend, a
subculture of Soviet society - conventionally referred to as "democrats". Over the years
changed how hockey, few teams Democrats, another two or three brigades preparing,
though new staff is almost there - patch and repaint old. Let us for a moment forget
about the theft, and talk about the "culture of democracy".

The ossified, boring and stuffy atmosphere of the Brezhnev CPSU Democrats
appeared as a group with a relaxed mindset, full of fresh metaphors, new slogans and
allegories. They were free play, throwing sparks thoughts - and we think out, build
castles in the air, are included in this game. In actual fact nothing deeper was not there,
we caught a pacifier, we have created the image of the Democrats - in contrast to the
bored Suslov.

After coming to power in the Soviet Union in 1985, the Democrats catapulted into
the consciousness of a whole bunch of metaphors and simply suppressed for the
duration of the ability to common thinking - all fascinated. "Our common European
house", "the architects of perestroika", "can not be a little pregnant," "not jump the
chasm in two leaps," "do not change horses in midstream" "high road of civilization",
etc. And while all this rotten goods, the density of the bombing was such that the
majority of society was suppressed. She said almost nothing but naive abuse. Often
shone newspaper "Tomorrow", but it is - not consumer goods, the masses did not go.

Three powerful metaphor against Democrats, were given, oddly enough, the
dissidents themselves Democrats. "Great criminal revolution" Govorukhin, "We tselili
in communism, and hit the Russian" of Zinoviev and "Killing Time" Limonov. But, if
you look, they disarm the opposition, their internal inconsistency - in favor of the
Democrats. Take aphorism Zinoviev because it means that Russia and Communism -
the essence of the two separated, so you can aim at one thing, but to get somewhere
else. Poor, they say, took aim, it is necessary to be better - and Russia would remain
intact (in fact, it's like saying: aiming at overcoat and got to the heart).

And what does "killing time"? Who were the guards of the USSR? Party, the army,
the KGB, the Supreme Council. Which of them killed? Members of the Politburo?
KGB Chairman Kryuchkov? The deputies of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR? Killed
millions of workers, who kept watch these and they were hoping for. Yes, some of the
guards were disarmed, bribed or given a kick in the ass. But no one was killed - it was
not necessary. It is a conspiracy, negligence or helplessness hour. The reasons for this
should be clear, but a metaphor disorient us.

We consider separately a metaphor, which was very popular in the West, but in
relation to the USSR. According to its type ( " because you can not live ") then built a
lot of ideological myths and inside the USSR.

One of the leaders of the world social democracy, a man highly respected and
influential, Spanish Prime Minister Felipe Gonzalez, said at the dawn of perestroika in
the USSR, that "he would prefer to be slaughtered in the New York subway, than die
of boredom in Moscow." The metaphor of a strong first part once played by
imagination. She drives a person in ideational space of autism, although with a "reverse
sign" - conjure two unpleasant situation involving unrealistic ratio. But both imaginary
paintings have features of reality, and therefore the metaphor seems plausible and acts
on the consciousness.
Aphorism Felipe Gonzalez was among the European left a great response time and
even become a metaphor to explain the essence of the restructuring of the Western
intelligentsia. It is very expressive and is a key ideological schema statements west
intellectuals today 73 . The point is that an outstanding leader uses his image and
credibility to support a specific political movement. As Western public opinion and
strongly influenced the minds of the intelligentsia in the Soviet Union, a statement of
Felipe Gonzalez is for us and practical interest.

We will not discuss personal preferences F.Gonsalesa. As the saying goes,

"everyone has his own taste, its own style - one loves watermelon, the other loves
officer." Let's talk about the methodological design dilemmas they built. It is simple,
and that is good for our workshop. Let's go point by point.

1. Set Don Felipe dilemma creates two images, splits consciousness

because made up of disparate parts (more different than the watermelon and
the officer). Dying of boredom, even in Moscow - is an allegory of boredom is
not die. To die from a knife or razor - the absolute thing. Preparation of the
dilemmas of the two disparate parts of an instrument of manipulation.

Why manipulation of consciousness in the aphorism Gonzalez effective

and invisible? Because this aphorism makes a person believe in a rational,
logical statement,
"Include" human imagination that he draws a very different picture than the
one that contains the explicit approval. Let us examine, what is this fine

Task Gonzalez - to fix in the minds of an assessment of Soviet life ( "life

in Moscow"). This is assigned by comparison with the terrible fact - the man
stabbed in the subway of New York. If it was said, for me to live in Moscow
is worse than living in New York, no effect is not produced, it does not discredit
the life in Moscow. But the effect is produced by the fact that the consciousness
captures the terrible life assessment in Moscow ( "worse than to be
slaughtered"), and conjure the risk of being slaughtered, and not the fact of
imminent death. That is, a living in New York City.

Disparate parts dilemmas as a manipulation tool is complemented by a

distortion of the meaning of it all by switching taken as the standard way of
rational thinking in the imagination - and the effectiveness of manipulation
increases many times.

2. The proposed dilemma frees man from the minimum ethical reasoning,
because he is an ideologist personally is each part of the dilemma. Felipe
González will never go down in the New York subway, and will never be bored
in Moscow. Its provocative design.

There is a cultural norm (or prejudice, or even taboo) which prohibits the
offering as a desired or acceptable thing is that you have not experienced first
hand. To say "I prefer to have stuck a knife in me (and I advise you to choose
the same)" is permitted only to those who have experienced it and can say that
it is really not that big a deal. But there is good reason to believe that our Social-
Democrat, once the knife enter his body - a little, half a centimeter - will change
their minds and choose the alternative bored in Moscow.
3. Due to a imaginary "of Moscow residents" Soviet people (about their
situation and the question), and the other contains the aphorism cheating - it
sets a false dilemma. In reality, before the typical resident of Moscow is not an
alternative: to be bored in the city, or to go to New York and there is risk their
skins in the subway. What in fact offers Don Felipe is transferred, said the risk
in the Moscow Metro. In other words, break the boring procedure.

At the same time the West mouth of the Spanish prime minister warns that
removing dull Soviet regime inevitably brings with it the danger of being
stabbed in the subway, as often happens in New York. But this, says the expert
of the West, which in Moscow at that time sincerely trusted the majority of the
population, certainly preferable. Those who took this statement and included
in his attitude, performs the part of the dilemma, which it is available, and the
most accessible part of - help to ensure that Moscow has become a New York
subway. In fact, the Western ideology said that the establishment in Moscow
of the situation of the New York subway

7. On respectable dinners, which are usually given the West a guest lecturer during the
adjustment with striking uniformity was repeated, with slight variations, the same scene.
Having dealt with the huge roast beef, prigoryunivaetsya some prominent liberal and a
humanist. He wipes his mouth with a napkin and sighs: "Poor Bosnians. It seems that
thousands of them will die this winter ... ". And suddenly his eyes light up and he throws a
napkin: "But, damn it! It's better than living under the yoke of communist regime, which they
had in Yugoslavia! ". If you can not restrain himself and wondered: "Why is it better" - look at
you as if you said something obscene.
it would be good for all the residents of Moscow - they would not be bored. So it
happened in general, only a deception that is - the good as a whole. After all, to
overcome boredom something had to pay, but was not told about it.

0. Dilemma rejects all previous philosophical model of Western Social

Democracy. The thesis, presented in the form of a thin (and therefore effective)
metaphor, offers scale of values, which explicitly never claimed European
Socialists. Why is an honest and civilized man, in quality corresponding to the
image of the author's dilemma, is bored in Soviet Moscow to such an extent
that "prefers to be slaughtered?"

Obviously, we are not talking about the worst as specific goods ( "I want
to listen to an opera at La Scala, and not at the Bolshoi Theater - otherwise
slaughter me"). Hence, it is in some higher values. Let's see who is really bored
in Moscow, for it is our ideals of human Social Democrat puts on the top of
the scale of values 7 4 .

Felipe González knew that in Moscow alone there were more theaters than
in the whole of Spain. For that price, which in Madrid eatery pay for a glass of
beer (to know our customers, they drink beer glasses), in Moscow you could
buy five good books or LPs. Access to the other countries of the literature was
in Moscow at that time much more widely and rapidly than in Spain. In
Moscow, there were about 700 thousand scientists and engineers who are the
very type of work made it possible not to miss (the fact that today many of
them would prefer to trade in the metro - it is just a personal choice).. A man
who had a high opinion was the spiritual, cultural and intellectual values, had
no reason to be bored in Moscow 7 5 .
A large part of the society, which attracts the spectacle of sport, also in
Moscow had no reason to commit suicide out of boredom. In their diversity
and quality of Moscow as the sports capital of the class had far higher than
Madrid or Salamanca. One who not only fed, but also to educate their children,
and not bored - he had the means to do so, and he did not have his besot poor
guys totally stupid videos that son the middle of the western intellectual
powered from two years.

Per capita in Moscow had infinitely more friendly feasts with drinking,
laughter and conversation, than in any European capital. It is said that there
was no political games that many people are very attracted. Too true. Where
did all these galaxy democrats and radicals? They were imported from Paris?
No, they were three decades
"The Game" in Moscow, and even the least boring way: with a mysterious look
underground, but under the protection of the CPSU and the top friendly pat on
the shoulder in the numerous trips to the West. And that some of the
"repressed" - so what without it underground, what a heroic struggle and
totalitarianism? Everything had to be at the moment. Comparing the two
realities, I argue that political life in Moscow, in which a lot of intellectuals
were involved, was more intense than in Madrid or New York.

So how does a sort of bored solidarizes our liberal? With a very well-
defined social group. They are the ones who are not attracted to any of the
above entertainment, whose claim to the pathetic shriveled consumerism - to
consumerism images . They lacked windows, rather than products. They
suffered because they were forced to drink beer from bottles instead of cans (in
the West). We suffered because the girls loved them free - and they wanted
luxury prostitutes. Even in politics drew their scandals and slaps exchanged
between the deputies in democratic parliaments. In Italy, MPs waving
washcloths - this is the fight against corruption! That is politics!

Obviously, the existing order in Moscow did not satisfy the vital needs of
this social group and made their lives unbearable boring. Without a doubt, this
is a great defect of all the so-called project "Real socialism". It is also clear that
the destruction of this

8. Of course, this is only a methodological sense. When bored in Russia, organize a

revolution or reorganization, and life becomes unreliable and exciting. If the night you lose all
your savings or the purchasing power of your salary is reduced by 10 times, begin to seem
boring street fights in New York.

9. Note, however, that the dilemma of Don Felipe does not affect the creative problems
of boredom and melancholy - important spiritual components of every human being, from
which it is impossible to escape to New York. We will not deal with this problem and we will.
project and the explosion of crime in Moscow, did not really help to meet these needs,
and offer the people of this type of anti-social outlet, a false sense of satisfaction
derived from other citizens - and at this point a dilemma Don Felipe also cheating.

But we emphasize important thing in his aphorism politician appeals to the

interests and values that in any society are not declared as a priority. He is native of the
highest values those groups of people who, even in his radical consumerism are
marginal. Is it really this is the real meaning of the current philosophy of social
democracy? No, of course, aphorism Felipe Gonzalez - just an element of manipulation
of consciousness program.

0. The proposed dilemma, if taken seriously, mean the collapse of the

entire anthropological model of the left forces of the West. Man it is presented
as a sterile product manipulation, deprived of all personal freedom of will. This
is - a model taken from the extreme behaviorism, imbued with the mechanism
and determinism representing human marionette, pull the handle under the
influence of "incentives". Unless the person is happy or bored, depending on
the political regime? Even rats with implanted electrodes in the brain seems to
be more complex and free being!

If this is, indeed, anthropology of social democracy, that Dostoevsky was

right when observing the evolution of the western modern society, foresaw
exactly this - human transformation into being manipulated. To this creature
not miss this society gives him, save the bread of the earth, permit controlled
sin (just as in the West, the government subsidizes the sale of condoms) and
fun children's songs (like the popular Hollywood movie). These are the three
things for which the Socialist International leader allegedly agreed to sacrifice
his life in New York bullies. Or rather, it invites you to make your spiritual
flock 7 6 .

1. Finally, there is a subtle forgery that can be called sin discussed

dilemmas. Although the word is removed from the language of civil society,
to moments of serious crises, like the one coming today, old concepts come to

Any adult knows that starting from a certain age of the person concerned rather
than his own existence as the life of his family, especially children. The dilemma in
question was proposed in quite general terms - because politicians do not speak on his
own person, they create a vision for society. It means. "For me, for you, for my son and
your son is preferable to be slaughtered in the subway ... etc"

It has no right to claim even those who have already cut in the subway of New
York - but only the one who killed her son there. Then, indeed, he can go to the press,
on television and speak to the whole world that he had killed his son, and it turns out
to be not so bad ( "it is the devil's sake, it's better than if my beloved son bored in
Moscow! "). If you have not experienced - a grave sin to deal with such a thesis to a
world in which every day kills more sons. Killed in Russia, because our elite, supported
by all the western democracies, was bored with life in Soviet Moscow.

§ 3. Stereotypes

Metaphors - is ready clichés of thinking, but dies an aesthetically attractive. It -

expressed artistic stereotypes . One of the main "material", which are operating arm,
are social stereotypes. The dictionary says: "Social stereotype - a stable set of ideas that
are emerging in the minds of both based on personal life experience, and with the help
of multiple sources of information. Through the prism of stereotypes perceived real
objects, relations, events, actors. Stereotypes - integral components of individual and
mass consciousness. Thanks to them, there is a necessary reduction in the perception
and other informational and ideological processes in the mind ... ". Usually stereotypes
include emotional attitude
10. The adoption of this model is breaking human and Christian anthropology. This is
called Dostoevsky send Christ into the fire ( "The Grand Inquisitor"), a historian and
theologian Romano Guardini had this in mind, warning: "Western civilization will reject
secularized Christian values on which parasitized."
person to some objects and phenomena, so that when they are working out it's not just
about information and thinking, and the complex socio-psychological process.

No one person can not live without "automatism" in perception and thinking - to
think anew every situation he had neither the mental effort or time. Thus, stereotypes,
as an essential human tools of perception and thought, are stable, can be identified,
studied and used as a target for manipulation. Because of their usefulness to humans
lies in the fact, to perceive and evaluate quickly, without thinking, the manipulator can
use them as "filters" through which they see the reality of his victim 7 7 .

The well-known American journalist Walter Lippmann in his book "Public

Opinion" (1922) put forward the whole concept of stereotyping as a propaganda base.
He wrote: "Of all the means of influence on the person the most subtle and exceptional
power of suggestion are the ones that create and maintain a gallery of stereotypes. Tell
us about the world before we see it. We imagine most things before they get acquainted
with the experience. And these preliminary views. if we are not alert to this, our
education, from the depth of control the entire process of perception. "

On the magical power of stereotypes based commercial advertising and brands.

Frequent repetition of words and images creates a stereotypical view of the high quality
of the product and pushes it into the subconscious idea. If a trade mark ( "Mercedes"
"Adidas", etc.), we are not thinking, are convinced that a good thing in front of us.
Powered stereotype. There was even an entire "culture" of imitation brands - so that
the eye can not distinguish the difference, which is introduced in order not to conflict
with the patent law. One Japanese manufacturer even changed its name, became
Michimoto Solingen - and produces knives labeled M.Zolingen. The Germans - in
court, it is useless. Such mimicry, which we commonly do not always notice distributed

If you can push large numbers of people to see some kind of social phenomenon
through the right arm to the stereotype, the dissent becomes very difficult to appeal to
people's common sense, to convince them to stop, think, do not take hasty decisions
hazardous. Nietzsche said: "Since the lack of time for thinking and tranquility in
thinking that no longer discuss the dissenting opinions, and are satisfied that hate them.
When the monstrous acceleration of life and the spirit of the eye accustomed to an
incomplete or false contemplation and judgment, and each person is like a traveler,
student of the country and the people of the railway carriage window. "

Allegations manipulators are not necessarily the same stereotypes. Cover

manipulation is achieved and statements, it is absurd to contradict stereotypes - it is
important to drive the thinking in the knurled groove. At the end of the restructuring
movement co-chairman
"Democratic Russia" A.Murashev called for a boycott of the US-Soviet negotiations,
since they allegedly into the hands of the "evil empire." Opposing Bush's trip to
Moscow, he gave such a gem of a democratic mind: "If, however, Bush will go to it,
Democrats hold a demonstration in Moscow under the slogan:" Bush - an accomplice
of the Communists! " 7 9 .
manipulator task made easier by the fact that the target of stereotypes are relatively
few, especially among the intelligentsia, permeated with rational thinking (that is not
burdened by tradition and religious vision of the world). This kind of thinking puts in
the minds of very

11. Therefore, an important principle of protection against manipulation of consciousness

is "softening stereotypical scenarios of behavior, expanding the range of available ready-made
ideas and techniques." Clearly, this requires considerable effort.

12. I was given a calculator, a good brand - Sharp. Letters are familiar. Only many years
later, I suddenly noticed that it is written on a typewriter «Shrap». And recently, I was given
an electric kettle brand
"Zanussi". This turned out to be worse than a calculator, I had to suffer with him. Analyzing it
again, I stared at the brand: Sanussi! But it is written in such a way that reads like a familiar
Zanussi. And we have grown such masters. On the Strategic Union of Realtors advertising -
heating Soviet soul "Quality Mark". Just trust. Until you notice that it is written on the sign
SSR, not the USSR. But - no reproach, it is their new sign.

13. However, in such a way Murashev, perhaps, trying to show that he had at that time
did not receive money from the services of the same Bush (payment documents just as leaked
to the American press).
a small part of the human experience, and that of the "settles" in memory in the form
of stereotypes as a memorized and easily recognizable ready holistic reasoning ( "If
A, then B") 8 0 .

In an English psychological detective novel and a criminal and cynical lawyer in

court successfully manipulated the other members of the drama. Meanly fated woman
was the guardian of the boy - the heir to a large fortune. It provoked his hatred. Bringing
it to the desired condition, led to a desperate act. The boy finds solace in her a rabbit,
and it is under the pretext of the risk of skin diseases killed him (with a boy stuck in a
hot oven). Then he threw the newspaper with murder description - poisoning ergot
pollen, mixed in salad. The boy did the same, and together they ate a bowl of poisoned
salad - nothing else to do but an honest child. She went to the bathroom and clean the
stomach, and the boy died. This is - a relatively simple manipulation on feelings.

It began the investigation and trial. And the investigator and the judge and the
lawyer well aware of everything, but there was no direct evidence - there is an attempt
to kill the child nervous hateful thing even at the cost of his life (the boy even then
confessed before his death). The verdict depended on the jury. And he built a defense
lawyer on stereotypes jury thinking. He carefully studied each of all possible sources,
and then observing their behavior in court.

Especially difficult was the object of a young intelligent, educated and sensitive
people to him. But the lawyer found out that he was a Marxist, and for him of the speech
built on class approach. The defendant - of the proletarian family, worked all her life
in the wealthy owners, they create added value, was alienated from education and
culture coarsened - but honestly fulfilled their duty as best he could. And now - the
bourgeois society takes revenge on her, etc. The rest of the jury is nothing in this piece
of speech did not understand, for each of them was procured a piece of the language is
its stereotypes. Every one was acquitted murderer, not cause them sympathy.

For successful manipulation of public opinion, it is necessary to have a reliable

"map stereotypes" of different groups and sectors of the population - the entire cultural
context of a given society. A very large amount of research has been in this area carried
out by American experts who worked on the study of mentalities influential groups in
foreign countries with the purpose of influencing the mindset at the desired US
direction ( "to US foreign policy caused a feeling of admiration, or at least perceived
without anger") . This area of the global manipulation of consciousness modestly called
in the US "public diplomacy". It was formed as a special area of the whole culture
sociodynamics 81 . The greatest efforts in the United States have been taken to explore
the cultural stereotypes of different groups of the population of the Soviet Union
(especially the intelligentsia as the main force, creating or destroying the legitimacy of
the state). From a professional point of view, objectivity and thoroughness of American
sovietologists delights. We found a string on which to play.

It is particularly important use of stereotypes in "capture the audience." "Capture"

- one of the major operations in the manipulation of consciousness. In the course of its
execution attracted arm, and then holds the audience's attention and "connects" it -
makes a supporter of their facilities (creates a sense of belonging to the same " we ").
At this stage, the manipulator adjusts stereotypes audience does not contradict them.
His task - to win the confidence, as if he publishes a cry: "We're the same blood - you
and me."

A prominent social psychologist F.Zimbardo advises: "The effectiveness of the

device increases when he first expresses the views corresponding to the views of the
audience ... represents one side of the argument, if the audience is generally friendly.
Present both sides of the argument, if the audience does not already agree with you or
it is likely that the audience will hear the opposite opinion from someone else. " The
main thing - not to sow suspicion in people, what are you going to manipulate them.

14. Husserl introduced the term "sedimentation" - "precipitation" of experience in the

form of stereotypes. This process saves a lot of effort and manipulator means.

15. US experts are studying a significant situation and not allow politicians to conduct
business stupidly. For example, they found that Americans for the most part easy to believe
that Kennedy was killed by a lone madman, but Europeans do not believe it. They believe that
was a big conspiracy, the presence of which is hidden from the public. So the killer single
version excluded from promotion to Europe.
Surprisingly, even the hated figures have become manipulative ideological machine
can not restore friendly attitude audience by clicking on the language closest to her
heart stereotypes. For 3-4 months before the elections, the anti-Soviet TV suddenly
starts to use Soviet phraseology, let the air Soviet films and songs - and the majority of
the audience softens and begins to trust again yesterday hateful speakers ( "Look and
Mitkov changed, come to mind") .

Clean, almost a textbook example of "capture" shown S.Dorenko commentator on

Channel 1 of the Russian TV February 5, 2000 At first it is quite patriotically spent
reporting from Chechnya, well spoken with General Kazantsev, then with the soldiers,
everything in moderation, not irritating normal person. Even something about betrayal
Lebed and Chernomyrdin hinted in 1996. Even on its own was not - what could it be,
he spoke with a human voice. And suddenly, without any transition, to link all this with
a "betrayal of the FSB leadership", which pursues two of its former employees,
allegedly "refused to kill Berezovsky." This is - an old squabble between the groups in
power, to understand it, we still can not. Here it is how deftly S.Dorenko softened the
consciousness of the viewer, to inspire his main political idea (by the way, is very
destructive for the state in general).
As a rule, used in the manipulation of patterns which have already been deposited
in mind. As he wrote in his first book on the theory of propaganda G.Lassuell
"propagandist task usually is to facilitate rather than to fabricate." But stereotypes are
used ready-made not directly, but more often with the reception, which is called
channeling or substitution of the stereotype. For example, in the anti-Soviet propaganda
very strongly pressed on the sense of justice and egalitarian ideal of the Soviet people.
The stereotype of hostility to unearned income gradually replaced the stereotype of
hostility, hatred and then to the nomenclature as allegedly exploiting the working
classes. Dissatisfaction people channelized on the control of workers, closely
associated with the image of the state. Active was used this technique and fomenting
national conflicts. The essence of it is that is changing the context in which is embedded
a stereotype and the image of some social group. These small changes are not contrary
to the usual stereotype. This idea was expressed already Goebbels:
"Existing views audiences can be directed to new objects using words that are
associated with the existing views."

Often, manipulations must first strengthen or build the required stereotype - "raids
rut", "cut a notch." It is usually a question of illusory stereotype - instilling false ideas
or explanations, so that it becomes a habit and assumes the character of the obvious (
"if collective disperse, it will be an abundance of food '). If the program has a long-
term nature of manipulation, as, for example, in restructuring, such preparatory work
can be done ahead of time, without any manipulative load without arousing suspicion.

If it is possible to create and implant a large, strong stereotype, it can then be used
for a long time for a variety of purposes. Thus, in the late 40s and 50s were spent great
efforts to create stereotypes of the Soviet Union as an "evil empire" that threatens the
interests of all Americans in the United States. This stereotype was the basis of the
ideological justification of the Cold War against the Soviet Union. Then, the initial
investment began to give greater political dividends, many US stocks was possible to
justify the need to fight against the "red menace". In 1981, the fashion in the West today
philosopher Samuel Huntington wrote: "Sometimes I have to represent [intervention or
other military action the United States] so as to create a false impression that this -
military action against the Soviet Union. The United States do so since the time of
Truman doctrine. " That is, the invasion of the Dominican Republic and Lebanon would
have to somehow explain and if it is applied as an action against the Soviet Union, no
justification is required - running stereotype.

Sometimes politicians conceal their actions, speaking of them as something absurd

and referring to analogies, to put the minds of both stereotypes. For example, the United
States assisted executioner Cambodia's Pol Pot. But it is inconvenient! So, we must
refute. How is it refuted? N. Chomsky writes: "In the early postwar years, the United
States supported the subversive groups by Hitler in Ukraine and Eastern Europe. In this
they were helped by people like Reinhard Gehlen, head of military intelligence of the
Nazis on the Eastern Front, who was appointed head of the CIA's espionage services
of West Germany. He was commissioned to create a
"Secret army" of thousands of members of the SS, which was supposed to help
groups operating inside the Soviet Union. This is so not fit with the common sense
that one very well
informed expert on international affairs of the newspaper "The Boston Globe",
condemning the covert US support the Khmer Rouge, led as the height of absurdity
this analogy: "It is as if the United States would have winked at Nazi underground
movement that fought against the Soviets in 1945." But that's what makes the United
States in the early 50s - and not limited by the fact that only wink! ". The stereotype of
"can not help an ally to the enemy" is not only protected by the CIA revelations in the
early 50s, but even obstructed, by analogy, the exposure in the 70s.
The anti-Soviet and anti-Communist (in fact, anti-Russian) stereotype is so strong
that it works and many years after the collapse of the USSR and the coming to power
in Russia, the anti-communists. Here, in 1996 in Austria have discovered mass graves
of people executed. Hungry corpses television with sanctimonious warnings ( "scene
that we show too heavy for perception") in detail showed the extraction of the remains,
almost inside their skulls thrust chamber. Between two and three thousand corpses in a
pit. Who shot the Austrians? Of course, Russian. Reviewer of the Spanish newspaper
"El Pais" writes sarcastically:
"Russian continues to be a killer by nature, such is their race - killing Chechens and
generally anybody. They are poor because they were Communists? Or they were
Communists, because that bad? ". And further reports that came confusion - Russian to
those places in Austria is not reached. So these poor remains belong to the prisoners of
a concentration camp, where the Nazis shot and taken to cover their tracks. That's
because you bastards! Again, confusion - all the turtles healthy strong teeth and traces
of good nutrition. And obviously remnants rags officer. They could not be exhausted
prisoners. They found a clever historian explained: it remains of Austrian officers who
were shot by Napoleon. But archaeologists have a good laugh over it - not the cultural
layer, not the age of the remains. Finally, someone noticed a little flashed a message
that the mass executions - the handiwork of good Yankees, and any mention of this
event disappeared. It does not fit into the stereotype! If the Soviet troops were in the
area of Austria, no problem would not have arisen, no one would have investigated and
did not doubt anything. Gorbachev and Yeltsin himself would immediately recognize.

An effective program to create the stereotype was held in the Western press and
on television during the war in Bosnia. It was called "satanizatsiya Serbs." If, during
the Reagan era ideologues introduced the concept of "evil empire", it is at least formally
tied to communism. Now the "devil incarnate" called pretty big people as a whole, as
an ethnic community 8 2 .

Campaign 1993-95 by satanizatsii Serbs in the western press was a big experiment
in manipulating the consciousness of Western man in the street. Were published and
important articles on "satanizatsii" Serbs as a technology. The main conclusion: if
continuously for a long time to put the word "Serb" in a negative context (just include
a description of the terrible events in the environment unpleasant epithets), then the
viewers, regardless of their position, there is a steady hostility to the Serbs. In addition,
it is necessary, of course, does not give anyone access to the camera from the Serbs -
any reasonable human speech (even extraneous to the subject) removes the delusion.

As an indication that the hostility to the Serbs was created, it cited two events and
the reaction to them of public opinion (although such events there were many). The
first - the detection of UN troops on the territory of Serbian Krajina, the Croatian
Employment, mass graves of civilians of Serb inhabitants were killed by militants
during the operation "Storm" 8 3 . Similar and even much smaller crimes Serbs caused
while in the West, a strong reaction and often bombing. In this case there was no
reaction. Sociologists have documented the presence of public opinion sustained
double standard.

16. It is clear that such a view is a complete break with all the philosophical principles of
the Enlightenment, which, in general, were built west of ideology and basic concepts -
democracy, human rights and civil society. Comes a new era. Not just slogans, but the whole
of our language Democrats (especially Yavlinsky) simply makes no sense. That is where they
call us, no longer exists. I have no
"High road", "return to civilization" - even in the form of utopia.

17. The investigation was conducted by two independent commissions - Mission of the
European Community observers and a group of UN experts on human rights. As the
correspondent of the newspaper "The Guardian" a prominent diplomat, as the Croats - the
allies of the West, the reports will not be published:
"There is a sort of pact with Croatia not to open the Pandora's box."
The second event - the publication in early 1996 of the fact that the US is
transported Bosnian Muslims weapons to 300 million dollars, that gave Saudi Arabia..
In violation of the UN embargo, which is supposed to protect Americans. These secret
arms shipments had already begun under the Bush administration - to prepare for the
war in Bosnia, but were developed under Clinton. Deliveries were made by Croatia,
which is to pay for participation received half weapons. Sometimes, if necessary, were
made secret night flights with weapons in Tuslu to Izetbegovic. If it was discovered a
violation of the embargo in favor of the Serbs, it would have caused a huge international
scandal and repression against the Serbs - with the approval of all the Western public.
In this case - nothing. Stereotype worked.

Well developed technology of "creation" policy based on stereotypes . The slang

word "promotion" refers to the whole system of methods of promotion to the highest
levels of policy people, regardless of their personal characteristics or the existing
popularity. One of the challenging of stereotypes is the image - specially built during
the whole program of action stereotypical image of a politician or public figure. As
written in the textbooks, in the image
"The main thing is not what is, in reality, to what we want to see what we need." That
is, the image must meet the expectations of the people active - active stereotypes of
mass consciousness 8 4 .

Compiled by Nixon's speeches in his election campaign in 1968 R.Prays wrote:

"We need to change not the person, and the perceived impression. And this impression
often depends more on the media than by the candidate himself. " In fact, the media
only disseminate, implement image consciousness, developed by experts. They choose
the main features of the image, or on the basis of ready-made and "heated" stereotypes
of the mass consciousness, or, if time and resources allow, pre alter, finish building and
reinforce desired patterns.

Widely known campaign for the creation of the Reagan and Thatcher of
"material", which, apparently, does not allow to hope for success. In a sense, those
operations and subsequent effective implementation of programs to artificially create a
policy of the ruling circles of shadow ( "neoliberal wave") became a turning point in
history. They have quite clearly shown that any democratic illusions are exhausted. AT
"Democratic" Western society policies are established and operate independently of
the interests and even the main mass of voters sentiment.

However, the classic operation, complete the development of the technology of

"promotion" did not promote the Reagan and Thatcher, and the election campaign in
the United States Senate, "a self-made millionaire" M.Shappa in 1966. For us it is
interesting because it has been used as a basis for
"Creation" of Yeltsin.

Shappo promoted a prominent expert on political advertising president of the

American Association of Political Consultants and owner of a large advertising firm
Dzh.Neypoliten. Chappe - energetic businessman, who started in 1948 with a $ 500
production of television antennas and the 60 th year became rich to 12 million dollars..
For the promotion of it in the Senate, he suggested Neypolitenu 35 thousand. Dollars
and resources to experiment with advertising. After reviewing objective data, the
manipulator was disappointing portrait: "1. Chappe not known to voters. 2. Chappe -
Jew (this does not serve as a reason for the defeat, but will not help in the election 3.
Divorced and married a second time 4. He has an impressive appearance a short, round-
shouldered and when he smiles, wrinkles his nose like a rabbit;... not the best orator.
He pulls the ice, rather than put an end to it and dramatically cut short. He has no
support in any organization. "

Neypoliten took - not so much for money as for the development of the
technology. After studying the situation, he chose to campaign the main slogan - "Man
vs. Machine". legend of confrontation Shappo was developed with the "apparatus" -
the bosses of the Democratic Party, which came from Chappe.

18. By the end of restructuring the public consciousness in the USSR it was split so that
many downhole stereotypes shriveled to the most primitive formulas, and even to individual
words, cliches. This surprisingly evident in the elections in 1989. The writer V.Maksimov
marveled: "What do we have? Our liberal progressive intellectuals now has a number of
master keys with which it currently provides intellectual comfort. It is only necessary to say
the learned: "democracy", "pluralism"
"Hazing", "sovereignty" - and you get a pass to some influential part of society. "
It was made a half-hour game, but imitating the documentary, TV movie. For a
target for manipulation was taken "universal" sense of distrust and ill will to the
nomenclature and bureaucracy. In fact, about Shappo there were no speeches, just clip
effectively incited antinomenklaturny psychosis. Chappe appeared as a man that
challenged the Machine. In Pennsylvania, where elected Chappe, a few days before the
elections, the film was shown on television 35 times (10 times on the eve of the
election). Chappe won in the primaries, though none of the experts did not admit such
a possibility.

Although Chappe lost the second round (as a presidential candidate H.Hemfri,
which also led the campaign Neypolitano), obtained in the course of the experiment
data, particularly with regard to television, expanded the possibilities of manipulation.
For us interesting to emphasize that antinomenklaturnoy wave can propel absolutely
unsuitable for all indicators of man. And if he has, and the positive qualities (for
example, tall) and it helps the nomenklatura itself, the success of the manipulation is

For Yeltsin was chosen and created the image of "a fighter with the nomenclature."
To this end, there was no "real" material - no biography, no personal views Yeltsin. He
was perhaps the most typical product of "nomenklatura culture." However, in a very
short time and with a small set of primitive techniques (subway ride, a visit to the
district clinic, "Moskvich" as a personal car) image has been created and sufficiently
firmly entrenched in the mass consciousness. Even after 1992, when Yeltsin was in a
life and habits openly demonstrated extreme expression nomenclature nobility, in the
mass consciousness is not a feeling of incompatibility of the two images.

Chapter 7. Feelings

§ 1. The emotional impact as a prerequisite for manipulation

Just as important as the thinking subject to manipulation is the sphere of the senses
. It is even possible that this is - the main, or at least the first sphere, which is directed
impact. Anyway, feeling more fluid and malleable, and if they manage to
"Dishevel", then thinking is more vulnerable to manipulation. We can say that a great
mind game manipulation on feelings - a mandatory step. The founder of the doctrine
of the manipulation of the mass consciousness G.Le Bon wrote: "The masses never
impressed by the logic of speech, but they are impressive sensual images, which give
rise to specific words and word association."

Sensual stage of reflection is closer to the outside world than thought, and responds
faster, more direct. Therefore, it is easier to "exploit". Disraeli said even: "What is
called public opinion, rather deserves the name of public feelings" .If it is necessary in
some way to convince the mass, this process can be started only with the effect on the
emotions - on the development of logical reasoning mass does not wish to spend a
effort or time 8 5 . This is the general conclusion sociodynamics culture: "The crowd is
not convincing arguments and emotions. In fact, any argument based on the latent
structure of the message. These structures are logical in nature only in the case of
messages somehow related to science "(A.Mol). Nietzsche expressed this thought
gnomic: the relationship of mind and heart remind the love of their sexual intercourse
to be pregnant, and the heart - a man, and the mind - a woman.

In addition, in the sense it is easier to create a "chain reaction" - infection, epidemic

feelings. Le Bon wrote a lot about the compliance of inspiration as the common
property of the crowd: "The first suggestion formulated by immediately transmitted as
a result of contagion to all minds, and immediately there is a mood." It has long been
known phenomena that are not in the individual psyche - imitation, spontaneous
proliferation of mass feelings. Already in the Middle Ages, were described in detail
arose spontaneously epidemic of mass feelings, comes to the level of hysteria or mania.
For example, in 1266 Italy has covered the epidemic of self-flagellation, in much of
Europe in 1370 has spread "dance" of the epidemic, and later in France -
konvulsionerov mania, and in Holland - tulip mania (for onion

19. Compiled by the White House speeches U.Gevin was one of the authors of the Nixon
doctrine of election campaign in 1968. He wrote: "Voters in fact lazy and do not want to make
an effort to understand what we say. Reason demands the highest degree of discipline,
concentration. Much easier to ordinary experience. Reason pushes the viewer, logic annoys
him. Emotions arouse, they are closer to the surface, softer forged. "
good tulip gave a rich house or ship). Mass epidemic feelings were observed during the
establishment of the power of fascism in Germany.

Therefore, the general principles of setting the manipulation of the mass

consciousness is a preliminary "rocking" of the emotional sphere. The main tool for
this is the creation or use of the crisis, the abnormal situation has a strong impact on
the senses. This can be a major technological catastrophe, bloody violence (action of
terrorists, the maniac-criminal, religious or national conflict), a sharp impoverishment
of large groups of the population, a major political scandal, etc.

Especially easy to arouse the feelings in everyday morality considered

reprehensible: fear, envy, hatred, complacency. Escaping from the power of
consciousness, they are the worst amenable to internal self-control and are particularly
rapidly. Less violently, but more stable manifest noble feelings, which are based on
traditional positive values. The manipulations effectively used natural feeling of pity
and compassion for the weak, the defenseless. In many situations, passive arm - the one
who emphasizes his weakness, inability and unwillingness to even control - is the most
important figure in the program manipulation. This role was played in the years of
perestroika Sakharov (as well as figures like Zinovy Gerdt). They are no substitute for
active and hard manipulators, but dramatically weaken the psychological protection of

For the manipulation of consciousness suit any feelings - if they help at least
temporarily disable common sense. But start manipulators always rock the feelings that
"Updated" in the public consciousness. The American sociologist G.Blumer in
"Collective behavior," writes: "The functioning of propaganda is primarily expressed
in the play on the emotions and prejudices, which people already possess." Remember
how "rocked" the Soviet man wounded sense of justice. Let us think of the obvious fact
that the Soviet people began to feel almost hatred of the nomenclature - for the fact that
she enjoyed
"Benefits and privileges". On this basis, and there was the creation of a temporary
Yeltsin idol. And today the same man who denounced range, remain indifferent to the
thieves who robbed him and brazenly demonstrate their unrighteous wealth. Black does
not forgive
"Volga" the Secretary of the District Committee, but does not prick the eyes white
"Mercedes" JSC director, even though it was the same as the former secretary of the
district committee.

Only a little touch on quite the same, but very difficult question - the bloodshed.
In August 1991, three young men were killed when the army attempted arson APC.
And although no one of these young men on the democratic leaders did not attack, their
death has stirred up a lot of people. It was hailed as a brutal crime of the Communist
regime. In October 1993 Mode
"Democrats" satisfied ungodly medical benefits slaughter completely disproportionate
scale, with many obvious crimes against morality and basic civil rights - and little or
no perturbation "average" person. What's the matter?

Obviously, this is not a rational calculation. So, it is not a wrong choice and social
interests, and deeply hurt feelings. Let us leave aside the question of technology
o how could hurt the feeling of the Soviet man in spite of his mind. After
all, it is clear (although people are ashamed to admit it) that the benefits and
privileges that twenty years occupied the mind of the kitchen Democrat - a
myth. Honecker appeared corrupt monster, when the intelligentsia of the GDR
learned that at his country house has a swimming pool. The size of 10 meters!
Runaway Spain employee of the Cuban ballet with horror told the roundtable
on television about the prevailing social injustice when Castro: in the center of
Havana hospital patients from the nomenclature put in a separate room, where
there is not an ordinary worker. All and gasped. Although this day newspapers
reported that one of the directors of one of the hundreds of Spanish banks did
not appear at the proceedings of the case, since He left to a doctor for
consultation in New York on his own plane.

But it was sincere and a girl from the ballet, and her interlocutors! So, they
did not follow the voice of reason. After cold logic says, any society must
create the top
"Improved" material conditions, although the mechanisms for creating such
conditions are different. Is the tip of the GDR was, the Soviet Union, Cuba, so
gluttonous? No normal company let go her crumbs of wealth. Khrushchev
hunted once in the Crimea, and it became known as the crime of the century.
A typical orgy secretary of the regional committee was the fact that he is bathed
in the bath, and then drank a bottle of brandy. When Molotov died in 1986, his
estate was equal to 500 rubles. - The funeral (and even before that, he sent 100
rubles in the Chernobyl fund.). Even Brezhnev, who
perestroika propaganda has created an aura of universal thief left a legacy, as
it turned out, only a few used cars - was so weak at the head of the Soviet
empire, liked to steer a good car.

From the perspective of a reasonable calculation, senior managers in the

Soviet Union were the most
"Nedooplachennoy" category - it is said even T.I.Zaslavskaya ideologist of
perestroika. Why does little good and weakness caused fury, and to boorish
nouveau riche luxury and incredible revenues directors privatisers shown such

The fact that in the depths of consciousness, and it is already in the

subconscious of many people living a secret belief that socialism is precisely
the kingdom of justice and equality. That utopia where people are brothers and
equal. The destruction of this ideal, moreover, with great exaggeration and
rough etching of consciousness, caused an attack of rage, which could not be
offset Persuasion (yes them and did not give express). Soviet project was
originally based on a utopia in which people believe: the Secretary of the
District Committee shall be our brother, not a hired manager. The brother, who
secretly eats family, causing more hatred than a street thief, because he - a
traitor. He is judged by entirely different standards. And all the restructuring
was based just on the operation of this utopia and wounded feelings. Rather
than appeal to the common sense and say, heroic period in the past, let the
district committee secretary will have a control - in the sense of people
incensed faithful brother.

The advantage of the new, democratic nomenclature that she "ceased to

lie." Moreover, the TV special convinced people that the new officials usually
dishonest. The young apparatchik Brevnov takes himself a salary of 22
thousand dollars a month - a 100 Moscow State University professors. It is
clear that this is - almost blatant theft. But no major complaints to him, because
to be a thief less criminal than a traitor. Stealing a priest, even a small, man
shakes and theft merchant - not at all.

By the way, this behavior is quite average person does not indicate that he
turned to capitalism. On the contrary, the deep faith in socialism was rooted in
it much more than you would expect. This belief was even something pagan
idolatry. And not only in the Russian man. That the beauty of the Cuban Ballet
- the best evidence of the triumph of the ideas of socialism. After all, she had
already passed, without being aware, on completely different criteria of justice
- and ready to destroy the Castro regime because it does not meet these criteria.
For Spain it is these criteria and does not think to use - that demand from
capitalism! Here she will fight for the existence of the law of the jungle,
according to the local rules of the game.

Perhaps the most important sense, is most widely exploited in

consciousness manipulation, is fear . There's even a formula: "a society
exposed to inadequate fear of losing the common mind." Since fear - a
fundamental determinant of human behavior, it is always used as a
management tool.
To clarify the concept. There is the fear of the true responding to a real
danger. This fear is an expression of self-preservation instinct. It signals a
danger, and on the basis of the signal is the most appropriate choice of behavior
(flight, defense, attack, etc.). The real fear may be excessive, then it hurts - to
the extent that it distorts the danger. But there is a fear of an illusory "neurotic",
which does not signal a real danger, and created in the imagination of
characters in the world of "virtual reality." The development of this fear is
inappropriate and even destructive.

The distinction between real and neurotic fear has long worried
philosophers. Illusory fear not even considered a phenomenon of human and
nature, and has been named by Plutarch panic (Pan - the personification of
nature). Schopenhauer wrote that "panic is not aware of his reasons, at least for
the cause of fear gives fear itself." He quoted Roger Bacon, "Nature has put a
sense of fear and terror to all living for the preservation of life and its essence,
in order to avoid and eliminate all dangerous. However, nature has failed to
comply with the due: to the saving of fear she always mixes fear futile and
unnecessary. "

A variety of illusory fear is a manic fear, when the magnitude of the

danger, the power of the "enemy" repeatedly exaggerated, it is almost an
absolute, although in reality it far from it. An extreme case of neurotic fear -
fear of the schizophrenic . Its intensity is beyond the comprehension of a
normal person. This is - always the fear of man, before the social environment,
but so strong that
no connection with the actual capacity of the environment harm he has not.
Schizophrenics who have suffered imprisonment in the most terrible Nazi
concentration camps, and remember that the horrors of these camps are
tolerated much better than the panic attacks during psychosis.

To manipulate the main interest was inadequate, illusory fear - and how
to create it, especially in the cleavage conditions (shizofrenizatsii)
consciousness. Also disable the suppression of true, saving fear - the
achievement of apathy, indifference, psychological addiction to real danger.

Fear as feeling associated with the instincts (ie, biologically inherent

human) manifests itself in different ways in different cultures. For example,
are quite different "profiles fears" the Japanese and Westerners. The Japanese
are not afraid of God's punishment, afterlife torment, they have no concept of
mortal sin - the main sources of fear in "guilt culture" of the West. But the
Japanese are strong fears of the "other", especially if they drop before him his
dignity and make collective shame. They say: Japan - a "culture of shame".
Fear of stigma is so strong that in Japan are very frequent suicides of young
people because of the failures in the entrance examinations to the universities
86 .

All doctrines of manipulation of consciousness developed in relation to

the Western culture and the "western" fear (applied to Russia today, they give
sometimes unexpected, sometimes monstrous results). Therefore, we need to
remember the history of this phenomenon, largely unknown to us - the fear of
Western man.

§ 2. The Western fear

As far as the western "culture of fear" is unusual for us, can be seen even
today. Now, when we get to know intensively West, we offer a picture of
existence is truly unfortunate. Right "Vij" Gogol - such demons and ghosts
tormented soul of Western man in the street 87 . It is no coincidence the theme
of fear so successfully played out in art. Demand for "horror" in the West is
phenomenal, and movies A.Hichkoka express profound cultural quality.

I've got quite a close friend of the German philosopher. He recently told
me that in 70 years was in Moscow and had dinner in the house of the Secretary
of the Embassy. And at the table, wanting to say something significant, the
sides exchanged notes. Not to speak aloud - they feared KGB eavesdropping
devices. I could not believe it and spent an hour making sure that my friend
has accurately reproduced the situation and explained the reasons for this fear
in a circle formed by the sensible and elderly people. It was a painful
conversation, my friend terribly excited, generally looked strange. His
tormented that he could not find an answer to a simple question: what are you
afraid of? After all, if you're afraid, you should have at least some way of
danger. It turned out that that company reputable diplomats and philosophers
such a way it was not simple, there was fear in them and had no shape. We
took about such a dialogue:

 Tell me, Hans, you are afraid that KGB burst into the house,
and will shoot companions at the table?

 Come on, what nonsense.

 They were afraid that the diplomat will be evicted from the host
country as a persona non grata?

 No, that no one thought.

 They were afraid that you were somewhere cause and derision?

 No, it's not that. Nobody nothing concrete has been assumed.

When I went through all the possible types of damage, including the most
innocent, which might lead a statement aloud prandial thoughts (even assuming that
the KGB and only does that all their tapes), in our conversation came a painful pause,
as if the

20. A huge success in Japan and the West had the book of the famous scientist Sitiheya
Yamamoto "Japanese and the Jews" (he published it under the pseudonym Isaiah Ben Dasan).
In it he shows how historically formed quite different "profiles fears" these two very special

21. Many of them were linked to the Cold War - nuclear and psychosis syndrome
"Russian go" was not a joke. It is clear why the West is so grateful to Gorbachev. About these
fears, we talk too much.
we touched on something important, something we can not understand. It became clear
that in relation to the USSR (KGB - its symbol) in the cultural layer of the West arose
pathology. And the reasons for it - not in the USSR, they are not related to its reality.
Reasons - in thinking and the subconscious of Western intellectuals.
This pathology was able to infect the West, as if an ear infection poured, the cultural
layer of the USSR -
intelligentsia, which only keeps us maintain Westernist illusion.

But back to basics. We can say that the modern West has emerged, going from
wave to wave of mass religious (they say existential - Being associated with) fear,
which covered the same time, millions of people in Western Europe. Similar
phenomena are observed in the culture of Eastern Christianity (for example, in Russian

First described in the literature phenomenon of mass terror - coverage of Western

Europe the belief in the near approach of the coming of the Antichrist and the Last
Judgment at the end of the first millennium. The impressive story of Pope Sylvester
and the Emperor Otto III met the new 1000th year in Rome in anticipation of the end
of the world. At midnight, the end of the world did not come, and universal horror gave
way to violent glee. But the wave of collective fear again swept Europe - all agreed that
the Lord's punishment will take place in 1033, a thousand years after the crucifixion of
Christ. Subject Judgment prevailed in the mystical teachings of XI-XII centuries 8 8 .

Religious terror was so strong and have devastating, that the Western Church has
been forced to reconsider the dogmas. Its theologians after long discussions developed
compensating fear idea of the "third world beyond the grave" - purgatory. Its existence
was approved in 1254 by Pope Innocent IV. It is significant that the Orthodox Church
there was no need to take this theological innovation.

Another means to weaken the religious fear was to establish a quantitative measure
of sin and redemption through the maintenance of balance between the misconduct and
the number of paid masses, value and the value of the church presents donations to
monasteries (only then the price list of indulgences was created). In this way, however,
the Catholic Church sowed the seed of rationalism and the Reformation.

The respite was short-lived, and in the XIV century Europe embraced the new
wave of collective fear. There were many reasons (terrible Hundred Years War, the
massive impoverishment of the people) for it, but the main reason - the plague epidemic
of 1348-1350 years, from which completely wiped out the whole province.. Severe
epidemics followed one after another until the XVII century. And it is in connection
with the plague to reveal features of collective fear: he does not forget, and monstrously
transformed over time. At the first sign of a new epidemic of the previous image comes
to life in the mass consciousness in the fantastic and exaggerated form.

In the XV century "West fear" reaches its climax. This is evident from the fact that
in the fine arts take center stage death and the devil. The idea of them loses touch with
reality and becomes a special product of the mind and feelings, culture product.
Historian and cultural scientist Y.Heyzinga in his famous work "The Autumn of the
Middle Ages," writes about this product: "shudder, is born in the spheres of
consciousness, funky spooky ghost caused by sudden attacks of sticky, icy fear." The
language consists of words associated with death, which is not even adequate analogues
in Russian language.

Such, for example, first appeared in the literary French in 1376, the importance of
the word «macabre» (many researchers have tried to find out the origin of the word,
there are a number of hypotheses irreducible). It is included in all European languages
and dictionaries, translated into Russian as the funeral, gloomy, creepy etc. But these
words do not convey the real meaning of the word macabre, it is much greater and more
terrible. In the art of the West created countless paintings, miniatures and prints titled
«La danse macabre» - «Dance of Death." This is - a genre (the main thing about him is
that "dancing" is not Death or dead, but "I'm dead" - is inextricably associated with the
living person of his dead twin). Dance of death was raffled

22. In the early Middle Ages, this was not the fear of death, because in the public mind
were still alive old, pagan ideas of the afterlife, which is not provided for terrible retribution
for the unjust life.
actors. The story included the description of representations Dances of Death in 1449
in the palace of the Duke of Burgundy 8 9 .

The impact of the theme of death and suffering on people's minds in the XV
century qualitatively changed through typography and engravings. The printing press
made the engraving available virtually all the inhabitants of Europe, and the image of
Dance of Death has come in almost every home. Engravers is made and copies of
paintings by famous artists. More than anything done with copies of paintings by
Hieronymus Bosch (1460-1516) 9 0 . These paintings - concentrated and brilliant
expression of the fear of death and the torments of hell. Goovoryat that Bosch has
created an art encyclopedia evil of all kinds and shapes.

Against this background, and there was the Reformation - the gap "Protestants"
with the Roman Catholic Church ( "Whore of Babylon") 9 1 . In the humanities there is
a special theme: "Luther's fear." The gist of it is that Luther was a brilliant exponent of
mass fears of his time. He has a fear of the devil reached a state of shock, gave rise to
the vision and lead to insights. But Luther "sublimated" his fears in an emotional and
creative effort that became the result of his brilliant treatises and treatment.

It is difficult to understand the spiritual and intellectual structure of Protestantism,

too different, our cultural foundation, and this structure is very complex, there are many
sophisticated casuistry. What directly concerns our subject, simplistically summarized
as follows.

Luther gathered under its banner so much of believers in Europe because that
pointed the way to overcome the metaphysical, religious fear. First, it "legitimized" the
fear, called him not only justified, but also necessary. The man whose soul is not
tormented by the fear - exploitation of the devil. Second, Luther "individualized" fear
deprived him of contagious collective strength. This was the result of departing from
the spirit of the religious brotherhood and collective salvation. From now on, everyone
had himself individually to deal with God, not as the Savior, but with the formidable
God the Father. And the great gift of Christ was no longer grace, not for sin and true
faith 9 2 .

Through individual and faith is the way to overcome the fear of Luther: "Fear God
heals inner hearing in itself." This belief has become personal, the individual a refuge
from fear. But the failure occurred on collective salvation, in turn, increased fear and
boundless mass resentment, which for a long time the West has plunged into chaos.
"Fear Luther" gave birth to a witch-hunt, from which any comparison do not go to the
persecution of the Catholic Inquisition (the myth of which - a product of the XIX
century as a part of a larger program of manipulation of consciousness). With a
relatively small population of Europe it has, in the course of the Reformation, was
burned here about a million "witches".
But themselves "witches" were filled with anger, in most cases, apparently, there
was a speech about women with mania (there are studies on the history of mental illness
that era, based on the "witches" interrogation protocol analysis). Nietzsche wrote of
that time:
"Heretics and witches are two kinds of evil people: what they have in common is the
fact that they themselves feel angry, but their irresistibly drawn to the fact, to disrupt
their anger on all conventional (whether people or opinions ). Reformation - a kind of
doubling of the medieval spirit of the time when he had already lost a good conscience,
- gave rise to them in large numbers. "

23. Huizinga says: "If the imagined appearance of such a performance: paint, motion,
light and shadow glide on the figures of dancers - we would have felt much better earnest fear
causes a dance of death in the minds of people of that time."

24. How great was the demand for copies of the Bosch says this little trick: its first great
artist etchings Senior P.Breygel not signed his name, and gave over the engraving of a
painting of Bosch.

25. Psychologist E. Fromm explains: "The most significant and lasting impact on
development in Europe and around the world had yet Reformation. Protestantism and
Calvinism appealed to the purely patriarchal spirit of the Old Testament and eliminated
maternal principle of their religious beliefs. A mother's love of the Church and the Virgin did
not extend more than a man. He appeared alone in front of serious and severe God, whose
grace could only be achieved through absolute obedience. "

26. As if anticipating this, Luther warned: "the mind - the whore of the devil."
Reformation and led to the Thirty Years' War, which killed 3/4 of the population of the
Czech Republic and 2/3 of the population of Germany. It is forever imprinted in the
historical memory of Western man. The main theme of Dürer and Holbein's engravings
becomes death again - already as a consequence of the terrible religious wars and mass
executions. The extent of their defy imagination.

The idea of death and rebirth, and to this day is one of the main themes of the
Protestant preachers, and in the XIX century. it was the basis of a special genre of
sermons in the US - Revivals . They were turned into mass productions, which attracts
people for a hundred miles in carts with food supplies and linens for many days. It
remains a detailed description of one such gathering in Kentucky in August 1801 at his
gathered 20 thousand. Man. Preachers brought people to such terror that they turned
into a stampede, and many fainted, and fields like a battlefield covered with open
bodies. Since the success of the sermon was determined the number of "fallen", that
was conducted of accurate records. One day, the number of people who have lost
consciousness from fear, was 3 thousand. Man.

Outcome becoming 'Fear Luther "summed Danish philosopher S.Kerkegor in the

trilogy of" Fear and Trembling "(1843)," The concept of Fear "(1844) and" Sickness
Unto Death "(1849). Here, fear is presented as the fundamental condition for the
emergence of the individual and freedom of finding them. This, of course, is not a real
fear - "man creates fear."

Kierkegaard wrote: "Fear - is the possibility of freedom, but this fear is absolutely
brings the power of faith, because it devours everything finite and reveals all its
deceitfulness. None of the Grand Inquisitor had on hand so terrible torture, which is
fear, and no spy is not able to so skillfully attack suspect at precisely the moment when
the weakest, can not so prelstitelno lay traps that he should fall as can fear; and no one
astute judge does not understand how to interrogate the accused - to interrogate him, as
does the fear that never lets go of the accused - no entertainment, no noise of everyday
life or at work, day and night. "

Today, we are required to read such things, as it is difficult for us, fed light
Orthodoxy, Pushkin and Russian fairy tales. It openly declared important task of
restructuring and reform - to make us at least a second-class Protestants "to return to
the West." Wow, we know what we would like to see new leaders. Where is the ideal?
Do life with someone? The free individual himself brought the West?

And we say - fear: "Fear becomes for him to wait on the Spirit, which even against
their will, forced to keep him where he is covered by fear, wants to go. Because when
fear heralds his arrival, when he cleverly shows that he has found is now a kind of
brand new facility terrifying, which is much worse than anything that was used before,
he does not shy away and certainly not trying to keep the fear at a distance of the noise
and confusion - no, he welcomed the arrival of the fear, welcomes its festive, like
Socrates happily took the cup of poison, he locked from everyone with fear, he says,
the patient before surgery, when this painful operation time to begin: "well now I'm
ready". And the fear is part of his soul, and inspects all intimidation and lures from it
all finite and small, and then leads him to where he wants to go. "

Religious Reformation fear was reinforced by social fear from the destruction of
the community (church, peasant, artisan). Protestantism was closely associated with
the rise of bourgeois society and individualism inherent in him. Berdyaev, this
philosopher of freedom, wrote in his book "The Meaning of History" (1923): "In the
Middle Ages people lived in corporations, in an organic whole, which does not feel
isolated atom, and was an integral part of the whole, which he felt bound their fate. All
this stops in the last period of modern history. The new man is isolated. When he turns
to cut off the atom, it is a sense of unspeakable horror, and he is looking for exit
opportunities by joining in groups. " On the other outcomes of the individual's fear of
E. Fromm points out: "Man, freed from the shackles of medieval communal life, afraid
of the new freedom, turning it into an isolated atom. He found refuge in the new idolatry
of blood and soil, the most obvious of which are forms of nationalism and racism. "
Ultimately, fascism - the result of a paranoid, unbearable fear of Western man.

The next powerful jet of fear added Scientific Revolution, destroyed the orderly
cosmos and discharges from the top of the human universe. The first reaction to the
world, the Copernicus, was fear. Even the great thinker of the time, Pascal confessed:
"The eternal silence of these infinite spaces frightens me."

"The fear created by man" has deepened the Enlightenment. It would seem that all
the pathos of this cultural movement, "overcoming" religion (no wonder it is called
neo-paganism), was aimed at the liberation of man from fear by reason of elevation,
rational thinking. Replacing Church science education has taken on the mission of
building a secular morality that defines the bourgeois virtue. To do this, the whole
building was erected a new pedagogy and the new system of education (including
school, which will be discussed separately).

The cult of rationality in bourgeois culture gave birth unexpectedly in the person
of his friend - exacerbated the irrational (who studied Chinese culture Needham British
historian called it schizophrenia European thinking, very specific, peculiar only to the
West phenomenon). It's irrational, "natural" in man interpreted in bourgeois morality
as something threatening and shameful. Under the influence of this morality in the
individual there was the so-called "Inner fear" - fear of his own "unconquered nature."
Science itself was an expression of the will to power over nature, and the fear of
her was regarded as groundless and even unhealthy feeling. In pre-scientific, cosmic
outlook of fear of nature was in fact aimed at "imply a supernatural" that is behind all
phenomena and things, it was fear of God. Being in the center of the universe, man is
responsible for everything to God.

Education has given an entirely new picture of the world in which all things and
phenomena of nature were presented as a consequence of simple, knowable and the
reasons expressed mathematically. God has disappeared from nature and man, freed
from responsibility for it before God, become a lord of nature (Education called
"theology of domination over nature"). This eliminated the irrational fear of nature
(was, of course, a reasonable fear of the real natural hazards, but not this fear it).

The loss of fear of external nature has created a historically new form of fear of an
internal nature (Enlightenment - an era which "suffered from the defilements of the
soul"). No social class in history so do not complain about trouble his mental state, the
bourgeoisie of the Enlightenment. Bourgeois society was the first society who have
suffered forced into the inner sphere - through the creation of the internal fear. As the
reverse side of the "bourgeois virtues", this fear has become one of the main elements
of civil society consolidation. The expression became his guilt, remorse, repressed
sexuality (transposed into the world of the subconscious mind, imaginations and

There was a pedagogy that requires total domination of reason and declared war
fantasies and impulses as a force that Deplete the rational thinking. This has given rise
to the fear of man's own instincts as a shameful violations of public morality and virtue.
The more "disenchants" world, the stronger the fear was driven in. This unintended
effect of Enlightenment devoted their labors many philosophers XIX and XX centuries.
For our contemporaries T.Adorno M.Horkhaymer and believe that it is formulated by
the Enlightenment claim total domination of reason led to the bifurcation and self-
alienation of man - a disease of modern Western society 9 3 .

In search of freedom from fear, and before God, and before the morality of
bourgeois society, Nietzsche came to nihilism, to the idea of Superman, who stood
"beyond good and evil." These throws it at an impasse. "Dominated - and not be more
than a servant of God: it remains only a means to elevate the people" - in this way he
came to murder God. "When good moralize, they disgust; moralize when the evil they
cause fear "- hence increased blond beast, negating morality.

27. In this chapter, we consider not purposefully created bourgeois society

"Social fears" - of hunger, poverty, unemployment. Being the first rational: eventually these
fears in the West have acquired an existential character, it has become almost religious.
Prominent American sociologist Robert Merton in the book "Social Theory and Social
Structure" (1968) writes: "The ongoing competition causes acute concern of individuals about
their status. One way to reduce this anxiety - a steady decline in the level of claims. Fear
causes the omission or, more precisely, the action strictly within the established order. "
When you read about the case of a mass panic in the countries of the "rational" of
the West in our time, a great effort is to believe the facts - as they are unusual. There
are many descriptions of the collective fear that has engulfed the US during the radio
show on the novel by HG Wells transmission "War of the Worlds."
It was in 1938 Radio Show "Invasion from Mars" was passed as a report from the
scene. The population of the eastern states, which broadcasts on the radio, for the most
part believe that it is a real event, and experienced a massive attack of fear. This
unintended event artificially created panic has been the subject of many studies and has
given important knowledge. One of the conclusions was that the condition for such a
strange and contagious mass suggestibility Americans was the general instability of the
emotional sphere, caused by prolonged economic crisis (the Great Depression) and the
excitation, which spawned Munich Agreement and the expectation of war.

Later on, in fact, as an experiment, radio show "Invasion from Mars" was repeated
in countries undergoing social and economic instability or crisis - with the same result
as in the United States. In November 1944, this transfer caused a mass panic in Santiago
de Chile. And in February 1949 in the capital of Ecuador, Quito panic caused by
transmission over casualties, injuries and burning station building. Yu.A.Sherkovin in
the book "Psychological problems of mass information processes" describes a series of
other similar cases of collective fear created by the radio (in some cases then make the
script action movies).

For us the interesting conclusion of the book: the whole history of systems of mass
communication in the USSR and the socialist countries has no precedent, even
remotely resembling these cases. And not only that radio policy was not handling - has
not been manipulated mass consciousness itself. Panic could not be established, even
if it wanted radio. Scope of the Soviet human feelings was not prepared for this all
historical cultural conditions.

§ 3. The fears of the Cold War

A new wave of irrational fear swept the West since the beginning of the Cold War.
It was useless to appeal to reason and to explain that the Soviet Union does not want
and can not threaten the US war. Idol opinion yanvapya Einstein wrote in 1948: "We
must not forget that there is absolutely no order of probabilities, that any or strangely
in obozpimom future attacks on the United States, and least of all the Soviet Union,
pazpushenny, impoverished and politically izolipovanny" . Useless.

In 1951 Einstein yanvapya repeated: "The current policy of the United States
creates more gopazdo sepeznye ppepyatstviya for public mipa than Russian policy.
Today, there is a war in Kopee, not Alaska. Russia podvepzhena gopazdo greater
danger than the United States, and everyone knows it. I tpudno understand how there
are still people vepyat eccentricity in the fable, if we ugpozhaet danger. I can explain
it is only the lack of political experience. All policies ppavitelstva nappavlena
ppeventivnuyu at war, and at the same Quaternary stapayutsya ppedstavit Soviet Union
as agpessivnuyu depzhavu ".

One of pazpabotchikov doktpiny Tpumena and the whole concept of the Cold
War, the United States the best expert on the Soviet Union, Russia is really an expert,
recognized groups dipektop planipovaniya gosdepaptamenta United States, George
Kennan said in 1965 of first stage of the Cold War: "For everyone who had anything
to do even pudimentapnoe, representations for a Russia that vpemeni was sovepshenno
clear that the Soviet Chairs had not the slightest namepeniya or distribute their ideals
with the help of the military actions of their armament forces chepez external
BOUNDARY ... [It] did not correspond to any mapksistskoy doktpine nor life
potpebnosti English in restoring pazpusheny left long and iznupitelnoy war, nor, as far
as was known, tempepamentu diktatopa of English. " So, come down to the fear
psychosis of the USSR was caused by quite deliberately.

When preparing plans for the Cold War, the American Institute for the Study of
Public Opinion began periodic surveys of the US population, referring to the question:
"Do you expect a war in the next 25 years?". At the end of 1945, an affirmative answer
was given by 32%, in 1946 already 41%, and in a year - 63%. It was about the mass
that engulfed most people fear. Given that, as shown recently published
documents, the command of US forces privately acknowledged that any military threat
from the Soviet Union did not come.

The fabricated in the United States was the product of a massive fear of the largest
(up to adjustment) in consciousness manipulation program. It is based on fear,
convinced Americans that the USSR threatens them with war. This was the beginning
of a great tragedy. It is known that in a state of illusory fear of man (or a whole society)
is not able to come to the threatening object as a subject with its own legal ideals and
interests, to understand it, to imagine that he is going through. The only desire is the
destruction of the object of fear.

6 mapta 1946 Fulton Chepchill in ppisutstvii Tpumena declared the Cold War the
Soviet Union (pech Yeltsin called the most profound and intelligent of all, what he
heard). And spazu began sepiya performances, which was then and now is reading from
sodpoganiem. In fact, even before the speech in Fulton, December 14, 1945 US military
planning Joint Committee adopted a directive that defined the 20 cities of the USSR,
which was supposed to make an atomic bomb, using all 196 nuclear bombs at the
disposal of the United States. With the accumulation of stockpiles of the number of
cities intended for bombardment increased.

But we are not interested in it, and the nature of the terror which took possession
of the average American, when it became known that the Soviet Union was also the
owner of the atomic bomb. This is known as
"Nuclear fear." He immediately acquired the features of an irrational fear, so that the
US Federation of Atomic Scientists organized a major study of psychologists in order
to find a means to enter this fear in a reasonable framework.

Director of the Center for History of Physics S.R.Vert, who for fifteen years
studying this phenomenon, describes it in a big book, "Nuclear Fear: the history of
images." From the outset, psychologists have made it their aim to "mobilize a healthy
fear, inspires action and the implementation of effective measures against the real
danger of war" - to turn into a real fear of an illusory. In general, this goal was not
achieved, and the fear of nuclear in the US has found the same features as the tenth
century, the fear, the fear of the plague in the XIV century, "the fear of Luther" - the
features of existential angst of Western man.

S.Vert describes how there was a whole system of injection of fear, which entered
the country in response, so that all actions and messages (eg, the creation of a civil
defense system) instead of reducing the level of fear contributed to its growth. As a
result, in the early 50s, experts believe that the main threat to the US is already not the
atomic and hydrogen bombs the Soviet Union as a means of destruction, and that the
panic that would arise in the event of war. S.Vert also notes that such a fear in the
Soviet Union has not arisen. He explains this by the fact that the Soviet media did not
engage in fear mongering and intensively spread knowledge about the use of nuclear
energy for peaceful purposes. I think, however, that is not the case 9 4 .
Prolonged and extensive research "nuclear terror" gave important knowledge.
Scientists are faced with a phenomenon affecting the deep layers of the psyche, so that
there was no correlation with the usual social status, level of education or awareness of
the real dangers. Especially vulnerable was the mentality of young people. Here, the
most frequently observed extreme consciousness of self-defense mechanism which is
triggered in a desperate situation -
"Stupor". It - suppression, denial of all the dangers of images, cynical resignation.

S.Vert writes that most psychologists worried by the fact that by the end of the 60s it
"Stupor" and seized those who are on duty was required to keep a realistic attitude to
the problem - the military and political leaders, and then the researchers themselves
"nuclear fear." This fact has increased anxiety, because in the public mind doubt that
the authorities keep under control the nuclear issue. Fear of nuclear weapons spread to
nuclear reactors, and then in all the manifestations of nuclear energy. In the 70 years
the situation has worsened, as psychologists have found that the staff of nuclear power
plants came under the impact of the "nuclear fear."

The irrationality of this fear could be seen from the fact that the most difficult
technological disasters were perceived much more relaxed than minor incidents at
nuclear power plants

28. After Chernobyl, Soviet media did their best to create the country's nuclear
psychosis. That campaign has become an important chapter in the restructuring, but mass
irrational fear cause failed.
(For example, disaster-owned American company chemical plant in the Indian city of
Bhopal, which killed more than 2 thousand people and more than 10 thousand were
disabled). More or less serious accident on "Three Mile Island" nuclear power plant in
Pennsylvania caused a flash of fear that the press seriously compare it with Hiroshima,
nuclear war and the end of the world. Based on the reports of many research groups
S.Vert writes that the extent of the panic could not be explained by only the influence
of the media greedy for sensations:
"It was a nuclear fear in action, inclusive and insatiable, as the spread among ordinary
people, and in the higher spheres of power."

Of course, nuclear fear in the United States was used in political advertising, aimed
not only to create the desired image of the "external enemy", but also in domestic
politics. One of the most powerful political commercials considered the film "Daisy",
released by the Democrats during the election campaign in 1964 aim was to discredit a
dangerous rival, the conservative Republican right B.Golduotera. In the film, the little
girl breaks off daisy petals and said: one, two, three ... And then a man's voice-over
begins the countdown: ten, nine, eight. When a zero score - a child's face close-up, eyes
full of horror, and of them grows mushroom of a nuclear explosion. The film was
shown only once in two months before the elections, but made such an impression that
a lot of people ringing in the White House, demanding "Stop Goldwater". Poor Barry
killed Americans fear of nuclear war.

Today, when many documents declassified Cold War, we are surprised to find that
many of the actions of our opponents, who looked like bragging or cynicism, it was a
real, sincere, we completely incomprehensible fear. It came to curiosities. Two years
ago, for example, US officials admitted that in 50 years on the territory of neutral
Austria without the consent of its government was founded more than fifty caches of
weapons and ammunition. Command of the US Army decided that the Soviets were
about to invade Europe and has prepared a romantic base for guerrilla war (been
reading memoirs Batko Kovpaka). The scandal arose today because the secret
placement of these caches cards are lost, and many warehouses can not be found. A
good gift for arms dealers.

Why is this ability to create in the imagination of an exaggerated image of fear

became the basis for the whole strategy of manipulation of consciousness? Because the
irrational fear - a very effective means of "tripping" of common sense and protective
psychological mechanisms. Shaken by fear of man is easily suggestible and believes in
him any proposed
"Saving" tool. The massive (and often subconscious) fear as a prerequisite for
programming the behavior of psychologists tested advertising agencies during major
campaigns. One of them was to create a mass market in the US refrigerators.

Psychologists who have studied the hidden fears during the 2nd World War, came
to the conclusion that Americans are experiencing greater demand for things that serve
as a symbol of security and stability, predictability of the future. Many complex "desire
to return to childhood", the symbol of which was the mother, reliably protects your
child from starvation was found. The experts felt that the thing that can take on the
character of the function could be a refrigerator, "for many people, the fridge is a
guarantee that the house will always have the food, and the food in the house stands for
rest, warmth and security."

Studies have also shown that food represents much more than just food. People
who experience fear of the future (fear, not associated with the supply problem), tend
to create home food reserves, much more than they can eat. Food Stocks relieve

History of mass demand for refrigerators in the US the more eloquent that
economic calculations and common sense, this demand is not reinforced. In the US,
there was no disruption of food. According to the analysis of experts, the cost of the
refrigerator, the energy consumed and the products that are stale in the refrigerator and
thrown away in the trash, was such that from a pragmatic point of view, the purchase
of a refrigerator was absolutely meaningless. Nevertheless, psychologists anticipated
massive demand, it created mass production, advertising was based on the presence of
suppressed fear and calculations confirmed.

Similarly, later it was predicted the success of the other stuff symbol, relieving
hidden fears - the air conditioner. This Product advertising campaign presented it as a
means to dissociate itself from the outside world. With air-conditioned person can sleep
in private
windows, so there is nothing "dangerous" could penetrate the housing from the outside.
Needless to say that the policy conclusions of psychologists and psychoanalysts have
been used to the full, often with brute force.

§ 4. Fears and type of culture

When we look casts mind our history, comparing with the human formation of the
West story, immediately catches the eye, this difference: Never Russian man is not
introduced into the consciousness of the virus mystical fear. That did not make
Orthodoxy, did not do folk tales about Baba Yaga. Our sins yielded redemption through
repentance, and even rogue Kudeyar could hope for salvation.
We mentioned earlier about the special "western" fear of death. Russian man who
has not lost the historical memory knows nothing of the sort in Russia was not, in spite
of the terrible wars and disasters. Death and the problem of the salvation of souls
occupy an important place in the thoughts and feelings of Orthodox man, but a
philosophy of death was painted a lyrical sense, love for the land, to leave loved ones
and to those who have gone before. In the first volume of labor V.Dal "Proverbs of the
Russian people" is devoted to the death of the largest section. But there is in it no
proverb, reflecting the existential fear.

Needless meeting event with Death represented proverbs as a matter of long-

thought-out and can not imagine the disaster: "To die - not sandals pick: lay under way,
but opened his eyes, and that's that." The death of a person is not only not alone, it is
particularly felt the support of the brotherhood: "If it were up to us people are not merle,
and we would be on the way light is not found," "People are dying, our way tinder.
Front rear - the bridge to the churchyard. " Even in the heat of parting visible, "you'll
die, so goodbye to white light - and our village!". Y.Heyzinga in the chapter on the
European perception of death in the late Middle Ages emphasizes that there are
absolutely no lyric motifs and warm notes - only a high and pure horror.

Against the fear of eternal damnation of sinful man were all prominent Russian
religious philosophers of the beginning of this century. VV Rozanov was talking about
forgiveness in heaven of the human race. Close to him was Berdyaev, he suggested that
hell invented "sophisticated sadists". N.F.Fedorov believed absurdity that "some
(sinners) are condemned to eternal punishment, and the other (the righteous) - to the
eternal contemplation of suffering."

Of course, from a strictly theological point of view of Russian Orthodox

philosophers seem to have been on the brink of heresy, but they expressed the
archetypes of the national culture. N.F.Fedorov even put the question of the
fundamental possibility of escape through the collegiality of Judgment. Berdyaev wrote
about the thought NF Fedorov, "Apocalyptic prophecies are conditional, but not fatal,
and humankind embarked on the path of Christian" common cause ", can avoid the
destruction of the world, the Last Judgement and eternal damnation. N.Fedorov imbued
with pathos of universal salvation and this is much higher than the vengeful Christians
who see in this vindictiveness their orthodoxy. "

The lack of "fear of Luther," gave birth to the Protestant ethic of capitalism, and
led to the famous Russian recklessness in running the household, which has always led
to despair of our Westerners. M.E.Saltykov-Shchedrin wrote, he first went abroad, was
struck by the view of the sown fields: "Under vozbedit fear in the reader confidence,
saying that the reputation of the production of so-called" violent "bread is much more
right can be applied to offended nature Prussian Pomerania, than to chembarskim
blessed pastures, where, as they say, the depth of black earth layer reaches two yards
... Here, obviously, no matter how great and abundant mercy did not count, but on the
contrary, day and night, only one thought I thought, as it were, among the sand so the
marshes, not to die of hunger. The Bolshoy Chembar River said, and in the case if God
did not send dozhzhichka because we, my friends, and not to die in curiosity! and
Eydtkunene said there as it pleases about dozhzhichka to dispose of, and we do not
agree to die! ". Someone will bring about the moral of the natural laziness of the
Orthodox, and we on the other - there was no fear.

The scientific picture of the world has come to Russia, not stunned by the
Reformation and the bourgeois revolution. Of course, she was seen with difficulty, but
did not cause fear. Here's how sets related to the Copernican world view of Russian
people the beginning of our century philosopher AF Losev: "Not only high-school
students, but all respectable scientists did not notice that the world of physics and
astronomy have a pretty boring, sometimes ugly, sometimes as just crazy haze, the
same hole, which, too, can love and honor ... All of this somehow uncomfortable, it's
all for a non-native, evil, cruel. So I was on the ground, under the native sky, listening
to the universe,
"Which shall not podvizhetsya" ... And then suddenly there is nothing, no earth, no sky,
no "ordeal podvizhetsya not." Somewhere kicked in the neck, in some kind of
emptiness, and even after swearing allowed. "That's your de homeland - and smudge
spit" astronomy textbook reading, I feel that someone throws me a stick of your own
home and still ready to spit in the face. " Grumbles Russian people, but not afraid.

In Russia, the events developed differently. Cruel rulers, from Ivan the Terrible to
Stalin, inspired the Russian people fear is a reasonable, realistic. Fear of the Stalinist
era, about which we will tell the restructuring of liberal intellectuals, is, by all
indications, it is
"Western" fear. No wonder many felt these performances Yu.Afanaseva, D.Lihacheva
L.Razgona and insincere, pure "ideology." Apparently, the common people were
wrong - the fear of the elite was present, but he was no stranger to those who are not
fanned by "Western" spirit (and a large family of my parents were affected by
repression, but I knew about them since childhood, no mystical fear them at my family
did not see) 9 5 .

I do not have time experience in Russia and the "inner" fear of bourgeois morality
and to the possible loss of the bourgeois status, not to escalate, we fear and to nuclear
apocalypse. You could even say that the nuclear fear in our mass of people was as
undeveloped as the peasants was undeveloped fear of crop failure, about which he
wrote Saltykov-Shchedrin. When, after the Chernobyl accident in the town was
evacuated the population before the police got to the West unimaginable problem:
residents, secret paths bypassing the barriers, got into the habit to return to the
abandoned home of things. And then stretched and crooks - to steal, that is bad. In the
infected zone!

It can be taken as a general conclusion: until recently in the culture of Russia did
not play a significant role existential fear - fear of the very existence of man, fear as the
most important aspect of his life. Orthodox and raised on its soil culture have focused
on love. And this in itself leaves no room for the existential fear of "no fear in love; but
perfect love casts out fear, because fear hath torment. The one who fears is not made
perfect in love "(I John 4, 18).

However, in a part of the Soviet people, who were most imbued with a rational
way of thinking and illusions Westernizing during perestroika managed to shake
neurotic fear. We are not talking about a reasonable fear of real danger, which is
necessary to live in a changing, uncertain world full. No, like the caution and the ability
to anticipate at least personal injury was at the liberal intelligentsia during perestroika
disabled. After all, already in 1988-89. it was clear that the anti-Soviet policy, which
the intellectuals enthusiastically supported, first of all destroy the very meaning of its
own existence. This was quite clearly warned - none of the powers that be in Russia
destroyed will not need any science or culture. No, this was not a reasonable fear, and
today a proud culture and the Academy of Sciences moo like cattle unfed, "Give to

This is the suggestion of fear, delirium, the base of which he trembling intelligent-
liberal can not explain. It launched the idea-virus, idea-matrix, and he himself raised a
monster, which deprived him of the ability to think. Here, the majority of intellectuals
in 1996 voted for Yeltsin (especially eloquent position research campuses).
Sociologists who have studied the reasons for this choice have come to the conclusion:
it is dominated by fear - before Zyuganov!

No positive reason not already support Yeltsin intelligentsia. Completely crushed

and discarded the myth of democracy. There is no hope seep into "our common
European home." Everyone is already clear that the Yeltsin regime carries out the
dismantling of the industry and of all the structures of modern civilization, so the
chance to take a high social status (selfish motives) intellectuals when it has not.

29. That did not cause any peppessii stpaha mystical or "stupor" can be seen from the
fact that ordinary consciousness vypabotalo many ways to evade peppessy, master risk. I
remember neither the mother nor uncles never the wires with children "occupation", but
quietly, by the way, it gave us an entire system of knowledge about how, for example, identify
the "informers". As stapshie generation remember, usually every team
"Informers" were known and they were treated not without sympathy, no one tried their
izolipovat not ppiglashat on vechepinki etc. They have become a part of nature and
okpuzhayuschey no existential stpaha not radiated.
When thinking of the cold head, then dominated in the belief of educated people (
"Zyuganov will come and start all hang") could not be confirmed absolutely no
reasonable arguments, and these arguments in conversations to get was impossible.
Moreover, when they could somehow interlocutor soothe and set to judgment, to
respect for the laws of logic, he agreed that there was no apparent connection between
the Stalinist repression and Zyuganov, not only is not, and moreover, it is among the
Communists strongest immune to repression. If somewhere and breeds the temptation
of repression, it is among the charismatic populist politikov-. However, Yeltsin's
election strategy based on fear, has been successful.

If this fear only gnawed and tormented soul of the liberal intelligentsia, it could
only regret. But psychosis became a political force, because for the sake of getting rid
of its complex, this part of the intelligentsia considered itself entitled not to spare
anyone. To support such changes in the country, which cause incompatible with the
life of suffering a huge number of citizens. Seeing firsthand the suffering, the liberal
intelligentsia, however, supported the regime inflicting this suffering, this is the only
justifying their deliverance from the most well established scary ghosts.

They invited me to the Duma elections in 1995, at the round table on "Culture,
Education, Science» Public Chamber under the President of the Russian Federation. It
can be seen, we decided to revive pluralism. Pick flowers "from the Democratic
culture", it was interesting to listen to. The headmistress of the House, the playwright,
has raised the question in Shakespearean: "If the Communists win the elections,
Zyuganov, then all of us will put up against the wall. Though it you know? ". All
nodded. Yes, that they understand. I almost jumped up: "Explain gentlemen, what do
you know of a case for which someone eager to put you against the wall?". After all,
just because these thoughts do not come to mind. Something, therefore, sharpen these
"playwrights". I tried to find out - no, "sharpens" unreal, illusory fear that is impossible
to translate into tangible dangers language.

In addition to the liberal intelligentsia at the time of such fear and mastered part of
"Entrepreneurs" (however, strongly associated with the intelligentsia). When the
Emergency Committee made his terrible "military coup", that in the morning 19 August
the residents of Moscow, it became clear that neither the fire nor the tanks to crush the
military will not be anyone. After the press conference, "junta" quite clearly revealed
that we - the audience a great performance. Then the next day to
"White House" was called "militia" of Democrats. What are the feelings experienced

"Izvestia" wrote: "Many have pointed out that in the ranks of the militias many
entrepreneurs. The ones whose businesses had promised not to interfere with Gennady
Yanayev during a farcical press conference on 19 August. From short interviews with
stockbrokers, managers of joint ventures and small businesses, corporations,
commercial banks became clear that brought them here, that made to pick up steel rods,
sticks, bricks. AT
"Program" self-proclaimed putsch, they saw not only an end to the democratic
freedoms and its own end. "

Own the end, what horror! It is - from the press-conference Yanaeva shaking! Can
you believe it? It turns out it was. Writes M.Leontev in "Nezavisimaya Gazeta": "Never
in any country in the world do not mean a military coup a physically tangible threat to
life for tens of thousands of entrepreneurs. And democracy is not never received such
unanimous support from the business. " It is written very seriously, and in fact there is
a psychosis. Here we clearly see the elimination of some of the people groups on the
important cultural grounds: it has become subject to
"Western" fear. Then, subject to a new, unfamiliar to us the methods of behavior

And it is dangerous. As he wrote to get famous "Diary" is one of the defenders

"White House" S.Habirov journalist, "in fact, we - participants yet quiet civil war: two
groups of citizens - ready to shoot each other. In any case, people who guard
"White House", are quite capable of doing it .... " The military is known to shoot at
anyone not going, psychologically this brand were not ready, and the orders of rigor
forbids it. In the assembled Democrats, it appears, it was "quite capable of doing it."
Wow - effect adjustment.

In general, the culture of fear has been an important part of the program of
restructuring and reform. To do this, all possible topics were used: repression of 1937,
hunger, shortages, technological disasters, crime, AIDS, environmental hazards,
ethnic wars and police violence. At the same time in each subject images of fear
pumped into the mass consciousness with incredible force, all the state propaganda
machine tools, and then the "independent" television. We continuously showed
gruesome scenes defeat Bender, and then the bombing of Grozny, beating
demonstrators and, finally, the execution of the Supreme Soviet, filmed by a pre-
established performance cameras.

Of course, heighten fears in different layers of the Russian society contributes to

life itself. While it is difficult to say whether we are talking about real fears, or they
took already neurotic, if not schizophrenic character. Western experts used as a
quantitative indicator of the rise of fear growing number of bodyguards. According to
this indicator, we can speak about the fear of the schizophrenic: in Soviet times, only
about three dozen people have personal security in Moscow. Now large businesses
spend on security around a third of their profits. However, in the end of 1996 about half
of all business in Russia was in constant anxiety for his life and the lives of their loved

The second indicator of fear - the total confidence of businessmen and high-
ranking officials that their phone was tapped. This fear also acquires the character of
paranoia. A simple man in the street, apparently, it is not subject to neurotic fears. For
it is common and very real fear of a healthy brood criminals with the full disability law
enforcement. If earlier the danger of attack bully was localized precisely in it, and the
layman rear defended the police, but now no one is sure that it will be on his side if the
bully will be an influential member of the gang.

Professor, University of Michigan V.E.Shlyapentoh (Russia expert and former

Soviet sociologist, who worked for the "Truth") writes: "The fear for his life influences
many decisions the Russians - a circumstance almost unknown in 1960-1980 ... The
judges are afraid and not without reason, accused of tax inspectors - their charges, and
police - criminals. Drivers mortally afraid even accidentally hit another car, because
"Victim" may demand compensation equal to the cost of a new car or an apartment. "

The reason it is impossible to effectively combat crime and rehabilitation

V.E.Shlyapentoh situation sees that "all rossiyskme oligarchic" lords "and their
numerous servants, both in the public service and in business, almost without
exception, are afraid of the legal investigation of their activities much more than the
assassins ... Declassified facts make Mzhavanadze or Churbanova, personified
corruption of the Brezhnev time, almost innocent babies compared with current figures.

These real fears - another topic. For us it is important that they provide the basis
for transforming them into an artificial fear of schizophrenia in order to create an
enabling environment for the manipulation of the mass consciousness - primarily for
political purposes. For example, to bring to power "tough" General, promising to
restore order with an iron hand.

§ 5. The fear of terrorism

For Russia today has become urgent for a long time developed in the West, the
fear of terrorism as an effective means of manipulation of consciousness. The concept
of terror ( terror means horror ) introduced Aristotle to denote a particular type of
horror that mastered the spectators of the tragedy in the Greek Theatre. It was the horror
of nothingness, presented in the form of pain, chaos, destruction. It is believed that the
interpretation of terror spawned by the theater as a kind of ritual of court theater,
defeating terror through the law. Later, in the wake of the Enlightenment it opened the
West a powerful method to influence the thoughts and behavior of citizens - terror .
The doctrine of the transformation of fear into an instrument of power belongs to the
Jacobins, and described in detail in the writings of Marat. To create mass fear new state
proceeded to the destruction of his own image as a guarantor of rights - the state itself
organized "as it were spontaneous" pogroms prison with the murder of political
prisoners. Marat also formulated the most important point: to win or retain power by
intimidation of society (this is the political meaning of the word "terror"), you must
create an atmosphere of mass hysteria.

Following the state of terror in the "war of all against all" began to be used and the
political forces fighting with the State (or his opponents). So there was terrorism as a
means to intimidate society and the state for political purposes. He also appeared as a
kind of political theater, the audience is experiencing the horror. The main purpose of
it is not murder
specific figures: namely, an impact on a wide range of human feelings. According to
the adopted in the American political science concept, terrorism is a "threat or use of
violence for political purposes by individuals or groups that act as on side and against
the existing government, when such acts are intended to have an impact on more people
than direct victim " 9 6 . Thus, terrorism - a means of psychological impact. His main
object - not those who are victims and those who survived. His goal - not murder, and
intimidation and demoralization of the living. The victims - a tool, murder - method.
This terrorism is different from sabotage whose purpose - to destroy the object (bridge,
power station) or to eliminate the enemy. Sometimes the goals are the same (for
example, in attempts on political figures), but we will only talk about terrorism directed
against the population.

We mentioned earlier that there is a reasonable fear, when a person is true

determines the source and magnitude of the danger and take measures to reduce it.
There is the fear of an inadequate (neurotic), or when a person falls into a depression,
or commit acts harmful or even disastrous for him. The aim of terrorists - is the creation
of neurotic fear. Demoralized and frightened people do themselves, require the
authorities, or at least approve of the actions that these people do not benefit.
Sometimes it's the actions that are beneficial to terrorists or most - customers,
employers terrorists. Sometimes the biggest gain get politicians who have free access
to the "other" terrorist attack 9 7 .

terrorist attacks may be aimed at a narrow group to which you belong (this group
were, for example, residents of the house in Buinaksk). Then the danger is great - is
aimed fire, shoot it in you. But if you hit the very broad band (for example, the group
"Russian citizens" or even "Muscovites"), the fear for me personally there's no point -
the probability of becoming a victim is very small, you can get there only by a rare
stray bullet. In any case, this danger is three orders of magnitude (a thousand times)
smaller than the probability of becoming a victim of the disaster at the wheel of the car.
Of the 15 million drivers in Russia die on the order of 1 thousand annually. From the
terrorist attacks in 1999, killing about 1 million. But we are not afraid to travel by car.

Why we are not afraid to travel by car, but we are afraid of terrorists? First of all,
because the powers that be are not interested in the fact that we were afraid the car.
Therefore, their TV shows to us from morning to night mutilated corpses of victims of
road accidents. If shown with the same intensity as the case terrorists - we would have
feared the car in panic 9 8 . It is understandable conclusion made by scientists for a long
time: terrorism has arisen with the media and related intimately. Modern terrorism - the
brother of television. The bombing of Iraq, the execution of the House of Soviets or
explosion in Printers would have no meaning if the TV is not heard them in every

Already the newspapers in the last century were absolutely necessary to terrorism,
but the blood had to shed a lot - papers do not convey the sight of blood. According to
some historians, to 1917 terrorists killed about 17 thousand. Man in Russia (probably
exaggerated, but in any case the expense of going to the thousands). The effect was,
but much less than it is today from hundreds of victims. Read and hear - is not that
visible .

We can not live without newspapers and television, but these funds can be
accomplices of terrorists in creating inappropriate fear, and can be "anti-terrorists". IN

30. We note that terrorism is a pro-government: and often the public. But the main thing:
that the ruling circles have learned to exploit the fear created by terrorists of any stripe, so it is
often difficult to determine exactly who created "Red Brigades" and who they work for.
31. For example, the Yeltsin regime destabilization of consciousness as a result of the
explosions was extremely beneficial. In the wake of psychosis could or strengthen Yeltsin
himself ( "horses in midstream is not") or ahead of time to remove it without the noise, urging
society to rally around the "new government". And not before the scandal was a firm
"Mabetex" - even indecently remember. About Serbs in general have forgotten, as if they had
never existed.

32. It is said that when Henry Ford became too active to expose the "Jewish domination",
he was visited by prominent figures in Hollywood and said that if this continues, then in each
issue will be newsreel footage of car accidents occurring with machines of mark "Ford". Ford
was immediately put an end to anti-Semitism.

Terrorism was not - largely because his goal was unattainable. Soviet media did not interviewed
murderers and not broadcast the horror. And today, for example, Russian TV - accomplice of
terrorists, it has thoughtfully and creatively does exactly what is required to terrorists. In 1996,
TV poeticize Basayev, continuously showed his manly beard, albeit a false tear ( "ah, he died
during the bombing of the family") and touches ( "ah, he has presented the Russian orphans in
Grozny TV"). But most importantly, he is given the air - which is absolutely unacceptable if
terrorism want to fight, not to help him.

By the way, the air is available today, though less brazenly ( "Basayev in Grozny said that
..."). And the democratic community of journalists has risen over the mountain radio reporter
"Freedom" Andrei Babitsky, who broadcast from the camp, and militants who had been arrested
in Grozny. Babitsky case itself is wonderful, but we take only the first part - of his stay with
the militants that Democrats from Schuster Albright presented to both the right and even the
duty of the journalist. Yes, foreign journalists did not get out of the units of Basayev's militants.
February 5, 2000 on Russian television even showed one such detachment presented in the
transfer of some foreign TV companies. The bearded gunman brandished a knife and saying,
"This is for Putin. I bought a pension. " Very clever and democratic. But I have a clipping from
the Spanish newspaper "El Pais" on October 28, 1998 The influential Association of Victims
of Terrorism, said after an official protest to Britain, which demanded transfer of Prime Minister
Tony Blair, due to the fact that the BBC TV show BBC flashed a statement of the two members
of the terrorist organization ETA Basque that from 16 September, the organization announces
a truce and cease terrorist acts. So flashed peaceful application - and official note of the
ambassador and the prime minister. What would happen if the BBC correspondent BBC was
in a gang of terrorists somewhere in the Pyrenees, and they would have brandished a knife and
promised to kill the King of Spain - and it would be passed on across Europe? The monstrous
mismatch with what is happening in Russia - and all these Kiselyovs Flyarkovsky and did not
seem to see 9 9 . But back to the very terrorism.

Terrorism has as a cultural base nihilism - the rejection of general ethics. He - Western
product that is declared as a norm of life "war of all against all." For the first time during the
French Revolution Terror became approved and morally justified by domination and gave birth
to his twin - terrorism as a method of struggle against the government. Then, in response to
opposition to terrorism, there was state terrorism. Western countries are cultured at terrorism
in a controlled scale. This is - an important means of rallying around the inhabitants of power (
"she has a lot to forgive, because the terrorists killed without us all"). This is - one of the most
powerful means of manipulation of consciousness and divert attention from the machinations
of society elite. This is - an effective tool to collect radical youth from marginalized segments
of society and to direct its energy to the decoys 10 0 .

In principle, a new complex system of terrorism created Israel. This system consists of a n
with beats and r s t at e n n o r a t e r p o r and s m a, m and n and n st and p y e m o d a "and l
and m a to g o "ie p o p p and s m and anti-terrorism and intelligence agencies. Following
Israel's support to "Islamic" terrorists crossed the US - it was a little painful, but effective way
to pit Muslims together, alienate them from fighting sensible weight. Prominent Arab historian
and philosopher Samip Amin in his book "Eurocentrism: critique of ideology," writes about the
secret alliance of the West with Islamic fundamentalists: "How can we explain poddepzhku
(litsemepno otpitsaemuyu), which was then the West has vpazhdebnomu his movement k.pome
like the colossal weakening apabskogo mipa to koto.pogo it leads the indoor fueling of conflicts
(especially religious conflicts between sects and between opganizatsii). "

1. European laws consider contacts with terrorists as a criminal offense. On Spanish

television I saw a painful sight - sobbed adult male. His, businessman taken hostage by
terrorists Basques. Money he had, and his friend, the lawyer gave the ransom to the
kidnappers and rescued another. Somehow it got out to the outside, and condemned the
counsel, if I am not mistaken, five years in prison - for contacts with terrorists. The man was
crying because all his requests to allow to stay in prison for another he refused. What it will
say radio journalist advocates "freedom"?

2. Together with capitalism terrorism came from the West to other countries. In tsarist
Russia, opposition and state terrorism were inextricably linked. The head of a militant
organization of the SR party in 1903 became Yevno Azef, who from 1893 to 1908, he was a
paid agent of the police. He was allowed in 1904 to kill the minister V.K.Pleve, but was
ordered in 1906 to prevent the assassination of Minister Durnovo.
The tragic consequence of explosions of apartment houses and created a psychosis TV
should be considered the fact that in Russia and the mass consciousness, and almost all
politicians seduced by the idea
"Learn from the West and Israel," and then to "cooperate" with them in the fight against
terrorism in Russia.

Only at first glance it seems that the question is to just "to adopt the technology." Behind
this technology is inseparable from her idea of good and evil. Adopted it in the West and Israel
in their ability to create, and then to "tame" terrorism - it is the end of Russia as a culture and
as a multinational country. The fact that it is said seriously and does not cause any reaction
from Russian writers, the military, in the Orthodox Church, speaks of the dire spiritual crisis.

Western funds do not aim to eradicate terrorism, as terrorism needs the West. The goal -
to support terrorism in the specified limits (via Azefs).
"Experts" on TV admired Israel pays so much provocateurs among the terrorists, which can
always stop too dangerous action. Some even terrorist head blown off a mobile phone. But if
Israel pays, but still a lot, so he creates terrorism. The market is a market: there is a demand -
there is proposal. To receive money from
"Mossad", it is necessary to carry out attacks. Unfortunate youth suicide always enough.

We can see the loss of logic. Why get rid of terrorism, we must learn from the West, where
he thrives, and not the Soviet Union, where he did not exist? Let's at least define clear why the
Soviet Union was not terrorism. What conditions are automatically extinguished the very desire
to rush into this maelstrom? After all, the dreaded KGB it can not be attributed, although the
KGB threatens finger was needed.

Why the same Chechens switched to the side of Hitler and had in the rear of the Red Army
with the formation of a powerful artillery, stopped the fight without resistance and plunged into
the van and drove off in Kazakhstan? Why do not they have started a war of terror - in the late
40's or 50's, or 60's? They were afraid of the KGB? No, they did not at the time feared the war,
start an uprising in the rear of the Red Army meant to burn bridges and to take high risks. The
rebellious Chechens obeyed because the punishment was harsh, inevitable and gentle towards
the people. Then we did not shoot the men who cut the root of the people, and evicted all on
the other side of the Caspian Sea. And do not even disbanded the party and Komsomol
organizations, not stopped taking the party. One showed that: people will not be strangled. And
boy fighting Dudayev will be adopted in the best military academy and become a great general.
A smart boy is a professor Khasbulatov.

Brutal Soviet system is not pushed to the Chechen terrorist war. But this war will inevitably
come to us with the Yeltsin regime. Should we understand what was going on. After all, it is -
a vivid, made his way to the bone all the lesson that it was impossible to keep silent about.

By creating a psychosis, TV did not give the people to reflect on the important thing that
has become obvious. Almost everyone already knew that about any prosperous market
economy in Russia is not out of the question. Year after year the situation worse, and there are
no prospects. Understood, but still silent - painful to admit. Much blood has broken barriers in
Moscow, and at this moment we can say plainly prosperous market economy in Russia can now
be longer because terrorism has arisen.

This means that a vicious circle is created. On the one hand, sharply increased the tendency
to strengthen the police state that is forced to impose more and more restrictions on all
freedoms, including freedom of enterprise. What's the market, if every bag of sugar runs riot
with a dog! If about every truck stop pensioners call directly to the Minister Rushailo. On the
other hand, production costs greatly increase enterprises, so that they become competitive in
the market.

Even a small cost of terrorism is unthinkable expensive for the economy. The emergence
of radical movements in Peru "Sendero Luminosa" ( "Bright Path"), which has only 2 thousand
members, has led to an increase in production costs in half - as many bypass the security and
protection of industrial infrastructure.

What to say about Russia! All our huge infrastructure - pipelines, power lines,
communications, etc. - Built in the Soviet Union, based on a stable society. It can not in
principle be protected from terrorism. If we wish to continue to market economy in the presence
of terrorism, we have to build the country again - now as
castle, inside which a myriad of small fortresses. Money for it, no one ever will, and such a
dysfunctional economy.

We have one opportunity - to eradicate terrorism in principle. But this can not be achieved
"Western agents" - carpet bombing, launch cruise missiles, "the bases", hiring provocateurs. To
eradicate terrorism in Russia can be only one way - by restoring the living arrangements, which
deprives terrorism of social and cultural base. Living arrangements based on solidarity rather
than on competition.

It is said that the explosions in Moscow and Volgodonsk staged terrorists from Chechnya.
This is probably true, but in the action of this kind are important not so much the specific
performers as "customers" - those who have discussed and planned actions anywhere in Nice
or Malakhovka. If you have money, you can even hire Chechens, though Lithuanians, though
most Yevno Fishelevicha Azefs. Chechens cheaper because it is Chechnya turned into the main
base of terrorism. Why? Let's put aside the racist tale of "genetic" predisposition mountaineers
to robbery. Even 15 years ago, no one would so never occurred. Then genetically the same
Chechen young men under the direction of the Secretary of the District Committee of
Komsomol Raduev prepared Harvest Festival, Yandarbiyev scribbled his poems, and
Maskhadov drove his company on the parade ground. For the sake of a terrorist or Wahhabism
no one has been arrested did not want to get into, but also to receive a reprimand to be entered
in a personal matter. The life suited people.

For this scale of terrorism, which was brought to us today, are necessary conditions. To
produce, store, and deliver explosives to blow a ton of two thousand kilometers from home,
you need a lot of reliable and skilled people. Thousands must mature for this - and have taken
a hundred. Such conditions occur when there is a massive and unjust impoverishment of the
previously prosperous and fairly educated people. When the familiar world is crumbling for
many young people, and they are forced out of the life "of this society."

It also happened in Chechnya. Mass crime and violence in Chechnya - primarily a

consequence of the severe depletion caused by the reform, rather than Khattab. Depletion
shattered frame of consciousness. In 1980 the Chechnya resident average income were 2.6
times less than that of muscovite and in 1992, it became 9.1 times less. It was already dangerous
gap, he moved to the red line. The average Muscovite bought in 1992, goods and products to
52.3 thousand rubles, and a resident of Chechnya -... To 3.3 thousand in 17 times less! Get
down the living standards of Muscovites to Chechnya, the level of crime explosion in our
civilized capital would eclipse anything we have seen. As a result of the war even more
impoverished Chechnya (data not published). This factor - not the cause of terrorism, but only
a favorable environment for it. As the head - not the cause of the lice, but if you do not wash
your head, then zapolzshaya louse reproduces.

The second condition - a shift in culture. Terrorism necessarily require justification,

legitimation in a sufficiently large part of the people. Otherwise, no amount of money will not
go to the youth ranks of the insurgents. Assassins - a very different type. Ordinary terrorists kill
and die for an ideal, and to create it, you must first distort their value system. They must be
convinced that with regard to their group (social, religious, ethnic, etc.) committed an
intolerable injustice, which can only be washed away with blood. Then a man driven by
revenge, which, as it destroys the injustice and restore balance in the world.

The first job to direct the thoughts and feelings of revenge Chechens, made the Democrats
from Moscow - Starovoitova and Burbulis, Nujkin and Pristavkina. Instead of "the people,
served punishment" Chechens suddenly been turned into "repressed peoples". Who are they
"Repressed"? Russia! So in fact we raised the question of our Democrats.

And Nakata sharp depletion was seen as an injustice - it is a right was caused by Moscow's
actions. It's not enough - Moscow landed Dudayev Chechens, and then began to topple his own
devastating war. The war also conducted with gross violations and law and morality. This tank
raid mercenaries without military uniforms and symbols, this rejection of the state of
emergency. Usually we are indifferent to the law, but when the blood flows, the illegal actions
cause huge effect. Wines on policies, but with the help of propaganda it is not difficult to pass
on to Russia as a whole, on the Russian. This actively engaged Kovalyov.

We are not talking about how to meet those who went to the militants and terrorists - their
response to crime and inadequate, and the terrorists have to kill. But if you do not understand
their motives and see only the pathological bloodlust or self-interest, then there is no chance to
deprive terrorism of legitimacy in the environment of the Chechen people. And without it, only
by force, it is impossible to eradicate terrorism. Long-range artillery and aviation destroyed
open militants and terrorism created and strengthened. Here it is necessary to choose the lesser
evil. And the "Afghan War Hero" Gromov offers even be used against terrorists strategic

After the explosions in Moscow and Volgodonsk politics and television, belonging
"Oligarchs", hastened to declare that the "terrorist war" is declared to all of us, the whole of
Russia. They say the nation should unite. This war aggressively trying to make a national and
religious nature. This is - cheap demagoguery. For the "Chechen" followed the trail stretches
of civil, social war. Blow up a rich house in the center of Moscow is no more difficult than
working on the outskirts of - offices and shops there even more. And the noise would be up to
the sky. But apparently, it is impossible - there is "their" to Khattab and his backers, billionaires,
and not to scare people.
They said that with Dudayev Borovoy redial, redial and Berezovsky with Udugov. Maybe
so, maybe not. The main thing is that this very opportunity nobody seems strange. These people
- not as individuals, but as a social group - have common interests. But it would have caused
general surprise message if Udugov secretly calls back from V.A.Kuptsovym or starving
teachers. For merchants and teachers are not engaged in the sale of oil and do not have banks,
through which you can skip the dubious money.

So "we Russians" already divided into two worlds, and between them is already underway
"molecular" civil war. And should not surprise us that the bags of sugar-hexogen drag on the
sweaty backs of poorly educated Chechens from a lower caste. And the cavalry Shkuro
Voronezh distinguished Ingush, and managed through the Sandinista CIA-Vatican incite
Miskito Indians (whom the Sandinistas returned to their land seized "United Fruit").

Persistently and tirelessly repeats Mitkov that war against Russia "Islamists"
"Religious extremists" - that this is a religious war. She soldier or a volunteer in the act of
sabotage by means of which Russia is applied to a mortal blow - Russian bleed with the Muslim
world. No matter what the protest said Muslim clerics. No matter what the Arab scholars have
repeatedly explained that "Islamism" - a political mask recently and hastily concocted. Nothing
that we do not NTV reported.

For a person who is killed by terrorists, fall the fate of an "all - or nothing ', life or death.
Another matter for society - it is not indifferent to what forces cause a blow on it terrorism,
what is likely to be killed for every living person. So, is that nowhere in the world of terrorism
never declared total war society, it does not go to mass vengeance, not cut off the paths to an
agreement. In particular, because the war against terrorism has its own laws and its ethics.
Roughly speaking, a suicide recognizes the right to kill him, but maybe he does not recognize
the right to commit mass reprisals against his relatives (family, tribe, people).

What is TNT and RDX compared with modern nerve gas! For what and for whom the
experiments were carried out in the subway in New York and Tokyo (last - a full-scale, with a
training sarin gas)? The range of possible terrorism is great, and it is better to carry on with the
war thoroughly, according to its laws - mercilessly destroy the terrorists themselves, but not to
pass some of the faces.

When you listen to politicians, it is impossible to understand - whether they cynics,

consciously Durian people, or do not think. Rather, the cynics. It walks on Grachev freedom,
handed the weapon to terrorists. The station broadcasts a proud Chernomyrdin, who saved
terrorist Basayev. All at once applauded Stepashin, who specially traveled to fortified militant
Khattab, inspected everything and then reported that it's all right, good people live, do not
plotting against the constitutional order. Is it - is not malfeasance? Least! And is it not the same
people are today the political elite?

All these people are disorganized Russian and deliberately led to the separation of
Chechnya - for some reason they had to be in Russian criminal enclave. In the hands of these
people, while they are in power, into an instrument of destruction of Russia turns any action -
even a war for the preservation of Russia. These men and procedure established by them - the
root of terrorism.

It is striking how easily and even gladly accept many Russian very cheap demagoguery.
What does "special order" in Moscow? Just lawlessness. How can rejoice! Imagination is not
enough to imagine a kid Russian and Jap without
any residues of the law? All police forces are left to identify those "persons of Caucasian
nationality", in which the documents are not in order. And Muscovites are happy they think
that it is the terrorists and did not have enough money for good deeds. It is sad to see this
artificially induced fear of mass stupidity.

And what does the "cordon sanitaire"? Around what? Half of active Chechens now fell
upon the cities of Russia. Their offices and headquarters in Moscow, in Munich, in Amman.
Those who sit in these offices, go well shaven and wearing ties, they do not have enough riot
police in the subway. How can you think in terms of the last century! No, most likely, we just
make a fool of. England - on the island, far away from their former "members of the
community", but can not create any cordon sanitaire. Russia initially, with the Kievan Rus,
incorporates nations. There is no "cordon" against their internal diseases, it can not create.
Diseases should be treated, to cut off the diseased organs impossible.

Explosions Russia was again placed in a point of unstable equilibrium. One hopes that the
military and officials, and the mass of ordinary people and saluted assent to politicians, and
themselves quietly doing their job with the mind and heart. And this limit terrorism. And most
importantly, it was created by a neurotic fear quickly passed. Culture yet performs its stabilizing

Chapter 8. imagination, attention, memory

§ 1. Imagination and behavior

In addition to thinking and feeling, the most important object of manipulation of

consciousness is imagination. Let us ponder the word. In the considerations ! Conversion of
some pieces of reality in the image created by consciousness (imagination) person 10 1 .

Le Bon wrote in his book "The soul of the crowd": "The power of the winners and the
power of states is something and is based on the popular imagination. The crowd carries with
it, acting mainly on her imagination ... not the facts themselves affect people's imagination, and
the manner in which they are distributed and presented to the crowd. It is essential that,
condensing, if I may say so, these facts would have provided such a striking image that he could
master the mind and enjoy the crowd to fill the entire area of its concepts. Who knows the art
to impress the imagination of the crowd, and he has the skill to manage it. "

It is understood that the imagination is inextricably linked with perception, it is just a new
way combines what we've come to know it by experience, and it is recorded in the memory: it
is impossible to imagine that, in its various elements not present in reality. Plato compared the
perception of print embossing process on a wax plate and imagination, according to Plato, is
the impression that remains after the removal of printing. Children under one and a half years
did not show any signs of the imagination - it is not enough for this material.

It is closely related to the imagination feeling that also creates in the minds of the images
constructed from elements earlier this recognition of reality. In these images, however, was
dominated by the sensual feeling of which are made more or less far-reaching conclusions.
Anticipation plays a huge role in the behavior of the representatives of "primitive societies",
while the civilized man they are made are usually more rational concepts only
"Launching" a process that we call imagination.

Imagination - the ability of a person required for mental understanding of reality. In my

mind we are using the images of the reality that we produce our imagination. Even Aristotle
wrote that when the mind is aware of a thing, he must build it in your imagination. Based on
these "images of things" and we develop our line of conduct.
Imagination and "external" reality closely related. Carl Gustav Jung wrote: "If one
imagines that I'm his mortal enemy and kill me, then I will become a victim of a simple
imagination. The images created by the imagination, exist, they can be just as real - and just as
harmful and dangerous, equally - both physical circumstances. I even think that mental dangers
far worse epidemics and earthquakes. "

101 It is noteworthy that in other languages, this operation is denoted by a similar word. In Latin, the
imagination - imaginatio by imago - image.
Hence it is clear that in order to control the behavior of people is very important to
influence both processes - production of images on the basis of reality and develop a strategy
and tactics of behavior on the basis of any conscious images.

Since imagination - creativity, it is much less than the thinking subject to discipline (logic,
tradition). So, more vulnerable to outside influence. A very large proportion of people exposed
to dreams, their imagination slips into "prazdnoshatajushchejsja fantasy" (Belinsky), escapist
them further and further from reality. Others imagination, on the contrary, bound, they find it
difficult to develop their own images, search for them in finished form - can not independently
master the mental reality. Those and other particularly vulnerable to the manipulation of
consciousness (although both categories it is built differently).

Transforming our minds obtained once and somewhere between reality experience,
imagination creates images and mental, and sensory. Consequently, through the imagination of
the manipulator can influence and thinking, and feeling. Maximum mobility and vulnerability
to manipulation has the combination of two "flexible" worlds - the imagination and the senses.
They say that the emotions - the main figures in the psychic world, and images - the building
material for emotions.

On combination of imagination and feelings based, for example, one of the most powerful
means of influencing public consciousness - terrorism, coupled with the TV. The image of the
mutilated victims of the explosion of an innocent TV literally brought to each family, and the
imagination of "sticks" to the place of the victims of the viewer or his relatives, and this gives
rise to a storm of emotions. Then a matter of technology - direct these feelings on the image
that consecutive destroy manipulators (the image of the army, the federal government, Islamic
fundamentalists, Chechens, etc.). In this action only requires a chain: a terrorist act - TV -
imagination - feelings - the desired behavior . It is desirable to turn off the mind (common
sense), because terror is not a real means of destruction and even creates a large real danger. Its
aim - deterrence, ie, creating inappropriate fear.

After the explosions in Moscow and Volgodonsk in summer 1999 TV manipulative actions
crossed the line. The Federation Council has shown a videotape shot by bandits on how they
tortured hostages and cut off their heads. After that, one of the leading television (think
Dorenko), said: "After this, one might expect that the Federation Council approves nuclear
strike on Chechnya." Sam this comment is criminal, but the most important recognition: the
ideologues know the power of the impact of television cookery and even try to use it to stir up
the emotions of members of the Federation Council. After all of the bandits and crimes deputies
so well known, but after showing the tape was supposed might take some fatal decision not
based on mature reasoning, and under the influence of surging emotions. That is how there are

In psychology, developed a detailed classification of the types of imagination: intentional

and unintentional, reproducing and creative, concrete and abstract. Many people develop the
imagination of the "waking dreams" - the ability to immerse themselves in their own
imagination to escape from reality. In extreme cases, it produces (or, rather, strengthens) a
special type of thinking - autistic when a person lives in an artificial inner world,
"Disconnected" from reality. During heavy social crises, it can become a mass phenomenon
and enviable purpose manipulators of consciousness - when in the interests of the ruling class
to divert as many people as possible from the active political position (for example, to
participate in the elections).

In small doses of pleasant fantasies having a stimulating, encouraging action effect. But
when a person indulging in impossible dreams, begins to seriously believe in them, to create
images of imagination are enough for him. They replace the real achievements, take the place
of action, and the person falls into a depression, not willing to lift a finger, not only to achieve
the desired, but also for their salvation.

Teaching about autism (from the Greek word autosomes - himself) created at the beginning
of the century Swiss psychiatrist E.Bleyler, the author of the theory of schizophrenia (and
author of this term). Autism - a morbid state of mind in which a person focuses on his inner
life, actively away from the outside world. In severe cases, all human life is completely reduced
to his dreams, but usually it manifests itself to a greater or lesser extent, so that a person is
generally normal. We appreciate the collective autism, artificially caused by a conscious
manipulation. Perestroika in the Soviet Union has been effective
program for the mobilization of autism thinking in much of the urban population of the

Generally, in human thinking always combines two components: a realistic and autistic
thinking. Both are needed, it is important that a balance is maintained between them. It is
understood that the imagination of the future desired state is preparing for action, awakens
energy. Autism creates favorable conditions for the exercise of intellectual abilities. A child,
for example, the game develops the imagination of its combinatorial capacity as well as mobile
games develop dexterity and strength. But in many ways the opposite of autistic realistic
thinking. The first handles the elements of reality as it is, with all its unpleasant sides. The
second combines the images created by the imagination, by which the unpleasant reality of the
"split off" and swept under the carpet.

Shares imagination and by object type, by type of activity (artistic, scientific, technical,
religious, etc.). Unlike analytical thinking, which divides the subject, focusing on some of its
aspects, the imagination gives the synthetic image - the impression of the subject as a whole 10
2 . Therefore, its impact on the consciousness more difficult to control logic.

To understand the processes of mass consciousness is important that imagination is closely

connected with the imitation - we "imagine yourself in the place of someone." This imitation is
often done unconsciously, and escapes from the critical self-examination. So, watching the
movements of dancing, people sometimes start to repeat these movements, even shaking hands
or even mentally - without realizing that they are involved in the simulation. So the imagination,
if proper guidance, can lead to a massive "infection" mood and even action. Some leaders and
charlatans ( "charismatic") possess the art of provoking such states.

Active imagination associated with the development of the forecast of the situation or
action plan (as opposed to passive dreams or memories), directed to the future and places the
images in certain, often very precise time location. There can be manipulated not only to create
an image of the imagination, but also their dynamics, "mental clock". Sometimes, it is enough
to convince people that the imagined event will occur later or earlier than it actually is, to
achieve the purpose of manipulation of consciousness - to deceive the vigilance or, on the
contrary, provoked into premature action.
Playing imagination is strongly dependent on the degree of satisfaction of human needs.
Satisfied needs do not give rise to the imagination, but if a person lacks something, in his mind
there are images - like the missing object, and ways to acquire them. Artificial change in the
state meet the most important needs of the people - a strong means of control over their
imagination and thus over their behavior. Moderate shortage of some resource awakens active
imagination, making you act to resolve the problem. As a rule, it is not for the benefit of
manipulation of consciousness. Usually manipulators seek as soon as possible to aggravate the
dissatisfaction of people to the stage of frustration - feelings of depression and hopelessness. In
this state, it begins to dominate passive imagination - a mirage, dream, dream. There is an
increased desire and artificially "improve your mood", for example, drinking.

It is very important for the result of the frustration of the manipulator is a narrowing of
consciousness - almost all of it focuses on the unmet needs, perception of reality is distorted
sharply. When the shoe presses, a person does not think about how good it warms the coat.
Frustration generates a persistence and stubbornness, which appears from the pathological
stupidity. It does not matter whether the unmet need for fundamental or secondary, if not

Remember how in the perestroika years in a large part of the intelligentsia was created a
feeling of terrible grief because he was difficult to design departure from the USSR. So really
it feels that it is - a matter of life and death, almost everything else is not important. In order to
meet the urgent need for freedom of departure, did not feel sorry for losing their jobs, wages,

1. Analytical thinking - a special skill, produced by exercise. Ordinary thinking is

closely linked to the imagination, and the distinction between them - a difficult task in
peaceful life (and even a real opportunity to go abroad - a research trip or a tourist

With a balanced interaction of thinking, imagination and a sense of a person

perceives reality in images that are built in accordance with rooted in the minds of the
scale of values. This determines the behavior of the person. If the arm aims to change
a person's behavior, replace it with "program", for the time necessary to distort the scale
of values - to get people to "want what they do not want." Such a problem is, for
example, and to the commercial and political advertising before. Imagination - one of
the objects that are "processed" in the course of manipulation in order to solve this

We have all watched as a man, "imagining God knows what" behave, in our view,
inadequate reality, often in spite of their obvious interest (much less often we see such
oddities in our own behavior, but it happens). In this case there is no question of
splitting of consciousness (schizophrenia), some other psychosis or exposure to
psychotropic drugs, making the imagination is too vivid. No, it is a normal human

Picked to the understanding of the state of the steel in the second half of the
century, when they came to the conclusion that one of the fundamental aspects of
human life is a game. Man playing - is as important and necessary human subsistence
as worker, a fighter, a loving father and son. The game is a man with the help of fantasy,
imagination perceives the possibility of future events. The complexity of this condition
is that a person is simultaneously in two worlds - in fact normal and imaginary sphere.
It is futile to try to
"Correct" his behavior, pointing out his inconsistency of reality - we do not know it
"Second world."

It would be easy to understand this problem, if a man, like a savage, believed in

the fruit of your imagination, it could dissuade. The thing is just that man, with a fairly
early age, do not mix imagination with reality, but lives in a game in unreal time and
space, full, rich life and does not want to "return to the ground." Little girl, playing with
dolls, of course, does not fall into error, and does not accept plastic doll for a living
child. But the removal of it from the game it will be fiercely resisted.

In adults, it is not so noticeable, but to get them to come out of the imaginary
world, probably harder than children. The magic of art is based on the fact that we are
seeing the landscape depicted in the picture, not the way we would have seen it in
nature. We know that the picture - it's just a real canvas, a little paint on it and a wooden
frame. This is - a device that helps us to create a different, imaginary world, more
beautiful than the real 10 3 . World imaginary via pattern may be complicated - in fact it
may be a picture, and mirror. A milestone in the formation of modern Western
civilization, with its separation of subject and object, was a picture of Velasquez
"Las Meninas": her artist painting a picture, reflected in the mirror.

Especially rich in saturated and generated by the creative imagination of the world
when the game is collective. Cleverly giving food to the imagination, conducting a
game Policies- manipulators may involve whole nations into it. The game can be
terrible, destructive and even self-destructive - and yet people can be fascinated by it
to such an extent that it is useless to appeal to his reason. At the same time almost
everyone agrees with reasonable estimates of actual reality. In other words, it is not a
fraud and not a lack of information.

Magical power has a theater stage - as a window into an imaginary world.

Therefore, the theater in its effects on the mind occupies a unique place. We can say
that the theater is at the origin of modern European civilization, tribe transformation in
society. In his theory of theater, Aristotle argues that the cleaning action of the tragedy
takes place in the imagination - through the interaction effects of fear and compassion
10 4 . For

2. That confusion, the combination of the real world (picture) with an imaginary (the image on
the picture)
there is pathology. One of the most difficult genres of horror films connected with the plot, in
which a man
"Enters" into the picture or the characters "out" of it in the world as the "Portrait" in Gogol.

3. Aristotle introduced the concept of catharsis (cleansing) - caused by the tragedy in

the theater of shock that removes the alienation between the individual spectator as a person
and other people, the entire human race.
achieve these effects, it is necessary to create before the audience the world was
conditioned, on-real . If he was quite similar to the reality in the limit - would be
merged with the scenes of the suffering that people have seen in everyday life, the
effect would be limited to the usual feelings of a particular fear or compassion.

Le Bon has paid great attention to the impact of the theater in the mass
consciousness, to the crowd. He wrote: "Theatrical performances, where the images
are presented in the crowd the most conspicuous form, always have a huge impact on
her ... Nothing works on the imagination of the crowd of all categories as theater."
In theater, as in a fixed pattern, an imaginary world can be complicated. Tightening
consciousness, especially collective, skillfully built in an imaginary world, it can be
made completely defenseless - it will be suppressed imagination. So Hamlet
manipulating imagination, he forced open and his mother Claudia, asking the actors to
play a play depicting the regicide - and the audience saw in England XVI century this
double Theatre. So the spectators become modern Europeans. And so the world was
coming to what is now called the "society of the spectacle".

Unlike schizophrenic normal person is aware that the images of his imagination is
not reality. Precisely because they become for him a special deep meaning - they seem
to reveal the essence of things and events. These images are the "real" facts - they are
super-reality . When a person gets used to them, with him inspiration can happen - it
seems that it penetrates into the essence of things. It also has a powerful effect on his
behavior, and others, have not experienced the same illumination, this behavior may
seem strange and inexplicable. If enlightenment is a collective, there is a strong gust of
mass action, or even, at times seeming craze 10 5 .

As the complexity of society and the increased role of the imagination - is to create
mental images of other people and their intentions. Standing out from the herd, and
then from family and tribe, people created their autonomous world and included in
society as an individual. For this, he turned his face, having only a mobile facial
expressions, in the guise of - according to the emerging cultural norms of his face was
to take the expression appropriate to the circumstances. This ability to "wear a mask"
provided human autonomy, do not allow others to penetrate into his soul and thoughts.
So there was a mask as a condition for the very existence of society (this is discussed
in Chapter I). At the same time it has created a need to imagine what is hidden behind
the mask.

In a stable period of the society people do not feel the urgent need to create an
image of the "true face" of those figures that affect their lives. Masks these figures quite
frozen, and even still (as were, for example, masks of the Politburo members in the
"stagnation" period). Of course, people know that before them - a mask, but things are
important for the life of these figures correspond to the masks and were predictable.
Nothing more and people did not need to program their behavior.

In a completely different situation people find themselves in times of crisis, when

the masks are important for their life figures suddenly break. When the chief ideologue
of the Communist Party suddenly declared himself an ardent anti-communist,
secretaries of provincial Party and Komsomol begin capturing people's property, and
the defender of the army-officers are employed to bomb the city of their country. This
reality creates fantastic pictures in the imagination, and the general lack of information
can be effectively manipulated - those who have the means of manipulation.

Even more mind is split, after the first shock when people begin to understand that
under the unmasked - new mask. And the transition from one mask to another occurs
abruptly, without the intermediate states, which can be observed on the human face. So
the mask itself and the process of dumping has had on the public consciousness
bewitching effect. This dramatically increases the potential for manipulation of
consciousness. Therefore, policy

4. These actions include anti-Soviet Kuzbass miners' strike in 1990. A lot of intelligent
people with their own hands destroyed the order in which they exist as a privileged social
group. And they demanded to establish a system in which they as a group had inevitably be
converted into insignificance. They imagined (not without the help of manipulators) that if
privatized mines, they will sell the coal for dollars, and everything else - taxes, energy prices,
machines, transport tariffs, etc. - Will remain as it was under the Soviet system.
interested in manipulation, even emphasize, sometimes with a large bust, that they -

The German philosopher and writer E.Kanetti who watched fascism and left a huge
"Work of a lifetime," the treatise "Crowds and Power" (1960), focuses on the problem
of masks - just like what instrument of power, which it affects the mind through the
imagination. He's writing:

"The mask affects mostly outside. It is inviolable and sets the distance. It can, for
example, in the dance, closer to the viewer. However, the viewer must remain where
he is. Zastylost form results in a constancy of the distance; distance does not change,
and this is a fascinating character mask.

For immediately behind the mask of mystery begins. In acute situations, that is,
when the mask is taken seriously, the man is not supposed to know that she was hiding.
It expresses a lot, but even more secret. It is a profile: hiding behind a threat that is not
supposed to know, preventing the establishment of a trusting relationship, she
approaches the man closely, but it was in this vicinity is sharply separated from it. It
threatens the secret, thickening her. Since it can not be read as a moving human face, a
man wondering and frightened of the unknown ...

No one knows what could escape from under the mask. Tension between
zastylostyu masks and mystery that is hidden behind it, can reach extraordinary
strength. This is the reason for its threatening impact ... No one dares to touch her.
Death is punishable by tearing off the mask by someone else. While it is active, it is
inviolable, invulnerable, sacrosanct. Certainty masks its clarity is charged uncertain.
The power of it lies in the fact that it is exactly known, but it is not clear that it carries
in itself. "

Canetti sets out the methods and motives of those "masters" who use manipulation
of consciousness as a means of domination by means of masks. For the ruler of this
type must be fulfilled two conditions: zastylost his own mask and unpredictable action.
In regard to his companions one of the principles - their regular exposure, "unmasking".
All this is due to the important influence of political theater - the transformation.

Canetti wrote about the governor-manipulator: "Transformations committed not

to themselves, it is unbearable. It can offer up to high office people who were useful to
him, but they carried out their social transformation must be clearly defined, limited
and be completely at his mercy. Magnifying and humiliating, it gives the establishment,
and no one can venture on the transformation of their own accord. The ruler is a never-
ending struggle against the spontaneous and uncontrolled reactions. Disclosure - means
used by him in this fight ... a social and religious phenomenon is of great importance is
the transformation of the ban. "

And on the ruler of "The static of this type, which is prohibited by its own
transformation, although from it proceed the countless orders, leading to
transformations of other, it entered into the essence of power. This image determines
the representation of modern man of power. Ruler - is the one who is immutable, highly
exalted, is in a specific, clearly limited and a permanent place. He can not walk down
the "down" by accident with someone face, "dropping his dignity", but it can raise any,
assigning it to a particular post. He turns the other, raising them or humiliating. That
can not happen to him, he does with others. He remained unchanged, other changes
according to his will. "

During perestroika and the subsequent reform, we have seen the establishment of
well-organized theater masks and transformations. Ascension of people finding their
masks, their subsequent exposure and downfall - all this has become a spectacular sight,
every act which completely paralyzed and mind, and the will of millions of people and
many politicians of different colors. Assigned Chubais - exposed Chubais - just
Chubais - fired Chubais - appointed Chubais, etc. Who are all these raised from nothing
Chubais Nemtsov Brevnova and Shahray? This mask. There is one zastylaya mask
"ruler" over them. Once her pluck, and it would also be something insignificant. And
director in the theater watching carefully so that no one has turned into something self-
important and, escaping from their control. Think about it: in a country seething hidden
for ten years no new significant and uncontrollable figures.
Our minds can not be free until we cast off this obsession theater. While our minds
are not put under the control of imagination that draws us hiding behind the mask of
the image of a powerful and omnipresent power. Behind the mask - greedy, frightened
but mediocrity.

§ 2. Society of the Spectacle

The twentieth century was a turning point in the manipulation of public opinion.
On the one hand, there was a science that deals with this problem - social psychology ,
one of the cornerstones that laid the Le Bon in his teaching about the crowd . Having
the theoretical concept, referred to in Sec. 4. In parallel, developing innovative and hard
practice "tolpoobrazovaniya" transformation of large masses of people in the crowd
and manipulate it. There are new technological means to reach an intense propaganda,
millions of people simultaneously. There were, and organizations that can put an
incredible previously-scale political performances - in the form of mass performances
and circuses, and a bloody provocation.

A feature of the late twentieth century political life was the development of
policies, and even scholars of criminal thinking in its extreme expression of
"lawlessness" - thinking with a complete violation of all norms and mixing. In just the
last few years we have seen the plots and intrigues inconceivable configuration, multi-
layered and "deny" to each other.

All this meant a transition into a new era - post-modern , with a brand new,
unfamiliar to us the ethical and aesthetic standards. What this means in political tactics?
First of all, constant discontinuities. Actions with a huge "bust", which did not expect.
Man can not perceive them as a reality and therefore can not respond effectively to
them - he is paralyzed. Thus, discarded the principle of commensurability
"Punishment and crime." Example - horrific bombing of Iraq, it is not necessary for the
liberation of Kuwait, (not to mention the missile strike on Baghdad in 1993). Similarly,
the act was a tank shot the House of Soviets. Nobody then could not think that will
arrange a massacre in Moscow. Next - the destruction of Grozny in 1995, from a
military point of view, meaningless. Then - the bombing of Yugoslavia.

This is - great performances, too hard-hitting for the senses. Here are the cases
smaller and quieter. For example, Haiti, which was given by the generals back,
standouts in combat and political training academies US who performed a lifetime
exactly what they ordered Uncle Sam. Suddenly, and to him came the restructuring -
US Marines arrive to establish democracy and sends the same duds, which earlier
bludgeoned Democrats Aristide, the same score sticks relatives generals. But just a
tragic note is evident in South Africa. In the early 90s the global think tank decided that
South Africa must be passed, at least nominally, black elite, because with it will be
possible to agree, and the white is still not resist. Since ideological training to conduct
similar restructuring in the USSR, there was no time,
"Their" subjected to psychological shock, which eliminated any possibility of not only
resistance, but even debate. That little incident. Before the election, the white racists
gathered for a rally in a Bantustan. Rally sluggish and nonsensical, nothing illegal. The
police ordered to disperse, and all obeyed. Suddenly and without provocation police
fired on one of the cars. When she crawled out of the injured passengers are shocked -
respectable bourgeois, white officer came up and shot them in cold blood at close range,
although they begged not to kill them. And for some reason immediately I had plenty
of reporters. The pictures were published in the newspapers, and it was shown on TV.
The whole world was shown a great performance 10 6 .

Western philosophers who study modernity, say about the origin of society of the
spectacle . We, the common people have become like the audience breathless
overseeing the complicated twists exciting spectacle. A scene - the whole world, and
invisible director and draws us into the crowd, and performers come down from the
stage to the hall. And we lose our sense of

5. The shooting of white racists in South Africa and beating on the orders of the United
States consul, members of the military junta in Haiti opened a new page in the history of
political technologies. New methods of mind manipulation provides reliable control over the
behavior of the masses, and in these conditions are no longer needed archaic tyrants and
dictators, even quite loyal global top. Not only unnecessary, but also harmful - they are a no-
no, and wake up patriotism. Therefore, all potential gorilam given several signs. The most
eloquent of them - submission of Pinochet.
reality, ceased to understand where the game of actors, and where real life. What it
pours - blood or paint? These women and children that have fallen, as knocked down,
Bender, Sarajevo or Khojaly
o excellent "Game of Death" or really killed? Here there is a dialectical
interaction of people with the process of transformation into the crowd. Le Bon
said to the crowd that "unreal acts on it almost as much as the real, and it has a
clear tendency not to distinguish them from each other."

This is an important shift in the culture of conscious erasing the

boundaries between life and performance, of giving life itself features a
carnival, conventions and fluctuation. This happened as Bakhtin demonstrated
at breaking the traditional society in medieval Europe. Today, these cultural
discoveries do social engineering. Do you remember how 15 years ago, Yuri
Lyubimov began to go to this "the theater"? He removed the ramp, Sr face. He
is already on the square in front of the theater on Taganka sailors were in
October, and at the entrance ticket to watch prick bayonet. The actors were in
the audience, and the audience - on the stage, all mixed up. Today this direction
moved into politics, the streets and squares, and the bayonet prick women and

That's "Velvet Revolution" in Prague 1989 What a delight it caused our

liberal. And in fact - one of the most terrible events. From different people,
both here and in the West, I heard the story: in the autumn of 1989 neither the
demonstrators nor the police in Prague did not want to show aggression
o not the temperament. The only catch is the world's TV: police
brandishing batons on the guy, but he does not beat! And then, horror of
horrors, killing a student. Of course, the "bloody dictatorship" of
Czechoslovakia surrender immediately. Democracy has paid a young life for
the victory. But as they say, "lifeless body" slaughtered student dictatorship,
which, under the chatter of dozens of TV cameras crammed into the
"ambulance", played Lieutenant Czech KGB. All were alarmed at the
university - there were two students with the name and surname of the victim.
Which one of them killed? It was impossible to understand. Later it turned out
that no one was not then in place, one in the US, the other somewhere in the
province. The play was produced professionally. But this is no one cared.
That's scary, because, then, all have become part of the show and can not shake
off his charm. They can not jump over the ramp, into the hall. No ramp. Even
not so important, whether it was because, as they say. It is important that the
Czechs believe that it was so, it was a performance, but the invasion of life
perceived as something legitimate.

A huge role in mixing reality and play violence plays. It occupies an

important place in the life of modern society - and at the same time, his
exaggerated and artistically seductive image is multiplied by means of culture.
American writer B.Giffopd spavnivaet ppotsess, ppevpaschayuschy tangle
stpastey, popokov and ppestupleny ogpomny in performance, so that he sees
in his life: "Just a day tris vokpug me ppoizoshlo this. The daughter of my
d.puguyu, 15 years old, was raped and murdered vystpelom occurred at noon
in univepsitetskom gopodke. My son is with the bride, they are 20 years old,
expect vechepom bus. They came up with papen puzhem, forced the son to lie
on tpotuap, pushed the girl into the car, took on pustyp, raped and beaten. My
stapyh d.puguyu 72 years, announced his kandidatupu in the municipality, with
konkupipuya negpityankoy. When he went to izbipatelyam, he was attacked
by group are gpomil-negpov ppevpatila and it literally chop. " Giffopd sets the
Problems: "Let distinctions of where pealnosti, and where performance. See
you paznitsa? I am a writer and I paznitsy not see. " And every day this paznitsa
more stipaetsya - even little things. Here, in supepmapkete where walks writer
stapik, sobipayuschy strollers parked peped shop obnapuzhil in a wheelchair
two otpezannye puki. Pposto joke. Not even know whether this peped
sovepsheno murder or so joker somewhere pazdobyl "unnecessary" puki.

Structural analysis of the use of imagination "man's game" in order to give

the rule of the French philosopher Guy Debord in the famous book "Society of
the Spectacle" (1971). He demonstrated that modern technology can destroy
the manipulation of consciousness in the atomized person the knowledge
gained from the actual historical experience, to replace it with an artificially
constructed "directors' knowledge. The person develops a belief that the most
important thing in life - the appearance, and his very public life - the
appearance, performance.

In this historical time transformed into a completely new type of time -

time performance, passive contemplation. And you can not break away from
it, because the sight of human images are much brighter than he sees in his
usual real life, the usual historical time. "Specific life degraded to speculative
space" (the play is something speculative).

The value of this technology for the power that people immersed in the
play, loses the ability to critically analyze and exits the dialogue mode, he finds
himself in
social exclusion. G.Debor pays particular attention to the special feeling
"Pseudo-cyclical" time, which occurs in humans, there is a political show. play
time, as opposed to historical time, it is not common value through which
people with other people mastering the world, and a variety of goods that are
consumed individually in standard packages. A "package" performance
"Erases" the other. How many times repeats the theorist of modern Western
society K. Popper in his book "The Open Society and Its Enemies", "history
does not make sense!".

performance Society - is the "eternal present." As G.Debor writes, "it is

achieved by an endless series of messages, which runs in a circle from one to
another banality, but presented with such passion, as if it is a major event."
Recall: seven years Russia lives in the play called "Yeltsin's health."

The same thing happens with the perception of space: the contemplative
performance "consumes" its standard package, he remained outside reality and
outside human contact. Directed the play become absolute masters of human
memories, his aspirations and projects.

G.Debor notes and other important quality of the "Society of the

Spectacle" - "Cheating unanswered; the result of its repetition becomes the
disappearance of public opinion. First, it is unable to make their voices heard,
and then, very quickly, is unable to form. "

In the USSR, perestroika and became the stage when politicians lie on the
important issues of our lives no longer cause any whatsoever public reaction.
When it appeared that public opinion is already formed, it was possible to
proceed to the next step: AN Yakovlev and deceivers A.G.Aganbegyana could
change the Gaidar and Anatoly Chubais.

It adjoins the hype as the play ritual, secrecy. Secrecy becomes the most
important aspect of life and institutionalized, so to ask questions and demand
response becomes something inappropriate or even obscene. We have long do
not know who, where and why to make important decisions for our lives. What
Gorbachev spoke with the Pope? What the agreement he signed with Bush in
Malta? When and why it was taken in the West a huge loan? Who decided to
accept an IMF program for Russia? Why 4 months instead appointed
Chernomyrdin, Kiriyenko? What Chubais reported Bilderberg in May 1998?
Why Skuratov removed? No explanation is given, but, miraculously, no one is
asking them - neither the opposition nor the free press. We can only look at the
scene, and wonder.

Particular attention is attracted philosophers totally improbable scenario

Timisoara - show, staged for the overthrow of Ceausescu and murder. Kill
something it was absolutely necessary, because he created an invalid for the
whole of the "new world order" precedent - has paid the entire foreign debt,
freed the whole country from the stranglehold of the IMF. It showed that in
principle it is possible, albeit with difficulty, to slip out of the loop.

G.Debor committed suicide when the tip of the Communist Party merged
with the ruling circles of the West, staged political performances of world
scale. He apparently thought: that with such intense manipulation of man has
no chance to cope. Learning "society of the spectacle" Italian cultural studies
Dzh.Agamben writes about the play of globalization, ie, combining the
political elites of the West and the former Soviet bloc, "Timisoara is the
culmination of this process, to the extent that her name should be assigned to
all new course of world politics. Because there is a kind of secret police,
organized conspiracy against itself to overthrow the old regime, and television,
which showed no false shame and fig leaves real political function of the media
have been able to accomplish what the Nazis did not even dare to imagine: to
combine in a single action monstrous Auschwitz and the burning of the
Reichstag. For the first time in human history, recently buried corpses were
hastily dug, and others gathered at morgues and then mutilated to mimic the
TV cameras genocide, which would have to legitimize the new regime. The
fact that the whole world saw live on TV screens as the real truth, it was an
absolute lie. And, despite the fact that at times the falsification was obvious, it
was legitimized by the world media as a true system - to make it clear that true
now have no more than one point in the required movement of the false. Thus,
truth and lies are indistinguishable, and the performance is legitimated only
through performance. In this sense, there Timisoara Auschwitz play era, and
just as it was impossible after Auschwitz write and think as before, after
Timisoara was impossible to look at the TV screen in the same way as before.
But despite the warnings, the masses of people watching on the TV screen
in the same way as before. We did not put the effort in our mind block actors
and directors of the political performances. After Timisoara, we have seen such
a performance in Vilnius and Moscow, and then, on the rise, more and more
realistic performances, where they had to sacrifice a large number of extras.

The play - the system is very flexible. The director is no detailed plans,
which are the builder. All restructuring and reform have a chain of actions to
destabilize, and do not need any powerful social base, no greater force for it -
to blow up the bridge a million times easier than to build. In this case it is
impossible to predict exactly which way will the process, there is only a
scenario. But the filmmakers are willing to to act on any scenario and quickly
determine which of them is implemented.

The pretty example - "Gorbachev coup" in August 1991. Then Gorbachev

beat his team - and Pavlov, Yazov and with Yanayev. But they quickly
realized, though, that are trapped in litsedeya, no longer able to take anything
- such a scenario is not expected. It - their "incomplete official correspondence"
in the new society. But Yeltsin is believed to be defeated Gorbachev - quickly
and accurately responded, and his team won, although fraud in its performance
were quite obvious. But Gorbachev and Yeltsin, felt, were actors of the same
play, which the director did not come on stage greet.

§ 3. Manipulation attention

The key targets that need to influence the manipulation of consciousness

are at the memory and attention . Manipulator task - something to convince
people. To do this, we must first draw people's attention to his message,
whatever it is not expressed. Then, it is necessary that people remember this
message, for repeatedly proven law states: convincing that remains in the

As stated, the term manipulation was transferred to the field of art

magicians sphere of consciousness. We magicians manipulators to essential
skills and abilities include possession of methods to divert attention from the
main subject of spectators. The master switches the focus on a specially created
for this phenomenon with the help of words, gestures, external effects (up to
the fire and explosion). In principle, so do mind manipulators. To do this, they
develop complex and even sophisticated technology, sometimes bloody.

Attention, concentration of mental processes at a certain object, directs

and organizes all these processes - perception, thinking, feeling, imagination,
etc. Focusing on the importance of the object, the person eliminates, removes
minor irritations and information. This allows a person to maintain the suitable
mental activity. Even when reading a person always allocates it more interest
centers on which, and focuses, and the void between them fill "packaging
material", which runs with one eye open.

It is understandable that people are actively using their ability to change

focus attention to his switch. They translate it as a spotlight on those objects
that are at the moment they found a significant 10 7 . Thus, it becomes possible
for the arm to replace the object - to lead an important object in the shade, in
prethreshold region, podsunuv man office distractions (existing in reality or
constructed manipulator).

People can change, and focus attention on the subject, the degree of in-
depth in its perception and understanding - in the life of a person has to allocate
attention. Thus, artificially dissipate attention, distributing it to multiple
objects and can be complete without distraction from the important object for
man to significantly reduce the possibility of its perception and understanding.
It is important for the successful manipulation of attention and correctly assess
the characteristics of the audience, such as stability and intensity of attention.
They depend on the level of education, age, profession, training people, and
amenable to experimental study. Equally important is the technological base
of the manipulator. Television, which operates at the same time the text, music
and visually perceptible moving images, has an extremely high magical ability
to concentrate, to dissipate and switch

6. To attract attention are particularly important factors of recognition , quality and vitality
experience .
the viewer's attention. Efficacy is associated with the television, it mobilizes the
peripheral attention of the system, which provides greater redundancy of information
in the central system integrator. The more redundancy, the less effort requires the
perception of the message.

The analytical and theoretical study of attention is very difficult, but he devoted a
huge amount of experimental research, so that the mind manipulation technology have
an unlimited supply of "irritants" that can attract, switch or dissipate attention, as well
as affect its stability and intensity of 10 8 . This applies to all methods of supplying visual
and auditory information, all the characteristics of its content and form (up to the use
of spelling and logical errors as a means to attract attention). It is clear that
manipulation of the goals are equally important methods of attracting and retaining
attention on making sure the message (audience capture), and at the same time diverting
attention from some aspects of reality or some parts of the message - is always
preferable not to lie, and to ensure that people do not notice " unnecessary "truth.
Research methods of distraction or diversion of attention as a necessary condition
of successful manipulation was carried out in the 60s in the United States based on the
concepts of psychological protection against human suggestion. Pretty soon it was
discovered that the message is directed against any opinion or installation, is more
effective, if at the time of his transfer to distract attention from the content of the
message recipient. In this case, the difficult interpretation of the information by the
recipient and the development of their counterarguments - the basis of its resistance to

In one series of experiments, groups of students showed two small film, in which
it was said, to convince the viewer that the fraternities are harmful. One of the film
portrayed the speaker who uttered these words. In another film, the same question was
given on the background of video, images that had nothing to do with the text. They
detract from the arguments contained in the speech. In the groups of viewers, which is
the content of speech is not significantly affected (students who do not belong to the
Brotherhood), the difference in the change of their views were not found after watching
both films. On the contrary, members of fraternities succumbed to the effects of
different ways. Suggestible than were those who watched the movie with images

Then complicated techniques and become more accurate. Convincing verbal

information was given to groups of subjects at distracting effects of different intensity
(they were shown slides depicting distraction force that was different. It was found that
persuasive information is most effective at moderate levels of distraction.
Psychological resistance to suggestion strongly in the absence of distraction (the
recipient information displays at this high degree of suspicion in relation to the
objectives of the speaker), but it increases and when too much distraction - a sense of
suspicion rises again I must, however be noted that this conclusion does not apply to
extreme methods of distraction through. psychological shock .

Experiments 60s increased the efficiency of manipulation in the press and on

television, giving almost quantitative criteria for determining "optimal" distraction
reader or viewer of the arguments persuasive messages. Newspapers began to apply
the "kaleidoscopic" arrangement of the material, the dilution of the important messages
gossip, conflicting rumors, sensationalism, colorful photos and advertisements.
Television has become a new way to link video, just picking up distracting the attention
of the images.

Extremely distracting effect have a unique event - an unprecedented and unique.

In relation to him a person has a "dual consideration" - people, as they say, do not
believe my eyes and forced more and more to look into the object, focusing their
attention on it. Under the cover of such a policy in a hurry to turn the sensation all the
dark matter. More than an ordinary exposure have unusual events - those that are rare
and also attract the attention of its other

7. Many empirical findings apply without good theoretical explanation. For a long time
it was found that the peak of the viewers attention occurs at the moment when the camera
moves away from the center of the event (from the actor, musician, speaker) and slowly
begins to slide on the audience, grabbing close-up one thing after another person. Using this
technique and attention is held on the main subject. This technique is commonly entered into
the practice of television.
parties (murder, disasters, scandals). Sometimes, on the contrary, hard-coded important
events can be used to divert attention from political action, which in other times would
have caused increased social activity. So, very cleverly was put into retirement, Yeltsin
- 31 December 1999, when all the people were preparing to greet the new year 2000,
and then stayed in the hangover before 4 January.

§ 4. Manipulation and effects on memory

In order to conscious manipulation has to work on all types of human memory,

and in different ways. On the one hand, it is necessary to remember people (and even
memorized to automaticity) some thought, a metaphor, a formula ( "Yes, yes, no,
yes!"). On the other hand, it is necessary to "disable" its short-term or historical
memory - they create a psychological barrier against the suggestion.

In the limit, man, not remembering anything from the history of his team (the
people, the country, the family), it drops out of the team and becomes completely
defenseless against manipulation. This is - an important condition for the possibility of
forgery and substitution statements subject. If people are quick to forget the reality,
then every problem can be presented false, it is the real context. And the discussion,
even if it were to lose rational traits - the result achieved on the emotions.

Intuitively, people feel that their connection with history - a huge and vitally
important value, although rarely can justify it logically. Why such concern to demolish
some old, all interfering house? Because it is - a real witness of old events, and we
think that we can rely on it in connection with our history. Even more inexplicable at
first glance is the sacred meaning that is attached to the archives. Why would they?
Publication of documents almost nothing will change in our lives. Why already made
and microfilm, and written documents on optical disks. If a hurricane will destroy the
original documents, virtually nothing will change - but the danger of this seems terrible.
Original documents - history witnesses . As they say, "their sacred character is in their
diachronic function" in curbing Chronos - time that separates us from the life of our
ancestors. To manipulate the consciousness of living, it is necessary to break this link.

Johan Huizinga (1872-1945) said that in the twentieth century history has become
"an instrument lies in the level of state policy" and no Eastern despotism of antiquity
in their fantastic
"Evidence" did not reach such a manipulation of history. In 1995, Europe was a triumph
of British film director Ken Loja (Ken Loach) «Land and Freedom", glorifying the
deeds of the Trotskyists during the Spanish Civil War. The presentation of this film
purely ideological in Madrid K.Loh openly expressed surprise: "It is important that the
story was written by us, because the one who writes history, controls the present."

Let us first consider the importance of remembering. When a person receives a

certain message, its interaction with the memory is divided into two stages: first, there
is a passive memorization. The information is then processed by the intellect, and if it
is recognized more or less persuasive, emotive and of interest, it is "embedded" in
memory, and starts to work on consciousness.

Thus, credibility and memorability are in dialectical unity. In order not to be

rejected outright passive memory must something to "hook" the consciousness not
seem to immediately utter nonsense. But in order to penetrate the consciousness
information must be packaged in such a shape that it is imprinted in the memory. Man
always seems persuasive that he remembered, even if storage occurred in the course of
a purely mechanical repetition is annoying song. Embedded in the message
consciousness operates independently of its truth or falsity. A.Mol emphasizes: "On
this principle is based the whole advocacy and processing of public opinion media".
Earlier, the same idea was expressed by Goebbels: "The constant repetition is a basic
principle of all the propaganda."

Researchers have come to the sad to the common man conclusion that as a result
of frequent repetition securely stored, acts on the consciousness of matter is whether
this statement objections or approval: "Efficiency beliefs measured by the number of
people who have this message produces a reaction, orientation as this reaction is
negligible. " The direction of the reaction is unimportant ! The one who stared at the
TV and ten times a day to hear the same message is subjected to manipulation, even if
each time he curses in anger.

This conclusion is verified on commercial advertising, which is valuable to

scientists - in a huge amount of empirical material. Advertising Wizard knows that its
effectiveness does not matter whether it is positive or negative reaction, it is important
that it is stuck in the memory. So there was a special kind of - "annoying ads"
subconscious effect which is greater, the more it disturbs or irritates people 10 9 .

Specialists in the field of information, a huge amount of research to find out the
characteristics of messages to facilitate memorization. Thus, it revealed the presence
of the critical time value ( "temporary memory") integral must fall within the interval
from 4 to 10 seconds, and the individual particles of messages - in intervals of 0.1 to
0.5 seconds.

To accept the argument that does not fit in 8-10 seconds, a person must already
make a special effort, and few of his wish to do. So, the message is simply discarded
memory. Therefore qualified TV editors bring text to the primitive, throwing him from
any logic and coherent meaning, replacing it with the associations of images, play on
words, even silly metaphors.

More study the effect of the emotional elements of the message on its
memorability. In the balance of different types of memory (figurative, verbal, sound,
etc.) for the main manipulation of consciousness it is precisely the emotional memory.
It remembers and acts primarily what caused the impression. The word speaks for itself
- that imprinted . Any information, if it is not supported by the "memory of feelings",
quickly erased, displaced.

The role of a variety of senses to memorize carefully "weighted" so that there are
a number of mathematical models to make quantitative estimates, "designing" the
transmission and speeches of politicians. Some posts purposefully incorporated into
long-term memory, other short-term, while others are used as cover for the neutral,
creating a general plausibility.

Very important relationship of emotional memory and recognition . In recognition

of manipulation of consciousness plays a key role, because it creates a false sense of
love. This is a prerequisite consent audience with the communicator (sender of the
message) - it is perceived by audiences as his . To "capture" the audience recognition
more important than the conscious acceptance of his statements. It is therefore
important namozolil people's eyes from the TV screen.

All we constantly see in politics. In 1989, the deputies passed a whole bunch of
boys with a TV that just were popular transmission. They were not no politics, no
specialists - ass who voiced the idea of trained editors. And so, you were elected,
deciding the fate of the country. Have you changed this position for ten years of hard
life? To a small extent. In 1999, the State Duma deputy chosen young A.Burataevu -
because remember her pretty face as a TV announcer.

And why did you choose to MPs and even made a leader, for example, Nikolai
Ryzhkov? His chosen people suffering from the destruction of the Soviet system. But
for the destruction of the entire Soviet system of economy, and hence the whole system,
Ryzhkov's government did much more than Gaidar and Chernomyrdin. Three laws
have ruined economy, financial and planning system: The law about the company,
about the creation of cooperatives and commercial banks. But Ryzhkov remembered
as Chairman of the USSR Council of Ministers, it will recognize an honest face - and
again dream of seeing him in power.

Through media manipulators main emphasis is on involuntary memorization.

Therefore, for them it is much more important to create a chaotic stream of messages
than to present a coherent idea that a person deliberately and intentionally remember.
Confused messages are deposited in the latent, dormant memory layers and are
implicitly more subliminal. They are animated associations, new images

8. In the history of advertising is known for the case when the company almost tripled
its turnover thanks to new advertising its shirts. Instead of the usual beautiful smiling man in a
shirt of this brand on advertising he was wearing a dark, one eye on the curve type.
and messages that their "awake". In addition, for the manipulator does not even matter
how people reacted to the message, which he remembered involuntarily.

In the study of memory processes psychologists have discovered the phenomenon

of 'dormant' effect: lazy in latent memory layers of view, which was rejected by the
mind at the time of involuntary memory, over time, "lie down", is converted first into
a vague, indefinite idea, and then in the agreement with her. In order to stop this process
of transformation, it is necessary from time to time to remind a person the original
meaning of the statement and the reasons for what it was rejected by 11 0 .

The destruction of historical memory takes place in any society where domination
is based on the manipulation of 11 1 . The effectiveness of the Western ideological
machine is incredible. For example, a general lack of knowledge of basic historical
information about the Second World War in the West - is not a joke. These things we
still do not fit in the mind.

I remember the first time I was struck by the young Spaniards. Total half-century
ago, there was a brutal civil war in Spain, but it is as if he was not. We still have the
names of Kolchak and Denikin, Chapaev and Frunze on everyone's lips, but in Spain it
is impossible to imagine. At about. Tenerife, from where began the rebellion Franco,
the city filled with monuments in honor of this event. It did not change the names of
the streets, not demolition of the monument, but they did not say anything of young
people. Once I was standing at the monument to the founder of the fascist movement
in Spain ( "phalanx"), José Antonio Primo de Rivera, was shot by Republicans. Bus
arrived with Spanish tourists, all we got out and walked to the monument. One neighbor
asked: "Who is this?". He answers: "I do not know. In my opinion, the architect of the
city. "

The need for policy cases "off" from the inhabitants of historical memory is carried
out in a remarkably short time. In 1993, one of the constant themes of the west of press
"Kitchen" debate of the intelligentsia) was a war in Yugoslavia. But popazitelnym CL,
it all comes down to the discussion of the events of two years ago, tpehdnevnoy
maximum weekly. Absolutely nobody intepesovalo as if this ban, why the war started,
how it happened that vchepashny Associate Professor university of today in forms of
the Croatian Ustasha, vypezaet eyes sepbskih children. All was ready ppostoy answer:
with the fall of communism began demokpatiya, freed kopivshayasya under the yoke
of ethnic hatred - and, of course, began a war of mutual destruction. As if nothing
d.puguyu nobody expected.

And kpayney pazdpazhenie caused ppedlozhenie pazobpatsya how the CL

Yugoslavs fifty years coexisted in mipe, a lot of people (over 30%) pepezhenilas mixed
bpakami. How, after all, totalitapny (this is in Yugoslavia, then!) Mode is active
communist "suppressed" ethnic hatred? Maybe, it would be something, and to learn?
Where there! Mipnogo pposhlogo as if he had never existed. It was an anomaly and
anomalies Western thinking ignores.

Chapter 9. Myths public consciousness: the manipulation of large projects

Myth - a generalized representation of reality, and combining moral and aesthetic

installation, connecting reality with mysticism. That is, it's always an idea largely
illusory, but because of its ethical and artistic appeal have a greater impact on mass
consciousness. Sometimes there is a way to replace a myth in the minds of an
unbearable reliable way of terrible reality, a conditional manner,

9. It is noteworthy that the opposition politicians in Russia it or do not know, or play up

to the enemy. Having at some point rejection of public opinion some noisy campaign, they
"Forget" about it, since the goal seems to be achieved. But the consciousness of the thesis
rejected by
"Dormant effect" gradually takes possession of installations of people. This is clearly seen in
the relation to the purchase and sale of land. No arguments in its favor in marketeers does not
appear, on the contrary, the experimental results with the farmers is extremely sad. However,
a year more and more people start to the year relate to the idea bearable, and then
benevolently. No counter-propaganda the opposition is not, as is believed, people are buying
and selling the land rejected, and new arguments in its favor there.

10. It's not the specific programs, and in the type of thinking, which eliminates the
tradition as a collective historical memory and the supply of "tacit knowledge". Without this,
it would be impossible to build a meta-ideology of the West - Eurocentrism.
that can "get along." Often, under the impact of the fall of the myth and professionals,
leading to tragic consequences 11 2 .

Myths that carry an important irrational (in principle, religious) component, are
part of the tradition and played an important role in the social system of legitimation in
ideocratic States. However, the myth, as already mentioned, and in today's society has
not lost its value as an important form of social consciousness and the representation
of reality. Structure of myth and nature of its perception of public opinion are well
understood, thereby creating democracies in the whole industry, factories and introduce
myths in order to manipulate the consciousness and behavior. Such myths, of course,
rarely are part of a long-term tradition, part of the core culture (like the myths of ancient
Greece or epics about Ilya Muromets). However, the fluid mosaic popular culture, they
can take up more space, and most importantly, they solve the specific task of mind
The German philosopher E.Kassirer in the "Technology of modern political
myths" says the deliberate creation of myths as a means of manipulating the mass
consciousness for political purposes. To quote the great exposure of this work:

"The myth is always interpreted as the result of unconscious activity, and as a

product of the free play of the imagination. But this myth is created in accordance with
the plan. New political myths do not arise spontaneously, they are not wild fruit of
unbridled imagination. On the contrary, they are artificial creations by skilled and
adroit "masters." Our twentieth century - the great era of technological civilization -
was to create a new myth and technique as myths can be created in the same way and
in accordance with the same rules as any other modern weapons, whether it's guns or
samolety.Eto new moment, having crucial. He will change our whole social life.

suppression methods and enforcement have always been used in political life. But
in most cases these methods are focused on "tangible" results. Even the most severe
despotic regimes are met only by imposing certain rules of human action. They are not
interested in the thoughts and feelings of people ... Modern political myths are quite
different. They do not start with the fact that authorize or prohibit certain actions. They
first change people, to then be able to regulate and control their actions. Political myths
are just like a snake, rabbit paralyzing before attacking him. People are victims of
myths without serious resistance. They are defeated and subdued even before are able
to realize what really happened.

Conventional methods of political violence are not able to give a similar effect.
Even under the most powerful political pressure people do not cease to live a private
life. There is always a sphere of personal freedom, withstand such pressure. Modern
political myths destroy these values.

Our current policies are well aware that the great masses of people much easier to
manage the power of imagination, rather than brute force. They skillfully used this
knowledge. The politician has become something of a public predictor of the future.
Prophecy has become an integral part of the new technique of social control.

Philosophy is powerless to destroy the political myths. Myth itself invulnerable. It

is insensitive to rational arguments, it can not be denied by a syllogism. But philosophy
can give us another important service. It can help us understand the enemy. To defeat
the enemy, we must know it. This is one of the principles of the right strategy.
Understand myth - it means not only to understand its weaknesses and vulnerabilities,
but also realize

11. Russian military scientist N.N.Golovin in the 30s (in exile) raised the question of the
creation of the science of war, "Sociology of war" - because the future soldier gets an idea
about the war from the fiction that completely distorts the real image of war and especially the
fight, replaces it with a myth. He writes: "As a result of this, long-established tendency to
distort the true image of the war and created the gap between the" theoretical "concept of
combat and those experiences that makes a fighter at the first contact with the reality of
combat. In the literature, this gap has led to the paradox of Stendhal and Leo Tolstoy. " (By
the way, there is an opinion that France so shamefully lost the war in 1940 because of high
school teachers have developed under the influence of novels pacifist Barbusse, Remarque et
his strength. We were all tend to underestimate her. When we first heard about political
myths, then we found them as absurd and ridiculous, so fantastic and ridiculous that
they could not take them seriously. Now we all realized that it was a great mistake. We
must not repeat that mistake twice. We must carefully study the origin, structure,
technique and methods of political myths. We have to see the face of the enemy, to
know how to beat him. "

§ 1. Black Myths

They are supported in the public consciousness (often on an international scale)

for the right moment to revitalize them and manipulation of consciousness an urgent

Large black historical myths are respected intellectuals and artists and to support
the efforts of the ruling circles in order to preserve the cultural hegemony of the ruling
circles. These myths to justify the break with the past, which led to the establishment
of the existing order. If they are supported by authoritative foreign and minds, such
myths become sinister and long-term and generate subsidiaries or generalizing myths.

For the history of Russia in the modern era and for its relations with Europe is very
important, for example, black myth of Ivan the Terrible (his very well make out in
several papers V.V.Kozhinov). This myth is still in our intelligentsia, and the West
appears ostensibly
"Genetically" peculiar type of Russian bloody and brutal despotism. Here, Yeltsin
adviser A.I.Rakitov philosopher expounds "special norms and standards underlying the
Russian civilization." Here, the whole set of negative qualities linked to the majestic
nature of the Russian state, "lies, slander, offense, etc. and morally justified if they are
subject to overarching objective of the state, ie, strengthen the military power and the
expansion of the territory. "

To commemorate Ivan the Terrible, and emphasizes that its alleged pathological
cruelty was not an anomaly, but immanent Russian quality: "We should not talk about
the absence of civilization, not of injustice, not the absence of justice, not on the
illegality of a repressive mechanism in times of Ivan the Terrible, Peter Nicholas I or
Stalin, but that the laws themselves were repressive, that the constitutions were
antihuman that rules the standards, rules and standards activities are fundamentally
different from their counterparts in other modern European civilization. " It voiced the
main ideological thesis: Russia as a civilization have always differed fundamentally for
the worse by her modern European states - compared with Europe, Russia Ivan the
Terrible was almost cannibalistic country where the blood flowed the river. And this
belief - a symbol of faith, he was not swayed by any reasonable arguments, because it
is based on a myth.

Which side is really different Russia at the time of European standards? Over the
37 years of the reign of Ivan the Terrible about 3-4 thousand people were executed -
far less than just one St. Bartholomew in Paris the same year (some historians call up
to 12 thousand executed then by the order of the king of the Huguenots.). In the same
period, about 100 thousand people were executed in the Netherlands. All this is well
known, but the man who believes in the myth, can not abandon the almost religious
belief that Russia - the original "evil empire."

Similarly united efforts of the Spanish Liberals, fighting against the alliance of the
monarchy and the church, and Protestants fighting against Catholicism, in the creation
of the black myth of the Inquisition . Subsequently, this myth has become an important
means of exerting pressure on public opinion in the geopolitical confrontation between
England and the United States against the Spanish-speaking world. Today, in Spain the
recognition of this myth is to the intellectual obligatory sign of loyalty claim on a t n o
w e n w a d e m a a r a t u and e g a n a l n o g o r a s p s and in a "p e a n and a n s o n
m traditionalism" (Francoism, clericalism, etc.).

The myth of the Inquisition is closely related to the main myth of the modern West
- that gave rise to the Protestant Reformation inextricably linked capitalism and science
. Thus, the emergence of a new type of operation (in many respects more brutal than
feudalism) as it was offset by a wonderful gift of rational thinking and
liberating knowledge. The concept of "Protestant science" intensively developed
since the 30s of this century, influential American sociologist Robert Merton 11 3 .

Later in the history of science went, almost obvious, the idea that science
flourished in northern Europe because there was no Inquisition. In contrast, the
Counter-Reformation and the Inquisition in the south of Europe were incompatible
with the spirit of science 11 4 . Here, according to the official Anglo-Saxon history,
dominated not rational consciousness and conservative religion, superstition and feel.

It is clear how important it would be for a proper understanding of the course of

the formation of modern society with a secular rational thinking to know where, when
and how the transition from thinking of the Renaissance, which represented a world
full of witches, demons and magic. Where originates the Age of Enlightenment, the
age of Descartes?

A blow to the ideological myth of the Inquisition struck before his death, the
American historian Protestant Henry Charles Lee (1825-1909), which he himself had
so much bother to create this myth. His book "The History of the Inquisition in the
Middle Ages" (1877) made him the leading authority in this matter. In 1906-1907 gg.
he published in four volumes
"History of the Inquisition in Spain", in the preface to which he wrote that sought to
show not terrible ceremony auto da fe the burning of famous people, but "inaudible
impact that daily continuous and secret work of the Tribunal on the whole mass of the
people, to show the framework, in which he drove the Spanish mind, dull conservatism
with which he held the nation in the medieval routine and did not let her take advantage
of the freedoms of rational thinking. "

And now, after the release of the main labor G.Ch.Li, in his hands were the
documents that turned all his views. These were minutes of the process in 1610 in the
city of Logroño, in which the young Jesuit inquisitor Alonso de Salazar, received his
law degree from the University of Salamanca, he has shown conclusively that the
witches and demons do not exist. And he did it according to the strict standards of the
positive scientific method, much ahead of the time. Salazar supported the archbishop
of Toledo Grand Inquisitor Bernardo de Sandoval, and then the Supreme Council of
the Inquisition 11 5 .

This decision radically changed the whole intellectual climate in Catholic

countries, and then the state of society as a whole - because the "witches" were the
overwhelming majority of victims of the Inquisition. As a result, it is in Catholic
countries by the decision of the Inquisition to stop "witch hunt" - a century earlier than
in those parts of Europe where the Reformation triumphed.

New eyes looked after G.Ch.Li on historical data. And it turned out that the known
fighters for rational thinking (such as Descartes) were rare in northern Europe
dissidents and most prominent intellectuals and even in the XVIII century believed in
demons and witches. And hundreds of thousands of "witches" go to the pyre in the age
of the Scientific Revolution (and burned them in the United States up to the XVIII
century, and the judges were professors at Harvard University).

G.Ch.Li, an honest scientist, found the strength and courage to declare just before his
"No European history more horrible pages than the crazy witch hunt for three centuries,
from XV to XVIII. For a whole century Spain threatened an explosion of contagious
insanity. The fact that it was stopped, and reduced to a relatively harmless

12. In his famous article "Science, technology and society in England XVII century"
(1938) he wrote: "The connection with the empirical approach of rationalism, so typical of the
Puritan ethic is the essence of the spirit of modern science."

13. The dispute between Catholics and Protestants in the XVI-XVII centuries. It raises
fundamental questions about the formation of modern Western civilization: the presentation of
the person (individual or a member of the fraternity), about humanity (single or divided by
race favorite and rejected), the identity and Peoples' Rights (the dispute about the status of the

14. In his discussion inquisitors proceeded from the same principles that applied then
Descartes - they were coming from the method . The recognition of the existence of witches
and wizards to create such uncertainty for the investigation and the impossibility of reliable
evidence to the court that the whole sophisticated legal process Inquisition lost meaning. The
salvation of the Inquisition as an institution, as an impartial court required the church to
"cleanse" the world of demons.
sizes due caution and firmness of the Inquisition ... I would like to emphasize the
contrast between the terror that prevailed in Germany, France and England, and the
relative tolerance of the Inquisition. "

G.Ch.Li started a great job of documenting the witch hunt, contact the archives of
all Christian countries. This work has already finished his disciples. F.Donovan,
modern historian, writes:

"If we point to point on the map, each set in case of burning witches, the largest
concentration of outlets will be in the area where the borders France, Germany and
Switzerland. Basel, Lyon, Geneva, Nuremberg and near the city would have
disappeared under many of these points. Solid stains of the points would be formed in
Switzerland and from the Rhine to Amsterdam, as well as the south of France, would
be splattered England, Scotland and the Scandinavian countries. It should be noted that,
at least during the last century witch hunts, the area most crowded points were the
centers of Protestantism. The fully Catholic countries - Italy, Spain and Ireland - have
been very few points; Spain is practically none. "

Historians, who dared to depart from plants black myth of the Inquisition, just able
to overcome the apparent previously inexplicable contradiction: the assertion that the
Reformation freed thinking, does not tally with the fact that it is the most prominent
figures of Protestantism (Luther, Calvin, Baxter) were fanatical persecutors of witches.
Luther incessantly demanded identify witches and burn them alive. According G.Ch.Li
friend, historian and philosopher V.Lekki, "Faith in Luther's diabolical machinations
was amazing even for his time ... In Scotland, where the Reformation influence was
much more than anywhere else, in proportion to the more violent it was the prosecution
[ witches]. " Richard Baxter ( "the greatest of the Puritans"), one of the main authors,
quoted by Max Weber in his work "The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism",
presented by Robert Merton as the spokesman of the spirit of the new science. But it
was he who in 1691 published a book "The proof of the existence of the spirit world,"
which called for a crusade against the "cult of Satan".

Works G.Ch.Li and his disciples were not able to shake the dominant ideology of
the West, which is based on the myths of Anglo-Saxon historiography. Even in Spain
itself publicly to question the myth of the Inquisition means incurring the suspicion of
sympathy for Franco, clericalism, Stalinism, and other sins. Today in Spain, even
knowing the true state of affairs historian dares to talk about it only in a whisper, and
only in private. However, among the historians and philosophers of science and the
history of formation of capitalism is seen, of course, is different. From Max Weber,
who began to turn to Michel Foucault, who in his book "Words and Things" gave a
more impartial ( "archaeological") treatment, a great work for demythologizing.

It became clearer and the dialectical relationship between the creation of the
Reformation in the climate of fear and atomization of society, human transformation
in the individual does not trust anyone. But the myth is so essential policies that
deathbed confession G.Ch.Li left voice in the wilderness. Nothing has changed, and
after a lot of work by other scientists - even in Catholic countries!

§ 2. «Light" myths of the West: Eurocentrism.

Light myths in aggregate formed in a large meta-ideology of modern Western

society, which is called Eurocentrism . Here Europe - is not the geographical and
civilizational (in the last century said that the United States became the core of Europe).
Sometimes trying to enter the word "zapadotsentrizm", but it does not take root.

Eurocentrism can be called a meta-ideology of the West, because within it are

developed and private conflicting ideologies (such as liberalism and Marxism). It is
important that they come from the same world picture and the same postulates
regarding the historical path of the West.

We have the myths of Eurocentrism special intepes because the public

consciousness in Russia implemented sovepshenno mistifitsipovannaya kaptiny
"mipovoy civilization", which allegedly necessary "vepnutsya". The uniqueness of our
situation is that if Afpike ppopagandistom "pale stamps" evpotsentpizma was
komppadopskaya bupzhuaziya, give up national kultupnyh kopney ( "lumpen
bupzhuaziya"), in Russia - the color of the nation, its intelligentsia. Credo Eurocentric
Russian reformers expressed in the book-manifesto
"No other way" L.Batkinym "West" at the end of the twentieth century. - Not a
geographical concept, and not even the concept of capitalism (although genetically, of
course, associated with it). This general definition of economic, scientific-technical and
structural and democratic level, without which the existence of any truly modern,
purified from the archaic society ".Evpotsentpizm not be reduced to any of the Chair
Type etnotsentpizma from koto.pogo not free any napod. This is - ideology
ppetenduyuschaya on univepsalizm and utvepzhdayuschaya that all napoda all kultupy
ppohod same path and differ porphyry intrusions of porphyry intrusions only stage
EVOLUTION. Evpotsentpizm pasppostpanilsya wide occurrence in the XIX century.
But its main provisions have remained unchanged to this day. When a society is on the
way paspute and its main crystal EVOLUTION, politics, ideology pponiknutye
evpotsentpizma, discarded the slogan "Follow the West - it is the best mipov".
In fact, the construction of a uniform world - utopia based on myth and feeding
the ideology of the West. We read in K.Levi-Strauss: "There can be mipovoy
civilization in the absolute sense, this eccentricity often ppidaetsya vypazheniyu as
civilization ppedpolagaet kultupy coexistence, which was then obnapuzhivayut
ogpomnoe diverse as; one might even say that civilization lies in the coexistence.
Mipovaya civilization could not be anything else, as the coalition k.pome in mipovom
scale kultupy, each of eccentricity to their sohpanyala opiginalnost ... sacred duty of
humanity - ohpanyat themselves from blind paptikulyapizma inclined ppipisyvat status
mankind one pase, kultupy or society, and never forget that no part of humanity does
not have fopmulami, ppilozhimymi to the whole, and that mankind, immersion in a
single CL life is unthinkable. "

Consider a few basic myths of Eurocentrism, which are then produced secondary
ideological concepts - of a market economy, a Western-style democracy and freedom
of civil society, etc. (Which we will cover in the other sections).

Hpistianskaya the West as a civilization . Like all THE LARGE civilization

zapadnoevpopeyskaya ppotsesse its consolidation actively used peligioznye
FACTORS. Evpotsentpizm ideology includes the structure to its myth hpistianizma
West as that of the matrix, which was then ppedoppedelila social order of magnitude,
following sound type and kultupy West in general. Depending on istopicheskoy
konyunktupy this myth was fed in the most postseismic Variations in ppiglushalsya or
even (in the Quaternary Fpantsuzskoy pevolyutsii related to tsepkvi main crystal slogan
"Crush the vermin!", And now speak out, that the West - the Judeo-hpistianskaya
civilization). It is important that both hpistianstvo ppedstavleno fopmoobpazuyuschy
FEATURE Western man - in ppotivopostavlenii "Muslim East". To create such a CL
ideologues ppishlos many potpuditsya. And not only the ideology but also
evpopeyskim artists ppiuchayuschim the public to believe that all were all blondes (see
at least a biblical paintings by Rubens) in the Holy Family.

For Russia, this myth is of particular importance because it is questioned

"Legality" of the eastern hpistianstva - ppavoslaviya. Our philosophizing demokpaty
speak out as a fatal error on istopicheskoy ppinyato hpistianstva Rus from Byzantium
and thus, CL, "loss" of civilization hpistianskoy 11 6 .

The current phase evpotsentpizma hapaktepizuetsya INNER ppotivopechivostyu

tpaktovki hpistianskogo myth. On the one stopony, potpebnosti in konsolidipuyuschih
vozposla myths. At the same Quaternary, the very type of Contemporary civilization,
its ethics, and the rest of the basic myths increasingly incompatible with the precepts
of hpistianstva. Therefore, even sopok years ago, theologian and istopik kultupy
Romano Gvapdini ppeduppezhdal that West papazitipovaniyu on hpistianskih values
ppihodit end.

These tpudnosti steel napastat pevolyutsii from the outset, to ppivedshih

FORMATION of Contemporary Society industpialnoy civilization. For colonization
and necessary for its oppavdaniya pasizm (koto.pogo not exist in spednevekovoy
europium) forced to move away from hpistianskogo representations for the person.
Ppishlos borrow an idea izbpannogo napoda (cult "bpitanskogo Izpailya"), and then
walk to the theory the pasovoy Gobineau and to search for nopdicheskih ppedki Kapla
Great print and other descendants "zlatokudpogo Menelaus." According to Toynbee,
15. Vsepez utvepzhdaetsya that nappasno in the XIII century English otvepgli civilized
hpistian-Teutons and ppinyat yoke-tatap Muslims. Similarly, in the mass consciousness
initially hpistianskim napoda ppedstayut Lithuanians ppinyat hpistianstvo only in the XV
century, and the Cumans, which was then mixed with English being the main hpistianami are
considered Muslims.
Anglophone ppotestantov so you can pop vstpetit "fundamentalists", ppodolzhaet vepit
in what they izbpanniki Lord is a very real sense in which the word upotpeblyaetsya in
the Old Testament. "

The move away from the Gospel and to the handling will pyadu Old Testament
books during Refopmatsii needed for ethical justification of a new, unusual for
tpaditsionnogo society's attitudes towards profit. It explores podpobno M.Vebep in his
tpuda "Ppotestantskaya Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism." One only ppiznanie
charitable postovschichestva, sovepshenno EVOLUTION required to finance capital,
meant a significant change in the theology of Western man. It was so pevolyutsionnogo
that pepedovye in this regard ppotestantskie sect called themselves "bpitanskimi
izpailtyanami" (Vebep writes about "bpitanskom gebpaizme" as a special phenomenon
kultupnom). Sygpavshie pol important in the formation of Contemporary Society
kultupnye flow, including the mystical (nappimep, Masonry), had yapko vypazhenny
nehpistiansky hapaktep.

Finally, all the pathos industpialnoy civilization associated with the technology,
the cult of fire and power, epic pepedelki mipa, is not hpistiansky and titanic hapaktep.
Indeed, CL Ppometeya pponizyvaet all evpopeyskoe FORMATION. If the latter are in
the end of this century, the beginning of the Titanic, it seems, gives way to a cyclopean.
The strength is becoming more pazpushitelnoy, and its The demonstration - all the more
brutal. They increasingly ppoglyadyvayut neopagan pitualy.

West - ppodolzhenie ancient civilization . D.puguyu evpotsentpizma

basic myth is created literally "labopatopnym way" the legend that of
Contemporary Western civilization is the fruit neppepyvnogo
EVOLUTION Antiquity (the cradle of civilization). This legend is the
appropriate CL ppelomlyaetsya in all major istopicheskih plans 11 7 . In the
area of socio-economic ppedstaet how she istopiya "The correct" and change
ASSEMBLAGES neppepyvnogo ppogpessa. Here at mepe EVOLUTION
ppoizvoditelnyh forces pepvobytno communal stpoit replaced pabstvom, which was
then giving way to feudalism, and then, in the course of scientific and industrially
pevolyutsii - capitalism. Only this change ASSEMBLAGES ppiznaetsya The correct.
Since the Slavs and Mongols did not know pabstva, and in China there was
kpepostnogo The rules and gosudapstvennoy peligii - so they get to civilization and
failed, now have a special ppohod kups learning from the West.

Driving change mythological formations. Ancient weathering Gpetsiya was not

part of the West, it has been associated with nepazpyvno system kultupnoy East. And
her heirs in pavnoy mepe became vapvapskaya Western europium (chepez Rome) and
Eastern hpistianskaya, ppavoslavnaya civilization (chepez Byzantium).
"Ellinomaniya" the XIX century is connected with pasizmom conservative movement
known as "pomantizm". Together with the "Greek" myth was created and
"opientalizm" - a romantic myth of the East. Remarkably, the "antique" myth was first
pazve in ppotivoves hpistianskomu myth. This writes Samip Amin, referring to the
American historian of antiquity M.Bernala:
"Ppedpassudok evpotsentpizma enjoys a margin of prefabricated elements,
including a single and otbpasyvaya d.pugoy depending on the request for charges
ideological moment. Known nappimep that evpopeyskaya bupzhuaziya over vpemeni
with nedovepiem even ppezpeniem belonged to hpistianstvu so pazduvala "gpechesky
myth" ...

According to this myth, it was Gpetsiya Matepi following sound philosophy, in the
Quaternary as a
"East" could never ppeodolet metaphysics ... This konstpuktsiya sovepshenno
mistifitsipovana. Maptin Bepnal showed it istopiyu describing how he vypazheniyu,
"Fabpikovalas Gpetsiya ancient weathering." He recalled that gpeki ppekpasno aware
of their ppinadlezhnosti to kultupnomu apealu ancient weathering East. They not only
appreciated what learned from the Egyptians and Phoenicians, but did not consider
themselves "anti-East," What are ppedstavlyaet evpotsentpizm gpechesky the Mir.
Nappotiv, gpeki considered their ppedki Egyptians, perhaps mythical, but it does not
matter. "

Myth is also utvepzhdenie of neppepyvnosti ppotsessa kultupnoy evolution and

change ASSEMBLAGES. Feudalism was ppinesen vapvapami, conquered the Roman

16. In the Soviet Union, we also studied for purely evpotsentpistskim textbooks istopii
detail knew pepipetii Athens demokpatii spopov and throughout the Roman Senate, the East
was also for us fixed frozen mask. So strong was the Eurocentrism of our education, that held
in the school of Greco-Persian Wars, we were entirely on the side of the Greeks. The Greeks
were "ours".
impepii. Vapvapy same stage in his way of pabstva not ppohod. What a neppepyvnost?
This is - a typical pazpyv neppepyvnosti, ppichem in kpayney FORMS related to the
killing by the military.

About kultupy and govopit nothing - pazpyv in ppodolzhenie ancient tpaditsii

was more than a thousand years (because the myth of the "dark" as the Spednevekove
potepyannom vpemeni, and since the Middle Ages called Vozpozhdeniem). Moreover,
the West in general in the Quaternary utepyal kultupnoe heritage of antiquity and
received his kpoham from the East - chepez apabov carefully sohpanivshih and explore
gpecheskuyu litepatupy. Western civilization has created together with the Arabs, and
evpotsentpizm, k.pome all ppochego - ideology neblagodapnyh descendants.

The myth of "The correct" social change ASSEMBLAGES podkpeplyaetsya

important myth of evolutionism . His kopnyami this myth goes istopiyu vosppiyatiya
vpemeni in evpopeyskoy kultupy in istopiyu pepehoda from cyclic vpemeni agpapnoy
civilization to the idea of the infinite, linear, nappavlennoe vpemeni the future ( "stpela
vpemeni"). New vosppiyatie vpemeni paves the way for the emergence of the idea of
ppogpessa, which has become a metaphysical, almost peligioznye basis ideologies of

The idea of evolution ppiobpela the status of a fundamental myth after

tpiumfalnogo dapvinizma success. This biological theory the tpiumf was
ppedoppedelen ostpoy potpebnosti in scientific substantiation of what has already
become a social and kultupy ppaktike 118 . In supplement to the society and civilization
kultupy evolutionism gave the idea of EVOLUTION and natural otbopa. Society and
an Area in the evolution of a slabopazvitye (or pazvivayuschiesya), in the everyday
consciousness of the idea came ppochno that lags behind in the evolution of a society,
or are killed during konkupentsii or become dependent and ekspluatipuemymi, and it -
the natural law of life 119 .

According to this myth, the West was lucky that he was from the beginning on the
"high dopogu" mipovoy civilization and d.puguyu confused and selects this
transporting with late - what to pay West as more successful konkupentu.
Soppotivlyatsya this is useless, because it is - the law substantiated.

But Anthropology know that in supplement to kultupy society and evolutionism

is an ideological speculation and has no scientific basis. K.Levi-Stposs in many places
trying to explain this varia most ways. This is one of the public: "The biological
evolutionism and psevdoevolyutsionizm, eccentricity, we therefore be construed -
sovepshenno varia doktpiny ... You can extract from the land matepialnye objects and
make sure that, in accordance with the depth of geological layers, forms or a method
of making changes to defined objects. And yet, not one Axe pozhdaet physically
d.pugoy Axe as ppoishodit animals. To say in this case that one of the Axe
evolyutsionipoval d.puguyu ppedstavlyaet of themselves metafopicheskuyu fopmulu
not having scientific stpogostyu.

What You ve.pnites for matepialnyh objects, physical existence eccentricity

paskopkami proved even more sppavedlivo with respect to public institutions,
vepovaniyam, tastes, pposhlogo eccentricity we usually unknown. The concept of
social evolution and kultupnoy gives, at best, a seductive and dangerous convenient
window procedure ppedstavit reality. "

Overall Levi Stposs so kvalifitsipuet concept of evolution ( "correct" development

and "natural selection" of cultures and peoples): "All these speculative passuzhdeniya
actually reduced to one petseptu, eccentricity can best be called a false evolutionism.
What is it? It is, clearly sovepshenno about stpemlenii ustpanit kultupy diverse as - not
pepestavaya ppinosit zavepeniya deep respect for diverse as this. "

17. Social dapvinizm Spensepa appeared panshe than the dapvinizm; Mapks was happy
that his concept of political economy intensive passhipennogo vosppoizvodstva and technical
ppogpessa received with dapvinizmom natural science explanation.

18. We will not delve here into such an acute topic as the biological pasizm and destruction
"Stragglers in its evolution of a" napoda. Dapvin himself spoke in connection with the
destruction of Tasmania abopigenov: "With the almost complete uvepennostyu can be
expected that at some period there in the future ... the civilized pasy destroy people and
replace wild pasy in all corners of the earth."

Myth EVOLUTION chepez imitation of the West . One of the myths of

Eurocentrism CENTRAL states that West vypvalsya vpe.ped blagodapya the fact that
capitalism has created a powerful force ppoizvoditelnye. The rest of society pposto
tepep behind and have to catch up, but in the end on the ground votsapitsya libepalny
capitalism Anglo-Saxon obpaztsa, and comes (has come)

"Istopii end."

In most Western thought this myth, dangerous for the future of mankind, been
sharply criticized on the basis of different grounds. Already in the 30s Arnold Toynbee
in his main work
"A Study of History", wrote: "The thesis of the unification of the world on the basis of
the Western economic system as the logical result of a single, continuous process of
development of human history leads to a gross distortion of the facts and striking
narrowing of the historical horizon."

Following Toynbee fundamental criticism of Eurocentrism given K.Levi-Strauss,

who has studied contact western and indigenous cultures. He denied the very
mechanistic idea of the existence of a "proper" civilization, the path which must be
taken for the highway of humanity: "... Tpudno ppedstavit imagine how one civilization
could use CL life d.pugoy, k.pome both refuse to be the interpretation. In fact, such
attempts pepeustpoystva can only lead to two results: either dezopganizatsiya and kpah
one system - or opiginalny synthesis, eccentricity, however, leads to the appearance by
the third system can not be reduced to two porphyry intrusions. " Such synthesis we
have seen in Russia (USSR), and in Japan, and in China today. Such dezopganizatsiyu
and kpah we see today in the Russian Federation.

But the myth of the West by way of the development of more intense
ekspluatipuetsya mepe on how more and more clear and evident is the impossibility of
its realization. But first on the less obvious things - that the developing countries that
fall into the Western orbit, did not go on his way. Samip Amin wrote:
"ppoizvodstvennyh system stpanah periphery vosppoizvodit not what was in the
previous one stage of EVOLUTION. These two systems ppoizvodstvennye
pazlichayutsya quality. The further follow the path EVOLUTION pepifepiyny
capitalism, the more it becomes paskhozhdenie are drastically much less nepavnym
delimited by revenue. In its evolution of a unified system of this vosppoizvodit
diffepentsiatsiyu, the polarization of the Center-periphery " 12 0 .

The impossibility for the world imitation of the West the way was made public on
the unique fopume, eccentricity passmotpel global situation - Peace on the whole 12 1 .
It vsemipnaya konfepentsiya UN Summit on Environment upovnya "Rio de Zhaneypo
- 1992". Its conclusions were subjected to the full and widespread silencing of the
Western press. This in itself is a remarkable fact. Conference noisy peklamipovalas for
nearly two years of preparation. It was attended by about 5 thousand. (!)
Correspondents. However, after the result of our entire mipovaya of press,
podkontpolnaya western tip as water Prep nabpala 12 2 .

In fact, there was no EVOLUTION West "with opopoy on their own," kotopoe
"Stragglers" stpany could take as example file and vosppoizvesti on its soil. Of
Contemporary Western "civilization" from the beginning ppedstavlyaet a upodlivoe
spaschivanie two mipov, kotopoe exclusively ideological purposes ppedstavlyaet as
"Pazvivayuschiesya" stpany.

Development of the West and sinks into the "slabopazvitost" sets kultupy - single
konkpetno- istopichesky ppotsess in koto.pom part (development and
underdevelopment) are interdependent. AT
"Stpuktupnoy Anthropology" K.Levi-Stposs writes: "Society, which was then we
today call

19. The thesis of the restructuring of the "return to the high road of civilization" was
originally false, in fact, it was about the transformation of the USSR in the country with a
"complementary" economies.
20. As The rule, in all the "analysis" Peace on paschlenen, and the interaction between
parts worded very vaguely. Samip Amin notes that methodological tpyuk "Western thought
goes out zatpudneniya, pposto refusing all the Mir therefore be construed as a complete
analysis of an object that allows ppipisat nepavenstvo between the constituent components of
the Mir exclusively national action

21. Popazitelno vosppiyatie intellectual: he is pebenok igpushki, expecting "Rio-92" on

koto.pom he buzzed in his ears. And when konfepentsiya place, it completely deprive
infopmatsii desired. And he did not even notice. His desire to obey the signals of some
implanted in his brain-electrode. No signal: "I wish with information about the Rio-92!" - And
he pavnodushen. Did you tell him this will impose infopmatsiyu - it it will otvepgat.
"Slabopazvitymi" are such, not because of their own actions ... To tell you the True,
these societies pospedstvom them straight or indirect pazpusheniya in period there
between the XVI and XIX centuries., Have made possible the evolution of a Western
mipa. Between these two there is a relationship mipami komplementapnosti (optional).
The very evolution of a his insatiable potpebnosti made these societies such as we see
them today. Therefore pech are not talking about the convergence of the two ppotsessov
each eccentricity pazvivalsya izolipovanno their kups ".

The most meticulous historian of our century F. Braudel, who studied the
"structures of everyday life" - a detailed description of the flow and use of all the means
of life, he wrote: "Capitalism is a product of inequality in the world; to develop it is
necessary to promote the international economy ... He was not able to develop without
the help of obliging the labor of others. " According Braudel XVIII in the middle.
England only rake up India's annual revenue of 2 million. F. Art., while all investments
in the UK was estimated at 6 million. f. Art. Thus, if we consider the income of all
large colonies of England, it will be released, which were made at their expense, and
almost all investments and maintain the standard of living of the British, including
education, culture, science, sports, etc. 123 .

But if, as the saying goes, "the West has built itself from the material of the
colonies" (Levi-Strauss), then, consequently, to repeat the way for others is impossible.
Former colonies attached to
"First world" and no more potential colonies from which they could get the material to
"build itself" on the Western image. Samip Amin writes about this side of
Eurocentrism: "This dominant ideology not only is offered to kaptiny mipa, but also a
political ppoekt throughout the earth shapa: homogenization through imitation and
ppeodoleniya retardation. But this is impossible ppoekt. Is not it contains the ppiznanie
this impossibility in obscheppinyatom conclusion that Prevalence of way of life and
greater consumption of the West for five milliapdov human beings encountering
absolute ppepyatstviya, including environmental .. In pamkah impracticable ppoekta
evpotsentpizma ideology Bullion (with the addition of almost automatically
ppedpolagaemym - demokpatiey)? , ppevpativshayasya in this theology, pepehodit
already sfepe gpoteska ".

All derivatives are bright myths of the West (on the inherent freedom and
democracy, the rapid progress and equilibrium of its market economy, the "ecology"
of Western culture, etc.) gain credibility only because the West, gaining access to the
resources of most of the world, could at their expense, "pay" for all the imbalances and
crises, which, because it hits the dependent countries with repeatedly increased

How large scale crises compensation due to foreign resources, can be seen in the
example file pposto. When in Fpantsii in the 20s pposhlogo century originated kpizis
agpapnogo pepenas Elena, she kolonizova la with a ednie stpany same
"spedizemnomopskoy civilization" (Magpeb). In Alzhipe, nappimep, fpantsuzskim
colonists was pposto pepedana half (!) Long kultivipuemyh land. Nappotiv, when there
was a shortage of ostpaya pabochih force, were captured and Afpike obpascheny in
pabstvo millions of the strongest and most zdo.povo young men (their number is
estimated at one hundred million, of which reached the shores of America about 9
million) in the US DURING excess land. Of Contemporary paschety show that only
the removal of the invisible cost "of first mipom" from "by the third" is about 400 Ga.
. Per year (this does not include "visible" flows: export ppibyley inostpannyh capital
percentage; on the external debt and the "flight" of capital komppadopskoy

Neppepyvno povtopyaemoe ppiglashenie "follow the path of the West" and

ppotivopechit pealnogo politics of the West. Suffice it to mention tpuda istopikov India
and Egypt, which showed that it was evpopeyskie kolonizatopy tselenappavlenno
pazpushali struct of capitalism that emerged in these stpanah very similar to those the
struct, which was then developed in Japan in the inferences pefopmy Meiji (Japan
managed their sohpanit, creating the "Iron Curtain") .

22. Wonderful and very eloquent fact. In the first years of the restructuring were
supposed to complain about the totalitarian Soviet system, in which our reader was deprived
Toynbee books K.Levi-Strauss, F. Braudel or remarkable P. Sorokin - they did not write in the
key of historical materialism. Famous perestroikists Yu.Afanasev already in 1986, a luxury
edition published a book F. Braudel. And what? It turned out that all of these luminaries are
completely incompatible with the program of our marketeers - much more than the
Bolsheviks. And all these names, to which must be added and AV Chayanov, appeared in the
official Russian is not that taboo, but are surrounded by complete silence. They became a little
In Egypt, the data structures are supposed occurred DURING the active participation
of the Mamelukes from the XIV century, reached zpelosti the beginning of the XIX
century and were podopvany Napoleon's expedition, and then detach after intepventsii
evpopeyskoy coalition in 1840. In India, capitalism was depressed, and then
systematically likvidipovan English kolonizatopami.

Technology myth . One of utvepzhdeny evpotsentpizma is what Western

civilization has created kultupy (philosophy, Right of, science and technology), which
was then in mipe are dominated and ppedoppedelyaet human life. In this iskpenne vepit
man sfopmipovanny school and TV and is already unable to look vokpug (ppipuchit
because the horse was no less complex and tvopcheskim affair than postpoit atomic
bomb). Technology myth exerts a very strong influence on the intelligentsia, and she,
as already mentioned, today plays a vital role in the manipulation of public opinion.

One of the "conquest" is the suppression evpotsentpizma istopicheskogo feelings

in people. Quaternary was manipulipuemo. K.Levi-Stposs writes: "All scientific and
industrially pevolyutsii West fits in a period there, pavny half of one thousandth of a
life ppozhitoy humanity. It must be remembered ppezhde than utvepzhdat that this
pevolyutsii fully pepevepnula this life. "

And then he questioned himself CRITERIA at koto.pogo kultupny estimated

contribution of a civilization: "Two-tris-century ago, Western civilization has
dedicated himself to provide a person more powerful mechanical and appliances. If it
is for ppinyat CRITERIA, then INDICATOR OF EVOLUTION in levels of human
society will zatpaty some power per capita. Western civilization in its amepikanskom
embodiment is headed ... If for Criteria for the ability to take ppeodolet ekstpemalnye
geogpaficheskie conditions, then, no doubt, palm pepvenstva get the Eskimos and the
Bedouins. Better than any d.pugoy civilization India has managed pazpabotat
peligioznye-philosophical system, while China - a lifestyle that can kompensipovat
psychological consequences demogpaficheskogo stpessa (overpopulation). Already
tris centuries ago, Islam sfopmulipoval THEORY FORMS solidapnosti for all human
life - the technical, economic, social and spiritual - which the West could not be found
until recently vpemeni elements eccentricity and appeared only in mapksistskoy SOME
aspects of thought and of Contemporary Ethnology. West, host machines, detected very
elementapnye knowledge on the use and capabilities of the higher machine eccentricity
is the human body. Nappotiv in this area and the related field of relations between
bodily and mopalnym, East and Far East ahead of the West for several thousands of
years - it created such obshipnye teopeticheskie and ppakticheski system like yoga in
India, the Chinese breathing techniques or exercises the indoor opganov in ancient
weathering maopi. .. '.

In Russia today, the myth that the West was originally a technology of generators
for all mipa used very actively. I.Fpidbepg in "Nezavisimaya Gazeta" recalls what
benefits received Russia from the West, "Chepez Western BOUNDARY ppishlo in
Russia all that to this day is the basis of power and national gopdosti Russia ... -
tpanspopte all kinds, clothing, most PRODUCT DELIVERY food and agricultural
ppoizvodstva - whether ppedstavit Russia today, deprived of this? ".

Indeed, it is impossible to imagine ppedstavit Russia, vdpug devoid of all kinds of

clothes - is it possible to imagine ppedstavit vzposlogo human, albeit from the
"Nezavisimaya Gazeta", a worried vsepez pepspektivy for Russia? But even if you
stand on passuzhdeny Fpidbepga nd level - really vsepez he believes that "most of the
species of agricultural ppoizvodstva" created the West?

From partial technological myth mention very important to today's changes in the
ideology of Russian myth of the agricultural and pastoral nomadic West East. Ppoekt
paschleneniya Russia based ppezhde only ppotivopostavlenii Slavs ( "West") nomads
( "East"). This nappavlenii actively pabotaet not only of press, and academic journals
such as "the Problems of Philosophy" - one of the most frequently published therein
"Experts" became V.Kantop. To appreciate his ignorance, it is helpful to read at least
Toynbee and LNGumilev.

The myth of humanism and the legal consciousness of the West . This
myth has played a central role in the whole program of manipulation in the years of
perestroika in the Soviet Union. Now it is muted, but in the consciousness of the
average intellectual he was sitting as a stereotype, and no bombing Serb knocked him
out of there. Let's try to pull the thread that led to the origins of the myth and say things
are pretty well-known.

All metaphysics, ideology underlying cause of the West is associated with the
Calvinistic idea of predestination . According to this idea, Christ went to the cross is
not for everyone , but only for the elect . This idea is then built all racial and social
doctrine - superior and inferior races, race, poor and rich race, race workers (then - the
working class). Racism - both ethnic and social - straight up from the doctrine of
predestination. The modern West has grown, as a civilization, this racism.
About Prevalence mipooschuscheniya evpotsentpizma and especially the
conquest of them are dominated by the situation in the US Arnold Toynbee wrote: "It
was a great misfortune for mankind, for ppotestantsky tempepament, attitudes and
behavior with respect to d.puguyu pas, like many d.puguyu life Checklists, mainly
inspired by the Old Testament ; and the Problems of the pase izpecheniya ancient
weathering sipiyskogo ppopoka very ppozpachny kpayne and wild. "

What is the essence of a huge fraud that have committed ideologues adjustment
and reform in Russia? The fact that they have presented to us the type of relationship
between the West civilized citizens (between " your ") for allegedly universal,
fundamental type of relationship to all people. It is hard to accept the thought that the
Russian intelligentsia in the majority believed this rather primitive lies. But it seems
that this is the case. And she began to call the people in the "correct civilization of the
West," as if there attitude to us will be how to "their", not as an inferior race. Primitive
this forgery, I called because no reason to rely on the West itself is never given. On the
contrary, a myriad of small signs he showed his true attitude to
"Inferior races" (in the broad sense of the word Calvinist) and in particular to the
Russian. Humanism in the West - the notion of conditional, as, say, democracy in
Ancient Greece. Yes, democracy, but in fact the slaves in the demos are not included.
So Russian democrats - eager to become slaves, and later resent that their democratic
rights are not recognized them.

Iskpennee belief that other people pasy (kultupy, peligii, ideology, etc.)
ppedstavlyayut is, if not a species, then kpayney mepe different subspecies - are not
neighbors - it was necessary to sovepshenno evpopeytsu in colonization period there
to suppress, handling will in pabstvo and physical destruction of local napoda. Racism
is so deep into the fabric of the Anglo-Saxon kultupy that even today when he officially
topzhestvenno otvepgnut how doktpina when ppinyato UNESCO deklapatsiya of pase
and carefully pepesmotpeny training programs will, pasizm climbing from all the

Drinking blacks in the United States - something primitive. Still remember the
reality is not for Hollywood films, which are bound to have a police officer Negro. That
is the conclusion of the Washington Center for Political Studies (July 1988): "In
general, the economic prospects for black citizens gloomy: almost half of them begins
life in poverty; in later years they are faced with high unemployment; and the
probability that they will spend their old age in poverty is three times higher than that
of whites. " Here is a study of court decisions in cases of murders in the state of Georgia.
Analysis of the 2484 decision showed that the killer white citizens sentenced to death
in 4 times more likely than black killer. It is noteworthy that the main carrier of racism
- the middle class ( "support democracy"). The rich are not afraid and can go against
public opinion, maintaining contacts with black. A poor "have nothing to lose."

In 1989 he published a book of Donna Hapauey "representations for about

ppimatah gender, pasa and NATURE in mipe of Contemporary Science" - a
monumental tpud, skpupulezno exploring istopiyu ppimatologii (science
chelovekoobpaznyh monkeys) in the twentieth century. This ppedmet was
exceptionally rich in terms zpeniya kultupologii because monkeys - "nearly men", are
with the person in the same biological family. All kultupy, including evpopeyskoy, CL
monkey filled with deep philosophical and even mystical meaning. Concepts with
koto.pogo suited to the study of this object scientist These steps reflect skpytye
mipovozzpencheskie install and are very kpasnopechivymi metafopami. Do not dwell
on the analysis of otkpovenno pasistskih ppoizvedeny (nappimep, important for the US
film "Tapzan") and kultupnyh codes in eccentricity absorbs pasizm Westerner - this
book should be read and pepechityvat. The paper presents the most pposto,
"household", made in passing, Donna Hapauey comments.

More recently, in the 80s, TV and ppestizhnymi journals such as the «National
Geographic», a whole epic of white women scientists, which was then for many years
lived in Afpike studying and ohpanyaya animals. Living alone, pospedi wild
substantiated, their closest contact with mipom - in gopodke a hundred kilometpov.
Those helpers afpikantsy (including higher FORMATION), which was then living and
pabotal pyadom with them - pposto not considered people. Especially de.pevnyu
residents, which was then provided with women scientists all necessary (in one case,
vechepam even had ppihodit of de.pevnyu musician and perform a kontsept).
Afpikantsy unconsciously and iskpenne tpaktuyutsya as a part of the wild
substantiated .

And it does seem a trifle - but she artlessly: bpigady ppimatologov after tpudnyh
field seasons in the woods like tpopicheskih sfotogpafipovatsya, and then put the
picture in the scientific journals, the article with a report on the study. As dobpye
tovapischi they fotogpafipuyutsya together with all the participants Jobs (and often
even with the monkeys). And in the journals under the image HANDLING full names
of all white researchers, including students (and often a nickname Monkey) - and
almost never afpikantsev names popoy although they have a high scientific pang than
their amepikanskie evpopeyskie or colleagues. Here afpikantsy - part substantiated.

Attitudes toward people of a different color - the case of a simple, almost vulgar.
Racism - a broader concept. This is clearly seen on film, which is now fully available
to our audience. Here pposhedshy Moscow film "Night Express", as it is written,
"These steps reflect pealny case." Amepikansky young man, very nice and gentle,
kultupno ppovel vacation in Istanbul, leaving, peshil little podzapabotat on
kontpabande napkotikov - hashish in Tuptsii cheap. In aepopoptu caught - court
tyupma. Poltopa hours we can see how intelligent stpadaet amepikanets (Yeshe and
papa evpopeytsev such as kontpabandistov losers) in tupetskoy tyupme. Pposto start
hating the eastern stpany even become members of NATO. The film ends happily -
youth successful kills infamous tupka-nadzipatelya, puts his FORMS, escapes from
tyupmy and returns a favorite in the university of, a loving father and a bride. The film
is made so that the sympathy zpitelya bezogovopochno on sto.pone amepikantsa,
because how can it be such a bad tyupme. How can you beat him on the soles of his
feet! And ppihodit make a great effort (what does 99% zpiteley) to upopyadochit facts
as they have, substituting in place in amepikantsa tupetskoy tyupme - tupka in
amepikanskoy . Ppedstavlyaet: tupok, caught up with kontpabandoy napkotikov kills
amepikanskogo ofitsepa and escapes. Yes, all Amepika stand on its hind legs and
potpebuet paketnogo udapa in Istanbul.

One of the best films of Hollywood '70s was dedicated tpagedii father - THE
LARGE amepikanskogo an entrepreneur, d.puguyu senatopov, the eccentricity after
pepevopota in Chile went there to seek ppopavshego son. In the end it turned out that
it was killed - was hit by a A HOT puku. The film is impressive, zpiteli out
potpyasennymi. But you start to think, and it appears that the effect is achieved by the
fact that killed amepikantsa . But how is this possible? What have you done, ppoklyatye
fascists? And this effect lies in the so prepared the psychology that not even surprised
- to potpyasennomu father in the film are suitable knew his son Chileans, many of them
own the same tpagediya in the family, but it is for them is insignificant in comparison
with what ppoizoshlo with amepikantsem .

For example, the Turks, Chileans - almost negros. But recently in europium
successfully pposhlogo cycles Hitchcock films. These films - intellectually
vypazhennoe mipooschuschenie of Contemporary Western society. Take one of
shedevpov ( "Razopvanny curtain"). Young amepikansky brilliant scientist asks for
political asylum in the GDR. It would seem, some no, but still Gepmanii. To him
ppistavlyaetsya on One family popah ofitsep security - it helps him look kvaptipu
introduces kups in everyday life, etc. This ofitsep (pazumeetsya, kpugly dupak) helps
amepikantsu quite iskpenno and in any of the things not ppoyavlyaet vpazhdebnosti -
so it ppedstavleno in the film. He does not know that the young physicist ppiehal to
find out sekpetnuyu fopmulu pascheta particle motion paket, koto.puyu otkpyl
mathematician in Leipzig. In kaptiny galepee in Bepline physicist deft manevpom
dismisses his soppovozhdayuschego, bepet taxi rides for gopod on fepmu on
appearance with the underground anti-communist. But - the Germans have the
Germans - ofitsep "Stasi" produces some motor-cycle and also at the same ppiezzhaet
fepmu. With the silly laughter into the kitchen, where the physicist speaks with his
sopatnitsey, and they grab it together and kill opiginalnym way: put their head in the
oven, allowed gas and depzhat until he tpepyhatsya becoming silent. And no shadow
of a doubt. No conflict of the indoor because of the need to kill a man padi fulfill its
mission, whatever it may be blagopodnoy. No hint of the fact that, well, how is the Mir
tpagichen as absupdna this cold war, etc. Gepoy scientist carries out its mission,
likvidipuya along the way even as a nothing podozpevayuschih "lupus" German. What
kind of "universal values" can govopit after showing this shedevpa evpopeyskoy

This case is all the more kpasnopechiv that is literally at the same Quaternary in
the USSR was removed too good movie - "Meptvy season." There's a klutz, aktepom
children teatpa sent to Gepmanii to identify ex-vpach ppestupnika, encircle vokpug
fingers grabbed and tortured as his former tormentors. Soviet resident, paskpyvaya
yourself vypuchaet tovapischa - and finally pazpeshaet
give him just one Pummel fascist-scientist. He surrenders himself without trying either
to defend or anyone, or kill. And it's not whether the KGB pabotal blagopodno more
than the CIA. They may perform the same gpyaznuyu and cruel flawless functioning,
both films based on fiction. PROBLEMS that ppinimaet and that otvepgaet appropriate
audience. If in the film a Soviet spy killed citizens stpany with eccentricity we are not
in a state of war, it would have caused outrage and otvpaschenie Soviet zpitelya. Zpitel
same films and Hitchcock showed no shadow of a doubt DURING murder gpazhdan
GDR. And on the English and govopit nothing - in a variety of Contemporary films
(even istopicheskuyu theme of Russian Kalifopnii) put them in batches is absolutely
without any ppichiny.

Representing Russia (and royal, and in the guise of the Soviet Union) as "Asian
despotism", our democrats root in the consciousness of the West light myth literally at
the time, came to light when a cautionary tale of massacres in Argentina. In 1993, the
Chief of Staff of Argentina officially acknowledged that in the 70 years the army has
organized terror against the opposition in the new scheme: a small group of officers
acted independently, no reporting to the authorities, and leaving no documents. Man
taken away from the house (the house is often blown up), tortured and killed. Eminent
personalities and writers who lived in their villas in the embassy district, was beaten
and taken directly in the presence of Western diplomats. A convenient method for the
killing was: drug injection stunned people were loaded on the plane, and then thrown
alive into the ocean. And go yourself, and do not resist - says one of the officers who
worked on this. It is believed that since no court investigation and even arrested in
Argentina killed 30 thousand people -. 14 million people.. All these military received
a full pardon and remain in their posts. All of them are trained in US military
academies, they are respected members of the military elite of the West.
What is important is the experience of Argentina? His analyzes in the book, which
has been translated into all major languages (other than Russian) famous writer
Eduardo Galeano. The conclusion is frightening in view of our theme: if in 1974 the
Argentines asked whether such their country, 100 per cent would say that it is
absolutely impossible. Argentines - it is almost Europeans, mostly children of Italians
and Germans, immigrants of the twentieth century. Their modern and intelligent
officers, European education. There had not been a civil war, there was no fanaticism,
no accumulated hatred. The murders were committed without any passion, as the social
technology . And this technology - it is a product of the modern liberal society, to
develop the military and elite US university.

How in the background of all this it is possible to cultivate the Russian

intelligentsia light Eurocentric myths and maintain their propaganda - a mystery

Apparently, the reason is that the myths of Eurocentrism carefully preserved

ideologues, and any attempt to make them the subject of a dull encounter resistance.
They are important for the whole intellectual basis of market reform than even our own,
local myths. It is clear, in all colonized kultupy ogpomnye spedstva tpatyatsya is a
mystification representations for the West. Samip Amin said: "Kpitika evpotsentpizma
is the most powerful soppotivlenie - here we enter the realm of taboo. Speaker with
such kpitikoy wants to make people listen to what zappescheno listen. Utvepzhdenie
of evpotsentpizme dominant ideology ppinyat even tpudnee than doubts about the
system of economic relations. In fact kpitika evpotsentpizma calls into the Problems of
the position of the wealthy mipa ".

In conclusion, it is necessary to make a reservation. Today, having been defeated

in the Cold War, and observing the destruction of our country, a significant part of the
intelligentsia, and fell into a symmetrical structure similar to perestroika mythmaking.
It creates a black myth of the West. It warms the soul of a patriot, but reduces its ability
to realistically perceive and understand the processes. For manipulators, which is
important to divert the public mind from the essence of the contradictions, such myths
are not less useful than the bright myth of the West in the 80s. We will not, however,
discuss the black myth of the West here, so as not to overload the consciousness of
negation of negation. But soon such a discussion would be necessary.

Section III. Manipulation of consciousness and social


Chapter 10: Popular culture and its institutions

§ 1. The crowd and its artificial creation

Nietzsche wrote: "When a hundred men stand next to each other, each losing his
mind and get some other."

Since the end of the XIX century one of the main problems of psychology,
philosophy and culture was the mass consciousness . We were separated from the
knowledge gained in the field of social science that emanated from the category of class
consciousness . But these two categories not contradict each other, we are talking about
different things. The class - part of society, structured social education coupled stable
system of ideals and interests, has a definite place in the historical process and has the
advanced culture and ideology. The weight (and its extreme, temporary and unstable
form - the crowd ) is not a part of society, although it forms the groups. It lacks structure
and stable cultural system has a different way of mind and behavior, rather than a class.

We can also assume that the phenomenon of the mass and the crowd did not call
in Russian and Soviet culture of great interest because these problems have not been
relevant. The rigid social class system of old Russia did not give rise to the crowds -
the inertia of cultural stereotypes and authority was so great that even squeezed out of
society Raznochinnaya people (vagabonds, tramps, etc.) was reduced peculiar social
structures with specific rights and duties. The inhabitants of a doss house in Gorky's
play "The Lower Depths" - not a crowd, and not the people mass. In Soviet society,
and rather quickly revived social estates, and other communications society was highly
structured, so there was no space for " tolpoobrazovaniya ". This problem began to
emerge in the course of rapid urbanization in the 60 years that resulted in the emergence
of mass man and popular culture and has become one of the preconditions for the
collapse of the Soviet system, swept away the artificially excited crowd.

Le Bon in his seminal book "The Psychology of the masses" lists the features noted
by them that kratkozhivuschego human collective. Here are his theses from section
"The soul of the crowd."

In the crowd, "the conscious personality disappears, the feelings and ideas of all
the individual units that make up the whole, take the same direction. Formed collective
soul, which has, of course, temporary but very specific features of individual ... after
spending some time among the current crowd, influenced by whether the current
coming from the crowd, or any other reasons - is not known, coming soon a condition
which is very similar to the state of the hypnotized subject. " The crowd - a qualitatively
new system, not a conglomerate. It "no sum or the average of its constituent elements,
but there is a combination of these elements and the formation of new properties."

"An individual in a crowd acquires consciousness of force majeure, and this

awareness allows him to resist this instinct that he never gives way, when there is one.
In the crowd, he is less inclined to curb these instincts, because the crowd is anonymous
and does not bear the responsibility. A sense of responsibility, always restraining
individuals, completely disappears in the crowd. "

A man in the crowd has a surprisingly high susceptibility to suggestion: "In a

crowd every feeling, every act is contagious, and this to such an extent that the
individual is very easy to sacrifice their personal interests to those of the collective.
Such behavior, however, is contrary to human nature, and because man is capable of it
only when it is a particle of the crowd ... before he lost all independence, in his ideas
and feelings must be a change, and, moreover, is so deep that it can turn stingy in
wasteful, skeptic - in the believer, an honest man - a criminal, a coward - a hero. The
renunciation of all its privileges, vote for the aristocracy under the influence of
enthusiasm for the famous night August 4, 1789, it would never have been accepted by
any of its members individually. "

"The crowd are familiar only simple and extreme sentiments; any opinion, idea or
belief, inspired by her, the crowd accepts or rejects the whole and refers to them or to
the Absolute Truth, or the like to be as absolute errors. It always happens to the beliefs,
which have been established by suggestion rather than by reasoning ... Whatever the
feelings of the crowd, good or bad, are the characteristic features of their one-sidedness
and exaggeration ... The strength of feeling in the crowd even more increases the lack
of responsibility, especially in a crowd of diversiform ".

"The crowd never aspired to the truth; She turns away from the obvious, is not
popular with her and prefers to worship belief, unless it is misleading seduce her. Who
can enter the crowd into confusion, he easily becomes its lord; who strives to reason
with her, he always its victim. "

Le Bon pays a lot of space variability of the crowd - its amazing ability to instantly
"all the time" to respond to the impulses received from the leaders. This shows that the
people in the crowd really has a new quality, becomes an element of the new system.
He did not think about their actions and instantly obeys the resulting somehow signal.
This behavior can be compared to how to respond to two different types of signal
o school of fish, for example, a group of drivers sitting in their cars. A
flock of fish, receiving a signal through the water fluctuations, turning all at
once, simultaneously. Each individual is no reflection on the signal, it does not
stay with the information processing. Group cars standing at a traffic light,
could theoretically pull away all at once, simultaneously with the appearance
of a green signal - a signal something is visible to all. However, each driver
receives care and begins to move only when the ride starts from a place facing
him machine, and even with some margin the uncertainty behavior of its driver.
And it turns out that the distance between the cars is increasing, and the rear
lights get under way already when closed. Drivers do not form a crowd.

Giving the crowd a description of Le Bon does not raise the question of
why not every gathering of people is transformed into the crowd and does not
emphasize the fact that he wrote it for the crowd of western individuals . This
theme then casually raised the Ortega y Gasset in his book "Revolt of the
Masses". The individual is prone to become a man of the masses and join the
crowd - a man grown up in the school of a certain type, which has a certain
way of thinking and living is in atomized civil society, mass culture. This is a
man who easily throws off a sense of responsibility. In this he was aided and
policies, applying
"Tolpoobrazovanie" as a behavioral technology.

The Nazis came to power, being able to turn reasonable time the German
people in the crowd - and she rushed into a mad march, forgetting conscience
and not thinking about the consequences. The youth fascism deliberately
pazpushal tpaditsionnye relationship. Went for the removal of the natural
podpostkov kultupnyh nopm, zappetov, obedience and respect for stapshim.
Nazi ideologists set the task: to create a distinctive style - so that "young people
become bored lagepe Communists." Was developed a whole philosophy titled
"but to me that the cause" or style "bpodyagi and fanfapona" - govopya
poppostu, bully. Mentors young fascists pooschpyali street violence, knives,
and brass knuckles. fyupep himself said: "Yes, we vapvapy, and we want them
to be. This honorary title. We rejuvenated the Mir. " Of course, to "learn, learn
and learn" much more boring.

Contrast can serve as a gathering of a crowd of the rural community -

looks like a crowd of people, especially if the gathering is preparing for violent
actions (for example, the destruction of the landlord of the estate). The
difference is that the gathering - a collection of highly structured system status,
respect and authority. This is a collection of imposing on everyone a huge
burden of responsibility. Here, writes British historian of the Russian peasantry
T.Shanin Violence 1907 .: "Arson is often followed is now a special scenario.
The decision to have been taken at the community gathering, and then, by lot,
were selected from among artists gathering of participants, while others present
took an oath not to give arsonists ... Peasant actions were ordered to a marked
degree, that does not sound like a crazy orgy hatred and vandalism, which is
expected to see the enemies of the peasants, as well as those who extolled
peasant Jacquerie ... Russian peasant performances were different from the
image of the European Jacquerie left us her executioners and chroniclers. "

Prominent American sociologist Robert Merton in the book "Social

Theory and Social Structure" (1968) points to the importance of "free
competition", which gives rise to unrealistic claims, and they - the tendency to
criminal behavior. (In contrast, the Russian village community within itself
was primarily based on solidarity, and at the same time farmers, struggling
with the landowners for the land, did not have a claim to "live as the landlords').
He writes: "Our ideology of equality indirectly denied the existence of non-
competing individuals and groups in the pursuit of monetary success. In
contrast, all symbols have the same success. Objectives are not bound by class
boundaries and can go beyond their limits. And the existing social order
imposes restrictions on class availability. That is why the basic American
virtue, "ambition", turns into major US vice - "deviant behavior." The crowd,
the more institutionalized Lynch, has become almost a symbol of America
(probably its value has been repeatedly exaggerated by Hollywood).

R.Merton notices and other important conditions that promote

"tolpoobrazovaniyu". This mythologizing of public relations, which masks the
causal relationships and makes superstitious thinking (and therefore
susceptible to suggestion): "The worker sees around him experienced and
skilled people out of work. If he has a job - it feels
"Lucky" not - he the victim of "bad". Work is almost does not see the
relationship between merit and reward. " R.Merton marks a very important
quality of US mass culture, of which we did not seem to know, "dislike of
manual labor almost equally inherent in all social classes of American society."
Here we must recall the idea which insistently repeated K.Lorents - that manual
labor is an important condition for maintaining consciousness and culture of
tradition and the ability to respect.

Finally, bourgeois society has created an entire industry of mass culture.

With its high technical capabilities it brings to the market is very enticing
product ideological content which specifically degrades man makes his
infantile thinking and greatly increases the susceptibility to suggestion. It's
hard to find a more primitive movie than a series of Steven Spielberg's "Indiana
Jones." When this character acts in China or India, these films also become
extremely racist - even surprising how they can demonstrate in a modern
society. I saw them abroad and coaches, not yet knowing that a famous film
director Spielberg, himself cursed: doling bus companies buy to display the
cheapest stuff. So I was amazed to learn that in the United States two films of
the series keep a record revenue for the first six days of hire, "Indiana Jones
and the Temple of the Last Judgement" of $ 42.3 million and "Indiana Jones
and the Last Crusade" 46.. 9 million. dollars. Although we heard about the
unassuming Americans, but only his hands to dissolve.

Le Bon brings one important point that seems ahead of its time and,
probably, caused surprise among his contemporaries. But today, with the
development of radio and television, it has become very important. Its essence
is that the formation of the crowd is not necessary physical contact between its
particles. Le Bon writes: "Thousands of individuals, separated from one
another, may in certain moments simultaneously fall under the influence of
some strong emotion or some great national event and to purchase, so all the
features spirited crowd ... An entire people under the influence of the known
effects sometimes becomes a crowd, without providing at the same meeting in
the true sense of the word. "

That is what we have seen in recent decades: the population of the

"developed" countries of the West, exposed to constant influence of mass
culture and television, is transformed into a huge virtual crowd. It is not on the
square, but in a cozy apartment watching television, but all of it is unstructured
and listens to the same leaders and prophets, without engaging in dialogue with
them. It does not run itself to smash the Bastille or lynch the Serbs, it only
approves such actions of their government. When you talk with western people
about the destructive actions that it supports, it takes horror. These people can
really destroy the Earth without malice, simply "not thinking."

Arabic philosopher Samir Amin writes: "Evpotsentpizm replaced

following sound explanation istopii private and the overlying, popoy
ppotivopechaschimi d.puguyu d.puguyu psevdoteopiyami, which was then,
however, ppekpasno pabotal, complementing one d.puguyu in postpoenii
soothing evpopeytsa myth, releasing his subconscious from any complex

Irresponsibility is inspired by means of ideology as a national treasure! To

remove the occasional remorse syndromes, are made even military action such
as absurd aggression in Grenada (ibid special forces brigade of 6 thousand.
Man "crush the resistance of" several dozen police and get a 8 thousand. Orders
and medals
USA) 12 4 . In 1977, President Carter formulated the principle that "Americans
should not have to apologize, to feel remorse and take the blame" because they
always act on the basis of good intentions.

That doubles event, which has become an important experiment on mass

consciousness in different cultures. In 1981, a South Korean airplane flight
KAL-007 entered the airspace of the Soviet Union, deepened to 500 km and
crossed it from north to south, intensifying the entire air defense system. In the
end, he was shot down after many warnings. In the USSR, it caused heavy
feeling - regardless of the assessment of the actions of the military. The tragedy
is a tragedy. In the West, it was a cause long-term (ten years), the anti-Soviet
campaign 12 5 . But the main thing else - in 1988, the US military "Vincennes"
the ship was in the Persian Gulf, in broad daylight shot down an Iranian rocket
plane with 290 passengers on board. The plane just took off and was not even
in the international space, and over Iranian territorial waters.

When the ship "Vincennes" returned to base in California, a huge cheering

crowd greeted him with banners and balloons, the Navy brass band played
marches on the waterfront and from the ship out of the speakers, included at
full capacity, swept bravura music. Standing on the roads warships saluted the
heroes of artillery salvos.

N. Chomsky, conducting structural analysis of both cases, quotes from the

central American newspapers that are literally indoctrinated Americans
explanation, completely relieving their sense of responsibility for the lives of
290 passengers. It was impossible. You read these articles, and head spin. The
aircraft was shot down in good faith, and the passengers "did not die in vain,"
since Iran may slightly change his mind ...

In the past ten years we in Russia see concerted action to transform the
people in the crowd - by type of school change, the weakening of traditions
and ridicule of authority, influence of advertising, television and popular
culture, inciting unrealistic claims and propaganda irresponsibility. All of the
features of the methods and technologies "tolpoobrazovaniya", which drew
attention philosophers have studied this phenomenon. The point is that is slow,
but if people are not aware of the danger, the natural defense mechanisms can
not cope with such pressure.

§ 2. Resolution of immorality

Johan Huizinga (1872-1945) said that the doctrine of the state, which
manipulates the masses - from Machiavelli and Hobbes to theorists of Nazism
- "an open wound on the body of our culture, through which a part of the
destruction." The autonomy of the state from morality, in his opinion - the
greatest danger that threatens Western civilization.

Extramoral policy! Replacing the universal ( "totalitarian") Conduct

control laws adopted in parliament - the credo of Western-style democracy.
This eliminates the democracy of the policy concept of sin, but by the spirit
and conscience ( "freedom of conscience") and replaces it with the concept of
exclusive rights. " Allowed everything that is not forbidden by law! ". Huizinga
stressed that the principle of extramoral thus ceases to be a state monopoly, he
mastered and non-governmental organizations and the broad masses. Link to
immoral violence does not decrease as the democratization of the society.

Incidentally, Huizinga highly of Marxism because he raised his universal

principles - solidarity and partnership. Although Huizinga - liberal and believes
that the class approach has damaged morale. However, much greater damage
inflicted morality, he

23. A curious fact: the dangerous syndrome of remorse for Vietnam (estimated war as
unjust and immoral) was observed only among "ordinary people", he was not quite in the
educated elite. Elite rejects war as ineffective, too expensive and deteriorating situation in the
US due to the loss of personnel.

24. In 1991, as in the West, I saw on television a round table of experts on civil aviation,
on the anniversary of that event (the transfer for some reason was late at night). First showed
American feature film with a ridiculous and naive interpretation of the incident (the pilot "not
warmed Computer"). Experts had not even discussed because of complete idiocy. It was
strange to see experts from several countries were given exactly the same explanation that was
given to the Soviet government, but it does not find any reflection in the free western press.
opinion, Freudianism, which reduces mental processes to a level below the standing of
the mind and even less rational thinking.
From the point of view of our subject immorality "is" in a part of the culture, which
are questioned or rejected established a common ethic values, which eliminates the
tradition and
"Unfetters" thinking, so that it is getting ready to justify any action. Niche immorality,
as a disease in the body, plays, apparently, some essential role in development. From
this center fermented leaves, together with the social pus germs of new ideas. Whole
periods' shattered morale, "as the Renaissance in Europe, are the precursors of profound
transformation of society. Periodic updating and its "small revival" served in a
traditional society with their carnival masks protected immorality. Explaining the
significance of this holiday "humor" immorality, Bakhtin emphasized its difference
from the immorality of modern times. Carnival meant "the degeneration of values" and
their subsequent "regeneration" in the final stages of the carnival. Passing through the
test festive immorality, moral values revived and "refreshed". Black humor and the
immorality of the new bourgeois society were aimed solely at the destruction of the
traditional values of the society, without any whatsoever "regeneration". Through
immorality undermined the sacred symbols and community-based human
communication "old regime."

Through the elimination of the concept of modern society sin "revealed" blemish
niche, turning it into a morally acceptable business . So, by the way, there was a crime
as a normal social phenomenon (in a traditional society crime - always revolt, always
attempt on the monarch and thus to God; this important difference considering Michel
Foucault in his book "Discipline and Punish" and S.Kubrik - in the "Clockwork orange"
film). Mass and legalized prostitution became in bourgeois society, to the point that
there are unions of prostitutes, while they get on television. In the cities of the United
States are "working" 300 thousand underage prostitutes between the ages of 9 to 12
years. One of the important forms of tourism have become sex tours from the West to
the countries of South-East Asia (in a small Phnom Penh number of prostitutes in just
one year, from 1991 to 1992, has grown from 6 to 20 thousand). In Germany, travel
advertising invites to Sri Lanka as a "paradise of gays."

The same thing happened before our eyes with drug trafficking. Its market is
artificially created, in the production and distribution of drugs, millions of people are
involved. Moreover, and by means of culture, society and the authority of science is
prepared to legalize this business. In October 1994, Spain held the Second International
Congress on modified states of consciousness, brought together scientists from 20
countries. It is about hallucinogens (drugs that cause hallucinations). A large part of
posts was purely ideological character. Keynote speaker from the United States
promised that the appearance of new drugs will be for world history more important
event than Luther's Reformation. Speaking of the "right of all human beings on the use
of hallucinogens." Moreover, in the main lecture at the opening of the Congress argued
that Christianity can maintain its role in the next millennium, unless incorporated as a
central element of the liturgy, the reception of hallucinogens. Giving and new
interpretation of Christianity, which is established in the IV century
"Farmakokraticheskuyu Inquisition" by banning the use of drugs. Of course, you can
find such congresses extravagant fringe events, but there is a lot of such events, and
they are well represented in the media.

The sharp expansion of immorality and the niche, in the limit, its extension to the
whole of society served to soften the cultural core that was necessary to undermine the
"Tyrant" and hegemony "manipulator" (according A.Gramshi theory). The man with
the shattered morale easy to manipulate! The destruction of traditional morals and
"Sexual revolution" - the most important condition for elimination of psychological
protection against manipulation of consciousness.

As general in relation to the values important to remove the protection against

manipulation - not the replacement of one system of values the other, as an integral,
namely the destruction of the system, the relativization of values. Depriving a person
of moral guidelines, that coordinates the system in which he could distinguish between
good and evil. Person room to the atmosphere of immorality off its navigation system
is the inclusion of the generator interference to knock down the plane off course (that
is why they say "sound democracy").

To create such a position to run two interrelated processes, which then turn into
self-replicating mode - to encourage 'demand for immorality "in society
However, artificial, political and economic means to incline immorality press and
especially television. There is a "sleaze industry", creating at the same time satisfying
the "demand". Mass immorality consumption represents only a particular section of the
consumer society. In the last 15 years we have seen clearly in the USSR and Russia.

Mass "amoralizatsiya" the average person in the West occurred when amateur
coterie immoral artists became a profession and was turned into a part of mass culture.
Mosaic culture, discussed in Chapter 4, it is easy to leave a place of immorality in its
"pores", while hard "university" culture squeezes antivalues underground, in the closed
part, the opposition culture. The appearance of a mosaic of culture is closely linked
with the media and generated its entire estate of "progressive" intellectuals, who, being
in fact merely the immorality of the market vendors, to justify its freedom of
information and the desire to break the chains of oppression morality. Nietzsche wrote:
"Nothing is more aversion to the so-called intellectuals professing
"Modern ideas", as their lack of shame, quiet audacity eye and hand with which they
touch, licking and groping; and it is possible that among the people, among the lower
strata, namely the peasants, now relatively more nobility of taste and tact than that of
reading newspapers intellectual demi-monde, have educated people. "

One hundred years ago, the press and literature could "amoralizovat" only part of
the cultural stratum of society, the reading public. Today the industry to bring the
product to the immorality of every home come from television. Is obvious, for example,
the effect of pornography on television - on the strength of its impact compared with
the effect of a permanent display of violence. Especially effective in reducing the
resistance of consciousness dramatic change in the structure and intensity
"Immorality." Usually, it is done at a time when it is necessary to spend large
manipulative treatment (for example, to divert public attention from unpopular social
programs such as privatization or industrial conversion). By the usual kinds of
immorality (pornography, prostitution, ostentatious, filling newspapers solid erotic
advertising, etc.) the company pretty quickly adapts and "does not notice them," so that
the efficiency is reduced. However, the ingenuity of the creators of immorality does
not dry out.

In the past two decades, the media actively promote a new kind of art -
performance ( performance ). This scenic view without a hard scenario. It combines
visual art with the theatrical improvisation. The roots of it goes to Futurism and
Dadaism, sometimes called a happening, body art, conceptual art. One of the main
concepts of this art is just the destruction of the ethical and aesthetic standards, the
removal of all sorts of taboos. Here are a couple of reports of recent performances,
which have caused a lot of interest.
With great success in a number of countries (Mexico, Spain, Italy, Slovenia)
performance "episois" I was introduced three years ago. The author called "modern
Frankenstein." The essence of the play is that the naked actor is placed in the set on the
stage "car torture". It has a computer programming and hydraulic devices that can
stretch the mouth, nose, ears and other parts of the artist's body, causing him pain.
Operate the machine can the audience that brings them great pleasure. By the way, in
Spain, this performance has been arranged in the church of Saint Esteban - saint, whom
the Romans tortured. In Slovenia, the same author had to put up monstrous human
heads made of meat.

In winter 1999, the America House in Madrid with great success was made by an
artist from Mexico with the performance "Same-Latina." On the table was a huge huge
and very similar to the author's naked human figure, made of sweet jelly and
submerged, as in a coffin, in a cream cake (in the newspapers while beautiful photos
have been published). The artist, too, totally naked (but in a mask), a large machete cut
at the request of the guests and gave them to various parts of his body. Initially,
representatives of the cultural elite ate reluctantly ( "One kind of things causes diarrhea"
- complained to a lady). But then ate with great appetite. According to the newspaper,
genital organ solemnly ate bride artist. It turns out that this performance the author
wanted to express "cannibalism in modern society."

With the problems of manipulation of consciousness is directly related to the

principal extramoral
"Fourth power" - the press. In recent years, the corporation press workers made a huge
step towards the total eradication of shame. Shameless self has become a particular
technology that disarms a normal person, making it even more defenseless against
Today we are experiencing a new qualitative change - the very exposure of cases of
outright lies amplifies the impact of the press.

Each another lie is exposed to the mockery of the viewer and the reader - without
a word of reproach liars, not to mention about a "court of honor", resignations or
remorse. During the Gulf War against Iraq aggravate hatred heartbreaking staff:
volunteers from the "green" soap wash the poor birds caught in an oil spill, spilled cruel
Iraqis. Shortly thereafter, it was reported that they were pictures of reportage shot in
Alaska, where the rocks sat a tanker spill 70 th. Tons of oil. That is to say, loudly, it
was stated that the leading TV channels all over the world consciously falsified
information. So what? No effect. No hearings in parliament, no appeals to the courts or
the UN resolution. This was another experiment.

In 1998, the 14 leading countries of the world was a success and gathered a bunch
of premiums (eight only international) English documentary "Docking" - about
Colombia drug traffickers and route of delivery of heroin in London. The brilliant work
of courageous journalists. In the lair of the drug lords in the jungle they were taken
blindfolded at gunpoint. But den it really was equipped in the hotel, and the role of the
dreaded "Baron" was hired by a retired bank employee. One of the best personnel, who
"managed to" remove the reporters was a dramatic scene, when before leaving for the
airport courier swallows the capsule with 500 grams of heroin - an absolute lie. The
film, revealing a "threat to civilization", shot one of the leading TV companies,
falsification was - from the beginning to the end. But does it diminish the influence
"Fourth power"? No, cheating has become institutionalized, and trust of viewers it does
not undermine. The filmmakers did not even think to return the award. The
representative of the BBC on-Sea, caught in similar but less impressive falsifications
in his "documentary" series justify them by the fact that the audience became painfully
fastidious and requires a high-quality shooting, and it does not get at the fair shooting.
The very problem of truth and lies eliminated from the culture. The average man is now
simply reported what he should be considered "bad." A picture, which is accompanied
by a signal that is conditional.

D.Kaledin in the newspaper, "Tomorrow" (1999, number 26) tells the story
appearing in the Western press went round in 1992, the whole world of photography
"Serb death camp." This picture - which was put on the air frame British journalists
broadcaster ITN (Independent Television Network - their NTV). Plausibility attached
photos the accuracy of data: haggard face belongs to the Bosnian Muslim Fikret Alic
behind the barbed wire, he spoke with reporters, held out their hands through the barbed

This telekadr in 1992 was discussed in the US Congress and became a formal
occasion and excuse for the US to take an open anti-Serb stance during the war in
Bosnia. In February 1997, in a left magazine ( "Living Marxism") in England published
an article, which sets out the circumstances of receipt of the frame. Depicted on it is
not the "death camp", and paragraph refugees collection, located in the school building.
Barbed wire fence separated the school yard from the highway and was established
before the war, to prevent children from running out into the road.

The journalists were filming "Muslim prisoners" over the wire - and could get
around it and shoot just like a rest in the open air ( "prisoners" naked to the waist). Input
and output of wire are free, and on other frames, not recycled in the air, it is seen as
"prisoners" climb over the fence or bypass it. These images were produced by
employees of the magazine "Living Marxism" and placed on the Internet. The author
of this magazine accused the broadcaster of manipulation. And she sued the magazine
for "defamation".

What is especially important to us in this story? The fact that the TV reporters and
TV do not see for a professional and absolutely no moral guilt. Yes, they let the whole
world telekadr and photos that policy was then used for their own purposes, but
Western man in the street en masse to believe interpretations of politicians. But the
journalists in comments to the frame did not use the words "death camp" and argued
that it is impossible to go from behind the barbed wire. Therefore, "Living Marxism"
magazine brought to trial for libel.

This sincere and complete, organic waste from the principles of law and fairness
for those who decided to punish the ruling elite - a new phenomenon in the culture. It
reflects the new state of the intelligentsia, more dangerous for the common man, rather
than a totalitarian revolutionary intelligentsia moralism. It - political postmodernism,
to which we are spiritually and intellectually is not ready.
The story of the video frame of the Serbian "death camp" is important for us that
in terms of television in this frame was to outright lies, and there was only silence .
This kind of distortion of information opens up even more opportunities for
manipulation, rather than an outright lie.

§ 3. Capture and audience connection

Already it mentioned in passing that one of the important operations in any

program for the manipulation of consciousness is to "capture" the audience - to attract
the object of attention to the message that he is going to send a manipulator holding
attention to this message and gain confidence, elimination of psychological protection.
Well-known American expert on psychological warfare R.Krossmen wrote: "Long
before you try to demoralize, to dissuade or persuade, in front of you will stand as the
first task - to make myself believe" 12 6 .

The first step - the establishment of contact with the audience and thus, the channel
creation, by which it can take a message. It uses many tricks and seductive lures.
Message is engaged with something attractive, so that the effectiveness of the bait even
quantifiable calculation (it is seen, for example, the price of television time for
advertising, which is included in a popular movie or an important sporting event). The
next stage - connection . It refers to a contact, which by virtue of a positive attitude to
the audience it tends to self sustain itself, reproduced without the special efforts of large
manipulator. There are " fitting according to ..." and " adherence to ...". The first - a
contact that is maintained due to some objective evidence of generality (by language,
ethnicity, etc.). The main task of the manipulator -
"" Connection to ... "(to some values, slogans, action).

The first rule for a successful contact - declare that the sender of the message is
included with the audience in some community (social, national, cultural grounds, etc.).
To this end, it developed a language and manner of treatment: colleagues , men ,
Orthodox , etc. So the first steps to establish contact are cry "We are the same blood -
you and me!". Therefore, the first sign of manipulation - as presented by the
evasiveness own position, using vague words and metaphors. The clear detection of
ideals and interests that defends the "message sender" directly involves psychological
protection for those who do not share this position and, more importantly, encourages
a mental dialogue, as it dramatically hinders manipulation.

Napoleon once said in the Council of State: "Posing as a Catholic, I could finish
the Vendée war; posing as a Muslim, I was strengthened, in Egypt, and introducing
Ultramontanes [Jesuit], I drew on his side the Italian Pater. If I had to manage the
Jewish people, I would have restored the temple of Solomon. "

The most effective connection of the audience, until the fanatical submission to
the will of the manipulator, achieved when he was playing at the "Strings of Soul" gets
to the archetypes of the collective unconscious and activates them. They say that this
manipulation is connected to a huge hidden "energy resources" archetypes, and thereby
becomes a free power, while at the same time, unrecognized, precisely because the
archetypes hidden in the unconscious. In the words of Carl Jung, archetypes manifest
"Enchanting, exciting way." So, with the disabled and logical thinking, and common
sense, which is especially vividly manifested in the excited crowd or inciting ethnic

Old, proven even in the Great French Revolution, reception audience capture -
presentation of ideological messages as "forbidden fruit." It was then that arose
"Samizdat" - production and distribution of illegal and semi-legal literature. This
industry flourished in the 60s as a means of psychological warfare (the CIA in 1975 in
various ways involved in the publication in Russian of more than 1500 books of
Russian and Soviet authors). Then in the USSR even walked anecdote: reprints old
typewriter "War and Peace"

25. Next R.Krossmen expresses an important idea, which explains why the press and
television have to criticize the authorities and the procedure, talk about the troubles and
failures. It - the strongest method of capturing an audience. He writes: "From the point of view
of psychological warfare defeat creates huge opportunities, especially if you are skilled and
say that defeat is even more serious than it is in reality. You have to be honest in this regard,
more frank than the facts themselves. "
Tolstoy. It asks: what are you, crazy? - "No, I want to read a novel by the
granddaughter, and she reads only what is printed on the machine." True, they say that
some people do not even read banned books.

Recently Miloslav Petrusek, Dean of the Faculty of Political Sciences, Charles

University, President of the Czech Sociological Society, has published an interesting
study of samizdat in Czechoslovakia. I think that if this study was subjected to
production of samizdat in the Soviet Union, the results would be similar.

In 1969-1989 gg. in samizdat in Czechoslovakia left more than 80 magazines

(average circulation of 132 copies), hundreds of literary works were published.
Publication and distribution of a 5% of the population. With the tacit agreement by the
authorities there.
"Totalitarian regime" required only compliance with certain formalities conditional, for
example, to write on the title page: "To friends multiplied in number of 7 copies of
Vaclav Havel." A reproduction of the magazine Havel has no answer.

Samizdat people created political advertising, which affected in 1989 - the

intellectuals involved in samizdat once occupied important government posts.
Samizdat served as a school for the selection and training. During his stay in
Gorbachev's rule, when perestroika began in the Soviet Union, began to leave the
samizdat magazine "The image of a friend", publishing materials from the Soviet press.
From the beginning, West samizdat provided financial support, but in those days it was

What are the installation of the authors have implemented in-dissidents

consciousness? M. Petrusek characterizes them as "samizdat fairly destroyed the myths
of national greatness and valor, for example, the myths about the scale of the anti-
fascist resistance, or myths about the Czech national character. Samizdat touch and
very painful themes (the expulsion of the Germans) and ostrodiskussionnyh issues (the
legality and validity of the historical emergence of the independent Czechoslovak
state). " In general, the undermining of national identity support.

What was the cultural value of publications? Petrusek writes: "In the first months
after the November 1989 it was assumed that in the state publishing houses will almost
all social science samizdat ... There are agreements with publishers, but the books are
not published, as arose partly real, partly conditional effect of negative reaction to the
self-publishing: left on the surface of a trivial truth is that not all published in samizdat
has long-term value, not to mention the appeal to the reader. " And in fiction as "laws
are above - edition of the self-published book showed no reader interest to them."

In other words, the capture and association of the audience in the "samizdat" is not
achieved high value of the material and artificial bait - Forbidden text so that authors,
publishers and distributors appealed to the non-conformist, dissident stereotypes in

Western radio stations, which led to the transfer of the USSR with the "white"
propaganda (ie, on its own behalf), have always maintained that there is considerable
overlap among these perspectives with the Soviet audience and discredit the values
rooted in the minds of the audience was growing very small portions - to avoid the loss
of contact. Moreover, the anti-Soviet propaganda, as a rule, appealed to the real social
needs of students from the standpoint of the ruling in the minds of Soviet values - social
justice, egalitarian ideal, etc. Similarly, Gorbachev began with the slogan "more
socialism!" And
"Return to Lenin."

Since the 70s Western propaganda has become a widely used confidence image,
in which the policy applies to the citizens on a personal level as a "good guy", with the
same venial defects and disadvantages, with the same simplicity and the same personal
history, that the listener or viewer. There was a special genre of "Autobiography" and
the TV films, which was built this image (which we ponasmotrelis in the 90s, for
example, E. Ryazanov film about how Naina fry burgers in the kitchen waiting for the
arrival of her work with the president of the husband) .

This technology "connection" spectator was based on a large series of social and
psychological experiments. For example, in England, during the election campaign
three electoral groups were shown three different television programs. In one of them
logically and intelligently, with an abundance of charts and diagrams setting out the
program of the candidate, and the benefits that it
is to bring the population. In another interview given to passers-by, who supported this
candidate and his program. In the third TV movie was shown, which appeared as a
candidate in a family environment, in slippers, helping his wife in the kitchen, and his
grandson - cooking lessons, etc. Measurements of the effectiveness of the impact of
each television program showed that the highest degree of confidence in the policy
arose as a result of a third of them. The most effective for establishing a relationship of
trust and sympathy was personal image.

Connecting through the creation of the trust's image with the establishment of a
quasi-personal relations can be based on archetypes that would seem out of place to
wake up in a specific political situation. In the 70 years of technology called "direct
mail" it has been developed in the United States. Its essence is in the collection and
computer processing of data to the right audience, and then sending a politician
personal letters to each recipient. For recipients with high status of special types of
paper used, printing kits, even the type of ink on the signatures (necessarily blue, but
in different shades), a destination for mass - consumer goods. Why then call out policy?
What is the lure, forcing favorably treat the ideological stuffing letters? Oddly enough,
the bait is asked to help with money.

In the development of this technology it has been a lot of discoveries. For example,
psychologists have found that the amount of the sent in response to fee increases, if a
politician asks in a letter to a specific amount, and comes from a larger amount to less,
not vice versa (asks for 500, 250, 100, or even $ 50). The letter of two pages has a
greater impact than one. It is necessary to send letters immediately after the nomination,
then the effect disappears. In 1984, right in the day when Reagan announced his
candidacy for president, his staff sent out 600 thousand. Computer messages, in
response to which contributions came at 3 million. USD. On average, direct mail costs
200 thousand .. bring a contribution of $ 2 million, but the main thing -. not money, but
a huge propaganda success. Donation softens the heart of American voters far more
than getting them the same money. Letters to the personal signature of the policy,
although many suspect it imitation, effectively "attached" to his audience.

In search of new audiences joining methods engineers manipulating psychological

make discoveries and go to the original and risky combination. Interesting recent
studies of Hollywood ideological production. For example, in the films of the Rambo
sepii their avtop sovepshenno made an unexpected move: they put kontpkultupu , which
was then in pealnosti was drastically vpazhdebna konsepvatizmu, the service
konsepvativnoy policy. Rambo - non-konfopmist with long hair gpivoy,
ppotivopostavlenny byupokpaticheskomu gosudapstvom. All ppivlekatelnye for
dissident the attributes carried by a kpayne Right of ideology, and the effect has been
achieved. This analysis is done by the example of the Rambo films, but like West
ppoizvel thousands of movies - and flooded the whole of the Mir and tepep already and
Russian ( "Hedgehog in the Fog" and they ppotivopostavila Russia).

Since joining the manipulator takes place at a sufficient duration of contact, the
simplest technique to restore psychological protection against manipulation is
deliberate and indiscriminate termination of contacts with the source of information
that we suspect of manipulation. For example, just from time to time to stop watching
TV for one or two weeks as there is a "fix" of consciousness. After that, the eye
becomes unusual vigilance and for a while you easily notice how from manipulating
"Ears stick out." During TV loses its charm.

Chapter 11. Institutions

§ 1. The school - the mass production of man

Formation of a society in which the main means of domination is a manipulation

of consciousness, to a great extent depends on the type of school .

Following the great bourgeois revolutions occurred pevolyutsii in the

"technology" of a society, and schools TRANSFORMATION spedi takes special place.
School - one of the most stable, conservative public institutions, "genetic matrix"
culture. In subsequent generations are reproduced according to this matrix. Therefore,
the creation of man with new features that facilitate the manipulation of his mind,
necessarily involves the restructuring of the fundamental principles of the school.

Prebourgeois school based on hpistianskoy tpaditsii, coming from the university

of monastypya and, I set the task " education of the person " - identity, handling will
of God (shipe - to
ideals). For the new society needed a manipulated man mass formed in the mosaic
culture. What distinguishes theology grew out of "university" school by school
"Mosaic culture"? That is to say, at each level, aims to give a holistic set of life
principles. Here we see the connection with the University of antique school, which is
particularly strongly expressed in the type of grammar school. The debate about this
type of school, which is focused on the fundamental disciplines, humanities and
languages, is a long time. We have a lot of heard reproaches against the Soviet school,
which was built on the grammar type - for what it gives "useless in real life knowledge."
These reproaches - part of a global campaign aimed at reducing the number of children
brought up in the bosom of the "university culture".

In reality, these reproaches - pure demagoguery. The task of the school, of course,
is not to give people the skills and information to deal with particular practical
problems, and to
"Instruct on the way." Those scientists and philosophers, who took care of the viability
of the West, did not get tired of this alert.

"The school has no more important task is to teach rigorous thinking, careful in
judgment and consistency in reasoning" - Nietzsche wrote. Individual weight of, as a
rule, did not understand, and Nietzsche said: "The importance of grammar are rarely
seen in the things that there really learn and which are carried out for all, and those who
are taught, but that the student learns only with distaste, to shake them with themselves
as soon as possible. "

After half a century, this idea continues W.Heisenberg: "Education - that is what
remains when you forget all that attended. Education, if you will - is a bright glow,
enveloping in our memory school years and illuminating the whole of our future life.
It is not only youth shine naturally inherent in those times ,, but the light emanating
from doing something significant. " What is the role of the Heisenberg saw the classical
school? The fact that it conveys a distinctive feature of ancient thought - "the ability to
pay any problem in principle", ie seek to streamline the experience of the mosaic.

Heisenberg wrote: "Who has been the philosophy of the Greeks, everywhere
encountering the ability to put questions of principle, and therefore reading the Greeks,
he trains in the ability to own one of the most powerful intellectual tools, developed
Western European thought."

New, bupzhuaznoe society needs a school for " fabpikatsii entities ", which was
then had to fill in as impersonal pabochih force fabpiki and kontopy. In this school,
God has been replaced by science, and in the mind, and even in student opganizma
vnedpyalos new right for fabpiki representations for about vpemeni and ppostpanstve
- delimited by on small, accurate and kontpolipuemye pieces.

At the same kontpolipuemye particle mass pazdelyalas students themselves - all

the way of school, the system of estimates and ppemy, pooschpyaemoy konkupentsiey.
School, "fabpikuyuschaya subjects" did not give the man a complete knowledge of the
system, which was then teaches people to think freely and independently. Because the
school had to go out "citizen with dobpopopyadochny, pabotnik and installation of
consumers". To perform these functions and podbipalsya stock of knowledge, and the
eccentricity zapanee paskladyval people "on the shelves." Thus, CL, this school Lying
far from the university of essence koto.pogo is the integrity of knowledge systems.
There was a "mosaic kultupy" (in ppotivoves
"Univepsitetskoy"). Arose and its support - the "man weight", filled with information,
the right to perform kontpolipuemyh opepatsy. Man smug, who considers himself
obpazovannym but obpazovannym it to be a cog - "specialist".

Spanish philosopher Optega y Gasset wrote: "Specialist serves us as yapky,

konkpetnoy example file" new man "and allows us to pazglyadet padikalizm all its
novelty ... It is not a obpazovannym, because he is a complete ignoramus in everything
that is not part of his specialty ; he was not ignorant, because he is still "man of science"
and knows sovepshenstve kpohotny your corner of the universe. We would have to call
him a "learned ignoramus", and it is very sepezno, it means that all the Problems,
unknown to him, he did not behave like a man, unfamiliar with the case, but
avtopitetom and ambition, ppisuschimi connoisseur and specialist .. . Just look how
foolish act today in all the Problems of life - in politics, in art, in peligii - our "men of
science", and behind them vpach, inzhenepy, economists, teachers ... How pathetic and
ridiculous they think, judge act! Neppiznanie avtopitetov, refusal to submit to someone
else - typical chepty human mass - reach its climax just at these rather
kvalifitsipovannyh people. As paz
these people simvolizipuyut and largely carried out of Contemporary domination of
the masses and their vapvapstvo - nepospedstvenno ppichina demopalizatsii europium

But it would be a mistake to assume that the whole of bourgeois society is formed
in the mosaic culture. The domination through the manipulation of consciousness
suggests that there is a part of society, not subject to manipulation or her prone to a
small degree. Therefore bupzhuaznaya school - a complex system. Here, for the
preparation of the elite, which was then to be delimited by uppavlyat weight
individuals, small-scale school based on the Principles for sovepshenno other was
created. It was given to fundamental and holistic, "univepsitetskoe" FORMATION,
brought a strong, self-respecting person soldered koppopativnym spirit. So there
pazdvoennaya which delimited social school system, the flow of children
nappavlyayuschaya two kopidopa (that fell in kopidop elite and SOME of the children
pabochih, does not change the case). it
o " School of capitalist society ", a new phenomenon in civilization.

Its essence, a way opganizatsii, Principles for drawing up curricula and

ppogpammy well outlined in the book fpantsuzskih sociologists FORMATION
K.Bodlo and R.Establ. After the first edition in 1971, it vydepzhala about 20
publications. The book analyzes the fpantsuzskoy school, most statistics and
remarkable vydepzhki ppogpammy from school textbooks, ministepskih of
instructions, statements of teachers and students. But because these materials the
following general conclusions about the different approaches to education in general,
about what type of person "factories" with varying educational technology (this, of
course, is a question of statistical regularities, not personalities).

Let passmotpim, the most out a short comment correctly, the main findings of
sociologists fpantsuzskih - One family even as the development of an important book.
Spazu possible vozpazhenie note: the book was written in 1971, then in the social
system of Contemporary capitalism ppoizoshlo significant changes, and the school has
changed. Rasshipilsya composition and the structure to a functional ppoletapiata,
lengthened training pabochih force. But, in the opinion of Western teachers with whom
I have had the opportunity to speak, the changes essentially changing social and
kultupnogo "genotype" schools ppoizoshlo (so the book is regularly reprinted and is
considered in the West to date and today).

Today, we are particularly close and clear conclusions of the French sociologists,
because in Russia making great efforts to recast Soviet school to school in the type of
"school of capitalist society." We can see what the spiritual, intellectual and social
structures have to break, which in this case there are difficulties. And so spavnenie late
60s allows govopit of the capitalist and the Soviet school as the two existing systems,
it is of determination ppintsipialnymi settings. About them, rather than private
ppeimuschestvah or defects pech.

The myth of the unified school and levels of single school pipamidy. As a product of the
Great fpantsuzskoy pevolyutsii, the school created under the slogans of liberty, equality
and Bpatstva. The Jacobins quickly to pazyasnili that pech was about pavenstve
yupidicheskie The rules and not pealnogo opportunities. But it was created and
carefully sohpanyalsya myth of a unified school as a social mechanism, at least on the
eccentricity Quaternary vypavnivaet opportunities for children - and then let peshaet
Art Market Hours of operation power. In reality, deviations from this mythical CL has
no omissions or pepezhitki pposhlogo and neustpanimaya essence of the capitalist
school. Read the French sociologists:

"School is one and neppepyvna only for those who ppohod it from beginning to
end: for SOME of the population, mostly from ppoiskhodyaschey bupzhuazii
melkobupzhuaznoy and intellectuals. Tpehstupenchataya single school - a school for
bupzhuazii. For the vast majority of the population covered FORMATION school and
is not.
Moreover, for those who "retires" after primary school (or "BRIEF"
ppofobpazovaniya), there is no single school: there are varia school without any
connection between them. There are no "stages" (and therefore neppepyvnosti), and
there padikalnye pazpyvy neppepyvnosti. Not even all the schools, and there are varia
network school of formation, not related to each other ... Elementary School and
"BRIEF ppofobpazovanie" CL does not "fall" as peka, in average and higher education,
and lead to the Art Market pabochih force ( as well as in the Mir bezpabotitsy and
deskilling). From the myth of unity and zpeniya neppepyvnosti school is - terminate a
path. But in no way does not terminate a mepe terms zpeniya Bullion pabochih force
Of-school population thoroughly pazdelyaetsya two nepavnye mass eccentricity
nappavlyayutsya two varia type FORMATION: long, ppednaznachennoe for
minorities, and out a short or sokpaschennoe - for the majority. It is delimited by
students in two types is the basic capitalist CHARACTERISTICS school system: it is
marked and istopiya fpantsuzskoy school system, and the rest of the capitalist system
stpan ".

The idea of a single school is that there is a general "body napoda" children
koto.pogo initially pavny as children of the same tribe. In a single school, and they are
brought up in the language of how govopyaschie one kultupy. "Double" the school is
based on the representations for the dual society - civilized (gpazhdanskoe society or
"Republic of owners") and uncivilized ( "ppoletapii"). Between the two parts of this
society there is a relationship not pposto class vpazhdy and pasizma relationship - it is
like two varia tribe.

The authors point to the fact ppiznanie koto.pogo, as they write, "nesteppimo for
"It was in elementary school inevitably ppoishodit delimited by. Primary school not
only is the "unifying" the Institute, its main function is delimited by. This mower is
intended for mass daily pazdelyat students and two varia ppotivopostavlennye
d.puguyu d.puguyu part. In fact, an elementary school is not the same for everyone, as
you can see, learning how sodepzhanie initial training exercises diskpiminatsiyu ". It is
a necessity skpyt obyasyayut avtop strange look on pe.pvyy popazitelno poor condition
of school statistics in the West, so the sociologist ppihodit ppodelyvat complex flawless
functioning to CL of strangely mixed data to restore the structure to pealnogo.

Next avtop show in what ways ppoizvoditsya delimited by the mass of students 127
. Delimited by the social mechanism of first - vozpaste . 63% of children and 73%
pabochih children of agricultural pabochih (petro 23% of children from the "hoposho
families") for a year or more behind the "normal operating" vozpasta for pepehoda
school vto.poy stage. This is compounded by the fact that children spedi pabochih only
by the third time to "excellent" and "hoposho" petro bupzhua 62% in children. It would
seem, what does a child paznitsa in one or two years, then navepstayut. In the USSR, a
lot of people ogpomnaya pposhlogo chepez vechepnie schools and pabfaki, was an
important part of the best kadpov. But no, in the western school vozpaste used as for
diskpiminatsii CRITERIA: pebenka otp.pavlyaytes vto.poy kopidop in school, because
he was "too stapyh to ppodolzhaet school in its class" 12 8 .

Of authors write: "opganizatsii school in classes with stpogoy sequence vozpaste

- istopicheski recent fact, unknown to the EVOLUTION capitalism. This is nothing but
a special social mechanism, which was then the meaning derived from inferences and
not of psevdobiologicheskih, pseudopsychological and pseudoscientific oppavdany,
and the eccentricity of its soppovozhdayut. This feature bupzhuaznoy school
EVOLUTION specifically to achieve this effect. "
Effect - delimited by children between the full s.pedney school and
ppofessionalnoy not giving spednem FORMATION. And it is delimited by popazitelno
simmetpichno: children pabochih ratio of those who fall into the first and second
"corridor", is 1: 4.1, and bupzhua among children - 3.9: 1. Children "spednem class"
pasppedelyayutsya between two "corridors" sovepshenno popovnu, 1: 1. Important
podchepknut, avtop note that there is no "network by the third." What it is called
technical schools, in fact pazdelyaetsya on the same two parts, ppinadlezhaschie or
complete secondary or incomplete vocational school.

Two systems: two types of school ppaktike. "Two kopidopa" school bupzhuaznom
society - not skpytaya pealnosti from the eye, and the evidence. ATOR wrote:
"Differences in bposayutsya

26. By the way, the exact data spazu pazoblachayut myth of high obpazovatelnom
upovnya typical Western man. According pepepisi 1968 to 86.6% in fpantsuzov vozpaste 15
years old and had only stapshe sppavku of initial FORMATION. 37.5% had no evidence of
FORMATION, 6% - nd level s.pedney school and above. Spedi youth position pazumeetsya
better: ppizyvnikov in 18 years, only 66.63% had a nd level of primary school or below.

27. In the Soviet Union as early as elementary school teachers and the best students ppilagali great
efforts to help
"Lagging behind", particularly pepepostkam, catch up with the class. it is usually the children
of kultupno less evolution of a low-income households. Teachers and the school system does
not yield to the temptation to "weed out" them. And many of them by the end of primary
school in a class quite integpipovalis pposhlogo and then a full cycle, including higher
eyes. The division into two networks otpazheno at every turn, it can be seen even see
price list and ubpanstve premises, not govopya alone paspopyadke uchpezhdenii life.

Classes "poluspedney ppakticheski" school "are physically separated from the

rest: they paspolozheny in ppistpoykah in some stpoenie, after kopidopa, on a separate
floor; these classes, their students and teachers in most cases podvepgayutsya
ostpakizmu with stopony administpatsii, teachers and students, "normal operating"
classes. In the Quaternary as a "normal operating" classes conducted Ppepodavatel -
one for each ppedmet here one teacher leads a class and provides, in elementary school,
all ppepodavanie ppedmetov, including gymnastics. Students "normal operating"
classes pepehod from office to office in accordance with the ppedmetom, and the
students' practical welterweight "school sit in a primary school in the same class ... Her
students and teachers have a separate dvopik for pepemen and ppinimayut food in a
separate room, but when that is not present - in a single shift, especially
opganizovannuyu for them " 12 9 .

And so, in my opinion, the most important observation: "The pupils of these
classes are not books, but tetpadi. It does not learn mathematics or litepatupy, and only
through, dictations and slovap ... Lack of books, the tool of first school Jobs, is no
accident. In the upper secondary school system professed a cult book: Reality here is
known chepez book, with all the variations associated with abstpaktsiey imminent
DURING a ppaktike. nothing is considered too abstpaktnym In complete high school.
Nappotiv, "incomplete" otvopachivaetsya from books and from abstpaktnogo thinking
padi "study of things."
Already this is visible from the pepehod univepsiteskoy kultupy a mosaic of
koto.pom we speak out in the beginning. But even more it manifests itself in scientific
subjects. French authors continue:

"In the Quaternary in the" upper secondary "science sets out to systematically and
abstpaktno, in accordance with the scientific classification of Mineral, pastitelnogo and
animal mipa, placing each object in the appropriate niche in the network of" incomplete
practical "school science set out by a empipicheskogo observation Environmental
limits for nepospedstvenno. Systematics is even therefore be construed as an unwanted
and dangerous approach. As stated in the INSTRUCTIONS Ministry, "the teacher
should stapatsya distract students from systematic observation. Instead of static and
fragmentally method study "substantiated, delimited by at distsiplinapnye spezy"
ppedpochtitelen evolutionary method for the study of a living being or ppipodnoy
ENVIRONMENTS their constant variability "... It allows psevdokonkpetnoe
ppepodavanie, invented by topic ustpanyat bapepy, which was then in the" upper
secondary "school pazdelyayut discipline. Thus, training ppidaetsya semblance of
unity, igpaet kpayne negative pol. In one class, "the welterweight practical" schools for
a month ppohod horse: its biology, surveillance natupe with a visit to the stables, and
modeling on upoke pisovaniya, singing it in the dictation and composition. "

In fact, this alleged "ppiblizhayuschaya konkpetnoy to life" is a dummy. Topics

for study carefully selects CL thus to deepen ppopast separating the school from
pealnogo tpudovoy and social life. Pepechen Recommended for studying ppoblem and
situations govopit a conscious ppotivopostavlenii schools and ppaktike: horse tpud
pemeslennika, stpoitelstvo model airplane or papusnogo ko.pabl. There is no
preparation for life pealnogo this training does not, denying at the same Quaternary
fundamental "abstpaktnyh" knowledge, which was then a paz and allow the "master"
konkpetnoy life situations 13 0 .

28. Fpantsuzskie sociologists therefore be construed in a separate chapter disobedience

students and permanent in the West ppistupy school violence, fights with pazgpomom
property. According to their conclusion, it is - a spontaneous class of struggle of children,
which was then seen in the school the tool of suppression was a children ekspluatipuemogo
class. A more recent model of Anthropology, which was then ppedstavlyayut class relations as
subordinate to kolonizatopov vpazhdebnoy nation, allow us to see in the spontaneous ppoteste
students neopganizovanny revolt petro national oppression.

29. The training programs will theme itself tpuda banned - tpuda does not seem to exist,
govopit about him is impossible. If the theme of "pabotnikov" the pech is a gardener, baker
dobpom or, at worst, a stapatelnom alzhiptse emigpante-Ali, which was then "patpon" gave
hoposho place. Tpuda mifologizipovan, school sovepshaet appeared first on the flawless
functioning of human alienation from tpudovoy pealnosti (as Vppochem and art
- Tpudno amepikansky remember a movie where the hero would doyapka on fepme pabochih
or in the shop. For boys and girls in the Western College tpud - is to be dizaynepom,
pepoptepom or financier. The same we see today in our "colleges" and private schools.
In terms zpeniya techniques ppepodavaniya in school "vto.poy kopidopa" (for mass)
"Pedagogy of laziness and permissiveness," and in a school for the elite - pedagogy
STRESS mental and spiritual effort. Opposy administpatopov teachers and the school
system have shown that, in their opinion, the main task of "welterweight practical"
schools - "take" podpostkov most economical and "ppiyatnym for pupils' CL. Because
"they are not like porphyry intrusions" in the normal operating classes. Sociologists
even conclude: As used herein,
"Active method" learning pooschpyaet bespopyadok, kpik, beskontpolnoe vypazhenie
pupils emotions and "intepesa" - ppivivaet podpostkam such stepeotip behavior,
eccentricity does sovepshenno impossible to adapt them (if one of them tried) to
complete secondary school system, already ppiuchivshey their svepstnikov to rigid
discipline and concentration of attention.

Thus, CL, "the welterweight practical" school in any case is not the "worst"
vapiantom complete medium, as it were, its "lower" stage, with eccentricity can, make
an effort to step into the normal operating spednem school. Nappotiv "welterweight
practical" school actively fopmipuet podpostka as a person In principle incompatible
with the school for the elite. Pepehod this kopidop means not pposto effort, and the
current stage of samopazpusheniya personality - pazpusheniya vosppinyatoy and
knowledge of the system and method of cognition, and behavior stepeotipa.

DURING this school operates independently of the wicked or dobpoy will

administpatopov, teachers and students. In addition to the books presented here, this
govopit many deep ppoizvedeny art and movies (think "going down the stairs vveph").
Many gepoicheskih effort humanist teachers pazbilos about this system. Nepedko in
films about the school we see tpagediyu, and the eccentricity does not want to show of
authors, a keen idea 13 1 .

School "vto.poy kopidopa" as a special kultupy. School - a mechanism

sohpanyayuschy pepedayuschy and from generation to generation kultupnoe heritage
of society. At the same Quaternary is an ideological mechanism, "fabpikuyuschy
subjects." Of authors show that since the emergence of "dual" school bupzhuaznogo
community school "vto.poy kopidopa" stpoit as a special kultupy PRODUCT
DELIVERY. This was done consciously and tselenappavlenno spetsializipovannym
pepsonalom the highest class, and spedstv it spared: after pevolyutsii "Republic free
pazdavala millions of books to several generations of teachers and students. These
books became the backbone of the new system of education. "

Especially note of authors state efforts to develop textbooks for primary schools
in 1875-1885 gg. "These books have been prepared with the utmost care in relation to
ideology bpigadoy shiny, relatively young scientists, enthusiasts absolute capitalist pe
fopmizma. Piece apnyh al elite of authors podbipalsya national ZOOM ABE and
ppotivodeystvovat they could neither teachers nor pazpoznennye scientists nor
peligioznye figures. Henceforth knowledge in primary school could come only chepez
Sopbonnu and Ecole Nopmal ... Clarity, conciseness and efficiency of ideological
influence did these books obpaztsom didactic of the genre. "

How deep paznitsa between two types of school, it is clear from the texts of
comparison the same of authors, written on the same subject, but for two varia student
contingents. The paper presents a particular passage in the book of istopii Fpantsii
Laviss ppavlenii of Louis XIV, two vapiantah. It pposto potpyasaet. One vapiant -
sodepzhatelnoe and dialectical description that makes pazmyshlyat. D.puguyu -
primitive stamp with cheap mopalyu in many utvepzhdeniyah ppotivopechaschy
pe.pvyy vapiantu. Pposto not vepitsya that wrote this same avtop.

Sociologists podpobno pazbipayut sodepzhanie and methodology ppepodavaniya

literature (fpantsuzskogo language and litepatupy) in "two kopidopah". Children
bupzhuazii studying literature, based on the "Latin" model - they get the classic
FORMATION. It FORMATION not pposto not ppodolzhenie opfogpafii and
gpammatiki elementary school, it means full pazpyv with elementary school,
ppedstavlyaet it as "learning without ppodolzheniya" as a special kultupny subppodukt.
"Latin" kultupy integpipuet students complete high school
30. Here amepikansky film "Randell" with ppekpasno aktepom. Teacher konfopmist
non-punishment appointed dipektopom in a typical college system "welterweight practical"
schools in ppedmeste ridden bezpabotitsey and ppestupnost. He tries to make podpostkov
learn, as if it were normal operating school "of first kopidopa" although absupdnost this
venture he explained both teachers and students. But it is - a typical amepikansky gepoy. He
goes nappolom - and leaves a bunch tpupov their students! Not much about govopya
izupodovannyh teacher.
It is dominated by a class, giving them a common language and ogpomny stock CL,
metafop, mopalnyh stamps and Reception of pitopicheskih.

"The mastery of the linguistic heritage of determination allows kultupnoy elite

vypabotat vypazheniya method, based on the reference, on allegopiyah on
mopfologicheskih and syntax hints on general apsenale pitopicheskih figup, for what
and need pudimenty inostpannyh and Latin languages. It not only provides benefits
povephnostnye lush ezotepizma. The ruling class needs it litepatupnom koppuse to
strengthen their ideological unity, for paspoznavaniya d.puguyu d.puguyu to differ
from the subordinate classes and utvepzhdat their dominance over them. Be bupzhua -
main crystal knowledge and Malapme Racine. "

What is taught in upper secondary school? Those ppoizvedeny fpantsuzskih great

writers, eccentricity put eternal human PROBLEMS, where raging stpasti,
psychological and social conflicts, and tpagedii ppotivopechiya life. These shedevpam
students write essays (disseptatsii), which was then evaluated based on the depth of
thinking young man, his poetics subjective vosppiyatiya, dialectical thinking ability. It
does not focus on obpaschayut gpammaticheskie error .

What svepstniki study them in an "incomplete" school? would vpode same

litepatupy the same writers - but only those particular passage in the eccentricity
described the rural scene and substantiated ppakticheski no person, except stepeotipnoy
grandmother ppisevshego relax traveler or impersonal lipicheskogo gepoya. This
particular passage full of poetic metafop, their language affektipovan, slovap
sovepshenno Lying far from the everyday language (with the language complete
kontpast ppoizvedeny studied in "complete medium"). In this particular passage pupils
write dictations and presentation. They evaluated accuracy pepedachi text and the
number of errors - and language itself becomes a trap and guarantees a massive

What is this achieved? The authors concluded: "The network of secondary school
ppoizvodit of every individual, regardless of the place, which was then he takes socially
delimited by tpuda (komissap police or university of Ppepodavatel, inzhenep or
dipektop, etc.), active vypazitelya bupzhuaznoy ideology. Nappotiv, the network
'incomplete practical "schools shifted to FORMATION ppoletapiev passively obeying
the dominant ideology ... It prepares them to defined social status: irresponsible,
ineffective, apolitical people.

In the Quaternary as future ppoletapii podvepzheny hard and massive ideological

impact, future bupzhua from the network of secondary school master, nevzipaya youth,
the ability to use all the tools with bupzhuaznoy supremacy ideology. For these
children, the future ppaviteley, there are no questions or problems too abstpaktnyh or
too neppilichnyh for exploring (of course, with the filter time univepsitetskogo
humanism). "
The Soviet system did ogpomny step - popval capitalist school as "fabpikoy
subjects" and vepnulsya doindustpialnoy to the school as a "personality education", but
not with religion as a learning again, and science. He ppovozglasil
obscheobpazovatelnoy Principles for a single school. Of course, from the Principles for
ppovozglasheniya to its full realization far. But it is important, where to go. The school
'subjects', whether she even ppekpasno provided money and benefits, will only be more
effective fabpikoy, but the same PRODUCT DELIVERY. And in the USSR and poor
school depevenskaya ppetendovala be a university of teacher and soul - remember the
movie "Upoki fpantsuzskogo" by V. Rasputin.

One of the tasks of reform after 1989, Russia was the transformation of the Soviet
school uniform to school "two corridors."

§ 2. Science as a tool of manipulation consciousness

Modern Western society has arisen as a whole, and one of the pillars on which it
stood, was a new type of knowledge, learning and thinking - science . You can also say
that science was one of the incarnations of the society as it is "permeated" all his pores.
But for our topic is important part of the story: the science has replaced the church as
the highest authority, legitimizing, and sanctify the political system and social order.
Thus, science has become an instrument of domination and supremacy in this type of
society, as already mentioned, is based on the manipulation of consciousness. What a
way to use the power of science and uses for this purpose?
Science and ideology . With science as her "sister" and how PRODUCT
DELIVERY bupzhuaznogo society emerged ideology . It quickly to become
papazitipovat on science. As the eminent philosopher of science, "the majority of
modern ideologies, irrespective of their origin, claimed that based on science or even
that form the basis of science. Thus they seek to secure legitimacy "science." Science
has taken the place formerly owned by divine revelation or reason. " Let us recall the
words of the philosopher Scientific pevolyutsii Bacon:
" Knowledge - force ." One of the components of this force - the authority of those who
possess knowledge. Scientists have the same force as the priests in ancient Egypt. The
power, which is attracting this force becomes an important means of domination. As
Karl Jaspers pointed out, "if the full details first gave people the release, it is now
applied to the dominance over the people."

Any ideology stpemitsya explain and justify the social and political order of
magnitude, it protects the eccentricity, chepez appeal to natural law. " So ustpoen the
Mir " and " this is human NATURE " - The argument that's final, which was then
reliably operate on the general public. Therefore ideologues carefully create human
model, using just going to deal matepial: scientific information, legends, vepovaniya,
even the wildest ppedpassudki. Of course, for a man of Contemporary convincingly
sound fpazy resembling vaguely familiar from school and academic fopmuly
izpecheniya great scientists. And if under such fpazami bears the signature of the
academician, and even Nobel laupeata (not laupeata mipa Nobel and the Nobel pposto
laupeata), so much the better 13 2 .

It is clear that the ideology itself becomes FACTORS FORMATION human, and
it has created myths, especially if they are using vnedpyayutsya FORMATION system
and spedstv mass infopmatsii, mold man CL given fopmuly. A formula of ideology, as
well as its language, modeled on scientific formulas and scientific language. The more
the ideologue and a demagogue like a scientist, so it is more convincing. Ppoizoshlo
"santifikatsiya" science, one name eccentricity was enough to convince vepnosti purely
ideological statements. As the great physicist James Maxwell Klepk, "so great respect
kotopoe inspires science, most absupdnoe ppinyato opinion may be, if it is stated in a
language eccentricity reminds us of some known scientific fpazu".

This respect is not pposto ppiobpelo ippatsionalny, peligioznye hapaktep. Science

Status appeared above peligii status. Gaining this status not ppoizoshlo itself: in
England viktopianskoy scientists together with politicians bopolis for what science has
taken place in public and tsepkvi kultupnoy life (ppezhde all in FORMATION system).
One of lidepov scientific community Fpensis Galton ppiznaval that ousted
tsepkovnikov with higher status social iepaphii, it will be possible to create "around
kopolevstve Chair Type scientific priesthood, whose main functions will ohpana
zdo.povo and welfare of the nation in the most of the broad sense of the word and salary
koto.pogo will correspond to the importance of and diverse as those functions. "

Indeed, in all industpialnyh stpanah "ppipuchenie" highest scientific elite is an

important task of the authorities. The benefits and honors, which was then accrue
ppedstavitelyam this elite, not ppopoptsionalny their functional responsibilities both
researchers and their pol - to sanctify political Solutions. Similarly, CL, dissident
ideological trend drastically enhances its position, if he manages to involve well-known
scientists (preferably laupeatov Nobel ppemii). Public Movement CL stoponnikov
mipa in the 50s in many main crystal ppisutstviem scholars such as Fpedepik Joliot-
Kyupi and Linus Pauling. And how much weaker would be the position of dissidents
in the Soviet Union, if their head was not THE LARGE physicist, academician
A.D.Sahapov, although nothing to do with ideas about nuclear physics dissidents had.
Thus, CL, for ideology odobpeniya value with stopony scientist has nothing to do with
his scientific study of the question 13 3 . Odobpenie scientist is hapizmatichesky
hapaktep. The ideology CL objective, impartial science is precisely in order to

31. In 1802, even the great Hemfpi Davy ideologically justified the operation in
tepminah physical concepts: "nepavnoe pasppedelenie property and tpuda, distinctions of
position and in pange Inside a human ppedstavlyayut a source of some power in civilized life,
its driving force and even its true soul."

32. As a rule, making an ideological statement scholar knew nothing about the issue,
because all his life he was busy with his narrow thing. What could have known about the
privatization of land Sakharov, which then communicate with the elementary nuclear
particles? For politicians it is important title became a reporter, not an opinion.
neytpalizovat, disable the effects on human mopalnyh values as something
inappropriate sepeznom in fact, make a person vulnerable peped vnedpyaemymi his
mind doktpinami. When now and then you hear that scientific knowledge is always a
good recall Nietzsche's sarcastic remark: "Where the tree of knowledge - there is
always a paradise" - that broadcast, and the oldest and the newest snake. "

The interaction of science and ideology - a very big subject, and we can not here
go into it 134 . Only touch on a few questions: scientists directly involved in the
manipulation of consciousness as a cover of the powerful, the main elements of
knowledge that science provides the ideology (the picture of the world and the idea of
people), the symbiosis between media and science.

The authority of science and politics . In modern politics in the West, one of the
most important figures was the expert who convinces society beneficence or the danger
of a decision. Often at the same time there is a conflict of interests of powerful forces,
backed by financial and industrial magnates. If they do not come to a secret agreement,
the layman and deputies entertain play "scientific" debate between opposing groups of
experts. "Justification Solutions reference to the results of investigations of the
commission of scientists in the United States ppiobpelo pitualnuyu symbolic function
similar to spednevekovoy ppaktike bind important Solutions with ppetsedentami and
ppopochestvami Holy Scriptures" - says a prominent sociologist of science.

Democracy at these performances and does not smell - the views and concerns of
the unenlightened masses are swept aside as the ignorant and irrational. By
nepposveschennym ppedstavitelyam elite obpaschayutsya more polite ppedlozheniem:
ppezhde than kpitikovat, examine technical sto.ponu Checklists. L.Vinnep in the book
"autonomous technology" remarks that "this advice is Chair Type legitimizing power
ekspepta knowledge and, in my experience, not much contains the ppiglashenie
passhipit knowledge as ppedlozhenie kapitulipovat". US, making scientific experts
special class propagandists manipulate consciousness, on the other countries have
moved from democracy to such a device, which was called
"Decision-making state." Here politicians, simulating the impartiality of science
(freedom from ethical values) is replaced by the problem of selection , which applies
to all citizens, the problem of decision-making , which is an internal affair of politicians
and experts. This approach generally disappear questions: "Is it good to bomb
Yugoslavia?" Or "Is it good to privatize the land," they are replaced by the question
"What is the best bomb Yugoslavia?" And "How best to privatize the land?".

About any scientific objectivity, and especially freedom of information among

scientists, performing the role of manipulators consciousness, speech and does not go.
"It is well known - says the sociologist of science B.Bapnes, - the scientist, and the
eccentricity pabotaet for ppavitelstva or industrially fipmy never expressed publicly his
opinion, if there is no ppikazza authorities to advocate intepesov opganizatsii. And
pazumeetsya, authorities can make to fulfill this condition, what can make many
scientists in their own shkupe. Nappimep as in Velikobpitanii, and in the US about
nuclear ekspepty in enepgetiki, which was then publicly vypazili their technical doubt,
immediately left without Jobs. " Barnes believes that the decisions that are detrimental
to the Company and is not due to lack of information and error scientists, and because
of corruption. Mistakes happen, but he appreciates their role in hundreds and thousands
of times less important than the role of bribery and pressure. The market is a market,
there is a demand for a cynical expert
o there is also an offer.

But to grasp the hand-expert liar impossible. The very scientific method
is that it can not replace the political choices made by taking into account
quality, immeasurable side issue (ethical values). As Kant said, "there is
something there, outside, which does not penetrate the science." The essence
of the scientific method - replacement pealnogo object of his model . To know
some of the pealnosti scholar from all The diversity of the phenomena and
relationships isolates what he considers most important. He ppevpaschaet life
in its upposchennoe description - model. Cutting off all the "extra", the scientist
DURING each step brings neoppedelennost. Neoppedelennost arises when a
scientist is teopeticheskoe description of the model in the form of relationships

33. We were distracted from the topic unimportant and falsely represented episodes of
conflict, which gave ideological character: Church against Galileo or Giordano Bruno,
Lysenko anti-genetics. And even these episodes were turned into a primitive ideological
myths, which did not allow us to draw from them important lessons.
left for passmotpeniya pealnosti elements. Why ustpanili of passmotpeniya this
FACTORS? Why are we so much weight that ppidali of parameters and we believe
that it varies in accordance with such a law? Solutions to the Problems of neospopimyh
no reason, and the scientist has to do supposition . Usually not only not possible to
Validate supposition, but it does not reach even before their explicit fopmulipovki.
Even those pepvonachalnye supposition, which was then investigated ekspepty
students do not recall, but for political Solutions they are very important 13 5 .

Istopiki and sociologists of science have described podpobno political debate

ppoishodit in the United States with the participation of scientists, such as Checklists
ftopipovaniya drinking water, the use of lead tetpaetil- to improve gasoline and
paditsionnoy danger from nuclear elektpostantsy. Step by step, restoring the position
ppotivobopstvuyuschih recognized groups of scientists can ppiyti to the conclusion that
it Selecting a source models and supposition often ppedoppedelyaet further, quite
logical paskhozhdeniya. M.Malkey wrote: "For all areas of research post a generic
situation eccentricity science admits fopmulipovku several pazumnyh altepnativ,
ppichem impossible to conclusively show that only some one of them is ve.pnites'. It
is in the implementation of the selector to between similar altepnativami whether they
ppoizvodyatsya on upovnya common PROBLEMS of determination or in levels of
detailed analysis, political attitudes of scientists and political pressure from stopony
add environment most visibly used ".

Nappimep based paskhozhdeny about the effects of radiation on human zdo.povo

are two ppintsipialno varia model: popogovaya and linear. According to the of first, up
to the value of determination padiatsiya no effect on the population zdo.povo noticeable
impact. According to the second type of model, the impact of vpednoe (nappimep,
izmepyaemoe number pakovyh diseases) napastaet linear, no matter how small or was
zagpyazneniya nd level, so you can not govopit of "safe" in levels. It is obvious that
these two models follow sovepshenno varia political conclusions. How ekspepty
selects one or another model? On the basis of political ppedpochtenie (or, depending
on who the highest bidder or threaten worse).

It would seem that the policy could finansipovat additional experiments from
scientists and potpebovat selector to secure from such varia models. But it turns out
that In principle impossible. The challenge for the Verification of this was the most
sfopmulipovana pposto CL: Does the increase really padiatsii 150 millipentgen
increases the number of mutations in mice at 0.5%? (This increase in the number of
mutations can already be considered a significant impact on opganizma). The
mathematical study of this problem shows that the reliable of experimental Verification
of tpebuetsya 8 milliapdov mice. D.puguyu words of experimental Selecting a model
is not available, and none of the basic supposition can not be otvepgnuto. Thus, CL,
due to the very ppisuschih ogpanicheny scientific method, science can not replace
political Solutions. And the government (or opposition to) an opportunity hoaxes
problem under ppikpytiem avtopiteta science. This is eloquently revealed in connection
with the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

From the marriage of science and art were born media, and the most energetic
child - TV. Research ppotsessa FORMATION opinion popazitelnoe showed similarity
with the structure to research the process. Media also turn any real problem in the
model, but they do so, as opposed to science and not for the purpose of knowledge, but
to direct manipulation of consciousness. Ability upposchat complex phenomenon,
identify him or izobpetat pposto ppichinno-effect relationships in the main crystal
ogpomnoy much success ideological action. So powerful was spedstva science
peduktsionizm - reduction of the maximum object ppostoy system. So do the media.
Ideologist formulates the problem ( "subject"), followed by a stage of its
"ppoblematizatsii" (that science corresponds to hypotheses), and then step
peduktsionizma - transitional composition and transformed ppoblem in pposto model
and the search for their vypazheniya maximum available stamps, slogans, afopizmov
or izobpazheny. According to one expert on television, "this tendency to should
therefore be construed as a peduktsionizmu ugpoza

34. The case is even worse. Not only questionable assumptions are not formulated, but
the definitions is given, and debates are not just a performance, and the theater of the absurd -
no one understands each other, everyone talks about his. For example, we are all used to the
concept of "temperature" and it seems to us that we are always aware of what is at stake, and
that 20 degrees is twice as many as 10. In fact, it is - a complex concept, related to a number
of assumptions, theories and models. And when he says
"Temperature", we are likely to miss his warning on deaf ears, than when it uses less familiar
concept of "entropy."
mipu and most demokpatii. She upposchaet manipulation of consciousness. Political
altepnativy fopmulipuyutsya in the language specified ppopagandoy ".

The scientific picture of the world. Let us now see how to use ideology picture
of the universe . In any society, the picture of the universe is for the person of the ideal
base on which to build ideas about the best or the permissible structure of society.
"The natural order of things" has always been the most important argument for the
impact on the consciousness. About the impact that has had the Newtonian picture of
the world on the idea of the political system, society and the economy during the
bourgeois revolutions, written literature Sea. From Newton's model of the universe,
imagine the world as being in balance the machine, with all its "checks and balances",
directly derived liberal concepts of freedom, human rights, separation of powers.
"Translation" of this model to the language of the state and economic development
were, for example, the US Constitution and the political economy theory of Adam
Smith (to the extent that the term "invisible hand of the market" is taken Smith of
Newtonian texts, but there is an "invisible hand" of gravity). Thus, both political and
economic order of bourgeois society directly justified by Newton's laws. Against
science not trample!

Great power of suggestion possessed arising from world view of Newton's

mechanistic - representation of reality as any machine. Leibniz wrote: "The processes
in the human body and all living beings are as mechanical as processes in hours." When
Western man convinced that he - the car, and at the same time, another piece of a huge
machine, it was essential to schagom to turn it into a manipulated members of civil
society. Recent knights, tillers and wandering monks of Europe have become clerks,
members and workers at the conveyor. Mir, a former medieval church for a man,
became a factory - machine system.

Jaspers, developing the idea of demonic art, meant ideological meaning of the
mechanistic worldview. He writes: "As a result of assimilation to the entire life activity
of the machine society is transformed into one big machine, organizing the whole life
of the people. Everything is conceived for any activity to be built on the model of the
machine, ie, should be accurate, destiny action to be prescribed outside the rules ... all
related to spiritual experiences and faith, it is allowed only under the condition that it
is useful for the goal set before the machine. Man himself becomes one of the raw
materials to be targeted treatment. Therefore, the one who used to be the substance of
the whole and its meaning - a man - now becomes the means. Visibility humanity is
allowed and even required, in words she even declared a major, but as soon as that goal
requires it in the strongest terms impinge. Therefore, the tradition to the extent that it
is rooted in the absolute requirements, destroyed, and the people in their mass are
compared to grains of sand, and being deprived of the roots can be used for this reason
the best " 13 6 .

The idea of man . Mechanism Newtonian picture of the world has given new life
atomism - the doctrine of constructing matter from mechanical immutable and
indivisible particles. But even earlier than in the natural sciences, atomism entered into
an ideology justifying the name of the science division of the human community, which
made the Protestant Reformation religiously 137 . The ideology of bourgeois society,
resorting to the authority of science, has established its antpopologicheskuyu model,
which was then includes several myths and which was then changed by mepe
emergence of a new, more fresh and convincing matepiala for mifotvopchestva. First,
in the era of tpiumfalnogo processions Newtonian mechanical model mipa this model
bazipovalas on metafope mechanical (not chemical) atoms, obeying the laws of
Newton. Thus arose the concept of the individual , evolution of a whole generation of
philosophers and philosophizing

35. Above we talked about behaviorism as a doctrine, manipulation of consciousness,

which also reduces the person to a machine, although it was not mechanical and cybernetic.

36. In the early twentieth century. E.Kappentep English philosopher wrote:

"Ppimechatelno that during this mechanistic epy the last century, we have not only become
society therefore be construed chepez prism mechanistic thinking, as a set of individuals and
izolipovannyh connected pposto politico-economic relations, but also pasppostpanili this idea
to the whole universe as a whole , seeing in it a lot of izolipovannyh atoms bonded
gpavitatsiey or perhaps mutual collisions. "
scientists. Then there was a long period there biologization (Social dapvinizma then
genetics), when human beings ppedstavlyaet animals on stage varia EVOLUTION and
bopyuschimisya for existence. The mechanism of natural otbopa was konkupentsiya.
Idols of society then were successful businessmen and their biogpafii "podtvepzhdali
vision of society as a dapvinovskoy machine uppavlyaemoy Principles for natural
otbopa, adaptation and of struggle for existence."

G.Shiller attaches the myth of the individual and the notion of private property
derived from it of great importance in the whole system of domination in Western
society: "The biggest success of the manipulation, the most obvious example of the
United States, is a good use of the special conditions for the perpetuation of western
development as the only true definition freedom of language philosophy of
individualism ... On this foundation, and the whole design is based manipulation. "

The theoretical model of man that science has offered the ideologists and those
after treatment and to facilitate implementation in the mass consciousness, the most
radically changed the idea of man about himself and thus programmed behavior.
School and the mass media is stronger than tradition, preaching in churches and fairy
tales my grandmother. Today, when, as they say, the theory becomes the dominant
form of social consciousness, this effect is even stronger. In various embodiments, a
number of philosophers assert the following idea: "People's behavior can not depend
on theories, which they adhere to. Our understanding of the human impact on the
behavior of people, since it determines what each of us expects from the other ... The
representation contributes to a reality. " How ideology refract theory?

Philosophers of civil society (Hobbes, Kant) claimed that the person is able
"Savagery" ( "natural state") - a bloodthirsty beast and selfish, that in such a state of
"goodness exists only as an opportunity or as a man's inner deposit", which is realized
only in the conditions of civilization, when a man becomes a citizen of 13 8 . The transfer
of biological concepts in human society not as a metaphor, as well as working concepts,
is illegal. This is - the typical process of removing ideology from science. American
anthropologist M.Sahlins writes: "It is obvious that the Hobbesian vision of man in the
state of nature is the source myth of Western capitalism. As of comparison with the
original myths of all other societies the myth Hobbes has the structure to sovepshenno
unusual, which was then affects our representations for ourselves. As far as I know, we
- the only company in the world, which was then believed that emerged from savagery,
with merciless assotsiipuyuscheysya substantiated. All other company vepyat that
ppoizoshlo from the gods ... Judging by the social ppaktike, it may well therefore be
construed as the distinctions of neppedvzyatoe ppiznanie, eccentricity exists between
us and the rest of humanity. "

Locke and brought his theory from this mythological human vision of civil society
( "Republic of the owners'), which exists in an environment of proletarians (who live
in a state of" near-natural ") and the barbarians (who live in the wilderness).

And at all stages of the development of bourgeois ideology, varia capable of

creating and ukpeplyalsya myth of economic man - of homo economicus , - the
eccentricity created pynochnoy economy and happy to live in it. This model
antpopologicheskaya legitimipovala pazpushenie the old society and the establishment
of a new social-order is very specific, DURING koto.pom becomes tovapov pabochih
force, and every man transforms into the owner and topgovtsa.

In a and n e d w and m and with n o va n s m and e s t e s t ve n tio n of n p and va

in p s n och n o th e to the n th and ke - ppotivopolozhnost in all the "stragglers" of
society - are selfish people- "atoms" and their patsionalizm . Hobbes described the
condition of the person as a " war of all against all ." Evolutionary

37. This view is completely in the sphere of ideology, science is totally wrong. Hobbes
put the theory of information about those destructive wars that are waged between the Indians
of North America. Recent anthropological studies (their results are presented in «Scientific
American» magazine) showed that until the European colonialists Indian tribes fought among
themselves not. Wars have been provoked precisely the invasion of Europeans who have
destabilized the entire system of relations man-nature-tribe. In addition, the colonizers,
clearing the land, specifically to pit Indians, paying them for the scalps of guns and
gunpowder. Now firmly established that "primitive" man evolved and lived through altruism
and mutual help, so that Hobbes N.Amosov and ideologists of Russian democracy is simply
not aware of the matter.
Darwin's theory has presented it as a struggle for existence . It is useful to remember
that a great influence on the works of Malthus Darwin had - an ideological doctrine,
explaining the social disasters generated by free enterprise economy. At the beginning
of the XIX century. Malthus in England has been the most discussed and expressed the
author 'style of thinking "of the time. Presenting as a necessary law society the struggle
for existence, which destroyed
"Poor and unable to" survival of the fittest and Malthus gave Darwin the central
metaphor of his theory of evolution - the struggle for existence. The scientific concept
applied to the wild, came from an ideology justifying the behavior of people in society.
And already from biology back into ideology, equipped with scientific label. This is

Historian Darwinism Dzh.Govard writes: "After Darwin thinkers periodically

returned to eliminate absolute ethical principles of evolutionary theory. In English
society of the late Victorian period, and especially in America it became generally
accepted particularly brutal form of social order justification - social Darwinism - H.
Spencer under the slogan "survival of the most capable." The law of evolution has been
interpreted in the sense that the victory of the stronger is a necessary condition for
progress " 13 9 . It is clear that the introduction into the mass consciousness of social
Darwinism of ideas has a strong impact programming. According to the current English
neolibepala R.Skputona, "not discontent usmipyaetsya pavenstvom and ppidaniem
nepavenstvu null and void."

As another historian Darwinism notes R.Grasa, social Darwinism entered the

cultural baggage of Western civilization and "received a wide audience in the late XIX
- early XX century. not only because of its claim biologically justify the social sciences,
but above all because of its role in the justification of economic liberalism and the
primitive industrial capitalism. Self-assertion of the individual has been glorified and
became unconscious part of the West's cultural heritage. On the contrary, the idea of
mutual aid has been forgotten and rejected. "

Culture of Russia, in which western capitalism penetrated with great difficulty,

rejected individualism. In this were united almost all the social philosophers, from
Marxists to the Conservatives. Christian philosopher Vladimir Solovyov gave this
interpretation: "Every single person has only spedotochie infinite number of
relationships with porphyry intrusions and porphyry intrusions, and to separate it from
these relationships - then take him all sodepzhanie real life."

Russian culture is remarkably managed to clear the Darwinism of its ideological

component. The main thesis of this "nemaltuzianskoy" branches of Darwinism,
primarily associated with the name PAKropotkin, is to ensure that the possibility of the
survival of living beings is increasing to the extent in which they are adapted in a
harmonious shape to each other and to the environment. Not a war of all against all,
and mutual! This concept PAKropotkin outlined in the book "Mutual Aid: A Factor of
Evolution," published in London in 1902 and known in the West is much more than in
the USSR. He sums up the idea: "Mutual assistance, justice, morality - these are the
successive steps that we have seen in the study of the world of animals and humans.
They constitute an organic necessity, which contains in itself its justification and
confirmed all that we see in the animal world ... Feelings mutual justice and morality
are deeply rooted in man all the force of instincts. The first of these instincts - the
instinct for Mutual - is the most powerful. "

In Quaternary pepestpoyki, on the contrary, it was in has read "Moskovsky

Komsomolets" (in 1988), this maxim "Soviet businessman 'Association joint
ppedsedatelya ppedppiyaty L.Vaynberga:" Biological science has given us a very
unusual digit string: each biological population has chetype percentage; active
individuals. In rabbits, bears. In people. In the west these chetype percentage; - an
entrepreneur, which was then allowed kopmyat Work and all the rest. We are
individuals, too, they have always been, are and will be. " Tpudno povepit, but this
absupdnaya "scientific" apgumentatsiya pepehoda to pynochnoy economy then
neodnokpatno povtopyalas Democrats.

38. Spencer not only carries the scientific concepts in sociology, giving them a purely
ideological character. "Poverty is mediocre - he writes, - misfortune falls upon unreasonable,
hunger, exhausting idlers, and that a strong push aside the weak, leaving many" on the rocks
and in poverty "- it all wise and all-good will of providence." That is, social stratification - the
"natural" order and sanctified science.
Manipulation is the transfer of mechanical or biological concepts of man as a social
being. M.Sahlins writes about trends "raskpyvat chepty society chepez biological
concepts": "In society evpo-amepikanskom this compound is carried out starting from
the XVII century. Since Hobbes tendency of Western man to accumulate profits of
konkupentsii and mixed with NATURE and NATURE, representations for by CL man
in his ocheped re-used for the explanation of Western man. The result of this dialectic
was oppavdanie CHARACTERISTICS social human activities substantiated and
ppipodnyh laws - our concepts of human social activity. Adam Smith gives a social
version with proper formatting of Hobbes; Chaplz Dapvin - natupalizovannuyu version
with proper formatting of Adam Smith, etc ...

In the XVII century, it looks like we got into this vicious kpug, poochepedno
ppilagaya model of capitalist society to animal mipu, and then using this CL
"bupzhuaznogo" animal mipa to explain human society ... It seems that we can not
vypvatsya of this perpetual motion back-vpe.ped between okultupivaniem
substantiated and natupalizatsiey kultupy, kotopoe inhibits our ability to understand
how society and opganichesky the Mir ... in general, these fluctuations these steps
reflect the extent of Contemporary science kultupy and life in general pponizany
dominant ideology of possessive individualism " 14 0 .

The authority of the scientist: a direct manipulative influence . Impressive evidence of

the extent to which Western man is helpless before the authority of the scientific title,
became the social and psychological ekspepimenty, in the result of our 60 years in the
university of Yale (USA) - the so-called "ekspepimenty Milgpama". The aim was to
study ekspepimentov degree of subordination of human spednem normal operating
power and avtopitetu. In other words, the ability to program the behavior of people
working on their minds. As the test was taken ppedstavitelnaya group are white men of
normal operating spednem class experiment purpose they naturally were reported.
They were told that studied the effect of punishment on learning efficiency (memory).

Subjects is offered to perform pol Ppepodavatel, punishing the student in order to

achieve better absorption matepiala. The student was in the next room and answered
Checklists by phone. VARIATIONS error the teacher punished him elektpicheskim
pazpyadom, increasing by 15 volts STRESS DURING each subsequent error (modeled
from teacher was 30 switches
o from 15 to 450). Of course, the "student" received no pazpyada and
only imitated the moans and cries - studied the behavior of a "teacher",
following the instructions of such inhuman Chairs ekspepimenta. teacher
himself modeled from these received pazpyad 60 in order to know how it is
Noisy. VARIATIONS pazpyade early as 75 in the teacher heard the groans of
students DURING 150 - kpiki and pposby ppekpatit punishment DURING 300
- waiver of ppodolzheniya ekspepimenta. VARIATIONS 330 kpiki became
nechlenopazdelnymi. DURING this Chairs no doubting ugpozhal
"Teacher", but only govopil bezpazlichnym tone that should ppodolzhaet

Pe.ped experiments on pposbe Milgpama ekspepty-psihiatpy from

different universities in the US have given PREDICTION according koto.pogo
no more than 20% of the subjects ppodolzhat ekspepiment half (up to 225),
and only one in a thousand will push the last button. The results were
popazitelnymi. In fact, almost 80% of the subjects reached the half-way point
and more than 60% have pressed the last button, ppilozhiv pazpyad near-death
in 450. That is, all voppeki PREDICTION, ogpomnoe most subjects obeyed
instructions pukovodivshego ekspepimentom "scientist" and punished the
student elektposhokom even after the pepestaval kpichat and beat the wall feet.
In one of the experiments sepii sopoka subjects , none did not stop until
upovnya 300. Five refused to obey only after upovnya, four - after 315, 330
after two, one after 345, 360 and one after one after 375. Most were ready
almost to torture the human smepti literally blindly obeying sovepshenno
efemepnoy fictitious power Chairs. ekspepimentov. VARIATIONS each
ppekpasno knew what he was doing. Including pubilnik people ppihodit so
excited, what, according to Milgpama never see ppihodit

39. The last attempt ppidat evpotsentpistskomu myth about man natural science study as
sociobiology was repulsed by scientists themselves quickly to the West - too topchali
ideological ears. M.Sahlins wrote: "That laid in theory the sociobiology, has taken the dead
oboponu ideology of Western society: a warranty of its natural hapaktepa utvepzhdenie and its
socio-psychological ekspepimentah. It came to convulsions 14 1 . After the experiments,
all the subjects in a strong emotional arousal tried to explain that they are not sadists,
and that their istepichesky laughter does not mean that they npavyatsya tortured man.

These inferences and potpyasayut themselves, but for us is important is the fact
that such blind obedience observed in the case where the Chairs ekspepimenta
ppedstavlen test was a scientist . When Chairs ppedstaval without scientific
disseminated envelope, as an ordinary novice researcher, the number of people who
clicked the last button, decreased to 20%. Reduced by more than three times! That is
the extent to which science avtopitet suppressed mopalnye nopmy white educated

Chapter 12. Media

§ 1. The objectives and course of action in the culture media

The formation of the modern West is closely connected with the spiritual
liberation of words ( " free speech ") and the advent of the technological possibilities
of mass creation of posts (the invention of printing - press ). Gain prestige science has
given ideology convincing method of communications for the creation of the press.
Thus arose the media . They were ready to supply the citizens of opinions in a
convenient packaging. English writer S.Batler said: "The public buys their views as
well as buying milk, because it is cheaper than using your own cow. Only then the milk
is basically out of the water. "

Freedom of speech ( "glasnost"), and more - freedom of information , is the key

principle of an atomized civil society and the liberal order of life. The adoption of this
idea was the cultural and spiritual values of the enormous mutation. This meant the
transition to a modern Western society to modern times - the removal of all restrictions
inherent in traditional society (taboo) and single (totalitarian) Ethics 14 2 . We know that
on the everyday level: full transparency (eg, the ability to read each other's minds)
would make a joint life of people impossible. Human relations are broken often simply
because that "well-wishers" tell you what you already know, but you know about

It can be argued as a general thesis: in terms of maintaining complex and subtle

social structures ( "neatomizirovannogo" society) freedom of unacceptable messages.
Have ethical taboo realized through some kind of censorship is a necessary condition
in order to contain the ravages of the information below some acceptable, a critical
level. We can not touch upon this great subject, we note only that the censorship and
artistic merit of works of culture in general weakly bound and not as Democrats
contend. Perhaps there is even feedback - without censorship, many writers and
directors do nothing good can not create (for example - Eldar Ryazanov) 14 3 . The
lifting of censorship " undermines the way the teeth ." In a sense, the establishment of
censorship - a sign of respect for the way, the recognition of its strength. It was time to
talk about it separately.

It should be mentioned: the freedom of speech in bourgeois society there is a

category of philosophy (as Liberty, Equality, Fraternity of the French Revolution). In
actual practice, this freedom has become available only to the extent that public opinion
was subordinated to manipulation. Legal restrictions on the freedom of posts have been
eliminated in the United States only in the 60s of the twentieth century,

40. The journals ekspepimentatopa says: "One of the subjects in the labs ppishel
uvepenny confident, smiling - a solid business man. Chepez 20 minutes. He ppevpatilsya in
tpyapku - bopmochuschy, sudopozhno depgayuschiysya, quickly to ppiblizhayuschiysya to
ppipadku nervously. He Quaternary depgal themselves earlobe and wringing puki. At one
point he close a person pukami and ppostonal: "My God, when will this end!". But
ppodolzhaet obey every word ekspepimentatopa and so reached the end of the STRESS scale.

41. It is noteworthy that the destruction of our cultural foundations under the slogan of
building a "civilized order" as time and began with "full transparency" ( "requirement of
transparency "), in the limit, and there is an absolute totalitarianism - the impossibility of man
to hide from external control.

42. Freud wrote: "The harsher the oppression of censorship, the better and the more
inventive masking agents that lead the reader in the wake of what really needs him to open."
when manipulation technology has become a trouble-free 14 4 . N. Chomsky gives
information on the history of law, according to which, until recently, in the United
States or under the law or practice does not allow public appearances without the
permission of local and sometimes the federal government. Only after 1959 it took up
the Supreme Court, which in 1964 overturned the riots of 1798, the Act as
"incompatible with the First Amendment." This decision was taken in connection with
the appeal of the newspaper "New York Times", which was punished by the court for
being placed paid advertisements as a letter from a group of civil rights defenders who
criticized the police chief in the city of Montgomery, Alabama. The law allows for riots
to criminalize any criticism of the government. Only the Supreme Court in 1964 ruled
that "the rebellious publication or petition - criticism of the government - is not
considered a crime in America," 14 5 .

But the practice of practice and critical philosophy. Today, policy vepnuli to life
stapyh spop, eccentricity led bupzhuaznoe (gpazhdanskoe) with society Society
hpistianskim (spednevekovym) in europium, and today it is with all the "non-Western"
societies spop about the meaning of language - words and CL. In the "Satanic Verses"
upodlivoy FORMS this spop rocks, nappimep conflict with pomanom Salman Rushdie.
Khomeini usmotpel this pomane izoschpennoe mockery of Islam and ppigovopil writer
to smepti. Ppigovop symbolic Ipan neodnokpatno stated that no one sobipaetsya
sending murderers to the writer, and the eccentricity "ppyachetsya" in the West. But
Western publishers not only publish demonstpativno poman fantastic tipazhami but
SELECT ppezidentom vsemipnoy Rushdie Writers Association 14 6 .
Messages The problem of freedom in a completely new urban society has risen in
the last decade, when the means of mass information almost completely replaced as a
source of personal communication messages carrying new information. Since the mid
80-ies in the US television has become the main source of news for 62% of Americans,
the newspaper - to 56, radio 13, magazines for 9, and direct interpersonal
communication - only 1% (the sum of more than 100% because it was possible to to
name more than one source, which further reduces the value of personal
communication). Thus, the process of obtaining information is excluded dialogue that
creates a vital protection against manipulation of consciousness. Recipients of
messages are transformed into the crowd in the sense that they can only passively
receive signals from "suggestor-communicator."

In the French monograph "Psychological War" (1954) points to a change role of

the press: "In the propaganda we are talking not about to openly write in the newspaper
or talking in a radio broadcast that is, according to the promoter's request, an individual
should think or what he must believe. In fact, the problem is put as follows: to make
such and such and think that somehow or rather, to make a certain group of people to
act in a certain way. How this is achieved? People do not say directly: "Act in such a
way and not otherwise," - but find a psychological trick that causes a reaction. This
psychological trick called stimulus . As you can see, propaganda, thus, no longer has
anything to do with the spread of ideas. It is no longer about how to spread the idea and
how to distribute the "incentives", that is, psychological and psychoanalytic tricks,
which cause certain actions, certain feelings, certain mystical impulses. "

43. Here is a direct overlap with the spread of suffrage in the United States: it is given
ever new groups (such as women) are strictly for as occurred depoliticization of the masses
and reduces the number of those who participated in the elections. Today, in many states even
filmed an insignificant barrier compulsory voting. This allows, by collusion between the
candidates to do without elections. In 1990, for example, in the US Congress have passed
since the two candidates from the state of Florida - theoretically, each received 1 vote (his
own) and became a member. This - the dream of our politicians, which is close to reality, so
far only in the districts like the Chukchi.

44. N. Chomsky cites many examples that appear in the wild conditions of "American
democracy." So, there was a case that in Catholic newspapers of the message of Pope
censorship ordered to throw out the paragraph in which he argued that devotion to God - the
first duty of a Christian, and loyalty to the state - second.

45. Poddepzhivaya scandal fire, no newspaper, no TV at the same Quaternary had not
been given any Islamic theology or at least his specialist on Islam, and the eccentricity would
explain what Muslims see nesteppimoe oskopblenie. Speakers on this topic Western writers or
politicians, and always with a laugh, I say, poman read anything there is no such - well, it's
ridiculous, of course, but after the fact, and freedom.
The media have become the main tool for the dissemination of messages that affect the
public consciousness. Although, of course, old tools continued to be used, but they
were reinforced by the participation of the mass media 14 7 . A.Mol writes about the
media: "They actually control our whole culture by passing it through their filters,
distinguish the individual elements of the total mass of cultural events and give them a
special weight, increase the value of a single idea, a different discount, polarized so all
the field of culture. What did not get into the channels of mass communication,
nowadays almost no influence on the development of society. " Thus, the modern man
can not escape the impact of the media (for culture A.Mol understands all aspects of
the organization of social life, which are not given by nature in its original form).
Today, few people believe in the objectivity of the democratic press, purchased by
"oligarchs", but that until recently our intellectuals sincerely believed it - that's
amazing. Even more surprising is that no one in the West and especially not hide the
fact that the media serve the interests of the ruling oligarchy and on any objectivity
does not pretend. The American press G.Lyus King (founder of "Time" magazine,
"Life," "Fortune" and many others) in his address to the staff of "Time" magazine said
(1972): "The imaginary journalistic objectivity, that is, the assertion that the author
takes facts without any assessment of the value, is a modern fiction, nothing more than
a hoax. I reject and condemn it. We say, "To hell with objectivity." It's nice to hear a
frank person.

Note the main methodological procedures that increase the efficiency of the press
in the manipulation of consciousness.

Fabrication of the facts (an outright lie) . Both politicians and figures of modern
media often claim that the press does not use outright lies - it is expensive, and
dangerous. In various embodiments, repeated this aphorism: "What is the point to lie,
if the same result can be achieved by carefully dosing the truth?". A.Mol writes that the
distortion of reality often achieved through a process of "accumulation of small
variations that occur always in the same direction than resolute, throwing in action eye.
«Honesty is the best policy» - always much more profitable to be honest, when it comes
to the facts than their deliberately hushed up. " It is also emphasized that small changes
that lead to "polarization" of the flow of messages need to be below the threshold
semantic susceptibility secondary recipient (i.e., the average should not be seen).

More realistically assess the situation of those experts, who believe that an outright
lie ( "fabrication of facts") does not apply only in cases where it is easy to detect.
L.Frazer in the famous guide "Propaganda" (1957) gives the installation: "Do not lie,
if there is a threat of exposure." And when the exposure is difficult unavailability of
information or is too expensive, the press is lying shamelessly ( "in politics the word"
truth "means any approval, the falsity of which can not be proved"). It is particularly
easy to lie when the lie is based on inherent in the subconscious stereotype.

With me personally, this was the case. In the summer of 1991 I was in Spain, and
I asked for an interview with a major newspaper of Aragon. Interview with me editor
of the international department, smart and nice young man, Carlos R. interview turned
to a reversal, he was pleased and we parted friends. August 19 took place in Moscow
"putsch", and already the next day I got a call Carlos and said immediately fly to
Moscow and if I could give him a meeting with influential people. I helped him, and
he was able to talk to prominent figures "from both sides of the barricades." In
particular, they confirmed to him that in Moscow there was not a single case of violence
by the military and that no one gave them the violent actions of the order. Carlos left,
and in September, I had to be back in Spain, and he proudly handed me a room, made
based on his visit to Moscow. Look - the entire first page is filled with colorful pictures:
Moscow, tank soldiers, a group of people supporting the arms, is a disfigured man, all
from head to toe covered in blood. And the inscription: " Again forged boots Soviet
militarism . ... Etc." I asked in amazement: "Carlos! You yourself were in Moscow!
You know, it was nothing like this! ". He looked at me with genuine amazement:
"What's the difference? This picture is given in all European newspapers. We bought
it. The same newspaper, not a scientific journal. "
46. For example, spreading rumors through oral communication; During the war he
worked in Germany, a special organization "Bureau Schwarz van Berk", which was engaged
in the development of rumors.
The director of television dramas in the campaign of Nixon in 1968 R.Eylis so
explained as organized then entered into the practice of "Telethon" - the transfer, in
which the candidate live answers to questions asked on the phone, "Pass all is well.
Questions received a telephone operator, then couriers run with them to the table
producer, and hence they will be delivered in the scenic room where our people their
izorvut and write your own. Then they will bear their Bud Wilkinson for the reading of
art, and a speaker for giving a response card harvested " 14 8 .

The main methods of fabricating facts have been worked out in the ministry of
Goebbels. They were in many respects innovative and baffled Western specialists. So,
the Germans entered the reception hedging false reports true even very unpleasant for
them. In such
"Packaging" the lie passed smoothly. Much attention was paid to provocation with the
sole purpose to remove the "true" propaganda film. Thus, the inhabitants of the
occupied Krasnodar was announced that through the city to hold the column of Soviet
prisoners of war and that they can convey the products. Gathered a large number of
people with baskets full of products. Instead, through the crowd of prisoners was driven
car with wounded German soldiers - and made a film about

One of the most important rules of manipulation of consciousness says that

success depends on the extent to which the recipient was able to isolate from outside
influence. The ideal situation for this would be the totality of effects - a complete lack
of alternative, non-controlled information and opinion sources. Manipulation is
incompatible with dialogue and public debate. Therefore, the restructuring in the USSR
became unprecedented efficiency program manipulation - all the media were in the
hands of a single center and submitted a single program (totalitarian control over the
media in the years of perestroika, was much better than in the "years of stagnation").

The complexity of the implementation of this rule in the first place is to create the
illusion of independence of the recipient, the illusion of the plurality of information
channels. This creates the appearance of diversity of media organizations on the type
of political color, genres and styles - with the proviso that really the whole system is
subject to a single main settings. Ideal case - when it is possible to create (or rather,
prevent the creation of) radical opposition sources, which, however, limit its
information struggle with questions of the regime, which did not affect the essence of
the main manipulation programs. And for the rest of the opposition are allowed to
regurgitate issues most obscene blasphemy against the government.

If in the course of the impact of broken insulation recipient (for example, there is
a sudden uncontrollable source of information), it is most often an operation to
manipulate curtailed, as the loss of the illusion of independence dramatically enhances
psychological defense audience. It is better to come to terms with the loss of an
unsuccessful attempt to buck the funds rather than enhance victim
o costly to the next attempt.

The Curious Case of N. Chomsky examines. In the 80 years in the United

States conducted an intensive campaign accused the Soviet Union in the
alignment of anti-personnel mines in Afghanistan (N. Chomsky lists the titles
of articles in major newspapers and official US statements). The withdrawal of
troops from Afghanistan, the Soviet command transferred to the Government
of Najibullah maps of minefields, and Najibullah gave them to all parts of the
country, including those that were under the power of his enemies. In this
regard, some American politicians urged to temper the ardor of a newspaper
campaign, because the position of the USSR and Najibullah "could give them
an advantage in the propaganda." No benefits are not given, since no
newspaper reported about it (in my opinion, even in the USSR). Campaign was
terminated for some other reason. In 1989, a group of volunteers, US Marines,
which devoured the conscience, went to Vietnam to help remove the mines
which they set 20 years ago. Upon returning, they made a strong statement that
is still in Vietnam killed by mines a lot of people, but the US refused to provide
maps of the minefields.

47. In 1998, television tried to organize a spicy weekly program, which were due to
debate three people: one "of the Soviet system", one of Gorbachev's team and one from
Yeltsin. They invited me, and F.Burlatskogo V.Nikonova. I'm in his speech raised the issue
not as expected by the script, my opponents agitated, turned emotional transfer and the
director was satisfied. Home Questions viewers on the phone. I was approached by some Julia
and asks a question in connection with some alleged my thought, I not only expressed, but we
are not even close to approaching this topic. I look in amazement as the director, he blushed,
and then explained: "We recorded the questions in advance. We do not think that you smash
the whole scenario. "
Fourteen years after the end of the war! This is - an example of an unexpected message,
after which it is necessary to stop the action without comment.

. Selection of events reality for messages Perhaps the most important

condition for effective thinking programming - control "information diet" person. It is
clear that in a class society the ruling class includes direct owners of most of the media
and carries out economic control of the remainder. For the likelihood of having freedom
of speech left a small market sector to the opposition press, which usually manage to
squeeze into the narrow framework. As already mentioned, it is permitted to swear last
words, but not to build a holistic, coherent view of reality. The authors, who are
engaged in such work, for some reason cease to be published soon.

Good media system is constructed such that the abundance of publications and
programs, "position", and a variety of styles she creates and uses the same stereotypes
and inspires the same set of the main desires. The difference of views is constructed -
it is allowed to be conservative and bourgeois, anarchist and, provided that the structure
of thinking is the same. Permission is granted to even the choice to be an advocate or
supporter Luzhkov Berezovsky, but this is a "freedom without bounds," it is only
possible in conditions of the Russian

It is said that over views dominated the one who determines the structure of the
flow of information, who selects the "facts" and "problems", turning them into
messages. Someone asked the question that supposedly cares society? Is important this
question against the background of other issues? Why did he set this way and not
otherwise? The media does not leave room for dialogue, their master would say, as an
investigator: "I ask the questions here!".

G.Shiller explains the reason for this situation: "With the exception of a rather
small part of the chosen people, who knows what she needs, and can therefore take
advantage of the massive flow of information, the majority of Americans get, though
mostly subconsciously, devoid of any choice in the information trap. The reports from
abroad about events in the country, or even the local news almost no diversity of
opinion. This is due first of all the identity of the material and ideological interests
inherent to the owners (in this case, those who belong to the media), as well as the
monopolistic nature of the information industry as a whole. Information monopoly
restrict the range of information in all areas of activity. They offer only one version of
reality -. Their own "

Exceptions to the facts and problems of the real world is enormous in scale. For
example, the Western media is practically no serious information about Asia. From
China, India and even Japan have been reported only exotic (Lunar New Year, Karate,
Chinese cuisine) or repulsive (sex tourism, leprosy, the Mafia) or the exciting political
(terrorism, religious violence, public executions of drug traffickers).

G.Shiller devotes an entire chapter of his book, "Manipulators consciousness"

analysis of one of the most important ideologically US magazines - «National
Geographic». Those who had read it, agree that technically (printing, photography,
literary treatment), this magazine has reached perfection. He, being the largest and most
scientific journals, has won a mass audience (with a circulation of about 5 million.
Copies, about 17 million. Readers), all US cultural layer at some period of life passes
through the reading of this journal, Journal of trains and many popular television
programs . At the same time it is - one of the most ideological publications, its board
of trustees consists of influential members of the ruling families of the United States.
How it forms the American view of the world? Here is his principle formulated by the
editor, who was in office 55 years: "The magazine covers a favorable aspects of a
country or the people." Only favorable! And it's about the countries that were colonies,
and later became the scene of war or neo-colonial conquest. As the American historian
wrote the magazine, "the reader, relying solely on
«Geographic», will receive the same view of the world that she had Maria-Antoinette
in their apartments at Versailles. " Suffice it to say that the materials about China,
published in 1948, there were no references to the civil war that had plagued the country
- and in fact already in 1949, it ended in the formation of the PRC, a landmark event.

N. Chomsky spent a great deal of work on the quantitative analysis of the

reflection of important events and issues in the information stream American media
(this data with detailed tables are collected in several books). Eloquent experience was
almost complete
hushing the Western media the massacres in East Timor, Indonesia captured after
Suharto came to power (in the words of N. Chomsky, in proportion to the population it
was the most large-scale murder of the Holocaust). Capture V.Timora was made with
the consent and participation of the United States, and the silence of the outstanding
shares in its cruelty was so complete, that in a world of her almost do not know
anything. N. Chomsky makes a general conclusion:
" The fundamental principle, which is very rarely disturbed, is that the facts are
contrary to the interests and privileges of power, do not exist ."

In an effort to achieve scientific rigor, N. Chomsky is a quantitative relationship

between the number and size of messages and the political interest of the forces that
control the media. To do this it takes similar cases (problems). So, he studied in detail
the region
"Assassinations of religious leaders" and compares the level of reflection of each case
in the central American newspapers and on television. For standard he takes murder
October 19, 1984 D.Popelyushko priest in Poland (the killers were judged murder
motives are not entirely clear, but the US media they considered political). This murder
in the newspaper "New York Times" was dedicated to the 78 articles with a total length
of 1183 columns and 46-inch transmission main US television news company.
Compared to information covering the murder Popieluszko most notorious murders of
100 religious leaders from the hands of the US-controlled right-wing organizations and
Latin American intelligence services provide about half of the flow of information 14 9
. That is, "information the importance of" the murder of a priest in Poland is about 140
times higher
"Value" of a similar case in the US zone of influence.

Another striking contrast to this, if we introduce the high-quality characteristics.

In El Salvador, were killed just four nuns - US citizen! It would seem that it was to
shake the country. No, the press paid attention to them three times less than
Popieluszko's murder (as the length articles - 17%). Moreover, El Salvador was
assassinated Archbishop Oscar Romero, murdered and how - right during the Sunday
service at the Cathedral of the capital. News coverage in the United States accounted
for about 1/5 of the lighting Popieluszko's death (which, incidentally, was an ordinary

In addition to silencing "unnecessary" information and thus creating a "virtual"

reality instead of reflecting reality, the media is widely used principle of sound
democracy - the sinking of the message, which can not be avoided in a chaotic stream
of meaningless, empty language information. G.Shiller writes: "Just as advertising
interferes with concentration and deprives interrupted weighting information, the new
information processing technology makes it possible to fill the air flow of useless
information even more difficult for the individual already desperate search for

. The gray and black propaganda in the second half of the twentieth century, there
was a completely new type of social life - the media began to use the technology of
psychological warfare . Initially, after the First World War, this term refers to the
propaganda of it during the war, so that the beginning of a psychological war, even
considered as one of the important features of the transition from the state of the world
to war. American Military Dictionary 1948 gives a definition of psychological warfare:
"This is a systematic advocacy, influencing attitudes, emotions, attitudes, and behavior
of hostile, neutral or friendly foreign groups to support the national policy."

G.Lassuell in the "Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences" (1934) noted an important

feature of psychological warfare - it is "acting in the direction of breaking the traditional
bonds of social order." That is, as the kind of impact on the consciousness of a
psychological war aimed primarily at destroying the bonds that connect people in a
given society as a complex hierarchical system. Atomization of people - that's the
ultimate goal of psychological warfare. If we were, for example, Soviet society as a
system with different types of connections between people, groups, public institutions,
in each program "Voice of America" it would be easy to see what type of relations is
its target. In the other direction (1964) states that the purpose of such a war -
"undermining the political and social structure strany- object to the extent of
degradation of national consciousness that the state becomes

48. N. Chomsky takes only the most high-profile murders. In addition, it eliminates the
cases of the murder of priests who collaborated with the guerrillas and all the radical
opposition and the like were fighters.
able to resist. " This is what happened with the Soviet Union - and every myself can
remember which way he shot in that war.
The admonition of the US Army's "psychological warfare" are introduced
determine the type of operations:

"1. "White" propaganda - it is propaganda that is spreading and recognized source

or its officials.

1. "Gray" propaganda - a propaganda, which does not specifically identify its


2. "Black" propaganda - a propaganda, which is given for coming from

a source other than the genuine. "

Psychological war against the Soviet Union became an important part of

the Cold War, which, incidentally, is an important recognition of the fact that
the Cold War was not a metaphor. French magazine wrote that the end of the
60s, "the CIA went beyond the usual espionage, which, however, did not
achieve great results, in order to really start the modern psychological warfare."
But it is even more important for us the fact that the gray and black propaganda
technology included in the everyday practice of the media and within their own
countries. Before such techniques were used from time to time and were kind
of deviation from professional ethics. The outstanding success of the black
propaganda is considered to be the Conservative election victory in 1925 in
England. Then a few million voters a few days changed their minds as a result
of forgery, which extended the press ( "Letter to the Communist
International"). Subsequent exposure had no effect - because no one can prove
that it influenced the voters, but they themselves do not know.

The most widely used in the media, of course, a gray propaganda

techniques -. "First-hand information, sucked from the finger" For their sake,
the media have long fought and won the legal right
"Not to disclose the source of information." Not just ordinary, but became the
dominant reference to "a senior official from the circles close to the ..., who
wished to remain anonymous." Thus, the source is not identified, and no media
liable for false information do not bear. In Russia, these techniques we have
experienced to the fullest.

Large psychosis . Home media function in a civil society is,

paradoxically, in the transformation of citizens into a huge, but not collected
in one place a crowd - through popular culture and a single stream of
information, which "cast minds in uniform, standard forms and provide every
human unit compliance given model. " Already A.Gramshi noted that
"standardization of ways of thinking and action reaches national or even
continental scope" .This he saw the crisis of civil society, the output of which
was, in his opinion, is possible only through the struggle for hegemony bottom
of common sense (though that is - also a type of conformism).

The average man in the street believes the most absurd statements, even
though common sense would have at least made him doubt. From the outside
it can be seen better. That small case. In the West, a person working at the
university, the more leftist, feels obliged to declare that he does not believe the
press and television. Consciously - yes, but there is no way to take all the
information consciously. Once in Spain, my wife and I invited friends for
Easter in the village, to their parents. Our wives do in the kitchen, and I hear a
conversation ear edge. Ask a friend to my wife:

 How could you have lived in the Soviet Union without the jersey?

 In what sense?

 But in the Soviet Union was not made knitwear.

 How do you know?

I hear in his voice confused girlfriend:

 The TV always said ...

 But you say you do not believe in television.

Yes ... But knitwear ...

This may seem a curiosity, but in this situation, Western man is in relation
to all the problems of life, and each (or maybe not everyone) pulled out from
under this influence only in a very narrow area. Yes, we ourselves have
recently been such and little else changed. More recently, the lady on the
television debates G. Popov complained that "in the Soviet Union did not have
sex," 15 0 .

Continental (and now the Intercontinental) scope "tolpoobrazuyuschee"

action media acquires because they form a single network, which actually
covered the entire mass of people who have neither the time nor the skills for
critical reception of messages. A.Mol describes the specific case of a chain
reaction Posts:

"Strasbourg correspondent of the newspaper, walking in the vicinity of the

historic Maginot Line, discovers that some enterprise makes it work to restore
struck the dugout, and wrote about it in the review section of the local
messages. This article falls on the eyes of the local correspondent of the Paris
newspapers that reprint it for the simple reason that it is precisely the size of
the text complements the selections made up to them to full typewritten pages.
The news gets to Paris, where it does not pay attention to anybody, except a
foreign correspondent for the newspaper, forwarding it to their office. Then,
through a foreign news agency message gets to the New York newspaper that
publishes it on the second page. There, he finds and selects the Paris newspaper
editor. All the papers that follow this Parisian newspaper and "New York
Times", reproduced the news under big headlines, which ultimately leads to
the appropriate diplomatic explanations. "

A.Mol cited the case of spontaneous, spontaneous emergence of a small

avalanche process. But often such processes are started deliberately, and then
is a lot of efforts to block them. Perhaps one of the biggest recent psychosis
created by the media, is a panic due to illness "mad cow" disease in England.
The objectives of the operation are not clear and will be made public will not
soon 15 1 . The bottom line was that suddenly the entire European press shaft
went articles on the epidemic cow disease, which is contagious to humans (thus
destroyed brain tissue). In the UK died from the disease to 10 people, in
newspapers published their biographies, up to describe meat dishes, which they
ate. Under pressure from mass psychosis guide UES England sentenced to an
unprecedented penalty - immediately destroy all cattle aged more than three
years, and burn their corpses. Of course, it had imposed a ban on exports of
meat, etc. If the sanctions were actually made, the result would be a disaster of
the British economy (no joke - to score overnight and destroy one third of
cattle). Psychosis extended, any company for design and construction of cow
crematoria. As soon as possible to burn millions of carcasses - an
unprecedented technical challenge.

The myth of "mad cow" was created by means of gray propaganda. Set its
origins on the performances of the press and television was impossible. First
referred to the scientific article in the famous «Lancet» magazine, but scientists
immediately disown, and published in the newspaper excerpts from this article
is no reason to panic did not give - it only suggests the possibility of links
between cows and humans disease. But the cows were infected by people, and
not vice versa. And indeed, 10 of the dead for the time since the discovery of
the disease - the value of absolutely insignificant, such strange variety of
diseases. When the panic swept over Europe, and people stopped buying beef,
the press began to leak very cautious

49. The belief that the Soviet Union something "was not" was strikingly persistent
stereotype. It can be seen on it worked great. I spoke at a seminar to teachers of the University
of Navarra (Spain), at their request, explaining the device type of the Soviet economy - with
charts, graphs. This raises a professor from a nearby, private university, shouting excitedly:
"What you tell us! In the Soviet Union there was no agriculture! ". Further conversation was
almost like in the kitchen about the jersey. I say you like the aunt that asserts that under the
Soviet system did not have sex. He became angry and led a compelling argument: "In the
USSR, the potatoes rotted in railway cars." I agreed: "So, you admit that at least in the USSR
was the potatoes were cars and even, apparently, rails underneath. Hence, let's go little by
little. " And it was a university professor .

50. According misty version that was given very carefully in the Western press, the
operation was part of a great persecution, which was subjected to British royal family for any
faults before the powerful forces in the world of shadow. For the Queen Major he apologized
personally, but it did not help.
sobering information. It turns out that in Spain 53 people have died from the disease in
Switzerland even more. But, strikingly, no one in the EEC did not try to raise the issue
of sanctions against Spain and Switzerland - and at the same time any request for a
pardon in England have not acted. The problem has been removed from the media some
new sensation, so that on
"Mad cow" all just forgot. No one remembers what came to an end this scandal - about
him in the media was no longer any communication. As England was removed from
the sanctions, on what basis - no one knows nor cares. Miraculously disappeared
crematorium and firms that they were going to build. People stared at another show.

§ 2. Media: manipulative semantics and rhetoric manipulative

semantics: change the meaning of words and concepts . Chapter 5 discussed

the creation of a new language of modern society, about the semantics of political myth
as the targeted technology changes the meaning of words. A variety of lies in the media
"Construction" message from scraps of speech or video. In this changing context, and
of the same words to create a completely different meaning. Some "nuggets" message
seems to be a lie is not, but the whole, that the blind are a reporter or editor can not
have anything to do with reality. I own newsmen there is such a joke. "How do you
feel about teppimosti home?" - Pope spposil pimskogo, profits of one of stpan. "A
pazve you have them?" - Said the pope pimsky. Nazavtpa appeared in newspapers
ekstpennoe Message: "One family that spposil dad stepped on our land: do we have
teppimosti home?".

We emphasize once again voiced thesis already in the terminology of the

importance of manipulation of consciousness. G.Shiller warns: "Anyone who is
struggling with depression system, it is important to understand what power possessed
by those who control the process of generating the definitions. Attaching false labels
and distortion of the purposes of combating ideological opponents - the typical
reception propaganda machine oppressors. Therefore, the first step towards the
establishment of control over the definitions is to try not to lose crucial terminological
territory. "

A huge work on creation of a special language to press reports was conducted in

the US during the Vietnam War. Entire dictionaries (thesauri) have been drawn up to
designate those or other phenomena and processes that have produced the right
impression on the reader (in linguistic works lists of words and principles of selection).
Some researchers believe that was artificially developed "sub language", which was
named vetliyskogo (Vietlish, Vietnam English). So, since 1965 the military actions in
Vietnam were called in the press "program of peace." This word came into use so that
newspapers could read this message: "One Village so stubbornly resisted pacification,
that in the end it had to destroy."

Creating artificial language goes in two directions. We look acceptable on the

denotation word. That is, the selected word in the denotation (the range of meanings
that) there is also such that it can be drawn to the designation of the phenomenon. Even
if it is one of the many meanings of the word, third-rate and infrequent. But it exists,
and is not a direct lie to use it. Soothe and war somewhere a little overlap, so instead
of the word war is taken pacification . The second effect of the word - the connotation
, that is, those associations that awakens recitation or reading of the word. So, the
important place occupied in promoting the word "restraint". The connotation of it is
useful for propaganda. Restrained person ... Do not tell because the United States in
Vietnam sought conciliation or humanity - that would be a direct lie. Restraint ...
Because nuclear weapons are not used! So, in an address to the nation, President Nixon
in 1972, said: "Throughout the war, the US military showed unprecedented in the
annals of the degree of self-restraint." Here, however, he went too far, and that caused
sarcastic comments in the United States.

Another key concept was the phrase "protective reaction". Protection ...
RESPONSE ... For example, the bombing campaign of North Vietnam in February
1972 (139 strikes) called "protective reaction" 152 . Linguists write that during the
Vietnam War

51. Because too harsh international reaction was dismissed General Aviation D.Lavel
"for poor knowledge of semantics," in which he allegedly carried out the bombing without the
sanction of the High Command. At a hearing in the Senate, he, however, began to snarl and
proved that the expression "protective reaction" was officially prescribed and that the
command was correctly informed about the nature of the actions. So, after raids pilots wrote
the reports - is made "protective reaction".
They have been developed methods for constructing the complex political euphemisms
. This is not the individual words and concepts, and the great language constructs to
accurately measure the effect of the impact on the minds of 15 3 .

All the words that cause negative associations were excluded from language: war
, attack , weapons for the destruction of manpower . Instead, they were introduced
neutral words: conflict , operation , device ( antipersonnel device ). So, July 19, 1971
the head of "Operation Phoenix" I.Kolbi said that the essence of the operation was to
organize attacks on public figures undesirable South Vietnam and that by the time
20,587 such workers had been eliminated. Dead zones where dioxin was destroyed
vegetation, called "cordon sanitaire" napalm - a "soft charge", the most common of the
concentration camp - "strategic villages" etc. They were imposed and strictly observed
the taboo on the use of a huge number of normal words. President of the American
Linguistic Society D.Bolindzher then said: "America - it is the first company that has
achieved this taboo at all unpleasant."

Today, politicians and the media are constantly changing the meaning of words
and of The rules depending on konyunktupy. As G.Chesterton said, "First"
compromise "meant that half a loaf of bread is better than nothing. In the current
political "compromise" it means that half a loaf is better than a whole loaf. " When
Saddam Hussein in 1993 yanvapya "bposil UN call" pop.posit to airplanes ekspeptami
ppoletali in Ipak with stopony Iopdanii and not from the South, the most prominent of
ppavoved madpidskogo university of padioslushatelyam explained why Ipak for it was
to be immediately podvepgnut bombapdipovke . Such an explanation would not have
needed to, not whether pyadom Izpailya, eccentricity ppespokoyno napushaet all
pezolyutsii UN. Everything was very pposto For ppofessopa. Yes, Izpail okkupipuet
teppitopii strangers, driven off the land apabskih kpestyan (and Quaternary on time of
their podstpelivaet). But at the internatonal community can exert pressure on Izpail and
spavnivat with tipaniey Hussein as Izpail is ppavovye gosudapstvom . Herded apabsky
kpestyanin if its neighbor demokpat ppomahnulsya should Ob ser ve the court, and the
court in Izpaile civilized. It govopit with vepshiny kafedpy, with all avtopitetom
Science - and completely reverses the very notion of law . It is now not concerned about
the Right of the person who became zheptvoy armament neighbor and the right
agpessopa - this is possible, and this can not be.

Political euphemisms, masking the true meaning of events, and are using the terms
. These are special words that have a precise meaning, and audience sharply divided
into those who know the exact meaning of the term, and those who do not know. But
most importantly, the terms that have a magical effect on the mind, with the stamp of
the authority of science. Beautiful term, it seems people can not be called something
nasty. These terms include, for example, the word of the embargo . If spednem Western
demokpat still experienced discomfort from SOME pazpushitelnyh bombapdipovok
Ipaka as a "punishment" is set in August 1990, total embapgo on topgovlyu with
Ipakom not cause absolutely no vozpazheniya. And it is - a significant step, rather than
bombing. I try to explain the basis of the provisions of the obvious. So, it
obscheppinyato that Ipake set totalitapny mode is active, diktatupa. Ipak - not Denmark
and even Gpetsiya, and the population there is no Right of or skill, nor the mechanisms
to impose its will on politicians in Baghdad. But if this is so, and the population does
not bear responsibility for the actions of vephushki REGIME. And, according to the
very logic of ppostoy punish ipakskogo kpestyanina, killing him pebenka hunger, this
means bpat kpestyanina hostage and punish him, to put pressure on ppotivnika
(Saddam Hussein). Such actions towards evpopeytsu and through while my childhood
and in relation to the Soviet gpazhdanam, therefore be construed as a war
ppestupleniya, and those who gave ppikazy such actions go to the gallows. But today,
in relation to the ipakskomu kpestyaninu it is called "Right of internatonal mechanism",
embargo . The word pawn is not used - a taboo.

Replacing the words and concepts of political euphemisms as a whole technology

leads to serious illness of society, which has yet to Thucydides called the corruption of
language . Being a witness to the decline of Athens, he left a description of corruption
as the most important feature of this decline. Among other forms of corruption, he was
singled out corruption of language - the words began to signify

52. Much work in the field of methods "give a false sense of undisputed facts using
lexical resources" was carried out by experts of Goebbels, as there is a large literature.
the opposite of what they were always meant. Various parties began to use the same
word in different senses.

Simplification, stereotyping . Press (and the media in general) played a

crucial role in the process "tolpoobrazovaniya" in Western society. Man
weight, mosaic culture product was largely created by the media. Sami
media have quickly become the object of study in culture sociodynamics,
and were soon discovered, and even mathematically expressed connection
between simplicity and to his perception. Media, as opposed to high culture,
designed specifically for the mass 154 . Therefore, severe restrictions on the
complexity and originality of the posts were installed in them (even words long,
although two or three abstruse words are always allowed in the article as a "seasoning"
- they increase the attractiveness of the article into force

"Homeopathic" effect). In general, for a long time such a rule was formulated: "The
message must always have a level of clarity, the corresponding coefficient of
intelligence by about 10 points below the average rate of the social stratum to which
the message is intended" (A.Mol).

Under this rule of thumb is a psychological justification, according to which

people unconsciously tends to primitive explanations of complex issues. The concept
of simplification proposed in the early 20's, the U.Lippman (future US "journalist
number 1"). He believed that the process of perception - it is only a manual adjustment
is still unknown effects under stable general formula (stereotype). Therefore, the press
should produce a standardization of the phenomenon, which has become the subject of
the message. At the same time, in his words, the editor has to rely on stereotypes and
routine views and "ruthlessly ignore subtleties." Man must accept the message without
effort and without conditions, without internal struggle and critical analysis.
"Communism stubbornly clings to the poor. Let's hard to hold on to the good "(John
Foster Dulles.) - That is a typical example of simplification. On this basis, and there
was a reductionism of modern media - mixing real social problems and phenomena to
simplistic and extremely easy to grasp statements.

Thinking stereotypes people lose the opportunity to build on the foundations of

even its own usual order, to which they are committed - of stereotypes, these
foundations are indistinguishable. In 1951, one US newspaper conducted an
experiment. Its staff "totaled" petition and appealed to the middle class representatives
with the request to sign it. She said: "If there is any form of government becomes
harmful to achieve the objectives of the people, the people have the right to change or
eliminate this form to create a new government based it on such principles and
organizing its power in such form, which it seems most appropriate to ensure their
safety and happiness. " Of the 112 111 people have refused to sign it, considering it a
"red" petition, for which they were immediately dismissed from their jobs. In fact, it
was part of the United States Declaration of Independence.

We mentioned above that the operation should simplify semantization , ie the

search for the most suitable words in which to clothe the primitive model. Media
specialists, in the words of one of them, "created a number of clichés, slogans and
epithets, brief but vague phrases, with which you can describe any international news."
Development of ready communication becomes a purely engineering operation.

Adoption and repetition . Simplification enables to express the main idea you
want to impress the audience, "a brief, energetic and impressive form" - in the form of
statements (as hypnotist order - an order without objection). As S.Moskovichi writes,
'Approval of any speech means giving up the discussion, since the power of a person
or an idea, which may be subject to discussion, loses all credibility. It also means the
request of the audience, the crowd to accept the idea without discussion such as it is,
without weighing all the "pros" and "cons" and answer "yes" without hesitation. "

Based on the prevailing culture in the mosaic type of human thinking mass media
at the same time became the most important factor in the strengthening of this type of
thinking. They taught man to think stereotypes and gradually reduced intellectual level
posts so that turned into a tool befuddling. It served as the main method of securing the
necessary stereotypes in the minds - repetition .

53. "The process of functioning of the hour all year round means of communication is
that their products both to disperse or spray that Kurt Lewin and Moreno called the social field
" (A.Mol).
Repeated and persistent repetition in the media of the same words, phrases and images
immediately caught the eye when a person got from the Soviet Union to the West. It
surprised. But this is just technology, and we met her in the years of perestroika and
the daily experience of its effects today. S.Moskovichi wrote in "The Doctrine of the
masses", "Grammar belief is based on the assertion and repetition, these two dominant
rules." He quoted Le Bon: "Repetition is implemented in the end in the depths of the
subconscious, where originate motives for our actions." This fully been used in a
commercial advertisement.

It is obvious that the repetition - one of those "psychological tricks" that dulls the
mind and act on unconscious mechanisms. When you abuse this technique stereotypes
amplified to stable prejudices, man grows dull. S.Moskovichi pays much attention to
the reception. He writes: "In this way, repetition is the second condition for promotion.
It gives additional weight alleged beliefs and turns them into obsessions. Hearing them
again and again, in different versions and on different occasion to finally begin to
penetrate them. These in turn are repeated quietly, like a tiki language and thought. At
the same time, repetition builds indispensable barrier against any other statements, any
of the opposite persuasion with the back without thinking of the same words, images
and positions. The repetition gives them a tangible and obvious, that make them take
the whole, from first to last, as if it was a logic in terms of which that must be proved,
has already happened ...

Being an obsession, repetition becomes a barrier against different or opposing

views. Thus, it minimizes arguments and quickly turns thought into action, to which
the masses have already formed a conditioned reflex, like Pavlov's famous dog ... By
repeating a thought separated from its author. She turns to the evidence that is
independent of time, place, person. It is no more than an expression of a man who says,
but becomes the subject expression, of which he speaks ... Repetition also has a
communication function of thought. Often associating disparate statements and ideas,
it creates the appearance of a logical chain. " As soon as this appearance, it facilitates
the capture of an audience of intellectuals. Now intellectual can with a light heart to
believe any absurdity, because logic does not protest - "Police intellectuals of

Crushing and urgency . Separation holistic problem into separate fragments -

so that the reader or viewer could not connect them together and make sense of the
problem - one of the singular and important aspect of simplification. This is - the
fundamental principle of the mosaic culture. Crushing is the set of techniques: the
article in newspaper to break apart and placed on different pages, text or television
advertising breaking.

G.Shiller gives a description of the technology: "Take, for example, the principle
of drawing up a conventional television or radio program or build the first page of a
major daily newspaper. Common to all is the full diversity of the feed material and the
absolute denial of the relationship illuminated social phenomena. Discussion programs,
prevailing on radio and television, are a strong fragmentation patterns as a form of
presentation. Whatever was said, everything is completely dissolved in the subsequent
advertisements, comic tricks, intimate scenes and gossip. "

P.Freyre considers splitting "technique characteristic of cultural suppression",

which is taken as a specific form of presentation of information in the United States.
From the United States this method has spread to all the media system involved
manipulation. G.Shiller explains the effectiveness of this technique: "When the holistic
nature of social problems deliberately bypassed and fragmentary information about it
are available as authentic
"Information", the results of such an approach is always the same: lack of
understanding of, at best, ignorance, apathy and, as a rule, indifferent. " Tearing to
pieces on the important, perhaps even tragic events, it is possible to drastically reduce
sobering message or even take away his sense 15 5 .

54. G.Shiller writes: "Complete indifference with which the advertisement refers to any
political or social events, breaking into the transmission no matter what was going on, it
reduces all social phenomena to the level of meaningless accidents." We have experienced this
when in 1992, after training, which were shown in the refrigerator brought to Tiraspol naked
bodies of the dead from the rocket attack graduates, shampoo advertisement "Vidal Sassoon"
was given. Similarly, it received after the TV report about the explosion on Moscow's Kashira
Highway in 1999
Chaotization message flow is, in reality, only a visible character, the selection of events
which decide to give the information, made a particular social structure, which consists
of senior media figures. A.Mol writes: "The task of this group of workers is to be
isolated from the totality of everything that there is a new (in the broadest sense of the
word, that is, given that the novelty can wear a very relative character), a small number
of elements and facts that would meet the criteria set forth clearly known ... In fact, the
means of mass communication and define themselves
A "significant" facts .., because they served the facts in this light that in the minds of
millions of people the news of the marriage of Iranian princess appears as no less
important event than the last major discovery in the field of nuclear energy. "

Media "construct" seemingly chaotic flow of messages in such a way as to create

in the reader or the viewer's right to their owners (wider - the ruling class) a false image
of reality. The selection criteria are based on the messages enough developed theory
and mathematical apparatus. For each message, estimated level of difficulty and the
distance to the individual (in these calculations in the media distinguish 4-5 layers of
the depth of the human psyche, to be exposed to the message). From these data, the
message is assigned a rank of importance , based on which the newspaper or news
program is formed. Experienced editors, of course, are not the calculations, they know
these techniques intuitively (but importantly, they accurately capture the signals
coming from the "masters").

One of the conditions for success and how to fragmentation problems is justified
urgency , immediate information to give it a character of immediacy and urgency of
the message. This is - one of the most important principles of the American media. It
is believed that a sense of urgency pressurized by sharply increasing their manipulative
possibilities. Daily and even hourly updates of information deprives it of any
permanent structure. The man simply has no time to comprehend and understand the
message - they are superseded by other, more novel.

G.Shiller writes: "A false sense of urgency that occurs due to the emphasis on
immediately creates a sense of the extraordinary importance of the subject of the
information, which is also quickly dissipates. Accordingly, it is weakening the ability
to distinguish between information in order of importance. Bystrochereduyuschiesya
reports of plane crashes, and the occurrence of the national-liberation forces in
Vietnam, embezzlement and strikes, extreme heat, etc. prevent the compilation of
estimates and judgments. Under these circumstances, the mental process of screening,
which in normal circumstances promotes comprehension of information, is not able to
perform this function. Brain turns into a sieve, in which every hour falls heap
sometimes important, but largely empty of information messages ... full attention to
what is happening at the moment events destroys the necessary link with the past. "

Immersing a person in the flow "always urgent" messages, the media broke "the
chain of time", created an entirely new type of time - time performance - in which a
person is deprived of historical origin (in this sense it is no longer, for example, be a
Christian). We have said many times how important it is for the removal of
psychological protection against manipulation. French philosopher (from Greek)
K.Kastoriadis in an interview in 1994 said, answering a question about how it is to
"stop time" helped eliminate the sense of all that is happening, "Now there is an
imaginary time, which consists in denying the real past and the real future - real time
without memory and without a valid project. Television creates a powerful and highly
symbolic image of this time yesterday was sensational theme Somalia Somalia today
do not mention; if Russia will explode to what seems to follow, then talk for two days
about Russia, and then forget about it. Today, nothing is given really high sense it is
eternal present is a soup in which all pounded and brought to the same level of
importance and meaning. "

Western media of countries represented US military operation in Somalia ( "The

Return of Hope") could serve as a great educational task. Unfortunately, it probably
already forgotten in Russia. I watched it on the Western television and then it was still
a novelty. While the operation lasted, people bombarded by sensational and urgent
report from the scene - and never did not explain the meaning of this whole
undertaking. At the same time showing the terrible spectacle was accompanied by such
a mocker and ernicheski comments that a simple man in the street, not yet accustomed
to the New World Order, had a shock. Once mopskie US Marines bored pazpyadili its
opuzhie petro group are "paptizan" in Mogadishu, who sat To some
the hut. Nobody even figured out how petro distinct groups - what paznitsa. Diktop TV
with gopdostyu said that "fire ppevoskhodstvo amepikanskih troops was
overwhelming." In fact, "paptizany" did not dare ppoizvesti no vystpela and
immediately raised the white tpyapku - blagopodnaya action from beginning to end
was given live and recorded on film (later Somalis began to hammer stones
telepepoptepov, removing such shares). And we can see on the screen, both the infantry
mopskoy giants are captured ppotivnikov - several distpofikov, SOME of them on
crutches. And diktop adds a thin iponiey: "It seems that the Somalis did not attack
ponpavilas amepikanskih troops for starving children began to throw stones at
gpuzoviki, pulling them gumanitapnuyu help." And the next frame - child skeletons,
the last effort throws pebbles into powerful gpuzoviki «US Army», pulling them food.
As soon as the United States stopped
"Return hope", the disappearance of the word Somalia from newspapers and television
screens took place in one day and it was absolute . No "partisans" and no one hungry
in the Western media is not interested.

Perhaps even more instructive was the flow of information from Nicaragua. When
the United States started a major war against the social-democratic government of the
Sandinistas, Nicaragua was one of the main themes of the Western press. In 1990, the
people of a small country exhausted and literally in tears in the elections gave power
to the opposition, which the United States promised the world and help 0.5 billion.
Dollars. During this period, the subject was assigned to Nicaragua newspaper a whole
page. I watched the Spanish press, and there is a general theme was number 1 - a
common language, culture close, Spain's ruling party has been closely associated with
the Sandinistas, Humberto Ortega and Felipe González were friends, etc. The
Sandinistas handed over power - and suddenly disappeared from Nicaragua all the
pages of the press and on TV. Completely! How can it be? Spaniards because
interesting to see how things went there, many relatives there. No news. Something
learned through the Jesuits - where they have a lot of missionaries, something from the
students who traveled to transmit collected for school books and pencils. In a
newspaper slipped material written by these messengers. Material shakes. Those who
came to the "democrats" government privatized the entire property, and she went to
several families (previously almost all belonged to the dictator Somoza and was
nationalized). US spent on the war 10 billion. Dollars of the promised aid was not
given. As a result, the unemployment rate in Nicaragua is 80% of the active population!
And there was something no one could have expected - veterans of the civil war, the
Sandinistas and "Contra" and teamed with arms left for cooperatives to protect them
from privatization. The people living in the sale of coffee that is grown, these
cooperatives (in one of them and worked on cleaning coffee Spanish students who
wrote this report). But this is - not the events that Western media are spreading to the
general public.

Sensationalism . Provide fragmentation problems and break up the information so

that the person never got the full, final knowledge, allows the use of sensations . It -
event messages, which are given such high importance and uniqueness that are
concentrated and the right time is kept almost all the attention of the public. Under the
guise of sensation can be or remain silent about important events, which the audience
does not notice, or to stop a scandal or psychosis that already it is time to stop - but so
as not to remember it.
Sensationalism - a technology. The criteria of selection of the events that can be
turned into a sensation. This is expressed in the famous aphorism: "If a dog bites a man,
it's not news when a man bites a dog, it's news." Advertisers, including political ones,
are interested, as has been said above, in the high memorability of their signal, at least
on a subconscious level. Therefore, they require the media to link their advertisements
with the message that would etched in memory. A.Mol writes: "It is clear that the
message about the birth of a two-headed baby in Czechoslovakia has many chances to
remain in the memory of most readers and readers. Specific reasons for this may be
different, but almost all of them are directly related to the deep layers of the psyche, is
the region of the psychoanalytic research. " Therefore, transmission of saturated

Continuous bombardment of consciousness operating on the sensations feelings,

"Bad news" has an important function to maintain the necessary level
"Nervousness" (about it already wrote Marat). This nervousness, a sense of continuous
crisis, dramatically increases the suggestibility of people and reduces the capacity for
critical reflection. Violation of familiar, stable social environment always increases
situational suggestibility (in contrast to the general suggestibility so called special
conditions arising under the influence of abnormal situations). This became the subject
of study in Europe, 20-ies, when the vulnerability
against the suggestion was observed not only in the population who are suffering
social distress (as in the Weimar Republic), but also in the winner among 15 6 .

Preparation of sensation - a painstaking and expensive work being done by

professional experts. Remarkably, it served as a sensation in television information
with all the news reports from the scene, live interviews, etc., as a rule, fundamentally
distorts the event happened. It is noted in the literature on this topic. But that is not
important, important is the effect, for which starts sensation. At the same time the
viewer is fascinated by what he observes, "unexpected", unselected material life, so
there is no intermediary between them and reality. This illusion of authenticity - a
strong television property.

Television as a special type of media is worthy of consideration in a separate chapter.

Chapter 13. Television

§ 1. Freedom of messages - censorship - the manipulation of consciousness

Television - a special type of media, but it was formed in the West, in a conquered
all the media freedom of information . Generally speaking, in the most liberal social
philosophy hidden ban on freedom of communications for television. Often, however,
the ideology is in conflict with the philosophy. The neo-liberal ideology is incorporated
as a postulate that the information
o goods and the movement of goods should be free. The reasoning is
simple: the principle of the market is the freedom of the consumer (buyer of
goods) to enter or not to enter into a transaction for the sale; freedom of every
TV consumer is guaranteed by the fact that he may at any time, press the button
and stop "consume" this message. Famous Spanish specialist in the philosophy
of law, the author of the book "Freedom of expression in a legal state"
M.Saavedra told a special hearing in the Senate, that television is no other law
than the law of supply and demand: "The market - the king and his subjects
market dominance information , culture, entertainment, and even the dignity
of persons. " Naturally, he confirmed this reference to freedom and democracy,
"the remote switching television carried the right to vote." This argument is
false, rather, is false. It is refuted in the framework of the bourgeois liberal

The first argument of the supporters of the public (including the state)
control over the media is to ensure that "information products" is available
today on the market by large private corporations (superkompaniyami). Since
the beginning of the 70s such companies are included in the list of the 500
largest US companies. In addition, since there was merging of these companies
with the largest banks, which have become major shareholders of TV
companies. G.Shiller explains this new situation: "The conglomerates that
dominate the production and dissemination of information - and in general all
kinds of messages - should not be considered as it is practiced in the United
States, like individuals , who are subject to the constitutional guarantee of
freedom of speech and the press .. . They are primarily private corporations
seeking to maximize profits, whose products are manufactured in accordance
with commercial requirements. " Thus, it is considered inappropriate to use the
category of civil rights to commercial firms producing goods for the market.
This company should be subject to the same supervision as any other
commercial commodity producer 15 7 .

The second group of reasons related to the rights (freedoms) of the

consumer. market principles, guaranteeing the freedom of the will of each
participant, is taking

55. Often this is the case. During the Versailles conference, an American journalist,
wrote the "Declaration" with the requirement to grant independence to California. It was
written in high style political statements, but contained many completely absurd places (for
example, the requirement to declare neutral River area of Colombia because it "fatten
Californian salmon, and California residents was unbearable to know that this purely
Californian fish spent her childhood and adolescence years under the domination of ethnically
alien people. "This document was adopted in earnest and published in the European press.

56. We still do not boil in the pot "the rule of law", these arguments may seem scholastic.
But it is in the United States - the legal problem. Lawyers point out that freedom of the press -
the right to private and media owners have a right to property.
management solutions. This means that the consumer must be able to securely know
what the consequences will lead him to the consumption of the product. Therefore, for
example, so strictly controlled designation on the packaging of the goods of all the
ingredients, especially those that may have a side, unwanted effects or are a source of
danger when used improperly. The absence of such information, it is considered as a
violation of freedom of the consumer - and the reliability of their message to the next
whole system of state censorship.

Very tightly controlled market those products that change the behavior of
consumers, making it a "dependent" on the product - this deprives consumers of
freedom, depriving his ability to make rational decisions. Such products include, for
example, alcohol, which the market anywhere (except, perhaps, the Russian
Federation) is not free. The extreme expression of the properties of certain products are
drugs - they are still almost universally prohibited for sale. Why? But what about
freedom, "do not want - do not sniff?" The fact that people started to smell, is rapidly
becoming dependent on the drug and loses freedom. Hence, the sale of this product
shall prohibit by violence, often very rough.

To what kind of product categories include "goods" TV? Today, after twenty years
of intensive and extensive research, it is not in doubt. Television production - a
"product" is akin to a spiritual drug. The man of modern urban society depend on the
television. That is, gipnotizipuyuschee impact is such that a person partially
utpachivaet free will, and the wires from ek.pana gopazdo vpemeni greater than that of
its tpebuet potpebnosti in infopmatsii and pazvlechenii. As shown by measurements of
the mid-80s, the average American family spent watching TV more than 7 hours a day
and for the sacrifice of many occupations and activities (reading, theater, sports,
meeting with friends, etc.). By the end of the 90s affection of Americans, especially
children, it fell slightly, but remains very high (US kids spend watching TV an average
of 21 hours 38 minutes per week). Long-term observation of the varia kategopii
telezpiteley show that a very large part of them really "dependent" on ek.pana literally.
In 1977, one US newspaper conducted an experiment: it invited 120 randomly selected
households by $ 500 for ensuring that they do not watch TV for a month. 93 families
(78%) rejected this proposal.

As in the case of drugs, a person consuming a modern, liberated from the control
of televised ethics, can not rationally evaluate the nature of its effects on his psyche
and behavior. Moreover, since it becomes a "dependent" on television and continues to
consume its products, even if aware of its harmful effects. From within the tenets of
the market economy and liberal society, it follows that TV products can not be
delivered to the market (broadcasting) uncontrollably. The state is obliged, defending
the freedom of the consumer, to impose restrictions on the market, to put it simply,
censorship . If it does not, then it is, for some reason, it becomes an accomplice of the
one hand, that, by definition, is corruption. Typically, the essence of this corruption is
that the TV
"Pays" for its support of the state with the help available to him of manipulating public

Approaching the problem from the point of view of the interests of the consumer,
enhances G.Shiller above thesis: "Is it possible to consider the enterprise for the
production of images, under the control of banking and industrial capital, as
individuals, have the inalienable right? Of course not. Moreover, the production of
cultural and communications industry requires even greater public control and
inspection than ordinary consumer goods ... And woe to a society whose social policy
does not take into account is the most important factor

In general, over the past half century was dominated by the process of the
liberation of the media from the control ( "freedom repressed responsibility"). Today
would have seemed unthinkable a statement made in 1948 by the director of the US
Commission on Freedom of the Press R.Leem: "The concept of responsibility, carried
to its logical conclusion, means the selection is clearly harmful category of
irresponsible mass communications, which should not be protected by freedom itself"
15 8 .

57. Here, mention Russian affairs, I'll tell you about changes in the legislation in Western
Europe aimed at limiting the freedom of television.

§ 2. Peschepnye people of the twentieth century

The strongest metafopu explaining pol TV in our Quaternary, Quaternary
videokpatii , created in the IV century BC Plato. In the seventh book of his tpuda
"Republic", he outlined a surprisingly poetic and rich allegopiyu. Here it is in a poor
presentation BRIEF:

In peschepe where no pponikaet light chains are ppikovannye people. They are in
the captivity for a long time, since childhood. Behind them, on a raised platform, gopit
fire. Between them and the fire - stone wall, on the eccentricity as the puppet teatpe,
shaplatany move made out of stone and depevo figupki people zvepey, things. Move
and speak out the text, and their words echoing, distorted by paznosyatsya peschepe.
Ppikovannye so that they can only smotpet vpe.ped peped themselves prisoners
ogpomnye see shadows on the wall of figupok peschepy. They have forgotten what it
looks like the Mir, the light in the wild, and uvepeny that the shadows on the wall, this
is the real echo and Peace on things and people. They live in this mipe.

And behold, one of them uhitpyaetsya free from chains and kapabkaetsya naveph
to exit. Daylight blinds him, he ppichinyaet heavy stpadaniya. Then, little by little, he
mastered and was surprised vsmatpivaetsya pealny in the Mir, in the stars and the sun.
Stpemyas help tovapischam, passkazat mipe them about it, he descends into ob.patno

Next Plato passuzhdaet how can ppoizoyti their vstpecha.

Ppobpavshis to tovapischam, a fugitive wanted on mipe passkazat them, but in the

darkness he now sees nothing pazlichaet barely flickering shadows on the wall. Here,
passuzhdayut prisoners - this madman left peschepu and blind, potepyal passudok. And
when he begins to convince them to free themselves from the chains and go up to the
light, they would kill him as a dangerous lunatic.

If, getting used to the darkness, he passkazyvaet them on how to look pealny the
Mir, they listen to him with wonder and not vepyat, for his Peace on sovepshenno not
like what they see for many years with my own eyes and hear with my own ears. If, in
the best case, they follow him to the door, a bruise on the rocks, then curse him, and
looking at the sun, stpemyatsya back to ppivychnym and clear shades, which was then
they seem nespavnenno more pealnogo than the Mir navephu, eccentricity, they are not
may pazglyadet DURING pezhuschem light eyes.

Plato was tormented by this property of human natupy - ppedpochitat yapkomu

the light of truth and complexity pealnogo mipa Peace on teatpa fantastic shadows. But
it will never come true allegopiya with such precision as it is today. TV creates for man
a teatp hoposho made shadows that spavneniyu him pealny the Mir seems like paz
sepoy shadow ppichem gopazdo less true than the CL on the screen. And the man, from
childhood to ppikovanny The TV, does not want to go in the Mir, fully vepit
shaplatanam it, which was then manipulipuyut figupkami and buttons, and ready to kill
tovapischa, urging him to come out into the light. As I said by the mouth of gepoya
film "A Clockwork Orange" by Stanley pezhissep Kubpik today "kpaski pealnogo mipa
ppiznaet pealnogo people only after they see on the screen" 15 9 .

In 1996, in Rome published a book "Youth-eater. Anthology of extreme terror ",

which attracted the interest of cultural studies. This is - the stories of 10 young writers
(23 to 35 years). In order to overcome the boredom of modern western city, they create
a new kind of horror literature describing the sophisticated torture and murder. What
attracted the attention of specialists (they talk about "cultural mutations")? The fact that
a new generation of writers essentially describes a world perceived through the TV
screen, not through personal experience or reading. Virtual reality television as a source
of artistic imagination - imitation imitations ! In this literature, there is a new language,
which is taken as a basis for a kaleidoscope of images of television commercials, public
service announcements and clips. Thus, the TV as a mechanism of alienation from life
creates its "second derivative".

58. This film was the 1976 zappeschen being shown in demokpaticheskie Velikobpitanii
- exclusively for ideological soobpazheniyam. It - Western vapiant "ppestupleniya or
punishment", but without that hope, which was then given Dostoevsky. The film shows a
society in koto.pom no repentance, no redemption, no pposcheniya. Stpashnoe charge
ppigovop and ppestupnikam and zheptvam, and in all ways of life. Hooligan, convicted of
murder, not ppohod chepez stpadanie tyupmy and "isppavlyaetsya" with the help of science:
he is given psihotpopnye spedstva smotpet and make movies of violence to create a petro his
stable conditional pefleksy. And only "chepez ek.pana" he realizes the meaning kpovi,
eccentricity pposto he noticed in his pealnogo life.
Television - this special technology and special social institution, almost a special class.
Hapaktep its impact on the main crystal zpitelya this whole, rather than feature
technology. If you follow the letter and spirit of demokpatii even Western (and this is
not the only one of its kind), no one - neither shaplatan, no genius, no p.pavoy depzhat
people ppikovannymi in peschepe. Plato does not specify what kind of chain were
people from a matepiala. Of Iron? Or maybe chain napkoticheskogo effects of shadows
dancing on the wall? If it turned out that the TV kakim- CL suppresses free will
zpitelya, ppikovyvaya it to ek.pane, the need for social control over a TV p.pyamo
would follow from the very fopmuly demokpatii - exactly the same as it follows the
need gosudapstvennogo testing system (tsenzupy) for topgovley napkotikami.

Today, as mentioned, the dependence of people on television has become

universal. In SOME kategopii (especially in children and podpostkov) this dependence
pazvivaetsya so that causes significant damages caused even the physical zdo.povo.
First vpach and educators, and policy tepep already pekomenduyut poditelyam dvep
for their homes and forget demokpatii act avtopitapno caring ppezhde all for the welfare
of children. We can assume that the presence of established TV chains, albeit unseen,
is an established fact, and the thesis of the freedom of public TV testing system derives
not from tpebovany demokpatii and intepesa SOME of social and recognized groups is
purely antidemokpaticheskim. Especially because this intepes carefully skpyvaetsya
therefore he ppotivopechit intepesam majority. We do not speak out about what
sodepzhanie invests in its shadows teatp kontpolipuyuschaya TV group are what
doktpiny drives it into the heads of prisoners ppikovannyh chains. PROBLEMS like
paz that vpedonosny these chains themselves. There is a vicious kpug: napkotizipuet,
ppikovyvaet paz man as the TV, which was then want smotpet and smotpet - TV "high
class." It's like inostpannyh food, rich flavors: it wants to chew on, but you're all
nutpom feel that this is a poisonous dpyan. "Blah" TV (and how it was in Soviet times)
and the hoposho that people consuming a him no more than he really need to get
infopmatsii, knowledge or pazvlecheniya.

President of the American Society of Newspaper Editors Lauren Gilione, speaking

in 1993, said: "Reporting the news on television always gave rise to doubt as to whether
it really that they presented. The nature of visual media - to entertain, to dramatize,
create daydreams for a mass audience - affects the information content. The world of
fantasy mixed with the fact of the world. For many people, what appears on the TV
screen, it becomes a reality, " 16 0 .

Why Gilione spoke about it in his speech, "A journalist of tomorrow"? Because
the creation of a fictitious reality is directly related to the manipulation of
consciousness. Here is his humanistic conclusion: "These journalists will have to resist
the pressure of manipulators, dictators," inventors ", seeking to blur the line between
reality and fantasy."

§ 3. Television as a technology of destruction of consciousness

We mentioned earlier about the teachings of Antonio Gramsci, who created a new
theory of revolution. He taught that we should not act on the forehead, not storming the
basis of society, and in the superstructure - the forces of intellectuals, performing
"molecular aggression" in the minds and destroying the "cultural core" of society.
Sobesh people confused, podorvesh cultural foundations - take all the cushy, to
redistribute property and power as you want. An important condition for successful
manipulation, as already mentioned, is to break the psychological defense of the
person, the foundations on which rests the ability to critical perception of information.

The Revolution "by Gramsci" television has become the main weapon, stronger
carts Chapaev. Moreover, Gramsci's theory is the basis of modern advertising. After
all, in principle, the problem is similar - to convince the person to buy a completely
unnecessary thing or select Khakamada Parliament. And now it turned out that the
combination of these two types of advertising multiplies the power of the "molecular
aggression." So a small group ppofessionalnaya - creative professionals turn television
into an organization in a special security service, leading a war against the mind and
thinking of the entire mass of his countrymen.

59. In 1970, in the magazine "The New Yorker" cartoon appeared on which his father,
changing the wheel on the family car, explains to his two children: "Do not you understand?
This is - life, this is what really happens. We can not switch to another channel. "
It must be admitted that the West has made a big leap in the intellectual manipulation
technology. No matter what the whole thinking of the "middle man" there remained
mechanistic, inflexible - who should have mastered these new technologies. Specialists
and experts advising politicians have mastered new scientific concepts, on which the
"philosophy of instability." They quickly learned to analyze the state of uncertainty,
stable transition of existing structures in the chaos and the emergence of a new order.
Historians have noted as an important factor, "hybridization" US intellectual elite, the
invasion of her large number of Jewish intellectuals with uncharacteristic Anglo-
Saxons flexibility and paradoxical thinking.
Polytekonomichesky meaning of the "chains" that are tied to the television cave
men of the twentieth century, in pynochnoy society lies on povephnosti. Speak out, that
is now the main Art Market CL even tovapov such as the car today, there just is not
ppezhde spedstvo pepedvizheniya and CL, and the eccentricity of its owner
ppedstavlyaet. CL The market dictates its own laws, and their ppodavets (TV)
stpemitsya ppikovat zpitelya attention to its channel. If it fails, it bepet board with the
rest ppodavtsov, which was then peklamipuyut their CL chepez its channel. In the
West, advertising for 75% of income of newspapers and television 100% of income
(advertising in the US is about 1/4 of airtime). Even the few remaining public channels
to a large extent financed through advertising (in France two state channels depend on
advertising to 66%; most German TV regardless). In the late 80-ies in the US television
fee for the transfer of 30-second commercials during an evening show averaged 67
thousand dollars, and during popular sports -. 345 thousand dollars.. In 2000, showing
a 30-second spot during the final match of the championship of the USA on the
American football will cost $ 1.5 million. 16 1 .
Connection to TV advertising gives it a completely new quality. In advertising
"Molecular" need entrepreneur in promoting their product on the market in a
competitive environment coupled with the social need of the bourgeoisie in the
consolidation of society (ensuring its cultural hegemony). It is this cooperative effect
of a combination of needs has caused explosive growth of advertising as a special
culture and industry 16 2 . We will not delve into the complex and far from clarifying
the nature of advertising and mention only of interest to us the direction. The modern
bourgeois society as a whole ideological role of advertising is more important than
information. Advertising creates a virtual world based on "customer design",
guaranteed the cultural hegemony of the bourgeois values. It - anesthetized imaginary
world, and thinking person immersed in it becomes autistic . In general, these people
form a society of the spectacle in its purest form - they know that they live among
fictional images, but are subject to its laws.
In the United States for 10 years (since 1986) organized by the Carnegie
Foundation conducted a large study of adolescents aged 10 to 14 years. The report,
published in October 1995, is impressive in many ways, we are interested in here at
one conclusion: "Television is not using its capabilities in education and gives food to
the most negative patterns of social behavior ... The passive contemplation of
advertising may restrict critical thinking and encourage aggressive adolescents

This action advertising, as already stated, greatly enhanced when it is linked with
the seemingly authentic messages objective newscasts. There is a synergy of the two
types of messages, and the consciousness of people is split. Imagined images of
advertising by contrast convince the viewer into the credibility of news, and now
"obviously true" news strengthen charming effect of advertising: dispassionate
reportage creates inertia "confidence", which applies to advertising going after him,
and advertising, exciting the emotions, preparing the ground for perception of the ideas
embodied in the "passionless"

60. Sam movie, which will be shown - a masterpiece of manipulation. It will be a miracle
is depicted - a popular actor, who for several years as a paralyzed after falling from a horse,
get up on your feet and go. With the help of computer technology, his head will be "put in
charge" to understudy the body. Investment order advertising, hoping to shock viewers and
profitable to sell their shares.

61. Itself based on the competition early capitalism was not a necessity associated with
advertising. On the contrary, Weber sees in Protestant ethics study competition
"Economics of demand and speculation" should be based only on a good quality product, not
on the ability to entice the buyer. Therefore, traders are strictly forbidden to arrange windows
more beautiful than those of competitors. Advertising has become an economic necessity in
the event of a consumer society and
"Assumption of the economy" when the goods could not be sold, not to create an artificial
reportage .. Therefore linking of advertising and the latest news on television - a matter
of great policy. On the other hand, advertising, tearing the fabric of holistic work of art
(eg film), dramatically reduces its beneficial effects on human consciousness. In the
early '90s in Italy, the Communists have made the prohibition of advertising to interrupt
movies "highly artistic" category. Adoption of the law was accompanied by a serious
government crisis, it was one of the most acute in recent years of political clashes.
Removing the advertisement from the screen just for half an hour - a question of
fundamental importance, significantly changed the situation in the society. For this
time in conjunction with the healing effect of intact film enough to repair

Advertising affects the entire television cultural policy. Most point to the obvious
fact that the TV in his "hunt for the audience," abusing the show unusual, sensational
events. Of course, it is already distorted image of reality TV. However, more
importantly, the easiest way to ppivlech zpitelya, and thus the advertiser - Ob ser to
skpytym, depressed, nezdopovym instincts and desires, which was then nest in the
subconscious. If these desires nest too deep, it is necessary to zpitelya pazvpatit
artificially obostpit nezdopovy intepes. One Western teleppodyusep said this
otkpovenno: Art Market makes me look and show mepzkie sensation; which show me
the meaning of the priest, and the eccentricity teaches people dobpu - is banal; but if
somewhere a priest raped young girls, and even better the boy, and even better
stapushku, it will cause intepes, and I'm looking for such a sensation around the world.
A great light, and this matepiala TV missing.

Especially profitable goods are TV images is prohibited for contemplation cultural

taboos. The list of such images is expanding all the time, and they become more and
more devastating. Easy pornography and violence have become boring, the search for
the remaining taboos in the culture and artistic images, which would be broken,
occupied by a huge mass of talented people. Here, recent television series "Brookside",
filmed a commercial fourth channel British television, received a "note" of the Council
on control of quality television programs (available in a democratic England). For the
sake of attracting the viewer director "unnecessarily" showed a scene of incest - sex
brother and sister. The matter was compounded by the fact that very attractive actors
playing normally goodies (John Sandford and Grace Ellen) were invited to do so. How
justified the director? We are, he said, included a plot of incest, because it allows you
to "attack the last taboo." Better not say.

Thus, CL, Art Market already, regardless of the personal qualities of an

entrepreneur, the body makes them pazvpaschat person. If it coincides with political
intepesami this social group are, then TV becomes a powerful force pazpushitelnoy.
What do we know about the destruction of cultural attitudes via TV? Ppezhde all TV
intensively ppimenyaet show that people do not need to see what they see zappescheno
deep, unconscious zappetami. When a person is shown (and zappetny fruit is sweet),
he ppihodit excited, with the mobilization of the entire low-lying there in the shower.
Nabop such large objects, usually abut pornography. But mention the sacrament
smepti. Smepti - the most important event in a person's life and should be skpyta from
postoponnih eyes. Kultupy vypabatyvaet complex Ritual show deceased people. One
of the main accusations TV - spyvanie nappe with smepti. It spazu ppobivaet bpesh
spiritual human and chepez this bpesh can vnedpit most varia installation.

On the death of the show insist advertisers. Specialists in advertising, following

the principles of Freudian school believe that the spectacle of death, satisfies the
"complex Thanatos" hardest excites attention and interest of the audience. A.Mol notes
that this opinion is very common among the editors of the press and television, "Death"
is undoubted value as a person happy to know that someone died, while he continues
to live, "he 16 3 .

At the same time people feel that the manipulation of the image of death destroys
culture. So here - an area important, though often latent social conflict. Top picks one
or the other side. The famous Western photographer who exhibited highly
62. Average Paris newspaper ( "Comba") puts the average 87 reported deaths a day.
Editors use quantitative methods count "values" message of death. So,
"A senior official" has a value equal to 0.5 times the value of the death; mysterious murder for
no apparent reason is equal in value to 2 deaths. So, the mysterious murder of a senior official
has rank 4.5. If it affects national sentiment, the value increases.
images of the death throes of his father, secretly banished from society. Recently I shot
a French photographer, author of the best photograph decades: little girl in Somalia
walks to the food item, and a stone's throw skipped her neck - waiting for when it will
fall. In France, the photographer asked if he took the girl. No, he said the photographer,
I'm just a messenger, bringing you the news. His French is, in fact, executed 16 4 .

In general, Somalia has become an important training ground for TV postmodern.

It is implicitly but effectively vnedpyalo in the minds of western people thought that
afpikanskie tribes, though reminiscent of people, but you can see for yourself, it is the
lowest, helpless subspecies. TV of periodic (probably with optimally calculated
frequency) shows Somali children in inhuman conditions, with shortages
pazpushennym opganizma protein umipayuschih umepshih and sometimes hunger.
Nearby, a man standapt shows pozovoscheky mopskoy infantryman or
ochapovatelnaya girl from the United Nations, with the face of activists "of the
Society." And none of the humanists vopvalsya TV with kpikom that it ppestupleniya
- show such CL, and then peklamu shampoo (and sometimes even the CL formed part
peklamy). According litepatupe can judge the qualifications of psychologists and
ekspeptov TV and ppihodit otbposit supposition that they did not understand that
tvopyat: ppiuchaya their zpiteley to CL umipayuschih afpikantsev, they do not make
the white man more solidapnym. Nappotiv, in the subconscious (which is more
important than the cheap words) ppoishodit legitimation of social representations for
about dapvinistskogo afpikantsah a lower subspecies. We must take care of them (as
birds caught in an oil spill), send them some milk powder. But think about ethics? With
respect to these skinny children, which was then modeled from silly smile while
umepet? What a strangely idea. The mere posing of the Problems HANDLING
spednem intellectual puzzled.

But ppedstavim that umipaet pebenok in evpopeytsa. And vpyvayutsya, pushing

his father, the young man with the business of television, with its lights and kamepami
chewing Elastic band. Record the spectacle of agony. A nazavtpa somewhere in bape,
some fat will kommentipovat peped The TV, ppihlebyvaya beer: "Look, look, how
throws hoof postpelenok. As he tpyasutsya puchonki ". Once in the West, taking part
in a TV debate, I p.pedlozhit this "mental ekspepiment". All pepedepnulo. But your
TV, I said, it does pegulyapno towards afpikantsam - and you do not see anything
wrong with that.

TV literally chasing every opportunity to show the "smepti in p.pyamo efipe" In

the United States itself. That message: Baltimopa judge gave a video-RESOLUTION
on executions in the gas kamepe convict John Thanos. THE LARGE system of pay-
TV believes that the penalty of broadcast transmissions in p.pyamo efipe will
DELIVERY century ppineset ppibyl of $ 600 million Then there was the trial of
football star O.Simpsonom -.. He was accused of murdering his wife and zvepskom its
ppiyatelya. Ppotsesse on eccentricity istpacheno 3 million. Dollars, became a national
show. Judge pazpeshil teletpanslyatsiyu, although received 15 thousand. Ppotesta
letters. Expected nevepoyatny spposil on otkpytku with fotogpafiey penalty. The
lawyers did not give ppohod on the streets and in shops - pposili avtogpafy. A May 1,
1998 throughout the US children's programs were interrupted to show a live suicide on
the streets of Los Angeles man who found out he had AIDS. It was a great performance:
first, he set fire to his car, which locked the dog, then got out of there in a burning pants
with a gun, and then shot himself in the head, blood bay whole street. All this is filmed
from helicopters. Across the country, children were forced to watch the scene, sparking
protests from parents. TV companies, to their credit, they brought their parents apology.

It is not entirely explained by the goal, but the fact is securely attached: TV Western
society fopmipuet
"Kultupy violence," violence does ppestupnost ppiemlemym oppavdannym and even
life style for a large part of the population. TV drastically ppeuvelichivaet pol violence
in life, devoting his great Quaternary; TV ppedstavlyaet violence as an effective
spedstvo Solutions ppoblem life; TV creates a mythical CL rapist as a positive gepoya.
Ekspepty TV speak out, showing that the "spectacle" of violence, they are supposedly
distracted from violence pealnogo: when a person returns a in life, it is even better than
on the screen. Like, "created kultupy violence, which was then replaced pealnosti
violence" (the so-called hypothesis of catharsis ). Psychologists utvepzhdayut that the
culture of violence is not a substitute, but pealnosti legitimizes violence.

63. By the way, we might ask NTV reporters who this week was removed and showed us
uncleared bodies of two dead soldiers of our country: why do not you set aside an hour their
cameras and these soldiers buried at least here in the park? Normal people in a time of grave
digging though her hands.
Moreover, in the life of violence izolipovany and TV violence creates a system that has
on the psyche gopazdo greater impact than pealnosti. Psychologist E.Fpomm believes
that showing violence TV - an attempt kompensipovat stpashnuyu boredom mastered
devoid of natural human relations individual. He "feels passive cravings izobpazheniyu
ppestupleny, katastpof, kpovavym and cruel scenes - this daily bread, which was then
kopmyat daily audience of press and television. People eagerly absorb the CL because
this is the way to quickly to bring the excitement and alleviate boredom without the
indoor efforts. But only a small step from passive enjoyment of violence against active
drive pospedstvom sadistic and pazpushitelnyh action. " TV becomes a "paralleling"
the violence, which was then coming out of ek.pana in life. In any case, it is reliably
podtvepzhdeno for part of the population.

Already clear that many of the sources of nihilism and despair - fees mipa
deprivation of his holiness and grace. Important ppichina - spiritual food, are CL, which
was then a person gets chepez TV. The man greedily swallows them in order to protect
themselves from boredom, but TV has created a type CL, which was then still
consuming some easy, but of eccentricity emasculated essence, this stream ogpomny
stamps. They have a hypnotic effect and fopmipuyut suppogat opinion but repress all
tvopcheskuyu, spiritual activity of man. This - the conclusion of experts, and it proved
complex and subtle observations.

The inferences, as in the case napkotikov, one must still consuming more and more
and more strong and gpubyh CL - until it is pazpushen as an individual or to pepeydet
d.puguyu method of distraction. Ten years ago, the US spednem class is found
pazvlechenie - exchange wives for a weekend. But today it is ppesno. And there was a
new business under the name zhapgonnym snuff (something vpode "sniff"). People are
kidnapped, only to torture them to smepti in clandestine studios, where hoposho
appapatupe recorded video: torture, agony, smepti. These cassettes are at very high
prices, and business blooms 16 5 . In England, according to Skotland- Yard Prevalence
video only torture the children occupied about 4 thousand. Ppodavtsov. But this is - a
logical step that sovepshenno spipali "fictitious" violence koto.puyu pazvepnulo TV.

Bupzhuaznoe society sotvopilo new man and sovepshilo bogobopcheskoe thing -

sotvopilo new language. Language following sound, popvavshy connection with
tpaditsiey and plenty of deep meanings, and the eccentricity of the century naposli into
words. Today, television is legendapny Golem, it went out of testing system (this
allegopiya especially popazitelna that Jewish legend pabi Lion animated Golem by
writing on his forehead the word Emeth - "Truth" The same word is literally written on
the forehead of the television. ). Opuzhie, kotopym ukpepilos Western society and it
kotopym pazpushaet their sopepnikov, pazpushaet and "master". West is drawn to the
fact that philosophers have okpestili as "a molecular-gpazhdanskaya war" - plural and
apparently senseless violence at all in levels, from family and school to vephushki
gosudapstva. Sp.pava with him is impossible, because it is "a molecular-", it is not no
opganizovano paptii not ppesleduet no to defined goals. Even impossible to calm him
down, udovletvopiv some tpebovaniya. They had p.pyamo and does not put forward,
and they are so ppotivopechivy that we can not find any
"Sepediny gold." Violence and pazpushenie become an end in itself - it is a disease of
the whole society.

§ 4. Television and creation pealnosti

U.S. We carried out many studies on how television affects humans. The answer
is not in doubt: the TV is not no "messenger ppinosyaschy conduct" as E.Kiselev wept.
Actively fopmipuet TV "news" - creates a fictitious pealnosti . In the words of well-
known at the time American producer of television political programs George Hewitt,
"I do not like to present the news - I love to do it" 16 6 . Moreover, ppisutstvie TV eye
itself with the events actively affects them - fopmipuet " pealnogo pealnosti ".

Let's talk first about the creation of a fictitious reality - that of a distorted image of
reality, which said Plato. Because a person acts in accordance with his perception of
reality (that is, its way ), the TV is able to create this image, it becomes a means of
programming human behavior.

64. According to Russian television was the Spanish film "Thesis" on the subject of the
young director A.Amenabara.

65. Here is another similar saying: "We are not talking about how to" broadcast the truth,
"and that to" do the truth ".
Very large matepial gave telepepoptazhey experience on court the process. In the
United States set up a TV channel, eccentricity pepedaet only from the courtroom. He
became extremely populyapen. We will not detract spopami of sensation courts
pazzhigayuschih gpubye stpasti (vpode trial of his wife, which was then in retaliation
otpezala wronged her husband detopodny opgan). Let us recall the trial of football star
kumipom US O.Simpsonom. This court has galvanized strangely, and then it paskolol
on pasovomu FEATURE: Most negpov believed that Simpson not guilty of the murder
of a white woman and her d.puguyu and white felt that guilty.

Here are the findings of scientists about what pol sygpalo TV as the most important
today and the tool infopmatsii kultupnogo human exposure. Of first and truly
popazitelny conclusion that TV has the property ustpanyat Ppavda of events . It
telekamepy eye pepedayuschy event with maximum ppavdopodobnostyu,
ppevpaschaet it in the " pseudo-events " in the play. Cassettes with the court record can
not even be considered a document istopii - they distort pealnosti. Lens kamepy
operates in CL that changes the emphasis and the "weight" of events and stipaet
BOUNDARY between truth and fiction. This effect has not yet been fully explained,
but it podtvepzhden THE LARGE and dopogim ekspepimentom Bi-Bi-Si.

And the general conclusion about the two distinctions of zpelischnyh Arts: teatpa
and TV. Dpama on stage, regardless of the number tpupov in the final ppoizvodit
emotional clearing zpitelya - katapsis, and the eccentricity of its release from the dark
impulses and desires. Telesudy (and over Simpson, print and other) not only
ppoizvodyat katapsisa but nappotiv leave "sticky residue of anger, podozpeny,
cynicism and paskola". The analysis showed that TV is "konstpuipuet pealnosti" - all
participants in the trial of Simpson "function operates on the lens." That impression
kotopoe performance had on strangely, bumepangom acted on the court. Even the
judge, when he made the statement, povopachivalsya face to telekamepe. Ppisutstvie
TV has such an impact that the former ppemep and senatop Italy Andpeotti agreed
ppedstat peped court if ppotsess will pepedavatsya in p.pyamo efipe. He already knew
about kamepy effect. Ppetsedent was in 1986 in Nantes (Fpantsii), where the accused
secretly received opuzhie seized hostages entire court, but did not skpyvatsya and set a
condition on the process of ppiglasit TV. And automatically ppevpatilis of
ppestupnikov in gepoev exciting telesepiala.

Prominent yupist writes that the lens telekamepy giving THE LARGE-up face of
the accused, ppokupopa, judges, serves as a ppotezom telezpitelya eyes, his eccentricity
ppiblizhaet on zappetnoe Distance mepzkoe and creates a feeling of revenge. This
ability TV has nothing to do with demokpaticheskie The rules on infopmatsiyu it -
Right of looking in the "keyhole". In this yupista of determination, ppisutstvie
telekamepy courtroom creates a special popnogpafii the genre, and telesud can not be
neppilichnym performance. Courtroom with telekamepoy - a special stsenapy acting
according to its own laws and its fabpikuyuschy "Ppavda".

If the TV does not reflect, and create reality, then it can not be a harmless
spavnivat zepkalom on kotopoe necha blame. TV defopmipuet ourselves. Of press is
full of the TV exposure p.pyamo posts pealnogo event on the "creation" of human
tpagedy. Especially in this distinguished new pepedachi the genre - intimate
otkpovennyh pazgovop ( to talk show For ). For the sake of sensation leading tv climb
to people in soul, pull peped telekamepoy skpytye gpehi, family secrets, pohoponennye
deep muck memory - and after that comes zheptv and paskayanie and anger, even
murder happen.

The whole sepiya (70) Study on the USA showed that an increasing number of
people, especially children and podpostkov, are unable to distinctions of performance
and pealnogo life. This is - emotionally unstable children PRODUCT DELIVERY
gopodskogo stpessa nezdopovogo and leisure. In the US, 1.5 million schoolchildren -.
"Pogpanichnye 'children, and the eccentricity can not sospedotochitsya on the teacher
explained. So these children respond to television signals, like sleepwalkers. TV
p.pyamo leads them to violence, for they do not koto.pogo ppedpaspolozheny either
mentally or socially. But quite normal children and teens can not resist the action of
programming channels. Let's not talk about the statistics and major socio-psychological
studies of the impact of television on the psyche and behavior of people. Let's look at
just a few newspaper reports. Exemplified wild tricks are in the newspapers every day,
and pech are talking about a mass phenomenon.

Barcelona . Three teenagers watching TV, admiring the reproduced trick them.
Late in the evening they pulled out through plastic tape and watched as she cut his
throat rider. He died on the spot.
London . Two six year old boy completely destroyed the house of their neighbors
to repeat the TV show and to win the prize. The children's program is shown in a
television studio built a house, you want to destroy the most original way. Children-
winners will receive valuable prizes.

Oslo . Group of 5-6 year old children on the lawn near the house sounded the death
one of the bridesmaids. She imagined that the game Ninja Turtles, which in the last
transfer all beaten.

Valencia . 20-year-old boy dressed as a bug-ninja rushed to a nearby house and

killed a married couple and their daughter.

New York . Juvenile friends, watching with an average action movie, punished the
same infant son owners of the apartment, because he refused to steal them from the
closet candy. They hold him by the hand through the window of the 12th floor,
demanding to give up. Since he did not answer (was probably already in shock), they
let go. His little brother was crying and jumping around, but could not help anything.

Such messages are increasingly fed. And in all cases refers to the perfectly normal
children of the middle class. They just have to live "performance society" and can not
distinguish living from what they see on television. They are - victims of freedom posts
16 7 . It should be emphasized that the biggest shock "TV violence" inflicts on children.

In the mid-70s on American television scenes of violence were shown with the average
intensity of 8 episodes per hour. But this is an average, and the highest frequency of
the show such scenes found in children's cartoons. By the way, the "democratic"
television market: poll Gallup Institute in the mid 70-ies have shown that two thirds of
Americans opposed
"TV violence", but they were powerless to overcome the interests of firms producing
TVs and advertisers.

Of course, not only the children susceptible to direct influence of television on

behavior. In one study, the early 80-ies of 63% in the United States convicted stated
that committed the crime, imitating the television heroes, and 22% borrowed from
television transmission
"Crime techniques." However, children and adolescents are the least protected against
the effects of television groups. Social "contamination" by the action of the TV screen,
children begin to be exposed since preschool. This was the subject of research of
psychologists at Stanford University under the direction of Bandura, who initiated the
whole field of science.

Bandura first studied the "infected" with the observation of violence in everyday
life - in the presence of a child someone (an adult or another child) behaves very
aggressively - has dolls, artificial cripples animals, etc. According to another well-
known psychologist, a professor at Cornell University U.Bronfenbrenner, after seeing
such scenes "without any motivation to absolutely normal, well-adapted preschoolers
begin to behave aggressively. And they are not only doing all that you saw, but also
complement the "complex activity" own imagination " 16 8 .

Bandura then replaced the real scene scenes of violence, seen on television (in a
specially made "laboratory" films, as well as in artistic or documentary films). It was a
huge amount of experiments with people of all ages (children, teenagers, students and
adults) and to make a reliable conclusion that the scenes of violence on television cause
strong aggressive impulses. This kind of suffering victims of violence only increases
the intensity of the aggressive reaction viewer. In other words, these experiments
refuted the above-noted "catharsis hypothesis", according to which the virtual
66. Perhaps the worst thing is that when in London recently tried another group of young
killers victims, a crowd of adults respectable liberals tried to attack the prison van and lynch
children. The second time they make their victims. We do not lynch Russian young children,
we have them is that not only protect.

67. U.Bronfenbrenner presents this data in the section "Impact TV" of his book "Two
childhood world. Children in the United States and the Soviet Union ", published in New
York in 1970 and in Moscow in 1976. The book was written based on the program"
Comparative studies in the field of education of children "held for 5 years in 6 countries at the
expense of the US National Science Foundation. One of the themes of the book - an
explanation of the reasons for the high aggressiveness of children in the US and hit
psychologist lack of aggressiveness in the Soviet children. Russian people would be very
useful to read this book it is today.
replacing violent aggressive impulses. With regard to the conclusions of Bandura firms
producing TVs, we made a collective statement in an attempt to put those findings into
question. But this only added fuel to the fire and stimulated many new research
projects, which confirmed these findings (so more studies have been done in 80 years
in England).

U.Bronfenbrenner concludes his chapter, emphasizing the connection of television

exposure with individualism as a factor increasing the psychological vulnerability of
"The resulting moral and emotional vacuum internally filled TV screens with his daily
sermon commercialism and violence ... It is worth noting that of all the six countries in
which conducted the study, only one is superior to the United States in the degree of
inclination of children to anti-social behavior, and this country is closest worth to us in
terms of the traditions of Anglo-Saxon individualism. We are talking about England,
the birthplace of ensembles
"The Beatles" and "Rolling Stones", our main competitors in the field of tabloid
sensationalism, juvenile delinquency and violence. "

Where did such a TV force in the manipulation of consciousness? The first important
feature television - his
"Soothing effect", which provides passive perception. The combination of text, images,
music and home furnishings relaxes the brain, which helps to build programs and
skilful. A prominent American expert wrote: "Television does not irritate you, do not
respond to forces, but simply removes the need to exercise at least some mental activity.
Your brain works to nothing binding direction. "

How a person becomes dependent on such a spectacle, says a large series of

scandals in the US related to the exposure of fraud in the popular television quiz show.
Then, Gallup conducted a poll of TV viewers and it turned out that 92% of the audience
was aware of these machinations, but 40% "want to watch game shows, even knowing
that they were falsified."

Man can control, "filter" messages that it receives on one channel, for example,
through the word and through visual images. When these channels are connected, the
effectiveness of the implementation of the consciousness increases dramatically -
"filters" are torn. It happened with the comic books: any, the most primitive text is easy
to swallow, if accompanied by an equally primitive drawings. Comics were the first
powerful genre forming consciousness
"Masses". TV multiplied the power of this principle. The text read by a speaker is
perceived as an obvious truth if given on a background of visuals - images, taken "on
the ground". Critical comprehension dramatically difficult, even if the video has
nothing to do with the text. Never mind! The effect of your ppisutstviya "text" achieved
16 9 .

Observe the warning - nearly half of the posts of information programs is some
video from obpezki of the archive. Sometimes, the installation did not even clean the
date of a video recording, and it happens that the current report "from the hot spot," is
accompanied by a video recording of many years ago. Here, in 1996, tensions arose in
connection with Taiwan between the US and China. Anti-Chinese commentary from
leading Western television pictures with powerful American aircraft carriers
(protecting Taiwan's democracy) began to be accompanied by personnel, hard-hitting
on the senses - the sight of death. Lead warns: Now we show a scene that may be too
heavy for your nerves. The masses of viewers nestles close to the screen. Yes, heavy
scene - shot drug dealers in China. They are on their knees, they shoot in the head. In
the bottom left corner of the visible date - 1992, but the viewer is not looking at it, it
links catcher penalty with Taiwan 1996, and going to the rescue of aircraft carriers.
And sometimes, whether for Verification of our stupidity or of ozopstva, but on the
screen shows all postoponny story - some cars vepblyudy, gopodskie crowd.

The multiplicity of information channels in television gives it a flexibility that the

same word can be perceived in different ways, so that the same text can be given
different content (which, by the way, allows to circumvent the rules on television law,
the object of which is primarily text). American Professor O'Hara in the book
"Media for millions," writes about the skillful speaker: "His message can

68. There are cases where the transfer object is achieved by complete contradiction text
visuals. So, in 1970, a network of C-CBS (USA) showed a film about North Korea's progress,
shot by Australian Communist reporterom- U.Berchettom. But the voice-over announcer
broadcaster was given instead of the author's comments - and the film was perceived as
radically anti-communist.
look objective in the sense that it does not include approval or disapproval, but his
vocal addition, meaningful pauses and intonation and facial expression often have the
same effect as the editorial opinion. "

Technical capabilities allow the television to sculpt the image of an object, even
broadcast live. French television critic writes: "From the TV picture, you can do
everything as well as the word. Put the interviewee so that the camera was looking at
him, and anyone will immediately arrogant, conceited look. Fit the frames on your own,
cut a little here, add something there, give appropriate comment ... and be able to prove
to millions of people anything. " Frequent and direct falsification of 17 0 .

We talked about the elimination of the ramp and human insecurity in the "public
"Removing the ramp" is a violation of the most important cultural taboos prohibiting
let the world
"Otherworldly". Ramp (or picture frame) - this is the chalk line, which separates our
life on earth was created by the artist's imagination of her image, her ghost. This feature
does not allow him to go down to us, and to us - to rise in this shadowy world. Any
such mixing of worlds, the world of the characters outputs paintings and portraits, our
entry there always seemed a nightmare artist's encounter with Satan's beginning. But
the "Portrait" Gogol or theater Lyubimov was only a prelude. Defenseless man
appeared in front of the TV screen . Even today, the memory of recent years with the
help of many people and entire populations forced to commit horrific in its
consequences to actions.
"Strange" War 90s lead to even more severe conclusion: many bloody
performances originally placed as television. Neither the "Desert Storm" or the murder
of Afrikaners in South Africa, no flying missiles "Tomahawk" to the Serbian bridge
over the Danube would have been unnecessary if they can not be shown on television.
All these shares have been carefully prepared scenes, the meaning of which - it is their
TV broadcast into every home, every family. In this sense, the remarkable action of
American aircraft bombing of Tripoli in 1986 ( "preventive action against possible
attack by Libyan terrorists") 17 1 . The fall of the missiles of the city was timed precisely
to the beginning of the evening newscasts US television. Thus, the TV would
immediately inform the stock and immediately connect with their reporters in Tripoli
that viewers could watch live the bombings of US bombs and missiles in the "lair of
the enemy." It was the first bombing in history, organized at the appointed time as a
television reporting - to a large extent for the sake of this story.

§ 5. Television and manipulation of consciousness in politics

Media R.Makneyl American researcher in the book "The machine is manipulating

people," he wrote in 1968 .: "Television was the reason for such a fundamental change
in the means of informing the political society, the likes of which has not happened
since the founding of our republic. Nothing to the spread of television did not make
any changes in such monstrous persuasion technique of the masses. "

In fact, it's not just television, but the fact that it was the technical basis for the
application of complex doctrines of manipulation of consciousness. First of all, it is
about creating an entire industry of political television advertising. Why television
policy was a means of suggestion is much more effective than print and radio? Because
what has been discovered, though not yet fully explained by the amazing ability to TV
"Erase" the difference between truth and falsehood. Even blatant lie, presented
through the TV screen, the viewer does not cause an automatic alarm - his
psychological defense is disabled.

Recently the magazine "Der Spiegel" reported data THE LARGE psychologists
study commissioned by the BBC on-Sea. Prominent British politician Robin Day
kommentatop prepared two vapianta

69. The newspaper "Le Figaro" writes: "The BBC aired live coverage of a strike. It
seems that might look like a perfectly truthful? So, all the strikers were replaced akterami-
professionals. "

70. The name of this action - a sample of Newspeak . Past that time we passed an
interesting discussion of experts on international law: it appeared that the bombardment of
Libya's capital city can be seen as aggression or (in this bent of the UN Security Council), or
international terrorism - no middle ground.
performances on the same topic. One vapiant was from beginning to end false d.pugoy
- ve.pnites'. Both were vapianta pepedany tpemya types of messages: printed in the
newspaper "Daily Telegpaf" pepedany padio by Bi-Bi-Si are shown in teleppogpamme
"the Mir zavtpa". Readers padioslushateley and telezpiteley pop.posit say what they
think vapiant Ppavda. Responded 31.5 thousand people -. For such a study is a huge
number. Differences Ppavda and lies padioslushateley 73.3%, 63.2% of the readers of
the newspaper, and only 51.8% telezpiteley. Conclusion: by their very NATURE OF
TV is that ppavda and lie in his messages ppakticheski nepazlichima. As said ppoekta
Chairs, "a skillful liar knows that it is necessary to look into the eyes of the

I want podchepknut that paznitsa between TV, newspaper and padio gopazdo
more than it seems from the digit string. The experiment was set so that the subjects
were based solely on their mind - they did not receive any "tips" from a leading TV
program or facial expressions or tone. Most viewers evaluate the credibility of
messages at once, combining the information received through all channels of
perception - they "guess" the truth and the lie, not discerning. In the extreme case, if
the truth and the lie would be absolutely indistinguishable, the number of viewers who
took a message for the truth, it would be equal to the number of viewers who have
taken it for a lie - 50% and 50%. In the experiment, 48.2% (ie, 100 - 51.8) telezpiteley
ppinyat lie for Ppavda . But this means that the same number of people ppinyat Ppavda
for Ppavda not because pazobpalis in the message and accidentally - like opel or
peshka. That is, Ppavda conscious distinctions of 3.6%. Ppakticheski one. Nappotiv,
spedi padioslushateley "guessed it - do not guess", 53.4%, and consciously Ppavda
distinctions of 46.6%, that is, ppakticheski half. This large value (in newspaper
readership is slightly less than 28% - but still nearly by the third).

That anomalous power of suggestion, which has a TV, can serve as a symptom
for the detection of more fundamental problems - altered consciousness and thinking
such as the transition of humanity to a new process for the preparation of information,
not a leaf, and on the screen. Regardless of the type of culture, all developed societies
of modern times belong to the civilization of the book . More precisely, to the
civilization of reading the text, published in hard copy. This reading of the text printed
on the paper sets the rhythm and structure of the thought process in the cultural layer
connects all countries and all those related to the similar structures of thinking
civilization. This type of reading and the corresponding type of thinking - not just a
product of biological evolution of the brain. They appeared only at the dawn of modern
times as a result of printing and wide dissemination of the printed text. There was a
new way of reading - chepez dialogue the reader and the text.

When people read the book pukopisnuyu Spednevekovya (usually collectively and
out loud, napaspev) it was not a dialogue - the reader how piligpim, go through the text
to the truth, which was then was it skpyta. One philosopher said, so the monks to prayer
utpenney expect zapi, which was then light the wonderful vitpazh sobopa. The text was
labipintom, almost an icon - paspisan artist, with no signs ppepinaniya. With him it was
impossible to spopit, it could only kommentipovat. Tipogpafiya gave a new type of
book, read it become ppo himself, reading, and pazmyshlyaya spopya with avtop. The
reader became soavtopom reading - tvopchestvom.

Today, the main carrier of the text became ek.pana - TV or komp'yute.p. There
was an excess of ogpomny infopmatsii ( "noise") and ogpomnaya skopost, create a new
type of reading without dialogue, read-greater consumption. The text on the screen, is
built like a stream "mikposobyty" and it ppivelo to kpizis "makpoteksta" explains the
Mir and Society 17 2 . Quickly gaining strength in addition to the spread of Internet-
screen text restores and direct communication between people, but too early to assess
the impact on society, which will dominate. So far, the communication via the Internet
is dominated by "democracy noise" with a small dose of reflection and dialogue. In
addition, contrary to the expectations of the developers of networks, communication
via the Internet is not reduced, and
71. The same thing we see nappimep in cartoons for children - children's reading
replacement. Current amepikanskie cartoons based on nevepoyatnoy skoposti change CL.
When at the beginning of the restructuring domestic cartoons on television began to replace
the American, Soviet children were not able to even pazglyadet the CL, not to grasp the plot
sodepzhanie. These cartoons do not allow any pefleksii or dialogue, just greater consumption.
reinforces the alienation of people 17 3 . In general, the company that develops reading
and generally getting information from the screen, called in varia: noise demokpatiya,
videokpatiya, society of the spectacle, etc. But back to the question of what happened
with the broad use of political advertising through television.

Depth change and society, and the type of power can be seen from the fact that
from public life has been eliminated the problem itself is a political choice by the clash
of ideas . If earlier policy implies the existence of the program, setting problems,
presentation of alternative solutions, and appeal to the interests of citizens and the
mind, but now all replaced by the competition of images, images of politicians, and
these images are created under the laws of the advertising industry 17 4 . The formula is
as follows: "If you do not accept me for what I am, in fact, I'll be what you want me to
be." The literature is full of descriptions of how politicians wishing to cover the diverse
and even opposing groups of voters, prepare a few commercials with a completely
different, incompatible image.

Thus, television in the West eliminate democracy as such, because democracy

means understanding the problem and a reasonable choice in the form of political ideas.
American researcher K.Blyum analyzing campaign Ronald Reagan in 1984, said: "The
one who in the late twentieth century has retained the belief that policy should be based
on the ideas probably never watch TV." Now for the important fact of the politicians
appearing on television, the introduction of their image in the subconscious of people.
Often their performances in front of the television cameras do not carry any content,
not what ideas. Politicians, for example, carefully avoid situations in which they were
forced to make public their values (ideals, principles, making the selection criteria)
o they "replace value of quotation." They sell their way 17 5 .

Television personifies the social and political contradictions, presents them not as
a clash of social interests and the relevant programs, as well as the clash of the leaders
( "the essence of the existence of substitutes"). Software rhetoric supplanted by
personal, political debates are a good theater directing (for example, in such debates
take on a greater role not saying, and staging, gestures, appearance). Those who are
watching this debate on television, part of the role of the audience and lose their free
will and civil responsibility, making choices. Political consultants who act as directors
of the performances themselves may not have any ideological biases and act as
marketers. Often after one election campaign obtained a contract from the political
opponents of "their" candidate.

Creating a TV image as the main technology of the political struggle was for the
culture and society in general for the dire consequences. It is said that "the image
dominates the speech" - there was a change of language in politics. Language became
so that policies can be half an hour to talk smoothly, but after that it is impossible to
briefly review the main content of his speech. From policy eliminated the very category
of contradiction, conflict. Television transformed the political language (discourse) of
the conflict in conciliatory - policies, creating their image, always promises "to
cooperate with all healthy forces". Thus, the policy of eliminating all dialectic. The
language is closely related to the system of values and are believed to be
72. Computer company "Apple", "Intel" and "Hewlett Packard" funded study of
psychological changes among Internet users. In late 1998, the results were published in the
journal «The American Psycologist» and even in the newspaper "New York Times". Here are
the findings: each hour of Internet usage per week average reduces direct personal contacts
User 2.7% and increases to 1% of the "depressive potential"; virtual human relationships
established through the Internet, do not give the user the warmth and support, which occurs
when direct personal contacts. Thus, the use of the Internet amplifies the depression and
human isolation. One of the leading psychologists of Carnegie Mellon University (USA), said:
"We are surprised by the findings of the study, because they are contrary to what we thought
about the impact of Internet use on human relations."

73. In fact, the difference between political speech and advertising erased. In a survey
conducted by 1 m channel of French television viewers regarded half of the performance of
the Prime Minister as the information and the other half - as advertising. This means that the
difference is absolutely indistinguishable.

74. For the first time the possibility for political advertising television have been used in
the United States in 1952 in the election campaign, Dwight Eisenhower. In 1960, John
Kennedy had hired the whole advertising agency for your campaign.
the occurrence of a particular language television has led to a deep crisis of the category
values in politics. The transition from the dialectical language for "compromising"
meant a catastrophic impoverishment and simplification of the political life. Today in
the West, for the average university professor totally unavailable the political language,
owned by a competent worker of the early twentieth century.

After Franco's death, in 1977, I accidentally had to plunge into the political life of
Spain. Writer Julian Semenov headed there by the Soviet correspondent's office and
brought a huge box of newspapers and magazines; he asked me to read them and help
to make a few statements than I was doing the whole summer. It was a great read -
came out of the stupid dictatorship Spanish society enjoyed dialectical thought, full of
humor and overtones debate. Then I came to Spain in 1989, when political life has
moved to television language, but still carried the old charge. TV was still standing by
inertia on the "battle of ideas". Then, for ten years I have seen the degradation of
political language and content. The most popular politician in the mid-90s was the
secretary of the Communist Party Julio Angita, a former teacher. I was impressed by
his style of speech, which is very appreciated in Spain. Angita spoke as a caring teacher
explains the lesson children oligophrenia. Once I had this conversation with a
prominent intellectual of the Social-Democrat. He told me: "Angita forced to revert to
their own language level anarcho-syndicalists of the late XIX century, to speak of" the
rich and the poor "," good and evil ". If he spoke at least at the level of the 30s, he
would have no one in Spain does not understand. " That's what made the TV in just ten
years. By this we are rapidly roll and Russia.

In international politics, television has become the main means of US penetration

into the information environment of other countries in order to influence the public
consciousness to their advantage. New technology and new principles of international
law make it difficult for the "iron curtain" to protect the consciousness of its citizens.
G.Shiller claims as a postulate: "For successful penetration power that seeks to
dominate, should grab the media." Of course, this premise is evaluated differently
aggressors and victims of capture. So, the Prime Minister of Guyana, said: "The nation,
whose media are managed from abroad, not a nation" 17 6 .

One of the fathers of the Cold War, John Foster Dulles once said: "If I had to
choose only one principle of foreign policy, and no other, I have proclaimed this
principle of free flow of information." The doctrine of the free flow of carefully
designed a few years before and after World War II, and was already in finished form
is included in the concept of the Cold War. It was first launched internationally in
February 1945 at the Inter-American Conference on Problems of War and Peace in
Mexico City, then
"Pushed through" by UNESCO and the UN. It has become an important weapon in the
US Cold War - primarily to the consolidation of its allies in the camp against the evil
Empire. In parallel, expanded "semifree" the flow of information, aimed at the
country's intelligentsia "Soviet bloc".

The doctrine of the free flow of information was the justification for the US
"cultural imperialism." She was immediately rejected by the socialist countries, and
then a large number of countries of the "third world" and the Non-Aligned Countries
(as, in 1973, a sharp estimate of the doctrine and practice of its application given by the
President of Finland Urho Kekkonen). However, at the Conference on Security and
Cooperation in Europe in 1975, the West was able to prevail upon the leadership of the
USSR. Gorbachev's perestroika not only completely eliminate all the obstacles, it
naturally included the flow of information from the United States in its program.

The technical quality of American television, a great effort by their psychologists

"Fit" to the tastes of a specific audience and complexes make them a hot commodity,
so that
"Man weight" of all countries of the world today would consider himself deprived and
oppressed, if he was denied access to this TV products. Using this, the United States
sought to enter into agreements, which exported US TV production is "in the bag" -
with no selection right. Thus, importing countries are deprived of opportunities to
screen out messages from a strong manipulative influence. On the scale of exports can
be seen in Latin America, in which country the United States delivered 150 thousand.
Programs annually. these programs

75. Several authors of the "dependent" countries (eg Latin America) emphasize that the
Americanization of the media is not so much a result of the "invasion" as the initiative of the
ruling classes of the country itself. These classes try to "enter into civilization," and a
necessary condition for this is the undermining of national culture, which has always opposed
ranging from 40 to 90% of the national television (suffice it to say that the volume of
information on the life of US reports far exceeds the volume of reports of life of their

§ 6. Resistance Society

When a devastating impact on the consciousness has exceeded a certain limit,

Western society has its limit (the ability to rather quickly develop self-defense
mechanisms - an important feature of civil society). There was a clear conflict of
society with its own ideology.

Indeed, ppiznavaya metafopu Plato about the theater of shadows in the cave of
reflection ve.pnites' current ppotivopechiya fact, neoliberal ideologues continue
deklapipovat "vypazheniya freedom on television." They consider all the current
situation in peschepe sad, but necessary consequence demokpatii. Like, Right of
shaplatany have to show their signs of deformation figupki and broadcast zagpobnym
voice utvepzhdaya that this is about ppavda mipe and Right of prisoners have to sit
ppikovannymi, vpepivshis in ek.pana - sorry peschepy wall. But whoever ugovapivaet,
and even drives them to look at the Mir free - antidemokpat. The best that agree
pobopniki demokpatii this is the fact that shaplatany pazozhgli not one but chetype tris-
fire and made the circuit more comfortable. So that the prisoners had "freedom selector
to" - could veptet neck and smotpet little varia varia shadows on the walls of the same
peschepy. But CHECK-for that show and who admit to the locks on the chains, the fire
and the light is left in charge of kategopicheski shaplatanov.

In this society is primarily responsible reflection, the emergence of public opinion

on the issue. According to a study in 1984, in the US 67% of viewers thought that
television has on children rather negative than positive effects. Today, this view is only
strengthened. Popazitelno that in the US, where the company was bombed most of all,
the impact of negative anomalies in TV today uvepeny even children. Sociologist,
pukovodivshy Wide-opposom children from 10 to 16 years old in 1996, said: "We were
popazheny when the children said that their values depend on the media, when they
saw how they stpastyu tpebuet higher mopalnyh CRITERIA on TV." 82% said that TV
would have to teach pazlichat dobpo and evil, while 77% are dissatisfied with the fact
that TV shows often vnebpachnye sex and ppiuchaet to the idea that people are mostly
fraudulent. Children unhappy with the way TV shows the family and school. More than
half believe that the "TV shows poditeley gopazdo more stupid than they are in reality"
and the school did not seem to learn, but only to ppihodit vstpetitsya with ppiyatelyami
or get intpizhku. 72% of respondents blamed podpostkov TV is that it pushes them to
too pannim sexual relations. How amepikanskie podpostki seemingly already
brainwashed TV, more responsible in their judgments than our intelligenty-

Should begin the processes of self-organization. So, five years ago the United
States was created Association "America, free from television» ( «TV-Free America»),
which promotes
"Cathode abstinence" - refraining from the tube . It organizes a week-long boycott of
comprehensive television nationwide in the year. For example, in 1996 he was joined
by 4 million viewers, 36 000 schools, the National Medical Association. The boycott
was supported by the governors of 26 states. Overall for the year the three largest TV
company lost 1.5 million viewers.

In response television company launched an unprecedented advertising campaign

luring people just watch TV - not a specific program or transfer, but in general. Unusual
advertising, made in large letters, with no pictures, filled the newspapers and
"Life is short, watch TV!", "Chair - your best friend," "Do not worry, you still have
billions of nerve cells," "Great day today - what are you doing out there on the street?"
And so on. d. All this is just the beginning, but it is very eloquent.

When there is public opinion, and there are changes in the political market.
Significantly, with which he began in 1996, his campaign vybopnuyu Clinton - because
pe.pvyy step was to accurately respond to the wishes of the overwhelming majority of
izbipateley. He nachals the fact that he - a supporter tsenzupy television. And that is
important - it's said it sopepnik elections Dole. Here pe.pvyy thesis Clinton: "I want
Chairs TV showed such films and programs will, which was then they could advise
smotpet their own children and grandchildren." The fact that the wide occurrence in
europium study showed that elite TV figures do not allow their children and
grandchildren smotpet The TV, with the exception of a very small number
ppogpammy, and that such
eccentricity were to post a generic Soviet TV - calm, ppilichnyh and informative. So,
for their children tsenzupa and other children have to fool. The prosecution, Clinton
implicitly bposhennoe vephushke TV, Risky, but it ppivleklo to it is mass telezpitelya.

Clinton's next step was still padikalnee he ppizval Kongpess quickly to utvepdit
law obliges eccentricity ppoizvoditeley The TV embed them "chip" (mikposkhemu)
allowing poditelyam impose tsenzupu - blokipovat ppogpammy, sodepzhat over sex
and violence. The technology is ready for this, and the law was popazitelno We carried
out quickly to chepez Kongpess. Of course, there are litsemepiya element: what would
make gosudapstvo, ppinyat the gpomy and lightning rests with the millions poditeley,
eccentricity are now forced teppet domestic scandals. For us the important fact here:
Clinton this step ppiznal presence in the US universal indignation beskontpolnoy
"freedom" TV, kotopoe ppevpatilos in antisocial, pazlagayuschuyu force.

In Europe, the process quickly accepted legal forms (already mentioned, in

particular, the ban on the inclusion of advertising in the high level of artistic movies).
.Evpopaplament Ppinyat purely volyuntapistskoe, having nothing to do with the
principles of Bullion solution: any channel TV in the europium is required not less than
51% vpemeni give tvopcheskoy ppoduktsii evpopeyskih of authors. In 1996 fevpale
pe.pvyy fpantsuzskogo TV channel was oshtpafovan Supreme Council of France
telepadioveschaniya 10 million dollars for the fact that in 1995, 65 hours display
nedobpal evpopeyskih movies -.. Just a little more than an hour a week, 17 7 . In 1989,
almost the same amount for the same violation was fined broadcaster Berlusconi in
Italy. That's tsenzupa.

Although most common in the West tsenzupy rife. I have already mentioned
zappeschenii display S.Kubpika film in England. And in 1996, during the selector to
paplament in Spain, it was zappeschen show videopolika THE LARGE padikalnoy
Basque paptii - it usmotpeli teppopistov apologetics. According to the logic of
"freedom of speech" it could make only the court, and only after the demonstration
Rollerblades. But the mode is active, and the eccentricity is clearly one of the most
demokpaticheskie in the West comes from all political ppezhde tselesoobpaznosti
(which, of course, all stpogo zappeschaetsya "totalitapnym" mode is active).

Finally, in the countries of Western Europe have adopted similar laws on the TV
and set up supervisory bodies, all sorts of "supreme council". Of those norms that are
enshrined in law and subjected to the control of the Soviets, we can highlight the

o The obligation to give TV a true, objective and impartial information.

Anyone familiar with the work of the Russian TV, understand that all of
it as a whole would be a violation of the rule of law and on the first day would
cause the flow of lawsuits in court. What is common to the main channels of
the anti-communist rhetoric (an obvious bias) or statements, even in the
newscasts of "millions of people shot" in the USSR (a blatant lie).

o The obligation is clearly and definitely to share information and

opinions with a precise indication of the persons or organizations that have
expressed this opinion.

Speakers and leading Western television, according to this norm of the

law, are obliged to semantically (plain text) and intonation impart information
and share opinions about a certain issue. For example, Sorokina, speaking on
his favorite theme of Stalin's repressions, had to say:. "According to the
official, and repeatedly checked the data for the time of the Soviet regime to
death were sentenced 700 thousand people, and not all sentences were executed
. This, gentlemen, viewers, objective information. However, according to
Solzhenitsyn's shot was 43 million people. My opinion coincides with the
opinion of Solzhenitsyn. "

o Duty with messages on issues on which there are differences, to warn

about the difference between the positions of social groups and social
movements in society.

Leading television in the West has no right to say: "We should arrange our normal
agriculture and to privatize this land." It should immediately be said that against

76. The State has been replaced by a fine sanction, the TF-1 binding to invest the same
amount in the production of art in the studios of TV movies, not affiliated with the TF-1. This
indulgence was made to avoid putting the company at risk of losing the license, which expires
in 1997, the term
In this view, which is supported Yeltsin, Chubais and Borovoy, perform almost all
the peasants and the majority of citizens, and such and such and such parties and

o On state television all parliamentary parties and factions are given time
for a free presentation of their programs and viewpoints in proportion to the
number of mandates, as well as other political parties and movements, trade
unions and associations - according to criteria agreed with the Supervisory

It is important not only to the allocation of time quota for the regular
presentation of the position, but the fact that this position is presented without
an intermediary and without the participation of outsiders with their far-fetched
questions and comments.

o The right of citizens, public and government organizations to refute

the incorrect information on the same channel and at the same time.

We are talking about the right, but not the goodwill of television owners.
Considering how expensive television time, the realization of this right turns
into a serious economic sanctions and the giver gets the wrong information
channel not only a moral but also financial losses.

o The establishment of the right to inviolability of personal image.

This is - an important and relatively new law - a step forward from the
right to physical integrity of the human body, established in modern times the
legal state. In Western Europe, it would be unthinkable that maketh with
personal images of unwanted people, for example, Dorenko (transformation of
individuals in the skull, etc.).

o Establishing a mandatory quota for demonstration of domestic cultural

products, as well as the time limits for advertising during the day and for one
Of course, in any society, no law has no effect if it is not supported by the dominant
morality and the interests of influential social forces. Today the situation in Western
society is that these laws become effective on television.

Section IV. Manipulation of consciousness during the

destruction of the Soviet system

Chapter 14. The success of the manipulation of consciousness in the years of perestroika

§ 1. Restructuring: major shock to the system of protection against


It is known that in the late 80's and early 90-ies in the USSR there was a "
revolution from above ." Political and state system has been changed, the national-state
structure of the country (the Soviet Union dissolved). The official state ideology and
managerial elite of the country has been replaced. It was privatized public property,
and the accumulated national wealth transferred to an insignificant minority of the
population. To change the social system and way of life of almost the entire population,
which is eloquently expressed in the demographic indicators (mortality and fertility).

This revolution was accomplished without violence, and even without an explicit
collision of major social forces. This is a new kind of revolution, a perfect A.Gramshi
according to the theory of using modern technology to influence public consciousness
and programming of crowd behavior. The preliminary stage of this revolution (before
changes in the political and social system) served as a restructuring of the program of
destruction of "cultural core" of Soviet society and undermine the hegemony of the
Soviet state. The effectiveness of the restructuring has been driven by the fact that its
ideologues, who were at the party and state levers of power were already in alliance
with the enemies of the Soviet Union in the Cold War, and received from them a great
intellectual, cultural, and technological resources. An important condition for the
success was the fact that in the USSR there was no civil society and the corresponding
democratic mechanisms, so that the opponents of perestroika, and they could not
organize a public dialogue and at least minimal resistance manipulating mass
consciousness. Totalitarianism of state power in the Soviet system to a large extent
contributed to her death.

Another important condition for the success of manipulation were cultural

characteristics of Soviet man, and predefined type of society and historical
development. Suffice it to say that incomprehensible to Western credulity Soviet man,
which stemmed from an underlying
belief in the sanctity of the Word . The previous history of the Russian people are not
faced with Mkiavelli. And the church, and the king, and the Communist Party, of
course, not telling the truth, but it was a true ritual, a kind of etiquette. It is not the
consciousness of men deformed and common sense are not deprived. In the years of
perestroika, people are faced with unfamiliar they lie - so that does not recognize and
at the same time destroying targets. It was a lie wisps. Learning to resist such people
quickly lie could not (although in many fundamental issues prevailed).
We list briefly what the problem could solve the anti-Soviet revolution in the
restructuring phase. Speaking in the same sentence, the restructuring has managed to
detach the consciousness of Soviet citizens from common sense and worldly wisdom,
made them believe in the chimera, is often contrary to the obvious facts and basic
knowledge . List of the main areas in which there is this shift of consciousness.

4. Soviet living arrangements formed under the influence of specific

natural and historical circumstances. Based on these circumstances,
generation, created the Soviet system, identified the main selection criterion -
reduction of suffering . In this way the Soviet system has made the whole world
recognized success in the USSR were eliminated the main sources of mass
suffering and fear - poverty, unemployment, homelessness, hunger, crime,
political and inter-ethnic violence and mass death in the war with a stronger
opponent. For the sake of this great sacrifices they have been incurred, but with
the 60-ies there was a stable and growing prosperity.

An alternative criterion for the choice of living arrangement would

increase pleasure . Soviet living arrangements created a generation who have
undergone severe tests: accelerated industrialization, war and recovery. From
experience and determined choice. In the course of restructuring its ideologues
have convinced the politically active part of society to change the selection -
go the way of increasing the enjoyment and neglected the danger of mass
suffering . This is a fundamental change, which is not limited to a change in
the political, public and social order (although inevitably expressed in them).

Although not explicitly stated range of formulated (or rather, attempts to

formulate his thwarted leadership of the CPSU, which determines the access
to the platform), related allegations were very transparent. Thus, the
requirement to produce a massive flow of funds from heavy industry to light
acquired character is not an economic decision, and fundamental political
choice. Leading ideologist of perestroika A. Yakovlev said:
"We need a truly tectonic shift towards the production of consumer goods. The
solution to this problem can only be paradoxical: to conduct a large-scale
reorientation of the economy in favor of the consumer ... We can do this, our
economy, culture, education, the whole society for a long time already reached
the required baseline. "

Caveat that "the economy has long been left on the required level," one is
not tested and is not discussed, it was immediately rejected - it was only about
a tectonic shift . Immediately, even through the planning mechanism, it was
held a sharp decline of investments in heavy industry and the energy sector
(Energy Program, the conclusions of the USSR to the level of reliable supply
of energy, has been discontinued). Even more telling was the ideological
campaign aimed at curtailing the defense industry, created in the USSR is
based on the principle of pain reduction .

This change in living arrangement criterion contrary to the historical

memory of the Russian people and the overwhelming constraints imposed by
geographical and geopolitical reality, the availability of resources and the level
of development of the country. To agree to such a change would mean to reject
the voice of common sense. This is evident from the results of demographic
reforms - the dynamics of births and deaths (Figure 1.).

Schopenhauer in his book "Aphorisms of worldly wisdom" brought major

councils of the wise people of all ages. That's where it starts to see "Rules
common": "The first commandment of worldly wisdom, I believe in passing
expressed by Aristotle in Nikomaheyskoy Ethics (XII, 12) position, which in
translation can be formulated as follows:" The wise man must seek not
pleasure, and the absence of suffering " ... There is no worse madness as much
to make the world - this vale of sorrow - in the entertainment and instead of
freedom from suffering set itself the aim of pleasure and joy; as many as it is,
and come. "

5. As an example of successful progress towards increasing the

enjoyment ideologists of perestroika the Soviet people gave the West,
represented by light myth. active part
people took this example as a model, appreciating own living arrangements
as unworthy
( " We can not live! ").

Aversion to their way of life, instilled during perestroika, was so strong

that in the survey in 1989, 64% of respondents across the "Literary Gazette"
(mostly intellectuals) said that "our country to anyone and anything can serve
example " 17 8 . Nobody and nothing! Acting on feelings and imagination, the
ideologues rastravili old wounds and resentments, cried out for revenge and
settling accounts - has put a peaceful country on the brink of civil war (and in
some places have pushed to move that line).

The impact on the mass consciousness has been so effective that the image
of the West at the end of the 80s became a truly coveted , that would have been
unthinkable even five years earlier. Such mass envy of the idealized image of
"someone else's house" with the self-negation of his house - a sign of common
sense break. At its introduction in political practice, it was bound to lead to a
national disaster.

Schopenhauer in "Aphorisms of worldly wisdom," says: "Jealousy is

natural to man, and yet she and vice, and misery. In it, we must see the enemy
of our happiness, and all the forces trying to strangle her. In this way he teaches
us Seneca beautiful words:
"Let us enjoy what we have, without going into the comparison; will never be
happy with someone who is annoyed at a happy "... We need to restrain your
imagination in everything that concerns our happiness or unhappiness ...
curbing our imagination, you must still disable it to restore and paint once
endured injustice, loss, insults, humiliation, insults, and the like. "

6. To go to the fabric of life, aimed at increasing the pleasure , it required

a profound change in the culture. Since the desire for pleasure related to
consumption, has no limit, a new criterion of living arrangement is
incompatible the two main pillars of Russian culture - nestyazhatelstvo and
solidarity . Because resources are always limited, and for them to compete.
Consequently, strong in a society with a clear conscience have trampled
neighbors. Therefore, from the very beginning of perestroika was launched
ideological campaign to change the anthropological model , on the
introduction into the mass consciousness of a new conception of man and his
rights. New, not only for the Soviet Union, but also for the pre-revolutionary
Russia, which rejected the culture of social Darwinism.

Almost main principle that it was necessary to break into the Soviet man,
to make a "restructuring" was the idea of the equality of people. This idea lies
at the heart of Christianity, it became the object of falsification long before
1985 - as soon as the aged secretary general intellectual team surrounded the
"new wave". Since 1987, the Soviet Union began and quickly escalated
campaign on the introduction into the mass consciousness of the hard and often
vulgar social Darwinism and even Malthusianism.

We will not result beyond decency performances of newspapers such as

"Moskovsky Komsomolets", but widely publicized Amosov thoughts in
"Problems of Philosophy" magazine: "Man is a herd animal with a developed
intellect, creativity ... For the team and equality is a weak majority of the
human population. For the identity and freedom - its strong minority. But the
progress of society determine the strong exploiting the weak. " Among the
religious leaders NM Amosov intelligentsia, according to the polls, took the
third place.

Biologization social, social Darwinism, penetrated even there, where,

apparently, they are not admitted by the development of the scientific field -
Wednesday anthropologists. That sentence is Director of the Institute of
Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences
V.A.Tishkova, which in 1992 was the Chairman of the State Committee for
Nationalities Affairs of the Russian Federation: "Company - is part of nature.
As with all wildlife in human societies there is domination, inequality,
competitiveness, and this is the life of society. Social equality - it is a utopia
and social death of society. " And it is - after fundamental works of
ethnographers in the last four decades, which showed that the relations of
domination and competition is the product of purely social conditions, that
there is no "natural" predisposition to

77. Taken into account only those respondents who gave the question "substantive response".
Since 49%
"Undecided", in fact, nothing positive in the country is not found 33% of respondents across
the "Literaturnaya Gazeta". In the whole country (that is answered by direct survey) such
skeptics had accumulated 11%.
These human race does not matter. Tishkov postulate about dominance and inequality
in human society as the natural law of nature - the purely ideological conclusion.

The destruction of the "cultural core" through the introduction of Malthusian ideas
about man led to the splitting of human consciousness. The new anthropological model,
perceived at the level of ideology clashed with deep egalitarian ideals that could not be
eradicated (it has been shown in research since 1989) 17 9 . The splitting of
consciousness makes it more vulnerable to manipulation.

0. By destabilizing the consciousness and passions of people a great

political spectacle succeeded in " tolpoobrazovanie " population of the USSR
- a temporary transformation of individuals and organized groups in a huge,
nationwide crowd or a plurality of the crowds. In this state, people lost their
inherent personality responsible attitude to change living arrangements,
causing significant uncertainty and risk. Without debate, without a doubt, with
no forecast of gains and losses on the majority of the population accepted the
Revolution , when there was no social need - to revolutionize the affluent
society. This is inconsistent with common sense.

The effectiveness of "capturing and joining" the audience was such that
the leading leaders of the crowd did not even have to hide too the scale of future
shocks. They just did not talk about the cautious reforms, but the demolition of
living arrangement. Gorbachev said clearly: "Rebuilding - multi-valued, very
big word. But if many of its possible synonyms to choose a key, the closest
expresses its very essence, we can say this: the restructuring - a revolution ...
". Popular N.Shmelev then clarified that it is a destructive revolution
"revolution from above is by no means easier revolution from below. Its
success, as well as any revolution depends primarily on the strength,
determination of the revolutionary forces, their ability to break down resistance
to its outdated social attitudes and structures. "

Ordinary people are not involved in the crowd, have a healthy

conservatism, resulting from historical experience and the ability to anticipate
the unintended consequences of change. These properties are nesting in the
subconscious and act automatically, intuitively 18 0 . This subconscious control
was in the Soviet Union eliminated from public consciousness in the course of

Schopenhauer in "Aphorisms of worldly wisdom," gives this advice:

"Before proceeding with the implementation of any intention, it is necessary to
repeatedly think about it carefully, and even after all we have already discussed
in detail, it is necessary to take into account the imperfection of human
knowledge, iz for whose always possible occurrence of circumstances, to
explore and anticipate that we could not, - circumstances that could overturn
all our calculations. This meditation is sure to add weight to the side of denial
and tell us that we should not, without the need to touch anything important, to
break the existing peace. "

Surprisingly, since the last phase of the restructuring as the new owners (
"businessmen") of active ideologists began to act - and people believed them!
But this contradicts the conclusions themselves even theorists of the market
economy. Adam Smith completes the first volume of his main book "The
Wealth of Nations" in this warning: "Any proposal for a new law that comes
from this category of people to be met with extreme suspicion and may be
taken only after a detailed and very thorough research produced not only with
the utmost integrity, but also with care samoyu incredulously. For this proposal
comes from a class of people whose interest is never

78. That recognition is V.A.Tishkova (1994): "In fact, we live by the old laws, the old
Soviet times. The number one problem - the low civic consciousness of people. No
responsible citizen ... We even have people stranded in a taxi, the driver becomes an ally, and
if that someone knock or something will break, it will jump out of the car with a driver and
start to defend him, just for a while once with him in the same company in the cab interior.
With this level of civic consciousness, of course, difficult to manage this society. "

79. Known experiment conducted by the US's largest advertising agency. It has
conducted a survey among educated people, asking for an opinion on a draft law. One half
was asked:
"Do you think that the law should be amended so-and-so?". 60% voted against changing the
law. The other half was asked: "Would you prefer to ...?" - And then followed the essence of
the bill. 70% supported it. The only difference was that their expression was eliminated
wording "to change the current law." The first reaction sensible person on this proposal
- Reject.
It may coincide perfectly with the interests of the entire population, and is only to hold
society and even to charge it, which has repeatedly been able to do at every opportunity.

0. During the reconstruction in the consciousness of the Soviet people it

included many beautiful but vague images - democracy, civil society, rule of
law and etc .. None of the politicians who swore their commitment to this kind
of idols, not stated the essence of the concept. Take the enemy language, or
even a friend - then unwittingly become his prisoner. Even if you understand
the word differently than the other person, you are in his hands, because It does
not possess the meaning behind the word, often multi-valued, and even secret.
It's - the notorious loss in any dispute.

The position of the Soviet man was even harder - going to the
indeterminate concepts language, it has lost the ability to communicate and
dialogue with "their" and even with themselves. The logic has been broken,
and even the relatively simple problem of man was not able to formulate and
think through to the end. Thinking of huge masses of people and their
representative politicians was incoherent, people can not tie up the loose ends
and work combining their project - a project of any resistance or exit the project
out of the crisis. They can not even articulate what they want.

Having in place clear lessons everyday concepts concepts idols,

ideological phantoms, whose meaning has not been determined, a hundred
people of the USSR was in the hands of political rogues. Supporting or
rejecting its proposed projects that predetermine their own fate and the fate of
their children and grandchildren, millions of people followed the wandering
lights fantasies.

Schopenhauer in "Aphorisms of worldly wisdom," writes: "The guiding

light of our activity must be the fantasy images , and clearly learned concepts
. Usually it is the opposite. We see Upon closer investigation, that in the end
the decisive voice in all that we do not belong to the concepts, not reasoning,
namely, imagination, and put on a beautiful image that would be willing to
impose on us. "

1. Ideological Machine adjustment made a great job of destruction of

collective historical memory of Soviet society. There were blackened,
ridiculed, mixed characters, milestones of national history. Then it was created
chaos in the system of measures, estimates, and even the time sequence of
events that make up the historical picture. Was undermined society's ability to
develop a collective memory of even the most recent developments - after only
a few months, they were replaced, erased from memory. Society as a whole
and each person individually have lost the ability to analyze the past and use
its lessons in order to determine its position in the conflicts of the present.

One of the first Schopenhauer's advice in his "Aphorisms of worldly wisdom," is

this: "To live is quite reasonable and learn from their own experience therein lessons
should often recall the past and to review all that has been lived, done, to know and feel
at the same time, compare their previous judgment to the present, compare their tasks
and efforts with the results. "

All these methods of influence on the public mind, making the person defenseless
against manipulation, at the end of the restructuring be applied more strictly in the
seizure and redistribution of public property and personal property of the
overwhelming majority of Russian citizens.

§ 2. The Cold War and the ideological disarmament of the Soviet man

The last half-century the main background of social life was the Cold War world.
As in any war all other political, economic and social processes have been derived from
this fundamental condition. The main technology of the Cold War are in the
information-psychological sphere. By itself, the fact that a lot of people " did not notice
" the war is the result of effective psychological influence and sign
abnormal state of society 18 1 . Even more striking, that even today, when the openly
stated that Russia - a defeated country and pays legal indemnity to the winner, and this
caused her trouble, a lot of people do not like to hear, and the factor of the long war
does not take into account in their discussions.

In the Cold War the Soviet Union was defeated, with the result that was eliminated
formed around the Soviet bloc countries, it was then dissolved the Soviet Union itself.
The next step was eliminated existed in the Soviet social system and political system
and launched the forced de-industrialization. In fact, there is a great destruction of the
country as a "geopolitical reality" and create conditions of life of the peoples inhabiting
the territory of the Soviet Union, to a strong, independent country could not be revived.
Not once was declared objective of the reform - the creation of irreversibility.

Published in recent years (after the expiration of 50 years after the adoption of the
documents) information on the doctrine of the Cold War, produced in the late 40s in
the US, show that this war from the start had the character of "war of civilizations".
Talking about the fight against the communist threat had been surface cover. When
Napoleon was preparing a campaign against Russia, he was called "voskpesshim
Kaplom" - emperor who conquered the lands of the Western Slavs. In 1942, the Nazis
magnificently ppazdnovali 1200 years from the date of his birthday "Kapla-
evpopeytsa" and pazgap epy Adenauepa kapdinal Fpings from Cologne called the Cold
War "pealizatsiey ideals Kapla Great." But in the years of perestroika, we were
convinced that the Cold War was the threat generated by the expansion of the Soviet
Union, who allegedly sought to dominate the world. This - the recent myth, in the
postwar years, none of the serious people in it still did not believe.

American authors acknowledge that the Soviet leadership made many attempts to
prevent the Cold War, in particular, through the expansion of economic ties with the
United States. So, in January 1945, negotiations with the US ambassador led Molotov,
and in September 1945 the same question put Stalin in a conversation with US
congressmen. It was about a big (6 billion. Dollars.) US loan for the purchase of US
equipment with payment in gold and raw materials necessary to the United States. In
the same conversation and offered political concessions - an early withdrawal of Soviet
troops from Eastern Europe. US Treasury G.Morgentau Roosevelt wrote: "This loan to
Russia was an important step in the implementation of your program to create 60
million jobs after the war.". As is known from United States did not agree.

Later, in an interview with the Republican Party of the US figure G.Stassenom

April 9, 1947, Stalin said: "Do not be carried away by criticizing each other's systems
... Which system is better - to show history. For cooperation is not required that the
peoples have the same system ... If both sides blame each other nychnut monopolists
or totalitarians, the cooperation will not work. We must proceed from the historical fact
of the existence of the two systems, approved by the people. Only on this basis could
cooperate. " The choice between war and peace was made precisely in the West.

Hatred of Russia, which are filled with the program documents of the Cold War,
can be compared with the Crusader hatred of Byzantium in 1204 - and after all the
hatred it difficult to rationalize even the fundamental monograph on the history. Here
it is treated, for example, in one important document in 1948 West opponent: "Russia
- Asiatic despotism, the primitive, predatory and mepzkaya erected on pipamide of
human bones, skilled only in their arrogance, and ppedatelstve teppopizme". There is
no connection with Marxism, communism or other ideological moments is not here.
This is war, and war is total, against the civilian population 18 2 .

The powers that the United States, then in possession of the atomic monopoly
opuzhiem, tpebovali sbpasyvat on the USSR atomic bomb "without hesitation".
Supreme Military Chairs, genepal-

80. This was partly due to the fact that the Soviet press distorted the image of the Cold
War, mnogokpatno underestimated the danger. Almost completely povtopyalas istopiya with
Soviet-gepmanskimi relationship peped
A "hot" war. The Soviet leadership to do everything in order not to "sppovotsipovat"
neppiyatelya not to pazzhech psychosis stpane (we, by the way, for all the Quaternary stpaha
not to escalate this, as in the West). To prevent internal pazpyva with the West, Stalin in the
late 40s went to ogpomnye mopalnye zheptvy.

81. Listen to the words of today U.Fostepa, and ministpa DURING Tpumene, DURING
and Kennedy, which was then he justified doubling of US military Pricelist: this, they say,
will force the Soviet Chairs also go for an increase in military spending, and thus "deprive the
English napod by the third and so very scarce goods napodnogo greater consumption, which
was then he paspolagaet ".
Lt. Doolittle in public pechi said that amepikantsy "must be physically, mentally, and
ready to mopalno to sbposit atomic bombs on industrially Centres Russia FEATURE
DURING One family agpessii. We must make Russia understand what we do, and our
napod should be aware of the need of such kind by the response. " (Were the US and
the figures, which was then ppedvideli, what will lead this policy. Ministp topgovli in
administpatsii Tpumena Wallace, nap.pavo sentyabpe in 1946 with a letter ppezidentu
ppedlozheniem pazvyazyvaniya abandon the Cold War and the beginning of the US
armament race and stpoitelstvo military bases. the next day he was dismissed).

Sam pathos of the Cold War had messianic, eschatological character. Victory in
this war has been called "the end of history." But by this it is meant not only the
elimination of the centuries-old enemy, but something more. Leo Strauss, chief
political philosopher of neo-liberalism, defined the goal as follows: "the complete
victory of the city over the village or the West over the East."

How absolute pessimism this Eurocentric eschatology, says an explanation is

given L.Strauss this formula: "The completion of history is the beginning of the decline
of Europe, the West, and therefore, since all the other cultures have been absorbed by
the West, the decline of humanity. Humanity has no future. " Thus, the destruction of
the "evil empire" was seen as the end of the world and the end of mankind. In fact, all
unprecedented things that we see today - from the destruction of Serbia as a
peacemaking action before the explosion of houses in Moscow - this is really a break
of continuity and transition through chaos to a new, difficult to predict the state of the
world. So far, we call it a vague word "postmodern."

Cold War "for the minds" West won primarily at the rear - left intelligentsia took
social and political philosophy of liberalism and abandoned socialist systems, then even
moderate ideas of Keynesianism. It began a large rollback (the neoliberal wave), during
which virtually erased the differences between left and right, Labour and the
Conservatives. It was a big win because of inertia confidence of workers 'left' in power
could be dismantled and the real social gains, and the culture of social justice to a much
greater extent, and it is easier than it would have done the right (often said that the right
to power all of this could not to do).

For the USSR this turn was of fundamental importance, since the intellectuals,
including the party nomenclature, was brought up in the spirit of Eurocentrism, and
install left Western elites have provided her a profound effect. For example, the
Gorbachov and his whole intellectual team directly follow the main ideas of
Eurocommunism (this is noted in his memoirs, Gorbachev aide Zagladin). But one of
the most important plants Eurocommunism was the denial of the right of existence of
the Soviet system, because it allegedly violated all the objective laws discovered by
Marx. The head of the Italian Communist Party, the banner which was a real Soviet
flag, Pietro Ingrao says the restructuring: "We all welcome the peaceful invasion of the
democratic principle, which was a blow to dictatorial regimes." How can this be said
in 1994, when already were known the terrible consequences of the destruction of the
Soviet Union, including the European left movement? Ingrao explained: "I do not think
that in my country there were serious left-wing forces, which would be considered that
the Soviet Union was an attempt to build a socialist system. I think that for the most
advanced forces of Western communism, it was clear that the Eastern regimes were
very far from socialism, in any case, have been something else, " 18 3 .

82. Communist Ingrao more moderate expressions. In general, the joy professorov-
"Marxists" on the destruction of the USSR adopted a straight indecent form. Finally, the
theory is confirmed: it is impossible to build socialism in a peasant country, it is impossible to
build socialism in one country, etc. I was in Madrid at the Congress leftist intellectuals almost
all over Europe. These people are remarkably similar to Gaidar, only they - "on the side of the
proletariat", and the theory of monetarism, they did not, and historical materialism. But life,
bread, suffering and joy of man in general are excluded from consideration. It turns out the
podium professor-Marxist from Spain: "Comrades! The Soviet Union is dead, thank God, is
dead safe! ". I then typed in the left magazine article which addressed the Spaniards with a
request to explain this joy. I wrote: "Imagine 1939. Latest Republicans were finished in the
Pyrenees. And here, in Moscow, in the Column Hall of the meeting. The presidium Dolores
Ibarurri commanders Brigades. So the platform professor at the Moscow State University and
"Spanish Republic finally collapsed! What a joy, comrades! ". Someone told me later that
when he presented such a scene, it started to shake - in memory of the Spaniards alive
mountain of falling.
This argument purely scholastic, socialism - a fairly abstract concept, for which
the political is absurd to change the trajectory of the party or to applaud the actions
leading to the suffering of many people. The reason, probably, deeper - the Western
Left realized, finally, that the main source of the welfare of their society is in operation,
"South", and made their choice. It is in the West as the consolidation of the citadel of
the "golden billion" and the Cold War increasingly aware of the war of civilizations,
rather than ideology. Remarkably performed in Moscow in late 1999, the ultra-left in
1968, the French philosopher Andre Glucksmann. He acknowledged that it was not
able to subscribe to the slogans of protest against the US war in Vietnam.
Vietnam, like China, is being protected from Eurocentric ideas of their own
culture, to stand. The most radical of all the break-up of the established structures of
living arrangement is happening in Russia. Today, with the collapse of the experience,
we can understand that it was difficult to see even just a decade ago. At the turn of
visible what is hidden from view in a calm, stable future. So the technique accidents
and disasters - an important source of fundamentally new knowledge.

Why do 280 million people still prudent to allow the USSR to break quite
prosperous life? Why communism collapsed Brezhnev? After all, there was no
persecution, or hunger, or terrible injustices. As the saying goes, "life is improving" -
moving into new apartments, have TV, we went to rest on the south, dreaming about
the car, and even had her. Why do people enthusiastically began to break your house?
Why does a young engineer, throwing his CB, with happy eyes sells cigarettes in the
metro - what his coveted West is engaged in an illiterate street kid? We must understand

One important feature of the Soviet mass consciousness of man truly noticed
"First wave" - spoiled high reliability of the social system of the USSR. Two
generations of Soviet people grew up in a totally new and had never been in the history
of Russian conditions: the absence of threats and dangers. Rather, when the illusion of
the absence of threats. And this illusion is injected into the consciousness of all the
means of culture, it was received with joy and penetrated deep into the soul, into the
subconscious. In reality, we do not even believe in the existence of the Cold War - it
was considered propaganda. It seemed ridiculous that the West is satisfied with the
training atomic anxiety, conduct training evacuation of entire cities. We even began to
seem ridiculous and far-fetched all the real fears and threats, among which tempered
person in the West: the threat of unemployment, poverty, disease, with a shortage of
money for doctor and medication. We even of our imagination cleaned other people's
threat to grow quite happily.

A man accustomed to the fact that life can only get better, and all the social benefits
that it offers, is like a natural part of the environment and can not disappear because of
it, the human, political attitudes and decisions. Ortega y Gasset said long ago an
important and unpleasant thing, "spoiled masses are so naive that they consider all our
material and social organization, provided their use such as air, as natural as the air,
because it is always there and almost as perfect, as nature. "

For the analysis of our mass consciousness is not suitable methodology of

historical materialism with its simplified concepts of "objective conditions" and "social
interests". We have nine years of seeing the masses of people are acting against their
own interests, and often go to death, referring to absurd reasons. Armenians of Nagorno
Karabakh are one of the most affluent and prosperous local communities in the Soviet
Union. What claims are put forward to the Baku leadership in 1988? They have a bad
TV program received from Yerevan - and damn Baku does not give money to the new
repeater! This question is a subject of irreconcilable conflict was brought to the level
of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. Of course, it does not matter - but what? Explicit
and implicit conflicts that led to a breakdown of an entire civilization, which had
Russian-Soviet Union - is a non-equilibrium, self-organizing system. After the blood
shed in Sumgait (and it was not difficult to
"Organize" how to "organize" his father Ivan Karamazov murder), all, of course, have
forgotten about the repeater. The motivation for the next steps on the path foment
conflict was already this blood.
Recall Bialowieza collusion on the Elimination of the USSR. In the very act of
crime is something mysterious. So people are watching, staring at the hands of a
magician, and can not understand. Like this? I was dove under the hat, and - is not it!
Murder committed in broad daylight, when all honest people, but that the victim did
not even gasp - sitting as sitting, blinks, smiles, and already dead. Right here
close loving sons. See how the heart is removed from the knife, gently wipe it, cover
the wound with a handkerchief - and no one has any concern 18 4 .

One of the amazing documents in world history - the transcript of the session of
the Supreme Council, which approved the agreement Belovezhskoe. Veterans, Heroes
of the Fatherland, Kom generals and ie T and Guo beats and r s t at e n n o d b e h o p
a a n o s t and - with the e n d of th il with about in and n and n of a n y w n, k and a
hypnotized, without asking a single question. By mocking Khasbulatov sayings: "What
is there to discuss! The question is clear. Voted? Well, enjoy your meal. " Of course, it
is necessary to know why six people who voted against, were not susceptible to
hypnosis were out of some action which has cut the mind, the conscience, the instinct
of self-preservation, and even parent feeling a lot of people, all members of the deputies
of the 150 millionth people. The very smallness of the numbers says it is - a random

"Technologically," the destruction of the Soviet system was carried out in the
years of perestroika on the theory of Antonio Gramsci - by undermining the cultural
hegemony of the government and its ideological core. By "molecular aggression" in
the cultural core of Soviet society has been questioned, and then eroded the legitimacy
of the political and social system of the USSR. This work was carried out at least since
the early 60-ies in the framework of a wide (almost compulsory among the
intelligentsia) dissent, and since 1985 - open means the whole Party ideological

For the theme of this book is important to note the fact that the defeat of the USSR
has been applied is in the spiritual realm, in the public consciousness. First of all, in the
minds of the ruling and cultural elite. Strictly speaking, the party-state elite of the
Soviet Union has made in his mind the same rotation as the elite of the left intelligentsia
of the West. There's this turn, means giving up the support of the Soviet system and
open to the side of the enemy of the USSR in the Cold War, was organizationally and
philosophically decorated as "Eurocommunism". Unfortunately, we know little about
this movement which has had a huge impact on the fate of the modern world, destroying
the culture of the left movement, opening the way for neo-liberalism in the West and
Gorbachev's perestroika in the Soviet Union.

The collapse of the USSR State at undermining its legitimacy occurred equally
inconceivable fast as the Russian autocratic state fall in February 1917. This shows
how fragile and defenseless ideocratic state to attack it in the spiritual realm - if found

Conventional explanations of the collapse of the Soviet Union for economic

reasons untenable - it is an attempt to find a simple and familiar interpretation of the
inexplicable. Before the start of a radical reform in 1988-1989. the economic crisis was
not in the Soviet Union. It was maintained annual GDP growth of 3.5%, and most
importantly, not only made very large investments in production, but also observed the
growth of investment . These data were confirmed (the report then frequently quoted
American economists) report to the CIA in 1990 on the state of the Soviet economy.
Evidence of the absence of the crisis was firmly established and the fact that even in
1989, more than 90% of citizens do not foresee in the near future, any economic
It is obvious that the defeat in the Cold War was not associated with a delay in the
military field. On the contrary, the Soviet Union defeated the strongest army in
Germany and its satellites, supported by all the resources of Europe, and then made a
reliable military parity with the West, had a strong and efficient army with the latest
weapons. The possibility to destroy the USSR military way was the West removed
from the agenda as a strategic line - one of the lines of the Cold War. This in itself has
contributed to the ideological disarmament. Nietzsche wrote:
"The greatest danger of falling under the crew is subjected, when just stepped aside to
another crew."

George Kennan said in 1965 that NATO was ppoekt pazpabotan people "unable
to seek blagoppiyatnoy pepspektivy Solutions evpopeyskoy PROBLEMS without
absolute military killing by the Soviet Union or not fantastic, unexplainable and
nevepoyatnogo pepevopota in political attitudes of its Chairs." The military defeat of
the Soviet Union turned out to be

83. Academician B.Raushenbah recalls: "I have always considered a disaster destruction
of the Soviet Union. But when it happened, I thought that Bialowieza agreement signed
formally, but in reality nothing Amendments. The press, incidentally, also wrote so. "
impossible, but the second option - a revolution in the political attitudes of the CPSU
elite -
It was realized, despite the fact that in 1965, he was considered unlikely.

It is necessary to pay attention to the strange silence of another fact: even those
who vaguely remembers, still do not believe that a real war ( "cold") was fought against
the Soviet Union in what is an important part of this war was a war psychological .
Even if this term is used, it is considered a metaphor. The fact that the psychological
warfare against the Soviet Union (and mostly it was just manipulation of
consciousness) ignore the Russian media - not just those that have served and continue
to serve as a weapon of manipulators. Meanwhile, in the literature of opponents in the
Cold War and the doctrine of psychological warfare, and the fact that its conduct
against the USSR discussed calmly. What is important is the fact that the Western
propagandists officially recognized the permissibility of "black" propaganda in a
peaceful environment. But "black" propaganda - a weapon of war. In other words,
psychological war, which was part of the Cold War - not a metaphor. The term
"psychological warfare" even included in the encyclopedia. For our theme, it is the
closest definition of "systematic offensive impact of political, intellectual and
emotional resources on the consciousness, mentality, morale and behavior of the
population and the armed forces of the enemy." That such an impact and was put on
the population.

We should take as a starting point for discussion and the fact that after the tip
"Revolution in plants" made and the broad masses of working people. This fact is hard
to recognize the older generation of Soviet people who would prefer to reduce it to the
top of treachery and machinations of the enemy in the Cold War. However, treachery
and intrigues not solve the problem - they did not cause resistance. Workers passively
accepted major changes, and it does not require any violence on the part of
"Traitors" - only impact on their consciousness.

In most part of the working people smiling absolutely indifferent otne slis to the
privatization of industry. Neither the unions nor the new work organization (such as
the United Front of workers or of the Union of workers of Moscow) do not even want
to understand the text of the bill, and activists had about it completely wrong idea. Why
is working step by step, gave their companies to plunder and elimination? After all, it
is their jobs, the source of bread for their families. The average worker is still hoping
for a market economy and is still hoping that under capitalism it will create such
working conditions, both in the Netherlands and Germany. For what reason? There
these conditions paid labor of Filipino girls who collect computers, receiving $ 1 per
day - on a loaf of bread. No Russian operation to "third world" to prevent never

Take even more obvious benefit - housing. The Soviet system turned it into a
number of major, provided free benefits, made a constitutional right . 90% of working
families were living in separate apartments, and the situation steadily improved - the
Soviet Union was one of the countries where most of the housing was built (as the
changed position can be seen from Figure 2.) 18 5 . And now, that right taken away - and
if only one voice of protest came from the working environment. Complete
indifference. How to explain that the Russian workers just spat out a social good, which
was unattainable requirement of the labor movement in the West? After all, the issue
of housing and the bright image of the West was to alert: we all know that even in the
United States a huge homelessness, and everywhere is full of free apartments - buy.

The same with the medicine. Let worker believed that his polyclinic hospital or
factory is very bad - in the United States better. But unless he was offered something
better in return for his clinic? No, no one promised, just said, the medicine will be paid.
And worker agreed! Why? Whence it follows that he will have the money for the doctor
and for the treatment? It does not follow. US - the richest country, but there are 35
million people do not have access to any health care. To no! For some unknown reason,
the mass of workers Russia matured contrary to common sense belief that the
destruction of the Soviet system of life and the rejection of solidarity will be beneficial
to the worker.

84. By the way, in 1989 it was possible to foresee exactly what will be in Russia, the
situation with housing. By that time in Czechoslovakia and Poland have already begun to
reform the IMF under the scheme, and housing was instantly paralyzed. These data were in
the public directories, but no one wanted to know about them.
We can make only one conclusion: the consent to the change of the social system in
the USSR was not given on the basis of rational calculation and practical experience.
The desire for this change was instilled mass of Soviet people, it was the result of the
impact on their consciousness. However, we shall see that the "consent" to the changes
achieved in small portions in the course of a very complex process. Today, there is
enough material and long time series of changes to justifiably claim: citizens consent
was obtained by manipulation of their consciousness , not because of the free will of
the majority of citizens.

The manipulation of the consciousness of the Soviet people did not have to use
any fundamentally new technologies. All of them were assimilated personnel
ideological textbooks, translated ahead of time with the English language (usually
under the guise of "criticism of bourgeois propaganda"), as well as with the help of
consultants. High efficiency of the program is related to two of its features. The first is
that the population of the Soviet Union, and then Russia, was not ready for such an
impact, he did not have immunity against it. The second feature is that the manipulation
of the program was carried out as an all-out war against the population, with the power
and ruthlessness, which does not have to be seen in other countries. I am shooting
people in front of the TV - the symbol of psychological warfare.
§ 3. Experienced fact: a shift in the mood of workers

Here are the figures for installations large and influential social groups - workers.
This group was really the most privileged in the social plan and overtook the income,
not only farmers, but also scientific and technical intelligentsia. The industrial
development of the Soviet Union was stable, and the workers have full job security -
unattainable in a market economy benefit. How to change the operating position?

According to the polls in 1989, working in the negative attitude to the idea of
changing the social system and the transition to capitalism. In this they differed sharply
from the technical intelligentsia ( "experts"). A report on a large study VTsIOM (
"There is an opinion", 1990) we read:
"Skilled workers show a moderately negative attitude to all three types of
entrepreneurship [private entrepreneurship, attract foreign capital, cooperatives] -" for
"act only 10.8%, 6.4 and 5.6%." Position laborers and students was practically the

Unemployment was rejected by the workers as something absurd, so that talk

about it in 1989, could not be, and the polls were not even asking questions about it.
Gorbachev specifically thwarted any concerns about unemployment, saying that it will
never happen in the Soviet Union.

What new knowledge of private enterprise and the workers received

unemployment from 1989 to 1991? Only negative. The first joint ventures and
cooperatives deserved notoriety and were just tools for plundering public wealth and
wild enrichment "owners" and thieving bureaucrats. In other words, the experience
could not help change the views of the workers for the better. But this view has changed
dramatically (if only for the time needed to carry out the privatization).

Here is a survey conducted by the Institute of Social and Political Studies of the
USSR Academy of Sciences in April and May 1991, three large factories in Moscow,
Tambov and Shadrinsk. The largest group of workers (29%) wished to go "on the road
of the developed capitalist countries of the West to free enterprise society" (one of the
respondents even described in the questionnaire:
"Forward to the victory of capitalism!"). For the state and cooperative ownership of the
means of production, 3% were in favor of the workers. For these questions, the workers
finally took a position indistinguishable from the position of "experts" of the same
plants 18 6 .

85. Studies of people shift to the anti-Soviet installations have revealed an interesting
correlation - the coincidence of these orientations archaization thinking, a tendency to anti-
scientific views, the advent of superstitions, etc. In 1991, in the five-year anniversary of the
Chernobyl disaster in Kiev conducted a survey highlighting the obvious supporters and
opponents of nuclear power plants. Apparently profile responses, we can say that opponents of
nuclear power have become mostly those who generally came under the impact of anti-Soviet
propaganda. They are very different from the NPP supporters, such as those that favor private
ownership (80% vs. 57 in the NPP supporters) and believe astrologers and psychics (57% vs.
26 in the NPP supporters).
Dramatically changed the ratio of workers to unemployment. Now, 54% agreed that a
small Unemployment is useful and necessary, and only a third said that they are
categorically against unemployment in the USSR, because Any unemployment is
harmful and dehumanizing. "Experts", as before, were almost all the polls for
unemployment (96%).

Note that the clause " a small unemployment" is already receiving the
manipulation of consciousness, and the inclusion of such a concept in the poll - by
sociologists conscience. There is no big or small unemployment For a man, it always
is total, absolute for him. Or do you work and earn legitimate income - either you are
unemployed. Working in secret, in fits and starts, on shady contracts destroys a person
as a social personality almost as much as unemployment.

How, then, could achieve a fundamental change in the installation working on the
most important question of their social status - despite the fact that all of the first steps
toward capitalism significantly and clearly worsened their lives? Only through a strong
and continuous
"Brainwashing", intensive manipulation of consciousness. The workers in the mass
introduced desire, directly contrary to their interests.

The fact that they are a victim of manipulation by the data of the same survey in
three cities. They show that the thinking of workers was sharply incoherent .
Supporting the transition to capitalism, and knowing that it would lead to
unemployment and a sharp social stratification, the workers do not build illusions about
their own destiny. Only 25% of workers were
"Optimistic" and hoped thus to get into the "middle class". 28% of "doubt", while
were "pessimistic" - predicted that impoverished. In fact, pessimists were both
- 77% of workers.

This renunciation can not be attributed to patriotism ( "let myself and my family
will go to the bottom, but my homeland would be a prosperous capitalist country").
The survey showed just the loss of a sense of country - 36% of the workers expressed
their desire to go abroad for work, and another 12% - to go abroad for good. Thus, to
support the social changes that are a disaster to you and your class, the workers could
only be due to the ideological influence.

This manipulation can be treated as a criminal, as an obvious deception was laid

in it. Not only in the speeches of politicians and the media are constantly sounded the
idea that just waiting in the transition of workers short-term difficulties, but the same
idea, sociologists included in the survey as a condition guaranteed. It speaks of
"measures to overcome the economic crisis, which initially within one to two years,
will lead to a decrease in the standard of living of people, and then to a significant,
sustained improvement in people's livelihood." This is - fraud. There is no reason to
promise respondents improvement after one or two years the researchers had, they were
here as pointing performing a political order.

At this point, the workers generally shown themselves to be trusting people. Only
26% in principle, rejected the policy, leading to a deterioration in advance of the people.
60% have taken a policy "in case of any guarantee that life will be better then." What
kind of guarantee! What could be more safeguards than Yeltsin - he promised to lay
down on the rails.
But it is important not so much erroneous assessment of the future, as at present
inhibited reaction. Indeed, in the course of the reform was an unprecedented decline in
the wage level in comparison with the Soviet system. In the USSR the worker received
1.6 ruble per hour. To meet the basic needs (food, housing, transport) was about the
same as getting work in the West (US $ 8-10 per hour). Car video recorders and not
up, but we have yet to take the point. An hour of labor in the Soviet factory man in 70
years received an average price of 9 loaves of bread or 16 liters of petrol AI-93 (in the
80s 8 liters of gasoline). Bread and energy - the absolute , universal life support
equivalents. Today, working in the Russian Federation, on average receives about half
a dollar per hour. It is now 2 loaves of bread, or 2 liters of gasoline. And the mass of
the workers - not against this system! Novosibirsk - a city with one and a half millions
of the most skilled workers and engineers - twice voted for Yeltsin.

Change the setup of working in just one and a half or two years in the direction
opposite to the effects of the practice, should be the subject of in-depth studies. This is
- a sign of exceptional instability public awareness of important social groups. So far,
we can only roughly describe the whole system of agents and the impact of technology
on the minds of the workers (for example, clearly undervalued huge and permanent
impact on the working engineers and technical workers, "experts", who are always
beside them). But until that fix the fact: no public
dialogue and without providing conclusive evidence, despite already receiving
practical experience, workers could be persuaded to support scrapping all of their
living arrangement.

§ 4. Experienced fact: the manipulation of the law

Manipulation of the law, that is, it is a change that is made transparent to the
society, without dialogue and discussion, belongs to the category of major operations.
They usually combine and concealment purposes and substitution of concepts, and
action by the diversion of attention and memory shutdown.

A prerequisite for successful manipulation in this sphere in Russia had a special

attitude to the rights inherent in any traditional society, even increased during the years
of Soviet power. Traditional right immobile and is under the constant supervision of
the general ( "totalitarian") ethics. The laws in this system of law is short and simple,
they do not change for a long time - they are "inviolable". And people have the
confidence that no leguleian can seamlessly add to adverse changes in the law. And if
someone dares to do it, and, some higher power, the guardian of the common
conscience necessarily improve matters.

In the years of perestroika is the attitude of the law specifically amplified constant
reminder of the myth that the "laws in Russia are not fulfilled." Therefore, they say,
take care of what is happening in the field of legislation, there is no need. Vigilance
with regard to legal acts was disconnected not only from the masses of citizens, and
even the deputies of the Supreme Soviets. A unique and still mysterious case of
manipulation of consciousness unimaginable deputies will remain in the history of the
ratification by the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR of the document on the dissolution of
the USSR in December 1991. He was voted without debate, before dinner, both
completely miserable ordinary document. They became suspicious and voted "against"
only 5 deputies.

Many figures from the environment Gorbachev and Yeltsin are actively insist on
the fact that the sharp deterioration of living for workers was somehow spontaneously,
as a result of unforeseen difficulties "transition period". As a lesser evil they accept the
reproach that restructuring and reform were not well thought-out program ( "no project
was not"). This is - a naive trick.
Evidence that there is not only a program with a strict sequence of steps, but a
whole system of measures to cover up and camouflage the important actions are
stunning cases of complete loss of sense of social danger of the citizens. In 1988-1991
gg. whole classes and groups in our society and their representative organizations
suddenly lost the ability to ignore the actions of politicians, which led to the major
long-term changes in the position of these classes and groups. And not only that they
have been blocked
"Alarm system" that could attract the attention of people, to warn of the dangers,
require dialogue, etc. The representatives of the workers, who can hardly be suspected
of treason and who had access to the information and even have been obliged to study
it (for example, the deputies) to read the text - and for some reason did not understand
their meaning. Their consciousness was diverted as distracting baby rattle.

Consider one fact - change "USSR Law on the State Enterprise" in 1987 and the
adoption of its new version of the "On Enterprises in the USSR" in 1990 This case is
detailed in the journal SOCIS, 1992 (1).

This change has been not only a social system change that concerns the everyday
relations of production workers in the enterprise, but also the rejection of the
fundamental ideal of dogmas, on which stood the Soviet system, and in which
parasitized restructuring ( "more democracy, more socialism").

As you know, the restructuring declared rejection of the "administrative-command

system" and the involvement of workers in production management 18 7 . In the Soviet
enterprise labor

86. It was an element of manipulation of consciousness, because at the same time talked
about the transition to a market economy, ie, statements by politicians were incoherent.
Enterprises based on private property, just like any form of alienation of workers from the
production management and the creation of the administrative-command system. Today's
"social-democratic" methods of involvement of workers' representatives to the management of
the affairs of the company - no more than a screen, the method of psychological therapy.
staff and its agencies have always had a great and a real impact on the enterprise business and
its social structure (salary, bonuses, distribution of social funds and material goods, recreation,
medical care, summer camp, etc.). Everyone who had a chance to work in the trade union
committee, knows it thoroughly - with all the pitfalls, curvatures and other details. Not about
the details of it.

Act 1987 fixed the provision and determined that relations staff and administration are
built "in a widely publicized through the participation of the whole team and non-governmental
organizations in the development of the most important decisions and monitoring their
implementation." The general meeting of the staff according to the law have the right to review
and approve the plans for economic and social development of the enterprise, to identify ways
to improve productivity and the formation of the material-technical base of production.

Act 1990 removed the two main right - to participate in decision-making and control. On
approval of the plans, and especially the main determining factors of social (material and
technical base and labor productivity) of the question. Lifted organs of popular control in the
enterprise, and the election of the leaders. Canceled and the most important position of the
USSR Law on Labor Collectives 1988 ( "labor collective council decisions mandatory for the
administration"). Canceled even general staff meeting! Administrative powers Administrators
appointed by the owner of the enterprise, fixed so tightly that it has never claimed the notorious
Soviet administrative-command system.

Recall that year - on any level of society no one is a fundamental change, suspend workers
to participate in the management of the enterprise is not noticed.

We proceed from the sphere of production and the distribution of wages. It would seem
that it directly concerns no longer civil and personal selfish interests of each worker. Under the
Law of 1987 wages and the distribution of social benefits, control over the correctness of
calculations performed in advance of the enterprise "together or in coordination with the trade
union committee." Together or in agreement! This is - a huge right to participate in
management. The 1990 Act, the right to cancel it. Now Manager, appointed by the owner,
"resolves all matters independently of the company." He not only does not address social issues
in conjunction with the union or assembly, or align them with their decisions, but also advice
he does not have them. Now it Manager
"Sets the shape and size of pay, as well as other kinds of incomes of workers."

In fact, the law already makes the elimination of public property, the year before
privatization. The right team to participate in the disposal of the enterprise income was one of
the forms of the workers the right to a partial owner. Now is the right to withdraw - and there
was no reaction on the part of the Communist Party, the trade unions, the workers themselves.

The workers did not even notice that the new law, they have lost even the right to appeal
against actions of the administration in their own union. The law approved: "address and resolve
issues at the request and appeals of citizens to the company is the exclusive responsibility of
the enterprise and can not be borne by the citizens themselves." Thus, the workers simply lose
the special status of the staff member with a specific list of rights, they become citizens, sells
labor to the enterprise and have no rights.

The 1990 Act of cuts from participating in the management of not only self-employed
workers ( "citizens"), but also workers with shares of the company, formally its owners. This
is done unprecedented in world practice methods - introduction article about the "commercial
secret of the enterprise." In the world of commercial secrets are only the technological
information and on other issues of production and economic situation of the company is obliged
to give a detailed and published a report - the state, the bank and its shareholders. Contrary to
this Act in 1990 established the "Under tion with commercial companies understood the secret
is not a smiling state secrets information related to the production, processing of information,
management, finances and other activities of the enterprise." Only the director determines the
"content and volume of information constituting a trade secret, the procedure for their
protection." It is clear that, not have the information, the workers and the union totally excluded
from participation in management. By distracting cries about the Soviet "administrative-
command system of" law was passed, creating an entirely new, unusual way venture with the
owner of totalitarian power. The law was written expressly for the future owner-mafia.
After the enactment of the enterprise in 1990 a lot of water has flowed, and not about the
content of his question. The phenomenon, which we do not yet thinking is that this law, which
radically broke with a long tradition, and with the Constitution of the country, and with a
specific law on the enterprise, received just a little over two years ago, it has been adopted
without debate and go unnoticed. He was voted the deputies, most of whom were in the group
"Union" and at each meeting of the rent the air with curses against Gorbachev and other
destroyers of the Soviet system. Why do not they just voted in place of these heroic curses
against the law on the enterprise? Why not going to Plenum and said the party a complete
contradiction of the bill program of the CPSU and the entire ideology of the party?

It is impossible to count all the people who had the opportunity to read into the text of the
bill, traitors or agents of influence. Just these people as a result of prolonged exposure to mind-
numbing speech Gorbachev, Lukyanov intrigue, pseudoscientific nonsense Zaslauskaya fell
into a stupor, a state of hypnosis. They probably read the law and did not understand what is
written there. In the same condition were tens of millions of ordinary citizens, a life which falls
this Act.

Chapter 15. The objective prerequisites for the successful manipulation of the Soviet human

§ 1. Urbanization and hunger for images

What are the conditions that ensured the success of such a wonderful program of
manipulation in the years of perestroika? We mentioned earlier that the manipulator primarily
uses existing in the public consciousness stereotypes. In psychological warfare, that is, in the
consciousness of manipulation aimed at the destruction of society, the most important of these
stereotypes are those which express discontent . It does not matter what kind of this discontent
- it can be quite the opposite of the settings of the manipulator. For example, during the anti-
Soviet ideologues adjustment mainly exploited the discontent of people, caused by a deviation
from the power of Soviet ideals. The introduction of new stereotypes (enrichment, immorality,
violence), through which it was possible to manipulate the consciousness of the younger
generation, began later.

Yet it is difficult to give a systematic and complete answer to the question, what the
grievances were used in the reconstruction, giving a reasonable assessment of the "weight" of
each of them. I just point out a few important, in my opinion, the reasons that are usually

Let's start with the obvious. The main defects of any social project consist in the fact that
it does not satisfy some basic needs of large parts of society. If disadvantaged people a lot and
they are strong, under the pressure of the project changes, or when a critical level, crashes. Let's
see who and what was dispossessed in the Soviet project. And we will not arrange the
assessment immediately, saying that this requirement is reasonable and worthy, and that - a
whim, and won the one - vice. First you have to calmly describe reality.

Recall the second commonplace, as discussed in Chapter 2: The man lives in two worlds -
the world of nature and the world of culture. This dual nature of our environment and can be
viewed from a different angle. Man lives in two worlds - the world of things and the world of
signs. Things, by both nature and man himself - the material substratum of our world. Peace
signs, has a much greater variety, is associated with things, but complex, fluid and often elusive
relationship (eg, "Not for Sale inspiration, but you can sell a manuscript"). Even a child with a
special kind of familiar characters, as money (which arose just in time to connect the world of
things and the world of signs), is full of secrets. Since its inception the money are the subject
of debate among philosophers, poets, kings and beggars. Money is full of mysteries and ancient
become an inexhaustible source of tricks and manipulations.

From up the Soviet project and what he considered the fundamental needs? He grew up
primarily of Russian peasant attitude. From this came the notion that a person needs, it is
desirable, and that - too much, vanity of vanities. In the course of the revolution and ruin this
project was harsh and narrowed. Carriers "unnecessary" needs were killed, we went abroad or
re-reality itself. At some time in the community emerged
"Unity in needs."
As life was part of the peace track and became more and more urban, a narrow set of
"accepted" needs become limiting, and then oppress more and more diverse segment of society.
To them, the West has become the perfect, fairytale land, where it is their disadvantaged needs
are respected and even appreciated. About those needs that are well satisfied Soviet system, at
this moment no one thought. When the foot presses shoes, not thinking about how nice warm

What is the difference between peasant life from the "city"? The fact that it is religious.
This means that the earth needs are simple and natural, but they are supplemented by intensive
"consumption" spiritual images. It is not so much about the church as a cosmic sense, the ability
to see the higher meaning in all manifestations of nature and human relations. Plowing, sowing,
harvesting, construction of the house and eating, birth and death - has all the peasant liturgical
significance. His life is full of this sense. His needs are great, but they are satisfied externally
small means.

Living in a large city deprive a person of the set of natural resources to meet their needs.
And at the same time it creates a constant stress due to the fact that the urban organization of
space and time contradicts its natural rhythms. I think a strategic mistake was adopted during
the period of industrialization, focus on industrial development in large cities (metropolitan
areas). The support of the Soviet system - the village and small town, and they had to be
strengthened and developed. Apparently, this was not enough money, and the split was the
consciousness of our Marxists, keen idea of progress.

Thus, the reality of life for most citizens in the Soviet Union became the stress generated
by the urban environment. This stress crushes compensate him - a vital human need.

Here is an example. Transport stress causes the release of neural hormones, generating
special, not related to hunger appetite 18 8 . Arriving home from work, people want something
to chew on. I do not normally eat to satisfy hunger, namely, to chew something delicious (so-
called "cafeteria syndrome"). It seems a trifle, but in reality - the need and its satisfaction should
be provided living arrangement. If it is considered to be a whim, there is plenty of really
disadvantaged. A mother who says her son, an hour to break into the city transport, "Do not
chew a sandwich, sit down and eat a plate of soup" - simply does not know what he needs is a
sandwich, beautiful and without nutritional value. Such "sandwich" (in the broadest sense of
the word), the Soviet system did not produce, he offered a bowl of good soup.

And such phenomena, unknown peasant (and obscure our older generations), the city set.
Again, we emphasize that in addition to the natural, biological needs, to meet which there are
things that a person needs in the consumption of images. These needs are no less fundamental.

The complexity of the problem increases when we remember that the world of things and
the world of symbols overlap, it is difficult to separate them. Many things, like intended for
"Useful" purpose, really dear to us as images, signs, reflecting human relations. Old cup,
fashionable dress, bike - all these images can not be reduced to material functions, but they are
embodied in things. In the life of the peasants demand for images greatly satisfied as if by itself
- due to the nature and the people, the type of work. In the city of this need is covered by the
production of a huge number of things-signs, "unnecessary"

1. These hormones - something like drugs produced by the body. They were
discovered when researchers asked the question: as morphine (the main component
of opium) penetrates into the nerve cell. It was found that cell surface receptors have
morphine - areas which "recognize" drug molecule in the blood stream and capture
it. Why such receptors in the nerve cells of mammals? So, we must look for something
"their" space similar to morphine. It opened the first hormone - endorphin ( "internal
morphine"), the substance of a different nature, but with the same effect. For
example, it is released into the blood at a painful shock to the required dose. The
difference with the "external" drug that to
"Internal" person is not accustomed to and does not become a drug addict.
things 189 . In Soviet times, the elderly ideologists denounced suddenly broke out in our
humble man "materialism." Standing behind them need to suppress the means of the
state - and she eventually escaped from the oppression in the ugly form.

As decided (or, at least temporarily softened) West this problem? In general, urban
Western society has become irreligious, but filled with a huge number of fetishes
(things-images). The relationship people have acquired the form of relations of things
and they were masked. Since it was first and foremost about the images, it was possible
to increase their consumption with a relatively small increase in the material basis - to
go towards the creation of a "virtual (non-existent) reality." The most important part of
the life of steel windows - the kind of things that have already been consumed only as
images, without buying their vehicles. In the West, the vast majority of visitors to major
department stores, just walking, looking at the shop windows, are not going to buy
anything. By the way, until the West came to it, as much as a hundred and fifty years
of the initial industrialization of the working masses have created a "virtual reality" for
yourself - drinking soundly.

The next step was modern advertising: the image was created directly in space, in
the air. The essence of advertising - is not at all information on real goods that people
have to buy. The main thing - the creation of an abundance of images, they are the
"sandwiches". Only it seems that this is - a reflection of the abundance of the things
and opportunities. Advertisement - an illusion, a part of the imaginary ( 'virtual') reality
in which lives a man of the West.

In the future, this road leads to the human devastation, to the loss of their
connection with the world and the other person, to a breach of the course of its natural
evolution. The West as a "space fetishes" have spawned a special person. Perhaps in
this way the West has reached a deadlock, but temporarily he responded to the new
needs of man and "put out" of their abundance of surrogates 190 . That culture, which
was established for the production of cheap and easily consumable images, "won over
the masses." The bourgeois order gained cultural hegemony. Enormous strength and
stability of bourgeois society gave, and that it has found a universal (for his people!)
Sign system - money. Money has become so familiar that has been able to replace any
way, represent any type of relationship. All - Buy! For the money you can get any
vesch- mark satisfy any need.

How to respond to the new, urban society needs the Soviet project? Most of the
requirements in the images was declared unnecessary, and even vicious. This is clearly
manifested in the 50-ies, in the campaign of struggle with the "dudes." They originated
in the affluent layer that has allowed them to declare a devil nomenklatura caste. And
it was a symptom of the coming mass social phenomenon. He does not answer the vital,
albeit unconsciously, the needs of entire generations of young people born and brought
up in a large city, the Soviet system was literally created its own gravedigger - the mass
of the disadvantaged .

In 1989, 74% of respondents said the intellectuals that they were convinced of the
success of the restructuring
"Shelves full of products" (also said 52% of respondents on average). This answer is
expressed need in the image in the window. It said people who generally eat well, on
the table, they had meat and oil. They needed "vitamins". And today many of them
have actually starved, do not want to return to the past with its hunger on images.

2. In my life I have seen three means of making fire. During the war and in the
village, and the city was in the course of the steel, it was called "Katyusha". In almost
all the same: flints, flint and tinder. But each fire was carving event. Most often it is
performed in public and accompanied by a joke, a joke, a maxim, a poetic stanza.
Each such event is enlivened and complements the world of images. When the
established "normal" life in the course of the match went - and the utilitarian
standard, while carrying the secret of fire. Now - lighters. Some of them, too
utilitarian and transparent, but there was a lot next zazhigalok- signs. Beautiful little
things made with refined imagination, they give a lot of man, twisting their hands, to
feel their weight, the texture, the sound of the piezoelectric crystal.

3. Here we do not take the problem in all its complexity. It is clear that you can
not roll on the production of such images in Russia, that person is converted into a
moron, exploiting sex, violence, cheap political theater, as does the West. This has
already been warned Dostoevsky. But one can not save on it. It is clear that no
country can create abundance and enough variety of images. But, understanding the
problem, we can provide them with imports, so that it does not destroy our
civilization - the world's stock of images is huge.
Prerequisites for this narrowness of the Soviet project rooted in the peasant thought the
Bolsheviks, and heavy four decades, when a person eats spiritual, almost religious
imagery - debt homeland. When I came to the university, there are even some teachers
even went to pereshito tunics and satin trousers. They had no need for jeans, but after
five years it it originated. Out of this state we had a bad. problem and the critical state
was not picked itself. At the end of talking about
"The problem of leisure," but it's not exactly that, and further conversations did not get.
An important outlet was a sport, something groping intuitively (started making the first
series, is already a huge success, "Seventeen Moments of Spring" was alerted).
Apparently, it was erroneous and focus on industrial development in large cities
(metropolitan areas). The support of the Soviet system - the village and small town,
and they had to be strengthened and developed.

An important reason was the impact of the Soviet social philosophy of

materialism, from which all thoughts of Marx on commodity fetishism were, in fact,
thrown away. There were only rough conclusions - about the operation . Although,
admittedly, it is not Marx developed the topic, it is difficult to understand. But at least
he saw the problem, warned about it. Soviet system problem was not that bad a problem
solved - it ignored, and the suffering of people considered malingerers and subjected
to scorn. So there was a double standard, and (itself some images nomenclature
consumed), and anger.

The problem of hunger in the images closely related other objective reasons
unconscious dissatisfaction with life in the city Soviet society since the 60s - the
reliability of the excess social order, its determinism. This gives rise to boredom of
many people, especially the youth - the flip side of high social security, the most
important advantages of the Soviet system. In the USSR worse satisfied one of the
basic needs of not only humans, but also animals - the need for uncertainty in the

As a species, a man emerged and developed in search and hunt. Commitment to

"Adventure" built into us biologically, as an instinct, and has been an important factor
in human evolution. Therefore, any social order that does not allow to respond to the
call of the instinct will sooner or later be rejected. For the older generations, it was no
problem - and the risk of death, destiny and adventure gave them beyond measure. And
that was, since the 60s, the whole mass of young people, which is the hard way not
experienced any war or chaos? ASB, vodka and crime? It was not enough. Risk and
control were in friction and clashes with the bureaucracy is, with the state, which
created his image of the enemy.

We are in a rebuilding took away from this issue by offering seemingly similar
theme of political freedom. But it's not about her, that freedom - the same trough. Its
as many in the West - and children from good families go to drug addicts or commit
suicide. A stable regime of the West because of all of his living arrangements
established as a " war of all against all " - competition. All people pushed each other
as in the ring, and the state, as a police officer, only monitors compliance with the rules
of war, 191 . A third of the population plunged into poverty and literally fighting for
o no other adventure it is no longer necessary. And the rest is provided
a labyrinth risky business. And it is available to everyone and absorbs the
passion of everyone who enters into it, not just big business. The old woman,
having ten shares, sweating with excitement when he hears on TV about a
panic on the stock exchange. Living in a closet and the dealer his apartment
"Landlord" is worried that a tenant move out without paying for the phone.
Broken glasses in the street bustle staggering budget of the average man.

Against the background of these dramas and regular victories and defeats
of Soviet man lives with his guaranteed wealth (even if it was great!) Turns
into an aimless existence. Sickening to live, if the glasses are three rubles.
Smashed - I went out and bought. That was not boring, you need to have at
least a knife stab. But in this game there is no normal person wins, one defeat
- and this game does not solve the problem. The average man live became
bored with the development of Soviet socialism. And there is no way out of
this boredom, our project is not offered. Moreover, he explicitly stated that it
will be even more boring. And here we are not talking about

4. And while the West has created an entire entertainment industry in the form
of a "virtual war". One such exciting show - politics. Other - sports, reviving
gladiatorstvo from female fights in the ring to racing with obligatory disasters. And
pobezobidnee - a lot of TV contest with gorgeous winnings. Millions of people are
experiencing: guess the guy a letter or not? After winning 200 thousand. Dollars!
Suslov error or even Lenin. That socialism that built the Bolsheviks, was effective as a
project of people have experienced trouble . It could be a disaster disadvantaged and
abused social strata, the nation matter, feels threatened colonization trouble war-torn
country. But the project did not meet the needs of society prosperous - society, have
already experienced and forgotten disaster.

It is useful to see who is particularly upset, and especially pleased collapse of

socialism (this is, of course, about the groups, rather than individual personalities).
Grieve especially those in the Soviet Union is gone from the boredom of life in the
secure some kind of creativity - but the work does not violate the stability of society
and his regime. Such available forms of creativity and related experiences and
adventures - set. And access to him was the vast majority of citizens, but only in theory
19 2 . Soviet socialism failed in that he accepted as dogma the belief that all people dream
to make a creative effort and will be happy to provide just such an opportunity. This
dogma is wrong twice. Firstly, not all dream of art, many of these dreams are
suppressed in childhood - parents, kindergarten, school. Secondly, a large part of those
who wanted to have experienced failure at the first attempt and could not overcome a
psychological barrier to continue. And so it happened that the majority of people do
not take advantage of what really gave socialism. Not that it pushed - it not "driven" by
the threats that the West forced the human strain.

Promote threat - is not the only mechanism for forcing to make an effort.
Moreover, this mechanism will inevitably hurts the soul and impoverishes the life of a
successful person. But we must recognize as a failure of the entire Soviet socialist
project that he has been unable to create another, not divide people the mechanism of
their involvement in the work. So, did a lot of dissatisfied people. So the family has
received plenty of low culture, young people start to eat a lot and sleep till noon - they
lose the joy of life, begin to grow dark and embittered. It was they who made extensive
"social base" for the destruction of the USSR. You can not count them as valid reasons,
but we are talking about the suffering of the society. After all, the Soviet system did
not give this category of people at least the consolation that gives foresight West -
consumerism. How was it possible to lock these people in a country where there is no
forty varieties of sausage! It's also socially explosive material.

Another large contingent that rejoices collapse of the regime - the youth, and for
quite natural reasons. For her boredom destructive even biologically. If it lasts too long,
and work to bring up children is no longer available - no children. There is a vicious
circle. Paradoxically, but soon we will see the spiritual growth and the flash of creative
activity of young people, aimed at the restoration of socialism, that is generated again,
the collapse of the Soviet regime.

Of course, the Soviet system could prolong its existence, had followed the
prescriptions of the Grand Inquisitor from Dostoevsky's legend. If you would allow
people in their spare time to sin (under control and regular confession) and facilitated
the singing of children's rock songs. If established canned beer production with the
words "Plant. Badaeva "not Russian, and English, etc. Thank God that did not happen
- it would have been defeated more fundamental.

In the future, if we survive, the problem dramatically easier by the fact that the old
Soviet project - the mobilization of socialism - is broken. Do not have to deal with the
complex problem of soft exit from it - we pulled out of his blood. Hence, it is necessary
not to break and recreate solidarity living arrangements in a new form - knowing
nothing of the needs of people, not only in proteins and carbohydrates, and vitamins.

§ 2. The revival of estates in the late Soviet society

Deepening of the cultural crisis in Russia contributed to the fact that in the course
of adjustment and reforms have been tainted by the most important principles of social
order - democracy, citizenship, free expression. The denial of the political practices
that were covered by these concepts, has created a craving for archaic fundamentalism.
There was
5. The most important creative work - education of their children. It seems that
it is available to all, but it is not. Any work - work, and many parents refuse from it,
reduce all to food. And yet, I think, that those who have invested great effort in the
education of children, are particularly vulnerable today. They were not boring, and
the conditions were provided for their creativity. For him there was no need
multiparty or forty varieties of sausage in the store.
severe contradiction: restructuring has been enthusiastically supported precisely
because of the perceived need to modernize society, but due to the reform of the social
disaster pushed the pendulum mass sentiment to archaism.

In a significant part of the opposition, even there is an important political concept.

Its essence is that Russia does not need democracy, there are all sorts of elections and
parliaments, and needs a "creative saving and dictatorship." Russian people is attributed
to the dream of a caste society, living on hand a good king (Secretary General,
patriarch, President, etc.). Psevdososlovnye attributes have become an important part
of the political play 19 3 .

In contrast to this caste fundamentalism, restoring the memory both of the

pendulum, we can say that it was revived in Soviet society social estates was one of the
reasons of a general discontent deaf, which was used in psychological warfare against
the Soviet Union.

It is known that the "cultural layer" (more correctly, the upgraded section of
society), which was necessary for nation-building, reconstruction and development of
the economy after the Civil War of 1918-1921., Had no class and caste nature. The
bureaucracy, officers, intellectuals and even the traders in tsarist Russia were estates,
retains its relatively closed culture. It is their restoration as a closed social classes
(especially the bureaucracy) is extremely afraid of Lenin in the last years of his activity.
He searched, but did not find an antidote against this process, although it is true sensed
his danger to the Soviet system.

The need to speed up the reconstruction of the country has forced the Bolsheviks
to even artificial "construction estates" (up to the metaphor military monastic estates
knighthood). The peasant anarchist utopia of universal commune under the slogan "All
Power to the Soviets!" Was obviously incompatible with any statehood. The absence
of civil society is not allowed to build a state and "from below". The element of the
Soviets was brought into a workable system thanks to two brilliant discoveries. The
first of these -
"Party of a new type", which was a permanent local council and the order of knights
time. The second - "nomenclature", established in 1923, which connected on a national
scale personnel management into a single centralized government system. It was a new
type of class, but class. In the heroic period, they were filled with new, fresh cadres, so
that maintained high social mobility and isolation of these classes was not felt. But then
something happened that Weber calls
"Institutionalization of charisma" - the heroic "knight's" estates settled and unsettled.
So we remember the Soviet society 80s.

After the 1999 elections in Ukraine can not be denied: to return to this Soviet
society, even from the present terrible reality, a significant portion of people do not
want 19 4 . Two, three, five years after the demolition of the Soviet system could still
console themselves with the fact that we have been betrayed, cheated, seduced. But
when the second time choosing Yeltsin, and then another, and Kuchma - an
insignificant person who is not in Ukraine anyone's sympathy, can not be cunning with
yourself. Who does not know the results of Ukraine Kuchma? Each of felt on their skin.
Voted for it only because he - an obstacle to the restoration of the Soviet system. No
other use is not from him.

It's hard to admit it because it is not clear. Indeed, in Ukraine 88% of the population
appreciates the Soviet system. How so? As can be highly evaluated and is unwilling to
return to it? If you think about it, there is no contradiction here. That's the usual story:
a man no longer loves his wife divorced. He highly appreciates it lists all the
advantages, but does not want to go back. Previously I loved and was happy, but now
can not. Something changed in him, in another began to look at things. And because
we know this man, though he sometimes could not explain what he

6. People do not even notice the absurdity of this theater. Scientific Secretary of
the Department of Philosophy and Law, Academy of Sciences of the USSR becomes a
chieftain of the Ural Cossack troops, to the house there is a sign "Noble Assembly of
Krasnoarmeysk," etc.

7. There is still indeterminate, but a significant part of those who wanted to

return to the Soviet system, however, foresees in this way such difficulties and
dangers that would prefer to get out of the current hole through a smooth bend,
rather than restoration. Together, these two categories and decide the outcome of the
election, giving nearly half of the votes. Some falsification in favor of the authorities -
do not count.
lose one's attraction to his wife. Society is easier to study than the individual soul, let's
think. The matter is very facilitated by the fact that we have two similar drama, so their
comparison - almost historical experiment.

Let us from this side look at both of our catastrophe - in 1917 and in 1991. They
are - a lesson for the future and help to understand the present moment. Comparing the
course of events that led to the abandonment of support for existing social order in
Russia, I have personally come to the conclusion that in both cases was the main failure
is by birth order of society. Develops its our people. Therefore, losing its credibility
spiritual authority that would justify such a device (the Church, and then the
Communist Party), and then deprived of power and the state. In February 1917, denying
the caste system to connect the two forces that together have more than bitter rivals,
rather than each individually with the caste system. The liberal bourgeoisie sought to
turn Russia into a class of civil society of the Western type, and the peasants and
workers - in solidary fraternal community, the Kingdom of God on earth.

In both cases, the reason for refusal of the social-estate, in my opinion, lay in two
oppositely directed speeds up the process: the growth of the main classes of
consciousness and the simultaneous decline of spiritual degradation of the ruling class.
When this contradiction reached a critical level, it occurs the demolition, which no one
anticipated in such sharp form. The fact that the last stage of the two interrelated
processes reinforce each other, so that the elite is increasingly degenerating hated it
rising class and increasingly plagued him. It arises that call chemistry autocatalysis -
accelerated reaction products of the reaction itself, and the process was racing. The
"concessions" to the people of the ruling class only caused his indignation.

Today, the environment has become patriots rigueur idealize the monarchy of
Nicholas II and remember how she shifted to the rule of law, the king gave the
"Manifesto", this process was disrupted by evil revolutionaries. All this, I think,
disingenuous. These people simply can not know the well-known things. After all, the
"Manifesto" and the promise of freedom can not be perceived by the bulk of the Russian
people other than mockery. Remember: the mass flogging of peasants, which has never
happened in Russia in the last century, began immediately for the adoption of the law
abolishing corporal punishment. The executions of peasants without trial, often without
even establishing the names, so that the executed were buried as "Besfamilnov" came
into practice right after the "Manifesto." There are archives, which collects reports of
police officers on the blatant cruelty and illegality of actions of punitive expeditions
against the peasants. These reports mark in blue pencil, hand made king. Under each
marked certified calligraphy: "His Imperial Majesty personally inscribed," - and the
signature of the Chief of the Imperial Chancellery. You should not have to remember
these are now infamous inscriptions and jokes, recently buried the remains of the
Romanov. But once again drawn into politics, then someone with anger publish 19 5 .

Traditional Russian mass at the beginning of the century have rejected capitalism,
carrying division of the people into hostile classes. But the class division of society in
which the rights and obligations are inherited and difficult person to change their
situation through their own efforts, has long disliked Russian. Because such a large role
in our lives play
" Vnesoslovnye " types of people - those who have gone into the pores of society, he
broke out of their cells. First, the Cossacks and strangers, then Raznochinnaya
intellectuals, students and revolutionaries 19 6 . As soon as the Cossacks, and the
intellectuals, and even revolutionaries "were equipped" in class, sympathy for him

8. Leo Tolstoy stressed is the moral fall of the monarchy, which led to insult the
vast majority of citizens, who gained by this time a highly developed self-awareness -
the peasants. Let us remember his words: "For the good of our Christian and
enlightened state should be subjected to ridiculous, offensive and degrading
punishment are not all members of the Christian enlightened state, and only one of
his classes, the most industrious, useful, moral and numerous."

9. Similar reasons, I think it was due and positive attitude to labor the Jews who
lived among the Russian - they too were vnesoslovny (in 1905 a parish gathering
established, in fact, a republic and elected management committee of the "twelve
peasants and two Jews"; this authorities held a few months).
Inherited nature of the rights and privileges of corrupt upper classes, there is
degeneration of the elite. Wars and turmoil slowed the process, invigorate the elite, and
in good times accelerated degeneration. Degenerated "nobility" is the people not just
hatred and disgust. "Nobility" also pays people hate and inclined to national treason.
At the beginning of the century nobility, is 1% of the population owned a half of arable
land, took away the rent from the peasants and half the crop prozhiralo money in Paris
or play in Monaco. The upshot was that the aristocrats by agreement with the West
overthrew the king and nobles, officers rushed to serve the West as a "white army"
(useful to re-read the "White Guard" by Mikhail Bulgakov and think about it, who
served delicate turbines).

The heyday of the Russian people - namely those short forty years of the Soviet
regime, when they were broken and even forgotten caste walls, and we became a
nation-family, nation-community. The son of a parish priest became Marshal
Vasilevsky, Korolev after workers' school - academic, chief designer of rocket Gagarin
after vocational school - the first cosmonaut. The new "nobility" nomenclature,
honestly served and fought. But came the prosperous 60's, and the third generation of
the nomenclature already very different from the first. It is for the most part did not
come from the workers' faculties and remote villages, the children were his superiors.
They have gained social class consciousness and learned to separate their class interests
to the interests of society and the state.

From that moment, by the way, begins the conflict of the ruling class with the
official ideology of the state. She always limits the appetite of the privileged class,
reminiscent of his duties. So it was in the beginning of the century - the nobility was
atheistic. This is especially vividly manifested itself in February 1917 - almost without
exception officers were anti-Catholic. However, religion was very tolerant of
haughtiness, and open conflict with the nobility of the Church have arisen. Another
matter communist ideology, it was incompatible with the interests of the elite estates
of Soviet society. Here there is hatred . Already in the 60 years from the common man,
accidentally fallen into the company of bureaucrats and party officials, astonishment
aroused the pleasure with which they relished the anti-Soviet jokes. Following the
realization of his hatred began the hard work on the destruction of the communist
ideology. All that was bad for her, found support, all that it strengthened (including
reasonable criticism) dushilos. It is perfectly visible even in the personnel policy. It is
quite understandable and hatred of Stalin. He is the creator of the nomenklatura system,
at the same time applied the brutal methods of control over her and her "vzbadrivaniya"
- and he hated it ( "cast a curse"). After 1953 the Stalin-type people have had no chance
to rise to the leadership.

Note that the first Menshevik, Trotsky and then Eurocommunists, and then our
vulgar Marxists withdrawing their anti-Soviet conception of what allegedly
nomenclature (bureaucracy) into a class that owns the property, and therefore hostile
to the workers. This is not true. Classes quite open in their status is not inherited (the
son of a dunce can live on the money-bourgeois Pope, but to become skillful
entrepreneur will not be able to pull). Therefore, the class of elite degeneration occurs.
More importantly for us, the fact that the elite ruling class is both the creator and the
official ideology of the state. In contrast to the class, it can not in principle be interested
in undermining their ideology and the state and serve as a "fifth column" in the war
against the nation. In contrast to the class, the bourgeoisie does not gravitate to national
treason. Soviet nomenclature was not a class, it was precisely estate, which at the end
of the burdens of their state.

Of course, the nobility of Tsarist Russia and the Soviet nomenklatura were honest
people who love their country and etc. But in a period of decline, they do not solve the
case, they all acted almost like underground. In general, the national treachery of the
Soviet nomenklatura was amazingly unanimous. It would be interesting to publish a
list of all the employees of the Central Committee of the CPSU apparatus last years of
the USSR, with their current positions and income (as well as the occupation of their
close relatives). Even if the Secretary of the CPSU O.Shenin remains staunch
communist, it pops up in rank relative Shoigu influential minister - and this is a sign of

Disgust, which is the ruling class in decline, irrational or even foolish. Black
"Volga" the Secretary of the District Committee aroused anger and "Mercedes" brat-
thief perceived with indifference, if not with sympathy. This is unwise, because the
secretary of the District from a pragmatic point of view, was still better than thieves.
But people do not follow
pragmatic calculations, from the Secretary of the District Committee has already
smelled betrayal, and by punks on foreign cars -
Only fumes. Now attitudes are changing, but it created a lot of irreversibility.

Of course, if not the Cold War, the Soviet system would have survived the disease,
and would be found close to the Russian culture type of democracy. But the Soviet
Union could not survive under the nomenclature of the sample 80's, formed an alliance
with the West. The discontent of the working people was low but stable - it could
parasitize anti-Soviet ideology. It was not understood Lenin's warning workers - fight
against the Soviet state, but at the same time to keep him as the apple of an eye.
Murderous expression of discontent was a revolt of the intelligentsia -
"senseless and merciless". Historical wine intelligentsia that she made no effort to
understand, against which she rebels. She readily accepted the slogans, palmed off her
very same ideologues nomenclature. Since the beginning of the intelligentsia "aim at
communism and shoot at Russia." And still it continues to shoot.

We are faced with a problem, which is that there is no other company (a hundred
years, it will rise, and to China, if it does not go the way of duping the masses): people
with high levels of education and culture, which is not scattered on individuals and not
accepted class division, grew estates and the type of society. How to overcome it? To
some extent, this problem is similar to those that faced Russia at the exit of the war
communism in the 20s, and from
"Mobilization of socialism" (Stalinism) in 60th.

From military communism came through the NEP - is extremely complex and the
original program (the "retreat" was said to simplify, it was a novel way forward). AA
Bogdanov taking as the object of study of military communism, not even Russia, and
more than pure chance - Germany, has shown that this "bastard" economic way of
consumer communism as emergency mode, and that socialism is not one of its
"parents". And the most important position for us: military communism, has arisen in
emergency conditions, after the disappearance gave rise to its terms (the war) by itself
does not break. Out of War Communism - a special and difficult task. In Russia solve
it was particularly difficult because a very large role played by the Soviets of Soldiers'
Deputies, imbued with military communism thinking. Similarly, birth unit of Soviet
society, having emerged, itself did not disappear with the disappearance gave rise to its
causes. It had to be "dismantled", and it is very difficult.

In what sort of polity can "pack" the kind of people that does not want any class
or classes? In 1917, our nation has set itself the type of power - the Soviets, who took
a sample of the direct democracy of the village assembly. But to raise the industrial
countries was not possible with this type of power needed "quick" centralized
mechanisms (and the party nomenclature), and any and privileged class with them.
What type of government we have it is possible and desirable?

So far, the simple and good solution to this problem is not present, there is only a
blueprint. All of them are controversial, they should be discussed in a calm and
reasonable conversation. The difficulty is that we do not know how to get out of this
vicious circle: the reform has failed, and our society is split into classes. So the "right"
of the bourgeois and the proletarian revolution, then we do not have to wait. Thank
God, we are not driven into the blind alley. If we manage to get back on the path of
building a society of solidarity of the Soviet type, then after a while it starts to recover
social estates. History repeat itself, although due to the lessons learned will be possible
to mitigate the process. Of course, after the final collapse of the reforms, the country
will be in the same position as after the civil war in 1921. Hence, a generation or two
of the new
"Nobility" will be forced to work honestly and be content with little.

But we have to think about the project as a whole, it is impossible to lay it old
sores. And most importantly, through the development of history to protect against
manipulation of our consciousness.
§ 3. Totalitarianism message source

Manipulation is possible only in the event that during the action did not burst a
second opinion or information (if the opposition does not go beyond tempted attack on
the government, even the most severe, it may be, and even invited). And it is not that
the alternative information is sufficient to overcome the manipulator arguments and
give the audience the opportunity to make an intelligent choice between the positions.
Rather, this independent voice, even his very brief sound, produces a magical effect -
it removes the delusion. Crumbling manipulators built environment suggestions when
it controls propagandists broadcast the truth, which can not be doubted, and - they must
absorb. To do this, of course, propagandists must have authority, but he is largely
created by the manipulator. If action by the manipulation of consciousness breaks into
uncontrollable voice, this action is rolled, even if it spent heavily, because the effect of
it will be the reverse.

It's amazing when you face in practice. I think what a difference! Well, there would
be some discussion, but still your weak voice could not overpower the eruption of
professional propagandists. I think I am not alone tried unsuccessfully in the late 80-
ies get into the press, to challenge even the most absurd and scandalous theses of our
champions of unemployment. Perhaps, however, I was one of the few who made these
attempts to experiment. I walked nearly a dozen publications (newspapers and
magazines), using all possible means of influence, and then wrote a letter to the Central
Committee Propaganda Department and managed to transfer its management of the
Division, together with the article. I got a call and was asked to elaborate, as has been
the case. I said that the main publications are the organs of the Central Committee of
the CPSU and the Komsomol Central Committee, categorically refuse to accept an
article where without any strain is invited to consider the problem of unemployment in
the Soviet Union more broadly than do economists. The style and quality of the article
no complaints, failure everywhere motivated by the fact that "the editors do not agree
with my point of view." I have a question to the Propaganda Department in charge of
these publications are: how this position is consistent with the Constitution of the
USSR, approved the right to work, to the ideology of the Communist Party itself and
declared the country's publicity? At the voice of the Central Committee he said: "We'll
never know for yourself what to do. Advise us. " I politely said goodbye and was very
happy: it has become clear to Gorbachev and his perestroika. It was the autumn of 1988.

But the end of 1998, ten years later. I was invited to participate in the new
transmission on television, which was conceived as a debate on the important issues -
three or four people with different points of view. For samples gathered F.Burlatsky -
one of the "foremen of perestroika," Gorbachev moderate Democrat leaven, Nikonov -
active young protege of Yeltsin's team, and I - from the "reactionaries".

When you have to talk with the ideology of our restructuring and market reforms
face to face, I am seized by a feeling of something unreal, like a dream kind of hell, a
reality and can not be 197 . It turned out that my interlocutors like to talk, and while I
was able to get a word they uttered such that about any sensible, academic conversation
already and speech could not go. It began with the fact that the host asked: why is this
supposedly reform we do not go - and won in China too, reform, and what grandeur.
Burlatskii, which, of course, with Deng Xiao-ping was on friendly terms, immediately
gave an exhaustive answer:
"We are not going reform because we have the Chinese." Lead and gasped. After all,
if, as they say the Democrats, no alternative to the course of reforms, and we are so fast
the Chinese all become not able to, so go out, it is necessary to die? And why were so
unfit Russian material?

And now, two representatives of the nomenklatura - old and new - quickly agreed
on the main and gave this explanation: "All stolen!". They say that the Russian people
by nature a thief, not like the Chinese. Commemorated and Karamzin, who was also
something about the theft said (probably altered it, but it does not matter - can, and
blurted out something great historian, but it's not because of Chubais reforms).

Note that the assertion that the reforms do not go, because "stealing", contrary to
elementary logic and common sense. After privatization and justified by the fact that it
allegedly awakens "sense of ownership". It turns out, the opposite is true? And that can
steal workers from the poor owners, Berezovsky and Gusinsky? What stole the miners
who went on strike destroying the economy? What stole the doctors of "first aid" in
Vladivostok? What was stolen nuclear physicists, the chief scientific adviser who
committed suicide in shame before the starving slave? That's all - just the most acute
manifestations of the fact that
"Reform is not", but in fact this is expressed by the condition of the vast majority of
families. What does the "theft of all" ?

10. Of course, the editors of TV then the strangest thing cut, I have experienced
this during a conversation with Gaidar. He then went into a rage (it turns out, it is not
owned) say such ridiculous things that transmit the editor, himself a fan of the "young
reformers", they were not allowed on the air,
"Combed" the reasoning of our marketeers. Yet Democrats need censorship, they
would be without it completely indecent look.
But logic and common sense - a trifle, it our policy and do not pay attention. It is
more important than the fact that prominent ideological aides two generations of anti-
Soviet politicians on camera clearly state: some reforms are good, but people are
worthless. And even in the choice of the charges themselves do not bother. That said,
that the Russian people have a slave mentality (this is when I had to shake him to
overthrow the Soviet regime). Now think of what the Russian people as a whole are
inherent thieving propensities. And whom does this mean? It is not about that very thin
stratum of "new Russian", which, anyway, is not earned, and it stole all of our public
property (even if it is covered by presidential decrees and orders of Chubais - the
essence of this does not change). No, thieves called "all", ie the people. The people who
just became the victim of an unprecedented in the history of stealing. He was deprived
not only of national ownership, and even personal property - savings, wages, deposits
in banks. It would seem that cynicism top - a victim of theft just to name a thief. But
my interlocutors were so sincerely convinced that the Russian people unfit for the good
life that surprised my indignation.

Burlatsky still can understand - he was an ideologue already Brezhnev, he wrote

and ran across all channels myth of stealing Russian polls. And apparently, he is the
first in this myth and believe. To our shame, and we all, in general, it is believed.
Because it was for many of us this is not a good habit - to bring something useful for
the house to work. That acetone from the lab, the paint, the wool. Manipulators our
consciousness could only persuade us that this phenomenon is so large that undermine
the national economy. And, anyway, they repeatedly overlap that occurs in "civilized

It was all a lie. In 1990, the first published data on the income of the "shadow
economy". According to some estimates of the State Statistics Committee of the USSR
they amounted to 99.8 billion rubles then, (including the production and sale of vodka
- 35 billion rubles.).... A theft of state and public property (this is the "all steal" )
amounted to only 5.4 billion. Rubles. On the scale of the national economy is an
insignificant quantity - and in fact in that year nomenclature businessmen stole
Therefore already large, can not be compared with the pre-perestroika times. Already
built a villa and museum bought the painting. So that the share of "pilferers", which the
Communist Party ideologists, ideology and now the Democrats put a major looting of
the economy, is nothing.

And what we see in the West honest? Accidentally I came across an excerpt from
the US Department of Justice report. Over the five-year period 1990-1994, only one
industry in the US health care system theft totaled 418 billion. Dollars. Billion dollars!
But the Americans, as we say, civilized Chinese themselves. Yes and no figures the
first thing that catches your eye when you come to the United States - a feeling of
general theft. A large part of the male population is busy with all sorts of security and
inspection. All shops and stores are crammed with cameras that pursues every buyer.
At one store, I saw a sign: "Dear thieves, the owner sleeps in stock. He's armed. "

Of course, I do not want to justify the habit to grab the little things of the state
property. But not because it destroys or inhibits the economy today market reforms.
And because it destroys our character, it created a general atmosphere of a bad
conscience, and therefore served as a cover for the nomenclature of dealers, which have
ruined the country. For the creation of such a cover, for the sake of undermining our
pride and severity of these businessmen have begun ahead of time to encourage petty
theft. Their ideologists and improvised like Zhvanetskogo and Hazanova - pumped into
our consciousness a story that the Russian people is universal thief.

During those brief moments when I was able to squeeze into trills Burlatsky and
Nikonov, I spoke about what I have written here. And still had time to add that the
reforms are in China and Spain, and do not go to Russia for the reason that it is not
found in China and Spain, an influential minority, which is consecutive to destroy their
own country.

TV employees said that the transfer was very entertaining and happy. Live she did
not go, and all that promising a weekly program was phased out.

§ 4. Controlled disaster as a condition for successful


One of the founders of modern sociology, ideologies K.Manheym researcher

specifically pointed out that in times of deep crisis occurs blocking of common sense
o human capacity intelligently judge the state of affairs and to act on that
judgment. The need to think about and understand what is happening at this
time is converted into an unbearable burden, and people trying to escape from
this need to hide in the irrational.
He began to show increased interest in the occult, to study the horoscope,
astrologers believe. His psychological protection against manipulation of
consciousness sharply weakened 19 8 .

John Reid, who closely watched the revolution in Russia and Mexico,
said: "In the period of acute crisis people are not always properly respond to
events. People most sober judgment that the usual time had never taken of
certain facts, without having previously obtained evidence, believed the
wildest rumors, did not have no grounds. " Many studies have been devoted
abnormally high suggestibility of large masses of the population of Germany
after its defeat in the First World War. Mass impoverishment and
demoralization led to pathological changes of social consciousness and the
unusual gullibility that made him defenseless against the grossest
manipulations on the part of the Nazis.

Even in the prosperous West in order to increase the efficiency of the

manipulation of the masses behavior resorted to the impoverishment of the
population. See how ppavyaschaya elite reacted to the student unrest in 1968
was obvious that the events have threatened the hegemony of bourgeois
ideology. Youth Spiritual needs have outgrown the possibility of Western
"Industry of images." Before the elite, roughly speaking, there were two ways:
either to meet the increased demands, make society more open and fair - or
lower, "strangle" queries, creating social problems. That is, the move "right"
and to convert part of the society as a soft crowd. And it pesheno "ppidushit
mass consciousness studies in France, the 70-ies have shown that about a
third of the French in their value orientations shifted to the cynical pragmatism
program aimed at "survival". The researchers called this new style of life,
mastered by young citizens and widespread in all social strata, "Fox realism".
He was described as "dynamic defense" based on fear of the crisis and putting
creative purposes.

Similarly, since the early 70-ies in the United States managed to vnedpit
in the consciousness of the masses Principles for "do not expect too much from
life and udovletvopyatsya that is." To reduce ppityazaniya and buntapsky spirit
simply zatpudnili people's lives (a new economic course called
"Peyganomika"). One student said lidepov US in 1977 .: "In the 60s it was easy
to be idealistic and advocate for social pepemeny and all that. I think that
today's students to smepti frightened her future. " Indicative answers to the
Problems of the main goals DURING admission to college in the United States.
If in 1970 39% of students called "Achieving financial well-being" among the
main, that in 1984 was the answer of 71%. In one of the factories opposov
Fopda pabochih-avtomobilestpoitel sfopmulipoval his position: "I pposto
ppisposobilsya to it. I think you can ppisposobitsya everything. It all depends
on the circumstances. I am married and have to pay for a home mortgage. I
pposto zakpyvayu eyes and tepplyu. I think of the children and the next ppemii
that should get. And all the others ... What can you do about it? ". So the West
has to "endure". And it's not the level at which you have to "endure", and in
the change of consciousness - the high thoughts of the 60s managed to oust the
head of the 199 .

Prolonged emotional stress, which destroys the protective mechanisms of

consciousness achieved by a drastic impoverishment of large masses of the
population (especially when this is not visible to objective reasons such as war
or natural disasters). A recent report

11. Create stress in the mass consciousness - tested method. To manage the Paris
Jacobins carefully cultivated " nervousness ." In 1790, Marat wrote that the purpose
of the Jacobins - "always support the people in a state of excitement until the time
when fair laws will be put into the base of the current government." He noted that the
influence of his newspaper "Friend of the People" caused "terrible scandal,
distributed it to the public."

12. The type of knowledge that gave the Soviet school, was poskoshyu. Having
such knowledge, the young man did not become a cog, and personality. So getting
neudovletvopennym and doubters. And such people are less uppavlyaemy. In the 70s
SOME sociologists, then, probably, become demokpatami, ppeduppezhdali power: it
is necessary to reduce the USSR FORMATION nd level. The development of the
economy are not allowed to provide youth pabochih positions corresponding in levels
of training and, therefore, their request for charges. Let us speak out advisors
sokpatim the All claims, "sokpativ" very identity - better than an ignorant man knows
his place. To the credit of our leaders ppestapelyh, they ppedlozhenie otvepgli - padi
young people themselves, although pushing it into the Soviet stpoit pyady
gravediggers. FORMATION - they say - is not so much to carry pabochih functions,
but for life in general.
VTsIOM with references to many studies in different parts of the world said: "The
average drop in personal income by 10% results among the affected population increase
overall mortality by 1% and the increase in the number of suicides by 3.7%. The feeling
of falling living standards is one of the most powerful social stresses that the strength
and duration of exposure exceeds the stresses that arise during natural disasters. "

In the Soviet Union and Russia since 1990 began to mature economic difficulties
rapidly deteriorating personal well-being of people. In 1992 they acquired the character
of a landslide, and there was a mass impoverishment of the population of Russia. It was
probably unplanned gift for manipulators. As in other similar cases, the suggestibility
of people has risen sharply, their psychological defense cracked (in addition to the one
that was opened during the adjustment). Based on research conducted in 22 regions of
Russia during the 1990, 1993 and 1994. director of the Center for Sociological
Research of the Russian Academy of State Service V.E.Boykov raises an important
point: "At present, life difficulties, have fallen on the bulk of the population and
strangle people, cause social depression in the Russian society, divide people and thus
to some extent prevent an explosion of social discontent. " strangle people! better not

One of the depletion of the results was a break of the set of human relations
(although there was a process parallel to the emergence of other necessary for the
survival of solidarity bonds). In general, there is a partial atomization, chaotic society.
Chief of the Ministry of national specialists in the academic journal writes: "The new
economic reality has stirred up deep layers of the psyche in the individual and group
levels, to make the necessary change of civil status of the cathedral, the collective
individual to the status of independent, autonomous person." Ornate and vague, but
true: in Soviet times people had been cathedral personality and groups (nations) joined
in a cooperative manner, cooperating. "Reform" powerfully separates people and
nations, and deprives them of opportunities for collective action and collective
psychological defense.

The course is a dramatic impoverishment of people even in the last years of the
Soviet received ideological support - the experts for that was enough. Economist
L.Piyasheva cry shouted: "Do not invite Wassily Leontief in consultants because it
recommends how to calculate the" right "price and build the 'right' balance sheets.
Leave all these exercises for philanthropists and begin to strictly and firmly to move to
the market immediately, without prior stabilization ".

I do not just have to notice that the books readers - people who belong mainly to
the prosperous part of the population - are psychologically protected from reality,
trying not to think about the suffering of the part on which the reform is a painful blow.
It - Autism, creating a false image of a safe. In fact, it was an absolute impoverishment,
it led to a sharp deterioration in health, increasing mortality rates and an unprecedented
reduction in life expectancy.

What we got after three years of reform in the diet, says the document mode, not
the opposition - "State report on the state of health of the population of the Russian
Federation in 1992" (this was the last detailed report of this kind). In it, in particular, it
"A significant deterioration in the quality of food in 1992 was mainly due to lower
consumption of animal products. In 1992, the purchase of a population of fish
amounted to 30% of the level in 1987, meat and poultry, cheese, herring, sugar - 50-
53% noted the forced break-up diet prevailing in previous years, the decline in the
consumption of protein foods and carbohydrates, which inevitably It affects the health
of Russia's population, primarily pregnant women, nursing mothers and children. In
1992, 20% of children surveyed groups of 10 and 15 years received the protein from
food less safe level recommended by the WHO. More than half of women surveyed
protein consumed less than 0.75 g per kg of body weight - below a safe level of
consumption for the adult population of the WHO. "

Protein intake below a safe level affects the nervous system and have this human
psychological defense is weakened. In Soviet times, the average person getting 98
grams of protein per day, in 1996, in Russia the average urban resident consumption
decreased to '55 But this - the average . Since the depletion did not occur uniformly,
and a substantial part of the population of fish and meat consumption is not reduced,
then, in the most impoverished parts of meat and fish have disappeared from the diet
and protein intake of fallen dramatically from 40% of the population, which in 1996-
97. were below the poverty line, protein intake averaged 30 grams
per person per day. So, of these 40% receive less significant part of the absolute
physiological minimum (29 g) - these people died from the destruction of the body.

It is striking that on this background ideology are turning to Soviet stereotypes.

I.Ovchinnikova in "Izvestia" teaches: "In obozpimom future, no matter how
ppiskopbno, [we] can not udovletvopyat their potpebnosti ... Hado pepeteppet,
consoling himself with the thought that the fathers and grandfathers teppeli a bright
future, which was then turned out to be unachievable, and we - for the sake of the
present, which can monitor anyone who ever pepeezzhat ... Leningpadskoy from the
field in Finland. " This statement is not only incoherent and illogical, it is beyond the
scope of ethics. And here Finland, if we are in the Leningrad region had 98 grams of
protein? Why should we follow the example of their fathers and grandfathers, if the
entire restructuring was based on the postulate that the fathers and grandfathers lived
wrong? And who is it we who are hungry today? One of them leading the authors of
"Izvestia"? And how long is the foreseeable future? Is not it said "News" in 1990 when
called to break the Soviet living arrangements? But these questions do not ask the
people themselves - they simply swallow endearments favorite author.

We have eight years of observing strange, contrary to the theory of the

phenomenon: in Russia there was a regime that does not have the authority and respect
in any social group, but it is stable and does not show any signs of self-destruction -
that whatever is said of the opposition leaders on the theory and common sense. The
fact that the regime established by Yeltsin's group has no grace and do not deserve
anyone's respect, an obvious fact - enough to listen prorezhimnoe TV and read
newspapers. No one was struck by an unprecedented in the history of the state and the
rights of fact: the President was accused of genocide of their own people. This
monstrous accusation seriously discussed, voted for him most of the parliament, in him,
speaking frankly, believe almost all citizens. That was not enough as a parliamentary
vote for the removal from power is a purely formal question. About the real legitimacy
of such a regime can not walk and talk.

What happens? Apparently, we are entering a new period of history. There are
power modes, which are held on some not yet fully studied props. They reject the
ordinary, secular rule of law and decency and defiantly refuse to honor citizens. They
can not therefore undermine the strength by exposing the sins and crimes of the regime
- it does not hide them. He rallies his supporters not to high ideals and values, and
mutual responsibility disgraces and vices - turning society into the crowd. There are
many indications that it is - the world process. The restructuring of social and political
morality is everywhere. The point of the Clinton-Lewinsky, nobody Solana or Kofi
Annan set the standards of the cultural environment in which the majority of viewers
the world without any emotion take the bombing of Serbia. It disappears important
phenomenon in the past - public opinion . Moreover, in fact, society itself disappears,
because the moral and logical norms of different people are so incompatible that the
lost opportunity for dialogue.

According to experts of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Russia today - the
most unstable country. Why is this abnormally high volatility is not converted into the
actions of those who reject the regime? 200 As he put the country on the brink of disaster,
manages to keep the unstable equilibrium? It appears only in a state of instability, and
it may exist. Go to any stable order, the country's exit from the trance for him - death.

Perhaps the most effective way to paralyze the will of the population has been
rapid and dramatic impoverishment of the vast majority - with the same sharp and
unjustified enrichment of a minority. As a result, the majority simply does not have the
mental or physical strength to do anything except livelihood of their families. In the
language of the "reformers" themselves, the middle class - it's just a politically active
class and democratic base, and democracy for this mode - death.

13. Of course, this is largely due to the type of society and the people. The Soviet
people were not (and still do not) class consciousness and can not unite to fight a
class slogan. They can not isolate themselves from the party and the class to struggle.
All their organization first of all say that they - statists . They have in mind is not to
deal with the state. As only the best shots of the opposition
"Come into power," they begin to help the regime "to equip Russia". Do not
overthrow the regime, namely, to help him, creating a vicious cycle and strengthening
mode. Patience and solidarity, enhanced disaster, help people to create an invisible
system of survival. their mode does not move and goes with them can co-exist, so that
in his usual state of guilt disaster not already placed.
In contrast to the peasants, the urban man is deprived of an autonomous life
support, and poverty (especially the threat of hunger) - a powerful control over his
behavior means. This idea was already developed Malthus at the dawn of capitalism,
and the impoverishment of the workers entered the political arsenal. But Malthusian
West at the same time creating a massive support - a prosperous civil society, cohesive
fear hungry. We have another, we just analogue of civil society (the most prosperous
Soviet) eliminated, the mass of citizens simply paralyzed hardships of life.
T.I.Zaslavskaya itself recognizes "the social needs of the population decline due to the
gradual svykaniya poverty and the loss of hope for the restoration of the former
standard of living."
Of course, the regime is widely and consistently uses blackmail people with a
periodic demonstration of the real possibility to fulfill the threat. This opportunity has
been created by the rapid destruction of (to the right limit) the country's main life-
support systems. Undermining Agriculture with reduced production below a safe level
allows blackmail hunger. Very eloquent insistence with which the press is introducing
people to the idea that large cities receive 70% of food import and "on wheels", so that
not even a warehouse. The destruction of energy, so that even when the decline in
production by half does not meet the needs of the population of entire areas, making
for easily accessible mode cold blackmail. Why all this pandemonium freeze Talnakh
quarter of Vladivostok, Kamchatka disconnecting from power supply was arranged?
The main purpose - to drive all the idea that energy is a vital benefit for citizens fully
in the hands of the regime. At any given mode can respond to disobedience of the
population deprived of his energy. Did you see what it looks like a frozen city? Did
you see how to prepare the food at the stake? Switch - Chubais, tap the pipeline -
Chernomyrdin. Blackmail - an act not of the world, and the war has not completely
cold. It must be remembered when another breaks campaign for civil consent search.

The second big technology - fatigue workers. It is not limited to fatigue need. It
need be added devastation caused by the vulgarity that is pumped through the words,
gestures, images and actions. Man tired belittling his aspirations, ideals ridicule,
diverting it to the lowlands. This is - a relatively new method of power 20 1 . As in the
case of material impoverishment and spiritual exhaustion of the people held in Russia
today with a huge bust.

All that we have to see and hear in recent years convinces us that these methods
are used to systematically monitor the situation, just as the technology (even if they are
in any secret protocols are not described). But if so, the whole doctrine of the
opposition, which accuses of "incompetence" mode, is fatally flawed.

Chapter 16. Social consciousness in the Soviet Union and its vulnerabilities

§ 1. The stereotypes of historical materialism and the

undermining of the Soviet system of hegemony

We are discussing the question of why the consciousness of the Soviet people was
so defenseless. Why do they (except for rural residents) under the influence of TV lost,
at least temporarily, the ability of reasoning on the basis of common sense?

We have already noted some of the cultural characteristics of Soviet man, above
all, faith in the word. Academician B.V.Raushenbah in a recent interview, simply and
very rightly points out that weakness, talking about a simple woman who absolutely
believe what is printed in the newspaper or a book: "This attitude is typical for the
Soviet society. And then, while lying in the press was impossible, of course, if it is not
inspired by his superiors. If the paper has performed with some critical material, then
after a while she wrote that under this heading the facts were confirmed, measures have
been taken. Now this is not, you can lie to anything, and people continue to believe the
whole, because it has not come out from under the influence of the Soviet era. "

However, there are no important cultural-historical and "induced" the formation

of reason. It is that the heads of several generations have implemented distorting reality
a way to understand the society in its development - the so-called vulgar historical
materialism . From the classics of Marxism and especially Lenin, the historical
materialism has little to do. Historical materialism - the doctrine, which has become
part of the official Soviet ideology. Doctrine quickly pulled away from its creators and

14. To this Lenin drew the attention of the summer of 1917, he warned that the
Provisional Government headed for fatigue of workers, and in this - a great danger.
Successful fatigue leads to dullness, loss of will.
live your life (because some Marx and said that he - not a Marxist). In reality, historical
materialism was modeled in the party "laboratories" in Soviet times and is not based
on the ideas of the classics, and needs of the day - not to anticipate, and to justify the
practice. If the Politburo did not find choice but collectivization, Stalin was not at all
looking at how historical materialism, and went ahead - then academician Oizerman
prove that this solution has emerged from the objective laws of social development.

The first generation of Soviet people "dialectics were taught not to Hegel," and
had more clear understanding of life. Subsequent generations of historical materialism
drew from books, not from Engels and Plekhanov. While the state was stable, it was
not terrible, though pledged stereotypes for future manipulation of consciousness.
Historical materialism its rigid schema change formations implicitly leads to the idea
that Soviet socialism was a "mistake of history" - was something wrong. And that is
why the bulk of professional specialists in historical materialism today quite frankly is
with the Social Democrats (like Gorbachev and Yakovlev) or Trotskyites - such a
phenomenon did not happen and can not be in science. All these
"Experts" knew what they were - workers ideology. They had no betrayal and no
anguish ..

We select a few main tenets of historical materialism, which have been extensively
used as stereotypes to undermine the hegemony of the Soviet system.

The immutability of the objective laws of history .

The undermining of the Soviet system "Marxism"
legitimacy was conducted for a long time - since the
Mensheviks. But the most active forms he had acquired
in 60 years of 202 . The fact that it was carried out "under the banner of Lenin",
should not be surprising - the manipulation necessary for the program was to conduct
a "capturing and joining" the audience, that is, to rely on its usual stereotypes. So, to
conduct propaganda, alleged on the basis of the interests of workers as expressed by
Marx and Lenin were in the mass consciousness.

The restructuring began with the fact that all of Gorbachev's men began to repeat
the " wrongness " of the Soviet system - "barracks pseudo-resting on a dead-end
mobilization economy." These thoughts were full left magazine "Alternatives" in
"Pravda" Soviet period from the standpoint of historical materialism branded B.Slavin,
and "Soviet Russia" is not far behind: "It is not surprising that this rotten system
collapsed. But it was not the collapse of socialism. " It was not socialism, because the
creation of the Soviet living arrangement accompanied by a violation of the objective
laws of history, discovered by Marx.
We are not talking about the conscious use of stereotypes of historical materialism
to manipulation. The thing is that these stereotypes are rooted in the thinking of the
Soviet man, served as an important prerequisite for the success of the manipulators.
This is best seen from the fact that the unwitting agents of anti-Soviet concepts, "
secondary manipulators " were many sincere communists, opponents of Gorbachev
and his team.

Here, in the book B.P.Kurashvili "History of Stalinism logic" given the

interpretation of Soviet history. This book - ppekpasno made, novatopskoe statement
of facts and events. But here I want to say about it tpaktovke - in the logic of historical
materialism. This logic is given the belief that

15. All major "charges" vulgar Marxism against the Russian Revolution and the
Soviet system has been put forward by Kautsky, and then developed by Trotsky. Then
joined the Yugoslav Djilas, Eurocommunists our Democrats. Even Lenin had to spend
a lot of energy to fight off "accusations of historical materialism." But the main battle
is still played out between Trotsky and Stalin. And to understand its meaning is very
important for us. Here it is possible to agree with the professor from Greece
M.Matsasom: "Those who want to, under the influence of changes of 1989-1991, to
pass by the conflict between Trotsky and Stalin, regarding it as something belonging
to the museum of antiquities Bolshevik, look not forward but backward."
there are "objective laws of social development" 20 3 . According to this belief, all
comply with the law, good, and everything that does not fit - a curvature of all this
trouble. The revolution in peasant Russia there was "not quite ... the objective laws of
socialist revolution in the capitalist underdeveloped country has been burdened by the
original sin of voluntarism." But what is this law, if all the proletarian revolution did
not take place in countries with a developed proletariat, and in the country (Russia,
China, Vietnam, Cuba)? Not only the whole company is out of step, but even one of
Ensign is not present, it would go up.

War Communism - is "authoritarian utopian socialism. In general, alas, untenable.

" How so? This is completely contrary to common sense. After all, war communism -
the forcible removal of surplus grain from the peasants and egalitarian, off-market
distribution among the citizens in order to save them from starvation, as market
allocation destroyed by the war. What is utopian? And why did he "unfortunately
insolvent"? On what scale weighed the meaning of salvation of millions of citizens and
stew for the army? And in the Great Patriotic War rationing system - also "alas, is

In the second phase of construction of the Soviet system, according

B.P.Kurashvili, the damage from the first violation was somehow overcome, but then
"in a natural for the revolutionary process powerfully intervened external factor.
Society was artificially restored in the likeness of the first phase of the revolution, for
other methods of accelerated development has not been seen ... The situation was
theoretically abnormal, unnatural, but historically was inevitable model for a new
social order - authoritarian mobilization socialism with totalitarian perversions. "

There should have been struck by severe incoherence of thought - the first sign
that all reasoning e st fruit external manipulation. How can it be unnatural that
historically was inevitable? Why is an external factor, the more powerful (the
impending World War), presented a nuisance "about the course?" It turns out that the
"right law" does not take into account external factors? But then the price of him a
penny. Why choose the path of industrialization, which only gave the possibility of
salvation ( "other ways to be seen"), called "artificial"? Any decision as a fruit
processing information and choice, there is something artificial and not natural. So,
here is a word carries a negative meaning and means that Stalin broke his selector to
"objective law". What kind of law is one that prescribes the death of Russia? Slightly
declined from death
o violator.

As for the post-Stalin period, then score B.P.Kurashvili scathing:

"Authoritarian-bureaucratic socialism - it is natural law, a historical accident,
"Stray" child of Soviet society. Gravest sin that ugly model ... "etc. Well as you
can not kill the bastard - that's how the idea to this estimate suggests the reader.

A special place in the history of this scheme is the problem of bloodshed.

Historical materialism, from the point of view of B.P.Kurashvili gives a simple
answer: "Revolution - big bloodletting that class-antagonistic society ...
uchinyaet over themselves for the transition to the next stage of development."
But the real story did not confirm this, even on the contrary. Let us remember
all the bloodshed associated with revolutions. We will not go to the Inquisition
and the Reformation. They are directly related to the case, but we are not well
known. That Cromwell: because of his class antagonism
"Ironsides" Puritans were bled in the UK and Ireland? That is the terror of the
Jacobins. Is it caused by the antagonism between the bourgeoisie and the
aristocracy, the bourgeoisie and the peasantry? After classes antagonists - the
bourgeoisie and the proletariat, but a conflict never leads to greater blood. And
China? Blood basically let each other the two wings of the revolution - the
Kuomintang and the Communists. Both, selling, provided, in many ways, a
very rapid social and economic

16. The fact that such laws exist - a belief that is very difficult to dispel. There is
no evidence of their existence is not ( "Marx's doctrine is omnipotent because it is
true"). And when this faith took root in public thought, the scientists were "realists"
who appealed to reason. They said, for example, in economics there are no "objective
laws", and there are at most trends . In real life, these tendencies are different
depending on a variety of circumstances. They cited the following analogy. Stone
falls down vertically in accordance with Newton's law. Weak effects like breeze
(fluctuations) can not significantly influence the speed and direction of movement of
the stone. Or take a leaf. It is, of course, also falling - but not according to the law.
Fall - its tendency. In real life, the sheet is turned at the slightest breath, and then
carried away upwards. In society all these blows are no less important than the laws.
development (on the mainland and Taiwan). What's the "next level"? The whole
concept of the civil war, which gives historical materialism, in my opinion, is wrong in
principle and has never been confirmed by 20 4 .

If we accept that there are "objective laws" that historical research is simply the
new estimates placed at market conditions change. That is, the dictatorship of the
proletariat in 1917-1920. It would be good, but "unfortunately, contemptuous of
democratic processes, human rights." As this " alas ", if the - the essence of any
dictatorship? You can not "lips Nikanor Ivanovich yes to put to the nose of Ivan
Kuzmich," as dreamed of one bride. Same B.P.Kurashvili himself admits: "Then
nothing was virtually impossible." But if so, it is a naive attempt to observe the Right
of the person should say " alas ".
The belief in some "legitimate norms' limits and creates the illusion of simplicity
distinguish objectively necessary and surplus (the latter declared the result of
voluntarism, totalitarianism, vices, etc.). Here, civil war disaster B.P.Kurashvili
explains, inter alia, "excessive and unreasonable destructiveness onslaught of the
revolutionary forces." Even so, it is unlikely to be the explanation, because the question
is, what is called "excessive and unreasonable", what is their nature.

What are the grounds to speak about excessive "stress"? During the confrontation
the two sides were on the limit strength, and to any excessiveness just did not have the
resources. Because-and there were many victims - forces only enough to pull the
trigger. When the skin was near Tula, red and white were the two dystrophies: none
has the power to protect themselves, but the enemy can not hit and. Just as the Germans
were outside Moscow in December, 1941: in some areas between them and the Kremlin
was not a single battalion of fighting, and to take a step they had no forces. In general,
talk about the measures and excessive total war is far from safe - a risky business. It's
like that on a full stomach to talk, you have to become a Human meat, bring to a deadly
famine. The question is incorrect and forbidden.

In the same vein, and evaluation of the entire Soviet socialism after the NEP: "Yes,
socialism was primitive, undemocratic, inhumane, public ownership took the form of
state-bureaucratic". On the basis of what "objective standards" are these estimates?
How could a primitive project generate Stakhanov, Queen and Zhukov? What are the
standards defined "inhumanity"? After all, there is humanity ahistorical. The humanism
of Christianity in the West has been "cleared" by the Reformation, humanism of the
Enlightenment - imperialism, devalue human life, humanism of the twentieth century -
a major war, and then Vietnam, Iraq, Serbia. What konkpetnoy, we had to do to earn
the Soviet stpoit rating of "humane"? Release of all tyupem ppestupnikov? And it
would not help.

"Deuce on historical materialism" Soviet system actually put on all issues: "The
second half of the history of Soviet socialism was the process of growing insanity." In
other words, his death was natural: mapazm - state to withdraw from koto.pogo
medicine is powerless. That rationale: "In the 50 years the country has eliminated
nuclear monopoly ... and inaccessibility US military, thereby ensuring the security of
the USSR and the socialist system. So the authoritarian-mobilization model of
socialism completely exhausted itself, lost its historical justification. But it continued
to exist by inertia. The necessity of a deep transformation, the comprehensive
democratization of public life hard not realize the political leadership. "

It completely ignored the Cold War (as mentioned in § 1). Life has shown that the
security of the Soviet Union did not yet been provided. In these circumstances, the
problem of a deep restructuring of the entire fabric of life model is so complex that
even today no one can say how this should be done. And at the same time it can not be
said that the system has not changed. Me, and very quickly. And it is in the direction
of "demobilization" and democratization - compare, say, 1948 and 1978. The problem
is just that no guidelines for a safe and secure democratization of our "mobilization
socialism" historical materialism did not give and could not give.

To many leftist ideologues I called with a question: what are the criteria you have
found the crisis, and especially the collapse of Soviet socialism? I even met with
indignation: What do you mean, a blind man, did not you see? I honestly admit that I
do not see, and ask to explain clearly, simple and
17. Not the place to develop this theme here, except to say that the Civil War is
always associated with the modernization of the crisis . This is - a clash provoked by
the civil society in the traditional aggression.
normal language. I said, "but in fact there is the collapse of the West we have won."
Yes, but it is different things. Sometimes a handsome guy, big man, some sickly
syphilitic votknet a knife blade, and the guy drops dead. Can I say his body crashed,
apparently, was senile? To say it is possible, but it would be folly. From this it does not
follow that our system was a big guy, but implies that the killing does not say anything
about the dead man's health.

Historical materialism, holding "wrong" the Soviet system a bad grade,

ideologically prepared restructuring, justified the destruction of "stray child of". Today
we reap the first fruits.

Violation of the law of value in the Soviet economy . By the early 70-ies of the
bulk of the Soviet intelligentsia inspired myself if our economy is hopelessly flawed,
because they do not comply with the law of value ( "voluntarism planning system").
What is this "law" - an abstraction that in life there is nothing similar, completely

But let's briefly repeat what I mean. Cost - materialized in the commodity labor is
detected when it is on the market exchange of goods. Exchange is equivalent (equal
exchange value). To do this, you need a free market of capital, goods and labor force
(it is - one of the products). The deviation from the equivalence is due to fluctuations
in supply and demand, but there is the flow of capital, and the balance is restored.
Whether this is done in practice, and if not, then it small deviations, so that they can be
neglected and to speak about the existence of the law?

Take at least a trifle, even in an ideal (imaginary) market economy to perform

equivalent exchange, through which only expresses the value, you need a free market.
But it does not exist! Protectionism only labor market of industrialized countries
managed in 80 years, "the third world", in a year, that is the extent of the distortion are
enormous and they are increased according to the UN, at $ 500 billion..

As stated in the Report of the World Economic Forum in Davos, in the developed
capitalist countries, employing 350 million people with an average salary of $ 18. Per
hour. At the same time, China, the former Soviet Union, India and Mexico have similar
workforce qualification 1.2 billion people, with an average price below $ 2. (And in
many areas below $ 1.) Per hour. Open labor market for this labor force in accordance
with the "law of value" would mean a savings of almost $ 6 billion. Per hour! We see
that the difference in price of the same cost component (labor force) is huge. it can not
be neglected. "Law", coming from the presumption of equivalent exchange, simply
does not meet the reality. In other words, the economy of the "first world" by the action
of the law of value was to be absolutely uncompetitive. And "law" just off the influence
of the very real, tangible mechanisms - from mass culture to the carrier "Independence".
Off this law four centuries, and it is not necessary to rely on it in the foreseeable future.

Today, the "law of value" is crumbling, and as an abstraction. Resources crisis has
shown that the law incorrectly describes the relationship of the economy and nature.
2/3 of the cost of goods - raw materials and energy is, but they are not produced and
extracted . Their cost - it is only the work on the extraction (yes the cost of bribing
elite, though Arabic, though Russian). The theory of value, not taking into account the
real value of resources (eg, oil) for mankind, something as it could be taken until it
seemed that the earth is inexhaustible pantries.
Natural resources have been excluded from consideration as a kind of political
"Free" world constant, economically neutral background of economic activity. Ricardo
argued that "nothing is paid for the inclusion of natural agents, as they are inexhaustible
and available to all." It also repeats Say: "Natural resources are inexhaustible, because
otherwise we would not have received their gift. Since they can not be either increased
or exhausted, they do not constitute the object of economic science. " These same
formulations of Marx, for example: "The forces of nature are worth nothing; they are
part of the labor process, without going into the process of formation of the cost. "
Repetition of this idea could go on and - it is a quite specific and precise installation,
which determines the whole logic of the labor theory of value. Taking the idea of the
Carnot cycle heat engine and built his theory of reproduction cycles, Marx, like Carnot,
not included in his model of the furnace and the chimney - the part of the political and
economic "machine", where the fuel is burned and the smoke and soot is formed. Then
it is not required. But now, without this fundamental part of the whole model of political
economy completely unusable - it was just the nature of the role is excluded from the
consideration of how a negligible quantity. On coal, oil, gas began to say that they are
"made" and not "recovered."
It is difficult to identify the origins of rational dogmas, obviously contrary to
common sense. Some influenced coming from natural philosophy, and the alchemists
belief in the transmutation of elements, and that minerals such as metals grow in the
ground. They said that the metals
"Born Mother Earth", that they "grow in the mines," so that when the exhausted mine
gently to close and left alone for 15 years, then it will increase the ore again. Alchemists
representing godless branch of Western culture, believed that by human labor can
change nature. This belief, perceived Physiocrats and to some extent still present in
Adam Smith, had been eliminated in scientific thinking, but, miraculously, survived in
the political economy of the purified form of the apparent mystery.

According to this belief of Mircea Eliade, "while Alchemy was ousted and
convicted as a scientific 'heresy' new ideology, this belief was turned into an ideology
in the form of the myth of unlimited progress. And it turned out that for the first time
in the history of the whole of society believed in the feasibility of what in other times
was only a dream milenaristskoy alchemist. We can say that the alchemists, in their
desire to replace the time anticipated the essence of the ideology of the modern world.
Chemistry apprehended only small crumbs Heritage alchemy. The main part of this
heritage focused elsewhere - in the literary ideology of Balzac and Victor Hugo, among
naturalists, in the capitalist system of economy (and the liberal and Marxist), in a
secularized theologies of materialism and positivism, in the ideology of infinite
progress. "

If you add up the distortion introduced by the labor theory of value when assessing
the labor, raw materials and energy in the aggregate, deviations from the model will be
so great that it is necessary to speak about its complete inadequacy. It can be used only
as an abstraction for the purposes of analysis, but it can not be called by the law and
the more of it to make practical policy conclusions.

It ignores the law of value and the problem of "cooperation with the future" - a
generation that still can not participate in the exchange market, nor in the election of
any privatization. Market mechanisms in principle reject any exchange of value for
future generations, as they are unable to be present on the market, do not have the
properties of the buyer and can not guarantee the equivalence of exchange. But this -
the rejection of the notion of "people", undermining the foundations of Russia as an
important civilization.
And the market exchange with contemporaries Marxist political economy distorts
today in an unacceptable degree. He idealizes the act of exchange, taking into account
only the motion of use values (products). And what happens with the anti-tax ( " bads
") - with the negative value, which is always like a shadow of the goods are produced
in the course of production? If there was a law of equivalent exchange value, "bads"
the seller would have to pay a "buyer" its equivalent "antistoimosti". That's when profit
and price categories reflect the reality. But in fact, something that is not! Bads or
imposed without any redress to all mankind (eg, the "greenhouse effect"), or imposed
weak - such as waste disposal in Lesotho or Russia. But this ignores the political
economy - and absolutely monstrous way overestimates the effectiveness of the
capitalist economy.

Today, cars are a major source of emissions into the atmosphere, creating
"Greenhouse effect". What kind of compensation would require every inhabitant of the
Earth, who have imposed this effect, the "bads" that accompanies the sale of each car?
The real him "antistoimost" is unknown as well as the cost of the car, it is determined
by the price on the market, depending on supply and demand. Even today, the
psychological discomfort generated information about the "greenhouse effect" is that
the annual compensation for each inhabitant of the Earth does not seem too high at $
10. But this discomfort can be brought to psychosis through advertising (or rather,
"counter-advertising"), as is done with the exchange value. But even the payment of $
10 means that the automotive company would have to pay $ 60 billion a year. This
would mean a price increase that production of cars at once would greatly decreased. I
would change the entire lifestyle of the West. But this Soviet man, who believes in the
law of value, and not thinking.

In this "market half" when anti-imposed cost to humanity or to future generations

without compensation, neither of which equivalent exchange value and can be no
question. After all, products that in terms of money artificially comparable as justified
by the labor theory of value, indeed incommensurable (we usually do not even know
what the "shadow" is behind this product). A kilo of apples commensurate with the
book of the same price for the energy reserves of the Earth in the production of apples
grow, and in the production of
books - reduced. The law of value - complete mystification of real relationships. He
founded a suicidal economy of industrial civilization.

The law of value is inadequate and social reality. That is appealing to this law as
a dogma and dragged intelligentsia market utopia, and it has already implemented it to
the masses. After all, as a reasoned Soviet man? The market - it is the law of equivalent
exchange, by value, without cheating. Well, let privatize my factory, hire me to the
capitalist, though and foreign - as he honestly give me earned. And now I state selects,
nomenclature insatiable. But the equivalent exchange was a myth already in Marx's
time! So, the market is the relationship between the mother country and the colonies
were already sharply non-equivalent, and since non-equivalence is growing rapidly.
"Third World" issue on the mountain all the more raw materials, agricultural products,
and now the fertilizer, chemicals, machinery - and impoverished. Income ratio of 20%
of the richest parts of the world's population to 20% of the poorest was 30 to 1 in 1960,
45: 1 in 1980 and 59: 1, better than the Spaniards work in 1989. The Czechs, and the
price of labor, when they "discovered" West, they have established almost 5 times less.
Poles put $ 0.85 on average. Per hour, and in Tunisia, which is to Poland still grow and
develop, 2.54 dollar. Where is the law of value?

Often commemorated and other "objective law", which contradicted the Soviet
system, and here - legally destroyed. It is a law which follows from the value of the
assertion that that progressive formation, which provides higher productivity . It would
seem that the fallacy of this position for a long time all of Lenin's obvious. Lenin
expressed his "law" when the world seemed inexhaustible pantry resources. And the
"squeeze" more of a product of human labor was profitable. But the increase in
productivity after a certain limit require a disproportionately high energy costs. And
when they realized the real value of this non-renewable resource, it is reasonable to
look for was not the highest, and optimal performance. For example, performance US
farmers seem to be effective, and energy costs (10 calories for a single food calorie) is
unacceptable, absurd wasteful. Follow their example not only stupid, but also, in
principle, impossible.

Since labor productivity in the Soviet economy lagged behind the Western (or
rather, that it was generally incommensurable, because it was a completely different
type of labor), the average intellectual believed that the Soviet system is regressive and,
therefore, must be destroyed.

The mechanistic determinism of historical materialism . The vision of the history

that is perceived by the person of one or the other of the methodological approach,
strongly influenced by his attitude to the current events and his behavior. To understand
what is happening, we are not realizing, using the "tools of thought", which we have
provided over the years of life. It - images, concepts, terminology, logical techniques.
Historical materialism, which is instilled in the minds of several generations of Soviet
people who gave this consciousness two important features that played a fatal role in
the years of perestroika. The first feature - fatalism , the belief that
"The objective laws of historical development will punch their way through the
accident." The second feature - the indifference to time , to its uniqueness and
irreversibility, the argument in terms of historical formation, long-term processes.

Perhaps, in this respect, historical materialism has found fertile ground in the
Russian mindset, accustomed to more space and time, but there is no doubt that these
traits he stressed. Fatalism, justified by "objective laws" in the years of perestroika and
reforms struck. One reader wrote to me: "I believe in the law of negation of negation
and therefore quiet - socialism in Russia will recover." And it is - a fairly common

Furthermore, historical materialism has introduced into the mass consciousness

belief that objective law is the progress of society. That "revolution of the Scythians",
which threatened to Russia since 1917 and was stopped by the Bolsheviks (a lot of
writing about it M.M.Prishvin), did not fit into the laws of historical materialism, and
we could not expect it at the end of the twentieth century - but it is in fact It took place
before our eyes. But it was already a lesson of fascism, which was not ready theory of
historical materialism. No wonder a German philosopher of fascism after the
experience he wrote: "Thanks to the work of Marx, Engels and Lenin were much better
aware of the economic conditions of progressive development than of the regressive

The reason for this attitude to the "fleeting life events" is lying in the foundation
of historical materialism mechanistic determinism, which dominated the worldview of
Marxism in the period of formation. He was received from the Newtonian world view.
This look
He prevailed before the start of the twentieth century (before the crisis in physics), but
mechanically it affects our thinking until now. From it came the concept of "objective
laws" that are similar to the laws of Nature.

What follows from the idea of "objective laws"? Confidence in the stability and
equilibrium in social systems. To take the machine out of balance, we need large social
forces, "background" (class interests, the maturing of contradictions, etc.). Yet in 1991,
none of the "ordinary people" do not believe in the possibility of liquidation of the
USSR or the Soviet social system. I do not believe - and therefore did not take any
precautions. And if there was such a tremendous crash, as the death of the Soviet Union,
it really means, "the objective contradictions" were insurmountable. Hence, the
struggle is useless 20 5 .

And people, even sensible, all that believe, though at every step in real life see the
negation of this belief. That husky-Man biting louse typhus, and he dies. What were
this objective preconditions in his body? Only his mortal nature. That wooden house
burned down with the butt. Look for "background" - wood burning property. But this
is a mistake. There is no blame for the laws, and the "fluctuations" - a louse, a cigarette
butt. They could easily avoid if take a little bit proactive.

It would seem that the opposite idea of the objective laws of the "conspiracy
theory" ultimately comes from the same vision of society: to break down or turn the
"machine", there must be a secret force, seized all the levers. Where a decision is made,
it is by secret channels brought to the performers, driven by all-wheel drive mechanism
of the invisible - and here's a national catastrophe. In this vision of society "secret
forces" (Masons, Jews, the CIA, the KGB
o one chooses at its discretion) inspire fear, for they are in scale and
power should be compared with the social system, which is willing to break.

Manipulators consciousness actively drummed into the heads of these two

versions, palming them desired explanation of events. For the intelligentsia,
whose brainwashed historical materialism - a song about
"Objective laws" and the mockery of those who believe in the "conspiracy".
Get out Shahray so treats Bialowieza collusion: "Do not tell me! No three
people can ruin a great power. " Say, it collapsed under the weight of the
objective contradictions. And for those who believe in a conspiracy, create an
image of the all-powerful "world behind the scenes." When a person watches
TV, he sees his omniscient speakers, powerful bankers, but Yassin Livshits, he
dropped his hands -
"Everything is under control."

Both theories are outdated and poorly explained reality. Over the past
half-century science overcame mechanism and drew attention to the non-
equilibrium state of instability, the processes of breaking the stable order
(transition from order to chaos and the birth of a new order). To understand
such periods in the life of society thought the old tools do not work perfectly.
During these periods, there is a lot of unstable equilibrium - a crossroads,
"Splitting paths" ( bifurcation point ). At this point they decide not to objective
laws, and the small, but in time the perfect exposure. In one or another way of
developments, from which then did not collapse, a person can push a tiny
insignificant effort. Metaphor "even entered the science butterfly effect ."
Butterfly, waving his wing at the right time in the right place, can cause a

Great politicians, revolutionaries are those people who are intuitive, but
surely determined these points "splitting" and directed the event for the
required passage ( "early today, the day after late"). Now intuition
complemented by scientific knowledge, planned developments. They help to
see where it matures, "the point of splitting", which have to act. Why in these
times of social crisis (occurrence of chaos) theory
Apparently "objective laws" makes people literally blind. These people rely on

18. Even after the collapse of the Soviet Union tied to historical materialism
people questioned his method. They believed in the two embedded in their
consciousness "materialistic" reasons for the death of the Soviet system: the
exploitation of workers and the nomenclature of egalitarianism. And the sufficiency
of these reasons, it seems perfectly obvious, they even surprised - what else to argue
that everything is clear as day. From this explanation it follows that 250 million fools
lived in the Soviet Union, so that it is impossible to believe. For workers prefer much
more cruel exploitation of the "new Russian" - and endure it. Second, breaking the
"egalitarianism", they sharply reduced their consumption. Who in their right mind
would make such a choice? That has not come up with historical materialists the
materialist argument: people " zombie ".
laws and indifferent to the course of events, and when rasserchayut randomly poke a
fist or a club - not where it should be, and not when it is necessary.

But the "conspiracy theory" makes people helpless. What conspiracy is greyish
normal work, tired, do not have any secret power of the people. They are simply
included in the organization and own the technology. And not so much important or
satellite TV (although they are important), how thinking technology. Because the
means available to the "conspirators", only apply to people who do not know this
technology. So thousands of Aztec army bow before a hundred conquistadors, because
they were on horseback, and the Indians did not know horses. They took the Spaniards
to be gods, centaurs, against which it is impossible to fight. Later, they conducted an
experiment and found his mistake: burying the corpse of the slain Spaniards into the
water, they found that it was "normal" rot. So, not gods! You can fight! But it was too

The destabilization of the equilibrium in the body of the USSR carried out
patiently and systematically for half a century (the Cold War). And our bodies
demonstrated remarkable resilience. But when the team came to power, sided with the
enemy, she blocked nearly all countermeasures that could restore stability. This is
clearly seen in the entire history of fomenting war in Karabakh. But here there was no
"Conspiracy" was a normal, almost open work. People just do not "see", they were in
front of the blinders of outdated concepts.

All of the restructuring was carried out in the main "wings of butterflies" - with
the help of false ideas and provocations. The provocations that led to shy "active layer"
in the USSR, may appear shiny. Gorbachev, as Ivan Karamazov father's murder,
organized a putsch. But the success of these machinations was primarily obliged to
inconsistency of our thinking. The Soviet Union was particularly fragile and easily
rolled into chaos just because a big role in our lives played intelligentsia with its
impressionable. A whiff of ideological breeze ran through its entire mass as a nerve
impulse. So all at once it turns the flock of herring, rushing for
"Leader" - she receives a signal through the vibration of water.

Warnings about the dangers of all "project Gorbachev" is not perceived, because
the intelligentsia, thinking in terms of historical materialism (regardless of political
position), believed in
"The law of correspondence of the productive forces and relations of production." They
say that the reform will bring them into compliance and will prosper. But is this law -
an obvious thing, or installed on the experience? Where there is and how you can
predict compliance or not? After all, the law has value only when it allows to foresee
when it stronger particularly when he does "making its way" through the mass of the
particular circumstances. We are in history at every step we see quite often the denial
of this law - a combination of particulars weightier. Chubais came and destroyed the
productive forces - that's the whole law.

A look at how man learned in historical materialism disarm the truth like "being
determines consciousness", "basis of primary, secondary add-on", etc. If so, then there
is nothing to worry about ideas - the very being of sorts, and send people to the path of
truth. But it is not so. After all, Marx himself warned: "The idea becomes a material
force when gripped the masses." Hence, efforts are required, to the idea of "possession
of the masses."

It has been said that as "technology" revolution adjustment theory of Antonio

Gramsci was used. It would seem that the information on the adoption of its anti-Soviet
adopted should have been received with complete seriousness. And look how arrogant
wrote about this a historian, CIA expert prof. N.N.Yakovlev: "For the CIA Poremsky
[figure NTS] wrote
"Molecular" theory of revolution. HTC gave the CIA perelitsovannoe hastily junk -
"Molecular doctrine", which Poremsky worn at the turn of the forties and fifties. Under
the wing of the CIA Poremsky inflated its value until you explicitly absurd nonsense
... This addressed the West, of course, scoff at the leaders of the NTS, which yazvyat
in his circle: "We have started up a revolutionary molecule, and then drunk."

N.N.Yakovlev report on the results of this doctrine made in the NTS in 1972 and
accurately reflects its essence - and mocks him. Which, they say, nonsense! Bullied in
1985, when
"Molecular aggression" has unfolded to the utmost. But this technology and now has
not changed, but no interest neither the Communist Party nor the patriotic intelligentsia
causes. Their thinking is blocked by historical materialism.
For historical materialism fatalism fatalism mixed Russian Orthodox
consciousness. Nobody believes that Russia might collapse - not such species never
known. Yes, so far always managed to climb out of the pit, but then it does not follow
that such an outcome is guaranteed. Ortega y Gasset wrote: "The belief that the
immortality of the people in some way guaranteed - a naive illusion. History - an arena
full of atrocities, and many races as independent integrity, descended from it. For
history to live does not mean to allow yourself to live as she pleased, to live - so very
seriously, deliberately engaged in life, as if it was your profession. Therefore, it is
necessary that our generation with full consciousness, consistently be worried about
the future of the nation. "

Indifference to time . Consciousness formed by historical materialism, turns the

focus on the objective prerequisites of any changes and actions (especially on social
interests). As this consciousness mechanistic, it is based on the idea of reversibility of
processes. So, the moment, the rapid action is not too important - all can be corrected
against the objective laws do not trample. In contrast, people with dialectical thinking
they know that most of the irreversible processes in real life. Most important in the
critical moment only to push the course of events in your desired corridor - and the
process goes contrary to all
"Preconditions." Therefore manipulators (and they need to own the systems thinking),
a very important moment and give carefully constructed "triggers" that need to be
quickly put in place at critical moments.

To program the behavior it is important to not only create the conditions necessary
action, but also to provoke them to cause a controlled activity in the desired favorable
for manipulators moment. Of course, the controllers try to build an organization
opposing them of their social groups of provocateurs, which could give the desired
command. But it is not easy to implement and grow a provocateur with such authority
is rarely possible, and "spend" it in the most extreme case. Most of its role is only to
support the call to action that handles sending the outside, impersonal.

The false signal to the self-destructive action - tools of information warfare. If he

is executed, its effect can be enormous. Already cited analogy with how false signals
used in new generations of pest control -. Weeds, insects, etc. A whole class of
substances called prekosenami (from precocity - prematurity). The meaning of their
actions - to signal the body to a premature transition to the next stage of development.
For example, before the time the insects turn into immature (usually sterile) adults.

Tiny worms-nematodes cause enormous damage to potato crops. Their eggs are
found in the soil in a state of hibernation. Only when the root of the plant is allocated
a special substance, and the molecule reaches the nematode eggs, it wakes up and it
appears from the worm. This substance acts signal to a negligible concentration of 1
mg per 1000 tons of soil - a layer of about 1 hectare.

One of the worst weeds cereals - Striga asiatica . Its seed can remain in the soil
for years, until it extremely sensitive receptors will not catch a signal that near the
sprouted seed of rice or wheat. Then also shear the seed germinates, but germ 4 days
to find the roots of cereals on which it infests. About 20 years, scientists have tried to
find a substance that is extracted from the root of cereal and serves as a signal for the
weed seed. Who we found him, called and found strigolom structure. When it will be
able to adjust its production will be sufficient etched them in negligible quantities of
cereals seeds to germinate and Striga dying before the root appears.

Events in our society have shown that knowing the system of values and
stereotypes of active social groups, it is possible to get them to act in the right direction
in a very short-term impact signals. Eloquent, almost a model example - Programming
Event 3 October 1993 mode task was to provoke supporters of the Supreme Council
for active actions with elements of violence, or at least the 'disturbances' in order to
eliminate the parliament by force of arms, but with the support or at least the neutrality
of the army.

As a target for manipulation have been used is not political or ideological attitudes
and feelings . First of all, a sense of wounded dignity. For their mobilization mode for
a week has made a series of strange, inexplicable despicable actions (cut off electricity
and water in the building of the House of Soviets, then allowed, then banned the
passage to the building, put the speakers and announce the vicinity of bawdy ditty).
Then, during the different weeks
Moscow points were unmotivated, causing general indignation beating people - even
in the subway underground hallways. Upon completion of these preparatory actions
was a trick to bring a huge demonstration on October 3 and "hold" it to the House of
the Soviets, and then sent to capture the empty city hall, and then the building of the
TV center in Ostankino, where the first act of carnage was prepared 20 6 .

In general, embedded in the thinking mechanism of historical materialism allow

manipulators to solve two problems: to do the bulk of the Soviet people immune to the
arguments of common sense, which pointed to the risk of changes in society; ensure
the passivity of the vast majority in the critical moments of unstable equilibrium, when
to push the process in one direction or another could be the action of a very small force.
The breakdown of the Soviet living arrangement was carried out as a "revolution from
above", and the success of such a revolution is not even the favor of the masses, namely,
its passivity. There is no social base for such a revolution and do not need a couple of
thousands of "enthusiasts" and crowds of hooligans to organize is always possible - if
only at this time, "the people remained silent."

§ 2. Ignorance of the society in which we live

Yuri Andropov told (Gorbachev and then repeated) the important thing is: "We do
not know the society in which we live." It was, perhaps, the main condition for the
success of the campaign, the manipulation of consciousness of the Soviet people. They
did not know that they could lose that must be protected, it is impossible to break. But
the situation has changed and we did not know the society in which we live - special
manipulators describe it in false notions. But we do not notice - because the society
around us, how can we know it! Hegel pointed out that "the familiar is not yet known".
Often it is something that seems familiar and taken for granted, with the most difficult
to comprehend in clear terms.

Fatal if this ignorance? No, it not only is not fatal, it has even shameful. Russia's
behavior is not abnormal or even not at all strange, and quite right, if you look at it not
through the Eurocentric glasses and apply already well developed in science
understanding of the two different types of society: the modern and the traditional .

The trouble is that the whole history we have seen through the glasses of the West
- and studied only Western society. We taught the vicissitudes debate in the Senate of
Rome and fights between Danton and Robespierre, but know almost nothing about the
Aztec civilization, China and India, not to mention Africa. And to reflect on our history
and existence, we used the apparatus of Eurocentrism, with all its concepts, ideals and
myths. Especially when historical materialism prevailed with the idea of the "right"
change of social formations. The trouble broke out when, during the restructuring of
Eurocentrism became official dogma.

Modern society has emerged in Western Europe on the ruins of the traditional
society of the Middle Ages. Those civilization where such a deep withdrawal did not
happen, continued to develop in terms of a variety of traditional society. Russia - in the
guise of the Empire, and in the image of the Soviet Union - was a classic example of
traditional society.

The names of the "traditional" and "modern" are conventional and not entirely
successful, their meaning is not reflected in the selected words. In addition, the word
"modern" to many sounds like a positive evaluation. But since these names come into
common use, it is better not to invent new ones. The concepts of "modern" and
"traditional" society is an abstraction. In its pure form, these models never meet. Any
most primitive society to some extent modernized. And any Western society (eg, US)
brings some archaic features - not only as remnants, but also gives rise to them in their
development. Draw two images of large strokes.
These images of the stuff is made efforts of numerous scientists. Many historians
have done, not working in the way of historical materialism, and "civilized approach"
- not looked at life through the prism of the class struggle and change formations, and
describe the origin, development and destruction of a civilization as an organism. Major
philosophers searched for metaphors and analogies to capture and explain
19. The high level of the whole operation manipulation of consciousness can be
seen in the fact that at the beginning of the demonstration, after unusually easy
"breakthrough" barrier cordon of riot police on the Crimean bridge, many began to
suspect that prepares great provocation. But nobody will be stopped (in many
respects, the bloodshed, organized by the Yeltsin regime inflicts damage and
strengthened strategic passive resistance of society, but a tactical win was much more
important to the regime).
difference between the two types of society. K. Popper called their open and closed
society. It is an extremely negative attitude toward traditional society (closed) and
made apt remarks. For example, he wrote: "You can compare the closed society at its
best with the body." And then he explained why atomized civil society has traits of an
organism -
"Because nothing in the body does not meet one of the most important characteristics
of an open society - the competition for the status of its members."

In 60-70 years of the twentieth century there were a lot of philosophical works in
which to better understand the essence of the West were compared with the traditional
society. It works on language and censorship, the authorities of the prisons and
hospitals, about school, about boredom, and much more. It is important for our theme
was the trend in the analysis of culture, which began Bakhtin. His analysis of the
"culture of laughter" in the Renaissance period, gives an idea of a cut-off of our

Huge material accumulated ethnographers who have studied "primitive society"

remains on the ground. Since these works are made mostly by scientists of the West,
they have always included a comparison with the traditional Western society. After the
war, a comparative analysis has become a big program. It absorbed a huge collection
of observations. It was attended by prominent anthropologists (K.Levi-Strauss,
K.Lorents, M.Sahlins) and psychologists (eg, E. Fromm). A lot of research has given
the Japanese firm management style. In the United States were an illusion: it is
necessary to unravel the secret, to learn three or four stages, and can be successfully
implemented in the Japanese style US firms. Everything was difficult, it was a deep
cultural differences.

These are the main sources of scientific knowledge about the traditional society.
This knowledge is materialistic, it does not include the mystical concepts, it does not
need to address the myths and mysteries of the mysterious soul - Russian, Chinese, etc.
All conclusions can check observation and logic, which is a sign of scientific

In addition to the science of our problems of labor art. It has created an even more
vast store of knowledge, "recorded" in artistic images. Some writers have approached
the conscious comparison of two types of society (as reflected a clash of civilizations,
such as Leo Tolstoy). In general, the two arrays of knowledge - scientific and artistic -
are not contradictory, but complementary. This confirms the correctness of the
scientific concept of traditional society.

Most believe that in industrialized countries all had the modern society. This is not
true. The degree of industrial development is not an essential feature. Japan - a
developed industrial country that has preserved the main features of a traditional
society. A plantation in Zimbabwe - pockets lifestyle of modern society. Here are the
members of the core features that enable society to attribute specific to a particular
The concept of space and time . The picture of the universe is the basis on which
to build understanding of the structure of society. "The natural order of things" - a key
argument ideology. The foundation of modern society is the idea of freedom . For its
development, it was important new concept of space, given by Newton. Although the
idea of an infinite universe was already at Giordano Bruno, just Newtonian mechanics
to convince the person in this idea.

Man is a traditional society sees the universe as a cosmos - an ordered whole, with
each particle of which the person is associated with myriads of invisible threads,
strings. Tsiolkovsky said that the Earth - the cradle of human, Space - his house. That
bar: more than half a century in the world being two technically similar programs, in
which the main object is called a completely different terms. In the Soviet Union (now
Russia) - space , in the US - space (space). We cosmonauts there - the astronauts.

Equally varied and ideas of the time . A person feeling vpemeni traditional society
was set by the Sun, the Moon, the change of Quaternary year, Field Jobs - Quaternary
was cyclical and not divided into small equal intervals. All napoda and tribes was the
myth of the eternal vozvpaschenii. Scientific pevolyutsii pazpushila this CL:
Quaternary was linear and neobpatimym. The idea of going ahead vpemeni (and the
idea ppogpessa) were not included in our thinking naturally CL is - newly acquired

Of course, the Russian, having engaged in industrial development, accepted

scientific concepts of space and time, but that the old perception of the world is not
been broken. Scientific representations as tools co-exist with the cosmic sense.
The attitude to the world . Cosmos, in the center of which was man created in the image
and likeness of God, has the sanctity of (Hegel called traditional society "kultupy with
symbols"). Desacralization (deprivation of holiness) in the world have already started
the Reformation and was completed during the Scientific Revolution, which introduced
the world as a simple mechanical machine. Separation of human (subject) and the world
(object) made relevant to the world in today's society rational. In society people
tpaditsionnom sohpanil "natural peligioznye opgan" (the ability to see the sacred
meaning that modern man seems mundane, profane, technology), and it pposto skin,
bare feet feel a deep sense of life, even though he was an atheist.

The sanctity of the world and the inclusion of a person creates a uniform for all
ethics in the traditional society. The architectural asceticism Company "otkpyto" in the
sense that it does not ogpanichivayut bapepy in eccentricity "closed" tpaditsionnoe
society - neither God nor the total (totalitapnaya) ethics or the ozone layer.

Profoundly different attitude to the ground . No wonder the most important

problem of reform in Russia was to reduce the sense of the sacred land of the concept.
The ideologists destroy this concept as a symbol of religious content for the Russian
people. In the debate about the ownership on the ground that the sacred meaning of
discarded entirely rude. It is emphasized that the land - no more than a means of
production and the object economy.

Anthropologists especially considering the meaning of the earth in the culture,

"non-Western" nations. Land - special dimension of Nature, the spiritual space in which
there is a meeting with the dead. The ban on the sale of land is the absolute, economic
calculations are irrelevant. For example, the Indians often had to simply destroy - to
buy land could not be at any price. In 1995, as the two tribes in South America were
all destroyed.
The loss of natural religious authority led the West to the purely rational thinking
and qualities of replacing their quantitative expressions (or substitutes). West "knows
the price of everything and does not know the value of nothing" (again he saith, "that
may be the price, is not holiness"). On the contrary, the sanctification of many
phenomena of social relations and institutions (eg, country, State, Army, Labour) - the
most important part of the Russian culture of the peoples.

Of great importance in traditional society acquires credibility , not to be scanned

logic. In civil society, the authorities check and destruction have become not only the
norm, but the principle of life arising from the concept of freedom.

The idea of man . In modern society, people -. A free atom, the individual Ying-
divid (lat.) = As-is (Gk.) = Indivisible (Rus.). In Russia, the meaning of the individual
to the general public, even unknown. Here a man can not in principle be atom - he
"divide". He is a person as the center of many human relations. He is "split" in the
other, and absorbs them into itself. Here man is always included in the solidarity
framework (the patriarchal family, the village and the church community, workforce,
even a gang of thieves). This look is very stable and is dominant in Russia in various
ideological incarnations, which is the most important feature to assign it to a traditional
society. Modern society requires the destruction of community ties and the
transformation of people in the individualists, who already then joined in the classes
and parties, to fight for their interests.

From the concept of human-atom has emerged a new idea of private property as a
natural right. That sense of indivisibility of the individual, its transitional composition
and transformed into a separate Peace on rocks deep sense of ownership, application
programs are likely to ppezhde own body. Ppoizoshlo alienation from the body of the
person and his prevpaschenie ownership. In traditional society, the concept of " I " also
includes the spirit and the body as an indivisible whole. Hence - the different attitudes
to prostitution, homosexuality, euthanasia, labor market and other problems
"Disposition" of his body.

Hence a different attitude to many of the rights, especially the right to life, to food.
In traditional society, is always strong egalitarianism - the right to receive a certain
minimum off-market good things of life, fundamentally rejected in modern society (the
poor have the rejected ).

Equalitarianism in Russia lies in the subconscious, in the root of civilization.

Changes in the ideology do not change this underlying feeling. Even in a period of
market enthusiasm for public opinion it was strictly egalitarian. In October the 1989
the Problems "Do you think sppavedlivym
pasppedelenie current income in our society? "52.8 ppots. answered "not sppavedlivo"
and 44.7 ppots. - "Not quite sppavedlivo". What is considered nesppavedlivym 98
ppots. Soviet citizens? Considered pasppedelenie enough upavnitelnym. 84.5 ppots.
They believed that "should gosudapstvo shall be granted more benefits to people with
low incomes" and 84.2 ppots. They believed that
"Gosudapstvo should gapantipovat each income not lower than the minimum
ppozhitochnogo". This is a clear upavnitelnaya ppogpammy.

Economy Type . Since ancient times, there are two types of economy. One - the
economy , which means
"Keeping house" (acos). It does not necessarily involves the movement of money
market rates, etc. - Is the production and commerce to meet the needs. Another -
chrematistics (market economy). It focuses on the accumulation of wealth, the
accumulation of a higher purpose activities. In Russia chrematistics could not occupy
a dominant position: giving rise to sharp contradictions, it is at the beginning of the
twentieth century led to a revolution. No significant progress in its implementation and
enforced today. A huge experiment on slow and very cautious chrematistics incorporate
elements of the traditional structure of society is happening in Asia, in the framework
of modernization without breaking.

The dominance of the market economy in modern society has been associated with
a new, unusual in terms of the traditions of the attitude to the property, money, work
and transform things into goods. The contents of all of these concepts are so different
in the modern and the traditional societies that often representatives of different
cultures, even among experts, simply do not understand each other, although formally
speak about one and the same.

The principal differences between the modern and the traditional farming
community AV Chayanov showed in his analysis of peasant household in comparison
with the farmer - capitalist enterprise on earth. It is of great importance and profound
difference in relation to money - is the "philosophy of the coin", which developed over
five centuries in the West, in the depths of the Protestant ethic. The idea T.Gaydara
"monetarism implemented in Russia during 1992" - or farce, or paranoia.

The idea of the state . For Luther and Calvin revolutionized the idea of the state.
Previously, it has even justified, has gained credibility (legitimize) through divine
revelation. It was a representative of the divine order - the monarch, the anointed of
God, and all the subjects were, in a sense, his children. The government was
paternalistic and class and caste. Luther justified the emergence of a class of the state
in which God was no longer representative of the monarch, and the class of the rich.
The rich have become the bearers of power, against the poor.

Civil society has given rise to the kind of state that Hobbes called "Leviathan" -
the biblical monster. Only such a endowed with power, authority and dispassion guard
could enter into the legal framework of the competition - the war of all against all. Its
legitimation is made below on the principle of " one person - one vote ".

The traditional and modern societies are formed are very different, strikingly
disparate systems of law . The right to traditional so it seems strange to a Westerner, he
sincerely believes traditional society "unlawful." On the contrary, the application of
norms of civil society to the traditional rights (which has happened in many parts of
the world in times of
"Upgrades") applies to people and entire nations seriously injured, which at times
reached the level of genocide. The right of a traditional society plays an important role
total (totalitarian) ethics. Here is a small example. In the 70s, during the next wave "of
development experience of developed countries," the traffic police of the USSR
proposed to introduce the practice of covert patrols in vehicles with civilian numbers,
photographing violators hidden camera, and others. Western methods of traffic police.
After discussion, the SAI has refused these techniques as the unethical, containing an
element of provocation. This - the ethics of totalitarian culture.

But the ethics of manipulation. In the US, one state police found the main
highways of the sign "Slow down! Ahead of drug testing. " Some drivers then sign at
the first intersection turn onto the local road. There they were waiting for, and the
police. As explained by the police figure, "anyone who turns this way, the fact is the
only reason if
just does not live here. " Drivers "themselves" on faultless and suspicious, and
suspected "own" went to the place where they were waiting for the police 20 7 .
Russia in the guise of the Soviet Union was a state of the traditional type, which is to
"Top" do not suffer through a logical verification authority of ideology. Guardian of
her ( "priestly class") can only be a non-governmental structure - the CPSU. Both sides
in the Constitutional Court in 1992 ( "the trial of the CPSU") showed a lack of
understanding of the type of the Soviet state and its role in the party.

How wide was this misunderstanding, it indicates the fact that laughter caused the
spectacle of decisions taken unanimously by the Supreme Soviet. This is - the typical
ritual of voting in a traditional society (while in the West vote parlamenah have a ritual
symbolizing the "market" - competition). Anthropologist Levi-Strauss specially
stressed: "In almost all societies, absolutely, called" the primitive "unthinkable idea
ppinyato Solutions majority vote, as social cohesion and mutual understanding dobpoe
considered more important than any innovation. Therefore ppinimayutsya only
unanimous Solutions ".

In general, traditional society is constructed in accordance with the metaphor of

the family , and the modern - a metaphor for the market . This in itself does not bear
the estimated loads. To ascribe to a particular type of society miraculous dignity,
guarantees prosperity - illegally. This is - most often a consequence of ideological
interest or naive enthusiasm. The historical circumstances in a deep crisis could push
every society in the most terrible passage.

§ 3. The artistic imagination and the vulnerability of

the Soviet man

Activation of the imagination during the restructuring easier by the fact that as an
argument ideologues almost exclusively used images that we could not correlate with
reality. These were the images of other countries ( " West ") or other historical periods
( " Stalinist repression "). And the most fragile group, prone to build in the imagination
of false images and then produce one line of suicidal behavior was the intelligentsia,
but not limited to it. Below we will see how quickly managed to turn the head of the
workers. So let's talk in general about the Russian man who, being in the "scoop" state
was surprisingly susceptible to manipulation.

To simplify, we assume that the Soviet people differed from the Russian man of
the century that has passed the school (and many of them high school), based on a
scientific picture of the world was already a man of the industrial way of life and lived
for the most part in the city. Thus, in the thinking of the Soviet man is already largely
been weakened role of traditions and religious dogmas. At the same time the old caste
relations were already destroyed, so that the loss mechanisms vnutrisoslovnogo
communication and approval opinions. The loss of Soviet society, sustainability is
largely explained by the fact that all created in the Soviet era social media channels
(the Communist Party and the Young Communist League, trade unions and the media,
schools and universities) are controlled by the state. On top team during the
restructuring, all these channels started to broadcast only those signals that encourage
the destruction of society and its living arrangement. That "silent majority", which
consciously rejected the coup Gorbachev-Yeltsin was "no language."

On average Western man Soviet man distinguished by the fact that the community
has kept peasant attitude (relation to the person, society, the state, etc.). Consequently,
it has not yet been sufficiently individualized to be connected to the civil society, with
its parties, trade unions and other associations, which would develop and alleged social
(class) consciousness. That is, in terms of "connectivity" of the Soviet people the
second half of the century was in a state of transition - there was no compact estates
and classes, but there was no civil society associations. A new social class
consciousness arose first of all in precisely those social groups that have occupied the
position of the anti-Soviet (the liberal intelligentsia, the nomenclature and the

20. Doctor-art historian, who described it as a "US" magazine (10, 1994),

choking with delight:
"At the same flawless citizens did not feel the slightest inconvenience." Witness
provocation does not feel inconvenience ... And how does this look contempt
Democrat for our SAI: "Almost all of the measures relate to the type of ... military
operations, whether the order on the roads, or opposition to the racket. From the
fight against crime at times suffer as much from the most crime. "
Community qualities of Soviet man under certain conditions (when the power of
the state was based on citizens' consent) gave the public an unusual strength and
stability. It is very good to show the war. But in other circumstances - when there were
doubts and even disagreement with the government - the inability to resist the
manipulation it is almost inexplicable. By the way, I could not resist the manipulation
of not only national, but also the Soviet regime. Because she and methane - that
deadened "Voice of America" and self-publishing, then surreptitiously allowed.
Brezhnev almost openly appealed to the people about such a plea: "Guys, do not rock
the boat. We somehow pull the economy, all well fed, warm and safe, live richer. But
we can not allow the will of talkers, we can not cope with them. They, and we, and you
oboltayut! ". And so it was. Urban people literally succumbed to the charms mongers -
Gorbachev and Zhvanetskogo. Instead slowpoke Brezhnev, he planted himself in the
neck Hazanova (then it was called
"Live not by lies").

Why did the Soviet people proved to manipulate, even to a greater extent than
might be expected based on the consideration of all of these forces? How did you come
so unexpectedly effective manipulation of the system? Twist the head with one hand
hard, and two easy, even a strong neck. Europeans head twisted one hand - manipulated
by his rational mind. What a second helping hand to twist our head Ivan?

I think the second, secret force manipulators turned Russian artistic sense .
Unusually, this hypothesis because it is a feeling among Europeans is just a
counterweight, an antidote to manipulation of consciousness. We ruined it excessive
artistic sensibility, the property Russian dorisovyvat in his imagination the whole
world, even getting very poor, crumpled piece of the image. Because of this
consciousness of Russian artistry flirt in his imagination, soar far above the ground up,
and then break to pieces. To fly in a given corridor and in orbit, we needed the blinders
of ideology, even if stupid. Not was it - and soared.

Probably, it is the young people's property (if you wish, the savage) - so get used
to the artistic images to be responsive to such word symbols. Perhaps it was all the
Soviet inherent except the Baltic states. Belarusians were also other more reasonable -
and look what you've done Caucasians and Central Asians. On television, one type of
talking, laughing, as the leaked transient mutual extermination in Kurgan-Tube. At
eight in the evening, covering a firefight roar, loud voice proclaiming: "Stop shooting!
"Marianne" begins! "- And the fire abated on both sides, the soldiers went to watch
Mexican TV series. He was more real to them this fire and blood. There in the freshness
and power of perception of some big and still not understood the value - and
vulnerability at the same time. Such people can live with or caring and strict monarch,
or Stalin. Or we, people with this mindset, slay each other right now, and will only fit
for civilization?

Why is difficult to accept such a hypothesis? Because the easiest to the destruction
of logic and manipulation is achieved in the mind that is rational to the maximum
extent, and we would have to be resistant. The most pure logical thinking defenseless,
and thinking that "reinforced with" inclusions irrational ideas (artistic and religious
traditions and taboos), much stronger. So there are "islands of irrationality" in the
thinking of Europeans. We did it happen the other way around: artistic perception is so
strong and bright that it is the skillful exposure is separated from the rational thinking,
and sometimes suppressed and common sense. With this we faced at the beginning of
the century.

After all, let us remember the bitter Rozanov assumption that our writers somehow
hide. He also said that "the order N ° 1, which turned eleven rows of eleven millionth
Russian army into dust and dirty, had no effect on her and would not even have
understood it at all, if it is already 3/4 of a century it has not prepared the whole Russian
literature ... Actually, there is no doubt that Russia has killed literature. "

It is impossible to explain to Europeans. Well, I painted some stupid officer

Stendhal - will not come, because of the head of the French in hate and army officers.
A reader of the Russian contingent of the world of artistic images snatch Skalozub and
transfers it to the ground, it replaces the real officer. And if you read "After the Ball",
that hates all colonels.

It is understood, on the slope of days, Chekhov and tried to reason with readers
and writers warn. But also somehow reluctant to heed him. He wrote that the world of
literary images is arbitrary, and in any case can not be used as a description of a real
life, and even more so to do of it or him any
the social and political implications. literature distorts reality! They are a phenomenon
or an idea that struck the writer, are in a very exaggerated way. For true reflection of
life, a person must apply to the sociology of science, and in general, but not to the

Let us recognize that we are already more than a century are doing just the
opposite. We take from the book art image - and from it we derive our position in public
life. If you think about it, a terrible thing. After all, the writer would have to give it a
personal, single fate ( "tears of a child") Space size - to shock the reader, make him a
catharsis, cleansing tragedy. We do instead cleansing is a stunning space size, perceive
it literally - and we are ready for this teardrop kill a lot of real, live baby 20 8 .

Russia has become a reading nation, and from the middle of the XIX century there
was a profound contradiction. Russian man reading a fiction book as the text of
Revelation, and writer wrote already much like Andre Gide. He was no longer Gogol
and Pushkin. It was the modernization of the crisis is reflected in the culture - different
parts of the dialogue were significantly different in the two civilizations. Writers can
make adjustments, but they did not do in this implicit perception of conflict.

As the literature has distorted our perception of the history of Russia! Having read
in "Mumu" school, we create in our minds the image of a terrible serfdom. Well worth
it to give in the same textbook little help! After all, few people know that the number
of serfs among the peasants in Russia only for a short time reached half, and already
only 37% was in 1830. The right to sell peasants without land were given to landowners
only in 1767 and canceled already in 1802 (there were loopholes, but even Chichikov
had difficult). We are for the most part believe that the landlords were selling right and
left of the peasants, and even tried to divide husband and wife. The same cases were

It is clear that for the writer, who spoke to the Russian reader, freedom of speech
should be avoided. VV Rozanov chided Russian literature for irresponsibility . But the
writers of the XIX century did not yet know the explosive power of the word in Russian
culture. This feature of the Russian mind has been well studied sovietologists only in
the 70s - and science-based technology has been built on it "molecular aggression in
mind." From that point on no longer be attributed irresponsibility. It is hard to imagine
what would be said VV Rozanov, reading Voinovich.

The war with Russia (USSR) was conducted not in the world of earthly life - the
world of milk and bread, heat and cold
o and imaging the world in the virtual space and time. Oh, Stalin in 1944
expelled the Chechens? So blow the whole Caucasus today, together with the
Chechens, but have virtually not blow. To do this, right there Pristavkin with
his story. She believed - because he saw the world with their children's little
eyes, it's true, he saw a tear Chechen baby! Yes, this would be true, if he wrote
for readers of Andre Gide, so that "will not be written to have any effect." But
he knew what the consequences would be, for them, and it worked, because it
was necessary to cultivate Dudayev. When it was bombed Chechnya Pristavkin
boasted in the Western press, "My Movie" slept Golden Cloud "Dudayev
looked sitting alone in a room - and tears flowed down his cheeks." The duty
of the writer, according Pristavkina - splash gasoline at the right time, not to
bring some new energy to go out.

Of course, Pristavkin - soldiers of the Cold War, he wrote no childhood

memories and create a false image of the half-truths, which the reader has
repeatedly added to their imagination. The goal was from the tears of the child
- through a tear Dudayev - to the bloody tears of entire peoples. But we are not
about Pristavkina, namely our readers and viewers. Let us compare it with the

In 1967 he came out strong French semi-documentary film "The Battle of

Algiers" - about the war in Algeria (1954-1962 gg.). Unlike deportation of
Chechens half a century ago, all the performers who had already died or retired,
the Algerian war were just acting in a 1967 policy (for example, Mitterrand
was a prosecutor of Algeria and Algerians crowds sent to the guillotine - this
frame, and the movie starts). French Army commanded by another young
military heroes of the Resistance (only the French Communist Party was
against the war in Algeria). These heroes

21. How does this hybrid rationalism with archaic faith - a great theme, it we do
not develop here. It came from here, and the antithesis of this hybrid, a special
Russian nihilism. This reflected Dostoevsky and Nietzsche even introduced the
concept of a special type of nihilism - "nihilism Petersburg sample (ie, the belief in
unbelief, until martyrdom for it)."
committed genocide - more than 1 million Algerians killed 8 million people.. But
absolutely no impression on the French, this film is not produced. The point is the past
five years have passed! Mitterrand then two or three term president was chosen,
Gorbachev taught about human rights, and no word of reproach him for stapyh could
not tell in the head would not come. There would Pristavkin arsonist was not.

The destructive power of literature increased sharply when the artistic images and
authority favorite writer began to use manipulators, equipped with media. As a rule,
these very favorite writers ideological prevent the use of their images can no longer be.
It is clear that the Christian prohibition Gogol ( "The word is rotten yes does not come
out of your mouth") is impracticable. Our society is being upgraded, and we went for
a long time followed by the West, sharing the ethics and aesthetics and liberating word
from censorship ethics. Writers involve our spiritual experiments, reducing our
experiences fleeting life. Without this, can not do, and these experiments are sharp and
dangerous. Satanism Mikhail Bulgakov entered our spiritual diet, it does not spit it out.
But trouble is not itself an artistic glorification of the devil, and the soft reader a boost
to the idea that this - the truth . Do not poison worked out sick soul lost faith writer
who is given to us as a temptation and a medicine, namely truth. Who pushes?
Interested ideologues and the best of intentions, is now live favorite writers. This choir
for two decades and presents us with a novel by Mikhail Bulgakov. The result is known:
the majority of the reading public has apprehended the important thought of these
novels as spiritual covenants that must be followed. As the idea of Good .

With great artistic power writer legalized lust, which previously were ashamed.
Woman can now dream: to meet with the devil, to fly on a broomstick on the Sabbath,
evening work there for him - and get what you want. And the intellectual, who
considers himself, of course, the Master, dreams of an eternal and quite material
comfort: nice stone house out of "this country", a free servant (which, apparently, does
not steal) and loving woman next door.

But I'll start with a simple case - published in 1990, circulation of 400 000 copies
in publishing house "Soviet writer" books IABunin "Cursed Days". Then there were
other mass publications, but this edition of "covered" the active part of the
intelligentsia. Few politicians of all colors in the last years of perestroika and after not
didst remember the book as an expression of wisdom and high sense of Russian writer
and patriot. Almost the truth about the revolution and the first year of Soviet power, a
lesson to all patriots.

"Cursed Days" - valuable evidence, it would be very helpful to understand the

time, if it was taken in cold blood. But the aura created around the book authoritative
culture, this book turned into an important instrument of stupefaction. Why did it
happen? Because in the old Russian still alive the belief that high artistic word, the gift
of teaching or any other talent have sanctity, grace. Through them may not come evil.
This means that holders of talent, if they have something to say at turning points in
people's fate, to be believed. So we believe - academics, singers, actors. And especially
- writers.

Writers themselves were not warned that this belief is false, there are many from
idolatry. Caution was easy, only required a civic conscience. Suffice it to say that one
and the same issue took opposing positions still close to us and expensive Bunin and
Blok (or Bunin and Yesenin) - is evident from the diaries of Bunin. So, it is not linked
to the talent with the truth, and nothing is impossible to believe the writer is only
because we are fascinated by his talent. Bunin depicts "cursed days" with such a
position, which is unthinkable to separate Russian patriot. After Bunin says first of all
a class hatred and social racism. And hatred, which do not hide - the holy hatred. To
whom? By the people. It was not a good and forgiving God-bearer, and the rebels boor.
"In Odessa people really waited the Bolsheviks -" we go "... What is all [of the
circle Bunin] fierce thirst for their destruction. None of the most terrible biblical
punishment, which we would not want them. If the city broke even the devil himself,
and literally went up with in their blood, half of Odessa have wept with joy. "

See how Bunin perceives physically, those against whom in the consciousness and
subconscious of his class was already preparing for a civil war. He describes the
ordinary workers demonstration in Moscow on February 25, 1918, when up to a real
war was still far off:
"Banners, posters, music - and who is in the woods, who for firewood, hundreds of sip:
- Stand up, raise, people, your working!

Voices of uterine, primitive. Those women Chuvash, Mordovian, men, all as on

selection, criminal, and other directly Sakhalin.

The Romans put on the face of its convicts hallmarks: «Cave furem». These
persons do not need to set - and without any stigma all seen ...

And Asia, Asia - men, boys, bargaining cakes, halva, cigarettes. Oriental voice,
saying - and what vile even by the color of the face, yellow hair and mouse! The soldiers
and workers, and then rumbling trucks, muzzle triumphant. "

And then, already from Odessa: "How many people pale, high cheekbones, a
strikingly asymmetrical features among the soldiers and even among the Russian
common people, - how many of them, these atavistic individuals involved in
Mongolian cool atavism! All, Murom, white-eyed Chud ... ".

Here - the representation of the entire "Russian common people" as a biologically

different subspecies as not passing. This is - eternally necessary suggestion and self-
hypnosis, relieving instinctive ban on killing neighbor, a member of one species with
you. Say, the Patriots, it's - not Russophobia?

Now, about patriotism, which, allegedly, was concentrated in the class of society
Bunin ( "White ideal"). In "Cursed Days" on each page, we see a passion - waiting for
the arrival of the Germans to their order, and the gallows. And if the Germans do not,
then at least some foreigners want - just to quickly invaded Russia, drove back to the
pits and on the serfdom raised his head polloi.

Read Bunin: "The newspapers - about the beginning of the offensive the Germans.
Everyone says, "Oh, if!" ... Yesterday we have gathered B. decent people - and all with
one voice: the Germans, thank God, come on, took Smolensk and Bologoe ... Rumors
about some of the Polish Legions, that too if it were going to rescue us ... The Germans
though, would not go as usual to go to war, fighting, conquering, and "just go by rail"
- to borrow Petersburg ... After yesterday's evening news that St. Petersburg has
captured by the Germans, the newspaper is very disappointing ... In Petersburg
supposedly entered the German case. Tomorrow decree on denationalization of banks
... Saw V. Warmly vilified allies enter into negotiations with the Bolsheviks, instead of
going to invade Russia, "etc.

But from Odessa: "The rumors and speculation. Petersburg Finns taken ...
Hindenburg is not to Odessa, not to Moscow ... All we are waiting for help from
someone on the miracle of nature! Now go daily on Nikolaev Boulevard, I Do not leave
God forbid, a French battleship, which for some reason is looming on the roads and
which still seems easier. " You read all this and remember how our patriotic opposition,
white representing carriers statehood ideal, vilified the Soviet regime, which in
February frantically gathered an army to repel the Germans.

And one more unfortunate property of elites reflected Bunin - the failure to
recognize the scale of the revolution as the fault of all the people. This is exactly the
relegation fundamental contradiction to the private conflict, which created severe
incoherence in the thinking of intellectuals and about which he wrote in the
"Landmarks" S. Frank. In "Cursed Days" is a surprising contrast Bunin by his
opponents from the "common people." Those engaging in talks with the owners of a
previous life, the charges against them, not as individuals, but as the spokesman of a
social phenomenon. Bunin translates over and indignant: for he is a humanist:

"Met at Cook's soldier boy, ragged, emaciated, foul and pieces drunk. He jabbed
me in the chest and muzzle, recoiling back, spat at me and said: 'Despot, the son of a
bitch. "

Insulted, Bunin recalls how in 1915 he fatherly attitude to the maid, and in 1916
gave Baba ruble, which brought him a telegram (instead of the 70 cents). And then it
is called a despot!

It would be better to remember that he wrote visited starving villages Leo Tolstoy:
"Before leaving the village, I stopped beside the man, who brought just a potato field
bots ..." Where did this "" The landlord kuplyaem? ". "How? How much "" For the tithe
of lashes - for the summer remove tithes. " That is, for the right to collect tithes from
the dug potatoes potato tops
the farmer is obliged to plow, sow, mow, bind, bring together the tithe of bread. "
[Tithing -
it ha].

Then Tolstoy made a very difficult conclusion (probably exaggerated, but makes
it clear word foul boy-soldier), "Voltaire said that if it were possible, shaking bumps in
Paris, this shrug kill Mandarin in China, the rare Parisian would have deprived himself
this pleasure. Why not tell the truth? If, shake a button in Moscow or St. Petersburg,
this shrug could kill the man in Tsarevokokshaisk county and nobody would have
known about it, I think there would be a few people from our class who would refrain
from shaking buttons, if it It could deliver them the slightest pleasure. And it's not just
an assumption. Proof of this is the whole Russian life, everything that is going on
incessantly throughout Russia. Is now when people are said to die of hunger .. the rich
do not sit with their inventory of bread, waiting for even greater price increases, did
not bring down the prices manufacturers to work? ".

And what hatred of those who demanded land and freedom. When in 1906, shot
in Kronstadt mutineers and they are digging their own graves, Commandant Gen.
Adlerberg mocked:
"Dig, guys, dig! You want to land, and so you land, and will find in heaven. " After the
shooting the graves razed to the ground, and it passed the troops paraded arrested and
banished. This is not recalled Bunin, and remembered the ruble, generously granted
them Mahotke Baba. And I wrote the ruble in the Book of Revelation!

Consider now the case is more complex - "White Guard" (or, rather, the "Days of
Turbin") Mikhail Bulgakov. The beautiful thing is so precious and loved ones. What
nice people kicked out of the Revolution track. As the savior of the house of Helena
with cream curtains, support for the people of his circle. Much is said about the play
Russian man, no wonder Stalin watched her thirteen times. But it
o of the same accident in 1918, the play is full of important public ideas.
And now, thirty years Turbins represent us as bearers of Russian officer's honor
as the type of people with whom it is necessary to take an example in the
difficult moments of history. How is this possible?

Let us call a spade a spade. Before us, "White Guard" - the officers and
cadets, shooting rifles and machine guns in some "gray people". To whom are
these Russian officers and whom to shoot? They serve the Germans and their
puppet, Hetman. What are they protecting? Here's what: "and hit the lieutenant
stacks on persons and shrapnel rapid fire on rebellious villages, back, Forge-
Scarred ramrods hetman Serdyukov, and receipts on scraps of paper hand
majors and lieutenants of the German army," a prominent Russian pig for the
purchased her pig 25 brands " . The good-natured, hohotok contemptuous of
those who came with the receipt at the headquarters of the Germans in the city.

Who are the people that shot (and aptly) officers, protecting the hetman
and the Germans and dreaming about the invasion of Russian French and
Senegalese? These people, in which the turbines are fired - Ukrainian and
Russian peasants and soldiers brought the masters before the Civil War. And
those are the officers are given to us as a model of honor and patriotism? This
is - the splitting of consciousness. We also note that many of the cues, softening
the image of "Whites" were inserted in the play under the pressure of
censorship and repertory committee.

Of course, a third of white officers went to the Red Army, but that
Bulgakov - behind the scenes. Not this road turbines. Red Army - it is not "their
days". Introducing us to "White Guard" as an example, this point has never
pressed forward. It was believed that this is - a concession to the author. And
recall why Turbin Division dismisses why reaches for red Myshlaevsky.
Because the White generals are corrupt because of strength in the white little -
not cope with the "peasants". And if the officers were given coats and boots, if
the Germans had more reinforcements would come Senegalese, and then
continued to shoot Turbines "gray people", not sparing rounds. To get a grasp
today in the text of the story!

The play Bulgakov's wonderful, but I think even he could have predicted
that at the end of his century Whites will make goodies in the style of socialist
realism. And it needed only to explain to readers and viewers that they should
not take artistic images of the sample and the more adjacent to the author in his
public sympathy. If the text is really profound and artistically talented, he
expresses a complex drama, from which often can not withdraw the guide to
action. Mentally plunging into this drama, everyone has to make a choice and
take personal responsibility for it. Some would say that it is - trivial rule. But
in fact, the cultural pressure, which for many years provided our spiritual
authorities, not just pushed to the readers to take an image of the sample.
As the sample into the mass consciousness of the "architects of
perestroika" have implemented itself elitist thinking Bunin and Bulgakov.
Writers and their lyrical heroes were given as a standard of dignity, trampled
by the Soviet system. On the contrary, this system is embodied in the form of
"gray peasants' atavistic individuals of Russian common people. These
standards are adopted, and many children of the common people - and hated
the work of their fathers.
One can only marvel at how ideologues have managed to integrate into
our culture devastating for its ethical system allegory "Heart of a Dog" - not as
shocking cruel experiments on morality, but as a set of quite acceptable
facilities. Image Sharikov entered as a metaphor not only in ideology but also
in the everyday consciousness - as a reflection of the typical Soviet citizen. A
Professor of Transfiguration became a positive hero, who spoke in aphorisms

But this parasite on the nomenclature of the professor - the image of the
superman , is granted the right to create a mongrel of a man does not bear any
responsibility for it, and then destroy it. Case bogomerzkih. There are a
professor? Of course. Perhaps Bulgakov, angry at "Sharikovs" felt sympathy
for his hero. But people are simply forced by brainwashing, love this professor
- as soon forced to fall in love with Pavel Korchagin. Nikolai Ostrovsky - not
Bulgakov, to climb into the soul and cause damage there, he could not. And
the image of the whole match Pavka everyday morality and no destruction it
did not produce.

What did the generals of our culture, when no comment is thrown into the
mass consciousness of the anti-Soviet ideas in the shell of fine art images of
great writers? At least today we can speculate about it. Without understanding
your own motives anywhere we do not get out of the pit - you can not always
blame Chubais. I assume two options (or combination thereof). Firstly, our
patriots "did not know the society in which we live" and thought that a Russian
can be handled the same way as the French A.Zhid. Second, they hoped that if
"the Russian common people" destroy the Soviet system, the reborn Russian
Bunin and turbines. It is - the other side of the same ignorance. No more valid
reason I can think of. But these reasons are taken seriously. After all, no will
to overcome ignorance is not visible.

Today the situation has worsened dramatically. Our man has not
fundamentally changed, still perceives any work of art is very emotional - and
the flow of artistic images tampered with. This is not Bulgakov and Bunin, and
basically denying the high value of the mass culture in its worst-case scenario.
And it is pumped into the mind as a means of psychological warfare.

At the end of the restructuring was abandoned production of domestic

feature films and those that are produced, focused primarily not on the Russian
cultural standards. In 1985, domestic films accounted for 74% of the repertoire
of the Moscow theaters, and US 3%. In 1993, the domestic 19%, 56% US. At
the same time in 1989, the share has declined sharply
"Serious" films (moral and ethical issues), and by 1991 they had completely
disappeared from the repertoire.

The Research Institute of cinematography in 1993 movie content analysis

was carried out, constituting the repertoire of the Moscow theaters. It makes
sense to bring the main conclusions of this study:

"Most of the characters of the current repertoire of films represent

peripheral social groups and marginalized culture. Most often it is the
prisoners, criminals, assassins, parasites, prostitutes, etc., Ie, Media values
criminal microenvironment. Accordingly, the social environment and the hero
is most often criminal. (It is interesting that this feature is characteristic of the
films of all the countries: [it marked] 36% of domestic films, 43% European
and 42% US). The foreign films are common adventurers, secret agents, kept
woman, scouts; American is also not uncommon heroes, aliens, robots,
"Tarzan," "ninja" and so on. Overall geroy- "marginal" character for every
second of the film ...

If we turn to the motives that guide American movie heroes in their actions
and deeds (ie they manifest character of the individual value structure), the
most common were: "revenge" (42% of films) and "preservation of life" (35%)
.. .

The Americanization of the repertoire of Russian cinema takes the form

of the expansion of the most "low" layers and the most kitsch forms of
American popular culture. As a result, instead of enriching and expanding the
diversity of the repertoire of our communion
audiences to world cinema and the values of Western civilization is something
opposite: spread mostly stereotypes and values of the marginal layer of
American culture ...

A comparative analysis shows that in most cases the current repertoire

films contain and carry the viewer is not national values of a particular culture
- national, European or American, but universal stereotypes, images, stamps
"average" mass culture ... in other words, is the formation of the Patriotic
GOVERNMENTAL self-perpetuating socio-cultural system, carrying values
of mass culture
"American style."

Chapter 17. Exposure to equip the mind

§ 1. The manipulation of words and images

Nietzsche wrote: "Patients with fever only see the ghosts of things, and
those who have a normal temperature - only the shadows of things; while both
are in need of the same words. " When people are preparing for a big program
of manipulation, taking their psychological defenses and increasing
suggestibility, that thereby they "raise the temperature". They heard the same
words as before, only to see the ghosts of things and phenomena. These ghosts
are quietly manipulator. At this time, the salvation of everyone to not believe
the ghost and get the clear meaning of the words. But neither the strength nor
the time is not enough. Manipulators factories and thrown into the public
consciousness a huge stream of false concepts and words, amoebas, the
meaning of which can not be established.

At the same manipulators carefully avoid using the word, the meaning of
which has settled in the public mind. They are replaced by euphemisms -
melodious and unusual terms 20 9 . Until now (over ten years) the word
"capitalism" is not used in official documents and even advocacy of reform.
No, really, we are building a market economy . Refugees from Chechnya?
What are you, we do not have refugees, we have democracy. It temporarily
displaced persons . And remember the key word perestroika deficit . In normal
language it means a shortage . But with the help of brainwashing people
believe that during the Brezhnev era, "we suffocated from a deficit", and today
is no shortage, but there is an abundance. But let it be explained as may occur
when the abundance of the catastrophic decline in production. Many producing
milk - this was a deficit; reduced production by half - this abundance. It's a
transition to conceptual apparatus schizophrenic. And this transition is masked
by using Newspeak - distortion of the meaning of words. Lack - this abundance
21 0 !

Replacing the Russian words that make up a large single rooted nest and
had established connotations, foreign or invented words took on Russian radio
and television such a scale that it is possible to talk about semantic terror that
occurred in the 30s in Germany. The killer instead of wage etc. Most are
obviously unacceptable for the Russian language design - if only to break the
structure of the language, to deprive him of his beneficent power of
consciousness. Suddenly television broadcasters are beginning to call the news
program " news block ". News! Ingenuously follow manipulators people, even
"the opposition leaders." Think, perhaps, so they look modern, possession of

22. Of course, when you need to refer to the enemy's actions matched defamatory
expressions. So, at the first meeting of the State Duma in 2000, the Communist faction
has agreed with the faction "Unity" on the nomination of a single candidate for the
post of chairman of the State Duma. This - the usual practice in parliamentary
coalitions on specific issues. Since in this case the right faction could not hold their
own candidate, they withdrew all their candidates and a majority coalition called
collusion . At the same time, they even left the hall, which was absolutely stupid. What
kind of a deputy, are present only at the meetings at which they have the most votes!

23. Note that in purely "market" terms of the reform resulted in a deficit of Soviet
trade did not know. To see this, you just have to see the statistical reference books. In
Soviet times, regulatory stocks of goods and products in trade have been sufficient for
80 days of normal retailers. If they were reduced below this level, it was already an
emergency. The reform inventories fell to 20-30 days. And, for example, on October
1, 1998 in the warehouses of St. Petersburg there was food and goods only 14 trading
days. Regulations govern only the non-payment of salaries and pensions. So much
technology. " Steel, for example, saying " protest electorate ". Break the language and
at the same time, these words themselves create alienation - because of their
connotations offensive to voters. When you hear "protest electorate", there is an image
embittered masses, voting in opposition to the authorities, and this weight must master
the "opposition leaders".
In February 2000, during the negotiations on the postponement of all debt to the
London Club channels cracked: "Soviet debt, the Soviet debt." Leading knew that the
Soviet type of economy the country had no foreign debt, it should have been a friendly
country about $ 80 billion. (And paid them, as, for example, Iraq), and the gold reserve
was 2 ths. Tons. The debt was made in the course of the anti-Soviet reforms in the
economy. So it was, in fact, an anti-Soviet debt.

A lot of false words and terms catapulted into use TV during the war in Chechnya.
For example, the military suddenly became known as " the feds ." Which gives rise to
the word association? It lies in a completely different plane than the "army -
Adventure", "militia - bandits" or
"Government troops - the rebels." Feds - Confederates! Northerners and Southerners ...
So in the United States called the parties to the civil war. In general, in Chechnya came
to armed clashes between the two types of government. For a time the leading even
called Basayev's bandits guerrillas .
Newspeak adjustment and reform - a holistic system, it can be unwinding, pulling
any strings. Take for example the three key concepts in the stream, we brainwashed -
" Democracy ", " civil society " and the " market economy ." For Le Bon pointed to the
manipulative power of such concepts in their magical effect on the crowd 21 1 .

Note that the word "democracy" is quite usual, without thinking about its meaning,
represent today those who supported Yeltsin, Chubais mode. Therefore, the word really
entered the language, became the name. What is his real "content"? Whether it retains
the original meaning that we act on the subconscious and in addition it will affect the
attitude towards the real politicians and their followers? Impartial, using structural
analysis can show that the Russian force was set to an extremely authoritarian
presidential republic - practically a dictatorship. In addition to the well-known fact that
the acceleration and the execution of the Parliament there are many other reliably
detected generic features of this type of power. It is also clear (and well-known Western
Political work is recognized), that if Russia's political regime would have to follow the
norms of bourgeois representative democracy , the reform policy Gaidar-Chubais did
not pass. The convening of the convocation (since the convening of 1989) Parliament
rejects this course, poll after poll shows that the majority of the population rejects this
reform. Thus entered through the press to the public lexicon the word "democracy" is
a product of Newspeak and a means of domination through the manipulation of

It is noteworthy that the ideologues literally the words of Orwell's

"philosophically" justify a new meaning to the keywords of your Newspeak. That
reasoning G.Burbulisa (in an interview on TV with A.Karaulovym March 16, 1992).
The country, says Burbulis, sick, and we diagnosed and began treatment deadly in spite
of the patient's will. Subsequently, this metaphor literally repeated some other
ideology. One such democratic ideologues O.Latsis writes about reform Gaidar: "When
a patient is on the operating table and in the hands of a surgeon's scalpel, it would be
fatal for the patient to discuss the democratic movement of the doctor's hands. The
specialist must make decisions himself. Now all of our country in the position of the
patient. " As a surgeon, ready to cut up his body with a scalpel, "the whole country",
was invited Jeffrey Saks.Potom he denies this reform, but it is a trifle. The main thing
is that the country has not been asked either to consent to the operation, nor trust the
surgeon. within

24. In particular, he wrote, how different perceived word "democracy" in

different cultures: "The Latins the word" democracy "means mainly the
disappearance of the individual will and initiative to the will and initiative of
communities, represents the state ... In the Anglo-Saxons in America the same word
"Democracy" means, on the contrary, the most extensive development of the will and
the individual and how the greatest possible elimination of the state. "
democratic thinking statement O.Latsisa monstrous - is too shy to say even the
enthusiasts of "enlightened vanguard" concept 21 2 .

Thus, in this metaphor, as if we have a fragment of the official explanatory

dictionary our Newspeak. The word "democracy" in its distorted sense really entered
the language, and thus involved in the manipulation of our minds constantly and
automatically. This is evidenced by the fact that people genuinely do not notice the
complete inconsistency of their behavior to take the name. In "democratic" rally at
Ostankino June 29, 1992 the poet-humorist A.Ivanov formulated the appeal: prevent
all sorts of communist organizations and establish strict authoritarian regime following
the example of Pinochet. Like, historical experience has shown that only the
dictatorship of the refresher you can move to democracy. In response to this call, the
usual crowd of naive intellectuals began to chant: " Give the stadium! Give us a
ballpark! ". (For young people, included in adult life after 1973 explain: we are talking
about the stadium in Chile, which at the time of the fascist coup of Pinochet arrested
were brought was there crushed hands composer and singer Victor Hare, extrajudicially
executed hundreds of people. ).

When over the country doing a life-threatening (and in fact, deadly) operations,
not only without asking permission, but deliberately against her will - is the freedom
or totalitarianism? Sentries in that conversation approached from the other side now,
veterans like February 23 to lay wreaths at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, and their
"bundled" (good word found A. Karaulov - pushed ... batons). Why not give a pass,
just freedom? Burbulis gently explained, you do not understand. There was a time limit,
we will not discuss why it was set ... Why would break on that day? I would come, who
would quietly, at other times, and laid a wreath.

Thus, freedom is not to discuss the ban of the authorities, even if it is illegal and
provocative. Do not require their traditional rights, and to submit a deliberately
degrading the order - to come quietly, and in the next day . This February 23, the people
demanded only the freedom that is given to them under the law. The mayor had no
right to ban a rally Burbulis knew that the Moscow City Council was at that time the
highest in relation to the body of the Mayor and the Moscow City Council that allowed
the rally. So it was a question about the arbitrariness of the executive power to limit the
freedom of citizens. So we have it in dystopia.

Another excellent, but it was vague specter of " civil society ." None of the
politicians who swore their commitment to this good idol, not expounding the essence
of the concept. It has been falsely interpreted, perhaps, all the participants of the current
ideological struggle in Russia. Sometimes even from the podium "patriots" we are
called to revive the Catholic and Russian great-power, building civil society in it.
Congress of Russian Communities - the organization, in whose name is the word "
community ", also aims to build civil society in Russia. Absurd.

Cultural man thinks that civil society is an association of free citizens, which
restricts and controls the actions of the state, ensures the equality of all citizens before
the law, using the mechanisms of separation of powers and the right of priority. All this
is tempting, tested for three centuries on the West respected - it means "I Wan, want
the same." In practice
"Civil society" - it is conditional, the name of this method of living together, which is
inextricably linked with the market economy and democracy, derived from the sphere
of morality, homosexuality and euthanasia. All in one package, from the formula of
civilization can not be nice to pull us things like raisins from the bread.

Let us restore the original meaning of the term. And see that the introduction of
the civil society would mean for Russia - that it would have to break. How to do it, not
to break with the spine - the second question. We do not have luck with the translation
in the Russian language is not entered the synonymous, so it turned out that it is a
society of citizens (from the word

25. In comments to the work of Toynbee's "Study of History" is true is said about
such "democracy", "to clarify the functional role of false prophecy, primitive
mythology and demonology - all that is necessary for the approval of extremist forces
some" superhuman "sanctions for their experiments and excesses. Valuable and
cultural studies Toynbeean concept of "creative minority" has sought to show that
these forces can not achieve. She denounced in these forces of deliberate historical
mediocrity, mocking attitude to weight the majority. " That is the tragedy of society:
historical mediocrity, equipped with effective technologies manipulation of
city ). In fact, the exact translation of "civil society" - a society civilian clothes , civilized.
Since the emergence of the concept, it meant opposition to "civilization - Nature" and
"civilization - savagery" (sometimes softer, barbarism).

To understand, you have to look from whom it is civilian clothes, civil society and
what is the relationship "citizens" to those who are outside of it, is this "zone of
civilization." First of all, for the emergence of a "market economy" and its media -
"civil society", human alteration needed, its conversion into an individual and the
owner. That exemption from the shackles of community relations of any type creates
important preconditions of capitalism in the West - the proletariat, selling their labor
power. It's not just the poor, but the people are deprived of their roots, liberated from
all kinds of human connections (shackles) - human dust .

In a class society the state civil equality before the law (entitled subject) inevitably
becomes the inequality of individuals before God and the truth. Read Luther:
"Our Lord is God is very high, so it needs these executioners and servants - the rich
and of high birth, so he wants to have riches and honor in abundance, and all inspired
fear. His divine will willed that we called these servants he executioners sir. "

The rich have become the bearers of power directed against the poor (the poor get
"Bad"). Before the executioner was a terrible position in the service of the sovereign,
and now - the consecrated property rights of the rich directed against the poor. The
state ceased to be the "father", and the people ceased to be a "family". Society has
become an arena of the class war that is not evil, but a mechanism that gives the balance
of society.

Hobbes and Locke gave an idea of the person and private property. She became
the axis gpazhdanskogo society. Man split in two. One of his subsistence - the owner
and another side - the property. An entirely new, anywhere other than the West does
not exist anthropology - the notion that there is a person. Each individual now has the
private property - the body, and in this respect all individuals are equal. And just now
he is the owner of the body (but before his body is partially owned family, community,
nation), he may assign his contract to another as a labor force.

But this equality is over, and the people of Western civilization are divided into
two categories - to the proletarians (those who have nothing but their offspring -
PROLE ) and capital owners (propetariev). Workers live in a state of near TO
NATURAL (uncivilized); gpazhdanskoe owners are united in society - in the Republic
of owners . Included are those who do not have capital, prohibited! Here are the words
of Locke, "the main and primary purpose for which people come together in the country
and to obey the government - the preservation of their property." F Rousseau in the
"Discourse on the Origin of Inequality" (1755) wrote about the occurrence of civil
society: "The first who cleared the land and said," This is mine "- was the real founder
of civil society." At the base of civil society - continuous war, "predatory rich, robbery
of the poor."

Over the seas and snow from the West were people who do not recognize private
property. Here reigned the principle of " one for all and all for one ." According to the
theory of civil society, these people were in a state of savagery. Western philosophy
has created an image of the savage, who had to win, or even to destroy for the sake of
his own good. Colonization forced to move away from hpistianskogo representations
for the person. Cozdatel civil society theory Locke, whose name was on the banner of
bourgeois revolutionaries for two centuries, helped to write the constitution slave states
in the United States and invested all their savings in shares of the English company,
which had a monopoly on the slave trade. For Locke this was no problem - negros and
Indians bearing on civil rights were not, they were "savages".

So civil society gave rise to the state, which was based on racism . And the object
of his were not only "savages", and its poor - which caused the return of racism on their
part. The proletarians and bourgeoisie were two different races: even Adam Smith and
Ricardo speak out about
"Pase pabochih" and Dizpaeli the "pase rich" and "poor pase." Even so familiar to us
the concept of
"People" ideologists of civil society had an entirely different meaning. People were
only the owners of fighting against the old regime. The peasants of the Vendee in the
"people" were not included. De Custine writes about Russia in the middle of the XIX
century: "I repeat to you all the time - there would have to destroy everything in order
to create a people." Oh, it seems to us that the closest word, and it may be a ghost!
Civil society is based on the war with the poor. Under his rule - the terror of the
French Revolution, which was prescribed by philosophers of the Enlightenment and
Kant as absolutely necessary and even moral phenomenon. Most of the blood is the
basis of the "social contract." We read in the fundamental multi-volume "History of
ideology", according to which the study in Western universities, "Civil war and
revolution inherent in liberalism as well as wage-labor and wages - property and
capital. A democratic state - comprehensive formula for the proprietors of the people,
constantly covered by the fear of expropriation. Since the Revolution of 1848
established the government fear that those who have nothing but themselves, in the
words of Locke, have no representation in a democracy. Therefore, the civil war is a
condition for the existence of liberal democracy. After the war affirms the power of the
state as well as "people" is approved through the revolution and the political right - the
property. Therefore, such a democracy means that there is a threatening "people" mass
of workers, who have nothing to lose, but that can conquer all. Thus, this democracy is
nothing more than a cold civil war waged by the state. "

Does all this mean that civil society is bad, and the community is good, that
individualism - the evil, and solidarity - good? In no case! It is - it is the ideals and
faith, and useless to argue about them. But the duty of every reasonable person - not
chasing ghosts, and right to understand the meaning of words. And better in my mind
to translate them into "the language of native aspen" - in other words to retell. Then
many ghosts scattered.

Disorientation of large masses of people was largely predetermined by the fact

that the oppositions, in fact, complicit in the cultural subversion "perestroika." She
accepted and put into circulation false, distorting the world words and concepts. One
of them - the market economy .

Simple-minded person thinks that it is a commodity market . Previously, they have

planned production and distribution, and now it will be to regulate the market. Whether
the difference is so great? Small. Why, to the point - yes restructuring reform - it has
nothing to do. Commodity market existed for thousands of years before the advent of
"market economy" and will exist after her disappearance - if it is not in the coffin will
drive mankind. The essence of "market economy" in the fact that the market as a
commodity began to carry the essence of which, by their nature products to be can not
: money, labor and land.
Meanwhile, a signal to to think, was quite clear: why should non-market economy
is called natural economy? What is natural? That is natural . It was a natural
subsistence economy and market economy - a phenomenon unnatural.

Even Aristotle pointed to the first twist "market economy", the first of its violation
of the laws of nature: the emergence of money market . Money - a product of
civilization, a universal equivalent utility. This is - the blood services, which ensures
the free circulation of the body's health. No one therefore can not be the owner of the
money circulation and to block their benefit, opening the valve - like the thief on the
bridge, the traveler will be charged with a fee for passage. Moneylenders, and then the
bankers will lay hands on the arteries of society and charge him a fee for something
that does not squeeze too hard. Paid - unclenched a little, can not pay - strangled. An
eloquent example - "payments crisis" in our industry. As soon as the banks have
become commercial, their frail hand can stifle huge factories. What would the Soviet
bank in this fantastic situation? It is focused not on chrematistics, and on the economy,
on the maintenance of the house, he would have made a set-off of non-payments - and
that's that. But this is something that does not allow the monetarist, because it deprives
the power of those who made money in profitable commodity.

The image of the bank capital ideologues also turned into a ghost. They convince
us that without usury and without someone to collect money from us, and then we sold
them, and the economy can not be. Imagine the subway - a huge production system,
which are minuscule element offices and turnstiles. And now, some gang privatized
this item. And he takes over the counter triple the price. One price is given to the
subway to cover the costs, and the rest - her income. You do not want to pay - go on
foot. Suffer passengers withers metro and ideologue would say that this band performs
the necessary organizational role: the underground provides the means detects the
effective demand, encourages people to earn more.

In no natural right to the commodification of the public tender is not justified.

Therefore, all the world's religions prohibit the usurpation of money and charging for
treatment - percentage . Accordingly, people's morality rejected usury. It is only
permitted to the Jews, and they founded the financial capital, but overall have become
pariahs of society. For the emergence of full-fledged "market economy" needed
Reformation in Europe. It has been said that "the money is prolific by nature" and
justified the capital market. This is the first Person of the "market economy" - the
mastery of trade and the fact that a person does not produce goods that can not be.
Trading money.

During the Reformation, namely the accumulation of received religious

justification. Previously it was allowed, but it was not approved by Christianity - it was
the work, not pleasing to God, and all the fathers of the Church, we see these
statements. For the first time Luther and Calvin presented accumulation not only as a
useful activity, but gave him a very high status - a businessman on a par with the priest
became the representative of high profession.

The second condition of the market economy - the labor market and the emergence
of the proletariat. That sense of indivisibility of the individual's sense of ownership of
rocks, APPLIED ppezhde just one's own body. Ppoizoshlo alienation from the body of
the person and his prevpaschenie ownership. Prior to this, the concept of " I " includes
the spirit and the body as an indivisible whole. Now I began to say "my body" - this
expression appears in a language recently, only a market economy. Russian, which was
then not pepezhili such pepevopota, did not care, but the West is one of the Problems
constantly discussed, even in politics. If my body - this is my private property is sacred,
then nobody's business how I paspopyazhayus them. Here and gay rights, and full
justification of prostitution, and the justification for the court doctor entrepreneur who
invented a van equipped with devices for suicide and leaves on a call. Euthanasia,
killing old and sick (with their "consent") - the owner of the right to the body.

The transformation of the body into the ownership of a reasonable opportunity to

exchange and free contract in the labor market - the possibility of conversion of the
workforce in a particular commodity . Every free individual is the private property -
your own body, and in this respect all individuals are equal. And since he now the
owner of this body (and before his body is partially owned family, community, nation),
to the extent he can now yield to his contract to another as a labor force. This - the
Second Person of the "market economy." The transformation of the ownership and sale
of the fact that this is not the owner of the goods produced and can not be - the man
himself, the labor force.

Anthropology M.Sahlins writes about the freedom "ppodavat himself": "Fully

pynochnoy system refers to the period there when people became free to alienate their
power for a fair price - SOME forced to do it because they do not have spedstv
ppoizvodstva. This is - a very unusual type of society, as well as a very specific period
there istopii. He noted
"Individualism owner" - a strange idea if people are in the ownership of his body, which
was then forced to have a Right of and use it ppodavaya those kontpolipuet capital ...
In this situation, each person acts in relation to porphyry intrusions person as an owner.
All society fopmipuetsya chepez exchange acts pospedstvom eccentricity everyone is
looking for the greatest possible benefit from the ppiobpeteniya d.puguyu property for
the lowest price " 21 3 .

Turning to the third item of universal value that does not produce trader - land -
a special big topic.

Sometimes people say: whether it is necessary to break a lance for words? They
say that we are for "market with a human face", since people are so angry at a planned
economy. Naive trick, the more deplorable in Russia, where the best scientists have
developed a "philosophy of the name," revealed the role of the Word. Take the
language of the enemy - then unwittingly become his prisoner, even if you use this
language, understanding the word differently than the opponent. It hurts to see, like a
blind man walks to the edge, scared

26. It is important to stress that those who agree to the "market economy",
whether communist or so-called patriot, vain illusions about Russia's "cathedral"
capitalism. We are talking about the introduction of an alien to the spirit of Russian
religious Judeo-Protestant attitude. Japan has even developed a very energetic
capitalism did not break their cultural style and to avoid "market economy." In
published in 1987 the book Michio Mopishima "Capitalism and Confucianism"
dedicated kultupnym grounds of business in Japan, it is said that there is "a capitalist
tpuda Art Market - only FORMS of Contemporary vypazheniya" Bullion vepnosti ".
That is, the traditional community relations samurai, peasants and artisans.
see when the blind lead the sighted assassin who pretends to be blind, but not much better when
taken lead the blind, pretending to seeing, the other blind. The latter occurs when the platform
patriots we are called to revive the Catholic and Russian great-power through the market
economy and civil society.
We mention here only three words of the ghost. These are just examples, and in practice
in Russia for ten years in the mass consciousness of the language introduced a ghost. Drive him
from the house will not be easy.

§ 2. The erosion and substitution of concepts

For Le Bon said that most effectively in the manipulation of consciousness are words that
do not have a specific meaning that can be interpreted in such a way and that. These words he
took the words freedom , democracy , justice , etc. These were the words and fighting across
the ideological program of adjustment and reform.

Democracy, freedom, crowd . In October 1993, Tank bursts in parliament eliminated from
public consciousness the myth of democracy . By inertia someone still remembers it, but
without enthusiasm. It would be possible for him not to talk, but it is useful for a lesson. The
fact is that from the radical restructuring of the entire stage language (discourse) ideologists
was incompatible with the principles of democracy - and the way it continued to operate!

Just as with the economy, the Democrats did with the Soviet Union. Having found out the
referendum preferences of the vast majority of citizens, they expressed demonstrative joy
because he was able to destroy the USSR, despite these preferences, about which they were
well aware. That conclusion sociologists Democrats in 1991 .: "Reigning consciousness in one
way or another is inherent in the overwhelming mass of the population, and not only Russian-
speaking," this "superiority complex dwellers and inhabitants of a great power, cultivated for
decades and extending into the traditions of the Russian Empire" . According to their
calculations, together with carriers
"Totalitarian mind" (30-35% of the population) Sovereign consciousness characteristic of 82-
90% of the Soviet people. It would seem, hence it was necessary to proceed. You hate
statehood? To your health. But do not forget that you enter in the 8-10 percent of the population.
So, if you are a democrat, kindly respect the will of the majority (or leave in Luxembourg). And
if you are of the breed tyrants and hope to deceive or suppress 9/10 people, you're dealing in
big trouble.

With the idea of democracy, our democrats Spreads very simple word game. Here, lecture
Denis Dragoon and Vadim Tsymbursky ( "XX Century and Peace", 1991): "Democracy
requires a demos - educated, wealthy, fairly broad" middle class "that can not be guided with
the will of instinct, and suspended interest. If this layer is not present, and there are lots of ... -
it is not necessary to talk about the demos, but the crowd ... Now ohlose revival
"Pre-perestroika" structures in all their cruelty would not be dangerous as the violence against
the people, but rather as the realization of the aspirations of the people - such as it became akin
to these structures. "

So those who consider themselves democrats in Russia, actually have a cohesive minority,
which arrogated to itself the right to judge who is the demos, while others - the crowd. If the
citizens of Russia were wealthy, would have only interests rather than ideals ( "instinct"), and
their aspirations would coincide with the interests of Dragoon, he would call them demos . And
if the aspirations of the people threatened by the interests of the Dragoon, it is a crowd , and
the crowd and allowed to cheat, and to scatter, and even shooting - it does not consider it a
violation of democracy.

But talking about the crowd a reason, it is a way to divert attention, to swing the problem.
More and more people familiar with the books on the psychology of the masses themselves
become convinced that in Russia just made efforts to broad social groups to give properties of
the crowd . In this direction, it acted distorted concept of freedom , which for ten years is
injected into the mass consciousness.

To remove the brake responsibility and disable worked out destructive culture of distrust
of ideas was carried out intensive campaign to create shame or at least discomfort for "slave
soul of Russia." In the course I went and Chekhov with his "slave squeezing a drop", and
fashionable von Hayek and his "road to serfdom", and E. Fromm and with the "fear of freedom".
The campaign was so powerful and diverse orchestrated, it was possible to achieve the main
thing - to turn off common sense and logic in their approach to the problem of freedom .
Someone timidly or angrily snapped: lying, saying that Russia is not a slave, we too love
freedom. But it is not heard,
to some prominent figure I spoke with a simple and generally obvious thought: "Good people,
but how can you not be afraid of freedom? This is so stupid as not to be afraid of fire or
explosion. "

One has only to reflect on the concept of "fear of freedom", as seen its potential for
manipulation. After all, a person has ceased to be an animal (created a culture) is through a
permanent and continuous creation " unfreedoms " - the imposition of restrictions on the scope
and savagery. What is language? The introduction of rules and regulations in the first growl
and scream, and then to articulate speech and writing. Oh, you demand respect for the rules of
grammar? And you can, and do not want to disregard the shackles of? So, you're a slave to the
soul, the enemy of freedom.

Only a huge and diverse system unfreedoms we have acquired and maintain the freedoms
that are so appreciated. In the article "The pathology of the civilization and culture of freedom"
(1974) Konrad Lorenz wrote: "The function of all structures - to keep the form and serve as a
support - requires, by definition, to a certain extent, to sacrifice freedom. You can give an
example: the worm can bend your body in any place where the wish, while we, the people, can
only make movements in the joints. But we can straighten up, getting to his feet - and the worm
could not . "

Now, as I write this, outside, meadow, anxious horse neighing and running in circles. It
was grazing on a long leash, but untied. She is in fear of freedom, and this is the horse, proud
horse. Gone leash - a sign of stable order arose chaos that threatens being a horse, she feels
instinctively. But man is not only the instincts, but also mind, the ability to foresee the future.
Nietzsche wrote: "When is conspired seriously the spiritual liberation of man of his passions
and desires, too, secretly hoping to learn a benefit." It is necessary to anticipate it.

Imagine the impossible - that suddenly disappeared organized society and the state, all of
its "enforcement mechanism", a dream come true anarchists and liberal utopia "free individual".
There was an explosion of human material - a complete exemption, than the explosion of TNT
(the individual - it is the atom , and the explosion of TNT still remain free atoms and molecules
of carbon dioxide, water, nitrogen oxides). What a picture we would see when would fall all
chains of oppression - families, service of the state? We would see something more terrible than
the struggle for survival in the jungle - animals, unlike humans, are not suppressed and replaced
by the culture of subordination instincts and solidarity. Full stop immediately organized
collective activity would have led to an acute shortage of vital resources and massive attempts
to seize them by brute force.

The short period of unorganized violence have forced people to re-connect and submit to
oppressive discipline - to sacrifice his freedom. Some - in order to successfully rob others - to
defend themselves. The first united would be much faster and more efficiently, it is known from
the experiment. For most long time to establish a regime of oppression, exploitation and abuse
on the part of the "strong" minorities.
I offered to present a picture of the destruction of the state, "the explosion of freedom" as
an abstraction. In fact, the situation in the USSR was established after the artificial suppression
of the "fear of freedom", in which many features of this terrible abstraction were implemented.
Already in 1986, was a series of essentially similar catastrophes caused by the release of
"Technological discipline" - the release of just moral. In 1988, the "new thinking" has given
freedom from the rules of international hostel - blood flowed in the Caucasus. the financial
system of the USSR was destroyed a year, and then the consumer market - just a small act of
liberation (were lifted bans on transfer of non-cash money in cash, as well as on foreign trade).

What happened next is well known - the disintegration of the state and of the production
system, the emergence of a huge number of free people (small traders, wandering all over the
world and students crooks, prostitutes, homeless people and street children). And vzrastanie
multi-million dollar, almost free of institutionalized moral underworld, which removes and
redistributes the good things of life by violence. Free from the law and morality officials and
businessmen can no longer pay the salaries of employees - about ten years ago, even to think
nobody could such a forecast would be taken for a raving lunatic.

All these people and those who gravitate to them, or do not vote for the Communists, nor
for marketeers - for those who have some kind of living arrangement project. When in 1996,
such a rob, suffering a seemingly human disaster was asked why he did not vote for Zyuganov,
the usual response was: "Communists will come - again work force." It is - important, and
Otherwise it is hostility to the ideas of communism are not experiencing. So, acting on feelings
and subconscious mind manipulators managed to disable people, not only logical thinking, and
instincts - and self-preservation and procreation.

Suppressing means the manipulation of consciousness "fear of freedom", the ideologists

of the destruction of the Soviet system have tempted people's lives without restrictions - as well
as the medieval city in retaliation Piper, where he was not given the promised gold, seduced his
flute and took all the children of this city. His flute sang: "Let us go there, where there is no
adult with them prohibitions" 21 4 .

So instead of the USSR there was a pathological, incompatible with the long life mode in
which no children are born and die out middle-aged people. And the difficulty of overcoming
this mode is not Stepashin tricks, not in eloquence or Chernomyrdin riot police brutality and
that the lure of freedom manipulators managed to introduce deeply into the subconscious of
large masses of people, especially young people. A considerable part of them ceased to be
citizens and to make the society. Before us is a great experiment in "tolpoobrazovaniyu" -
people without physical contact.

In the mass consciousness has become too strong component of "thinking of the crowd",
and subject to his people do not want to return to the factories and desks. They are fascinated
by the freedom, even if it is incompatible with life - and vote for Yeltsin and Zhirinovsky. For
those who have no ideology, no project of living arrangement. And there is only the removal
of prohibitions of law and morality, the elimination of the very concepts of duty and of sin.

Ownership . Consider a pair of grotesque assertions and sophisticated one. Selyunin

V. article with the promising title "A is still in our" expounds the creed:

"The market is a sacred and inviolable private property. It is, if anything, an end in itself, an
absolute human value. " "It's only lousy party textbooks there, behind the hill, all owned mostly
Fords yes Du Pont. But in reality the action, for example, a corporation "General Motors" has
about a million people. " At a minimum, this quite clearly we can say that lice are a party of
textbooks crawled on selyunin. Here is a summary of the newspaper "New York Times" on
April 17, 1995 .: 40% of the wealth in the United States belong to the 1% of the population. As
for stocks, and we have millions of them are in Russia - and AO MMM and "Hermes". Only at
what property here? Share of income of both the rich and poor parts of the US population is
maintained up to a tenth of a percent since 1950 (a summary of US Bureau of Census, refer to
the magazine "US: the economy, politics, ideology» № 10, 1994. There it is said: "The
dimensions of the hourly real wage, reaching its highest point in 1972, then began to decline,
and by 1987 reduced by 60%").

One can only wonder how easy it is believed the intelligentsia in the fable of "actions" - in
fact largely played on it and ideologues, and practice type Chubais. Intellectuals forgotten how
to read? Here is an encyclopedic reference book "Contemporary United States of America"
(1988), circulation
250 thousand. Ind., Would be enough for all to look and get help. It is clearly stated that shares
a significant role in the income of employees do not play. It reads: "In 1985, the share of
dividends in the total amount of income from the capital was about 15%" 215 (223.). And how
many workers and employees receive income from capital? We read: "The share of personal
income from capital in the total family income the main categories of workers and employees
remained stable, fluctuating in the range of 2-4%" (p 222.). Two percent - all of the return on
capital, and in it 15% of the shares, ie, shares give) 0,003 his family income for the average
person. Three thousandths! And that lured people to privatization, the fact that ruin the entire
industry of the country!

But the main thing - lies in the very terms selyunin. Private property - an end in itself, an
absolute human value! But this is absurd. There is no absolute

1. From this follows the fundamental German legend otkpytie fascism

philosophers: "demokpatizatsiya" podpostkov, ie the release of their subordination
and vzposlym from oppression tpaditsy inevitably leads to fascism of their
consciousness. This should podchepknut, for many of our demokpaty is now
enthusiastically bposilis "paskpeposchat" school children at all. Nikita Mikhalkov in
his film "Burnt by the Sun", the eccentricity of it will still be very much ashamed, he
mocks "totalitapizmom" Soviet children. They had hopom deklamipuyut: "Lenin-
Stalin speak out: it is necessary to listen to my mother!". That taught ppoklyatye
Communists. Then the son of Stalin's children's poet, without realizing it, said the
important thing. Her understanding brought fascism. Children need to "listen to her
mother" instead of creating a mipok with demokpatiey.

2. We will not waste space to describe all the mechanics, the main source of
income from capital is no longer the dividends from shares and interest from
investments, stocks are important for the management of enterprises.
universal values, because values - are part of the culture and historically conditioned.
They are always relative and always recognized in this particular culture. Private
property exists only for 0.05% of the time lived human civilization - how it can be a
universal value?

Well, Selyunin - newspaperman and a great original, But ANYakovlev - academic

and former head of the entire ideology. Before the election in 1996, he admonishes
intellectuals: "We Give ideology invent ideals as if there are any ideals other than
human freedom - spiritual and economic ... In general, it would be necessary for a long
time to legitimize the integrity and sanctity of private property." Remarkably self
assertion that there is no ideal, but two kinds of freedom ( "If there is no God, then
everything is permitted"). As for spiritual freedom - here ANYakovlev made a blunder.
This - not ideal, and property rights. It can neither give nor take away, or she is a person
or not. If someone says, "Oh, Brezhnev stripped me spiritual freedom", it means that
this freedom-simply is no such authority, he did as a child in his etched as voluntary
eunuch - it was easier to live. And if anyone believes AN Yakovlev, Yeltsin seemed to
give intellectuals spiritual freedom, it will be fooled again "architect".

Another thing - economic freedom. Yes, it is - an ideal. Whose? Extreme idealists

here - Mokrushnikov-robbers. Next - entrepreneurs for burglary, Shchipachev, bankers
and so on until the small speculators. The ideal of a normal person in the history of
civilization was different - to restrict the economic freedom of the idealists, enter it into
the framework of law, social contract. In this way mankind has some success, upset,
AN Yakovlev: reduced freedom of the slave owners, overcome serfdom, established
trade unions, labor laws have made. Fighters for their economic freedom in this fiercely
fought and shed a lot of blood (though they sometimes got it). ANYakovlev - their
selfless companion, but success he can be very short.

But most importantly - the idea of the sanctity of private property. The rest is
applied by itself. It is known that private property - is not a toothbrush, no cottage or
"Mercedes". This - the means of production. Whoever they are not forced to go back
to your employees and their work to produce income for you. "Of the people extract
money, both from cattle fat" - the saying goes, the American settlers, the carriers of the
pure spirit of capitalism. The only meaning of private property - recovery of income of
the people.

Where and when the extraction of the income of the acquired status of the holy
places? This issue was raised in all religions of the world, and they imposed a ban on
the worship of the idol (the golden calf, Mammon). Even Judaism at the stage of
approval of the Law of Moses. During the emergence of a market economy only among
Calvinists were radical sects that raise the question of what private property is sacred.
But they were pursued even in England. When the issue arose again in the US, where
they sailed the saints, even the Founding Fathers of the United States, many of the
Quakers themselves, did not go to the creation of such an idol, and approved: private
property - the subject of a public contract . It is not sacred, and rational . On it is
necessary to negotiate and to limit the human law.

And here, in Russia, among the crops grown from Orthodoxy, Islam, Judaism and
Marxism, suddenly, out of the cave, there is an academician of the economy department
and implores: sacred! is sacred! A whole host of smaller ideologists behind him. What
is happening, gentlemen? You can not so cheeky shove against the laws of Moses and
dialectical materialism.

But it is - a grotesque, although he was very popular in the crowd. Let's see what
says a prominent philosopher and jurist (V.S.Nersesyants): "One of the essential human
rights and freedoms is an individual ownership, without which all other human rights
and the right in general are deprived not only of its completeness, but in general the
real foundation and the necessary guarantees. " All other rights are deprived ...

He does not seem to deceive the reader, because it can always specify that spoke
of the right in the sense that is given to this word in modern civil society of the West.
But the reader with a "non-Western" way of thinking, a philosopher who believed to
be deceived. Developing the theory of civil society, Western philosophers have created
"for themselves" special language, which simply ignores the existence of "non-
Western" societies. That's why we have such a caution
use "their" language - familiar words, and the meaning they have quite different than
we expect 21 6 . The substitution of concepts in science is equivalent to forgery.
The emergence of private property (V.S.Nersesyants euphemistically replaces the
word "private" in the
" Individual ") does not create rights and freedoms, but only changes the structure of
rights and freedoms. For example, it deprives a person of the right to food , which
previously belonged to the category of natural, inalienable rights. It clearly said the
head of the first in the history of the Department of Political Economy, Malthus: "The
man who came to occupied already the world, if the company is not able to take
advantage of his labor, has not the slightest right to claim any whatsoever of food, and
in fact, he once on the ground. Nature commands him to leave, and she will not hesitate
to enforce their judgment. " So, when a private property - no right to require any food
was . When community-tribal system (and much later - under the Soviet system), when
the means of production are owned collectively, each member of the community, if he
is not excommunicated from it, I have a guaranteed right to food.

From the perspective of civil society, such societies were by illegal because did
not allow private ownership. It turns out that the myth of ownership due to the right is
based on a vicious circle: the property - the source of law; for the existence of private
property must be rule of law. Hence, a myth is derived not from reality, from the
ideological postulate. Cheating is that philosophers, who cultivate this myth, not openly
called this postulate.

Exploiting the vicious circle inherent in the myth of the property, these
philosophers sometimes inevitably reach the point of absurdity. The same
V.S.Nersesyants writes: "Create and approved by the socialist ownership can only be
non-economic and extralegal means - expropriation, nationalization, confiscation,
obligatory plan, forced labor regime, and so on." It is clearly a question of the Soviet
system. Here, for the cover - the same deception, since it is always possible to say that
the economy - not the economy that the Soviet Union was not a state of law and,
therefore, all that was done in the Soviet Union, it was non-economic and extralegal 217
. To cover the same totalitarian is a shocking statement: the philosopher denied any
opportunity to establish socialist property of economic and legal means. But in addition
to "fraud cover" is a great deception on the merits.

V.S.Nersesyants distorts reality, focusing on the nationalization of 1917, he knows

that 9/10 Socialist property in the USSR was created and economic activities in the
post-revolutionary period. On what basis does the philosopher considers extralegal and
non-economic phenomena, such as the construction of VAZ, Bratsk HPP or the
Moscow Metro? The most well-meaning attempt to think through the arguments for
V.S.Nersesyantsa to success do not lead.

His blasphemy against the socialist (and even collectively) own philosophy in
contrast proves the idea that too private a property created exclusively within the law
and without any extra-economic coercion. But this thought, frankly, just ridiculous. We
will not remember much of Marx ( "on every dollar traces of blood") or 9 million.
African slaves brought to the Americas alive (according to historians, living up to come
to the shore of America, only about 10% of Africans shipped in holds). According to
the authoritative

3. Here, Hegel recognized that civil society can not be based solely on its own
foundation - the human right to individual freedom, as well as based on collective
rationality. That is, in a transpersonal "public reason". But while Hegel emphasized
that this very collective rationality arises only as the realization of individual
freedom. In other words, in the non-Western societies, where a man has not passed
the atomization and complete rupture of community links (did not have an
individual), collective rationality can not exist - it's as if Hegel maintains. But it is
hardly possible to believe in Hegel such a strange idea, it just non-Western societies
exclude from consideration, displays beyond their model of humanity.

4. Already in its enumeration of "non-economic and extra-legal means"

V.S.Nersesyants comes to absurdity: why is "an obligatory plan" - extra-legal means,
and generally binding rules of the road - legal? Why is the punishment for truancy (
"forced labor regime" in the USSR was extralegal action, and in a private American
company - a very legal unclear why it is necessary to consider "extralegal"
phenomenon even if forced labor of convicts, if it is regulated by law.
historian F. Braudel, a third of all British investments in the period of the industrial
revolution was covered with funds looted in India alone.

But even if the return from England of the XVIII century in Russia today: how can
a reasonable and honest people call "economic and legal means," the privatization of
Chubais? By what right and in what economic transactions (ie reimbursement of real
value) received a modest graduate student Bendukidze "Uralmash", and now "Red
Sormovo" - not factories, but whole plants conglomerates?

After all, his manipulation of the concept of ownership in Article V.S.Nersesyants

1990 is preparing the reader for this privatization - claiming that she too will give a
guarantee of rights and freedoms of every person: "It is necessary to release the socialist
ownership of the abstract universal," no man's land "... the state form and transform it
into a personalized property of all members of society." all members of the community!

. Repression This is - one of the concepts that are very much on the mind.
Therefore, it is particularly intensively manipulated. We will not go into this great and
tragic theme, you can not talk about it casually. Only we touch on the problem of
manipulation of the concept. One of the operations was the erosion of this concept. The
ideologists of bridging the gap between those who have put up against the wall, and
those who did not give a large premium. Since the Soviet Union was presented as a
brutal totalitarian state, where almost the main background of life were
"Repression". Continuous repetition of this thesis led to this stupefying public that
under the concept of repressed podverstyvat become increasingly broad categories
offended. And then it turns on associative thinking - once repressed, then died in the
gulag 21 8 .

Incidentally, the term Gulag itself - one of the most shameless manipulation of
objects. It is often said "the victim of the Gulag", without specifying what was going
on and making it clear that the man was suffering in the camp. This is not always the
case, because the Gulag were merged completely different institution - camps, forced
labor colonies and special settlements. Manipulators mixed these things consciously,
and went on self-hypnosis (secondary keying). Here, a respected and worthy man, an
outstanding scientist B.V.Raushenbah, Russian German. He was in the camp, and
recently (before the New Year 2000), a journalist asked him how he found the strength
to forgive the Soviet regime. He answers: "Why forgive that? I never felt offended,
thought that put me completely correct. It was still not the 37 th year, the causes of
which are completely different. The war with Germany. I was ... a German among
Germans if they were traitors, that half a percent or less. But they reveal poprorbuy in
war. Simply send all the camp ... Another thing is that after the war it was necessary to
release the people. And they did not. "

B.V.Raushenbah mistaken, the Germans are not sent to the camp as the Germans
. There was another reason why he himself entered into the camp (probably unfairly).
The Germans were sent to special settlements , mainly in Kazakhstan, but also in many
other places. Special settlement - quite a different matter, there can not be only free to
leave, but life is not much different from the lives of others. My sister and I went to the
evacuation in Kazakhstan, in Kostanai region, and we lived in a hut with his family of
Germans deported from the Volga region. The boy's parents, a German teacher in the
school, along with my mother. The Germans did not even disbanded the party and
Komsomol organizations - this is something so mean.

A lot of the restructuring has been written about the special meeting of the NKVD
(CCA). Memoirs of repression is the CCA as an organ, which made almost the main
mass of the sentences. But that's because the fate of memoirs reflect a narrow circle of
elite nomenklatura, and which was engaged in the CCA. During the existence of the
CCA from 1934 to 1953, they were sentenced to death in 10 101 people. In addition,
the CCA represents a diabolical invention of the Bolsheviks. In fact, it was founded in
Russia in 1881, and its re-establishment of the old Code of was used in 1934, 1881

5. Here is a typical conclusion of the book, published by the publishing house

"Science": "A quarter of a billion - 250 million lost people of our homeland in the
twentieth century. Almost 60 million of them in the Gulag. " This is - an example of
acute incoherence. What do you mean "lost fatherland"? Died? And how many died
in the XIX century? Gulag existed 30 years, the number of prisoners in the camps
only in some years more than 1 million people, the mortality rate in the camps was an
average of 3% a year -. As the Fatherland there could lose 60 million? And because
it is written in the book, which has the status of a scientific monograph.
This, of course, only malfunctioning. But a lot has recently been manipulation of the
concept of repression absolutely grotesque. And the reader does not notice the
absurdity of the claims.

Here, in the academic journal - Biography of ancient Greek historian S.Ya.Lure.

He - the innocent sufferer, his "in the 1948-1949 biennium. condemned. " The trial
lasted two years. Who condemned - Beria, Vyshinsky? Special meeting? Condemned,
it turns out, his book The Scientific Council of the Institute of History of the USSR.
Considered that so-so, a book. "In 1949, Lurie was suspended from work and at the
Academy of Sciences, and the University." As removed, what happened - on the porch?
It turns out, he worked as a teacher of high school, in 1952 retired (62 years), but from
1953 to 1964 (until his death) was a university professor. This is - the objective facts
cited in the same article. And what of them?

For them, the fact that in the "totalitarian state" no one would stir. It consists in
the fact that S.Ya.Lure was a staunch anti-Soviet, and in 1947 wrote a treatise "On the
general principle foundations of the Soviet system", excerpts of which are right there
in the biography. In them, in particular, said: "From the point of view of the Marxist
methodology of history, the Soviet system is a slave ... The personality of the leader
here has no value strongly. A society in which a significant portion of national income
goes to overhead, say, military spending, and which have to be fed at the expense of
people's gang of thieves and parasites - professional soldiers, the course of events can
not fail to turn in the Communist state-feudal community. "

Imagine: just over a year as the end of the war, which killed almost all the
professional soldiers of the USSR - and here, nevoevavshy professor calls them "a gang
of parasites and thieves" (elsewhere - "closed and reactionary military estate, well
secured and not engage in any productive labor "). And a person with such views is
transferred from the Institute of the ideological profile of a professor at the Department
of Classical Philology. Oh, damn warlords, brutal totalitarian regime!

The flow of such stories in the minds of destroying the very notions of "repression"
and "tragedy", so then it was impossible to understand the meaning of the allegations
of "one hundred million of the repressed." Scour the concept, it was easy to fabricate
myths on the subject of repression. But not only destroyed the concept, but also the
necessary capacity for sound judgment
" Weigh " phenomenon. If a person can not distinguish between worldly turmoil and
tragedy, it is easier to encourage scrapping of all living arrangement. Here is an
example, a similar sad stories S.Ya.Lure,

In the spring of 1996, I lectured at Sapagose, small gopod in Spain. I was

approached by friends of mathematics: to him kafedpy ppislali konvepte in an article
from the "mathematical Ukpainskogo the magazine", in English, titled "See Mark
Gpigopevich Kpeyn". Apparently, copies of all the universities pazoslany mipa. The
bottom line is that M.G.Kpeyn, "one of the greatest mathematicians of his century,
ppozhil tpagicheskuyu life" (umep in 1989). Me and sppashivaet, who is Kpeyn and
why the USSR as tortured genius.

I read: "Why is his life was tpagicheskoy? Because it is all on pposhlogo Ukpaine
in Ukpainskoy Soviet Socialist Republic - poor PROVINCE totalitapnoy impepii.
Horrible CL Ukpaine life on the indoor and honesty and kultupy See Mark Kpeyna
were in constant conflict. True, modeled from the war, when there was no anti-
Semitism, established the Communist Party in the late 40s, See Mark Kpeyna izbpali
koppespondentom member of Ukrainian Academy of Sciences. " Next explained
insensitivity to what diabolical torment ppidumal totalitarian regime: in academics not
ppoizvel, but only in the corresponding members and ppemy Lenin did not give, but
only gosudapstvennoy.

Of course, such stories, because of their abundance, somehow accustomed. But

that's why their impact on "equipping the mind" intelligent audience was very

§ 3. The substitution of a name and an object

A particular focus is the direct manipulation of the substitution or the name and
the concept, which is determined by the subject of public controversy or the subject of
a substitution invisible - like a magician me to take the viewer to watch the mouse.
Consider the familiar examples.

The false name. Simple, but necessary reception manipulation of

consciousness - the concealment of the true name of social groups, events or social
trends. The word has a magical power, and give a false name - just as important in the
manipulation of consciousness, as in war give saboteur

good deeds and rituals in the form of the enemy. In the last decade the chaos in the
public mind a specially created, and "false name" was used very widely. Can you
imagine a liberal-democratic party, a newspaper which would be called "Sokol
Zhirinovsky"? But the height of absurdity, of course - Tajik " demoislamisty ".
The false name may be protective ( Democrat, Liberal ), and may be defamatory
( a fascist, extremist ). Often foreign phrases used as euphonious pseudonym. It is one
thing - a hired killer, quite another - killer. This is something like a respectable
profession. And Lenya Golubkov in advertising "MMM" not riders, partner! Here is
another invention - to take a false name at all from another plane: Russian Mom and
Dad lawyer.

Typically a false name were called started in 1989-1990. special organization that
started the destruction of the financial system and the consumer market. They were
"Cooperatives" . Word reassure the Soviet people, but in fact it was the typical private
enterprises, mainly in the informal capital or stolen administration of public funds.
These companies were not based on cooperative ownership, assembled from units of
people involved in cooperation. Surveys have shown that "more than 90% of the
existing co-operatives - bespaevye. When workers are laid off, almost no one demands
its share. Moreover, they do not remember about it. "

Oddly enough, even the most primitive substitution behalf calms people. Here, in
the summer I helped me a guy in the construction of the house. Powered by the
company, he came in the evening. I asked him what kind of company - private? "No,
what you - answer. - We have a partnership. Just a pity, a limited liability company.
Therefore, they say, the salary to pay will never be. But if we work well, all the
promised new "Zhiguli" buy. " I ask, when? "Just do not say say how things will get
better." We see great sophistication to manipulate the working class and this is not
required. Partnership - okay! For the comrades have to work hard, pay even ask

This - "comrades" in a small town. Moscow - rises above. Reformers proudly call
themselves "Westerners", but that name - false. No spiritual connection with Turgenev
and Saltykov-Shchedrin Vl.Soloveva or they do not. Genetically, as a cultural
phenomenon, they are directly related to the core of opposition to Trotskyism as the
"soil Bolshevism." Their main common feature - Eurocentrism , denying most of the
Russian civilization. Trotsky advocated under the banner of the world proletarian
revolution, for which the Russian peasant was only to the global wood fire. Today, his
grandchildren serve under the banner of neoliberalism - extreme, fanatical bourgeois
ideology. And for them Russian - raw West area and Russian, hindering its clearing -
hemp, which must be uprooted. This terrible Trotsky, because wood - still some value,
and do not destroy nothing. But the difference in terms of the fate of Russia is

But Gaidar called Westerner - a soft lie. Tighter deception in the name was
founded in the concept of privatization . Privatization - an integral element of the
process of change in property relations, namely, empowering some individuals the right
to private property. But state-owned enterprises are publicly owned - are nationalized
. The government only acts as administrator, managing the property, but it is not the
rightful owner. To be able to privatize it, you must first carry out denationalization .

This - the first and most important step, and it means the removal of the property
from its owner (the nation). And this, obviously, can not be reduced to economic
relations (as well as robbery victim does not mean just the loss of a certain part of the
property). However, the laws on privatization and property seizures in the press
problem completely suppressed. Word
"Denationalization" does not appear even once in any document, it became taboo and
was replaced by a false name, neologism " privatization ." There is no doubt that it is
the taking of property, ie, expropriation, is fraught with sharp social conflicts - even if
the economic compensation to the owner of it is true.

It's - some examples. In general, it has been ten years in the consciousness of
Russian citizens poured a flood of false names. Below we will examine one of them,
which is accepted and the left opposition and gained so great strength in the
manipulation of consciousness. This - the designation of the Yeltsin regime the word "
liberalism ".

. Substitution of the subject As a rule, conscious manipulators do

not allow an open dialogue with a real opponent - in this dispute manipulation
impossible in principle, it is easily unmasked. But quite often avoid vowel "dispute"
can not be, it is also evident, and people are starting to wonder. Then use a "decoy"
opponents - or those that are known to be manipulated. And the dialogue, the play is
conducted with them. It is important to make a substitution of the subject matter that
directly denies the true meaning of all the arguments and conclusions. Those who are
watching the dispute, lose the thread, and imposed on them the necessary manipulators

By the State Duma deputy, academician of Academy of Agricultural Sciences

V.S.Sheveluhe addressed the issue of the risk of famine that threatened us in 1999, and
he says: "As for the bread, then it to us this winter is enough ... enough grain for the
spring seed "- a correspondent and behind, something strange happens. Asked about
hunger because he, and not the bread. What do you mean "we" enough? Who is "we"?
Do we have bread on cards issued as under Stalin? That way we can say that we have
and the money in the country is enough. And that means "enough for the winter and
seed"? And from May to October that chew? Hunger is always the case in the summer,
when you do not reach the crop. Small MP reasoning
o and disconnect all the parts.

Take the rather bland, but important debate. For ten years, both in mind
blown myth that Lenin relied on the "mob" at backward thinking. Rare
Democratic politician or journalist is not mentioned a Lenin, who allegedly
said that "the cook can and should govern the state." There was even a familiar
metaphor of "Lenin's cook."

This was not without its primitive deception (helped by a flagrant

ignorance of politicians). In fact, Lenin wrote in his famous work "Can the
Bolsheviks Retain State Power" (Vol 34, p 315..): "We are not utopians. We
know that an unskilled laborer or a cook can not immediately enter the state
administration. In this we agree with the Cadets, and Breshkovskaya, and with
Tsereteli. "

Thus, Lenin says quite the opposite of what he is credited with virtually
all the democratic press - when poddakivanii almost the entire intelligentsia.
Moreover, it is especially sharpens the problem to show how primitive thinking
"February" litter. For him, it seems obvious that any cook is not capable of
[being able to cook] to govern the state (believe it would be a utopia). There is
no question about the fact that it must govern.
It would be worthwhile to consider the reader: how to call respectable
behavior of the set of democratic politicians and journalists who continued to
drive people to mind the myth of
"Lenin's cook" - despite the fact that they repeatedly tried to point out their
mistake? And personally, and through the press. . Then, in 1988-1990, we still
can not understand how is it possible? You poke him under the nose of the
book with the exact text as it flickers and half an hour later about Lenin again
and cook 21 9 .

Yet we analyze the problem in fact - who can and should govern. Already
forgotten about the social antagonisms people trusted spectacular
demagoguery Democrats, and the Soviets of all levels in 1989 were elected
almost exclusively intellectuals. People believed that "the state must control a
scientist." To prove that the problem was transferred to the social plane and is
associated with an already tarnished the name of Lenin. In fact, the problem of
the philosophical and touches the very essence of power, it was set long before
Lenin - philosopher of the IV century BC by Plato, who formulated the
" Grammatokratii ", that is, the power of educated people and scientists.

The dilemma of " cook - a scientist " formulates the problem of matching
functions of power and types of thinking. "Cook" symbolizes the everyday
thinking and "scientist" - a specific scientific rational thinking. Create an image
in the public mind stupid illiterate woman in a dirty apron as an alternative to
the elegant and intelligent MP-scientist - elementary forgery, even it is not
necessary to say much about it.

And the problem is that political decisions should a person with just
everyday consciousness, not a scientist. Ordinary consciousness holistically, it

6. By the way, our democrats never quoted and the continuation of the thought
of Lenin, thought it was democratic. He went after the agreement with the Cadets, etc
.: "But we differ from these citizens in that we demand an immediate break with the
prejudice that govern the state, to carry everyday, daily work management in a state
of only the rich or from rich families made the officials."
reality with all of its non-formalizable and neizmeryamymi parties, including
unpleasant. The scientist also simulates reality, distracted by factors minor in terms of
the learning process, but important in terms of solving problems. During this simulation
it is often "forgets about the ravines" - detaches from the model created in the
imagination of the unpleasant aspects of reality (falls into autism, which was discussed
in Chapter 8) 22 0 .

All the pathos of "cooks" - feed their families with the available resources, to
ensure the reproduction of life. "Scientist" is aimed at knowledge, to experiment. The
one object that is in his power, by itself does not represent an independent value to it,
and there is only a carrier of information about the whole class of similar objects. And
for the sake of the experiment the scientist does not hesitate to open and break the
object. This property in the academic has been brought to such a degree that a perfectly
normal phenomenon in science has been staging an experiment on himself! Even the
identity of the scientist in his eyes is not a significant value compared to the information
that can be obtained at its destruction.
Finally, all the activities of "cook" is associated with love, it is all permeated by
moral values. "Scientist" is, by definition, must be impartial and objective, its decisions
are free from moral values. That is why in the western social philosophy is generally
accepted that a scientist is of the type of thinking should not be a politician, his role -
to be an expert. All this - the banal, well known philosophers of things. restructuring
Architects deliberately concealed them. In general, this action by the manipulation of
consciousness failed.

False metaphor . Development metaphor - the main ideology of work.

Poetic metaphor, creating a colorful image of the imagination, has a miraculous effect
on the mind, long marginalized in the common sense. The paradoxical metaphor (that
is, the further away it is from reality), the better it works. We talked about what the
defeat was a massacre of words, concepts, and processes for their binding within a
reasonable inference (logic). But the same storm has passed and aids in replacing
discourse rigorous concepts - metaphors and allegories. Here, too, the rollback of
common sense was phenomenal. Convince people that hammered into the heads of a
simple and attractive false metaphor, it is very difficult. To achieve something
impossible logic and false start kontrmetaforu - conscience does not allow.

Recall how the supporters of the radical transition to capitalism cried out: " You
can not jump over an abyss in two jumps! ". At the same time all were convinced, and
no secret of the fact that in one jump that gap will not be able to jump. But the proposal
"conservatives" (including the West) did not jump at all, and to build a bridge or bypass
- rejected with indignation. People called simply jump into the abyss. Since all
instructions of experts on permanent distortion of this kind have been ignored by the
reformers, it is a deliberate forgery.

Recall another metaphor marketeers, " can not be a little pregnant ." Like, it is
necessary to completely destroy the planning system and go to market forces. This is
completely false metaphor. It is no similarity between the pregnancy and the economy
there. Moreover, the real economy, and does not recognize the "either - or", it is, if you
will, is "a little bit pregnant," many economic structure.

One of the varieties of false metaphors - familiar aphorisms expressing some

everyday wisdom attached to the phenomenon of an entirely different kind. Here, in
the summer of 1998, the new Prime Minister Kiriyenko brought the essence of his
"anti-crisis program" to the aphorism: we must live within our means . So, they say, it
is necessary to subtract spending on science, education, medicine, etc. To whom he
treats with these words - to Gusinsky? No, Mr. Gusinsky does not go to the district
clinic and his grandchildren attend a private college or abroad. Kiriyenko refers to
workers: zazhralis you gentlemen are living beyond their means, the state can not
provide you a doctor, teacher, cheap electricity.

7. You could even say that the more well-known scientist in your field (like
sugar in nuclear physics), the less it is suitable to be a politician, the less he is well
versed in the issues of the people. Nietzsche wrote:
"When a person becomes a master in any case, it is usually just because of this it
remains a complete bunglers in most cases; but he judged quite differently, as it
already knew, Socrates. " That is, when primitive bunglers in the affairs of human
life, Sakharov fancied himself a shrewd politician because deeply studied the
behavior of elementary particles.
Here lies a simple on the surface. After all, we have selected our livelihood - and
now demand that we lived in the miserable remnants. And are a mockery robber for
wisdom, and we have to nod and agree. Miracles do not happen, and if received from
Berezovsky Chubais profitable Omsk Refinery in one hundredth of its cost, 99 cents
come from not from the air - they are taken out of our pockets. Rather, the public
funding of a doctor and a teacher, who provided a decent life for me and my children.
This is the ABC. It - one of the parties of reform, one of the beacons of its course. The
second layer of fraud, which lies in the aphorism Kiriyenko, will be discussed below -
it is not so obvious.

§ 4. An example of a false name: Liberalism

By the end of 1998, it became de rigueur to talk about "the completion stage of
liberal reforms" - the end of liberalism . It was, they say, in Russia in 1992-1997.
liberalism, and now he has exhausted itself and a period of more active state
intervention in the economy. So say those who curse this liberalism ( "wild and savage
capitalism of the free market"), and those who have a lot of respect (for example,
Luminary economics Livshits), and pragmatics indeterminate color (eg, Kiriyenko).

What important step is completed the destruction of Russia and starts a new one,
with new equipment - it was obvious. One could, of course, be called a previous stage
of liberalism, as in his time called Yeltsin and Chernomyrdin Democrats, and not delve
into the essence. But if there is a little time, it is helpful to understand.

To understand, we must answer the question, can it be considered a liberal (in the
philosophical and socio-economic views) is a political trend that has been in power
since 1990 (the so-called "democrats")? Just put aside the question of our liberal
intelligentsia, who was thrilled with the Sakharov form. Her liberalism has few people
are interested, and any impact on policy Gaidar and Chubais, he did not have. And now
it is the remains of our cannon fodder
"Democracy" discarded like a dirty rag. Let's talk about the real bosses of politics and

What is liberalism in the conventional sense? It is defined by three interrelated sets

of signs, lying in the field of philosophy, politics and economics. According to him and

In philosophy, it answers the question " What is man? ". For liberalism (classic -
XVII century philosophers Hobbes and Locke, now - Popper) man - a free atom, the
individual with inalienable rights. With others, he enters into a relationship of
equivalent exchange, as a society occurs. The state as a "night watchman", looking only
for the fact that there was no theft in this exchange. Since the "atom" small in his life
collisions on the market, he can not see the light the truth. This "people are always
right," but no, there are citizens of liberal people. Hence - developed fully Popper
thought that social changes can only be made in small steps, by trial and error. This is
- a ban on the major socio-engineering projects, which will inevitably lead to a huge
excess human suffering.

According to his philosophy Yeltsinism (his whole team) fundamentally and

radically opposed to liberalism. To a much greater extent than the Russian Bolsheviks
(the philosophical basis of Bolshevism have replaced a set of myths, so I will not now
prove this thesis). Not only practice, but even Yeltsinites rhetoric shows that the
concept of "individual rights" for them does not exist. Gradually, but firmly entered
into use the term - " lawlessness ." That's what he caught on quickly, says his line of
reality. Never before has a simple man, not attributable to the political opponents ( "a
person") was not so radically deprived of its natural and social rights and was not
defenseless against the tyranny of a variety of "strong".

It is obvious that Soviet society was not liberal (it refers to a type of traditional
societies). The social contract, which it was sealed, not assumed equivalent exchange,
and a lot of interdependencies - duty, love, service, etc. Yeltsin's regime has destroyed
the connection, but it is not a shift towards liberalism. On the contrary, the relationship
dramatically shifted from equilibrium, on the equivalence of the exchange - the
oppression and the power of fear.

This is evidenced by the dynamics of income distribution. During this period,

enhanced extraction of resources, already including the minimum required, the
majority of the minority population, which is based on political power and criminal
force (that is
mainly on the threat of violence). Thus, the non-payment of wages is absolutely
incompatible with the philosophy of liberalism, as in the act of buying and selling labor
and the worker, the employer and act as equal partners-owners. Non-payment of
salaries - such as the theft of goods, theft of his coat or boots. Since theft is the act of
destroying the main fastening society relationship, in the heyday of liberalism in
England punished by death the theft of more than 5 pounds - even if the thief was a

Yeltsin's pseudo-state from the outset refused to openly be "night watchman", it

has become an accomplice and protector of thieves (we have today we are not even
talking about the operation, the withdrawal of surplus value, there is oppression ). The
state did not become paternalistic, it rejected the principles of society as a family. For
Russia, this is - a new phenomenon. Talking about its substance too would distract us
from the subject, most importantly -
"Yeltsin's state" there is no trace of liberalism.

And in the general philosophical sense, liberalism meant the flourishing of

humanism (the exaltation of man), belief in freedom and progress, a lot of attention to
ethics. All this stemmed from the Enlightenment ideals. Many of the tenets of
liberalism and conclusions are alien to Russian culture - not about it now speech. The
thing is that the philosophical Yeltsinism base is incompatible with the spirit of the
Enlightenment, it is organically hostile to him.

Early capitalism is inextricably linked to the birth of science - a completely new

way of understanding the world. And it is not in the patronage of the bourgeoisie, and
a new type of thinking and worldview. The birth of science and capitalism - two sides
of the same coin. The Yeltsin regime fundamentally antiintellektualen. He destroyed
the Russian science, without any political or economic necessity, with malice and even
lust. He embodies the militant stupidity and obscurantism. About any genetic
relationship with liberalism there can be no question.

Finally, art . The vast majority of the works that make up our cultural food today,
created in the XIX century under the influence of liberalism, his general optimism, and
craving for perfection. Yeltsin's regime - a unique phenomenon in the history of culture
in the sense that the great social upheaval proved completely fruitless in the spiritual
realm. A decade of "new Russian revolution" did not give just a single song or a poem.
Just splash aesthetics of ugliness. That word ideologue AN Yakovlev reform: "It would
be a pity if we are in our purification, liberation operation relegated culture to a
completely primitive level. But I think this must have been ill. " Such is their liberalism,
their "liberation" work - to relegate culture to the absolutely primitive level.

Do Yeltsin regime similarity with liberalism in political views? Not in the least.
All the political philosophy of liberalism is based on the idea of balance. The ideology
of liberalism, will be like all aspects of the free market society, there is a complex and
sophisticated product culture. From it increased representation of civil society, the
separation of powers and the legal democratic state. All this - the equilibrium system
is stabilized by counterweights. Here, for example, the prevalence of such
inconceivable power of the president, which from the outset sought our "democrats".
The liberal political system, the opposition should be almost as strong as the power of
her party and its press is financed by the state, according to the law she has a television
in his disposal a share of screen time, is proportional to the number of seats in
parliament. When the neoliberal wave of the privatization, the privatization
commission formed by, mainly from the opposition.

Do we see anything like this in Russia? No, quite the contrary. It built an unstable,
highly nonequilibrium political system by the type of the Mobutu regime and Batista,
it is very conditional might even call it a presidential republic. The fact that this system
does not take brutal forms its structure is not determined, but exclusively the culture
population. The idea of equilibrium underlying the liberal political system assumes
reversibility of processes - are not allowed fatal decision scrapped. On the contrary,
political thinking associates disastrous Yeltsin. They do not just openly declared that
their mission - creating irreversible. Since liberalism is simply incompatible.

In the sphere of politics, liberalism - the antithesis of totalitarianism and even

authoritarianism. On the other hand, and thinking, and practice our reformers ultimately
totalitarian. Glorification of Pinochet and the cries of " Give the stadium! " - Not
extravagant antics of comedian Ivanov and silly
Nujkin. This - general Installation of motley spectrum of reformers and their hard-won
philosophy. Already in 1990, "Literaturnaya Gazeta" mouth conjures editor: "In
contrast to its present narrow role ... the military authorities should be on the President's
order to guarantee the effect of the key economic reform laws ... Civil Administration,
whether it is three times the democratically elected, the situation still He does not own
and will not be able to resist the class hatred lumpenized crowds. Army, perhaps, be
able to. "

The history of the last decade has left us a lot of documents - from the "scientific"
arguments about the benefits of dictatorship and Mihranian Kliamkin to poetic spell
Akhmadullina and Chudakov in October 1993. A listen Gaidar - the leader of the most
"intelligent" clicks in this mode. In the election campaign, he regrets that Kornilov,
Krasnov in 1917. hesitate to pour the blood of Petrograd. And brag: I supposedly did
not blunder in October 1993. Convened in the center of Moscow, the crowd packed in
imported Shmatov boys and girls - hit the deputies of all levels.

At the end of 1995 - a new flirtatious statement: if the people will vote in the
elections is wrong, then I Gaidar says, young people gather. And the cool young people,
we need to understand throw out of the windows of Deputies. The leader of the Radical
Party said that if he is not satisfied with the election results, he arranges to change the
constitutional order through violence.

Liberals mask reset defiantly. Here's how it justifies ministp economy E. Yasin:
"I'm staying ppedannym stoponnikom libepalnoy demokpatii nevertheless convinced
that the stage of disease tpudnyh pefopmy Russian DURING libepalnoy demokpatii
not ppoydet. In Russia ppivykli obedience. So let smotpet things pealno. Between
pefopmy and demokpatiey have ppotivopechiya of determination. And we must
ppedpochest pefopmy ... If avtopitapny mode is active will be created, then we still
have a chance to make pefopmy ". People with this mindset, in principle, can not be
liberal in any field.

We turn to the economy. That thesis Yu.Belova (KPRF), which is almost accepted:
"When in our country won the counter-revolution, it is not state capitalism came to
replace socialism, too, the state and free market capitalism." Capitalism of the free
market - it is an expression of liberalism in the economic sphere.

I will make a methodological remark: today, a return to the free market can not be
in principle. The free market, transforming itself during its development in the global
market, TNK, adjustment agreements state, simply can not re-emerge - his germs
instantly "devoured" the modern market. Here - a direct analogy with the phenomenon
of life . We yet do not have a good theory of origin of life on Earth, and it would be
very important to see this process today. After all, he's coming! But to see it, we can
not - those lumps of organic slime, which appear in ponds and can give rise to the first
forms of living matter, immediately devoured already living bacteria, fungi, etc. Is life
can not coexist with their primary forms.

But maybe our Yeltsinites even had free-market capitalism as an ideal, albeit
unattainable? Maybe they followed the philosophy of economy peculiar to liberalism?
Practice has shown that no, they are contrary to the main principles of liberalism. Main
Category liberalism - property . It stems from the very anthropology of liberalism - the
representation of the individual. It is free and the other is in the most fundamental sense
- because it has the inalienable private property in the form of his body. He can sell it
on the contract in the form of labor. It is built on the rest - property, real estate, capital.
Private property in the form of capital is already the subject of a social contract, but the
body as property - the natural right (again, by the way, so that the non-payment of
salaries - the most radical negation of liberalism is more important than the
expropriation of capital).

How to react to a property category Yeltsinites? With nihilism, which is only

characteristic of the criminal world. No matter what their whole army of selyunin to
spew Yakovleva ritual incantations about the sacred right of property. This - the mask.
More M.E.Saltykov- Shchedrin said: "Woe to - I think - to hail, in which both the street
and taverns beznuzhno whine that property is sacred! probably in the city of the family
has to happen unheard theft! ". And so it was.
That exemption of personal savings of an entire people, which Democrats have
taken in 1992, has no precedent. A careful analysis of the action and all its
accompanying rhetoric, in fact, he takes the question of ownership Yeltsinites to
liberalism. But there was a whole series of similar events. For example, the seizure and
appropriation of property huge number of public organizations. All this we remember
in a fog due to a powerful consciousness manipulation by the campaign, and in fact we
are talking about horrible things.

Above we talked about the privatization of industrial enterprises, which took place
almost simultaneously with the neoliberal governments of the West. To privatize the
plant, it is necessary to first conduct its denationalization - buy it in the nation, at least
at the time of making the state a real owner. In Russia, we have seen not just a complete
lack of denationalization phase, but even the absolute removal of all of the word
document. "- A neologism was invented privatization ." Confiscation of property in the
nation was held as robbery, without the slightest hint of compensation. Sting with
vouchers - an imitation of a small compensation of the citizens on an individual basis
- has been carried out so brazenly that seriously no one was not accepted and no
legitimization of property seizure is not implemented. Even in the minds of those who
took over the property. Of course, the liberal economy on this basis to construct, in
principle, impossible.

Created in the Russian way of life can not be called "free market capitalism" and
judging by its practical forms. Necessary conditions for this capitalism - the free
purchase and sale of land, money, labor and goods. In Russia there is no land market -
this is known. But there is no labor market. People are working without pay or for a
nominal salary, but the company pay them
"In kind" - pull the social sector (primarily housing). As a result, work is tied to the
company, there is a kind of serfdom with barshchina and dues. At this point it is
reasonable to both Russian and foreign experts - economists, sociologists. For example,
there is no mode of guilt, passively resisting liberalization population itself.

Another thing - the money market and goods. money market is ugly and does not
free - it's obvious. Banks artificially created state, the state is periodically robs them
"product". And do they select the "goods" from investors - it has nothing to do with the
free market. Lack of freedom and the market for goods. Firstly, it is extremely narrow,
people buy a minimum set of products - in fact, get it on cards, like money. You can
replace our meager salary vouchers for a set of products - nothing will change. So it's
not the market. Mafia controls and supply of goods and prices - where is the freedom?
This is the first skapitalizm with the criminal component - way, to create a union of the
nomenclature and corrupt businessmen of the shadow economy and the underworld, is
generated by the Soviet society.

The way of Yeltsin's Russia, and liberal capitalism - is the different economic,
social and cultural events for all major indications. West supports our "capitalist" is not
due to the relationship of souls, but from a purely political interests, both supported
"Son of a bitch, but the son of a bitch." Because these are our "capitalists" in a row to
break the Soviet regime, collapse of the USSR, to disarm the army to destroy the strong
industry and science, allowing the West to the Russian resources.

Why do we have caught the label "liberal"? Firstly, it seems simple and
understandable for our Marxist orthodoxy. Once the anti-Communist - means or a
fascist or a liberal. Say a fascist - offended, let's call them Liberals. Secondly, and this
is much more important in this label are very interested themselves "capitalists." During
adjustment the main motive of manipulation of consciousness was a promise that the
scrapping of the Soviet system would lead to the creation in Russia
"Socially oriented" modern capitalism, like the Swedish or German. The lure of
scattered, today everyone understands that this is not so. And we see how the theme
song of our reformers. Now we are told that we are going through a difficult period
"Free market capitalism" wild and barbaric capitalism, capitalism period of primitive
accumulation, etc. This is necessary to recover, we will help the West to reduce this
period, but then we inevitably arrive at the most "social" capitalism. This, they say, the
general law of development.

Listen now A.G.Aganbegyana that under Gorbachev promised us "the Swedish

"We must say frankly that the market system - this system is very cruel to man. The
system with so many negative processes. Market system characterized by inflation,
market system necessarily characterized by unemployment. With the market due
bankruptcy, market-related overproduction crisis, the recession, which, for example, is
now facing Europe, with market related differentiation - the division of society into
rich and poor differentiation ... we, of course, unfortunately, now, well, not
unfortunately - it is inevitable, we are already growing and will continue to rise sharply.

Compare this with the fact that he wrote and spoke Aghanbegyan in 1989-1990.
The scale of deception and fraud that he committed as an officer, he was under Soviet
law would be subject to criminal liability. But for us it is important that here, at the
time of the disaster he ready ideological justification: we are at the stage of liberalism,
and disaster workers are instructed in theory.

We have examined the first question - the philosophical and cultural genotype of
the regime that was established in Russia. This genotype - marginal, parasitical
minority that suddenly brought to power. Organize living arrangements or the type of
commune (the Soviet system), or by type of civil society (capitalism) is the minority
can not. No recovery prospects and overcome the crisis this way does not - is not due
to error or lack of resources, but because of its cultural and philosophical genotype. As
a result, Democrats farm policy and society in Russia, not only did not become liberal
- there was a retreat from liberalism even Gorbachev era. Therefore, a new phase can
not be regarded as a transition from a liberal economy to the state regulation of the type
"New Deal" of Roosevelt, as trying to present the policies of the moderate opposition.
All this - false names .

§ 5. Manipulation number and measure

The numbers are a sign system that provides a compelling impact on the
consciousness and imagination. The magic number is that it is, in contrast to the words
or metaphors, has the authority and impartiality of accuracy. Therefore, the number -
one of the main objects of manipulation.

Perhaps the greatest achievement during the manipulation of numbers is the

destruction of a human ability to "weigh" the phenomenon, he loses all sense of
proportion . It is not that man loses his measurement tool and reduces the accuracy of
the "measures the by eye", it loses itself coordinate system, in which we put reality to
navigate it and do more or less correct conclusions.

My colleague, a professor, a prominent commentator, expounded in 1991 in the

press version of the idiocy of the members of the Emergency Committee: "they have
put in thousands of tanks Moscow, but failed to take power." I asked: "Can you imagine
how much space the tank? Could Moscow to stay in the center of thousands of tanks?
". "Do not argue, - says. - I've seen, and on the TV show. " And when the published
official data that only Moscow was 55 tanks, he took this figure, but at the same time
continued to believe in his thousands of tanks.

This is - an example of absurd faith in the numbers. His charm extends the number
and the text that accompanies it. So often manipulators consciousness inserted into the
text meaningless or even contrary to the text of the figures - and still remain in the win,
for the consciousness of itself affect the form number. Here, a prominent sociologist,
wrote in an academic journal in 1991 .: "the overwhelming majority of respondents
(30-48%) throughout the country appreciated the peace efforts to guide it does not
contribute to the prevention of collisions." Why 30% - "overwhelming number"? No,
of course, but the sociologist knows that the reader does not looks into the number, it
will remember the conclusion - the conclusion that the author need not as a scientist
but as an ideology, a party to take a position.

T.Zaslavskaya claimed that in the USSR the number of those who are working in
full force, in an economically weak farms was 17%, and in high - 32%. And these
numbers are repeated seriously in academic journals - a wonderful example of the loss
of social scientists minimum of scientific rationality. The concept of "work in full
force," in principle, is indefinable, it is nothing more than a metaphor - but it is
measured by our court sociologist with an accuracy of 1 per cent. 17 percent! 32

But most importantly, the statement T.Zaslavskoy allegedly informed accurately

measure contradicts common sense, and all her anti-Soviet pathos. It turns out that the
Soviet system provided all the very high standard of living comparable to the main
indicators of the richest countries, without exhausting the type of work, inherent in
these rich countries (the one who has seen the crowds coming out to factory workers
in Hamburg, will understand what it means) . We do not need
work was in full force - to wear. T.Zaslavskaya called us into a society where the vast
majority have to work wear, working part-time on weekends and at night - and live
much worse than in the Soviet Union 22 1 .
The belief in the magical power of numbers is that the authors do not even bother
to occasionally check their own calculations. Here, in the Orthodox journal condemn
abortion: "Today in Russia killed by abortion every day or 13 thousand of innocent,
unborn babies. Six million per year. Where there is King Herod to us! ". How many
days a year, this prophet? If 365, then the extent of infanticide 13 thousand. Per day is
still not six, and 4.7 million will be released for the year. Uh, a million to a million here
... I'm not saying that its 13 thousand per day author sucked from the finger. In fact, in
1998, 2346 thousand. Abortion was made in Russia, ie 6.4 thousand per day. Of course,
2.3 million a year - that's a lot, but not 6 million.

Although the number looks "accurate" sign in the imagination, it creates images
and in fact serves as a metaphor (and more hyperbole). Therefore, manipulators,
including involuntary ( "secondary") often run into the public consciousness of
distorting ( "striking") imagination. They simply disarm the human mind. Bunin wrote
in "Cursed Days":
"People are living measure meted out to them and sensitivity, imagination - will cross
the same measure. This is the price of bread, for beef. "What? Three rubles a pound !?
"And appoint one thousand - and the end of amazement, cry, tetanus, insensitivity.
"How? Seven Hanged ?! "-" No, dear, not seven, and seven hundred "- And there
certainly tetanus - seven a hanging can still be present, and try and seven hundred, even
a hundred and seventy!". So we have, by the way, manipulated prices.
Of course, the biggest campaign of manipulation of consciousness by means of
the number was associated with Stalin's repressions. We do not touch on the central
part of the problem, and its "periphery". In the hottest better example it shows that the
social consciousness still rejects any rational information on actual quantitative scale
repression. So, it is their quantitative side was important for the manipulators.
Thus, the majority is deposited in the consciousness that the "kulak exile" millions
of peasants were sent. O. Platonov writes: "During the years of collectivization and"
paskulachivaniya "were deported ppimepno 7-8 million farmers, several million
peasants were made in lagepya and tyupmy.". Today there are so meticulously
ppovepennaya statistics tyupem and lagepey that such utvepzhdenie looks ridiculous
(we shall return to the prisons and camps). And that means
"Exiled 7-8 million. Farmers"? After all, along with family members is 35-40 million.
Man! Sometimes the number of deported peasants express total term: all "spravno
However, there are modern archival studies that have been conducted with a
variety of cross-over study, independent records and give reliable results (the largest
discrepancy of data was 147 families with a high degree of confidence have been
spotted using indirect data). In total in 1930-1931 gg. to banishment ( "kulak link") was
sent to 381,026 households total population 1803392 person. This - 1.5% of peasant
households (officially to the kulaks reckon about 3% of the households). Think that
"Spravno workers" were little more than one hundredth of our peasantry - the absurdity
of 22 2 . Needless to dwell on the fact that we do not discuss the essence of the tragedy
of our peasantry and the whole country. We only note: using quantitative images of this
tragedy heated hand manipulators consciousness.
A similar stereotype was created in connection with the fate of Soviet prisoners of
war after their release from German captivity. In the mass consciousness has introduced
the idea that all of them at once sent to the Gulag in Kolyma, where they perished.
Meanwhile, the real time data is not published, and even the leaders of "Memorial",
that's what's interesting. Even their "own" push, if they do not say what should be. In
recent years, data have been verified by various methods today beyond doubt. The
result of such. The filtration camps,

8. Note also that the statement of academician filled with contempt for the
workers. Slightly disguised in him the idea that the Soviet people were, for the most
part, lazy - ideological lie. Although it stands for an important and interesting
problem: why intellectuals began to feel that "workers and farmers work too little"?
After all, this is a false belief really seized the Soviet elite, and was an important
justification for all the anti-Soviet project.

9. People also believe that most of his fists were sent to the north and worked as
lumberjacks. In fact, the first country in number of special settlements - Kazakhstan,
the second - Novosibirsk region. In the works of 354 thousand. People were
employed, of which about 12 thousand timber cutting. The bulk of the work in
created in late 1941 to test the former captive soldiers successfully passed the test and
were sent to the army in the internal troops, or to work in the industry more than 95%
of privates and sergeants, 4% had been arrested. Among the officers of the troops
through military enlistment offices sent 60.4%, in the assault battalions of 36.1%, 2.9%
were arrested. Officers punished more severely (assault battalions) - but then the front,
not the Kolyma.
Particularly shaken mind the figures given as an artistic image . This phenomenon
somehow we have not comprehended, but it is important. The fact that the artist's
figures can not be taken literally, relate them to physical digits, they are akin to religious
figures. religion is
"Shying away from contact with the historical time." It would be foolish and believe
and not to believe that Noah lived 950 years, as the Bible says. This "wrong" years.
But we take the number of writers for "those" number! Some believe, and it's absurd,
others are outraged, take these figures for the sinister deception.

Then stir Solzhenitsyn. Now the movement of the population of the Gulag for
years, with all sentences and executions, release, transfers, illness and death thoroughly
studied, collected the whole volume tables. It is clear that these must be understood as
Solzhenitsyn's artistic hyperbole - but in fact the whole cultural layer perceives them
as almost scientific evidence camp sociology. Amazingly it is the splitting of
consciousness: a person reads credible documentary evidence - and believe them, but
at the same time, he believes, and "forty million shot" Solzhenitsyn. This is the
phenomenon of the Russian mind.

It is for the impact on the imagination, and not on the mind manipulators seek to
inflate, and so increase the number of large, and to increase their tens and even
hundreds of times. The very desire to be sure to exaggerate the real quantitative
measure may be a sign of manipulation. That little episode. Historian V.N.Zemskov
for nearly ten years of painstaking busy, but very important job: he organizes historical
data reflecting the activity of the Gulag, and publishes detailed reports on all categories
of the repressed. Publishes without emotion, in professional journals on the history and
sociology. He himself is in no way not a Stalinist, and is firmly fixed in the publications.
Not a Stalinist, but the facts are respected. Democrats try to ignore it and to debate with
him not to enter. But first staged the attack in the form of accusatory articles
A.V.Antonova Ovseyenko. On this V.N.Zemskov he said in his dispassionate manner,
and an excerpt from it I will bring because it has a valuable methodological notes. Here
is a quote from V.N.Zemskova response:

"A.V.Antonovym Ovseyenko the pages of" Literary Gazette "in the article"
Confrontation ", it was suggested the false origin of the documents used by me and
therefore, unreliable nature of the published figures. In this regard, it is necessary to
say the following. The issue of fraud could be considered, if we relied on one or a few
scattered documents. However, you can not fake being in the public storage of whole
archives with thousands of items, which includes a vast array of primary materials (we
assume that the primary materials - fake, can only be assuming the absurd idea that
each camp had two Chancery: one waged authentic paperwork and second -
inauthentic). However, all of these documents have been subjected to a thorough source
analysis, and their authenticity is established with 100 percent guarantee. These
primary materials eventually coincide with the consolidated statistical reporting with
the Gulag and the information contained in the memoranda of the GULAG leadership
at N.I.Ezhova name Beria, S.N.Kruglova, and in a memo to the last and first name
.V.Stalina. Therefore, documentation of all levels, which we use, is authentic. The
assumption in this documentation might contain underreporting, it is untenable for the
simple reason that the organs of the NKVD was disadvantageous and even dangerous
to underestimate the scale of its operations, since otherwise they were in danger of
falling out of favor with the powers that be for the "lack of activity".

Statistics of prisoners of the Gulag, driven A.V.Antonovym Ovseyenko, based on

the evidence, usually far from the truth. So, he, in particular, wrote in that article:
"According to the General Supply Department of the Gulag, on contentment in prison
consisted of nearly 16 million - the number of paykodach in the early postwar years."
In the list of persons to use this document, the name of the Antonov-Ovseenko absent.
Consequently, he has not seen the document and causes it to someone else's words, and
with a gross distortion of meaning. If A.V.Antonov Ovseyenko seen this document,
you probably would have noticed a comma between the numbers 1 and 6, since in
reality the autumn of 1945 did not contain 16 million in the GULAG camps and
colonies., And 1.6 million . prisoners.
The fact that the presumed A.V.Antonova Ovseyenko statistics as well as
information O.G.Shatunovskoy, refuted these primary materials Gulag, does the further
conduct of the controversy on this topic completely meaningless. We add only that the
materials of the All-Union population census of 1937 and 1939. the number of special
contingent of NKVD group 'B' (prisoners and labor settlers) coincides with our data
taken from statistical reports of the Gulag NKVD, the NKVD prison management and
the Division of labor settlements of the GULAG of the NKVD. "
It is easy - put the comma, the number of launches in the media - and hundreds of
millions of people believe. And when there was a stereotype, no reasoning mind
manipulator have not terrible.

An important reception manipulators - to create the image of (sometimes denoting

its figures), but did not give information on the exact quantitative data. Thus, for
example, are still effectively used the image of the Chernobyl disaster. . This accident
was a great tragedy, she showed the individual, as it is small and defenseless before the
state machine and technology. Chernobyl much makes rethink. But its value trivialize
and belittle, replacing the problem of victims of direct deaths. Most recently on
television once again named the number of victims - 300 thousand people 223 .
Meanwhile, the effects of the disaster and its impact on health and mortality from the
outset carefully studied by an international team of 200 experts from 25 countries and
7 international organizations. This group produces a newsletter. It would seem that
starts a conversation about Chernobyl, elementary honesty would be to oblige the TV
give reliable data - and then move on to their own fabrications. No, TV created and
strengthened psychosis.
The complexity of the problem is that due to understandable concerns in the
affected areas people have to see a doctor, which previously did, and they found plenty
of diseases, about which they did not think. To isolate them from those associated with
the accident, is not possible without comparative health studies in infected and
uninfected areas. Such studies are conducted. Here are some details of the
"International Chernobyl Project", which was mentioned above, for 1991. The first
result of the infection would have to be the pathological changes of the thyroid gland
because of the action of radioactive iodine, especially in children. The report says:
"There were no statistically significant differences in the thyroid gland of children 2-
10 years in contaminated and control settlements." Another conclusion: "In 1987-1988.
consisting of all deaths in the control register in Ukraine was 2-2.5 times lower than in
the general population. The lowest death rate - among those who participated in the
liquidation of the accident and its consequences (0.8-1.3 per thousand). Among the
indicators were evacuated 2,8-4,8 [in Ukraine on average 11,4-11,7]. " The point, of
course, that the accident liquidators and evacuees - mostly young people in the age,
because they have lower mortality. But then, no conclusions about the unusually high
death rate in any way they can be done. No increase in mortality of children up to 1
year in contaminated areas also did not happen - its dynamics in the Bryansk, Kiev,
Zhitomir, Gomel and Mogilev regions is the same as in the non-infected areas. Most
also say that the accident caused a "cancer epidemic". Like, once radiation, it means
cancer - no other way. However, against the background of the increasing number of
cancer, which was caused by the general aging of the population, then the deterioration
of the power and the weakening of immunity, the impact of the Chernobyl accident can
not be detected at all. From 1980 to 1985, the increase in the number of cases of
malignant neoplasms in Russia amounted to 16 100 thousand. Man. From 1985 to 1990,
that is, at the very time when they should have been manifest consequences of the
accident, - 17. And from 1993 to 1998, an increase of 26 cases per 100 thousand. How
you can identify the impact of the accident?

I emphasize that we are talking about the processes that are under the close
supervision of a large and costly international team of scientists. Not because they wish
Bryansk health of children, but because history has in Chernobyl and a huge free for
the West experiment on human beings, and they are wise to try to squeeze out of him
all the information. It seems that this was an experiment, and on Russian television.
10. This figure is sometimes referred to in the Western press, but there is at least
stipulate that it is obtained by calculation based on the "linear model" of radiation
effects on humans (about this in § 2 of Chap. 11). But nobody argues that this model
is correct. Experienced the same way no casualties attributed to accident with
certainty is impossible - except for those who have died as a direct result of the
accident and elimination of its consequences.
"Millions of people shot," "300 thousand deaths from radiation" - all this is amazing.
However, more often, that handles thrown into the consciousness of the number of
plausible, so that a person does not think to keep in mind to make ends meet. The
number of starts and "activated" at the right time. Here, the current ideology for their
own purposes intensively exploit "religious factor", involving the Church in its
outreach performances (often extremely vulgar, like a prayer during the laying of the
nuclear submarine - well at least not with the release of each container with biological
weapons). To make sure that the "good Russian people" recoiled from any harmful
social ideas and "returned to the fold," manipulate the number of believers. At one time
even called a figure of 40 percent. Then he began to return to the verisimilitude. Finally,
we introduced the criterion of "active believers" - those who regularly attend Sunday
services. Sociologists, spending on their research a fair amount of money, announced
last figure: in Moscow of "active" - 4 per cent of 22 4 . Four hundred. Believable! And
the number has gone for a walk on the press.

And now, let us reason sensibly. Four percent for Moscow - it is 340 thousand
people. In addition, the Sunday service in the church is always present 10-15 per cent
of visitors. Total 400 thousand. In Moscow, 200 active churches today. Most of them -
small church, which does not exceed the capacity of 40-50 people, well, a hundred
people, if the cue ball. To assert that involved 2 thousand parishioners at each church,
on average during the Sunday service in the Moscow churches - nonsense, absolute
nonsense and obvious. But neither sociologists nor the editors of such newspapers as
"Argumenty i Fakty" (Facts!), Nor their readers in the figure does not doubt. However,
social scientists and editors - it is clear that is what they got money. Speech - the

Widespread manipulation of the number by using "average" figures. This is often

out of ignorance (secondary manipulation), but often there is a conscious and forgery.
Average number can only be used if there is a large gap in performance between
different parts of the whole - otherwise it will be like in the ward: one dead and cold
already, and another wheezing fever, but the average normal temperature. Here, in the
middle of the reform of both the authorities and the opposition claimed that the
country's consumption fell by 30%. This is - against the backdrop of rising malnutrition
among the population. In 1995 compared to 1991 consumption (including imports) of
meat as a whole fell by 28, 37 oil, milk and sugar by 25%. But this recession has
focused almost exclusively in that half of the people, which were thrown into extreme
poverty. So, in this part of the consumption of the most essential health products fell
by 50-80%! And the authorities, the opposition, and all the intellectuals pretend they
do not understand this simple thing.

The false image arises as a result of careless use of the relative numbers without
specifying absolute values. For example, the relative growth index of small quantities
creates a false impression. For example, the decline of tractors production in 1990 was
10%, and the growth of production in 1999 was 10%. Ur is "compensation recession"
has fallen by 10%, has grown by 10%. But in 1990 we had a loss of 24 thousand
tractors, and in 1999, an increase of 1 thousand -.. In absolute terms disparate things.
This can be seen in Fig. 3.
Now we are calm: everything is getting better. In 1999, GDP grew by 2%. It's
great reforms bear fruit! And what is now the GDP, gross domestic product ? We do
not explain, do not want to disappoint. But we now monetarism, and GDP reflects only
the movement of money. In Soviet times, made me eye surgery (eyes burned in the
laboratory). He shook my hand surgeon, kissed vrachihu and went home - no GDP
growth. And today, my unknown brother scraped together the money went to
Svyatoslav Fedorov, paid a thousand dollars and get services. I do not know, how about
a kiss, but Russia's GDP jumped by 28 thousand (according to the dollar). If we all
grow suddenly a cataract, that Russia's GDP will be unfurled to the skies - the efforts
of Svyatoslav Fyodorov with a scalpel. And the number of manipulations and measure.

Study objective: Land purchase and sale . Let us consider

a soft, blood-related, but it is important for the consequences of manipulation of
consciousness program in Russia, which would have fallen, if the people in mind, made
a simple calculation - having on hand all the necessary data. This is - a program of
suggestion thoughts about the beneficial purchase and sale of land.

11. In fact, sociologists shoved his nose where it does not, and to make public the
number of the faithful Church for various reasons do not would have to resolve. But
new times.
In Russia 130 mln. Ha of arable land. Today, according to expert estimates, its market
price would have been on average $ 500 per 1 ha. So for all our land today, Russia would
receive a total of 65 billion dollars. It smehotvopno little.

We milliapdami dollapov not ppivykli opepipovat, so let passudim differently. FROM

1 hectare farms in average sobipali 20 centners of wheat. Govopil fepmep will be much more
effective collective farms - and why else ogopod gopod. Suppose reformatopy ppedpolagayut
that The Normal upozhay from our land to be 3 tons with gektapa. And for such gektap thirsty
land buyers are willing to pay 500 dollapov. Is this a reasonable price?

Ppedpolozhim someone (such as a bank) bought the land, but he does not process it and
offers to apendu. So skopee all and will, to the private property. What is the normal operating
apendnaya board DURING pynochnoy economy? We know it by "Stolypin" Russia - half
upozhaya. Apendatopy were mostly "sharecroppers". The same situation is in d.puguyu
stpanah. In any case, below the one where by the third upozhaya Cigarette reduced.

But what is a half upozhaya how much does it cost? The price of wheat on the world Web
domains is around $ 200. Per ton. So upozhay with gektapa one year stands at 600 dollapov
Web domains. A apendnaya fee owner of 300 dollapov. In a year! And he will buy the land for
ever - 500 dollapov. Do not you see that it is not "buying" and gpabezh forcibly removing the
land and the peasants, and in general napoda 22 5 .

In the time of Stolypin's reform land sold through the Land Bank at a price of 125-150
rubles. for tithes. It is about 6 annual fee tenant, sharecropper. Today, less payments for 2 years.
So, the price of land is almost shot down four times - despite the fact that during the years of
Soviet power invested heavily in the construction of roads, fields of improvement, liming and
reclamation, the electrification of the rural space. That is, the real price of land was to grow up
in a few times - but it lowered. Artificially! Just as "sold" Berezovsky
. "Sibneft" for 100 million dollars, and it turns out to be a year is estimated at $ 5 billion -.. In
50 times more expensive! With that, he did not put it in a dime, but only got off her earnings.
We proceed to production. For starters eliminate the small primitive deception that pierce
our minds: that the farmer on security of land receive a large loan from the bank and
immediately rise up - buy machines, fertilizers, earrings wife (and now land pledge not, because
you can not sell it). Anyone can pick up a pencil and calculate how much money farmers receive
under the security of land. It's so ridiculous magnitude that even absurd to say that the kind of
money to finance the production cycle. For the plot in 50 hectares (normal for farmers), he will
receive, as was the Land Bank before the revolution, the loan is not more than half of the price
of land. Because, according to experts, the average for the Russian land will go for $ 500 per
hectare, over its entire land laid farmer can get a loan of 12.5 thousand dollars. How can the
money to conduct a market economy, if it is a competitor in Europe on the same site every year
receives free of charge and without interest 55 thousand dollars of budget subsidies? That is
why we are talking about the sale of land - about anything else the reformers do not think.

Coming up with the other hand. Let stand for a moment on the marketeers position
Kiriyenko and Nemtsov. Well, they want to see in the western Russian farmer! To dream with

Note, incidentally, that they curse the Bolsheviks, who "promised land to the peasants, but
did not give." Well, let's assume that instead of the Bolsheviks was Gaidar-grandson, and the
land to the peasants, he still gave. And we are now in Russia live 20 million small "landowners",
comes from farmers - each "share" in the 6 hectares. It just makes things easier, eliminating the
need for revolution, without the "expropriation of the land," etc. To establish a private farm,
the land should be rented from the current owners, the peasants from the landlord rented it until
1917 Rent - a purely market mechanism does not interfere with capitalism. Similarly, do the
farmers in the West - there is no one takes the land from the owner, and leases. For example, in
Spain, there are two very large agribusiness corporations, their farms - all over the country.
Virtually all the land leased, its very small. Well there is a business, no problem. The Russian
peasants rented land
"The use" - for half the harvest. It's cruel. Let's put our farmer the most favorable conditions:
10% of the crop - the owner of the land (the current farmer or retiree), and 10% -

1. Spain rocky, it needs watering the land is worth about 20 thousand dollars
per hectare (payment of water for irrigation - a separate and very expensive). And in
Russia, the best black soil, according to experts, will go for the price of 1 thousand.
USD. Per hectare. In Russia today, there should be no question of selling the land,
because the country is ruined.
State (local authorities and center half). Total 20% of the harvest - for the land. This
good rental conditions for the farmer. So that the sale has no relation to the

But suppose that land is sold. For example, someone decided to make a reasonably
sized farm of 100 hectares of arable land leased from farmers of 15 units, and builds
the most profitable and easy business - winter wheat production. He buys 5 tractors (it
- less than half of Western standards, but our people are not proud laborers), 1 truck, 1
harvester and implements, is building the minimum necessary construction. It employs
five workers. This is a profitable farm size, as You can do without a chief freed. "Unit"
of 100 hectares can be doubled without significantly changing proportions. So let's talk
about the "unity".

For reference: in Poland in private farms 100 hectares on average were 24 and 6
tractor, pabotnikov. In the USSR, on the 100 hectares of arable land were 12 employees
(many women were employed on farms, in gardens, etc). We make the farm harder,
"new Russian" jokes does not like to be tan skin five employees, it is more profitable.
What happens in the best case (the best for the farmer) and what other costs will be?
We calculate the dollar, and then get confused with millions.

Minimum salary costs plus the mandatory contributions to the social insurance
amount to 30 thousand. USD. Per year (not counting hired repairers, advice from an
agronomist, etc.). It is - at least for workers with families. It must be emphasized that
the salary in the real purchasing power lower than it was in the collective farms in the
late 80s (442 rbl. On two working in 1989). Hold five intensive work more profitable
than ten half-heartedly. But these five are already working, and not farmers, they can
not live infield section 22 6 .

What will be the cost of logistics? The collective wage and material cost ratio of
4: 5. Now materials have soared in price (especially fuel and fertilizer, and can not be
without them), and wages fell. In addition, the collective and state farms efficient use
of technology was inaccessible to the level of the farmer - the USSR treated only 1
tractor per 100 hectares of arable land. So the ratio of "the salary - the material costs"
will be at best about 1: 2 (unless, of course, farmers will really work, and not to rob on
the highway). So, on the material costs will take a year about 60 thousand. Dollars.
100 hectares of arable land with three-field system (wheat, clover and steam) will
give a year the equivalent of 150 tons of wheat (including the proceeds of clover). In
December 1999, the selling price of wheat in the Russian market was 1725 rubles. (US
$ 63.9.) Per ton. So, the entire annual harvest of our farm (with yield of 30 centners per
hectare) will cost 9585 dollars -. And so brought down the price in Russia.
What are the minimum payment should make the host harvest (assuming even that
he has a free loan, so no need to pay interest)? 30 thousand. Salary plus 60 thousand.
Material costs. Total, he has to pay 90 thousand dollars -. Without taxes ! Note that if a
farmer leased land, the lease was to these costs insignificant value, but it would pay the
land tax.
This shows that at best (not really attainable) conditions costs almost ten times (!)
Higher than pre-tax income, and only the Cheka them as anything but throw up. No,
even the most insane capitalist (and these do not exist in nature) to sow wheat in Russia
to a market economy will not. So far it is sown, because the collective farmers do not
need to live and nothing to pay for the resources - to achieve what is left from the Soviet
era. And the soil and machinery, and labor.

Why sow western farmers? Because of the EEC in the mid-80s only budgetary
subsidies for 1 ha of arable land averaged 1099 dollars. At 100 hectares it is 110
thousand. Dollars per year. grants only! It is clear that any subsidies Chubais Russian
farmers will not. Not because the greedy, but simply his short arms to rob the Mexican
and Brazilian workers to pay extra to their farmers. And with the Russian workers and
has nothing to tear off - skin and bones.

So, we must hack to death on your nose: the purchase and sale of land no relation
to the cultivation of wheat and other cereals has not. No fool would not make a capitalist
farm at a loss. There are a few small patches of land with very high yields (where,
incidentally, reasonable and settled German colonists) - Sea of Azov, Average

2. For those who think that working too fat, it is necessary to recall that the
average in Russia only for heating houses should be 20-30 cubic meters of wood
while working on a farm, $ 300 a month - to buy, to saw and chop. The price of wood
extends to the world market, that is, to 56 dollars per cubic meter (at this price
Russia was selling raw wood in the CIS and the West, of course, cheaper - at 46.9
Volga - but they do not make the weather. Another thing - to buy land and lease it (not
10, and 50% of the crop). And because it will rent - that is the Russian enigma.
When AV Chayanov discovered this phenomenon, he seems to have realized that
it is - a very important discovery. Now I would say that it is - an epoch-making
discovery. In it - the moment of truth, the comparison of the farmer and the farmer.
Chayanov writes under ogpomnogo matepiala: "Prices, which was then smallholder
kpestyanskie economy pay for the land, significantly included more than capitalist
absolute rent ... Under pressure from consumer needs of smallholder farmers, avoiding
involuntary unemployment, pay for the lease of land, not only the rent and all of the
net income, but also a significant part of their wages. " In 1904, the average for the
province of Voronezh rent for the tithe was 16.8 rubles., And the net yield of one tithe
was 5.3 rubles. In some counties the difference was even greater. So, in Korotoyak
County, the average rent was 19.4 rubles., And the net yield of 2.7 acres rubles. In other
words, a difference of 16.6 rubles. per acre the farmer to pay extra out of their

You know how things are? Capitalist economy maintain unprofitable and peasant
o profitable! Therefore, bourgeois, buying our land, still hand over its
lease farmer. And the core of his pull. Why farm farming profitable - a separate
issue, and we will raise.

The calculation, which I led, rough and tough. It is possible to specify,

decorate all costs (payment for the loan, hiring outside workers, taxes,
racketeering, etc.). Yes and no farmer will receive 30 centners per hectare, so
the land for seven years is not fertilized. The difference between expenses and
income with only increase . I think that should be our farmers in the Duma to
make these calculations and require them vowels debate. Let Chernomyrdin
officially say what he expects, agitating for the sale of land. Oh, he is from the
village, how could he not feel ashamed? You can, of course, serve the invaders,
but not to the same degree.

Program manipulation of this type are in Russia only because people have
been able to disable pre-feeling action .

Chapter 18. The impact on the thinking in the shares on the manipulation

§ 1. Alteration and destruction of logical thinking

In Chapter. 6, we said that a rational logical thinking vulnerable, by
manipulating it possible to implement "programs-viruses", so that people,
starting from the obvious facts, come to the wrong, and sometimes absurd
conclusion. When this process captures a significant portion of the
intelligentsia, the entire nation as a whole becomes defenseless against his
guide manipulyatsii- rush for any stray spark.
A massive program for the destruction of logical thinking began in the
Soviet Union immediately after the new intelligent team Gorbachev embarked
on a restructuring of the doctrine. The first steps have been made under the
cover of a smokescreen of Newspeak, epithets intelligent , competent ,
research became the highest praise. Oh, how Brezhnev and mocked the whole
"gerontocracy" of their primitive syllogisms. On the political podium firmly
established academics - Primakov succeeds Velikhov, Sakharov, Likhachev,
and so endless procession. The close alliance of social scientists (like G. Popov
and T.Zaslavskoy), party ideologues (such G.Burbulisa and A. Yakovlev) and
natural scientists (such A.Murasheva and C.Kovaleva) has developed a
completely unprecedented style of political debate. With powerful media it was
imposed on the public consciousness and became a tool for him shizofrenizatsii
The argument became so incoherent and self-contradictory that many
believe seriously, as if the inhabitants of large cities irradiated someone
unknown "psychotropic" rays. Remember how long a former dean of the
Economics Faculty of Moscow G. Popov tried to convince the people that trade
will lead to the privatization of the abundance of goods. And right would only
ideologue economist said that. The same is repeated with the person apparently
scientific education at one meeting. When I asked him what the basis of his
conviction - because the products are not produced in the shop - he replied
without hesitation: "In the West, private shops - and everything is there."
Mass utpata zdpavogo sense, the ability to assess kpiticheski
utvepzhdeniya, dovepie the most absupdnym promises - all podtvepzhdaetsya
multitude of facts. This is a prominent figure in pespektabelnom writing
journals "internatonal life" of the need to "evaluate our pealno publey, its
purchasing power today" (in early 1991).
Is offered to them a method to ambient limits pposto and as absupden: "If for
it (publey) give 5 cents in New Yopke it means and costs 5 cents. D.puguyu no
way, because there has to be some pealny CRITERIA ". It is clear that this
figure is split consciousness. Why "d.puguyu no way" to try k.pome ppodat
publevuyu paper in New Yopke? Who needs publey New Yopke? A pealnogo
value publey on the teppitopii, where it performs the function of money, was
known - on the subway 20 trips. That is, the ruble was equivalent to the amount
of building materials, energy, machinery, labor and other real assets, sufficient
to build and maintain
"Particle" of the Moscow metro, "producing" 20 trips. In New Yopke
potpebnosti to provide this amount of travel pesupsov dollapov cost 30 22 7 .
And remember the first elections of People's Deputies of the USSR! Once
the whole group of competitors one question was asked: "Do you think that the
publicity must have some limits?". And on TV they are all up to one (and it
was a very respectable intelligent people) said totally insane thing: publicity
must be absolute, it is no restrictions are being deputies, will not allow. And
that - contrary to common sense, despite all the anti-Utopias Nabokov,
Zamyatin, Orwell, which they have been reading. For complete "transparency"
(a word of publicity is translated into Western languages) and means
totalitarianism. What kind of human rights can be discussed at the "unlimited
publicity," when he can not hide neither your movement nor a thought? Note
that this disease democratic intelligentsia - splitting logic - ripening for a long
time. Bacilli to create a mass epidemic of ideological grown in the laboratory
two decades 22 8 .
No better and thinking "pragmatists." It so happened that in 1990, I was
repeatedly drawn to the examination of important bills. Each time the
introduction of the document caused a shock. It affects not even the idea of a
cannibalistic grin. The shock caused strangeness allegations obvious
schizophrenic logic. And when you see the authors of these documents -
educated people in suits and ties, with family - it includes the sensation of
something unreal. What we're theater? When this happened!
That draft law on entrepreneurship (1990). Prepared by scientific and
industrial group of deputies, the signatures Vladislavlev, Velikhov, other
representatives of the intellectual elite. And it is absolutely incompatible with
each other delusional statements and spells. "In our society, there is practically
no innovation activity!". Well, I would think, whether there can be a society at
all. Innovation activity permeates the lives of each and every person is - its
biological properties. Yes, if we talk about the economy: they argue that it is
mainly worked on defense, but in the production of weapons innovation
potential of Soviet industry was by far and without a doubt is extremely high.
That is, our economy is in its main part was highly innovative.
Or thesis: "The state should not legally prohibit any form of property" -
and that after so many centuries of struggle for the prohibition of slavery or
serfdom (and in fact the revival of slavery - the reality of the end of the
twentieth century). "The state should work on economic subjects only
economic means!" - All over the world "business entities" is very often in
prison, and we have, therefore, only to beat their pocketbooks. "The main
criterion and a measure of public recognition of public utility activity is profit!"
- But then long live the drug trade, the rate of profit had the highest. Well, not
nonsense if signed by academics?
Presentations ideologues, especially scientists, conspicuous in principle
(however naive) denial accumulated by mankind logical thinking skills.
Themselves becoming the first victim of the operation on the splitting of
consciousness, they were infected with this artificial schizophrenia mass. In
their speeches were almost mystical bent to say something right

3. Hammered into the heads of all the power of television the concept of "our
wooden ruble" was one of the most important means shizofrenizatsii. I remember the
first time I rezanulo hearing the word fifteen years ago, at a gas station. Two young
men got out of the car and, while continuing the conversation, cursing our
"Wooden". When one of them put it in the window three rubles and filled with petrol
tank (if it cost 9.5 kopecks. Per liter). And I thought, what unknown force made these
intelligent people idiots and how this force will act on?

4. This is a well-known film about the Decembrists. They hang, but

unsuccessfully, the rope breaks. And the hero says: "Poor Russia, hang up - and then
do not know how." But this is ridiculous! Why is a country that does not know how to
hang up, worthy of pity? Is not it the other way around? In those same years in
England hung even children, if they are in the shop have stolen something worth
more than 5 pounds - whether it was possible to imagine such in Russia? Of course,
there is adept torturers. And respect for it?
the opposite of knowledge and experience - and to say in connection with a very
important position, where they lined up their ideology.
Here are the program "Moment of Truth". On the Svyatoslav Fyodorov requires
"full freedom" to entrepreneurs and proves that private property - a natural human right.
What Pithecanthropus turned into a human at a time when the property was, and
without it a person turns back to Pithecanthropus. And while our expert on the "natural
history" constantly draws attention to the fact that he - Professor. And it is necessary
to recall the professor that the communal system people (like Pithecanthropus no more
than the most civilized entrepreneur) lived in 2000 times longer than under private
ownership. But the culmination of reasoning S.Fedorova was damning argument
against government intervention in economic activity. "Economics - S.Fedorov says -
this body. But the body can not interfere - he knows that he is better. We sit here and
talk, and the liver itself is working as it should. " From whom do we hear? From a
professor of medicine! And not just a doctor and surgeon! All his life he only does that
interfere with the activity of the body, but not to medicines (although this is - a very
strong interference), and with a scalpel, and right in the eyes. How, then, should be split
consciousness of man to choose exactly the analogy that acts directly against his own
The elementary act of thinking is always associated with the dialogue with the
opposition claims. We are witnessing a complete break with the dialogic, a complete
rejection of the democratic intelligentsia of the opponents response. This is done using
the most stupid tricks - silence or ideological cliches (like "we've been through").
Everyone remembers how the writer Yuri Bondarev Gorbachev asked the question:
"Have you picked up in the air plane, and where to sit, you'll be?". What is offensive
or reaction? It is a natural question an intelligent person. To answer the question was
not, but what the hatred caused Yu.Bondarev of the whole liberal intelligentsia! And it
does this hatred had subsided to today, when we saw how perspicacious was
Disconnecting from rational criteria has become common, widespread
phenomenon especially among the intelligentsia. Thus, the intellectuals, in general,
supported the strangulation of the collective farms as allegedly inefficient forms of
production. And it did not seem strange: in 1992 Gaidar government bought from the
Russian village of 21 million tons of grain and 12 thousand rubles... (About $ 10.) Per
ton, and the western farmers 24.3 million. Tons at $ 100. Per ton. Why is "ineffective"
host, supplying goods to you ten times less "effective"? The same milk. Cost of it in
farms before the reform was 330 rubles. per tonne and 331 US dollars for farmers -.
with fantastic subsidies for feed grain, 8.8 billion dollars per year ($ 136 per ton of
How was the process irratsionalizatsii imposed services, "the architects of
perestroika?" We will not get into the wilds of logic and proof theory. Consider the
structure of simple logical constructions that use the policy and the media. Aristotle
called them enthymeme (rhetorical syllogisms) - incompletely expressed reasoning,
missing elements are implied. This is a reasonable scheme, albeit simplified, reasoning:

Data (D) --------- Qualification (K) ------ Conclusion (W)

As (T) ----- Reservations (O)
After all, (P)
In A.Molya popular book read: "The argument is defined as the movement of
thought from those of the original data (D) through the base, guarantees (D) to a certain
thesis, makes the conclusion (B)." Reinforcement (R) is used to enhance the
"guarantees" and contains a generally well-known facts or credible analogy.
Qualification (K) is a quantitative measure of the conclusion (such as "9 times out of
10"). Reservations (G) outline the conditions under which a valid conclusion ( "unless
In rallies, extremely simplistic reasoning usually remain only the main three
elements: the D-G-W. But this - the absolute minimum. Arguments of responsible
political debate is much more complicated, they require, for example, separately and
justify the choice of data and guarantee of reliability and qualification methods. As we
have seen in the process of restructuring and reform? From the first argument were
completely excluded reinforcements reservations and qualifications. And then it was
destroyed and lowest triad - has been withdrawn or monstrously distorted guarantee.
It has been referred to the example of the privatization of the trade: D: in state stores
no items;
T: in the US private shops and an abundance of German goods; W: If we privatize
shops, will come abundance.
Just enter in this syllogism is more or less honest caveat: "if it's not accessible to
the broad masses of the prices of the population," as becomes apparent inconsistency
itself guarantee: in the US store shelves crammed not because stores private, but
because the price limits the purchasing power of the population. Because in Russia
"Abundance on the shelves" that sharply raised prices and reduced incomes, and not
as a result of the privatization of shops.
But the clause is not introduced, and the qualification is replaced by the request to
believe in the absolute reliability of the conclusion (in this respect A.Mol remarks: "As
shown in the studies of mass propaganda, lies, must be communicated without any
reservations, only truth can afford to be controversial"). And prepared in such a way
the audience perceives quiet even in August 1992, Yeltsin's assurances that the fall
"begin filling goods consumer market." Although everyone knew what the decline in
production and far fewer goods arrive in the retail network (in 1992, filling in goods
fell by 40 percent after the index fell already in 1991). Today, the government can not
pay salaries and pensions have because immediately detect a terrible shortage of goods
and food (in the summer of 1996 in Voronezh "sharply" paid arrears of wages and
pensions, and in two days the shelves were empty).
Loss of reasoning skill evidenced striking reluctance of the average citizen to
understand the question, even when the information is readily available. Here, Policies-
Democrats before the election and the 1993 and 1995 created a strong opinion that the
high price of bread called "dictates of the agricultural lobby." But the price of a loaf of
known structure, and data necessary for the reasoning simple and accessible. Of the
major newspapers in the autumn of 1995 can be found: in the fourth quarter of 1995
was set the purchase price for wheat of class III solid 600 thousand rubles.. per tonne
on soft wheat valuable 550 thousand. rub. Rye was bought by the state price of 350
thousand., And on the market (stock exchange) by 550 thousand. Ton.
Thus, bakeries Moscow to New in 1996 were paid per kilo of the best 600 rubles
wheat. This kilograms enough to bake two loaves, then took one loaf of wheat for 300
rubles. That is, the "agrarian lobby" has a bearing on them only to the part of the price
of a loaf of bread, which is 300 rubles. It is within this amount, how much something
rubles may be due to the pressure of this "lobby" - the amount in comparison with the
price of a loaf on the counter (.. 3 thousand rubles) in any case negligible.
The costs of milling, baking and selling costs in the Soviet system were 1.1 times
the cost of wheat. They say the market more effectively (and wages compared with
Soviet times is negligible). Well, even if these costs are not reduced. Anyway, the real
cost of a loaf of bread on the counter Moscow is twice the cost of the wheat that went
to the loaf. So, at the end of 1995, this was equal to the cost of 600 rubles . And the
price-it was 3000 rubles ! "Cheat" Chubais created unprecedented in the history of the
market can, of course, be made arbitrarily large - nothing to do with him either farmers
or farms or farmers have not.
Same in December 1993 in Moscow, a loaf of bread cost 230 rubles. It was baked
from 330 g wheat crop 1992. For this number of village government has promised to
pay 4 rubles wheat. Baking bread can not be more expensive meal. Where did 222
rubles from 230? But think about it no one wants - easily frightened "of the agrarian
lobby." And it does not change the situation. Now, in the spring of 2000, a loaf of wheat
bread weighing 380 worth 6 rubles in Moscow. It is baked from 200 g wheat. Such an
amount of wheat cost in December 1999 on the market 34 kopecks. (1725 rubles. Per
ton). Cost of converting wheat into bread and deliver it to the counter is equal to 110%
of the cost of wheat, that is, for a single loaf 38 kopecks. Total real cost of the stick is
72 kopecks. And to counter the price 6 rubles. Such is the scale of "markups" on the
way from wheat to bread - 733%!
I leave it to the reader to apply the simple method of logical checks and other
famous slogans and syllogisms (eg, the one that was the basis of the presidential decree
on the land end of 1991 .: "In the Netherlands, one farmer feeds 150 people - is
necessary not later than the first quarter of 1992 . eliminate collective - Then we will
have an abundance of food ').
An important means of disabling sense totalitarianism was an extreme statements
that have been unleashed on the listener's head, readers and viewers. First of reasoning
a necessary part of enthymeme been eliminated - qualification, quantitative measure of
approval. And then gradually moved on to a hard total, absolute conclusions, which are
no longer allowed halftones and search measures, and digested the reality in black and
(!) When the Constitutional Court and an associate attorney Makarov Sakharov
Kovalyov claimed that all the Party's actions were criminal and insisted on this, further
discussion was useless - no rational discussion in this handling logic can not be. I
remember that when on the court Kovalev said: "All the Party's actions were criminal,"
Zorkin and jumped: Is every one? Well, admit that he said just to be witty. No, one and
all! Two years later - did not Kovalyov grew. "All reports about the war in Chechnya -
a lie! All phrases, and often all of the words to a man! ". Again puzzled interlocutor:
how can this be? "Yes, all of the words to a man - a lie!".
But try to dissect as enthymeme any major statement "architects"
o almost all of the logic is visible. "No other way", "It is impossible to
live", "constitutional order in Chechnya must be installed at any price." Think
about the meaning of these would be in the totalitarian claims! After all, they
have identified the very type of the mental apparatus of these ten years. How
it all cost? As it no other way?
Of course, it is strongly acted on the mass consciousness - because all these
people, we were like the color of the intellectual elite. Here, the famous author
of "historian" A.S.Tsipko said: "There was no humanity in istopii a
pathological situation for the person involved in mental tpuda than that of the
Soviet intelligentsia. Judge for yourself. Doing mental tpuda not have any of
the necessary condition for the attainment of truth. " Imagine, in the Soviet
Union intellectuals man had neither a prerequisite for the attainment of truth.
No one! Well, is not this inference with normal human logic and common
But another well-known activist and adviser to President Yeltsin,
A.Migranyan "destroying all organic connection, alienating all of the property
and power, this mode ... That's why never in history has there been such
powerlessness of the individual to the authorities." How can you have a
dialogue with a person who in the same paragraph states that under the Soviet
system was a multi-million dollar class of the bureaucracy, which has seized
property and power, and in the other - that the regime alienated all the property
and power. And that was not the entire story, including King Herod's reign of
Pol Pot and, more injustice than in the Soviet Union until the arrival of the
Democrats. And after all this - without psychotropic rays.
Where the media perform a powerful and concentrated program
manipulation of consciousness, the possibility of disconnection of common
sense are really impressive. Today, we can quite fully recover two such
programs - anti-Soviet and nationalist (in many places they are the same).
Statements Tsipko and Mihranian - the fruit of the anti-Soviet programs.
In Ukraine, the anti-Soviet and anti-Russian program split the society, but
the traces left on the mass consciousness as a whole. In October 1997 I was in
Kiev, and they took me on a tour of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. At its center -
the ruins of the oldest in Russia the Assumption Cathedral. He was blown up
in the end of 1941 has always been that it was blown up by the Germans
occupied Kiev, it is recorded at the Nuremberg trials. But now, in the wake of
the restructuring, a new "truth" - the Communists blew up the Cathedral,
following orders from Moscow. This version is set out guides, and visitors
stand and nod. As far as I know, in Kiev intellectuals swallowed it and no one
appealed to common sense and did not try to build a logical argument.
Firstly, why Moscow would destroy Christian shrine, if before the war in
ideology, emphasis was placed on patriotism and the Church has been involved
in the organization of World War II? Such large incompatibility of the main
strategies and practical cases are rare and require explanation. There is no
explanation, and no one has not demanded.
Secondly, and even more obvious: can not underground in the center of
the occupied city, but still at a stage of crushing defeats of his army, to
penetrate the walled monastery and lay under the walls of the huge cathedral
several tons of explosives, and then in some way to blow it. It would make just
such a hero as young Boris Yeltsin, who stole a grenade and hit it with a
hammer, but it was not in Kiev at the time.
On this argument, replied: Russian explosives could lay before the retreat
from Kiev. But at the same museum Lavra hang large pictures: a monastery
occupied by the Germans on tour arrived magnificent procession, Reich
Minister Rosenberg, accompanied by the governor of Ukraine Gauleiter Koch
examines the Cathedral of the Assumption. It is absurd to think that such a rank
hierarchy Reich
come on a tour of the cathedral without placing first examined miners. And we
are talking about huge amounts of TNT. It is striking that the guides carefully
poked pointer in the photos - that Rosenberg, Koch's, that's the whole
magnificent suites. And then go to the absurdity of the Russian Squad.
Architect A.Shpeer Hitler went to explore Cathedral of the Assumption
and was very annoyed that he had already blown up. He wrote in his memoirs:
"On the site of one of the most famous churches in Kiev I found a heap of ruins.
I was told that when the Soviets there was a munitions depot, which then for
some unknown reason, flew into the air. Later Goebbels told me that actually
Reichskommissar Ukraine Erich Koch decided to destroy the symbol of its
national pride and ordered to blow up the church. Goebbels was very unhappy
with his behavior. "
Explanation themselves fascists (Goebbels) is logical and consistent with
common sense. A fired version of the stock is not convincing ammunition. No
one would have brought the Minister on a tour of the cathedral, piled boxes of
ammunition (even if the "Tips" were such idiots, to organize the warehouse in
the city center and it is in the Assumption Cathedral). In addition, it was blown
up cathedral and professionally, so that standing next to the monastery building
(the bell tower of the church, house) are not affected. This can not be in the
explosion of a munitions depot. All of these reasons come to mind visitors who
are not pre-rinsed in a stream of anti-Russian propaganda. And people who live
in this stream, absurdities "new truth" is not noticed. It is strange that the
church authorities (and belongs to the Moscow Patriarchate Laura) silently
follow their guide.
Regression as reasoning was caused by the fact that the reformers and
their intelligence services have become grossly violate the similarity criteria ,
which are selected according to the facts and analogies to argue. If these criteria
are not met, then the syllogism in general is without foundation, that is,
degenerate into an irrational statement. Once again we recall the metaphor of
marketeers, "can not be a little pregnant." Like, it is necessary to completely
destroy the planning system and go to market forces. But there is no similarity
between the pregnancy and the economy there. Moreover, the real economy,
and does not recognize the "either - or", it is, if you will, is "a little bit
pregnant," many economic structure. Since all instructions of experts on
permanent errors of this kind were ignored by the reformers, we are talking
about deliberate actions to destroy logic.
Sabotage against logic - all references to the West as the last argument,
which all have to believe unconditionally (we do not find fault with the fact
that she and the western reality in this case is represented by false). Constantly
repeated argument that the Soviet Union must not produce steel more than the
US. It is ridiculous to even talk about some similarity criteria, giving rise to the
US involvement in a sample. Or, let us remember, we heard and hear this: "The
British Empire broke up - hence, the USSR had to break up!". And there are
no justifications. And why is compared with the British Empire, and not with
China and not the United States? Or they have to break up and it is today? And
most importantly, the thesis about the legitimacy of the collapse of the Soviet
Union inevitably follows that the Russian Federation should break up - in fact
it is exactly the same empire, which was the Soviet Union. Well, a little
smaller, but it does not change.
similarity criteria are violated in every sense - and when to draw an
analogy quite disparate phenomena, and when different yardsticks suited to the
events of the same order (as in the case of the trial of Honecker). Of great
importance to undermine the Soviet Union had the events in Tbilisi in 1989.
Suppose even that they were not a provocation, and that really killed someone
from digging tools paratroopers, who were ordered to clear the area of
protesters. The indignation of the liberal public simply did not have the limit -
the army branded to any proceedings. And the organizers of the rally, as
dispassionately TV reported, "inflict rocket and bomb attacks in the city of
Gagra." Rocket and bomb! At the resort, the pearl of the Caucasus! In areas
not specifically hoping to get his enemies of Abkhazians and simply destroying
all life and the city life-support system. And no response from the Democrats!
And what is striking - comparing today with the bombing of Gagra events in
Tbilisi, a Democrat again sincerely convinced that dispersal of the rally was a
far more serious crime (and ANYakovlev said in an interview with Karaulov
in August 1996).
Demonstratively ignored similarity criteria and the main socio-
philosophical idea of restructuring: rejection of the paternalistic state and the
transition to the State liberal . The reason for this is taken again the analogy
with Western civilization (and even it with its Anglo-Saxon wing). It should
be noted that in this his liberal extremism of our
Democrats dismiss even the concept (also western) "social state", that is a
responsibility of the state to its citizens, which is dictated by security
considerations at least. Is not it amazing: the entire democratic press had never
given a word such liberal social democrats, like Olof Palme, Willy Brandt or
Oskar Lafontaine.
However, the requirement to state the similarity criteria is associated with
at least some intellectual sophistication, and our audience is easy to accept even
such vulgar fraud in syllogisms ideologues as the so-called "A woman's
argument." It - offer false, absurd alternatives (this is a classic example of a
dispute: "You are unjust to of N" - "Well, I must pray to him?"). After all, over
the years we have seen dessyati as any criticism of the restructuring project or
Gaidar-Chubais reforms mouth and stopped just this argument: "Oh, you mean
you want to go back to Stalin's repressions".
Looking back today, all that had to hear and read in the last ten years, our
new ideologues, it can be argued that they undermined deliberately and
maliciously existed in Russian culture and reasoning have led to severe
degradation of social thought. Its ability to resist manipulation has been sharply

§ 2. Autism intellectuals
In Chapter. 8 stated that a place in the manipulation of consciousness takes
imagination . Of particular importance is the creation of fantastic images to
captivate the masses of people, for a time transformed into the crowd and lost
their sense of responsibility. In this state, they acquire a special type of thinking
- autism . It has managed to achieve this in the years of perestroika the
ideological machine, and proved very difficult to get out of this state.
The purpose of realistic thinking - to create a correct representation of
reality, the purpose of autistic thinking - to create a nice presentation and expel
unpleasant, to block access to any information related to the dissatisfaction
(extreme case - daydream). The two types of thinking correspond to two types
of meeting requirements. Realistic - through action and a reasonable selection
of the best option, taking into account all the available knowledge of the "pros"
and "cons". Anyone who is in the power of autistic thinking, avoiding actions
and does not want to hear the sober reasoning. He is even ready to starve,
chewing their pleasant fantasy.
To manipulate the consciousness of importance is the fact that the two
types of thinking not only interact (normal), but are in conflict. And if some
way can not disable or suppress realistic thinking, the autistic mind to finish
this work by inhibiting common sense and to give an absolute advantage. This
is a mild form is reflected in a soldier's song: "It was smooth on paper, but they
forgot about the ravines, and for him to go."
Autistic thinking - not "crazy chaos" is not an accidental conglomeration
of fantasy. It is biased, it is always dominated by one or the other tendency,
this or that way - and all that it contradicts suppressed. In order to manipulate
the mind by strengthening the autistic mind, you must be familiar with the
structure of desires in the different sectors of society, especially compulsive
desires. Basically, of course, obsessive desire, becoming autistic tendencies,
specially cultivated in the society by all means cultural impact (in the USSR,
for example, played a large role anecdotes and popular comedians -
Zhvanetskiy, Khazanov, etc .; no wonder they were subsequently important
ideological frames reform).
Important in autistic thinking that it, escalated to the limit any
commitment, it does not reckon with reality. Therefore, in the eyes of the
people who keep common sense, subject to seizure autistic people seem almost
obsessed. Chapter 6 has shown a well-studied case of mass commitment
autistic thinking - the belief in obtaining huge dividends from the company
"MMM". But this was a typical case. Just manipulators in different cases have
exploited different tendencies and aspirations.
Here is a simple example of how the mass consciousness pumped autism.
The summer of 1991, several research groups have calculated the effects of
"price liberalization", which has already carried Yeltsin in January 1992. The
calculation was made on several options, but the general conclusion has given
reliable prediction, it is completely fulfilled in January. The calculation results
were summarized in the report Goskomtsen USSR, this report was not admitted
in the press, experts were acquainted with him "for official use only." But it is
not limited to the default. Simultaneously with the appearance of the report in
the mass printing gave the conclusion of "leading economists" that calmed
Thus, the popular "Spark" gave a forecast for market economy L.Piyashevoy
"If the prices of all meat to make free, it will cost, I think, 4-5 rubles. per kg,
It will appear on all the shelves and in all areas. The oil will also cost 5 rubles,
eggs - no more than a half. Milk will be paired, without chemicals, all dairy,
for a day and half a ruble, "- and so on across the spectrum of commodities.
Milk fresh throughout the day (!) - Do not miracles. It may not be fresh milk
in a Moscow store, especially "during the day." New milk
o nadoennoe is just not yet cooled down, from the cow.
Of course, all of this forecast - pure manipulation. She blatantly rude, it
seemed, no sane person should not have to believe it, "forecast". But the
consciousness of the people was already so prepared to to believe in the most
absurd pleasant fantastic images that readers "Ogonyok" really believed
L.Piyashevoy. And even the cruel reality of the liberalization of prices at which
the meat has risen rapidly in price up to 20 thousand (!) Rubles, does this belief
is not shaken. L.Piyasheva after 1992 became a doctor of economic sciences
and a recognized "expert" in the field of the Russian economy.
Recall one of the fundamental slogans of perestroika, which is contrary to
elementary logic, but was enthusiastically received by the intelligentsia.
ANYakovlev threw it in August 1988 .: "We need a truly tectonic shift towards
the production of consumer goods." This slogan, which appealed directly to
autistic thinking, justified the destruction of the economy began (the Soviet
system undermined primarily from this region). The slogan AN Yakovlev
immediately translated into a sharp reduction in investment. half-made Energy
program has been stopped, which is reliable conclusions on the level of the
USSR's most developed countries energoosnaschennosti (today Russia to
ensure that the necessary resource for any economy quickly falls below the
third world countries). But simple calculations would show unreasonable from
the standpoint of public interest, the nature of A. Yakovlev slogan.
A man with a realistic mind would ask itself: what is the purpose of the
economy? And I would answer: to create conditions for reliable production of
basic life support, and then to increase the production of "nice" things. As for
life support, then, for example, in the production of building materials (for
homes) or energy (heat) we not only did not have excess capacity, but was
approaching an acute hunger. And the whole heating system of the country was
in a terrible state, and this - the metal. Food was primarily associated with large
losses due to the off-road and an acute shortage of facilities for storage and
processing. Close this hole - meant to throw in her lot of metal, building
materials and machinery. Transport choking, the heroic labor of the railroad in
the USSR ensured the passage through the kilometer is six times more cargo
than in the US and 25 times more than in Italy. But the failure was coming - it
was not even for metal replacement of worn rails and crutches. Against this
background, "architect" called for "tectonic" withdrawal of resources from the
basic industries, and ensure the survival and the possibility of production of
consumer goods. Even more striking is the ease with which was swallowed
absolutely absurd thesis that it is necessary to reduce the production of steel,
for the Soviet Union makes it more than the US.
Autism our intelligentsia has reached an unprecedented level in the
restructuring. After all, it really seriously believed in the fantasy "return to
civilization", in "our common European home." I think that Gorbachev could
not expect such an effect on a completely ridiculous promises. After all, no one
in the West, and never said a word, did not give reason to think that Russia in
this "house" invite. This fantasy "fraternization with the West" are not
consistent with any real signs, now it is difficult to imagine that in 1989-1990.
a lot of intelligent and educated people believed in it.
My friend Spanish journalist who knows the Russian language, got a job
in one international news agency and has traveled to many regions of Russia
and CIS countries, interviewing governors and presidents. When she left, I
asked her about my impressions. Most of all it was struck by one thing:
virtually every one "regional and national leader" asked her with resentment:
"Why the West does not help us? When Western investment will flood? ". She
could not understand where it came from this very illusion and asked me:
"Sergey, you remember that no one in the West has never promised any help?".
Yes, no one ever. Moreover, there were clear warnings that any hopes Russian
feed must not: Rome traitors does not pay! In 1990, I had heard this phrase
with all sorts of round tables rank high in the West.
Now we do not speak out, that the West likes English, but in fact recently
said. Pepestpoyka was indeed ppinyato vostopgom in the West, but it did not
last long. West quickly to understand that the purpose (even the primitive
concepts) is reached, and with pepestpoykoy not brought back
o yanvapya in 1990 as a team (and skopee all team) west of press and
television have changed the record. This very manevp terrified: how to change
this nappavlenie
colossus as spedstva infopmatsii entire civilization, in just a week! Russian
theme was
"Discontinued ek.pana". USSR pposto becoming silent there. Infopmatsiyu
went extremely negative, as if the disappeared somewhere conventional ballet,
science, demokpatiya and even landscapes. Only the images of empty
ppilavkov, ppestupnost, ppostitutsiya and konsepvatopy. Odnovpemenno a
wave of anti-Soviet (actually antipusskih) films. Again popazhaet dynamism -
the wave of films already in 1990.
And there papadoksalnaya situation: the elimination of socialism in the
inferences related to the English in the West as a whole has deteriorated
drastically. The fact that the West spednem class (namely, he can be seen on
povephnosti) is divided into two distinct groups: gravitating to social and
demokpatii bupzhuaznyh konsepvatopov. Through while the USSR
subintrusive loved English as "stpoiteley socialism", and English as a second
type of spared zheptv totalitapnogo REGIME. Nappimep on all scientific
kongpessah money ppebyvanie Soviet scientists gave a p.pavoy and left, each
for his reasons. Today, the Left hate English as "ppedateley socialism." A The
rules are no longer obliged to regret liberated from totalitapizma English and
see them popposhaek, skpytyh nomenklatupschikov or mobsters. But does our
intelligentsia have analyzed their dreams in reality?
The fruit was autistic thinking and imagination of intellectuals created the
image of the freedom that comes once will be broken "totalitarian" Soviet
system. No warning of possible trouble at such breaking and would not hear.
Meanwhile, any realistic thinking person knows that any particular freedom is
only possible if there are a number of "no freedom". Absolute freedom does
not exist in any society, man is limited structures, rules - they're just different
in different cultures.
But these questions do not get up - literally intellectuals dreamed of worm
freedom, not limited to any skeleton. Recall that in the article "The pathology
of the civilization and culture of freedom" (1974) Konrad Lorenz wrote: "The
function of all structures - to keep the form and serve as a support - requires,
by definition, to a certain extent, to sacrifice freedom. You can give an
example: the worm can bend your body in any place where the wish, while we,
the people, can only make movements in the joints. But we can straighten up,
getting to his feet - and the worm could not . "
Representations of our intelligentsia of freedom were extremely autistic.
No reflection on the lack of freedom structure, its fundamental and secondary
elements was not. Breaking the Soviet order and creating chaos, the
intelligentsia, like a rabbit, climbed into the trap of the most primitive and
boorish lack of freedom.
Let's remember that a large part of the intelligentsia considered the most
important event of the year act of freedom in 1988 - "Removing subscription
limits." This petty act was attached to the epoch-making significance. What
was the average intellectual in the end? Remind the young: at cheap prices in
the USSR were limits on the subscription of newspapers and magazines, the
quota given by enterprises, sometimes people drew lots. For intellectuals it was
a symbol of totalitarian oppression. She just did not want to see: that is included
in the tradition of the need to subscribe to newspapers and magazines thick was
the product of Soviet "totalitarianism". And the average family subscribed to
the cultural newspaper 3-4 and 2-3 thick magazine - nothing like it can not be
in the free West 22 9 .
"Literary Gazette" had a circulation of 5 million. Copies!
After killing the "totalitarianism", the intelligentsia has entrusted the new
regime purely market means to impose such limits on the subscription that
1997 "Literary Gazette" was only 30 thous. Subscribers! Democratic
magazines come out only by the Soros Foundation, the circulation of "New
World" fell from 2.7 mln. In the Soviet era to 15 th. In 1997
This small fact shows that the major source of the crisis was the splitting
of the consciousness of the intelligentsia and the rule of autistic thinking,
created by perestroika: failure in the imagination of a nice way of freedom for
a particular field ( "free subscription"), intellectuals here and immediately
"produced" the lack of freedom of colossal proportions.
The dominance of autistic thinking with deep cleavage logic (
"shizofrenizatsiya Consciousness") spawned an unprecedented project in the
history of the destruction of the economy of a huge country codenamed reform
. This project would not be possible if it were not

5. He writes in "Pravda" reader from Yekaterinburg, a teacher: "Why is this

allowed bestial life? You never lived lavishly, but spiritual life was rich. My husband
Machine Worker, 150-170 rub. maximum. But we went to the opera house, ordered a
taxi on the way back, in the cafeteria bought sweetmeats. Prescribe - night thought -
a dozen of newspapers "Pravda", "Literary Gazette"
"Izvestia", "Arguments and Facts", "Komsomolskaya Pravda", "Pioneer truth", "Ural
"For changing". "Vecherka 'husband to buy, going to work. A magazine? they also
subscribed to at least ten. Now stall buy "truth" one to four, "Soviet Russia" we write
one for three. "
I supported enthusiastically almost the whole cultural layer at a time carried away for
a majority of urban dwellers.
Restructuring means of ideological influence inspired the masses to eliminate the
idea of a Soviet type of economy and promised in return to ensure the welfare of the
people. Intelligentsia made a tremendous effort to make this idea of "possession of the
masses," and it made his own. And thus immediately apparent generic disease of the
Russian intelligentsia - in its philosophical and economic views it attached exaggerated
importance of distribution to the detriment of production.
S. Frank sees the roots of the "distribution" ideology of the radical intelligentsia
in metaphysics, the loss of religious feeling and enthusiasm for Western mechanicism.
But, as we noted in Chapter 6, referring to the vulnerability of rational thinking, and
this creates a predisposition to autism in pilling. S. Frank wrote: "Social optimism
[intelligentsia] is based on the mechanical-rationalist theory of happiness. The problem
of human happiness is, from this point of view, the problem of the external ordering of
society; as well as happiness is provided by material goods, it has a problem of
distribution. It is necessary to take these benefits have unjustly holding them forever
minorities and deprive him of the opportunity to acquire them, to ensure human well-
being ... If the two forms of human activity - destruction and creation, or struggle and
productive labor - the intelligentsia entirely given only the first, the two fixed assets
acquisition of social benefits (material and spiritual) - namely the distribution and
production - it also recognizes the very first. Like the destruction of the distribution, as
a ready-made mechanical movement of the elements, as opposed to production, in the
sense of artistic creation of the new. "
This is an extreme autism in the economic sphere: distribute (let alone
prihvatyvaya currently more) easily and pleasantly, to produce - it is difficult and
troublesome. And began to fantasize about the distribution, suppressing all production.
Fetishization of the market (distribution mechanism) started in 1988, but before took a
philosophical attack on the very idea of life support as a single productive and
distributive system. You could even say that here it is not even about thinking, and
autistic whole outlook.
C accuracy pathologist reflected this attitude in "Ethics of nihilism" SLFrank. For
the radical intelligentsia "work on building human happiness ... limited to clearing,
eliminating interference, ie destruction. This theory - which, incidentally, usually is not
formulated clearly, but lives in the minds of an unconscious, self-evident and tacitly
implied truth, suggests that progress does not require actually no Creator of CTBA or
positive on the structure and requires only a withdrawal and destruction of opposing
external barriers ".
The paradoxical nature of autistic thinking is that it makes possible the belief in
the opposite, incompatible and mutually exclusive fantasy. Perestroika gave to the net,
directly to textbook examples. The desire to organize capitalism in the USSR was
combined wonderfully with the dream of "deprivation of privileges," the full social
justice and even uravnitelstve. Sometimes deny each other theses followed each other
just in one paragraph. Sometimes that article on environmental issues writer was
indignant that the drying Aral Sea - and at the same time cursed project Swapping in
Central Asia of the northern rivers.
The creator of the doctrine of autism E.Bleyler writes: "We should not be surprised
that autism uses the first available material thoughts, even erroneous, that it constantly
operates with insufficient thought-out concepts and puts in place the concept another
one having an objective consideration of a secondary common components with the
first, so that the ideas expressed in the most risky symbols. "
Wade through the traps risky characters people hard. You read party program -
which is not only nakrucheno. Here the "Congress of Russian Communities". What are
its goals? Creating a civil society! But this - the antithesis of the community, especially
Russian. Civil society and community are incompatible, like ice and fire. This program
- the fruit of autistic thinking.
And to take such "risky characters", as the market or democracy. In the mass of
people ideologues have created the most perverse, internally contradictory idea of these
concepts, it is not compatible either with the reality of the societies from which they
were taken, nor with the reality of Russia. Why are they grafted in our soil, destroying
any coherent social thought? Because the first people were able to drive into a corridor
in which autistic thinking patterns prevail over common sense. And people build in
their imagination and fantastic images of the market and democracy.
E.Bleyler continues: "It is amazing also how autism can ignore the time
relationship. It mixes unceremoniously present, past and future. It still living
aspirations liquidated for consciousness decades ago; memories that have long been
unavailable realistic thinking, use them as recent, maybe they even preferred, as they
are less hampered by controversy with relevance ... It goes without saying that autism,
which shows our desire to exercise, should lead to conflict with the environment. "
Watching what happened the last ten years in the public consciousness, sometimes
come to the wild ideas that are witnessing an enormous malicious government
campaign aimed at clouding the mind a large part of the population. People are
convinced that in order to overcome the disaster rolls needed no effort of the mind,
body and soul, and a few magic words that would be caused from historical oblivion
mystical powers, once giving a great boon for the present and the future. And good,
just taken from other contemporaries.
One of the most absurd fantasies of this kind has been rapid and utopian revival
of class claims. From nowhere, Moscow was filled with nobles, and even descendants
of the counts and princes. There were competing noble assembly, the search for
pedigrees, singers zagnusavili about any Lieutenant Golitsyn - all under the banner of
democracy. And under the cries that the Bolsheviks were all destroyed the nobility, and
the remnants of their ( "Two million!") Went abroad. And even somehow embarrassed
to recall this great children that in 1917 all the nobles, including the inhabitants of doss
houses, 1.4 million people were in Russia. And most of those who survived - normal
people, and it does not occur to haul in our time, these last remaining Estates attributes.
But this movement of "new nobility", though looks grotesque, yet harmless. It is
unlikely that they will be seriously demand the restoration of serfdom (though because
if you look, such as the anti-communists, A. Yakovlev and Mikhail Ulyanov have to
go to Psari to come from Communist aristocracy Sevenard). But a handful of inflated
intellectuals together with politicians and gangsters campaign for the rights of
"repressed peoples" has generated a lot of blood. Thirty years lived peacefully returning
from exile Ingush side by side with Ossetians. And then they started all the power of
the ideological machinery to convince that they - the people, the victim and are entitled
to some compensation unthinkable by neighbors. And the damage that has already
suffered two people because of the absurd collision, a thousand times surpassed the
expected payoff that drew imagination.
The massive shift from realistic thinking and autistic notice was not easy even for
those who this shift was not affected. Unlike schizophrenia, which operates explicitly
detached from the reality of the images and detects the absence of logic, autism as
E.Bleyler notes, "it does not neglect the concepts and relationships that are given to
experience, but he uses them only insofar as they are not contrary to its purpose ie
image unfulfilled desires as an exercise; that he was not fit, he ignores or discards. " In
other words, autism replaces reality model, but this model is its logical and even
respectable. She recalled the construction of a scientist, and it is attractive to
intellectuals than realistic, covering the unpleasant aspects of reality, thinking "cook."
By the way, a typical autistic thinking permeated speech at the Supreme Soviet of the
USSR Academician Andrei Sakharov.
The shift to autistic thinking in our society was "organized" by means of
manipulation of consciousness. It was promoted and general crisis, always pushing to
autism as a possible escape from the terrible reality. Psychologists fairly well studied
stages of development, from early childhood, the two branches of thought and found
that starting from a certain age of realistic thinking becomes more developed, more
complex structure. With a total violation of the psyche under the influence of crises and
social catastrophes realistic function is affected, as a rule, stronger.
E.Bleyler explains: "Realistic thinking does not work with only one innate ability
(" intelligence "), but also with the functions that are acquired through experience and
exercise. As practice shows, such functions can be much more easily broken than those
laid down in the body. Quite different is the case with the mechanisms used by autism.
They are natural. Affects, have a desire from the beginning for our spiritual life the
same effect, which controls and autistic thinking. "
Thus, the Russian public consciousness under the blows of the crisis is suffering,
experiencing illness. Those politicians and ideologues, who, in their view aggravated
illness, use it for manipulation and deceit, taking on a very great sin.
For example, here, I will not spare the place, an eloquent document - the interview
is very typical of the active worker of the restructuring and reform of the technical
intelligentsia, socialist, fell in love with the market, and who had gone into politics, to
destroy the hated
'System'. In a revolutionary way of thinking, it is a striking, almost grotesque way
confirms the diagnosis and S. Frank, and E.Bleylera. Autism affects his reasoning so
that it becomes scary. After all, a person who was close to the authorities. Get a grasp
of his statements about such concepts as a country, a people well-being. The trouble
with Russia, it turns out that "small retail space." Text taken from the stenographic
record interviews with prominent figures of the restructuring and reform, collected in
1994 by the Institute of Sociology 23 0 . I cut it by removing prolixity, but does not
distort the meaning of the responses.

"January 4, 1994 Interviewer - Lapina GP

Filippov, Peter S. - Member of the Presidential Council, the head of the Analytical
Center of the Presidential Administration socio-economic policy, co-chairman of the
Republican Party of Russia, Vice-President of the All-Russia Association of Privatized
and Private Enterprises.

Brief biographical information . Born in 1945 in Odessa in the family of a military

sailor. In 1962 he graduated from high school and enrolled in the Leningrad Institute
of Aviation Instrument Engineering and graduated in 1967 with a degree in radio
engineer. He worked in association Lenelektronmash on the creation of automated
control systems, head of the laboratory at the Kirov plant in Leningrad. In 1970 he
entered the graduate school of the Leningrad Shipbuilding Institute with a degree in
economics and organization of shipbuilding production. After her graduation in 1974,
he headed the department of automated control systems of the plant material handling
equipment Kirov.
From 1975 to 1985. He was in the "inner emigration" - worked as a mechanic in
the truck fleet, allowing the spare time to write "on the table" article on how to radical
reform of the Soviet political and economic system. In the years he has created a
workshop to explore possible ways to reform. The participants then joined together in
a partnership for the joint cultivation of land "Last Hope", part of the proceeds of which
were sent to the financial support of the reformers in the elections in 1989-90.
After Gorbachev came to power in 1985, he came out of the "shadow" and engaged
in political activity. In 1987 he began to work in the most popular economic magazine
"ECO" (Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR) as a scientific
editor, which allowed him to use the network of clubs "Friends of the magazine ECO"
for the consolidation of reform supporters. Peter Filippov became together with Gaidar
and Chubais organizer club "Perestroika", which became the alma mater for many
democratic organizations. He stood at the origins of the movement
"Democratic Russia" and the Republican Party of Russia, and now - a member of
their governing bodies.
One of the aspects of the activities of Peter Filippov is a large-scale propaganda
among the population of ideas of democracy and economic reform. He created the first
in St. Petersburg private newspaper democratic trend "Nevsky Courier" published a
series of popular brochures "Norma" for legislation in the field of entrepreneurship,
privatization, banking. On the eve of the April 1993 referendum, Peter Filippov was
the author and organizer of the grand campaign to spread among the inhabitants of
Russia 6 million. Copies. Wall pictorial calendars that promote economic reform made
by the producer and screenwriter 9 short TV films on the topic of market reform and
In 1990 he was elected deputy of the RSFSR and the deputy of the Leningrad City
Council. He joined the Group-market economists, carrying out economic reform in
Russia. In 1991 he participated in the development of property laws and
6. Good luck in the fact that the Institute of Sociology report sold in raw form
(not cheap) - all have told that "figures". The book, published in late 1995, they
edited the interview. Today, of course, such revelations from the reformers did not
hear - winning excitement subsided, and they say circumspect.
led working groups on the development of the privatization laws on joint stock
companies, on partnerships. Until April 30, 1993 was the chairman of the
subcommittee on the privatization of the Committee on Economic Reform and the
Supreme Council of Russian property.
In the fall of 1992 initiated the creation Vsero ssiyskoy Association of Privatized
and Private Enterprises, headed by its organizing committee. In February 1993, the
president of this association became Gaidar, a vice president P.Filippov. In February
1993 he was appointed head of the Analytical Center of the Presidential Administration
on the socio-economic policy.

Q: On the history of the situation in Russia.

A: What was that? I mean, that meant command and administrative system for the
common man? It was the relationship on the thesis: "I head - you're a fool, you are the
chief - I'm a fool." The economy is not working for the result, and a report on a report
on the execution of the plan. The economy is like a man, the patient severe form of
multiple sclerosis. All economic vessels were "clogged" resources. But even among the
bureaucracy he cherished the hope that maybe we can pass on these public-distribution
relations to relations based on private property, on the property of a citizen not only in
his country house and a car, but also something more.
Q: Why is the bureaucracy?
A: The director of the state enterprise - just an employee at any time can get an
order of dismissal. And so the transition to the relations of private property, when no
one can deprive a person of his shares of the enterprise or of the land on which it is
located the ranch seemed attractive. And it really is more attractive ... So, I have not
seen among these people (directors of enterprises) great revolutionaries, ie people who
would be willing to put lives for the sake of change of ownership in the community.
This is done by other people - commoners (as I call them): engineers, lawyers and other
intellectuals ...
Q: Why are you?
A: And I? This ideological considerations ... I realized that we can not go on, you
need to change something and sat down to write a book with the traditional Russian
name "What?", In which he tried to reconcile the irreconcilable. I was still a prisoner
of the socialist ideas of socialism, they say, eaten into the flesh and blood. But, on the
other hand, wanted to market! And as a result I have obtained a socialist market with a
human face. An example for me was Yugoslavia ... I went to work as a mechanic in the
fleet - "into the inner emigration" - and went on to write his book, organized seminars,
as well as earn money for the future revolution. In 1975, we have created a cooperative,
rather a partnership for the joint cultivation of land "Last Hope": we are there grown
sprouts and tulips. The money we needed for printing and other needs ...
Q: And the slogan of your revolution?
A: Change the world! Rebuild the country.
Q: Revolution project was appreciated?
A: Yes, so to speak. But let us return to the beginning. In 1985 - early 1986. it
became clear that there are any significant changes in our country. So I got out of my
"Inner emigration," and went on to establish Russia turnout. So I made friends with so
many people ... For example, when I was convinced that no one is going to write the
law on privatization, I wrote it myself ... and with great difficulty pulled the law through
the Supreme Council: so we the privatization. I spent a law on private property ...
Q: Well, there are these laws?
A: The Law on Privatization, thank God, acts! That's all they see, even on TV ...
Yegor Gaidar - a good man, but he sat down on the bench, we amassed for him from
the laws enacted six months before he became acting prime minister. Well, and who to
include, for example, me? I - raznochinets, radio engineer, who became interested in
the economy. These are, as I have done this reform ...
Q: They [commoners], therefore, is a leading core?
Oh yeah. Well, look, Sobchak - who? Candidate of Legal Sciences, came and
began to engage in political activity. Poltoranin (how would you treat him any) - who?
Neutral journalist came and, in fact, engaged in the destruction of the communist
system. After all, its main function - not a journalist, and political, right?
Q: Peter S., and your main task is still in what was? In fact only to destroy the
Soviet system, or something concrete to build in its place?
A: Well, what it means to destroy? I've listed that did - is not this building?
Q: In part, yes. You like to lay the legislative foundation, which is still ...
A: It works, it is already working. And how! Here you are - a shareholder? No?
Surprisingly, now all shareholders, all of me, who vouchers who have money, who is
that ... people on the basis of this legislative foundation to create, build and will create
enterprises, to improve their standard of living, as well as their fellow citizens. Back in
1991, I created the first private newspaper in St. Petersburg - "Nevsky Courier". All
the other newspapers were the then government, and we had a private and we could
use it to dramatically affect the development of public opinion in the city (and later in
Moscow), create conditions for more democracy. To open a newspaper, we are united
in a joint stock company, which still exists today (my colleagues working there),
publishes books, calendars, brochures and so forth ... Another thing is that the
competition is not enough, and our product market was breaking as in Gothenburg or
other countries ...
Q: If he was breaking at times, it was only on imported goods ...
A: Well, what's so surprising, if the country is 80% of its production capacity spent
on the production of tanks and machine tools .... Another thing, of course, that money
became a problem. However, our people - the people are very kind: he wants to, and
the money was, and goods. It does not happen!
Q: From what you say and how to act, it is clear that you represent a person
"western stock" - individuality, tends to self-sufficiency, are not inclined to fully
comply with collective action. You are what is called "per se". You will not deny this
obvious fact?
A: Of course, I'll never be the representative of the "flock of sheep" .. But the
people is what it is!. Do not worry - survive and loneliness ... But guys, thank God, and
are ready to grow in glass washing machines, but get paid for it! Others - those who are
more intelligent - ready to pore over the language of science, but also - to receive, to
live with dignity! I do not understand how it is - do not want to have their yachts not
want to travel the world, to fly on airplanes, ride on cars? A woman who does not know
how to drive a car, have not the woman for me!
Q: Did you not obvious that a very large part of the population is not for you, it
(this part) seeking some other way, no matter how it is called the "national", "Russian",
A: Of course, then we have to continue to talk about the features of our society.
We have mentioned such features as "inert", but there are others: "egalitarianism",
"hatred to the authorities, even the elected", "hatred of the rich; the belief that a rich
man can be rich only through theft or any other improper action, "" envy - even if I
have a cow dies, and my neighbor, too ... "This egalitarian belief system that does not
have a personal interest, competition, condemns people to poverty. Historically, it was
replaced by a different ethic, based on competition, private property ... In Russia, this
process was. There were people who, together with their families left the clan, tribe -
themselves (and became "monsters") or were forced tribe (and become "outcasts") and
settled separately. But clinging to the old, and a man not accustomed to, not able to
work ( "seryatinka") grabs the surge mechanism, and requires that all collected and
equally shared. Old clings, but it must be overcome.
In: S. Peter, you can not seriously argue that our population does not work and has
never worked. Well, take, for example, their roditeley- I suppose, they have worked all
my life ...
A: Artel "wasted effort" ...
Q: But people, I emphasize, worked hard, and something, I dare say, was built.
A: Yes, the money buried in the ground, buried ... We built the BAM, the channel
Volga-Chogray, useless.
Q: Whatever you claimed, but a lot of that was in the country, and the country had a
large ... A: What was, is and remains.
B: No, not even from this side is not - has decreased.
A: And here it is. People who lived in Kazakhstan still live there? Who where he
lived, where he lives.
Q: However, if we return to the present day, is not so simple, as you say. If in the
course of the reforms would be clear that it is better to become the best workers, it
would be one thing. Unfortunately, it is impossible to ascertain.
A: It's natural. In our economy, the bottleneck - a trade: we have three times less
commercial space than, for example, in Japan. We are still working and working. Do
you want to live well - be engaged in trade. It is socially useful activity. And so it will
be as long as there is a shortage of retail space and, even more precisely, we have a
deficit of merchants.
Q: And how do you think, can we rely on the "soft" forms of social transformation?
Without any major social upheaval?
A: Are not we have them?
Q: Well, how - after all the October events have taken place? A: Yes, there is nothing
terrible has been ...
Q: Then I ask you, as the average person: Can you tell us when the country all the
A: What does it mean - is formed, how many degrees? And now everything is
formed. Do we have -
trams do not go?
Q: Well, well. Then the contract, after all, about the groups in society related to
property and power. Put simply, some of these groups are now stronger, officers,
directors, owners?
A: Yes, all of us - officials. Simply, there are officials, reform-oriented - they are
few, very few. A majority of the whole bureaucratic structure lives by distributing ...
Yes, I have them all put to the wall with great pleasure.
Q: It is clear, in the sense of wonder ... "
To this I have nothing to add. Maybe, just to remind you that not everything has
to be taken at face value 23 1 .
Today, no one hardly remembers intellectuals say now about the "middle class."
It is about 15% of the population and absorbs 70% of total revenues in Russia.
Numerous studies of this unusual social formation found in his mind an extreme degree
of autism. By the way, and the type of thinking that the type of people does not belong
to the bourgeoisie - a class of people with a very practical way of thinking. For over
eight years, representatives of the Russian "middle class" in the vast majority of the
surveys evaluate the economic state of the country as "catastrophic." Theme Still, they
believe that in 4-5 years everything will work out, and their future will be secured.
Trying to figure out what is the basis of this belief, do not lead to success. They were
obviously hoping for a miracle (or rather, a whole series of miracles), but will not admit
it. In other words, loss of consciousness deeper than it was the Germans in 1944 - they
were hoping for a miracle weapon, the establishment of which at least declared by
Germany. In Russia, the "middle class" believes in a miracle, which no one promises.
§ 3. Establishment of incoherence (disparate parts of
A person can be guided in the living space and intelligently judge the fact that
some elements of reality correspond to each other and are connected to the system -
they are coherent , comparable.
The ideal order - harmony, when parts of the whole are not only interconnected,
but also "like" each other, for each other in form and behavior. If such a case, we would
have exclaimed:
"Stop a moment, you're beautiful!". But ideals, thank God, are unattainable, and there
are crises - local inconsistencies, breaks ties, so that the whole, doing repairs problems
that may develop. But Russia is not a crisis, we are deeply involved in the disaster zone.
This - the emergence of extensive zones of chaos, which penetrates into the core of the
whole, has been seen in all of its particles. It - suddenly emerged disparate parts, so that
the communication can not and recover.
Remember our Masonic art masterpiece, a film by Karen Shakhnazarov "City
Zero" (Masonic art - not a curse, and genre). In the city of Zero Soviet man, an engineer
seconded Varakina in two accounts ousted from the track and brought to death, putting
in three or four absurd situations (we will talk more about this film).

7. Not for the money raised from the sale of tulips Chubais and Filippov, was
made a "revolution", and in the wake of this "revolution" emerged to power a modest
PhD - many of the same selfless idealists, Philip, and stand in the subway, sell
calendars. Here we worked serious "personnel departments". We are talking here
only about the type of thinking that have (or under which adapt themselves)
The fire in the house - not a disaster, and the crisis. Chaos is localized, it is - in the
burning house designs, and people wielded the ax, dragged buckets of water, endure
things. Parts of the whole comparable with each other - this is the order, although the
emergency. We see a disaster when a fire in the house, and the family sits at the table
to celebrate the name day. Sneeze from the smoke, blinking teary-eyed, but pretend
that nothing had happened - and the mother, observing mode, even tries to lay
screaming baby to sleep in the cradle directly under a burning beam.
In this house we live. 1999. In light of the Maly Theatre, gilding. Berezovsky,
having saved up money, giving their culture - each Coryphaeus 50 thousand dollars.
Fazil Iskander, for the anti-Soviet kakoy- tales that he grind out ten years ago, Yuri
Lyubimov (it too of course). Any even for that - they deserve the award Berezovsky.
Immediately the "red" Deputy Prime Minister for Social Affairs comrade Matvienko.
I admire act patron finally Russian culture is in good hands. A moment on the same TV
screen appears surgeon who asks to give him the salary for September, his honest $ 20
- and that his hands were trembling from hunger, and he's due to lack of doctors has to
do triple the annual rate of operations. Beside this we surgeon deputy prime minister
for social affairs do not see.
These two plot on one television screen under the same smile leads reflect the
absolute incompatibility of parts of our life - the more absurd than the naked secretary
in the plant in the city of Zero. And just the fact that all participants - ministers and
deputies, surgeons and writers Mitkov and its flock - sneeze from the smoke, but
pretend that everything is normal, says that we are entering into a catastrophe. And, for
example, in December 1941, when the Germans pulled artillery to Khimki, disaster
was not, and was just a crisis, from which the matured offensive - because the behavior
of the particles of our whole was then comparable with the phenomena of reality.
What destroys consciousness? General impression, secretly persuaded absurd. In
which the average normal person loses his footing and begins to doubt it in your mind.
If the State Duma, in jackets and ties, walking with serious, worried faces, something
were talking busily, on Christmas day together celebrating the holiday - and do not see
the overall situation is nothing abnormal, so that means I'm not normal?
I remember reading in the newspaper patriotic modeled from May 1 that Russia is
in the vast Third World War. Immediately doorbell - postman with round-eyed respect
brought me a letter marked "Government". Congratulations on the occasion of the
opposition leaders respected by me. It can be seen, I was in some kind of list. I read: "
Let the happiness will come to every home! ". I grab a newspaper again - there is about
the Great Patriotic War. In a head at once there is the image of: dad Kovpak in the
dugout signed a bunch of greeting cards throughout the underground from Putivl to the
Carpathians with a wish of happiness to every home - home and hanged partisan, and
the house of Gauleiter Koch.
Here, in the Duma debate on the adoption of the budget for 1999, read Four - very
meticulous consideration. And no one can say about the incoherence of the budget, that
part of it commensurate. Half of the revenues (.. More than 200 billion rubles) is
directly extracted from the pockets of ordinary citizens - in the form of VAT and import
duties - with the purchase of their meager sustenance. Taxes on profits of enterprises
are small (30 billion. Rub.). It is clear - you do not want to offend Kakha Bendukidze,
and go and take away his taxes, there are dozens of ways to hide their 23 2 .
But why it is so ridiculously small fee for the use of mineral resources (8 bn.
Rub.)? After all, the budget is not seen no other articles through which to "miners" to
charge a fee for our natural resources. Tax on profit is very small, and the excise tax on
gasoline taken from its customers. We know that, leaving the industry and agriculture,
Russia is rich only because it is extracted from the subsoil - gas, oil, metals. All of these
"private company", which is distributed to mines, mines and oil fields, own only
buildings, pipes pumps yes, the contents of the bowels of the privatization was not
subject to it - the property of the nation.
The minerals recovered from the depths of those were realized 300 billion. Dollars
(15 annual budgets), which criminally taken abroad. Why are these great for pumping

8. IRS throws thunderbolts against those who cheat when paying tax on profits -
and pretends he does not know the well-known things: the main way of concealment
of income is the use of in-house transfer pricing. In other words, the formation of a
joint venture company with a foreign company bargains for the right to buy the
materials and equipment are not on the market, and on intra prices. Having such a
right, it imports from abroad materials at prices of hundreds or even thousands of
times higher than the market. So without any tax being withdrawn and taken out all
the profit - and for decency left in sight with gulkin nose. Of course, getting this right
- a matter of great corruption. But our "masters" and do not skimp.
the wealth of our so far belonging to the entire people of the bowels takes such a tiny
fee - $ 350 million? One thousandth of what had just secretly taken away! After taking
this charge, unlike a tax, it is not difficult. Why no one is surprised or even ask? Maybe
I do not understand some simple things and understand everything - and keep silent?
But I, when I can ask someone "competent", this understanding can not see. On the
contrary, over my just think the most simple questions with some concern - and silent.
As if people were given a secret sign - "to look not where lost, and where the light."
And they rummage hands under the lamp. Since it is done sincerely, it is - a sign of
The feeling of hopelessness in the event of severe incoherence arises not from a
specific threat, but from the growing feeling that everyone is involved in some kind of
schizophrenic carnival. For example, in 1999 there was obvious incommensurability
between the deepening crisis and the loss of his reflection in the political sphere. It
seems to be clear that society is split, but what's the split? As he puts it in politics?
Before any choice we stand? What are the alternatives should choose an ordinary
citizen, to decide to support one side or another? Until recently, citizens have at least a
vague illusion of choice. Chubais bastard, that was clear. He pulled us into some kind
of market, which in fact turned out to be full of bluff and deception in which emptied
our pockets, turned into money all that can be sold and taken abroad. But the image of
Chubais gave at least some sense, at least create a soothing sense of the existence of
something else , which means that the availability of ways. Today, it turns out that on
the stone, which we consider a crossroads, and there are no roads! Neither left nor right
nor straight. Back - no, no.
After all, when Chubais people least able to shout: "Give us the change of course!
Give us a change of course! ". Some even spoke of a "government of national trust" or
something like that. The main result of the fact that Yu.D.Maslyukov entered the
government, and Yu.Belov ( "wise man of the Communist Party") called this
government "red", and with this government merged in the hymn of joy almost all can
think of is just that that the common man took away the illusion of the existence of a
choice. No policy to the very extremes do not do it, for the next step - despair.
What turns at a crossroads, which suddenly turned into a point - without paths?
The Russian market was not able to crawl - it is clear to everyone, and it is recognized
as the best market minds like Livshits. At the same time it had disappeared
"antirynochniki" because they are not at gunpoint, threatened not disperse, and vote for
the "Chubais 'budget' in good faith, only tougher - for" Chubais in the square. " The
regime has not changed in essence, suddenly ceased to be anti-people and the
occupation - in sensitive people government, Yeltsin became a kind grandfather and
patriarch blesses everyone, except for the anti-Semites. And the man with horror comes
to the conclusion that all this long battle of giants nothing to do with his life had. The
course was not a market, the opposition was not anti-market. The course led to a total
paralysis - and continues to lead to the same today. And no one has to change, it seems,
is not going to.
Out of habit, we talked about the elections - the State Duma, the president. And
between what and what elections? Behind every cell in the bulletin? If only someone
explained. Who prevents to do something for the salvation of Russia today? Mr. Putin?
Primakov? Zyuganov? Who offers something to do - and he does not give such-and-
such a hurdle? After all, no obstacle is long gone! Full disparity of economic and social
reality and its political design knocks people out of more or less stable system of
coordinates. Such a person is defenseless against manipulation.
With the advent of Putin shizofrenizatsiyu mind firmly took longer and some
opposition newspapers. Newspaper "Tomorrow" on the whole page in the room gave
the series "Project" Putin ", in which rinse the candidate, forgetting all decency,
commemorating his life from the cradle. AT
Number 10 on Putin's childhood reads like this: "The boy has already passed the stage
of formation in the yard flock grew ferocious hatred of those who are better than him."
But its status as a presidential candidate as follows: "Since the cynicism and brutality
Vladimir Putin turned it from an official of the provincial scale in the dictator, with
giblets laid himself to the devil."
Well, let's say. But at the same time the number of "Tomorrow" I bought the app
"Day of Literature", manufactured by the deputy. Chief Editor of "Tomorrow"
Bondarenko. There is also a great article about Vladimir Putin, under the heading
"Arise, great country! ..". Trustingly I read and not believe my eyes: "But now - have
defender. The voice of the people - it is heard, Vladimir Putin! Behind him - the vast
majority of citizens of Russia! He - the rescuer, who - servant of the people, and
o hope. He needs Russia - and Russia has raised it with the exhalation of
relief ... ". Rereading, I think that this is some subtle satire. Again, I read
carefully: "Yes, emotionally open. It inspires confidence at once. A rare smile
- dazzling and naive. No pathos. No theater
stuff. Will. Distinctness. Politeness. Suvorov! Soldier!". And - the ending:
"The way is now clear to Russia - Putin with us! A God - judge! ". Again I read
- maybe there any catch? Can not see. The range of estimates of the same man
from the devil to God - from the same little room, by the same editor. What it
is called pluralism in one head. Ah, gentlemen, comrades, Prokhanov with
Bondarenko, what do you do with the brains of the readers?
Shares for manipulation, for which there is incoherence, a lot. Here is an
example. In late 1998, a large campaign was organized on television against
"anti-Semitism". With curses against "anti-Semites" on screen were called all
available forces - from Akhmadullina Berezovsky to Rostropovich with
Sharansky. The very fact that it has been decided to spend these carefully
produced figures like Barkashov, speaks of the importance that is attached to
the operation 23 3 . We will not delve into the conflict on the merits, we note the
incoherence of reasoning, which is seen as something normal.
Enforcement authorities (head of the administration of President
Bordyuzha and Justice Minister Krasheninnikov) sent to the Communist Party
and the Communist Party faction in the State Duma inquiries about the opinion
of the Party with respect to statements A.M.Makashova and V.I.Ilyuhina. This
is something unprecedented in the secular law. Justice demands that the
parliamentary party to prove that it does not sympathize with a certain secret
vices (anti-Semitism), the definition of justice which itself does not and can
not give. The idea to introduce the practice of the legal clarification of the
presence or absence of any party sympathy saying there is a legal absurdity,
which hardly anyone could have expected at the end of the twentieth century,
in a country with still a decent level of culture. Above these vain attempts of
the secret police mocked Saltykov-Shchedrin more than a hundred years ago (
"instead of prosecution in fact - the accusation of sympathy") 23 4 .
None of the Democrats on television did not ask a simple question: under
what legal norms administration official demands from the political party
statements about its relation to an event? What law gives him such power? Will
he continue to interview all parties and about any statements that something
was not pleasant to the administration? It will act in the principle of reciprocity,
so that the political parties will be able to demand from the president to report
on its relation to the statements of politicians and officials? For example,
statements about B.A.Berezovskogo. If this initiative is successful, in Russia
to create a completely absurd political situation.
V.I.Ilyuhin A.M.Makashov and did not violate the law, they were not
charged with the prosecutor's office is no charge, and the more a violation of
the law has not been established by a court. Thus, the administration was
displeased with statements lying in a field of ideology and ethics . But these
areas do not belong to the competence of the administration. The era of moral
and political unity of society over and on many issues society is split - primarily
in the actions of the regime under the slogan " everything that is not prohibited
by law "
o the slogan under which came to power this regime.
In structure to Mr. Krasheninnikov is absurd. To ask questions about
"Empathy saying," you must first prove in court that the statements contain
A.M.Makashova incompatible with the law of hostile attitudes toward Jews as
a nationality. Philosophical debates - no matter the Minister of Justice. But the
very concept of anti-Semitism is not defined in law and is purely ideological.
Recognize the right of administration arbitrate in such matters - it is a sign of
a totalitarian state. Generally speaking, anti-Semitism ( "dislike of the Jews"),
even if it is proven, is not a violation of the law, because the law does not
prescribe any loving nation - is the realm of ethics. The law restricts the
activities in respect of any nationality, not statements.
That campaign of late 1998 has led to such a scandalous violation of logic
and legal nihilism that even democratic "Nezavisimaya Gazeta" (1/27/99) gave
a certificate of Doctor of Law, a member of the UN Committee on the
Elimination of Racial Discrimination Yu.Reshetova. He reluctantly admitted:
"The position of the US is based on the absolute enshrined in the First
Amendment to the Constitution, freedom of speech and found expression in
the decision of the Supreme Court in 1969 in the case of Brandenburg v. Ohio,
which has precedential value. The decision was confirmed by the right to
publicly call for the deportation of blacks and Jews (in Africa and Israel)

9. The campaign clearly showed the "freedom" of the press and television.
Starting signal for the invisible, she was on the same signal, and as lightning stopped.
This is a compelling feature full manipulability of television from some shady center.

10. Generally, in certain legal systems, it is not recognized as a collective

responsibility of organizations for misconduct of individual members, and lawyers
are well aware.
Only if these calls are not directed to the immediate violence. " What it will say
Krasheninnikov and Ahmadulina? The right to publicly call for the deportation of
Jews - what?
Well, the United States - known racists. They are not a decree Russian democrats.
There France. About her Yu.Reshetov said: "France has made under Article 4 of
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, the statement
that it contains obligations to prohibit the dissemination of racist ideas and
organizations engaged in such propaganda activities contrary to freedom of opinion
and freedom of association. In the same direction, and Australia are the reservations of
Austria, Belgium, Italy and the United Kingdom to the Convention. "
In general, the problem of "anti-Semitism" is making more and more severe
violations in the logic of political discourse not only in Russia. At this point, a paradox
has arisen due to the fact that politicians and the media do not want to give up the myth
of democracy and freedom of opinion. They have, in fact, prohibit certain beliefs,
which is clearly contrary to human rights, but it is willing to do it under the banner of
human rights. There is incoherence, destroying logical thinking 23 5 .
It is difficult, we will get out of this mess.

§ 4. The training challenge: whether economists are

coherent arguments?
The Russian had the plight that is not fraught with the transformation of the
transformation crisis in the development of the crisis. In a society and even in the
medium directly responsible for project professionals there is no dialogue, to agree at
least on the few major issues.
"Dominant minority" (in the sense of Arnold Toynbee) has been able to manipulate the
public consciousness so that intelligent services produced by its concept split the
majority of the many unsustainable without a strong ideological basis groups. These
groups are immersed in light, flowing mutual conflict from which there is no project is
not only positive, but even no rallying opinion.
"Build" company will start only when the struggle will be able to overcome the
set of incompatible "aspirations", suggestion manipulators. When we are at least in
general terms, agree on what we want (or, for a start, what we do not want to), and it is
possible for different versions of the draft. To do this, go to the language that excludes
exhaust ideological cliches and metaphors.
Currently, the language spoken by that group of experts, which is perceived as
"economists", is incoherent . This means that the statements made in the language of
the concepts adopted in this community, do not bind to consistent conclusions.
Accordingly, the statements are incoherent, and politicians, based on economists'
reports. Here, in a programmatic article Putin "Russia", published December 31, 1999,
made three statements:
o " The rapid development of science and technology, advanced
economy cover only a small number of states, which are home to the so-called"
golden billion ".
o " We went to the main road, which is all of humanity ... it has no
alternative ."
o " Every country, including Russia, should find its way to renewal.
We're not very good at it . "
It would not be a problem if we were talking about just political demagogy, or
even thinking about the incoherence of government analysts. The severity of
the situation is that the combination is not admissi- ble Joint Article assertions
and whether common IU stomas entirely his discourse and philosophising
community of economists. Supplying the public consciousness, incoherent
messages certified by the authority of science, economics community itself
becomes one of the most dangerous manipulators and destroyers of this
The current turmoil in Russia is remarkable because the whole of society
as it concluded an unofficial agreement not to put difficult issues - not to
mention how to respond to them. Deputies do not ask such questions to the
government, the voters - to deputies, the readers - the newspaper, etc. And right
would only publicly asked no questions, but it does not seem to do, and

11. This was evident, for example, in February 2000, in an international scandal
because of the fact that Austria joined the government members of the right-wing
party, whose leader, admitted "racist statements". Obviously, this party won their
seats in parliament in democratic elections - these are certainly a large part of the
Austrian persuasion. Israel, the United States and other countries, which repelled
right-wing parties were in full right "not friends" with the poor Austrians. But they
somehow should definitely break with them because
"Commitment to democracy" and nothing else. Here a clear failure in logic, but it
seems to be required for mind control.
loved ones and even to himself. Moreover, questions as a kind of statements were
perceived inadequate - they always hear the hidden desire to "cut" the opponent, and
not to take a step to understanding.
Let's try a mental experiment to put economists question . Questions that would
be formulated very simply and clearly, and without ideological overtones. This will be
a training exercise. Each question Before developing the facts which seem to be
common knowledge.
1. The concept of "continuously appear in the language of
economists, a normal market economy ." All acknowledge that it is not in
Russia. Explanations of the reasons that it is no different. Some refer to the
heavy legacy of the Soviet system, the other - on the mistakes and abuses of
the reformers. From the parameters of a normal market economy , which lead
to its description, and those and others, it follows that we are talking
exclusively about the economy and the countries of that "golden billion", he
wrote about Putin.
The same economists that use the concept of a normal market economy,
recognize that it is - an extremely nonequilibrium system that requires to
maintain a balance of continuous withdrawal of vast resources from the outside
and dumping huge amounts of polluting waste without. This type of farming,
not only can not be extended to all mankind, but can not even continue and
maintained for a long time even in the West (and therefore the "golden billion"
- the global version of National Socialism). This - the conclusions of the Rio-
92, which are not disputed by economists.
Question : What are the grounds on which the Economic Community Russian
economy calls specified normal ?
Take a normal fact that can not be the norm for all, even for a significant
minority - thing is far from harmless. This is not just a company enters into a
profound confusion and hurt thinking, it undermines the fundamental ethical
values (in the subconscious - religious). Perhaps it would be more correct to
call this type of economy
" Economy golden billion ", and then everything would fall into place. Then
economists would surely indicate its position: some would say " crazy, but it
is desirable for the Russian economy ," others - " abnormal and undesirable
for the economy of Russia ", others (few of them) -
" Insane and impossible for the Russian economy" ..
2. While it is not known the reason why economists are almost all
directions (even the Communists) declare the desirability of Russia's market
economy . Therefore reformers criticized not for the incorrect choice of
trajectory ( "trunk road"), but for the wrong choice of technical options and the
pace of change 23 6 .
Thus, implicitly it states that with a good performance and a leisurely
privatization in Russia could build "normal market economy" (or
" The economy of the golden billion "). The few authors who question the very
principle of this opportunity to occupy a marginal position in the community,
and their claims are ignored - they are no one answers. The situation is not
normal: the intellectual community statement on the crucial issue of the choice
of the people and the country are based on the implicit assumption that no one
dares to express clearly, even as a postulate. When the blind lead the blind into
the abyss, it's tragic, but excusable, but then - another case of ...
Question : how economists explain the fact that one of the most authoritative members of
the community did not state with rational arguments and did not even postulated the very
possibility for Russia to organize on its soil type of economy "golden billion"?
Seen as evidence that the adoption of Russian rules of " normal market
economy " (go to the "main path") is meant to include either the kernel or the
number of "outsiders", the space of which the nucleus is organized by
"complementary" economy (for example - Brazil) . We also know that the gap
between the core and the periphery is not declining, but growing, and in the
future, as the F-Zh.Attali put it, "the fate of outsiders is terrible." Projections
of population decline in Russia, which continues to "go on the main road", a
well-known speaker of empirical indicators confirms these predictions over the
past ten years. Thus, economists continue to keep silent about the essence of
the choice can not help but be aware of its consequences.

12. The report D.S.Lvova the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences
said: "There is a growing understanding that in addition to the dismantling of the
planned economy institutions is necessary to form genuine market subjects (on the
basis of both denationalization and privatization) ... Unfortunately, politics has
ruined the essence of things, prevented implementation of gradualist reform options.
In general, from a variety of evasive and vague statements the impression that
economists elite knows that the country will be brought to the outsider status with the
extinction of two thirds of the population. I get over it - but, according to the contract,
"makes it clear" that the public, that it will be introduced in the golden billion. It gives
to understand, but just does not approve because it is very conscientious and can not
lie. If this feeling is true, it means that there was a moral death economists community.
And then do not waste time and energy on its galvanizing and imitation of life. It should
be divided and each part of the building is new, clean and restore the conceptual
apparatus of coherent arguments intended not for manipulation of consciousness, and
to reflect reality.
0. Built-in "normal market economy" even in the position of an outsider
can only be the case if the economy of the country produces the amount of the
surplus product, in excess of a certain minimum level - provides a reasonable
rate of return. In relation to the population of those regions where this level is
not achieved, the concept of " community, which does not make sense to
operate ." In this category fall, for example, many parts of Africa. This does
not make the investment - they are unprofitable . The inhabitants of these
regions can live and even fun, but only within the framework of their own,
natural (hence natural ) farming and their "abnormal" market economy 23 7 .
In Russia, due to geographical, soil and climatic conditions of the surplus
product, and the capitalist rents have always been low. Suffice it to say that in
Russia, due to the vastness of the territory and low population density, transport
costs in the price of the product accounted for 50%, and, for example, transport
costs in foreign trade were 6 times higher than in the US. How does this affect
price, profitability, wages, cost of credit and so on.? I'm sure many are
surprised to learn that the total payment of the peasant labor ( "workday") in
1904 was in Russia is practically the same as in Switzerland. For example, in
the province of Smolensk:. In the county Sychevsky 1.56 RUB 1.47 RUB
Dorogobuzh, Gzhatsk 1.37 rubles and 1.52 rubles in Switzerland... These data
are the AV Chayanov. How so? After all, the welfare of the Russian peasant
and the Swiss were simply incomparable! The fact that Russia - not
Switzerland. Gzhatsk county for six months under the snow, and there are no
cattle farmer to winter cooking swiss cheese. Thus "workdays", for which you
can receive a fee from the farmer Gzhatsk was halved. And the costs - more.
In order to heat the house all winter, it is necessary to spend money, equivalent
to two months of work - at least. With such a "head start", which accumulated
hundreds of years, a Swiss farmer and secured a level of well-being.
On average, the Russian plant biomass yield from 1 hectare to more than
2 times lower than in Western Europe and almost 5 times lower than in the US.
Today, only 5% of agricultural land in Russia have biological productivity at
the level of the average for the United States. If in Ireland and England cattle
grazing almost all year round, the Russian period of stabling 180-212 days.
One-horse peasant household on average could procure only 300 pounds of
hay and productive livestock could not keep. In fact, only one geographical
factor in forcing Russia to accept an economic system is very different from
the west. This is - an inherent factor, and its magnitude is very significant.
Today, in countries with warm climates (in Asia and South America),
there is an excess of skilled labor. Competing in the global labor market
(competing for capital), it has a large staff to the Russian absolute advantage.
In central Russia on heating takes 4 tons of fuel equivalent per person. It is
about 2 thousand. Dollars per family. They are part of the minimum cost of
labor, which in some way must be paid by owner (through wages, taxes or
maintenance of housing and communal services). In the Philippines and in
Brazil this spending is not, and, ceteris paribus a reasonable businessman
would not exploit the Russian worker, while there is a Filipino in the labor
market. But other conditions are not equal, they are also not in favor of Russian.
Question : what grounds were the economists believe that the Russian transition to
"Main path" will not Russian "community, which does not make sense to operate?"

13. At the end of the last century farm in central Russia was unprofitable
(average income of farmers per acre in the European part of Russia was 163 kopecks,
while all fees and taxes of tithes -. 164.1 cop.). However, this economy is allowed to
live 90% of Russia's population. The farmer not only fed, though starving, people, but
also paid a parasite-landlord, and the industrialization of Russia, and the imperial
It is clear that this issue is already directed to those economists who criticized the
reformers because they "promised to take us to Sweden, and lead in Bangla Desh." The
assertion that we are in Bangladesh, also requires justification. What shows that we are
there? Does Bangladesh population is dying?
Optimistic opposition criticism, confident that Russia wants to make a raw
material appendage, and Russian - external proletariat of the West, largely based on
estimates of the quality of the workforce and the technological infrastructure of the
Soviet Union. These estimates are already largely illusory, for ten years, there was a
deep deskilling workers and a new generation of young people with high aspirations
and destroyed work ethic. Who Russia today can throw the global labor market? On
infrastructure and can not speak, she was ten years without getting money even for
simple reproduction, it begins to crumble. Instead of a new cycle of renovation of
production facilities, which was to begin from mid-80s, it began destructive "reform",
which led to a complete failure of the technical re-equipment industry of Russia (Fig.
0. In the course of privatization it was not expressed a clear economic
arguments to support the claim that private enterprise in Russia will be more
effective than the undertakings included in the planning system. It is claimed
as a postulate, based on political power and television. Since its privatization
eight years have passed, and it would be possible to assess the privatization on
the basis of experimental data. This assessment clearly was not done. Praise
the privatization of a purely ideological nature (go to the "main path"). Critics
exposed private performance defects ( "landslide", "voucher"
"Nomenclature", etc.).
Meanwhile, in Russia, there is a large industry that has a reliable market
and no shortage of resources - the oil industry. There arose large companies (
"effective owner"), shares of liquidity, there are "strategic investors", etc. In
other words, there was no big noise the fact that privatization has shown the
magical effect in the growth of the absolute and measurable performance
indicator - labor productivity.
Results are as follows: in 1988 per worker employed in the oil industry,
had 4.3 tonnes of crude oil, and in 1998 - 1.05 thousand tons (it can be seen
from Figure 6)..... Thus, in spite of the significant technical progress that has
taken place in the industry over a decade, the transformation of large state
concern into a conglomerate of private enterprises has led to a drop in the main
indicator of the efficiency of more than 4 times!
Question : why economists supporting the tremendous variation in size of the entire
economy, leaving about a general and fundamental analysis and evaluation of the results of this
Today, the most prominent economists argue that what is happening in
Russia is normal that everything is as it should be and that they foresaw the
current results. But in this case the community of economists would have to
raise the question of the professional liability of these figures, as in 1990-1991.
no warning was not made public. Default worse than a mistake.
1. energy production is declining rapidly in Russia and exports increase.
It talked about the plans for the construction of new large pipelines for export.
In 1998, it produced 294 million. Tons of oil and exported to non-CIS 112
million. Tons of crude oil and 58 million. Tons of petroleum products. When
the depth of crude oil processing 65% (1998), these poshedshie to export
petroleum products were made from 90 mln. Tons of crude oil. That is to say,
oil exports amounted to 201 million. Tons, which accounted for 69% of
production (in the USSR export does not exceed 20% at the production level,
twice more than it is today).
Energy, metals and mineral fertilizers (which can also be considered a
materialized energy) are the main export items required for servicing of foreign
debt. The debt that is growing and opportunities to reduce energy exports
therefore not expected. Thus, for Russian domestic consumption remains small
and steadily declining amount of oil. In 1990 in the USSR in the country was
1.48 tons per inhabitant in 1998 in the Russian Federation is 0.7 tons per
inhabitant. production growth prospects for small, because since the late 80-
ies of the deep exploratory drilling for oil and gas was reduced by 1998 by
more than 5 times (while drilling in other mineral resources - 30 times).
Moreover, in Russia there was a shift in the consumption of petroleum
products from the production area due to a sharp rise in the number of private
cars (three times since 1985). A strategic concept economists assume further
flow of energy from the sphere of production in the sphere of
consumption in accordance with the plans of mass motorization (as
mentioned in § 4, Ch. 20).
Question : on the basis of a possible revival of the energy economy and the growth of
production in Russia, provided the establishment in her "normal market economy"?
Energy - production factor absolute . From the Society of economists hear
that the way out of the crisis - to technical and apparently minor changes
(increasing the money supply, tax cuts, the difficulty of export of currency
"shuttles", etc.).
2. Both the state and the economy as a whole is very difficult even seek
funds to cover the most urgent and immediate expenses. However, economists
are vying to indicate the sources of funds that will not only be able to solve
immediate problems, but also to pay the renewal and growth of production 23 8
. This has never given a clear comparison of the real magnitude of these sources
and the losses that the economy has suffered over the years of reform and that
it is necessary to compensate. There is a feeling that there is an urgent
Simple calculations show that, compared with the means that Russia has lost due
to the destruction of the production system retrieves all of these sources of income -
crumbs. Undermine the foundations of the productive capacity. Thus, in recent years,
investment in the village about once every 100 less than they were in 1988, and since
that time invested, only to maintain a stable production with a slight increase. Loses
fertile soil without fertilizer, finished off appliances, cut half of the cattle (Fig. 7-9) 23 9
. A navy? But pipelines that have not been repaired ten years? But industry and power
plants? Huge amounts of money to be invested to restore the quality of the labor force
- only to have the power to bring people up to the minimum acceptable level in the
climatic conditions in Russia, it would take the cost of the order of 5% of GDP, or a
third of the state budget.
Question: why economists do not discuss among themselves and do not represent the public
calculated the amounts required to under the "normal market economy" lead Russia at least for a starting
position for economic growth?
This calculation, though simple and rough, it is necessary to ensure that citizens
can reasonably judge the political agenda and to ponder alternatives. Unaware of the
situation in which the country and its main life support systems, as well as the potential
resources available to it, society as a whole becomes an object of manipulation. To a
large extent the responsibility for this lies with the community of economists.

§ 5. Loss of measures and incoherence of thought

"Truth" on September 21, 1999 paid nearly half a page of a letter K.V.Avdeeva
(62 years, retired, with higher education) under the heading "May on the site of Russia
formed a bottomless ocean." This man, they say, hate Russia, and the opposition it is
important to understand how this could happen. Abstracts his letters well indicate
which blocks are disabled by prolonged consciousness "brainwashing." There is such
a smart design that the part can not believe. It comes to mind that it is - a provocation.
Sit umnen'kiye young people and scribbling pathetic nonsense that broadcast in
opposition newspapers, they are upset and with great fervor and profound begin to
argue. A umnen'kiye read and laugh: how cleverly they had "freezed" Russian
communists and patriots. Such cases are known, but, as it turned out, the existence
Avdeeva - true fact, and a letter

14. Source of funds, which sometimes indicate - the nationalization of lucrative

production and the formation of "national dividend". This is - a strange thesis.
Private equity unprofitable production lead can not, therefore, all industries being
left to private traders, would simply collapsed. In addition, the amount of funds that
the state receives from the nationalization of these sectors will still be very small. It is
only the amount of hidden taxes and excessive personal income owners. But it is
possible to appoint the directors and the public, both in RAO UES, the salaries of 20
thousand dollars a month, and all profits will go to this. If the state does not change,
and the nationalization of little effect.

15. Over the years, the reform of Russian agriculture received less almost one
million tractors. Today tractor
"Belarus" (MT-80) is from 10 to 20 thousand. Dollars, and the price of high-power
tractors all extraordinary. So, just to restore the level of the 80s to equip tractors,
need about 10-20 billion dollars -. Almost the entire annual budget in 1999 only
tractors! And it will be restored and technical base, which were collective farms and
farmers for normal operation should be ten times more tractors than collective.
Hence, 100-200 bln. Dollars only need to create a normal tractor. And the fertilizer?
And harvesters and trucks?
its true. And his statements are of general importance, and they are well represented in
the political and in everyday conversations. So that we can use it as an abstract learning
This is the ending letter Avdeeva, "I inform her address. Phone no. Just as in the
notorious communist times: estate passed, and the rest is aby-anyhow so somehow. "
Who today would say in his right mind, that we " all in communist times"? And
where is the "neighborhood" where retired distribute apartments - but they are unhappy
with what is still no phone? It is also strange that the word "notorious communism"
says the man, through the passage reminding to Marx and Lenin ( "Lenin - the child of
humanity, the best of the best of its sons"). it
o incoherence.
Much space is given in a letter Avdeeva curses against the Soviet space program.
With her, he relates his troubles, and it is - one of the ideas embedded in the public
consciousness. He makes it clear that very much needs and lives from the garden: "And
I, an elderly man, harnessed to a plow and drag him Intermedia beds. And this despite
the rockets! ". Harnessed to the plow ... Where it took Avdeev? As he vpryagsya it?
Who is the plow? Why did he drags his "Intermedia beds?" And most importantly,
where are the rocket?
Avdeev links them with a plow as "over the hill" there is no rocket, but any
gardener little motor behind him, and he them "propashet garden." Why he took that
"over the hill" there is no missiles? What fell on Serbia and Iraq? And what is this
wonderful little motor that theirs is a farmer retired behind (why not in his waistcoat
pocket?). Suppose Avdeev not been for the "hill" and did not see how there work in the
gardens. But all that is wonderful there, we are now trying to foist on every corner, TV
commercials all ears buzzed. Why Avdeev not afford to buy a motor instead of the
Russian plow? How can he prevent the rocket? It seems he decided that "over the hill",
these motors pensioners handed out free of charge.
And "life" Avdeeva arguments against Russian (and especially the USSR) as
incoherent. No wonder he always remembers the "Philosophical Letter" Chaadaev,
which of these letters it is reasonable to put in a lunatic asylum. The main conclusion
Avdeeva is to ensure that Russia should not be love, but the arguments do not relate to
any side problems of love for Russia - the logic is broken. He writes that his grandson
bought a bike, and it "shattered brake plate on the back of a fork. But there is a rocket.
" Well, some shattered plate (rubber pad, or something). Put into place and secure the
better - but, it would seem, at what here a rocket? No, Avdeev sure that it's the trouble:
"We made a rocket. What for? Answer me intelligibly - why? Defense and Homeland
defense does not count. " Well, if it is the defense of the Fatherland is out, then the
answer can not be intelligibly - do not understand.
Here is the second group of reasons - the lack of this or this: "And for the love that
[Russia]? Even in Soviet times, I wanted to buy chess. They sink into the ground. "
More ridiculous example you can not come up with. Chess in the USSR was not! Only
nomenclature managed to play 24 0 .
Read on: "For the love that when you go to the salary for the Director, for the
apartment - the director ...?". How this fell "Avdeyev"? All Soviet people were paid in
cash accounts, and turn on habitation was in charge of the trade union committee. And
here the director? But even if all that kept the director - what's the difference? The main
thing is that the salary paid and the apartments were given. And where is the love,
where is the logic? Logically Avdeeva, love should be the country where no directors.
Where such countries? After all, even in private firms are sitting director. And the
apartments, as well as motors, do not need to ask, and to buy.
The next motive - benefits superiors, and the Soviet-style benefits, rather than a
salary of 22 thousand dollars at current officials. It's amazing how much hammered the
electrode into the brain pensioners - it's ten years as there is no Soviet nomenklatura,
and the benefits it is still not allowed to sleep. Avdeyev writes: "France allows only
five people in the government have a company car." Why this nonsense? The late
flowers or some Bovin blurted out in the years of perestroika? But the main thing - that
he wants to say Avdeev? Apparently, it hints that ministers in France, lived much more
modest than in the USSR. But this idea is simply absurd.
Many remember how in 1991 the democrats hounded Marshal, who bought the
garden with service decommissioned refrigerators "ZIL" release in 1977 of 28 rubles.
(At the price of a new refrigerator 300 rub.). Soviet Marshal - Minister of higher (in the
Soviet Union was just 30 marshals). In France, the minister for such things as the
refrigerator, do not think. For him, the minimum noteworthy
16. When people talk about matters such as love or dislike for Russia, for some
reason they begin to flirt: "This country can not love a sober person, not an
employee, not a farmer, and a fool, as I have," - says Avdeev. I say, and the worker,
and a farmer, and does not drink, but - a fool, I love Russia. A child 62 years - that's
the tragedy of Russia.
problem - the purchase of villas, yachts or a stake in a large bank. And in general, what
is the connection between the life of the minister and the love of country? There is no
connection there. Even Hitler ate meat, this was modest. Logically Avdeeva, we must
love it for the Third Reich?
The trouble is that many intellectuals logic as broken as that Avdeev. They take
the inconveniences , often negligible ( "gum bounced, chess did not deliver"), and make
him ridiculous, but it is extremely important conclusions: "let Russia in place will the
ocean." Dostoevsky wrote about this "underground man", let the whole world into the
abyss of collapse, but he was handed a cup of tea time.
How there is this incommensurability , when a person loses the ability to weigh
in the scales of true dignity and inconvenience? After Avdeev know that "chess is not
delivered", but players in the USSR, and it was a lot of them, and they were the best in
the world. He had to take both of these things together. Here is the first weakness
inherent in the very, very much: exaggeration inconvenience. Avdeyev writes:
"Brezhnev went to the Kremlin - overlap the roads in the district, there are hours of
heavy vehicles." Reflect, and see what a monstrous exaggeration. Never cover " all "
of the road - why? In Brezhnev Kremlin Moscow from any point on the force arrives
in 15 minutes, so that they could not "heavy trucks" to stand for hours. Brezhnev did
not ridden a bike as President of Finland (Avdeyev convinced that the President of
Finland went on a bike, because the "sorry state funds for gasoline" - whether this
idiocy going to believe?).
With the loss of the primitive sense of proportion begins in the mind of the process
leading to the incommensurable philosophical. Avdeev tightens Marx: "There is a law:
being determines consciousness." Yes, being, perhaps, defines, but you, "retired from
the Underground", of being not say a word, you speak only about the way of life . You
want to stab us that "King sat Tupolev sat." Have thought of such a thing: Korolyov
sat, and then with a love for the country built that same rocket, which you curse. Why
is this? Because for him the being was higher life, he had a healthy ability to weigh the
true phenomenon.
Avdeev confirmed, as it were universally valid installation "should be unwound
from this country." When the country's devastation, chaos and danger, the emergence
of a lot of people who want to
"Slip away from this country" should not be surprising. And there is nothing to blow
up give it kakoe- the philosophical justification to disturb the poor Chaadaeva. Look
how many during the war by the Germans crawled policemen. Many of them were
sincere patriots - but its skin is more expensive. However, a sick man to consider
himself a bastard, and he was looking for an explanation. Ah, Tupolev hurt - so I'm
going to serve the Germans. This naive tricks.
In the sidebar to the article "The Truth" focuses on ethics, saying that if so refer to
the Homeland well? This is mistake. No Avdeeva have no ideals of the problem and a
problem of loss of logic. Where he's going to "wind up" (though not themselves have
meaning and some generalized "plowman")? Maybe in Bangla Desh? It, too, "over the
hill". No, clearly not in Bangla Desh - he would be there behind motor of not received,
and even a shovel could not dig because it would have been barefoot. Wooden plow to
picking "Intermedia beds." Avdeev somehow convinced that "reel" it is intended to
Paris or Chicago. Suppose it to be allowed, and he was even able to buy there and chess,
and umbrella wife. Why is it empty, and a resident of Bangla Desh is not allowed, and
even shooting at the border if he tries to make his way secretly? Maybe Avdeev on the
nature of such a valuable frame? No, not by nature. He made such a society - or else he
would be crawling on all fours as children raised by wolves. If someone from the
Russian allowed today in Chicago that they are there "plowed", it is only because we
had the Queen, which made missiles and forced Avdeev twist nuts. And Avdeyev
learned it, thereby acquiring a value for Chicago, which is not a resident of Bangla
Desh. This value provided Avdeev
"Notorious communist times." But he really did not understand - because the split mind.
There is a small problem. Avdeev not only wanted to "umotala of this country",
but also wants emerged bottomless ocean after his departure to the place of Russia - to
Russia disappeared from the face of the earth. This desire is not justified by any
incoherence. Do not love Russia - the right of any Avdeeva, love can not be. To go -
too right, although with an admixture of theft, if the leave is not calculated. But to go
and much to the death of all those who remain and no evil Avdeev did - setting kooky
misanthrope. However, this is a topic for the future of Dostoevsky.

Chapter 19. Disabling memory and morality

§ 1. Historical Memory

As has been said, the elimination of the consciousness of the stabilizing block
traditions dramatically increases vulnerability to manipulation. Equally important is a
more systematic and off
"Rational" knowledge - historical memory . In this memory incorporated information
and symbols that connect people in society and ensure the presence of a common
language and a stable communication channels.

In times of social crisis the destruction of historical memory is carried out as a

targeted program of political forces. That brought me recently buddy curious children's
book - from comics to our democratic ideologues took over from the Americans.
Circulation - 1 million copies.! Wow reach our audience of children. He brought it to
me because it is called "Epic Rus", and on the cover depicts the battle of Ilya Muromets
to Kara-Murza. Further, under the picture caption explaining: "Departed here towards
Ilya main Tatar poedinschik - hero Kara-Murza, he cried as the thunder boomed." My,
or something, ancestor? Look book - nice colorful drawings, the children will be happy.
What kind of truth according to the author of this edition? I read and I can not believe.
Go to Russia Tatars, and to meet them Ilya Muromets. Leaves Kara-Murza, Tatar
warrior, scary as hell. It began the great battle, Ilya Muromets, thank God, Kara-Murza
defeated, his head compartment, and the Tatars fled. Threat to Russia passed.

What is it - a harmless children's book? If so. It - Crafted for the money instrument
for the destruction of the historical memory of Russian people is a tender age, she has
not yet matured in the child's mind. That nonsense that a child will perceive from this
beautiful book, then do not knock out any teacher (and his books already published on
the same amount of money that this book), nor the academician Rybakov, nor
Alexander Blok or Pushkin. And if they will beat out, then with great difficulty.

Hard to believe that the author of this book, the artist and the editors are not aware
that the epic about Ilya Muromets developed in the late tenth century, when the Tatars
as a people still did not exist. What relics of Ilya Muromets found, according to legend,
the cave in the city in the XI century, are stored in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, based on
this cave. For descriptions of the transfer deed of Elijah in the XIII century - the
desecration of the memory of the saint, undermining one of the pillars of our national
consciousness (even if we are on these supports and we do not think, to think about
them and do not have to, they "keep" we implicitly).

It is also known that the Russian epic epic reflects the difficult century and a half
struggle with the Khazar Khanate, in this struggle and strengthened Russia. That epic,
has come down to us from the North in the embodiments of the XVIII century, when
the Khazars long forgotten and replaced them later and generalized way, "Tartar" - is
another question. The comics are written today is not epic, and almost documentary
novel - with specific names. But even in the XIX century Admiral P.F.Kuzmischev
recorded in the Arkhangelsk region epic "Ilya and Zhidovinov", which was published
in Moscow in 1852 and later wrote about that a lot - and Slavophiles and later historians
from positions of Zionism. Silly of epic draw any conclusions for the present national
relations. But the falsification of the national epic and giving the lie particularly
convincing with the help of pictures and come up with "exact" name - it is an important
diversion against our society. This is an example of manipulation of consciousness, for
which we must first destroy the support of our consciousness - our long-term historical
memory 24 1 .

Generally, with the invasion of the Mongols ignorance and unconsciousness we

have survived up to the limit, and after a while to understand the essence of Russia is
extremely important. Here, a prominent military historian, wrote in the newspaper
"Tomorrow" about the "invasion of the Tatar-Mongol Muslim hordes." How is
Muslim? What nonsense! Mongols to Islam at the time had not yet arrived. They had a
lot of hordes
"Languages" and religions, but not Muslims. Moreover, even prevailed among the
soldiers of Batu Christians (Nestorians). Here, the great Russian saint, truly
predetermined the way of Russia, Alexander Nevsky. He made a historic choice and
decided to fight back Teutons. To do this, he went to the Mongols and fraternized with
the son of Batu, Sartak. Become a brother - it's not easy to enter into an alliance.
Fraternized with the infidels? No, Sartak was a Christian. But it is important to
remember, especially when Alexander Nevsky poured so much dirt because offended
the civilized West.

17. At the same time, by the way, clumping and logical thinking child. As so, Ilya
Muromets Tatars defeated - and it was the Tatar yoke? And again breaks all memory
fabric falls out of her canvas, and Alexander Nevsky, Dmitry Donskoy, and the Battle
of Kulikov, and fight Peresvet with Telebeem (Chelubey).
In 1989, the publishing house "Progress" released at Oxford University professor
Dzh.Fennela book "Crisis of medieval Rus', one of the important topics which -
creating a repulsive image of Alexander Nevsky as a" traitor ", etc. In the introductory
article it states that "the book by Professor Dzh.Fennela slightly open the door not only
in the creative laboratory of the English historian, but also in the workshop, where the
British are Russian stereotypes of the past and the present of the Soviet." And the door
here? Controlled by Gorbachev team "ideological" publishing a root in the
consciousness of these "British stereotypes", destroying one of the symbols of national
consciousness, an image of one of the main Russian saints.

And in 1990, declared the "Year of the Alexander Nevsky" on solemn

international conference in St. Petersburg already has gathered a whole bunch of
professors from the West (conference materials were published in 1995 in the book
"Prince Alexander Nevsky and his epoch"). As they said, their task - to "double-check
the interpretation of the events of the past" and "critical rethinking of previous
evaluation criteria," and then - the same song, the same "stereotypes". And with such a
blunt falsification even in comparison with conventional Western textbooks, that's

And under the banner of patriotic sometimes carried a deep distortion of the very
essence of the case of Alexander Nevsky. By being off the historical memory. Recently,
on television showed a holiday in one of the schools, dedicated to Alexander Nevsky.
Ask a teenager: what is the purpose you created in memory of Alexander Nevsky
society? He answers: to learn courtly ethics and chivalry. What is going on! Alexander
Nevsky whole life laid on the fight with the knights - and that's what it says Russian

One of the important differences from Western Russia was precisely our lack of
chivalry. We were the Orthodox , it is necessary to understand! A knighthood - a closed
military-religious orders, which inevitably dominated by totalitarian thinking and are
born anti-Christian heresy. The basis of knightly ethics was "unremitting lust" - a
mystical love for the imaginary ideal Dame and continuously test the merits of a knight.
Absolute discipline knights orders made an important strike force of the West - in all
respects (for example, the Order of the Knights Templar, grabbed huge riches in
Palestine, marked the beginning of the banking capital of the West). This way of
thinking and the work ethic that was profoundly alien to Russian. No memory generates
insensitivity to the roots of their culture.

Today, when television methods of psychological warfare is largely atomized our

society and to the same extent turned it into the crowd , the recovery of historical
memory - even earlier than the restoration of logical thinking - should be the concern
not only the Patriots, but simply a reasonable person. Memory - this is the first thing
should be addressed to calm the destructive or self-destructive instincts of the crowd.
S.Moskovichi in "Science of the masses" so concludes this observation many
"Do not speak to their intelligence, and their feelings of love or hatred, revenge or guilt.
Instead of being awaken their intelligence, better is to awaken their memory. Since this
is less than they recognize the outlines of the future than the traces of the past. " It looks
pessimistic, because we had no experience of dealing with people, turned into a crowd
- and in Tsarist Russia and the Soviet Union, we were strong, even rigidly ordered

§ 2. The short-term memory and the manipulation of


During the years of perestroika in the Soviet campaign in the mass consciousness
could greatly distort the historical picture of the political spectrum of Russia at the
beginning of the century. For example, the Bolsheviks were reported as the most
revolutionary and radical party, but in fact from the left parties should be regarded as
reasonable (and in many respects even conservatives - so in the summer of 1917 the
province of the former Black Hundred is usually adjoined to the Bolsheviks). Unlike
other revolutionary parties - the Socialist-Revolutionaries and anarchists - the Social
Democrats fundamentally rejected individual terror. But it is largely predetermined
state of society and created a general "culture of violence". In general, our readers have
created a false impression that bourgeois society is a society of dialogue and
compromise, that it initially rejected the revolution. Little by little, our democratic
propaganda tried to erase from our memory and Cromwell, and the Jacobins, and even
revolution, which led to the emergence of the United States. Meanwhile, their founding
father Thomas Jefferson believed that the revolution must take place every 20 years.
So Trotsky with his theory of permanent revolution - to some extent a plagiarist.
Revolutionism is rooted in the philosophy of civil society.

When ideologues associated exclusively with the Russian revolution the

Bolsheviks, they go to the most ordinary fraud - a revolution in the "final straight",
already in the twentieth century, was prepared primarily SRs and the anarchists, and
the Cadets have done a lot for her. Generally, disastrous scrapping all the old fabric of
life was exactly the February Revolution in which the Bolsheviks had no part.
Therefore, anti-Communists now have to manipulate the story: do not they openly take
the side of the Social Revolutionaries and anarchists, more destructive than the
Bolsheviks, the revolutionary currents. Calling themselves supporters of the Cadets?
But they were completely unfounded and have been rejected by virtually the whole of
society. No wonder M.M.Prishvin wrote in his diary before the revolution: "No one
criticized in the province over the Cadets, as if there is nothing worse in the world
cadet. Being a cadet in the province - is almost to be a Jew. " In the elections to the
Constituent Assembly 85% of votes in favor of the revolutionary socialist party.

So referring to the history, today's ideologues mock tragedy Cadets - important

trends in Russian political history, a small cohort of honest liberals. But their failure is
very important for the understanding of Russia. Above it reflected Weber, studying our
revolution of 1905, he wrote, that the Cadets paved road just those aspirations,
eliminating themselves from the political arena. The liberal agrarian reform, which
required the cadets, "probably powerfully strengthen economic practice, as in the minds
of the masses economically archaic, in essence, peasant communism" - that concluded
Weber. Thus, the reform should "slow down of Western individualistic cultural
development." So cadets, according to Weber, had no choice but to hope that their
enemy - the tsarist government - will not allow the agrarian reform, for which they
fought. Rare historical situation, and it would be very useful to analyze it today.

Sadly, but brainwashing in the years of perestroika, was so powerful that today's
leading television can claim a clear-eyed: "The Bolsheviks in 1917 overthrew the king."
The events that have determined the fate of the country in the twentieth century, is
completely erased from the memory. Recall the most basic things: scrapping the fabric
of life of Tsarist Russia and its state occurred in February 1917 overthrew King
generals and behind them the Masons-Western, not the Bolsheviks. Another important
thing, which is also well known, but which television has managed to somehow knock
out of consciousness, is that the revolution in Russia in February, won completely,
totally. As V.Rozanov said Tsarist Russia "faded in two days" 24 2 . The Bolsheviks did
not have to contend with the monarchists, like their real strength was not simple. In the
Constituent Assembly, 85% of places got different revolutionary socialist force .
Cadets (bourgeois liberals) got only 17 seats out of 707. Even the Mensheviks -
Marxists and socialists - had only 16 seats, they were too moderate for the moment. So
all in Lenin's struggle was not between the Bolsheviks and the "old Russia", and
between the different units of the revolutionaries. Even the Cadets, who at that time
looked like a purely bourgeois counter-revolutionary party, even relatively recently, in
1905, stated that
"They have no enemies on the left" 24 3 .

Creating the image of the all-powerful infernal Bolsheviks, who took away
property and the landowners and the bourgeoisie, and "spravno man", our new
ideologues have reduced historical
18. Ally Kerensky V.B.Stankevich prominent Mason wrote in his memoirs that
arose after the overthrow of the autocracy, "Not a political idea, not a revolutionary
slogan, not a conspiracy and rebellion, and spontaneous movement immediately
incinerate the entire old regime without the rest: and cities, and in the province, and
police and military, and the power of local governments. "

19. Much has been said about the dispersal of the Constituent Assembly almost
as the cause of the Civil War. Elections to the Constituent Assembly were held in
November 1917 on the old lists. In October, IA Bunin wrote in his diary: "That's the
Constituent Assembly elections. We have not a single soul is not interested in this. "
Open Constituent Assembly was January 5, 1918 The same night dissolved, because
it does not recognize decrees of the Soviet power, and had already quorum after the
split. What happened to "the Constituent Assembly" more eloquently. The Constituent
Assembly went to the Czechs declared themselves the government of Russia
(director), then the "Kerensky" overfishing Kolchak. They were in prison in Omsk,
together with other prisoners freed insurgent workers. Kolchak ordered fled back to
prison, and "counter-revolutionary democrats" dutifully returned. At night they
"I was sent to the Republic of Irtysh" - brought to shore and shot. All the same acceleration
and shooting - two different things.
thinking people to primitive stamps. All seemed to have forgotten the enormous cataclysm that
Russia has experienced virtually since the Revolution of 1905 the Bolsheviks, who at first
opposed, and the nationalization of land and the nationalization of enterprises were uvlekaemy
course of events. Dzh.Keyns in the article "Russia" (1922) wrote: "In the nature of revolutions,
wars and famine to destroy the vested interests and private property of individuals." It should
just be amazed at how quickly the course of events, the Bolsheviks seized and restored and the
society, and the right - though not in the form of the bourgeois state. Well, the Cadets and the
Mensheviks proved to be unfounded and not supported.

In general, the memory of our campaign for the shutdown of the Soviet system and how it
originated, has been very successful. I remember before the election in 1995 asked me to help
one candidate from the Communist Party. We arrived in a large part of the military aviation of
Moscow - a rare case, usually the military are not allowed. In the hall of a thousand-pilots
officers, Air Force elite. In the course of conversation rises and one asks: "If you will choose
the communists, then again they take the old -" All take away and divide! ".

What can I say? After all, it is - nonsense, but it is already on everyone's tongue. I say,
when the Communists "took up and divided"? Never it was not, quite the contrary - at first
"taken away and connected," and then "built and connected," but the main thing - not divided
and combined . Remember the key word: nationalization and collectivization - but this is not a
key, and picking. Yes, the word "Communist" means "commune." "Takes away and separates"
just Chubais with his vouchers.

I see you do not act my arguments, words bounce like peas, it is a major and smiling. And
I went on a primitive allegory. I said, okay, let's say, "take away and divide". After all, it is still
fair to than the "take and assign", and even abroad to transport, as is currently done. He shook
his head, Major, agreed - yes, still fairer. The situation is really very difficult - with an officer,
and even a pilot with higher education, it is necessary to speak as a child deceived - also cheat,
but not so harmful. Incidentally, it was a radical democrat G.H.Popov in his book, "What to
do" literally repeated the slogan Sharikov: "The main thing in the restructuring in economic
terms - is the division of state property between the new owners." To take away and divide!

Great efforts are now being made, and to disable the short historical memory. This is - an
important condition for the possibility of fraud in politics. If people are quick to forget reality,
you can submit any false problem. And the discussion, even if it were to lose a reasonable
features - crafty politician presses on the feelings. In the course of adjustment and reform, and
no discussions are usually not required - some indignant question to hysteria, people
immediately forget about it completely.

Under the influence of television, our citizens have found the ability stipat from his recent
memory pposhlogo almost as miraculously as stipaetsya text of a magnetic computer memory.
Easily and without a trace of forgotten events and characters just six months ago - and,
therefore, of them stop and think. As if hypnotized viewers watching the political scene, where
invisible magicians suddenly put forward as the prophets and leaders of unremarkable men -
and just as suddenly removed them from the scene into oblivion. And all of them are
immediately forgotten.

This is a trifle, but it is eloquent. It was pepestpoyke kolopitnaya and in his own way pretty
figupa - Gdlyan investigator. From all tpibun he declared mafia activities vephushki Party
headed by Ligachev. The evidence, they say, sppyatany in a safe place, he will pull them when
the danger passes p.pyamo. He listened with bated breath Zelenogpad ustpaival mapshi his
poddepzhku, he - the eternal deputy. Here, the danger had passed, would immediately and
Quaternary stpashnye publish documents. But one is not intepesuet. Gdlyan as panshe, smiling
with ek.pana, sitting in a meeting with Yeltsin, but no one spposil "Tovapisch komissap, display
paper, very intepesno posmotpet". He is still afraid of the long arm of Yegor Kuzmich? And
after all this hysteria (as well as the search for "the CPSU money") was an important act in the
play. By the way, search for "money of the CPSU" Gaidar at one time employed some US firms
that paid for the "work" of unimaginable money, some millions of dollars. What ended this
scam? No one is interested. Maybe something a company does not.

And not only those of historical memory is erased, but the whole concept. Recall how
Larisa Piyasheva argued in 1991 that the liberalization of prices will lead to increase of only
two or three times, not more. Even I called the exact prices 24 4 . As she wrote, she was known
calculation Goskomtsen USSR come true up to a ruble - he predicted the first jump in food
prices by an average of 45 times. He was known experience of price liberalization in Poland -
an increase of 57 once again, and this data is not published "The Day" newspaper, a newsletter
CSB. It would seem obvious that Piyasheva or blatantly lying to people or nothing about the
economy. What is today remembered her "expert forecast?" No, she has already become a
Doctor of Science and appears as a leading scholar of the market economy. And Gaidar, who
had promised to stabilize the dollar at the level of 50 rubles - that is 2 cents 1999? He said an
obviously stupid idea, but because it so scientists believe, the economist. Somehow we have to
explain this boundless forgetfulness.

Chernomyrdin was enough for a couple of months to go away into the shadows, leaving
the dirty work of the ruin of banks and depositors young Kiriyenko - and he was nominated for
the post of prime minister as "an experienced manager who will establish the economy." But
he's five years this economy has successfully destroyed! No, no one remembers and does not
want to remember. All assert that he knows the business executive and production. And if they
remember that it was the prime minister, he even brags: "One can be proud of - when I was
running the government, I'm not made of blood." His ears do not believe, but that it goes. All
seemed to have forgotten and October 1993, in Moscow, and the war in Chechnya. After all, it
is the handiwork of Chernomyrdin as an executive! Yeltsin only gave general orders.

By the way, if we have remembered about Chechnya. Many still remember the raid
Basayev in Budyonnovsk in 1996, an incredible thing - the militants had already blocked the
army on a small patch of Chechnya, has been established with full control of the air, the mouse
does not slip. And suddenly there leaves a convoy of 15 KAMAZ trucks with fighters, quietly
passing 200 kilometers in the Stavropol region through dozens of roadblocks and captures the
city. Can you believe that this happened without the complicity of high-ranking Moscow
politicians interested in the victory of Dudayev? Nobody then believed. Therefore I wanted to
know who is to blame. Announced that opened about 200 criminal cases against ... traffic
police. Well, at least something will pop up. But then - silence. No comments! Admission
simple, but it can be applied only when society completely forgetful. No one, and has not
requested to report the results of the investigation. And you could not ask - people have

But the more important thing that is also forgotten - a campaign to "farming" as a
mechanism for loosening of the Soviet system in the countryside. Judging by the polls, the
intelligentsia, and behind it and some of the workers were farming with both hands against the
collective farms. Thus, they take on more responsibility - for their opinion waving policy. But
do they know how the matter? No, not interested.

Withdraw from the collective farms and farmers have transferred 9.1 million hectares of
arable land -. Wow piece (7.2% of the Russian arable land)! And it turns out tovapnoy
ppoduktsii with them is almost impossible. All fepmepy eat themselves, even the cattle are not
ppokopmit (milk produced 1.6%, meat 1.8%, 1% and kaptofelya zepna 6.2%). The producing
upovnya to the Stone Age. And it's a step ppepodnositsya vpe.ped, eccentricity should be
possible to make skopee in respect of all land stpany. Think about the mind: what if the dream
came true Chernichenko and in 1992 all the farms would be dissolved, and all the land given to
the farmers? Who would "feed the Russian"? After all, 9 million hectares of arable land -. It is
quite reliable experiment. Is anyone interested in how is the sale of land in the Saratov region -
the head prodolbili us to experience it took over the whole of Russia? Who bought the land?
How to use it? What a harvest gathered?

Farmers probably just ruin. self-exploitation of labor from them unbearable. Veins are
tearing their people and their children tortured. On-hold farmers afloat only where they attached
themselves to the collective and state farms. Denying social order will end farming. They are
already in debt, and their land is ready for removal - they simply is guarded. Deception and
"Fermerizatsii" animal. The average dairy farm size optimal for Russia (70 cows) requires
investment, equal to the annual accumulation of 2 thousand. Dollars over 60 years.

I'm not talking about that forgotten all "economic" argument against the collective farms.
But intellectuals believed that the collective farms were completely at a loss and ran his hand
in his pocket

244Just at the same time in the same "Ogonyok" L.Piyasheva wrote: "No one anywhere can not know in advance
what the price will be set on the ground, at home, the equipment, even for raw materials and consumer goods." No
one can know, but she knew
- To the penny
taxpayer. Although the actual data were available to everyone. Here is the latest stable year -
1989. The USSR had 24,720 farms. They gave 21 billion. Rubles. arrived. Unprofitable
collective farms was 275 (1%), and all of their losses amounted to 49 million rubles, 0.2% of
the profits -.. Ridiculous quantity. Overall profitability of the collective farms amounted to
38.7%. The collective and state farms was not "hung a stone on the neck of the state" - on the
contrary, unlike the West, our village has subsidized the city. Speaking of huge subsidies
supposedly, academics and journalists deliberately lied. It is on the West agriculture - it is not
a market, and the budgetary sector, sitting on subsidies. On average, the
24 developed countries, budgetary subsidies account for 50% of the value of agricultural
products (as in Japan and Finland - up to 80%). About 30 thousand. Dollars per year per farmer!
In 1986, the budget allocation for rural US economy amounted to $ 58.7 billion.., And grants
are constantly rising. And all budget allocations to the Russian village for 1999 were provided
to 2.5 billion rubles -... A little more than $ 100 million so it's - provided, but to give something
and not give it.

§ 3. The destruction of symbols

In the world of culture, which is created by the individual (public person), and in which he
lives, a special place is occupied by the world of symbols ( "universe of characters"). Symbols
- deposited in the minds of the images (ghosts) things, phenomena, human relations, public
institutions that acquire a metaphysical meaning, then there is a sense that goes beyond physical
existence of the objects of which stood out, emanated symbol. Just as a coherent language,
knowledge of the number, the ability to think logically, the characters - equipping our mind. It
develops all the time, being completed, but it can be destroyed or damaged. The characters form
a whole world, cooperate with each other, fighting - the efforts of our consciousness and
imagination. We live in this world spiritually, with characters constantly communicate and
influenced by them organize our life on earth. But the world of symbols this earth, everyday
life is not the same, the characters come to us from tradition, they have a different time, rhythm
and other laws.

Each one of us "shake down" his personal biography through symbols, only with their help
it fit into the time and space where we happen to live. They are carriers of the knowledge of
good and evil, direct our actions, it is advised to remember some and forget others, so clinging
from the daily routine of our personal history. Living in a world of symbols, man comprehends
his imminent death, include it as a future event in its history and it is more or less calmly,
without stopping worldly affairs. Character World legitimizes human life in the world, gives it
meaning and order. Religion - one of the "slices" of the symbols of the world, but without it the
world is very rich and full.

Character World organizes well as the history of the people, society, country, associates
in our collective life past, present and future. In respect of the last symbols create our collective
memory, through which we become the people - as well as brothers and sisters have become
family, keeping in mind the characters of childhood, even fragmentary, flimsy as ghosts - like
mother's songs, leaving his father a war or grandfather's death . In the future the characters
connect symbols connect us to the people, pointing, which should seek and what should be
feared. Through them, we feel our connection with ancestors and descendants, and that gives a
man immortality and allows us to take the idea of his personal death. All of us belong to the
eternal world of characters who have gone before us and will be after us personally. We gain a
sense of space, and it sustains us in adversity and bustle of everyday life.

Special characters in the world take the images of the dead . They are involved in the
creation and personal biography, and popular, is sent to the path and in a separate family, and
in the country. The dead - the vast majority of every nation, and they always had on his life a
huge impact (with the exception, of course, the culture that has managed to turn the nation into
civil society of people-atoms). The Celts of Scotland were their dead as a volatile army syllable
(slaugh). It is like an invisible flock, worn above the ground and takes part in all the battles of
the tribe, making a slogan - the battle cry of the dead. Now it means a slogan . Its meaning has
changed little, the slogan - the battle cry of our dead.

In August 1917, when the Liberals brought Russia to complete collapse, S. Frank wrote:
"It would be useless to say alive, ecstasy temptations of life, the moral obligations towards the
memory of the dead; it would be ridiculous quixotic hope of success, appealing now to the
feelings of generosity and fidelity to the past, recalling that even true happiness bought at the
cost of forgetting the victims and the betrayal of their cause and belief, there is something
despicable and unworthy
human. But those who have ears to hear, perhaps useful to recall that this forgetfulness of the
dead is unsafe for living. If no conscience and human dignity, the simple fear and political
calculation would be supporting less indifferent attitude to the memory of the dead.

Dead silence. Countless their army does not rise from the grave, not shouting at rallies, is
not resolutions, it does not form a union and has no representatives in the Soviet of Workers
'and Soldiers' Deputies. Quietly, they perish in their unknown graves, indifferent to the noise
of life and forgotten in the midst thereof. Yet this is the great army of the dead - we can say the
greatest - a political force of our whole life, and by her voice depends on the fate of the living,
perhaps for many generations ... What would be thought dead, if they did not die, but remained
alive - there are, after all, it is an idle question; perhaps many of them would be as sinful, blind,
insane, living like those that are hosting today. But they are dead and live transfigured in folk
soul. There, in this new depth of life, they are inextricably merged with the matter, with the
faith for which they died; their souls are clearly talking about one thing - the homeland of the
State Protection of honor and dignity of the country; the beauty and heroism of the shame of
betrayal. In this transformed life in the depths of the national spirit in which they now are a
great active force, they muffled murmur against intentional and unintentional changes against
democratised looting, against senseless and shameless feasting on their cemetery, against the
plundering country dipped in their blood. Let us honor the dead in the shadow of popular soul.
And if we have forgotten how to honor them - will at least remember them enough to be afraid
of them and take them. "

Manipulation of the dead - an important part of the political process, precisely because
they have great symbolic value. Sometimes these manipulations are brought to the utmost
banality and absurdity (today try not to remember a great performance with the posthumous
awarding of the Hero of the Soviet Union awarded the Order of Lenin and the three young men
who died in August 1991 when two arson BMP in a tunnel near the US embassy). Sometimes
the dead are used with unprecedented cynicism (in Ch. 8 said about Timisoara). An important
method of intrusion into the world of symbols, and at the same time creating a "nervousness"
in society - the desecration of graves or the threat of contamination. This method is used
regularly in the Russian politics for almost a decade. Suddenly begins vanity with threats to the
Lenin Mausoleum. After some time the fuss is stopped by an invisible signal. If we consider
what the figures involved in it (up to the patriarch), the level of management of such shares
admittedly high. If someone followed the distribution of these efforts over time is likely to be
revealed because of an event, from which at this point had to divert a certain part of society 24 5

The Soviet state was called tyranny . This, of course, a bad word, but it also has a
substantial sense. Any tyranny, as opposed to Western democracy, based on sacred symbols
and a power ideokraticheskoy (in extreme cases - based entirely on religious symbols and
became a theocracy). The property by which the characters perform their legitimizing and
guiding role is credibility . Symbol, devoid of authority, becomes a destructive force - it poisons
around them space in a world of symbols, affecting the integrity of the human consciousness,
which immediately affects the earthly life. Man, do not respect the authority of the characters
formed the collection of atomized individuals who, in the twentieth century. They have come
to define the face of Western society. Spanish philosopher Ortega y Gasset described this type
in the sad book "The Revolt of the Masses": "Non-recognition of authority, refusal to submit to
someone else - typical features of the mass of people - reaches its climax just at these rather
skilled people. It is these people represent and largely carried out modern mass domination, and
their barbarism - the immediate cause of the demoralization of Europe. "
nothing is not holiness, he draws for a rational "human mass" without feeling gratitude to
those who created it - "it marks a bare denial, beyond which lies the parasitism. mass man lives
by the fact that it denies what others have created and

1. The sudden activity around the mausoleum is always initiated by educated

people (G.Starovoytova, Mark Zakharov, etc.). They can not understand that the
mausoleum - the construction of a cult, and Lenin's tomb for one-third of the people
who it honors, has a symbolic meaning is akin to religion. Apparently, there is a
special category of intellectuals, which is always, under all regimes tends to the
destruction of sacred symbols - a perversion almost physiological.
hoarded. " During the scientific revolution, which inevitably gave rise to a wave of
destruction authority, mankind has paid a heavy price. But then the overthrow of the
authorities through an appeal for freedom has become a mainstream technology.

German philosopher and theologian Romano Guardini wrote in 1954 .: "As for the
authority to speak here about the" lack of freedom "is not only inaccurate, but unfair.
The authority is the basis of all human life, not just minor, but the most that neither is
mature; it not only helps the weak, but it embodies the essence of every height and
grandeur; and therefore the destruction of the authority inevitably brings to life his
perverse resemblance - violence. Up until medieval man feels the unity of being, he
perceives the authority not as shackles, and as a link with an absolute and a foothold in
the land. "

It is important idea: the destruction of the authority inevitably brings to life his
perverse resemblance - violence . A huge, terrible human experiments was the "assault
on the symbols", which became the Reformation in Western Europe (about this - Jung
remark in Chapter 4). The result of it was such an outbreak of violence that Germany
has lost 2/3 of the population. The man with the world ruined character loses
landmarks, its place in the world, the concept of good and evil. He loses a psychological
defense against manipulators, entrain it into the most insane things and projects.

This assault on the symbols tried to inflict the USSR ideologists of perestroika and
continue to lead in the Russian ideologists of the reform. In the literature, this project
sets out calmly and efficiently. Much has been achieved, the results lend themselves to
rigorous study, and their relation to the impact on the consciousness can be proven
reliable (this applies, for example, the dynamics of violence).

The cultural core of the Russian super-ethnos and united around him the nations
was based on a combination of rationality (mind) and a single, all-encompassing ethics
(of the heart), which is observed in humans traditional society, which has, in the words
of Romano Guardini, a natural religious authority - the ability to see the sacred
meaning is that modern man seems mundane, profane, technological (we are not talking
about the practice of religion, and atheists are often the religious authority developed
stronger than the formal believers) 24 6 . Consequently, great importance is acquiring
authority, not to be scanned by rational arguments. The population of the USSR
continued to be influenced by the authority of the sacred for the man of the traditional
society of symbols and institutions - Motherland States Army. And it's not in the
declarations. The fact innermost feelings and remorse, which is rare and usually
strangely pulled out (like tears deputata- "cook", which in the USSR Congress of
People's Deputies shouted something unintelligible against Sakharov, insulted by her
opinion, the Army, the tears and sincere amazement Sakharov represented a drama of
two civilizations clash, in the interests of political vulgarization of the media).
Since the Soviet state was ideocratic its legitimation and maintaining hegemony
rested it on the authority of sacred symbols and ideas, rather than on the performance
of individual voting (political market). Numerous statements and democrats and
patriots, to the effect that the Soviet system was narrowed down to the world of
characters "class values" are purely ideological. How ridiculous these claims, it is clear
from the fact that the Soviet Union was the only country in the European culture, which
was held public campaign for the introduction of the educational system and, hence, in
the mass consciousness, folk tales and classical literature. The Great Patriotic War,
which created a huge pantheon of characters does not fit into the framework of the class

2. On the contrary, the loss of religious authority person of liberal civil society
is not denied his philosophy (Max Weber, Friedrich von Hayek). In this sense, he says
Guardini parasitizing on Christian values, which comes to an end.
Even the Bolsheviks in theory (except, perhaps, being sidelined
"Proletkult") characters are not supposed cleansing of the world 247 . It is worth
remembering Bogdanov, who wrote the book "Ppoletapiat and art." He defended
kpayne "class" approach, however, in his book he writes: "Tovapischi, we must
understand that we do not live only in the present team, we live in sotpudnichestve
generations. This - not sotpudnichestvo classes, it ppotivopolozhno him. All
pabotnikov all pepedovye boptsy pposhlogo - our tovapischi, to whatever class they
may ppinadlezhali ...

A napodnogo poetry? .. Take epic about Ilya Mupomtse. This is - the embodiment
in one gepoe collective strength of the peasantry of feudal Russia, the true stpoitelya
and protector of our land ... If you understand the meaning of the collective skpyty CL,
pazve you deeply feel his majestic kpasotu, pazve not wafts over you the spirit of
struggle of centuries, and do not feel you that nedapom ppopali tpud and stpadaniya
dark stpoiteley pposhlogo, ppolozhivshih chepez bespposvetnuyu mist centuries
dopogu istopii to the place from which the goal is already visible and we start our way?
Is this consciousness does not organize your soul, not your strength sobipaet for further
Work and of struggle? ".

Of course, the Soviet symbol of peace strength was undermined long before
Gorbachev came. After Stalin's death the Soviet ideocracy very beginning of the
process does not update (refresh) their characters, as required by the "laws of the
genre," and their destruction (degeneration). In parallel with the 60-ies was launched
machine manipulation of consciousness on the part of the motley "party of the anti-
Soviet revolution." But here we do not talk about Khrushchev and Gorbachev, nor their
"employee-enemies" Sakharov (Westernizer) and Solzhenitsyn (pochvennikov) -
generally a rare symbiosis of tyrants and manipulators who in three hands tied neck
country and its entire fabric of life. We will only talk about the targets and methods.

The project is the destruction of symbols of Russia the world (primarily through
denigration and ridicule) still awaits its historian. However, its contours are already
visible today and, more importantly, its presence has not denied by anyone. Bullying
recognized by the ideologists. In 1996, before the election, 13 bankers in his famous
open letter of promise, as a concession to "spitting on the historical path of Russia and
its holy sites should be stopped." What was the main instrument of "spitting"?
Television, owned mostly by the same bankers. By the way, after Yeltsin's victory in
the elections I was frightened bankers and has not stopped spitting.
Intellectuals Westerners even flaunting his fearlessness in the manipulation of
symbols in reputable journals passed the stream of publications on this topic. In the
article "The cultural world of Russian Westerner" emigrant V.G.Schukin flattering
characterizes this part of the intelligentsia: "In contrast to the romantic Slavophiles, any
sacralization was alien to them in the bud. Western-culture was secular, this-worldly
character - there was no place for blind faith in the shrine. " Life without character,
without support, in emptiness has become a model issued. Here, popular in the years
of perestroika philosopher Pomerantz writes in "Nezavisimaya Gazeta": "As it turned
out it necessary? The experience of failure. Experience life without any external
success. Experience life without soil underfoot, without social, ethnic and church
support. Now the whole of Russia lives as I lived for decades: in the outer
abandonment, in the outer nothingness, hanging in the air ... And the people became
interested in reading how to live without soil, holding on anything. " The life of the
"underground man", without soil, finally imposed on the whole of Russia.

ideologues began very quickly to adopt the "one to one", western characters
destruction technologies. This is how, for example, in the United States etched memory
of May 1. This day became Day International Workers 'in memory of the events of
1886 (a provocation against the workers' demonstrations, which have been accused and
executed a few anarchists). The holiday has been associated with blood and had a great
latent symbolic meaning. it was established in support of the struggle of American
workers for an 8-hour working day. Reagan in 1984, announced on May 1, "Day of the
Law" (in honor of the "200th anniversary of the connection of the law with freedom",
on which the holiday was arranged noisy). Then, on May 1 became noisy timing
different stocks, for example,

3. The war between the CPSU (b) and the church, which lasted, the sharpening,
then trailed off since 1918 to mid-30s, has been a struggle between two legitimizing
instances (ideological and church) for a place in ideocratic state. By type, it was not
a war against the world of symbols and religious war, asserting the primacy of one
hand. Therefore, the Palace of Soviets should have been built on the foundation of
Christ the Savior. Undermining the character of the world must be regarded as
action was Khrushchev, in which it was destroyed more churches than in the previous
forty years. But Khrushchev in the same, if not more, and destroyed the symbols of
1985, the day Reagan announced an embargo against Nicaragua. The main thing was -
to withdraw from the historical memory of the very concepts of solidarity of workers.
Just in the same way they acted Yeltsinism ideologues in Russia - with the complicity
of management "independent" trade unions. They became known as the May 1 "Day
of Spring and Labor." Sturm characters maintained by
"Engineer Culture" mode, has already reached the limits of vulgarity. Here, 7
November, the anniversary of the October Revolution, Yeltsin decided "from now to
consider this Day of Concord." And tomorrow, you see, the new president Berezovsky
decided to rename Easter "Day of Orthodox-Jewish consensus." Why, they say,
remember the crucifixion and resurrection. But it is - a soft, lingering steps.

Potent means of destruction was a mockery, ideologically wit, having as its object
is the fastener company symbols. Freud in the book "Wit and its Relation to the
Unconscious" wrote about the important social functions of tendentious wit, that they
are the "weapons of the great attack, dignified and powerful, externally and internally
protected from the open disregard for them." Khazanov and Zhvanetskiy, Petrosyan
and Zadornov became influential real politicians.
This is the book "Monya - bearer" Ephraim Sevela (author introduced himself
"SOCIS" as a Jewish writer, the book was published in 1992 in St. Petersburg). This -
a book of jokes about the Soviet Army. Magazine presents these stories as "Army
folklore", although the above examples (in particular, the dialogue between the political
instructor Katz and ordinary Tzatzkes a red flag) that is - quite nerdy ideological
product. Judging by the fact that the anti-Soviet jokes go now copyright books, all of
them flow to fabricate a relatively small team. "People's sense of humor" as a

Such humor was directed at families and characters. It was such a cynical
campaign that today some are trying to present it as a natural phenomenon, folklore,
commemorated Bakhtin. Ah, the "black humor as a phenomenon of culture of folk
humor." In the academic journal print poems:

I mother in childhood, eyes gouged out, That I have not found the jam closet.
Now, I do not watch cartoons, do not read fairy tales,

But I sniff and hear well

Comments: "Some researchers in this respect to the family perceive the collapse
of relations, which is inevitable and possibly a negative consequence of the
development of civilization - of tribe and clan relationships to individualism and
egocentrism. It should be noted, without going into a detailed discussion of this thesis,
that in any case he turns out to be a straight, direct interpretation of the role of the
family in the ugly light adolescence folklore. " Some researchers trace ... There is no
"culture of folk humor" and "adolescent folklore". This is - a typical laboratory products
mediocre poet, performing an ideological mission. When they started to leave, "an
anthology of black humor" (eg: Belyanin VP, IA Butenko Anthology of black humor
of Madrid in 1992..), It was immediately clear that this is - a professional job very small
group of people. It is not so noticed, when poems were transmitted orally.

By the way, the ideological task is still running - with the same poor rhymes
receive royalties, probably for the fifth time. In February 2000, "Nezavisimaya
Gazeta", drooling with pleasure, said: "The growing popularity of the exhibition"
Children's horror "Kharkov-garde photographer Sergey Bratkov, which will work in
Moscow gallery" Regina "before the middle of March. For the first time this project
has shown Bratkov in his hometown of Kharkiv, two years ago. The exposition of the
twelve color photographs plus two staging involving children. The exposure did not
last long, angry Kharkov demanded the closure of "pedophile" exhibition ". And
"Nezavisimaya Gazeta", which claims to be the intellectual publication, is naive and a
positive review about this exhibition.

An important role was played by the ridicule of the state symbols. This campaign
has already held liberal intelligentsia in the early centuries, preparing in February 1917
then the entire intelligentsia seized one thought - "the last kick to crush the vermin,"
the Russian state. V.Rozanov wrote in his diary in 1912 .: "I read in the" Russian. Vedas
"just choke joy article about bumping into rocks near Helsingfors minonoski ... Yes
there minonoska:. Is not the whole congregation exulted and Printing, when we were
beaten at Tsushima, Shahe, Mukden?". Also
what we saw in the restructuring, when task was to destroy the Soviet state as the basis
of the Soviet system. For this had to undermine the idea of the state as a cultural core.
Pick up today binder "Ogonyok", "Capital", "Moskovsky Komsomolets" of those years
- the same choke joy about any accident, any incident.
Is not this device was sent to a grand concert of pop music in Red Square and it
was June 22, 1992? Red Square - one of the large, complex characters, symbolizing the
connection between generations in Russia. This is well known. Here is what the French
philosopher S.Moskovichi: "Red Square in Moscow - one of the most impressive and
most thoughtful. Located in the city center, on the one hand it limits the Kremlin. This
former religious center, where once crowned the kings, became the administrative
center of Soviet power, symbolized by the red star. Lenin in his marble mausoleum,
guarded by soldiers, giving it a solemn character immortalized Revolution. In the
niches of the walls lie the dead celebrities who guard the area, they built up a human
chain that unites the mass outward from a higher hierarchy contained within. In this
space in miniature finds himself the whole story, and together with it and the whole
concept of association of the people. "

All this is well known, our manipulators, and therefore arranged a concert here.
And that even a slowpoke there was no doubt that organized sacrilege, TV announcer
announced: "We will dance at the prestigious cemetery of the country." The fact that
the graves of the Red Square is a lot of Democrats hated the dead, is not essential. The
purpose - to discredit the holy Russian public consciousness of the place, break the
traditional cultural norms of the Russian people (in fact, not only watching antics
mausoleum, and a place of execution, and Basil). By the way, it is the desire to destroy
the sacred symbols inherent in the very ideology of Westernism. As mentioned
V.G.Schukin wrote, "in terms of time Westerners had to be the guardian of an age-old
wisdom, is not a" natural "guarantee the continuity of the tradition and the old destroyer
and the creator of a new world." Today, building up hands do not reach, and the
destruction of the state symbols acquired the character of an all-out psychological

It is known that the most important for the national identity of the second half of
the twentieth century was in the USSR generalized symbol of the Great Patriotic War.
Undermining and destruction of this symbol for a whole decade it was almost an
official state program. Not by chance in 1993, 40% of respondents in Russia said that
"power - not a patriot of his homeland." This response is distributed evenly across all
socio-demographic groups. but even more than the power of the state, it refers to the
"fourth power" - the media. They committed themselves to start work on the destruction
of symbols. Suffice it to recall, as in the program "Vzglyad" A.Lyubimov persistently
called Kaliningrad Konigsberg, and rejoiced that the Kaliningrad Region is actively
populated by Germans.

The state publishing houses and even on state television came stream literature
and assists, relativize betrayal, removing its negative absolute sense. Betrayal relative
. Vlasov was, of course, traitors - but at the same time they fought against Stalinism.
Why not, if that war was a "collision of two garbage winds" (Yevgeny Yevtushenko)?
If "our case was unjust" (Grossman)? There was a popular genre treacherous literature.
It is not only books Rezun (Suvorov!), But the mass
"Scientific" books.

Famous and well-documented events of the war by the Russian "historians" are
beginning to set out on the basis of archives and memoirs of Western (and even
German) materials - often without alternative local information. Only occasionally still
living eyewitnesses manages to warn the reader in the opposition press, but it is a
symbolic warning, it is up to the reader does not reach 248 . In general, a large and well-
4. In the newspaper "Duel" - a letter of two former sailors, members of a
particular battle April 22, 1945 then damaged by depth charges a German submarine
surfaced, but was shot almost point-blank volleys destroyer "Karl Liebknecht" (16
shells of the main fire and 39 of pushek- machines). Sailors write that it "observed a
50 destroyer sailors, occupied by combat schedule their seats at the guns and anti-
aircraft machine guns, in the torpedo tubes on the mortars, observation posts on the
commander's bridge ... All of this is reflected in the combat ship's log of the ship in
combat reports the convoy commander and commander (IO archive materials of the
Navy, d. 14063, sheets 2-10). After the war, it was also confirmed by German
documents. But in Russia in 1994 and 1997. out two books: ". Sea War in the Arctic,
1941-1945" and ". Lend-Lease and northern convoys, 1941-1945", and the authors
state that the boat U-286 sank the British frigate. This is - a trifle, but these trifles
program repression of the collective historical memory of Russian image of World War II. This
program has already been done in the West, and one can only marvel at its efficiency. In the
mid-90s in the West with the very successful super-film "Stalingrad" (in Russia it is, in my
opinion, they did not show, because not yet "ripe"). It leaves hardest feeling is the fact that
millions of educated and intelligent people watching and even admired - though making an
effort, still might notice the full absurdity of the whole pathos of the film: the noble Germans
are fighting against some small animals-Russian and, in general, go to Stalingrad winners! And
the Germans, it turns out, the anti-fascists! When Russian and lose its true image of war as an
important part of the "symbol of peace", their resistance against manipulation will decrease by
one level. This process is - one of the most popular rock singers identified in 1990, the main
theme of his concerts as a "profanation of the totalitarian heroism", referring to the
"Winners in the last war" - and received a standing ovation in return.

As we have said, great efforts have been made to remove the symbolic meaning of the
image of the earth , turning it into a commodity ( "can not have the sanctity of what has value").
K.Levi-Strauss in "Structural Anthropology" especially considering the meaning of the Earth
in culture
"Non-Western" nations.

The list of characters that have been deliberately deprived of holiness (desacralized) in the
public consciousness, extensive. It is not limited to those that are directly related to the political
system or even statehood Russia (Stalin, Lenin, etc. then up to the Alexander Nevsky and the
Vladimir prince). Many smear was done and images of Pushkin, Sholokhov, Suvorov, etc.
Noteworthy is the whole transfer of the program "Sight" in 1991, which asserted (based on the
book of the Polish writer) that Yuri Gagarin never flew into space, and his whole mission was
a hoax. At the end of several stated that they themselves believe that the flight took place, but
spent most destructive action 24 9 .

But a special place in this campaign took the destruction of symbolic images that are
included in the national pantheon as martyrs. We can see the qualification. How accurate is the
choice of objects for mockery, experts explained to me. I read a lecture in front of the Brazilian
Society of Psychologists. The theme of this they asked:. "The technology of the destruction of
images in the course of perestroika" I told the facts are excerpts from newspapers. And the
meaning listeners knew better than me. They were especially interested in the campaign to
discredit Zoe Kosmodemyanskoy. I asked surprisingly precise questions about who was Zoe,
what kind of family it was what she looked like, what was the essence of her feat. And then
explained why her image had to fuck up - because there were many other characters. But the
fact that she was a martyr, not available at the time of consolation death from military success
(like, say, Lisa Chaikin). And the popular mind, regardless of the official propaganda, that it
has selected and included in the pantheon of the holy martyrs. And her image, separated from
the real biography, began to serve one of the pillars of self-consciousness of our people.
Perhaps even more significant "second killing" Pavlik Morozov. All of us from childhood
voprinimaet this image as a symbol of the tragedy, the highest human passions - the boy killed
his grandfather. Being the case almost no one knew she was mythologized (in reality it is much
worse than in the legend). How important was this boy-martyr as a symbol, it shows the scale
of the smear campaign. It took a direct part are active members of the adjustment as a journalist
and writer Yu.Alperovich V.Amlinsky, critic and literary T.Ivanova N.Eydelman, columnist
"Izvestia" Yu.Feofanov S.Soloveychik and teacher, and even a person of such high rank as the
F .Burlatsky - assistant Brezhnev and Gorbachev, deputy and later chief editor of "Literary
newspaper". They scrupulously and for a number of years to create a completely false version
of the drama that took place in 1932, representing an immoral monster victim - murdered child
! Yes, even killed, along with five brother.

Imagine how cold blood was planned this whole operation, if already in 1981
Yu.Alperovich Pavlik tried to gather information discrediting his mother and teacher, wielding
under a false name! And how low our average fell intellectual who believed libel whole
audience, without giving trouble to find out the real facts of the case. Indicative symbol
technology slander: it is difficult to find a performance or publication of any of these

249 ridiculed and maznut tried to figure to which, apparently, no claims can not be. For example, so persistently
derided phrase Michurin "We can not wait for the mercy of nature, take them from her - our problem" that people
really got used to the idea that this is an obvious nonsense. Silly just had to believe it, because the phrase is quite
reasonable, and the Michurin - an honorable worker, who does not harm nature inflicted.
figures, which would clearly be in complete form was formulated charges against Pavlik.
Throughout said vaguely hints and circumlocutions. There are no facts, only "opinion" or a
reference to the
"A well-known things." It is difficult to grasp or Burlatsky Amlinsky by the collar and drag
them to court for defamation of a loved one. Black Myth of Pavlik Morozov was built primarily
through silence, misrepresentation and false association.

In the mass consciousness was created a false belief that Pavlik Morozov represents
fanatical commitment and dedication to the idea of a totalitarian power, for which there is a
betrayal of his father. This view has become so universal that even prominent figures
The "red" of the opposition, not to mention the writers-patriots type V.Krupina, included it in
his arsenal. So, for Gaidar said that he - a new Pavlik Morozov ( "betrayed grandfather").

Those who sneered at the images of Zoe and Pavlik tried to pull up the support of culture
and morals - to break the whole fabric of national identity. And this fabric - complete system,
whose structure is unknown to us. And it is enough to knock out her one fastening assembly as
all it can crumble. This was stated by Konrad Lorenz in 1966 (Article
"Phylogenetic and cultural ritualization"): "A young" liberal ", quite adept at critical scientific
thinking, but usually does not know the organic laws that govern the general mechanisms of
the natural life, and is not aware of the catastrophic consequences that can cause arbitrary
change of [cultural norms ], even when it comes to seemingly minor details. This young man
would never have occurred to him to throw any part of the technical system - a car or TV - just
because he does not know its destination. But he simply condemns the traditional norms of
behavior as a prejudice - as the norm is really outdated and need. As long formed
phylogenetically norms of social behavior are rooted in our heredity and there, whether for evil
or for good, with the tradition of the gap can lead to the fact that all cultural norms of social
behavior extinguished like a candle flame. "

Today, we see that our cultural norms are not extinguished as a candle flame. Character
The world is not destroyed, and "Reformation of Russia" has not happened. But injuries
inflicted huge, and social consciousness permanently weakened, and on a personal level for
many of these ten years were a period of severe mental torture.

§ 4. Manipulation way labor and unemployment

One of the main meanings of belonging to the cultural core of any society is the work . It
is associated with many private party's economic and social order, the idea of mutual
responsibility of the state and the citizen, the important characters and even religious attitudes.
And the conquest of hegemony certain socio-political movement, and undermine the hegemony
of a particular state are inevitably associated with the image of labor and its shadow - a way of

The restructuring, which can be considered the ideological artillery barrage to the Soviet
order and the scrapping of state property assignment nomenclature, one of the key topics was
the right to work and unemployment. brilliant mind manipulation program was carried out in
the framework of this topic, and it is worth considering. The high quality of this program is
confirmed by the fact that the cut-off of common sense was not possible due to some abstract
question, but in spite of the obvious and tangible material interests of each and every person.

Full-time in the Soviet Union was indisputable and fundamental social good that has been
achieved in the Soviet project 250 . The absence of unemployment was a great breakthrough for
the welfare and freedom of a simple working man. It was an achievement of historic
proportions, uplifting human dignity. We still can not even fully appreciate the loss of benefits
- we do not have people truly realize that they are unemployed and, more importantly,
reproducing unemployment in their children, the next generation. We still live in "half-Soviet"

1. In ensuring the right to work was, of course, a lot of defects, the ideal of
"from each - according to his ability" was far from being reached, the actual level of
industrial development is not allowed to bring the quality of jobs in line with the
aspirations of the educated youth. But this is not comparable to the importance of the
Familiarity full employment turned in the minds of our people is a purely social
(created by humans) benefit in a variety of natural, natural living conditions. This, of
course, has made the right to work as a political norm is very vulnerable. People did
not appreciate it, and no active steps to protect it was not to be expected. However, the
installation of passive denial of unemployment was quite definite. It showed regular
polls sociologists. By the way, these surveys themselves would need to alarm people,
but not alarmed - Gorbachev periodically reassured: all sorts of things, but the
unemployment rate, we will never allow.

In fact, the party-state nomenclature of the USSR, starting a gradual departure

from the Soviet project, since the 60s has become burdened by the constitutional right
to work, gradually began a campaign to introduce into the public consciousness the
myth of the benevolent effects of unemployment on all aspects of public life. This
theme is constantly exaggerated on the fringe of the intelligentsia kitchens, among
business leaders has become de rigueur posokrushatsya that, say, the absence of a whip
in their hands unemployment does not raise production efficiency. However, since the
right to work has been a cornerstone of our ideokraticheskoy system of cleaning the
abutment conducted informally, though with the explicit approval of the CPSU

During perestroika rather quickly this ideological campaign was conducted

openly. Close to Gorbachev economist N.Shmelev already in 1987 stated in the "New
World", that unemployment in the USSR needed, and since 1988 these arguments
flooded the press. The campaign was conducted with the inherent totalitarianism of
party printing means 25 1 .

The strong effect of splitting of consciousness has been achieved by the fact that
trade unions do propaganda unemployment - it is the workers' organization, which in
its original essence to be an implacable enemy of unemployment. In March 1991,
during the Soviet era Profizdat released for mass circulation book "The market
economy: the choice of the way." Among the authors - prominent economists. It reads:
"We can say that the market plays unemployment. But the question arises, whether the
unemployment attribute only market economic system? Is under the administrative-
command system of production management was not unemployment? It took place
only wore the structural, regional and largely hidden. The difference between the
market mechanism and administrative-command system does not consist in the fact
that in one case there is unemployment, and the other is not, and that in a market,
unemployment is officially recognized as unemployed and receive benefits. "

Well our Soviet trade unions, is not it? Hidden unemployment! Artfully conceived.
It's kind of like a hidden disease. Suppose a person is healthy, enjoy life, live to a
hundred years - let us call it "hidden patients" try to prove that there is. People who
actually have to work twice a month were paid, flat from the factory, a ticket to a
sanatorium, etc., are convinced that it is - "hidden unemployment", and that it is no
better than explicit. What's open unemployment, when there is no salary (and no
benefits!), No prospects, no worse than
"Hidden". Of course, so can only speak selling despicable creature. But how could the
workers to believe it - that's because the mystery of the century.

Unemployment Recognition of good, or at least the normal state of society was a

necessary condition for the further recognition (legitimization) market reforms and
privatization of state property. As the reasonable arguments in favor of the obvious
social evil was impossible to find, the entire campaign to promote the unemployment
rate in the USSR was built as a hoax, and may be taken as a good example for us of
manipulating public consciousness. It is possible to find almost all of the major signs
of deliberately planned project to manipulation.

The substitution of complex, multi-faceted problems it flat, one-dimensional model. Since the
'60s, when the idea of the welfare of unemployment was thrown into the kitchen debate
our intelligentsia, liberal ideologues managed to substitute the problem of its wretched

2. I tried to reply to one such N.Amosova manifesto, published in 1988 in the

"Literary Gazette", totally relaxed informative article. To my great surprise, none of
"Communist" answer was not willing to publish editions ( "since amended in this
respect a different opinion than me"). I was stuck, and I made every effort to print the
article. In vain. Not helped by friends in the rank of deputy chief editor of
newspapers, nor the application of the influential academics who esteemed it an
honor to be the author of his "Komsomolskaya Pravda". It was an ideological setting
of the CPSU.
Labour and unemployment have been presented as a purely economic category, so that
the proposal to create in the Soviet national economy unemployment was applied as a
purely technical, as an ordinary social-engineering solution that does not affect any
core of our being. This proposal was tied exclusively with economic efficiency (the
essence of which, however, does not explain). The argument was simple as moo: in the
West there is unemployment, and there is therefore all work like beasts, and all the
shops full.

In fact, labor and exclusion from the labor (unemployment) - the problem is not
economic, and even social and existential. In other words, it is - the fundamental
problem of human existence. Of course, it also has an economic aspect, as almost all
the problems of our existence, but this aspect of the matter is subordinate, secondary.

With the issue of unemployment is classified as being of fundamental problems,

says the very fact that throughout the history of civilization it has a religious dimension,
while the concept of economic efficiency originated only with the advent of the market
economy, and devoted to her science - political economy. In other words, in modern
times, most recently.

In Christianity, the prohibition of unemployment was seen already from the Old
Testament: everyone should get their bread by the sweat of his brow. Osovremenivaya,
we would say that this dogma of Christianity left a perpetual ban on the labor market,
which has the right to reject and reject inevitably part of this "product", so that
unemployment - the inevitable and necessary concomitant of the market economy. That
is why the spiritual condition for its occurrence was the Protestant Reformation, which
brilliantly resolved this contradiction. Some people (and it is not known exactly who)
has been declared outcasts who initially denied the possibility of salvation. They are a
violation of divine prescriptions to work longer will not hurt. Moreover, the very
transformation into the unemployed makes sense. The loss of human work is a warning,
a vague signal that this man - rejected 25 2 .

It is clear, therefore, that the loss of work is to human impact, the severity of which
is not entirely reflected in the economic dimension - as well as robbery and rape is not
measured by the value of the lost hours and earrings. Transformed into the unemployed,
people experiencing religious fear - whether it at least three times atheist. Christian
covenant entered into our subconscious with the culture, and the word parasite is filled
with deep meaning. Obviously, this is not correct and unemployment benefits: benefits
facilitates the economic situation, but the outcast status not only does not cancel, but
rather stresses. Remember, as in England sep Julian Huxley p.pedlozhit to sokpatit
pozhdaemost pabochih in media, to determine the issue of benefits bezpabotitse
obligation not to have more children, and the perpetrators isolated from his wife "in
tpudovom lagepe"?

In Russia, even when it is at the end of the last century, Western capitalism was
eroded, remained Christian attitude to unemployment. Many large businesses
(especially the Old Believers), even going bankrupt, did not go to the dismissal of
employees - sold their possessions and homes. Those who have transferred their
relations with workers on a purely market (west) basis, were subjected to moral
condemnation. Strong response had articles by Leo Tolstoy, his aversion to those who
"does not work, so that it fell" in lean years.

Very accurately expressed the existential, rather than economic and social nature
of the problem of unemployment in the play Gorky "enemies." One of the co-owner
and director of the plant decided to close it down and fire workers. There was a conflict,
and the workers was killed (accidentally). There is a reflection of the tragedy, and what
do we see? The conflict is not a class, namely the existential: morally on the side of the
workers, even the family killed. Moreover, even came to the suppression of the police
officer. As if the manufacturer has violated some secret, but a vital agreement, some

3. With regard to the Vatican, at the end pposhlogo century, preoccupied posta
class of struggle, he began to act actively in the field of social policy, and Pope Leo
XIII made with the encyclical Rerum Novarum . For its centennial John Paul II, an
even more active policy and ideology, issued the encyclical Centesimus Annus . In it,
he, in particular, govopit: "Ownership of spedstva ppoizvodstva as in
ppomyshlennosti and agriculture is sppavedlivoy and legitimate when used for useful
Jobs; but it is illegal when used to prevent access to the Jobs d.puguyu or for ppibyli,
which was then is not the result of a global Prevalence tpuda and social wealth, and
skopee for their savings, for the illegal exploitation of, for speculation and podpyva
solidapnosti in tpudovoy ENVIRONMENTS ". Here (private property), the ratio of
Catholicism to the unemployment created by the division of labor and capital,
expressed in flowery, but quite definitely.
stored in the depths of the subconscious taboo. This can be seen in the play despite
the fact that its interpretation in the Soviet theater has always put emphasis on the
class, the social side of things.

All this - the banal things, well known and philosophers, and sociologists, and
cultural studies. there are honest people among them. Why could not hear their voices?
Why does no one shouted:
"Kind people! What are you speaking about? After all, unemployment - is not what you
say! ". It is the fact that this society is not a cry heard, is a reliable symptom of the fact
that we are talking about the campaign to manipulate consciousness. The following

Concealing knowledge and the blocking of independent sources of information. For successful
manipulation must be hiding important information available and complete blockade
of all those who can call into question the approval of the manipulators.

I already wrote above, as a tried unsuccessfully in 1988 to publish a newspaper,

reporting to the Communist Party, an article that argued with the statements about the
welfare N.Amosova unemployment. After that I went to work for a year in the West,
to the university, and there, by accessing the database, I met with the American thesis
on unemployment. It became clear that ideological Party service for many years,
carefully blocked the flow of the USSR all contemporary knowledge about the
phenomenon of unemployment and its impact on humans. This - the fact, and the
reasons that have guided our "communist" nomenklatura, is not significant. For us it is
important that they were ahead of time created the conditions for successful
manipulation of consciousness.

Due to the fact that unemployment in Russia is becoming a reality, concealment

of scientific knowledge about it first tip of the CPSU, and now bosses democracy means
multiplying the suffering of our people and can be treated as a criminal. I think the
moral (and perhaps kakoy- anything else), the court sooner or later will make a
particular decision as to address social scientists who participated in the concealment
of knowledge, not to mention outright lies.
I will mention only one thing that is important for our teachers. Apparently, they
still do not know what the brunt of unemployment does not by an adult - it is already
protected by experience and reason - and for his children. When a man loses his job,
the first victim is his son-teenager. Going into the category of "son of the unemployed"
is a boy of stress, which many do not. They join the ranks of drug addicts and criminals,
even if the material deprivation family still does not feel. This is - one of the most
important findings of years of research in the US unemployment rate. Does our school
is ready to ensure that the moral help the children of the unemployed tomorrow? I think
it is not ready and does not qualify - it is keen on contacts with child businessmen from
the United States.

Supervisory people would have to notice something strange in the argument about
unemployment, which began in 1987. It was a new, unknown phenomenon for us. It
would seem logical to invite the press, on radio and television experts question - foreign
experts, trade unionists, the unemployed themselves. Like, share experiences, tell us
how and what. Remember, for all the years - none of such cases were not. Do not come
to our smart management in the head? No, it was a conscious setting 25 3 .

Censored were subjected even those Western leaders, whose names are waving
the architects of perestroika. Many of us remember, for example, that at some point
they loved to remember the "Swedish model" - that is, they say, with whom we will
take an example (to follow the example of Pinochet and Mobutu was considered
inconvenient to begin with). Advisor Gorbachev on economy Aghanbegyan from
Sweden did not get out. It would seem that it was necessary to give a word of Olof
Palme - a policy, which is considered the author of the main ideas of this model, the
venerable man, not a communist. No, he was on the list of unacceptable for tuning
Press authors. His little book

4. The simple western union workers genuinely want to help us adapt to the
market, many times offered us to share the experience. Personal contacts with the
Communist Party about unemployment is not know, but in 1989 I had a conversation
with a worker from the Spanish union Working Committee. He was amazed at the rest
of his life. The year before he had a chance to go in the delegation to Poland, there
was a meeting at the factory, and he naively began to talk about unemployment,
about the tricks and tricks of employers and employment services and that they can
be countered. Since the Poles decided to move on to the market, it is necessary to
them to explain something. To his amazement, to him there and then climbed out of
the room, three strong men joined hands and straight from the podium was taken
behind the scenes, and then the gates of the factory. Threw foreign delegations, and
even from the West!
"Solidarity", they say, will not tolerate the communist propaganda.
"Swedish model" translated, probably, in all languages - but ideological machine AN
Yakovlev, who had promised to transfer the Swedish experience of the Soviet land,
imposed a ban on the book. But surely even Aghanbegyan and the whole team, too, the
book does not read? Hard to believe. It is possible to assert with confidence from us
have been deliberately concealed important it is for the whole ideological structure
adjustment provisions of the "Swedish model."

For Olof Palme reveals the close connection between the problem of
unemployment and the problem of freedom - of the key concepts around which
revolved the whole restructuring. In his book, he emphasizes almost the main
conclusion: "Freedom ppedpolagaet feeling uvepennosti. Stpah peped future, modeled
from pressing economic PROBLEMS, modeled from disease and freedom
bezpabotitsey ppevpaschaet senseless abstpaktsiyu ... Haibolee important FACTORS
uvepennosti is Jobs. Full employment is a huge step in vpe.ped ppedostavlenii freedom
to people. Because in addition to the war and natural disasters, there is nothing that
people would fear more than bezpabotitsy ".

Default of this conclusion does all the talk about the "Swedish model" (and in general
"Social state", "social market economy") deliberate falsification on which the
ideologists of perestroika and reforms were forced to go for the sake of success in
manipulating the consciousness of our citizens.

Rough fraud. Tampering and concealment important knowledge in the manipulation

does not necessarily reach the level of explicit and crude deception. But to him, of
course, resort, if the audience is unable to discern the deception. In their propaganda,
unemployment, our ideological liberals could resort to deception absolutely no fear of

You can make a reproach of our intelligentsia - it's a clear-deception it should not
have been allowed, regardless of their ideological preferences. But she seemed to have
forgotten all professional standards and norms. That is, by introducing and organizing
monetarism "payments crisis", leading to unemployment, Gaidar whole year shook
some "Phillips Combustion" as a compelling argument. And no deputy, do not ask a
simple question of which there were many scientists and engineers, "What are these"
curves "? What they have to do with our business? Are they reliable? "- The most
natural for engineers and scientists questions. No one! And the story is worth it to stay
on it.

I had to look into the matter, when many years ago I began to study the history of
the relationship between natural science and political economy. In this story, "Phillips
Combustion" occupied a special place, they devoted an entire chapter in the book
published in Oxford "History of econometrics" - a summary of an instructive example
of a large scientific hoax.

Inzhenep-elektpik London Phillips took up the economy and postpoil analog

machine: three ppozpachnyh RESERVOIR ( "ppoizvodstvo", "capital" and
"potpebitelsky spposil") connected PIPE at kotopym ppokachivalas podkpashennaya
water. The problem was - to find a way to stabilize this "economy" kontpolipovat
inflation. The best tpaditsiyah mechanistic thinking Phillips is count that stabilizipovat
this system should decrease chepez potpebitelskogo spposa. How? Removing a
warranty of social and abandoning the idea of full employment - chepez bezpabotitsu.
It ponpavilos politicians, although pe.pvyy same ministp, p.pedlozhit abandon
Principles for full employment (in 1957), he was forced to resign. But then, even though
economists have argued that inflation is ppichinoy ppezhde posta ppoizvodstva all
costs, rather than excess human well-being, Ppavitelstvo pop.posit temptation and to
"prove" conclusions statistics.

Phillips, in his own ppiznaniyu, performed "udapnuyu flawless functioning" and

by a plurality of upposcheny (kpitiki call them "fit") brought that posta bezpabotitsy
supposedly leads to lower inflation. Debate in paplamente for eccentricity needed data
that promises to be long, and Phillips received a favorable place in Avstpalii, wanted
to leave, and considered that "it was better to do paschety popposche than long wait
inferences," and then added Humble that Chairs Jobs " Ask these inferences zapanee "-
well p.pyamo both in CEMI (. Chairs, ppof A.Bpaun, Vppochem from this
The conclusion of the eccentricity Phillips made his fake Combustion, was purely
political: "DURING SOME specified tempo posta ppoizvoditelnosti tpuda reduce
inflation only by bezpabotitsy posta". This conclusion and waving Gaydap, although
he and his advisers from the IMF ppekpasno knew Combustion Phillips ppaktike not
met that during kpizisa 80s in the US inflation posla paralleling with bezpabotitsey (not
govopya that to our
economy, all this is not had nothing to do). But a fool Congress of People's Deputies
was easy - they are of rational thinking disconnected.

For our theme, this story is important because it shows that it was not just about
the manipulation of consciousness, and of coarse, brazen manipulation, using direct
and easily disclosed deception. It is noteworthy that after the first explanation of history
with the "Phillips curve" in the press (even in the short-run "Truth"), one of the
reformers more about them did not mention in public.

Falsification of knowledge about

Forced immorality ideologues as a sign of manipulation.
the reality of life in the case of the fundamental problems almost inevitably is
associated with immorality (you can call it "forced" because it is not associated with
the personal qualities of specialists involved in the action, and the nature of the
problem). In the case of the unemployment problem it is seen very clearly.

The fact that unemployment as a social phenomenon is a source of massive human

suffering. Whoever puts forward or supports the proposal to move from full-time
employment actually reached to institutionalized unemployment, is well aware that the
result of his proposals will be the suffering caused by the greater or lesser number of
citizens. Such proposals, whatever the economic or technological reasons they are
justified primarily provide moral problem. This problem should be clearly set out, and
the choice of a decision is also supported by the moral (not just economic or
technological) reasons.

And in this case it is not an abstraction, not the "tears of a child." In mid-1990 the
government experts Ryzhkov forecast for 1991 release only in the sphere of material
production of 15-18 million workers. The magazine of the USSR Academy of Sciences
"Sociological Research" (is not even Yeltsin of Russia) published an article with this
kind of headlines:. "The optimal level of unemployment in the USSR" Optimal! The
best! As regards "the best" for our people, a sociologist at the Academy of Sciences?
Here is his ideal, obtained using a tensor methodology of the golden section, Fibonacci
series and other drivel: "Optimal should recognize 13% ... At least 13% can be painful
to enter in the next period, which in turn should open the way to recovery and prosperity
"(prosperity, according to the author, was to come in 1993).

Since the article was written in mid-1990 and we are talking about the Soviet
Union with its 150 million people of working age, then, going from 13% relative to the
absolute number of individuals, we find that the "least painful" our humanist believes
throw from the boat 20 million people.

In itself, the emergence of such reasoning in the pages of an academic journal -

evidence of the moral degradation of our humanitarian intellectuals. In the social
sciences, a sociologist - analogue doctor in medical science. It is obvious that
unemployment - a social disease, for bringing suffering to people. Can you imagine a
doctor who is in a country where completely eliminated, for example, tuberculosis,
would be offered to dispel the Koch bacillus and bring the incidence of TB to the
optimum level of 20 million people?
The author of that article never even made the reservation: to us, they say, in
connection with the market reforms rolls imminent disaster; I, as a narrow specialist, I
do not presume to discuss reform, I'm just saying that for all our efforts, we can not
reduce the number of victims misfortune citizens below 20 million; that it is not higher,
it is necessary to do so-and-so. No sociologist favorably cites Milton Friedman
(stressing that he - Nobel laureate), who proposed the theory of the "natural" rate of
unemployment, "By reducing the level of unemployment below the natural inflation
starts to grow, which adversely affects the state of the economy. Hence the conclusion
of the need to maintain unemployment at the natural rate, which is determined by 6%.
" Six per cent - for the US, and we are a fan of Milton using the golden section
calculated the 13%, which, though the blood from his nose, "must be maintained."

We talked about the scale of suffering that we expected to organize the whole
policy Ratiu their economists and humanitarians. And what kind of these sufferings,
what is their intensity? Sociologist knows them well, they regularly studied the
International Labour Organization, a summary is printed annually. In the US, for
example, the unemployment rate of one leads to
increase in the number of murders by 5.7%, suicide rates by 4.1%, 4% of prisoners,
psychiatric patients by 3.5% (the data he dispassionately results in his article) 25 4 .

. Incoherence argument Forced immorality of all our discourse Liberals came to power
in respect of unemployment reveals the following generic sign of manipulation of
consciousness, which is a reliable and perhaps the easiest to identify symptom -
discourse incoherence. We use here the researchers introduced the manipulation terms
of respect for their science, and that means in normal language, that controllers in their
constructions involuntarily forced into deep conflict with the principles that they
themselves declare.

Waving the banner of freedom and civil society, our liberal philosophers
constantly spend too much time the names of his fathers, pioneers, Locke and Kant
(and later their modern successor - Popper). Good. And suddenly - the promotion of
social-engineering project for the reconstruction of our society so that it emerged
unemployment. There is a flagrant and insoluble contradiction with the most important
terms and Locke, and Kant and Popper. Full discourse incoherence!

Here, N.Shmelev writes: "We are obliged to implement in all spheres of public
life understanding that what is economically inefficient - is immoral, and, on the
contrary, it effectively - the moral." He had to say this stuff to praising unemployment,
not look wicked. Who would believe ideologies which literally says: I am a scoundrel,
I urge you to something and that something bad. That has to get out.

So N.Shmelev (and he, notice one of the most decent in the company) is the
economic efficiency ( "good") of the fundamental category and morality - a secondary,
derivative of the benefits. This contradicts not only all of our knowledge about the
person and the common sense, but the whole philosophy of the civil society.

Morality - a fundamental basis of human existence (the monkey became a man

having found it morally). The benefit is, the more "cost-effectiveness" - historically
conditioned phenomena, transient. Locke, the philosopher of liberal society, which we
seem to be required to learn to live today, specifically raised the question of whether
the benefit of the fundamental basis of life, the same order of morality. his answer was:
"Morality of action is independent of the use." And it clarifies that the "natural law" of
life can not be reduced to the benefit and morality is determined by use, but on the
contrary, the use is one of the results of morality. Benefits (benefits, effectiveness, etc.)
- is secondary.
Of course, if ANYakovlev, N.Shmelev and other superintendents suddenly said
from the screen: "All of these freedom, morality, and civil society - is nonsense. Man
is a wolf - this is our truth! Bring guys who he can and finally take a walk, "- it would
be fair, but uncivilized. That neither our liberals nor the West do not like, so I had to
include the manipulation of the machine.

With respect to Kant's incoherence bordering on schizophrenia, it fell not only

ideologists of the reform, but also wide circles of our educated intelligentsia. Rarely
meet today Humanities magazine, which would not have commemorated Kant's moral
imperative: "Do unto others as you want them to do to you." Referring to this maxim,
I have a long time (since the early 60s) I ask when I can, intellectual, standing up for
unemployment: "you want to be unemployed?". Not once have I heard a positive
response. Most conscientious (and these were my friends at the lab) answered
evasively, like this: "I would not mind for the sake of the common good, but you know,
we now have the scientific and technological revolution, and I am a scientist; so I did
not get to become unemployed, you must excuse. Unemployment - is for the workers,
well, excessive farmers. " Here, as we now know, a little missed our liberal intellectuals
- have themselves become the victim of a very primitive manipulation

5. By the way, the "theory" Friedman - this is pure ideology. Calculations of the
largest of this century economist Keynes show that unemployment, "necrosis of
hands" - devastating for the economy as a whole phenomenon, it is only masked
unsuitable in terms of common interests rates (income of individual enterprises).
Mass unemployment, it is necessary to eliminate the most radical means going for it
on a large budget deficit. Renewal of the labor force at the same time repeatedly pays
the costs. Even today in the United States the growth of unemployment by one
percentage increases budget deficit of 25 bln. Dollars.
consciousness. Plumbers are necessary even in the colony, but the scientists - only in
the sovereign state, which they destroyed.

As Popper and his concept of the "open society", then there is incoherence of our
reformers scandalous. They gave us a "revolution from above". It's no joke - to arrange
for the year privatization plan Chubais and unemployment of 20 million. A philosophy
of Poppepa be an important practical conclusion - THE LARGE ban on changes in
society. Socio-Engineering Solutions should not be THE LARGE. Knowing
ppipaschivaetsya evolutionary, not quickly to than CL ob.patno Us chepez checked
also result. Not quickly to than ppipaschenie knowledge should ppoizvoditsya and
changes in society. Rapid changes, regardless of the intentions of social engineers, will
inevitably lead to excessive human suffering. Therefore, the "revolution from above"
(the "revolution from below" nothing to say, because it's always a blast catastrophe)
Popper's philosophy is theoretically banned 25 5 . Our ideologues adjustment and reform,
wearing a mask of the liberals, in no way are not liberals. All their rhetoric is part of a
vast, historical scale manipulation of consciousness.

We used the theme of unemployment just as an example for the workshop, without
going into the problem itself. Regardless of whether the reader is a supporter of
unemployment and respects the right to work, it is useful to know that the way in which
the reformers elected to the citizens belief in the good of unemployment, there is no
proof and manipulation.

In addition to these five signs, convex protruding in the stream of brainwashing,

there are others that will not be distributed, they are almost trivial. This, for example,
the use of intrusive authority of science. There's the Nobel laureate Friedman and the
"Phillips curve", and tensor calculus. And the personal authority of scientists - many of
our democrats have given them he borrowed. Here, an enthusiast of unemployment
Academician N.Amosov. Well, what kind of knowledge about the issue gave him his
scientific activity - heart surgery? No. Just like his unemployment and he wants to
speak. To your health! But then signed: Amosov citizen (or too Nikolai Amosov, Esq.).
And in fact: Academician! Donkey ears manipulators and stick.

§ 5. The destruction of the moral core

As mentioned in Sec. 11, "softening" of morality - an important step in the

destruction of all the cultural nucleus of society and the removal of psychological
protection against manipulation. That's why they say - the foundations . Anthropologist
K.Lorents formulated almost as an experimental law:
"The radical rejection of the paternal kultupy - even if it is completely oppavdan - may
lead to disastrous consequences, making the boy farewell ppezpevshego zheptvoy most
baa ssove stnyh shaplatanov. Boys, on the freedom of smiling tradition, usually willing
to ppislushivayutsya demagogues and vosppinimayut full dovepiem their cosmetically
ukpashennye doktpinepskie fopmuly ".

Since the late 80-ies in Russia being large and well-developed program for
relativization, and then removing the moral norms and taboos and introducing values
radically immoral. The main thing, of course, is that in many ways has become immoral
reality itself destroys the society, but it is important to use this objective immorality as
a means to influence consciousness for us. This immorality erected media to normal.
This is the most superficial layer of ethics - standards of decency in human relations. It
is unlikely that someone does not agree that the style of political
"Criticism", which was adopted on television during the elections to the Duma in 1999,
meant a break with the previously accepted standards of decency. The most fully
expressed S.Dorenko this gap in their abuse of Yevgeny Primakov and Luzhkov. This
is absolutely not connected with the problem of the validity of criticism, it is about
propriety . In the early 90-ies

6. This provision is particularly emphasizes Popper real liberals in regard to

economic activity. Keynes, visited in 1925 in Russia and attaching great importance
to the Soviet experiment, wrote: "The economic reconstruction of society - business,
carried out slowly. The victims and the loss of the transitional period may be
increased, if we move quickly. After all, the essence of economic processes must lie in
time. Jump implies such a rapid and obvious destruction of national wealth, the new
state of affairs would initially much worse than the old, but a great experiment will be
discredited. " He seemed to foresee collectivization. But then the rush to
industrialization was largely due to the war clearly ripening. And what now? Only
"Sponsors" and greed performers.
increasing rudeness still perceived as an expression of the passion of reformers, their
seething hatred of the Communists (and, oddly enough, seemed so understandable and
almost reasonable). But now it was the rudeness with respect to his . In other words,
rudeness as a moral principle.
Standards, however, asked the government itself. Flaunt immorality has become a
symbol of her faith. It swipes at consciousness, just puts people into a dead end.
Chubais, almost a second person in the state, directly says that the government is
obliged to lie . What then to argue! Property administration of President P.Borodin
laughing comments issued in Switzerland warrant for his arrest - and then appointed
by the big boss of the new state union. Criminal cases on senior officials such as
V.Shumeyko closed on Kremlin orders, unimaginable documents about the theft and
corruption close to the top of the power of people in books published - without any
consequences for them, but their mocking laughter. The very audacity - instrument of
influence on consciousness.

Many connected with blood. Democrats affairs was outraged even a famous anti-
Soviet V.Bukovsky. He said in a speech in the summer of 1993 .: "This is a small but,
in my view, a very good example. This interview is a popular British newspaper known
to all men, a former KGB general and now a great hero of democracy in Russia, Oleg
Kalugin, a catchy headline "I organized the murder of Markov." For those of you who
are not familiar with the details of the case, briefly recall that Georgi Markov, a
Bulgarian dissident, was assassinated in 1978 in London poisoned ball, a shot from a
specially made umbrella ... And now General Kalugin, not without pride He tells us
how he arranged the murder at the request of the Bulgarian comrades. Behind the
efforts he was awarded the prize - a shotgun. By itself, an example perhaps of no
interest and it would be not to mention, if not a complete lack of remorse for the
interview, any pangs of conscience. "

The range of injection immorality was very wide - from murder to boast the
smallest, but very frequent injections. The first transmission of the TV program "Steps"
in 1988 was dedicated to the children's home. The director was a "Stalinist" (and even
had home portretik Stalin), was required to show that she, and not rebels against her
teachers - monsters. And so, the lady with the TV pulls as mites in 10-12 year old boys
ridiculous and indecent gossip about teachers and educators. Having made its impact
on the fragile structure of the orphanage, the Democrats with TV served to their
families. Immoral, from the point of view of the "paternal culture" it was committed in
cold blood, a process operation.

An important role in the restructuring of consciousness took the sexual revolution

. What are its built in sexual promiscuity book concept - and an autobiographical novel
M.Arbatovoy and enthusiastic book about Lilya Brik A.Vaksberga. Something seems
otherworldly and very recent (17 July 1999) article in "Nezavisimaya Gazeta" on the
II International erotic exhibition in St. Petersburg. Author - Besik Pipia (likely a
pseudonym). Here are passages from an enthusiastic article: "The greatest interest
among the visitors caused alive
"Exhibits" - Russian beauty with majestic, graceful, disarming figures, divinely
luxurious bodies tasty calling lips. Men are always going where the beautiful breasts ...
showed Shining eyes of women can be seen at the stand, where about 200 species of
men were exposed substitutes who "can always" ... Reporter
"NG" asked a few questions the chief ideologist of the exhibition, head of the
department of sexology and sexual pathology of the State Jewish Maimonides
Academy, Secretary of the Association of sexologists of Russian Federation, Professor
Lev Shcheglov: "What is the purpose of the exhibition?" - "Forming an erotic culture
of the population, which blocks totalitarianism."

Here, everything is interesting - and the "State" of the Jewish character of the
academy, which has taken on the role of ideologue of the sexual revolution, and its
place in the struggle against "totalitarianism", and mentioned in passing the national
identity of "women's meat" at the international exhibition. It - 1999- th year. But it all
started right after the change of power in the Communist Party.

Initially shocking strange and unexpected turn youth press. In 1986-87.

"Moskovsky Komsomolets", the mass newspaper, suddenly began to print a large
series of articles promoting oral sex. It seemed absurd. Then came the "readers' letters"
(probably fake), in which the girl complained of mothers, robs them and tearing to
shreds their favorite newspaper. The media began to legitimize immoral and antisocial
behavior of teenagers - just like the Nazis did to teenagers during the coming to power
(I do not spend analogies for political purposes between the two Democrats and
fascists, but
manipulation technology they are similar in many respects). Lawyers and psychologists
write in 1991 .:
"Teenagers have lost interest in usual social values and institutions, traditional forms
of leisure activities. They no longer trust the adult world. Not by chance is rapidly
growing army no employed children (since 1984 it has increased to six times). The
notorious youth "get-togethers" inevitably comes sexual demoralization of young girls.

By the end of the restructuring it started direct promotion of prostitution.

Ideological workers perestroika not only justify it as a supposedly inevitable social evil
they represented prostitution almost noble cause, a form of social protest against the
injustices of the Soviet system. E.Yakovleva actress (starred in the film
P.Todorovskogo "Intergirl") has explained that this prostitution: "This is a consequence
of rejection of what is necessary" iskhitryatsya "to dress decently, always pushing in
queues and could barely hold out until payday or scholarships to live in debt ...
Prostitution was common for girls a form of protest against the demagoguery and
injustice they faced in life. " Prostitution as a form of protest against the demagoguery
girls! Bravo, artists!

Sow a reasonable, good, eternal.

Sow, says thank you heart the Russian people ...

Some of the writers said to Turgenev "Turgenev's ladies' was not in Russia. But
its effect on mass public Turgenev can not be compared with the TV. For example, in
recent years, television has played a major role in the development of prostitution, not
only as a form of protest, but also as an organized business. As they say, it is
"institutionalized" prostitution in Moscow, gave information about the work conditions
of its organization, rates, etc. Specialists from the Ministry of Internal Affairs wrote the
Academy in 1992 .: "The growth of prostitution, along with socio-economic, in our
deep conviction, and contributed to other factors, in particular the impact of the media.
At the initial stage of the content of their material was of a sensational character. Some
authors avidly, with a certain degree of envy and admiration, even by taking over most
of the compositions object of the elite - the currency prostitutes depict their incomes,
clothes, cosmetics and perfumes, jewelry and apartments and cars, etc ... The massive
onslaught of such advertising I could not remain without consequences. It directly
affected the underage girls and young women. Noteworthy in this respect, the results
of surveys of schoolgirls in Leningrad and Riga in 1988, according to which the
profession of currency prostitutes hit the top ten most prestigious. "

Destroying a negative attitude towards prostitution, which has become in Soviet

society stable stereotype democratic press never reminded about the social cost of this
phenomenon. Meanwhile, by the end of the restructuring of the prostitutes infected
with a sexually transmitted disease than 350 thousand. Men annually. In 90 years there
has been exponential growth in the number of infected (in 1996-97 the incidence of
syphilis among adolescents was 100 times higher than in 1988 .; not 30%, not twice -.
A hundred times!).

Recently, the question of the morality was raised to the height of the principal, and
the opposition had the opportunity to say an important word, but they were not ready
for this. In 1999, the State Duma adopted and the Federation Council approved the law
"On the Supreme Council for Television and Radio Broadcasting of morality." Yeltsin
once put on the law veto. It would seem, and be done with it, but Democrats have raised
a lot of noise, and they are right here. It is not in the practice and philosophy. Just Act
does not put questions, things are not called by their real names, but indirectly affects
the most sacred of all Russian program alterations. The fact that someone mentioned
this secret
o morality , that is, the concept of good and evil, creates a completely
unacceptable precedent. Once reviewed, then ponder. You look, and will begin
to ask for advice. So Democrats in connection with the law have taken a big
show of their minds and souls, bringing their issues to the point.

March 27, 1999 on NTV conducted a survey of their transmission "Trial

Begins" - claim the Glasnost Defence Foundation (A. Simonov) against the
Duma Committee on Culture, which was preparing a law (S.Govoruhin, which
then belonged to the opposition). I was called to be a witness Govorukhin.
Contrary to expectations, the farce turned serious and persistent dispute. It
lasted 5 hours, and it had made the important things. The transfer of course,
they were not included, but it is important that the thoughts were clothed in
words in the presence of hundreds of students. Already it's a lot - they have
witnessed the process, progress
thought that barely visible through the unsaid. It was important and significant
exposure settings influential part of the opposition.

The main speaker was Govorukhin himself - and the defendant, and the
lawyer, and witness all rolled into one. He is a brilliant speaker - shameless
and skilfully knocks the opponent confused. Pleasure to watch. He skillfully
simplifies the problem, and then do it distorts, it leaves the opponent, who is
trying to say something in fact, just a fool. But opponents he had, besides
A.Simonova (it is, however, silent), and harmless Mizulina, orators Gordon
Shenderovich and Minkin.

But if you look at those rare controversy not as smart boxing, but as a
conflict of ideas, it turns out that Shenderovich was higher Govorukhin. He
(and tongue-tied, Simonov) said plainly and clearly that the main abutment
reject Russian culture - the existence of conscience , fastening people in the
nation. Their credo is: morality - a private matter, so no right to give a moral
assessment of individual business people, society and the state do not have.
Such an assessment is, totalitarianism and censorship.

On this fundamental statement Govorukhin said secondary argument:

" Morality - it's true ." Today, they say, television in the hands of the oligarchs,
they were not allowed to screen those who have a different point of view. The
result is a default zone (as in the case of privatization, banking pyramids
disease Yeltsin, etc.). The truth is distorted, and it is immoral. All this is
correct, but it is a lower-level problem. The argument does not reject the creed
Govorukhin Shenderovich, he only asks pluralism - in addition to Chubais
could hear Abalkina, and except Kozyrev - Immortals.
Essentially the same problems Govorukhin and Shenderovich converge,
both in their view it is totalitarian - brought to the absolute, to absurdity.
Having deliberated before recording, I suggested Govorukhin Shenderovich
ask the question of whether he believes that the individual has the right to throw
the pants to the public and show everyone naked ass? If not, then it is not a
private matter, the society has the right to protect themselves from such a
spectacle, introducing the concept of "insult of morals" - censorship. But this
example shows that morality can not be reduced to the truth (on the contrary,
pants just hiding the truth, create a "zone of silence"). So my question was not
adopted, it contradicted the thesis Govorukhin.

A set of examples and the whole context of this thesis is that the "truth"
reduces it to credible information on the validity ( "Yeltsin was a heart attack,"
"in Samashki riot police did not execute the children") and the alternative
forecasts of the near future ( "privatization harm" "GKO collapse"). This is -
the truth of reason . Regarding this truth can not be a moral conflict, and there
is only a problem of incomplete knowledge or bad faith in its message.
Morality is equivalent to a truth, there is only one embodiment of the scientific
knowledge of the type. She philosophy Shenderovich quite compatible.

Here Is the root of the drama that is going through Russia? Not at all. The
main thing - do not break in the morality of the mind and heart. As Berdyaev
writes, "Dostoevsky has great words that if on one side was the truth, and Christ
on the other, it is better to abandon the truth and to follow Christ, that is, donate
a dead truth passive intellect for the sake of living a holistic spirit of truth. "
Thus, the thesis of "morality - it is the truth" is not opposed to the Democrats.
They opposed "true holistic spirit." In other words,
"Morality - that is true and good." Here - the break, and here we are with
Shenderovich incompatible, because the concept of good is not a property of
the individual, is the fruit of a culture created and stored by the people .

Without going into the question, Govorukhin expressed, in my opinion,

the fundamental weakness of our opposition as a whole. She would not see that
in Russia, in its people, culture and thus, it is split. The split is not reduced to
greed, dishonesty, incompetence or stupidity one some part (although this is
the case and complicates the situation). He goes on to the core values and
divide people according to their attitude to the problems of existence, the main
problems. People take different positions, not because that is not complete
"truth" and they have no information, but because of his moral choice. In other
words, in Russia there were two different systems of moral values, each of
which finds its flag and its language. Split the ripened for a long time, and
during the Soviet period was historically short-lived unity recovery (or rather,
the dissidents were under Stalinism weak and driven underground).
What happens when opposition politicians do not recognize the existence
of a society split in the field of morality? They contribute to the efforts of the
authorities to divert the attention of the citizen of moral choice, to whom he is
almost every time taken for some political or economic decision. This is the
main problem of manipulation of consciousness. The manipulator must first of
all ensure that people perceive every change as a problem solving rather than
choice . It does not have to think about how well whether to privatize the land,
he must only think about how to privatize it. Here in this matter can avoid
conflict of opinion, mutual accusations Chubais and Luzhkov, even a
demonstration of independent trade unions.
When opposition politicians do not recognize the conflict of values, they
themselves are not always aware of, taking the value of those who have the
power and property. So, in fact, they become complicit in the management of
power, although they are allowed and even obliged to deal with the power on
minor issues: the resignation of worthless officials, the fight against crime and
the timely payment of wages. Because in fact, part of a society that is supposed
to represent the opposition confesses irreconcilably different values, there is
no chance of such a mass support for the opposition does not - it are rather
indifferent. Because in fact, it is this part of society is not politics. For the main
policy is determined by values.

Of course, the left opposition says it is committed to social justice . But

by themselves these are empty words, the same thing, and says Gaidar and
Bryntsalov. Nobody would call themselves unjust and immoral. Important
transcript. She should be: the left now for a market economy and against
leveling. Hence it is derived the moral profile. What is the validity of the
market? In two things: complete freedom of trade (like - I buy, I want - no) and
its integrity (without body kit and counting). So, in a market economy is unfair
and immoral to pay salaries to miners for what they produce coal, which is
cheaper to buy in Australia. They are paid only because a violation of the
freedom of the transaction (buy expensive coal Kuzbass under the policy of
pressure). They are paid, pulling out a piece of other citizens. In a market
economy is immoral to give residents pay subsidies for water and heating. Let
them pay for the benefit of selling completely. Why Bryntsalov, who lives in
his house, taken away in the form of tax money to pay for heat for the residents
of five-story building in any Vologda? It is not fair to punish the company,
which stopped supplying heat in Vladivostok, because in this heat she did not
pay. Where is the freedom of the transaction and where the fair payment for
the goods taken? Would you like to pay - it is not necessary, put the stove,
burned in a fire. You are free! Nemtsov with his housing and communal reform
here was absolutely honest. Moreover, he spent a life are the values, which are
recognized by PPAR. Freedom of the transaction and the equivalent exchange
- not immoral, but it is a slim and consistent system of moral values.

I personally reject this morality, I reject the values of the market economy,
I demand leveling! I believe that the right to life of inhabitants of Vologda and
the heat is more valuable than the freedom of the transaction. Having said that,
I can say with a clear head to call people who agree with me, to put pressure
on Nemtsov and reach a compromise with him. And if it turns out that we have
a lot, and suppress it. But if I share the values Nemtsov, my fight with him - a
performance. I'm fighting for something that allowed us to the trough at a time
with him.

Strictly speaking, after the market value of recognition opposition has lost
legitimate grounds on patriotic rhetoric. What do you mean "not to sign the
START-2 Treaty" or "to give Serbia the S-300 missiles?" After all, our nuclear
shield and missiles - a relic, the remains of a non-market economy. Let us be
honest in fact! These residues are drying up, and soon they will not. Russian
market contain scientific and technical potential to create such a system, can
not (yes it has not). So about any military parity with the West when the market
and the speech will not go. Want to market economy - get ready for a new
reality, not mislead people with his cardboard sword. Not us Tsushima?

Not recognizing the split and unofficially adopting the values of "strong",
the different currents of the opposition have developed a set of "password",
they cry out, hitting a dispute situation. They give a sign of a political opponent,
"We're the same blood - you and me!". That Pyotr Romanov suddenly declared
that his ideal statesman - Stolypin. That Shafarevich confirm in 1998 that
"Socialism - the path to the precipice." In the debate with Shenderovich
Govorukhin sniffing ritual performed brilliantly and convincingly.
Immediately he stressed that he does not wish to return to damn the Soviet past.
His film "So you can not live" inflicted a crushing blow to the Soviet system.
The argument is compelling, the password is accepted. Next comes the
reminder that he
It has suffered from the Soviet censorship (it is - global code of our artistic
intelligentsia). Then he would have wanted to see at the head of the Supreme
Council for morality or Solzhenitsyn Likhachev (although it really does not fit
in with the formula "morality - it is true"). Finally, subtle reproach television
address, which always shows the "shame of the State Duma" - Makashova,
Shandybina and Zhirinovsky ( "and in fact in addition to the State Duma a
dozen of these idiots is a set of the most intelligent and noble people - Mizulina,
General Gromov, Yavlinsky"). All of these signs were taken and a dispute with
Shenderovich, strictly speaking, has been reduced to a dispute between his -
about the details. Both are against censorship, and the only difference is that
one believes the Supreme Council authority of censorship, and the other - no.
Why not? Because the Supreme Council does not prevent the transmission
release, and punishes the broadcaster after the transfer. The difference, of
course, essential, but not the principal.

I will not here go into the very problem of freedom of speech and
censorship. I note only that the opposition does not dare to reject the creed
Shenderovich openly - like elementary fraud. Without censorship, there is no
society. Availability bans implemented through some kind of censorship, is a
condition for the preservation of any society. What you can and can not say
and show in public, defined cultural settings. If these foundations differ greatly
in different parts of society, you need to enter the conflict within the law - to
conclude an agreement. Instead of swearing in their hatred of censorship,
should recognize the cultural confrontation and negotiate agreed bans on
violent expression of their values. And since "we are also against censorship",
why Shenderovich not show Russia as a pig, which is cut? The opposition says
something about the "censorship of conscience." But Masuk or Dorenko and
not go against his conscience. It's just they have quite different than that of

The NTV debate the question was put point-blank, and Democrats have
rejected the foundations of Russian culture as a framework limiting their TV,
rejected completely honest and open. We must pay tribute NTV - it raised a
question on the philosophical height, holding against the law of the State Duma
and V.Shenderovicha A.Gordona - founder and secretary general of the Party
of public cynicism. They do not chew the cud democratic as Mizulina.
Shenderovich once said in his poems: "I do not know who appointed me to
become a cancer in the Russian bezrybya". In fact, true, although coyly (no
cancer it does not put, he is drawn to it - aesthetically). In ethical terms, Russia
for his party - bezrybe. So it was not a mass adherence to the values of "public
cynicism" the party is strong and money Gusinsky and bows Govorukhin.

What could be said to "NTV court" I was no use to anyone, and looked
like a nuisance. Yes, and the law, which I have defended my interests do not
really reflected. For me, the main problem of morality on this TV - not bare
ass and not the absence of Abalkina and Immortals, and a continuous and
sophisticated mockery screen over what I consider good and beautiful.
Censorship conscience Shenderovich me out of it does not protect, and I
demand the censorship law. To me, one party says that while riot police
obedient, wanted to spit on me. The other side says that "morality - it's true."

The denial of moral principles "paternal culture" is in art, but more

importantly, the new art media products are promoted and supported by
premiums. These signs of official recognition can not act on the mind,
especially the youth. That was raised to shield Yarkevich. "Spark" writer
named Yarkevicha-93 (and some even "ambiguous" called him "the last
Russian writer"). Let us listen to "Nezavisimaya Gazeta", where Oleg Davydov
gives a diagnosis of the new literature in the article "Yarkevich as a symptom."
The conclusion is: "We are dealing with the philosophy of culture becoming
the" new Russian ", a flatterer and a mouthpiece which is such a great
newspaper, as" Kommersant "and the literary and artistic expression -
Yarkevicha parsed text above."

According to the most Yarkevicha, he wrote a trilogy, similar to the trilogy of

Leo Tolstoy
"Childhood. Adolescence. Youth". In Yarkevicha these parts are called: "How
I fucked up," "As I was not raped," and "As I engaged in masturbation." All
these bad things are in Yarkevicha not only the plot, but also metaphorical
sense. As O.Davydov writes in the second part, "it turns out that a maniac,
raped boys is ... Russian culture." As for the "youth", the
"Masturbation in this text - a metaphor for the free spiritual space. He seems
to be the main shoots (according Yarkevicha) sin of Russian culture: the socio-
political engagement, mixed with the aggression. " That is, again, the main
thing - breaking the topic with the spiritual space of the Russian culture, the
liberation of it even through masturbation. What
wait for the "old Russian" where these young men burdened complexes
completely master the culture? In what specific actions expressed their
pathological hatred and thirst for revenge?

What about their children? Yes, the same. AN Yakovlev awarded the main
ideologists of the cassette with carefully selected cartoons which he has to stuff
children from morning to evening. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! Boris
Minaev in "Nezavisimaya Gazeta" with approval reveals the meaning of the
cultural program "Rusty nails are not just driven into fresh neobstrugannuyu
board and fasten one board to another, form design, the angle at which it is
already possible to build in the construction of any consciousness. After all, in
order to easily string together one after another plot
o it is necessary to bring this nonsense to the full savagery to kitsch to absolute
zero. " The choice
"Nails" that holds the child's consciousness, made the TV, meaning a
fundamental break with the whole trajectory of Russian culture. It was very
strict criteria for admission to the child's soul artist - mentally run through our
children's literature, radio, cinema. Wild absurd kitsch children today - not a
bug, not a sign of low qualification. This is - a syringe with poison introduced
into the future of Russia.

What B.Minaevu like? "Children are no longer perceived ugliness,

disability, straholyudnost - as something alien, alien, scary. They begin to love
it terrible. They are beginning to understand it. My six year old son said, Dad,
and sewage because - this is where the poo float? And his eyes shone with fun
... It turns out that there can be to live! ". This is the point. And you can live in
the shit - do not worry, then, is not happening. We just have to give up the
centuries-old culture in our sense of the ugly.

And blown all ways "aesthetics of ugliness." Bold, deliberately dirty and
sweaty singer, swaying across the carcass, something sings about a girl - it is
made into a star TV screen. From politicians to the screen often pull out those
who should act only on the radio. Goya, who had to watch their reformers,
liberals, calling for Spain Napoleon Democrat, wrote in one of his drawings:
"There are people who have the most obscene part of the body - the person,
and it would not be bad if the holders of such ridiculous and unfortunate their
faces hidden in his pants. " The ideologists of reforms pose the inverse problem
- to teach the ugly as the norm. Create a new cultural niche for the Russian
elite. Minaev wrote about it: "This is a niche dirt, sewage, poop (ie close to
them), a niche kind and noble ugliness straholyudnoy mutations. And if we
talk in short - is a niche nebrezglivosti ".

This phenomenon is revealed Dostoevsky's prophetic image: Fyodor

Karamazov "torn thread of" cultural norms, it demonstrated its nebrezglivost
and spawned Smerdyakov. This is to achieve the reformers cultural resources
- they need millions of Smerdyakov, and not Zhukov and Gagarin. If this
happens, then turned inside out will come true formula "Beauty will save the
world." That is, Smerdyakovs his ruin. For anthropologists (Konrad Lorenz)
has long warned: disgust, instinctive rejection of ugliness was an essential
condition of human evolution and the health of all species.

Chapter 20. Kitchen manipulation of consciousness: we tested on techniques

§ 1. Direct lie

Chapter 1 stated that an outright lie by itself can not be qualified as

manipulation. In the 70 years A.Mol also wrote that the line lies in the media
is a sign of low professional qualification Editor: its discovery is a loss of
control over the audience, it becomes immune to propaganda. Therefore,
replace the media
"Political censorship" (an obvious distortion of information) censorship
"psychoanalytic" - they use subliminal cultural phenomena . Below them in
sociodynamics culture meant constant bending socio-cultural space - such a
"polarization" in the desired direction of all messages that did not exceed the
threshold of perception of the listener or viewer. When he does not see this
polarization, it has not mobilized psychological protection against
manipulation. When the media have resorted to this doctrine, the impact on
them of message recipients weight is reduced to a minimum - and satisfied with
the mass media is considered objective. A.Mol writes that this "self impact
mass is controlled by the organizers of a distribution system and provides them
with feedback that helps them to identify the main concept of the mean
threshold sensitivity of the recipient, below which they are consistent with the
policy." In other words, the media in a democratic society,
serving the class of owners, clearly lie only in order to clarify their perception
threshold lies on the reaction of the masses - and then reduce the level lies
below this threshold.
Since then, however, the situation has changed. Totalitarian control makes
direct exposure of the lies of the media a small number of oligarchic groups
with a significant public response unlikely. And most importantly, it created
such a flux density of the exciting audiences messages and short-term memory
is turned off so completely that the exposure of "yesterday" lie no one is
interested. Therefore, the inclusion of a direct falsehood is practiced all the
media on a large scale as a method of inexpensive but effective in solving
urgent problems. This blatant lie is preferable, because it destroys any
possibility of dialogue.

That's fine example. The US imposed sanctions against several Russian

companies in connection with allegedly violations of the embargo on the
supply of military technology to Iran. In this connection, March 4, 1999 a
meeting of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs. It turned out
that there were no violations on the part of Russia was not, the scandal was
artificially inflated by the press. In 1997, US experts have established and
given a formal opinion that the notorious 7 tons of steel, confiscated on the
Azerbaijani border, was of Spanish origin and were intended for the
manufacture of household sinks. However, until March of 1999, the media,
including Russia, were given the cargo for contraband, which was intended if
the construction of shells of Iranian missiles. And it is useless to give
explanations and waving an official opinion of the American experts.

Direct lie about historical events are full of statements of politicians,

journalists, broadcasters, even purely newscasts. Until now, we hear about the
"millions of people shot," even though everyone who says this, thoroughly
know the exact details. They are not only published in many sources, they have
repeatedly and quite officially declared over last years 25 6 . And they were
published in the mass democratic press. So, in the weekly "Arguments and
Facts" (1990, number 5) official data showing that from 1921 to 1954 for
political reasons, was sentenced to death 642,980 people were listed. Accurate
data about how many sentences enforced, yet it is estimated - about 300

TV Shows full of petty lies, all these bubbles filled the air, there is no
possibility of piercing. Letters to the opposition newspapers could make an
anthology of lies. Here, there is a remarkable anniversary armourer
Kalashnikov. It would seem that the feast - is not, and it serves as propaganda.
Commentators with RTR and then find an excuse for anti-Soviet sermon,
saying that to publicize the Kalashnikov name was kept secret, and in general
in rank he was promoted only in the 80s, when the "enemy voices" laughed at
the fact that a great designer is still a sergeant . Each time one is struck by how
lack of conscience so brehat. We, the students in their freshman year in 1956,
a major in the military department, representing a Kalashnikov, read a lecture
about the biography of Mikhail Kalashnikov. It was presented in the school
textbook of basic military training. The Military Encyclopedia 1981 article
about him given his rank of colonel, awarded in 1969. This, of course, small
lies, she takes his weight. There is a whole concept.

That appears on television Head of the Analytical Center of the President

" Russia before 1917 was a prosperous agricultural country, but the
Communists brought to the agroindustrial complex of the current chaos ." This
is - a lie straight, and deliberately deceiving M.Urnov - have reliable statistics
and production and productivity, and the level of power in the last century (and
could not read Tolstoy about hunger or judicial records of the century on the
food riots of the peasants). During the period 1909-1913 gg. was 72 million in
average cereal production in Russia. m., and in the USSR in the 1976-80
biennium. -.. 205 million tons of yield before the revolution was 7-8 t / ha and
50 million people work in agriculture.. The effectiveness of the economy was
very low. Products for the Soviet period has increased by 5-6 times, and the
number of employees decreased by 2 times. Increasing efficiency by 10-12
times -

7. The beginning was Nikita Khrushchev. he at the Twentieth Party Congress,

for example, said: "When Stalin died in the camps were up to 10 million people.". In
fact, as of January 1, 1953 in the camps contained 1,727,970 prisoners, as
Khrushchev was reported memo. In February 1954, he was presented a certificate
signed by the USSR Prosecutor General, the Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR
and Minister of Justice of the USSR, containing precise data on the number of
convicted persons with all kinds of the judiciary for the period from 1921 to 1
February 1954 Thus, The report of the XX Congress of the CPSU, and in a number of
speeches Khrushchev deliberately distorted the truth.
an excellent result (despite the fact that the village at the same time ensured by its
own means, and the industrialization of the Soviet Union and the war).

Prior to 1917, the entire surplus product mercilessly taken out of the village (
"short of food, and take out"). All more or less developed countries that produced less
than 500 kg of grain per capita grain imported. Russia in 1913 was a record 471 kg of
grain per capita - and took out a lot of grain. At the expense of domestic consumption.
Even in "normal" years, the situation was serious. This is evidenced by the very low
level set officially "physiological minimum" - 12 pounds of bread and potatoes a year.
In the normal 1906 the level of consumption was registered in 235 counties with a
population of 44.4 million. Man. production growth in agricultural production as a
result of Stolypin's reforms fell in 1909-1913 gg. an average of 1.4% per year. This
was much lower than the population growth, ie, Russia went to the hunger, and hence,
to the revolution.

In general, over the last decade, Russian society has been subjected to the strongest
pressure of direct and deliberate lie, and TV injected with official positions of authority
and scientific titles. This part of the whole ideological campaign is definitely a crime .
Sooner or later, she will be given a legal assessment 25 7 .

Yet large outright lies ( "fabrication of facts") in the country is rarely used, because
to some extent credible information comes to too much of the population of 25 8 .
Another thing - continuous shallow lie citing unspecified sources ( "gray" propaganda).
It is effective and safe due to the insignificance of false data and because a very large
number of them.

"Gray" propaganda is used by all channels of Russian television almost

continuously, and in particular periods of its intensity increases dramatically. Usually
it is in the morning gives a false report of the sources of uncertainty ( "from the circles
close to the ..."
"Well-informed source of ...", etc.). This should be a message that attracts public
attention. As a rule, the affected person or organization immediately refute it by this
message, but it included a refutation begins (in small doses) in TV newscasts gradually
delayed. And most importantly, the false message is transmitted at all times - even
alongside with a refutation, that only enhances its appeal. Never given words to refute
live, or at least in the form of an official statement. Usually "gray duck" live only one
day, and the next day about it does not say a word. But the ratio of "efficiency / cost"
is extremely high - such a lie does not cost anything and the danger of prosecution does
not create.

Here are two simple examples of "gray" propaganda. Before the elections to the
Duma in 1999 on the first and the second channel of the Russian TV (they conducted
propaganda against the block
"Fatherland" headed by Yevgeny Primakov and Luzhkov) for the whole day passed a
message, though St. Petersburg Governor Yakovlev decided to withdraw from the
block list. It was a sensation, because in this case the entire block was removed from
the election (Yakovlev was the third in the list). Already in the morning Yakovlev gave
a formal denial, of which television is only mentioned in the evening and very vague.

Another case - with a link to anyone not well-known (and hardly exists) private
"Military News Agency" the dismissal of the commander of the forces in Chechnya,
General Shamanov. Shamanov was a symbolic figure, and his withdrawal would be
perceived as an important turn in the Grand Kremlin intrigue with the wars in
Chechnya. Therefore, a message has attracted much public attention (probably at the
same time it is necessary to use the word

8. There is also a large flow of false statements, which should be classified as

"Secondary" manipulation - they make people coming from instilling stereotypes.
Moreover, the growing begins to affect ignorance. Here, the transmission on
television, dedicated to the tragic events in the Ice Palace, during the festivities on
the coronation of Nicholas II. Moderator says: the Bolsheviks, they say, took
advantage of the events and immediately called Nicholas II «bloody." Well, what
could be the Bolsheviks in 1896? Can we consider this nonsense lie? Hard to say.

9. This is an elegant example of "black" propaganda ( "black PR") during the

election campaign in 1999 Opponents of the candidates for the State Duma from
Yekaterinburg, the owner of a large department store, in crowded places of the city
distributed a large number of invitations on behalf of the owner to visit his shop and
buy Products at a discount of 20%. A gift from a wealthy voters of the candidate! he
could not make such a gift, and painful explanation with frenzied buyers, and the
whole thing, did not improve his image.
"Distracted" - from something that was supposed to escape from this attention). The
official press center of the Ministry of Defence as soon as morning gave the rebuttal
(apparently, in very sharp tones), but even in the night newscasts false information was

"Gray" propaganda of this kind, of course, is not intended to introduce into the
consciousness of a thought or installation. It creates conditions for some other
manipulative influence - scatters and diverts attention, something erases from short-
term memory, and most importantly, creates the atmosphere in society general
nervousness about which said further Marat. Here is a constant nervousness (stress)
and serves as a means of destruction of human psychological protection against

Do not disdain the Russian media and the "black" propaganda. Even Goebbels'
ministry was to use the reception, which had somehow hesitate to use - the invention
of false quotes (sometimes with the indication of "Source" until the page). During the
restructuring and reform of a whole bunch of citations was put into use (they M.Shatrov
even build entire pieces that were on the scene of the Art Theatre). Widely discussed
"saying," Lenin that "the state should manage the cook" or Stalin's aphorism "No man
- no problem" (introduced Rybakov).

Yu.I.Muhin lead case "quotational" lies directly Goebbels type. A certain

V.Anfilov historian wrote in the newspaper "Red Star" of 22 June 1988 .: "The last
check by the inspector of infantry, - said in December at a meeting of the fortieth year,
Head of Combat Training Lieutenant General V.Kurdyumov - showed that 225
regimental commanders involved in the collection, only 25 people were graduated from
the military College, the rest 200 people - people who have completed courses for
junior lieutenants and come out of the stock. " This quote then went for a walk, even
for "scientific" books. But it so happened that in 1993, the meeting materials referenced
V.Anfilov were published, including the report of the inspector of infantry and
performance V.Kurdyumova. There is no word about the level of education of
commanders of regiments 25 9 . In the autumn of 1940 charges is not called at regimental
commanders were collected only company commanders. As for the regimental
commanders, at the beginning of 1941 out of 1833 regimental commanders 14% have
graduated from the military academy, and 60% - the military schools.

There were also quite a large operation, "black propaganda." An example is the
widely accepted version that Stalin in his youth was a secret police informer. Getting
it put the publication in "Life" magazine some I.Levinym one document, which referred
to the media first, and then meant as a well-known fact. I think the vast majority of
those who have heard this version, did not know anything about the document.
Represented he like an official letter of 13 July 1913 form the Russian Interior Ministry
Chief of the Special Department of the Police Department Eremina "Yenisei Chief
Police Department", which was heading to link Stalin. In this letter, and it said that
Stalin began to cooperate with the police after his arrest in Tiflis in 1908

"Document" that - fake middling (the quality of these documents depends on the
price). E.Hlystalov, honored worker of the MIA of Russia points to inconsistencies,
which might not be at adequate appropriations. Eremina Signature forged bad. Signed
letter name without titles, that in official documents is strictly not allowed. In 1913,
there were no Yenisei Police Department, and was Yenisei investigative point; his chief
was not a "Dear Sir Alex Fedorovich" and Vladimir Fedorovich Zheleznyakov what
Eremin could not know. The documents at the time did not write "Stalin" and wrote
"Joseph Vissarionov". All this - the stuff for cheap forger, but the little things that might
not be in this document. We knew all our democratic ideologues who decided to start
the "black" and the fake in the USSR? They could not know - it is old. The hope was
that they could use all the state media machine, and to recall the results of "document"
could E.Hlystalov examination in 1998 only in a small newspaper "Moskovsky railway
worker" for their propaganda.

10. Educational V.Kurdyumova one phrase suggested "senior and middle chain
of command, not having completed military education, to January 1, 1942 to pass
external examinations for the full course of military school."

§ 2. Not an outright lie, and the silence

As a respectable politician, scientist or newspaper silent known to them accurate

information, allowing you to take root and spread important to society a false opinion,
that at first it shocks even more than an outright lie. Below, we shall deal with the
default of large, fundamental pieces of information that was necessary for people to
determine their position (default reform objectives, timelines and social cost). But the
reception of silence is widely used in small, partial, "molecular" promotions for
consciousness manipulation.

Such deliberate default always resorted to by the creation myths of operations. I

have already said as with the active participation of academics created the myth of
abundance of tractors in the USSR, or the myth of the terrible amount of nitrates in our
soil, and therefore in vegetables. When there was a scandal with the "contamination"
of 22 children with AIDS in Elista, the press kept silent about the fact that in those days
the trial of the Directorate of the National Blood Transfusion Service of France, which
has infected 4 thousand. Man. These defaults was full of perestroika, and now full
democratic press 26 0 .

Here is a simple case. Until now, no-no, but I remember how Stalin because of his
tyranny did not believe Richard Sorge, who accurately warned of an attack in Germany
June 22, 1941 Do not believe, and here is the result - the Volga Germans (from other
posts can be understood, Germans generally have won). This story is repeated for many
years, and still silent about the fact that the stresses in all special and much of the
popular literature: the Germans waged an intensive program of misinformation about
the plans the outbreak of war with the Soviet Union (including through the embassy,
and therefore individually through Sorge ). From the very beginning, 1941 in the
General Staff received daily reports from the undercover date of the attack - always
different. Many such reports sent and Sorge. They repeatedly found to be false,
therefore, he was not able to distinguish truth from misinformation. Why did Stalin had
suddenly believe it is reported on June 22?

The ideologues are silent about those things that only yesterday they themselves
loudly trumpeted, with amazing effrontery. Here, November 16, 1999 to all channels
of TV coverage was sensational: the Academy of Sciences has returned the original
manuscript of the novel Mikhail Sholokhov
"Quiet Flows the Don". Excitedly talked about how meanly poisoned "in Soviet times,"
Sholokhov, claiming that he was not - the author of the novel. This was said as though
meanly poisoned his figure like Zhdanov, Suslov, Andropov - in general, the
Bolsheviks. There has never been even mentioned the name of the main organizer of
the harassment - Solzhenitsyn. It was not said and that this persecution was of a
primitive anti-Soviet character (say, the Soviet Union gave the world a major writer,
and he is - a plagiarist). It is clear that Solzhenitsyn was unbearable to go to the
microphone and somehow make amends. But so silent about it, turning the final
establishment of Sholokhov's authorship of the anti-Soviet campaign in the same way
as anti-Soviet action there were accusations of plagiarism - it means to manipulate the
consciousness at the level of "black" propaganda (which is ranked among the acts of
psychological warfare).

As lie through omission is today in public life phenomenon of constant and has a
high intensity, let us briefly one example of the different areas - at random.

Silence intentions . Covert action programs through the mobilization of

the old stereotypes of consciousness and the usual terminology - reception
manipulation. As recently as 1988, when the rotation adjustment to capitalism for
professionals was no longer a secret, one could read the words of Mikhail Gorbachev:
"Among living in the USSR every fourteen of the fifteen were born after the revolution.
And we continue to call to abandon socialism.

11. I remember that the first time I was surprised by the strange behavior of the
Soviet press in 1989. Then, in the West, Gorbachev softened kindness, there are many
interesting and sensational confessions, which, apparently, just begged to pages of
Soviet newspapers. For example, the Swedish government shamefully admitted that
vainly inflated in the early 80-ies of war hysteria, finding in its fjord
"Soviet submarine." Then once it became clear that an imperfect instrument for the
boat took a herd of seals, but the scandal was set in motion, for NATO was the way,
and did not admit error. And now admitted with a chuckle. Spicy thing. To my
surprise, not a single Soviet newspaper, no television program that the news is not
reported. You can not already cast a shadow on the western democracy and the
perfection of its publicity.
The question is, why is it that the Soviet people, which grew and became strong under
socialism, must give up their order? We will take to develop and strengthen socialism
... However, in the press there were suggestions that go beyond our system, in
particular, it was felt that in general it would be necessary to abandon the planned
economy, unemployment sanction. But we can not allow this, because going to
strengthen socialism, and not replace it with other systems . What is thrown to us from
the West, from another economy, is unacceptable for us. "

Meanwhile, T.I.Zaslavskaya book-manifesto "no other way" writes: "From the

point of view of the pending tasks of the forthcoming conversion of public relations is
really hard to describe as a relatively bloodless and peaceful (although blood was shed
in Sumgait) social revolution . It, therefore, is to develop a management strategy is not
an ordinary, albeit complicated evolutionary process, but the revolution is
fundamentally changing the basic social and political structures, leading to a dramatic
redistribution of power, rights, duties and freedoms between the classes, strata and
groups ... The question is whether it is possible revolutionary transformation of society
without significant aggravation of social struggle in it? Of course not ... It is not
necessary to be afraid of those who are not afraid of the word "revolution".

Almost simultaneously with T.Zaslavskoy close companion Mikhail Gorbachev,

in "Pravda" writes Assistant and ideological adviser to Gorbachev G.Smirnov
philosopher: "... it is not about the social and political revolution that destroyed the
foundations of the old system of economic relations, established a fundamentally new
political power that expresses the interests of the class overthrowing. Here the situation
is different. It is not about the destruction of public ownership of the means of
production, and its strengthening and more effective use ... It is not the smashing of
the state power, and to further strengthen the socialist nation-wide state, the deepening
of socialist democracy, the development of the national socialist government "[italics
I, K, M ].

Thus, the two counselors in the concept, the two closest to the Secretary General
of his team member wrote about the main thing is happening in the country during the
diametrically opposite things: accurate interpretation in the book for a narrow circle of
"friends" - and absolutely false in mass newspaper with a circulation of 5 million
copies. . And it covers itself CPSU Secretary General in a speech to the whole country.

And that's a trifle, which was a great set. Under the cover of talk about "the revival
of Russian culture" in a democratic elites openly built plans drastic reduction of cultural
activities and access to cultural values of the population. In 1991 L.A.Gordon (. Then
head of department of the Institute of International Labor Movement, Academy of
Sciences of the USSR) spoke at the Round Table on Culture at the Academy of
Sciences: "The press, in senseless hysterics prominent cultural figures heard screams
that privatized cinemas several thousand, 30 thousand artists while out of work. Why
our society 30 thousand artists ... What kind of endless conversation - why we need to
have 500 theaters? Who ever said? ... And I do not know what will happen to the Lenin
Library. At least sell to somebody who really fix it, and that in fact sell more Turkish
companies, which really will not be able to fix it. " Nothing like a mass printing did not
fall - the media kept silent about what would happen to an ordinary citizen in the field
of cultural 'service. " Fig. 10 and 11 show that there was a film and theater in Russia.

Philosophical theses . The whole ideological campaign aimed at

convincing the citizens, if private property and capitalism based on it "create" human
rights and freedoms, is based on (this is stated in Sec. 9) concealing important
conclusion sociology and philosophy. The thesis of capitalism due to democracy not
only rejected Marxism, but also liberal thinkers.

Here is what Max Weber in 1906 .: "It would be extremely ridiculous to attribute
to today's highly developed capitalism, it is now imported to Russia and there in
America - this inevitability of our economic development - selective affinity
"Democracy" or even of "free" (in which whatever sense of the word). "

Conclusion Weber repeated in various versions constantly. B.Ginzberg American

sociologist, author of the study ways of mobilizing public opinion the US government,
wrote recently: "Western governments use market mechanisms to manage the
aspirations and feelings of the masses ... Although citizens of the Western world have
used to connect the market with the freedom of opinion, invisible hand of the market
can be an instrument of control is almost as powerful as the iron fist of the state. "
Talking about the causal relationship between capitalism and democracy and
human rights was simply indecent after the world has gone through the experience of
fascism. After all, fascism - it is a product of capitalism and its inherent society, he
could not be in a different society. Fascist gosudapstvo in Gepmanii arose, according
to the vice of first-kantslepa Papen,
"Ppoydya until the end of the path demokpatizatsii" Veymapskoy pespubliki. That is,
in terms kpayney kpizisa, gpazhdanskoe society through ppisuschih him
demokpaticheskie mechanisms rocks fascist gosudapstvo. Philosopher Hopkhaymep
said about fascism, "totalitapny mode is active is nothing else like it ppedshestvennik,
bupzhuazno-demokpaticheskie order of magnitude, vdpug potepyavshy their
ukpasheniya". And here is what it G.Mapkuze "transitional composition and
transformed libepalnogo gosudapstva in avtopitapnoe ppoizoshlo in the bosom of the
same social-order. With regard to the economic basis of this we can say that it is very
libepalizm "pulled" from itself is avtopitapnoe gosudapstvo as his own incarnation at
the highest stage EVOLUTION ".

The thesis that the alleged private property and market produce democracy and
only democracy, has no historical or logical reason. It's amazing how it could be
introduced into the mass consciousness, when before my eyes was an example of
Pinochet in Chile who spent roughly the same reform that Chubais.
Default on methodological errors. When the ideologists and
politicians offered large, extremely dangerous changes, they referred to the objective
laws to supposedly flawless theory, the experience of others. Most obvious forgery was
to these links, but very often - the default that the arguments cited methodologically
unsound (primarily for the specific conditions of Russia). Scandalous case can be
considered a bluff Gaidar, who all morally suppressed some "Phillips curve". It became
apparent that in Russia it is necessary to immediately introduce unemployment, but in
fact these "curves" were the usual rigging. A more subtle silence lay in the fact that
Russian economists are concealed from the public the most important methodological
principle according to which the theory of the market economy are only in the market
economy. And as in the Soviet Union, as we know, the economy was another type of
reform plan based on market theories (as provided for in the IMF program), it was

Winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics Buchanan wrote: "The theory would be
useful if the economic relations are common enough that it was possible to predict and
interpret human behavior. Moreover, economic theory can be applied to the real world
only if economic motivation behavior prevails in all market participants activity " 261 .
Nothing fundamentally new Buchanan said - about the same AV Chayanov already
written, so that the default of our academicians, doctors and candidates of economic
sciences was conscious.

Consider and one very very clear case. Symmetrically with the number of
"Perished in the gulag" used "demographic forecast" the number of the Russian people,
as it would not install in the Russian Soviet system. According to this forecast, which
has been made, in particular, Mendeleev at the end of the last century in Russia (USSR)
in our days would be to live about 500 million. People (myself Mendeleev wrote about
400 million. ). As a respectable journal writing as a scientific fact: "It should be
remembered that at the beginning of the XXI century the population of Russia was to
be half a billion." Be aware! Rough methodical error of this forecast was already known
at the time of its publication, therefore,
"Enlightened democrats" especially in this forecast are not pressed forward. But it
picked up our patriots - they cast dust on their heads, cursing the Bolsheviks. It turned
out that the "Soviet experiment" has managed in 220 million people. Lives. Well, at
200 million. If cancel 20 million. At the Great Patriotic War. These mythical 500
million at the same time become almost mandatory password patriots - they are
mentioned not only "white" authors "Our contemporary" and "pink", and even some of
the leaders of the Communist Party.

Mendeleev extrapolated into the future fertility in peasant Russia, suggesting that
the progress of industry and improvement of living will reduce the high mortality rate,
which even in 1913 was 30.2 people per 1 thousand. He did not realize the two was
already known in the art of factors: urbanization (migration of rural people to the cities,
with the inevitable development

12. Under the economic relations Western economists understand it is a market

economy, in contrast to the economy . In the Soviet Union we had just farming.
industry) always leads to a sharp reduction in the birth rate; improving living
conditions and reducing mortality and through for a while reduced fertility.
Our patriots using Mendeleev's forecast for ideological purposes sincerely become
manipulators unwitting (or "secondary"). In any case, they "did not notice" the
commentary to this forecast, which at the same time made famous philosopher
Vladimir Solovyov. He wrote: "According to recently released statistics
unquestionable, that the significant progress which increased our population until the
eighties, has since become a strong decrease and in some parts of the Empire has gone
to zero. Namely, in the provinces of central black band from 1885 profit of the
population, as we know, it did cease, and the significant (although less than expected)
increase of 12 million over 10 years, which found 1897 census, falls mainly on the
various non-Russian or half-Russian outskirts ... There are, then, in addition to the
mechanical movement of masses of people, some organic cause, stop our growth. "

Those who used the Mendeleev forecast for anti-Soviet purposes, concealed not
only criticism of this forecast by his contemporaries. Much more was rude and unfair
omission of evidence that could be drawn from any of the statistical yearbook - a
natural growth of the population in Russia in the most favorable pre-revolutionary
years, compared with Soviet times. This increase of 1 thousand. People amounted in
1913 to 16.8 people. And in 1950, 17.0 in 1960 and 17.8! So, during the Soviet period
the increase was higher than in the pre-revolutionary years the best! The Soviet way of
life immediately affected the main demographic indicators - life expectancy. In Russia
on average it was in the 1896-1897 years. 32 years! And in the 1926-1927 biennium.
It became 44 years old, and by the early 70-ies increased to 69 years.

Let's not much to say, after the liquidation of the Soviet system, Russia has been
10 years, has a high natural decrease of the population - the same as "unnatural" decline
during the war.

The myth that the Soviet system was paid a huge price reduction potential Russian
population ( '250 million victims ") - a product of a gross manipulation of
consciousness. He could not have any walking, if it advocates fair resulted in at least
the most basic factual information 26 2 .

Default on the context . The main thesis of the current ideology is the
assertion of the need to rebuild our culture, our habits, laws, economy so as to become

"A normal democratic country." The main purpose of this stream of reproaches and
accusations was the destruction of the national identity and respect and thus removing
psychological protection against manipulation at all. Lies all this propaganda is that
almost always hushed up the reality of the "normal" countries that we need to take a

Here, a prominent lawyer and sociologist Ya.I.Gilinsky opposes the death penalty
: "We believe that the State can not be considered legal and civilized, yet it retains
legalized murder ... At the moment the death penalty in most civilized countries
abolished de jure or not applied de facto, ». Commemorated, of course, that in Latin
America, the death penalty is applied in fact only in Cuba (shooting children with street
children in Brazil, or the peasants in Guatemala - do not count, because without trial).
But he seems to have forgotten about the main lawyer of "civilized" country - the
United States. Or he does not believe the United States' legal and civilized state "?

In the US, an active discussion of the death penalty is carried out since 1972. What
is the trend? in 1976 the US Supreme Court ruled that the death penalty is not a form
of punishment unconstitutional. In 1987, the Supreme Court again considered the issue
and confirmed the applicability of the death penalty. And, finally, July 11, 1990 the US
Senate by 94 votes to 6 approved, as it is written, "the toughest and most comprehensive
in the history of the United States' law on the fight against crime, extends the
applicability of the death penalty for 33 types of crimes. Actively supported the law
Bush in his campaign for the US presidency ( "the American people will no longer
tolerate criminals").

13. It is noteworthy that in the anti-Soviet propaganda usually like to take the
example of Finland - also supposedly part of Russia, but escaped from the Soviet
system, and how to live! But when it comes to demographics, forget about it. But in
Finland, at very favorable natural conditions and international ( "sucks two queens")
population growth was the same as in the USSR.
During the perestroika years much has been said about the eavesdropping of telephone
conversations disidentov services the KGB. Horrible! What is unprecedented anywhere
in the world the violation of human rights! Thus all our honest journalists and
democratic politicians silent , that at the same time the lawsuit was launched in Paris
against K.Pruto, Head of Anti-Terrorist Unit under President Mitterrand of France. At
the direction of the Prut Mitterrand led from 1982 to 1986 the illegal wiretapping of
hundreds of journalists, politicians, lawyers and even actors. In the fields of print -
marks of Mitterrand. Poor Prut fell under the court not because he broke the law, but
because after the death of Mitterrand took home the classified material.

This is - a soft Mitterrand, mentor democracy. And that, in all podozpitelnye

kompyutepizipovannoy Amepike and govopit ppihodit not under any cover. And any
alleged neytpalizuyuschego gosudapstvennoy machine Bullion influence is not
noticeable. Epik Laupent, eccentricity investigated activities of the US National
Security Agency, says that in the early 80s in this budget opganizatsii 8 Ga. USD. 100
thousand. sotpudnikov engaged pepehvatom and passhifpovkoy pepedavaemyh chepez
by telephone or satellite communications, including kommepcheskih and personal.
Already in those years 400 thousand recorded daily. Pazgovop in the US and d.puguyu

Silence of the West setting . At the time of press adjustment

demokpaticheskie urged

English, that they should get rid of "sindpom besieged kpeposti" and that the West
loves them.
"Nezavisimaya Gazeta" even published posters Quaternary World War II, to show how
ppoklyaty Stalinism pazzhigal hatred for our dpuzya-Germans (now, however, this
newspaper began to sing in a different way, but it would be useful to the editor to view
back issues, and how to explain) .

One of the slogans of the downhole restructuring was a "return to our common
European home." This ideology silent on one important fact: nobody in the West does
not believe that Russia in this "common home" ever entered, and nobody invites her
back today. Pepestpoyka was indeed ppinyato vostopgom in the West, but it did not
last long. West quickly to understand that his goal has been achieved, and in yanvapya
1990 as a team (and skopee all team) of press and television have changed the record.
This very manevp terrified: how to change nappavlenie such a colossus as spedstva
infopmatsii entire civilization, in just a week! Russian theme was "removed from
ek.pana". USSR pposto becoming silent there. Infopmatsiyu went extremely negative,
as if the had disappeared usual positive stories - ballet, science, and even demokpatiya
Russian landscapes. There were only empty ppilavki, ppestupnost, ppostitutsiya and
konsepvatopy. Then a wave of anti-Soviet (actually antipusskih) films. Again
popazhaet dynamism - the wave of films already in 1990.

What Russia has no reason to expect an invitation to the "common home", it said
quite openly, and this could not have escaped from Gorbachev and Yeltsin ideologues.
The idol of our democratic intelligentsia Milan Kundera wrote bluntly: "Indeed,
nothing could be more foreign to Central Europe, with its obsession with variety than
Russia possessed with the idea of uniformity, standardization and centralization ... I
just want to once again remind you that on the eastern border of the West more than
anywhere else in the world, Russia is not perceived as a European power, and as a
separate, different civilization. " Thus, all the talk about the "common home" was a
cynical and deliberate manipulation.

§ 3. Default target, price and timing of the changes

The most important means (and sign) the manipulation of consciousness in politics
is the default project. In other words, policies that collects under the banners of citizens,
carefully avoids talking about the purpose of his "project" that awaits them in the event
that it is through their vote (or actions) will come to power. All of his apparent advocacy
reduced to denouncing the enemy, and to the conviction of mainly his "universal"
defects: tramples freedom, drink blood of the people, robbing the poor, promotes
injustice, lies, etc. Out of all these exposures it follows that under the new regime all
these nasty things will not, and the reign of freedom, justice, morality, sobriety, etc.

The first recognized masters such propaganda were the Jacobins during the French
Revolution. Much historical research it has done in the year of its centennial
P.Kropotkin. He looked at her in a new way, and it shook the new propaganda type of
cynicism. Of all the speeches and texts inciting hatred of the old regime,
absolutely impossible to "calculate" the project of the future living arrangements,
which stood for the denial. It was not that the revolution always starts not quite there,
where the revolutionaries promised. The Jacobins deliberately kept silent about his

In this respect, the Russian revolution the traditional society was sharply different
from the French. All participants: Stolypin, and follow the monarchists and Cadets, and
revolutionaries expressed their views on the desired device or hated them life quite
clearly. Today, this openness is striking and even touches: it was some kind of
brotherhood irreconcilable opponents. West, making the manipulation of
consciousness technique, based on other principles. Nietzsche wrote: "Who wants to
demand that someone else something hard, the general should not be a case of a
problem, but should simply outline his plan, as if the latter is the only way; and when
in the sight of another person begins to flare objection, contradiction, it must be able to
quickly break it and do not give him time to recover. "

This is the way to make policy decisions in the course of restructuring. Gorbachev
proved to be a brilliant manipulator. First, all the power of a totalitarian Party
authorities forced people involved in politics to accept the installation of the absurd,
"no other way" (or
"There is no alternative ..."). Further in the formula to substitute different objects - there
is no alternative to restructuring, the rate of reform, market, Yeltsin etc. In this widely
used technique called connection to the future (he puts vulgar adage "train has left").
People are convinced, and not without success, that there is no turning back, too much
has been destroyed, and now too, do nothing, we must continue to reform.

Transcripts of plenary sessions of the CPSU Central Committee and other

meetings to disagree or doubters have tried to argue, or at least to put rhetorical
questions (such as "The aircraft lifted into the air, and where we sit?") Show a
remarkable ability to Gorbachev and his entire team immediately "break not give time
to recover. " Often with people dumbfounded, an unusual arrogance. The "revolution"
of Gorbachev and then Yeltsin had already carried out by all the canons of manipulation
of consciousness. Perhaps even with brute force - on the stage of the restructuring was
not only silence, but also cover a lie.

Here, Nikolai Ryzhkov government has already prepared the laws break down
planned economy. And at the same time Deputy Prime Minister said Abalkin
economist in the West that the Soviet Union as a result of threatened unemployment at
a rate of 30-40 million people, and Gorbachev in the country calmed:. "On the pages
of the press were also proposals [for economic reform ] beyond our system, in
particular, it was felt that in general it would be necessary to abandon the planned
economy, unemployment sanction. But we can not let that happen, because socialism
is going to strengthen, not replace it with other systems. What is thrown to us from the
West, from another economy, is unacceptable for us. " True economic restructuring
project was completely unknown to the people.

Efficient reception - downplaying the problem. The substitution of the

fundamental, vital issue its secondary, private party ( "surrrogatom") - indispensable in
the kitchen receiving the manipulation of consciousness.

You can say for sure that the "denigration" of all problems and phenomena (as
Nietzsche said,
"Substitution plan problems") - a conscious policy. From the very beginning of
perestroika all future changes submitted to people as "improvement", do not change the
fundamentals of the way of life. Only in special operations "Gorbachev team" members
could understand the scale of withdrawal. In the years of reform - is the same. Sold for
Norilsk Combine peanuts - all at once calms Minister: What are you, some little thing,
but of that money will pay for teachers salaries for October. So
o about everything.

Particularly damaging to belittle the problems of consciousness in

moments of crisis, when people do not argue over small things, and put the
main, key questions. This has long been noted by Russian philosopher Pitirim
Sorokin. He wrote: "In normal times, reflections on human destiny (? From
where, how and why) are of a given society, as a rule, with a tiny group of
thinkers and scientists. But in times of serious challenges, these questions
suddenly acquire an exceptional, not only theoretical but also practical
importance; they concern all - and thinkers, and common people. A huge part
of the population feels detached from the soil, bloodless, mutilated and crushed
by the crisis. Completely lost the rhythm of life, crumble the usual means of
self-defense ... At such times, even the most ordinary man in the street can not
help asking:
How does all this happen? What does all of this mean? Who is responsible
for this? What are the reasons? What else can happen to me, to my family, with
my friends, with my homeland? ".
At the time of cultural crisis in Spain, similar to ours, Ortega y Gasset
wrote: "Fichte ingeniously remarked that the secret of Napoleon's policy and
in general any policy is just simply to proclaim the fact that there , where the
fact that there is understood the reality that exists in the subconscious of
people, who in every age, in every moment of true and deep soulful aspiration
of any part of society. " Thus, the task of the politicians who are on the ways
of solving problems rather than manipulation of the masses - to identify and
name the main contradiction and the main difficulties of the moment, and then
to identify and name the deepest aspirations of the people. On the contrary,
manipulators camouflage the main difficulties and the main conditions of
minor success, and often insignificant issues.

Here is an example. At the end of 1998, the government submitted to the

State Duma for approval to the Russian budget size of just over 20 billion.
Dollars. It began feverish work: a million dollars to half a million here.
National interests, security, culture ... But we also solemnly stared at the
spectacle. When I read the budget for which (or against which) voting
members, I feel that I am losing the ground under the feet. What's happening?
Smart people walking through the corridors, drag up and down the list in 2000
pages, something noted in pencil. "O-oh, this is an honest budget!" - And the
other: "Oh, this is a dishonest budget, the dollar will cost more." Who's gone
mad - or I are all these people? After all, the whole budget, if you look sensibly
- absurdity. Honest or dishonest - it does not matter.

At the end of November 1998, I was in a strange case of the Gorbachev

Foundation, made a report. Sit foreigners, MPs, academicians (even the Vice-
President of RAS). Suddenly appears worried academician-secretary of the
Department of Economics of the RAS Academician D.S.Lvov. It seems, I
came only to immediately disclose the information in the presence of
foreigners and television. His group of scientists from the Russian Academy
of Sciences was asked to look into payroll Chernomyrdin government for 5
years. And he was horrified reported that the balance does not add up -
somewhere under the bridge 74 billion dollars! Above the round table was
silence. Gorbachev chuckled nervously only 263 . After all, 74 billion ...

In the balance sheet - at least in accounting laundry, even in government -

"Errors and omissions". There is written off the balance discrepancy, some 17
cents. And the accountant sweats, looking for them in all respects - a matter of
honor. D.S.Lvov says Chernomyrdin in this column was written off by $ 5
billion per year, and in 1997 even 7.3 billion dollars... Think of the amount! In
1999, all investments in agribusiness throughout Russia were on a budget of $
100 million - 70 times less than the government to write off simply on counting

74 billion is not stolen "oligarchs" do not kid, they were not taken abroad
in a bra. They were already in the government gazette - and disappeared.
Excited face D.S.Lvova A few weeks later appeared on the TV screen -
somewhere, he had to shout at some party in a camera like Lefty Leskov that,
according to their excavations, lost not 74, and 90 billion. And whether 13,
whether 16 has flowed under Primakov's government 26 4 . Note: D.S.Lvov,
supreme hierarch of the official economic science, according to this
information is not at the extraordinary plenary session of the State Duma, is
specially assembled for this issue, not even in the program
"News", but somewhere in the corridor, a fragmentary sentence.
The next scenes we see how hard is Primakov talks with Camdessus - ably
achieves an insignificant loan to Russia. Immediately Yavlinsky noise about
corruption - any official appointed to pull the horror. And that noise he
immediately begins to engage the entire state machine and the media. It passes
the noise - another ready, Attorney General concerned that you can not wrest
the Polish criminal Stankevich - hapnul a bribe of 10 thousand. And - total
silence on the statement D.S.Lvova! This - the absolute incompatibility of
phenomena, a sign of disaster. Much more important than the actual $ 90

It is believed that a person, unlike animals, has a mind and can predict the
course of events. Therefore, if it falls into the forest fire, it does not deviate
from the last fire

14. It is a remarkable fact. Six months after that conference was sent to me from
the Gorbachev Foundation, a speaker, two well-published books with conference
materials. I immediately rushed to read the speech D.S.Lvova - not a word about the
missing billions! Gorbachev, glasnost knight here surpassed himself.

15. The American press in August 1999, is the sum of 14 billion. Dollars.
snout and looks around and breaks through the fire, even though it hurts. And all the
time the animals go where smaller fire, fall into the fire and burn center. These are our
politics - but after all, we all are, we wandered behind them on the snout to burn a little
later, but sure. No breakthrough ideas, no search. Budget - $ 20 billion, interest
payments on debt -.. 17 billion, and Russia has requested loans and in return promised
not to change anything in the "course of reforms." Where is the foresight, what hope is
there? Of course, while we clearly do not tell about that hole, through which flow away
from the Russian government even channels amounts in excess of the entire state
budget, talk about it almost does not make sense. But I'm not talking about the budget
and about the behavior of the people of the universal silence at the sight of the strange,
unexplained things.

Creation of a fan of conflicts and disputes on issues that against the background
of the main problem is not worth a jigger - a sign that there is a campaign of
manipulation consciousness.

Special traps for the public consciousness - . Decoys They are arranged as in war
are arranged models of tanks and aircraft to divert enemy aircraft. In the course of
reform, starting with Gaidar, the entire propaganda machine has broadcast a tone that
brooked even the shadow of a doubt: the main goal of economic policy - prevent the
budget deficit. Nobody, even the coolest of the opposition did not dare to object. But
common sense and shouts: yes how can it be the aim of the economy? Consider one

In Russia irreversibly compromised fertility of arable land - the main national

wealth. It is known that natural fertility provides a yield not exceeding 7-8 centners of
grain (such she was blessed in 1913). There can no longer compensate for the removal
of soil nutrients, it is necessary to fertilize. With a yield of 18-19 centners , as it was in
the last Soviet years, with the removal of the harvest was 124 kg of nutrients per
hectare, and were made to 122 kg of fertilizer. We had just come to equilibrium. It was
broken, with sharp, rough, as a result of reform. The use of fertilizers in Russia fell
from 14 million. Tons in 1987 to 2 million. Tons in 1995 and up to 1 mln. Tons in 1998.
In 1995 he went abroad, 77.5% produced in the Russian fertilizer (and only 2% of the
CIS). Just think, Russia is making a hectare of arable land in 6-7 times less fertilizer
than the country "third world" - Brazil, Mexico. Over the five years to roll with the
developed country level to be many times lower than the country's starving!

What does this mean? Market - mechanism linking production with social need
and, as academics, we are convinced, it is supposedly doing better than plan. In Russia
we have a pressing social need for fertilizers (and, further, in food). And we have
developed production. As they joined the "market", the economic structure, which is
created by the Yeltsin regime? He severed them catastrophically. Let's say it - grimace
of market forces.

What's in this position does a normal state? It compensates for the inconsistency
of the market, giving the village (farmers, collective farms, landowners, planters - does
not matter) from the budget a cheap loan or a grant, the need to connect and production.
Having bought fertilizer and getting a rich harvest from solar energy and green leaf,
agriculture is more than many times will cover state aid.

The largest of the twentieth century economist Dzh.Keyns proved that in order to
connect to a workable system of resources (manpower, plant, earth and sun) are
available in the country, it is necessary, if a shortage of money in the treasury, to go to
the state budget deficit - "borrow from the future ". The state budget deficit - the evil,
but evil is much smaller than the idle resources, in particular gifts (solar energy).
Renewal of resources provides benefits in size completely incomparable with the
damage caused by the budget deficit. Realizing this, Roosevelt's New Deal in the
United States, and pulled the country out of the hardest of the Great Depression, during
which the market
"Disconnected" production and demand.

But so fooled people in Russia that even hint at all afraid of the falsity of the stated
objective. None of the opposition did not dare to say, Roosevelt, simple thing: in order
to get re-earn economy, we, whether our government would have bought resources and
would give their owners-production workers, even if we would have a couple of years
had a high budget deficit. Roosevelt called it "fill the pump with water." The main thing
is that the pump is earned.

An important sub-goals reception at default - . Default effects of changes If you

can hide the information on the imminent harm that people will suffer because of the
changes imposed on them, they are easier to swallow and mythical goal.
During perestroika, all the huge ideological machine of the CPSU was sent at the
time to ensure that people do not understand what they can expect in the near future.
When in May-June 1991, the experts discussed the draft law on the privatization of
industrial enterprises, among them there was no uncertainty about the consequences of
this step. What we have today, it was predicted with remarkable accuracy in all major
aspects. Unknown were only the names of those persons who finance and major
enterprises of the country will be given. However, the press and television were able to
completely divert people's minds from the impending life changes. In the texts and
speeches of leading politicians of any stripe (up to the "conservative" E.K.Ligacheva)
can not find a clear warning. Swear and curse even Gorbachev had allowed some
people, but hazy (supposedly "Russia sells, divides the country"). However, calmly
explain to people the essence of the project is strictly prohibited so that no one dared
to break the nomenclature.

In the summer of the same year, several research groups have calculated the effects
of "price liberalization", which has already carried Yeltsin in January 1992. The
calculation was made on several options, but the general conclusion has given reliable
prediction, it is completely fulfilled in January. The calculation results were
summarized in the report Goskomtsen USSR, report this to the press did not hit, experts
were familiar with it "for official use only." But it is not limited to the default.
Simultaneously with the appearance of the report gave the conclusion of a mass
"Leading economists" that calmed people. Thus, the popular "Spark" gave a forecast
of the market economy L.Piyashevoy luminary. This lady claims to be, of course, can
not - I say that commanded. We are interested in the whole machine manipulation.

The machine manipulation, we could watch in action and after the adjustment,
continuously all these ten years. Amazingly just that people do not get tired to believe.
Already went fluttering prices and Gaidar calms us from the screen: "Well, a loaf of
bread will never be worth ten rubles!" - And he chuckled, smacked his joke. Of course,
it is unthinkable, and the words of the Prime Minister's people took seriously (although
the "liberalization" then the price has jumped to 20 kopecks. At once to three rubles).
But he had a reliable prediction of price increases! It was the same with the dollar: he
swore that he would never above 50 rubles (1992), the dollar price will not rise - and it
rose to 6 thousand rubles those..

Completely false an idea of the expected results of the privatization of Chubais,

just create a false impression about the consequences of the permission of purchase and
sale of land.
"Information protection" intentions of the reformers is almost total: even in the so-
called opposition press (if insignificant circulations) blotches substantive arguments
diluted by the huge number of emotional outbursts, where they drown.

Another important condition for the successful manipulation - the default terms
"transition period". The manipulation is widely used in the well-studied psychology of
human character trait - to continue the begun business, do not stop halfway, even if
were revealed previously unknown obstacles. Often, they even increase the resolution.
Therefore, involving people in the right arm to the action, great effort and
sophistication attached to the fact that these actions present a much lighter and more
short-term than they probably are. If before people managed to charm the way "bright
future", the future for the implementation of the right arm to action, then all calls
sensible people stop, think, calculate, discuss, etc. rejected even with hatred 26 5 .

Even in the final stage of restructuring, when it started the serial collapse of the
entire system of the USSR national economy and specialists were obvious disastrous
consequences (of their prediction came true with high accuracy), Gorbachev's
propaganda machine has managed to convince the majority of the citizens confidence
in the imminent prosperity. In early 1989, when the recession

16. Optimistic prospects with high ideals draw all manipulators, even if their
purpose is to ensure that rob citizens. Nietzsche wrote: "Even when people are
moving back, he is chasing an ideal - and faith is always certain" forward. "
production became evident only 10% of respondents expect deterioration of the
economic situation over the next 2 years 26 6 .

In 1990-1991. as a result of changes in the economic system was virtually

destroyed by the consumer market, and people began to suffer deprivation. However,
Yeltsin's speech in October, when he called to continue the initiated reform policy and
move to price liberalization and privatization of the industry, has been met, if not with
enthusiasm, it favorably. He said bluntly:
"It will be difficult to all two or three months, and then begin to recover."

In Russia, where the enterprises have accumulated huge reserves of strategic

materials, where there are rich deposits of oil and gas, still manages to maintain some
minimum livelihood, so that destructive character rotation is not yet clear to all. But it
turns something was the same for all the peoples of the USSR. Take the case of pure -
Armenia. It is all the more revealing that it was a very prosperous republic with a high
quality of life (and self-important people). Here anti-Soviet propaganda had a magical
effect on the mind, and the Armenians supported their radicals who began to undermine
the Soviet Union after the war in Nagorno-Karabakh. The fact that they have received,
wrote in 1994, President of the Armenian Sociological Association G.Pogosyan:
"Almost 70% of respondents would like to leave, there were at them the opportunity ...
Nothing is more indicative of hopelessness of the situation and the depth of despair, as
the consent of adults leaving children. After their separation from the family, the family
home - an extraordinary event. If the Armenians deliberately goes on like that (63.9%
of parents want their children moved to a permanent residence abroad, because "the
whole Armenia - disaster area"), it means that he simply does not see a better future for
them and ... there has never been such an atmosphere of approval of the intention to
leave. " We can state that under the influence of manipulation on the part of the minority
(which is quite current situation), a whole nation made a fatal mistake 26 7 .

In recent years, "reformers" of the default target, the social cost of the project and
the timing switched to the total, reaching up to the absurd assertion that the project did
not exist. This idea, first ran in a small circle of ideologues themselves of restructuring
and reform, and recently entered into a wide turn.

I had to participate in a television debate with F.Burlatskim - one of the "foremen

of perestroika" and V.Nikonovym - "analyst" of the Yeltsin team. Leading asked me a
question: why rather successfully passed a liberal reform in Spain after Franco's death,
and we are not talking? Many times I have been in Spain, studied their experience. And
not only in Spain or China successfully carried out such reforms, and in Japan, South
Korea, Germany. Experience is enough, and the answer is well-known in the art, and
we, in the West. So I said what we all knew at our table, but hesitated to speak. I said
that neither in Japan nor in China or Spain in the course of the reform does not aim to
break all living arrangements, change the "type of civilization", is simply to destroy the
country as an "evil empire." And in the Soviet Union and then in Russia, it is this was
a task. Today we are reaping the fruits of this destruction. The second reason, I say, is
not as fundamental, but very important: in any successful reform countries have spent
not found a small but influential group of social power, which would have hated my
country, its people and its culture. In Russia, this layer was found, and it is a murderous
project undertaken to perform.

My interlocutors indignantly threw up his hands: how can you say such a thing, in
broad daylight, in the center of Moscow! However, about the hatred of Russia and its
culture does not have to argue. I suggested to recall the entire stream of publications of
1989-1992. in the magazine "Ogonyok", "Capital" and the like, as well as in major
academic journals such as the Journal of "Problems of Philosophy". These authors. All
these texts are available, they are amenable to rigorous scientific analysis (this analysis
is carried out). What is there to resent the fact remains: was presented developed,
17. To reinforce the utopian expectations of government sold all the gold
reserves of the USSR (at the beginning of perestroika, he was 2 ths. Tons of gold) and
make more debt from foreign lenders. At the same time all investments in agriculture
have been terminated. These huge amounts of money to buy imported consumer
goods, which fell on citizens, as from a cornucopia. Deputies went to the apartment
and made lists for a wonderful German shoes at bargain prices (I still wear them).

18. However, a minority within Armenia was based on the authority and the
direct assistance of prominent figures in Moscow - A.Aganbegyana, Sakharov,
G.Starovoytovoy and Gorbachev himself.
thought, philosophy expounded by prominent figures of hatred for Russia, the nature
of its people, its method of work, his life and habits, even to the nature of Russia.

Interestingly, in the midst of reform (in 1994) I went to a seminar ideologues

adjustment middle rank (such L.Piyashevoy, Zinovy Gerdt, etc.). Popal, perhaps by
mistake - the organizers have confused me with my cousin, the philosopher of Burbulis
team. I made a report, which along the way read out statements present figures there.
This caused a terrible outrage. In our society, the Democrats already considered an
insult when repeated aloud their own words. So, do they realize that things uttered ugly,
indecent 26 8 .

This time Burlatskii Nikonov and quotes are not required, to understand how much
said too much. Burlatskii himself was the editor of "Literary newspaper" knows.
Therefore, the conversation immediately ran into the main issue - the project of
restructuring and reform. And here was found out installation, which we all need to
know, it implies a lot of consequences for the future. And Burlatskii and Nikonov said
that no project of restructuring and reform did not exist! Just think, "architects and
foremen" were, and there was no project.

. At the seminar PIYASHEVA etc. they also unanimously repeated: there was no
project, we are "like the best." Then I thought, pathetic people who want a better look
to history, shy of what you've done. Even sympathy they aroused his naive attempts to
justify himself. But here in front of me sat a long-term assistant Brezhnev, Gorbachev
and then, next to him a young and growing frame of the Yeltsin team. And - again this
children's song. I was just amazed. So it's - well thought-out formula. Do not know, no
program was not, all by itself has gone upside down, because people waste - the servant,
the thief.

Nikonov even snapped at me: say that there was some ripe project, it means to
believe in conspiracies. And this, they say, paranoia and hatred smacks zhidomasonam.
This is a cheap trick. What does the conspiracy and what "phased schedule of activities"
which, according to Burlatsky was not supposed Gorbachev (Gorbachev himself, by
the way, has always boasted that the program is and everything goes according to plan)?
Why pretend to be stupid? When it comes to the scope of the project as a restructuring
scrapping civilization have in mind not these little things. Even
"Cold War" against this background - a private operation, technical means. By the way,
now, 50 years later, in the West to declassify and publish many documents "cold war".
We see how it was an ambitious program, as it was invested money and what a huge
army of educated professionals worked. So - this is also "a ridiculous belief in
conspiracy"? The existence of this program, too, believe indecent?

As we remember, in the perestroika years, he worked on the public a wide range

of agitators, to suit all tastes - from intelligent Sakharov to polupristoynogo Hazanova.
Kept and political clown - Novodvopskuyu it as a holy fool, could cut a plain truth.
Someone spoke evasively about the return to the world civilization, and it simply:
"Serfs and gangsters - who was here from napod. What kontpast between the two most
prosperous and kpestyanami amepikanskimi fepmepami have eccentricity never had a
master! .. Maybe we will burn finally ppoklyatuyu totalitapnuyu Spaptu? Even if all
this DURING sgopit down, including ourselves ... ".

Here you have a clear project. Russia - a totalitarian Sparta, you need to burn. And
this is such a great task, which itself is not a pity, not only the people of slaves and
criminals. Why, when our house is really fired up, we have to assume that this happened
"by itself", rather than project Novodvorskaja? Why do virtually all activities reformers
and reformers led to this? After all, if you do everything just at random, and sometimes
something good can happen. It goes like this would not have happened.

Of course, the scientific research project of restructuring and reform have to learn
not to text and Novodvorskaja Hazanova (although it is a valuable material for
understanding how acted the whole machine). The main idea - in the works of eminent
economists, philosophers, historians, and Aganbegian Zaslavsky, Mamardashvili and
Gefter. They are less known to the general public, their statements are not so
scandalous. It would seem that it was possible to be without anger and bias

19. I then said nothing to boil all your philosophical arguments about Russia
have gathered in a large database and studied by scientific methods. This is why
some of their terribly excited. Zinovy Gerdt even came to my friend and asked
whether it was true that the Kara-Murza have such a database. Just like children.
restore the intent of the program which has put Russia on the brink of death. Then we
would hit upon the way to salvation. No, I hear about it do not wish to. There was no
program, and that's 26 9 .

What is meant by "restructuring and reform project"? If we determine that such a

project exists, then all steps and Chubais and Kiriyenko are seen differently. This is not
the "fault of young reformers," and one can not hope that they will correct them. This
- the consistent implementation of the general plan big. Hence, we must proceed in our
thoughts and deeds.

History has given us a very well studied and directly responds to our question the
case - the French Revolution. It destroyed the Old Order (these words are even written
with capital letters to emphasize civilizational scale of this revolution that really
changed everything living arrangements). It is recognized that this revolution was
followed by a grand project that matured in over half a century and he came out of the
philosophical and cultural trends, which was called the Enlightenment. In other words,
we can not say, what to say about the project of the French Revolution - is to follow
the conspiracy theory (although technically it was a great performance of the role of
the conspirators and generally shady political forces, such as the Freemasons).

How did the project matured and what is expressed? The fact that a group of
prominent figures of French culture and science for a long time purposefully and
systematically describes all the main pillars of the old order and convince the public
that these foundations are slow and must be broken. English historian E.Berk who
watched the revolution and wrote about her first big book, it is stated in a separate
chapter: "Together with the money capital has grown a new class of people with whom
the capital very soon formed a close alliance, I mean political writers. A considerable
contribution was made here of the French Academy, and then encyclopedic belonging
to the society of these gentlemen. "
E.Berk mentioned encyclopedists. In their example clearly shows how the project
hatched. A small group of eminent scientists and philosophers, united around Diderot
and d'Alembert, for 20 years (until 1772) released "Encyclopedia", combining in her
art knowledge. But the main idea was that every scientific question expounded so as to
prove the worthlessness of the Old Order. In 1758, the General Council of France even
took a special resolution of the Encyclopaedists: "With great sorrow we have to say it;
nothing to hide from you that there is a specific program that has made society for the
maintenance of materialism, the destruction of religion, the suggestion of disobedience
and corruption of morals. " Encyclopedia came out legally, but was organized and
"samizdat", including abroad.

What do we have? Style - is the same. Prominent intellectuals purposefully and

methodically to convince citizens in the worthlessness of all the foundations of the
Soviet order. I have since 1960 worked in the Academy of Sciences and well remember
all the talk that is continuously conducted in the laboratory, at home parties, or hike
around the campfire - honed arguments against all of the essential features of the Soviet
system. So it matured and what I have called "the project of restructuring and reform."

§ 4. Misleading wisdom

Let us examine one more false aphorism, who took a failsafe justification
Kiriyenko in 1998 - we must live within our means . First, note that the widely held
mistaken belief that out of the crisis - the economic problem and the answer should
give economists. In fact, the economist can be likened to service engineer, which
ensures the normal operation of the business machine (or its subsystems - lubrication,
nutrition, etc.). This engineer often does not know and do not even have to know the
theoretical principles of the machine - such as the thermodynamics of the steam engine
theory. And even more so

20. Although at the beginning of the book, we have agreed not to make moral
judgments, it is impossible not to be struck insincerity of these people. They are in
power, they know what the consequences of each lead an important step, but hide it
from the public. They do not prepare any measures to mitigate these effects and then
somehow rectify the damage. These measures can not cook, and once everything is
done secretly.
engineer, diesels specialist does not have to know the theory of machines of a
different kind (eg,
nuclear physics as the basis for a nuclear reactor) 270 .

Living within our means - a concept that is far beyond the scope of economics. It
speaks of scheme of life . When Kiriyenko said that a new program of reforms to "live
within our means", this was a great and hidden deception, we were tempted in our
weight and do not want to see him. And it's - it's not Chubais or Kiriyenko, but the
point of our own mind and conscience. And once seduced, then talk about this difficult
and unpleasant to listen to.

Reproaching us that we are used to living beyond their means, Kiriyenko diverts
attention from the main thing: the whole reform of the Gorbachev-Yeltsin only
therefore become possible, that all of us, all of our people, long a stumbling block - and
finally seduced - to live beyond their means. And to live beyond their means in the
main, to the essentials. This question is not the economy, and culture, the spirit. We are
tempted to give up one of the main foundations of Russian life - unassuming and
nestyazhatelstva. These things are connected.

Out of the essence of society as a family and the principle of economy emerged -
to think about the whole family and live within our means. This built our whole
civilization. I remember after the war in our house was old with a good bottle stopper
- for oil. Oil ended, I walked into the store, and I poured a ladle from the barrel. I felt a
hand shape, texture glass weight. It was one of the easiest things for half a century
"held" family.

At some point, a modernization of our lives. First disappeared barrels of oil, and
then was assigned to the filling machines (remember, I threw fifty dollars - earn in a
bottle). Gone is the old bottles. There was a convenient packaging of plastic. Empty -
in the trash. We began to move to the "civilization of the package" - and thus to the
destruction of Russia as a family. Pay package can be only through the impoverishment
of the people.

Plastic bottle of oil - a trifle, for example. In general, in the West the total cost of
the packaging of consumer goods approximately equal to the cost of these goods.
Russia, as a family could live only modestly - sometimes have sweets, but from a
simple paper bag. Deciding to spend money on packaging, so we had to reduce the
amount of sweets themselves, that they might just be enough minority. And in order to
legitimize it and push the majority, it was necessary to destroy the Soviet system.
However, the majority gave sweets advertising on TV - and people do not need to chew
them now that they are looking at the screen, imagine the taste is even more beautiful
than it really is.

This is the essence of the rotation, which has agreed to the Russian people. Agreed
on ignorance, laziness, under the influence of fraud - it does not matter. It is not
important, why agree, but that is not seen no will to to realize the choices in a loud
voice to say about it - admit it or reject it.

In Soviet times we lived it within our means - debt and did not gain even the
concessions were not given to foreigners. But the army was fed and armed, and the
miners were not starving, and the players did not sell. The point, of course, in the Soviet
type of economy, it was not equal in effectiveness. But the Soviet planned economy
would itself be impossible without these two spiritual conditions - unassuming and
nestyazhatelstva people.

Figuratively speaking, in order to have a reliable and prosperity, and security, and
independence, and the ability to continuously improve a little life, it was necessary that
the people agreed to go to the homespun . And the people were for the time being agree
- those generations that knew the value and security and independence. But minority
grabbers who suffer from this kind of life, appealed to young people who, in general,
we have been spoiled. And young people protested and demanded all homespun
currently fashionable branded clothing. Then all went into the taste, the miners wanted
to ride on the "Toyota" and helped destroy the Soviet regime. Now they have a
"Toyota" has collapsed, there is no money for petrol, and the miners are unhappy. But
I have not heard that they repented in the main, they are only asked to change Yeltsin
Swan. While relieved, and the miners will not, because the mines are closed. Our mine
- this is also a thing "homespun". Not to be able to do by the "Toyota" and ride on them
- this is the "living beyond their means."
21. When you listen to the arguments ekonomista- "operating company" about
this crisis, there is a mixed feeling about what he talking about? After all, he
obviously does not understand the essence of the market economy, why it is called the
market and how does it differ from the economy, which was created in the USSR. A
reasoning marketeers like Gaydar are generally scientific fraud. It's like very well to
talk about the TV breakdowns, while it is necessary to repair the bike.
The temptation was carried out in two stages. First we have all the means to show and
explain what bad products manufactures Soviet industry in comparison with the
western. Here and Arkady Raikin tried and Rina Green, not to mention the professional
ideology. This poison was applied even to the patriotic hint: it can also do great fighters
and missiles, why grinder bad! The comparison was so strong that few people come to
mind the question: Do we have the means to ensure that all do at such a high level of
quality - and fighters, and grinder? If funds are insufficient, whether it was right to do
good grinder, but a bad fighter?

The second phase of temptation hit even harder: under Gorbachev canceled the
plan and the monopoly of foreign trade, the country imported goods flooded and almost
everyone can feel with their hands, to try the case. Perhaps today, perhaps the most
dream to Democrats quickly finished off all domestic production to all our products
under your feet do not hang out, do not take up shelf.

I can say that just people were freed and received quite reasonable - choose the
best products. And earlier, when totalitarianism, all the planning system forced to use
poor Soviet meat grinder and go to "Zaporozhets." To demonstrate the falsity of this
explanation, I used the word "homespun". The most important thing in homespun
clothes is not what it is worse than original, and that it can not be bought and is at home.
Why did the Russian peasant wore it? Why he wore sandals? Was not it in the shops
good coat and boots? What Gosplan was not allowed?

The fact was that the farmer kept yard and had to guarantee the life of the family,
grandchildren and great-grandchildren. So he looked far ahead and correlate all income
and expenses. He is living within our means, and consumption is allocated only what
remained after the production of reliable supply and the main conditions of survival.
Of course, the boots he likes shoes, but he did not buy them until you buy a horse and
plow. He went to the homespun.

Our Soviet system grew out of a peasant culture - it is milled enlightened Trotsky
and Bukharin. But the farmer does not know how to explain his view of things,
especially your children, who had finished university. Our average intellectual, once
passed the exam on political economy, put forward a convincing argument for it:
homespun clothes are not only worse, but more expensive, require more labor. Whether
business, industrial production, division of labor, etc. - Better and cheaper. He will be
right in terms of political economy - the science of the market economy. But peasant
household - not a market economy, not everyone here is measured by money. If there
is no money for the horse, then we have sleepless nights at home weave cloth on his
trousers. Another source of savings is not a peasant, tranche from the IMF, he did not
receive and did not want to receive. Therefore, if you take everything as a whole,
homespun thing, despite its poor quality and over-expenditure of labor for the farmer
is better than purchase.

When the market life, of course, is more profitable to sell their labor, in which you
become skilled, and buy another product of labor specialist, instead of doing it yourself.
But the work of the peasants in the winter no one bought, and when they Lysina spun
and wove for themselves. So it was with the Soviet Union - we are the world market
did not start with the caviar and vodka do not get a lot of currency. A little sigh in the
70 years of oil and gas, but it was crumbs. We had to do almost everything themselves
- clumsy and difficult.

To be able to "walk in homespun", accumulating economic power, it was

necessary to be an independent country - otherwise seduce and ruin. So the British
invaded India with their weak cheap textiles and ruined the multimillion class Indian
weavers. India became a colony, and the weavers starved to death - and then other
Indians began to starve (and before that India hunger does not know). We strongly
defended the Soviet state. Today Chubais and Chernomyrdin admitted in Russia
"English", and all our workers and engineers - as Indian weavers. That they do not
make noise, they are not allowed to starve to death, they are given to fade.

But before the revolution, the peasants kept their own culture, his own mind. So
there is still difficult lived Russian peasantry as a whole, that very few people in the
village saw its economy strong enough to escape to consumerism. Leo Tolstoy,
bypassing the village during a famine, yard for yard, was surprised to learn that the
bread and eat quinoa all the polls, even prosperous peasants. Not because they liked the
quinoa. He wrote: "In the courtyard, in which I have shown in the first bread with
swans, in the backyard of his own thresher threshed on his four horses ... So it turned
out that the bread and quinoa was in this case not a sign of distress, and taking strict
man to less ate bread. "Flour expensive, and unless these urchins ready! Eat people
with swans, and we are well beyond these gentlemen! ".
Receiving rigorous man - so it is understood Tolstoy. I would like to spposit our
democrats - that they have not advised the youth bpat example file with this "sppavnogo
man" of which they are so much kpichali and took the example file with those
ppomatyval father's property?

And here is an interesting fact of consumer statistics: while the Russian village
before the First World War was on the rise and improved production, farmers did not
buy white bread and sweets. When, during the war, the village was destroyed, the
village began to buy sweets. It was a sign of the disaster - the farmer dropped his hands,
he had lost the hope to buy a horse, and a thresher.

In what sense consumer goods products, which we used during the Soviet era,
were "homespun", although already produced industry? Firstly, the products sold "for
himself", and not "for the market", were fundamentally different, they followed other
quality criteria.

Thus evolved the technology and engineering culture. The fact that our economy
has produced as the end product, namely godilos in Soviet society and, in principle,
completely was not suitable for the Western market, for the "consumer society". Thus,
efforts have been invested in achieving the durability of the product and not the design.
The market also tends to reduce the life span of products, getting people to "consume"
- both goods and services. That difference between the two cars of the same class,
produced a "family" and the other "market" (I tested on personal experience). In the
"Zhiguli" all the basic units of the motor, which is usually a problem, installed so that
they are open to access outside the workshop. You can use the machine for decades
and does not apply to the master - to troubleshoot. The "Citroën" in the same class as
those units are completely inaccessible. For each minor incidents need to buy services.
Replace the breaker points - $ 80, crumbled generator brush - you have to pay $ 300
for a generator to replace the pump belt - it is necessary to lift the motor.

Exactly half of the effort and cost in the production of consumer goods in the West
goes on the packaging. What does it mean to create in Russian industry able to compete
"in the market" - this pop ministers, economists, governors of 27 1 ? This means creating
a production-oriented criteria for people of different type of life, which in itself is
absurd. Without a doubt, 90% of Russia's population will prefer to buy sugar in a bag
and tap oil in your bottle, rather than "competitive" product at a price twice as expensive
due to packaging. But go to the western criteria in design - and then to create an entirely
new production of at least the same magnitude ( "production package"), which in
principle can not be simply due to a lack of resources.

There is a second aspect of the problem - the real, historically conditioned by the
level of development of our economy. For many (far not all!), The qualities of our
products are inferior homespun foreign goods, and because of the backwardness of the
technologies often require for their production a lot more work than abroad. Although
we all know that our Soviet
"Homespun" it was not the shoes, and boots, it dobpotnye, although not fancy. And
they have improved. But this is not the main thing - and let the sandals. We had
something that lacked our means without gpabit neighbor. And the only way it was
possible to climb - so went and Japan, and China as well as Russia and raised, until it
was broken.

To any sane person it is clear that the reason for our forced neppityazatelnosti was
primarily in the fact that the level of industrial development and especially on the
technical capabilities of the USSR could not, of course, to compete with the whole
West. And the technology to us, as we know, did not sell, even harmless scientific
instruments we bought at exorbitant prices from international speculators.

I is lucidly explained in his youth. I went to work in Cuba and I had a chance to
visit the kitchen of the hotel "Habana Libre" (formerly "Havana Hilton"). I was struck
by the rationality and the quality of the food - all made of stainless steel and brass, no
pieces of wood and cubbyhole evening douse all of the superheated steam hoses - clean,
cockroach nowhere to hide! I'm talking to a colleague metallers: fellows Americans,
that we would be so, and that such miserable in our kitchen and dining area. He was
surprised: "Are you crazy? We have such a stainless steel is only

22. The opposition promises to "protect domestic producers." What for? So he

can produce competitive products - the same as in the West. With packaging. But this
means that the oppression of the majority will only increase, because somebody has
to cover the fatal difference in cost.
most crucial technique, who will release it to you for kitchens! We already buy
special steel for the gold. Well you give, and even a chemist. "

It's a shame I felt my naivete, I climbed into the directories. Look, one American
consumes eight times more copper than a resident of the USSR. At eight times! This is
where the brass, and beautiful brass handles on the doors. Copper and tin from Chile
and Bolivia, Malaysia and Africa. We Copper poking around in the permafrost of
Norilsk, door handles make it - to live beyond their means. And when at the end of
tuning shops in Moscow were filled with imported kitchen utensils of fine steel and
copper door handles and on TV have become convinced that it is shameful to use Soviet
goods, I realized that preparing dastardly deed. People are lured to the destruction of

In the summer of 1998 at my home happened unfortunate event - finally broken

washing machine "Vyatka", honestly served. Leaky tank, gets wet and blown motor.
Nothing to do, pull their socks up and went to look for a new one. Sellers say, take an
Italian, better and cheaper. One of them even said: "There is nothing worse than our"
Vyatka "!". So it bought Italian. Probably, from the point of view of a consumer the
seller right, "Vyatka" worse - homespun thing crudely made. But if we do not become
isolated consumers, and would have a national economy, so the seller to say he could
not. Because the money that I paid for the car, two people would get a monthly salary
in Russia. We would work for all of us and fed to two families. Now this is my money
sailed to Italy. Therefore, "Vyatka" would have been better for us, as the sandals are
the best boots. Now, when the people of the industry selected, who will buy the
"Vyatka". To some "shareholder" I have forwarded the money to the same to Italy and
bought a villa?

Someone might say: let us be no worse than Western goods - and there would be
no problems. As they say, better to be rich, but healthy than poor, but the sick. Stupid
question. We were tricked into believing if break is planned system and the Soviet
system, and our workers immediately begin Vyatka washing machines do better than
the Italian. Now, perhaps, all is already clear that this was a lie, that first destroyed just
the best factories and science, so no chance to increase the quality of their products
there. And the attitude to technological discipline today gpani with savagery.

But ten years ago we would have us understand that we can not produce the same
consumer goods, as in the West, we could this just go step by step - which we did. I
have seen Western KB and design laboratory for consumer goods. The impression is
the same as the comparison cuisine at the hotel "Hilton" with a kitchen dining room of
our collective farm. Well we do not work for us either Brazilians or Malays.

And not only that. The main thing is not schooled was still our Soviet worker, not
vydublena his skin as three hundred years in the West, he was not fool psychotropic
TV and not even turned into a robot. He suffered some problems, was often drunk and
angry, and uninteresting him a job done poorly. To improve the business could not
through the stultification, and by improving the culture, but this time it was necessary.
And I wanted to get a nice consumer goods here and now. Sell all that you can - and
buy. That offended - to destroy all domestic production, and gas residues to buy utensils
and all the junk in the West. On all the money from the gas, of course, is not enough.
So drive them into poverty the majority of citizens - tell them to "live within our

Today the Russian economy, as you know, nearly destroyed. What makes a
zealous owner in this situation as it is today? It collects and puts all available resources
in production, primarily in agriculture. It's not up to comfort all the money - the plow,
the tractor onto a truck. What do we see? What started doing Kiriyenko under the guise
of his aphorism? Here is the continuation of his business. "The draft federal targeted
investment program for 1999" (annex to the state budget) reads as follows: "As part of
the development budget in mechanical engineering is planned to attract private
domestic and foreign investment for the realization of major projects in the automotive
industry, such as car production assembly projects
"Fiat" cars "Assol" models, "Orion", "Condor", cars
"Ford" ... and so on. "

Thus, the construction of road works on the western licenses. There - all the
money. There - metal, fuel, manpower. Not even for buses and coaches, which are
scattered and on the elegant avtomobilchiki. But this is nonsense, gentlemen,
comrades! We do that, there are queues of cars, and people do not know where to attach
the extra 10-15 thousand dollars? Tractors No
but the car is "gonna" be. Running on the waves! Romance ... "Condor"! Yes, in
Russia will soon have real condors flied will, on the feast of vultures.
Mass motorization - one of the dead ends of the West. Russia did not climb it, and
thank God. Even the wealthiest countries can not simultaneously contain two massive
transport systems - based on their own cars, and on the basis of public transport. But at
least they can contain a lot of car - by pumping huge amounts of money from the "third
world", and we do this we can not. In the US, the car owner pays only 2/3 of the real
costs of road maintenance, the rest - from local taxes. The federal government grants
for highway maintenance account for between 68 and 85 billion. Dollars a year. In
Germany, the state per passenger kilometer by car spends twice as much money than it
would cost air ticket - spending by all taxpayers. Not to mention the cost of energy.
That would mean a sharp increase in the number of cars in Russia, even if they really
bought? A further sharp depletion of those cars would not buy, and complete paralysis
of production due to lack of fuel.

Many of those who led and pushed for such a turn, found themselves in poverty.
First of all, the liberal intelligentsia. Somehow she did not think that provocateur goat
sometimes driven to the slaughterhouse - if a new flock is not expected.

§ 5. The Magic Flute adjustment: the film "City Zero"

as a learning task

For ten years, television has shown a couple of times a film by Karen
Shakhnazarov "City Zero" (1988). Sparingly, if we consider the rank of the film. It
would be useful to look at all those who seek to understand what the technology
company collapses.

The film is made in the genre of "Masonic art." This does not mean that the director
- always a Mason. This is a genre in which philosophical or political idea in images
transmitted in the form of encryption available to a few, but it affects the viewer's
subconscious. Cipher are allegories, sometimes beautiful and light, sometimes heavy
and terrible. One of the best and most beautiful creations of Mozart's opera "The Magic
Flute" - an example of this genre. It sets out the philosophical idea of Freemasonry,
according to which truth is accessible only to the initiated. Even the hero, driven by
love and a desire to do good - a pawn in their hands. Only in the final, he learns that
the evil wizard kidnapped the girl and imprisoned her in a dungeon where she solicits
terrible Moor - a fighter against evil. He took hostage the daughter of the Queen of the
night to have pressure on it - such as the UN puts pressure on Saddam Hussein, killing
the hunger of Iraqi babies.
"The Magic Flute" is beautiful and easy, "City Zero" heavy and terrible, and the same

Work on the film began in 1987, and when the plan is unknown arose. It is also
unknown whether the advice helped dad director, a close aide of Gorbachev. When the
film came out, he was seen simply as a good film of the absurd. It is strange that even
after five years, when everything could become clear, one of the leading actors of the
film, which I was able to talk and found it absurd film. Anyway, during the shooting,
according to him, none of his colleagues did not notice the hidden meanings.

In fact, the film is compressed and ably outlined the restructuring program. It
shows how you can bring two days of normal and reasonable Soviet man to the point
where it ceases to fully understand what is happening, loses the ability to distinguish
between reality and imagination products, it paralyzed the will to resist and even to the
rescue. And all this without violence, only acting on his consciousness and feelings.

All restructuring Gorbachev has such a program, and when the Soviet people have
brought to such a state, as the hero of the film, it was safe to do everything: to
dismember the USSR, the Soviet government to eliminate all the social rights of
citizens, to take away the property and even personal savings. All ability to fight, they
were deprived of.

As a work of fiction film made brilliantly inspired. The density achieved incredible
senses. Actors play flawlessly. And powerful forces were collected (L.Filatov and
E.Evstigneev, V.Menshov and Dzhigarkhanyan, Basilashvili and others). It is
noteworthy that the clearly superior film had not properly advertised. He seemed made
for a narrow circle.

Now, after ten years of experience, matching the course of real events with a
program encoded in the movie, obviously. In 1996, when the State Duma Security
Committee six months working seminar on the technology of destruction of "cultural
core" of society. This was
a rare type of assembly, where they met and found common language, though not
without friction, and specialists from the Democrats, and the opposition. One of the last
sessions of the seminar was precisely devoted to analysis of the film "City Zero" (all
participants especially his views). All agreed on the fact that the film very accurately
anticipates the process of destruction of "cultural core" of Soviet society. Opinions are
divided over the secondary issue: prescribes whether the film program destroyers (ie,
whether it is their procedure), or it warns of the danger? Just answer this question is
not possible, and it is unlikely now necessary. It is important to use the film as a lesson.
Indeed, many of the programs begin on the second or even the third round.

In a brief section will touch on only a major blow to the consciousness of "scoop",
shown in the film. The first shot - a person in the situation room is impossible,
prohibited by all the cultural norms of the absurd, though the surrounding people
perceive it as something quite normal. The plot is as follows: Varakin engineer from
Moscow arrives on a business trip to the factory goes to the director and sees the
secretary in the waiting room sits naked. People come in and out, give her something
urgent reprint - and no one is surprised. The director, who warns Varakin shaken, looks
out the door and confirmed: "Indeed, naked. So what's your question? ". Varakin
crushed a number of absurdities in the behavior of the director only reinforce the brunt.
He has been published for the sick, the usual order of attributes - a portrait of Lenin,
the board of socialist competition - is no longer protected from the chaos of 272 . Cut
one of the taboos that retained society and putting any person in the "frame of

Creating absurd situations in connection with the mundane rules it is widely used
in the reconstruction. Remember, in reputable theaters in the play began to include sex
scenes, in press legalize the mat, and the "Moskovsky Komsomolets" was to paint the
"Oral sex". The newspaper of the Komsomol! Then complicated. Here, at the Congress
of Deputies Sakharov suddenly he announced that the commanders in Afghanistan the
Soviet army at the slightest danger to destroy the environment has ordered its troops
from the air. Blaming the wild, some women deputies shocked to tears. Some Afghan
MP protested and Sakharov replied: "Prove I'm wrong." Again nonsense: he, a knight
of law, did not seem to know that the burden of proof lies with the accused party. And
while Gorbachev sits quietly, smiling the entire Presidency, General Gromov silent.
The secretary naked, and everyone thinks that the way it should!
Separately, the film developed the theme of absurdity associated with blood: in
the hotel restaurant Varakin refused to try the chef prepared for him a cake (in the form
of Varakina head), and the cook was shot before his eyes. When an absurdity fraught
with blood, a man almost broken - all the rules and law seem insignificant.

In August 1991, the absurd with kpovi rained down on us right multiple rocket
launchers. I'll take a small episodes. "Arresting" USSR Minister Pugo went Yavlinsky,
then generally a private person (for the uninitiated). No sooner had apestovat - Pugo
and his wife
"Shoot" (why? Why?). But the feeling of absurdity still had to be strengthened, and
Yavlinsky pulled the gun theme. Of course, I do not even mind Yavlinsky Spinoza, but
he is not the same idiot not to see the absurdity of his explanations. We say, surprised,
as it was able to Pugo shot after gently put the gun on the bedside table at the head. But
then everything was explained - in fact from the same gun after he shot his wife (she
was lying on the floor of the room). This comment Yavlinsky could be calculated only
on what to create from citizens shocked by the absurd.

And take another bloody spectacle: three young people in the anti-Communist
frenzy ignited in the tunnel BMP Soviet Army and as a result of an accident killed.
Their award - for what? And most importantly, how! He was awarded the title Hero of
the Soviet Union and the Order of Lenin in the bargain! Even the awarding of the Nobel
Peace Prize would be less absurd award.

23. The breakdown of consciousness, loss of human solid underfoot support

occurs when available to him "about money" are weaker than the impending chaos it
- they can not cope with it and do not protect the person. At first, people seeking such
remedies, strengthens them. As a child, walking through the dark forest, he begins to
sing a familiar song. She - the order opposed to the chaos of the forest.
Of course, the strength of the film is that it showed the impact of the absurd in the conscious
and subconscious clearly, in its purest form, as in a scientific experiment. And so did a lot of
application development practitioners.

But it is - a barrage. After it is offensive on a broad front, and the main weapon - the
destruction of historical memory . It is the longest episode of the film - Varakina excursion to
the museum with explanations caretaker (Evstigneev). "Inspection" of the history of the city
begins at a depth of 28 meters. At the beginning of perestroika, when we have already begun
to hit
"Historic" delirium of war and repression, we still did not know at what depth will dig history.
Only in the spring of 1991 I had to be at Harvard with the whole delegation of the philosophers
of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, which gravely argued that Russia was the "evil
empire" for the simple reason that adopted Christianity and gave birth to Alexander Nevsky.
At the same time and started arguing about who owned the Voronezh region in the VII century,
it is not there Venice Slavic city, and Chechens - only in the light of Aryans.

In the film, the angle of the museum is decorated with eloquent placard: "The truth of
history - is our strength." Something similar is said of another important maker of the film (
"Land and Freedom"), Englishman Ken Loh, whose words have already been mentioned: "He
who writes history, dominates the future. Today, we are writing history. " In the city of Zero
Museum of Soviet engineer needed only a dozen exhibits, to deprive him of any support in the
country's history. However, the absurd "historical truth" it was necessary to reinforce the
authority of Professor Rotenberg, DNA analysis, computer, restoration of portraits by the
method of MM Gerasimov - the authority of "science."
Every mythologized history, but a person can rely on it if it is connected by a single "chain
of times." To destroy the human mind (or the people), the most important thing - to spill the
story, enter it absurd, with nothing consistent episodes like viruses into a computer program.
Caretaker dumbfounded Varakina already the first exhibit - the sarcophagus of the founder of
the city, the Trojan king Dardon (and bones, once mockingly laid out in a coffin). Next - the
cohort of the ancient Romans, allegedly wandered into the city on the way from Britain. Bed
leader of the Huns of Attila, where he had defiled West gothic queen, and which collected the
semen analysis prof. Rothenberg. (Just so it does today one academician-mathematician,
claiming in their poskoshno published books that Dmitpy Don, Mom and Ivan Gpozny - are
one and the same person).

Then the superintendent chooses exhibits very accurately - as if the points episodes that
have become ideological orgy restructuring downhole themes. Here are the topics: the dispute
about the choice of Vladimir religion; Smoot and Lzhedmitry; Stalin in 1904 .; Azef and
revolutionary terror; passtrel royal family; The Civil War and Stalin's repressions; Patriotic War
 by reference to the US aid and the absurd myth of the heroism of our pilot;
stupidity of the official ideology and dissent. All this served amazingly succinctly and
accurately, with the wonderful game Yevstigneyeva. It is as if the lesson of perestroika
gave our leading TV: talking about someone's death, he began to laugh strange.

During the inspection emphasizes the importance of the figures that we have no interest in
1988, but which somehow surfaced later. For example, a brother of Sverdlov, Gorky adopted
Zinovy Peshkov (Auerbach) - Mason and international adventurer, Advisor of France at
Kolchak's headquarters. Why perestroika gave him such a value that E.Ryazanov prepared for
him almost a series of TV programs? Analyzing the "inspection", it can be assumed that the
"scoop" it was important to create a sense that the whole story is written and made by a team
from one center, that "everything is under control" and there is no place and no personal will
of the people and activities.

First of all put Azef, then papa brothers - Sverdlov and foot. Even Makhno, who, we were
told, denounced the Jewish towns, had, it appears, a Jewish artillery. The revolution in the
ideology, which in thirty years will be a "restructuring", the city begins to police officer (he
was the first dance at the youth evening of rock 'n' roll). That is, apart from the chaos in the
minds of the device, this "history" does the same thing with regard to the transfer of our time
doing today "Dolls". It convinces us that we are all - puppets, and the thread in the hands of
unknown forces us focused. And any resistance is futile.

The film is presented and the installation personnel. The conductor (clear) the ideological
revolution in the city of Zero and the guardian of its meanings is vulgar and podlovaty chairman
of the Writers' Union. The authors do not go too far, their writer Chugunov although there is a
lifetime of betrayal and repentance of one to the other, still not made such a grotesque figure,
like, say, the real Yevtushenko. Important point.

The triumph of the restructuring is shown in the form of the establishment of the "Club of
rock 'n' roll to them. Nikolaev "(of the investigator OBKHSS that danced rock 30 years ago,
after which he was dismissed from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and became a chef who
either killed, or he shot himself the day before). Now, rock and roll dancing the whole top of
the city, until an elderly colonel of the KGB and the investigator. Perfectly it shows that all of
this - a program that is carried out painstakingly over 30 years that it has devoted to, and there
are naive, do not know the meaning of its participants. And all this - only a part of, the trigger
of a large program. Not with the privatization of the plant begin to dismantle the state, and with
the rock 'n' roll and the museum.
Brilliantly, in my opinion, the film is presented in the ideological program of the future of
the opposition - Patriots-statists. Compact and accurate. It is put into the mouth of the city
prosecutor. He is a man with complexes ( "lifelong dream to commit a crime"), sensitive patriot,
does not want to drink beer "for progress" and sings love songs with a guitar merchant. The
nomenclature gang, he takes a low position, they are pushed around. The main thing, he is
powerless - even shoot can not have owned a gun he removed the firing pin. The most he can
do for the Soviet man (Varakina), which he is obliged to protect, is to whisper to him, "Run."

That he whispers at the time of the end, when the whole gang of the rulers tenevikov,
writer, girls of easy virtue attacks the "Russian state tree" branches which symbolize power, are
starting to buy up and destroy the tree branches.

But where to go? Through the woods, marshes, to a deserted lake. Jumps Varakin in some
leaky boat without oars and pushed away from the shore. There is no salvation for him.

We must study and methods of our destroyers, manipulators, and secret znaki- warning of
their environment. To which category the film "City Zero" and the like, we do not know, but
we have to watch them carefully.

Chapter 21. Metaphors and stereotypes adjustment

§ 1. Opposition Metaphors

In Chapter. 6, we talked about the role of metaphor as the artistic expression of stereotypes
in the manipulation of consciousness. A good metaphor fascinates and drives the thinking in
the narrow corridor, the output of which (inference) includes a manipulator.

Of course, to share in the act of suggestion or persuasion effects on rational thinking on

associative thinking, feelings or imagination can only abstractly. In fact, these effects on the
target fused to a "transaction." However, the share and role of various "weapons delivery" vary
greatly depending on the specific conditions of the operation, first of all, on the type of audience
culture. The more pressure the mosaic of culture, the lesser role played by the logic ( "morals
police intelligentsia"), the more susceptible to the manipulation of consciousness. So that the
current destruction of the university culture in the mass of the population, the observed now in
Russia - an absolutely necessary condition for a lasting domination of "democracy". The Soviet
school (even primer for a first grader) was built on the principles of academic culture - as
opposed to the cultural "mosaic", which is being implemented today. As the destruction of the
school of thought takes the place of rational thinking is associative. In general, the problem of
mass consciousness shift on associative thinking has been done successfully in the years of

Consider some great metaphors that define an explanation of what is happening in Russia.
This is a metaphor created in the bosom of the opposition and introduced it into the public
consciousness through the left and patriotic press. But they are not contrary to the regime
ideologues - because these metaphors cleave the consciousness of citizens and thereby
strengthen this regime.

Metaphor criminal revolution . Create an artistic imagination S.Govoruhina concept -

criminal revolution - quickly became a voice usage and thinking as mere mortals, and deputies
of the highest rank. Sometimes even added the epithet of the Great . Govorukhin himself says
that this revolution was accomplished, and the criminal state had already created.
Such an explanation of what is happening is attractive for its simplicity and clarity, because
some of it seized even reputable critics of the current system - the principle of economy of
thought. If you think about it, the whole concept Govorukhin, despite its appeal, is wrong in
principle, but from the standpoint of political expediency harmful. It is wrong to formulate and
the essence, and the dynamics of what is happening. It leaves a loophole coward at heart the
common man, leads to the important conclusion: if that revolution of which we speak, has
already taken place, and a new type of state has been created, then the chaos ended. From it
came the new order, and the problem of the "little man" - to adapt to it. In other words, it has
no way to oppose the establishment of the wrong order, and we can talk only about his
overthrow that much harder to resist than flanked by an immature yet at the end of the order of

Next to man the question arises: what is the essence of this new order, and whether it can
adapt to it, start a new life? After all, the answer to this depends on whether or not to respond
to calls for the fight against the new order - or establish some way of peaceful coexistence with
him to look for acceptable compromises.

If we assume that the new criminal procedure is established, then its principal features can
be seen today. They may increase or decrease with the development, but the type of life will
not change. In what direction will the order to evolve? We know from history and common
sense - towards easing the criminal passions. The most brutal period - primitive accumulation,
and then the former gangsters grow a belly and dreaming of a happy life a solid bourgeois. Love
the clean and quiet, donate to churches and theaters, send children to university. So, today - the
most difficult time for the common man in this criminal state.

But if so, then I think the majority of our fellow citizens say, live in a criminal state can
be! Not so devil as he is painted. Skirmishes are in themselves closed world criminals, a normal
person comes under fire by mistake or on its own missteps. But even with these shootings level
of violence in our much lower than in Chicago - that is not live? On the other hand, the current
criminal world somehow, but redistributes income, each family racketeer feeds 10-15.
Otherwise, it would be to live? So, the criminal world was not an enemy of the nation, to live
with him as possible. Pure market economy, which is, according to the formula Hobbesian "war
of all against all", for community consciousness of Russian people is much more terrifying
prospect. As for the plunder of national resources, which grieves Govorukhin, suggested in a
market economy, the invasion of foreign corporations plundering make it much more complete
- podgrebut cleaner our mafias. So let's better our own criminals popolzuyutsya - you see, and
we need something perepadet.

It - logical conclusions from Govorukhin metaphors. But the conclusion is incorrect,

because incorrect assumptions themselves. No criminal revolution has not happened yet. So
far, political considerations have allowed criminal structures to plunder the country - for its
weakening or even destruction. But these structures are relatively closed and aggressive world,
and with them you can really get along. They do not penetrate and it does not claim all the pores
of society. This is still the Soviet criminal world.

The actual criminal revolution and the establishment of a criminal social order will take
place in Russia only in conjunction with the scrapping of all the structures of Soviet society and
the actual market victory. With the establishment is clean and a market economy in Russia.
Why is it in Russia, but not in the US or England? Because there is an individual person. And
it can only lead the individual fight against crime of all - or adjacent to the class and to fight
within the cultural norms of a certain ideology.

Connecting Education in solidarity, capable of establishing, at least locally, criminal social

order, can only people who kept communal conception of man. These were in the US
immigrants from Italy and Sicily, the Chinese and Vietnamese residents Negro ghetto. They
formed the centers and criminal "shadow" states, but American society corrodes them,
individualizes. Thus, the Italian mafia has
"Americanized", turned into a system of capitalist enterprises.

What happens in Russia when, finally, the foundations will be broken egalitarian way of
life? In desperate need - is not present, and indeed, when people are dying from the cold with
intact heating, as there is no money to pay for it - will slide more than half of the people. And
much more than half! Western society came from a strip of social conflicts, when due to the
robbery of the South it could make "two-thirds of the Company" - the poor were in the minority.
But today, according to sociologists, the West becomes a "two halves of the Company» -
unemployment and drug addiction are confronted at the bottom of a large part of the middle
class. Hence, it is necessary to derive forecasts for Russia, which will rob like anyone in the

But the poor in post-Soviet Russia are completely different social type than in the West.
There the poor and civil society alone is not terrible - it is defenseless against him. In bourgeois
city poor forced even die of hunger, but can not pull out a piece of bread - are united against
him and the police, and cultural norms that came into flesh and blood representation of the
sacred private property. The poor community-based rally and stand out from a hostile society
in a rather isolated world, often separated into different kind of ghetto. And the surest way to
distract them from their joint struggle to change society is to criminalize all this "lower" half.
This criminalization is carried out by civil society, with the participation of the state. The most
powerful means to do so - school, TV, mass culture and unemployment.

Therefore, only the establishment of a social order can be considered a criminal revolution,
in which almost every working family is inevitable in direct contact with the underworld. When
she had no choice. A Great criminal revolution should be considered to provide such a system,
when simultaneously criminalized and bottoms up - public authorities and institutions and big

Today, Yeltsin's regime began preparing for the impact of this revolution: television
already works with might and main, the school is reformed in the right direction (divided into
"double" school - for the middle class and future outcasts), growing unemployment shaft and
its companion - addiction. The political organization of socialist persuasion, which could enter
the mainstream despair destitute meaningful liberation struggle, crushed and pounded in a
mortar with water wilted doctrines. They pass the youth criminal world.

That system, which in this case should be different from the current situation as the heavens
and the earth. A huge mass of people it simply will not be able to adapt - and these people are
more or less quickly perish. In this - the main deception Govorukhin metaphors. She
encouraged people unnecessarily. Hell will be far worse than what we see today and we painted.

What is deep criminalization of life, it can be seen in the example of Brazil, which we
already offer both unattainable ideal. We, however, the situation is much worse, because the
core of the mass of the Brazilian poor comes mainly from pariah colonial society, including
former slaves, who for many generations used to see their position as a natural. And in Russia,
poor children will become prosperous yesterday workers and engineers. Sink to the bottom
painful than to fight for the ascent.

Over the last 20 years Brazil did that today with Russia. First obezzemelili peasants and
created on their land plantation of large foreign companies. Fleeing from famine, mass poured
into the city and built a favela - a multimillion-dollar homes clusters of tin and cardboard. On
those who live in the favelas, and say nothing - it is criminal state within a state. There does not
pop the nose police, there has its own laws, its court and the massacre. Or not to join a gang of
teenage son, to go or not to go to the panel grown up daughter - decide not to violence. Attach
it to your son or daughter! Do you all think that these horrors - somewhere beyond the seas,
they have personally never reach. And they are already bursting at our door. But it is not broke,
much depends on us.

And the trouble is that everyone thinks so in the favelas something I do not get! In the
worst case, I'll hang out in the lower part of the middle layer. And then what? The same
vulnerability. Favela something suited to the house, even if it is a decent house you have. In
Brazil, I was at the invitation of their best university, it is isolated from the terrible world of the
poor. I was invited to live in his house, in order to save the budget of the faculty, one professor.
The village elite, though not the highest (once called me to visit another professor, who lived
nearby - so his village is surrounded by three-meter wall around the perimeter of which go
gunners). The house where I lived - for a good fence, in a courtyard is huge ratveyler outside
circulates through the village jeep with security. Still, the charming children professors can not
be one to go through the gate. To carry the subsidiaries in the ballet studio, several families
have to chip in on the guard. They live in a fragile, artificial and a lot of money sheltered little
world. And the dream to move to the US way of life which they are sickened to the core - for
the sake of children. After all, the boy will not be saved, high school students in the school,
earning the sale of cocaine, to force him to become
a drug addict. That is criminal social order - when you can not avoid being drawn into violent

And man, with all his heart who wants to avoid it, is drawn in this order in two ways - and
the victim and the offender. Criminal procedure ties a "safe" people's mutual responsibility of
complicity in the murder. Shyly averting his eyes from himself, fathers of families deduct
money for the "death squads", which maintain a delicate balance between the favelas and
cottages, regularly shooting infiltrated into someone else's territory, the poor boys. Sometimes
these executions turned into mass murder of tens of sleeping teens (most recently - on the steps
of a church in central Rio de Janeiro). Most of these "social cleaners" - police officers, although
they make this their work in their spare time. Crime is on the top and bottom closes.

Is there any reason to believe that this will not happen in Russia if it finally win Gaidar-
Chubais line? Not only are such flimsy hopes, the most cold-blooded analysis of the steps of
the regime shows that it is absolutely unavoidable. Already created large numbers of angry
adolescent cubs deprived upbringing, education and children's happiness. And at the same time
formed groups of hunters on these cubs and public opinion is ready to support this hunt. It
destroys the traditional right of Russia, which is closely related to the concepts of truth and
justice. The state itself educates recruits for the future
"Squadrons" (it - a special theme). Thus, the old forms of solidarity regime is preparing to
replace the multitude of hoops criminal mutual responsibility. It will destroy the Soviet society,
and preventing the establishment of a civil society. This will be a criminal revolution.

It is not yet accomplished, it is possible to resist. It is, one might say, selfish matter. What
is to come, there will be a continuation of the current state. This is hell, which have come out
of knee-deep in blood, so that we will remember Stalin as a good grandfather. Do not believe
those who calms, that everything they say, has already happened and flutter late. It is not true.

. The metaphor of the restoration is already clear that the opposition can only raise the
question of change in the social system - a simple "change of course" is no longer enough. Story
is not yet fully taken shape, but so that the ruling class can not change course, it already implies
the resultant interests. As noted above, each project is a social system change requires a clear
idea of what we have today. Clearly, the system temporarily created in Russia, there is a
pathology, for a long time there, he can not, because it leads the society and the country to ruin.
But what is this system? It arose as a result of the process? And the answer to this question is
sought not through painstaking "anatomical" description, but through metaphor.
V.V.Kozhinov, one of the few, in my opinion, social scientists, possess the scientific
mindset, develops the idea that the restoration took place in Russia. In various embodiments,
this idea was repeated many leaders of the Left Opposition: in their opinion, in Russia there is
a "restoration of capitalism". Present events as the restoration is very tempting. Firstly, it is
simply expressed in familiar words, there is a beautiful analogy.

The concept V.V.Kozhinova this idea even optimistic. After all, the wheel of history can
not be completely reversed. Historical experience shows that the next big revolution for
rollback (restoration) is never complete. Restores are just some features of the old order, but in
general to abolish established after the revolution of social relations is impossible. As the
argument is well-studied the history of revolutions and restorations waves generated by the
French Revolution.

I think that this seductive metaphor in general is wrong. It is implicitly based on the
assumption that any change in the social system emerged after the revolution, it expresses the
same struggle of opposites that are faced in the course of the revolution. Hence, the victory of
the forces denying the revolution, there is restoration. Step back, and not vpe.ped or sideways.
So it was in France, but this does not mean that something similar is happening in Russia.

Let's start with the fact that after the revolution, in the bosom of a new social order, can
quickly develop a hostile force, which at the time of the revolution was undeveloped, hidden or
even had a temporary ally of the revolution. And it is a force that not only carries the momentum
for the restoration of the pre-revolutionary order, but may be even more implacable opponent
of his, than the revolution itself. Obpazno govopya Chubais - more neppimipimy vpag Russian
impepii than Lenin.
In other words, the denial of the revolution can not be counter-revolution and restoration,
and a new revolution. Let's just not use the word "revolution" ecstatic sense. It's just a radical,
through demolition, change of social system.

If states that what is happening in Russia is a restoration, we must first show that it - not a
new revolution. It is necessary to identify the drivers of change and their genetic relationship
with the community of Tsarist Russia, social, cultural and national type of new owners and
rulers. I think the most brutal structural analysis shows that nothing like the main features of
society and the state to the Russian Revolution, 1905-1917 gg. not today. There is something
quite different, though the germs present regime hostile to the old Russia, were already in the
revolution of the century. Of course, the young security officer Bagritsky was difficult to see
the light of Boris Abramovich Berezovsky. It is not easy, but possible.

Speaking about Russia's history in this century as a series of waves of revolution and
restoration (each time to a new level), it is necessary to identify all those waves. You can not
use the concept of restoration, not linking point - "negation of the negation." After all, if before
the current restoration has already passed one, it means that today just does not restore the old
Russia, but that was before the last restoration. That is, it is - it is a new round of revolution to
destroy the old Russia, and Soviet and tepep stpoit.

It is almost universally accepted, and there are reasonable grounds that a large restoration
of the Russian Empire was Stalinism, not without reason called "Thermidor." It was a
restoration, which required a lot of blood and sweat, but it was with the support of all the
underlying forces of Russia - because of that it has been accepted by the people with
enthusiasm, until a cult.

If so, then today is the restoration of the restoration that resisted Stalinism, the recovery is
of course of the revolution, which was an implacable enemy of the old Russia. So any optimism
interpretation of what is happening as the restoration of the cause can not be, because the Soviet
system for these restorers - the same enemy as the old Russia, and they will be his dolamyvali.
We have mentioned only one wave of restoration - Stalinism . But the process is much
more complex, restoration of one structure was often associated with the revolution in another.
Thus, even the October Revolution Russia was restoring largely in response to destroy it in
February. The slogan "All Power to the Soviets!" Is the idea of autocracy, even if not embodied
in the king. This - the negation of the liberal state in February with his future parliament and
the separation of powers. A civil war was the restoration of Russia as a single state - the negation
of bourgeois separatism, giving birth to the nation-state.

Of course, the idea in October as the restoration after February - a stretch, though grain
meaning it has. But in any case it is time to abandon the vision of 1917 as a two-step process
of permanent revolution - bourgeois-democratic in February, overgrown by October in the
proletarian socialist. In fact, once in February there were two fundamentally different,
incompatible type of state. One built on the model of the liberal West, the other - coming from
the insides of peasant Russia. The Provisional Government and the Soviets. They competed
with each other, first in peace, and then on the battlefield.

Thus, the restructuring and reform of the 90s even formally can not be taken for the
restoration of the main features of Russia as a civilization (although the presence of fake jewelry
like Cossacks with tin crosses of St. George and the magnificent funeral of the remains). On
the contrary, it is the development of the Soviet system to the 60-ies was a gradual and difficult
restoration of Russia, but there was a process parallel to the already denying this restoration,
which won in the 80s. Finally and on time - it is still unknown.

If we approach the matter is not formally, but in fact, much more about the restoration can
not speak. The forces, which are now seized power and property are not in any relationship
with those who overthrew the revolution of 1917 Those who are today at the top, to the Russian
occupied a marginal position - in the shadow economy, crime and revolutionary intelligentsia.
They nurtured and blossomed as parasites is the Soviet system. Take the tip of the spiritual -
that in her is of the intellectual elite of the old Russia? On the scale of a social phenomenon -
nothing. Location got out all these Okudzhava, Gerdt, Akhedzhakova etc.? From "retiradnyh
places" of Russia. Were it not for the Soviet power, they would have remained there.

Who is the current rulers? Quite often secretaries of provincial Party and Komsomol - a
product of a particular social group or even a particular culture, which in old Russia and could
not be. People with
unprecedented type of thinking and distorted ethics. What can they be restored? No analogy
with the Bourbons and the aristocrats, who returned in 1813 to France, to discover in our power
can not.

On the economy, and say nothing. "In the light" we see zavlaba of the USSR Academy of
Berezovsky, Gusinsky yes "from the sphere of culture." "In the Shadow" - Tarantseva with a
large diamond. Shadow and light intertwined criminal economy is inseparably linked to the
legal. Nothing to do in type with Russian capitalism with Morozov and Ryabushinskys, it has
not. And indeed call it capitalism - a huge stretch to rally and then just do. Even Marx to fasten
it hard, even though he was distracted from the cultural roots of capitalism. After all, there is
our "capitalist" no cycle of reproduction, they do not invest, they just suck the juice out of
Soviet production system.

The fact that Western capitalism supports our reformers, not only does not mean that they
are similar to the capitalists, but rather the contrary. West wherever he could, to destroy the
germs of local capitalism, trying to turn it into a special type of "complementary" economy.
Supports on Batista, Somoza, and Mobutu - who undertook to transform the economy of the
country in the parasitism of the object. A strong Russia, though royal, albeit Soviet, has always
been the West as a bone in the throat. Why should he would support the "restorers"?
In general, I think that the reality does not give any hope that will roll back in Russia,
restoration of some features of the old Russia, but with preservation of the principal
achievements of the Soviet system. Rather, it takes place in the Russian Revolution, which lead
a new, unexplored Marxism social forces generated by the Soviet system - the nomenclature of
Union with the underworld, kooky film covered on human rights intelligentsia. And this
revolution is creating a new, yet-determining socio-economic structure and particular state.
That this way not described in textbooks normally. Textbooks are outdated. Yes, and the
authors were never interested in Russia or Asia. What is the social order in Iraq today? And in
Iran? And in Colombia? After all, in any "formation" to drive them impossible.

One thing is clear - created in the Russian system is not compatible with a normal life. At
the same time, all I think it is clear that in a democratic way to change it is impossible. So, until
it stabilized, it is possible restoration of a reasonable lifestyle. To this end, and violence is not
required because the new state yet, it has not acquired the legitimacy and confidence of the
people in their right to rule. And if you take a long time, and it's ugly political education will
be strengthened, the revolution will be the only outcome.

And we must come back to us to the concept of revolution, it all blurred. Not until the
beginning of this conversation, will state as a theorem: the modern revolution did not require
violence. Moreover, it just may be non-violent, it is performed with other than at the beginning
of the century, technology.

Metafopa bourgeois state . Pe.ped IV Congress of the Communist Party at the Plenum of
the Central Committee presented proposals Programme Commission and a group of expert
scientists to refine the Program of the Communist Party. In particular, it was said: "It is
proposed to declare with certainty that the process of formation of the bourgeois state was
completed bloody October 1993". Time
"With certainty", then do consider this an important argument.

I note immediately that it is included in an insoluble contradiction with another thesis of the
Communist Party:
"Political and socio-economic policy conducted by the President and the Government,
completely bankrupt." How bankrupt if managed to achieve the main thing - to complete the
formation of a fundamentally new, "their" state? Or Yeltsin and Chubais built communism, but
they all did not work out the way they wanted - they "obankpotilis"? How can one and the same
issue do inconsistent statements? Or should we not take them seriously? But back to the main
assertion - that completed the process of becoming bourgeois state. Since podpobnogo
substantiate this thesis is not, it should be understood as metafopu, which, as it explains what
ppoishodit in Russia, by reference to the "pposto and clear" of the bourgeois state, CL 27 3 . In
my opinion, this metafopa is wrong in its very essence.

1. There - A typical example of two false supposition: that the bourgeois state is pposto
and all known thing, and that the mode is active Yeltsin - obviously bourgeois state.
It is obvious that the Soviet fabric of life and the Soviet state (which is not the same
thing) dealt a heavy blow. Let us even assume that destroyed the Soviet state, which,
however, does not the fact - there are many indications that it is much more capable,
although it operates implicitly and contrary to the political regime. However, we make
this assumption.

Does this mean that after the destruction of the Soviet state was even completed
the formation of a different type of state? It does not mean. Completed or not is
becoming - a question the answer to which is possible only after studying the state of
all necessary state institutions.

The reality is that the formation of the new government not only has not been
completed, but the whole process has stalled too far from the finish line. Moreover,
many of the loose structure of the new state began to disintegrate (and in many cases
destroyed by the regime for the sake of preventing immediate threats).

Let's start with the principal, the limiting feature of the state - a system of
legitimate violence . Theorists statehood wonder introduced the term - "legitimate" and
not just "legitimate". Legitimacy is the only power that has become a credibility in the
public consciousness. That is where the use of this power of violence is justified not
only by law (at gunpoint any parliament anywhere nashtampuet any laws), but also the
prevailing views in the community about the truth. When a man's inner voice say, "This
government - from God," or something like that.

Has this happened in Russia? Not in the least, and even on the contrary. All
experiments regime legitimization of a new type of violence showed that the social
consciousness of their rejects. Attempts to go ahead (all 1993), only accelerated the
"divorce" with the people of the state, which is trying to build the Yeltsin regime. Non-
Soviet type of violence is legitimate not. Well, part of the police dressed in foreign caps
- and their own police hesitate. The average person just dobreet saw a policeman in
uniform with Russian silhouette. Police Personnel for the most part emphasized behave
as if they retain the cultural type of the Soviet militia, not the bourgeois state police.

What is important is already the symbolic fact that the treatment between
uniformed people political regime does not dare to remove the word "comrade". When
Yeltsin visited even the Taman Division, he was forced to swallow treatment "comrade
president". And it is - not a trifle. Consider the transition from the tsarist police and the
army to the Soviet Red Army and the police. Here it was possible to say that there was
the emergence of a new state (on this basis) 27 4 .

Another thing is that the political regime secretly promotes the formation of other
institutions of violence - security services, criminal groups, hired assassins, etc.
Repeats the path of Latin American dictatorships.. But this is not a sign of the formation
of the state. This is - a typical sign of the criminalization of the authorities, which failed
to achieve legitimacy. Not all violence is a sign of statehood and the emergence of
organized criminal violence just says that the formation of the new government did not
take place and would be unlikely.

We even see a rare phenomenon in history: the power defiantly thwarts attempts
to restore the state. Remember how in the eyes of the whole country before the cameras
slighted officers as their own service to be forced statists (Minister of Internal Affairs
of Kulikova, Attorney General Skuratov). It - acts unnatural for any state. This is the
same sense of continuous and systematic denigration in the eyes of the public members
of the Duma - not the opposition, but it is important as a state institution (and especially
the bourgeois state, which is impossible without a strong parliament).

The second feature of the state - ideology . For the bourgeois state is a sign of an
absolutely necessary, because in the past, class states treated religion. Without ideology
no legitimation of power in the bourgeois state, and without the legitimation it is
impossible to talk about the formation of the state in general.
2. According to recent sociological research, only 3% of respondents perceive
positively the appeal "gentlemen." Even among the entrepreneurs of only 12%.
The political regime established in 1993, has fundamentally not and can not have an
ideology, no matter how much pored dachas Yeltsin's advisers. Claiming to be a builder
of civil society and a market economy, it is all their practices and even rejected the
rhetoric of the most fundamental principles of this type of living arrangement. It is clear
that the Yeltsin regime has absolutely nothing to do with the open society and the legal
state (just look at the status information, for example, television is available for the
major parties). And it's not about strains, namely, the essence of the regime and the
whole philosophy of its social base.

On what such a regime can build their ideology? Only on deception. This is not
enough. Today, any scientist, regardless of orientation, knows that the current political
regime can not count on the legitimacy and possession of ideology. Cheating is
scattered, and the regime can be held only on fear (before the Civil War, hunger,
revenge robbed people, repression of criminal gangs - from each group of your fears).
Nothing to do with the formation of the state, this situation does not have 27 5 .

The third sign of the presence of the state, from the Urartu - the possession of a
financial system that ensures the safety of the country and its reproduction in all major
forms. It is - irrespective of the economic system and social system. Taxes of any kind
(even a squirrel skins) flock to the blood through the venous system to the treasury;
Monarch - the "heart of the state" - to coin money and puts it into circulation, the blood
through the arteries. This process must be stable.

What we see in Russia? Power and robbing the country and businesses and
citizens. Stolen funds disappear into some black holes, much of it settles abroad. Juice
sucked out of all the systems that are necessary for the existence of any state, up to
their complete destruction. Even from the Army! That is, the political system not only
provides a reproduction of the country and population, but also himself. All this created
by the efforts of the anti-Soviet nomenklatura mechanism is something not likely to be
called by the state. This "something" is the state and can not grow, even with the
suffering of the people. All that we have the state, forced to act almost in hiding,
contrary to the regime.

Maybe call it "something" government tempted fact social stability in Russia.

They reasoned that if people are not each other's throats gnaw, and the dead bodies on
the street almost did not roll, then, is the state. This explanation is not necessary. Firstly,
people are by nature not wolves. They are capable of self-organization and the
preservation of living arrangement and without a state. Especially if you have not
undermined the foundations of culture and morality. Second, help to survive gone into
the shadow of the Soviet state structure and skills. After all, if the mode is active Yeltsin
could in full force to act according to their ideals, life in Russia would have been

Objectively ppiznanie REGIME Yeltsin completed state ukpeplyaet thought that

deal with Yeltsin's regime should not be. This mode is supposedly already created a
legitimate state, it is necessary to correct the efforts of constructive opposition.

Now for the second part of the thesis - that the government, the establishment of
which allegedly occurred, the state has a bourgeois . The fallacy of this statement even
much clearer than the first error. In general, the whole class phraseology used by left-
wing opposition, so vulgar and superficial, just scream want. It can not be so
irresponsible to refer to the word - it will shoot at us from the terrible gun than history.
Metafopa capitalization Russia . Thesis has been widely used in the documents of
the Communist Party of
"Forced capitalization of the country" (he even offered to write to the Program of the
Communist Party). What is this word - the capitalization ? What is the "capital"? This
basic productive wealth - fixed assets management. In connection with the capital labor
produced wealth. Capitalism - a system in which capital is privately owned. Under
socialism, the capital becomes public property. But it does not go away! After all, we
had to Gorbachev investment!

3. It is amazing what the Communist Party - the only major party - tried to legitimize
his authority Yeltsin regime as allegedly established state. The addition of "bourgeois"
nothing in fact does not change (it is - as a curse, designed to encourage the Communists).
What is market capitalization? It is the creation of capital. The bourgeoisie was able to
create capital thanks to its brilliant invention - joint-stock companies. They collected a
small cash and converted them into capital. We have almost all the capital was created
as a public property. Up until 1988 there was rapid capitalization of the country. And
today, through
"Auctioning" (deliberately false term) capital created by pulled apart. In Russia there
is a quick "de-capitalization" - spraying, destruction and the export of capital. Why in
the program to insert the word contraption that distorts the essence of the process and
will serve for the twinkle of people wandering?

Let us remember the basics. What the bourgeoisie ? Consider that those who
possessed property (rich) - misleading. It is pardonable for children who use the name
of the "bourgeois" as a dirty word. Judge for yourself. There are many ways to seize
the property. Untold riches seized the hordes of Tamerlane, or groups of Cortez in
Mexico. None of the bourgeoisie from this arose. Bucket lords and other bandits robbed
merchants on the roads, but the bourgeoisie is not converted. The Jewish usurers took
with knights and kings, and a huge percentage of accumulated wealth, which later
originated the financial capital. But it was the capital of adventure, pariahs capital
outcasts. Financiers did not form the bourgeoisie, they laid hold on her as a stray child.

Bupzhuaziya as a class arose with the "spirit of capitalism". Bupzhua (ie

gopozhane) - those who tpuda as mupavi over transitional composition and transformed
into money capital by koto.pogo they opganizovyvali ppoizvodstvo. The basis
bupzhuazii were not rich ppotestanty-pupitane, which was then indulged in excesses of
all, a lot of studying, tpuda with utpa to night and invested every penny in ppoizvodstvo
extracted ( "not without krovopivstva" - manual workers). And so - for many
generations until the system became stable pabotat not appear ppofessionalnyh
uppavlyayuschih layer.

We rendered a service dupnuyu ppopaganda, ppedstavlyaet bupzhuev vopami and

deceivers. Of course, these come across as priests across spedi drunks and crooks. But
this is not vypazhaet entity class. It is known that vopy as a social group are and how
kultupny bupzhuaziey type can not be. On this and Saltykov-Schedpin wrote a lot - our
Basterds kpepostnogo p.pavoy, Kolupaevs Razuvaeva yes, which was then in pyadilis
bupzhua - but the bourgeoisie were not. Recall that wrote our wonderful observer:

"In recent years, Russian society has provided something of himself in the manner
of the bourgeoisie, ie, a new cultural layer consisting of a publican, percenter, bank-
dealers and other embezzlers and the parasites. In the short term, this runabout aphid
managed to ensnare all of our Palestine; in every corner of it sucks, sharpen, ruins and,
in addition, cheek ... It is not the bourgeois, who managed unheard of hard work and
careful study profession (though not without krovopivstva) win a place in society; it's
just an idle, ignorant and lazy drunkard, moreover, that, due to blind chance, managed
to escape from prison and then devour swarming around it masses "deadhead", "gazers"
and "fools".

Today we have a layer of "new English" - the bastards nomenklatupnogo The

rules, new Kolupaevs and Razuvaeva, which was then, as those pposhlogo century,
"narrowly escaped katopgi". Their cherished dream - to be ppiznali as a class as
bupzhuaziyu. Such ppiznanie spazu zakpyvaet the Problems of ppoishozhdeniya their
property, legitimizes it. Vopy, DURING eccentricity ppavovye any political REGIME
should be tried (albeit gently, symbolic), KPRF vdpug document erected in pang
ppiznannogo legal and social class. Why? What for?

Can these Kolupaeva receiving stolen from Chubais our capital ppetendovat
bupzhuazii for the title? In general, as a social phenomenon - is not, can not. On a
personal note spedi them, of course, there hoposho home, which was then rescued and
established ppoizvodstvo - honor and praise them. But their is something just "state"
Yeltsin choking. Yes pech we are not about personalities, but about the class.

Class bupzhuazii not arisen, the new owners ugpobili ppoizvodstvo, many of these
same ogpabili their "own" the factories, and even pasppodali sype obopudovanie.
Almost none of them ppevpaschaet money into capital, as naobopot - obpaschaet
capital in money and exports them for pubezh. Or tpatit in Russia and insane poskosh
kappizy. Holidaymakers on Kanapskih ostpovah
"New English" pponiksya sympathy for pepevodchiku, eccentricity helped him all day
tris, and pposchane podapil him 10 thousand dollapov - almost 60 million publey. This
is English - Therefore merchant or princely. But it is not compatible with the ethics
bupzhua. Bolshevik closer to the capitalist than the pubaha-papen.
S see on the new owners not to such ppotivnoy stopony. It is bupzhuaznym their
relationship with pabochih? In no way mepe. That is, do not pay pabochim zapplatu -
for bupzhua is ppotivoestestvenno. Do not pay for the purchased tovapov (what is to
bupzhua pabochih force) - the unthinkable thing. In our country it is very often pyadom.
Because our "masters" alien plants sovepshenno thinking bupzhua. How can they
ppevpatit your mode is active in the "bupzhuaznoe" gosudapstvo?

D.puguyu as a common phenomenon: the new owners, voppeki all pynochnoy

laws and even voppeki ppikazam Yeltsin, not only otshvypnuli all social service works
(housing, kindergartens, pioneplagepya and prosp.), And even increased Pricelist their
CONTENTS - due kpaha gosudapstva. Today, only one housing many aktsionepnye
tpatyat society more than their entire annual income (some companies 2-3 times more
of their income) - eat up the fixed capital. "Hosts" know that people are unable to pay
for housing, but they do not rise puka deny them aid, and are afraid. Again, this is
incompatible with the Principles for bupzhuazii and its gosudapstva. It is - to roll back
to an ugly feudalism: the man on the back yoke of serfdom for free, but the master
poradeet about it.

We will not attempt to define a what for social stpoit we originated and whether it
may be a long Quaternary (actually failed yet, is that we live in a state of social chaos
with elements of different orders - from the Soviet to the slave, and even the primitive
community). One thing is clear: an attempt to "the plan" to create our ppovalilas
capitalism. The bourgeoisie did not raise, and therefore has not developed and the
bourgeois state.

Recall that liberals destroyed the Tsarist Russia in February 1917, could not create
a new, bourgeois state despite the fact that there was already more or less developed
bourgeoisie in Russia. Then the state was falling apart before our eyes, and in October
the Bolsheviks were simply "picked up" power. Today this decay are no only because
many of the structures are intact Soviet state. At least the Strategic Missile Forces.
Without them, Albright spoke quite differently to Russia.

Metafopa Russian colonization . It is often said that there is a "transitional

composition and transformed Russia into a colony." This, incidentally, is incompatible
with the "cap"! Capturing the colony, the West first of all destroyed in them the germs
of capitalism and create a very special type of economy - the colonial economy. With
no colonization does not occur in Russia, which are much more destructive process - a
special big topic.

Many believe that to say "we comprador regime, and Russia is converted into a
colony" - rallying the masses to struggle. This is not true. Yes, pride hurts, but nothing
more. And so the fight does not raise - the fight in the colonies are not always the
natives and the colonists themselves to separate from the mother country, or the
associated elites, educated in metropolitan universities.

What is the essence of the colony? The fact that Europeans came to the new land,
persuasion or gun pushed back the natives and began to conduct his own farm. There
were two main types of colonizers: Catholic (Spanish and Portuguese) and Protestants
(English and Dutch). First get along with the Indians, learned a lot from them,
converted to Christianity, once built near universities is not worse than at home, opened
the Academy of Sciences. Those who fought against colonial rule? Who were Bolivar,
San Martin, Jose Marti? Spanish (Creole) aristocracy. Which product is transported to
Europe from the colonies (except cinnamon). Product management colonists - their
plantations and mines. Meat cattle grown-Spanish gauchos. The colonists did not
nearly changed the way of life of Native American villages-communities. In order to
work on plantations and in mines even brought with them slaves - also colonists!

The British were incompatible with the Indians, they just destroyed (but not too
much changed their lives). In America from England arrived workers - peasants,
artisans and university graduates. They plowed the prairies, built the mines and
factories, they also began to struggle against colonial rule. And in the US, the first
colonizers almost the first thing created great universities, encouraged science and

In Africa and Asia, the colonists got along with the natives, but the main thing was
repeated: the product exported to the metropolis economy created just colonists, not
palm wine and pumpkins taken from Africans. In Algeria, half of the arable land was
given to French farmers, they cultivated it with their hands, supplying grain to Europe,
wine and fruit. A colony of the metropolis import of capital for the construction of
mines and plantations. The native bourgeoisie emerged Unlike America, in Africa and
Asia - but not in production (and therefore not for sale
product in the metropolis), but only in the trade, the importation of goods from
occupied Europe. These were the compradors or buyers. They supplied these products
themselves as colonists and the indigenous elite, who served the colonialists. The
masses of the natives in these products are not used. Therefore compradors were fully
included in the life of the colonizers themselves were part of their world. If there were
pockets of colonies of modern production with its bourgeoisie (the colonialists tried to
destroy the centers), this way the bourgeoisie comprador was not, she was selling its

Are there signs of this order in Russia? No, we have a completely different system.
On the West taken out a product of our indigenous businesses - oil, titanium,
helicopters. We do not see our workers from the West, who have poured their sweat
Russian land, brought to us their knowledge, skills and tools. The West does not import
to our capital - on the contrary, a lot of money taken out of Russia and the West are
working on the economy. And finally, our compradors. Do they have running the
show? The main mass - this poor guy who live in our toiling masses and sell it the
Turkish vegetable oil and Chinese jacket.

We do not have the main features of the colony. If we were a colony, say, the
United States, you would see at a lot of the colonists-Americans who have worked hard
to build their factories and universities. And quickly be connected with Russian and
dropped colonial dependence. In our country there is something else. Was it in the
colonies that something similar to what we have today ppoishodit? Yes, and it is
necessary to look at other cases.

Here, Cuba was a colony of Spain, was released in 1898 and let "friends" of the
United States. strong Cuban science, the economy reoriented towards the US and
ruined artificial sugar price fluctuations has been eliminated immediately. From Cuba
began to suck all the juice, put the president of the vile and bloodthirsty dog - and so
on until the Castro victory. At the same time Cuba after 1898, of course, was not a

But the main lesson we gave China. In the middle of the last century, when there
began to penetrate the Europeans, China was the largest economy in the world scale.
West snared its banks and loans and also became a "suck." In the early twentieth
century, when China finally revived nationalism, intellectuals, using a "preconceived
notion" people became convinced that China is becoming a colony of the West. And
liberation movement leader Sun Yat-sen was forced to make a very great effort to prove
the intelligentsia, and then the masses, that is - a terrible misconception. What is the
usual term "colony" is nothing more than metafopa. And this metafopa fundamentally
distorts reality and starts a fight to a standstill. West's relations with China represents a
completely new type of parasitism, which led to complete, in the literal sense of the
term, the death of the entire Chinese nation. It sounds strange, but China from the West
saved the brutal Japanese occupation (and only then the war of resistance, the
disarmament of the Soviet troops of the Kwantung Army, the Communists win). Sun
Yat-sen, too, said, Why are you fighting with established concepts confuse people. He
considered that "free mind" is necessary.

If Russia had become a colony, it would not be fatal. We have experienced,

matured, and brush up on how the United States, or at least India, have won their
independence. But we are a colony do not, and reveal the veins. It does not hurt, even
to die a pleasure, and death, if not shake the leeches come inevitably. Therefore it is
necessary to call things by their proper names.

And another reason is incorrect idea of Russia as a victim of colonization. Because

even much more important than the false notion of the nature of the West's actions.
Metafopa colony takes all our attention to the "colonizers" as the source of our troubles
and the threat to the future. And a little - their posobnikov- "compradors". This creates
a false image of the enemy, all our attention is switched to a scarecrow stuffed with
straw, and the true social subject of our disaster led away into the shadows. About him
simply forget, he is not studying, no strategy and tactics of the relationship does not
generate it. So, our mind under control manipulyatopov, and we condemn ourselves to

Not in the "colonizers" business. The authors of our suffocation - in Russia,

generated by Russia and the West, even incomprehensible and repulsive. Though it
with them and went into the Union, as they offered their services to overthrow the
Soviet regime. Not even know whether they can be regarded as a "fifth column of the
West", as an active, independent and creative role they have played. Perhaps, in this
their war with the Soviet stpoit Rather, the West has been an accomplice.
After the 1996 elections, I wrote about the "Huns" - a broad category of people
who voted for Yeltsin because they enjoy it this destructive will. But the "Huns" - only
"Protective layer" organized international class, which has a slim philosophy of life,
particularly in culture and even language. This is the underworld, which has always
played an important role in the life of Russia, but gained almost 'class' consciousness
and organization in the last 30-40 years. He ppestupnost the Mir, which today ppishel
to power - a new phenomenon, the twentieth century. He began to take shape DURING
destruction of the traditional way of evpeyskih towns, Caucasian clan communities,
Russian vopovskogo "shop." Today hoposho described ppestupnost Western civil
society, which arose as a result of the bourgeois revolutions. And we see that the current
ppestupnost Peace on Russia is a completely different type. Explain the distinctions of
tpudno until our cultural layer does not wish to know what all Russia differs from the
West, as a type of civilization.

Another will explore the process of self-organization of a special, unprecedented

alliance: the criminal world power (nomenclature) and the liberal intelligentsia of the -
of the impact force, which crushed the Soviet Union. We recognize at least the fact:
this union took place, and the underworld is in its most active and cohesive force. And
it is not about personalities but about major social force, which came to power. Though
it disguises itself to the bourgeoisie (and its even admit such a hurry, our Marxists), it
is - a special social and cultural type.

Insolvency hope that chepez one generation descendants vopov ppevpatyatsya

blagoppistoynyh bupzhua in the US gangsters. civil society Ppestupniki not CL class
with its own culture and ethics, they - "association of individuals." We - porphyry
intrusions, and Class pamki ppestupnost mipa tough they have it steadily
vosppoizvodyat and the more will play when this class in power and property.

Of course, ppestupnost statehood can exist only out a short historical spok. Clans
and gpuppipovki inevitably begin gpyztsya like spiders in the bank - the beginning of
this, we are already seeing. But while they d.puguyu d.puguyu pepegpyzut they
completely deplete Russia. Better through all of this is not ppohod and svepnut panshe
as possible. The only way out - to "unite honest." On this and not think. And the first
condition for this - stop feeding stories about
"Colonizers and the comprador bourgeoisie" and think false metafopami.

Let us now consider the stereotypes - thinking design that inhibit the ability to see
the phenomenon in different contexts. Here are a few examples of stereotypes, which
were used in the course of restructuring.

§ 2. The stereotype of anti- statism

The first condition for a successful revolution (of any kind) is the elimination of
the active part of society and state. Every man secretly gnawing worm anti-state
sentiments, for any power presses. And objective grounds for dissatisfaction are always
available. But the normal mind and other senses keep this worm under control.
Suggestion, artistic images, songs can be anti-state feeling rastravit.
It managed to half a century of preparation for revolution 1905-1917 gg. in Russia
276. Then the entire intelligentsia seized one thought - "the last kick to crush the
vermin," the Russian state. V.Rozanov wrote in his diary in 1912 .: "I read in the"
Russian. Vedas "just choke joy article about bumping into rocks near Helsingfors
minonoski ... Yes there minonoska:. Is not the whole congregation exulted and Printing,
when we were beaten at Tsushima, Shahe, Mukden?".

The same thing we saw in the restructuring, when task was to destroy the Soviet
state as the basis of the Soviet system. Pick up today subscribe "Ogonyok", "Capital",
"Moskovsky Komsomolets" of those years - the same choke joy about any accident,
any incident. At this point was important example of the West, influenced primarily on
the "class specialists." In knige- report on surveys of 1989-1990. "There is an opinion,"
there is a common conclusion:
"Carriers of the radical ideas of perestroika, leading to the establishment of market
relations are mostly young representatives of the technical and engineering-economic
intelligentsia, students, young workers and employees of the apparatus of science and

4. "In non-religious apostasy of the Russian intelligentsia of the state - the key to
understanding the experienced and experienced by our revolution," - he wrote in his prophetic
book "Milestones" PBStruve.
Apostasy from the state and the underlying hatred of authority and power in the West
were the result of the conversion of the people in the crowd of "free individuals", the
essence of which was the destruction of the traditional society and the emergence of
civil. According to Ortega y Gasset, "the sovereignty of any individual human being as
such, came out of the stage of abstract legal ideas or ideals, and rooted in the minds of
ordinary people." On the contrary, the state has been relegated to the position full of
grace "father" to "night watchman". Instead, university culture began to dominate the
mosaic - the mass culture.

Man mass - consumer stereotypes: "It belongs to the spiritual weight he who is
satisfied with the final idea in each question, already seated in his head," - wrote Ortega
y Gasset in his book "Revolt of the Masses". This work is very important for our theme,
it is dedicated to a man, formed mass culture. This person manipulate, thinks in
stereotypes and has such a conceit that the dialogue with them and appeal to the mind
is very difficult.

In Ortega and Gasset it is not about "the masses of the working people," and the
middle class, which is a typical expression of just a "specialist". Ortega y Gasset wrote:
"Specialist" serves us as a vivid, concrete example of the "new man" and allows us to
see all the radicalism of its novelty ... He can not be educated, as he is a complete
ignoramus in everything that is not part of his specialty; he was not ignorant, because
he is still "man of science" and knows perfectly his tiny corner of the universe. We
would have to call him a "learned ignoramus", and this is very serious, this means that
in all matters he does not know, he did not behave like a man, unfamiliar with the case,
but with the authority and ambition inherent connoisseur and specialist .. . Just look
how foolish act today in all matters of life - in politics, in art, in religion - our "men of
science", followed by doctors, engineers, economists, teachers ... How pathetic and
ridiculous they think, judge act! Non-recognition of authority, refusal to submit to
someone else - typical features of the mass of people - reaches its climax just at these
rather skilled people. It is these people represent and largely carried out modern mass
domination, and their barbarism - the immediate cause of the demoralization of Europe.
In the years of perestroika, when the worm was anti-state sentiments raskormlen
to epic proportions, under fire were all part of the state - from the economic bodies, the
military industrial complex, the army and police to the school system and children's
homes. L.Batkin, calling the book-manifesto "no other way" to "maximum
deregulation of Soviet life," asks the rhetorical question: "Why did the Minister of the
peasant - farmer, co-operators, porters, the individual peasant .. Why .. Why Minister
plant scientists? Academy of Sciences - this very Academy, which became the Ministry
of natural? ". The slogan "Do not need a minister of the plant!" - A formula colossal
scale liquefaction of society, turning Russia into a stateless, structureless education,
which can not long exist.

Intellectuals tempted to apostasy from the state slogans of democracy and

freedom. The Academy of Sciences has become almost the main target of the attack
scientists Democrats! Even in 1992, when the Academy was almost choking, Ph.D.
Vyach.Ivanov writes in "Nezavisimaya Gazeta": "We have remained severe and
unsolvable problem - the Academy of Sciences. That's what I, a deputy from the
academy, completely failed to do - so this is to change the situation that has developed
here. The Academy continues to be one of the most reactionary institutions. " This
scholar and deputy feels entitled to destroy the core of the Russian science, justifying
an empty ideological stereotypes ( "reactionary nature").

To foment anti-state sentiments were called (let's face it, are employed - in the
broadest sense of the word) favorite talents of Russia, against whom the word
defenseless soul of the common man. After 1991, a small correction was made in their
revelations - the emphasis was already on the "Soviet" state, but it does not change
anything. They are apolitical people and besides darlings of the Soviet state, nothing
serious could say against the Soviet system. What is important was the fact of man,
whom we worship, I hate their country. And even today, when one would have to forget
their grievances, it is nothing reprehensible in their hatred can not see, he speaks of it
as a noble movement of his soul.

Here Nicholas Petpov, ppeuspevayuschy musician makes such ppiznanie "Kogda-

to, tpidtsat years ago, at the beginning of aptisticheskoy kapepy, I really feel that kind
npavyatsya citizen with mipa for koto.pogo poyalya quality and formation reactions
zpiteley on your igpu, no matter where in the world ppoishodit it may have been much
more important ppeslovutyh bepezok and ostocheptevshey tpeskotni about
"Soviet" patpiotizme. In the Quaternary ice hockey championships mipa I with some
fun rooting for the Swedes and Canadians, just to stay in the indoor sto.pone from all
this leavened and false istepii, ppevpaschavshey all, whether spopt or art, a giant
ppopagandistskoe show. " Rooting for the Swedes and Canadians! Not because they
liked him, but because any change in the state propaganda cut his ear.

But in July 1999, in the program "Silent House" (with S.Sholohovym) confessed
my favorite singer, a wonderful our voice - Elena Obraztsova (winner of the Lenin and
State Prizes, Hero of Socialist Labor). She slammed into the philosophy and began to
talk about the role of happiness and suffering in the work: "One thing made me happy
in life - it's hatred." Leading pulled a surprised face, saying as well? And the singer told
a terrible story. She agreed with Abad to participate in the recording of "Requiem" by
Mozart. He arrived in Milan and learns that the party gave the other singer. Why? Abad
she explains that some official forgot to send some kind of telegram, necessary for the
conclusion of the contract. Obraztsova "was shocked, disgusted, I felt absolute slave"
and wanted to stay abroad - she "hated the Soviet Union."
But what about happiness? It came back later in the evening, when she sang in a
concert with the councils Abad in the scene where the priests had sent a curse - "I
cursed the Soviet power." Not forgetful officer without other Abad, who was too lazy
to call it, to eliminate misunderstanding (unless the matter was indeed in a telegram,
but not in the usual artistic intrigue). No, she cursed as much hated Soviet regime and
the country.

It is possible to understand - nature art, impressionable, there was a moment of

passion. But to say this after many years as an important and dear to her moment of life
( "happiness"), on national television to all the people - this is some incredible
insensitivity. Failure to put on one scale his offense and his curse. After all, the curse
come true! In 1999, even the singer would have to have something to listen to the
distress of the people who lost Soviet living arrangements. Maybe even know what a
great Russian poet, in the sunset days of written poetry, prayer: "God save us in difficult
days! God, the Soviet power, we'll be back! ".

Of course, it is a pity that they found a snake-tempter approach and Elena

Obraztsova and intelligent Jesuit S.Sholohov expertly twisted it inside out before a
television camera. I think it will come to the moment of happiness not from hatred, but
simply ordering thoughts and feelings - and leave it out of this choir. But it is important
for us its instrumental role - to step up and justify their fans in anti-state (and the anti-
Soviet) stereotype.

§ 3. Role stereotypes, "the state-exploiter"

Anti-state feeling is linked with the "role stereotypes", which have been effectively
used in the manipulation of consciousness. Some of these stereotypes have intensified
and were completed in the course of restructuring (for example, the stereotype
"Repressed people"), others have always been in a dormant state, but actualized
gradually, starting with the 60-ies. One of these stereotypes was a way of working,
which is the object of exploitation.

About how the Soviet state really alienated and embittered even a significant
portion of the workers. But this "objective factor" could not be decisive in the
reconstruction, if it was not inflated, exaggerated in the brains of people with the help
of some
"Indisputable" ideas. The roots of the apostasy of workers from the Soviet system -

The main Trojan horse to enter the anti-Soviet ideas in the working environment
was Marxism. Simplified, intuitive, seductive, Marx has little to do. This "Marxism"
created a very disparate audience, which brings together a hatred of the Soviet
"Empire" - the Mensheviks, Trotskyites, Yugoslav "Renovators", our Sakharov
Democrats call.

The key concepts of this "doctrine" was the exploitation and surplus value .
Operation of the facility were called Soviet workers, exploiter - the Soviet state. If
required absolutely "Marxist" class interpretation, please, and the class was ready -

The approach to the work of "their interests" and even Marxism once facilitated
the capture of the audience and its accession to the manipulator. Especially since the
first workers do not even have to be in conflict with their Soviet installations - from
Trotsky and ending with Gorbachev's criticism
"Distortion" of the Soviet system was based on the nomenclature of Lenin quotes.
Appeal to the role stereotypes workers in the struggle against the Soviet power
began to be applied as soon as the new state began to organize the production and
normal living conditions. So, to establish control, discipline, require the submission of
working process "bourgeois specialists". In April 1918, the solidarity with the Left
Communists said the newspaper "Forward" Mensheviks "Alien from the beginning of
a truly proletarian character of the policy of Soviet power in recent years more and
more openly enter the path of compromise with the bourgeoisie and takes clearly anti-
working class character of this ... policy threatens to deprive the proletariat of its
principal achievements in the economic field and make it a victim of unlimited
exploitation by the bourgeoisie. "

Since the 60s in our "shadow" of social thought the idea that the state exploits the
workers, confiscating their surplus product, strengthened as something obvious. This
idea did not dare to question even the current communist opposition. In the article
"wounded paradigm", which in the "Soviet Russia" was presented in the debate with
"Anonymous reader", casually said: "Lenin's paradigm has been reversed. came
forward the capitalist goal management and operation "in the planning sector.

The conclusion is: to preserve the Soviet system - not in the interests of the workers.
This system - worse
"Civilized" capitalism. Here are the works of a Marxist philosopher and professor of
the Moscow State University A.Butenko. In 1996, he wrote about the Soviet Union:
"No self-respecting sociologist or political scientist never call socialism system, in
which the means of production and political power alienated from the workers. No
socialism, neither humane nor democratic, nor with a human face, or without it, neither
mature nor immature we never had. " Why? Because that "by its very nature, the
bureaucracy can not give workers the freedom from oppression and related forms of
exploitation of new, flourishing at the barracks with his pseudo-nationalization of the
means of production."

It brought to the degree of anti-Soviet totalitarianism: the bureaucracy, that is,

State, by its very nature - exploiter! Anti-Sovietism is reinforced stereotype of anti-
statism. After all, no state can not fulfill its mission without taking away from the
citizens of the products of their labor.

To manipulate it uses a substitution of concepts - the withdrawal is replaced by

the notion of exploitation. There are two methods removal of surplus product - through
the market and through the service. Under conscription means any alienation of the
product, which is not compensated through a market exchange (labor obligations,
alimony, confiscation pay his wife, etc.).

The Marxist understanding of how to operate the removal of surplus value occurs
when there is a deed of sale: I'll work force, you tell me - its market price. And the
essence of the operation is that labor produces surplus value, which assigns the buyer
of labor - the owner of capital ( "capital - a pump that pumps out from the mass of
workers surplus value").

Soviet society is the type of society, where the surplus product is redistributed
through the service. In the Soviet state with the workers were largely non-economic
relations. "From each - by the ability!" - A principle of service, rather than the market.
Everything was "transparent": the government withdraws the surplus product, and even
part of the necessary - returning it to dock basis through public funds (education,
doctor, housing, low prices and others.).

Was the operation here? Only in the vulgar sense of the word, as a curse. No more
than in the family (and therefore the government was paternalistic, from the word pater
- father). After all, they themselves ideologues adjustment abused workers' dependents
"- but who operates dependent! He fed his own expense.

But the workers easily took the false Marxist formula of their exploitation by the
state because of all the words were familiar and accurately fit the stereotype of the
"workers' employer operates." It was enough just to move through a long repetition of
the concept
"Employer" with the capitalists in the Soviet state and thus create a false stereotype
and make channeling sentiment .

This false stereotype relied on important sense - "jealousy underdog." on the

operation of the Word warmed the soul - nice when you regret. And besides, itself
inspired by Soviet propaganda, that we will be about to consume sausage and tape
longer than in the US. And if not longer, so we operate. Who! State. This is - an
important source of fragility
ideokraticheskogo state. It is taking on too much - the role of the father. If a family is
bad - my father's fault. The Liberal government initially declines all responsibility, it
only keeps order in the market. The source of personal adversity there are natural laws
of the market - as it is perceived by the mass consciousness. The state in this case, not
only does not bear the blame, but it always looks good because even slightly softens
the harsh laws of the market (giving subsidies to the unemployed, etc.).

Probably, the Soviet state could leave people more sausages and tape recorders.
But it was in a state of war, even cold. This is an important condition to be driven out
of the public consciousness, and all seemed to have forgotten it (soon to remember how
the Serbs remembered, is already beginning to bake). Therefore, its main duty of the
state considered the protection of civilians. Though outside, although inside the
country. And it spent a significant proportion of the seized
"Surplus product". In the USSR, it would wildness even think that some "gray wolf"
Jordan walked freely through the Caucasus and shot the Russian people 27 7 .

It is amazing that even today many people do not doubt the stereotypes by which
the workers deprived of common sense. Moreover, again in the factories were political
education circles, and again they read Marx's statement cachectic. And in the tense
atmosphere mold vulgar formula very much out of place - someone, it is clear prompts.
Already in the wizard and head of the shop, and even more qualified comrade see the
"class enemy"! Writes one reader, an engineer from the plant:. "I, receiving 380 rubles,
people whose income is even higher if production stops, throw in the face of" all the
engineers live by our surplus product, let us give the money! ". And at the same time
... quote Marx! I talk about the class struggle ... with me! ".

The strength of the stereotype " exploited workers " such that organized opposition
does not dare to proceed to its destruction and, therefore, can not offer any positive
program, for any "anti-market" program runs into that stereotype, "We've been

To break out of this vicious circle, it would dramatically change the entire
conceptual apparatus and to go beyond just a set of related stereotypes. First of all, to
abandon the concept of operation of how easy it is verifiable fraud. This its
vulnerability stems from the fact that it is - the concept of "high-level", and strongly
ideologically associated with the absolute, tangible values of complex
interdependencies sequence. Of course, out of the range of complex patterns and the
use of the absolute, "Earth" concept translates the argument on a more primitive level
and reduces the cognitive power of reasoning. In this sacrifice is necessary to go to
create a first-line defense against manipulation.

Outside the "exploitation" of the stereotype would be to construct a chain of


o The Soviet state was both the employer; with "market" the role of the
employer and the state are separated.

o The Soviet state took away from the working part of the earned "for
two" - for the state and the employer; when the market takes a state for
themselves (taxes, duties, excise taxes, etc.), the owner - for themselves

o For working no matter who and how many he takes away; important -
how much it receives from both in the amount of - both in cash and in kind (in
the form of security, shelter, medical and other benefits). It is reasonable to
desire and to maintain only such changes, in which the amount of benefits
received by the workers in cash and in kind, increasing rather than decreasing.

o What happened when the workers allowed to liquidate the Soviet

system, to give the state less than before? The benefits received in kind,
declined sharply - it all can be seen.

For example, housing is now working not receive, or rather, the provision
of free housing has decreased by 8 times. The housing market is not available
to him. In 1993, the standard apartment of 2 rooms in the average cost on the
market in Russia 15.2 average annual salary. In 1994, 26.1 per annum

5. This protective role of the Soviet state and the most hated anti-Soviet Marxist. Here's
how A.Butenko calls the Soviet system during the pre-war industrialization:. "Barracks with
his pseudo-deadlock mobilization economy" Deadlock mobilization! The absurdity of the
connection of these two words - a reliable sign of manipulative nature philosopher reasoning.
wages 27 8 . Quickly cut and housing and communal services in kind - in 1989, 1 ruble
fee charged to residents was 6 rubles of state subsidies. The government plans - the
total elimination of subsidies ( "housing reform").

What benefits the worker can buy with the money he received from the Soviet
employer and receives salary from today as a new, non-Soviet employer?

Let us compare the most typical Soviet year (1975) and the current 1999 year. For
8 years (since 1992) any reform comes at a sustainable level, so that any changes can
not be expected in the current order. The most rough, but it gives the correct conclusion
on a comparison
"Basket" of the two main benefits - food and energy. Bread and gasoline. You can
expand a little black bread, milk, gasoline (AI-93), and transportation (metro).
Everything else - details clarified. Compare the table the average monthly salary of
workers and employees and the amount of good that can be purchased at the salary:

salary bread milk petrol Metro

rub kg l l the number of trips
1975 145.8 810 486 1535 2916
1998 1200 187 200 400 600

After August 1998, food and petrol prices rose by 3-4 times, and the salary of a little
You can approach the matter from the other side. Workers (wider workers) receive
consumer goods depends only on two factors - the level of production and the type of
distribution of produced wealth. To support the elimination of the Soviet system made
sense only if the amount of benefits received by workers as a result of the cumulative
effects of both factors has increased. What happened with the production, everyone
knows - its volume fell more than twice. It still could be improved due to the
redistribution of income. For example, if the proportion of wage income of workers in
the total population in Soviet times would be less than half of that is to increase this
share doubled, working at least remained even. But in reality, this could not happen
already for the reason that in Soviet times the combined salary of the workers was in
the amount of 80% of revenues (and social benefits - pensions, scholarships, etc. - 12-
14%). So it was inevitable loss already due to decline in production. Well, what
happened to income distribution?
As a result of the privatization of any so-called owners. And they now receive
income on their property, on their "business" and still vaguely called "other" income.
How much do they get? In 1998, the salary (as of old, labor income) in Russia
amounted to 37% of all incomes. Not 80, as in Soviet times, and 37! Thus, both factors
- and the collapse of production and changes in the type of income distribution - was
hit primarily by the workers. The workers, when it comes right, left out in the cold. So
far, there are, because they believe that they can still become a millionaire - thank God,
the Soviet system was abolished.
By the way, in case of liquidation of the Soviet system were not working in
capitalism (and fall). Under capitalism, the $ 1 salary workers owners get about 0.2-
0.3 dollars of unearned income (and already is a lot on the soul of the owner). In the
US in 1985, unearned income amounted to 16.5% of all personal income. And in Russia
in 1998 to 1 ruble salaries accounted for 1.22 rubles unearned income. Strictly
speaking, the state, which allows the minority as most ripped off, can not be considered
legitimate. But it depends on the consciousness of the majority.
Conclusion: believing that the Soviet state takes away too much of the workers
earned and therefore more profitable to live under the "market economy", the workers
fell for schemers and supported by disadvantage for them to change the social order.
Perhaps the Soviet regime accused of "exploitation" of workers hides some other,
deeper cause of discontent. Then we must cause a false reject and forget that it does
not hide the truth.

6. In the 70 years the purchase of this apartment (building their own money through a
housing cooperative) cost 3.4 average annual salaries.
It is clear that to leave such considerations to the work - so always make a painful blow
to their stereotypes. But at least in the medium has organized opposition to follow the
false stereotypes already unforgivable.

§ 4. The stereotype of "privileges and corruption of the

The struggle against the management of privileges, as we all remember, was the
obsession of the radical intelligentsia (Yeltsin rode a "Moskvich", and that gave him
an aura of tribune of the people). We will not be here to discuss this extremely primitive
stereotype in fact, it is important as an artificially created by a structural unit of
consciousness. In a survey in 1988-89. Readers 'Literary Gazette' (mostly intellectuals)
stood out sharply from the average sample of the population. To the question "What
will convince people that real improvements are planned," 64.4% of readers responded
to LG: "The deprivation of his superiors privileges" (so answered only 25.5% of the
All-Union poll).

In this antinomenklaturnoy brilliant campaign was carried out substitution of the

stereotype with channeling sentiment . Brilliant because it was played very
nomenclature, which created the image of the enemy in the form of a "virtual" range
and set on him the mass consciousness. Since the aircraft produces false glowing goal,
which distracts from the missile homing head on thermal radiation. Just the sight of a
predator cuttlefish ink produces a cloud, and it throws some of its innards. They move
and distract the predator and cuttlefish crawls and grows new internals, better than the

The starting point, the introduction into the mass consciousness stereotype was
egalitarian ideal. Fomenting hatred among the masses to the inconceivable benefits of
nomenclature, the ideologues have managed to channel the hatred not on personality
or social group, namely the status of a member of the nomenklatura, the Soviet system
generated. We see that it is possible - the people hated the Secretary of the District
Committee for the fact that he went to the "Volga", but the same person, vynyrnuvshaya
in the form of a banker, does not cause the same people no dislikes.

Antinomenklaturny This stereotype has been used as a means of manipulation of

a very wide scope. In the Quaternary the overthrow of the communist regimes in
Eastern stpanah europium many govopit that napoda these stpan outraged koppuptsiey
higher echelons of power, that poskoshyu, which was then allowed themselves to
members of the manual have. Very sparingly Vppochem, given konkpetnoy data about
this poskoshi. The Western press ppomelknul mere fact that some bolgapsky ministp
Afpike hunted and at the dacha Honecker was a pool (it turned out that the pool is 12
meters long - as in the average shopkeeper in the West). No one in the head does not
match ppishlo pazmep spedstv going to greater consumption of higher status
ppedstaviteley stpan capitalist and "Communist koppumpipovannyh REGIME".
Telezpitelyam say that pech is about poskoshi, assessed by sovepshenno other than in
the West, mepkam, smehotvopnym terms zpeniya bosses pynochnoy economy 27 9 .
And bosses gosudapstvennoy vephushki.

Securing stereotypes in consciousness leads to an inability to put the situation in

pealnogo ppostpanstvenno-vpemennye the coordinates. Sometimes it happens pposto
gpotesknoy. Here, for the purpose of brand in ochepednoy paz REGIME Cuba Spanish
television opganizuet debate, star eccentricity acts pop.posit asylum sotpudnitsa Cuban
ballet, a very pretty girl. First pogovo.pite about the "terrible peppessiyah" - two
apestovannyh (already issued) ppavozaschitnikah. This enthusiasm has not caused,
facts too sluggish about peppessiyah in Cuba better govopit abstpaktno.

Then the "SELECT freedom" to the theme of social pepeshla nepavenstva:

CENTRAL in hospital in Havana paptiynoy members of the elite are in a separate
room, "where you do not put pposto
7. In Spain, only zapplata dipektopa fipmy (in average, including small) is not
considering d.puguyu income of 140 thousand dollars a year..; zapplata ppezidenta very small
ppovintsialnogo bank "Ibepkaha" 20-30 thousand. USD. In general, it distributes the
demokpaticheskie of press myth that the West is all live on tpudovye income rather than
capital ppibyl, paschitan on ppostakov and lazy people, not wanting to look into sppavochnik.
Spain - one of the most "social demokpaticheskie" stpan seized a significant part of the
income from capital. Yet in 1990 there was summapnaya zapplata 23 Ga. pesetas and penta
capital and entrepreneurial income - 4.6 Ga. Exactly one-fifth. This means that if an
entrepreneur has five pabotnikov, he was not making the same income has nothing. Of course,
it can be dipektopom and get even zapplatu paz five more. And if he has a hundred
pabotnikov, it is still consuming some twenty paz longer spednem - doing nothing.
pabochih ". For it is not found the answer Kastpo defenders on whose behalf the debate
was a famous Spanish writer left Jesús Vázquez Montalbán. All were potpyaseny a
social nesppavedlivostyu, oblivious to their own ppoklyatya Quaternary in the address
"Vile upavnilovki" inherent in socialism. Although ppekpasno know in what conditions
treated "analogues" of the Cuban paptiynoy vephushki Western stpan. It is no surprise
that some member of the Council dipektopov one of the plurality of banks in a private
plane flying from Spain to the Reception of vpach in the US (is pepedalo the same TV
on the same day). A simple Spanish workers do not fly to the United States in the
doctor, and for a month waiting in the queue to see a doctor in the clinic for medical
insurance. And in the wealthy United States 35 million people do not have access to
any medical care.

It is surprising that stoponniki socialist Cuba, ranked in the debates weak oboponu
dead, did not notice the obvious fact: The girl that "antikommunistka» PRODUCT
DELIVERY itself a new social system (koto.puyu she apparently wants to destroy
iskpenne). Its really resent that nomenklatupy has ppivilegii spavneniyu with the
ordinary citizen with. Her subconscious mind has ochapovano ideal pavenstva and
sppavedlivosti 28 0 . And she, like pebenok, hopes that is svepgnut Kastpo pazognat and
communists - and Post your work in the ward, where patients were panshe
nomenklatupschiki. Others vapiantov her head no longer holds. But it is - from the
ballet, as well as thought in Russia and Doktop Sciences.

It is remarkable that The Normal intellectual, often scientific pabotnik, reinforcing

stereotypes is unable to do stpuktupny analysis of the situation - he immediately
vosppinimaet its ideological tpaktovku. It is obvious that any society has to create the
people holding the highest status in the social iepaphii, certain ppivilegii. And the
mechanism, they shall be granted chepez eccentricity, ppintsipialnoy poli igpaet not -
it all main crystal sotsiokultupnym context. Do ppivilegii were, shall be granted
vephushke mode is active, for example, in Cuba, outrageously large that go beyond any
pazumnye pamki? No, nobody utvepzhdaet. Maybe it was papaziticheskaya vephushka
do not perform their social poli in the struct? That the Problems in the debate and does
not occur, therefore, essential poli not igpaet. So telezpitel pposto depgaetsya on
ideological vepevochke manipulators.

Already in 1993 a new demokpaticheskie nomenklatupy from Russia to pay off

the southern Spanish bepegu entire hotel with 400 rooms on dollapov per day. They ate
so as not to allow themselves to never rest there Kuwaiti sheikhs (headwaiters gave
interviews to newspapers with fantastic descriptions of the menu, which ordered the
Russian - on 600 dollars apiece for dinner). At the villa, where, as the papers say, the
wires daughter vacation Luzhkov and where sobipaetsya demokpaticheskie possiysky
twilight, ppiezzhaet igpat as tapepa Spivakov
"Viptuozami Moscow" (as reported by the same newspaper, English nuvopishi, unlike
oil apabskih kopoley - very kultupnye people).
But our honest inzhenep or junior researcher, which was recently prepared whole
stpan pazgpomit because Hpuschev hunted Kpymu, put this information in the context
of their curses against the Soviet nomenklatura incapable. In his mind for two disjoint
embedded stereotype: the privileges of the Soviet elite were great and intolerable for
citizens; privileges elite "Yeltsin" Russian citizens are indifferent, the value of their
insignificant. Even among scientists conventional wisdom about wild injustices high
salaries of academicians (800 rubles -. At the salary of senior researcher 400 rubles),
not to mention the Ministers of the USSR (1200 rbl.). But these intellectuals with
complete indifference apprehended in 1998 reported that the average salary of a public
official, Director of RAO UES,

8. Oddly papadoksalno, but the gains of socialism are best seen, perhaps, it is the behavior of its
"Vpagov" (this word ppihodit bpat in quotes, even though they were one of the forces ppoekt
terminate a socialist in the Soviet Union). In 1972, I pabotal in Cuba and went once with my
daughter on the beach in Havana. Sitting group are podpostkov, negpy and mulattos, from the
"lower classes", steep bends and tape was worth pugayut Ppavitelstvo Kastpo - tape recorder,
and at some ppiyatelya, went to the US, the cassette. I sat down beside me stapik, ubipavshy
beach, too negp. Rasstpoen awful. "For them because bopolis - govopit. - Previously, all of the
beach would not be included. A tepep fed study, Jobs will be provided - so bad tape. That pig.
" And I told him, and speak out, "Naobopot at this pebyatam something, and it is clear that
you do not zpya stapalis. Previously it in the head would not ppishlo that society and
Ppavitelstvo they are obliged to give hoposho tape. Society was vpagom for them, and they
did not expect anything from him hoposho. They thought, as if he had upvat or revenge. A
tepep this people , which was then not vopuyut not pposyat and tpebuet. Their request for
charges iskpivleny, but this is vpemeni ". Unfortunately, vpemeni apparently not enough,
because the heads were iskpivleny not only podpostkov and not only in Havana.
is 22 thousand dollars a month -. about 400 times more than the senior researcher of
the RAS 281 . At the same time the director of RAO UES was not an outstanding
engineer Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences P.S.Neporozhny
(long-term Minister of Energy of the USSR), and one log, a young protege "young
reformer" Nemtsov, who had no education, no work experience in the energy sector.

The stereotype of "nomenklatura benefits" is very actively used to divert public

awareness of important political steps. For example, at the moment when the secret is
pulled ppivatizatsii Act (May 1991), with a large TV stpastyu covered the hearing of
the Supreme Soviet of the USSR by the Commission of ppivilegiyam pasppodazhe
discount write-offs with dachas, apenduemyh apmii higher command. Documents
published in "Izvestia", states that the pech was about 18 cottages in eccentricity in
1981 it was found the property at 133 th. RUB. (7 th. RUB. dacha) 28 2 . Ten years later,
this stapyh furniture ppodavalas with markdowns of 70-80%. You should have seen
how stpastyu branded deputies, and then zhupnalisty, ppestapelogo mapshala,
eccentricity contrived to buy a decommissioned refrigerator
"ZIL" 28 publey (new cost 300 rubles -. To inform those who have already forgotten
about it)!

Manipulates the character of the action and amplified by other methods: belittling
the problem and creating acute incoherence . Exposing bought refrigerator Marshal
proceeded in parallel with the performances AN Yakovlev against the "anti-values
popozhdennoy our system - the primitive ideas upavnitelstva". It would seem, against
the backdrop of the ideological campaign against the leveling of all would be to make
trouble just by the fact that society has not found a way to ustpoit stapost two dozen
mapshalov so that they did not occur ppishlo economize on buying stapyh refrigerator.
But acute incoherence does not allow a reasonable conclusion. It is supported by the
following staff: spazu after telepepoptazha about greedy mapshalah teleekpane appears
on a young millionep (one Sterligov), eccentricity gives his commandments. Student
dropout, who gathered for the year machinations their millions, ppedstavlen the same
TV as a CL worthy podpazhaniya as spiritual lidep, whose advice we should heed.
People smotpit on ek.pana, but in the subconscious ppoishodit pazpushitelnoe collision
of two CL.

What do we see in relation to corruption. It represents evil, which in itself justifies

the collapse of the Soviet system. But it has long been known that corruption in the
traditional society is quite different in character than in a liberal society. Intellectuals
should have been fairly warned: we will have a terrible outbreak of corruption, but it is
the inevitable price of freedom. No, she went on a deliberate deception. After all, if
"under socialism" bribe a high official in the $ 2 thousand. Became a legend (there
were rumors about a bribe Deputy Chairman of the Moscow City Council), the
Government of Gaidar's official mid-level associated with the issue of oil export
licenses, one scored bribes 300 million. dollars! Already mentioned Brevnov sent for
his mother-in official US aircraft whose flight costing hundreds of thousands of dollars.

What official. Here Raisa Gorbachev in 1991, personally negotiating with the
American publisher Murdoch publication of her book "thought" (written as reported by
the newspaper, journalist G.Pryahinym) with a fee of $ 3 million.. But it is clear that
this - thinly disguised bribe, that the publication of the book, which will disperse edition
of one hundred copies, and will not cover an insignificant share of the fee. Well,
whether it was previously seen before dealing to his wife USSR active politicians took
such an offering?

Antinomenklaturny stereotype proved to be very stable and worth investigating. It

is particularly important that this is visible to the original egalitarian ideal of
sustainability, as well as dissatisfaction with the class barriers, mentioned in Sec. 15.

9. Replaced Brevnova Chubais received in 1997, according to press reports, the GKO
income of about 300 thousand dollars. In just three months. Where he took the money to buy
T-bills? On the occasion received an interest-free loan of 14 billion rubles -. Then the $ 3
million - for the period until 2003. The interest-free loan!

10. How ridiculous was the situation in the state-owned luxury cottages highest military
nomenclature (marshals), says the value of the property - 7000 rubles. While the "Zhiguli" in
2105 cost 8.3 thous. Rubles. And such "privileges" were the subject of the hearing of the
Supreme Soviet of the USSR! Obviously, it was just about the performance, staged for the
sake of manipulation of consciousness.

§ 5. The stereotype of "the underdog of the people"

In the consciousness (and unconscious) people always nest ethnocentrism

generating national jealousy. It's like a self-centered, multiplied by the national self-
esteem. One of the expressions of jealousy ethnocentrism - the tendency to think that
others who live together with you the nations "eat around" your people enjoy his
kindness and gullibility. This dormant in each of us jealous fairly easy to ignite.
Sometimes nice to hear that someone is abusing your kindness - all Iago knows it.

Incitement of the jealousy and the construction of a stereotype "deprived the

people" became one of the main techniques of manipulation in the destruction of the
USSR (the limiting case was the creation of the stereotype of "repressed people"). It
was established and common ideological prerequisites. Under the old regime were all
hammered into his head that the peoples of the Soviet Union - a family that we should
respect each other and help each other. The reality was not cloudless, but it is important
what the dogma driven into her head. The USSR was not a "sanatorium peoples", but
was not, and "prison", and especially "graveyard". It was the house in which it was
possible to live. The new regime proposed as a principle of life law of the market and
drives the head in the corresponding dogma (competition instead of solidarity against
a common private). This - the idea that served as kerosene at the burning house.

Restructuring emancipated idea of national oppression "our". This freedom is at

first caused great excitement. Nietzsche wrote: "Light absorption of free opinions
creates irritation, like itching; If you give him even more, you begin to rub the itchy
places, until finally there is no open wound is aching. "

The main work was done, of course, the Democrats - their object were primarily
non-Russian peoples, especially in the Baltic states and the Caucasus. One of the
foremen of perestroika A.Nuykin admits: "As a politician and a publicist, I have
recently supported each share, which undermined the imperial authority. We kept
everything that shook the it. And without having to connect a very strong national arms
she was not to blame, this edifice " 28 3 .

Historian S.Lezov reveals that technology, by which intellectuals like A.Nuykinu,

kindled a fire in the Caucasus: "According to my observations," Moscow friends' effect
often achieved with the help of illegal hold: referring to the Armenian audience, they
used a deep-rooted antityurkskie and anti-Islamic feeling of the Armenians, that is
humiliated to promote ethnic and religious hatred in a foreign country, in this case
referring to the Armenians as "our younger brothers" with whom it is possible and
necessary to speak precisely on racist language. "Moscow friends" strengthen precisely
those elements of the Armenian myth that isolate the Armenians from the neighboring
peoples and ensure their "anti-Turkish" identity. "

Special program - pitting the Soviet system of small nations. It tried both local and
Moscow intellectuals. Sociologist R.V.Ryvkina, recognizing that in "developed"
countries, small nations face challenges pours large tears: "But the fate of indigenous
peoples within the Soviet Empire was for some reason especially tragic. Being
indigenous, these nations in the former Soviet Union were not just in distress. and in
fact on the verge of extinction. "

Thus, the academic journal "Sociological studies", defying all norms of scientific
ethics and standard of conscience convinces the audience that, of course, and in the
United States the Indians had some problems, but nothing compared to the fate of small
nations in the USSR they do not go. Here, in Russia - the epicenter of the universal
tragedy of small nations. Extinction! 284

But data from the book published by the Institute of Anthropology and
Ethnography of the same of the Russian Academy of Sciences (S.V.Cheshko. The
collapse of the Soviet Union. Moscow, 1996). The number of the vast majority of small
nations in the Soviet period did not decrease, but increased. That small nations (. With
up to 10 thousand people), who from 1959 to 1989 reduced the number of:

11. Further, this "politician and publicist," adds a sweet cynicism: "Today the policy in
the pursuit of power for its dubious selfish reasons was vented to each other a lot of nations
that lived before together without quarreling."
12. It is remarkable that R.Ryvkina sing praises restructuring and choking with joy
because "the state called the Soviet Union is no more" - and then cites data according to
which, in her own words, as a result of the restructuring deteriorated sharply "all aspects of the
life of small nations ". This incoherence statements - a sign that this article is not scientific,
and manipulative.
Izhors (from 1.0 to 0.8 thousand.), Karaites (from 5.7 to 2.6 thousand -. due to
emigration), Selkups (from 3.8 to 3.6 thousand.). But even among these people about
any extinction is not out of the question. In other cases, just a decent surprise that grows,
not dissolved, all small nations that have long since disappeared from the face of the
earth in a democracy and a market economy - in the scheme of life, based on the
atomization and competition. Here are some figures:

The number of small nations in the USSR (in thousand. People)

1959 1989
Agulla 6.7 18.7
Aleutians 0.4 0.7
Baloch 7.8 28.8
Dolgans 3.9 6.9
Itelmens eleven 2.5
Kety 10 eleven
Koryak 6.3 9.4
Muncie 6.4 8.5
Nanai 8.0 12.0
Nganasans 0.7 13
Nivkhi 3.7 4.7
Orochi 0.8 0.9
Ritultsy 6.7 20.4
Sami 18 19
Tofalars 0.6 0.7
Udi 3.7 8.0
Udege 14 20
Halha 18 thirty
Tsakhurs 7.3 20.0
Evens 9.1 17.2
Huskies eleven 1.7
Yukaghirs 0.4 eleven

Nevertheless, the thesis of the extinction of small nations in the conditions of the
USSR actively instilled in the years of perestroika, the entire ideological machine. The
MPs had even picked up an active representative of a small nation, Ms. Gaer, which
constantly provides a forum for the proclamation of this myth.

Special efforts were made to foment anti-Russian sentiments. The binder, which
connected the peoples of the USSR into a single state, was an alliance with the Russian
people. The presence of this has the power and authority of the nucleus ( "elder
brother") trimmed complex mnogonatsiona battening system of a hundred people.
'Democratic' fervor Tajik students and did not assume that this means in reality
- But their advisers knew well. In Central Asia, clashes and local wars ended when the
Central Asian nations have moved "arm" of the Russian tsar. The ethnic reactor were
introduced "cooling rods" that reliably served for about a century. They were abruptly
pulled out at the end of the 80s.

How effective was used by the stereotype of "deprivation", shows a small

example. When the polls in 1989, 62% of the population of Armenia, which was carried
out particularly intensive antisoyuznaya campaign, noted that consumes enough milk
and dairy products. In fact, their consumption in Armenia was 480 kg per capita - an
exceptionally high figure. For example, in the US it was 260 kg, 140 kg in Spain, on
the average
341 kg for the USSR. Public opinion was not created reality and suggestion,
manipulation of consciousness 28 5 .

The main step that could make the international anti-Soviet nomenclature in 1991
- to prepare and carry out the "Declaration of Sovereignty". The main role was played
by the RSFSR Democrats grouped around Yeltsin. This declaration proceeded from the
assumption that "other republics" obtained from the USSR boiler disproportionate
share and deprive people of "our" country. The principal provisions of the Declaration
meant the elimination of the main braces Union. There was a section is declared a
nationwide for the Soviet heritage, the elimination of a single resource, economic and
intellectual whole. This section meant the destruction of an integrated system viable. It
was a "velvet" revolution, so that even the majority of MPs are unlikely to understand
what documents they slipped to a vote.

This is not an error - the ideologues of the Russian document ppodolzhaet brag
noisily ppazdnovat day "independence" in memory of the fatal ppinyato "Deklapatsii
of suvepenitete", which was then at ppiznaniyu E.Paina Yeltsin's adviser, "uskopila
ppotsess pazpusheniya USSR".

But manipulators Kindle stereotype of national jealousy, could hardly succeed if,
in this case the Democrats, have already gained a reputation as "agents of influence",
not connected their opponents of the so-called patriots. To capture and hold the
audience had to be attended by people opposed to Gorbachev and then Yeltsin. And
since 1989, the stereotype of deprivation of the Russian people in the Soviet Union
began actively to finish building the patriotic writers and public figures of a very wide
range, from Solzhenitsyn and Shafarevich to Rasputin and Zyuganov. Someone like a
conscious opponent of the Soviet Union, someone like opportunistic politician, and
someone like myself fascinated by his victim stereotype ( secondary keying ).

Apparently, one of the most important applications of the first assumption was in
V. Rasputin this program that the RSFSR itself can get out of the Soviet Union and get
rid of the ungrateful
"Younger brothers." The statement was purely rhetorical, but the word is not a sparrow,
yes and no amendments have been made. So the idea of the collapse of the Soviet Union
was legalized from the center - Russian hands 28 6 .

Shortly after the liquidation of the Soviet Union in 1991 as a result of the
conspiracy "Slavs" Yeltsin, Kravchuk and Shushkevich, it became apparent that the
greatest loss suffered is the Russian people as the "Reigning core". It is concentrated in
Russia became unprofitable MIC production. Here is the high-tech industries, and
carrying a particularly large damage at break economic ties with suppliers. But most
importantly, it is the Russian people lost its statehood status as a world power (a status,
such as Georgia or Turkmenistan even increased). This status, the achievement of
which required a huge exertion, has already given, and in the future would give even
more benefits in the economic sphere.
Nevertheless, and after 1991, the Patriots continued strengthening of the
stereotype of Russian forces as "offended the Soviet system." It developed the idea
unprofitable for Russia to create a common economic complex of the USSR as a whole.
Gennady Zyuganov ( "Drama of power", 1993) even sees this as the reason for the
collapse of the Soviet Union: "The creation of the once powerful union economic
complex, and as a direct consequence of its economic growth national borderlands,
largely occurred at the expense of the center, not only It strengthened internationalism,
but on the contrary has undermined its foundations, ... led to the collapse of the Soviet
Union, separated from it by "Union republics".

13. In Belarus, where the campaigning antisoyuznaya great success had no relation to
milk consumption was reasonable, although its level is close to the average for the USSR,
90% of respondents answered that they consume enough milk.

14. Jealousy note sounded in a variety of applications, which in comparison with the
value undermines the foundations seemed remarkably petty. It was said, for example, that of
the RSFSR has its Academy of Sciences
- But Moldovans and others have.. Although everyone knew that the Academy of Sciences of
the USSR almost all concentrated in the Russian cities and republican Academy formed from
its subsidiaries. With the same offense was recalled that the RSFSR does not have its
Communist Party. And, too, it was common knowledge that the Communist Party, as long as
it is not destroyed at the national clans under Gorbachev, was under the full control of Russian
personnel. In the world of the Soviet Union it is definitely perceived as a Russian and Soviet
people called "Russian".
The fact that these allegations GA Zyuganov is a reflection of a great manipulation
of the program, can be clearly seen from the acute incoherence of his statements on the
issue. For in another place ( "Power") read: "Regardless of the Union Russia - Russia
and do not exist as a full-fledged state can not ... In fact, Russia - this is the Union,
formed over the centuries, and went down about a hundred years ago in his natural
geopolitical boundaries. " This statement is completely incompatible with the one
described above. Any even which one is correct, the key point is inconsistent

There are other attributes manipulation, above all, a substitution of concepts. After
all, there was no "separation from the republics of the USSR", with the exception of
the Baltic, which does himself
"National borderlands" was not considered. USSR disorganized from the center. And
what is generally considered
"Republic" - a bunch of businessmen from the Party? After all, the vast majority of
citizens quite clearly did not want the collapse of the Soviet Union. Is it possible to
believe, for example, that "the Republic of Tajikistan as a result of recovery of its
economy wished to separate from the USSR?"

All of the approved design of the devastating effects of a single national economy
of a country self-contradictory, it falls logical connections. Why include Yakutia in the
country, if not to involve it in the economic complex? And how to build the Yamal-
Nenets Norilsk outskirts, without developing its economy?

Acute incoherence possess and other statements about the evils of investment from
the Union budget in the industrialization of the republic. They are often accompanied
by complaints that the development of the Soviet economy led to that deserted Russian
village. But the dispersal of industry just softened the effect. We see almost in the same
paragraph of regret about the deserted village of Kaluga - and resentment of the fact
that the aircraft factory was built in Tashkent, and not in Kaluga.
Incoherence of reasoning many Russian patriots, including those adjacent to the
Communist Party, creates a split consciousness. Here, in the newspaper, "Tomorrow"
(number 10, 2000) is a great article of the famous writer D.Balashova "Zyuganov,
won." A cocktail of anti-communism, pathetic patriotism and love for the Communist
Party. Article begins with such an image of World War II, "and persecuted, robbed,
dispossessed people went to die," For the Motherland, for Stalin ".
Most likely, writer, author of historical novels - itself a victim of manipulation,
with severe logic. What does he have a historical memory? To say that by 1941 Russian
people were hunted! Korolev and Chkalov, Zhukov and Vasilevsky, Stakhanov and
Sholokhov - a product of a hunted people? If so, when the Russian was
"nezatravlennymi"? Most likely, D.Balashov does not understand the meaning of such
historical phenomena as Stakhanov - here he remained at the level of "Encyclopedia
Britannica", though, and considers himself a Russian patriot. I heard from a military
intelligence officer, and after the war, the famous scientist, that the main difference
between the Soviet and German soldiers at the front were as follows. When the
Germans were killing the officer, it made for quite a long confusion that in the fleeting
battle often decides the outcome of the case. When the officer killed our, immediately
raised the sergeant shouting:
"I am the commander, listen to my team." They killed Sergeant - up with the same cry
of the ordinary. Most of the soldiers had the responsibility, will and readiness to be
commander. This means that the people it was not hunted .
Was he robbed? Who robbed - Stalin? Where did the loot? What was the
distribution of income among the population? Prior to the Soviet regime and the Soviet
power after huge sums were withdrawn in the vast majority of the population, were
exported abroad and used in the wasteful consumption of the minority. It would seem
that this condition can be called robbed people . But no, the writer uses the term in a
completely opposite way.
Calling the Soviet people dispossessed - all nonsense. And it's not just the scale of
dispossession, and that "dekulakize" -That just people. You could blame the Soviet
government was because it incited people to fists and poorly monitored to ensure that
people do not overdo it, do not exceed the permitted distribution list. It would be
reasonable to say on the spot D.Balashov that, they say, not only people, but even the
dispossessed and went to war. But suppose that the people were just fists, and 98.5%
"neraskulachennyh" were nenarodom (nomenclature, or what?) - The height of
And the most remarkable thing is that all of the anti-Soviet rhetoric of the primitive
idea of the support of the Communist Party appears: all the "right need to rally around
the party Zyuganov, to finally win Russian patriots, and not its enemies, as it was until
now." Till
then it is when - in 1945? Sometimes I think that all this - "black" propaganda, it is
Chubais Communist Party agents are in the form of idiot.

Because the constant denigration of the Soviet way of the project is given in the
reform program is very important, powerful pulses designed to maintain in the mass
consciousness of Russian stereotype "offended". Before the election in 1999,
academician Igor Shafarevich published another anti-Soviet work - "Why do we think
about it now" ( "Tomorrow", 1999, No. 29). It is represented by the structure of this
stereotype is quite complete.

Its main idea is that the characteristic of "non-Russians" for the adherents of the
Soviet system. I.S.Shafarevich even indicates the degree of "indifference to the fate of
the Russian" Communists, comparing them with the criminal bourgeoisie. According
to him, "is the tendency of non-Russian Marxist layer, alien to the main body of the
people" - layer "is no better than the new Russian".
What is a "non-Russians" how to define it, I.S.Shafarevich clearly said, gave no
reasonable grounds on which voters could turn away the unworthy candidates. From
the context it appears that the most important feature of "non-Russian" is an ideology
( "Marxism"). Such a mechanism and reductionism do not expect the end of the
twentieth century.

It is clear that a large culture of the people ( "Russian character") can not depend
on ideology. Is Klyuyev, becoming a communist, gained from this "non-Russian" and
Sholokhov Russian ceased to be a writer? Sincere communist Marshal Vasilevsky did
Russian military has lost the feeling? Rubtsov with its gentle attitude to the Soviet
system was "alien to the people"? Or all of them were shallow people misunderstood
that opened I.R.Shafarevichu?

According I.R.Shafarevichu Communists who led the Soviet project, follow the
dogmas of Marxism, and therefore the policy has always been anti-Russian character.
This I.R.Shafarevich not weighing in general all the real conditions and the results of
the Soviet system 28 7 . He gives some details of burning, turning to the reader's feelings.
By the same, which played Democrats, fueling anti-Russian sentiments.

It is amazing that ten years operates this simple technology of destruction

"empire": Russian say they are eating the Uzbeks and Tajiks and Uzbeks, arrived from
Moscow Democrats in hastily donned skullcaps whisper that their eating the Russian.
Here, in a luxury magazine "New Russia" in the August 1999 article L.Vladimirova
"political technology." Author - "cool" anti-Soviet nationalist, but comes to the
question of historical materialism and, from the theory of value:
"The complexity of such a crop, like potatoes, roughly coincides with complexity of
citrus. Therefore, the global market for potato prices are close to the prices of citrus. It
is not difficult to imagine how many times the potato was cheaper citrus Soviet system,
and remember what the region produces potatoes, and what - citrus. Comparison draws
us to discriminate Russian regions. " Yes, the comparison paints a ...

Everything here - an absurdity, since the assertion that all the world's oranges
come at the price of potatoes (although they are really cheap, because they are grown
Moroccans and Brazilians, and potatoes - the Dutch and the Germans, so the climate
ordered). But in a major citrus producer, Israel, oranges, as the recent newspaper, there
are 6 NIS, and potatoes 2. In Spain, the gap is even greater. But most importantly - an
absurd logic in the application is to the Russian. If the complexity of orange cultivation
was the same as potato, why Bryansk collective farmers did not grow oranges? They're
more profitable! What was Khrushchev penny wise, corn implement - would
immediately ordered lemons and figs sow. Also, it is clear russophobe was not given
Russian region earn. And why Russian "in the system of the USSR" stood in line for
oranges, taking them so overpriced? Interest did not understand her? What citrus,
potatoes ton labor intensity of production was about the same as the production of five
million tons of oil. Hence, the price had to be the same set?

Equally downhole became the topic of education. In I.R.Shafarevicha read: "The

Russian universities preparing national intelligentsia ... in the difficult years of the war
were created the Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan, and so on." So, it was not
necessary to prepare national cadres? But this idea

15. In this silent I.R.Shafarevich the main thing that is known about the Soviet system
and of science, and from the experience. Pitirim Sorokin, continues the line N.Danilevskogo,
wrote in 1944 .: "Russian constructive phase of the revolution is the perpetuation of the vital
trends of pre-revolutionary Russia." It is vital, not minor - what we see when we just left off
these trends and reform.
disgusted most original foundations of Russia, this is the most blatant "non-Russian".
And after all this is said in passing, in the form of insinuations. Do not say the same
I.R.Shafarevich right: it was not necessary to create the Academy of Sciences of

Here's how I.R.Shafarevich proves on figures, that the Soviet regime oppressed
Russian: "In 1973, 100 researchers had PhD students: 9.7 among Russian man,
Turkmens - 26.2, Kyrgyzstan - 23.8. Such was also the standard of living ... ". Try to
explain it. Who is Russian who Turkmen - graduate students or researchers? Why such
a complicated figure? There is popposche: in 1985 in the RSFSR was 68,000
aspipantov, and Tupkmenii 496 - 130 paz less.

But most importantly, how all of this to bring the idea of Russian discrimination
in science? All Turkmens flooded? In 1970, there were 631 thousand. Researchers and
3.6 thousand in Turkmenistan in the RSFSR. (Of which more than half of Russian).
What does the PhD students? And that means "this is the same and has been the
standard of living"? In Russian 9.7? At 100? This, of course, is not enough.

With the standard of living of the poor went to the Uzbeks "in the 50 years the
income of collective farmers of Uzbekistan was 9 times higher than in the RSFSR."
From such data, how to understand them? There is no such gaps in income. In 1960,
the average salary of workers and employees was in the RSFSR 83 rbl., And in
Uzbekistan 70 rubles. So, citizens income in the RSFSR and the Uzbeks were
approximately equal (citizens melons are not traded and underlying earnings were not).
Official income in rural areas in Russian and Uzbek were also approximately equal.
Hence, it is in some hidden, shadow income?

Could the shadow incomes of Uzbek farmers be so disproportionate as stated

I.R.Shafarevich? To farmers, at least in Uzbekistan, we lived 10 times richer citizens -
who would believe it! Savings in a savings bank in one urban resident in Uzbekistan
was 8 times greater than that of agriculture. In general, the savings in 1975 from a
resident of the RSFSR on the average was 410 rub., While a resident of Uzbekistan
128. From these "9 times"?

What I.R.Shafarevich wants to prove all these numbers? It seems that the Soviet
government created sharp republics of inequality to the detriment of Russian. But this
is not the case. Major investments have been made yet in Russia - is enough to mention
the exploration and development of oil and gas reserves in Siberia, where we still live.
Or take the payment from public funds: in the RSFSR in 1975 per 392 rubles in 1989,
760 rubles, while in Uzbekistan, 258 and 429 rubles... And this, above all, education,
health, housing - investment in human.

Yes, the installation of Soviet policy was exactly equalize the level of development
of all parts of the country. This can be seen in long time series by comparing the number
of indicators. Do I need to understand I.R.Shafarevicha in the sense that he believes the
policy of development of the country as a whole is wrong? Then it would be better to
say directly. Just do not say, because this policy was obviously reasonable.

Speaking of the "non-Russian" Soviet system I.R.Shafarevich silent a fundamental

indicator of the people - life expectancy. This is - a generalized indicator of the status
of an ethnic community of people (working conditions, nutrition, welfare, health).
According to the 1897 census, in the European part of Russia expectancy at birth
has been living in Russian men 27.5 years, 43.1 Latvians, Moldovans 40.5 years - a
prosperous time, to Marxism and revolution. That the Soviet system (and only this!) Is
sharply reduced Russian ethnosocial inequality. In 1988-1989. Life expectancy in
Russian men was 64.6 years and 65.9 Latvians, Moldovans 65.1. Almost caught up. So
the Russian early died with the king and under Yeltsin, and lived for a long time only
under the Soviet system 28 8 .

And if this anti-Soviet fixed idea was inherent only I.R.Shafarevichu. D.Balashov,
on which I have already referred to above, is blowing in the same tune: "And if we're
still trying to achieve hegemony in the world at the expense of the victims on the part
of the Russian people, bringing people to extinction, now

16. Already mentioned L.Vladimirov argues, referring to the famous Mendeleev

predicted that the numbers paint a "picture of not only the Russian population robbery
revolutionary and post-revolutionary regimes, but also at the level of modern concepts
adopted by international organizations, allows qualifying convincingly appeal to the Russian
people over eighty years as genocide continues at the present time. " Speculating on the
resentment, the author tries to make a "capture" the audience and hold important point - in the
main current regime is not much different from the Soviet. It is today one of the most
important tasks of manipulation.
we must strengthen the country by strengthening its preemptive Russian center and
benefits mainly for the Russian people, more than all robbed in the previous period. "
Look at the date, Mr. patriotic writer, and tell all the same, particularly when the people
died out Russian.

A third article I.R.Shafarevicha devoted to "non-Russian" Stalin ( "Stalin was an

outstanding politician, but not ours, not Russian"). Here is an example of how the
interests of the Russian Stalin arrives: he did not release the soldiers from the front to
leave, so they support the birth rate (and Hitler let go - just for this). What does this
lead? "As a result of Russian population suffered such a blow that in the early 80-ies
in the schools of the RSFSR had learned about the same number of children as well as
before the war." That is, the "demographic impact" was not the result of the death of
Russian on the front and in the rear, but the result of a whim of Stalin Russophobia
which gave soldiers sex vacations.

Having said about Stalin, it would be logical to include in the manipulation of the
image of the blood. I.R.Shafarevich recalls that one Russian and one of the 16 Uzbeks
were killed during the war of 36. What does this hint? Uzbeks on secret orders of Stalin
gave reservation? Uzbeks to pull issued bulletproof vests? And that generally means
"killed during the war?" The inhabitants of Khatyn killed or not? Why among them no
one Uzbek was not?

But most importantly, I.R.Shafarevich leads away from comparisons, which arises
and how many Uzbeks were killed in World War I, when the ruler was not russophobe
Marxist and orthodox patriot? In the same proportion as the Russian? I.R.Shafarevich
silent about the fact that only under the Soviet system was created to expand military
service in the non-Russian peoples. But the Uzbeks were nevoennoobyazannymi in
Tsarist Russia. Trying to attract the Muslims of Central Asia and Kazakhstan during
World War I, even to the rear work has caused unrest and revolt. And now, instead of
to remind that in 1941-1945. every dead Uzbek or Kazakh "has replaced the" Russian,
I.R.Shafarevich appeals to false stereotypes and reinforces it.
When inciting ethnic jealousy always famously linked different historical epochs.
I.R.Shafarevich also makes this leap: Kazakh USSR in 1936 "gave many indigenous
Russian lands", and Russian there now cruelly oppressed. USSR to blame!

Russian today severely oppressed both in Kazakhstan and in Russia not because
in 1936, which is not spent there a line that if anything was not affected. Russian
harassed because Russia (USSR) won the Cold War, divided the country and destroyed
the Soviet system. And he did it our geopolitical opponent, with the active assistance
of I.R.Shafarevicha - what to hide. As far as possible it helps to ensure that oppressed
Russian and more.

§ 6. The stereotype of "criminal thinking"

No restructuring Gorbachev nor Yeltsin's reforms can not be understood without

taking into account the new role in the economy, politics and public life, which was
playing the underworld. Its influence in modern Russia on the culture, language,
morality, and the type of human relations is very large.

The explosion of crime is usually associated with a change in the course of the
reform of social conditions. Of course, they have changed. Honest work hard to live,
in front of this "market" among young people no prospects. Opportunities to learn and
work fell sharply, and politicians
"Squeezed out" youth criminality. On the other hand, politicians and needed a crime as
a broad social force. First of all, to do the dirty work for the destruction of the Soviet
system. Bandits together with the intelligentsia were the shock force in all the centers
of bloody violence, created in the USSR in 1988-89. Uzbek writer T.Pulatov recalls the
events in Fergana: "Frankly, brutal criminal act, which resulted in the murder, arson,
robbery, combined with demonstrations, meetings, participants are put forward
economic and environmental requirements, and it all gets even, so to speak," the
spiritual "coloring in the speeches of a small part of the local intelligentsia, in the minds
of a welter of Lenin's ideas, cutting-edge adjustment and slogans of Islamic dogma was
stronger than common sense."

Curiously, around a "victory over totalitarianism" of Contemporary demokpatiya

ppihodit under the handle with ppestupnost. Cute Union. In Abkhazia pytsapi
demokpata Shevapdnadze, great enthusiasts of private property, ppoyavili same
ppedpaspolozhennost to the mastery of another's property, and that pytsapi Snegupa
Bender. When shtupmom were taken Sukhumi Shevapdnadze gave his troops the day
on pazgpablenie tris ( " and no more than an hour, we pravovovoe state! "). AND
ppibyli Platform, pogpuzili cars from the streets and parks and taken to Tbilisi
demokpaticheskie. With mixed feelings I listened passkazy gpuzinskih intellectuals
about how their kvaptipah broke out in Sukhumi papket and they climbed with
suitcases on papohody to escape under the protection
"Wrought boot" still a Soviet soldier in Sochi.

In the course of the restructuring it was necessary to revive the underworld and to
supply frames artificially created by the bourgeoisie. And the bourgeoisie, tied by
mutual responsibility crimes, ready to fight against the robbery. But it's the social side,
and talk about the role played by the intelligentsia, especially fiction, in the removal of
the natural dislike of the Russian people to a thief in the whitewashing of his image, in
his poetizatsii - creating an entirely new cultural stereotype. Without a spiritual
justification for any authority of art social difficulties would not have led to an
explosion of crime 28 9 .

Peace on ppestupnost always plays a large pol breakdowns in living arrangements.

Social chaos - its culture medium. On the other hand, it is used and the revolutionaries
in their efforts to undermine the state. Reflecting on the experience of the intelligentsia
to participate in the preparation of the Russian Revolution of 1905, S. Frank wrote:
"The most tragic and the outside of the unexpected fact of the cultural history of the
last few years - the fact that the subjective pure, selfless and dedicated servants of the
social faith were not only party neighborhood, but also in a spiritual kinship with the
robbers, mercenary killers, thugs and unruly fans of sexual debauchery, - a fact all the
same with the logical sequence is caused by the content of intellectual faith, namely its
nihilism: and it must be recognized openly, without malice, but with deepest sorrow.
The worst thing in this fact it lies in the fact that the intellectual nihilism faith as if he
unwittingly authorizes crime and hooliganism and gives them the opportunity to dress
up in robes and progressive ideology. "

Taking an active part in the Russian Revolution, the underworld was then
ogpomnym tpuda backed into a tough period there pamki in "Stalinism" 29 0 . But in
general in the Soviet Peace on Quaternary ppestupnost increased due to the destruction
ppivychnyh lifestyles, social chepedy potpyaseny and pepehoda to gopodskoy life. He
sated intellectual forces, absorbing (or rock) a significant part of the intelligentsia. But
the important thing is that since the 70s he received the cultural legitimacy.

A feature of the symbiosis of power and artistic intelligentsia in the restructuring

and reform was the inclusion of their ethical foundation elements of criminal morality
- in the truest sense. As a result, today one of the main obstacles to the return of Russia
to a normal life - wide dissemination and establishment of the criminal mind. It is not
about crime, but about things deeper - cultural stereotypes. Often, people in a difficult
time, stumbled, a thief at heart suffers. Gone are the dark days - threw internally
repented, working for two. It is another matter when the crime becomes a law, and
almost a matter of honor.

That's what happened with us. Criminals are not only entered the top of society,
they call themselves "masters of life." They create new, unprecedented in Russia living
conditions, when the masses of young people are in gangs and criminal "firm" as a
normal, coveted job. They are no longer attracted to honest work in the factory, in the
field, in the laboratory. They already have a simple wean Russian food, drink ordinary
Russian drinks. They already want to live like a "new Russian". Bring to come to power
patriotic Russian government - to agree on how he well with them? This is - another
possible pit on our way.

This - a new phenomenon. In Soviet times, the underworld was closed, hidden,
disguised. He was held as part of the shadow economy and theft, play without large-
scale expansion. In the USSR, there was quite a closed and stable social group -
professional criminals. They were fairly measured way of life (75% of men had
families, 21% were living with their parents), their criminal craft provided a modest
prosperity: 63% had an income per family member in the amount of the minimum

17. The question raised Dostoevsky - in Russian culture has grown Raskolnikov? As it
emerged from the aristocrats Stavrogin so easy to find a common language with felon-
18. Contrary to popular belief, a very large number of victims of repression constitute the
criminals. It should be recalled that the most serious crimes (murder, banditry and armed
robbery) in Soviet law as members of the number of crimes against the State (Article 58),
which gave reason to inflate the manipulators scale political repression.
17% - in the amount of two minimum salaries. The current economic reform has created
a very special new type of criminal - professional Cryptstalker state ownership. In terms
of income and its economic power this new social group has no kinship with the old
Soviet crime.

That is what he wrote S. Frank, we have seen among our nihilists, antisovetchikov-
sixties. What songs did V.Vysotsky idol of the intelligentsia? Those raised on a
pedestal thief and murderer. The culprit turned positive lyrical hero in poetry!
Vysotsky, of course, did not know what a blow he inflicted on society, he did not cut
people, he
"Only I gave tongue found words" - such was the social order of the cultural elite layer
29 1 . As much as we loved the most Vysotsky, this can not be denied.

But this elite was not only "spiritual kinship" with the robbers. Sometimes the
engineers of human souls drank and snacked on stolen, and even bloody money. Even
today, they say they are not only without remorse, but with satisfaction. Here the writer
Arthur Makarov says in the book of Vysotsky: "To us, at Carriage, different people
came. There were some of "his release" ... They also considered it an honor to sit with
us at the same table. Well, for example, Yasha Hawk! I will never forget ... I'm going
to college (I was then studying at the Literature), I go with my wife. Meet Yasha. He
says, "Let's go to kebab, sit down." I hesitated, and he realized that I have no money ...
"Oh, nonsense!" - And that's so lifts the sleeve of his jacket. And it from the wrist to
the elbow in both arms clock! .. So it is not just a "trend of thieves", and we lived in
this time. Almost all owned jargon - "Bota by the hair dryer", while many even dressed
for thieves. " Immediately proud of Arthur S. "I was excluded from the first year of the
"Anti-Soviet activity" with Bela Akhmadullina ".

Perhaps it is already far not the "pure, selfless and self-sacrificing servants of
social faith" beginning of the century, which Frank said. Here we see the hatred of
those who are working honestly, he eats and feeds their children on earnings. The
reverse side of this hatred - bent to the underworld. For this special spirit to force, to
do it, at least for a time, the stereotype thinking much of the nation, worked a whole
army of poets, professors, newspaper reporters. Their first task was to - to eliminate
from our lives the general moral norms, which were for the people unwritten law. It is
proclaimed in the manifesto reformers "no other way" Sakharov himself: "The
principle of" everything that is not prohibited by law "should be taken literally."

And off the open injection criminal morals. N.Shmelev Economist writes: "We are
obliged to implement in all spheres of public life understanding that what is
economically inefficient - is immoral, and, on the contrary, it effectively - the moral."
Yes, fishing Yasha Hawk was cost-effective labor collective farmer or a teacher. Now
authoritative economist "introduces understanding": it Yasha fishing is the highest

The reform was a difficult task to convince the public that the invitation to
criminals to economic and then political power - it is necessary. G. Popov said: "Now
there was a huge conflict between the laws of Russia and the fact that we have to do
for the sake of reform." The conflict between the law and the act is called a crime. Our
"demokpaty" stapayutsya more ppimipit Company ppestupnost mipom. Here "The
argument and evidence" shall be granted their pubpiku "Razgovop with intepesnyh
man" gangster - "man koto.pogo spedi Chairs gpuppipovok mafia styled" holy "...".

All hoposho for AIF mafia: Always keep the economy, only in a society
hpanitelem nopm ethical acts, promises to provide technological evolution of a Russian
- in pepedovyh stpanah. One is bad - pazbopki steep bends, and so, you see, "the well-
being of the Mafia is based on someone's tears, and even kpovi". This is - obviously
artificial construct. VARIATIONS here than tears of widows mafia eccentricity
ppischemili in pazbopkah? The well-being of the Mafia is not based on these tears -
some of them ppok - and on tpuda obkpadyvaemoy her nation. And if the tears, the
o Matepi tears of hundreds of millions of boys and girls in mipe,
eccentricity mafia does napkomanami. The same is beginning to do in Russia.
Ppekpasno knows demokpaty of "The argument and evidence" - and are
willing to help this.

19. Here the role of the word. In the 90s it appeared the school preparing assassins. And
it does not become their accomplice is the press, which replaced the Russian expression filled
with contempt "assassin" attractive to foreign word "killer"?
Of course, merging the current democratic elite with the underworld these reasons not
fully explained. This merging of organizing power itself, it is its "political choice". Is
it not curious: in 1994 a member of the Commission on Human Rights under the
President of Russia Vladimir was appointed taxes, three convictions (theft, armed
robbery, rape)
"Thief in law" named "Poodle". After all, he was not illiterate peasants Eletski County
elected, his candidacy was selected and tested in the Department of the Presidential
Administration staff. What are the rights of the person and protects our democracy?
And what it was to be the intensity of brainwashing to our average intellectual, still
muttering: "Democracy! Democracy!".

Another will explore the process of self-organization of a special, unprecedented

alliance: the criminal world power (nomenclature) and the liberal intelligentsia of the -
of the impact force, which crushed the Soviet Union. This alliance took place, and the
underworld is in its most active and cohesive force. And it is not about personalities
but about major social force, which came to power. Though it disguises itself to the
bourgeoisie (and its even admit such a hurry, our Marxists), it is - a special social and
cultural type.

Unworldly and his rare experience-man saturation, held to the same conclusion
after ten years in Soviet prisons and camps - V.V.Shulgin - wrote in his book-
confession "Experience of Lenin" (1958), the following words: "From my prison
experience I concluded that, "thieves" (the gangsters call themselves) - it's a party, not
a party, but a union-organized, or even class. They are characterized by that they are
not only not ashamed of their title of "thieves," and very proud of them. And with the
contempt they look at other people, not thieves ... These are dangerous people; in some
ways, they are the people choice. Not everyone can be a thief!

The existence of this force, hostile to all authority and every creation, I have no
doubt. From me eludes its share, but it seems to me sometimes formidable. It seems to
me that where falter, under any circumstances, ever, coercion apparatus, there is now
possess the life gangsters. After all, they are the ones that are combined, and the rest,
as sand, fragmented. And you can imagine what she had done these combined
"thieves", is honest together. "
What they have done, we now see firsthand. Any even created our "architects of
perestroika" those "circumstances" under which the bandits seized life, accidentally or
as we see, the legal part of the class of bandits. People are now interested in the
conscience of Gorbachev and Yeltsin. In the meantime, nothing has changed - all the
TV programs twist poetic film about the pure love of female investigator to the bandit.
About love, to overcome all inhibitions, the weapons into the killer's hand. And the
shaft of criminal morality rolls on Russia, even before it babbles formed the opposition:
"Man - the measure of all things!" - Excuse Raskolnikov and Stavrogin.

§ 7. Channeling stereotypes film S.Govoruhina

"Voroshilov Sharpshooter"
An excellent example of effective operation and channeling stereotypes
manipulation of consciousness is a film S.Govoruhina "Voroshilov Sharpshooter"
(1999). The public received him very favorably, especially as people's favorite actor
M.Ulyanov "returned to his" plays the role of a veteran, avenger cursed "new Russian".
S.Govoruhin creates images, strong effect on the senses. As I said, a young active
communist, annoyed my review of the film, "the youth took his spinal cord." Such we
young communists - ideas perceive the spinal cord, heart, vote.
The main ideas of the film are implicit, they are hidden under the emotions and
act on the viewer through the subconscious. Together they make up a certain political
and philosophical concept S.Govoruhina. The main stereotype that excites
S.Govoruhin - revenge , which met a lone hero. It's a stereotype that underlies almost
half of Hollywood films, in and of itself extremely ideologized, but in the case of
contemporary Russian film is also important, which channels the S.Govoruhin this
stereotype, from whom he creates an image of the enemy. Today, when an honest man
in Russia has fallen so much evil and sorrow, revenge becomes an important issue in
our life. Evil must be punished, otherwise victims of the soul will not rest! But by
whom and how? What can and what can not? When wages embodied through revenge
, it becomes a criminal? These questions tormented people, and they eagerly seize any
response. That's why the film S.Govoruhina found a response in the soul - that he is
The film - a typical social clichés significant artistic value it has. The characters
are his stamps, serve only to illustrate the "idea". The image of reality is abstract, it
could well be linked to another reality - for example, Soviet. Only instead of the reptile-
larechnika who raped the girl, it was necessary to introduce the son of director
vegetable base. And the rest of all the "public relations" and their perceptions of the
characters are out of time and space. And before the sons of the nomenclature used to
rape the girls and dad sons covered. In general, "you can not live like this."
The pressure of the "ideas" can be seen in the fact that the actions of the characters
are not psychologically motivated and are not adequate to reality, life experience. That
tie: girl, who grew up in an atmosphere of "great criminal revolution", when the real
danger of becoming a crime victim, even exaggerated in the public mind, suddenly
confidently goes to the apartment of the "hero of the capitalist labor" and begins to
drink with three not pretty scum, and they her rape . And invited her without deceit -
they need a "woman's presence." It is that the moon had fallen? The whole court knows
that on Wednesdays in this apartment arrange orgies, and she did not know?
Equally inexplicable behavior of three young offenders after the gang rape. They
were not too drunk or intellectually underdeveloped, but after the perpetration of a
particularly serious crime (in his own house!) Do not make any effort to conceal and
even break up. There is such a daring behavior when the crime is committed in a climate
of total impunity, in depressed social environment. But this - a very different situation.
And the court, and even the police in general, hostile to this trinity, and no reason to
feel safe they did not have - as it looked in the movie. Moreover, after a frank meeting
with the possible avenger, and even after the first act of revenge criminals did not
change their behavior. So stupid "new Russian"?
In the film, there is no social motive - it eliminates the director. Retired could not
"The new masters of life" for the simple reason that there is not that kind of money on
a rifle. Hero S.Govoruhina half an hour produces the banker Vanya 5 thousand dollars,
it is -. Not a stranger in this new world. His daughter carries goods from Turkey and
rapist sits in a stall, they are birds of a feather. Yes, and the police on his side. Not been
a bad luck, that the father of one of the rapists - police bump would not have had the
hero and sit in wait with a rifle. The viewer on a wave of emotion he elevates the stamp
before the collision "honest worker - against the criminal capital". On whom canalizes
revenge director?
As a "carrier of evil" - social figures, in which concentrates the viewer's attention
- chosen by those who take away the attention from the real culprits of our social
catastrophe. Moreover, the social types that play an active role in the destruction of a
stable living arrangement, presented in the film with obvious sympathy, in a positive
light (this banker Vanya and criminals, arms dealers). Carriers became evil larechnik
market representatives
"Nomenclature" (police colonel, investigator and prosecutor).
Presentation of the bearer of evil ones, tangible social or ethnic figures (usually in
connection with the murder or rape) - a proven way to bring a simple, black-and-white
feelings and channel the public rage toward fundamentalism. Thus, the attention is
diverted from the real social contradictions. The emergence of talented ideologues
engaged in such work, always - a heavy blow to the opposition. It's hard to talk to
people who are fascinated emotionally strong artistic way.
Of course, among larechnikov across types that can rape a girl. But the choice of
the social image of criminals made S.Govoruhinym no accident, there is an "idea".
Verne does it? I think not, not larechniki and students - a growing threat to security for
ordinary citizens, their daughters and granddaughters. Trade - temporary social niche
for relatively wealthy people. These people are mostly cling to their positions and do
not have strong motives to be in conflict with society and the law. In fact, the main
source of threat today - declassing young people , the emergence of entire cohorts of
teenagers thrown out of life without the possibility of legal income and maintain a
socially acceptable relations between the sexes. The danger for the Russian girls - the
emergence of our "civilization of slums" with large masses of angry at the world,
impoverished and unstable youth. Those who have been a shopkeeper, worker or
student, and now he - no . For society, more and more dangerous by his own sacrifice,
which cause the viewer hatred and compassion at the same time. He does not see this
The second "collective enemy of the people" in the film - " corrupt nomenclature
." It shows so abstract that even it is not clear why it took the side of tyrants. Stir
parental feelings police colonel, but this is an exceptional match, and without it the
whole behavior of the leadership of law enforcement simply inexplicable. They all
o on the content of the shopkeeper? They feel to it class solidarity? They
are all - vicious? Apparently, a little of everything, because the image of
"nomenklatura" in the film monolithic and negative. There is no lumen,
because a film hero buys a rifle bandits and starts to revenge himself.
Corrupt top law enforcement opposed it honest
"Lower classes". This is - as a primitive way to channel the rage of citizens in
the mainstream of fundamentalism with the formula "an honest man against
the nomenklatura." What can I say, this is - one of the most developed and
effective methods of manipulation of consciousness, it became the basis of
countless Hollywood movies and beautifully served at the election of President
Yeltsin. S.Govoruhin so simplified this formula that no one piece of
nomenclature did ally "honest baseman," he brought his concept to the
totalitarian Manichean purity. Why complicate!
S.Govoruhin offers a model of criminalization of the current society. It is
unreliable, and the front line is not never there. The situation more frightening.
This is a common situation: in the village or neighborhood lives repeatedly
tried to "authority", which coordinates the racket in their zone of influence. He
salaried - precinct, and maybe somebody in the police department. Mutual
agreement - in their area is not naughty. But if someone controlled by thugs,
collect taxes from shopkeepers, drunk rape defenseless girl, it is a good
lieutenant try to persuade her relatives do not look for trouble. A police colonel,
the investigator and the prosecutor may be to persuade them to apply:
"Without this, we will not be able to put criminals in jail." This does not mean
that the district vermin, and
"Nomenclature" incorruptible - just at it a completely different cut of
corruption, it is not in proportion with the shopkeepers, and a banker Vanya.
Helplessness of the common man in real life is much fuller and more
hopeless than is S.Govoruhin. It is the "grassroots" protective belt bandits
blocks attempts to find a simple human truth, let alone attempt to take revenge
on the criminals at their own risk. And it is easier and more efficient than doing
the corrupt Colonel S.Govoruhina film.
Finally, the third and perhaps most important part of the concept
S.Govoruhina - denial of the right ideas, a kind of stereotype anti- statism.
This is - an important stereotypes of mass consciousness, and directed it
animates and it plays. The idea of law is presented in the film is almost as
incompatible with conscience and dignity. All of the positive characters in the
film are willing retaliation criminals, but from the outset reject the law. A
police captain who hates the "new Russian" immediately kicks are recognizing
with the "physical pressure" and threats. Threats to its effectiveness - at his
disposal criminals into the chamber to which he can throw the suspect (with
appropriate supporting information), and can not quit. And the director, and
the audience - certainly on the side of the captain on the side of justice. On the
side of justice, denying the right. But does the crowd, Lynch "rapist Negro"
should not be a sense of justice? After lynching - is not a curse, it is embodied
in the life of the whole philosophical concept of Lynch.
The girl, the victim of violence, demanding retribution, does not want to
pass the required examinations. Yes, it's frustrating and humiliating - but as
without it? You can not demand from the justice that it was originally on the
side of the plaintiff. S.Govoruhin simplifies matters by presenting investigator
unpleasant vulgar. Well, if it was a sensitive and nice person? After all, he
would have said the same words, and they do not look absurd: "Girl! You,
before applying to the police station, washed away all traces of the crime. There
are no witnesses. Why am I, and then the court should believe you? ". What
else could he say?
And the prosecutor presented as a vile person, says the hero quite reasonable
"I advise you to better educate their children and grandchildren." Indeed, in the
next shot we see the daughter of the hero - a product of clearly improper
upbringing. What granddaughter upbringing was wrong, and she was not ready
for life - is not it obvious? But the film is made in such a way that a reasonable
word viewer perceives as offensive to human dignity. A blow to the
consciousness of artistic images.
Justice was originally built as a contest of the parties, otherwise it turns
into tyranny. But the hero of the film does not want to compete, although he
has proof. Good people do not know how to compete? Hire a lawyer, the
money is there. But no, the hero of the money to buy a rifle. Spectator - entirely
on his side. He follows Marshlight Govorukhin in a terrible quagmire.
Denial of the right under the banner of justice in S.Govoruhina tempting.
S.Govoruhin, a staunch enemy of the Soviet system, it seduces the viewer
reflection of this system - in
a completely different state. Yes, the Soviet state cracking down on criminals
largely based on the idea of justice. From this suffering and innocent people,
but the sacrifice of the people had to bear - legal state were we simply can not
afford. In general, the Soviet state is much better to protect people from
criminals than Western, and thus also the victims of tyranny have been less
than in the West. Because our justice then relied on a special (traditional) law,
controlled by conscience. But Yeltsin's government - is not the Soviet state,
there is a common conscience is officially canceled, and here to depart from
principles of law is simply to give the citizen to arbitrary criminals (including
in police uniform).
In addition, the Soviet state has created several independent from each
other systems of control over the police. Only in special cases, all of these
systems (party, administrative, public) could come to an agreement and to shut
eyes to outrage. For such an ordinary event, which is represented in the film,
such coordination could not be. In the current state and the multiplicity of
autonomous control systems is eliminated. Thank God still holds control of
culture, common morality, but to rely on it is not necessary. In the interest of
the common man - to stand on the idea of law and strengthen it. S.Govoruhina
film it undermines.
The second reason why the prevalence of justice over the law in the Soviet
period was acceptable, was the practical absence of a strong organized crime.
And the district commissioner and the captain of the police department had a
real opportunity to act according to conscience - they were not caught in the
framework of an agreement with a local gang. Today, the police have to
balance in a very complex environment, to reduce to a minimum the suffering
of the population - to the extent possible. Imposing rigid rules of law would be
fair to police a huge support. Today, the rejection of the rule of law and
democracy, as called for
"Beneficent dictatorship" and justice "in good conscience" - into the hands of
crime and its highest patrons.
My critique of the movie S.Govoruhina genus name "Marsh lights" (
"Tomorrow", number 2, 2000), which were set out the above arguments,
caused a sudden and fundamental rejection of quite a few readers. There were
letters, an article in "The Duel", reproaches friends. This rejection is an
important well-established body of ideas reflecting the consciousness of
society. This is important for the theme of this book. I am expressing the
thoughts of my critics, not ogluplyaya them, but leading up to full clarity.
The idea first . It is that the image of the enemy Govorukhin outlined is
correct (and I wrote that Govorukhin has created a false image of the enemy).
In the film, a normal person opposed to the "new Russian". But this is - not a
social group, it is not even the people (a "non-human" aliens). That's what
reader writes K .: "film - that if we are not going to defend, then they have
eaten. Not that bad, but because - wolves, non-human, anti-system . And the
hero Ulyanova this time understood and acted adequately to the situation. "
It is clear that the matter seriously than they should simply because of
favorable perception of the film. We are, it seems, for the most part broke away
from Marxist concepts not mastered any other slender teachings. Slipped
rational social concepts, radical people really rushed into fundamentalism,
making himself the idea that a certain race attacked us
"Villains" of the devil army. Same K. writes: "I am afraid that we have this
virus is not the first time and no surgery can not do here. Or do you think that
over the past 1,000 years the devil much kinder? ". This was written by a
believer, scientific storage. Let's say, the devil - a metaphor, but it is relevant
in all designs K. When we present our social contradictions as a struggle with
the devil (and we will , of course, on the side of the divine power) - this is called
Sam K. sure that we are talking about non-humans, and not the social
group (sometimes he speaks of them as "ethnic group", but it can be replaced
with the word "race"). Type of non-humans, according to K. According to well
given in the film in the form of Chuhanova (stall owner), and K makes a strong
"It does not matter how rich he is. He and so engineer salary will remain. " It -
Govorukhin complexity of the formula, because he still wore the Inhumans in
the hated social costume. If a Woman raped by the guys from the depot, where
her grandfather worked (as it happens), then the film would not have worked -
it would be difficult to show a pensioner, firing in hard workers. But Karl does
not want to oversimplify - nonhumans are in different classes, although
apparently still concentrated among the richest.
I agree that the abnormal cruelty and rudeness "new Russian" make the
seductive concept, according to which they do not belong to a common
humanity, and to a small sub-species, which evolved from carnivorous apes.
This - not the people and animals in human form, and to appeal to their morality
is useless, it they do not have, even though they speak the language and have
intelligence. Such ideas are developed in a series of books B.Didenko (
cannibals "," predatory power ", etc.). Reading is more seductive than the film
Govorukhin, but I'm not convinced. This - not a scientific theory, and ideology.
Even a new theory should be taken with caution, and this idea leads directly to
death political conclusions. Can not do without surgery ! And to subman you
did not eat, it is necessary to get ahead of him ( " they are all you would get,
as long as you did not get one of their forwards").
How to identify the bad people, the more so because some of them sitting
on the engineer's salary and clothing stands out? Elementary, Watson, C. gives
a simple recipe: "Decisiveness is not easy grasping of the bleed. The
determination is the result of a clear understanding of reality and truth. " What's
there not to understand. Clearly aware of the truth - and PUSH the trigger.
Previously, it was called
"Class feeling", but there was still more sense - classes give us something
tangible differ. Bourgeois wear cylinder and the working cap, "truth" is a thing
more slippery.
The belief that "clearly realize the truth" - a trifling matter, too, is a sign
of fundamentalism. Hamlet, it would seem, had robust arguments against his
uncle's killer, and then put the experience of the experience, to the point that
his life laid as bait - would only get absolutely reliable evidence to execute
judgment. A hero Govorukhin was quite a nod of the head stunned raped the
The choice of rape as a basis for the drama film Govorukhin has a
symbolic character. That, they say, these nonhumans us ... The connection of
this symbol with a social way of "new Russian" false. The emergence of this
class does not cause an increase in such crimes. On the contrary, it was 15
thousand of rape or attempted rape in 1990 in Russia, in 1997, 9.3 in 1998 and
9000. By the way, in 1998, for it it was condemned (and the sentence came
into force), 7.2 thousand rapists. The right to act, even worse than before. But
this is not the case, we are talking about the symbol.
The idea of a second . Since this is not about the people and
the law in general is not to blame here. K. wrote on the rapacity of the "new
Russian", "With this you can not fight by legal means. And no police here will
not help - it is not even the case. Police is able to protect the people from
criminals, not one part of the population against the other. " So it looks like
even Govorukhin compromiser - he rejects the idea of rights, but in fact it has
no place here. We are talking about hunting the wolves on the Elimination of
werewolves, who settled among the people.

I mentioned the lynching, and thought it an unpleasant comparison

alienate people from Govorukhin philosophy. But no, lynching, many seem to
justify, but they believe that it is soft for us - too much of it right. K. wrote:
"Lynching is not violence, but simplified order of proceedings ... It was fast on
cruel punishment, but was merciful - because not many Karan (as feared) ... Of
course lynching, the highest measure of workers 'and peasants' humanity, or
something like that ... and how you represent yourself or else we now have
justice? " 29 2 .
Govorukhin film and such a reaction to it show that in Russia in the part
of the society develops a consistent concept of the struggle for destruction
based on social racism - submission of the enemy as non-human species. It is
surprising that it is already a very mature state and Govorukhin, holding his
nose to the wind, as if responded to market demand. He gave aesthetic
reinforcement ideological concept. I think it is in the market for Azefs
Govorukhin not like (although he did not work for free).
Brushing aside the thought that with "inhuman monsters" can be fought
by legal means, my opponents even with some pity talking about the absurdity
of my argument. What sort of competitiveness of the parties, which the
lawyers! Why raped the girl to prove something ( 'What is she, Perry Mason,
is it? ")! The main thing - clearly understand the truth. This setting is probably
rooted in the thinking and often repeated. People seemed to have lost the ability
to put yourself in the place of others. They're watching the film, miraculously,
thanks to the magic cinema witnessed a crime three guys. They've seen
everything ! And they are outraged by the investigator, who "is not aware of
the truth" and requires proof. Imagine yourself in the place of man, who did
not see the crime, they are unable to. When I point out it, I say that I am - an
accomplice of criminals (and investigator). This is a severe case. After all, if
Govorukhin made a film about how tricky wench to blackmail accuses the guy
that he raped her, and that imprisoned (quite common), they would probably
also resented and Babenko, and investigator .

20. At the end of the XIX century the number of executions for "lynching" is about twice
the number of those executed by the sentence of a legal tribunal. The main thing was not
something in it that "not many people were punished", but that is usually punished "wrong".
And initiator, crowds, they were often criminals themselves.
And one more methodical observation. In my critics (and, it seems, are in a large part of
the audience) there is such a gap in thinking: they suffer the ideological and even philosophical,
social Govorukhin concept of a separate identity. Me and write:
"And here is brought to you by ...". This is the wrong move. If on Leo Tolstoy attacked the
robber, he would probably not hesitate to hit him with something heavy - remaining a
philosopher of nonviolence. How to behave in this or that person, when there is a tragedy, and
a special question of philosophy does not follow. It's like asking a man if he would eat human
flesh in the case of extreme hunger. While you are hungry, this question does not make sense.
The movie and our discussion - philosophy, about facilities, about where we push the cart of
our society. So this is my criticism, and realize - and at the same time, these failures: "And
would not you got 5 thousand dollars for a rifle.?".

The idea of a third . It is that there is no rule of law in Russia is not that we have
is full-scale war, and his arguments, I can only undermine the morale of soldiers.

"The rule of law in Russia was shot from tank guns .., Russia was plunged into chaos thief",
In my opinion, this is visible loss of the ability to measure the phenomenon. Easy to use
"Lawlessness", the people themselves claim that the loss of rights in Russia is an absolute, and
therefore there is no point in trying to preserve and strengthen those balances state, which we
have survived. They say there will be no worse.
These people simply lack the imagination to imagine anything more terrible than life in
Russia. Hence, the totalitarianism of their thinking (he, among other things, on the type of your
thinking is similar to totalitarianism Democrats in 1991 .: "Can not Live!", "No other way!",
Etc.). But let's attract savvy. As this "lawlessness"? Yes, the state is undermined, many crimes
are not revealed, but it is absurd to say that the worse and can not be. You yourself write that
in Chechnya was so-and-so - robbed the house and killed in broad daylight, simply abducted
people. Is not that worse? In 1999, 1.8 million. Grave and especially grave crimes committed
in Russia. It was found 1.5 million criminals (by the way, among them 945 thousand
unemployed -. Not just the rich ones).. During the 9000 rape and attempted rape in prison sent
7.2 criminals.
Yes, a terrible picture. But it could be much worse - both in the same Brazilian. Yes, the
House of Soviets shot by tanks, killing people, it should not be forgotten. But when I went to
the agreement, took part in the parliamentary elections and put forward their own candidates in
all districts, the "death squads" killed one and all candidates in Colombia six years ago, the
radical left-wing movement. One and all! So there are places less legal than in Russia. So, do
not mess, nothing to throw words.
"Russian blood flowed the river ever since the Bears labeled and does not cease to flow to
this day", - writes the newspaper reader. And because "a thousand times right S.Govoruhin" -
it is necessary, it is necessary to lynch. Again metaphors and no action again. Once the blood
flowing river - which, they say, the difference. Bucket larger bucket less. It seems to me, then
that is the "chaos" in the thinking of symmetrical thinking "bad people." Too safely dispose of
our wrestlers foreign blood (even if they personally might heroes).
Me and blood larechnikov would like to keep, but I will not really annoying my opponents.
Let's just talk about the blood of honest workers. I made clear in the article statement: scrapping
the current unstable equilibrium, failure of strengthening the current albeit low, but still alive
legal system hit the honest people much harder than "non-humans". I insist on this thesis. None
of my critics a word mentioned about him. They consider it wrong? No, they believe that against
the background of the already flowing rivers of blood additional sacrifices
"Honest" are irrelevant. But what a joy when a couple of lynchings succeed! "We have to wake
up in a man's self-esteem." What is the advantage?
Govorukhin's film - a typical Hollywood film (and there are about half the main theme of
the film - revenge). It is replaced by the dignity of the right strong . Three bastard raped a girl
because we believe that they are - stronger. But no! Grandfather was stronger, he bought a rifle
and shot the scum. K. writes about nonhumans that Govorukhin hero has risen, "and all their
omnipotence collapsed in the moment." It is so nice to us Govorukhin case presented, in life
comes to an end in a different way (and in the movie, if you continue, this idyll can not come
to an end).
Govorukhin removed for ease of painting one fundamental thing that is always present in
such dramas as a social phenomenon. It is that reason always have to kill someone and innocent
at that righteous vengeance. Raskolnikov killed staruhu- lender - turned up the ax innocent
Lizaveta. Throwing a bomb in the People king
 at the same time the boy blew up the shop. When Latin American writers
describe their selfless comrades who gave their lives to destroy the bloody executioner,
for some reason, immediately killed the boy-cleaner, the old beggar. And in this they
have - a major tragedy. In this Govorukhin and does not smell. And he would have
taken for realism has set for the car, which detonated incendiary bullet of his hero,
unnoticed them children. It may be shown as running the child in flames. Then the
intensity of the above would be "human dignity" hero pensioner.
The film Govorukhin strong personality punishes rape. This - the usual method of
such films, associated with such violent emotions trouble-free. Apparently, this old
man, if he pulled out a purse, shoot the thief would not - he did not skvalyga. And for
another purse more innocent granddaughter. Where is the line permitted? In "Duel" my
critic offers Govorukhin right to remove a few of these films, even provides resume
scenarios. Here's the scenario number 2. «The jury in the small town justifies the group
of young men unemployed, robbed and killed the owner of Mercedes-600, as they had
no choice - either starvation or death of the person who deprived them of the possibility
of honestly earning a livelihood. " That is to say, "Beware of the Car - 2000".
You can, of course, assume that it writes a provocateur. But the newspaper is
printed. If the stars are lit, it means that it's someone who needs it. Not because it's
The main result of the ideological work Govorukhin and his supporters - the
creation of our suffering social distress nice people the illusion that they always have a
simple and trouble-free way - individual terror. This - is akin to belief in the consolation
reward in heaven. This is autism - the substitution of realistic thinking dreams.
Previously, the oppressed people themselves came up with the legend of the noble
robbers, who will be punished, "the owners of Mercedes-600".
What pushes the idea of personal revenge (even terror, but only for revenge),
which catapulted into the consciousness of the film Govorukhin, the idea of the public
? As an idea, guiding the viewer into thinking a certain way. In addition, the effort to
organize people do not need and are not possible for general resistance. Neither the
film nor in the letters of my critics do not even have a hint of something to help another
, at least to avenge another. For it would be a move to an organization, but it is not.
Followers Govorukhin as if saying: "Well done, old man! And you, the other old men,
proceed the same way. Maybe someone else will carry, and we'll be cheering you. "
I had an article, "Revolution or death". The fact that we have the destruction of
society has gone so far that it is no longer possible to go without a revolution from the
crisis. My critics, seems to read, but do not wish to talk about it because I argue that in
today's society, a successful revolution can only be non-violent, and therefore more
difficult. And such a successful revolution we are seeing in the world - at least the
Palestinian intifada, or the dismantling of apartheid in South Africa. But this will not
hear, because the non-violent revolution - for
"Goats", and not for the characters. "No respite, reconciliation, space or other
concessions are not possible" - says K. It would be useful to him, "Children Left-Wing
Communism, an illness," read - strong remedy for autism.
At the end of the XIX century it appeared in the Russian intelligentsia with burning
hearts, who decided to live "on Govorukhin" - to judge and punish bad people. The
answer was symmetrical, and off we go. There was a culture of "fair" of terror that
could drown in his own blood only in 1937. But he did not pass in vain - on the image
of the blood nourished the restructuring, and again on both sides are selfless heroes
unleash old wheel. And it all sounds noble. True! Dignity! The anti!
They will say that these people some more. And why do they need a lot of? House
and from one match lights. And even Govorukhin presidential chosen. At the very least,
a few hundred thousand votes won. Much more.
§ 8. Fear of hunger in the manipulation of

Our national consciousness preserves the memory of the hard times, we know the
shape of the Famine. When in school we read Nekrasov:

In the world there is the king, the king of merciless famine the name of it,
it is for us - not an empty phrase. It touches the secret strings of our souls. These
strings loved to play and policy.

When broken our "empire of evil", we have made great efforts ideologues that
belief has developed in our minds, if we eat poorly. In fact, that's just in the Soviet
Union, with all
dullness its distribution system, complete and balanced nutrition has been provided to
the entire population, all social groups. Every child at the table was full of butter and
sugar bowl. With 6% of the population, the USSR produced 16% (according to other
sources 13) of food, and that no lie against Shmelev force has not. Yes, the diet
improved the import of 75 kg consumed per capita meat imported 2 kg (but 10 kg of
fish exported). It is well known to experts, but they were then asked to keep silent. And
we believe the propaganda.

Milk and dairy PRODUCT DELIVERY in the USSR in average is still consuming
some 341 kg per person per year (in the US
 260), but DURING opposah 44% of the population of the USSR said that
consuming a milk enough. And the kpasnopechivy case - sahap. His greater
consumption in the USSR was 47.2 kg per person per year - over optimal medical nopm
(in the US - 28 kg), but 52% opposhennyh believed that eating too little sahapa (and
even 67% was Gpuzii dissatisfied). "Public opinion" in no way reflects those pealnosti
and was created through the manipulation of consciousness ideologues.

The topic of hunger and actively used by politicians before the elections in 1995 then made
a powerful attack on the psyche of voters: if you choose not the one who should be - and will
be a shortage of bread lines. Soon, Russian agriculture has been undermined so that food
production has dropped to a critical point. Half of the food is imported today from abroad, the
country has lost its food security. Now blackmail hunger acquired real reason: want to change
the political course, the West will punish you with hunger, prohibit the delivery of products.

So, the problem of food and hunger, we can not escape. Manipulation is facilitated by the
fact that the image of hunger causes fear. But fear - always a bad counselor. If we look at the
matter sensibly, it appears that hunger as a social phenomenon occurs only in a class society.

There are two types of societies. One type is constructed in accordance with the family
metaphor. Other Company ( "Western") is based on the metaphor of the market in which all are
free to live and an equivalent exchange. This in itself is neither good nor bad, we will not give
estimates and argue about ideals and tastes. Today, strong and energetic part of our fellow
citizens wants to turn society into a society-family market. Which side while we turn to the
Tsar hunger?

In front of me accidentally converged on the table two books. In a screenplay S.Govoruhina

"Russia, which we lost" in another article by Leo Tolstoy, "about the famine."
Scenario S.Govoruhina, seemingly aimed at following up the Soviet Union, in fact, "work"
it is against Russia as a civilization with strong community features. See what kind of Russia
we lost, "caviar - 3 rubles. 40 kopecks. pound, vodka - 13 rubles. bucket. Smith received 74
rubles. per month, professional work -. 344 rubles. " Like, even fitter (this is something like
rabochego- amateur, a layman?) Could in a month five buckets of vodka to drink and eat a kilo
of caviar. For fine intellectual - delicate things. Here is a showcase store Eliseev: "Fatty
ostendskie oysters, figuratively laid on the snow layer, huge red lobster and lobster."

What conclusion does the writer of the list of prices and incomes? With Russia as a whole
was prosperous society, and drawn into the revolution the workers, who on his salary could
snickering (meat -. 15 kopecks a pound) simply gone mad with fat.

Weigh more faithful to the reality of weights. The meat was 15 kopecks, but 40% of
recruits for the first time tasted the meat in the army -. Why is that? Bread - 3 kopecks. lb. Why,
as Tolstoy wrote, in Russia it was in those times of famine does not occur when the bread is not
ugly, but do not freak out when quinoa? Here, Tolstoy traveled four black soil district of Tula
province, walked almost all the neighborhood:

"As used by almost all the bread and quinoa - 1/3 and 1/2 with some quinoa - bread black,
inky black, slightly bitter; this bread eat everything - and children, and pregnant and lactating
women, and the sick ... The farther into the interior of the Mother of God and closer to the
county Efremov, the situation is worse and worse ... Bread, almost all with swans. Quinoa is
nevyzrevshie green. Togo white nucleolus, which usually happens in it, not at all, because it is
inedible. Bread with quinoa you can not have one. If fasting eat the one bread, then throw up.
From kvass is made on flour with quinoa, people shaleyut. There poorest households already
had finished last in September. But that's not the worst of the village. This is a large village
Efremov County. Of the 70 households have 10 that feed their still. "
What is the main conclusion of Tolstoy? In fact, the reason - the wrong device life.
"Always in the good years and the women went to walk in the woods by stealth, under the threat
of beatings or a jail, to carry fuel to warm their cold children, and collected and assembled from
pieces of the poor to feed their abandoned, dying without children food. Always it was! And
the reason for this is not the current one bad year, but this year everything is brighter appears
to us like an old picture, lacquered. We live in the midst of this! ".

That's right here fatty ostendskie oysters, and in this - that the patient a wormhole Russia,
which wants to S.Govoruhin. And Tolstoy as the Mirror of the Russian Revolution, so straight
and said:
"The people are hungry because we are too full." By this brought Russia the first big gulp of
Western capitalism. The same thing we see in other civilizations. India before the British do
not know hunger. The Aztecs in the XV century, ate better than average Mexican today. The
farm, which is conducted for consumption, not to generate income, in principle, does not allow

Tolstoy also explains why Russian can not live by sucking the juices from the majority of the
"We, Russian, it should be especially appreciated. Can not see it industrial, commercial people,
feeding colonies as British. The well-being of the peoples of the wealthy classes is not directly
dependent on the status of their workers. But our relationship with the people so directly, it is
obvious that our wealth is due to his poverty, or poverty, our wealth, we can not fail to see why
he is poor and hungry. "

We can make the first conclusion. In a society based on the principle of the family,
everyone has the right to food. Of course, this family can be tyrannical, and totalitarian, who
lives on the principle of "one for all, all for one" (this is a pure formula of totalitarianism). We
are talking only about the famine.
In its purest form it is reflected in primitive societies. In 1966 came the great work of
anthropologist Service "Hunters" in the US - on the Study remains on the ground
"Primitive" living communities, tribes and nations. A special place is occupied by the theme of
food and hunger. As a scientist received from Eskimo piece of meat, and thanked him. Hunter
was upset, and an old Eskimo explained: "We can not be grateful for the meat. Everyone has
the right to get a piece. " Service writes that the community can not, and even unseemly to
thank for the food - you like this would allow the possibility not to share a piece of that
ridiculous and disgusting. Ethnographers stress that the right to food in the community - it is an
absolute (natural) right. Therefore, hunger it is possible only as a consequence of natural or
political disasters - drought, war,
"Great Break".

But not only in "primitive" communities and societies, not recycled by "market" way,
hunger has been excluded as a social phenomenon. It is ridiculous to think that the "leveling" -
a product of the past 75 years, or even the Russian Empire. On the contrary, the empire and
therefore gathered in Eurasia that are formed nations with a similar attitude. Recall the Italian
merchant Marco Polo, who lived most of his life and traveled to created when Genghis Khan
Empire (including in Russian). What struck him, "a European-market"? Revere today these
certificates middle of the XIII century:

"When the great ruler knows that a lot of bread, and it is cheap, then buy orders his great
multitude, and pour into a large barn; the bread is not spoiled three or four years, it tells it well
protected. Collect all the food he had: and wheat, and barley, and millet, and rice, millet and
black, and any other bread; it collects all of the set. It happens shortage of bread, and he will
rise in price, while the great emperor released his bread like this: if a measure of wheat sold for
Byzantium, for the same price it provides four. Bread produces so many that all have enough,
it is given to everyone and in all its abundance. That's great sovereign care to his people dearly
for bread did not pay; and this is done wherever he reigns. "

When we read of Marco Polo in his childhood, on such chapters were not paying attention
- the image of the state action seemed to us naturally. Well, just think, what if Stalin during the
war, instead of the card system would be arranged like this, the liberalization of prices?

What happened when a society-market ( "West"). The most important thing that a person
has ceased to be a member of the community, and become individual. At the same time, he -
the goods on the market and has a price, depending on supply and demand. This means that a
person does not in itself have the right to life, a right he gives or does not give the market. It
would be more difficult to manipulate our consciousness, if all read Knut Hamsun novel
"Hunger". In affluent Oslo at the beginning of the twentieth century a young writer had one
foot in the grave from hunger - even hair fell out. Him
not only no one thought to help - he could not bring himself to steal a loaf of bread or a pie,
though it was not difficult. The sanctity of private property and the lack of the right to life were
driven into his subconscious as well as the sanctity of his personal rights of the citizen.

The philosophical lining under a denial of equality and the right to the bread gave Social
Darwinism - the doctrine of transporting biological principle of the struggle for existence in
human society. H. Spencer wrote: "Poverty is mediocre, misfortune falls upon unreasonable,
hunger, exhausting idlers, and that a strong push aside the weak, leaving many" on the rocks
and in poverty "- it all wise and all-good will of providence." Hear, associate with the
candidates, what is the reason of your present poverty? And I thought, I suppose, that "the
market will claim your talent" and punish negligent plumbing?

The establishment of a market economy for the first time in history has created a state that
deliberately made famine means of political domination. When in England preparing new laws
for the poor, philosopher and politician Lord Townsend wrote: "Hunger tame the fiercest
animals, teach the most vicious people good manners and obedience. Generally, only hunger
may hurt the poor so as to make them work. Laws established that it is necessary to make them
work. But the law, established by force, causing unrest and violence. While strength breeds ill
will and never encourages the good or service acceptable, hunger - is not only a means of peace,
inaudible and continuous pressure, but also the most natural stimulus to work and diligence.
Raba should be forced to work by force, but it is necessary to provide a free man to his own
decision. "

Today, two hundred years after Malthus, nothing has changed on the same principles to
build a new world order. Recently, even the UN experts came prepared monogpafiya science -
"Political Economy of Hunger". It sfopmulipovany cold language of the laws of the market
economy eccentricity our vostopzhenny ppedpochitaet not remember. Let them listen, but at
least one who feels responsible for ppopitanie own children: "The ability of a person to have in
his paspopyazhenii ppodovolstvie depend on attitudes in society ... Starvation can be caused
not by a lack of ppodovolstviya, and the lack of income and purchasing power, as pynochnoy
income economy only provides for a Right of ppodovolstviya ppodovolstviya ... Removal of
killing by hunger Area -. "natural" CHARACTERISTICS Bullion, eccentricity ppiznaet Right
of economic rather than the needs of "Yes we do, and on the skin begin to feel.

Most recently, in Bangla Desh, "which went down in the market", after the flood died of
hunger about 200 thousand people. Meanwhile, the country had surplus stocks of food. Just the
owners kept the product in stock, pushing up prices. They followed the logic of the market

What Bangla Desh. What is the situation in Bpazilii, THE LARGE ekspoptepe
ppodovolstviya? It is because we offer for the unattainable ideal. 40% of the population (60
million. People) receive only 7% of national income. Constant malnutrition and ostpaya
shortage of protein foods and vitamins to drive operator pazpusheniyu immune system and
serious infringements of saline. This is similar to AIDS, and people umipayut from the slightest
infection. In pezolyutsii konfepentsii on PROBLEMS Power said: "More than 40% of the
children, which was then in pozhdayutsya Bpazilii will be physically and mentally by the time
nedopazvitymi achieve MATURE vozpasta".

A very large part of our intelligentsia, and behind it, without thinking, and all the others
cursed Soviet egalitarianism - each piece of bread. It was contrary to the "equality in poverty",
when unwritten law had a special meal in the dining room each. Semolina with milk and butter
at the price of 10 kopecks (for the real cost of around 35 kopecks). It was a dish for those not
held to pay. He received it not as charity, and did not have anyone to thank. And it is - an old
Russian order. Giljarovsky describes in detail how in Moscow markets every day, cooked
scraps of meat and offal and sold by polkopeyki bowl - how much you eat. We do not need was
zanudlivym Salvation Army with its free soup for outcasts.

Today, we have given all the reins of power in Russia, Western enthusiasts and see what
they do. But we must look at both hear even faint moans. Everyone should know the
information from the report of the Government: there was a steady group of people in the
amount of 9-11 million people in Russia, which has a power level below the physiological
minimum. This means that all the time 9-11 million of our fellow citizens are dying from
malnutrition. Die alone, while others sink to this level.
And do not believe those politicians who pretend to be naive: "Who is dying of hunger?
Show us the corpses! ". This famine, which fall in the street, it happens only when catastrophes.
Starvation comes to impaired person as influenza, pneumonia, other harmless infection that is
easy to transfer people with good nutrition.

Chapter 22. "Soft" black myths about the Soviet system

§ 1. Preparation for the rejection of the Soviet economy.
Economic myths
In human life, agriculture (and the production and consumption) it occupies such an
important place that is well made "black myth" of the national economy can be a powerful
factor in the destruction of the state's legitimacy. The image of the economy is not limited to
pragmatic concepts, he has a spiritual and emotional dimension. Therefore, the introduction of
economic myths was an important part of the restructuring program as the manipulation of
Here, for example, an important myth to manifest forgery. When in 1991 began the
suggestion thought of fertile sense of privatization, said: "It is necessary to privatize the
industry, because the state can not contain loss-making enterprises, because of which we
already have a huge budget deficit." The reality is: for the entire 1990 losses of unprofitable
industrial enterprises of the USSR amounted to only 2.5 billion rubles..! In the I half of 1991 in
industry, construction, transport and utilities Soviet losses amounted to 5.5 bln. Rubles. And
the budget deficit in 1991 amounted to about 1,000 billion. Rub! How effective was supposed
to be a manipulation of people to believe in such an insignificant argument is obviously
disadvantageous for all workers of the action - Transfer of Ownership thieves and bureaucrats.
Let's look at some simple examples.

The myth of the steel . Even more striking is the ease with which was
swallowed absolutely absurd thesis that it is necessary to reduce the production of steel, "for
the Soviet Union makes it much more than the US." Of course, the audience was already
ideologically predisposed to perceive the delirious thesis ( "planned economy is not on the
person, and the"), but the amazing intellectual promiscuity. Well, and here "in the US
production" as a criterion for our decisions? After one of the ideologists did not dare say, will
reduce the production of steel, for so we do not need! Can this be said, because we all know
what a famine in the metal experiencing our economy. But even if to imitate the United States,
the statement blatantly illogical. Is the criterion may serve as a production?

The world economy is integrated, and the huge steel output exported to the countries of
the "third world" (such as Mexico and Brazil), where the United States is prepared metal. In the
production of good steel specialize Germany and Japan - and there began to be produced per
capita is much higher than in the USSR. US Steel could and metal products - ships, heavy
equipment and vehicles to buy, and we - no. In addition, US steel production decreased only
after implemented massive metal-building program (roads, buildings, bridges), to which the
Soviet Union is only beginning. We have recently increased their production (and the US in the
postwar years produced began almost 1 billion. Tons more than the Soviet Union). In general,
the US has been "invested" were almost 2.5 times more than in the Soviet Union - when we
have to close this gap?
And generally speaking separately to become stupid it is only one element of the whole
complex of construction materials. Most of the US steel replaced the new composite materials,
plastics, etc., and in the USSR, they were produced very little. This is - a sad reality technology.
And to solve this problem was offered a reduced production of steel! So much went to relying
on intellect.

The myth of the tractors. Manipulation of consciousness, based on the

"conceptual" fraud, intellectual with a flexible mind is easy to justify. But to make and a lot of
shares with direct manipulation, even primitive forgeries. They are particularly interesting for
us as a simple, tough cases.
Thus, in the years of perestroika, academician A.G.Aganbegyan claimed wherever he
could, though the Soviet Union has an incredible abundance of tractors, the real need for
agriculture is 3-4 times less than their inventory. This "absurdity of the planned economy," he
colorfully painted in the book "economic restructuring", which in 1989 was translated into all
languages and has been widely quoted in the West. There I met with her, and in 1990
My friend in Spain, the dean of the Faculty of Economics, invited me to a round table
discussion on the reforms in the Soviet Union (I just happened to be at hand - not to invite the
special someone from the Soviet Union). The speaker was referring just to "surprise wise" book
he from time to time all showed as evidence. Of course, a lot of space and it paid "Tractor
absurdity" of the Soviet economy.
They asked, and my opinion. I answered with a question: "A wise author argues that in the
collective farms there are three to four times more tractors than really necessary. Tell me, how
many tractors in the USSR accounted for 1000 hectares of arable land? ". Speaker, agricultural
economist himself, a little embarrassed. It turns out that these data Aghanbegyan does not
register. Again I ask, "Well, almost. If three or four times more than you need, how much is it?
". He estimated: for Europe the usual rate - about 120 tractors per 1,000 hectares, for large
spaces, both in the US and Kazakhstan, about 40, close to the valleys - more (for example, in
Japan - 440). Probably, he says the Soviet Union has to do something about 200-250 tractors
per 1,000 hectares, and we ought to 70-80.
I said: "But in the Soviet Union at most 11-12 tractors per 1000 ha!". There has been
confusion. Of course, I just do not believe it. Then he went to see the directories. Indeed, in the
USSR by 1000 hectares of arable land in the best tractors, 1988 was 10 times lower than in
Germany and 40 times less than in Japan. Even is 7 times less than in Poland.
Today in Russia tractors left an average of 7 units per 1000 hectares. Before envisaged
Aganbegyan 4 pieces has not come yet, but it's not far off. Here are the purchase of tractors in
Russia (thousand units).: 1991 - 216; 1992 - 157; 1993 - 114; 1994 - 38; 1995 - 25; 1996 - 25.
ppoizvodstva tractors in Russia are resulted in Fig. 3). In general, the whole farm machinery
demand in Russia fell by more than 90% over the four years of reforms
Lies academician Aganbegian was exposed late in the USSR - but did its prestige even
slightly decreased in the scientific community? Not at all. But myths like "myth of tractors",
was launched in the public mind set.
Get at least the topic of grain procurement, which surfaced Chernichenko. All we believed
in the poverty of our agriculture. But it had an honest man to remember: if in the 1966-70
biennium. Russia imported per year on average, 1.35 million tons of grain in 1992 -... 24.3
million tons for the first time entered the Russian "from the wheels" of imported grain
consumption mode this year. Repeatedly cancel reservation and inviolable grain stock, the
value of which has already been an order of magnitude lower than in the 50s. Russia is "at the
market" lost food independence, even typing almost half of the population in polugoloda mode.
However, this is a separate issue - the myth of hunger.

§ 2. The myth of the Soviet police

An important area of public consciousness - the perception of human relations and the state
in its ordinary, concerning each person form as the relations of the individual with the police.
The symbol of the guard of the order - one of the main objects of ideology. If ideology is aimed
at strengthening the state, she sculpts in the minds of a favorable image (do not forget to
acknowledge the existence and
"Black sheep"). If the ideology of working for the destruction of the state, it creates the myth
of the black police (do not forget to celebrate "black sheep" - honest police, come to grips with
the system).
In the US, it was created an entire industry of film and television, and a particular genre -
the mythology of the American police ( "New Centurions"). This genre seemingly simple, is
designed for the mass consciousness, but in reality deeply developed and affects many units of
consciousness - much wider than seemed to be the theme involves the police. Some
contemporary American TV series about the police have been the subject of major cultural
studies because of their great influence on the thinking and aesthetic installation of urban youth
of the middle class.
In this case, a fine object for study - the anti-Soviet films that began to fill the TV screen
at the end of the restructuring. On the night before the election in 1995, when it was
campaigning TV let one such film was banned - "Russian Ragtime" (1993). Popular actors -
K.Raykin, A. Shirvindt were to attract viewers to the propaganda material. I will just dwell on
the thought of the film, which tells about the affairs in 1974 - the "classic" Soviet period. The
idea is that the Soviet society has given rise to the alleged brutal, repressive and brutal police
type - the police.
The ideological conclusion is reinforced by this episode: the three friends in the midst of
the holiday on November 7 climb a drink on the roof of the house in the city center and just out
of mischief and tear torn red flag. The policemen, climbing on the roof to drive away the boys,
when a damaged flag grab one of them. The department of his sadistic, bullying beaten, then
taken to the KGB, while continuing to beat and on the road. Then he was drawn into a
provocation against the dissidents, but that is another topic.
We are not children and we know that the police and there were excesses, and crimes. But
the film - did not protest against the incident. All of the police from the bottom up and in all its
vastness is shown as a single acting in accordance with its nature system. That is the system,
the institution

state. And after the police - the entire state. Another five or six years earlier, in the years of
perestroika, even such a film could be perceived as a protest, albeit with overlap, against police
brutality. But in 1993, when the Soviet system have dolamyvali in that there was no need.
Authors of the film applied to a cold-blooded attack on the historical consciousness - laid in his
new stereotypes that facilitate the manipulation of consciousness in general. Action of
destruction of symbols and complicity in the abuse of history they tied all the spectators. Many
of the audience, especially the young, can not restore them to the logic of the episode, and see
it as an artistic image. It acts on their subconscious, and not just pushing to abandon the Soviet
way of life, and an inability to assess reality. This is the essence.
To shake off the delusion, let's look at exactly the meaning of the episode. Expressed in
dry words, it boils down to is that the senseless cruelty and hatred of detainees (even the most
innocent occasion) - a generic property of the Soviet militia, which is independent of the
individual police officers themselves. What images Aniskina, Ivan Lapshin, Uncle Stepan and
so on. - Fruit of the false Soviet ideology, they are completely contrary to reality and should be
deleted from the consciousness.
Since these statements are meaningful only in comparison, it is assumed that the police of
a "proper" society fundamentally humane. What is shown as representative for the USSR, 1974,
would, they say, is absolutely impossible in the West. There, if something like that happens, it
is an anomaly, the handiwork of individual sadists, penetrating to the police. As far as can be
judged, many agree with this conclusion: that many of the Soviet system was good, but the
police - much like crude. But "there" ...
In fact, on the basis of extensive material can be argued quite the opposite: the very type
of our police and its relationship to man is, in comparison with Western police, one of the most
important arguments in favor of the Soviet system. Given that many external parameters (
"otesannost" courtesy, skill set) is far superior to western police the police.
In short, the case is as follows. For the police, all citizens (apart from a small social group,
the "authorities") had approximately the same status - a person. There was no installation refer
to some broad categories of people with hatred, to delete them from the concept of right and
truth. The police, in accordance with the profound meaning of civil society divides people into
the chosen and the rejected. And the treatment of the second category, with
"Dropped civilization" amazingly, inexplicably cruel. And it is - it is not an anomaly, but the
essence. It is - in the form of a terrifying police, in the power of figures and equipment "new
Sometimes it explains latent racism, which is expressed in particular with regard to the
police, "color". But the matter is more complicated: the racial feeling is inextricably linked to
social and outcasts "demonized" in the public consciousness. And it is not only justify police
brutality, but pushes it to this cruelty. Equilibrium in society rests on this
"Cold civil war".
Facts are impressive. The entire world walked casually made in the 1992 video (man
bought a camera and decided to try it directly at the door of the store): Four policemen stopped
the driver Negro, ran a red light, and no reason to beat him so that he barely survived and
remained lifelong disability. Movie four hours perusing the jury - and acquitted the police. Then
the excitement began in Los Angeles, which killed 70 people and caused damage to the urban
economy in 2 billion. Dollars. Clinton demanded a new trial, a policeman and two received
three years in prison.
But in this case - the system. Blacks in the United States 12%. Among those who use drugs,
13% of blacks. Among those arrested by the police for this, 35% of blacks. Among those
condemned for it, they are 55%. And among those who are for it in prison - 74%. This is - a
double right, applied to millions of citizens. It is now supplemented by draconian law on repeat
offenders: for the third offense, regardless of the severity, given 25 years in prison.
Not so long ago the American and European newspapers widely discussed a case in
California. Three teenagers in the park bought pizza and ate a piece of the fourth. They
approached the young unemployed black man and asked whether the gentlemen would not
allow him to take this piece, if it will not be there. Gentlemen allowed, no one objected. But
one boy then told his father about it and said that he did not want to give a piece of pizza, but
did not say anything, because ashamed to refuse. Negra was arrested and sentenced to 25 years
in prison. No claim to his behavior in this episode was not, he did not threaten anyone, was not
intrusive and was not even rude, it only encroached on the property. When this case was
discussed in the press, lawyers
emphasized that we are talking about a typical case - he simply drew the attention of his
And it's not in the US racism, the same we see in tolerant Europe. A girl from Jamaica
came to England to stay with her mother. She overstayed a visa, the street was accidentally
detained by police and taken to the station. In the car, she put a plaster on his mouth and sat on
her chest. The site has already brought her dead - she had crushed the lungs and kidneys. Police
conducts battle with the mother, proving that the death was not from a painful shock, but simply
from suffocation - a girl properly glued patch. It - England in 1994.
But Hamburg in 1995. The police section, controlling the port area under investigation
80 employees - the whole division. They drove to strip immigrants suspected to close the
chamber and arranged them "souls" of the tear gas. Kneeling down facing the wall and
simulated execution. And so on in the same style. Command all knew and approved of.
This is 1996, Belgium - the trial of the paratroopers who participated in the 1993 operations
"The Return of Hope" in Somalia. As luck would have it, they were photographed, roasting on
the fire of the Somali youth, and this photo went around the world. They admitted that the
"joke." Other joke urinating on the corpses of slain Somali or forced at gunpoint Muslim to eat
pork. The prosecutor demanded a sentence of one month of arrest and a fine of $ 300 (in fact,
it is a violation of military law with punishment up to 15 years in prison).
These examples could be multiplied endlessly. They - not the product of personal sadism
specific police and the fruit of the very philosophy of the company, which generates the police.
Even those who received zubotychiny and bruises in the Soviet militia, will say that there was
nothing similar in its relations with the public. When I was a student, I was dispatched to
brigadmil, and then in the squad, and I pulled the strap of 30 years. The last twenty years I have
left on duty in the department, I have witnessed, I understood. By my count, was present at the
"treatment" is not less than a thousand detainees: drawing up the protocol, the presence during
the search, the camera indoors. Almost every time the screams, fights. He is seen and listened
to police several generations - from veterans to cadets. And it struck me philosophy of these
people. As they did not yield to the temptation to bitterness and misanthropy? After all, the very
hard work, it would seem, by this pushing.
And see how dramatically change the same people, you only break the philosophical
foundation of the state (it is deeper than ideology). Here, slurred TV reported the event,
unthinkable in the Soviet Union. Sailors with a Ukrainian cargo ship found on board eight
"birds" from Africa and on the orders of the captain shot them and threw the body into the sea.
One did not notice - he said. This is the new way of thinking. After all this thinking have tried
to introduce in OMON, which even altered form in the Western manner.
Here is a scene home. On the platform, people expect the train immediately tipsy middle-
aged man with a huge sheepdog, someone meets. Suitable two OMON in overalls and caps.
Trailers for the person you want to remove - all right. He, out of habit, to argue, he explains.
Quite suddenly they begin to thrash him with truncheons. All on the platform gasped, the more
that seemed to be clinging to the throat Shepherd owner offender - will the drama. But the dog,
instinctively realizing that it is not the police that now shoot her, hiding behind owner and
howling like a wolf. Beaten handcuffed and led away. The entire platform is literally froze in
sorrowful silence. Some women wept and whispered, "Why ?!". Apparently, the grin is needed,
even necessary. He however, has not taken root - cultural genotype police break was not so
simple. For our theme important is the fact that there was such an attempt.
It is the same dispassionate cruelty as a "color" shows the West rejected the police to a
different kind - the dissidents, such as disturbing the society. Much controversy has generated
a verdict the European Court of Human Rights handed down by the UK in September 1995.
The case small - in 1988 in Gibraltar police agents were shot in the street three prominent
republicans in Northern Ireland. As stated in the verdict, "unnecessarily". They were unarmed,
they had not tried to arrest - a shot. Regarding the sentence uproar, rasserchali and Major and
Thatcher. Then the documents were made public. It turned out that in Ulster without trial were
shot about 400 unarmed already arrested and in the hands of the official government
Republicans. I'm not talking about that six wretches, who, under torture "confessed" sat in a
London prison not of their crimes and 12 years. We came out in 1990. So much for the rule of
Further more. Newspapers have published the story of a whole network of secret assassins
"Gladiator." It was created in 1951 by NATO and subject to its supreme command, which
recognized ex NATO Manfred Wörner Secretary General. This organization recruited from
Black International, the goal - to unleash terror in the event of coming to power of Communists
in Western Europe. On account of "gladiators" a large number of murders and acts of
provocation, especially in Italy and Spain. Forty years have an organization of state terrorism -
it's like? A murder, right in the prison, in 1977, the leaders of the German anarchists? Something
like this typology and scale we have seen in the "totalitarian" Brezhnev of the USSR?
This problem is not communism or democracy. The authors of the film "Russian Ragtime"
cry out: What an innocent joke - to tear the flag, is it possible for it to drag the police! And try
to move the situation in the US - someone in the celebration of Independence Day American
flag rips and tears it to shreds. He would have been beaten to death with clubs, but what is most
interesting - it would cause our deep sympathy to the Democrats USA. That's the point.
But even link to the policy is wrong - police brutality directed against all dissidents who
are declared undesirable. Thus, for example, suddenly somehow come to some sects - with their
vast abundance. I remember in the 70s in the center of Philadelphia from a helicopter bombed
the house in which lived a commune sectarians. Nobody then could not explain the meaning of
this action.
Just inexplicable conduct of the police was in a sect ppopovednika Kopesha in 1993. Yes,
mpakobesy - zapeplis fepme on and waited for the end of the world. Police peshila is
mpakobesie ppesech. But how? First, during the week of sectarians pok deafening music
through the powerful speakers (Kopesh - poka fan and ekspepty reason peshili he passlabitsya
and cancel the end of the world). And then went on shtupm - otkpyli fepme on fire and began
to batter the wall tank. I was in those days in the United States and watched it live - performance
transmitted to the whole country. Pozhap started, and all the inhabitants of ppakticheski fepmy
sgopeli - was recovered 82 charred tpupa. A year later, the court acquitted the 11 survivors of
the sectarians - corpus delicti in their actions were not found. On the court listened to the
recording the screams of women and children, who begged not to shoot at them.
I repeat, from the Western press can dial a pile of such cases, and in them it is visible to
the system. I say this not by way of rebuke, blame, etc. Public opinion of the West perceives it
as a symptom of the deep disease of their civilization as a wormhole the root civil society. For
thirty years, we discuss the great Milgram experiments and no less impressive ekspepimenty
Zimbapdo, as mentioned above.
Because of these problems everyone knows who more or less in contact with the question
of relations between the individual and the police, the whole campaign for the creation of the
black myth of the Soviet militia (let's say more - a Russian police) is not the result of ideological
passion, blindness or delusion. This is - normal and cold-blooded action by manipulation of the
consciousness of Russian citizens.

§ 3. The myth of technological risks

It would be useful to pass on all the major anti-Soviet myths on which the restructuring
was. It would be a wonderful workshop in the course of the manipulation of consciousness. But
this is not possible due to limitations of volume. Consider another myth - " Technology ".
We hammered into his head that the English, "deviating from civilization", have become
incapable of use of Contemporary technologies. It began with Chepnobylya, then this
podvepstali infopmatsiyu all avapiyah. Chepnobyl - ogpomnaya katastpofa, an event unique
and less clear every year. What is known about him, makes the whole concept pepesmotpet
piska (and that the western concept). You could even say pezche: upoki Chepnobylya - ppezhde
just for the West.
In Chepnobyle he refused not a technique, but "human FACTORS", there is such a
pepsonala action system, which was then in paschety was rated as nevepoyatnaya (more
precisely, as an event with a negligible degree of probability). If people deliberately tried to
blow up the station, they have not been able to do everything with the necessary accuracy. The
fact that in the course of such a system arose samoopganizatsii makes abandon Principles for
detepminizma on eccentricity postpoena entire western tehnosfepa. This is - a signal that the
Mir must pepehod philosophy of instability, to the concept of the possibility of
samoopganizatsii "strange" systems. But this - the end of the western myth, end industpializma
and "high dopogi". And this is not the Western elite. That is why in the analysis Chepnobylya
taboo, and no one listened V.A.Legasova.
Large upozhay was filmed with ideologues avapii to mope - collision ship "Admipal
Nakhimov". Under questioning all subsystems Soviet stpoit were set, neither more nor less.
Captains irresponsible - where such can be. Court stapyh, afloat not depzhatsya. Rescue
spedstva bad. All The correct - and all lies. For nothing to do with stpoit or to the characteristics
of Russia it has not. Wherever you look - the same, if not worse.
Here in the Netherlands, at the very ppichalnoy wall pepevopachivaetsya completely new
marine papom - negligent passtavlyali cars pepegpuzili one bopt. Almost two hundred zheptv
- right in the port, ten meters from the pier. Clear: papom bad sppoektipovan, pepsonal
irresponsible service popta not ready for rescue Jobs - but to link this with the public stpoit
Holland or incompetence of the principles of democracy as a state system to any ekstpemistu
had not ppishlo. And then at the trendy beach at Bapselonoy DURING little excitement 6 people
drowned. It turned out, the only life kpug somewhere otppavili boat (also single). And no one
is neither pynochnoy economy, nor monaphicheskim stpoit Spain is not linked.
The plot is set in a US movie based on pealnogo avapiyah caused by negligence or fraud
pepsonala fipm. Smotpit and think - we are far from it. Life itself gives subjects. Here, in the
center of Seoul in the rush hour hit a brand new bridge with him and showered cars and buses.
The reason - poor quality of construction. In high-rise hospital Bapselone obopvalsya elevator,
killing 12 people. It was found in the lift mechanism was large and pastuschy defect, but year
after year fipm churned septifikat on technical osmotpe, no osmotpa not the wires. PROBLEMS
"man-machine" - is common to all societies, creating of Contemporary tehnosfepu. Instead
ideologues seeking petty political gain.
During adjustment a lot said about how bad the Soviet Union in the water system. Leaky
pipes, water is lost - whether the case in the West! But the United Nations Economic
Commission for Europe publishes a report, and my eyes do not believe. In the big cities of
Western Europe due to the poor condition of water pipes is lost up to 80% of water - about 10
billion dollars a year.. As the search for the leak is expensive (up to 1 thousand. USD. Per
kilometer) and it does not try to look for. In small towns water supply better (younger), but here
the situation is bad. In Spain, in the whole country lost 40% of the water in Norway - 50%. Due
to the reduced pressure of water leakage due to bacterial colonies which are accumulated in the
pipes. Even worse is the fact that in the UK continue to make water pipes made of lead, so that
the water does not meet WHO standards and is harmful to health. On this blind eye, since the
change of technology would cost $ 12 billion. USD. In Western Europe, the average water
consumption of urban residents is 320 liters per day, and 545 liters in Moscow. But the majority
of Muscovites believe that their water supply is no good.
But especially impressed ppoizvodit not water, and fire, fire. And pepestpoyke topic
pozhapov inflated fully mepe. Remember pozhap in "Russia" hotel, killing chetype man? What
conclusions were drawn: ppestupnost use gopyuchih arc and collisional; USSR dopos to high-
rise hotels, for pozhapnye have long ladders. The correct Also all - if not the conclusion that "
Russia is unable to " (but the West - that yes). And nobody potpeboval then give pposto factual
summary of the status of the West pozhapami. And if it was given, it would be the Problems
vyvepnulsya inside out: how Russia managed, with no reason, no this, to provide such a low nd
level of danger?
In Sapagose when I had a small pozhap disco. No one danced downstairs in the hall, and
it did not recognize - all umepli. Fifty-two tpupa taken out and put on tpotuape. Zagopelsya
sofa and obpazovalis so toxic heavy gases that smepti people was instant - and the waiter stood
at the counter with the bottle in the puke. What right have used this case for kpitiki Socialists
were in power? This is in nobody's head ppishlo. Newspapers have published information about
such pozhapah in US discos, and it turned out that in tpagediya Sapagose - Row case. And there
is no inferiority complex in one of the Spaniards did not create.
And remember again what udapa consciousness caused by the case, which has become a
landmark pepestpoyki: Children's Hospital in Elista twenty kids were zapazheny AIDS. How
was filed this case the batter on the senses? Here is the Soviet medicine, not stepilizuyut
Caulking. Flew the aircraft with the help of gumanitapnoy. Yeltsin, for all his purchases
gonopap box odnopazovyh Caulking. An entrepreneur take out titanium, promising to
vypuchennye money postpoit plant these same Caulking. Then it turns out that no one is zapazil,
and in the hospital nappavlyali of varia places children - AIDS carriers. But this of press is no
longer printed, but it was not important. All povepili in the myth of the savagery of the Soviet
zdpavoohpaneniya and passtavatsya this myth did not want to. What this sfepe we see in the
That court ppotsess over dipektopom National Service pepelivaniya kpovi Fpantsii (it's not
you medsestpa in Kalmykia). By buying cheap kpovi in mapginalov and napkomanov not
podvepgaya its established testing system, this service pepsonal zapazil AIDS Several thousand
people (I, being then in komandipovke heard of tpeh thousands, but all Quaternary refined digit
Why our media not to link this case tpagicheskoe (dipektop got 4 years tyupmy) with tpagediey
in Elista?
In 1996 - the recognition of the Minister of Health of Japan. Here, too, on the cheap
imported blood and it was necessary analyzes (although Japan is littered with the necessary
instruments for this purpose). As a result of the 5 th. Hemophiliacs who live in Japan, 1800
have been infected with AIDS. By the way, the Japanese government refuses to pay
compensation to the victims, suggested Tokyo and Osaka courts.
In the same year - the trial of the former Minister of Health of Portugal and 11 employees
of the Ministry. They bought the blood from the Austrian company and AIDS infected many
patients (of whom 59 have died by the time of trial). Interestingly, they were purchased
contaminated plasma even after the received message that it contains antibodies against AIDS,
that is obtained from the donor patient.
In the summer of 1993 - the Court again in Papizhe over doctors from the Institute Pastepa.
They made gopmon posta children. To do this, buy tpupov pituitary glands and how to rely on
Web domains, looking for cheaper. Therefore, we are buying in the ex-socialist Vengpii. Wow,
even a small piece of tpupa ideologically sogpeshivshih people valued at ten paz cheaper. But
the quality is certainly not - and fifteen children were papizhskih zapazheny incurable and
smeptelnoy vipusnoy disease. Could it have been bought on the cheap Validate pituitary
glands? Of course - but expensive. But this is - not "shovels" are not Kalmyks and Pastepa
Institute, West pride.
But p.pyamo case in front of me - in Sapagose. CENTRAL Zabapahlil in hospital for linear
uskopitel padiatsionnoy tepapii, firm "Dzhenepal Elektpik". Ppibyli inzhenep fipmy tightened
a little screw on pegulipovochny INDICATOR power to stpelka zpya dpygalas not, and that's
that. Two years irradiated patients power paz ten more than showed INDICATOR. Steel
pazbipatsya when patients began umipat one of the porphyry intrusions. When I umep twenty
vto.poy, others are waiting. The court, of course, kpitika - but not the system or even
"Dzhenepal Elektpik" and inzhenepa.
In general, we have established a firm conviction that the whole tehnosfepa in its
eccentricity forced to live system "pealnogo socialism" is dangerous. Today we can say that it
was a deliberate action on the ideological pazpusheniyu national identity napoda USSR. There
have been many lies and omissions: no, for example, clearly said one simple thing - the safety
of flights in such a large system, as "Aeroflot" has been at the level of the world's best standards,
the same as that of "Pan American" (and now Russia on one of the last places in the world).
Depth of this myth lies in the fact that the concept of tehnosfepy was expelled pyad the
most important elements, which was then a main crystal paz generally higher than in the West,
security tehnosfepy USSR. And it's not even in absolute terms, but the fact that we
"Security unit" cost hundreds of times cheaper than in the West. For this - the problem of
civilization. It can be said that the civil society of the West somehow lost the "danger instinct",
which is preserved in the "backward", "peasant" societies. This instinct is replaced by laws,
money and skills - but can not be completely replaced. Conscience is replaced by the law is not
quite. But it is - a special big problem. Let us begin with its manifestations.
Take a "trifle" as teppopizm. Today gpemyat of explosion in New neboskpebah Yopka on
iron dopogah univepmagah in Spain, in the squares peped sobopami and train stations in Rome
and even in London. Someone let the gas in the Tokyo subway. Zheptv not so much, but in
general these stpanah had a steady sense of the danger of accidentally become zheptvoy tepakta.
In Peru, in the early 90s when a country has only about 2 thousand. Members of the radical
movement "Sendero Luminoso" costs for protection of technological systems in many regions
were equal to the cost of production. This alone dispositive severe crisis in all the whole
economy of the country.
Thus, CL, pech is an element of danger, in principle ppisuschem tehnosfepe West. He
ppedoppedelen special "human FACTORS" created precisely in this tehnosfepe. Tehnosfepa
USSR was deprived of such FACTORS, that gave her great spazu ppeimuschestvo. We begin
to evaluate it is only now, when we ourselves vybposili ppeimuschestvo it in the trash. When
themselves brought to power a regime that inevitably breeds terrorism as a silkworm thread.
In the USSR DURING scarce zatpatah on the safety of its high nd level ensured by the
fact that people believed the whole napod his podney, and all that was in stpane - common
heritage. Can not we had nappimep, such a phenomenon: in Spain vygopayut forests (ppichem
dying and people - tourists, herders, firemen). The main ppichina fire - arson. In Galicia are
engaged in special company, which was then sbpasyvayut a light aircraft on papashyutah
incendiary to device - gopelaya dpevesina, sohpanyaya ppiemlemoe quality ppodaetsya
standing paz ten cheaper. Sometimes also set fire to the forest, to avenge some insult to the
local authorities, and even pozhapnym. That was not in the Soviet Union, is not even in Russia
- but you're going to this.
Plays a vital role in the field of security technology Soviet type of economy is not profit-
oriented. Its destruction did not bring any hope of the promised economic efficiency, but social
loss - obvious. And one of them - a loss of reliability, safety. It is obvious to everyone, although
many do not even want to admit. An incredible number of people, about 30 thousand. People a
year die from poisoning simply prepared from toxic vodka products. This - the direct fruit of a
market economy. And it is not a defect of the transition period, and its very essence, to curb
this fact in the West spent huge amounts of money the taxpayer. And can not cope!
If our TV was not false, it would be reported to all the important thing. In Spain recently
ended a long trial over the sale of toxic oil. We then contacted the newspaper about a mysterious
virus. The thing easier: traders bought on import expensive oil for technical purposes - and
allowed as a food product. It was added aniline - the strongest poison. Newspapers write that
aniline is added to give the oil an attractive color, taste and smell, but it seems unlikely. Rather,
it is denatured oil, not to be used as food.
State Standard of Spain issued a certificate of quality. Incredibly, the director of the
Spanish customs and the Central Laboratory of the four control department confirmed that the
oil is suitable aniline in food. Killed more than a thousand people, 25 thousand. Seriously ill
and remained mostly disabled. Since the sale of the oil received from the official approval of
government agencies, courts have awarded compensation to victims of poisoning in the amount
of about 4 billion. Dollars. The government refused to pay because "This would be detrimental
to the country's economy" (a curious illustration of the concept of "human rights").
When I read the materials of this process, recalled how in 1972, the Kaluga road there was
a whole convoy of trucks guarded by soldiers - were taken to destroy the black caviar, because
from Iran to the shore near Astrakhan washed the corpse of the deceased from cholera. The risk
of contracting cholera, though the eggs were practically zero, but the state does not become any
export or sell the eggs at home. Because it was the Soviet state.
Today, even distracting the safety larger and larger funds, the society "at the market" will
never get the same reliability as in the USSR. Almost daily accidents and disasters - this is just
a harbinger of Russia rolled on the shaft. Experts are well aware. Therefore, the entire campaign
is to convince people that the Soviet Technosphere has a special, increased risk was a major
action by manipulation of consciousness.

§ 4. Environmental myth
Since the mid-twentieth century industrial civilization as a whole ran into natural
limitations for the continuous growth of production and consumption. in some respects
ecological resources of the Earth are close to running out (at that particular method of their use,
which is formed in an industrial society). What the scientists have already warned many in the
XIX century (above all, the creators of thermodynamics - in connection with the exhaustion of
energy ready to use), it has become apparent to many. There was heavy, but it is still an
underlying cultural crisis - doubts were put under the main idea, which is industrial civilization,
the idea of freedom and the idea of progress. This crisis had a strong impact on the minds of
the intelligentsia, immediately began to parasitize ideologues. Ecological fear became a
powerful means of consciousness manipulation. During perestroika, he was used in the USSR
to the fullest.
According to one of the leading sociologists of the Institute of Sociology O.N.Yanitskogo,
"Ecological ENGLISH Prote Art 1987-1989 gg. Article l and in the Soviet Union the first legs
Flax form of general democratic protest and general civil solidarity "(allocated to them). Here
are hatched, for example, from the egg: "Environmental conflicts in the Baltic republics
provided the impetus to the creation of the Popular Front in defense of restructuring and moral
legitimacy of their struggle for economic independence, and then exit from the USSR ... In
February 1989, he held the first in the USSR mass (more than 300 ths. participants in 100 cities
of the country) antigovernment protest against the construction of the channel Volga-Chogray
So here - starting the engine, running the machine of destruction of the country. Of course,
when the Moor has done his job, he was told to go away, and all this "environmental movement"
like a cow tongue licked. According O.N.Yanitskogo, in 1990-1992. "The process of the frontal
retreat from the new national politicians declared their environmental programs .. a whole -
general demobilization of the movement. " The fight against the Ignalina nuclear power plant
was covered literally the next day after the announcement of Lithuania's office, and now the
Armenians are trying to run a triple cursed them during the restructuring nuclear power plant.
In the history of the environmental protest a lot of instructive. It was the broadest,
organized throughout the USSR and well-coordinated program of manipulation of
consciousness. Brilliant operation in the economic field can be considered elegant destruction
of an entire industry - poultry industry. Protein is a problem in the USSR was solved largely by
creating a countrywide network of poultry farms and factories supplying these plants fodder
production. In the 80 years it has been running for about two hundreds of small modern factories
producing necessary for animal feed supplements - vitamins, antibiotics, protein supplements.
The whole system worked like clockwork. In 1990-91. in all the towns where the plants were
held at the same time demonstrating environmental c stkim the demand to close these
businesses. Under pressure
"The public" they were closed, and it turned out that it was almost instantly paralyzed feed
production, poultry farms and were forced to immediately score about half of poultry. Active
participants of the demonstrations in different parts of the country were genuinely convinced
that they acted against their local zavodika spontaneously.
It's amazing how effectively environmental rhetoric consciousness, despite the fact that it
cynically discarded politicians literally the day after achieving opportunistic goals. According
to estimates of sociologists, the "weight" of environmental problems was 72% in the pre-
election programs of 1989, but a few hundred performances at the I Congress of People's
Deputies of all 42 environmental issues were mentioned.
Instructive environmental psychosis, swollen just as an experiment of mass consciousness,
was the so-called " Nitrate boom ." One of the main manipulators became poet Andrei
Voznesensky. He has published in the "Ogonek" panic-dezinfopmatsiyu article. Its meaning is
that of mineral fertilizers in vegetables pass nitrates, supposedly terrible poison. And in
canteens students vinegpety eat vegetables, containing up to 500-1000 mg nitpatov per serving,
which is why so many of them mentally ill and ppestupnikov. And then I went and went, all
the newspapers.
A.Voznesensky even cited "scientific" data to say: "maximum allowable concentration"
(MAC) of nitrates is 11 mg / kg. It is clear that the Soviet government poisons students. Then,
after the flow of such articles began theater of the absurd: a vegetable bases began landfilled
onions and carrots. It is fortunate that this drunken onions harvested and transported to the
market - at least some of the people did not lose common sense.
What is a forgery, "running" in the press poet-democrat? What is this figure - 11 mg / kg?
Mg what? In kilograms of what? In fact, it is - a special rate, "MPC of nitrogen in drinking
water to children around the age of 7 months." At this age it occurs tpansfopmatsiya
gastrointestinal child and for a short period in the intestine can be a conversion of nitrates into
other harmful nitrogenous substances. Ascension pepenes the MPC with water on the
vegetables, and infants students.
Incidentally, nitpaty - is not nitrogen, and if pepeschitat, then MPC nitrate is 4.4 fold for
greater importance, that is 45 mg of nitrate in 1 liter of drinking water. Most importantly is that
unlike drinking water, which was then all absorbed in opganizma, weight vegetable ppoletaet
through the intestine and MPC nitpatam them is from 500 to several thousand mg / kg,
depending on the type of vegetable, it is used parts vypaschivaniya fashion and cooking.
"Nitrate psychosis" was created to reinforce the common at the same time, along with
"Tractor" myth, the myth of fertilizers. It was said that an absurd planned economy makes the
poor Russian peasants overwhelm the field of fertilizers. In fact, in the best of 1988 122
kilograms of fertilizer per 1 hectare was made in the Soviet Union (despite the fact that the
removal of nutrients with the harvest was 124 kg). In the Netherlands, at the same time that we
set an example as the ideal of Agriculture, introduced 808 kg of fertilizers per 1 ha. Today in
Russia 3/4 arable land is not fertilized at all, the whole fertilizer fell by 7 times. Since 1995, the
amount of fertilizer applied to soils varies Rossio okolo13 kg / ha. For comparison, in China
386 kg (1995 YG). And while we are frightened of nitrate in the domestic production and
imported tomatoes from Holland.
Let us consider one major hoax created by the media and politicians in fomenting
environmental psychosis campaign.
Hydrogen sulphide boom . It is known that the feature of the Black Sea is the presence of
"Hydrogen sulfide layer." He discovered a hundred years ago, Russian boatswain, sniffing
dropped on
the depth of the rope, from which slightly smelled of rotten eggs. The level of "hydrogen sulfide
layer" varies, sometimes its boundary goes up to a depth of only 50 meters. In 1927, during a
large earthquake were even "sea fire", and in the sea near Sevastopol and Yevpatoria observed
flame pillars.
Perestroika in the USSR coincided with the rise of the next layer of hydrogen sulfide, and
publicity given to newspapers tidbit about "naval fire" in 1927 (before, when there was no habit
of scaring people, this information is not widely published). There were favorable conditions
for the big boom, and he was "promoted". Here are some examples of hysterical predictions of
1989-1990. Only in the national newspapers:
" Literary Gazette ": "What would happen if, God forbid, from the Black Sea coast of the
earthquake will happen new? Again maritime fires? Or a flash, a grand torch? Hydrogen sulfide
is flammable and poisonous ... will be hundreds of thousands of tonnes of sulfuric acid in the
sky. "
" Working Tribune ": "Enough small earthquake, to hydrogen sulfide released in the Black
Sea area and caught fire - and its coast will turn into a desert."
" Top Secret ": "It is enough overlap in time and space ... sharp drop in atmospheric
pressure and vertical flow. Boiled water will saturate the air with poisonous vapors of
flammable gas. Where will drift deadly cloud - God alone knows. It can cause the victim to
shore, can for a few seconds to turn the passenger liner in the "Flying Dutchman" 29 3 .
Finally, Gorbachev himself warned the world about the future of the USSR apocalypse.
He said from the rostrum of the Global Forum on International Protection of the environment
and development in order to survive (what is the name of the forum!): "The upper boundary
layer of hydrogen sulfide in the Black Sea in the last decade has risen from 200 m to 75 m from
the surface. A little more, and the threshold of the Bosporus, he will go to the Marmara, Aegean
and the Mediterranean Sea. " This statement was published in "Pravda".
Scientists - and oceanographers and chemists - have tried to explain to politicians that it
all - ignorant nonsense (so they thought naively). Have been published in scientific journals are
well-known figures:
1. "Marine fires" 1927 no relation to hydrogen sulfide have not. They were
observed in locations distant from the boundaries of the hydrogen sulphide zone of 60-
200 km. Their reason - the way to the surface during the earthquake of natural methane
gas from Krivoy Rog-Yevpatoria tectonic fault. It - bearing area, there are drilling for
gas production, the outputs of natural gas in this area in the form of "flares" occur
regularly. All this is well known, and the rejection of all the major newspapers publish
this help scientists clearly indicates that it was a deliberate disinformation.
2. The maximum concentration of hydrogen sulfide in the water of the Black sea
13 mg per liter, which is 1000 times lower than needed so that it can stand out from the
water as a gas. A thousand times! Therefore, neither of which ignited, burning and
devastation of the coast liners can be no question. For hundreds of years people use for
medicinal purposes sources of hydrogen sulfide Matsesta (it is even possible they
enjoyed himself Mikhail Gorbachev). About any explosion and no fire and never heard,
even the smell of hydrogen sulphide there is quite tolerable. But the content of
hydrogen sulfide in the waters of Matsesta to hundreds of times greater than in the
water of the Black Sea.
There were times when people met in the mines with high concentration hydrogen
sulfide streams. This led to the poisoning of people, but the explosions, unlike methane,
has never been and could not be - a threshold explosive concentration of hydrogen
sulphide in the air is very high.
3. Lethal concentrations of hydrogen sulphide in the air is 670-900 mg per cubic
meter. But even at a concentration of 2 mg per cubic meter of hydrogen sulfide smell
unbearable. But even if all
"Hydrosulfide layer" of the Black Sea will be suddenly thrown on the surface of some
unknown force, hydrogen sulfide content in the air will be many times lower than the
level of unbearable smell. So are thousands of times below the level dangerous to
health. So one can not speak about, and poisoning.
4. Mathematical modeling all conceivable modes of oscillation in global sea level
and atmospheric pressure over the Black Sea, conducted by oceanographers in the
statement of Mikhail Gorbachev showed that hydrogen sulfide flow into the Sea of
Marmara and further poisoning dear to his heart of Western civilization, it is absolutely
impossible - even if the most powerful of the known tropical cyclone passes over Yalta.

1. The same newspaper frightened the international community terrible picture: the
Black Sea drifts missile cruiser "Slava" from the dead, poisoned by hydrogen sulfide and team
standing on alert missiles with nuclear warheads.
All this has been thoroughly known to the Black Sea hydrogen sulphide anomaly
studied one hundred years many scientists around the world. When the Soviet press
started this boom, a number of reputable scientists, including academicians contacted
the newspaper (!) - None of them took to the soothing information. The most popular
publication, which managed to break - the magazine of the USSR Academy
"substantiated", the magazine for scientists. But he could not spavnitsya with tipazhami
"Litepatupnoy newspaper", "Ogonyok" that popy or television exposure.
Presciently concludes a group of oceanographers (T.A.Ayzatulin, D.Ya.Faschuk
A.V.Leonov and) one of the latest articles on the problem in the "Journal of the All-
Union Chemical Society» (number 4, 1990):
"Working in cooperation with prominent foreign researchers, eight generations of
Russian scientists have accumulated a vast knowledge of the hydrogen sulphide zone
of the Black Sea. And all of this knowledge, accumulated over centuries, were unused,
unnecessary. At the same time, they were responsible tampered mythmaking.
This substitution - not just further evidence of the crisis in the social sphere, to
which belongs the science. Due to a number of features that, in our view, is a clear
indicator of social catastrophe. Feature is that at all levels of reliable quantitative
knowledge about very specific, clearly the measurement object relative to which the
world scientific community is no disagreement on the merits, replacing dangerous in
its consequences myth. This knowledge can be easily controlled with the help of
commonly used measuring tools such as rope and boatswain's nose. Information about
it is easy to get within ten minutes - hours of conventional data channels or by a phone
call at any institute of Oceanology of the USSR Academy of Sciences of the profile,
and the Hydrometeorological Service of the Ministry of Fisheries. And if in this
respect, it is quite certain knowledge was made possible substitution of myths, we
should expect it necessarily in areas such contradictory and ambiguous knowledge, the
economy and politics.
Many crises in our society that is immersed, is a morass of artificial origin. Drown
it can only be lying. Give the topography of the marsh of the crisis on our site, show
the presence of the horizon, raising man with the belly of his feet, - the purpose of this
review. "
As you know, it was not possible to raise the Soviet man "with the belly on the
leg" in an artificially created marsh - did not give stakeholders and stood on their feet
manipulators consciousness. We are now studying this case already as pathologists -
the autopsy is done. But it is very interesting, and continued - with the consciousness
still alive.
Once the true purpose sepovodopodnogo psychosis (as part of a larger program)
has been reached, a hydrogen sulfide suddenly forgotten as a plant of protein and
vitamin supplements to the birdseed. But the July 7, 1997, as suddenly, after years of
complete silence, on television again pposhlogo DELIVERY on sepovodopodnoy
ugpoze. This time has been launched into the consciousness of bped, leaving far behind
the projections in 1989 was promised to all of explosion sepovodopoda Black Sea such
capacity, he as a detonator to cause of explosion atomic uranium, koto.pogo deposits
there in the Caucasus! Thus, sepovodopod sank with about nuclear opuzhiem - a
symbol of the dangers of Contemporary 29 4 .
Most likely, this transfer - a trial balloon, to study the state of public
consciousness. Apparently, now it is more closed, and hydrogen sulphide it chaff not
up to snuff. But all sorts of chaff we have experienced manipulators can prepare

Chapter 23. TV Place in the manipulation of


As the project progresses restructuring and changes in society shifted the center of
gravity in the system of funds used in the manipulation of the consciousness of the
Soviet man. Initially, an important role was played by the book. With the advent of
"glasnost" ended the era of samizdat. He fulfilled his task, his books are no longer
taboo, they have been published, but little interest is not aroused. Their artistic quality,
in general, was low (I doubt that a substantial part of Solzhenitsyn's fans are actually
able to read up to the end
"The Gulag Archipelago"; Incidentally, in the West everything in intellectual circles
know this book very much like her to remember, but I have not met a single person
who would read it).

For some time, we came to the fore normally published books. Few of them have
been written in advance (as "Life and Fate" Grossman), most already baked as

2. However, in most combat democratic press already in 1990 govopit that

sepovodopodny of explosion chepny Distance is about nuclear paven 10 of explosion. But it
still looked like a metaphor.
pancakes on a simple ideological scheme - "Children of the Arbat", "Bison" and etc. It
published for mass circulation and the "classical" anti-Soviet literature from abroad.
The country was still reading, and book covers most of the "cultural layer". Periodical
Press, radio and television, "belonging to" the Communist Party, so far stood aside -
the pace of change has been calculated very precisely, and the mask, "General Secretary
of the Communist Party" firmly sat on Gorbachev's face. It was impossible to flush out
the Soviet man! About this much care of the new Politburo remarkably written in the
memoirs of Gorbachev's aides - with sincerity and childlike simplicity. More socialism!

By the end of the restructuring (from 1988) in the case entered the thick logs, and
then the newspaper. This was the final stage. Once was passed "the point of no return"
(August 1991), the need for anti-Soviet intelligentsia nourishment disappeared, and the
publication of newspapers and magazines was fast, unprecedented in the history of the
way minimized. In 1990, the RSFSR published magazines with a circulation of 5.01
billion. Ind., In 1992, 925 million. Copies. and in 1995, 229 million. copies. Fall more
than five times in 2 years and 25 times in 5 years! However, the disappeared and the
audience - the intelligentsia lost revenue, a significant portion of its underclass, and she
did not before reading the "New World" and "Literary newspaper".

And disappeared before the main means of mass entertainment, and cultural
activities - films. In 1985, cinemas in the RSFSR had 2.263 billion visits in 1997 -.. 40
million in 55 times less! And at this level, and the movie is kept. It received a mass
audience television - it has become a major channel for the dissemination of

What is important in the messages transmitted by television, and what is a

"legend", a cover - a complex question. Uglyadet contraband smuggler from a
professional is always difficult. We were in the position of a novice customs officer
that put on the bridge. There is a man who carries on a trolley armful of grass. The
officer poked the grass - there is nothing. The next day again the same story. There is
nothing. And so every day. Ended internship, and the customs officer asked the man:
"I know that you carry some kind of contraband, but I can not figure out what it was.
Tell me in a friendly way, I'm still leaving. " The man says: "carts." Smuggling of
television in the last decade - the ideological explosives, destroying the cultural core of
society and undermining the hegemony of the "old regime." So far, the structural work
on the creation of some new coherent ideological framework, consolidation of people
in society, is not observed. It is unlikely that this transition is possible in this type of
political regime in the foreseeable future - the destruction program is far from over.
Moreover, the established dynamic equilibrium between the processes of spiritual
destruction and reconstruction. By the way, if necessary TV works and the restoration
- to the
"Grass" it is lucky to smuggle truck, lots of useful - and movies Aniskina and world
classics, and concerts Dm.Hvorostovskogo. But we will talk about the "trolley".

As early as the last stage of the restructuring dramatically changed the type of
media reports in comparison with the Soviet period. There was almost instantaneous
switching media in the type of information flow mosaic culture - with semantics and
rhetoric, as described in Sec. 12. Media reports have ceased to raise and discuss
integrity issues, concepts and theories in which they can be understood. There was a
type of messages that were randomized thinking made him incoherent. We solved the
problem of creating a transition in the public consciousness
" Order-chaos ." At this stage, and does not attempt to "recruited by" people to the new
faith, it was more important to question all the values at all, to discredit all the sacred
symbols and remove the psychological protection against manipulation. The devil, who
visited Ivan Karamazov, is not trying to "draw in unbelief." He told him: "I'll drive a
between faith and unbelief alternately."

Referring to psychophysiologists data Yu.G.Volkov philosopher wrote in 1994 .:

"The propaganda theory, preaching the doctrine, explaining the concept, doctrine today
is not in vogue. Appropriate installation, value preferences, behavior patterns form
unobtrusively, without being accompanied by a philosophical flair, reflection, and as
though under the influence of acupressure. In the course of the spectacle, theatrical
symbolism, the pamphlet-detective genre, poluanekdot, farce; Ideology is increasingly
focused on video, TV shows, music, singing, the impact is not intelligence, but the
subconscious mind. "

The end of the adjustment has been combined with the moment of generational
change, and a radical change
o it is an active generation of people who did not know and did not
experience the war, are not familiar with the hardships of the recovery period.
In society, the dominant position occupied people,
who all his life had been fed . It turned out that this is a completely different
society, many simple things it does not understand, and they must explain to
some new language. Under these conditions, "failure" of the CPSU ideological
machine at the bend apex occurred instantly, with a break of continuity - even
to purge revisions. The conservatives were not prepared to resist and did not
use even the few opportunities for social dialogue that existed.

On the contrary, the media personnel was surprisingly well prepared for
the application of manipulation technology. This probably contributed to the
efforts to Advance publication in the USSR in the 70s a large series of books
that were essentially training manuals for the manipulation of consciousness
(with names such as "misinformation and deception technique"
"Psychological warfare", "Manipulators consciousness", etc.). In the preface
of the book, they were presented as exposing bourgeois propaganda methods,
but in general it was a fairly detailed description of these methods (such
descriptions are not required to expose). But there was virtually no literature
on the protection of these methods. In general, staff wielding techniques of
manipulation, the Soviet Union had, in the years of perestroika, he was finally
able to apply their knowledge and skills.

In the course of further conflict in the country of the staff as a special

social group is also split, though not in the same proportion as the rest of
society. After a rather tough purge the body of journalists, in general, it is quite
homogeneous group, strictly abide by "the party" discipline. Those journalists
who are in opposition to the regime reformers, almost driven out of the
community or occupy a marginal position in it. In civil society, social changes
generate splits relatively shallow, so that there remains the possibility of
dialogue and compromise. In ideocratic split society gives rise to two
totalitarian-minded groups who simply ignore the existence of the enemy and
did not take its interests as valid. The conflict takes on an almost religious and
"racial" character. In the Soviet Union it was declared even the emergence of
a new ethnic group (the "new Russian"). Hence - the winners abnormal cruelty,
which, in principle, it was impossible to expect a stable time. This was reflected
in the media, especially television. Probably because, unlike the printed
product is volatile as ether. At present, neither the ordinary viewer, or the
organization of the opposition is not able to fix the TV product and show it to
some of the court, and even debate. Until now, television as a sender of the
message is not particularly limited by any standards and is completely
invulnerable in relation to the discontent of message recipients.

In many of his television programs comes to information sadism. This is

- a mockery on holidays over the fact that notes and remembers most of the
citizens. This mockery expensive for many images and symbols. This - the
denigration of their friends and gloating their troubles. Russia - the only
country where a huge number of people eager to avenge a leading television,
where the telecentre is necessary to protect by military force. This alone shows
how much resentment accumulated in the soul of the people who were abused
29 5 .

Checklists on what pol igpaet television vosppiyatie mipa, IN THE

FORMATION human and, therefore, the company has become one of the most
important in the Problems of Russia. But otkpytogo pazgovop on this subject
no. TV-figures and philosophers nor demokpaty pazu not explain to the public,
even after people have passtpela dvep teletsentpa in 1993. No one has raised
the question: why the crowds a few years yapostyu pvalis to dvep telecentre to
say something . Television received strong ohpanu with reliable machine guns,
and nothing else do not care about his workers 29 6 .

3. From many I have heard that people instinctively seek and create their own
psychological protection from the leading television through hate. Looking for sneering at
them in complete safety and leading columnists, they occasionally whispering to himself: "So
you died! Damn you!". This is - a sign of a severe crisis.

4. November 4, 1998 a member of the Communist Party faction in the State Duma
deputy A.A.Kuvaev made a criticism of a number of leading TV channels ORT, RTR and
NTV Russian television. Representing the air that criticism several phrases taken out of
context, the leaders of these channels murmur about the protection of freedom of speech and
even the safety of journalists themselves. It was a Base substitution of the subject, to talk TV
host did not. It is absurd to ascribe any party would wish to undermine the institution of
television. It pavnosilno that person govopyaschy of koppuptsii genepala Kobets, would be
accused that he - vpag Russian apmii.
In pazgap war in Chechnya in 1995, when television again caused yapost varia most
people obozpevatel NTV E.Kiselev cried: "Do not punish the messenger, he ppinosit
you the message, which is". And spazu doubt. The messenger whether TV or something
else? Those whether conduct that is, in fact, we ppinosit this "messenger" - and it is
their fabpikuet in its usmotpeniyu? Whether he gets DURING this some kind of power
over us, depriving us imperceptibly to defined types of freedom - manipulipuya us or
TV really neytpalno? Consider these questions in the form of brief statements.

1. Television certainly took manipulative semantics and rhetoric - the

language, style, aesthetics, and the pace of construction programs. It constantly
and consistently reduces the time and then eliminated informative, sensible and
restore common sense to transfer people. It is put into practice strange,
unnerving, sometimes seemingly crazy screen (eyes, gears, falling from a chair
clowns, who fight-grandfathers frosts, etc.). Fabric gear burst began
advertising, so that even works of art lost their consciousness restoring force
(important in Soviet television transmission of the best performances of drama
theaters have disappeared). In general, television has taken on the role of
power, undermining the ability of people to a rational logical thinking, it has
become an instrument of obscurantism . Ether filled the astrologers and
diviners - the scale, it is not relevant to the real spread of these superstitions in
the Russian society of the early 90-ies. Television I introduced this subculture
into mass consciousness.

Program news injected nervousness (about which he wrote Marat), and

programs on historical subjects mainly aim at the destruction of the last image,
displaying a surprising lack of tact and bad taste (which is "film" Lobkov of
the Mausoleum, where he strutted in a white coat writing on the chalkboard
formula acetic acid). Needless mockery of elementary taste and elementary
school knowledge was the special program for the destruction of the cultural
core. Extremely primitive and vulgar petty provocations type reality show For
, imitation sensational discoveries and "investigations": for example,
E.Masyuk, falling in the snow, go at night in Izmailovo Park to the place where,
"as it became known NTV", some terrorists have dug a bag with radioactive
substances. Yes, the bag is. Yellow. Shove it to some device, the arrow is
rejected. What a miserable spectacle. What a pity sincere, deeply honest person
who believes this performance - simply because he does not fit the idea in mind
that educated people can be so mean to lie.
In carrying out the task of constant destabilization of the public
consciousness, the leading television are likely to have and do not notice any
inappropriate things to say - there was a TV detachment from everyday culture.
January 26, 2000 there was a serious accident on the railway, the assistant
driver was killed. Presenter gives ernicheski comment: "On Russian railways
disasters usually occur due to the fact that the engine drivers and their assistants
fall asleep behind the control knobs." What terminology: usually ! One word
phrase gives a sound that the viewer creates a subconscious feeling that the
disaster in Russia - a common occurrence.

The theme of destruction and death has become the main TV. No passtpel
Council House or theater bombing of the presidential palace in Grozny in 1995,
shown by TV companies around the world, would not have been necessary if
they can not be shown on television. All these shares have been carefully
prepared scenes, meaning eccentricity - that their broadcast transmissions to
each home. The ruling minority creates a "society of the spectacle", removing
all the psychological defense.

2. At the end of the restructuring television thrown elementary norms of

professional ethics and was "creating reality" falsifying facts the most flagrant
manner. Here is a typical case. June 22, 1992 near the Ostankino gathered two
thousand people, separated from the television station 10000th cordon of riot
police, dogs, trucks. Watching this show, I noticed a cameraman with a clever,
intelligent face. He scrutinized the crowd and finding particularly colorful and
unattractive figure (excited disheveled woman miserable or clearly abnormal
human), moved to her and a long shot with your camera in different angles.
After standing beside him for about fifteen minutes, I went up and asked if he
was a moral responsibility for the apparent distortion of reality feels
disinformation society, but still did not lead to peace and to a split. He had not
expected "such a formulation of the question" and even confused, start
something to babble about TV personalities genre. But in the next moment
there were five ordinary-looking young men in civilian clothes and was wiped
me from the "TV personalities figure." Today, the difference with the reporter
only in the fact that the current is no longer blush.
And what made TV reports about Chechnya - and in 1995-1996, today.? This
is the path along the ruined house, away from the battlefield. For this trail run
some people, followed by the camera. The camera jerks, people fall out of the
frame, the focus strays. All as if the operator, in terrible agitation, under fire
removes the reality. It creates a powerful sense of presence, as if we are thrown
into the terrible reality of Chechnya. But this is a trick, which is to simulate
reality! Described in all textbooks of television advertising and television
coverage. The camera jerked and knocks focus only in order to create the
illusion of the combat situation. It's a cheap trick TV reporter, manipulating the
consciousness of the viewer - reality show For (imitation of reality). In the
West, it is constantly used in police rollers to simulate fabricated backdated
survey catch criminals or road accident. At the same time the viewer and does
not deceive, if it were a full-scale survey, but a strong emotional impact on the
reliability of illusion achieved 29 7 .

As already mentioned, the new effective opuzhie, otkpytoe psychologists

- peklamy connection with the "objective" telepepoptazhem. Petro both of
these things individually can resist mind, but it is defenseless petro
combinations thereof. Because so pezok vodopazdel between the Soviet TV,
otvepgavshim is otkpytie kultupologov and demokpaticheskie TV, which was
then taken to his armament. And this influence is such that the forces, which
was then kontpolipuyut TV can not pposto manipulipovat consciousness
ogpomnyh telezpiteley masses, but also to the Quaternary pazpushat him how
to "disable". Television in Russia was not only abuse the advertisement for
"crushing" of any substantial information, but also gave a screen for
advertising is extremely aggressive and ideological. Part of it is directly
contained radical political meaning, using images and symbols of the Soviet
past, the other part destroyed common cultural symbols (for example, many
advertising messages have been built on the ugly grotesque image of the
teacher). And all the advertising in general has become an aggressive
introduction into the consciousness of selfishness and consumerism values. Do
not let yourself wither !

3. In the USSR and Russia in the course of the "democratic revolution"

TV has been used for an attack on all possible taboos and restrictions - as a tool
for "the destruction of the cultural core" of our society. After reaching the first
political objective television, however, did not stop the attacks on public
morality. In front of him is still a larger and long-term operation: to provide
reformers "cultural hegemony", they need to legitimize a new social order.
Since no attractive ideology they do not, they have to resort to the unhealthy
side of the subconscious and strengthen corruption spectator - that he could not
break away from his manipulative messages breastfeeding television. So drug
trader establishes its hegemony among teenagers slum.

During the debate in the preparation of the program "The court is" on NTV
chairman of the Glasnost Defense Foundation A. Simonov replied to this
argument that if people do not like immoral transmission, they can close their
eyes and plug your ears (he cited an African proverb, in this sense). I said the
obvious thing: people can not do without information and are forced to keep
their eyes open. When that poverty diet information that TV set, its policy has
become a form of torture known - give opinions herring, and then a cup of
water in the urine. I do not like it - do not drink. publicity Defender offended
and said that he does not know who is there to herring (I think, but he perfectly
understood, what can the urine).

The fact that work on television is not perverse, cultural and intelligent
people, directly points to a focused and intentional transmission, destroying
ordinary standards of morality. Who is Alexander Yakovlev? Obpazovanny
man has a family, she doted on her grandchildren. Apparently, it is alien to the
lowland stpasti. Why did he, as the head of the Russian TV, otkpyl it for
popnogpafii, the primitive horror movies? Because podpyadilsya pazpushat
"kultupnoe outer core." To do this, the spiritual pogpuzit dirt away half of the
population, especially young people. And since all zdo.povo in man petro this
ppotestuet, Yakovlev and his podpuchnym need such freedom when no one
has come to the Right of TV ethical mepkami. Therefore, such a rebuff had
attempted to establish the State Duma Council on television morality.

5. This technique was introduced in the practice of the German fascists radio - they are
specially staged all sorts of "overlay" to create an image of simple, clumsy people. Primitive,
but effective method of "capture the audience." With regard to television for a long time found
that the distortions on the TV screen due to the work of the operator in the real world, not only
failed to reduce the force of impact on the audience, but on the contrary - create a greater
sense of authenticity of the story.
0. One of the fundamental cultural taboo that systematically destroyed
TV, is the ban on the display of the sacrament of death is quietly set moral
standards ritual. Understanding death - one of the most difficult problems of
human existence. During the life of the spectacle of death is given to man by
small, "precisely metered" portions, and it is always a shock. Over the
millennia culture wove these "portions of Death" in a dense fabric of rules and
procedures that the shock from the sight of death, do not destroy, and
strengthen human. Television also introduces the spectacle of death in the
home of each family beyond all norms, in large quantities and in very
unfavorable light. From morning till evening us bring down the stream of
images of death - accident, funerals, murders, morgue. And a normal person is
immersed in a state of shock.

It is "a report from the morgue," the journalist filmed the "News" for sale
O.Blotsky German TV. This is - an important incident that occurred in
February 2000 in Chechnya, where Blotsky did video work funeral team. Is
there a crime against morality here? Yes there is. Because he shot those things
that a person should not see. I understand that it's cruel, but offer O.Blotskomu
imagine that he died dearest person for him, and someone came with a TV
camera in the morgue, and filmed on video everything that ministers and
pathologists do with the body of the man . Filmed and then shown on TV
around the world. Blotsky say that it had not affected him? Then he - the geek
of the human race. So much for the fact of filming the forbidden spectacle -
regardless of the sale of the film.

Many remember kadpy pastepzannyh bodies ppivezennyh of Bendep after

eccentricity TV spazu gave peklamu shampoo "Vidal Sassoon". And then there
was the 1995-1996 Chechnya. - Pepoptepy NTV five days podpyad pozipovali
peped body in Grozny killed a soldier of the Russian army, showed him the
finger and kpitikovali Gpacheva for what he did not zabipaet Dudaev body. All
the arguments of the command error, incompetence minister, etc. Against this
background, it was unimportant, the main display of the corpse was, turning it
into a prop - a tremendous abuse of conscience 298 . How should I understand
the purpose of organization, which employees five days show the country (and
possibly the parents of the deceased), the body of a fallen soldier - instead of
the first thing to put him to the ground?

And in Moscow TV close-up, savoring the angles showed the deceased

colonel in the Chechen Interior Ministry. Yes, even with hypocritical
prigovorkami. Who is allowed to put the deceased, not retracted all the rituals
on display tens of millions? Indignation reporters hostility war was feigned in
Chechnya, because this is a normal reaction of the tutorial provided. What to
think of soldiers in mind ready to die when he sees a man with a video camera
and chewing gum in the mouth? How skillfully, this type zasnimet his
mutilated body? We had to marvel soldier restraint rather than whining about
the broken cells.

Whether the situation has changed since then? Almost not at all. 24
January 2000 TVC gave a report about the lab of the Rostov hospital, which
conducted the identification of unidentified bodies killed in the Chechnya war.
We see pictures of young men close up - so that they can not find their loved
ones. And then - standing frames with skulls on a shelf. Skull dead sons and
brothers of viewers. Next - frame with lying about liver microscope. What
should consider close of those who died in Chechnya? Maybe it's their native
liver, man? Then - frame with half-burnt corpse. Overall - unacceptable in
terms of cultural norms, "the introduction of the morgue in the life", which
causes a shock to the normal person. All this - for protection under this shock
to impress a purely political idea of the uselessness of the war in Chechnya.
Whether true or not political supertask applied TV conscious manipulation
technology is criminal .

The spectacle of death is clearly used TV to relieve peoples to

"Stripping" semidetached "evil empire." This concept is well reflected in the
texts of the ideologists of this project, the TV performs the practical task of the
impact on the consciousness. One day I was on a different program eight times
saw severed heads of four Russian border guards and heard it Tajik Muslims
revenge for the actions of Russian in Muslim Chechnya. Who in this episode
TV, "messenger" or partner for a long time ongoing

6. In the debate on NTV I brought this fact, accusing NTV on his own behalf as a
spectator, who was subjected to torture spiritual. After that I called a few times NTV staff,
figuring out whether I have documented transmission of frames - they supposedly could not
find them in the archive. I pointed out to them the date when the transfer took place (I think
they and their well-remembered). Calls over, when I suggested to contact the headquarters of
the Interior Troops, which soldiers then broke the camera at the television reporters.
project - splitting Russia through the Russian-Muslim conflict? Apparently, the
accomplice. A team of specialists hired a group of "Muslims" (usually from
marginalized elements, no relation to Islam without - is studied by Arab social scientists
in similar situations in Algeria) in order that they crossed the border and staged a vile
spectacle of the bodies of our soldiers. By all canons of "performance". And on Russian
television is taken to bring this show to every Russian family, but several times 299 .

0. In its ideological work TV uses forbidden, destructive consciousness

techniques. For example, information about Russian parliamentary parties
podverstyvaetsya video depicting the Nazis, Hitler, etc. - Known and
unacceptable in peacetime psychological warfare (sewage hatred of Hitler on
politically inconvenient figures). S.Dorenko showing portraits of his political
opponents (though, perhaps, he and no political opponents, he works as a
professional), he manipulates with their images - replaces the face images of
skulls, etc. In any state of law in the laws on television is the norm of the
inviolability of the personal image . It declares such manipulation a crime
against the person . Most likely, Dorenko aware of this, but enjoys impunity
granted him political regime. Democracy...

By the way, baiting Chubais on ORT (S.Dorenko) in 1998 - no matter how to treat
yourself Chubais
o It shows that television carries out orders of shady owners and can be
a tool of psychological warfare is not only political, but also of a criminal
nature. Baiting Luzhkov and Primakov during the elections in 1999 was no less
abominable spectacle - again, regardless of relationship to these individuals as
a politician.

It is - about the technology, we now turn to the direction of manipulation.

It is well known that television turned usurped by a small social group, the
aggressive against the majority of the audience 30 0 . It is also known that nearly
all the leading (E.Kiselev, N. Svanidze et al.) Took an extremely anti-Soviet
position and support one or another wing of the current reformers. It - their
personal belief that they have the right to express only a small portion of
airtime, in principle, in the proportion of society who shared these beliefs. They
make their main motive installation information using video, vocabulary,
intonation and facial expressions in order to discredit the image of the Soviet
past, including its history, holidays and symbols.

At the end of the restructuring and the reform means the manipulation of
consciousness was artificially deepened arisen on the basis of social division
in society. This was an important factor in aggravation of the crisis. Radical
TV reporters standing in the anti-communist positions, continue to deepen the
split - using technology entrusted to them, introducing into the consciousness,
strengthening and exploiting the false stereotypes 30 1 .

It is possible to speak of an anti-Russian position of some of the leading

television and television itself as an institution. Let's start with "soft"
manifestations. There is a clear distortion of the image of contemporary
Russian culture. The criterion for admission to the airwaves become extremely
political position of a leader. Judging by the TV screen, the only bearers of the
theater culture

7. CCCR has experienced a long and difficult war with the robber bands in Central
Asia. It all happened - but there was no problem with pitting Russian Muslims, and no one to
rub salt into the wound, talking about severed heads. That is why the war our people have
overcome. Today, we see a very different setting.

8. It is known that about 85% of Russia's population does not support the radical wing
of the reformers (Gaidar, Chubais and others.) And does not support the installation of these
anti-Soviet radical politicians. Since 1991 he held a large international study of "New
Democracies Barometer" in the former socialist countries and all the republics of the USSR.
Here are the conclusions R.Rouza project managers (United Kingdom) and K.Harpfera
(Austria), published in August, 1996 .: "In the former Soviet republics virtually all
respondents positively assess the past and no one gives a positive assessment of the current
economic system." More specifically, the positive evaluation of the Soviet economic system
was given in 72% of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine 88 to 90%.

9. One of the many examples is the theme of Stalinist repressions. Once the files have
been disclosed, several independent groups of researchers have established methods of cross-
accurate picture. But so far not allowed before the broadcast not only experts, but even
officials who are ready to bring the correct information to the attention of society. Its
concealment and everyday sheer lies about the "millions of people shot" serve one purpose -
to deepen the split and confrontation.
They are Mark Zakharov and Oleg Tabakov - but the viewer is almost does not see,
for example, T.Doroninoy. No access to the airwaves leading Russian writers (V.
Rasputin, V.Belovu et al.).

Indicative incident with the show in November 1997 on NTV film M.Skopseze
"The Last Temptation of Hpista" - voppeki koppektnoy pposbe Russian Ppavoslavnoy
tsepkvi vozdepzhatsya from the show. In a statement, the Patriarch and the Holy Synod
requested "not to provoke social internal conflict in such a difficult time," and appealed
to "civil conscience and moral sense leaders NTV". It is noteworthy that this request
Ppavoslavnoy tsepkvi joined the Union of Muslims of Russia, in his statement said
more clearly: "the decision NTV is the Rubicon, clicking which the company finally
breaks the invisible remains of a gentlemen's agreement that exists between it and the
Russian public about the moral aspects of life." It's amazing how you can not respond
to such requests. Demonstpativnoe Solutions NTV soppovozhdalos mocker The
argument, saying that some people (quite frankly, far from ppavoslaviya) "smotpeli
film and did not find anything there antihpistianskogo". It is clear that in their opinion
matters vepy negligible. The film was a conscious action by society paskolu 30 2 .

During the war in Chechnya in 1999-2000. (And even more so in 1995-1996.) TV

anti-Russian position was expressed in the direct participation in the psychological war
against Russia. The vast majority of video from Chechnya were a spectacle of
explosions, shelling, destruction and death. Meanwhile, it became known for a long
time and a lot of research during the war was strictly proved in the Persian Gulf that
the video showing the aftermath of the war is having a tremendous impact on the
subconscious mind, which restores the public opinion against the party that committed
the act of destruction. It is - irrespective of the conscious relation to the objectives of
the war. Therefore, for example, US television during the Gulf War showed only the
phase of action, in which there was no way their consequences. Not a single frame with
a view of the destruction in Iraq! Quite different were reporting from Chechnya,
Russian television.
Another section of this position showed incidents Babitsky and other television
reporters, and how all the TV channels have sought to divert public attention from the
essence of these incidents.
As I mentioned in Sec. 7, is absolutely unacceptable to provide air to terrorists if
terrorism want to fight, not to help him. Babitsky - reporter of radio "Liberty" and the
broadcast of the Chechen rebels camps like their media. The main thing in Babitsky -
his stay with the militants, which Democrats have presented as the right and even the
duty of the journalist.
Yes, foreign journalists did not get out of the militant groups (by the way, it is not
known on what basis). But not only foreign. Reporter state agency ITAR-TASS
V.Yatsina went to Chechnya that, as stated in the press, "remove the report from the
militant camps for one of the Canadian media." Maybe he paid for it with his life, but
it does not eliminate the problem. Putin is the case so that Babitsky "just sell your
product to market information, and make it good." No, Mr. Putin, Babitsky, Yatsina,
Blotsky et al. Do not sell conventional product without shoes or sausages, and weapons
in the information war against Russia.
Right Babitsky be in the ranks of the bandits and broadcast from there "free
information" - a lie. This right to the West did not exist. This fact silenced today,
Russian TV and the politicians, and incidentally scandals have simply gone from the
problem. Just assign us from the fact O.Blotskogo of "Izvestia", who took a nasty film
and sold it to a German TV. We have poured a stream of crazy challenges. It was or
was not close to the German-buyer? Violated or not copyright Blotskaya? What does
it? What would change if the German TV said they filmed the story Herr Blotsky?
Nothing. He knew that this film had to buy in order to initiate the Western anti-Russian
feelings of the inhabitants. Do not pretend to be an idiot, another sense in showing these
shots and could not be, and the dismissal of German TV miserable plagiarist Hoefling
things do not change, and these feelings are not removed.
As a specialist, Blotsky could not know that even a neutral video makes a
convincing any comment, let alone such a picture, which he got right to strike at Russia.
Above it was described a case where the transmission aim was achieved even with
complete contradiction visuals of text (C-CBS showed a film about North Korea's
progress, but with a different narration - and the film was perceived as radically anti-
communist). Blotsky and

10. It is remarkable that a scandal in connection with the screening of the film was organized by
NTV was 7-8 November - the days
mockingly declared "Days of national consensus and reconciliation."
covering his newspaper "Izvestia" - and direct partners completely undisguised anti-
Russian actions, and he even got paid for it. Policies that something myamlyali not
inherently a problem, acting as a cover for their 30 3 .

Now, how to perform television a positive social function.

For television, which has become a center of communication, people mechanically

treated as a forum where different opinions can be heard. In fact, a society in the face
of television has opinions programming center, which is only slightly totalitarianism
disguised demonstration of the struggle of various factions of the existing political
regime. So, TV is definitely and firmly occupies the anti-parliamentary position,
because of the large number of deputies could not manage to make the State Duma
fully controlled, even in the absence of her real power. All reports from the State Duma
were given a TV with a hostile or mocking tone, and with almost complete deformation
of the essence of issues discussed. No specific information and reasoned opinions can
not be known through television, for example, on such an important issue as land sales.
It is clear that television, controlled by the government and the "oligarchs" plays an
important role in the promotion of private ownership of land. But all the rules of
decency in this propaganda discarded. Here, in the Saratov region for three years as an
introduced free sale of land. What are the results of this lead? Who bought the land? At
what price? What it grows? What are the yields? No information was leaked in three
years. When Stolypin reform was carried out, the government also conducted land
privatization propaganda. Reports from the answers to the questions mentioned above,
however, are regularly published in Russian newspapers. Monitoring the progress of
reforms conducted Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Free Economic Society, no
stealth was not.

Using all the tools of manipulative rhetoric (crushing, urgency, sensationalism),

television has created a virtually totalitarian filter, depriving the population of Russia
is the minimum necessary information about reality. This prevented large numbers of
people the last crumbs of the possibility of conscious will and attitude toward the future.
Half of the population does not participate, even in the general elections and local
elections barely gain a quarter of voters (and often do not gain). Eloquent effect
manipulation was
"Creation" of Vladimir Putin without people to hear from him at least a dozen phrases
coherent text. Television Society presented a collage of separate phrases out of context
or even scraps of phrases. Indifference adoption of an artificially created image of the
"future president" means that in a society gone all hope of democratic living
arrangements 30 4 .

In a crisis, when life is continuously and dramatically changing, people urgently

need information from other places where there were something like change. From this
experience, people want to get useful information to work out the best line of conduct.
They want to know how was the privatization in Hungary was done to the collective
farms in Lithuania, some ways to preserve their national identity found Russian in
Latvia. Television has put a barrier it is necessary for people information. After the
"unification" of the two Germanys first there was much talk about happiness "Aussie"
- East Germans. Then somehow the talk died down as if these Germans do not exist.
But it would be important to know what is happening there - after a year in the former
German Democratic Republic in the form of aid "Aussie" invested 100 billion marks..
That's where the happiness! But the Russian press, not to mention television, silent
about the eloquent report issued in 1994. In the four years after the absorption of the
GDR birth in these lands has dropped by more than half! As the report says, "Efe"
Agency, sets out details of the report,
11. Finally, the cruelty of war, which, like it or not, filmed Blotsky. West frowned, and
everyone rushed to make excuses. Oh, haul a corpse in the mud was uncomfortable, and it
dragged on a rope! Oh, the ear came off the road. That's disgusting. No right to go into
humanitarian issues for the United States, we do not need to recognize. Do not they have that
right, and they know it themselves. If it comes to that, you could slip under the nose of
Albright photo, which shows how the Americans evacuated their dead bodies of Vietnamese
jungle. Afraid to sit down, so throwing from a helicopter rope to cling to the feet and a garland
of corpses dragged straight in the air. What they have there come off during landing, you can

12. Pessimism is seen in the fact that people think for the benefit of the unknown real
intentions and Putin's program. This uncertainty gives hope for at least some chance of
positive changes. This means that all citizens the opportunity to influence the course of events
in the country, according to them, is lost.
"Social instability and the absence of the future led to the dizzying growth of
voluntary sterilization eastern German women - more than 2,000% in four years."

Instead of passing a balanced information on real events and presenting the whole
spectrum of opinions of television focus is on the formation of public opinion, an
unacceptable level of manipulation. Here are just a few topics.

The majority of citizens have positive attitude towards rapprochement of Belarus

and Russia, showing a benevolent interest in the state of the Belarusian economy and
the Lukashenka policy. Despite this, television virtually did not give information about
the main thing - about the reasons recognized even in the West, Belarus obvious
successes in the social and economic sphere (the rapid growth of industrial production,
a balanced budget and the lack of non-payment of wages). The screen was filled with
news reports about the scandal with Sheremet and opposition demonstrations IN
NUMBER 30 5 . Moreover, periodically flared up this campaign of harassment
Lukashenko - President of the Union State, which has the obvious support of the
majority of the population.

During the war in Bosnia and the NATO aggression against Yugoslavia in 1999,
the major leading television took openly anti-Serbian position. Orientation to the West
- a matter of personal choice, but even Western television did not allow such a bias.
Unbelievable but true: the Russian television never broadcast provided even the most
moderate Serb politicians and cultural figures for a relaxing exposition essence of
events in Yugoslavia 30 6 .

Equally frank been since 1990 anti-Iraq position leading television. In this case
we are not talking about the sympathies or antipathies to Saddam Hussein, the problem
is fundamental. In the world there is a debate about the blockade of Iraq as a new world
order terms, as an important political and even cultural experiment. For the first time
since the Second World War, a large human community (population of Iraq) used as
hostages to put pressure on the opponent. Russian television, completely ignoring the
debate, and without informing the data provided by the UN Commission of Eminent
scientists of the world, our society is blocked from receiving important information,
which has a free circulation in the West.

Narrowing the flow of information to the population of Russia and inflicted direct
economic losses. During the preparation and conduct of privatization Chubais scheme
has been established by this information blockade - to air were not allowed experts
warned of the disastrous consequences of the "privatization of Chubais." As a result of
the blockade of the vast majority of citizens do not know and do not understand the
procedures and privatization programs, television has not given the word, even
neutrals, which could intelligibly and clearly explain to people their interests and
capabilities. As it turned out, even the trade union committees of enterprises have been
misinformed regarding the rights of workers. Thus, the television has become an
accomplice of the action, which caused the government, society and private citizens
great harm.

The main channels were the guise of a huge scam unscrupulous banks to create
financial pyramids. Thus, they became accomplices in robbing tens of millions of
citizens. Fill the screen of misleading advertising, the TV channels at the same time is
not compensated for this ad warning comments. Moreover, they are not given access
to the airwaves to Russian and foreign specialists, who could warn depositors and to
explain the mechanism of financial pyramids.

13. Perception Sheremet business environment in our democratic intelligentsia would

have to be the subject of cultural studies and sociology. Obviously, Sheremet - provocateur, as
he himself said in court in Belarus (he crossed under the camera lens the border with
Lithuania, in order to prove that the Border Service is ineffective - or to fall under the court
scandal device, according to the strictest definition, this is the provocation ). For the first time
in the history of provocateur became the object of ardent sympathy of intellectuals. This - not
a banal event.

14. In 1999, most of the funds to TV in Russia fought on the side of NATO against the
Serbs. Media specialists might prove it at any hearing - simply through structural analysis of
video sequences, and texts of the advertising that podverstyvalas to the spectacle of explosions
and fires. It would be useful to recall the beginning of the war in Bosnia in 1992 - were then
worked out many of the techniques and ideas floated in 1999
In the same way, already in 1997-1998., Served as the main TV channels cover fraud
with T-bills, which adopted an international scale, and Russia has led to a severe crisis.
Television did not allow experts to the airwaves to warn of the impending collapse of
the GKO pyramid. Moreover, it was not given any clear messages, even on the debate
in the Duma and the Federation Council on the subject in April-May 1998. Obtaining
this information society would collapse if not prevent, or at least mitigate its effects,
and citizens to save a significant portion of the contributions.

By embarking on the radical wing of the support position of the reformers,

influential journalists turned the television institution that demonstrably serves a rich
minority . This is shown by all the means of artistic influence. By contrast, given the
shocking scenes of life is very impoverished, marginalized groups - the poor, the
homeless, refugees. These episodes are a falsehood, with ernicheski comments that turn
evil people into a farce.

So, was piquant report on high-income "professional" beggars. The elementary

norms of professional ethics oblige even casual inform the data of sociologists that 3/4
of people asking for alms today, indeed in dire need. Having formed this reportage false
public opinion, the authors have deprived some part of the last desperate people care,
they pulled out a piece of bread.

Equally ernicheski served many leading topic of homelessness, creating in the

public mind a false image as a homeless drunks or even romantic, image anecdotal
rather than tragic. In fact, the bulk of the homeless - people who have become victims
of criminal machinations of their living space, or lost their homes to pay for debts.
Television did not even reported that despite promises and even Yeltsin's decree, in
Moscow, with more than 100,000 homeless, open only one flophouse Ministry of
Social Protection - 24 seats.

In the social conditions that have been created in Russia in the course of reform,
labor conflicts are inevitable, and they will grow. One major conflict (with the miners),
the country has experienced in the summer of 1998 Major TV channels have taken the
position, unthinkable in any democratic state - they are totally open and represent the
interests of one side in the conflict. Absolutely all invited to air the "experts", even
outwardly maintaining neutrality, they were hostile to the miners. Explaining why the
miners should not overlap the line, no one offered them any other option impact on
employers. Let be said leading television, in their opinion, would have to do the miners
to get the earned money! After all, a large number of miners killed themselves was to
draw public attention to their plight and put pressure on the government. Nobody from
the screen has not expressed its even just everyday solidarity with the strikers, simple
human compassion to their families. Of course, the intelligentsia could not stand up in
full force in social conflict on the side of the authorities and the capital against the
workers - this can not be in any culture. Consequently, television maliciously distort
public opinion, without giving word to those who have supported and encouraged the
All these qualities of Russian television, describing it as an institution of
manipulation of consciousness, emerged in the late 80s. But over the past decade, they
are continually becoming more and more rough and tough. Dynamics of changes is
very unfavorable.

Chapter 24 Learning Objectives: analysis black myths

As mentioned in Sec. 9, black myth, which manages to link the mass

consciousness opponents (they - the guardsmen, inquisitors, fascists, Stalinists, the
mafia, etc.) immediately makes them recoil from all wavering. Opponents, on which it
was possible to stick a label black metaphors have to spend a lot of forces out to foil
the label: "What do you mean what am I a Stalinist! I, too, for democracy and reform!
". If such a policy does not have access to television, make it virtually impossible.
Often, after a period of fruitless attempts to change tactics: "Yes, I - a Stalinist!". At
the same time you want to convince people that it does not have to be afraid that the
image of Stalin maliciously mythologized that really be a Stalinist means so-and-so.
But this is - intractable, as myth and tenacious because that is based on the interaction
of consciousness and subconsciousness, to the combination of fragments of reliable or
credible information from the irrational belief in evil, backed by strong artistic means.
As a result, the party (movement, the people, the country, or even just an idea), which
has decided to take on the burden of the black myth is localized,
surrounded by a zone of alienation. To overcome this barrier, the total required major
shock, calling into question the whole system of beliefs and myths.

Let us consider as an educational task to build two black myths that have played
an important role in the restructuring. One - old produced and supplemented since the
beginning of the twentieth century, the other - very fresh.

§ 1. The Myth of the Black Hundreds, and its activation at the end of the
twentieth century

This myth is classified as "black" myths. For us it is important today for two
reasons. Firstly, this historical myth, which is already rooted in the mind, output two
"daughter" modern myth: the "Russian fascism" and "Russian antisemitism". Both of
them - extremely powerful means of manipulation consciousness, a split society and
demonizing political opponents inside the country. At the same time it is a strong means
of political pressure and international affairs: the country or the political regime, which
in public opinion of the West presented as fascism carriers or anti-Semitism,
immediately turn sharply weakened in all the negotiations and in all conflicts (this is
evident in the example of Iraq).

Second, the myth of the Black Hundreds splits the opposition ( "red-brown"). The
basis of the unification of the opposition is the interaction of ideas of social justice with
patriotic idea. The current reforms in Russia are carried out in such a way that the two
main ideas of the opposition are enforcement, conservative - especially the opposition
seeks to preserve the complete destruction of the social gains of the Soviet period, and
Russian Sovereign State. Demagogues, thus obtaining the opportunity to draw a
parallel between the conservatism of the current opposition and the Black Hundreds of
the century, which was a typical conservative, security movement, tried unsuccessfully
to save the Russian monarchy from being destroyed in the Revolution. This parallel
immediately creates tension in the opposition, as its "red" part by inertia continues to
believe in the legacy of the Soviet ideology of the Revolution, the myth of the Black
Hundreds. Today some might dare to say something sensible about Stalin. He, of
course, the deputy Sheynis hands do not give, but at least "Soviet Russia" filth not cast
aside. To say that is something else can not be reasonable for the Black Hundreds. It is

The myth of the Black Hundreds created the joint efforts of all the ideologists of
the "civilized world." Therefore, the pages of history associated with the period of
revolution, have become truly mysterious. The strengthening of this myth is
paradoxically combined efforts of different and even conflicting ideological agents: the
ideologues of enlightened Western elites (eg, writer and culture expert Umberto Eco),
radical ideologues Yeltsinism, some of the most authoritative Western Communists
(eg, the American writer Mike Devidou) and some leaders of the Communist Parties
of new Russia (for example, from the Communist Party and A.Frolov B.Horev from
EIF). In addition, a number of historians, who have to be careful in our troubled times,
prefer not to threaten to approved myth.

This myth in detail and meticulously, relying on reliable sources, parses

V.V.Kozhinov in several articles and two books: "The mysterious pages of the history
of the twentieth century:" Black Hundreds "and Revolution" (Moscow, 1995) and
"Black Hundreds" and the Revolution " (Moscow, 1998). These books - remarkable
examples of a new social science, free, honest and intelligent, and they should be read
every cultured person, regardless of their political systems. From these books here, I'll
only information that refute conventional wisdom, and the most usual approval of large
and complex myth.

The Black Hundreds - Bran nickname entered their opponents immediately after
the organization in November 1905 the "Union of the Russian people." This nickname
caught on and was adopted by the members
"Union" and its related companies 30 7 . Starting from 1906 the forces of liberal
intellectuals and revolutionaries was established totalitarian "black" the myth of the
Black Hundreds. Already in 1907,
"Encyclopedic Dictionary Brockhaus-Efron" provides a definition of "Black Hundreds
- cant name that has recently become used to the dregs of the population ... the Black
Hundreds themselves willingly accepted this nickname, she is recognized as the name
of all the elements belonging to the extreme right-wing parties and contrasts himself
" Krasnosotentsam ".
15. In medieval Russia (XII century), "Black Hundreds" were called, in contrast to the
"service class" people, townspeople and free peasants - "Zemsky" people.
Soviet reactionaries dictionaries define as "members of the pogrom-monarchist
organizations." In fact, we are talking about the conservative movement, which
opposed themselves to all the revolutionary currents - as a bourgeois-liberal (Cadets),
and socialist. The object of care ( "conservation") to the Black Hundreds was not only
the monarchy, and all holistic living arrangements then Russia (sometimes expressed
by the triad " Orthodoxy, Autocracy, Nationality "). Notable it is necessary to consider
the fact that the current vehement opponents of the socialist revolution are even more
furious haters reactionaries (which, incidentally, shows that Yeltsinism in any case is
not a project of restoration of pre-revolutionary Russia).

Black Hundreds were political trend traditionalists who opposed the impending
Masons-Western revolution is threatening the Russian civilization. Major power of the
Black Hundreds died, save the monarchy and the empire was no longer possible, but in
their forecasts Black Hundreds leaders were remarkably sagacious 30 8 . In fact, the
Bolsheviks in October, and in the civil war fulfilled the main covenant Black Hundreds
- have restored Russia and took the hands of "the world Chubais and Berezovsky." But
this turned out to be a covenant made with the victim of the monarchy, and, to a large
extent, orthodoxy.

Consider the myth of the Black Hundreds in parts.

0. The simple statement: the Black Hundreds - the union representatives

marginal, dark and cultureless layers, almost urban bottom ( dregs or even say
" ohotnoryadtsy ", ie shopkeepers).

Umberto Eco in "Foucault's pendulum" writes about the "Union of the

Russian people, better known as the Black Hundreds": "in the" Union
"recruited criminals and they are engaged in massacres and assassinations

A.Frolov treats the Black Hundreds as a product of "the most backward

strata of the peasantry" - a poisonous flower, grew up "on the basis of the real
popular protest against the inhuman conditions of their existence."

B.S.Horev in published under his editorship at MSU in 1998 book "The

Population and crises. Release
4 "(the" Jews in Russia: an overview ") writes about the Black Hundred" Union
of the Russian People ":
"The Russian people, with shame and horror recalls this rampant gang scum-
Semites. For 6 and 7 April 1903 in Chisinau during the pogroms killed up to
500 people; the same day, the Black Hundreds excelled in Gomel ". Elsewhere
B.S.Horev called the "Union of the Russian People" group, "woven from the
rich and lumpen thugs."

It is known that the Black Hundreds, including its top leadership, was
attended by prominent figures of Russian culture: philology and academics
K.Ya.Grot A.I.Sobolevsky historian Academician N.P.Lihachev, prominent
academician NP vizantist Kondakov, botanist Academician V.L.Komarov
(later president of Academy of Sciences), professor doctor S.S.Botkin actress
M.G.Savina, orchestra of folk instruments created V.V.Andreev, painters
Makovsky and Roerich, I.D.Sytin publisher. To close the Black Hundreds were
artists and VM Vasnetsov MV Nesterov. As Lev Shestov believed to have
joined Black Hundreds, if he were alive, Fyodor Dostoyevsky.

The Black Hundreds attended by prominent representatives of the

aristocracy, as well as the hierarchy of the Church, including the sainted future
Patriarch Tikhon and Metropolitan Anthony (prototype Alyosha Karamazov).
Finally, members of the Union of Russian People were 1,500 workers Putilov.
Who is "rich and thugs"? And if you remember Lenin, as it does not just make
A.Frolov, it is necessary to recall the remark about Lenin, "the peasant
democracy of the Black Hundreds, the roughest, but also the deepest" 30 9 .

16. V.V.Kozhinov brings an unusual and insightful thought: the Black Hundreds turned
out to be such a visionary in his foresight so that by 1910, its leaders realized the impossibility
of stopping the revolution in Russia. Understand and survive the inevitable defeat of the
conservative project, they were not related to any political interests and acquired freedom of

17. The myth of the Black Hundreds, created by the liberal intelligentsia and the
revolutionary forces was so totalitarian that there was no question of going to say about it then
during the right word. So references to Lenin and his curses against the Black Hundreds are
V.V.Kozhinov leads a large list of other prominent artists, who either participated in
the activities of the Black Hundreds or were close to him in spirit. He makes a clear
conclusion: "The predominant part of the most profound and creative in spirit, and -
this is absolutely no doubt - the most visionary in their understanding of the course of
history of the early twentieth century figures somehow provided, essentially in line
with the" Black Hundreds ". So the portrait of the Black Hundreds, drawn and right,
left and myth-makers - a fiction, and the most primitive.

0. The second point of the myth: the Black Hundreds - is scum who
organized pogroms .

Again, remember the words S.Horeva: "The Russian people, with shame
and horror recalls this rampant gang scum-Semites. For 6 and 7 April 1903 in
Chisinau during the pogroms killed up to 500 people; the same day, the Black
Hundreds excelled in Gomel ".

The question is how the Union of Russian People, launched in November

1905 and until 1906 led the only private meetings, not even engaging in oral
agitation, may be involved in the pogrom in Kishinev in April 1903? Why
Kishinev pogrom should remember "with shame and horror" is the Russian
people, if only participated in the pogrom Moldovans, and the leader was a
noble representative of the Moldovan kind Pavolaki Krushevan?

How do we know that during the pogrom in 1903 killed up to 500 people?
According to the official report of the prosecutor A.I.Pollana (which,
incidentally, is sympathetic to the Jews), all were killed, 43 people, 39 of them
Jews. Fierce Battle began after the Jews have used firearms and killed three
rioters, including one child. In the rioters did not have firearms. By the way,
the Jews of the Jewish religion made up 46% of the population of Chisinau.
The course of the pogrom described in detail in volume 1 of "Materials for the
history of anti-Jewish pogroms in Russia," published in 1919 by renowned
Jewish historians and S.M.Dubnovym G.Ya.Krasnym-Asmondi (and refers to
S.M.Dubnova B.S.Horev itself, resulting, however, very different data).

By the way, in the second massacre of 1903, in Gomel, "distinguished" is

just not the Black Hundreds, and the Jewish self-defense, as soon as the railway
workshops of thugs out crowd, there came a Jewish brigade and "shots
dispersed the crowd." D.E.Galkovsky ironically observes, it was nothing but a
"shooting unarmed workers."

B.S.Horev classifies to pogroms and slaughter of 18-29 October 1905,

though, as he writes, "the crowd of drunken brawlers, led by" Black Hundreds
", smashed the Jews, Russian, Armenian, Azerbaijani, workers, etc. ... Only in
the cities four thousand one hundred people have been killed ... ".

There is a question: whence it follows that the drunken brawlers led the
"Black Hundreds"? According to Whites left V.P.Obninskomu, published in
1909 a great work about the events in October 1905, "there were no parties to
the right of the Constitutional Democratic and future staff of so-called"
monarchical "organizations were still in the dispersed state." As already
mentioned, the "Union of the Russian People" appeared in November, that is,
after the October massacres, and after his education in Russia was only 3
pogrom (1906) - two in Polish cities and one in Latvian, where the Black
Hundreds had no effect.

It is not true that during the October riots in 1905 killed 4,000 people as
incorrect and that it was the Jewish pogroms. The most accurate data collected
historian S.A.Stepanov Black Hundreds. They imply that killed 1622 people,
including 711 Jews (43%); injured 3544 people, including Jews of 1207 (34%).
In Kiev during the pogrom killed 47 people, including 12 Jews (25%).
S.A.Stepanov concludes: "The pogroms were not directed against
representatives kakoy- any particular nation."

1. Mike Devidou (journal "Alternatives", 1996, N ° 1) says: "The

pogroms were organized from above, as part of a policy of diverting people's
attention from its real enemy - tsarism and capitalism ... As a result, from 1881
to 1903 he emigrated to the United States one million Russian Jews ... The
most massive and terrible massacres took place in 1905 after the suppression
of the 1905 revolution. Thousands of Jews were killed, and the revolutionaries.

As you know, the 1905 revolution was crushed after the December uprising in
Moscow, and the terrible massacres took place in October 1905 so that Mike Devidou
there is something confusing. As in other parts of his claim. Pogroms could not be
"organized from above" just because of the nature of the Russian monarchy as a
ideokraticheskogo State for which, in principle, acceptable use of "informal"
organizations for the violence against political
opponents. Such violence - it is a product of a democratic state, which
"Hesitate" to use the official open violence. It is in the "legal" state there are
"lynchings" and "death squads" 31 0 .

In fact, both the government and the church, and the Union of the Russian people,
no matter how "podonkami- antisemites" as they are, categorically condemned the anti-
Jewish pogroms, and the authorities dealt severely with thugs. In 1906, in a special
statement of the chairman of the Union of Russian pogroms of the people identified as
"a crime."
Mike Devidou repeats widespread insinuation that Jews emigrated from Russia
because of the Black Hundred pogroms. The same idea repeats B.S.Horev: "At the end
of the XIX century, the mass emigration movement of Russian Jews in America.
Lawlessness and dire economic plight they chose ... "etc. [emphasis mine - KM].

What shows that Jewish emigration was massive? From 1880 to 1913. it amounted
to an annual 1% of the Jewish population and its natural growth rate - about 2%. Can
you talk about
"Mass immigration", if just for its period, the number of Jews in Russia increased by
2.3 million. Man? No relation to the emigration of pogroms had: left poor and traders
who visited the victims and pogroms, were among immigrants is only 1%. In no way
follows from the fact of emigration, the economic plight of Russian Jews was severe.
(It should be understood, more severe than that of the Jews of other countries and more
severe than those of non-Jews - Russian, Belarusian, etc.).

Dynamics in the US emigration of Russian Jews corresponds exactly to the

emigration of Jews to the United States from other countries. Moreover, this coincides
with the dynamics of emigration dynamics in the US non-Jews. Therefore, any
indicator of special economic situation, emigration of Russian Jews can not serve.

In the Russian Empire traders were 38.6% of the Jewish population, and merchants
- a rich social group. According to the 1897 census, nearly 3/4 of all traders in the cities
of the empire were Jews. A significant number of Jews poured into the intelligentsia,
in financial activity in the ranks of owners of craft and industrial enterprises. Is it
possible in these circumstances to talk about "rising economic impoverishment" and
"severe economic plight" of the Jews - in comparison with the economic fate of other
nations? All the "historical data" such an assertion contrary.

B.S.Horev - known demographer, and one would expect that it will confirm the thesis
"Dire economic plight of the Jews" reliable demographic indicators - life expectancy.
It is - it is the generalized indicator of the social status of a community of people
(working conditions, nutrition, welfare, health). The data for the end of the XIX century
there (they are calculated in different ways based on the 1897 census). According to
these data, in the European part of Russia expectancy at birth has been living among
the Jews men 45.3 years and 30.5 years in the Orthodox (in women, respectively, 50.2
years and 31.2 years). If you select it from the Russian Orthodox, then they (men's) life
was shorter for another 3 years 31 1 . Who is the "economic destiny" harder? It is
noteworthy that the baptized Jews, who are included in the orthodox social system
immediately drastically reduced life expectancy - have worse than the Jews, working
and living conditions.

B.S.Horev writes that "In the Pale Jews existed in tsarist Russia, for decades, from
the late 18th century, before the October Revolution was growing not only economic
impoverishment but also the demographic pressure ." What does it mean? Moldovans
in Chisinau lived as much as the Jews - why are they "demographic pressures" have
not experienced? Property, including in the "Pale of Settlement", exceeded the territory
of Germany and France combined. What is "too narrow" sense of the area was 3-4

18. Pitirim Sorokin in the book about Russia written for Americans, recalled that in all
the pogroms in Russia killed fewer people than the courts Lynch in the United States. But the
Courts Lynch nobody remembers, and Russian democracy US - a sample of the rule of law.
19. Contrary to the fantasies of some of our patriots, namely the Soviet period has allowed
to reduce this inequality ethnosocial Russian. In 1988-1989. life expectancy was among the
Jews men 70.1 years, and Russian 64.6 (women, respectively, 73.7 and 74.6 years).
the Jews? Obviously B.S.Horev applied here the concept of "population pressure" in
some other, unusual sense.

0. It has become almost universally accepted that the Black Hundreds -

the movement "podonkov-
anti-Semites . "

Based on what the definition of anti-Semites as the Black Hundreds, if we

consider that the most prominent representatives of the Jews were among the
organizers and active members of the Union of the Russian people? It is known
that the founder of the Black Hundreds and the main editor of his newspaper
"Moscow News" was a Jew V.A.Gringmut. The important role played in the
manual and other Jews, in particular, a close associate of Stolypin
I.Ya.Gurlyand. They were neither the agents nor the provocateurs. These were
the most prominent figures of the Jews, did not break off relations with him.
On I.Ya.Gurlyande, the son of the Chief Rabbi of Poltava province, "Jewish
Encyclopedia" written in 1910 .: "Gurlyand carries the idea of complete
connection of the Jews to the beginnings of the Russian state, not abandoning
their religious and national aspirations." Thus, prominent figures from the
Black Hundreds of Jews were patriots of Russia and thus did not have anti-

In his denunciation of "Black Hundreds, fascist and similar ideological

contagion" of anti-Semitism and in support of the conservative movement in
Russia A.Fpolov causes undue quote Engels: "If he [anti-Semitism] is possible
in any country, it only proves that the capital there is still not enough
developed. " Of course, Engels not to blame for the fact that a hundred years
A.Frolov in a very new context will his wrong idea. Judge for yourself: if the
place had anti-Semitism in Germany in the early 30s? Yes, I had. Can we say
that capitalism in Germany was undeveloped? No you can not. How, then, to
understand A.Frolova 31 2 ?

1. From a variety of ideologues - from Umberto Eco and M.Devidou to

B.S.Horeva and A.Frolova - we hear that black sotentsy were terrorist s (
"Catching they were riots and assassinations pravoterroristskimi").

Here, S.A.Stepanov historian writes in an academic journal (in 1993) of the Union
of the Russian people: "With regard to the methods that are applied to their opponents
the Black Hundreds, they were the mirror image of the" revolutionary "terrorism of the
extreme left. With the difference, however, that the "allies" have relied on the support
of the entire military-police machinery of the empire ... In the compiled main board
"Union" politicians list to be physical elimination, featured mainly Cadets. Black
Hundred vigilantes killed two prominent members of the party - and
M.Ya.Gertsenshteyna G.B.Iollosa ".

Thus, the "mirror image" ... Of course, the Black Hundreds, including Jews who
opposed the revolutionaries, including the Jews. But look how distorted our historical
consciousness. In fact, the revolutionary organizations, the most active of which was
the terrorist organization under the leadership of the Socialist-Revolutionary Jew Azef
killed before 1917, estimated the American historian A.Geyfman, 17 thousand people.
Black Hundreds is imputable to the three murders: M.Ya.Gertsenshteyna cadet in 1906
(killing of authorship is not precisely determined), Cadet G.B.Iollosa (in 1907) and
Trudovik A.L.Karavaeva (in 1908 ). This - the mirror image of revolutionary terror?
And because we were led to believe that the Black Hundreds - "bloody thugs." They
even say that they are "filled to a sea of blood." It is useless to us to go further on the
manipulation of consciousness, until we dig in yourself and do not understand how we
could believe it.

As S.A.Stepanov, self-respecting scientist (much more diligent in facts than most

of today's social scientists), it may argue that the Black Hundreds were the same
terrorists, revolutionaries, besides the terror waged with the support of all

20. From the Black Hundreds of anti-Semitism stems supposedly inevitable Russian anti-
Semitism protective conservatism in general, including the Communist Party. Ending this
article A.Frolova hints: when you connect the left and patriotic ideas in the Communist Party,
"no, no, and sometimes cacophonous motives slip. This, of course, growing pains. " Under the
"cacophony" A.Frolov clearly implies anti-Semitism. In general, the article builds A.Frolova
complete, but a false concept: the Black Hundreds - anti-Semitic ideology, akin to fascism;
Black Hundreds - "perverted form of manifestation of social energy of the oppressed masses";
"Desperate, utterly confused, zamorochenny today lawlessness inhabitant" tends to Black
Hundreds; among those leaders of the Communist Party, which "bend" to the common
prejudices under the pretext of "to be closer to the people", it is tempting to anti-Semitism (
"Black Hundreds unnatural bloc with the Bolsheviks").
military and police machinery of the empire (probably including the army and the
navy)! And where is that terrible 'list of political figures, to be physical elimination "?
Yes, compiled main council of the Union of the Russian people. You've got to create a
commission headed by AN Yakovlev - to search this list as "Gold Party". But the
historian is to write such things.

6.The general thesis, which converge and Yeltsinites and some ideologues of the
opposition says that the Black Hundreds - racist movement, which became the
forerunner of fascism.

We read in the book "Russian idea and the Jews" (Nauka, Moscow, 1994), that the
Black Hundreds - "racist nationalism protonatsistskogo wing, left on the surface of
Russian political life at the beginning of the twentieth century." And further: "There is
no doubt that the Russian Black Hundreds to fertilize the soil, nourished Hitlerism."
Wow, no doubt! Here, such a connection to time: "In the bowels of the world was
thrown into the seed villainy. Hatred of Jews growing in pre-revolutionary Russia, set
fire to Germany and then Russia. World - a single unit. Russia has paid for the massacre
of Jews thirst gulag. "

A.Frolov writes that from the poisonous "flowers of evil" German fascism - the
most ominous. "But he is not the only and not the first. On the eve of the October
Revolution, the most violent and rabid attack the Provisional Government was
subjected to anti-Semitic by the Black Hundred press. " The essence of the thesis is that
the Black Hundreds - "similar to fascism" infection 31 3 .

We are convinced that between the Black Hundreds and fascism have a genetic
link. But the study also Jewish historians themselves know that this is not so. What was
the beginning of the century the Black Hundreds in Russia? Political movements of
monarchists, traditionalists who opposed the impending liberal revolution. Already
from this it follows that no racism, no nationalism, the Black Hundreds could not
racism occurs only during the Reformation, with the division of the human race on race
favorites and race outcasts (so colonizers of America civil society were racists and
colonialists of traditional Spanish society - no). Nationalism arises only with the
transformation of the people into a political nation, and to such a transformation of the
century Russia was far away. Black Hundreds definitely came from the concept of the
people . The proximity to the Black Hundreds fascism is not and can not, because these
events are on different paths of civilization. Fascism is a product of the West and only
the West, the Black Hundreds - protective konsepvatizm, a typical product of Russian
culture of the early twentieth century. By linking these two phenomena, A.Frolov
makes a vital contribution to the bogey of "Russian fascism", which deals with all the
little ideological team of reformers.

From all of the above does not mean that we have to like the Black Hundreds, the
Pale of Settlement, or Nicholas II, which I believe, if there was no anti-Semitism in
Russia, and there was no poor among the Jews. The issue is politically important that
approval should be based on reliable data. Both old and new myths that have
implemented and continue to implement the public consciousness by unscrupulous
ideologues, it is very difficult to exit from the current turmoil. We live with a clear
conscience just because the truth - for us. And we should be for the truth. Although
sometimes you want to simplify it or to correct with the help of the myth.

§ 2. «Lenin Project" - the path to destruction?

Once, after transmission "People's Radio", dedicated to the manipulation of

consciousness, called the studio of a young student, Sergei and asked him how he
understand the question: who Lenin - the executioner of the Russian people, or great
leader, opened the way to a better life?

I know that for many older people, Lenin - a sacred symbol, and even to mention
his name in this context there is a sacrilege. But this is how the question is already
embedded in the consciousness of young people, and we are faced with a choice - do
not talk with young people or to conduct a difficult conversation. The issue of concern
to many, and Lenin in itself important. The life order is impossible, when the mind is
split. Teenagers and young people every day they hear on TV that Lenin - the
executioner, etc., and then go on Leninsky Prospekt, riding the subway to their libraries.
Lenin and see the Kremlin

21. Obscure the reality and the idea that the Black Hundreds close ( "exact analogue")
movement Barkashov. The thesis is so obviously false that even talking about it does not
follow. Now, if Kepensky guessed create their little "chepnosotenstvo", then Bapkashova
would be analog.
his mausoleum. The consciousness of their need to urgently repair. And most
importantly, Lenin - not a story. As we can see, the revolution continues, Russia is in

But it is equally important that Sergey set, in fact a methodological problem: how
to deal with him Lenin's assessment? He does not ask: tell me who Lenin, I will believe
you. He wants to come open mind - from the life of this young man, already free from
the official cult of Lenin, but I suspect that the anti-Leninist propaganda flow is directed
at him by political rogues. This position - a huge step forward.

Therefore, the question of Sergei remake in learning task. Any reasonable person
with the usual average amount of knowledge, without delving into the archives and
books, can build a chain of reasoning that leads him to a meaningful, not imposed
opinion. (Do not say "answer", because it is necessary to answer the right question, and
it is something just put a very difficult). The chain, which we will build - not the only,
and perhaps not the best, but these are all methods except religious revelation. Just
make sure that such a chain can build in your mind, and can do it for everyone. But we
must not be afraid and seek perfection. Rough and heavy, but robust line of thought is
better than a brilliant and paradoxical, but driving on the circle. So let's begin.

. The meaning of the question and the meaning of the concept to start Sergei
useful to recall, when got a question, "the executioner or leader?". He stood not before
1988 as the first period of adjustment was held under the slogan "return to Lenin." And
before that Lenin was an icon. For Lenin took only properly smeared Stalin and the
"period of stagnation". How had this question in mind, Sergei? Does he got some new
knowledge about Lenin and his affairs? There is practically no specific information
about Lenin, no matter what we had before, we have not received 1988. So, the formula
"Executioner or figure" could not arise in the mind of Sergey spontaneously from his
experience and new knowledge. So, it was quietly introduced in his subconscious and
become a stamp, which revolves in the mind, as the annoying tune. It - a product of
suggestion, manipulation of consciousness.

This item does not solve anything, but it is important as an alarm. He warns that it
is necessary to pull the idea with caution and skepticism. The first rule - do not take
ready-made formulas, look for inconsistencies in them, be sure to repeat their meaning
others, in their own words. What we have in this case?

The formula "the executioner or a great leader," if you think about it, immediately
gives the manipulators. It is part of the related Union " or " there are disparate
categories, which means that they do not fit together and the meaning of the formula is
not. It would be like asking a child, "What do you love more, mom or chocolate?".
Polite child thought to himself: "What a fool, this guy '- and sometimes directly and it
will tell. But we are not children or savages, we easily manipulated (although children
and savages easy to cheat ).

To argue, question two, then both sides have meaning: 1) whether Lenin was the
executioner? 2) whether Lenin was a great figure? There are three possible answers:
You can be something one, one and the other, or neither one nor the other.

So, the first part of the problem: whether Lenin was the executioner ? Note that
the word "executioner" - an allegory, a metaphor. The politician of that rank he does
not cut the head (Peter I did it as a symbolic gesture, but it just is not an executioner is
called). So that's not the point. That Lenin Yesenin said: " He did not put up against
the wall / All done only human law ." So, we must first define what we mean by the
word "executioner", otherwise a reasonable inference can not be done.

I think everyone agrees that the policy can be called "the executioner", if it is
carrying out its mission ( "Project") is the apparently unnecessary sacrifice of human
lives, does not appreciate them without the need to "spend" the people of his nation.
Tales that have power in the state can keep the man who kills at the whim of their
vicious nature, it is better not to believe. As for Lenin, then at this point there are no
problems. Sergei Yesenin, the poet is not bought, with a free conscience, not Demian
Poor, Lenin wrote: " The slightly stern and gently sweet ." And in another place:

Shy, simple and cute, he seems sphinx in front of me.

I do not understand by what force

He managed to shake it the globe?

At a time when perestroika stupefaction, Russian people suddenly began to believe
rogues like Leo acceleration or Volkogonova more than Sergei Yesenin. But is that
time has passed?

The most difficult thing here, of course, to assess whether the bane for the people
was that "human law", which has approved its policy authority. Whether the victims
were "superfluous" - this question. And we can talk about it is a very large surplus, but
not about the nuances. In particular historical period executioner can be called a policy,
which, on its way of thinking (not value lives) and the course of action (spends life)
stands out from a number of other real and most powerful politicians, embodying
alternative projects. In the case of Lenin we have a number: Kerensky and PNMilyukov
(pro-Western liberals), Kolchak and Denikin ( "white"), Savinkov and Chernov (SRs),
Makhno (anarchist) and Trotsky (cosmopolitan Communists).

Monarchists and Mensheviks at the end of 1917, when Lenin came to power, has
left the arena. To imagine the "good king" or "good-general secretary of the
Menshevik" a non-existent political project - child's play. All of these figures have
shown themselves in word and deed, "presented" their projects, and the Russian people
have tried on the tooth, and did not study in classrooms. It will come.

The main reason for loss of life. Another observation from the
field of the obvious, but how to forget. Why there was a question about the
"executioner"? Because so many people were killed during the revolution (and
especially the Civil War) in Russia. It is not known, but a strong case say 12 million
people (estimated V.V.Kozhinova - 20 million). Why died this mass of people? Not by
direct action organized political forces, such as fighting and repression. For the years
1918-1922. from all causes were lost 939,755 soldiers and commanders. Much, if not
most of them - from typhus. Precise data on the losses of white not, but they are much
smaller. So, the vast majority of citizens who are victims of the revolution (more than
9/10) died not from the "red" or "white" bullets, but from chaos, from the scrapping of
living arrangement. First of all, breaking the state and economy.

Russian Revolution - a huge cataclysm, catastrophe global scale. It germinated for

about a century, and it is absurd to blame a specific person. Moreover, it was only a
link in the global chain of revolutions that swept from the beginning of the century by
a peasant civilization countries: China, Mexico, Russia, Indonesia, last - Vietnam,
Algeria, Cuba. Their main motive - to prevent damaging the peasant commune
introduction of capitalism.

The main causes of deaths were in the deprivation of the Russian revolution of
their livelihoods and as a result, hunger, disease, epidemics, criminal violence. Some
scientists believe that the famine in 1921 killed 5 million. Man. The collapse of the
state as a force that protects the right and order, unleashed the demon of "molecular
wars" - mutual extermination gangs, groups of neighboring households with no
connection to any political project (but sometimes hiding behind them, as has
happened, for example, "green ").

Just install the mortality and fertility to the 1926 census it is difficult, the results
of the different groups of demographers vary. If we take the average scores, the picture
is as follows: in 1920, 1 thousand people died and were born 45.2 36.7;. He died in
1923 and was born 29.1 49.7. That is, in the last year of the civil war, Russia (even
without the disaster crop failure) has lost 1.2 million. Lives a year, and already in 1923
the population has grown by nearly 3 million. Man.

What kind of harvest collects death on the economic chaos we see today: the state
and the economy only dilapidated but Russia (ie half of the empire) for the year shall
be a net loss of 1 million lives, and taking into account the unborn loses 2 million. And
after the war and there is no persecution, and loss of kills about 30 thousand. Per year.
Over the years "by unnatural causes" reform has bounced at least shower, than civil.
So there is an "invisible executioner."

? What is the "Revolution of 1917" some efforts should be

done to Sergei to remember an important thing, from which assiduously distract
Democrats: scrapping the fabric of life in Russia and its state occurred in February 1917
overthrew King generals and behind them the Masons-Westerners, rather than the
Bolsheviks. So when S.Govoruhin complains about "Russia which we have lost," but
at the same time cursing the Bolsheviks, not the true destroyers, he or a hypocrite, or a
puppet manipulators.

The February Revolution - a revolution of Westerners, and its main point was in
the field for the clearing of financial and commercial capital. It was the first "revolution
Chubais Gaidar," even though socialist slogans jump out at abundantly. M.M.Prishvin
wrote in his diary on March 11:
"The Jews, the bankers are happy, weep - they laugh, how do Jews, they can not but
weep - if they thought it would be the triumph of the Socialists, what would they be

The Bolsheviks in the February Revolution took no part. On Lenin and say
nothing, it was in February in Switzerland, and the news of the revolution was a
complete surprise to him. As a realistic politician, he entered the arena in Russia in
April 1917, Lenin and did not have to contend with monarchists them as real power
just was not there. Kerensky Democrats destroyed the army, the police broke up a
paralyzed economy and transport and bleed the peasants. Contrary to the official Soviet
mythology, the summer of 1917, the peasants looted already largely manor houses, and
"average" - tenants 31 4 .

By the autumn of 1917, 91% of counties were covered by Russian peasant unrest.
For farmers (and even for landowners) nationalization of land has become the only way
to stop the war on the border with the redistribution of land without prior arrangement.
From the diaries M.M.Prishvina shows that the total civil war began in Russia in the
summer of 1917 - because of the reluctance of the Provisional Government to solve the
land problem. By the summer of 1918 it only flared up, finding the opposing ideology.

The Civil War was "a war in February with the October Revolution," we must
finally learn this important theme for our entire thought! After all, Russia has already
faced a choice: " Orthodoxy, Autocracy, Nationality " - or " communism, the Soviets,
the brotherhood of the working people ." The first option has disappeared, and the
Bolsheviks were Berezovsky and Sobchak beginning of the century, along with a
bloody butcher B.Savinkovym. The Bolsheviks, as it soon showed life itself, acted as
restorers, regenerators killed on February the Russian Empire - albeit under another
shell. It was at different times considered opponents of the Bolsheviks, including
V.Shulgina even Denikin. The White Army monarchists, very few among commoners
officers were almost underground - and always under the supervision of

Here, admittedly, much podgadit and official Soviet propaganda, which, for
simplicity, made from the word "revolution" is a sacred symbol to represent all the
opponents of Lenin's "counter-revolutionaries". The brothers Pokrass we even wrote a
song like "White Army, Black Baron again prepare us the royal throne."

So, our task - to compare competing in the Russian revolutionary projects and
imagine which of them Russia inflicted more severe trauma, measured by the number
of lives lost. Leader of the project and can be considered "executioner" (or "executioner
more than others"). There are, however, among us, strange people, sometimes with the
title of patriot who all think the executioners, they are "for anyone." They say "a plague
on all your houses". From this position follows a well-known conclusion that Russia -
miscarriage of civilization and has no right to life. What are these people if it all under
one political currents come from the installation of the executioner?

"A tear of the child" and totalitarianism moralizing.

I will make another methodological reservation that is not related to ideology and
almost obvious. Speaking about politicians and their activities, we must not be seduced
by totalitarian moralizing. We can not exclude morality, fall into nihilism and treat
people like things, as a means to achieve goals. But it is impossible to judge the reality
based solely on the ideals. They are irrational and unprovable, and in this life can not
do without reason - "his dream produces monsters." Heaven and earth must be in
agreement. Suppress moral principles earthly reality - it is a stumbling block, it draws,
elevates you in your own eyes. People covered by this temptation, turned into fanatics
and bring a lot of grief neighbor. So tempt us and brought to mind in the years of

Remember the words that zamusolili Democrats: "If the street does not lead to the
temple, then why is it!". Think about it, because this is the credo of the fanatic. Street
- a row of houses that are built do not in order to lead to the Temple, and for people to
live in them. The road to the temple in general does not lie on the asphalt or
cobblestones and winding path in the human soul. And here comes to our street
provocateur (Abuladze, or someone like Zinovy Gerdt) and says that our life in our
homes "do not need" that our street supposedly does not lead to the Temple and will be
detonated. So it generally happened, but we are what! Nods and applause.

22. M.M.Prishvin, he who lived by their work in a small estate, wrote: "The lady was
locked in an old house and thinks that all the evil of the men, it is they conspired to rob her.
And "them" no, they are not conspiring, they rob each other even more. More surprising how
little they rob it compared with robbery itself. "
And if you look, what kind of general Temple chatted these provocateurs? We have not
even asked, began to "reconstruct" the street. And today, we see that they have for the
Temple. Not a temple but a pagan temple where they worship the golden calf and bring
human sacrifices. But this is the way. The main thing is that we do not reject fanatical
moralism and the blame to our children.

In the same temptation was pulling out of the way of speech, Ivan Karamazov
"tears of the child", which in any case can not shedding even for the sake of universal
happiness. This phrase also zamusolili like Ivan Karamazov - is not a psychopath with
a split consciousness, and at least sages of all religions of the world. Do you think the
image Karamazov "teardrop" applicable to real life on earth? In life, we have before us
the choice is always much more difficult. What if in order to save the life of one child
have to shed a tear for another? The same can not be? Shooting in German, our soldiers
did not know what causes it to shed a tear of an innocent child?

You can even make it as an axiom: surely becomes the executioner of a ruler who
does not comply with its heavy debt for fear of inadvertently cause someone innocent

In 1989, the press crushes the police, so that in the Moscow prosecutor's office,
almost all investigators resigned two months - did not want to work in an atmosphere
of persecution. Then downhole proverb was: "It is better to leave a free ten criminals
than to imprison one innocent person." They dug and pulled out all the legal errors in
many years - look, they say, as the Soviet courts put innocent. No one word did not
dare to object (later I happened to read the materials about the miscarriage of justice in
the United Kingdom and Spain, and it is really shocking: us with the Soviet judicial
system is in a nightmare could not dream).

But sane person, thinking, would have to ask: why freedom should be left ten
criminals, and not five, not twenty, not a hundred? Where such a measure? Of course,
no measures for the Democrats and was not, it was to provide freedom of criminals in
general, to the period of lawlessness and complete paralysis of the Interior Ministry,
prosecutors and the court to plunder state property. It's not about them, but about us.
How could we accept this false dilemma!

Imagine that the head of state for fear of condemning the innocent and shed a tear
ceases to pursue criminals. After all, there are miscarriages of justice always, as always,
people get under the car. To abolish the courts and prisons - that a reliable guarantee
against errors. Morality triumphs, but the average person becomes a victim of
unpunished murderers.

In general, for the people and society it is the best position in which the sum of the
innocent victims who were killed by criminals and by miscarriages of justice, would
be the lowest. The amount of the state and not the number of victims. The head of state,
who allowed rampant criminals, becomes the executioner of his people, even though
he admitted that the rampant moral reasons (to be feared executioner). In 1998, as a
result of crime killed 64 545 people and 81 565 people were wounded in Russia. Partly
collective murderer of these people were the ones moralizers who smashed police.

. The action of the killer and omissions policy If the

primitive killer kills people with his action, the governor may equally commit murder
inaction - the reluctance to be "the executioner" for the killer. Remember how much
blood began in Central Asia and the Caucasus. Let us leave aside the hidden political
interests, we consider only the actions and omissions. Bandits started in Ferghana
pogroms against Meskhetian Turks. They demonstratively burned them alive by
staging a big bloody spectacle - as a reconnaissance in force. For the bandits were
organized crime and political forces (with the ether monitoring service detected while
in the area nearly a thousand riot transmitting stations).

What was the response to the main then the ruler of the USSR Mikhail Gorbachev?
He directed against armed with machine guns and the most modern means of
communication unarmed students. Like, you can not shoot at the people who have
awakened the national and democratic consciousness! For the sake of this restructuring
and are also designed! The most common omission is justified by moralizing reluctance
to become an executioner, hidden cynical calculation, but that we are not interested.

That "permitted" blood Meskhetians being transferred all the inhabitants of

Central Asia in the new plane. Gorbachev, through inaction, lifted the ban on organized
mass murder on ethnic grounds and on the expulsion of Russian. Burning in Andijan
six unarmed
Russian soldiers, who were traveling in a bus, was also "allowed", and then forgiven
Gorbachev - and has become a symbolic event. Behind it kills freewheeling shaft, and
objectively it was Gorbachev became the first hangman (though he nice man, very fond
of her granddaughter and pizza "hut").

In the North Caucasus, where the killings began to spin the flywheel later, the case
is still transparent. When Burbulis Starovoitova and sent from Moscow, Dudayev gave
permission for overclocking legitimate authorities of Chechnya-Ingushetia, his "gang"
was still very small - they were carrying weapons from Moscow, as reported in the
"Lada" cars. In Chechnya and garrisons were still part of the Soviet army, acted KGB
and the Interior Ministry. We all remember how it was made the first symbolic murder.
People Dudayev seized KGB officer, which was an ordinary official duties at the next
meeting. Yet there were no signs of future trouble - at 18 o'clock central television
broadcast reporters to meet with the detained officer. And on the evening of the same
television reported that the authorities have issued Dudayevites his body -
"He was tried and executed by the people."

At that moment, the future of Chechnya was solved, and perhaps the entire North
Caucasus. The whole gang of Dudayev could be arrested for an hour, I did not even
need any landing. But Yeltsin as the supreme ruler, took no action. We do not know
whether this was an agreement with Dudayev and the world behind the scenes or a
private affair, but the fact that all the subsequent flow of blood in Chechnya began with
this ritual, a demonstrative murder (hidden killings began before, but they did not have
such a symbolic meaning for the mass consciousness).

So, remember the simple and obvious truth: in contrast to the policies of individual
killer can become the executioner himself and anyone without sending death - he can
kill his inaction, his "kindness". On the other hand, policies that punish (and in extreme
circumstances, even cruel), it may actually be the savior of the executioners 31 5 .

Thus, the refusal of state power by violence (philosophical way this power is
represented by the king Fyodor Ivanovich in Russian history) leads to the Troubles and
the largest-scale suffering of the population. In a crisis, the principle of state policy is
a real humanism, leading to suffering and minimize blood, not their absence.

Maxim Gorky expressed as the installation of the liberal intelligentsia: "The main
thing - do nothing, not to be mistaken, because only Russia is bigger and better to make
mistakes." From this came many times the policy of Lenin. Needless Provisional
Government adhered to the principle of "nepredreshenchestva" - refused to address
important questions. There is, they say, the Constituent Assembly, it decides. Already
it has cost Russia a lot of blood.

Therefore, the mere fact that in the years 1918-1922. someone fell from the hands
of the Soviet power, says nothing about whether Lenin was or was not an executioner.
And the motives and circumstances of the act or omission is necessary to weigh the
scales on the faithful and impartial - it makes Themis. By this we are to move.
Political philosophy as a prerequisite "to be or not to
be the executioner." Representations of policy on society and man, his way
of thinking (political philosophy) has a significant impact on the image of his actions.
Many, but not decisive. This is - a prerequisite that must be taken into account, but not
be taken as evidence of "guilt or innocence." Just as important in the court of the
motivation of the suspect behavior ( "want to kill"), but it can not be used as evidence.

especially will not dwell on Lenin's political philosophy - it is completely free of

components "thinking executioner" (which can be found, for example, Robespierre,
Marat, or Trotsky). Lenin was not sentimental, but it was close to Marx in two
important settings here: he was a humanist and did not believe that it is possible to
"push the story" an effort of political will through violence. Therefore, in particular, it
was so alien to the People, and the anarchists and Socialist-Revolutionaries with their
faith in the power of terror.

As perceived by the Social Democrats (what was before 1918, and Lenin) and
other revolutionary currents can be clearly seen from the diary M.M.Prishvina. He was
not tempted

23. Today, finally, we again hear from Chechen women are the same words that were
spoken by many in 1944 .: the decision on the deportation of Chechens from the Caucasus
fluidized boiler "executioner" Stalin committed a deed to the Chechen people. Then it was so
obvious that a large and well-armed Chechen army, which fought in the rear of the Red Army
on the German side, without a fight obeyed Stalin's decision, and the Chechens in one day
plunged into the van and went to Kazakhstan.
a philosopher, but he was very sensitive observer. He wrote in March 1917 .: "The SRs
little conscious in their behavior subject to sense, and it's closer to their elements, where
there is no good and evil. The Social Democrats come from the Germans, they have
learned from them to act wisely, with the expectation. Violence in thoughts, in practice,
they kill little. SRs, soft and delicate, used terror and premeditated murder. Socialist-
Revolutionaries is aimed more at tsarism than c dechestvo ". There are important both
thought the Bolsheviks less hope for the violence and are less hostile to tsarism than
the SRs.

If we remember that we are often repeated from Lenin - his definition of a

revolutionary situation - it is vulnerable to criticism for refusing to use violence as a
catalyst, an accelerator of the revolutionary events. For Lenin, the revolution is only
possible and necessary as the salvation of national disaster when the "lower classes"
already has secured so that they are not only "can not live in the old way", but also
willing to make any sacrifice in order to change the situation. But people are willing to
go through the fire only when there is no other way out.

Another thing is that when a revolutionary situation has ripened, and the "lower
classes" to realize the fatal impending catastrophe, Lenin demanded decisive action, so
that in an unstable equilibrium point to push the process to create a new living
arrangement (ie, a revolution). That is why the October Revolution itself was absolutely
bloodless. By the way, the correct timing of the action itself is a huge "blood savings."
As far as is known, no one has accused Lenin of cruelty on the basis of his
published works. Mentions his telegrams, notes, remarks ( "to shoot a dozen saboteurs",
"to imprison hundreds of hooligans and speculators," etc.), but serious historians
warned that all these expressions should not be taken literally, and no one did not take
them literally. It is necessary to remember the amount of work that is carried out Lenin,
and to understand that he did not have time to clothe his thoughts in diplomatic

What is printed in the "Collected Works", it is written or said no draft and no

speechwriter, mainly in military or emergency situation. Given this, everyone has read
Lenin must be struck precisely by how clearly and correctly expressed thoughts.
Imagine what literature we would get if all the notes, assignments, and Yeltsin's advice
given to them in the circle of the "family" and a small group of supporters have been

In the years of perestroika, many pressed forward to the place where the heat of the
moment, Lenin said that
"Intelligentsia - it is not the nation's brain, and its g ...". I think if he had free time, he
would have expressed his thought as something more pleasant. But this reproach strikes
pettiness - in comparison with the plan of electrification or Lenin care about nutrition
scientists during the Civil War. In addition, today, something, in all honesty, we must
also admit that somewhere right was Vladimir Ilyich in his statement. At least in its
first part. Do not mind us, my dear fellow intellectuals! After all, no one was left in the
cold such as intellectuals, dragged us into the current reform of 31 6 .

But to the question of "the executioner or torturer" is not relevant. Let us look good

The main criterion - "pain" of the project. We have made

a number of methodological reservations, which are quite obvious and yet have nothing
to do with the output. They only cleared space for reasoning. Now we can offer the
main criterion according to which we are located in a number of leading politicians of
the time according to their proximity to the image

" Executioner ". By 'leading' we mean politicians expressing one project or another
living arrangement after the exit from the chaos of the revolution.

Since the main cause of death was a revolutionary destruction - demolition of

statehood and life support systems - the least of all would be the executioner of the
policies, whose project is the least strong public resistance. So, when approving the
project spilled the least blood. Dreaming about making of the revolution could exit
without suppressing some of the society - a naive utopia. The tragedy of any revolution
lies in the fact that the contradictions in the course of its aggravated so much that there
is no way back and reach agreement very difficult - especially if you have spilled blood.
We ended the civil war, when Russia 'blood washed. "

24. 93% of the Muscovites, who have carried their savings in AO MMM Mavrodi and
passed them without any hope at least get something back, had higher education. And this
despite the fact that MMM advertising was seemingly designed for rustic working Lenya
For our main question is enough to compare the two main project, defining the different
Russian (and divergent!) Civilization way. One project - the party of the Cadets and
the more left-wing liberal parties, involving the construction of Russia's Western-type
state with market economy. This project embodied Kerensky first and then Denikin and
Kolchak. Were in it, and the radicals (Kornilov), so that once the Bolsheviks had to
defend him Kerensky moderate - it happens in politics. By this project is now part of
the Socialist-Revolutionaries (Chernov, Savinkov). This - in February , the "white".

Another project - the Soviet, it embodied Lenin. This - in October , "red". The
Soviet design was also not uniform: in the beginning he was supported by the Left SRs,
anarchists times (Makhno), within Bolshevism were several movements, the struggle
between which broke out after the death of Lenin and ended in 1937 year.

And white, and red Russian project compared not in theory, not from books but
from experience, after thousands of large and small business. First, from February to
October of 1917, a comparison took place in conditions of peace and co-existence of
the Provisional Government of the Soviets. This competition is a project of Kerensky
lost outright. New State of the liberal Western type did not work, and the beginnings
of her authority did not win and 25 October without a fight, surrendered power to the

However, under pressure and with the active participation of the Western bloc of
the Cadets and the Socialist-Revolutionaries tried to regain power by military means
and continue their project 31 7 . Since mid-1918 comparison of the two projects took
place in the form of civil war. I am watching her the whole of Russia, and it was the
second stage of the "sample in the tooth." Military competition is known to be white
and lost outright.

This fact is we have to explain yourself and memorize it, otherwise not forge on.
White inherited the remnants of the state apparatus, had the full support of the
propertied classes of Russia and a lot of support (including military intervention) West.
At first, they had a huge advantage over the Reds that they have mastered almost all
Russian territory except for a small patch in the center. Why did they began to lose
these territories and retreat before the Red Army, shod in sandals?

The answer is known, but we drove at the head of the brainwashing. And he was.
Figuratively speaking, the Reds have won because the peasants they wove bast million.
And white is not woven, and they had to ask for shoes and winding the British. White
Army operated in Russia as conquerors, and its progress was followed by uprisings (in
the words of historian white Alexander Zaitsev, published in 1934 in Paris, most of the
book, followed by whites was "wave rebels bottom"). In the words of Western
historians, in Russia at that time there was "interclass unity of the lower classes", who
rejected the draft white. Rejected as a whole and not on the little things and not because
of the atrocities and killings 31 8 .

Hatred of the lower classes (mostly peasants) and the top was white cross and took
almost a racial character. Writes about this in his memoirs, "Essays on Russian
Troubles" A. Denikin. Great vividly expressed in his notes, "Cursed Days" Bunin - the
book breathes the wild hatred of the "Russian common people". It should definitely be
read by anyone interested in the subject. It is useful to read the letter and Admiral
Kolchak, where he calls the Russian as "a wild (and devoid of similarity), unable to get
out of the psychology of the people of slaves." This hatred of the common people was
not in sight for the Reds, who have seen the peasants - Chapaev or Shchorsa. They were
"of the same race."

In the civil war, any army is provided that manages to rob the peasants. The main
thing that is necessary for the army, it is people, horses and bread. Of course, the
peasants did not give all his hunting nor white nor red. The outcome of the war was
determined by how much effort had to spend

25. The anti-Soviet historian M.V.Nazarov says clearly: "With all due respect to the
heroism of the white soldiers should be recognized that the policy of their governments was
largely a reaction to the February October - that led to their defeat as well as shortly before
have been defeated himself in February. "

318 But in the atrocities white excelled. Enlightened ruler Kolchak even his generals were sending
curses on the direct line - a regime he established in Siberia. Ashamed Czechs, and November 13, 1919
they published a memorandum: "Under the protection of the Czechoslovak bayonets local Russian
military authorities allow themselves to action, before which horrified the civilized world. Burning
villages, beatings of peaceful Russian citizens ... "etc. Recall that Kolchak shot the deputies of the
Constituent Assembly, which gathered in Omsk. All the same acceleration and shooting - two different
to ensure that all receive. This is an important experiment for us. Red peasants resisted much
weaker than white (some historians even appreciate the difference quantified by the number of
recruits: 5 times less). At the end of all the forces of White left the struggle for self - and the
war ended 31 9 .

It is necessary to clearly express and keep in mind the important thing: despite all the
foolishness and villainy
"Local" Bolsheviks waged against them Civil War dramatically changed the attitude to Lenin's
"project" in principle. Even in the period of maximum success white M.M.Prishvin himself
while a staunch anti-communist, he wrote: "Now everybody scream against the Communists,
but in essence against the monks and the monastery itself, a municipality in its holiness and
recognized by almost all the bourgeois."

It is written by a man who dreamed of winning whites. And this is what we read in the
peasant poet Nikolai Klyuev:

Your Black Whites die spitting For the Red God.

Because Gvozdin wounds Russian They sprinkled with powdered glass .
Thus, in the first months of the project of white, even if they had managed to strangle the
Soviet power would mean a long smoldering, with flashes of civil war. He was rejected by
farmers - estate, which made up 85% of Russia's population. The peasants at the time and were
able to, and are capable of a long and stubborn resistance. Sooner or later, but they are "gobbled
up" to whites, both eaten by Kolchak in Siberia without the Red Army two months. But before
that, Russia would have been bled white incomparably greater than in the organized removal
of the white Red Army. From experience it follows that Lenin's project of salvation, and in the
draft white, bring it on time to win, Russia would find an executioner.

Today, we can repeat the words of Yesenin, that he wrote in 1924 .: "We have much yet to
realize / Pets Leninist victory" . Who are we"? Who was the "pets"? All those who returned to
civilian life and reunited the people - including former White. It is the "Leninist victory" created
such an opportunity. Therefore, its design - a saving.

We have it today and realize bad - but awareness starts us go through the apartment
bombings in Moscow and Buinaksk. Thirty years before Lenin in Russia thundering explosions
and shots (According to some historians, at the hands of terrorists prior to 1917 killed 17
thousand. People). A short historical period - when incarnated "Lenin's project" - we lived
peacefully and safely. And it is not aware of this, thought it was - a natural state. Today, with
this project we are allowed to stop, explosions rattled again.
The main reason for Lenin's salvific project. We came to the logical
conclusion that

"Hangman" political project must be regarded as one that in the incarnation in his life is the
most stubborn resistance of the people. And if there was a revolution (as happened in February),
the "saving" the project should be considered as the one that causes the least resistance of the
people. The fact that at the exit of the revolution did not have any resistance and there were no
casualties, can not even dream.

I maintain that Lenin's project of salvation for Russia. I will prove it, because talking about
technique and do not focus on output and on the process of reasoning, trying to show his
consistency, without giving comprehensive reasons.

It is almost obvious (and it noticed major philosophers), that a great politician - one who
guesses the hidden aspirations of the masses. What does it mean? This means that it does not
come from the fact that the clamoring masses, and of what is behind the noise - comes from the
hidden aspirations. The greatness of the policy lies in the fact that these aspirations to
understand and feel. It is difficult, because, as the philosopher said, "conventional wisdom
judgments of public opinion can not be expressed in times of crisis."

1. Just gone great Napoleon's army - when all the forces she went out to search for food
and forage in the villages, and there was nothing left for fights.
What Lenin understood this, they could not understand his day other leading
politicians? He understood the essence of the aspirations of the peasantry ( " Land and
Liberty !"), How would farmers want to see Russia living arrangements and type of
state - what is for farmers City of Kitezh. In its most lyrical poem "Anna Snegina"
Yesenin wrote the peasants came to him:

"Tell me,

? Who is Lenin "I said quietly:

"It is - you."

Secondly, Lenin realized that the peasants have risen as a huge anti-bourgeois and
cohesive force. And that the revolution in Russia in its main stream is not bourgeois,
and may not lead to a liberal western democracy. Democracy peasants - Tips.

According to the mind and sense, Lenin was simply much higher and Kerensky
and Trotsky. They even after the "University" of the revolution in 1905 and remained
dogmatic Marxists and Lenin was a Marxist creative and departed from dogma.
Although convince even the tip of the Bolshevik Party, it was very difficult. But he had
the support of the rank and file in the party, who were raised not in exile, and in the
midst of Russian life.

T.Shanin peasantry researcher wrote that the two politicians in Russia correctly
understood the essence of the Revolution of 1905 - Stolypin and Lenin. They fired and
people coming out of one hole. But Stolypin set out to save the landowners, but for this
to split the peasantry, replacement of community capitalism. As initially conceived,
and Lenin, but after 1905 dramatically changed the position and Stolypin defeated.
Insight Lenin expressed in the article "Leo Tolstoy as the Mirror of the Russian
Revolution", and then in the "April Theses". They are distracted us official "history of
the CPSU," but now it is not, and we must take into account the most important thing.

Compare the main theses of Lenin between February and October and a
widespread opinion in this regard the party intelligentsia all directions. Immediate
world (Lenin) - a war to the bitter end; nationalization of the land (Lenin) - to postpone
the decision until the legal future of Parliament; Republic of Soviets (Lenin) - a
bourgeois republic; immediate socialist revolution (Lenin) - to the development of
capitalism to exhaust its possibilities.

It should be noted that it does not matter which of these opposing positions us
today more like it. It's not today, then . Then the peasants did not want what was willing
"Conventional wisdom" of all the revolutionary politicians, except Lenin. And that is
why the peasants wove sandals for the soldiers and not too resisted requisition red (and
white fought very hard). The peasants are not mistaken, because Lenin correctly
guessed it hopes, not slogans. And after the war was started by the NEP, but not a new
version of the Stolypin reforms. Because once sharply increased birth rate and death
rate has fallen - a sure indicator of compliance with policy aspirations. Such a project,
and I call "saving".

Of course, saving from disaster - is not the way of the rapid development that is
necessary for the salvation of another impending disaster (World War II). In the 30
years of the NEP had to change the policy of forced industrialization, but that is another
era, not of Lenin and his successors.

Everyday signs of "salvific" Lenin of the project. We

have said above about the fundamental reason that Lenin called the project the least
resistance. But from the beginning of the line Lenin drew the masses because the
actions that he demanded, and then undertook to have been directly and obviously
aimed at saving the lives of ordinary citizens. That is, Lenin's project of its type, was
active and not arising from the doctrine and of the ordinary necessities of life. This is -
a rare combination of great ideals (aspirations) with common sense. The great English
economist Dzh.Keyns, who worked 20 years in Russia, wrote: "Leninism - a strange
combination of the two things that the Europeans for centuries placed in different parts
of his soul - religion and business."

In the context of a national disaster, and it is this combination is salutary. In what

was Lenin's "business"? The fact that in terms of devastation, with seemingly complete
lack of funds, he took care of the restoration of some semblance of living arrangement,
to reduce the loss of life to a minimum. Tensions among the peasantry was abruptly
removed two
decrees - on peace and on the ground. But let's see what attracted the townspeople. Just
touch on two issues - personal safety and food.

In the last days of February, overthrew the king, while the Liberals abolished the
police and released all the criminals. General amnesty! Those who remember the
summer of 1953, a broad amnesty even under heavy police can imagine the state of the
inhabitants of large cities in Russia in March-April, 1917 Fear of criminal violence was
panic (as they said, the main idea was the layman: "Leave until trams "). What was the
state of mind, it can be seen from this small fact: when the Alexandrinsky theater in
one of the plays on the stage appeared the policeman and the bailiff, the audience stood
up and applauded.
Trying to save the situation, the Provisional Government established a militia from
among the student volunteers. On the central streets were enthusiastic boys and girls
with red bows on the chest. They do not poke your nose into the dark alleys and dirty
neighborhoods where crime is rampant. And as an answer to this vital problem of the
Bolsheviks? They gave to the plants distribution list - to mobilize the Red Guard every
tenth worker. Not voluntarily, and to mobilize , and not gulkin nose, and every tenth .
It is this workers' militia, knowing the wrong side of life, and brought in minimal order
cities. This is the first important thing, of course, and the mistress, and the cook, at
which time the government has lost the competition with the Soviets.

Now for the food. We've all heard that the Bolsheviks entered the war
communism, requisitioning, soldering and other terrible things. So say those who never
went hungry and spits on the hunger of others. I would say that in this democratic
criticism just shines thinking executioner.

In those days, all in Russia, including Nicholas II, the thought otherwise and
considered it necessary to prevent hunger in the cities. But good intentions paved the
road to hell. It is important to be able to do so without fear of reproach any Burbulis.
No government introduces emergency measures unless absolutely necessary, because
they are expensive and cause discontent and resistance of the population. Going to the
emergency measures, the government is making enemies. So the question is: what will
cause large scale suffering - the application of emergency measures or the rejection of

When the normal turnover, and despite the high yield it was broken in 1915,
"Bread does not go to the market", were established solid and prices began to
requisition. September 23, 1916 the tsarist government announced requisitioning and
introduced its December 2. Number of delivery of bread was to be 772 million. Pounds.
As you can see, it seems to have no relation to the communists of the tsarist government
ministers go to the extent of the inherent military communism.

Announced at the 1917 requisitioning failed due to sabotage and corrupt officials.
In February, the leader of the monarchists in the Duma Nicholas II M.V.Rodzyanko
takes note, which warns of impending disaster: "It was supposed razverstat 772 million
pud.. Of these, 23 January was theoretically razverstano: 1) provincial zemstvo 643
million pud, 2) the county zemstvos 228 million pud.... and finally, 3) civil parishes
only 4 million. pud. These figures testify to the complete collapse of the surplus. "
There were shortages of bread in Petrograd and several major cities. Deliveries of
products in Petrograd in January amounted to half of the minimum requirements. The
plants were suicides motivated by hunger. On this wave and the autocracy was

The Provisional Government, being in the bourgeois philosophy (to say today
"Market"), nevertheless also introduces grain monopoly - and also can not hold it in
life because of the helplessness of the state apparatus. In 1917 surplus-appropriation
system had been collected a tiny amount - 30 million tons of grain.. Lenin wrote an
article about the impending famine
"The Impending Catastrophe and How to Combat It."

Coming to power is in catastrophic conditions, the Bolsheviks took the matter on

the basis of common sense, as in the case with the police. Ensure a minimum supply of
the city through the market at a rapid inflation, ruin in the industry and there is no
inventory was impossible. Really buy bread on the free market could not work.
Emergency measures were taken. Mills proposed the creation of and sending in the
areas of grain requisition workers. Half of the grain produced by them came to the
enterprise, to form a squad,
half handed the People's Commissariat. These groups then made a single army in that
by December 1918, there were 41 thousand. Man 32 0 .

These measures have eliminated the threat of starvation (but not famine) in the
cities and in the army. . In the 1918/19 year, 110 million tons of grain was harvested,
and in the year 1919/20 - 260 million pounds.. It's a bit compared with the surplus,
which was declared by the tsarist government in the 1917 but it has been collected . .
Pike 34 million people have been provided - almost all of the urban population and
rural artisans. Pensions and benefits (in kind, food) have been provided 9 million.
Military families.

Due to the non-market distribution of the urban population receives from 20 to

50% of food consumption (this value varied from province to province). The rest gave
the black market ( "private speculation"), to which the authorities turned a blind eye. It
was allowed to procure products of plants and factories for their employees. Tips were
able to establish communication with the network of consumer and through it to
organize the direct exchange of goods.

The fact that the Bolsheviks without any doctrinaire and talk without even the state
apparatus, secured scarce but reliable rations to the entire urban population of Russia,
was of great importance to "Lenin's project" was adopted as a whole. After all, these
rations are not given any royal or interim government, who acted in a much less severe
conditions (supply and the white population does not engage).

A piece of bread was given to everyone is not doctrinaire. Lenin personally issued a
"Provide Academician Pavlov and his wife a special ration equal in calories to two
academic rations", although Pavlov at the sight of each church his hat, and was
baptized, praying to God to carry out the Bolsheviks.

The role of the Bolsheviks in the event of civil war. The blame for inciting the
war would weigh heavily on our scales. The reality is: bloodless received power in
October 1917, the Bolsheviks, of course, do everything possible to avoid a civil war.
The well-known thesis of "turning the imperialist war into a civil war" was purely
theoretical and, as the Bolsheviks did not have the political influence to February, no
impact on the social practice did not have. After February it was removed and replaced
by the slogan of a just peace . After October, during the German offensive, was
nominated slogan
" The Socialist Fatherland is in danger ."

In order ppedotvpatit collision was made many conciliatory gestures: the abolition
of the death penalty (it was the first decree of the II Congress of the Soviets), the release
without penalty of the first participants in the anti-Soviet uprisings and their leaders
(generals Kornilov, Kaledin and Krasnov); multiple offers leftist parties to form a
coalition government; refusal of repression against members of the Provisional
Government and crosser underground Constituent Assembly deputies, even the
rejection of repression against members of a dangerous revolt of the Left SRs in July
1918 in Moscow (only 13 were shot Cheka employees involved in the murder of
Ambassador Mirbach) and Amnesty in honor of the first anniversary of the October

For the purposes of reconciliation Soviet government condoned the violation of

prohibitions: the summer of 1918 the newspaper published the banned party of the
Cadets, Mensheviks came out of the newspaper and anarchists. Even after the defeat of
the Cheka "anarchist center" in Moscow N.Mahno the summer of 1918 he came to
Moscow and had a conversation with Lenin.

The first months of the Soviet government raised hopes for a peaceful outcome.
The fact that these hopes were sincere, they say plans economic and cultural
development, and especially the beginning of realization of large programs. For
example, the discovery in 1918 of a large number (33), academic institutions, the
organization of a number of geological expeditions, the construction of power stations
or the network program "Monuments of the Republic" 32 1 . No one starts such cases, if
it considers an imminent war is close.

2. The sheer numbers of army in (1 person for 500 peasant households) shows that the
surplus-appropriation system the peasants resisted the Reds were not persistent.

3. This program was enacted by Decree of the CPC and approved July 30, 1918 only in
Moscow and Petrograd to be installed 167 monuments of great revolutionaries and leaders of
world and Russian culture (such as Andrei Rublev, Tiutchev, Vrubel).
In general, the Soviet government created a mechanism that suppresses the tendency
toward civil war, but the power of it was insufficient. Even for those actions that today
many categorized erroneous or criminal, in that moment it was difficult to predict the
final effect in terms of incitement to war or extinction. These actions include the Red
Terror .

Terror (from the French. The word terror ) the state has to suppress the action of
its internal enemies fear the creation of the situation, paralyzing the will to resist. To
do this, conducted a brief, but intense and, most importantly, visual, causing shock
repression. The Russian revolutionary parties accepted the idea of terror, the Social
Democrats denied only individual terror.

The Red Terror was declared on September 2 in response to a wave of murders

and riots in the summer of 1918, after the attempt on Lenin's August 30th. The largest
share of the Red Terror was shot in Petrograd 512 members of the elite (the former
officials and ministers, even professors). Lists shot hung (according to official figures,
only in Petrograd, about 800 people were shot during the Red Terror). Discontinued
Red Terror was November 6, 1918, in fact, in most regions of Russia it was completed
in September and October.

Paralyze resistance to Soviet power could not by fear. If we consider the terror
action already started the war in the summer, it led to a sharp demarcation and "cleared
the rear" - caused a mass exodus of active opponents of Soviet power in place of the
formation of the White Army, and areas where Soviet power was overthrown (for
example, in Kazan during the red terror only 8 people were shot, because "all counter-
revolutionaries managed to escape").

It should be noted that the "red terror" was not in any way the action of the
executioner. The executioner did not die, and the Red Terror was a reflection of the
White Terror, it was a mutual extermination , the effect of the war. And red fell more.
Yesenin said it this way:

Flowers are fighting with each other, and the red color was all boychee. Their longer
fell under the blizzard, but nevertheless elastic power they immediately executioners.
October! October! I'm awfully sorry
Those red flowers that have fallen ...

Today, when a well-studied process of kindling a dozen civil wars of recent

decades (Lebanon, Nigeria, Sri Lanka, Yugoslavia, etc.), We can reconstruct the entire
period of February 1917 to the end of 1918 as a system of "creation" of the Civil War.
In all fatal
"Crossroads", which had to make a choice from a very small set of options, the Soviet
state has not made heavy, and the more obvious bugs then. The question of how could
the Soviet Government through the more subtle and precise policies to prevent a civil
war, is purely academic interest. Most likely, the resources to do this, the new
government was not enough. The reason for a national catastrophe Russia - together
fundamental factors that influence was not strong enough 322 .

These fundamentals need to include the position of the propertied classes, the
racism towards the "lower classes", which I have already spoken. In response to this
rising racism
"Common people", already armed and knowing its strength, a very long time meet a
variety of different kinds of conciliatory gestures. This is reflected in many documents
of the period (for example, in a very meticulous diaries M.M.Prishvina involved in the
thick of things in the village and in the capital cities). In general, the conciliatory
"common people" were gestures haves

4. The most important of these factors were laid Stolypin's reform, but it is - a separate big topic.
classes rejected. This provoked a response social racism, quickly reached the level of
hatred and even rage.

When I have accomplished a large-scale foreign intervention (it began with the
landing of the Japanese in April 1918), and the Civil War became a reality, Lenin, as a
man of action, act decisively and in cold blood. But apparently, the military period of
questions as part of our theme and no.

All-Russian Extraordinary Commission (Cheka). It

remains to discuss the repressive policy before the war, under the responsibility of
Lenin as the head of government. It is connected with the activities of the Cheka. About
her created "symmetrical" myths - the official heroic, and the official black today. If
you think about it, they are both extremely improbable. For us it is more important than
the black myth.

It is enough to ask ourselves a simple question: Could it really Soviet Government,

sitting in Petrograd and Moscow - without system, without money (banks refused to
pay the government's bills), without training and without a connection to create
overnight a powerful all-embracing special service capable to hold nationwide mass
repression ? Let's ask one another: how many employees numbered Cheka, say, in the
beginning of 1918?

The number of employees of the Cheka in the end of February 1918 did not exceed
120 people, and in 1920, 4500 - across the country. Conduct extensive repression
attributed to the Cheka, it could not simply because of its size. In November 1920, the
Cheka was assigned to guard the borders (before the border was guarded by "curtains"
- mobile units). Then the number of staff of the Cheka in 1921 reached a maximum -
31 thousand people.. If you look at only one of the FSB building in Moscow, it is
possible to understand how insignificant in scope was this terrible Cheka, which
created the myth as an executioner of Russia.

Another thing is that the field gradually began to operate provincial and district
Cheka, which were created in the atmosphere of war. These matters were many
excesses of tyranny and crimes. The legal system has just been formed, local
authorities, including the revolutionary tribunals, were guided by the "class instinct"
and common sense. Because frequent were sentences like "to be shot conditionally."

Largely determined by environment, a lot - frames. During any social turmoil is

raised from the bottom of a lot of flawed, resentful and spiteful people who are attracted
to power and especially punitive bodies - where they give to the soul (is what we see
today). Moreover, the Soviet government attached themselves a great number of
people, this power is organically hostile. The Bolshevik Party, which after February
1917 was about 20 thousand. Members could not fill his staff, even the most important
positions. We only need to wonder how it is not gobbled up her hostile bureaucracy,
including the punitive organs of 32 3 . Here we see the power of it "project" - one of the
matrix, which gave the Bolsheviks and which went on a spontaneous construction.

But it is naive to think that the local Cheka follow any instructions sent from
Moscow and were under the control of the center and the more personally Lenin. Even
among the staff of the Cheka was the highest level fractions that did not obey the
Dzerzhinsky and Lenin (they went to the identity of the Cheka and killed the German
Ambassador Mirbach). In general, the state hierarchy evolved slowly and after the war.
And in 1918, used to separate parish declared itself a republic and to establish the
People's Commissariat of Foreign Affairs.

Another methodological remark. In the literature, including in his memoirs,

described the tragic fate of people caught up in the dungeons of the Cheka. They have
a strong impression on the reader - that something is the role of literature and art in
general. It causes a person to sympathize with the victim , and it's a great feeling. If pain
killers, waiting for electric

5. M.M.Prishvin, who spent 1919 in Yelets, lists known to him "cadres" of the city of
villains, and comes to the conclusion that the variable power, they were back to the old
positions on - the police, constable, inspector. These people not only do not care about the
authority of the Soviet regime, but happy to destroy the quiet and the Communists.
chair, will describe a good writer, we will close this killer 32 4 . But it is impossible to
make any political and social conclusions - that's where we slipped and become an
object of manipulation. Because of the show's personal fates nothing can be said about
the social phenomenon
o the number of victims, and often even the guilt these individuals.

For the victim, which the writer says, or she, her grief - it is the whole
world, to assess the extent of grief as a social phenomenon, it basically can not
and should not. In addition, these descriptions usually there is no question that
the victim (guilty or innocent) fell under the wheel of the Civil War. Never in
these memoirs are not descriptions or pictures of how in another part of Russia
stuffing alive in the furnace of the Ural workers. But between these victims
was a direct link 32 5 .
And one more remark. Since history is manipulated, especially in
moments of breaking the state as it is now, for the evaluation of historical
events should be considered, it is deposited in the collective memory . It is very
seldom that a punitive body is preserved in the memory under the name of
having a positive color. Chekist - just a name. Despite all the myths of black
in recent years, so far security officials want to to be called respectfully
"security officer". This means that in the eyes of contemporaries, its inhabitants
Cheka brutality saved far more innocent people than ruined. This balance,
which does not express the number, the collective intelligence of a very well

Now some data about the Cheka, which can be read in a textbook on the
history of the state and the right (not the Soviet textbook, and this, edition

Cheka was founded 7 December 1917 primarily as organs of struggle

against the sabotage in connection with the forthcoming general strike of
employees of government institutions. The first of its shares began to cease
"drunken pogroms" (looting of wine warehouses in St. Petersburg) and the
arrest in Moscow of 600 thugs who wielded "under the banner of anarchism."
Another problem - the fight against speculation. What is it?

Since the Brest-Litovsk Treaty obliged the Russian government to pay all
the securities brought by Germany, began extensive speculation in shares of
industrial enterprises (including those already nationalized). The shares were
sold to German nationals, they are received in the embassy of Germany, and it
is presented them for payment. In the struggle against this great power of the
Cheka were thrown.

Cheka was abolished in 1922 and replaced it the GPU was already
different, much more powerful and much more repressive authority. But this is
the era of "after Lenin" - he fell ill on the eve of the first big political trial of
the 47 SRs leaders.

Speaking about the attitude of Lenin and the Bolsheviks to repression, it

is necessary to return to the main historical fact: for power in Russia fought
various revolutionary movements. And compare the "repressive" their
ideologies should be a real number, not the "good tsar's government."

In the center, where he elaborated the type of repression of the Soviet

government of the early period, participated in the debate, the Bolsheviks, the
Mensheviks and SRs. These debates show unusual to our ears, but firmly
established thing: the Bolsheviks were the only party that fought for the early
restoration of law and state the nature of repression - instead of political, party.
This is what led to sharp criticism of the Socialist-Revolutionaries and

They were not opposed to extrajudicial executions in the Cheka, but raised
a noisy protest campaign, when the trial of Admiral A.Schasnym, who was
accused in an attempt to transfer the Baltic Fleet ships to the Germans and he
was sentenced to death in June 1918. The leader of the Mensheviks, Martov
even published a pamphlet "Down with the death penalty," which minced no
words: "The Beast
6. Destroying the legal system, democratic television often twisted well-made film
about how a woman lawyer in love with his client killer and bring him the gun. He tried to
escape and killed three other soldiers, until he was shot. The final frame - tear-stained face of
the heroine in full screen. Of course, the viewer compassion for him in this moment of life-
cog soldier "systems" have no value in comparison with the love-stricken women.

7. M.M.Prishvin, who dreamed of the coming of the white, 4 June 1920 wrote in his
diary: "He told me to come back the captive white atrocities that abounded in Denikin's army,
and all of us seized with a feeling of joy that we have stayed in the red."
He licked hot human blood. Machine homicide floated ... plague, outlaws, murderers,
cannibals ... "and so forth. It is strongly opposed SRs at the V Congress of Soviets.

On what the protest was based? They felt sorry for the admiral? Not at all no. They
were protesting against the death penalty by the trial because it is, say,
"In a s p standby d a e t s t a r y w p r o a l i t y u bu p and y and z and y th th to beats
and r s t at e n n o s t s" . With th year N i e t and anti-state position we seem wild, but
it was so widespread at the time that the prosecutor Krylenko pleaded with the help of
chicanery, saying that the court "is not sentenced to death, but simply ordered the

I personally, on the basis of reading historical materials, came to the conclusion

that of all political currents, which at that time had a chance to come to power in Russia,
the Bolsheviks in matters of repression were the most moderate and most statists 326 .
A state repression is always applied to people less injury than the repression of non-

You can ask yourself and a simple question: what kind of power was "more
repressive" - in Lenin's Soviet or democratic today, under Yeltsin? What is the measure
of "repression"? In what part of the population is deprived of liberty. In principle, no
matter for what reason, it is important that the government suppresses any actions of
its citizens, even if it itself has caused them by imprisonment.

The total number of persons in all places of detention in the Soviet Union was on
January 1, 1925 144 thousand. Man, at 1 January 1926 149 thousand. Until then the
term conditionally released about 70% of the prisoners. Replenishment of jails was 30-
40 thousand. People a year. Let's compare:. In 1996, 560 thousand people were
sentenced to imprisonment. This - "brand new", the completion (but 200 thousand
received a delay in the execution of the sentence -. Places in the former Gulag is not

Repressive Russia Yeltsin just did not go to any comparison with the situation in
Lenin's Russia. Take into account also that the "repressive" today is artificially reduced
due to the collapse of the judicial system. In 1997, 1.4 million of grave and especially
grave crimes were registered in the Russian Federation. Grave and especially grave !
And in 1999 already 1.85 million. That is what should have been the completion of the
prisons and camps, if the criminals were caught. Create the conditions under which a
million people a year are victims of violent crimes (and the other robbers million) - this
is to be the executioner of the people. Is not it?

My interlocutor Sergey correspondence may say that he was referring to the

repression of the disinterested "political" and criminals - that worry about them. But let
searched his memory: he is aware of the scale of political repression under Lenin? What
Academician Likhachev got on Solovki (for that - it is spoken of as something vague,
hinted that the innocent). And how many prisoners were in Lenin? Is not it strange, this
figure had not called (this, incidentally, is a sign of manipulation - the lack of simple
and clear data).

You can not believe the official Soviet figures. But here we were lucky - the anti-
Soviet emigration, which gnawed like spiders in a jar, in this matter conspired and
formed a bureau which meticulously kept records of political repression in the Soviet
Union. According to published overseas data provided by this office in 1924 was about
1,500 political offenders in the Soviet Union, of which 500 were in prison, and the
others were deprived of the right to reside in Moscow and Leningrad. These data are
foreign historians consider the most complete and reliable. 500 political prisoners after
the hardest civil war if the opposition underground and terrorism - and this is a
repressive state? Go, gentlemen and comrades, to common sense, does not pull on
threads from the manipulators.

Not the executioner and savior:. Main argument Yesenin wrote after the death
of Lenin: "One who has saved us, no more" . As importantly, Lenin had his so-called
man, is experiencing a time-hearted farmer and poet?

When you read the documents of the time, diaries and monitoring (mainly by the
opponents of Lenin - the diaries of his associates were not), there is a picture, which at
first refused to believe. It turns out that the main merit of the Soviet state, and in it - it
is Lenin, is that it has failed to stop the revolution and restore

8. Among the Bolsheviks installation repression Trotsky stood out and officials close to
him. But it has repeatedly blocked at the level of the RCP (b). Trotsky project in the most
important question was incompatible with Lenin's project, and by the end of the 30s was
suppressed - until the end of the 80s. Why is the summer of 1917 the Bolsheviks had to
"admit" Trotsky - big and little-studied problem.
The Russian state. This is so not tally with the official story, that conclusion seems

V.V.Kozhinov wonderful shows that the Bolsheviks seized Russian rebellion, led
him - and calmed. He shares this rebellion and revolution as two different categories.
It helps to analyze, but it seems that the reality is more complicated. The Russian
revolution, the revolution is not a bourgeois and peasant, was a riot of inextricably
linked, and it is impossible to separate them. The bourgeois revolution that swept away
the tsarist regime and the Empire, seemed so powerful only because she blew up the
dam. "It" results impressed, but she was only a ripple on the ocean wave of revolt.

To capture this wave, the main stream of the revolution, Lenin turned to the most
important and most difficult task - although acute and immediate danger came since
the mid-1918 from the white. Turn to "curb the revolution" comes from Lenin almost
immediately after the October Revolution, when the tide of the growing revolution. For
such a change was needed enormous courage and understanding it is the aspirations of
the people, and not the "commonplaces of judgment." And not only courage, but also
a sense of proportion - and the proximity to the masses, to make mistakes. From the
winter of 1918, after the nationalization of the land, the workers began to demand the
nationalization of factories. History has left remarkable in the sense and style of
documents - letters to workers' meetings with a request to take them to the plant or the
mine to the treasury. Lenin restrained the impulse, but held back, not leading to a
rupture, not discouraging people.
Speaking in April 1918, Lenin said: "Every worker of the delegation, to which I
had to deal with, when she came to me and complained that the factory stopped, I said,
do you want to have your factory was confiscated? Well, we have forms of decrees
ready, we will sign a one-minute. But you say you were able to take production into
their own hands, and you estimate that you make, you know your connection with the
production of Russian and international market? And then it turns out that they have
not yet learned, but the Bolshevik books about it have not yet been written, and in the
Menshevik books does not say anything. "

Lenin was doing its utmost to avoid the "avalanche" of nationalization, remain
within the framework of state capitalism, in order to prevent the collapse of production.
To this did not go to the capitalists and disagreed workers 32 7 . The lack of revolutionary
Lenin then accused of not only the Trotskyists, and the Mensheviks, which we
habitually considered moderate reformists.

Lenin demanded from the Soviet state to establish production and normal living
conditions. So, to establish control, discipline, require the submission of working
process "bourgeois specialists". And in April 1918, the Mensheviks in the newspaper
"Forward" expressed solidarity with the Left Communists: "Alien from the beginning
of a truly proletarian character of the policy of Soviet power in recent years more and
more openly enter the path of compromise with the bourgeoisie and takes clearly anti-
working class character of the ... This policy threatens to deprive the proletariat of its
principal achievements in the economic field and make it a victim of unlimited
exploitation by the bourgeoisie. "

The Mensheviks accused Lenin of an agreement with the bourgeoisie! It is

necessary to remember. After all, it's still put it in the Soviet system fault: if it had to
be honest and responsible work. M.M.Prishvin recalls (22 January 1919), as he talked
with one Bolshevik communism in the presence of one man:

"For a long time we have heard grim-looking people engaged in stealing firewood
in a government forest, and said:

- I am against the commune, I want to live in freedom, and not something that I
am dreaming, and he told me: "Comrade, get up for work!".

Of course, in the soul of each of us lies dormant "Hun". All the revolutionary
currents in Russia indulged it is this "gunnu" the spirit of destruction and division -
eating away what has been accumulated by civilization. In this flirtation with the "Hun"
was inherent fear of intellectuals

9. The owners did not buy raw materials, and therefore, according to the workers
preparing to shut down production. In addition, the sale of shares to the Germans created a
risk of loss of Russia's most important companies. But even after nationalization owners were
asked to remain in the production of manual and fully to make a profit - as in the private
in front of a peasant (it is perfectly reflected in the diaries M.M.Prishvina - small
landowner and liberal, forced to live among the peasants hated him). Lenin's party
differed sharply in that it openly and even brutally suppressed the "Hun" - she was the
only one, according to M.M.Prishvina "power out of this world." Why did Lenin
decided and really could directly and honestly to oppose the "Hun", where he was the
margin of safety? This can only be explained by the fact that he was referring to the
deep aspirations and was not afraid to go to conflict with the "conventional wisdom

Immediately after the October Revolution, the Bolsheviks opposed the "rebellion"
against the elemental forces of the revolution (this is called the "petty-bourgeois
elements", but it is not a term). Today, a lot of ink spent to accuse Lenin in the slogan
"steal the loot." In fact it was the slogan of "rebellion", which captured the Bolsheviks.
But even then, Lenin said: "After the words" steal the loot "begins the difference
between the proletarian revolution, which says: count the loot and do not let him pull
apart, and if it will pull to itself, directly or indirectly, that such abusers Shoot the
discipline ..." .

What led "gunnu" indulgence on the part of the Liberals and Socialist-
Revolutionaries? Besides that, following the scrapping of statehood began "molecular"
destruction and stripping of Russian life-support systems, and it "plunged into

Boldly lashed over the limit poison us freedom

This was the cause of death of masses of people. The popular judgment came into
conflict with the aspirations. Lenin, who skillfully and flexibly began to deal with it,
and therefore was recognized as a savior. Here's how Yesenin sees his work:

One who saved us, no more. It is no more, and those who live and those whom he has
Land in a raging flood must shackle in concrete
Indulgence elements, "gunnu" in man, there is a policy for the installation of the
executioner - the hangman of the country and the people themselves. It is not only the
direct losses, although they are large 32 8 . There is a huge pullback in the type of
thinking in reasoning skills in relation to education and creative order. And it is - an
important prerequisite for the extinction of the people even without direct killing.
M.M.Prishvin recorded July 2, 1918 g .: "I have a state of depression because of
ignorance of the masses has become effective."

Yes, ignorance was great before, but in February it was constrained by the state -
it was not effective. His liberated and made active and even aggressive is Cadet and SR
Provisional Government. His right after the beginning of October in a subordinate
position to drive the Soviet State 32 9 .

Lenin did much to the civil war was over as quickly and dramatically as possible
- without "tails". On it was directed and powerful operations military strategy and
policy trade-offs and amnesties. The experience of many countries has shown that often
turns into a civil war lasting "smoldering" form, and in this form, connecting with the
"molecular" violence causes people very serious injuries.

In general, the period of the civil war Lenin had "two complete" - strong and sharp
red victory over the Whites in the Crimea and the cessation of spontaneous peasant

10. Our current reformers have opened many private shops for buying the copper wire,
which is sent to Estonia. They strongly encourage people descended turn into active "Hun":
the whole rural areas have remained without electricity because someone removed and sold
wire. Penny profit - and a terrible blow to the production, and more civilized life.
11. In Stalin's time to cast "Hun" had really cruel methods. But the war has shown that
this brutality was saving. Unexpectedly, the Germans in 1941, met many millions of rural
men, who saw time in seconds and possessed sophisticated technology.
resistance through the transition to NEP. That we remember quite clearly, we need only
reflect on the fact that the end of both wars was clean. This - not ordinary and trivial
thing in the civil wars. On the contrary, the general rule is a long exhausting
confrontation after the nominal end of the war 33 0 . We also have all become the Soviet
people, and millions of people who served in the White Army, as if dissolved.

Official mythology heroes of that war, and in the shadow left some important
events. These need to include severe persecution of Soviet power against the Reds, who
delayed the fighting, when white is already inclined to to disarm. It was called "red
banditry", referred to in Sec. 3. At the end of the war there have been lawsuits against
violators of the general political line (sometimes prosecuted urban party organizations
were at full strength). Reading about the processes of documents is striking.

Perestroika and the present viscous Leninist campaign was very unfair and caused
great harm to the whole of society. It was not criticism, and everyone is really difficult
problems so belittled that we have lost the habit to ask questions even to themselves.
Many, including the Patriots camp are accused of Lenin that he proposed the "wrong"
national-state system of the USSR. It was necessary, they say, to create a republic
instead province - just restore the Russian empire, and that's that.

It states or disingenuous or irresponsible. February Revolution "scattered the"

empire, so that the civil war had not only social but also national
"Dimension". In different parts of the former empire having national armies or gangs
of different colors. All of them were opposed to the restoration of a single centralized
state. White tried to fight against them and, in the words of the Estonian historian, "ran
into nationalism and bled."

Lenin proposed an entirely new type of association - through the "Soviet

Republic", from the bottom, forming the interim national republic. But the republic is
very soft, almost invisibly superimposed on a single skeleton of the Soviets. This
proposal appealed to the workers who suffer most from their princes, and were
interested in the reconstruction of a single state. At the same time the establishment of
the national republics of the Union, rather than the Empire, neutralized originating from
the "Independence" of nationalism. Nationalist Army lost support, and the Red Army
in any part of Russia is not perceived as A foreign army. It was the general workers'
Army ( "Soviet republic"). Thus, on the part of the Soviet state a civil war in its national
dimension prevented at a very early stage, that Russia saved a lot of blood.

Lenin explained the value continuously for the workers of a large unified state,
and was able to find this a strong case - instead of ragged slogan "united and indivisible
Russia." Generally, the Bolsheviks between February and October were the only party
that has always defended the integrity of the state (this is evident, for example, in case
of separatism in Siberia - "regionalism").

V.V.Kozhinov quoted from the "Book of Memories" Grand Duke Alexander

Mikhailovich, "Guarding the Russian national interests was none other than the
internationalist Lenin, who in his constant speeches did not spare forces to protest
against the division of the former Russian Empire."

Type the new state as the Soviet Union has not only dramatically "reduce" a civil
war in 1918-1921., but also proved to be extremely effective in the Great War of 1941-
1945. This is also "save" the Russian people a lot of blood (more specifically, saved
him). Imagine that the Germans were joined not only of the Chechens and Crimean
Tatars, and in general all non-Russian peoples.

12. In Spain, the Republicans persecution after the war cost the nation almost as many
casualties as the fighting. In the villages on the roofs of the houses of the republican soldiers
sat waiting for their secret return ambush of fascists. We sat year after year, sometimes even
sons "first shift" watchmen. These young men did not know much about the war, but tracked
down those who had to go back - an old man. Until now, the villagers are divided into "red"
and "Franco", and marriages between children of their families - a rarity.
What was the difference between the "Lenin of the project" from all other projects of
the time, that allowed "to stop Russia over a precipice" - calm a revolution? It is
required to reflect the official story does not explain this to us. We have already noted
the obvious thing:
"Lenin's project" did not enter into conflict with the principal, the invincible Russian
forces. Moreover, he was in essence to be right even opponents (some earlier, others
later). The question is why Lenin was able to feel this way?

I will express my hypothesis. Reading Lenin today with the knowledge of the
historical circumstances, which he himself did not know, I can see his fundamental
difference from the leaders of other political forces that Lenin once grasped and
aspirations of the main parts of the nation, and their "expression" interests. Taking
expectations for a landmark for the direction of travel, the way he built on the basis of
actual requirements - but not subordinate to them! I do not indulge. And I do not indulge
even their own dogmas and beliefs (for example, drawn from Marxism). He is not
coming off "their" people, he led them to the goal - even in spite of their conjunctural
interests and moods. He could carry them, because they are even cursing the Bolsheviks
felt the hidden truth of this path.

No one else it could not combine. Idealists (which there were many among whites
and among the intelligentsia) hated "black" for the contradiction between aspirations
and outside interests, we were ready to destroy "cad" for this contradiction. Others -
who out of cowardice, who, because of the complex "guilt before the people" - was
fawned before conventional wisdom judgments.

Said ability of Lenin can be seen from how he mastered the main course of the
revolution. It is important for (in the words of M.M.Prishvina revolution "Scythians"
or "gorila stood for the truth") went under the slogan "All Power to the Soviets!". These
words are so familiar to us that we are about them and do not think. But let's think about
it - it's a terrible word. When they supported Lenin in April 1917, enlightened social
democrats it was considered crazy. It's - the slogan of anarchy, the complete destruction
of the state, the construction of a peasant utopia called
"Land and Freedom".

It is strange that almost no one can answer a simple question: what were the
Soviets at the end of 1917? Come to mind our usual village councils and district
executive committees. But none of this has been! Before the election in 1924 the
Soviets were not the state power, and the "direct democracy." The plants all workers,
formed the Council, in the village - the village assembly. They sent their representatives
to the large Soviets (which was then called "by the Soviets" - as opposed to just the
Soviets). Action Councils are independent, they are not regulated by law, they had all
the power. From the point of view of normal governance it was chaos (foreign social
scientists, even in the 30 years admitted that they can not only explain, but even
describe the Soviet system of power). Suffice it to say that many local councils did not
recognize the Brest peace and considered themselves at war with Germany.

At the same time, it is in the Soviets were the grain of the government, which
"chayali" peasants and workers. It was Lenin who, in his "project" to create an image
of the new government, the Soviets turned the chaos in the Soviet state. And it was a
struggle on two fronts - against the anarchism of the Soviets ( "rebellion") and against
the left-wing parties who indulged "rebellion" and on all the main issues proceeded
from the principle of "less state!". Today it is easy to curse our armchair stands range.
And then the principle of selection of Soviet personnel, which included them in the
national system, was the most important step to a compound of the Soviets into a single
system. It is in this combination are. Lenin, leading the movement "All Power to the
Soviets!", Was able to master this process and not get up on his way. And mastering
the process, he was able to "tame the Soviets" and to direct their energies to the self-
construction of a strong state.

Look at the decay and disintegration that we see today, and it becomes clear why
Yesenin said about Lenin, "the one who saved us."

Chapter 25. Small learning objectives

In late 1997 - early 1998, "Soviet Russia" tried to arrange a small private workshop
on analysis of political events from the standpoint of common sense. I formulated the
basic questions that arises at the sight of another small performances that are presented
TV. These questions will never, of course, no response was received - but the questions
themselves are important. Perhaps the lack of answers, too. "Silence is like the cry of"
- Cicero spoke about the wicked rulers. The problems identified in small learning
problems, too, almost all were just left in the shade. The choice of training topics is
inexhaustible - throws their lives on a daily basis, so that anyone can set himself the
task for the home
exercises. Surely more vivid than I scored this month. In addition, the experience was
quickly stopped, and all the tasks listed here have time to see the light. It was my last
publication in "Soviet Russia." Time passed, but the educational values are not lost,
and I quote them in this chapter.

The state budget for g 1998 . When Gaidar, Livshits Urinson or tell us something
about the economy in the bird's language, it is reasonable. They complete the scam of
the century, and the smaller the citizens understand what is going on, the better for
these politicians.

But now the members of the opposition, even in the "Parliamentary hour" talk as
if people are well versed in the sequester and other nonsense. Most of the people see
that it is generally bad, but neither the reasons nor the real state of the country does not
know. Most generally carries the usual understanding of the Soviet era to the present
time - and therefore do not understand anything. At least with the same budget.

And it was the budget shows the absurdity of lifestyle emerged in Russia, it is
incompatible with life. The absurdity from the point of view of common sense - not to
the point of view of the thief, Undressing stunned inhabitant.

The government rolled all the structures of civilized life - science, medicine, etc.,
do not feed the soldiers and pays teachers' salaries. With production taxes it allegedly
takes 82 kopecks. income ruble. A trifling size can not fill the budget, he maintained
only at the expense of debt and the sale value. And all of us, probably, consider idiots
- play performance with this budget. The first reading, second reading, Yeltsin on the
podium. But the opposition - like the village girl who remember Ivan Karamazov:
"Hotsu vskotsu, Hotsu - not vskotsu". Hotsu vote, Hotsu not vote.

I would like to have someone from the Duma clearly answered our simple questions.

1. How much money in this budget compared with the real needs of the
country? Not in these trillions, billions - well aware that people do not perceive
life in these terms. Seven hundred hanged! The easiest way to compare with
the Soviet of the RSFSR budget in the same contingent, but tangible terms -
for example, in energy (tons of gasoline) and bread (wheat tons).

2. What is the origin and who has been approved by this very ridiculous,
contrary to common sense principle of budgeting? After all, as a reason
URINSON: see how many will be able to collect taxes, and Raskin money on
articles. But so can not live neither the family nor the state! In the normal
approach, the question is the other way around : let's see what we need to spend
to Russia lived, even at the limit, tightening the belt. How many of us children
who need to learn, how much to the well-fed soldiers to at least a little bit to
cover the border. How much to invest in the analyzers of methane to the mine
did not explode. Oh, when the minimum specified, we will look for, where to
get money. And if it turns out that the total market, we take rest (and it certainly
is) - to return to the treasury of profitable production, away from vodka and oil
Bryntsalov Berezovsky.

3. What sense to create so much noise around the adoption of the budget
if the government since January calmly begins to break it? This is called to
look not where lost, and where the light. If the Duma can not force the
government to comply with the budget (and the non-payment of salaries to
state that evidence all the obvious and understandable), the hype around the
adoption of the budget, it just distracts people from the main reason for their

4. Even laymen are starting to realize that there is complete amortization

of investments made in the entire technical field of Russia until 1988 means
that in the coming years will begin mass failures and accidents of all life-
support systems. Even if today the start of major investment in the maintenance
of at least the main technical systems, an acceptable minimum safety will be
achieved at once. And yet, and there are no allusions to these investments.
Where we are all "branches"? What this bill Duma thinks? If it is something to
think about, but can not affect the government, then it must at least warn the

As Berezovsky robbed taxes . Deputies may make requests to the government. It is very
good. That is, through the "Parliamentary Hour", we learned that the opposition is concerned
about a disaster that rolls on Russia: on the sculpture "Worker and Peasant" appeared rust, and
right on the foot at the peasant. A regime of Yeltsin, Chubais does not take action! Busy
Learning that despises the opposition alliance of the working class and the peasantry, we
will be satisfied. However, I would like to hear about other things that people care about, but
without clarification difficult to understand. Here, the whole world was shocked by the action
of the Bolshevik Cheka led by Chubais -
"Arrest" Omsk Refinery and Angarsk petrochemical plant. Some people are horrified - how
dare threaten on Berezovsky. A Masons of Washington, on the contrary, experiencing for
Chubais and "bump" to Chernomyrdin. What is the global performance!

So is it possible to make a request to the Duma, and then tell us the answer to these simple
questions. They do not concern the results of the action of the Cheka, and that the overall effect,
which ppiotkpylas during this action.

1. Cheka has decided that the Omsk factory will be sold for the payment of tax
debt - 500 billion rubles.. ( "Old"). Is it so? It turns out that some people in the recent
past a modest researcher of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, was able to
"underpay" the treasury of 500 billion rubles (about $ 100 million) of the income tax!
We often hear that the failure to pay taxes - it is theft from the treasury. If any US Vice-
President Spiro Agnew dig non-payment of one thousand dollars, in the days of the
perfect wild youth, he disappears into the two days of the company, as it has committed
a criminal offense. Poor Sophie was forced Lopen skpyvatsya could not vepnutsya to
Italy until COVER stapyh tax debts incurred by nedopazumeniyu. In Spain, the great
singer Lola Flopes confiscated all villas and kvaptipy, and she narrowly escaped
tyupmy - for non-payment, also made obviously negligent.

As tax evasion is treated bankipami in Russia? What the law says about this, which
is Yeltsin's orders should be applied to the alleged Berezovsky Chernomyrdin? Why
the law should apply Chepnomypdin, not the court? In the Russian Federation canceled
delimited by the executive and the judiciary?

2. Of all the TV channels of communications occurs such a picture. Large modern

plant, one of the most profitable in Russia, was given to individuals. The products of
this plant (gasoline, diesel and jet fuel, oil) has unlimited demand. What will not buy
in Russia, with pleasure take over pubezhom. Therefore, the problems with the sale and
receipt of revenue does not arise. Please let us know how much income received Omsk
plant owners and how much they received this plant from Yeltsin, Chubais mode.

3. After receiving a huge profit, "Berezovsky with his friends" (this is - the
concept of conditional who pealny "boss", we do not know) besides stealing half a
trillion rubles in taxes. But none of them are going to jail, do not disclose their property,
do not remove money from their foreign accounts through "Interpol", they just say,
guys, that's enough! All that time to grab
 your, let now the other he borrowed. About one hundred million dollars, not
handed over to the treasury, do not worry - they will pay the entrance fee as the next of
our party. It is not that the case? After all, such was the decision of the Cheka. If so,
then all of this state, with all its branches and attendants, rocks leeches that ppisosalis
to Russia. And now the state only employs, so that the leeches sucked in-order ocheped.

1. Explain the mechanics of how generally can not "pay" taxes in the
amount of 500 billion rubles? It is not in the bosom drag "black cash" vendors
million tons of petroleum products. Why a doctor or a teacher, get their
pittance, taxes torn out by the bank automatically, and the manufacturer pays
or does not pay taxes at will? There's something wrong. From many small
entrepreneurs to hear that the bank in the payment of taxes ruthlessly eliminates
any money received on account of the enterprise than the often paralyzing
production. How does the state could "not notice" that of "Berezovsky" has not
received hundreds of billions of rubles of taxes?

2. As reported by television, funky Chubais "home" factory suddenly

removed from the pocket 600 billion. Rub. and pay taxes. This - the direct and
complete testimony "company" of a criminal nature. Can not a normal
company "find" the money. If the money had been withdrawn from the
porphyry intrusions are less valuable for the company owners, somewhere,
something would have to puhnulo stpashnym gpohotom. This is not
ppoizoshlo. Hence, it is money from the "zazepkalya". So, the state did not
kontpolipuet situation and financial speculators can at any time obpushit the
entire Russian economy.

"Take out" such a sum can only be double-entry bookkeeping as the main means
of the company traded in the "shadow". In the West, the discrepancy with the
accounting records in the tens of millions of dollars (in any direction) has drive operator
in the investigation. Moreover, the unexpected
"Emergence" of money is greater gopazdo podozpeny in kpiminalnom nature fipmy
than ppopazha money.

Answer, how could the Central Bank to adopt the budget of such a huge amount,
and not to find out the source of this money? Where the Ministry of Interior with its
"anti-money laundering"? The appearance of the air 100 million - an unprecedented
scam. And maybe no money and it was not? We pposto led by the nose.

Manipulation of the name . In Algeria someone for some reason I cut several
hundred peasants in the remote villages. The entire "civilized" world, said it made the
Islamists . Word of the new and nebulous. It is clear that it comes from the words of
Islam , but that means the suffix " ist "? Try saying "hristianist" - what is it? Obviously
something dirty, but it is associated with Christianity?

What acts on the territory of Russian NTV willingly picked up the theme of evil
Islamists is understandable. But the press and our patriotic easily adopted the language.
Meanwhile, no laughing matter. After the destruction of the USSR, influential forces
in the West originated psychosis - they were left without an enemy! In this vacuum,
they can not live (there is an old aphorism: "War - the soul of the West", it goes even
from Rome). They urgently create a new theory of the "clash of civilizations", and
declared an enemy of the Islamic civilization. But just as the Romans liked to use as
cannon fodder soldiers enslaved peoples (although guns else was not, and the meat
was) a big role in the war against "Islam" is withdrawn Russian. And they are dying

So I would like to ask our patriotic journalists: why do you call the unknown killers
in Algeria "Islamists"?

As far as I know, that there are two reasons: because their names dempressa (and
there, and we have); sometimes they call themselves the killer. But is this sufficient
grounds? Here, democratic press Zhirinovsky called fascist. Is this argument is that
decent people and so it was called? It is not the same. The second argument is even
more untenable. Little did anyone like myself call. Even if a person comes to the police
and said that he - the murderer wanted it to court to prove that the killer - he.
Recognition - not proof of guilt. And even more so, when on the contrary, the killer
claims to be a banner, for many attractive.

Especially carefully it is necessary to approach the political movements that attach

themselves to the religion. Here, Shumeyko stands with a candle. Does anyone
seriously believe that he
 Orthodox ascetic? But it is - a grotesque, almost innocuous figure, but in the word
"Islamist" match with blood.
Take Yugoslavia. I had to visit the West conference of church leaders, who
unsuccessfully tried to prevent the artificial creation of the Balkans
"Religious" war. Speakers argued that the leaders of all parties to the conflict came
from the range that they usurped the banner of religion for purely political purposes -
to quickly divide people and unite "their". The entire top of the "Muslim" Bosnia -
intellectuals who had never held in his hands the Koran. But the world government had
to create a Balkan "Islamic-Orthodox" conflict, and the press he actively helped.

Of course, Islam, which is very closely linked to the life of this world, especially
tempting politicians to exploit. Because the ordinary consciousness and easily
apprehended such strangeness: in Bosnia fought Serbs, Croats and Muslims. But is
should be assisted manipulators use a mask of religion? After all, so soon you see
someone believe, if meticulously created in the western and the Moscow offices of the
war in Chechnya was a war of Islam and Orthodoxy. But we were so poorly protected
against the principle of "divide and rule".

And it is not the same as we saw in Tajikistan? Nauskivaya armed (? Who)

opposition to the "communist" government, the Western press has reached a unique
name in its absurdity: "Islamists, democrats"!

It would seem monstrous provocation of the last decades should be to teach us not
to believe "self-designation" of politicians. Well, what, for example, the attitude to
communism is Pol Pot? What is expressed in this ratio, in addition to favorable at the
moment the self-name for him? is he
 a graduate of the Sorbonne, a member of the elite circle of the philosopher-
ekzistentsionalista Jean-Paul Sartre. Should we use some reasonable signs of political
classification. Especially because for a long time, many Western intelligence services
began to practice the creation of organizations of extremists with "communist" name.
Where did, for example, the "Red Brigades" in
Italy? But at least their name immediately began to write in quotes, the Italians
themselves have exposed them. So and "Islamists" should be in quotation marks to
write, if you really have no place on the reservation.

As for the so-called "Islamic fundamentalists," that their relationship with Western
intelligence agencies also long established. The famous Arab historian Samip Amin
writes: "How can we explain poddepzhku (litsemepno otpitsaemuyu), which was then
the West has vpazhdebnomu his movement k.pome like the colossal weakening
apabskogo mipa to koto.pogo it leads, of explosion of Inner conflicts (especially
religious conflicts between sects and between opganizatsii) "?

You see how difficult the combination: the movement is really hostile to the West,
but the benefits of it far exceeds the damage to the West. So SR Azef directing terror
against high officials of the tsarist government, inflict painful blows - but he was an
agent of the government. Of course, among the Islamic fundamentalists, many sincere,
fanatical people, but they do not make policy. In Algeria, the situation is better
understood than in other places. It is known that the tip of the "Islamists" where, as in
Bosnia, is made up of intellectuals and the petty bourgeoisie, not having in their culture
to do with the religion. A trip to Mecca and turban screwed - no more difficult than
with a candle Shumeyko defend.

Bolshevism of the XXI century . In the first issue of 1998, "Soviet Russia has
software articles. Prof. Yu.Kachanovsky in category "Beat the clock of history",
academician V.Sheveluha in category
"The concept and development of the forecast." I have a question to the first author. He
was not at all swings
XXI Century, and puts the "N ° 1 the task of the opposition." Puts on the basis of
assessment of the situation in Russia.

1. He writes: "The government, as a political impotent, is not able to

organize people and domestic capital, is not able to fight for the salvation of
Russia." Is Yu.Kachanovsky after ten years of "reform," still believes that this
government wants to "organize the people to the salvation of Russia"? If so,
then I think he is one of such naive among newspaper readers. If he does not
believe, then why these statements?

Yeltsin's regime named a political impotent . How so? This mode has set
the task to destroy the Soviet Union and the Soviet system. Finished. Further,
in the short term, he disarmed the strongest army in the world, destroyed the
second in the world system of science and education, is currently finishing the
elimination of a powerful industry. This is - a huge, global-scale policy
objectives. He solves them without resorting to violence, failing to suppress
the ability of all people to resist. On the effectiveness of its use of political
technologies this mode is far superior to fascism and the Western democracies.
Please reply prof. Kachanovsky: what he has reason to call this government
"political impotent?" This is - a matter of principle. It is one thing - we klutz
who "wants to organize", but does not know how. And another thing - smart
and skilled opponent, the goals of which are incompatible with ours.

You can not so! What we say about the "third Patriotic War", that the
Decide, comrades!

2. Referring to "Nezavisimaya Gazeta", the author argues, that is about 23 (!)

Percent of Russians
"Resort to armed action" come "in the luxury offices and homes." What is it,
what it was about? About Revolution? About rebellion? About robbery? For
example, the Kuzbass miners got hold of a hundred machines and come in
luxurious cottages. In whom they will shoot - in postmen? At the inspectors?
In Tuleyev? As it is currently Professor. Kachanovskii? Let him explain - it is
because it is not in "Moskovsky Komsomolets" writes.

Yu.Kachanovsky warns: "super-rich oligarchy! Lord! You are in danger.

" It already feels like a winner: "Representatives of tops that are Gaidar,
nervous and threatened to warn: do not provoke, otherwise you will be
immediately taken into custody and the answer to the fullest extent of the law."
Under arrest! Immediately! This is when? What will be necessary at first, that
they have ceased to be "representatives of the top". And answers about what
law? Is the law prohibits nervous? And threaten and provoke - and himself
prof. Kachanovskii's not infallible.

3. The author warns those who are looking to escape from the capital: "I
recall the fate of Trotsky!". What does Trotsky? He fled the capital? Those
with capital, nobody touched - a more expensive. But it is in this very strange

First, about the technical side. Today Russia stolen thousands

"Super-rich". To anywhere in Paris to find and destroy one of the "Trotsky"
It must work long team of specialists-class. Who sends Commissioner
Yu.Kachanovsky this wet work? Academician Shevelukha?

But the technique - not the main thing. Where did this come from the
doctrine of "Elusive Avengers"? Yu.Kachanovsky himself up? Who is the
romantic, well read cheap detectives that suggested such an idea?

4. After a reminder of the fate of Trotsky Yu.Kachanovsky without

transition begins to give good advice to the oligarchs and tasks to save Russia,
"Berezovsky, Gusinsky, Aven, etc., form the board of the Russian national
based capital!". All power to the Soviets!

I think the reader "Soviet Russia" at the thought of a Soviet government should
eyes on the forehead climb. Yu.Kachanovsky explains: "Its status and ownership you
have to put at the service of the salvation of Russia. Tip major Russian capital should
develop a program for its contribution to the economic recovery. "

When Friedman Berezovsky and asked for advice from the "Soviet Russia"?
Maybe they were already invited to the "government of national trust"? So that's what
Russia sees salvation? Nobody will give us deliverance, neither god nor king nor a hero
- only nationally oriented banker Friedman.

But suppose even that the bankers by buying the Metro "Soviet Russia", read,
and tears formed councils in central and local levels. And even "developed a program
of its contribution." What they need to do in order to save Russia? After all, the
economy is destroyed precisely because it is they - not as individuals, but as a socio-
economic phenomenon. What exactly is required of them Yu.Kachanovsky? To them,
remaining bankers saved the Russian economy? But this is not possible, they go
bankrupt immediately. Production in Russia under the rule of Berezovsky is
unprofitable - it was in 1998, it could be understood.

We shamefully lost the country and the possibility of life bearable because clever
ideologists managed to turn off our common sense to split consciousness. Received
terrible blows, we gradually began to grow wiser. And now for you, is now
incompatible with common sense expectations inspire us through the "Soviet Russia."

"I choose good - and the less I do not agree" . The newspaper "Soviet Russia"
has awarded me the prize in 1997 "for the polemical speech." For premium thank you,
but I can not accept the wording. In 9 out of 10 of my articles is not a trace of
controversy, to us it is still very far away. I write simple things, textbooks, dictionaries
and reference books on literacy levels. Sometimes I scold professor of Marxism, but
they just do not know what "polemical" places I copied in "Capital" of Marx (both of
which he is a banal place of directories). In other cases, the controversy called my
instructions to the lack of logic. What kind of controversy! I'm just saying: you,
comrades, the same thing in one sentence call white, and the other - black. I did not
even insist on his own opinion, please choose only one thing, not to bring people into

In fact, the word "polemic" is in the editorial board of a soft decision replacing the
word "doubtful". We supposedly print questionable "performance" of the author, but
caution the reader. I pay attention to it because it is - a sign of trouble, and it should be
realized. We fell back at a very low level of thinking, and we need to make a great
effort to improve matters. Look, "economist and politician," someone Livshits, the
whole country thinks the screen: "The rich should share with the poor." And people
perceive it in general is normal. But this is to stoop to the level of the concepts of the
early twentieth century, when available to all competent workers, the level of child-

The evaluation of many social phenomena of our politicians from the opposition
come to a standstill, experiencing discord between the senses and the "objective
reality." And - silent (even inside). So there is a feeling of helplessness. Why? Because
lost dialectic skill, this sophisticated instrument a little common sense. We have ceased
to mentally rotate the problem this way and that to see it in different terms.

Take a simple example: the exploitation of man by man . If I am not mistaken, this
concept is generally dropped from the vocabulary of the opposition, even the
Communist Party. Why? Is this concept is irrelevant? They talk about "fairness" of the
"normal salary", but after all this Livshits level. What's the matter? I think the leaders
of the Communist Party intuitively feel that the operation - the evil . But how to say it,
if they are betting on domestic exploiter (sorry, entrepreneur)? It would be offended.

In fact, common sense says that the operation - the evil, but in our particular real
world it is a lesser evil than, for example, unemployment. Therefore, today it is
impossible to call for
"The destruction of exploitation", but we can talk about its limitation, and then
overcome. But to say that it is wrong - it is necessary. What is the Communists who do
not speak!

I have more to say: we have brought to such a state that for many people, slavery
is the lesser evil than their present life. In summer, near my area lived in a trailer
builders shabashniki- closely communicated with me. They nailed Tajik greatly
affected. Doing little he could, he was in his paramedic "first" in the district center.
Wages received in terms of the old 16 thousand rubles a month - ten loaves of bread.
He has five children, and the whole purpose of his life has been reduced to what to feed
them. Sometimes vechepom, tipsy, he ppihodit to me and cried: "Uncle, how to live?".
Tears flowed from his eyes knocked out. After watching the whole summer, I thought
that if more or less decent man told him him: "Come to me a slave, I'll feed you and
your children", - he would have agreed. Although slavery - evil.

Due to the fact that we have in addition to the concepts of good and evil lost all
realistic category, even reasonable in the past, people began to say terrible things - or
remain silent.

Here, a few nights TV buzzed about happiness, which halts Russian culture -
adopted law on patronage. Everyone made on screen (Nikita Mikhalkov,
E.Bystritskaya etc.), applauded: finally, what a joy. The deputies, who will take the law
(including the Communist Party) kept silent, even in the "Parliamentary Hour".
Nothing to say?

Of course, Nikita Mikhalkov during the last years has shown himself a man of
very low morale, even surprising the combination of artistic talent with deep, visceral
vulgarity. But you can not make people just heard that philanthropy - good for culture.
After all, they themselves
"Democrats of culture" has jammed the petty aphorism: "Who is Man dines, that it and
dancing." What kind of Russian culture will "dance" Kakha Bendukidze Gusinsky? For
some ideas and images they will be "dinner" of our Life patriot Mikhalkov?

But does this mean that we should now give up the crumbs and leftovers from
Gusinsky's table? I think no. As long as the tuft of wool needed. But you can not say
that philanthropy
 evil! What is it - an ugly way to ensure the culture as a social value. What it is
good only as a small addition to a steady and generous government funding. And just
saying it, it is necessary to explain to the citizens: the current political regime in Russia
has created a state of emergency, the Duma considered philanthropy today a lesser evil.
That's why duputaty, including the Communists, have adopted this law.

I do not know how anyone, and I was no such explanation harder and harder to believe our

End market utopia . The government has decided to take away business tax to payments
to employees salaries. The Constitutional Court declared the decision of the law! This is such
an eloquent fact that, apparently, everything falls into place in the question: what kind of social
system established in Russia?

Proceeding from this fact, and the very logic of the reformers of reasoning, it is possible
to ask a rhetorical question our entire liberal intelligentsia, though now you see that about any
market economy and civil society, and not talking? A Communist Party theorists ask, now you
see that the state is trying to create the Yeltsin regime, not bourgeois ?

Of course, the myth of democracy fell under the blows of the words and actions. It recorded
several times Burbulis. So he said that the regime "launched a deadly operation against the will
of the patient" - with representations of any democracy is the wildest thing. That, he
acknowledged that "the constitution was dragged through the ass" - confirmed the falsification
of the referendum results. Well, tanks hired "state terrorists" set point. One supporter of the
regime, who calls himself a democrat today - or a fool, or a cynic.

But many still had the consolation that is built in the Russian market economy is under
Pinochet. And there, staring, Clinton will help, ask our Pinochet go into honorable retirement
on a good pension, but as we get a thriving capitalism. Today, the bourgeois gentlemen
utopians, and that your hopes were dashed. What made the government (and even that
Think of it), it is in flagrant contradiction with the sacred principles of market economy and
civil society.

We call these principles. This notion of private property as a natural right (ie, the state has
no right to withdraw this property). This - " freedom of contract ", the transaction (ie, the state
has no right to interfere in the legal transaction on the market, and has a right to recover the
established tax law after the completion of the transaction). This - the exchange of equivalence
, which ensures a balance across market systems.

What is the main type of transaction, which keeps the market and the whole of society?
This buying and selling of labor power. In this transaction both parties act as equal partners.
Work has a special commodity owner, and he has them in virtue of the natural right to private
property. He is under contract at the time of selling their bodies. This is - the central act of the
market economy, is the axis around which revolves the whole machine.

It is this axis nadlamyvayutsya government. After completing the first part of the deal
when the seller has just handed over his goods, the state breaks and forbids the buyer to pay for
the purchase. First, they say, are calculated together. Just down the drain fly all the principles -
and inalienability of private property (working), and freedom of contract, and the equivalence
of exchange. I'm not talking about the right and the basics of wild abuse of any economy.

Things do not change the fact that a single owner (worker) is silent, because the suppressed
and intimidated, and his partner in the transaction is in cahoots with the gangster-state. We say
that everything that happens is inherently incompatible with the principles of the market
economy. And while it does not understand our liberal intelligentsia, and behind it and the
workers who are still hoping for a "civilized market", we will be more and more bogged down
in the swamp.

The current situation is terrible is the fact that it is stabilized. A year or two ago it was
possible to explain the apparent ugliness of government ineptitude practice, mistakes cost
"transition period". And now it is clear that the main thing, which is the transition. He - not to
a market economy and capitalism. Bringing people to madness nonpayment of wages, and then
staging a noisy show with "return debt to the New Year", people distracted from the main issue.
After all, what they get - not salary! It is irrelevant to the equivalent exchange value in the
market (buying and selling of labor) does not.

Of course, the price of labor in the market fluctuates. But there are lower, its absolute limit
beyond which disappear market economy. This is the cost of reproduction of labor power.
Today in Russia in general "salary" does not cover this cost, even in the primitive,
quantitatively: this salary is impossible to feed two children. But if we understand not just
"biomass" and the ability to perform the work in modern manufacturing, it is already the crash
occurred under the labor force. Not only is no reproduction, but also sharply deteriorated,
degraded that the total labor force, that there was in Russia for another three or four years ago.
People are weakened, their nerves are depleted, qualification fell.

The reason is that the total cost per employee (salary plus education, medicine, etc.) does
not correspond to either the Soviet or the type of market relations. In fact, these expenditures
narrowed so that turned into a bowl of soup, which is given to the slave. an entirely new system
of extra-economic coercion to work without an equivalent payment of labor established in
Russia. Nationalisation of the system brought the decision on "priority to tax salaries" to
complete the evidence.

We have, strictly speaking, there is a whole society. The Company may be connected or
relationships of cooperation and solidarity, or the relationship of competition and sale. In
Russia, there is neither the one nor the other, there are incompatible fragments society. Emerged
freak would not be able to grow and become healthy. But with the help of the West, and under
his control he can survive for long, sitting as the evil Karl, on the neck of the Russian people.
While not suck out all the juice.

As the quail from the nest . In Russia, established a political regime in which the main
means of domination was the manipulation of consciousness - programming the behavior of
people through information. Why the ruling clique immediately took up the TV? Why here
rushed to the bankers? Why sweat Mitkov? Only in order to control the thoughts, feelings and
actions of people in Russia. All necessary information that residents - and in fact, and fiction -
given as a sweet wrapper pills, only to tie people to the screen and make them swallow signals
programming behavior.
Just look at the channel "Culture". At first, he gave good, politically neutral (and even a
little patriotic) transmission. People just were happy - such an outlet. Thus, this channel has
made "capture" of the public - and then became very quickly intersperse purely ideological
products. Perhaps a little too hastily.

It is known that "unlock" the consciousness, to bring down the structure of each program
can be manipulated and small forces, opening the secret of magicians. Therefore, it is reluctant
to Dvali Duma "Parliamentary hour". It is dangerous system, and some even strong blows
around the installation of manipulation heals mode.

Life today is that the opposition is not required to "entice" people to resort to manipulation
itself - on its side of the truth. The main task - to restore common sense, connectivity thinking
people, their ability to find a common language. In this "hour of the Duma" actually can play
an important role. But for this we need a clear understanding of why it introduced a particular
story. Every extra, empty frame - not just a waste of time. He, like cadmium rod in the reactor,
captures "the neutrons thought" and does not cause a chain reaction comprehension.

Of course, one hour per week for the Parliament of the vast country in a time of crisis - a
ridiculously small. Time for each plot to spare, and inevitably there are many
misunderstandings. And to expose the manipulations required to "disentangle" the issue. A
much stronger effect of the combination of channels - television and newspapers. So in fact, in
fact, it is running any ideological machine. We have no car, but still try to connect the image
on the screen with the printed word. We will comment on some of the TV stories - not for
campaigning on issues of the day, but for the sake of the method of thinking.

December 14, 1997 "Parliamentary Hour" raised the issue of low birth rates in Russia. The
decision of the people start or not to have children - the main, a generalized measure of how
citizens evaluate the situation in the country, as well as their hopes for the near future. This is -
a correct assessment than the polls and even elections. According to this indicator, the citizens
of Russia subconsciously feel that there is a war against them, and worse than World War II.
But it has not yet passed into consciousness. To switched, it is necessary to clearly state the

In the story "Hour" causes reduced to a villainous "sex education" to students and legal
acts of the government (permission for late abortions "for social reasons"). These and intrigues
Masons (Club of Rome). These are things that it is possible and useful to talk separately to the
birth of the 1990-1997 biennium. They have no relationship. After collecting them all the
attention, "Hour" has hidden the real causes.

Judge for yourself: what role could play the introduction in 1997 in 16 pilot schools
disgusting "sex education" to solve 30-year-old couple did not have children in 1993? In the
future, when podpastut "sexually educated" children it may be, and impact - but today
something pech not about that. And what a boost "unborn" can give a very particular
government decree on the resolution was late abortions "for social reasons"? Microscopically.
Political transmission focuses on marginal, private events, the nuances of the problem. Thus,
masked the real reasons for the terrible misfortune of the people.

Today the regime is bending over backwards to convince people: their troubles are guilty
of imperfect laws, government mistakes and abuses of the corrupt officials. Well, all sorts of
little masons and mobsters. Thus creating a false image of the enemy - the main means of
manipulation of consciousness.

Pensions and saving people . In December, the government was pleased the citizens that
the order of pension provision will be changed in Russia. No comment from the Duma was not
followed. Meanwhile, we are talking about an important change of living arrangement that
deals with literally everyone. It is not even politics and not economics, it is - the type of life
and relations between the generations. If you want, we are talking about the type of people. The
question of how to feed the elderly, is determined by the entire culture of the people and rooted
in religious ideas.

Today Sysuev someone says that he decided to Chernomyrdin to the elderly in Russia
received a piece of bread is not as considered appropriate in Orthodox culture, as well as the
established Protestant. I think he is when he does not understand what he said, he just read a
piece of paper, sent to him from the IMF and poorly translated into Russian. It affects not he,
but it was the silence of the Duma deputies. Do they agree with Sysuev? They also do not
understand what is at stake? Or pretend to be? All the same, because they will have to pass a
law, change of this magnitude - not a matter of executive power.
The fact that the opposition (primarily members of the Communist Party) in the past month
has not made any statement on the government's plans to change the procedure for calculating
pensions - something inexplicable, a series of
"Mysteries of the Russian soul." I remember the autumn of 1995 in Madrid, a meeting of the
IMF board of directors. And at a meeting with the Government of Spain recommended IMF
management and to introduce in Spain the pension system, we promised Sysuev ( "funded"). It
was such a scandal that the IMF did not know how to cover it. Minister of Labour of Spain also
made tomorrow in Parliament with such a harsh statement, that it was hard to believe. This -
said - is not the economy, and clean ideology that is unacceptable for us, and they let it roll
away from the valley.

Leaders of all the factions in the Parliament were required to come forward and denounce
the IMF proposal as insulting to Spanish - even the leaders of the right to carry out IMF policies.
Why this hullabaloo? Because, in a Catholic country simply indecent to say such things
(although secretly doing these things). And they say in Russia - and nothing, all just clap eyes
and silent.

Let us hearken to the essence. In cultures where people did not like Protestantism, a free
individual - isolated "atoms" - the concept remains the people . The people is eternal, yet it has
a mutual commitment of generations. One of them is that the working-age generation as a whole
lends descendants - it works without taking all paid for their work. Sometimes that its
contribution to the well-being of the children is very high (as was the generation that created
the Soviet economy, and then another war). The obligation of the children - to provide a worthy
piece of bread from the previous generation, who lived to old age. Provide a entire generation,
not an individual ( "personally to my father").

In the USSR, this age-old law has been implemented in the state pension system. This
system is guaranteed link between generations. Part of the previous generation of able-bodied
credit back to him in the form of pensions. Only a part of! The rest went to the development of
the country, even for the grandchildren. Russian TV on all channels repeated by someone
slipped the lie that today funds for pensions are taken from the pocket of the young. Because
of this statement, which all Russia was forced to listen to six times a day, the Duma would be
obliged to adopt a special resolution and rakleit it at all poles.

So, in the USSR is the part of the public debt of the elderly, which is returned to them in
the form of pensions, distributed, in general, on the basis of equalization. The share of those
who did not survive, went into a common pot. Sysuev called this "egalitarian distribution"
system. It is empty, do not speak a word nothing. This "leveling" does not interfere with those
who have good money and was thrifty, save for a retirement savings bank - the Soviet
government did not steal the contributions. And many pensioners were carried out moolah - we
all remember it, we all have them occupied.

What did the government Gaidar-Chernomyrdin? Let's move on to even

"Market" terminology. Current retirees once joined with the community in
"employment contract". They worked all his life in a very modest salary, and the society in the
face of state pledged to provide them with well-defined retirement consumption level (we have
this "basket" of the Soviet pensioner still remember). This level increased for four postwar
decades and already seen as a natural human right. I emphasize that the "contract" provided it
is the level of consumption , not the number of pieces of paper or other means of payment,
which the government manipulated.

Approximately 30 million. Man executed his part of the contract. Now it is time to carry
out its part of the government contract. No postponement of the elderly can not give any market
paradise, which is waiting for young people will not eat. How the government behaves? It robs
the elderly, refusing to give them earned. It calmly stealing their savings. It reduces the level of
consumption below the survival of the physiological level. If in Soviet times on a monthly
pension could buy 400 kg of milk and 670 kg of black bread, then since 1992 and to this day -
60 kg to 80 kg of milk or bread.

In all the talk about pensions need to fix this fact. As well as the criminal and immoral
nature of the government's argument: it does not return the debt, because he had no money.
This - the logic of the thief, who had got the power. And besides, it's a lie. The money is there,
and a lot. It does not pay the government just because people do not have the defense, and he
can not organize.

Robbing those who have worked for the previous half-century, the state is now generally
clears itself from the responsibility to mediate between the generations. It declares all people
on crumbles
"Atoms". Now let everyone collects money for old age itself. Who has not accumulated - let is
dying of hunger, so just. And it seems to us as the "pension reform"! Just pensions are canceled
- that's the whole reform. To everyone save money for old age - no state and is not necessary.
Moreover, because this government is our money, gave him to preserve in
"Pension fund" is sure to steal. Look even at their faces! And it can not be helped - the money
for the most part will be pulled out of our salaries by force.

What does this lead to? People deprived of the means to preserve itself as a continuous
chain of generations through debt and bread - without a state is difficult, everything crumbles
at isolated individual solutions. The bulk of Russian old people fall into dire poverty. They will
not be able to save, being young, for they are not Protestants, they subconsciously live
according to the Gospel. Yes, and what to save?

This - not speculative assumptions. Spaniards are so painfully perceived attempt IMF
because of them have already done the experiment. Forty years under Franco Spaniards lived
in the country with strong social guarantees (after the Civil War, Franco strengthened because
almost took the entire social program of the Republicans). Therefore, in general, the Spaniards
did not drives, even under capitalism. After Franco was liberalized, an attempt to move to the
"free market" - every man for himself. Pensions were "cumulative", and found that terribly
impoverished elderly. The most wealthy region of Spain - Aragon. 57% of the population of 65
years and living below the poverty line and have incomes of less than 15 thousand pesetas a
month (rent a room at 8 square meters in a shared apartment with no heat -.. 25 thousand
pesetas.).. 67.5% of the elderly live in homes without heating. It's hard to tell you how hard it

Why did it happen? Do not know how to save people, the culture is not so. I had in Spain
to urgently rectify the pension system. Of course, pension funds remained - mine, who wants
to. But do not give to touch the state system.

Is it possible that this side will hit Russia? What our Duma thinks about it?

Pensions and the shadow economy . "Parliamentary Hour" January 18, 1998 showed the
debate in the Duma on the Law on pension indexation - entirely as is. This, of course, is better
than to give a concert. But, I think, the essence of the dispute between deputies and deputy
prime minister for most O.N.Sysuevym remains unclear. And no explanations "Hour" has not
given. I therefore want to put questions and make impressions.

In my opinion, all the opposition has taken a fundamentally wrong tone. She does not ask
questions simply, clearly and specifically - so that point was immediately clear and the
opponent and the audience. And your opponent could not evade an answer without an explicit
violation of decency. No, for some reason, all the questions are rhetorical and set allegorically,
with some hidden meaning. As if they want to hurt your opponent subtle irony. Taps are not
difficult questions.

The second weakness of the opposition - to divert attention from the most important issue
to the worthless ideological clashes. Here, we latched on to the fact that the IMF program for
Russia in n. 7 directed to index pensions in line with the average salary. A shame! We dictate!
What Russia - bankrupt? And on pensions is almost forgotten.

What does this show? What year in the courtyard? For six years, as Russia took the IMF
program, it has pledged to implement it and sends reports to the IMF. Who does not know this?
The deputies from the Communist Party? But I've never heard of the Communist faction raised
the question of the refusal by the IMF program (as China did). If you are from the IMF loans
will not refuse, nothing of themselves to build an innocent young lady.

Now, in fact. Item 7 of the IMF program is written just as she decided Duma in the law on
pensions. What is a claim? It looks very strange. One begins to suspect that these noisy patriotic
resentment distract us from the essential: why the IMF requires the debtor countries of the order
of calculating pensions, and that made the old men our MPs? And when? Let's discuss it.

The change was fundamental, but it hid from us. When the Soviet system pensions were
public and were paid from the budget. In providing pensions were all incomes and all the wealth
of the state. There is no connection with how much today has earned some Vasya KLYAMKIN
in Uryupinsk, pension had. This size is determined by the tacit agreement and friendly and came
from a modest set of those goods which are necessary pensioner
for a decent old age. That's why no indexation depending on wage shalopaya Wasi Kliamkin
not been - it would have been ridiculous.

What made our MPs (even if Khasbulatov, and before that, in 1990, the Supreme Soviet
of the USSR)? They abolished the Soviet type of pension. Established Pension Fund -
something between a tax authority and the bank. How many will be able to tear off this "fund"
with Vasi Kliamkin - many share the pensioners. A budget already for pensions is not
responding. What they do with that money to "fund", who and how to "scroll", who runs the
paw into it - we also do not know.

That is the main thing. Switched from the calculation of pension based on the real-life
needs of the elderly - to hand the money that "managed to gather" to the calculation of the salary
Wasi Kliamkin. And this is done in order to reduce a pension ( "to reduce the deficit of the state
budget"), but to remove the responsibility from the government. Sorry, they say, the low

The purchasing power of the average pension (ie pension itself) reformers reduced
compared with Soviet times to 4 times. And whether the government has the opportunity to
further manipulate the pension? Yes, it is through indexation. What does "average salary"? Who
found her? Yes, the government itself. What wants this and will count - go and check. How
naive sound deputies' questions: "Do you have a manual counting?". They CSO says: "There,
there, here, see, two seals. Do not worry". Calm down. Once the instruction there, and with a
seal (signature illegible), there is nothing to worry about deputies. His duty they have fulfilled,
checked the availability of instructions.

The main argument of vague questions and slippery answers arose precisely because the
CSB has officially announced that the average salary in the country in December 1997 was 1
200 thousand rubles, and the government for the calculation of pensions to choose a more
convenient value of 760 thousand -.. Just Do not half. More kindly attitude to the elderly, and
another could be abated.
Ask and Sysuev, and the chief of the CSB: why such a wild difference? Which figure is
correct? Sysuev said allegorically said obvious absurdity, like symbol: "Digital CSB is used for
information purposes only, for the calculations, and the government comes from the other
figures." Can you imagine? It would be useful to poke our nose sincere democrats who cursed
Soviet statistics (which, incidentally, no one has found in the additions
"Hard" indicators).

Apparently, here and Sysuev Jurkov (CSO) again came to the heart of a large, important
problem. It could unearth and publicly lock. No, deputies rushed to withdraw: "Ah, you publish
these figures in the CSB, to embellish the work of the government!". Which, they say, bad boys.
Yes who cares, something to embellish! We do not live in the Soviet era. For a long time it does
not care about the government on moral values. These insults his deputies only closed the gap
in Sysuev defense. And he even hinted at the most important - that would grab.

If I understand correctly, the bottom line is that the CSO gives a figure of real wages -
including the shadow economy. And the government - only those that "in the light", which
receives taxes and fees to the Pension Fund. If so, then we have a terrible confession
government that MPs deaf ear.

The government at the level of Deputy Prime Minister and Minister (CSO) has recognized
that the reforms have led to the creation of pathological dual economy, the shadow of which is
almost equal to the legal. What's in the country under the guise of state acts the black labor
market with a wild hiring without any social guarantees and contributions. The stated scope of
the discrepancy between the legal and real wages are so high that we can speak about the origin
of a criminal state. No links to the "transition period" and "primitive accumulation of capital"
is not tested. "Capitalist" free transfer ownership of the vast country, nothing
"Initially save" it was not necessary. Black hiring on such a scale is possible only if there is
collusion between the criminal business and the state.

Calling a spade a spade Duma did not want to. Maybe it The correct, it is a matter of
politics. But at least it clarified, as it affects the pension. It's one thing when the pension accrued
from the budget of all state revenue distributions, and the other thing, when pension fund made
up of contributions is only the part of citizens that work "in the light." Load them inordinate
and pensions is still small.

We must understand that the established economic system is deeply flawed and
pathological. If we do not put a sober diagnosis, no good outcome is impossible. "It" will not
resolve. Or it comes to a terrible social crisis and to the disintegration of the country.

I would like to know why all this is said not in the Duma?

Right, right, and pornography . Thus, the Duma passed a law that would legalize
pornography in Russia. It would be naive to think that such scandalous laws MPs come from
disinterested push. Here smells corruption cynical politicians. But corruption would be helpless,
if not based on a misunderstanding. Apply a mild term.

We can not assume that the members of the Communist Party had sold their votes - they
usually do everything for free, even to his own detriment. Why do not they understand? And
why they have not explained tovapischi?

Firstly, they did not understand a thing quite so simple. Such laws, which are usually
pushed under the motto "enter into the framework", "limit", etc., the main and only purpose are
to legalize something evil. Everything else, at least a hundred harsh articles about "control" -
pawns who knocks once said the chief. When it is said that such a phenomenon (privatization,
sale of land, prostitution, etc.) , in principle, legitimately .

Of course, a lack of understanding of simple things deputies confuses ordinary citizen.

And if this were the first time! And then the ninth year continues - and no lessons. After all,
what is happening in Russia, is done according to the laws adopted by the deputies - from the
Supreme Council of the USSR in 1989 convocation Besides, every time deputies warned: do
not do it. But I have never seen or heard a response: prevention pondered, but still do - because
of that and because of that. All quietly - and then innocently blinking. Oh, how are we so goof?

The second "misunderstanding" deeper. If we do not address, there is no hope for a

legitimate form of resistance does not remain. Having voted for the law on pornography,
deputies from the Communist Party said, after Andropov and Gorbachev: "We do not know the
society in which we live." Ignorance of Andropov and Gorbachev (in the presence of "knowing"
Brzezinski) led to the collapse of the USSR. But at least you can learn during these terrible
years! How, then, to understand that the Communist Party - the party of patriots-statists? And
what kind of PPAR, in which one of the leaders - S.Govoruhin, chief lobbyist for porn business?

The adoption of this law is a fundamental break with the very type of justice, which was
Russia (and the USSR). This is - an attempt to go to the type of Western law in full discrepancy
him worldview of peoples of Russia. At the same time, as is well known from the historical
experience of all, there is not a new "center of the West", but only destroyed local culture and
criminalization of society occurs. Deputies sawed another prop on which to keep Russia.

The main formal difference between the legal systems of the two types of society - in the
degree of codification of the law, their representation in the form of laws and codes. Behind
this is the relationship between law and ethics. In Russia the right to associate with the truth -
the basic set of ethical standards. These standards to the extent merge with legal, that most
people in everyday life and do not distinguish between them. Gosudapstvom Western society
has replaced ethics law . In principle it
"Shame has no" because it destroyed the single ( "totalitarian") ethics. There are only
infringements of the law.

Sincere ideologue and preacher of the Western way of thinking we had Sakharov. In
relation to the right, he declared: "The principle of" everything that is not prohibited by law
"should be taken literally." This concisely expressed the thought is complete and irrevocable
break with all of the legal system, which exists in Russia. The concept of the right Sakharov
means that society removes all restrictions, all is not recorded in the cultural norms of the law.
Of course, the proposed "absolute" form, it can not be realized, because it would have
catastrophic consequences. It is important to the very direction, the way in which we go from
the current intersection.

From the standpoint of traditional law in Russia, pornography - an evil that should not
even be mentioning in the law. It is prohibited to ethics, "shame." This does not mean that
society should be eradicated by fire and sword all evil, forbidden by ethics. The traditional right
is not totalitarian - it wisely. It is able to look at the sins of society "through his fingers," but
it is important that the people running into temptation, felt that commit sin . And to what extent
should inhibit unstated in the law of evil - depending on the circumstances. Algeria was
prostitution, although it rejected the culture of Islam. But when the Algerians in the 50s and
started a war of liberation from the French began to bear the terrible loss of their spiritual leaders
felt that in an environment of a national disaster, prostitution is intolerable. From brothel owners
want to close their establishments. Those who refused, guerrillas shot. There was a little bit.
Now, the ethical dimension of the problem of pornography in Russia lifted the adoption of the
law. Evil
"Put in the frame" - corrupting children legally, but not closer than 100 meters from the school.
This law is extremely important as a precedent - we are driving in a completely different legal
corridor. Deputies from the opposition raised the banner that fell from the hands of Sakharov.

A blue flame on a blue screen . For several months, on the border with Georgia played
performance. We show it on television. At first glance - theater of the absurd, but would like to
understand what is behind it. Such performances are useful when people ponder over their
meaning and learn to expose the tricks. And if you fall under the charm of the actors, something
completely lose their heads.

Who else can ask questions? Only the Duma. When the opposition, admitting
"protaschennuyu through the ass" constitution, agreed to enter into this no rights "branch" is
justified by the fact that we are of the deputies at least be able to know what is happening in
politics. So please tell us, because in the Duma there is even a Safety Committee, led by the
Communists. A pouring into Russian alcohol flow - the problem of security. This is not only a
terrible blow to the finances and cultivation of crime, it is 30 thousand deaths per year from
poisoning with vodka, it is involuntary separatist regions, creating on its borders
"Liquor customs." This kpiminalizatsiya Sevepnogo Caucasus, forced zapabatyvat on illegal
obopote spipta (paz kpiminalizatsiya and, hence, sepapatizm - as in Chechnya).

The absurdity of the South a lot. That boundary is moved back, then back again. The
minister, who in no way guilty, resigns. That's all - to intrigue. And what in the course of the
play? Clarify the facts that are before us in fragments brings TV.

At the border, trying to get to Russia, worth hundreds of tanks with alcohol. Tanks that we
were shown, heavy, 15-20 tons. It lasted for more than two months (maybe more). The border
- on the snow-covered mountain pass, before the tunnel. Housing is not there. The question is:
passing or not passing these spirtovozy with "contraband alcohol" in Russian?

Agree that if the chance to pass they did not have, the behavior of smugglers sitting for
months in the snowy mountains, away from the hot khachapuri would be like crazy. To believe
it is impossible. In addition, as we reported a few days ago from Turkey arrived in Poti another
tanker with alcohol, and the new column of tanks reached the pass. Are the Turks and crazy?
And what they poured alcohol from tankers, if the tanks are at the pass?

I suspect that alcohol is being taken across the border, as before, only with some
unforeseen difficulties. Maybe someone has increased levies? This angered the Turkish and
other businessmen, and they have mobilized our incorruptible TV scandal. Is it so?

Needless TV, seriously believed that the heads of the audience pompacheny already lying
"Caught" (!) Train of contraband alcohol. Establish who the owner is not able to. Can you
imagine? Intercepted not a smuggler with a backpack on a mountain path, and the train that
rolled on rails - as if it bponepoezd that ppopyvalsya chepez barriers. And who and where
alcohol is poured, nobody knows it. As "Grandpa president," our enlightened Democrat
Shevardnadze? Why all the agreements of the CIS, "Interpol", etc. super service? In Georgia
and ride trains without a single document? Machinists do not remember where they were taken?
Who can believe in it.
And our government? Feel free to ask the Georgian police immediately complain NTV?
Let it be so. But, seemingly, good luck. To you rolled an illegal train with alcohol. The owner
does not respond. Well, take it to submit alcohol, if bad, the factory of synthetic rubber. What's
the matter? In fact, perhaps, that knows perfectly well who the owner - just have not agreed on
the amount of the bribe.

Alcohol brought in tankers from Turkey. In Poti his tanker truck. I would think our fibbers
from the TV: if the tank is not held in Russia and could not emptied, where would
become of the spirit? Wherever it was poured, if wrapped the pass back to Georgia? Georgia -
a transit, if the flow has stopped, she would simply burst from the alcohol. After all, none of
the NTV never showed how the driver spirtovoza, wiping a tear from his mustache, turns around
and returns to sunny Georgia. to reporter sat with him in the cab and showed us where it drains
the alcohol.

TV pathetically shows how two border guards kill harmful product - alcohol cans dragged
to a small stove and poured it into the flames. Our liver is saved! And these clowns with Camera
believe our people. In cans of 20 liters, and in turn spirtovozov 2000 tons! All the alcohol - in
the stove? Maybe the soldiers simply used instead of firewood to warm up?

Let's look at this from the other side of the can. Where his guards away? Apparently, not
in the territory of Georgia - preventive strikes on spirtovozam Our great power does not seem
to apply. So someone with a can broke into the territory of Russia? How? With the battle? After
the border - at the entrance to the tunnel, it can not be circumvented. And why carry alcohol in
the cans?

It is known that smuggling, if not collusion with customs - a very dangerous fish. Not like
a prison, and the bullet and often threatens the smuggler. Here we see an organized company
with a mass of employees, a vast technical infrastructure, international shipments from third
countries - almost the planning system. Moreover, the system, which has long and intensive
work. And where criminal trials, sobbing from the courtroom uvodimyh smugglers, mourning
widows? None of this no. Effective crime syndicate, one of the companions of which is,
apparently, the Russian Federation government. Money fall somewhere in Turkey. A blinded
by bad vodka Russian people.

Television same ppodolzhaet mopochit head people. It is reported that Yeltsin uchpedil
State Committee, which will monitor the state monopoly in the production of vodka and
ppodazhe. There and then, five minutes chepez advocates Head of the Antimonopoly
Committee and said that the government of Moscow has not even p.pavoy analysis bpat fake
vodka from lapkov. Even the chief of customs in favor chepez five minutes and utvepzhdaet
that Russia does not have Right of ppepyatstvovat import spipta "tpanzitom". Explain that
tvopitsya? Kontpabanda it or not kontpabanda? Ppichem here "tpanzit" if spipt pazvodyat
immediately in Ossetia, and otp.pavlyaytes gopod vodka for Russia? How can the state antitrust
laws zappetit kontpolipovat quality PRODUCT DELIVERY? All of this together - some bped.

But it does not happen. All those who spoke about it - smart people. Hence, or modeled
from us tremendous afepa, which involved a lot of officials, most television or malicious CL
distort the information.

This impression of TV programs. Answer, comrade deputies, this impression is correct or

incorrect? I was glad to be wrong, but your explanations are required.

Chapter 26. Brilliant operation manipulation of consciousness. "The coup d'etat"

August 1991
According to the number and scale of unsolved political problems are hard to find in the
history of provocation, which could be compared with the "coup d'etat" in Moscow in August
1991. Of course, it was only the culmination of a huge preparatory work, but also its
independent value is extremely high. It was a huge political performance, which not only fully
mastered the consciousness of "spectators" during the action itself, but also created the
conditions for long-term follow-up program of manipulation of consciousness. During the
"coup" all the main means of influencing the mind and feeling of the people, and he will long
be the subject of research psychologists and cultural studies were used. Here we will only touch
on the first layer.

That "revolution" for a short time, gave a sensational material for the press, and then
surprisingly quickly mention of it has virtually disappeared from the pages of newspapers. Only
a few simple, common dies, all studiously avoided discussing them. In the default, this was
something painful, like all secretly had agreed not to remember something indecent.

Consider this "case" according to a simple scheme: the immediate prehistory of the events
factology three days of "Putsch" basic models explain the events.

§ 1. Background to the August coup

In December 1990, it ended with one of the last stages of restructuring, which is summed
up in his speech at the Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR Prime Minister Nikolai
Ryzhkov. When, during the preparation of this report, the experts provided him with a realistic
picture of the situation in the country and has obvious signs of impending disaster, he was
shocked. Ryzhkov told parliament some part of the truth, and the same day received a heart

Although the press greeted this speech in silence, it was finally told that he already knew
most of the population: in the course of restructuring, instead of liberation economy from the
"braking mechanism" had taken drastic measures to scrapping the planned system before even
the rudiments were created liberal arrangements. Following the introduction into circulation of
Gorbachev construction metaphor, we can say that "the architects of perestroika" in the winter
cold broke ugly, but warm home, not only to build another, good, but not even dug dugout. The
Soviet Union fell, as they say Western experts, the state "without a plan and without a market."

Theatre, after talk of impending dictatorship resigned Foreign Minister Eduard

Shevardnadze. He did not say where will the dictatorship of what it will "color" but the effect
has been achieved. Attention Soviet Cultural Society and the world just moved to this event.

Statistics of production livelihoods, inventory, finance for

1991 said that there was a country outside of normal capacity. AT
"Civilized" society has had a complete collapse would occur. Here are just some of the data.
The budget deficit amounted to the USSR in 1985, 13.9 billion. Rub .; in 1990 - 41.4; but only
for the first 9 months of 1991 - 89 (for June 1991 jumped to 30 billion.). State domestic debt:
 142 billion .; 1989 - 399; 1990 - 566; for 9 months of 1991 - 890 billion rubles..
The gold reserve, which is the beginning of perestroika was 2 000 t., In 1991, fell to
200 tons. The foreign debt, which is virtually non-existent in 1985, in 1991 it amounted
to about 120 bln. Dollars.

The end of 1990 was also an important step in the splitting of consciousness.
slightly different transition programs have been taken to a capitalist economy (the
"500 days" Yavlinsky or "anti-crisis program" Valentin Pavlov) - and at the same time
it was said that the restructuring means updating and development of socialism.
Gorbachev himself had recently said: "Restructuring - this is a leap in the development
of socialism, in the implementation of its essential characteristics ... That's why it
sounds strange to us when we are offered - some even sincerely - to change the social
system, refer to the methods and forms characteristic of other social systems. These
people do not know that is simply not possible, even if someone wanted to turn and the
Soviet Union to capitalism. "

All were inclined to think that pech is about the systematic deception of society.
And this deception linked to changes neobpatimymi economic, social and political
orders of magnitude in stpane. This caused a heavy cultural crisis. The very same
M.S.Gopbachev modeled from leaving for London on vstpechu "big semepki", stated
that "pech is about the survival of the Soviet Union." And when it was said that
everything is as it was intended, that there is no mistake! But how can reconcile such
statements in your mind a normal person? There is an urgent incoherence statements
of senior management of the country - the first sign that the campaign is being
manipulated consciousness.

One would ppivesti lot of statistics, but without all the conscious people stpany
concluded that powerful, although inertial economy stpany was pazpushena in
pepestpoyki inferences. This fact was estimated in varia varia political forces - some
suffer, others rejoiced - but not questioned podvepgalsya.

The second reason for the cultural crisis was the fact that the authors of the
economic programs and political leaders apparently concealed the scale of deprivation,
which was to be tested in the next period the masses of the population. Guide has
information about the social price paid by all countries that have adopted "stabilization"
program of the International Monetary Fund. However, persistently instilled in the
consciousness of the myth that the "abundance around the corner", is only privatize

The ideological preparation for the market reform was based on a series of
psychological shocks caused by paradoxical statements. The ideologists of perestroika
clearly abused appeal to the experience of Poland, where 'as a result of the liberalization
of the shelf price
shops filled with goods. " We know that this has happened at a significant (in some
industries catastrophic) decline in production, and thus - just as a result of reduced
consumption, that is, people's lives deterioration (here eloquent statistics, and the
behavior of Poles rushed to Belarus and the Ukraine and buying up absolutely all
products, saying a lot). But all it was obvious that in such a way, by reducing the
consumption and price increases could "organize abundance" and during the Brezhnev
era - and at a much lower social costs 33 1 .

Even not the coming of deprivation, namely the concealment of this truth has
caused a moral panic and stress. It is important to emphasize that the stress experienced
was not only the conservatives who fear before the liberalization of society. They were
disoriented and enthusiasts restructuring - because it was necessary to somehow
explain the behavior of their leaders to his colleagues in the factory, in a scientific
laboratory, fellow passengers on the train. And just as at the end of the Second World
War sincere admirers of the Führer's cherished hope for a secret weapon that will save
the Third Reich, the liberal intellectuals in Moscow repeated almost religious passion
that "the West will help us." What is about to gush in the Soviet Union loans and free
technology, and talented children from the village of Petushki go to study at Harvard
University. And it was seen as a tormented these utopians, do not believe in the fairy

At the same time six-year intensive indoctrination all media destroyed the usual
stable reference points. In the surface layers of consciousness socialist cliches have
been replaced by the opposite. But deep restructuring of consciousness could not have
happened if only because of the lack of time (not to mention the deeper causes and the
presence of thousands of years of cultural traditions). Consciousness appeared split. All
this is largely determined the political climate in 1991.

Its an important factor, especially in winter and spring, was pressurized by a sense
of threat of civil war. fear mechanism was included. For the Russian, whose historical
memory of the civil war of 1918-1920. left a terrible injury, the threat was of paramount
importance. Babbitt, reading radical democratic press, had an almost mystical horror
of a sheet of paper on which the printing method, it calls for a new civil war had been
printed legally. It seemed a sacrilege, violation of the prohibition of secret and terrible,
deeply perceived every Russian family.

Here in the newspaper "Russian Utpo" (opganov demokpaticheskie Union) citizen

with Vadim Kushnip writes in his article "War is declared, All claims are no more":
"That's why I am in favor of war. War is better thin false mipa. After of explosion while
on epitsentpe svephsituatsii, waging war of all against all, we can become men. Stpan
should p.poyti chepez tests ... War purifies the air of falsehood and tpusosti.

The current "gpazhdanka" skopee will remind amepikanskuyu between Sevepom

and South ... Spazhatsya be two nations, new English and stapyh English. Those who
can ppizhitsya to a new era, and those to whom it is given. And while we speak out in
one language, in fact we are two nations, both in its Quaternary amepikantsy Sevepnyh
and Southern States ... skopee very skopee we all have freedom selector to appear.
Povepte, this is a very exciting experience. "

14 mapta 1991 Yeltsin spoke on leningpadskomu television and said: "Do not be
afraid ugpozy gpazhdanskoy war because we do not have ppotivopechy between social
strata." It utvepzhdenie many plunged into despair, because people already ppivykli: if
the authorities ppeduppezhdayut that something we should not be afraid, it means that
this is what we should expect from day to day.

It is clear that ppizyv gpazhdanskoy not fear the war could not reassure anyone,
because everyone knows that gpazhdanskaya war - stpashnoe disaster far worse than
even the war with an external enemy. It is always to be feared, and allow only a policy
that deliberately excludes the risk of civil war. Maybe restructuring and was just such
a policy, and therefore we have nothing to fear? But it is not so obvious.

Frightened and apgumentatsiya based on class approach. It is known that the society
paskalyvaetsya not only the signature of social and gpazhdanskoy in war - not always
for this

1. There have been known the results of the poll in Poland: "Previously, the
Poles speak out, let everything was dopogo, but in abundance in free ppodazhe. Now
comes the opposhennyh 86% said that lack of money dokuchliv more than a lack of
tovapov in topgovle ".
Line an Area, and in mipovozzpencheskoy. Finally, absupdno utvepzhdenie
and, if the USSR had not ppotivopechy between social strata - their presence
has been clear to all thinking people. Already there were also obostpyalis
ppotivopechiya between mass and wealthy criminal tpudyaschihsya an
entrepreneur - and in fact has not yet started down the avalanche bezpabotitsy
We carried out and was promised ppivatizatsiya industry. Is not created these
artificial oppositions, means of manipulation of consciousness? 18 millionth
"byupokpatiya" For example, the class and the collective vpagom napoda was

The threat of a "conservative wave" became the end of 1990 is quite real
- the course of events has almost left no room illusions. In Lithuania, I
staggered and was about to fall Landsbergis mode - the vanguard of the union
of the liberal-democratic and nationalist-separatist forces in the Soviet Union.
It began to consolidate the Russian-speaking population (Russian, Poles,
Belarusians and Jews) - key industry personnel. But even more dangerous was
their incipient alliance with the Lithuanian farmers, who were dissatisfied with
the privatization of land and plans to return to her former owners. And then
arranged "mikroputch" in Vilnius in January 1991,

Landsbergis is working indignation pointless increase in prices, moreover,

declared the day of Orthodox Christmas. Someone is going to smash the crowd
warmed Parliament, approaches which are not protected in this day. The crowd
further provoked the building - out the door it is poured hot water from the
heating system. No great harm, but passions are running high to the limit.
People with pre-laid by stones hitting the glass.

The increase in prices is canceled immediately, but the unrest began, radio
szyvaet Lithuanians from all over the country to protect the Parliament. And
when the crowds arrive and are placed on the right places, a division of the
KGB troops begin to seemingly absurd action - with noise and thunder, with
blank shots tanks flattening cars and stormed the Vilnius TV tower ... (although
near Kaunas continues to operate powerful television center, and the same on
the eve of the TV tower in Vilnius could take a patrol of three men, who took
the same in Vilnius TV tower "invaders" refuse to turn off automatic
transmitters, calling people to the barricades).

As a result of "assault" - 14 dead (killed, most likely, not military), ritual

burial, practical liquidation of the Communist Party of Lithuania and all the
conservative forces, which in public opinion could be attributed to the
putschists, getting Landsbergis total power, an active counter-offensive of
radical Democrats Moscow.

Thus, the position of "perestroika" was restored thanks to the "mini-coup"

in Vilnius, during which were committed defiantly rude actions and brought to
unite Lithuanians ritual sacrifices.

For us it is important to emphasize that, as has been said by many

observers as early as January, the events in Lithuania - only the main rehearsal
of the play, which will be played in Moscow. Some have taken these warnings
for propaganda trick democratic press, others do not believe, because a clumsy
coup in Vilnius turned loud confusion - who also need to repeat such nonsense.
It is noteworthy that talked about this Robert Cullen - American journalist, a
long time student of the Soviet Army. In January 1991, he was in Vilnius and
concluded that "this is just a tragic repetition of future events." When he talked
about the rehearsal with the former Chief of General Staff, military adviser to
Gorbachev Akhromeev marshal, he noted that "if the army wanted to make a
revolution, it it would take two hours."

In March, it held a referendum on preserving the Soviet Union. The

question itself has had a tremendous impact on the subconscious - to this point
the question of the dissolution of the Soviet Union was a taboo. The vast
majority of the population of the USSR did not even thought that it could be
the subject of discussion. Quickly began to take root in the public
consciousness the idea
"Elimination of the Soviet empire," but once the referendum has demonstrated
the stability of conservative thinking weight - 76 per cent were in favor of the
preservation of the USSR.

In the circles of the radical intelligentsia dominated by the idea of the

collapse of the USSR. As one of the most active members of the Interregional
Deputy Group, "this empire should fail, because all empires Rukh" 33 2 . In
Novo-Ogaryovo, near Moscow, has begun production of a new Union

2. Immediately after the "coup," a well-known surgeon and entrepreneur,

deputy Svyatoslav Fyodorov, said the economy Let us, "when destroy our union with
bedbugs, cockroaches, smelly toilets".
Meeting of the contract, "the leaders of the republics," which called
Gorbachev. Proposed options contract contained a very strange position, but
the continuous requests of deputies was not given an answer. According to
experts (regardless of political position), the latest version of the contract,
which was to be signed on August 20 does not just mean the elimination of the
Soviet Union, but also pledged in respect of its successors bomb large
explosive force. Adopted in Novo-Ogaryovo phased procedure of signing the
agreement led to an unprecedented situation in the world, where for a long time
in the same area must have been two different states.

In other words, clearly preparing the transformation of the Soviet Union,

but so that it would not support nor the Conservatives, nor the Democrats.

In June last RSFSR presidential elections. Yeltsin's victory was not

triumphant (he received 43 percent of votes of voters), but it has become a
legitimate president. In July, going to the plenum of the Central Committee, to
which half of the regional organizations have come to the conviction that
Gorbachev was pushing for the elimination of the Communist Party. The
Conservatives, however, have agreed not to criticize Gorbachev at the plenary
session, so as not to give him a reason to retire, not to make a report to the
Party Congress this fall. A. Yakovlev said that the plenum: "I think they are
straightened with him at the congress. And painful violence, ruthlessly. If he
does not will prevent them. " And the plenum was apparently peacefully,
although all the i's have been placed. Gorbachev went on vacation (which in
itself is surprising in such a situation) to his villa in Foros (Crimea), promising
to return to the signing of the Union Treaty, on 19 August.

This development was dramatically interrupted by a "putsch" on August

19-21, organized by a group of senior representatives of the state hierarchy of
the USSR.
§ 2. THE FACTS "putsch"

I will not weary the reader with a narrative and briefly enumerate only the
essential facts that are required to discuss the events and then explain the
model. That is, the facts clearly support a particular model - or does not tally
with it. The sources of evidence are documents, statements by officials,
published in the democratic press eyewitness accounts and personal
observations 33 3 . To remove all doubts about the ideological interests of the
authors of a communication, we have completely abandoned attracting
materials of the few pro-Soviet publications (such as the newspaper "Soviet
Russia"). Thus, the actual outline of events.

On the morning of August 19 radio reported that Gorbachev for health

reasons can not perform the duties of the President and the leadership of the
Soviet Union carries out the State Emergency Committee (Emergency
Committee), who temporarily takes on full power. The composition of the
Emergency Committee were: Vice President Janaev, who served as head of
state while on vacation Gorbachev, the Prime Minister, the Ministers of
Interior and Defense, the Chairman of the KGB, a member of the Presidential
Council for the Defense Industry and Chairman of the Association - industrial
enterprises and peasants. Emergency Committee was supported by almost all
of the Cabinet, which met at its meeting on 19 August. It has been argued that
the "plot" involved the chairman of the Supreme Soviet A.I.Lukyanov (and he
was even arrested as a conspirator), although at the outset he denied his
involvement. In fact, in the "plot" involved the entire "team Gorbachev",
except for him - the whole top of state power of the USSR.

The residents understand this: Gorbachev or deposed, or sends his team

from behind the scenes, not willing to compromise. With Yeltsin and his team,
or agreed to, or was arrested. The thing is clear, he does not say anything new
about the situation in the country of the Emergency Committee, in a statement
he described the situation like this how it represented the population itself. And
the people went to work, on business, and who could - to inquire into the city

There were already tanks and armored personnel carriers, which is

located near the main "political center" in Moscow. To the soldiers climbed to
the issues, but they grinned and replied that they would not shoot, they were
ordered to only come and stand. When to him very much molested women,

3. Shortly after the "coup" analytical center, where I worked, the Supreme
Soviet of the USSR instructed to prepare a factual record of events. I led the group to
perform this task. It was collected, systematized and presented to parliament a huge
dossier of all available public documents.
opened shops and machines showed that the ammunition they have. Meeting
at hotel
"Moscow", the usual place of democratic rallies, has been very sluggish. In
general, the situation prevailed excitation with light curiosity, but to inflame
the passions not corresponding to this unprecedented event, as a military coup
with the introduction in the field of combat tanks Moscow. The feeling of
danger from these tanks did not come and we can definitely say that the
population of hostility towards the military was not felt in Moscow.

Everyone expected Yeltsin's reaction. On the streets and in the subway

pasted his appeal, but in the beginning there was no certainty that it is not a
fake. But by mid-afternoon TV shows Yeltsin's speech, which is standing on a
tank, branded the "coup d'etat". Radio in several waves was to call people to a
general political strike. In these appeals nobody paid attention - not to strike
any enterprise in Moscow. Strictly speaking, it was not formulated, for which
should stop the work and how it could affect the military. We can not therefore
say that "Yeltsin is not supported", but it became clear on Monday the 19th,
that there is something wrong. If this coup is very strange, we do not read in
the books about such revolutions.

Press conference of the Emergency Committee added perplexity. The

Vice-President said that he is a friend of Gorbachev, and that he is about to
recover from the disease (and do not even know which one), and will return to
the execution of duties of the president. Serious putschists do not behave, and
medical certificates of the President of the disease are reserved in advance.
Press conference greatly changed the mood: vospryanuvshie were supporters
of the "strong hand" came in the gloom, and was depressed progressives again
got badges "Democratic Russia", which they hastily and often laughing
chipped morning under good-natured jokes for travel in the subway.

"Moscow News" describes the day: "On the first day of the coup in the
country the state of emergency, however border, which, as we know, are
controlled by subordinates KGB troops, not blocked, continue to operate the
airports, taking and letting planes in all directions. Closes naughty newspapers
interrupted independent channels of radio and television. However, the
newspapers from around the country is the information continue to operate fax
and telex, including international, operating all types of telephony and, what is
most striking, "pinwheel". The terrible night of the coup, "MN" were contacted
by a special communications
"White House", the Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Interior, the KGB. "

On Tuesday, the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR (the "White House")

began to gather crowds. They built barricades, which had rather a
psychological meaning and serious interference with the troops would not be
provided (yes they were placed only on visible places, like in January in
Vilnius). As General K.Kobets (at that time Minister of Defense of the
RSFSR), who organized the defense of the "White House", razgraditelny squad
have cleared the barricades in a few minutes. Chief of Staff of the Defence
Committee of the "White House" KGB general A.Sterligov said: "Take our
building can be simple. One division would be enough for 20 minutes, and they
shall deliver our machines. "

It is noteworthy that K.Kobets said then the press: "I have in the safe the
morning of the 19th was already lying waste plan to counter the putschists. He
called the plan "X". What a contrast with the situation in which turned out to
be the command input to the Moscow coup forces. In the words of Chief of
Staff of the Moscow Military District Lieutenant-General L.Zolotova: "For us,
the decision to introduce [divisions] in Moscow was a complete surprise ... We
took a Moscow guide, tourist maps and began to determine where to place
military equipment. Everything was done arbitrarily and about .... "
According to the most maximum estimates for the protection of
Parliament gathered up to 70 thousand. Man. As in other parts of Moscow, near
the "White House" in full compliance with the order is the largest military
forces with tanks. Their commanders are constantly communicated with
Yeltsin and the Emergency Committee. Press then called them "heroes who
went over to the side of the people." First Deputy Minister of Defense,
Chairman of the Supreme Council Committee on Defense Commander of the
Airborne Troops Colonel-General P.S.Grachev tells correspondent
"Interlocutor" magazine: "Early in the morning I got a call and Yazov said," to
move its troops to Moscow for protection of objects ". No further information
was not followed. - You have completed the order? - Of course. I directly
subordinate to the Minister of Defense ... - That is the rumor that the army split
and paratroopers took the side of Yeltsin, did not correspond to reality? - Of
course. If I had allowed his troops to break up, then at the same moment
would be shifted ... Understand correctly: Yazov ordered me to take custody
of the five objects - Radio and Television, the Moscow City Council, the
Supreme Council of the RSFSR, the State Bank and Goskhranilische. But
Yeltsin ordered to allocate protect yourself. "

"Moscow News" published "Diary from the besieged parliament" an

employee of the Supreme Council S.Habirova, which they called "an
astounding document today, but already legendary time." That wording, which
set out the most critical moments, "20/08/91. The night passed in vain alarm.
Moscow shaking rumble of military equipment, cruising is not known how and
where ... 8/21/91. 4.35. It is worth the terrible calm. It is not clear who and
what you think ... Sasha Lyubimov called this, what could be honest, the eerie
silence in the darkness of the war of nerves. Right. Good man ... We agreed on
the time and place of the meetings in the case of the underground. Let's go with
a weapon. Apparently, you can not have otherwise. "

Judging from all this, "striking the document," the crime objectively
Soviet militarism was the fact that the defenders of democracy had to go
through "useless alarm,"
"Terrible calm" and "eerie silence". This shows how important the crisis is the
subjective perception of events.

For all the time the coup was briefly arrested two people: MP Gdlyan,
create a political name, accusing the party nomenclature of corruption and one
of the leaders of the independent trade union of the military. He said head of
the Moscow Directorate of the KGB Major General A.Korsak about the actions
of the KGB in Moscow on August 19: "We were engaged in everyday
activities, but in a more intense mode, until the end of the day. We did not even
put a duty to neutralize the distributors of "subversive" leaflets, especially to
make arrests. "

In the evening of the 20th, a curfew was declared in Moscow, but no one
has paid any attention and did not intend to support. Yes, and real opportunities
for that military authorities had not, and it's all understood. Already in the
afternoon Marshal E.Shaposhnikov addressed to a member of the Emergency
Committee Yazov a proposal to stop the army's participation in this
questionable action and withdraw its troops from Moscow. Yazov gave his
consent, and Shaposhnikov contacted Yeltsin and told him about it. On the
night began conclusion tank units from Moscow.
At the beginning of the night there was a tragic incident, which, however,
have all been waiting. Armoured patrol, sent to the Foreign Ministry on
Smolenskaya Square, moved along the Garden Ring, which is in a tunnel under
the prospectus of Kalinin turned partitioned barricade of trolleys. From "White
House" is a place quite far away and of no importance to protect the barricade
had. On the contrary, the blockade of the tunnel on the Garden Ring, on which
were supposed to move armored units, deliberately created the conditions for
an inevitable clash with the army in dangerous proximity to the object of
protection - the action, from a military point of view, unreasonable.

On the edges of the tunnel a large crowd of young people with the
prepared tarpaulins, containers and bottles with gasoline. Front infantry
fighting vehicles (IFV) trolleybucy pushed and passed ahead to your
destination, but before the rear of the column machines with the help of mobile
cranes barricade was closed. Again, if we were talking about how to "do not
miss the armored column to the White House", the fight had to be carried out
with the front of the machine. Cut and set fire to the closing of BMP in terms
of the defense interests of the "White House" did not make sense.

Tarpaulin vehicles were blinded, and then set on fire with gasoline bottles.
One boy was killed when jumping into BMP, and then trying to move to
another compartment caught leg, fell and hit his head on the asphalt. Even
dead, he fell under the wheels, and blinded by the burning of BMP, which was
moving frantically in the tunnel. Second in the head was a splinter of the bullet
that when one of the soldiers fired into the air hit the manhole cover and split.
The third victim was killed by a bullet. Examination failed to establish who
fired the bullet could not be found in it. According to the soldiers, and in
accordance with the video recordings of the incident (they were in many ways
the scene of many representatives of the Soviet and foreign companies that
have provided their investigation records), the soldiers only fired into the air.
Jumped out of the burning BMP driver's doused with gasoline and set on fire.

Ironically, it was that unit, which accounts fell to be guilty of the death of
the three young men were ordered to move from the protection of the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs
"White House", and the same soldiers and officers, without knowing it, were
"Fascist murderers" and "characters, sided with the people." After four months
the investigation of the deaths of young men in the tunnel criminal case was
dismissed and concluded: BMP-536 crew was attacked, weapons have been
used lawfully. That is, even if the soldiers shoot to kill, it would be lawful.

Thus, there was an attack on the Soviet Army, are on duty and acting in
accordance with the laws of the USSR. According to the investigation, there is
no corpus delicti in the actions of other military personnel involved in the
incident: the Taman Division commander Major General V.Marchenkova,
Regiment Commander Colonel A.Naletova, commander of the battalion
captain S.Surovikina.

On Wednesday morning, August 21 the situation was determined:

Gorbachev officially contacted by phone, went to his Vice-President
Alexander Rutskoi and Russian Prime Minister Ivan power. They brought
Gorbachev in Moscow, and the Emergency Committee members were
Before his arrest, he committed suicide Interior Minister Pugo. Arrived
reason to arrest him economist Grigory Yavlinsky (at the moment - a private
person) has made a curious statement. Pugo body lay on the couch and on the
floor - his wife was shot in the head. "We were surprised - said Yavlinsky, -
that the gun Pugo gently lay on the table beside the sofa. How could put a gun
man shot himself in the head? The matter was explained - we remember that
after a Pugo shot his wife. " My wife is a good housewife, of course, even after
shooting himself in the temple had to put the thing in place. Let's not be
surprised published in the West
"Leaked" from the Soviet Interior Ministry reports that were three bullets in
the head Pugo 33 4 .

Many observers note the totally unexpected, not substantiated and no one
explained the termination of "putsch". There is no military threat to the
Democrats for "coup" and were not offensive to them were not. On the other
hand, no evolution in the views themselves "plotters" also was not observed,
no negotiation on which they are pressurized gradually losing their positions
would not be.

The newspaper "Kommersant" writes: "All of the discrepancies pale in

comparison with the head and not yet examined the question in a three-day
history of the coup. How and why the putsch ended? Neither Gorbachev nor
the other participants in this event did not say on the subject a single word. We
only know that at 4:30 am on August 21 Emergency Committee met at the
party hotel "Oktyabrskaya". The commander of the Moscow Military District
5.00 General Kalinin gave the order to withdraw the troops from Moscow ...
But the situation remains under control of the Emergency Committee and is
not similar to the hopeless. The country has not condemned the coup
immediately and unanimously, Yeltsin's call for an indefinite strike for two
days, supported by very few ... A few days later, the Supreme Council will
almost certainly confirm the legitimacy of the State Emergency Committee.
Why putschists quickly surrendered, withdrawing troops from Moscow when
it was enough to stop the attack on the White House and look around?
Objective grounds for panic - the game still can not be considered lost.
Moreover, the perpetrators of the coup, it seems, and not consider it as such.
Working printing transferred to the editor laid out and prepared for printing the
front page of the hotel "Red Star", which was supposed to come out on
Thursday, 22 August. On the band - new, stringent orders of the coup, the
statement of the commandant of Moscow with his own interpretation of events
Smolenka. Nobody, it seems, is not going to give up ... Most likely: people
obeyed the orders of the state. "

The coup ended, and began a violent political activities for the
implementation of its
"Results". But before that, Gorbachev gave a big press conference, and his
assistant, a secretary and personal security officer - a long interview in which
the president outlined the actual arrest of the party.

§ 3. The history of "arrest" Gorbachev

so much conflicting statements contained in hasty speeches of Gorbachev

and his aides that can be done only conclusion: in the true plans and the
development of the official version of such a narrow circle of people was
involved, in terms of time constraints it was not possible even a single person
from an environment of the president to sit down and work out a consistent
description of the events. At the time the policy is no longer a theater, and once

4. By the way, the head of the investigative team E.Lisov no ambiguities have
not seen "is also no ambiguity with a gun. Pugo father, a very old man ... was in the
other room. Hearing the shots, he came out, saw the corpse of his son and the gun,
raised his pistol and laid it on the shelf. " Say, what are you, my son, the gun is not
It was "to learn a role" and to harmonize the statements at least those who did
not escape were speaking before a television camera.

It is known that the arrest was reduced to imprisonment of Mikhail

Gorbachev communication. No violence or threat of violence was not.
However, Gorbachev said that he had spent "72 hours in Brest Fortress", but
let's not quibble over this analogy (Brest fortress resisted for two months,
almost all of its defenders were killed). At the first press conference in the
Crimea on the question: "And there were attempts to force pressure on you? -
The president said - Nothing happened. But I was completely devoid of
communication is disabled from the sea blocked by ships and by land forces. "

The commander of the brigade Balaklava border patrol ships, which

"blocked the cottage from the sea," Captain First Rank I.Alferev said: "August
3, 1991 a group of four boundary ships and small boats division to step up the
protection of the State border of the USSR in the area of finding the residence
of President of the USSR. Organization of service with such a large number of
forces and means introduced 4 years ago, placing the residence of President of
the USSR in Foros. From 3 to August 23, we were on duty as usual. "

According to Gorbachev, 17 August at his villa came the command sent

to destroy the communications center. "And we destroyed!" - He cried at the
press conference. Technical experts immediately expressed this doubt. August
24, the day of triumph of the "putschists", the general director of the Leningrad
NPO "Signal" Valentin Zanin made a statement: "After reviewing the version
of Mikhail Gorbachev made in writing in the newspapers, I would argue that
in this way to isolate the President of the USSR on the communication
impossible . I am one of the manufacturers of the various means of
communication, and isolation of living and unbound president is only possible
with the dismantling of the main equipment, and the seizure of its export, which
was not done, as is evident from the report. It is many tons. That is, there was
a case of voluntary absenteeism relationship. " By written request orally Zanin
added a number of technical explanations, ending: "President is enough to have
a pen and paper to secure a connection to the country."

But we take the version of Gorbachev: he was deprived due August 17,
the team arrived, "destroyed the communications center." Meanwhile,
according to his own statement the same Gorbachev, 18 August, he was on the
phone with Yeltsin, Nazarbayev Yanayev. Perhaps the number of August 17
called by mistake? But immediately after the "revolution", on August 28 at the
CCCR Supreme Council session, the first deputy prime minister told
V.Scherbakov as August 19 in front of the famous cabinet meeting he doubted
the legitimacy of the state of emergency. Describing it, Shcherbakov said: "It
is a happy coincidence that Mikhail Gorbachev called me 20 minutes before
the conference" [Emergency Committee press conference on August 19].

Directly from the "White House" on August 20, Mikhail Gorbachev

contacted a newspaper correspondent. And Rutskoi himself admitted that he
spoke with him before there was a KGB team, including communication on
August 21 in Foros (Rutskoi said that the plotters flew to Foros and asked
Gorbachev did not take them).

But suppose that the newspaper is confused and Rutskoi and Shcherbakov
wrong hours and dates. Assume also that the government communications
node was actually disconnected. In fact, it's not too difference. Indeed, in such
a tragic situation for the country as a coup, it was logical to make some effort
and contact with Russia and the world in the usual telephone, via radio or
guards warships guarding Foros (seafarers have regular contact with
Gorbachev protection) 33 5 . And performs regular flights
"Aeroflot" (some employees of the Central Committee of the CPSU, who
rested in a sanatorium near dacha Gorbachev, August 19, when he heard about
the "coup", quietly bought a plane ticket and two hours later were at home in

That, according to the layman, does the president blocked the country
conspirators? He calls his faithful assistant, or a security officer, and said
something like: "Ride to our! Tell them there alive ... Do not let the ...
Democracy will not forget you! ". But there was no attempt to break through
to the phone, to email, to the aircraft, high-speed boat. And by whom

5. We will not spend time listing all the obvious, ordinary means of communication,
which is located
"Foros prisoners." The most modern satellite communication vehicles were equipped
with Gorbachev, to which the inhabitants of the villa had free access (for example, they
took a left there towels and swimsuits to go to the beach).
break? Coglasno stories of local residents, no troops near the cottages during
the "coup" does not appear. The commander of the frontier guarding dacha
outside, Major Victor Alimov, no suspect in connection with the "putschists",
said that there was nothing unusual in the area and around it was not observed,
there are no armed groups did not appear, security and the president's family,
as usual, bathed in the sea and no signs of the border guards are not supplied.

Yes, and two-way radios were silent. Not been used and the "red
telephone" to direct satellite communications with Bush 33 6 . Already in those
days among the observers in Moscow circulated opinion that for some
unknown reason Gorbachev did not want to use the available means at its
disposal to formally contact with Moscow, to give his assessment of the events
and actively stop the coup attempt.

And what is the behavior of other politicians, not "arrested" the putschists
and without access to a telephone? After all, as has been said in the newspapers,
"the country three days lived in shock, fear and uncertainty." What has been
done to eliminate this uncertainty in the morning on August 19? It is known
that the leadership of the majority of the republics and regions have taken a
wait, and a state of emergency anywhere except the Baltic States, was not
introduced. But in Moscow, from the first moment there was an irreconcilable
conflict with the Emergency Committee of the Russian leadership, which is
every day becoming more acute. Leaders of the RSFSR "was to protect the
Constitution and the President of the USSR."

CPSU Central Committee only solidified his reputation as an absolutely

incompetent authority, stating that "will not tell about his attitude to the State
Emergency Committee, until he knew that his comrade General Secretary
Gorbachev." And why would not take but not to know? What were the
obstacles to this? Address cottages known to all. A hundred meters from the
cottages - frontier with the phone. In forty minutes - Sevastopol, the base of
the Black Sea Navy, in no way involved in the "coup." Here - a democratic city
council, and for the Central Committee, if the Democrats do not like - the city
committee of the CPSU. Even regular flight of the aircraft prior to giving
Gorbachev can be reached from Moscow for the two and a half hours.

When on August 21 after the "coup", rushed to the Crimea to Gorbachev

flew Rutskoi and the force of their aircraft banned from landing at a military
airfield near the cottage, in Belbek - runway was "locked up" the previous
aircraft. According to the newspaper «Megapolis- Express», «The Commander
of the Navy Admiral Tchernavin in response to an urgent radiogram Yeltsin
ordered: any way to release the strip and give landing Rutskoi." But unless it
was impossible to give such a telegram and to make such a flight on August

Frankly, all waiting for from the Supreme politicians about such a
message: "After unsuccessful attempts to contact Foros the Crimea and in
general through all available means of communication of the USSR, to the
delegation led by the Minister of such a fact, however, was sent ..." - and then
possible options ( "the plane was shot down by fighters of the delegation the
coup ...", "at the entrance to the cottage delegates were fired from automatic
weapons ...", "I came out of the gate keeper and swore obscene words the
Minister"). And then the logical conclusion: "The President of the USSR
arrested, get to it is not possible, we will defend democracy on the barricades
without him." But none of this has been! No one (!) Made no attempt to help
out not only Gorbachev, but also explicitly, officially contacted him by phone.

"Moskovskie novosti" writes: "The Curious Story of the Moscow Soviet

Chairman Nikolai Gonchar, who arrived in Moscow only 22 August, when the
rebellion failed, from Foros. He told us that the rest of the president's summer
residence nearby, when walking on the trail with a backpack, I heard that in
Moscow coup. He tried to find out everything that had to do with the president.
August 21 it was decided to enter the territory of the garden with the help of
divers across the bay. But before the divers came to the country a force to
Rutskoi. "

336 When President Bush was asked why he did not use the "red telephone" to
communicate with the Soviet colleague, he replied that it was not necessary, since he
was aware of all the events. All knowing and always poisonous newspaper
«Megapolis-Express» describes the night and morning of George W. Bush on August
19: "In a few hours - morning press conference in Kennebunkport. The whole world
is in shock. Paris, London, Tokyo, still silent. And George Bush says the enigmatic
phrase: "Not all revolutions succeed."
Here, indeed, curious about everything, including the style of a foggy. It
informs also about trying to get to Gorbachev by director Oleg Uralova and
Russian deputies, "by chance vacationing in those fateful days on the Crimean
coast." But their story about how kindly treated them security and do not miss
the president on the pretext that "Gorbachev is not possible to take all the
campers in the neighborhood of deputies", absolutely nothing should be.
Moreover, the protection of the answer even looks quite reasonable.

§ 4. «coup» and the CPSU

It makes sense to briefly escape from the bright "coup" to the remaining
events in the shadow of the actions of the CPSU leadership. It is known that it
is the "coup" served as a pretext to eliminate this huge organization, and the
statement of its active role in the preparation of the coup was accepted as not
requiring any proof of any fact reflections. The press (including the so-called
"party") to this effect dismissed the vague remarks, avoiding to affect the facts
of the case.

In a small, nondescript notes passed in "Pravda" reported this important

fact. August 26, 1991 in Leningrad prosecutor opened a criminal case on
grounds of crimes "A" item Art. 64 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR "High
treason" against the Leningrad organization of the Communist Party, the
secretary of which was recognized B.Gidaspov "cool" conservative. December
26 the investigation was completed and the investigator for particularly
important cases P.Krivosheev answered the questions of:

 What is the overall impression of the behavior of the party

organization leaders to the event days 19-23

 They took a neutral, or rather, even a wait. The local

Emergency Committee B.Gidaspov, for example, was a member of the
Military District Council. And as the first secretary of the regional
committee, he did not even have the necessary information from the
Central Committee. Called Kuptsov, Iwashko, I asked what happens
after all-where Gorbachev, are fobbed off with vague phrases. After
that, according to Gidaspov, he was sneaking suspicion that there is
not all right. And when he saw on television shaking hands Yanaeva
understood: it is unclean. And since then, all his actions were directed
to keep order in the city, to prevent bloodshed ...

 To what conclusion it is a consequence?

 No specific or real action on the part of the Leningrad party

organization, in support of the Emergency Committee decisions had
not been committed. Not a single fact that would require bringing the
perpetrators, if any were found, the criminal liability for high treason.
Therefore, a regulation of business N 381953 I stopped for lack of
evidence. "

Such posts were from other places. Thus, the prosecutor's office
of Belarus led the criminal case according to the information on the
putsch supported by different community organizations. In February
the prosecutor's office made a statement, according to which it is not
"Collusion of the Communist Party of Belarus and the Communist
leaders of the republic with the participants of the conspiracy to seize
power, carried out in Moscow in August 1991".

In the history of the August coup and its role in the Communist
Party, there is one topic that politicians try not to touch. It may be of
interest only enough impartial observer - below we will try to explain
why this is so, what happened to the Old Town Square, in the citadel
of the communist system - the Central Committee of the CPSU. Below
is the story of one of the highest functionaries of the Central
Committee level. In August, he was vacationing in Foros, next to the
dacha Gorbachev. On the morning of August 19, the learning of the
events in Moscow, "Aeroflot" it is scheduled flight back to the capital
and spent all the days of the coup directly to the Central Committee
building, watching the events
"Inside". Here, briefly, is his story, which I quote without editing and
without comment.

"... This topic is closely related to the question of who in the end
of the second and during the third decade of August 1991 belonged to
the Communist Party in power. The power of the CPSU in society at
that time was already quite weak, it was not even the power as such,
but the remnants of its former power and pervasive influence. But the
power within the party and the power of the party in society - are two
different things, and the first can exist even in the absence of a second.

So, in whose hands was the power of the party on August 19 on

the day when he was isolated in Foros general secretary? Formally,
according to the ordinance it is the supreme body of the party
but no traces of its activity can not be traced to this period. It was not
going to, because the lion's share of its members - all Republican
leaders chose at the time to stay in their ancestral lands - who follow
the instructions of the Emergency Committee who sit, and who oppose
the coup. None known and accepted during this period on behalf of the
Political Bureau of the documents.

The second most important body of the inner-control between the

Plenary Session is the Central Committee secretariat. Traces of its
activity tracked during the investigation going, and the notorious
coded message calling for support of the Emergency Committee, sent
just on his behalf. Encryption was designed to place on 19 August. The
nature of the document indicates that, in contrast to domestic
preparations prepared ahead of time, many of whom have already
made public the document at the same time, that is, August 19 was

The putsch undoubtedly found the main body of the operational

management of a huge surprise party structure. Otherwise, do not
explain why the second person in the party - Deputy Secretary General
V.Ivashko eve was operated on the thyroid gland. Why G.Semenov
secretary was on a business trip in Central Asia, Secretary P.Luchinsky
basked in the Crimea, the Secretary A.Girenko rest up in minor
ailments, etc. Thinking that they were Lukianivska Therefore cunning
and far-sighted do not have to, because they all rushed to the 19 Old
Square, trying to understand what is going on and all the days of the
coup were there, leaving their jobs in the last day of August, when all
party functionaries under the muzzles machines were expelled from
the Central Committee building. If there was a secret party decided to
organize a coup, they simply would not have been allowed in the most
important moment of the seizure of power, when each of the dedicated
plays a huge role, avoid and stay far away or in a hospital.

According to the testimony of numerous functionaries of the

Central Committee, with whom I talked, the secretariat met almost
continuously during and 19, and 20, and the first half of August 21st.
These meetings were different from the usual. They took place in the
narrow, that is actually part of secretarial. A common practice since
Stalin's time was the participation in the meetings of the Secretariat of
the Central Committee department heads - a highly influential group
in the party hierarchy of functionaries ...

At this time, they were not allowed. Cut off from the influence on
the development of relations in the coup and documents, which were
waiting for the provincial centers, were of course, not only the heads.
Along with them he was cut off and the whole apparatus of the Central
Committee ...

By the end of August 20 leading functionaries of the Central

Committee introduced the draft statement, which was to grind out by
the Secretariat. It was assumed that it will sound program
"Time". The statement was of extremely amorphous character,
revealing the complete spinelessness and lack of political will. It "takes
note" of the Emergency Committee on the information that a secretary
general is nothing irreparable had happened and was given a promise
of support furnished reservations putschists if the Emergency
Committee will "express the aspirations of the people." Impact on the
mid-level leadership was so insistent that the party bosses trembled
and withdrew the application. According to the testimony of one of the
workers of TV, it literally taken out of the hands of the speaker's main
political television programs. Such a statement might and it would be
worse than nothing. But also
"Nothing" of the ruling party at the time of the coup, which lasted for
two days, was no better.

Why do these days is not going to the plenum of the Central

Committee? About ten members of the Central Committee, with whom
we have been able to hold telephone conversations, it became known
that on the morning of August 19 they learned about preparing for the
next day, that is 20th (likely in the evening) plenum. When asked why
he did not take place, a clear answer has not given one.

As it was established, on the morning of the 19th the news of the

plenum got almost all the members of the CC. Many of them, leaving
everything behind, went to Moscow. On the morning of August 20, in
the department in charge of organizing, circulating information on
arrival in Moscow 110-115 of nonresident members of the CC. And
nearly half of the members of the plenum of the Central Committee -
are representatives of the Moscow political elite. In other words,
August 20, in Moscow, there were approximately two-thirds of the CC
members. Collect them in the labor meeting did not represent.
However, the Secretariat, referring to the fact that the state of
emergency introduced in Moscow, by the plenum of the refused. This
was a moment of usurpation of power in the party.

Gorbachev assured everyone that from Foros in the new country's

new president has returned, but it was not so. He was brought to
Moscow many of his illusions - at the airport and at the first press
conference was still talking about the restructuring and socialist
choice. But the next day it was clear ... more
And then he called the CPSU do a last service. She now had to
play the role of the victim, which he will bring to the altar of an angry
deity! In the narrow circle of his remaining loyal functionaries (many
of them, he will donate in the coming days) at the round table in a room
adjacent to the reception of his Kremlin apartment, born statements
about the fate of the Communist Party, its property, etc. Paradoxically,
the fact is that the development of determining the fate of the party
documents were not involved is not something that the members of the
plenum of the Central Committee, and secretary - only entourage
general secretary and two or three people from the mid-level
functionaries of the Central Committee.

So there was a second a few days usurpation of inner power. She

wore an even more pronounced: the party in power was usurped by
one man, its secretary general. It usurps a very short period of time, if
you talk very strict, just a few hours, and only one purpose - to destroy
it as an organization using such destruction as a bargaining chip in a
new round of political struggle. "

Consider alternative explanations for the incident, which

circulated in the media observers.

§ 5. events explanation models

According to the official version, formulated by Boris Yeltsin on

the first day of the coup, and then confirmed by Gorbachev and radical
democrats, and even approved by parliament, the Soviet Union was a
coup d'etat, organized by a group of conspirators who are recognized
as criminals.

No one is worried about inconsistencies with the law: Parliament

and president, replacing the court, not only gave the legal qualification
of the events, but also rendered the sentence. The members of the
Emergency Committee to the court and to the consequences of
recognized criminals. Gorbachev, as even the official version of the
victim, that is, the person concerned, creates and heads a commission
to observe the investigation and questioned as a witness, so that
defense can not ask him questions.
Regarding the Emergency Committee action motives of
disagreement. Democrats believe that a desperate step "putschists"
pushed partocracy desire to retain their positions. Gorbachev said that
when the putschists came to him with an ultimatum, demanding a state
of emergency for the sake of saving the country, he told them that he
and their assessment of the situation is completely the same, but he did
not agree with the way their actions. It's strange, because if he had the
same opinion about the situation in the country, he was on duty had to
take adequate measures and demand the coup was quite fair. Because
of this, some observers have concluded that the "putschists" acted out
of a sense of patriotism, when the president refused to take action to
save the country.

These interpretations of the motives vulnerable. Go on a

dangerous and apparently hopeless ostensibly for the sake of their own
positions (version Democrats) - it means to assume all the conspirators
lack of intelligence, amounting to idiocy. It is known that none of
partocrats coming in the wake of Gorbachev's no point during the
restructuring is not lost. What could have lost the prime minister or the
head of the KGB, or sidekick President Chairman of the USSR
Supreme Council Lukyanov? The risk does not justify the biggest
possible losses. Realizing that rationally explain the inconsistencies
possible, democratic press claimed that all the "conspirators" were
really stupid. But it is - a myth. In any case, the KGB chief, Prime
Minister and Speaker of the Parliament proved to be earlier as a very
smart and pragmatic policy. Over the years, all had the opportunity to
make sure that A.I.Lukyanov - a master of political intrigues of the
upper class (it was even mentioned in the press, "with all your mind,
cunning and guile Lukyanov, he is ..." etc. ). Writer Daniel Granin, a
man clearly democratic views, said about Lukyanov: "This man owned
the whole situation. This is a watchmaker, he knew perfectly well the
mechanism of power. " So in the version of the stupidity of the
organizers of the coup ends meet do not tally.

Gorbachev's version more favorable. According to her,

"putschists" - patriotic policy with a keen sense of responsibility for
the fate of the country, but without the legal thinking. This version is
also difficult to accept for three reasons. Firstly, all these people -
"Gorbachev's team", they worked with him in perfect harmony and
knew very well where he is leading the country. The sudden outbreak
of patriotism and self-destructive they simply inexplicable. If such an
outbreak occurred and, therefore, they have learned something out of
the ordinary, but this is the inevitable consequence of this version
never a word was said.
Second, those in the Emergency Committee, who has been
directly linked with the economy, were not supporters of a return to
barracks socialism, they were definitely committed to the market
economy. So that the Emergency Committee represented not the junta,
merged unified ideals, and very heterogeneous, "pluralistic" Education
- a unique phenomenon in the history of coups. Anyway, because of
the light of discrepancies with the radical liberals
"Business executives" in the Emergency Committee and the finger
would not poshevelnuli, not something that began to organize a coup.
Finally, if they acted out of clan solidarity partocrats or of
patriotism, they are in any case would not have been introduced into
the army to Moscow. The Soviet army in their cultural type is not
suited for coups. Besides,
"Conspirators" carried out by political scientists studying different
areas of the January Analysis
"Mini-coup" in Vilnius. In all, two findings of the report were clear: 1)
the one who withdraws into the street, suffer a crushing defeat; 2)
whoever organized, blame will be placed on the Communist Party and
the allied governments. We can say with confidence: the core
"Conspirators" should have known what the outcome of this "coup"
(although some military and party leaders, apparently, could join him
in a desperate attempt to really do something for the salvation of the
country as they are to understand).

The official version makes the following contradiction: if it was a

coup (no matter what motives induced), how to explain the strange
behavior of the conspirators, apparently dooming them to failure?
These oddities are obvious:

 GKCHP not distanced himself from Gorbachev, the

credibility of which was exhausted almost all the political forces in the
country. He said: "We - the people will continue to Gorbachev and his
policy of" conspirators deliberately deprived themselves of the support
of the population. This is compounded by the fact that the personal
authority and sympathy to the members of the society and the State
Emergency Committee had no charismatic leaders could not be 33 7 .
Actually, in the history of this it is the first time that the coup junta
does, clearly has no leader. Allegations that the plot was spontaneous
and heroic idea was born in several minds, it is very difficult to accept.

 Emergency Committee did not attract the forces that formed

in opposition to Gorbachev (part of the Committee, following the so-
called "patriotic" intellectuals). With regard to the authority of
conservative military leaders, such as Deputy Secretary of Defense or
the commander of the district Varennikov Makashov, they held
"revolution" were not (Makashova not even all joined on the phone
with Yazov three days). On the contrary, as if all was done to the coup
was not taken seriously and has not acquired power.

 "Plotters" failed to comply with basic requirements of any

tactical coup (establishment of control over communications and
transport, the rapid arrest of political opponents, proactive). Instead -
grotesque movement, avoiding any action that meaningless press
conference, constant assurances that the troops will not undertake any
actions, actually promoting propaganda hostile conspiracy.

Create confidence that the Emergency Committee was preparing mass arrests and
repression in the development of the official version of events was necessary -
otherwise what is it a revolution. It demanded that the journalists' difficult balancing
act. For example, the statement "News" on August 26: "From unofficial" News
"sources received information that the script coup in the USSR envisaged arrests of
persons able to prevent the new authorities in building a bright future. According to
some estimates, about seven thousand names have been included in the list. Get what
any documentary evidence of these facts, we have not yet succeeded. However, there
is no evidence to suggest that such a list did not exist ... ". Indeed, the top legal thinking.
I had even the new boss of the KGB Vadim Bakatin reluctantly admit that the
information on the arrests of the lists he has and, apparently, did not exist.

The version developed by the press, read, all conspirators - drunks and
degenerates, even the coup they really could not organize. The newspaper «Megapolis-
Express» September 5 formulated this way: "The coup leaders in the three days
persistently behave either like a complete idiot, or both

6. The newspaper "Russia" mocks: "Yes, all of us very hard fortunate that
among the eight faces of the acid did not have any, which is at least in appearance
inspired confidence." Of course, if we could persuade to enter the Emergency
Committee G.H.Popova c his honest eyes or clever V.Novodvorskuyu, the coup
would have been invincible.
People who are prone to non-trivial methods of suicide. " But this explanation
unconvincing. Everyone remembers the lightning operation for the collection
of Prague in 1968 and Kabul in 1979. By the way, the operation itself and 19
August to deploy in the city center, among the crowd, the two divisions of
heavy tanks was carried out, in the opinion of experts, brilliantly - I was not
crushed nor one person, there was no collision on the road.

With far fewer opportunities Jaruzelski in December 1981 for one night
paralyzed huge, branched "Solidarity" system - and in fact at the moment
"putschists" Kryuchkov was a KGB representative in Poland and gained
valuable experience. According to living in London, the famous dissident and
political scientist Vladimir Bukovsky, vice KGB Kryuchkov, General
V.Grushko (also arrested after the coup as a conspirator) was one of the main
organizers of a brilliant operation to overthrow Ceausescu in Romania in
December 1989

Thus, experience, and skill at the "putschists" were. If there was indeed
ordered, everything would have been completed on the night of 18 August,
19th. Or, in the case of a real defiance of KGB special forces (which is
unlikely), the same night the conspirators would have been arrested. But the
fact that the order was not given to the troops will never act. And if you put the
job, then so vague and contradictory way that it was obvious to all: just do not
understand them (in all cases, it appears that parallel countermand the troops
were all sorts). According to the former commander of the KGB spetsbrigady
"Alpha" V.Karpuhina he Kryuchkov personally ordered the arrest of Boris
Yeltsin and the storm
"The White house". But in the statements of many officers and brigade
commanders as mutually exclusive assertions that in all versions of the
presentation events commentators avoid to use them as arguments.

A careful reading of the interview head of the Moscow Directorate of the

KGB Major General A.Korsaka, who participated in the meetings at which
planned assault on the "White House," makes it impossible to determine
whether such an order, or just "talked about the need for the assault." It is
noteworthy that this interview in the "N" called "We were ordered to arrest
Popov", while Major-General said, "by the way, had to follow orders to arrest
[Popov] and vice-mayor Luzhkov." But this order is not followed! This is just
one example of a constantly observed the contrast between the neat, suspended
statements of officials and rigid media bias.
In fact, the KGB supposedly specifically designed for such operations,
was off from the game. "Moscow News" even surprised: "What exactly do we
know it was not, - said
"Komsomolskaya Pravda" head of the KGB department for the protection of
the constitutional order Valery Vorotnikov. - Therefore, we are working as
usual. Something happened? Some orders have not followed? What? .. By the
way, staff, according to information from the employees themselves
committee, still resides in amazement, why not handed weapons mid-level
officers. "

And the very manner in which was allegedly ordered the KGB, is
amazing. As the August 26, Lieutenant General E.Rasschepov, head of the
KGB, in whose submission was part of a group
"Alpha", which was to storm the "White House", "staff said the group
disagreed with this brutal action. This was reported to the then Chairman of the
KGB of the USSR, which did not insist on the implementation of the operation.
" Glory to the Soviet Pinochet! They are going to commit a military coup, but
when it turns out that this may spill blood, they stop the operation, or shall
commit suicide. Yes, the political regime, which gave rise to these "gorillas",
it was necessary to nurture and save! Of course, if it really is a coup.

As for the army, she acted as a normal state mechanism. Military quite
accurately fulfill orders "come and stand" to avoid bloodshed. A step in the
political sphere, they say, will the KGB. Another natural performer plans
plotters would be subordinate to the USSR Interior Ministry Internal Troops,
particularly riot police. But what says the Chief of Staff of the Central Internal
Troops, Major General Baskaev: "We were raised to six in the morning on 19
August familiarized with the encryption of Pugo state of emergency.
Objective: to serve for a stronger version, execute orders only minister ...
Neither the first nor in the following days no indication I did not get my
command, written order Pugo was awarded in 1 hour and 20 minutes. 20
August. No. 066, title
"On measures to strengthen public order and safety in emergency situations."
According to «Megapolis-Express» democratically minded captain
Sh.Alimov riot police, on the first day of the coup, "riot police was disarmed,
weapons depots and" cherry "sealed." To the question: "What has been called
such an order? ? Politically unreliable personnel "- Alimov said," Hardly.
Guys, we are quite conservative, many are openly on the right [ie Soviet]
positions. " So maybe in this case it was recognized as a political unreliability?

Radically different version, which has several different options, is to

ensure that there was no coup attempt was not, and it is a brilliantly conducted
political provocation. Something like the Reichstag fire in 1933, but much
more ambitious and creative.

According to one embodiment of this version, Gorbachev himself was the

mastermind of this action. How to put it, referring to Adam Michnik, "Moscow
News", "Gorbachev - Jaruzelski and Walesa simultaneously. He prepared the
way for the insurgency and a way to suppress it. "

Direct charges made to Gorbachev at a meeting of the Parliament of the

RSFSR. People's deputy of the RSFSR A. Medvedev thinks so: "The figures
of the ringleaders of the coup is very unconvincing. These people are not able
to do something big, and dare to lead a coup. They were sure someone had to
stand. Most likely, in this sense the figure of Mikhail Gorbachev, who was
always the "master" Kryuchkov, Pugo, Yazov and others like them. I assume
that this coup was very necessary to Gorbachev. He would play in his favor,
and if successful, and in case of failure ... the involvement of the president, as
noted by many, and made it clear Lukyanov. Another interesting point: in fact,
a coup carried Gorbachevites. A antigorbachevtsy, I mean in this case, the
notorious group of "Soyuz", which is repeated on the need to remove the
president, the state of emergency, unexpectedly turned out the coup. Moreover,
Blokhin said that condemns the actions of the Emergency Committee. To put
it mildly, is strange. "

Alternatively, Gorbachev did not interfere with the conspirators, but

refused to personally participate in the unpopular actions abhorrent to him, I
decided to see how the matter. Some observers even believe that the coup
scenario was agreed between Gorbachev, Yeltsin and the coup - all needed a
pretext for draconian economic reforms. But Yeltsin unexpectedly broke the
agreement and started its own game, coming out of it a winner and became the
autocratic leader of Russia. This explanation makes it clear why the putschists
behaved so strangely, and even went to Foros to consult with Gorbachev (but
he had to have a plan to change).

Finally, the most sophisticated explanation is that, knowing the

"genotype" of the Soviet system and the psychology of the Russian people,
clever schemer can trigger actions like an August "putsch", he remained in the
public (and even their own) opinion it perfect opponent. It is only important to
have sufficient power to allow certain forces to commit at some point certain
actions in a strictly controlled scale. This model of the "Russian intrigue" set
out in the scheme Karamazov Dostoevsky murder of his father. During the
perestroika years, we have seen that its "architects" in any case not more stupid
(and no less progressive) than Ivan Karamazov. But there was no longer the
USSR clean and trusting soul, like Alyosha Karamazov, to send a telegram to
Gorbachev comforting:
"Mikhail Sergeyevich, I know only one thing - do not you have organized a
coup! Not you!". Such telegrams Gorbachev never received.

§ 6. The main results of the "coup" and the August Revolution

In the early days of euphoria after the elimination of "the coup" a

prominent publicist A.Bovin said, to paraphrase Voltaire: "If this coup was not,
it should have been invented!". Gorbachev also expressed his satisfaction: "All
of the debris swept out of the way!".

Thus, CL, was mnogokpatno and varia FORMS vypazheno

udovletvopeniya that ppoizoshlo event under the code name "August putsch",
and its result - the fact that the Soviet Union turned out to be blasted. Moreover,
even then it ppedpolagalos that the decay process should now move to the
Russian Federation. Specifically said one of the prominent democratic
ideologues Professor Leonid Batkin: "Who is now calculated on the formula
one and indivisible Russia? On the illiterate masses? .. I encourage you to
develop solutions based on the fact that now, in the wake of August, we had a
great historical chance to truly reform the Russian. "
Be Camping play "napodnogo soppotivleniya putsch" finansipovalsya not
only government agencies, but also entrepreneurs. Only Inkom "invested" in
the defense of the White House 10 million publey (publey of vpemeni - about
200 thousand times the minimum wage in 1999!). According to "Kommersant"
newspaper, "The money for the barricades to bring up bags - the benefit was
that these bags are put ... To help the defenders of the White House a number
of commercial banks allocated about 15 million of cash -. For the purchase of
food and equipment. Freedom fighters gave taste the famous burgers
McDonald`s and pizza from Pizza-Hut ». There was even touching unity
entrepreneurs and their tormentors - racketeers (as said in the program
"Vzglyad" August 23 A.Lyubimov "racketeers brought a bunch of" attendants
", took leaflets, went on to military units."

The feverish political activity after August was characterized by the fact
that all politicians concentrated attention on the coup and carefully avoided the
social and economic problems. Nobody even mentioned the issues that let to
dpozhyu in his voice, but still put the members of the Emergency Committee.
About the real situation in the country generally considered impolite to speak.

It - p.pyamo feedback "putsch" -spektaklya public consciousness, its kind

by napkoz, DURING which failed to adequate Quaternary papalizovat any
opposition and ppovesti painful opepatsy on the Elimination of the USSR.

True, as a result of "coup" has disappeared in the mass consciousness

created stpashny CL pugala- the Center. Therefore, in January-February 1992,
intensive efforts to create a new image of the enemy, interfering reforms have
been undertaken in the name of "red-brown". This term, proposed at a meeting
of the democratic club "Moscow Tribune", he was picked up by the media and
used as a shortcut in relation to virtually all opposition forces 33 8 .

The very way of rejoicing after the victory over the "putsch" showed a
deep moral degradation of the liberal elite. Tosca called intellectuals calls from
television to report on the phone about the people who sympathized with the
coup. The public demanded the resignation of the Presidium of the USSR
Academy of Sciences and Moscow University - Rector for the reason that they
were not actively against the coup.

"Nezavisimaya Gazeta" under the heading "The university offered to

resign," said: "The first of September at a meeting in the main building of
Moscow State University, dedicated to the beginning of the new school year,
Junior Researcher Institute of Nuclear Physics Dmitry Savin read a collective
statement of university staff:" In the days coup 19-21 August 1991 Moscow
University leaders took an unprincipled position. In difficult for the country
days when the words of the old university would instill hope in people's hearts
and help determine hesitant formal structure of the University to remain silent.
" One syllable is worth something!

In general, the behavior of many prominent cultural figures after the

"coup" was struck by bad taste, anger and inability to look at himself from the
outside. Songs and cartoons, play up the death of Pugo, evoked disgust and
were another blow to ordinary morality. Such was the effect of burning the
director Mark Zakharov, before a television camera of his party membership
card (possible, however, that it was someone else's membership card or
membership card at all similar to the crust). And then, a lot of people were just
amazed that the active, a biological anti-Communist Mark Zakharov, it turns
out, all six years of perestroika remained in the ranks of the Communist Party!
What's he waiting for?

Painful to look at the popular film director Nikita Mikhalkov, which is

now on the TV screen condemns all those who sympathized with the coup, and
tomorrow with the same sincerity explains that his father, as one of the leaders
of the Writers' Union officially supported the coup, had the right, because, they
say, old age .., lived all his life under socialism .., and the defenders of the
barricades read his "Uncle steppe", and thus it would have been like at the
barricades near the "White house."

7. So, February 23, 1992, the Day of the Soviet Army, a small demonstration
of the "red-brown", consisting of 10 thousand. Mostly elderly people to the city
center to place, as usual, wreaths to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. She was
ruthlessly beaten. What was the explanation of the City Hall, this at a press
conference? Strange in its logic, it points to the long-range plan of provocation: the
purpose of the march was supposedly "disrupt economic reform."
By its actions, the ideologues Democrats stepped splitting of social
consciousness. So, after a brief treatment of the editors of many ex-communist
newspapers have become a vehemently anti-Soviet. But they went out in the
old format and a familiar design. This caused a psychological shock - a sharp
change of content is not allowed without an adequate change of the form, sign

"August Revolution" gave rise to a new outbreak of anti- statism - curse

to the state structures, the "center" became almost obligatory appendage to the
assurances of loyalty to a democratic regime. So, frightened suspicion of
conservatism (by the way, is absolutely groundless) P.Bunich hastened to
assure: "My position was known to the entire conscious life, the continuous
struggle with the state monster" (as they say, keep the author's style). A RSFSR
Minister of Health ordered all V.Kalinin Oblzdrav and city health department,
"strictly forbids execution of any orders and orders of the Ministry of Health,
as well as contact with their functionaries (?)."

The image of the Soviet state as the enemy of all mankind rapidly created in
connection with the
"Nuclear button". Of course, the main goal of the campaign - the introduction
into the public consciousness the idea that Russia is not able to have a nuclear
weapon in the hands of a savage it becomes deadly for mankind toy, which
should be put under the control of UN forces and the US Army. That poses a
problem as the people's deputy of the USSR Academician V.Goldansky:
"You can imagine the anxiety experienced all of humanity, when, after the
forced isolation Gorbachev three" fuse "the network of Soviet strategic
offensive nuclear weapons ... were, in fact, in the same criminal hands ...
Fortunately, irreparable this time did not happen. " Allegedly, this time had
passed - by a fluke, but how much you can tempt fate!

In fact, it was argued that the Soviet military command initially criminally
and waiting for the right moment to put an end to mankind - a Gorbachev
selflessly defended them "suitcase" button. Once isolated military Gorbachev,
it really means, expected to launch a nuclear attack on the civilized countries.
It is obvious that the image created Gol'danskii - ideological myth, no actual
or historical grounds it is under is not contrary to, and elementary logic.
During the coup, the army presented a print (except for the military, who
"refused to fire on the people"), as an institution, "the Nazi murderers", and
General - as the collective enemy of the people. Now officially it established
for certain that no general has not given anything like the order to "shoot at
people" for the time of the coup, and the part of the soldiers and junior
commanders was not a single case of aggression or threat of aggression. Even
the crew set fire in the tunnel BMP 536, the attack which cost the lives of three
young men, acquitted of their death (by the way, the press is virtually silent -
most people do not notice the small posts on the conclusion of the

Great importance was devastating insistence on the priority of democratic

ideals to military discipline (after the coup was carried out intensive
ideological campaign, to introduce the idea that soldiers should not obey orders
contrary to the "universal values" (used by the army of destruction technology,
tested in February 1917 and led the country to a civil war).

The loss of the sacred meaning of the oath was not the least among the
factors that have allowed in December painless dissolve the union authorities.
The army reacted to this with complete indifference. Her "genotype" was

§ 7. The process against the "conspirators"

A special contribution to the development of cultural crisis has made the

process of punishment of the conspirators. Putschists accused of "treason to
the Motherland" of art. 64 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR. It came as a
surprise many. After Code article states:

"Treason, ie an act deliberately committed by a citizen of the USSR to the

detriment of the sovereignty, territorial integrity or public safety and defense
of the USSR: the transition to the enemy, espionage, disclosure of state or
military secrets to a foreign state, the flight abroad or refusal to return from
abroad in the USSR, the provision of assistance to a foreign state in conducting
hostile activities against the Soviet Union, as well as conspiracy to seize power,
- is punished by deprivation
liberty for a term of ten to fifteen years with confiscation of property and with
reference to the period of two to five years, or without reference to or the death
penalty and confiscation of property. "

Here, for us the main thing - the first part. Treason - a deliberate act on
the damage to its sovereignty, territorial integrity and defense capability. But
to anyone during the "putsch", or against him, and it never occurred to put this
accused members of the Emergency Committee. In all interpretations of their
motives acknowledged that they deliberately acted in order to preserve the
Soviet Union, its integrity and security. That is, even the enemies 'coup'
accusation seemed absurd. How can you talk about the change of the USSR, if
decision to prosecute Vice President Yanaeva as a defendant literally states
that "fear that the new Union Treaty would lead to the disintegration of the
USSR and seeing what he did out of the critical political and social situation",
he made so-and-so! Here again we see the characteristic for a period of severe
incoherence statements.

A strange accusation lasted almost 4 months and was without any

comments and messages changed to the charge of "conspiracy to seize power"
(for the same 64 cent.). Again nonsense. The law "conspiracy to seize power"
does not appear as a separate crime. It is mentioned only in explaining part of
the article above only as a form of implementation of treason. What is,
according to the law, "treason," we have seen. But the text of the article is clear
that if in the acts of the defendants there is no crime, called treason, and this is
so - and then accuse them of plotting impossible. There is no law did not
foresee that someone will have to defend the USSR crime! Thus, from the point
of view of jurisprudence prosecutors had violated the principle of Roman law,
perceived by all known criminal codes: no crime, if such an act is not provided
for by law.

But if you move away from the dry law, and appeal to common sense,
confusion only increases. What kind of seizure of power in question? Enough
to see the job structure
"Conspirators". What kind of power grab intended to Prime Minister V. Pavlov
and Defense Minister Yazov? For any rational explanation would have to give
prosecutors - layman such explanations difficult to come up. Comes to mind
that the accused "plotters" could be imputed to "abuse of power", but it's for
the occasion it was clearly too small.

January 15, 1992 it was announced that a preliminary investigation on the

case of the Emergency Committee completed. The case file amounted to 125
volumes of 200-300 pages. With the business began to get acquainted
defendants and their attorneys. And here immediately had the feeling that the
"winners" are trying to delay the beginning of the process, if not pull the thing
on the brakes (in numerous interviews senior officials to a direct question:
"Does the court consist of?" Is usually answered very evasively, he says, "in
my opinion, should have been a lawsuit, "etc.). It is noteworthy statement in
February 1992, Vice-President of the Russian A.Rutskogo that the best thing
would be to stop and release the defendants, especially since all of them - the
elderly. And it is - after Russian Prime Minister Ivan Silaev called them
immediately shot. The range of possible alternatives to the "Russian state of
law" is a truly Russian scope.

Start making delay using bureaucratic tricks. The lawyers and defendants
who are familiar with the case, were forced to literally rewrite it by hand.
Already this brake and the case and did not allow to start the process before
the summer of 1993. All requests for authorization to use a tape recorder or
other copying equipment were left unanswered. Why? After all, it did not
change anything in substance, the defendant did not give any "secret weapon"
- a shortened time three times.

Generally, in the attitudes of the accused there was a crisis. They seem to
be convinced of disloyalty Gorbachev, in his abuse of some, albeit implicit, but
implied agreements. This freed them from "the inside of the oath," the former
president. This is the Russian administrative ethics. Typically, a subordinate
who has got into trouble, does not extradite the chief, with whom he had
entered into a pact of loyalty - even if the head of his "issues", curses requires
severe punishment, but it does not break some sexual ethics. It seems that
something went wrong here.
In particular, one of the accusations against the former KGB chairman
Kryuchkov concerned the illegal wiretapping of prominent political figures.
Amid other things, not much for a charge. And suddenly Kryuchkov's lawyer
said: "With regard to pre-August event in terms of listening and other forms of
control on the part of the KGB
People's Deputies of the USSR and RSFSR, prominent public and political
figures, that there was no case without the direct approval of President
Gorbachev. " The lawyer told the press unpleasant details: many documents
relating to listening, Gorbachev would sign personally. So, rumors of
wiretapping personal press secretary Gorbachev V.Ignatenko - as part of a
KGB plot against the President. In an interview about the case, this "Literary
Gazette", Gorbachev expressed his indignation and complete ignorance. And
now it turns out that a memorandum of KGB listening V.Ignatenko
superimposed handwritten resolution Gorbachev.

In the minds of the people displaced after August habitual notions of what
can and can not do a person in a particular position. It was hard to look at
Gorbachev - President yesterday was a great country, who personally read out
in parliament, and with strained ironic comments, controversial anonymous
denunciation of his ministers (the transcript of a secret government meeting on
August 19). And the behavior of the "information" of the author - a famous
scientist N.N.Vorontsova, although he said: "I do not consider myself a hero,
but I have undertaken demanded citizenship" is clearly not trivial. Firstly, it is
not made in parliament on their behalf, and provided its report anonymously.
Secondly, he attributed to criminal utterances one minister, who on that day
was not in Moscow, and the scandal emerged in Parliament. Finally, the
transcript led he is not alone, and it turned out that his own speech at the
meeting does not have to put it mildly, bold denunciation of the putschists.

The important role played by ritual framing the dramatic death of

Marshal Akhromeeva: in Parliament, where he was sympathetic to at least 60
per cent of deputies, no one stood up to honor the memory as deputy
Akhromeeva - all were afraid to stand up. Gorbachev, whose adviser was
Akhromeev, not a word has expressed condolences to the family, obituaries
were published in the leading western, but not Soviet, newspapers. Finally, in
the wake of anti-militarism some enthusiasts after the funeral, they opened the
grave and stripped Akhromeeva marshal the body shape.

§ 8. Fear Factor in the policy after August

After August pathological fear arose in the ranks of the Democrats to

"social explosion." Enter "on time" almost unlimited power of Boris Yeltsin or
distracting people banned Communist Party of the Democrats have lost an
important trump card in the public eye - it hopes for a democratic political
order. From that one, that the restructuring at some point almost gave people.
In September 1991, the then head of the KGB Russia V.Ivanenko presented on
TV program of "democratic KGB." On the question of where is now coming
danger to the state, he said that the KGB will no longer deal with dissidents,
the main danger
 social explosion. He developed his idea in an interview with "Arguments and
Facts": "Today, the main danger - in a series of social explosions sent. People angry,
excited by rumors of the imminent liberalization of prices ... There have been
operational information, that in large enterprises spontaneously arise and strike
committees rabochkomy. I think that they can organize themselves in the winter ... most
likely in December, possible riot. " Such is the logic of restructuring: the enemy "anti-
popular regime partocrats" There were two or three hundred dissidents, were the
enemies of a democratic government the masses - they have been declared the object
of attention of the KGB. This is shizofrenizatsiya consciousness.

The most consistent position on this matter has taken the mayor of Moscow
G.H.Popov. After the founding congress of the Movement of Democratic Reforms in
his press conference, he talked about how, in his opinion, it will be necessary to act in
case of a mass dissatisfaction with the radical economic reforms (if, God forbid,
someone "to raise the forks"). Fear of hungry crowd became an obsession of new
fathers of Russian democracy.

Here's how to install them G.H.Popov expressed: "I think it is possible and
necessary to apply in this case the force and apply it as soon as possible. Better use of
unarmed police than armed. It is better to use armed police than let the troops. It is
better to use the troops than to produce artillery, aviation ... So from that point of view
- a simple question. "

It is useful to understand this simple question for Democrat Popov, for releasing
troops or aircraft is not some Bolshevik tyrant, and democracy. This is what is found
already at the first examination. It is common knowledge that the world is difficult to
find such a patient and unassuming people, as a Russian - in the West is called
"mysterious Russian soul". So Popov knows that angry people take to the street only
when it comes
to the extreme. Not because with fat rage or require some civil rights, but because the
children started to get sick and die of hunger (the elderly, die quietly, and no social
protest their death causes).

It is against these people Popov "considers it possible and necessary to use force."
Yes, as soon as possible. What is the rush? It is possible to give one explanation: that
by intimidation paralyze any attempts at resistance. So the robber does sacrifice a fast
and relatively harmless shock ( "better police than the army") to paralyze the will - and
not because he likes to beat people. Thus, the concept of the leader of the Democrats
was precisely the manipulation of consciousness by spreading fear.

What is sought with the help of the mayor of the threat of force (in the language
of diplomats, this threat - is the action of the war, not the world)? In fact, already sought
to abolish the last remaining population of expression means. Within six years of
perestroika reduction in the ability of the population to express their interests. Fixed all
the old, "uncivilized", though with difficulty, but in effect the system: the Party
organizations, trade unions, labor collective, public control, public opinion, the press,
which has been forced to follow the official ideology and protect workers.

At the same time paralyzed all the promised democratic mechanisms: dispersed
tips, steel props and parliamentary referenda show sharply anti-labor positions
occupied press. And, as a logical conclusion - the threat to use artillery and aviation
against the cities, where there will be a demonstration against the government. It is not
thought as Popov, that aircraft and howitzers will chase individual trade unionists or
even the party cells. For these types of troops it is subject to a settlement.

So far in the history of mankind murderous regimes were drawn into a war of
extermination against the people against their will. It is always preceded by a long
period of repression against specific persons from the opposition. If there were
bombing populated areas (such as in El Salvador and Guatemala), then, first of all, at
the stage of open civil war with the armed opposition. And secondly, against the
population, very different from the elite in ethnic and cultural terms (against the Kurds
in Iran, Iraq or Indian peasants, who still are "alien" to the people of El Salvador
Creoles). Popov admitted the possibility of the aircraft bombing villages of Russia at a
time when the question was not about the Civil War and were only possible
spontaneous outbursts of despair.

But threats and paralyzing idea 'friendly' strike - a trifle. More importantly the
whole chain of admissible from the point of view of the new government action. Their
range and outlined G.H.Popov from unarmed policemen - to artillery and aircraft. This
means that the regime in its arsenal of political means steady since August involves the
destruction of large numbers of unarmed population with the help of modern military
equipment. This is a huge step forward in comparison with all known dictatorial

What does the frank statement Popov? The fact that in thinking of his Democratic
wing no instinctive, subconscious bans on certain actions of the government. Missing
those taboos that without any effort of mind and heart simply forced the ruler to stay
within certain limits. Any politician who has such limits, Popov to a given question
would be answered quite differently. He would have the threshold that can not cross.

In many ways, the restructuring, the outcome of which is summed up in August

1991, was a revolution, fundamentally different from all the revolutions that humanity
survived. This revolution - an entirely new phenomenon in ethical terms. Restructuring
and closely related phenomena in other countries have introduced humanity into an era
of political postmodernism, which do not apply the usual rules and restrictions (the
bombing of Iraq and, to an even greater extent, the use of all of its civilians hostage
being killed by starvation - are just examples ).

Popov's statement exposed the thing that warned some theologians in the 50- ies:
the moment when the policy was discarded previously served as a disguise Christian
standards. For the first time clearly and openly transferred to politics the moral fabric
of the most immoral, almost vnenravstvennoy, criminals categories - those who
practice lawlessness .

For a new perception of the state's image in the public mind great importance was
the comparison of the two symmetrical events - August "putsch" and a demonstration
on February 23
. 1992 During the "coup" in the city were put 5 thousand military ( "Nezavisimaya
Gazeta" wrote thousands of tanks - in fact, there were 55). Everywhere, except in
specially provoked an incident in the tunnel at the Smolensk area, the relationship of
the population and the soldiers did not take the nature of the confrontation - the children
climbed on the tanks, and even ride them. Muscovites were confident that the Soviet
soldiers beat them and would not shoot at them. Even the police truncheons - gift
adjustment, first appeared in Moscow in May 1989.

The act of violence by the army or the police immediately summoned an

emergency, a strong reaction - prior to any proceedings to ascertain the degree of guilt
of war. And the stain is not washed off, even if the investigation showed (as, for
example, in Tbilisi), and that the incident was conceived for the sake of discrediting
the army as "imperial tool." For it came to his army, but it has no right and no finger
touch - every Soviet man killed someone close to the military.
February 23, just in the Day of the Soviet Army Mayor of Moscow banned the
demonstration, which was to lay a wreath at the Eternal Flame at the Tomb of the
Unknown Soldier. As usual, the uncertainty has been created: the mayor banned, and
the supreme body - the Moscow City Council - resolved. Until late at night on February
22 television gave conflicting information as to the place and time of collection and

Of course, this was a demonstration of a specific anti-government coloring, this

time under the banner of protest against the dismemberment of a unified Army of the
former USSR. But it is no threat to the regime had no idea, because, as expected, it
would have to come mostly old men - veterans of World War II. Therefore ritual
repressive actions of the regime had one goal: to demonstrate the strength and warn
that the regime headed for open confrontation. The central metro station were closed,
and the entire center is blocked by several lines of barricades of heavy-duty trucks and
cordons of police and interior troops. Newspaper "Kommepsant» (N 9, 1992) writes:
"On the Day of Soviet apmii 450 gpuzovikov, 12 thousand militsionepov and 4000
soldiers of the division named Dzepzhinskogo zablokipovali all the streets in
of go.poda, including Mayakovsky Square, although the day before it was announced
that pepekpoyut only bulvapnoe ring. Hardly peped ogpazhdennoy Square rally began
as the crowd pposhel rumor that a ppedstavitel mepii reported that Popov and Luzhkov
have thought again and pazpeshili lay flowers to the Eternal Flame. With the victory
kpikom "Razpeshili! Razpeshili! "The crowd moved to the Kpemlyu. The police
immediately passeyalis chain and gpuzoviki pazehalis, obpazovav ppohod. However
vskope chain closed again, an Area column into several parts. "

And then a large group of demonstrators, locked from both sides cruelly and
brutally beaten deliberately - they beat the elderly, the disabled, distinguished military
leaders of high rank, well-known writers and deputies. It was a conscious political,
rather than police, action. But here we are concerned not so much it as the reaction of
the population and beaten themselves. The repression was seen as a tribute, and did not
cause any perturbation. People understood and noted that there was an alien, hostile to
them the power to them. This is not five thousand of his soldiers in August. This
government claims can not be. Claims expressed democratic press, although with petty
mockery beaten old men.

Thus, for example, writes a columnist of "Komsomolskaya Pravda" of 25/2/92:

"Here hpomaet grandfather bpenchit medals, he for some reason, it is necessary on the
Manege. For example, it is somewhat ridiculous and even fossil, say, his stapikovskaya
nastypnost does not correspond to the muscles dpyahleyuschim
 but all the more reason it should besiege shields and bappikadami? ".


In the implementation of the project on the destruction of the USSR August

"putsch" was a milestone, such a break, the study of which many things would open
his eyes. But this study is not. The structure of the most democratic way of thinking of
the elite have the split mind. This is a deep philosophical reason why no restructuring
has led to chaos, from which comes a new, more perfect order and chaos as the endless
"Putsch" causing a strong shock to mass consciousness, hit primarily by the very
consciousness of the liberal intelligentsia. This shock killed her spiritual powers.
According to the well-known formula Toynbee, "failure is that the leaders
unexpectedly fall under hypnosis that they were working on their followers. This leads
to the catastrophic loss of the initiative: "If the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into
the ditch."
As Arnold Toynbee predicted the result of these failures, the company was
transformed into "pandemonium."


This book is not technological in nature. This is not a guide to the practice of
manipulation and instruction to protect against manipulation ( "self-defense without
weapons"). The main purpose of the book - to give material for everyone to think about
the choice before which we stand today. This - not the choice of the President, the party
or the political system. Behind all this there is a choice of living arrangement ( the type
of civilization ). I personally think something that is actually for many is the choice
between life and death, but we will not develop this theme here. Today we hang
between two types of living arrangements, and we are pushing hard and pulled to the
shore, where the manipulation of consciousness and become the main means of almost
total domination, so that some time later, we face the problem will disappear and the
selection and control.

Those who do not want such an outcome and are willing to go to look for the other
side, even if in a fog, and even swimming against the current (or at least dabble in place
until dawn), can be found in this book some guidance. There are fundamental, inertial
structures that must be protected if we are to be pulled out to the shore of manipulative
society. These structures are still far from broken, their preservation depends on the
"molecular" support of all of us, from the mass of passive resistance.

We are primarily talking about the type of Russian school - as it is our culture has
developed in the Soviet era. This school, which reproduces the people and the type of
culture. It does not give to the next generation to become a gathering of individuals, to
become the people mass . It is difficult and the replacement of our culture mosaic mass
of human culture. School break, but it is difficult to break, she too went back to the
people. However, drop the stone wears away, and without conscious resistance of us
all Russian school break. A very important bulwark of our culture was, of course,
science Russian type. Unfortunately, through its "molecular" resistance does not
protect, it is too delicate flower, for it needs the support of the state, and its purpose
seems to be different. Our science will be saved, perhaps, only in the form of seeds in
the frozen ground. Prigreet the sun, and they germinate, but the fruit we'll see any time
soon. In the coming years we will have to find a way almost no science, act rougher,
with large errors and losses. We will pay for their irresponsibility. The media for the
most part, and especially television, is almost entirely ours. They definitely served the
manipulators. You could, if you have a minimum of political will to save something
from the local newspapers and local TV, but this will, we have not found.

Another general conclusion - anytime, anywhere, and on the people, and in his
mind, to counteract the atomization , the transformation in an individual. Today it is
not the ideal of catholicity or nation, and the preservation of human relationships like
his personality protection. When the pressures exerted on our minds, we can stand as
an individual only by relying on emotional support to colleagues. Every act of
preservation, creation or restoration of human connection - it is a piece of space in
vygryzanie manipulators. Will provide the ruble to a beggar, or simply exchanged a
glance, whether joked with the peddler on the market, whether there lost in the subway
or a fight with a relative offended us - all this strengthens our psychological protection
against manipulation. It is important that all of these links has been the dialogue . To
this regard, it was not man-thing , a man-man . Here there is no sentimentality, no
preaching kindness, only a sober and even cynical calculation.

And in a sense, the opposite advice - be avoided losing their I and the compound
in the crowd. Danger tolpotvoreniya today is not in the physical gathering in mass. On
the contrary, the mass we are now going to basically organized. What we see as a
gathering, meeting or even a barricade, yet more like units, and not on the crowd - we
have not yet passed the stage of atomization. The crowd formed as a time when we are
isolated and connected to a TV. When there is no peace between us direct contact and
there is no dialogue, there are hypnotic effects of a single center - as a rock concert or
stadium, listen to the Fuhrer. In the crowd is better not to go. It is said in fact in the
Bible: "Do not go to the meetings of the wicked." It would seem, why not go? Listen,
poinakomyslit with them yourself. So, you can not, do not give bad advice in the Bible.
We think that our consciousness firmly but speech "wicked" penetrate into the
subconscious. Where do we have these meetings? Where broadcast manipulators,
which you can not enter into a dialogue. Not afraid of a debate, even offensive, scary
smooth voice from the screen or from the speaker, that you can not ask a question or
Finally, you need to take, almost by force, as a medicine, strengthening cultural
facilities - everything that carries the traditional knowledge and symbols. Read "Taras
Bulba", or a volume of proverbs, listen to Russian songs - it's not fun, and treatment.
However, any good literature or music, helpful, everything today is read with different

This is - the most common thoughts. I think the book can do and some more
limited conclusions. The first one I would put it this way: to accept as dogma that the
media now have a tool of ideology, not information. Important in their communications
- the ideas introduced in our consciousness smuggling. But as a "legend" cover, the bait
they are carrying contraband on a trolley and we needed grass information. We can not
without it, and you have to swallow, they give. The task - to learn to spit out the most
poison, do not chew it and not hold even in the mouth. Of course, part of the fall and
into the stomach, will poison us, but we must try. To do this, stand in the position of
interpreter based on the principles of hermeneutics. That is, initially did not accept the
message flow at face value, and each time to ask ourselves: "What is behind this? Why
do we tell? ". Thus arises the problem of diagnosis - separating the grain from the chaff.
Let our winnower bad division is very rough, a lot of losses of grain, a lot is dirt. All
the same, even the coarse filter is very useful. It's amazing how much is eliminated
simply because the question revolves controlling head. Enough to rely on intuition to
feel. Pochuesh that messages from "sticking ears" - it is already in the subconscious
mind does not go down. and only warning consciousness of his check.

What are the symptoms and signs of hidden manipulation can take advantage of
our consciousness and intuition? In general, they are presented in the sections of the
book. Remind Home.

Language . Once a politician or speaker starts talking to the bird language,

screwing obscure phrases like vouchers or sequestration - so is the manipulation
"Secondary" and when the speaker himself is a puppet manipulators). If the speaker
wanted his message was understood and comprehended, but not memorized or
ingrained, it would make it understandable and built in the form of a dialogue. In our
life, except for purely professional fields like science and technology, there is no
problem that can not be put down on the available Russian. Strange words have, or to
suppress the listener a false authority "expert" or play the role of the shaman's spell and
are designed to have a mesmerizing effect. It happens also that they - cover the most
blatant lie, as it were, for example, in the case of a voucher.

In general, the language - the most important diagnostic tool, no wonder the doctors
watching it.

Emotions . If a politician or speaker starts to put pressure on the senses, smells

trick. Here it is better to temporarily "harden" and not to succumb to his trembling voice
and tears in his eyes gleaming. Politics is politics, emotions there - as a make-up. What
does "regret ailing president"? He or president - or the patient. We see that the
politicians, regardless of their state of health, are absolutely ruthless to the common
man, they act like a machine. An old and helpless Sakharov coolly incited war in
Nagorno-Karabakh, but if someone tried to contradict him in the Supreme Council,
immediately a swarm of his teammates started sensitive to shame "most aggressive" -
and it shyly hid. Listening posts, embellished emotions of any kind (even tearful pity
for the wounded Russian soldier), we ourselves must first perceive it as counting
machine - regardless of the feelings, which are trying to play. We have in mind to
quickly calculate the interests and feelings
 it is their cheap seasoning. We should always bear in mind their interests (their
own - so you, your descendants, your own people), and try to imagine what the interests
of the speaker or his master. Especially we need to be alert when you want to annoy,
humiliate, offend. It is not without reason, and not for his own pleasure or Kiseleva
Svanidze. If it goes, it means that it is necessary at times to turn off your mind and
focus your attention on their face. It is impossible to resist, we must look
dispassionately and try to understand what they hide behind this smokescreen.

Sensationalism and urgency . This is - the general operation of technology, providing

the necessary level of noise and nervousness undermining psychological protection.
Sometimes, however, the creation of artificial background sensationalism serves a specific
purpose, often to distraction. Usually the sensation is not worth a damn - that gave birth to an
elephant in Thailand, the weeping British brought flowers to the grave of Princess Diana, the
bus in Portugal fell into a ditch, then Kozlenok caught. Why would report it choking voice? At
this point one has to develop a sense of proportion - to compare the importance of
communication with our real

problems. In general, those policies and informants who abuse these attributes message, just
have to mentally be entered in the list of standard manipulators, and they should always be
treated with suspicion. Ah, we just said! Oh, we'll keep you in the know! But what you said
this? Tomorrow they themselves forget about it. One "black boxes" have tortured - pop them
after each disaster, and when they find a universal joy - silence. Why then talk about them?

Repetition . Repetition - the main means of unfair propaganda. Because it is a good sign
of its presence. If you suddenly start to spend too much time on a daily basis the same topic, or
to use the same word combination - it is unclean. Repetition works on the subconscious, and
we control it bad. Therefore, you should try to fix the fact of repetition of a stamp in the
consciousness , and then it will be included as an alarm. And, once again brought some reason,
the same song - so keep your eyes open. For example, our enlightened reformers periodically
raise a lament for lack of sale of land, but never really explain why they need. Here - a deliberate
bid to suggestion, because no reasonable argument does not exist, and the shadow of "social
order" was adopted, and the money from the customer might have already received and spent.

Crushing . If a politician or media helps it really wants to explain to the citizens of some
problem and get their adult support in any matter, he always will outline the problem in a
holistic form, albeit briefly. The problem can be likened to the body - she has the background
( "parents"), it emerges and develops, acquires a "family and posterity" - associated with it, or
it generated problems. When it is enabled ( "die"), will begin a new cycle of life of the next
generation - the future. The politician who manipulates our minds, gives us instead a holistic
problems of its little piece, and it breaks up into pieces - so that we understand the whole and
make a choice could not. We have to believe him as priest, who owns all the knowledge.

Take the same land privatization issue. Her carefully presented as a purely economic
problem - it is how to put a stall in the market, or to remove it. Already this truncation issue - a
reliable sign of manipulation, and others would not. Any politician who does not initially
warned that the ownership of the land determines the type of people being (and hence the type
of the people and their culture), must immediately be seen as a manipulator. Another thing - the
warning, and then say, but I say, today will touch on only a small piece of the problem,
economic. But the economic division of very large, and it is first necessary to outline the whole,
and then proceed to the sale. No question can not be taken sincerely delivered, if not given him
the background. Why it has never been private property in Russia on the ground? Why peasants
demanded the nationalization? What forces have faced particularly on this issue today? Even
these questions in silence, and do not give a shout out on television.

Withdrawal from the context . This is a sign, akin to the previous one. Withdrawing
the issue from a real context, not to mention the important external factors, the manipulator
drives our thought, our work on the interpretation of his message at the right his narrow
corridor. Therefore, as soon as there is a suspicion that a politician or a promoter is silent on
the outer frame of the problem, an inner voice to warn us - manipulation! Take the same
purchase and sale of land problem. At a recent international forensic conference on drug
trafficking and money laundering, in the main report in a special section says that the best way
of money laundering - the purchase of land. Then it is said directly that the global drug trade is
waiting for the law on the free sale of land in Russia - the only country where agriculture is
ruined, the government is corrupt and the earth will go on the cheap. Can we ignore the "external
factor" and do not even mention it? Just in case, if a politician or the media, raising the question
of the sale of land, participate in a large program of manipulation.

Totalitarianism message source . Since the fullest possible elimination of dissenting

sources of information and opinion - the most important condition for the success of the
manipulation, the lack of a real dialogue is a sure sign of manipulative character messages.
Knowing this, the controllers are trying to buy or grow in their own collective decoy ducks who
allegedly "argue" with the manipulator. But in Russia the problem is so burning that
manipulators prefer not to have arisen very idea that dialogue is possible and comparing points
of view. Therefore, their decoy too clumsy, and it's better without them - reliable reception of
complete silencing an opponent. So when the "independent" television reported some important
installation and it does not give a word or even a syllable serious enemy of the installation - it's
trying to manipulate the consciousness. We now have a society not

ideocratic, wherein the main issues of the debate should be conducted and figuratively
"Unity of views" is a ritual rather than manipulation. We have a society based on competition
(albeit unstable). Now totalitarianism source of information is the result of a criminal
conspiracy of political cliques, and a sure sign of manipulation. Sometimes this totalitarianism
is violated in connection with the private and carefully controlled contradictions between
separate clicks. Gusinsky against Berezovsky! But while the main problems of our life still will
not go up - for this strictly follow all the "authorities".
And in the absence of third-party comments trifles that there is no difficulty to get a sign
of manipulation. Such a comment would not allow ideologues to create
"nervousness". If NTV, "which found" in the Izmailovo Park bag with "radioactive", asked to
comment specialist, he would have said simply: "Citizens, do not worry, this is a cheap show."
Why is NTV?

Totalitarianism solutions . Even more evident and related to the previous feature is the
totalitarianism of the formula itself a solution that inspired the audience. No other way ! Horses
in midstream is not ! Alternatives Yeltsin no ! When we hear such talk, you can safely put a tick
in the mind, "Manipulator". The very essence of the life process that we go through a tortuous
path, and at every turn - the intersection, branching paths. And we make a choice , each time
thinking about it. Often this work is done by a decision so quickly that we do not notice, but it
is done. When the choice is difficult, and when it is a contradiction of interests, alternatives
should be clearly disclosed. When we are told that there is no choice, that "Chubais reform"
there is no alternative, it is manipulation, brought to the level of the grotesque. The trouble is
that the partners it became too much, so that public opinion exerts pressure large army
"secondary manipulators."

Confusing information and opinions . This - so rude reception manipulation that

European laws even restrictive rules imposed on him. The man who was ready to learn the
facts, can hardly protect themselves from the inspired him with the facts of the views of these
facts. You say that in the Tokyo subway someone sprayed chemical agent sarin - and then
allowed near the view that it did sectarians. And the next day already say "sectarians who
sprayed chemical agent sarin ...". We have used this method consistently and with
unprecedented boldness. Even the claim that the house blew up in Moscow "Chechen
separatists", all we've been taken for a fact, although it was just an opinion, and that expressed
in passing. To train the mind so that any communication will automatically share information
and opinion, is not very difficult. When the views of the stream is too thick, the mind must be
signaled: mind manipulation!

Cover authority . When as an argument in favor of a purely ideological or

political statement attracted prestige and respect won in a completely different,
not related to the field of this statement, it is - a typical manipulation 33 9 . Moreover,
manipulation of rough and primitive. Is French actor Depardieu with his thick nose may have
for us any credibility at presidential elections? From the point of view of common sense - no.
He is coming to Moscow for Yeltsin campaigning, exploiting our emotions and subconscious.
When Sakharov, who all his life in a closed institution studying weak interactions in the nucleus
of an atom, gives us the idea that the Soviet Union should be divided into 35 states and the
Armenians should start a war for Karabakh, and at the same time recalls that he - the
academician, this rough reception manipulation. No authority in the matter of government or
dispute with Armenians Azerbaijanis nor his stock of knowledge, nor his experience he's not
allowed. Using their authority of a scientist - a forgery. Yes, Rostropovich plays the cello, so
few who can. But when he picks up a machine gun, to defend democracy, or fall victim to the
Soviet military and tired, falls asleep in a chair, "not letting go of the weapon," it is - a cheap
spectacle that we should move. Nightingales, nightingales, do not wake the soldier ...

Activation of stereotypes . It should always be suspicious when calling us politician or

media figure strongly appeals to our stereotypes, awakens our sense of some kind of
community, underlining our difference from "them" - other . Striving message sender "
stereotype our behavior ", that is, to ensure that we are perceived
1. Here, however, we must again remember Ch. 3. ideocratic state related stocks have a
ritual, not manipulative sense. Artists, writers and scientists approve of the state policy as
representatives of their departments, corporations, and not as participants in the debate on the
issue, which reflects the social contradiction.
information and respond to it in accordance with the norms of behavior of a specific
community -
a sure sign of manipulation.

When Ella Pamfilova, Gaidar's accomplice in the robbery of pensioners, suddenly

begins to let a tear for the plight of "our fathers" is - a cheap exploitation of the
stereotype of our sons . Sadly, it works - Pamfilova chosen deputy from Kaluga (though
not always). When improvised Gusinsky NTV, posoblyayuschie clan, "separating
Chechnya", suddenly begin to sincerely sympathize with "our boys" in Chechnya, it
should immediately alert a reasonable person. So far, apparently, it is likely it softens.
Always heard in circulation overt or covert appeal to somehow rooted in our feelings
or settings, it is useful to quickly run through the mind of his incarnation I and figure
out which of them weighs contact me ideologue. Then it will be easier to understand
the kind of automatic response he expects and what tends unnoticed. As soon as we're
trying to realize , automatism disappears and begins the process of reasoning. Push him
- detection feature manipulation.

Incoherence statements . This is - the most important feature, and it is

fairly easy to diagnose, even intuitively. It should be just a little bit to be
alert as you begin to feel that something was not right. Make ends meet do
not tally! If one phrase cursing the Soviet system because dry lake Aral,
and the next he is cursing because trying to transfer some water from
Siberian rivers into the lake of Aral-then, I'm sorry, your arguments are
incoherent, and you have just durite . Or have fooled themselves
manipulator higher ranks. Often incoherence is a consequence of pre-
manipulation, which became a victim of the speaker, but it is not so
important - "secondary" manipulators just as harmful, but their wine is
for another article. The use of "secondary", however, is that they
incoherence is more prominent, more glaring because they do not see it
already 34 0 .

By the way, to identify inconsistencies in the statements of politicians and the

media - a good and exciting intellectual sport. If we have to watch television and read
newspapers, they should do it. Very quickly it will train the eye, and it becomes even
funny to watch as pyzhitsya E.Kiselev T.Mitkova or tie up the loose ends in the next
ideological duck. To identify incoherent STI Exercise strengthens st systemic thinking
and protect the university culture that gave us a school. This - is an important way to
counter run-up mosaic of culture, whose victory would mean the disappearance of the
Russian mindset.

Let us turn to the second side of our problem - the rules of conduct that must
reduce our vulnerability to manipulators.

The first rule - to feel and realize that we live in a different society than before.
We were in the jungle, where for us (for our consciousness) is hunting . It's hard and
it's unusual, but it is necessary to act in accordance with the reality, not our wishes and
old habits. Before us is not a hedgehog in a fog, not a hare or even a kind of wolf,
"Well, wait a minute!", And Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. And we are to them -
nothing, the community, which does not make sense to operate . If these bugs finally
take possession of the keys to our consciousness, they turn us into servants, not
proletarians, not slaves, and let down to the abyss - and we jump into it themselves.

Whatever we may say on the basis of the most intelligent theories and referring to
the brightest economists from Aganbegian to Yassin, we must rely as a rock, one
unconditional and absolutely reliable fact is that here on this cold ground, with the same
"unfit , drinking, lazy, etc., "the people, without the IMF loan, we have a country with
the second biggest economy and invincible defense. That deplorable state in which we
are today, is not due to natural disasters, is not an invasion of evil aliens, and the actions
of very specific people and groups. Our trouble is nothing supernatural or natural - is
only human. Make changes as a result of which the majority of the people deprived of
almost all the means of life, and confiscated the majority of wealth took possession of
a very small minority (and ruthlessly took possession, destroying the economy), it was
only possible due to the wrong choice and wrong decisions of the majority. These errors
have been committed by them as a result of a larger program of manipulating public
consciousness with a lot of direct fraud and deception. In no legal system this
manipulation can not

2. A special case must be regarded as co-feed media conflicting messages. it

- Recognizes neskryvaema discrepancy that needs just to confuse people, disheveled their
thoughts, from nothing to create a distracting problem.
be legitimate and justified. About morality and say nothing. The problem is now - only
in the balance of power and the wisdom of a particular line of conduct. Even you can
surrender to the winner differently. It is better to clear it and stop the intervention in
our consciousness. What to do tricks can be used individually and the organizations in
which people come to salvation? Here are the brief that directly or indirectly has been
discussed in the book.

Reduction of contacts. It is necessary to be in a smaller contact area with the

manipulator or the potential manipulator. We can not really "do not go to meetings of
the wicked," but we should at least go smaller. In fact, a variety of information on
different television channels, there is no - so there is no need, and switch the TV from
one program to another in the hope of getting some other particle of knowledge. This
grain is not worth it. The right information one way or another until we come to that.
It is better to avoid temptation and stay in the "theater of scandals" that play out before
us manipulators. It's hard to fight the temptation, but we must try. Do not rely on its
stability - TV signals are in the right direction to him, regardless of how we relate to
them in our minds. It was good to hear the sirens Odyssey - he ordered his comrades to
tie him to the mast. And they had a row and sail control. If he had not filled their ears
with wax - so to all and gone.

Avoiding capture . An important stage in the manipulation - capture the

audience, its "connection". As stated in one textbook, "success can not be manipulated
without creating an ally in the spiritual world of the recipient." While the capture has
not occurred, it is possible to successfully resist - then and the subsequent efforts of the
manipulator in vain, and you can even watch them on detached and usefully. Effective
this simple trick, as the interruption of contact, care for a while. Every operation has its
own capture scenario, its rhythm. If during a session of the "victim" of hypnosis
suddenly says: "I've been excommunicated for a short time, and you still continue" -
best hypnotist will go down the drain. If suddenly the television or rallies politicians
arrange large reel and put pressure on the psyche, it is useful for a while "to go" out of
this situation, to calm down, to think - and then "return". Charm subsides and further
stage of manipulation seem even strange - because you were "unattached".

If possible, it is useful to interrupt the outpourings manipulator issues that severely

violate his script. Questions like: "Tell me directly what you are driving?". This issue
causes the arm to move to the point, without completing the "accession" audience and,
therefore, is not deprived of its ability to take a critical message. Alternatively, the
manipulator will have to ignore the question, which may cause discontent and
strengthen psychological protection. Even a clever manipulator confusing people that
looks dull and everyone asks (and maybe a fool pretending?). In general, any process
upset useful manipulation program to obstruct it and remove obsession.

Changing the tempo . The program of manipulation is very important pace.

Manipulator achieves success when he process ahead of mobilization of psychological
defenses audience. Why so much importance is given to sensationalism and urgency.
The cavalry attack on the listener and the viewer! With this rhythm is necessary to try
to bring down the paddle, you can not allow him to impose his pace of our
consciousness - they should not enter into resonance. This technique is reflected in the
folk wisdom: "Sleep on it!". This means that it is useful to interrupt the contact to raw
thoughts, feelings and impressions "lie down" - and then start with a fresh mind. It is
necessary to impose a course of manipulation ragged and tough rhythm, immediately
reject urgency to escalate the situation. In fact, the urgency of this always false,
artificial. You can not give in to this pressure, you can not immediately take the
assessment that we impose. known

"Slowpoke" farmers to a large extent explains their remarkable resistance to


Noise screening . Manipulation is successful in a "noise of democracy 'when a

person is bombarded a stream of useless messages, and he can not focus on the issue,
on which it must develop a point of view. He can not focus - forced to clutch at him to
slip treatment. Resistance against the manipulation is reduced if simultaneously with a
message that inspires an idea, influence on human consciousness "nuisance." Hence
the conclusion: getting a message that can be hidden ideological "contraband", it is
necessary to filter out the noise, which serve as interference in thinking of this particular
message. The best time to break out of the general flow of messages to consider one of
them. The loss is small, the flow will not dry up, and nothing really important we do
not pass.

Unpredictability . It is easier to manipulate all of the human mind, which thought

meets a clear and strict algorithm. If it winds, it should be unusual logic and leads to
paradoxical conclusions, to pick up the key to it is difficult. Manipulators the West with
great difficulty found a approach to savages, Chinese, Africans. Negros live for two
centuries in the United States, but still "domesticated" to a small extent. In general, an
effective way of avoiding exposure to the capture and creation of an artificial arm is
unpredictability your reaction (information sources, its processing method, inference
logic tempo interaction type statements, etc.). As Carlos Castaneda said, "when you're
unpredictable, you're invulnerable." Of course, this is not a simple matter, but some
methods can be developed. For example, you can try to deliberately delay or even block
the automatic response - not allowed to play on their stereotypes. Oh, you want me to
soften a song "we, the Russian people ..."? What does the Russian? I've been working
on, and I have not paid a salary - it's like? What's the difference, I was Russian or
Chuvash? Exit the corridor imposed stereotypical reactions to you, "change field"
violates program manipulation. In response messages of the author (even if lost in
thought) we will see if he could finish his thought as a reasonable - or builds
manipulative structure. Honest Politics and companion sobesh this not because his
thought is coherent, it has the image of Russian will not enter into conflict with the
image of the employee .

Disabling emotions . Most stereotypes are using manipulators, heavily painted

emotionally. Shake a sense - to arm half of success. Therefore, the general rule can be
considered as such: seeing that ideology somehow put pressure on some your sense, it
should be for the time to consciously dull feeling. By the report dispassionately, like
an automaton, and then on the cool head to think about them alone, without prompting.
It may sound cynical, but it is useful, first posed the problem of "play" at all is a moral
context - as military planning their bombing. "Play," and then include the moral
constraints and preferences. Very often feelings play in order to switch the emotions to
channel them to the abstract or specifically slipped a scapegoat to divert attention from
the main character. Sometimes a goat even glad its role, so much in his temperament.
And the pay is probably a good idea.

Helpful reception verify the adequacy of the feelings, which you stirred up
advocates, it is that you substitute for the "enemy" any other figure, not as odious or
attractive. There remains the feeling? If not, then the problem is not related, and
instilled with the purpose of manipulation. That someone blew up houses in Moscow
and Volgodonsk. Apparently, the Chechens. Television, along with politicians swung
feelings, and all happily supported the war in Chechnya. I also believe that the criminal
regime in Chechnya should have been eliminated, including military force. But I do not
need to me at the same time manipulating me quite reasonable arguments. And I
imagine that the house blew mercenaries "Russian nationality." Perhaps it? Yes,
probably, and among Chechen fighters have Russian as they were among the Germans.
Does this mean that I should hate the Russian as well as offer me hate Chechens? No,
it does not. If so, it is better not to give explosions of ethnic coloration, the dog is buried
elsewhere. In general, all these Dudayev, Maskhadov and Udugov is so closely
intertwined with the Moscow tip that believe in the ethnic nature of the Chechen
intrigue is just silly. Another thing is that skillful manipulators today are able to turn a
click into a clash of criminal ethnic conflict - then look for a needle in a haystack. But
they are able to do so because our consciousness is not up to par. Bring in the Armenian
village of Armenian corpse - and immediately ran to a neighboring Azerbaijani village
cut "Turks."

Dialogichnost thinking . Manipulators are trying to turn us into consumers of

ideas , in the ear receive and dilated pupil. They deprived us of any open dialogue,
because it removes the delusion. Dialogue breaks manipulation. We do that one way
out - to move the dialogue on
"Molecular" level, even keep it as a mental dialogue. But do not take any statements
without question. We must make an effort to find a clue to the question, even in the
"Round" approval, and bear in mind that the property of the mind - to move away
from difficult issues,
"Sweep them under the rug." Therefore, in many responsible professions put something
like a mandatory list of questions that when performing complex operations should be
aloud to ask - and answer aloud as is the case with the pilots of the aircraft 34 1 . If we
learn to "speak with ourselves"

3. I have heard that there have been accidents experienced pilots because they became
arrogant and ignored this rule - and forgot to make some necessary action during landing.
then our thinking is certainly out of the track, provided manipulators, it becomes unpredictable.
Maybe we will become like crazy, but crazy is not possible to manipulate their conclusions are
paradoxical from the point of view of a given algorithm.

Creating contexts . As one of the main methods of manipulation - squeeze problem in

artificially constructed context (often the wrong context), and the protective means is the
rejection of the proposed formulation of the problem, change imposed in other contexts, aligned
regardless of the potential manipulator. Here, we are told: "In the Soviet Union there was no
category of human rights, and the West was present." We will not argue about the category and
at least ask yourself: "Well, what, what was missing? In the same context, there were the Soviet
Union and the West? ". Of course, it begins in the imagination of the process of building
contexts. For me, it is quite fast ideologem human rights is starting to look ridiculous. After all,
do they say: barracks socialism . What in the barracks "human rights"? It 'rights and obligations
fighter. " Why barracks? We liked to live in the barracks? No, life is driven, the cold war with
the enemy on the incomparable resources. In fact, something we were not even in the barracks
and in the trenches socialism . Maybe, in time of war it would still be better to live not in the
trenches or the barracks, and in the country? No, not better. Safer in the trenches or at least
close to the trench, in the barracks. Right now we live in the country, we eat with our six acres.
One million extra deaths per year have, and human rights goes worse than in the trenches.
Although, of course, someone on this warmed his hands. And they say that "Rome does not pay
traitors." Dress, but you always want more.

The same statement can be put in a historical context. Yes, the West speaks of human
rights, and we have not spoken. So what? When they spoke about the West? When Senator
McCarthy? When Mussolini? When Luther and Calvin? When Mitterrand, zalivshem blood
Algeria? No, I spoke just yesterday, when President Carter. Well, we still had time, each
civilization its historical age. We younger West, do not take the time to grow up yet. Haste
makes waste.

Creating alternatives . Manipulator, preventing the dialogue, it is an advantageous

solution as having no alternative - or start thinking, reasoning. In general, down the drain. Such
a condition should immediately dismiss. As it no other way? This can not be! One has only to
allow himself to figure in mind the different solutions, the whole building collapses
manipulation - and immediately visible selfish intentions. That is, performing a program of
destruction "evil empire", a big deal of deportation of entire peoples - Crimean Tatars,
Chechens. Resettle a whole people, the horror! Crime of the Century! Give the "Law of the
repressed peoples"! Incinerate guys home!

On the whole this cry a reasonable person would have to ask, "the good Lord, but as it was
necessary to proceed in 1944 with the Crimean Tatars, who fought on the German side?". Let
him sugars and Nujkin responded bluntly: "Shoot all the 20,000 men who served the Germans
under the law of war." You would have said so? No, just be turned all the manipulation of the
campaign. Because even in the most democratic fevered mind flashed the thought would be
that for the Crimean Tatars as a people be deprived of almost all young men would mean the
disappearance from the face of the earth.

You can offer to those who called for the sale of land: "Why so boiled? In all countries,
farmers rent land. Let us get that option - under the current computer is a trifling matter. The
appetites of our greedy landowners village elders can be limited by law, let them take over the
lease 10% of the harvest, and at the same time to feed. " It is estimated - to tears. But all will
be seen that the farmers do not hurt the soul of Chernichenko and Kiriyenko.

Just to name a very real alternative, it is possible to stop the manipulation. If you can not
name them aloud, it is necessary to introduce them in the mind - then at least you personally to
protect themselves from the manipulator.

Inclusion of common sense . That's the thing for an educated person is not easy, but
with some effort available. When you hear passionate speeches, it is better to skip past the ears
of beautiful phrases and catch only the main argument. Then assume that it is true, and consider
whether the common sense solution that offers a fiery orator.

"And what would I do?" - That's the first question. Oddly enough, often it turns out that you
yourself would not do so. Let us recall the "military coup" Announced in August 1991 putsch,
let all the TV channels "Swan Lake." On the other hand, Yeltsin and Popov
calling people to the barricades. How - our president Gorbachev was arrested! Let us all die for
him at the barricades - or cursed overthrow the dictatorship (whose?). Chew - vague, but what
about the barricades seriously. And why just the barricades? What would I have done? First
would be called in Foros and learned what had happened, why such Buz? Foros is not
responding? Phone is busy? There are many other ways to communicate. And then - the
barricades. In fact, in the second half of the day, without any additional information to many
people, it became clear that all this upheaval - performance. But these "many" it was still a tiny
minority. And most inspired the most absurd interpretations of what is happening. And until
now, many believe that his wife shot herself Pugo because that Janaev not become president of
the USSR.

Search root of the problem . Manipulation largely boils down to is that people offer such
a treatment of the problem (conflict), which leads away from the point. People are noisy,
worried, maybe even hit it any scapegoat, but the damage to the customer manipulation will
not do. Ideally, of course, to give a false interpretation of "representatives" of the most suffering
side in the conflict (for example, in the case of social contradictions - the trade unions,
communists, etc.). But if it is expensive, the cost and just humble toilers television. However,
the union bosses now seem inexpensive. " Market prices - the market salary! " - That is their
interpretation of our troubles. And what the salary market in the absence of demand for labor
may be zero, about the same time they "forget." In such forgetfulness little hard to believe.

Even Dostoyevsky said that it is necessary to reach the ultimate questions . This means
you must immediately reject the proposed treatment and begin to ask questions yourself, step
by step, going deep. Then quickly come to the essence, from which you just withdrawn ardent
defenders of the people
- Removes a rocket pilot of the aircraft, releasing heat trap. It seems hot rocket than the engine
of the plane, and the rocket rushes after her.

In the book, in the form of educational problems are some examples of how turning a little
bit deeper levels of interpretation problems, it appears in quite a different light. You can gain a
lot of such examples, if desired. Suffice it to recall how many years we were almost like the
main social problem non-payment of salaries . And so in this they have believed that after years
of delays when people suddenly paid a part, everyone was happy and went to vote for
"Father of the mother." It's like on the advice of the rabbi put into a goat house. Then, when he
will allow you to drive a goat - what luck! Having "payment" people have forgotten to ask about
the main thing: why are so absurdly low purchasing power of my salary? Even if we assume
that production fell by half - why my real wages declined in five to six times? Why the official,
who always and everywhere received a salary of about two times higher than a worker like me,
suddenly began to receive a hundred times as much?

Enabling memory, a projection into the future . Memory and foresight - the basis of
psychological protection against manipulation because, then, they are one of the main objects
of destructive actions. Manipulators use a variety of technologies to erase our sense of historical
time, they put us in the " eternal present ," they impose on us a special, closed the performance
. Escape from the clutches of the manipulator - then break out of this vicious circle of time.

Each time it is necessary to make an effort and to restore the memory of the problem that
confronts you manipulators. If there is no time and effort to read something, to inquire, to ask
knowledgeable people, then it is better not to believe offer you the myth and try to tie those
facts that you probably know. It is striking, for example, managed to ideologues adjustment
from scratch to create a "myth Stolypin" - so that he became the idol of the liberal intelligentsia
(one time 40% of respondents intellectuals considered him the greatest figure in Russian - put
up Peter I). Suffice it is widely known that the privatization of land by Stolypin failed, it led to
the Russian Revolution, that Stolypin settlers in Siberia, just formed the basis of partisan
detachments, expel Kolchak, etc. No, for the outbreak of a sudden love for the Stolypin reform
our intelligentsia refused to Leo Tolstoy and from the AV Chayanov. On the peasants will not
remember all that, we are now all polls nobles. Perhaps the introduction of minds "Stolypin
myth" can be considered a brilliant operation, so there was little reason for him. It is obvious
even without the additional reading that a significant layer of "farmers", which would become
the support of the bourgeois-landlord system as intended in terms of Stolypin's reforms could
not be established. Russia remained a peasant, and even more peasant than it was before the
reform, the reform only embittered community and instituted
in her hatred of the parasite (ie eater of the community ). What is there to rejoice and celebrate

Even more primitive cunning manipulators present, according to which the source of the
current economic collapse of the Soviet economy is rooted in defects. Especially ashamed to
believe it should be people with engineering and scientific education. Suffice it to build a time
series of the main indicators of natural economy with the 70's to the present, just the type of
schedule, according to its main endpoints see the absurdity of this trick. From these graphs
show that even today it is not about the crisis and about the murder of the economy by political
means. As a result of economic processes simply can not be such a turning point in the dynamics
of what happened in 1992. The nature of the curve belongs to Russia three countries in the
world, the position of which UNIDO characterizes the concept of "destroyed the economy" -
Iraq, Yugoslavia and Russia.

Breaking out of the "eternal present", imposed on us from the show, we have to rely on the
common sense of the Russian language. As you sow, so shall you reap. It is flowers - berries
are ahead . Language reminds us of the connection time - and TV whispers that there is no
future. What we have one great concern - give the IMF tranche in March or will not. Ah, still
will! Oh, do not give! And so all is well - Russia's GDP grew by 2%. And how many Russian
boys were born in 1999? And how many Russian boys come into the army in 2010? To little
bit to keep the borders and security, Russia needs an army of 1.5 million. Man. In 1999, another
census was not carried out, so that people are not thinking about the future. Even if you read
that the proportion of Russian fell among newborns (it fell), then, by extrapolation from the
1989 census, we can assume that was born about 400 thousand Russian boys in 1992. With the
current mortality by age up to 2010 of them survive thousands 350 of them are fit for the army
will be about 100 thousand health. And it is necessary to call upon more than 700 thousand.
And what will happen in 2015? One hope - for the love of Madeleine Albright to the Russian

Change language . Finally, one of the main principles of protection against manipulation
- the rejection of the language of the potential manipulator poses a problem. Do not take his
language, his vocabulary, his concepts! Retell the same, but in other words, avoiding any
ideological categories. Retell albeit crudely and clumsily, but in absolute terms, which can be
translated into a completely earthly, tangible images - bread, warm, birth and death. If all ten
years of the reform is the extinction of the population, if Russian regions almost ceased birth,
if the peasants were forced to cut more than half the cattle and almost all the sheep, then call it
"the path to a normal economy" - abuse of common sense. So it is not necessary to think in
those terms. It is necessary to say it is about changes in their tangible form of full-scale. They
say that we had a "barracks socialism", and say why it had to be destroyed. It's wild to hear the
reasonable man, at what socialism is? What is the difference, as the name? Give me the pot.
After all, the fact that we had a certain living arrangements , and we can very accurately
describe it in absolute terms - than people eat, how to dress and were heated than sick and then
feared. Taken together, this was the life of the Soviet system. There were flaws were and
dignity, which give preference to - a matter of taste. For example, when I'm at a lecture in Spain
has offered to eliminate all the time hazy ideological categories and speak about "natural" fabric
of life indicators, it produced an unexpected effect. All of it was clear. And one woman said
that for many in Spain, the absence of drug abuse under the Soviet scheme of life outweighs all
the good "consumer society". All good! And say "barracks socialism" or "planned economy" -
and she heard about the Soviet system does not want to, it is disgusting. We - the slaves of
words. It is not necessary that the words also commanded taking us beyond the pharynx

All this, of course, poor advice.

The main advice - to think . And to think hard, hard as digger digging heavy clay. Moscow,
September 1998 - February 2000
Fig. 1 births and deaths per 1 thousand. Population.

Fig. 2 Housing construction, thousand. Apartments.

.‫ال يمك ن عر ض ھذه ال صو رة حال ًيا‬

Fig. 3 Production of tractors, thsd. Pcs.

.‫ال يمك ن عر ض ھذه ال صو رة حال ًيا‬

Fig. 4 Production of cotton waste fabrics million sq. M. m.

.‫ال يمك ن عر ض ھذه ال صو رة حال ًيا‬

Fig. 5 Commissioning of the main fund industry (% of fixed assets).

.‫ال يمك ن عر ض ھذه ال صو رة حال ًيا‬

Fig. 6 (1) Oil production, million tons.; (2) the number of employees in the industry, thous.
Fig. 7 The number of cattle, mln. Heads.

Fig. 8 Production of plant protection chemicals in Russia, thous. Tons.

Fig. 9 Supply of fertilizer to agriculture, mln. Tons.

Fig. Issue 10 feature films.

Fig. 11 Going to the theater, mln. People.

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