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Lecture 9

<html> </html>
head portion
body portion

Anchor tab, (link tab) (if there is http action will browse a web page - if there is mailto: it will goes to email client)

Today Lecture

We will extend our web page by adding a few more tags

Specifically, we will learn about various types of lists that can be added to a web page
and also about tables

HTML tags

single tag
example <br> (for line break)

Single tags with attributes

<tageName attributes>
example <HR width="50%">
IT will draw a line 50% of browser

Paired tages
example <h1> ….</h1> also <p> … </p>

Paired tags with Arrtibutes

<tagName attributes>…</tagName>
example <h1 align="center">….</h1>

<UL> - Unlist ordered list default disk

<li>simcity</li> - line items

<ul type="circle"> Circle

<ul type="square"> square

Q. what happens if I start a new list without closing the original set?

<ol> <li></ku> Ordered list

<ol type="a"> …..</ol>
<ol type="i"> …..</ol>
Q how would one start an ordered list with someithing other than 1
if we need number from 23

<ol start="23"> it will start from 23

definition list
<dl> definitionlist
<dt>smiccity><dt> term
<dd> definition



<table border ="1">

</tr> indoor outdoot
<tr> squash cricket

<table> Table= made up of rows

<tr> Row = made up of data cells
<th> Heading data cell= can contain paragraph, images, list, form, tables
<td> data cell= can contain paragraph, image, list, form, table

table attributes

determine the thickness of the table border
example <table border ="2">

determines the distance between the border of a cell and the contents of the cell
example <table cellpading "3">

deter,momes the empty spacing between the border of of two adjacent cells
example <table cellspacing="3">

table, tr, th td atrributes

Align - possible values center, left, right

example <tr align="center">

Bgcolor background color

example <td bgcolor ="red">

exmple <tr width = "50%">

example <table height="200">

determines the vertical alignment of the contents of all of the cells in a particular row
possible values: top, middle, bottom

example <tr valign=bottom">

<th> & <Td>

extend the width of a cell, if necessary, to fit the contents of the cell in a single line
example <td nowrap>

no of rows the current cell should extend itself downward
example <td colorspan="2">



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