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Farmers Group Role and Functions

Ministry of Agriculture (2007) Define that Farmers Group is a group of farmers / planters that are
formed on the basis of common interests, common environmental conditions (social, economic,
resource) and familiarity to improve and develop members' businesses.

Farmers groups are basically non-formal organizations in rural areas that are grown ‘from, by, and for

Learning Class
This functions means, Farmers Group is a teaching and learning forum for its members to increase
knowledge, skills and attitudes as well as the growth and development of self-reliance in farming so
that productivity increases, opinions increase and life is more prosperous.
In order for the learning process to proceed well, the farmer group needs to be directed at the
following abilities.
 Exploring and formulating learning needs
 Plan and prepare for learning needs
 Establish cooperation with the sources of information needed
 Creating an appropriate learning climate
 Take an active role in the teaching and learning process
 Able to express the desires, income, or problems faced
 Form a joint agreement
 Plan and carry out regular meetings

As a means of cooperation
Kelompok Tani is a place to strengthen cooperation among farmers in groups of farmers and between
groups of farmers and with other parties. Through this collaboration, it is expected that farming will
be more efficient and more able to deal with threats, challenges, obstacles, disturbances.
As a vehicle for cooperation, farmer groups should have the following capabilities.
 Creating an atmosphere of mutual acquaintance, mutual trust, and cooperation in groups
 Creating an atmosphere of openness in expressing opinions and views among members to
achieve common goals.
 Able to organize and carry out the division of tasks among members according to mutual
 Obey and implement agreements produced together in groups and other parties
 Establishing business partnerships / partnerships with providers of production, processing,
marketing and / or capital facilities
 Hold capital fertilization for the needs of business development for group members
 Develop discipline and a sense of responsibility among fellow members
 Plan and implement deliberations so that a useful agreement is reached for members.

As a Production Unit
Farming carried out by each member of the farmer group, as a whole must be seen as a business entity
that can be developed to achieve economies of scale, both in terms of quantity, quality, and
As a production unit, the farmer group is directed at the following capabilities.
 Make decisions in determining profitable farming
 Able to arrange farming plans
 Facilitating the application of technology (materials, tools, methods) for farming the members
in accordance with the group activity plan
 Establish cooperation / partnership with other parties involved in implementing farming
 Obey and implement agreements that are produced jointly in the organization and
agreements with other parties
 Evaluate joint activities and plan group needs as material for planning future activities
 Increase the sustainability of productivity and preservation of natural and environmental
 Manage administration

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