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Margaret Foster

Integrating Technology Into Curriculum

Professor Wolfe

September 19 2019

My Teaching Philosophy Commented [1]: Your paper flowed really well and
was straight to the point.
My belief is that we aren’t just teaching curriculum as educators, we are assisting in the growth of

adults. The purpose of teaching is to imbue our students with the knowledge to be successful in the Commented [2]: Great starting paragraph. I would
even add something about how these children will be
furthering of their education, careers, and overall quality of life. We are with our students for hours on our future towards the beginning of the paragraph.

end, and we are told to teach them specific materials, sometimes in specific ways. The curriculum we

have to teach can feel like restraints, especially when you consider just how much there is to learn and

how many different ways there are to learn them. However, we do what we can with the time that we

have. Teachers work their very hardest when it comes to lesson planning, grading, and ultimately

sacrificing precious time in order to help in the development of today’s youth and tomorrow’s adults.

I wholeheartedly believe that it is our duty as educators to go above and beyond our calling. We

aren’t called to just teach math or science or english or technology. We are called to teach critical

thinking skills and problem solving. We are called to teach conflict de-escalation, not just “color in the

lines, Mr/Ms. Student”. When we allow ourselves to sink into the routine of mediocrity, we deny

ourselves the opportunity to reach our full potential and we deny our children the opportunity to grow into

self-sufficient adults. I recognize that these aren’t our children, but they are our kids.1 Commented [3]: I like how you added the footnote. It
is important to make this point very clear. I would take
We are ushering in a new era of humans and they have the potential to bring about necessary out the "reading" part of the footnote and just leave it
as encouraging any student or teacher.
change. They have the power to move mountains and stop the tides. I completely believe in the future that

our children hold, and I see it every time I look into my own daughter’s eyes. I see it when I look at my

first graders smiling because they completed their math worksheets correctly. I see it when I look at the

other students’ successes and failures that I am lucky enough to have witnessed.

Now, I am not saying that we sacrifice time with our own families and our own children, but I do
encourage any student or teacher reading this to go above and beyond in the ways that are appropriate for
your family and health.
Margaret Foster

Integrating Technology Into Curriculum

Professor Wolfe

September 19 2019

The implementation of this philosophy was difficult. But, I discovered how to change my habits Commented [4]: Change to in despite.

when I had to cover for the computer lab (we call it BrainPop at the program) one evening and I had a few

children come up to me saying they no longer wanted to work on their computers. I had an epiphany that Commented [5]: You might try to combine sentence
one and half of sentence two. I feel as though sentence
day. I caught myself about to say what I had heard many teachers and aides say before me- “Stare at the two is sort of long and with sentence one being so
short we can combine them.
wall.” But, before the words left my mouth, I checked myself and made myself an active participant in

their learning. Many of my students do not have ample time with their families to work on homework or

study for their tests. I asked them if they needed help with homework and I sat down with them to help. I

do it every day I have the chance to. Sometimes I will bring PlayDoh so we can do some math or try to

make some letters with it on days they do not have any homework. I have also caught myself telling my

students “no tattling” whenever they come up to tell me of a transgression against them. Now, I recognize

that instinct and fight it. I encourage my students to tell their friend if that friend has hurt them as well as

apologize if they have hurt their friend. We stopped saying “it’s okay” and started saying “I accept your

apology”. We go above and beyond not in the big moments, but in the small ones that I used to brush off.

We teach them what it means to truly learn not just material, but how to be self-sufficient.

Any chance we get to help our students grow and develop, we need to take it. We need to show

them how to take the initiative in their own learning, their own lives. If our own nation is by the people,

for the people, then why can’t we be for our students? We are one of their few greatest advocates and

influencers. A beautiful opportunity like that should never be ignored. Therefore, my teaching philosophy

is to embrace our calling. Be educators. Be developers. Raise leaders. Commented [6]: I really liked the last paragraph,
including the last three sentences. I think your paper
was good and the transitions from paragraph to
paragraph and topic to topic in the paragraphs were
very well done.

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