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Describing people

3. Describing people artinya adalah menggambarkan orang. Untuk menggambarkan orang,

diperlukan kosakata untuk mempermudah dalam membuat kalimat. Menggambarkan orang
(people) bisa dari Characteristics (sifat), Physical Appearance (penampilan fisik), dan
Clothes and accories.
Setelah melihat gambar di atas adik-adik bebas merangkai kalimat sesuai pengamatan
adik-adik. Contoh kalimat:

- He is a president.
- His hair is black.
- He is smart.
1. Characteristics (Sifat) cheerful : ceria
clever : pintar happy : senang
diligent : rajin helpful : penolong
kind : baik hati hard worker : pekerja keras
nice : menyenangkan easy going : tenang, segala sesuatu dibuat
intelligent : cerdas mudah
lazy : malas honest : jujur
patient : sabar handsome : tampan
smart : cerdas beautiful : cantik
talented : bertalenta cute : manis
attracted : menarik pretty : cantik
2. Physical Appearance (Penampilan Pisik)
Ada banyak kata yang dapat digunakan untuk menggambarkan orang dari penampilan fisik yaitu
mata, telinga, wajah, hidung, lengan, rambut,tinggi dan bentuk.
- sharp eyes : mata tajam - short hair : rambut pendek
- round eyes : mata bulat - dark skin : kulit gelap
- mata sipit : slanting eye - white skin : kulit putih
- pointed nose : hidung mancung - brown skin : kulit coklat
- flat nose : hidung pesek - thick lips : bibir tebal
- oval face : wajah lonjong - smooth skin : kulit lembut
- round face : wajah bulat - tall : tinggi
- black hair : rambut hitam - short : pendek
- blonde hair : rambut pirang - fat : gemuk
- curly hair : rambut keriting - thin : kurus
- straight hair : rambut lurus - slim : langsing
- wavy hair : rambut bergelombang - strong : kuat
- long hair : rambut panjang


Bag : tas Shawl : syal
Belt : sabuk Shirt : kemeja
Bracelet : gelang Shoes : sepatu
Dress : gaun Short : celana pendek
Earrings : anting-anting Skirt : rok
Glasses : kacamata Sleeveless : kaos tanpa lengan
Glove : sarung tangan Slippers : sandal
Hat : topi Sneaker : sepatu karet
Helmet : helm Socks : kaos kaki
High heels : sepatu hak tinggi Suit : jas
Jacket : jaket Tie : dasi
Necklace : kalung Trousers : celana panjang
Pocket : saku T-shirt : kaos pendek
Purse : dompet Veil : kerudung
Ribbon : pita Vest : rompi
Ring : cincin Watch : jam tangan

S + to be + adjective Contoh: He is tall.

They are tall.
S + have/has + noun Contoh: He has slant eyes.
They have slant eyes.
S + wear(s) + noun Contoh: He wears leather jacket.
They wear leather jacket.
S + noun + to be + Adjective Contoh: His nose is flat.
Their noses are flat.
Contoh: She brings an umbrella.
S + bring(s) + noun
They bring umbrellas.


Work in group. Please describe this photo with your friends.





Fill in the dots below by choosing the correct answer in the box!
1. Catty has curly ……………………
2. Mariah puts a pink lipstick on her …………………….
3. I wear a sunglasses to protect my ……………………. from the sun.
4. I put a mascara on my …………………….
5. My little brother has chubby …………………….
6. He stepped his ……………………. on the ground.
7. Dianna puts a nail polish on her …………………….
8. He smelled a perfume by his …………………….
9. He wears a belt on his …………………….
10. My mother kisses my ……………………. before go to sleep.
11. He injured his ……………………. when he was playing football.

Eyes (3) Hair (1) Waist (9)

Lips (2) Nose (8) Forehead (10)
Ankle (11) Teeth Nails (7)
Feet (6) Cheek (5) Eyelashes (4)

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