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Unit 5

(2 weeks )

WW II 1933-1945

Chapters The American pageant 34-35

Quiz on each Chapter, Objective test chapters 34-35

Short response test 34-35


WORLD WAR II 2.0 weeks

Organizing Principles - World War II and the New Deal philosophy that the government was a
legitimate agent of social welfare became firmly embedded in the American mind.

Topics: (1930s foreign policy, neutrality, World War II (political, economic, social consequences],
strategies and battles, post-war demobilization, Fair Deal, Red Scare,

Unit 5 Chapter 34

FDR and the Shadow of War

Time Line

1898 Spanish American War – Philippines

1905 Russo Japanese War --- Korea

1914-18 WW I

1917-1926 Intervention

1922 Benito Mussolini comes to power

1931 Spanish monarchy replaced by republic

1931 Japan Invade Manchuria

1932 Nazi party comes to power

1932 Japan occupies and controls Manchuria

1933 Hitler Becomes Chancellor

Hitler become Fuehrer and military swears allegiance to him

Italy conquers Ethiopia

Germany reoccupies the Rhineland

1936 U.S. Congress declares neutrality

Spanish Civil war Begins lead by Franco

1937 Japan attacks Nanking and Shanghai

Anchultz Conquest of Austria by Germany

Conquest of the Sudantland and Czechoslovakia

German Soviet Non Aggression Pact

1939 Invasion of Poland – Britain and France declare war on Germany

1939 U.S. Military Build Up within the U.S.

Germany Invades France

1940– 41 Battle of Britain

1940 destroyers for bases Lend Lease Act

1940 Rome Berlin Tokyo Axis

Germany Invades Russia

1941Pearl Harbor

Tokyo Raid

1942 battle for the Coral Sea - Midway

1942 Invasion of Africa and the drive out of the Germans

1943 Stalingrad/Kursk

1943 Invasion of Italy --Mussolini Executed/Italy is out

Invasion of France by Allies at

1944/45 battle of the bulge

Berlin invaded Hitler commits suicide/Germany surrenders

2 A bombs dropped on Japan

1945 Russia declares war on Japan

1945 Japan Surrenders to U.S.

The Build up

Why Italy?

Why Mussolini?

The birth of Fascism (extreme nationalism) In the 1920 as a result of economic depression –
political instability and the results of WW I (ie. No land gained from helping the allies) Why
Benito Mussolini

Il Duce

End of WW I Italy did not get part the Austrian empire

Almost joined Germany–

Mussolini began the fascist movement in Italy – started out looking like it would fail but the
condition of the nation made it possible for the extremists to take power. High unemployment

Week government

Unemployed soldiers

He appealed to the people

In 1919 and 1920 there were a lot of agricultural strikes that terrified the middle class and the
industrial class – the groups in which Mussolini appealed to the most – By 1922 he had gained
enough support and his BLACK SHIRT army was strong enough that he threatened to march on
Rome – Fearful of an overthrow Victor Emanuel III abdicated and gave power to Mussolini – he
began his fascist state – individual rights were not to come before the loyalty to the nation of
Italy- developed a secret police and began censorship –all anti fascist parties were outlawed and
members were placed in jail as political prisoners – He began fascist youth organization that
were based on military service and loyalty to ones nation – His goal was to create a new Italy or
a new ROME to once again bring civilization to the world – he hoped to create a nation of hard
workers who were physically fit – intellectually sharp – disciplined and intellectually sharp.

He did manage to also– major economic reforms--

Built railroads and created jobs

And he fed the people –

Women were expected to stay home and cook and have babies. Fascist believed that the family
was the pillar of the state

1935 he attacked Ethiopia – because Italy lost to Ethiopia in the 1800’s

He was a totalitarian and a fascist – but he knew that he could not win a European War and
questioned an alliance with Hitler –based on the grounds that Germany in WW I back out on
supporting Austrian and focused most of its attention to the West

Mussolini chose the side of Franco in the Spanish Civil War and wanted


Why Hitler

Have students act out skit for the introduction of Hitler – use handout

Born in Austria 1889

Received the Iron Cross for bravery in WW I

1920 leader of the NSDAP = NAZI party

1923 attempted a putsch in Munich and was arrested wrote mien kampf from prison in 1 year
out of a 20 tear sentence

Mein Kampf has 5 main points a lays out Hitler’s plan and points out the problems in Germany
and it offers a solution to the problems. It also expresses the hatred of the German people for
their existing situation

Anti-Semitism –Jews are the declared enemy of the German state they are traitors to the
German people and the “stab in the Dark”

Rejection of the Versailles Treaty and German war Quilt from 231

3 Confiscation of illicit war profits – aimed at middle class Jews that owned business

4 Protection of the middle class from big and corrupt business

5. Land redistribution of land to the peasants

Powerful speaker – CULT OF PERSONALITY

Fascist -- extreme nationalism

Late 1920 Nazi party has little power in German politics – the Depression of the 1930’s would
change that

Unemployment rose 2.25 million or 25% of the labor force 1 in 4 was out of work

This was the hardest hit industrial country by the depression

1930 The Nazi party gained 107 seats in the Reichstag

1932 Nazi party was the largest party in the German Govt controlling 14.5 million votes of only
35 million voters

Jan 10 1933 Hitler is appointed Chancellor within 8 weeks Hitler purged all of his opposition
mostly communist from the govt. Used Brown Shirts By mid 1933 the Nazi Party was the only
legal party in Germany black or SS troops killed the Brown Shirts

From 1933 – 1936 Hitler and the Nazi party rebuilt the German Economy – provided thousands
of jobs – Massive road and public works were built – Science research expanded – military and
raw material resources were horded

Nazi youth camps were created which resembled the boy scouts

-1934 he became the Fuhrer of Germany (only 15% of the population claimed to be Nazi )and
began to ignore the treaty of Versailles – began to rebuild his military –

1934 he supported the Franco forces in the Spanish Civil War --- this was a testing ground or the
Germany tactics the BLITZ

1936 re took the Rhineland without opposition – and formed the Axis alliance with Italy

Annexed Austria Anschluss (Sound OF Music) invaded the Sudetenland and Czechoslovakia all
of the was allowed by the nations of Europe Appeasement – for the harsh treaty of WW I
1938 Munich Conference – Appeasement France and United Kingdom did not want another war
– there nations were still recovering from the last one – Pacifist governments were in charge –
Chamberlain the Prime minister of the UK went to Munich and met with Hitler to insure peace in
Europe – This conference gave German the go ahead to take over Czechoslovakia - One year late
German and the UK would be at war with each other

1939 -Non Aggression pact with Russia- this was an agreement not to fight each other it also
guaranteed the division of Poland 2/3 to Germany once it invaded and 1/3 to the Soviet Union
once Germany invaded. This part of the agreement was kept secret. Both Countries however
knew war between each other was unavoidable – this pact was a delaying tactic for both sides

Why Japan

Spanish Civil War

America allows a Democracy to fall to preserve its own interests first

1931 Spanish crown is overthrown by a parliamentary republic

In 1936 pro royalists lead by Francisco Franco – and supported by the Germans and Italians
started the Spanish Civil War – Russia not wanting to see there Germans gain any more strength
supported the republic and wanted a communist ally in Spain--- the U.S. did not choose side by
hundreds of U.S. citizens volunteered to fight as the Abraham Lincoln Brigade – a leftist group of
Americans – who believed that if Spain fell to fascism then France and England would be next

Franco Won

No country questioned the Usage of the New German military which had been disbanded at the
end of WW I

Spain however would not join Japan Germany and Italy in WW II it along with Switzerland
Sweden and Portugal would remain neutral

Germany Invades

The Blitzkrieg

Sept 1939 Invasion of Poland

Use map from Atlas and highlight with students Poland is divided results in the French and
British declaring war on Germany

Spring 1940 Blitz on Belgium (EBEN EMAEL) Netherlands Denmark and Norway and the Invasion
of France and the success of the Maginot Line – use atlas maps and highlight advances – go over
the evacuation of Dunkirk – Dunkirk evacuation A large force of British and French were cut off
by a German armored advance to the Channel Over 330,000 Allied troops were evacuated by sea

Phony War Period

Operation Sea Lion A plan similar to Napoleon’s a century earlier – the Battle of Britain –
Germany’s attempt to invade Great Britain and the first real test of Prime Minister Winston
Churchill who replaced Chamberlain

The Battle of Britain was fought entirely in the air over England and the English Channel – the
Use of the newly invented Radar by the British enabled the smaller Raf to defeat the German
Luftwaffa – thus successfully preventing Germany from invading England

June 1941 Operation Barabarrosa –

This was a direct violation of the Non aggression Pact (Hitler followed the same invasion plan as
Napoleon –even to depart in the spring in hopes of a quick victory) destruction of 1 million
Soviet troops and 2000 Russian aircraft and why it was not as successful as it should have been –
Bailing out the Italians in Greece –

This forced the German army to divert troops to Greece that were need to obtain the objectives
in Russia – German army is stopped outside of the Soviet Union’s major cities – Leningrad –
Moscow and Stalingrad – “Stalin orders not another step back” Hitler orders no surrender and
no retreat.

Comment on the Fighting between Soviets and Germans also the size of the opposing armies

High point for German war effort June 1941 successful invaded Russia Yugoslavia (comment on
Tito and is guerrilla tactics) and Greece – Eastern Europe was now a Nazi German satellite
Lebensraum – Ukraine Romania Bulgaria and Hungary all became part of Germany

Realized another war in Europe would be fought on French Soil – Maginot Line- Was unable to
prevent the re arming of Germany and the occupation of the Rhineland—Did not want war—
Promised to defend the Rights of Poland

By the end of 1940 France was controlled y Germany and a puppet German Govt. ruled France—
Part of the Army and its leaders fled across the channel to England.

England UK

Lead by Neville Chamberlain at first and then by Winston Churchill

Sought to avoid war – wanted to stay out of the European Problems—Munich Peace Pact gave
Hitler the Sudantland in order to avoid War –this helped to cost Chamberlain his Job and
brought Winston Churchill to Prime Minister

Churchill Prepared for War Promised to defend the rights of Poland

While the United Stats remained Neutral it did support he UK

Escorted Ships in the Atlantic and gave Britain Destroyers

United States

Lead by FDR and later Truman

The Government wanted to get into the war the people did not

People did not see the reason for WWI – and did not want to get involved with the tribal
conflicts of Europe

Two term ending FDR election 1940

Republicans had two choices

Robert Taft (son)

Wendell Willkie (German)

Democrats FDR

Accused of being a dictator – A maintaining election

Acts of Neutrality or War

London conference

1933 FDR chose domestic policy over foreign by refusing to attend Conference was designed to
stabilize all currency in each nation at a level to begin trade – FDR say this as a threat to
American recovery – as it would put the dollar under control of a new world market –
Conference failed and extreme nationalism in Europe was born

Philippines and Russia

Far east was to expensive to maintain

Tidings-McDuffie Act passed – granting Philippines independence in 1946 and a U.S. Army but
not Naval pull out. Set the Philippines up for conquest in 1941-42 Also at the same time in 1933
FDR announced the existence of the USSR done to get their help in pressure on Japan (1937
Russo/Japanese treaty)

Good Neighbor

U.S. would stay out of Europe andconcentrate on protecting the Western Hemisphere –
promised non intervention in the America’s pulled out all U.S. troops – convinved the America’s
that the Monroe Doctrine was now a protector of them as well and needed there help to keep
the rising power of Germany out. Announced at the 7th Pan American conference in Uruguay –
Latin America was sold Bonds and prospered under this.

Reciprocal trade Agreement Act

Created by Sec State Hull – trade is two ways and it became a presidential agreement so that it
did not have to go through congress (FDR was given permission to lower tariffs by 50% new deal)
29 nations agreed and America was trading on the foreign market and climbing out of
depression – it lead the way for American domination of trade after WW II

1936 Neutrality Act

keep us out of foreign wars – and no American in time of a foreign war could sell munitions or
sail on a belligerent ship

Destroyers for Bases UK

Use of bases in Caribbean for 99 years to protect Panama UK get 50 destroyers – U.S. chose sides
no longer a 19th century gentlemen’s war

Lend Lease

With U.K. and later Russia – weapons would be returned at the end of the war – like getting a
used tire back

$50 billion dollars in aid to the allies

U.S. aid to the soviets prevented the Germans form sending supplies to fight in the battle of

U.S. Entrance

Review US support of the Allies in 1940 – Atlantic Ocean escorts – Lend Lease and Destroyers For

Dec 7 th 1941 – Pearl Harbor

Show clip from Tora Tora Tora

Explain the detail of the battle a tactical victory a strategic defeat – what the Japanese missed –
Dry Docks – oil dump and munitions dump--3 carriers

Conspiracy theory
Chapter 35

America In WW II 1941-45

WW II can be divided into three chronological times and two geographical areas –

1939 –42 German and Japanese Victories

1942-43 Allied counterattack and halting of Axis advances

1944-45 the Allied advance to victory

The two geographical areas are Europe and the Pacific


Stalingrad and Kursk

Show start of the enemy at the gate video

These were the turning point in the war in Europe and Russia’s first victories

Stalingrad cost the Germans an entire army The attack on Stlaingrad started with 300,000
German troops in 1943 a year after the battles in around Stalingrad began 90,000 Germans
surrendered of this number, 50,000 would be killed or die from disease in Russian POW camps

Immediately following Stalingrad was the battle for KURSK – this was the world’s largest tank
battle over a 10-mile front – 2,700 German tanks vs. 3,600 Russian tanks – it was a Russian
Victory – ½ million German casualties and 1,500 tanks destroyed

Germany is pushed back all along the Russian Front –Stalin begs the allies to open up a second
front in Europe (allies especially the US believe it is to early and they are not ready to invade –
rather see the Germans and the Russians Kill each other of


1940 –41 Germans lead by Rommel the Desert Fox Conquered all of Northern Africa From Egypt
to the Atlantic

November 1942 US and British troops drive Rommel out of Africa and by July 1943 they are in
Italy By the end of July 43 Mussolini was hanged by his people and by Sept 43 Italy surrendered

the Germans in Italy continued to fight--- Monte Casino –and its bombing fighting thought the
mountains (Nisei Japanese American unit 99th) by the end of 1944 Italy belonged to the allies


Liberation of Europe

After having the Russians fight in Europe sine 1939 the US lead allies finally invaded mainland
Europe in June 1944-- Operation Overlord – D Day June 6th

Show Clip form Saving Private Ryan

After fighting thought he Hedge groves of France by Aug the allies reached Paris and liberated
the City – Show model of Sherman Tank

Operation Market Garden and the importance of Bridges in the War Show Film Clip form A
Bridge to Far the early tank battle and the Crossing of the Bridge

Bombing of Germany—mention Memphis Bell and show clip form the film – show bomb run

Battle of the Bulge show on Map and Highlight explain the importance of air power and fuel and
the end of the Third Reich

April 1945 Soviets surround Berlin

Roosevelt Dies and Truman becomes president

April 30th Hitler Suicide and marriage Eva Braun

May 2nd Germany surrenders under Admiral Donitz a non-Nazi

Concentration Camps

Show poster and reason for Concentration Camps show mop of locations
Show actual Army video footage and comment on the allowance of Jews to hunt down some of
the German Guards – Nazi flight to South America – Nuremberg Trials

War with Japan

Review Pearl


The Battle of the Coral Sea and Midway – Show footage

Australia and Burma

Island Hoping and the battles for Guadalcanal and Tarawa – Explain Japanese honor code
BUSHIDO- Iwo Jima and Okinawa

Show overhead maps of the island sizes and the island of Rabaul and the reason it was bypassed

Discuss the reason fro the A bombs

Enola Gay = Little Boy

Little Caboose = Fat Man

Were they justified?

Estimated 1000000 Americans to be KIA if Island invasion was needed

Rebuilding of Japan and Mac Arthur

Combine with Slid show from Power Point

And Bring in Books of Photographs

Set up for Cold War

After Affects of the War

Our enemies became our allies some of our allies became our enemies - Germany and Japan
would be rebuilt by the United States and Join the U.S. in the Cols War against the Soviet Union

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