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Father Freedom


Influencer Marketing Secrets They Don't Have

The Balls To Tell You

1. Authority will make people buy anything. People think they have an
offer problem but on social media, they’re not buying because you got an
authority problem. As an authority, they’ll buy your stupid weight loss
product. As an authority, they’ll give you their investment money for a
crypto speculation. As an authority, they’ll join a cult. Products are
virtually irrelevant when you compare it to authority.

2. Whatever level of respect, recognition, or prestige you desire, that is

the same level of hate you will have on the opposite side. Any
resistance to this fact will push down your level of growth. It’s like
accounting, it always balances out. Resisting controversy is resisting
success. Resist wisely.

3. Attention is the most valuable currency there is and nothing gets it like
negativity and nothing holds it better than positivity. But don’t rest on
one of them too much or you become predictable and boring. They will
move on. Better to be closer to a bad boy abusive lover, than to a boring
predictable Joe.

4. The more you divide men and women, the bigger the hole between us, the
more stuff we will buy to close it. From makeup, to status through career,
to supplements. There is big money in dividing people. Taken to the
extreme is war, and there's nothing more profitable than war.

5. Analogies and metaphors are the express lane cheat codes to making
people believe things because they directly link something they know and
believe, to something new. If your analogies and metaphors are on point
enough, the brain is almost forced to believe you.

6. People share and like things to vote publicly about who they are. If you
can’t imagine them wearing your content on their shirt, you probably got
it wrong.
Influencer Marketing
Marketing Secrets
Secrets They
They Don't
Don't Have
The Balls To Tell You
The Balls To Tell You

7. Most purchases are purely symbolic, that is they are only buying it to
allow themselves to behave in a way that gets them closer to their ideal
self… But that’s only true sometimes

8. Most people will work harder to stop someone from stealing 100k from
them than work to make it in the first place. Most people don’t want to be
better, they just don’t want to be worse. Self preservation. This means
most people don’t actively take action to raise their social status, but to
protect what social status they already have. Make sure that you play to
win instead of merely “playing to not lose”

9. Since most purchases are symbolic, this means people are projecting on
to a product then buying their own projections from the vendor. We buy
things in order to give ourselves permission to generate the appropriate
emotions. We never had to buy the thing at all.

10. People align to brands for social status, so be the person they are striving
to become and they'll follow you and buy from you.

11. The secret hack is you don’t need to become who they are striving to be
in all ways, but even in just one way. You don’t need to be everything,
you just need to be one piece of them.

12. People won't usually trust you until you provide proof but there are
many kinds of proof, about 11 of them. Make sure you know them and use
all of them.

13. You are in the business of giving value by helping people with their
problems. You can only do this in 4 ways: Solve them, embolden them to
deal with them better, help them forget about them for a while, or educate
them on how to solve them

14. Entertainment trumps truth when it comes to attention, but that doesn’t
mean you lie. It doesn’t mean you don’t either
Influencer Marketing Secrets They Don't Have
The Balls To Tell You

15. You must become an excellent storyteller.

16. Make your marketing complex, creatively over the top, and difficult to
pull off. Do more than you have to. This creates a barrier for competition.
Its not easy to just recreate Cirque du solei. There’s a reason I have
dancers at my events, and all sorts of whacky stuff. Difficulty creates
credibility through Zahavian signaling. Its like peacocking in nature.

17. You must build a buzz about you and can’t let it go. A buzz is the number
of people talking about you at one time. You can accelerate that chatter
by creating mysteries they can’t solve. Example: Tai Lopez hid his age,
and details about his cars. This was no accident - conspiracies keep
people talking. A buzz is a wave and like an orgasm or sneeze, if you lose
it, you gotta start all over again

18. Think of your product offerings like movie releases. Build hype for them,
don’t just release things. Map out and generate demand and hype. Make
people who didn't buy feel FOMO. Always have a FOMO generating plan
to rub it in the faces of those who didn’t buy. Gotta teach them to buy
next time.

19. Don’t name things the same as they already are in the industry. Don’t call
your webinar a webinar. Because not only do you not get the chance to
carve your own legend, you also have to contend with the baggage these
words have. And in most industries, shared words have too much baggage
to deal with. Don’t build your competition's legend, name your own shit.

20. Authority trumps rapport and trust. Work on your authority and
credibility before being liked.
Influencer Marketing Secrets They Don't Have
The Balls To Tell You

21. When writing content, don’t say what you want to say. Tease and build it
up the value of what you are going to say first. Foreplay. Make em froth
for it. And work for it. Doing that will literally make people like your
content more. Same content, just with hype around why it's going to be so
good, and it's all of a sudden better. It's like getting a dog hyped up to
catch the ball before you throw it… make sense? This is also
compliance. You want to have it before you expel advice or belief shifting
material. Setting up and positioning of the piece of content IS what makes
it valuable.

22. If you want to be a thought leader, then you are in the business of
creating aha moments. You do this by taking a widely held belief and
showing a different perspective on it. You question assumptions and
poke at taboo topics. You tickle the status quo. You expose
incongruencies and blind spots. But you do it through story, example, and
a JOURNEY of discovery. Amateurs just say the thing and it doesn’t land.
Take them through a journey and all of a sudden the same “thing” is an
aha moment. It's not what you say, it's how you say it.

23. A content writing trick is to think of a problem of a sub topic of a general

topic. You want to go that granular because then your writing can be
sharp and hard hitting. If you are too broad, you run out of content. So
take that problem of a sub topic of a general topic and think of all the
things that are “true” about that problem. Then reverse those
statements. Now you have some aha moments queued up.

24. Be VICIOUS to people who are not your market

25. Talk about things that get you upset or passionate. Your best stuff will
always come from a place that you actually feel.

26. f your significant other or family do not support your dreams, they are
your enemy and must be destroyed (removed from your life). They will
destroy you over time.
Influencer Marketing Secrets They Don't Have
The Balls To Tell You

27. If your competitor decides to turn his business into a

cause/movement/mission, you are fucked unless you do too. He will
always whoop your ass.

28. Everything in your life right now is a lagging indicator. Don’t make rash
decisions based on today - don’t stop pumping the well, right before water
was to pour out. Today’s bank balance doesn’t show you who you are
today, it shows you who you were yesterday. Now, it may be who you
are today, but you won’t actually know that until months from now.

29. Marketing is just: Market, Message, Media. You are seduced by the media
because it sells, everyone is selling it, and it always changes - we are
addicted to new and novel. However, the real power is in mastering the
first two.

30. Luck is real, fuck you if you disagree. It’s also critical you understand
that luck exists so you don’t abandon fundamentals when there is
unpredictable variance in your results. It allows you to keep your head
straight when results aren’t.

31. Tell your market what your weak points are first before they find out
about them. This will make you more credible when telling them about
your strong points.

32. People will always have the money for the things they really want to buy.
You may not have 100k in the bank but if the person you love most in the
world was kidnapped, you’d come up with the 100k. Money is never the

33. Most of the time when making a pitch, we are so busy trying to convince
them they should believe us, when much of the time, we should be
convincing them to instead believe in themselves - because even if they
believe us, they may not believe in them and so they still won’t buy.
Sometimes empowerment is what can tip them over the edge.
Influencer Marketing Secrets They Don't Have
The Balls To Tell You

34. Your competition is everyone and everything. You are competing with
every damn thing that gets your prospect’s attention. You think your
competition is just your industry peers? Please. Your competition is
everything from Social media platforms, his heartburn, to his own
mother. When you realize this, you begin to take this a lot more

35. If there is not someone selling your exact product or service already,
then I’d drop the cockiness and blind belief and start to be seriously
afraid and cautious.

36. You can’t trust your own judgement to what people will buy and how
they want it sold to them. You must constantly test with an open mind

37. Choosing a product is always a stupid first move. Always choose a

market that has a problem they need solved. Then the product will
become apparent. People not products.

38. Sell them what they want, then give them what they want AND need…
Here’s why: We believe things because we want to, not because they are
true. We don’t want truth, we want what we believe.

39. Always get the most out of what you have. Take this very article as an
example. This is actually a script for a lead magnet video. I have shot the
video version of these, and this text will be “prettied” up and traded for
an email to get into our funnel. Since the funnel is not for the audience on
Facebook, I can make this into a giant post. I will also use each of these
separately in other ways.

40. Marketers think they make people believe things but it’s not true. People
have their worldviews set - your job as a marketer is to fit your product
or service into those existing worldviews. To try and change them is
stupid as fuck. Be a preacher, not a salesman. Convert Christians over to
your church instead of trying to turn atheists into Christians.
Influencer Marketing Secrets They Don't Have
The Balls To Tell You

41. People want what they can’t have so don’t be so easy to get. We also
want things that are known to be in short supply. Do everything in your
power to be perceived in high demand AND low availability. This is
economics 101, supply and demand. You try and break this rule and you
are an idiot.

42. The higher your prices, the better they believe you are. We usually price
to the level of our self esteem, instead of any objective testing.

43. You are paid far more on your reputation than on the level of skill you

44. Haters are your best friends in business. If you don’t have many, be very
afraid you are too invisible. Haters are your free marketing team. There
is zero downside as they will repel away ppl who are like them while
simultaneously catching the attention of people who will love you. The
more you try to block, hide, or silence haters, the more you block and
suppress your own success. People don't trust someone who has no

45. Beware of excellent business advice because the best advice for you is
usually a little of this and a little of that. Your exact situation calls for
nuance. This is why you need to take things in and think very deeply
how MUCH everything applies to you. Because it does… just not fully.
Prescription without full diagnosis is malpractice. So when self
diagnosing, watch out for your cognitive biases, especially confirmation
bias. Always be aware of the main biases as these are the foundation of
our poor decision making and distorted thinking.

46. Marketing and sales is psychological manipulation. Be ethical, just

understand that no matter how ethical you are, not everyone shares your
ethics. And it doesn’t mean yours are right. The meaning of your
communication is the response you got. If the response was bad, then to
them its bad. And it actually is, no matter your intentions. So to say you
are not manipulating people because you have good intentions, makes
little sense. It's a nice rationalization.
Influencer Marketing Secrets They Don't Have
The Balls To Tell You

47. You don’t sell products, you sell the story about who they will become if
they buy it.

48. Always telling the truth has consequences. Not telling the truth has far
worse consequences.

49. The more you like yourself, the less you need to buy to prove it.

50. Dumb marketers try to spend the least to get a sale, smart marketers try
to spend the most to buy a customer.

51. Good marketing is about avoiding the broad. Make a specific offer to a
specific person by telling them specifically how it will help them tailored
to a specific platform, with a specific deadline while making a specific
command to do so. Specificity is clarity. Clarity is safe.

52. Volume is the secret path to quality. You can spend 1 week on a piece of
content, or you can write 3 pieces of content per day. After 5 years, I
guarantee you the person who wrote 3 pieces per day will be able to write
the perfectionist out of the water.

53. If you are a small company, don’t ponder marketing decisions you want
to make, instead make them and ponder what happened. You’ll always go
farther analyzing what happened instead of trying to predict what will.

54. If your product works, give the biggest most craziest guarantees you can
possibly think of. For event tickets, I’ve offered double your money back
and I’ll cover your airfare and hotel. If you have a good product, go balls
to the wall removing the risk - it’ll get you far more sales and even
someone cashes in their refund card, you still make 3x the money.
Remember, marketing is psychology and math. Don’t get all emotional ok
Influencer Marketing Secrets They Don't Have
The Balls To Tell You

55. Remember that a solid branding angle is to go against another branding

angle. Don’t get upset and whine, instead get smarter and play the game
better. That usually means by being customer focused instead of
competitor focused. Watch Jeff Bezos interviews for strategy.

56. If you think showing off is bad marketing, you don’t understand
marketing. Invisibility kills people more than anything. If you have
something of value or you are someone of value, show off. You know how
everyone says “nobody likes a show off?” It’s not true. Just look at
every public figure.

57. Shortcuts are for people who have already been there the hard way.
Virtually everyone you admire or respect is an avid reader. It's too easy
to avoid deep reading in this new world. But trust me, your wisdom will
be shallow. It's one thing to look at a beautiful oil painting, it's a whole
another thing to actually paint it layer by layer. The people you look up to
look at ideas layer by layer without looking for the shortcut.

58. Nothing is more important to a growing business, than to hire a team and
empower them to make decisions for the company.

59. Anytime you make a marketing decision, ask yourself if you are making
the decision for you and your ego, or is it the best thing the customer or
audience needs. Your opinions rarely matter in business - the market
tells you what it wants.

60. In life, what people want most is to matter and to be missed.

61. If it hurts you to give refunds, you need therapy. There's no room in
business for that kind of weakness and small-minded thinking.

62. People are greedy and secretly love the idea of getting a deal before their
friends and family.
Influencer Marketing Secrets They Don't Have
The Balls To Tell You

63. Ask yourself, who’s feelings am I trying to protect in my marketing?

Usually you will find it is not the customer. And that is a BIG problem
because that kind of thinking has no place in marketing…

64. People will run away from pain more than they will run to pleasure.
Never forget to use both of these drivers in your content and marketing

65. Controversy is the ultimate engagement trigger, especially among those

who claim to be above it.

66. Be vague and bigoted in your attention getting, and nuanced and open in
the ensuing discussion, but always make sure the discussion happens on
your soil - you do that through being vague and bigoted.

67. Go talk with your market in person. Live with them. Understand them.

68. Always tell the truth and let the chips fall where they may.

69. As a good person, the most powerful element you have in marketing is
the truth. Because you can lay your life on it and fight to the death.

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