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Random Thoughts in Values Education

Definition Of Values Education

Values education is a process of teaching and learning about the ideals that a society deems important. While this learning
can take a number of forms, the underlying aim is for students not only to understand the values, but also to reflect them
in their attitudes and behavior, and contribute to society through good citizenship and ethical practice.

How Does Values Education Happen?

Values education may be seen on three levels: classroom, school and community. The levels interact with one another, as
illustrated in Figure 1.

The classroom level

At the classroom level, students engage in a variety of activities designed to make them more aware of certain values
and how they apply to everyday life in and out of school. The activities range from discussions based on moral
dilemmas through to philosophical activities such as Socratic circles, to the analysis of media and communication to
reveal underlying value messages.

The school level

At the school level, values are taught directly and indirectly as a result of school history, background or religious
affiliation. This will obviously influence the shape of the curriculum and the education at the classroom level.

The community level

At the community level, values are explored as a result of interaction with the wider community or other schools.


Importance Of Values Education

Values education are long-term standards that help a person determine how they should approach a situation or person,
which makes it an important component of determining how the future culture interacts and acts. Providing an education
on values at a young age can ensure that they are guided by these principles throughout life.


Difference Between Morals And Values

Morals describe what is right and wrong, whereas values explain important behaviour and beliefs of a person or group.
Morals are then based on the belief and understanding of those values.

Values are set on a group's beliefs. The word "evaluate" explains how values are surmised. People evaluate situations to
decide their beliefs and then separate what is important and acceptable. These values then serve as a guide to the morals
of the group. For example, by assessing that telling the truth is a good behaviour, a person has set honesty as a value. That
person then incorporates that value into his view of morality, deeming honesty to be right and dishonesty to be wrong.

Simple Tips For Teaching Values In Education

Teachers have a central role in imparting values to students. There are many ways by which they may do so, but to help
give an idea, here are three simple tips:

1. Lead by example
This is probably the most important point of all. If you want your students to show solidarity, be supportive. If you
want your students to respect diversity, then you have to respect diversity too. It’s the teacher’s responsibility to
lead by example.

2. Embrace adversity
Create scenarios in which students feel outside of their comfort zones (within reason) and are confronted with
situations that reinforce the values in education. Doing so will allow students to become familiar with examining and
understanding different points of view – something that is very important to developing a greater sense of maturity.

3. Use external resources

External resources offer a great alternative to the above in allowing students to explore situations that might
otherwise be impossible in the context of a class. These resources may include films, shorts, documentaries, news,
or numerous other study resources.


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