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Multiple Choice Questions


Levels Questions
Remembering 1) When rational function was created?
a. 1889
b. 1890
c. 1891
2) What is the main characteristic of rational
a. The existence of asymptotes
b. Get the quotient of polynomials
c. Both numerator and denominator
are polynomials
3) Who created the rational function?
a. Rene Descartes
b. Pythagoras
c. Henri Pade
4) All are properties of rational functions
a. Horizontal asymptote
b. Vertical asymptote
c. Inverse asymptote

Understanding 5) The following are methods for graphing a

rational function except?
a. Find the intercepts
b. Find the asymptote
c. Find the square root
6) How do you know the function is rational?
a. The graph is parabola
b. The domain and range is the set of
all real numbers except zero
c. The equation is linear
7) What is the general form of rational
a. y = mx+b
b. [f(x)-g(x)]
c. p (x), q (x) are polynomials, q(x)
8) When can discontinuity occur in a rational
a. Both numerator and denominator
are not zero
b. Both numerator and denominator
are zero
c. Only the numerator is zero

Applying 9) What is the x-intercept of the functions

does not have a vertical asymptote?
a. X=1
b. X= -4
c. X=4
d. X=1 and x=4
10) What are the zeros of f(x)= (x-
a. X= 5,1
b. X=3,-2,-5,1,0
c. X=3,-2
d. X=0,-5,1
11) Which of the following functions does not
have a vertical asymptote?
a. y= 𝑥 3 −5
b. y=
𝑥 2 −9
c. y= 𝑥+3
d. y=
12) Which of the following does not have a
horizontal asymptote?
𝑥 3 −3𝑥 2 +3𝑥−1
a. y = 𝑥 2 −5
𝑥 2 −1
b. y =𝑥 3 +8
c. y = 𝑥−1
3𝑥 2 −5𝑥+2
2𝑥 2 −5

Analyzing For nos. 13-16 answer the following from the given
f(x) = 𝑥+1
13) Find f(0).
a. 1
b. 0
c. Undefined
14) Find f (-1).
a. - 1/2
b. ½
c. Undefined
15) Find f(-3)
a. 3/2
b. -3/2
c. Undefined
16) Find f(2)
a. 2/3
b. -2/3
Evaluating 17) How rational functions used in real life?
a. Rational functions used to model
electrical circuit
b. Rational functions used to model
distance problems
c. Both a and b
18) Which of the following functions has a
hole at (1,4)?
a. f (x)= (𝑥−1)(𝑥−5)
b. f (x)= (𝑥+1)^2
c. f (x)= 𝑥−1
d. f (x)= (𝑥−1)(𝑥+2)
19) Find the equation of the oblique
𝑥 2 −11𝑥+30
asymptote of the function f (x)= 𝑥−4
a. y= x-4
b. y =x+4
c. y = x-7
d. y = x+7
20) Which of the following functions has an
oblique asymptote?
𝑥 5 +1
a. f (x)=
𝑥 4 +3𝑥 2 +1
𝑥 2 +1
b. f (x)= 𝑥 3 −𝑥2 −1
4𝑥 2 +𝑥+1
c. f (x)= 𝑥 2 −1
d. 𝑥 2 −1


1.B 11.C
2.C 12.D
3.A 13.D
4.C 14.B
5.C 15.D
6.C 16.B
7.B 17.B
8.A 18.C
9.C 19.A
10.C 20.A

Multiple Choice Questions


Levels Questions
Remembering 21) Define what is rational inequality
a. Rational inequality contains a radical
b. Rational inequality contains a
rational expression
c. Rational inequality does not contain
d. None of the above
22) Define what it means when bracket used in
writing a solution set.
a. Closed interval
b. Open interval
c. Closed and open interval
d. None of the above
23) What is the symbol of greater than or equal
a. ≥
b. ≤
c. <
d. >

24) What is the symbol of union?

a. U
b. ∩
c. ↄ
d. Ü

Understanding 25) Give the characteristic of rational number.

a. When expressed as negative
numbers, it has a finite or
recurring expansion.
b. When expressed as number,
it has a finite or recurring
c. When expressed as fraction,
it has a finite or recurring
d. All of the above.

26) Give the definition of inequality.

a. Different in size
b. Same in size
c. Equal in size
d. Same and equal in size
27) Give the general form of rational inequality.
a. R(x) + Q(x) > 0, where > can
be replaced with by any
inequalities symbol.
b. R(x)/ Q(x) > 0, , where > can
be replaced with by any
inequalities symbol.
c. R(x) * Q(x) > 0, , where > can
be replaced with by any
inequalities symbol.
d. R(x) - Q(x) > 0, where > can
be replaced with by any
inequalities symbol.
28) Give the trick in dealing with rational
a. Always work with zero on
one side of the inequality.
b. Always work with zero on
two side of the inequality.
c. Always work with nonzero
on one side of the
d. None of the above.

Applying 𝑥+6
29) Calculate 𝑥 2 + 6𝑥+8

a. [-6, -4 ) U (-2, ∞)
b. (-6, -4 ] U [-∞, 2)
c. (-6, -4 ) U [2, ∞ )
d. [ 6, 4 ) U (-2, ∞)
30) Calculate 𝑥+2 > 2

a. (-2, 0]
b. [-2,0]
c. (-2,0)
d. [2,0]
31) Calculate 𝑥−4 ≤ -1

a. [1,4]
b. [1,4)
c. [-1,4)
d. (-1,4)
𝑥 2 −9
32) Calculate 5 <0
a. (-∞, -5) U [-3,3]
b. [-∞, -5] U (-3,3)
c. [-∞, -5] U [-3,3]
d. (-∞, -5) U (-3,3)

Analyzing 33) Identify which interval includes one end-

point but not other is classified as
a. Single interval
b. Double interval
c. Half open interval
d. Open interval
34) Examine the statement written as “ x is
greater 5 and less than 20” is represented as
a. 5 < x < 20
b. X< 5 < 20
c. 20 > x < 5
d. 20 < 5 < x
35) Identify the type of inequality in which it is
only true in specific conditions is classified.
a. Conditional equality
b. Conditional inequality
c. Double condition
d. Double quadrates
36) Figure out what is the interval notation of
(10, ∞ )
a. [ 10, ∞]
b. [ ∞, 10]
c. (10, ∞ )
d. [ -∞, 10 ]

Evaluating 37) Determine the interval notation of a<0 or

a. (-∞,0] U (1, ∞]
b. (-∞,0) U (1, ∞)
c. (-∞,0] U[1, ∞)
d. [-∞,0] U [1, ∞]
38) Determine the interval notation of 2 ≤x<6.
a. [2,6)
b. (-2,6)
c. [-2,6)
d. (-2,6]
39) Determine the inequality of this interval
notation (0, ¼]
a. 0 < x < ¼
b. 0 ≤ x ≤ ¼
c. 0 < x ≤ ¼
d. 0 ≤ x ≤ 1/4
40) Determine the inequality of this notation
(1,11/3 ]
a. 1 ≤ p ≤ 11/3
b. 1 < p ≤ 11/3
c. 1 ≤ p < 11/3
d. 11/3 < p < 1


21. B 31. C
22. A 32. A
23. A 33. C
24. A 34. A
25. D 35. B
26. A 36. C
27. B 37. B
28. A 38. C
29. A 39. C
30. C 40. B
Multiple Choice Questions

Levels Questions
Remembering 41) How to find the inverse of a function step
by step?
I. Determine if the function is one-
II. If the result is an equation, solve
the equation for y.
III. Interchange the x and y variables.
This new function is the inverse
IV. Replace y by f^-1 (x), symbolizing
the inverse function of the inverse
of f.
a) I, II, III, IV
b) I, III, II, IV
c) I, II, IV, III
d) I, III, IV, II
42) Which is not true about the inverse of a
a. The inverse of f is a function which
maps f (x) to x in inverse.
b. The inverse of a function is found
by interchanging its range only.
c. A function only has an inverse if it
is one-one
d. The inverse of the function f is
denote by f^-1
43) The graph of a function and its inverse are
symmetric to what line?
a. X
b. Y
c. x =y
d. none of the above
44) Below are some inverses of common
functions, except?
a. x^n ↔ √2
b. e^x ↔ In (y)
c. sin (x) ↔ cos (x)
d. cos (x) ↔ sin (y)

Understanding 45) Which of the following is the inverse

relation to the set of ordered pairs
{(-10, 5), (-7, 9), (0, 6), (8,-12)}
a. {(5, 10), (-9, 7), (-6,0), (12, -8)}
b. {(5, -10), (9, -7), (6,0), (-12, 80]
c. {(10, -5), (7, -9),(0,-6), (-8, 12)]
d. {(-5, 10), (-9,7), (-6,10),(12,-8)}
46) Which of the following is the inverse of the
function f (x)= -8-5x?
a. f^-1 (x) = -1/5x-1/8
b. f^-1 (x) = -x/5x-8/5
c. f^-1 (x) = -x/5-8/5
d. f^-1 (x) = 5x+8
47) What is the domain and range of the
function f (x)= 1/2x + 1
a. Domain : (-∞,∞) Range: (+∞, ∞)
b. Domain : (-∞,∞) Range: (-∞, ∞)
c. Domain : (+∞,∞) Range: (∞, ∞)
d. Domain : (∞,∞) Range: (-∞, ∞)
48) The inverse of f = { (1,2), (2,3), (3,4),(4,1),
(5,2) } would be a function if the domain of
f is limited to.
a. {1,3,5}
b. {1,2,3,4}
c. {1,2,4,5}
d. {1,2,3,4,5}

Applying 49) A prepaid cellular phone charges 1.25 for

actuation and $ 0.05 per minute. The
relation of cost to minutes can be defined
by the functions C (X)=0.05X + 25. What is
the inverse of the function?
a. f^-1 = -20x + 500
b. f^-1 = 20/x + 1/25
c. f^-1 = 0.05x – 25
d. f^-1 = 20x -500
50) Which of the following is the inverse to the
function “divide by 2, then add 21”?
a. Add 21, then divided by 2
b. Subtract 21, then multiply by 2
c. Divide by 21, then add 2
d. Multiply by 2, then subtract 21
51) The drama club is holding a car wash to
raise money. The club spent $90 on
materials and supplies. The club earns
$11.25 for each car they wash. Which of
the ff. Is the inverse to the function of how
much the club earns per cars wasted?
a. f^-1 = -x/11.25 + 8
b. f^-1 = x/11.25 + 8
c. f^-1 = -11.25 + 90
d. f^-1 = 1/11.25x -1/90
52) Which of the following is the inverse to the
unction “ multiply by 8, then subtract 10”
a. Subtract 10, then multiply by 8
b. Add 10, then divide by 8
c. Divide by 8, then add 10
d. Multiply by 10, then subtract by 8

Analyzing 53) If the point (a,b) lies on the graph y= f 9x),

the graph of y= f^-1 (x).
a. (b, a)
b. (a, 0)
c. (0, b)
d. (-a, -b)
54) How do you determine wether a function
is an inverse of another function?
a. Add the functions
b. Multiply the function
c. Find the composite of the
d. Apply the line vertical test
55) If g (x) is the inverse of f(x), what is the
value of f (g(2))?
a. -2
b. 2
c. -1
d. 1
56) Which of the following is the inverse
function of y = 2x-3
a. y= (2x-3+2)/2
b. y= x+3/2
c. y= x/2 +3
d. y= x+3/2

Evaluating 57) Does the function have an inverse?

a. All function have an inverse
b. Only one-to-one have an inverse
c. All of the above
d. None of the above
58) If f (x)=x , the inverse of f, f^-1 could be
represented by
a. f^-1(x)=x
b. f^-1(x)=1
c. f^-1(x)=y
d. f^-1(x)=1/x
59) An inverse is what type of transformation?
a. Rotation
b. Reflection
c. Translation
d. Dilation
60) Given the relation A: { (3,2), (5,3), (6,2),
(7,0)}. Which statement is true?
a. Both A and A^-1 are functions
b. Neither A nor A^-1 is function
c. Only A is a function
d. Only A^-1 is a function


41.B 51.B
42.B 52..B
43.C 53.A
44.D 54.C
45.B 55.B
46.C 56.D
47.B 57.B
48.B 58.A
49.D 59.B
50.B 60.C
Multiple Choice Questions

Levels Questions
Remembering 61) The value of e in exponential function is?
a. 2.718281828
b. 2.7218111
c. 2.7128128
d. None of the above
62) If b^x=b^y, then
a. X is not equal to y
b. X is greater than y
c. X is equal to y
d. X is less than y
63) If b^y=b^x, then
a. y > x
b. y < x
c. y= x
d. none of these
64) If x^2=x^2, then 2^2 is?
a. 2^2
b. 0
c. 4
d. 8

Understanding 65) The quotient of a^64/a^60 is

a. 4
b. a^124
c. a^1/4
d. none of these
66) The product of a^5*a^6 is,
a. a^11
b. -1
c. -11
d. 1
67) The product of a^8*a^4 is,
a. a^42
b. a^12
c. a^6
d. none of these
68) The quotient of a^8*a^4 is,
a. a^32
b. a^12
c. a^6
d. none of these
Applying 69) If 6^3=216, then 3^6 is ?
a. 726
b. 729
c. 972
d. None of these
70) If 5^3=125, then 3^5 is?
a. 243
b. 234
c. 324
d. 423
71) If 2^1=2, then 2^0 is?
a. O
b. 2
c. 1
d. -1
72) If 2^3=8, then 3^2 is?
a. 9
b. 6
c. 1
d. -1

Analyzing 73) Which of the following is the value of e^2

correct to decimal places?
a. 7.389
b. 5.437
c. 0.693
d. 2.718
74) Which of the following value of 2e^3+4
correct to 3 decimal places?
a. 44.172
b. 48.171
c. 44.171
d. 6.197
75) What is the exponential form of 64?
a. 2^6
b. 2^5
c. 2^8
d. 2^7
76) What is the exponential form of 625?
a. 5^7
b. 5^3
c. 5^4
d. 5^6

Evaluating 77) An exponent refers to the number of times

a number is multiplied by itself.
a. True
b. False
c. Maybe
d. None of these
78) A power is represented with a base
number and an exponent
a. True
b. False
c. Maybe
d. None of these
79) When x is the exponent, the exponent of
the function is known as an exponential
a. True
b. False
c. Maybe
d. None of these
80) The logarithm refers to the number of
times a number is multiplied by itself.
a. Maybe
b. True
c. False
d. None of these


61.A 71.C
62.C 72.A
63.C 73.A
64.C 74.C
65.A 75.A
66.A 76.C
67.B 77.A
68.D 78.A
69.B 79.A
70.A 80.B
Republic of the Philippines
Central Mindanao University
University Town, Musuan 8710 Bukidnon

Table of Specification for Mid-term Examination in Math 11


RATIONAL 2 20% 20 1-4 5-8 9-12 13- 17- DONOR,MARK

RATIONAL 2 20% 20 21- 25- 29- 33- 37- SOSALO, JOYNICA

INEQUALITIES 24 28 32 36 40 T.

INVERSE 2 20% 20 41- 45- 49- 53- 57- VILLAREN, JENNY P.

FUNCTIONS 44 48 52 56 60

EXPONENTIAL 2 20% 20 61- 65- 69- 73- 77- RAMOS, JULITO

FUNCTIONS 64 68 72 76 80

LOGARITHMIC 2 20% 20 81- 85- 89- 93- 97- ELLEVERA,MICHAEL

FUNCTIONS 84 88 92 96 100

10 100% 100 20 20 20 20 20
1 2 3 4 5


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