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The application of IT is not only in the business sector, but in the public sector, especially in
providing services to the community, it is absolutely necessary. This research was conducted to
try to find out how the influence of the use of IT on IT acceptance in the public service sector.
The model used by the TAM model approach presented by Davis. This model places the attitude
factors of each user behavior with two variables, namely usefulness and ease of use.

Keyword: TAM model, usefulness, Ease of use.


1.1. Background

The rapid development of Information Technology (IT) today provides many conveniences for
various aspects of business activities (Cushing, 1993;, 1997; Mc.Leod.RJ, 1997;
Grace, 2000; Nur Indriantoro, 2000; Baridwan , 2000 in Halim, 2000; Hall, 2001). The role of IT
in various aspects of business activities can be understood because as a technology that focuses
on regulating information systems with the use of computers, IT can meet the information needs
of the business world very quickly,

timely, relevant, and accurate (Wilkinson and Cerullo, 1997).

The application of IT is not only in the business sector, but in the public sector, especially in
providing services to the community, it is absolutely necessary. For example, filing permits,
making identity cards (KTP), making driving licenses (SIM) and regional profile information.
Like companies, the government faces problems in implementing IT. As Morgan (1996) pointed
out in Syam (1999); Martin

and Merle.P (1995), states that the use of IT for a company is determined by many factors, one
of which is the characteristics of IT users. Behavioral aspects in the application of IT is one of
the important aspects to note, because it deals directly with users (users), because the interaction
between users and computer devices that are used is greatly influenced by perception, attitude,
affection as behavioral aspects inherent in human beings as users. Based on the behavioral
aspects of users

(user) which also influences the perception and attitude in accepting the use of IT. Behavior can
be shown by the unpreparedness of local governments in adopting IT in improving services to
the community and promoting transparency and accountability.

1.2. Problems

This research was conducted to try to find out how the influence of the use of IT on IT
acceptance in the public service sector. Where the model will be developed with
using the TAM model approach suggested by Davis (1989). The scope of the problem in this
study is limited to government agencies that provide public services in Semarang. Where the
respondent is staff staff in government agencies in

office / agency that provides public services.


2.1. Behavioral Aspect in the Application of Information Technology According to Bodnar and
Hopwood (1995) there are three

matters relating to the application of computer-based IT, namely; (a) Hardware (hardware); (b)
Software, and; (c) Brainware. System users are human (man)

which psychologically has a certain behavior that is inherent in it, so that the behavioral aspect in
the human context as an IT user (brainware) becomes important as a determining factor for
everyone who runs IT. This opinion

in line with Sung (1987) in Trisna (1998) which states that technical factors, behavior, situations
and IT user personnel need to be considered before IT is implemented. Henry (1986) in
Trisnawati (1998) also suggested that behavior

users, and personal systems needed in system development, and this is related to the
understanding and perspective of the system users. The attitude of users towards computers can
also be shown by the optimistic attitude of users that computers are very helpful and useful for
overcoming problems or work (Triandis, 1971) in Nur Indriantoro (2000).

Sri Astuti, (2001) argues that

use of information technology, utilization of information by individuals, groups or organizations

is the core variable in information system research, because before first use it is confirmed about
the acceptance or rejection of the use of IT, this is related to behavior that exists in individuals /
organizations using computer technology.

3.1. Population and Sample

Population. As the population of this study were all staff employees in the government both
official and agency in the Semarang area. Samples are a portion of the representative population.

3.2. Sample withdrawal method

Because there is a heterogeneous characteristic of the population and heterogeneity has a

significant meaning on the achievement of research objectives, the researcher uses the sampling
technique that will be used in this study is Stratified Proportional Random Sampling, which is

is subject taking from every office / agency in Semarang which is determined to be proportional
to many subjects in each work unit (Proportional Sampling). Then

then the sample is drawn by separating population elements in non-overlapping groups called
strata, and then randomly selecting a sample from each stratum (Arikunto, 1989). The number of
samples that will be used as respondents is 130 employees in the office / agency that provides
public services.

4.1. Description of Respondents

The sample in this study is staff employees who are in the government environment both agency
and service that exist in the Semarang region as many as 130 respondents. While the sample is a
portion of the population that has the same characteristics as the population. To find out the
characteristics of the respondents grouped by gender, education level, and frequency of use of
information technology The majority of respondents in this study were men with a percentage of
58% and 42% were women.

Most of the respondents' educational backgrounds are Bachelor (S1) with a percentage of 45%,
high school education with a percentage of 40%, education with a Master's degree (S2) with a
percentage of 5%, others (Diploma (D3) and D1) with a percentage by 10%. Most of the 88% of

still rarely use IT, 10% sometimes use IT and 2% never use IT.

4.2. Technical Data Analysis

4.2.1. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)

By paying attention to the research model, the theoretical framework and stages of research that
have been formulated before, the right technique to be used in this study, is the equation model

structural (structural equation modeling (SEM). This structural equation model is in principle a
multivariate analysis that describes the application of several models in a compact (Ferdinand,
2002), namely Factor Analysis model, Path Analysis model and model Regression Analysis

(Regression Analysis).

4.2.2. conceptual framework

The conceptual framework by developing TAM models presented by Davis (1989), by

combining theoretical models of aspects of behavior in IT, namely the ease of use expressed
(Iqbaria, 1994) and usefulness proposed by males, et al. (2001). The TAM model expects that
internal and external factors of organization will influence the usefulness and ease of use of PCs
that are identified by, (1997).


4.3.1. Test Validity and Reliability

Pre-test validity and reliability tests were 50 respondents aimed at finding out the validity and
consistency of respondents' answers to all the indicators given. All validity and reliability tests in
this study used techniques

Hoyt, because the results of the two tests can be read in one analysis at a time, besides this
technique according to Saifudin Azwar (1997) is the most widely used by researchers. Based on
the validity and reliability test for each indicator on each dimension of the ease of use, usefulness
and acceptance variables, it turns out that all indicators forming each dimension are valid and
reliable, none of them fall, so that all indicators can be used to distribute questionnaires to next
research. Test Multivariate Outlier

Testing the hypothesis in the study will be valid if it is based on valid data or information, and
information will be valid if obtained from quality data. The data used in the study will contain
outliers if the data

these are biased and not quality. Descriptively based on the mean and standard deviation (with
the help of SPSS 15 software) where all research indicators have a mean value greater than the
standard deviation, so that all indicators do not contain data outliers. Therefore

that is, all indicators used in this study

feasible to analyze to prove the hypothesis.

4.4. Discussion

4.4.1. Effect of ease of use on acceptance of IT

AMOS 6 output results obtained error value 0.353 greater than the significant level of 0.05 and
loading value 4.946 means that the hypothesis

states that ease of use has a significant and positive effect on IT acceptance, not accepted. This
condition shows the ease in using IT does not always give a positive result, where employees
will receive IT. The use of IT is only a tool and entertainment when empty, so that the use of IT
is not maximized. The government needs to improve staff skill capabilities by conducting IT
training on an ongoing basis and changing face to face culture to face to technology. Condition

this must also be supported by the ease of obtaining IT at affordable prices and good
technological capabilities.

4.4.2. The ease of use effect on usefulness

AMOS 6 output results obtained error value 0,000 smaller than the significant level 0.05 and
loading value 1.125 means the hypothesis

states that ease of use has a significant and positive effect on Usefulness, accepted. These results
support the opinion of Davis, F.D (1989) defines ease of use as a

the degree to which someone believes that a computer can be easily understood. According to
Goodwin (1987); Silver (1988); in (1992), the intensity of use and interaction
between users (users) and the system can also show

ease of use. Systems that are more frequently used indicate that the system is better known,
easier to operate and easier to use by its users. The government knows the benefits obtained by
providing community services through the use of IT. The benefits obtained are not only felt by
the government but also society in general.
4.4.3. Effect of Usefulness on IT acceptance

AMOS 6 output results obtained error probability value 0.229 greater than the significant level of
0.05 and the loading value -3.172 means that the hypothesis that Usefullness has a significant
and positive effect on IT acceptance, is not accepted. This condition shows that even though the
government feels the benefits obtained from the use of IT, it does not always end with the use of
IT. Many factors influence, including low human resource capabilities, lack of leadership

and regulations and still lack of funds.


5.1 Conclusions

Research that focuses on the part of users of information technology is based on aspects of
behavior. The discussion of aspects of behavior is theoretically based on psychological and
sociological theories, which explain a lot

about perception (perceived), attitude (attituted), belief (belief).

The TAM model described in this paper provides an overview of the aspects of perceived
benefits and easy use of IT. IT can be accepted if it has characteristics in accordance with what it
wants. Theoretically, the adoption of behavioral theories in IT studies provides accelerated
studies in the field of IT so that IT development innovations and information systems lead to the
needs of users with ease

its use. This implication is based on the argument that the interaction between the three elements
in IT development cannot be avoided, namely the interaction between hardware, software and
users, meaning that aspects of behavior are indeed important to note. So that the results obtained
ease of use affect the perceived benefits, otherwise the ease of use and perceived benefits have
no effect on IT acceptance.

5.2. Suggestion

1. Internal computer knowledge support (Internal support), is the support of technical knowledge
that is owned individually or in groups regarding computer knowledge.

2. The experience of internal organizational training (internal training), is a number of trainings

that have been obtained by users (users) from other users (other users) or from a specialization of
computers that are in the organization / agency.

3. Management Support, is the general level of support provided by Top Management in the
4. Advanced computer knowledge of the organization (External support), is a technical support
from outside parties owned individually or in groups regarding computer knowledge for small

5. External organizational training experience (external training), is a number of trainings that

have been obtained by users (users) from other users (other users) or computer specialization
from outside the agency.

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