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Classroom management plan

The environment and the way a classroom is ran plays a huge role in the success of the students. Having
very good control of the students is important. While I see being strict as something necessary, it isn’t to
say that fun isn’t allowed in the classroom. Amidst all the learning and schoolwork, I do think having fun
occasionally is needed. However, these fun activities or plans must be earned after all they are a
privilege. Having good communication with the students is crucial. I feel if there is trust and respect
between teacher and student, it will make the experience much better for both parties. Being able to
have that trust can only impact the student in a positive way. Having both trust and respect will allow
the kids to feel comfortable in the classroom but also understand that there are consequences to their

Philosophical statement

I believe all children deserve a chance at a well-rounded education. Teaching to me is the most
important job there is. Learning to understand each child, building relationships with them and parents,
incorporating different learning methods and providing a safe learning environment are all things I strive
to have in my classroom. Being able to implement all these things will only help students succeed in all
aspects not just educational. Since these students spend about 6-7 hours of their day in a classroom,
making it an enjoyable place to be in is important. Student participation is something that I find essential
for kids. Not only will it promote better communication skills, but students will be able to learn from
each other’s input. Whether it be a small group of 3 students or a large group of 30, being proactive with
them will help them feel included. Having fun learning activities will help enforce any lesson that has
been taught and is an enjoyable experience for the students. I want them to understand that it is okay
to make mistakes and to not be afraid to admit to it. The teachers’ attitude can really affect the
student’s mood and performance which is why I will always aim to have a positive attitude and an
abundance of patience.

Room arrangement map

Having art and inspirational quotes around the classroom is important to me. Art is something that I
value greatly so having it on my walls is essential. I believe that having positive phrases for the students
to read can provide them with inspiration, peace, or even boos their confidence. Nice soft and vibrant
colors are what I enjoy decorating my room with. Nothing that is too loud. I also think that having a
room be well illuminated by natural light is great! Not only does it make the room feel better it creates a
more relaxing atmosphere for the students. I was never a big fan of having a dimly lit room. As far as
seating goes, I will create groups of 4 as I feel this increases teamwork and is a good way to implement
cooperative learning. Having groups of two can also be effective but whether that is the seating
arrangement that I choose will depend on if I see the four group seats are not functioning. Having a
horseshoe table is very handy! Ideally This is where I would work with about one to five students who
need that one on one assistance. The desks will be facing the white board so when I need to teach
something on the whiteboard, they will be able to see. All classrooms have a smartboard for interactive
use or video display. In front of the smartboard will be a rug that students will be able to sit on when I
must teach using the smartboard. My desk would be at a corner of the room with my computer and
files. In The room there will be various Items that will serve to aid the students with anything they need.
Items like wobble seats, stools, alternative seating, stress balls, glitter jars, magnifying glasses, projector,
voice magnifier etc. Manipulatives will be available to help with any lessons. A library center will also be
available for when we have individual reading time. Having a class pet such as a fish or a class plant
would be a good addition to the classroom. It will give the kids a sense of responsibility if we can all keep
each other accountable for taking care of a pet or a plant. Having walls that display the students work is
something that I will have as well. Both inside and outside the classroom so parents can see what their
child has been working on. I do feel this builds on their confidence and give the students a sense of
accomplishment. Having a behavior chart works in classrooms with younger students probably pre-k to
4th grade. Having a well-organized classroom helps in the overall effectiveness of the teacher. Having
open space so the room is not cluttered works best.

Classroom Procedures

I like to have a set schedule to make things run more smoothly in the classroom. Having things planned
in advanced and organized will help with transitioning from one thing to another. Having the schedule
written on a bulletin board or white board will be a great reminder. The curriculum for each week will
also be posted next to the schedule. In the mornings bell work that is related to what is being learned
will be given to the student. Bell work functions as a great refresher and is a good way to start off the
day. It can range from worksheets, simple activities that are hands on. I will use this time to collect
homework and check for anything that may have been sent to me by a parent and take attendance.
Homework as well as a reading log will be an important part of the student’s success. I won’t assign
homework daily, but I will give it out every other day. The homework I assign will correlate with what we
have learned in our core subjects. We will utilize the online resources provided to us by the district. Such
as websites like mathlab. Parents will be able to log onto their students drive and see what homework is
assigned. Throughout this resource, parents will also be able to monitor their students progress with
their work. Students will also be able to utilize the class set of chrome books for educational purposes
weather it be creating story boards for a history assignment or taking short math quizzes for data
collection. Manipulatives will be available typically for math use. We will have a class set of math,
history, and science textbooks. Each day our class will have an hour for specials. The specials that are
provided are Physical education or P.E. for short, art, music, and technology. We will rotate specials
each week.

Classroom Rules:

The classroom rules will be posted in the classroom on big poster paper. The rules will be introduced the
first day of class to make everybody aware of what is and is not expected of them. A copy of the rules
will be attached to the newsletter and sent to parents that first day of class. They are to sign it and
return it the within the first week. These rules will include things such as, raising your hand to ask a
question, keeping your hands and feet to yourself, be kind and respectful to others, use your manners,
make good choices, use inside voices, etc. It is important to lay down the foundation of the classroom
within the first few days of school so there are no surprises later. If the foundation is not set properly,
the rest of the things built on top will have problems later. When going over rules, it is also important
for me to go over certain hand motions or symbols I may use to grab their attention later. For example, I
would need my students to know that if I clap 3 times that means they should stop what they’re doing
and put their hands on their head or if they need to ask for the restroom, they need to hold up 2 fingers.
While it is important that the students are made aware of the rules, they must also be aware of the
consequences for breaking those rules. I figured that quizzing or asking the students questions the first
day of class on the rules is a good way for the teacher to see if the students fully understood what is
being asked of them. Having a discussion about the rules is a good way to cover any gray areas that may
exist. The school will also have their own set of rules and expectations. How they are expected to act in
the cafeteria, the hallway, the bathroom, library, recess etc. All of these will need to be explained to the
students as well. If going over the rules is important, so is going over the consequences. If a student
happens to break a rule or have unsuitable behavior in the classroom, I will first give them a verbal
warning. If the behavior persists then they will lose recess or if we have a fun activity planned, they will
not participate. The student could be sent to a buddy room until they are ready to rejoin the group. If
that does not solve anything then calling their parents would be the last step. Having the office or
principle get involved would only be with extreme cases like if a student puts the safety or wellbeing of
either the students or myself in jeopardy. Violence, disrespect, foul language etc. will not be tolerated in
the classroom. There are other ways of reprimanding students besides these, such as taking away any
positive points they have earned during the day, loose a certain amount of recess time, or not giving
them a stamp on their stamp chart at the end of the day. The kind of consequence they receive
depends on what it was the student did wrong.

Positive Reinforcement:

Incentives are great for teachers to give to students. Rewarding good behavior is a great way for kids to
want to keep behaving that way. This is also a good thing because if a student sees that good behavior
getting rewarded, then odds are that the majority will follow. For example, during clean up time if the
students can get the room clean before the timer beeps, then they get a point and when they reach ten
points, they earn a special snack. I will have tickets that I will give the students when they are behaving
and at the end of the month, they will be able to purchase items from the school store with those
tickets. If I have a fun activity planned such as making smores for a science experiment, I could use that
as an incentive to get students to behave. Students love to be praised for good work or behavior they do
so I feel its great to highlight any positive thing the student may have done during the day no matter
how small it may seem. If a student is having a rough morning but changes their behavior, that is
something that should be mentioned at the end of the day. Saying something like “I know you had a
rough morning and I get it, but you managed to turn that behavior around and had an excellent
afternoon, great job keep it up”.

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