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Grammar Mini Lesson

By: Sabrina Chambers


 Know how to use a comma as an opener.



Teacher: Today, we will learn about the… comma as an opener! Can anyone tell me what a

comma does? *wait for response* Correct! (assuming that the class knows what a comma is)

According to Weaver, commas can be used in an introductory phrase that you want the reader to

pause at.

Teacher: Can anyone tell me what an introductory phrase is? *wait for response* Okay, yeah. An

introductory phrase doesn’t have its own subject or verb, so it relies on the subject or verb in the

remainder of the sentence. A comma is how you separate an introductory phrase from the rest of

the sentence. Otherwise, the sentence may be misinterpreted.

Teacher: How is a comma as an opener different than a regular comma? *Wait for response*

Yes! A regular comma separates two dependent clauses, also known as a subordinate. However,

a comma as an opener separates a clause that doesn’t have a subject or verb. It simply relies on

the subject and verb in the remainder of the sentence.


Teacher: Comma’s are a way for us not to become confused when we are reading different work.

For instance, “Although clothed in sunshine and whitecaps she obviously wasn’t an angel.” This

will be on the board. Does anyone have any suggestions on how we can fix this sentence? *Talk

about how they can fix it during their response* Without a comma this can be quite confusing,
and we can see how the reader may misinterpret our work. However, if you put a comma in

between whitecaps and she, you are indicating that these are two separate thoughts.


Teacher: Now, what I want you to do is to get out your daybooks as we watch this short 1:00

video, and I want you to identify how many introductory commas there are. Play video:

After video: Okay, how many did you see? *await answers and respond to them* From what I

spotted there was only three introductory commas. (If someone is confused explain why).


Teacher: Do we think that we can identify them in a group?

Practice: As a group, you will identify where the introductory comma should go within the

sentences provided.

Teacher: In your groups, see if you can identify where the commas should go to complete the

sentence. *Walk around and see if they are understanding the concept* *Once done explain


Assessment: For homework, create a couple paragraphs in which you use at least three

introductory sentences and place where you think the comma should go. I want you to highlight

where the introductory phrase is within the sentence. Then I want you to write how the sentence

may be misinterpreted without a comma.

Name: _____________________________________ #:____ Date:

______________________________________ Pd: ______ SECTION: GRAMMAR

HOMEWORK: Commas Practice 1 (Commas – Basic Lessons 1-3) PART I: Directions:  Add

commas wherever you think they belong!

Example: First off you need to make sure to complete your homework

1. To begin it is clear that Dunkin’ Donuts sells the most delicious donuts.

2. After I gave Cadence her snack she decided that it was a good idea to feed most of it to


3. Before going to the mall to buy a new pink and sparkly sweater make sure that you clean your


4. Well I guess that I have room for dessert.

5. Fine we can go see the new Thor movie.

6. By the time I finished baking the chocolate-peanut butter blossom cookies the kitchen was an

absolute mess.
7. Travis please clean up the living room because Cadence has thrown toys everywhere!

8. No don’t use the plastic golf club to hit the dog.

9. If you ever have a chance to eat at Red Robin make sure that you order the never-ending steak

fries with your burger!

10. Therefore it is possible to get an A if you study for the test.

11. Next as noted by the author “Pink is a very happy color.”

12. Cadence please pick up the blocks that you threw all over the living room floor.

13. Abigail don’t eat the food that the baby threw off of her high chair.

14. Of course cupcakes are a delicious dessert that many people like to enjoy.

15. Although I hate running I think I would run if I was being chased.

16. After a long day at work I just want to go home and watch a recorded episode of Duck


17. After two hours of trick-or-treating he decided that he should eat all of his Halloween candy.

18. Because they are so useful and come in so many colors Post-It notes are a fantastic invention.
Works Cited

“Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope - Opening Crawl - Star Wars: A New Hope.”, Lucasfilms,


“SVSD.” The worksheet PDF. Online. 2019.


Weaver, Constance. The Grammar Plan Book: a Guide to Smart Teaching. Heinemann, 2007.

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