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Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Praise for the presence of Allah SWT who has given strength and opportunity
so that I can complete this observation report on Fundamental of Teaching II, as well
as salawat and greetings to the Messenger of Allāh SWT who brought us from the age
of ignorance to this guided time. A big thank you to the our lecturer of Fundamental
of Teaching Iiteacher and friends and other parties who helped with the completion of
this report.

This report aims to report the results of Observation of Teacher Training II at

Enrekang High School 3 Public Schools. I have prepared this report as well and as
much as possible, but of course there are still some things that I need to improve, of
course, constructive suggestions we still need from readers. Hopefully this report can
provide benefits to those in need.

Makassar, 13 August 2019



PREFACE .............................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

TABLE LIST OF CONTENT ............................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ........................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

A. Background ................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

B. Focus and Problems of Observation .......... Error! Bookmark not defined.

C. Aims .......................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

D. Advantages ................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

CHAPTER II OBSERVATION METHOD ........... Error! Bookmark not defined.

A. Place and Time of Observation ...................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

B. Data Collecting Method ............................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

C. Data Analysis Method ............................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

CHAPTER III RESULT AND DISCUSSION ...... Error! Bookmark not defined.

A. TheProfile of The Teacher and The School Error! Bookmark not defined.

B. Result and Discussion................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

CHAPTER IV CLOSING ..................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

A. Conclusion .................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

B. Suggestion ..................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

REFERFENCES .................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

A. The Profile of the Teacher and the School

A. Background
The development of education in Indonesia is not immune to the existence
of a curriculum system established by the Indonesian government. The curriculum
often changes every time there is a change in the Minister of Education, so that
the quality of Indonesian education has not met clear and steady quality standards.
In the course of history since 1945, the national education curriculum has
undergone changes, namely in 1947, 1952, 1964, 1968, 1975, 1984, 1994, 2004,
2006 and 2013. These changes are a logical consequence of changes in political,
socio-cultural systems , economics, and science and technology in the nation and
state society. Because, the curriculum as a set of educational plans needs to be
developed dynamically in accordance with the demands and changes that occur in
the community. All national curricula are designed based on the same foundation,
namely Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution, the difference is in the main
emphasis of educational goals and approaches in realizing them.
However, education in Indonesia is still so sad and sad that many things
must be improved starting from early childhood education to higher education.
One of the weaknesses of education in Indonesia is the first is the low quality of
teachers in Indonesia, there are still many teachers who do not have good teaching
skills because many Indonesian people still do not appreciate the profession of a
teacher or teacher and also a lack of presiation the government for teachers in
Indonesia, the second is facilities that are still not evenly distributed to all regions
in Indonesia. It is indeed not easy to provide adequate facilities for more than 17
thousand Indonesians, especially in remote areas, but at least education in
Indonesia must have sufficient facilities to support the quality of education and
help the development of the Indonesian state.

Students who take educational study programs, of course, are prepared to
become educators in the future. Students as prospective educators, of course as
early as possible must be introduced to the school environment in which there are
various components such as educators, educational staff, students, and so on. In
carrying out these responsibilities the teacher (educator) and education personnel
have a decisive role in achieving the goals set. For this reason, the quality of
educators and education personnel needs to be improved.
One of the efforts to develop professional skills of teachers can begin early,
namely by inviting prospective teachers to work directly in the school
environment to see the activities carried out by teachers starting from observing
the curriculum and learning tools used, the relationship between learning devices
with the curriculum used, components and systematic RPP applied in learning
including models, approaches, and methods used by teachers in learning, books
that serve as a reference in mathematics learning, components and systematic
worksheets used in learning, the form of media used in learning, as well as the
components and types of assessments conducted. These observations were made
to provide an overview of the aspects that need to be prepared to become a
professional teacher.
By engaging directly in the school environment it is hoped that prospective
educators can learn many things about the school world including: how to become
a good educator, how to understand students well, how to have good social
relations, how to carry out effective teaching and learning, how to educate, teach,
motivate students well, how to make learning tools (lesson plans, teaching
materials, LKPD, assessment sheets) properly, and so on. Prospective educators
must observe as well as learn how to implement the 2013 curriculum or KTSP in
With the Teacher Training II course in Mathematics Department of
Mathematics Education Study Program FMIPA UNM, providing opportunities
and space for students concerned to go directly to the field in this case the school
environment to carry out observations / observations as well as learning for the

students themselves as one form its preparation as an educator. In carrying out the
assignment course courses II, I chose to make observations at SMAN 3 Enrekang

Based of the background above , then we arrange “The Report of the

ObservationResult on Fundamental of Teaching II at SMAN 3 Enrekang ”

B. Focus and Observation Problems

The focus of observation in this report is:
1. How to prepare learning tools that are appropriate and effective in accordance
with the applicable curriculum
2. Implementation of learning tools in class
Observation problems that will be raised in this report are:
3. How are the curriculum & learning tools used by the teacher?
4. What learning strategies are implemented by partner teachers?
5. How do partner teachers design a learning evaluation system in the class being
6. How do partner teachers design lesson plans?
7. How do partner teachers develop learning media?
8. How do partner teachers develop teaching materials?
9. How do partner teachers develop evaluation tools?

C. Aims
Based on the focus and problem of observation above, the observer's objective in
conducting the observation is as follows:
1. To study the curriculum and learning tools used by teachers.
2. To examine the learning strategies applied by the teacher.
3. To examine the learning evaluation system in the classroom.
4. To review the learning implementation plan.
5. To develop learning media.
6. To develop teaching materials.
7. To develop assessment tools.

D. Advantages
The advantages of the observations in this courses are:
1. Benefits for self
a. Comparing theories obtained on campus with the reality in the field
b. Add insight and experience about the world of work that will be faced
in the future.
c. As a requirement to graduate in the Teaching Platform II course

2. Benefits for teachers and students

a. Add insight into the design of learning devices.
b. Getting help thinking about the learning technology that is currently

3. Benefits for school

a. Get the opportunity to participate in preparing dedicated and
professional teacher candidates.
b. Getting the help of thought, energy, science and technology in
planning and implementing school development.
4. Benefits for universities
a. Obtaining feedback from the implementation of Research Platform
Teacher Training II in schools, in order to develop higher education
curricula that are tailored to the needs of the community.
b. Obtaining various learning resources and finding various problems to
develop research and education.
c. Establish good cooperation with local governments, local institutions,
related institutions and schools for the development of Higher
Education Tri Dharma.
5. Benefits for readers
a. Get closer to the reader, especially students as prospective educators
with the community.

b. Foster curiosity and concern for the problems faced by teachers and
the community.


A. Place and Time of Observation

The observation at SMAN 3 Enrekang start on 19 July 2019 until 9

August 2019.

B. Data Collecting Method

Data sources from this observation include observations of class and

outside class activities as well as interviews with partner teachers. The data
collection techniques are carried out in the following way.
1. Observation Method
Observation is a way of collecting data by direct observation and systematic
recording of objects to be studied. Observations were made by researchers by
means of observations and records regarding the implementation of learning
in class.
2. Interview Method
One method of data collection is done by way of interviews, which is getting
information by asking questions directly to respondents.

C. Data Analysis Method

Apart from the explanations that have been given, this time we will discuss again
about a procedure or steps from data analysis that will be given the following
2. Collecting the data
In this step the observer collects observational data.
3. Observe and analysis data
In this step the data that has been collected is observed and analyzed at this
stage also is carried out an examination of the completeness of the data that
has been collected.Conclusing After the data has been collected and
analyzed the observer then draws conclusions from the data.


A. The Profile of the Teacher and the School

1. The Profile of the School
Name : SMAN 3 Enrekang
School Reg. Number : 40305845
Statistic Nu. : 301292650401
Province : Sulawesi Selatan
Regency : Enrekang
Districts : Alla
Village : Buntu Sugi
Address : Poros Makassar Tator, Km 275
Postal Code : 91754
Telephone : 0420-2312331
Email :
Kind of the School : Negeri
Accreditation :A
Birth Day : 12 November 1985
SK Publisher : Kakanwil Dinas Diknas Prov. Sulsel

2. Teacher Profile
Name : Sutianti, S.Pd.
NIP :-
Gender : Female
Place and Date of Birth : Enrekang, 28 Agustus 1993
Phone Number : 085243517933
Address : Lintik Desa Sumillan, Enrekang
Email :
Teaching Experience : 4 tahun di SMAN 3 Enekang
Educational Background
SD : SDK BT Kaiyang
SMP : SMPN 1 Alla
SMA : SMA Muhammadiyah Kalosi
PTN/PTS : Universitas Muhammadiyah Pare-Pare

B. Result and Discussion
1. Results Data Obtained from Learning Tools Response Sheet



1 2 3 4 5
According to you, the competency
1 analysis instrument compiled by the √
observer can be given a value
According to you, the syllabus
2 instrument prepared by the observer can √
be given a value
According to you, the annual program
3 instrument prepared by the observer can √
be given a value
According to you, the instrument of the
4 semester program compiled by the √
observer can be given a value
According to you, the instrument of the
5 details of the effective week compiled √
by the observer can be given a value
According to you, the instrument of the
6 details of the effective week compiled √
by the observer can be given a value
According to you, the observer can be
7 given a value for the instrument of the √
lesson plan
According to you, the assessment
8 instrument prepared by the observer can √
be given a value
According to you, the student
9 worksheet instrument prepared by the √
observer can be given a value
According to you, the instrument of
10 teaching materials compiled by the √
observer can be given a value
 Note:
Give the check mark (√) in one of the rating scale columns.

2. Observation Results of Teachers Learning Devices

a. curriculum
The curriculum applied at SMAN 3 Enrekang is the 2013 curriculum (K-
13) for all grade levels, whether class X, XI, or XII.

b. Learning Devise
Perangkat Pembelajaran yang digunakan oleh ibu Sutianti terdiri atas
Analisis SKL, KD dan KI, Silabus, Program Tahunan, Program Semester,
KKM, RPP, Teknik dan Instrumen Penilaian. Ibu Sutianti tidak
menggunakan LKPD dan Bahan Ajar karena ia menggunakan LKS
sebagai gantinya.

c. Learning Strategy
The learning model used by Mrs. Sutianti is a learning model of Discovery
Learning and Problem Based Learning with Scientific Learning approach.

d. Evaluation System
Teachers evaluate their students in terms of attitudes during the learning
process, as well as knowledge and skills as measured by assigning tasks,
daily tests, midterms and semester exams. Mrs. Sutianti also occasionally
gives quizzes or sudden questions to students as an evaluation material to
measure students' abilities after the material is finished.

e. Lesson Planing ((RPP)

Learning Implementation Plan (RPP) is a plan of face-to-face learning
activities for one or more meetings. The lesson plan is developed from the
syllabus to direct the learning activities of students in an effort to achieve
Basic Competence. The lesson plans prepared by partner teachers already
contain elements that should be in the lesson plans.

f. Learning Media
In the Learning Implementation Plan that has been prepared by partner
teachers consists of several media / tools: among others; Worksheets or
worksheets, assessment sheets, rulers, markers, and whiteboards, laptops,
infocus, audio in the form of cassettes and CDs, computers and others.

g. Teaching Media
Teaching materials used by teachers in meeting the desired indicators in
the 2013 curriculum are not only supporting books from the Ministry of
Education and Culture, but also use reference books on the old curriculum,
and also take some material from the internet. In addition to these teaching
materials, partner teachers also use student worksheets.

h. Evaluation Advise
The assessment sheet developed by the teacher consists of an attitude,
knowledge, and skills assessment sheet. Attitude assessment sheet consists
of observation, self, and peer attitude assessment sheets. The assessment
sheet consists of a written test assessment sheet. Whereas the skills
assessment sheet consists of performance, project, product, and portfolio
assessment sheets.

3. Difference between Observer Learning Tools and Partner Teachers

The difference can be seen from the completeness of the components
of each learning device owned by the observer and the partner teacher.
a. Analysis of Pass Competency Standard (SKL) , Core Competencies (KI)
and Basic Competencies (KD)

No. Components of Analysis Components of Components of

SKL, KI, dan KD Observer’s Teacher’s

The domain of attitude,

1. knowledge and √ √

2. Pass competence standard
√ √
3. Core competence (KI) √ √
4. Basic competencies (KD) √ √
5. Material scope √ √
6. Learning activities to
√ √
achieve competence

7. Techniques / forms of
√ (namun tidak
assessment instruments

b. Syllabus for Mathematics Learning

Components of Syllabus for Components of Components of

Mathematics Learning Observer’s Teacher’s

The domain of attitude,

1. knowledge and √ √
Pass competence standard
2. √ √
3. Core competence (KI) √ √
4. Basic competencies (KD) √ √
5. Subject matter √ √
6. Learning Activities √ -
Indicators of competency
7. √ -
achievement for assessment
8. Time Allocation √ -
9. Learning Resources √ -

c. Annual Program

Components Annual Components of Components of

Program Observer’s Teacher’s

1. Core Competencies (KI) √ -

2. Basic competencies (KD) √ √
3. Subject matter √ -
4. Time Allocation √ √

d. Semester Program

Components Semester
Components of Components of
No. Program
Observer’s Teacher’s

1. Theory √ √
2. Basic competencies (KD) √ -
3. Indicator √ -
4. Time Allocation √ √
5. The description of time √ √

e. Effective Week Details

Components Effective Components of Components of

Week Details Observer’s Teacher’s

1. Month √ √
Sum of Weeks (Effective
2. √ √
and Ineffective)
3. Information √ √

f. Minimal Completeness Criteria Analysis

Components of
Components of Components of
Nu. Minimal Completeness
Observer’s Teacher’s
Criteria Analysis
1. Subject matter √ -
2. Basic competencies (KD) √ √
3. Indicator √ √
4. Criteria of KKM √ -
√ √
5. Indicator, KD, KS KKM
(KKM only)

g. Lesson Planing
Learning Implementation Plans owned by partner teachers and
observers are almost the same except that the difference lies in the
content of these components..

h. Student Work Sheet and Teaching media
The Teacher doesn’t have any Student Work Sheet and Teaching
Media, but she use the LKS book as the additional.

4. The Implementation of Learning Devise in the Class

Based on observers' observations of Learning Tools that have been prepared

by Partner Teachers are not applied in the classroom, it seems that the
preparation of Learning Tools is only a formality, it is caused by several factors
due to lack of training given to teachers and lack of adequate facilities.

a. Conclusion

Based on the observations at SMAN 3 Enrekang. Mrs. Sutianti, S.Pd as

the subject of observation is a mathematics teacher in XI grade. Learning advise
that have been compiled by Mrs. Sutianti in a way comprehensive meets or in
accordance with the objectives of the preparation of these learning advise and the
curriculum in force in the school, namely the 2013 curriculum. However in terms
of implementing the learning advise that have been prepared are still lacking, there
are several factors that cause it, including the lack of teacher professionalism
training teachers and facilities are not adequate.

From the observations that have been done it can be understood that to
become a professional teacher/educator is not easy. Many things need to be
prepared before entering into the world of education as parents, teachers, lecturers,
and other educators. In addition it is needed a capable ability to be able to make
students become active in learning.

b. Suggestion
The implementation of the 2013 revised curriculum, educators and
prospective educators must always develop their abilities in developing learning
advise that will be used during the learning process in class. In addition, teachers
must further develop their abilities in implementing appropriate devise strategies
and utilizing learning advise creatively, innovatively in teaching mathematics.
This is intended so that all students can play an active role in the learning process
in class so that it attracts students to continue learning mathematics.


Megawanti P.2015. Meretas Permasalahan Pendidkan di Indonesia.Jurnal

Nurzafika.2018.Laporan LK II SMPN 1 Puriala
Wahyuni.2018.Laporan Observasi LK II SMPN 1 Tinggi Moncong


1. Photos and Videos of Documentation

2. Photos and videos of documentation gathering in one video file.
3. Sheet of Teacher’s Respon to The Observer Learning Devise (attached)
4. Learning Devise of The Observer (attached)
5. Learning Devise of The Teacher (attached)


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