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Representing Complex Geographic

Phenomena in GIS
May Yuan
ABSTRACT: Conventionally, spatial data models have been designed based on either object- or field-
based conceptualizations of reality. Conceptualization of complex geographic phenomena that have both
object- and field-like properties, such as wildfire and precipitation, has not yet been incorporated into
GIS data models. To this end, a new conceptual framework is proposed in this research for organizing
data about such complex geographic phenomena in a GIS as a hierarchy of events, processes, and
states. In this framework, discrete objects are used to show how events and processes progress in space
and time, and fields are used to model how states of geographic themes vary in a space-time frame.
Precipitation is used to demonstrate the construction and application of the proposed framework with
digital precipitation data from April 15 to May 22, 1998, for the state of Oklahoma, U.S.A. With the
proposed framework, two sets of algorithms have been developed. One set automatically assembles
precipitation events and processes from the data and stores the precipitation data in the hierarchy of
events, processes, and states, so that attributes about events, processes, and states are readily available for
information query. The other set of algorithms computes information about the spatio-temporal behavior
and interaction of events and processes. The proposed approach greatly enhances support for complex
spatio-temporal queries on the behavior and relationships of events and processes.

Introduction uous. Discrete phenomena are spatially homog-

enous entities with distinct locations and boundar-
ecent technological advances have greatly ies, such as power poles, highways, and buildings.
eased geospatial data acquisition. As a They hold relatively permanent identities and are
result, the size and complexity of geospa- identified as individuals prior to any recognition
tial data have been growing significantly. With of their attributes (Couclelis 1992). Many GIS
this growth, new challenges have arisen for data- researchers applied such a feature-based (or entity-
base technologies as new concepts and methods based) approach to handle geographic data (e.g.,
are needed for basic data operations, query lan- Mark 1993; Usery 1993, 1996; Tang et al. 1996).
guages, and query processing strategies (Lmielinski In contrast, continuous phenomena are distrib-
and Mannila 1996). Geographic information scien- uted continuously across space with undetermined
tists face an even greater challenge because query boundaries. They are distributions of single-value
processing and optimization for GIS databases is rela- geographic variables (called fields), such as tem-
tively underdeveloped (Egenhofer 1992; Samet and perature, terrain, and soil type. Such a field-based
Aref 1995; Yuan 1999). Because GIS software cannot approach is frequently used in thematic mapping.
facilitate information computation for entities that Philosophically, the object-based representation
are beyond the representation capabilities of its data corresponds to a container view of space, which
models, geographic representation and data models exists independently and is populated with dis-
are critical to improving geographic query processing crete entities. In contrast, the field-based repre-
and information analysis (Worboys et al. 1990). sentation reflects a plenum perspective of space,
Traditionally, GIS data modeling has empha- in that “(t)here is no such thing as empty space,
sized spatial representation of the real world (Peu- i.e., space without field. Space–time does not claim
quet 1984). Depending on the nature of geo- existence on its own, but only as a structural
graphic phenomena, object- or field-based data quality of the field” (Einstein 1960, Relativity, p.
models have been used to represent discrete enti-
155, quoted in Couclelis 1992). Hence, the object-
ties or continuous fields in a GIS, respectively (Cou-
based representation allows empty space, but the
clelis 1992). This approach assumes that a geo-
field-based representation requires all space be
graphic phenomenon is either discrete or contin-
exhausted (i.e., every location must have one and
only one value in a field). The object- and field-
May Yuan is Associate Professor at the Department of Geography, based representations closely relate to the way we
The University of Oklahoma, 100 E. Boyd Street, Sarkey Energy conceptualize and reason geographic problems
Center 684, Norman, OK 73019. Tel: (405) 325-4293. E-mail: and have been the basis for the design of many
<>. GIS data models (Yuan, forthcoming).

Cartography and Geographic Information Science, Vol. 28, No. 2, 2001, pp.83-96
In contrast to purely object- or field-like phe- space. A GIS supporting these change-based data
nomena, many geographic phenomena have both models is effective for facilitating queries about
object and field characteristics. For example, a wild- changes at locations. One problem with the change-
fire is in some sense a discrete object with a clear based approach, however, is that it uses geomet-
fire-front line, but there are identifiable spatial and rically indexed methods that “make the coordi-
temporal variations within a fire. A wildfire may nate system of the layer into the primary index of
or may not be continuous, and may or may not the spatial representation” (Raper and Livingstone
start again after almost being extinguished. Yuan 1995, p. 360). Consequently, the change-based
(1997) suggested that human conceptualization of approach lacks support for representing dynamic
wildfires can be both object- and field-like, and geographic phenomena (such as wildfires) which
information needs for wildfire research and oper- may move, split, merge, or incarnate, and whose
ations require both object- and field-based repre- attributes may vary at locations and over time.
sentations. In addition to wildfire, dynamic geo- To improve the change-based approach that
graphic phenomena (such as insect infestation, pre- uses location or geometry for primary data index-
cipitation, and hurricanes) also suggest the need ing, we need a GIS framework that can track infor-
for an integrated object–field representation. mation about the “where,” “what,” and “when”
Besides representing space, object- and field- of geographic phenomena (Peuquet 1994). One
based approaches have incorporated time into spa- of the greatest challenges to the design of such
tial databases. As early as the 1960s, Berry (1964) a framework is the representation of dynamic
proposed a geographic matrix for structuring geo- geographic phenomena. There have been many
graphic data in three dimensions of theme, loca- attempts to extend GIS data models to represent
tion, and time, and later Sinton (1978) argued dynamic geographic phenomena, notably the
that the three dimensions pose constraints to geo- Spatio-temporal Object Model (Worboys 1994),
graphic analysis in which we fix one dimension, the Event-based SpatioTemporal Data Model
control another, and measure the other. Particu- (ESTDM—Peuquet and Duan 1995) and the Object-
larly in GIS, Langran and Chrisman (1988) pio- Oriented geomorphologic data model (OOgeo-
neered research in spatio-temporal data modeling morph—Raper and Livingstone 1995). These data
by posing a space–time composite model. Space– models not only can represent change in properties
time composites are spatially homogeneous and at fixed locations (as the change-based approach
temporally uniform single-attribute units, each discussed above) but also can keep tracks of how
of which shows a distinct change in its attribute an identified discrete object changes its properties
value over time. Following Langran and Chris- and location. The idea of keeping track of geo-
man’s study, numerous data models have been pro- graphic entities through time implies an object-
posed to incorporate time into spatial databases based emphasis that aims to represent the evolu-
(see Abraham and Roddick 1996 for a comprehen- tion of individual entities in a space–time frame.
sive survey). Most of these models record “changes” The Spatiotemporal Object Model represents geo-
to locations or to geographic features. graphic features as discrete 3D spatio-temporal
To incorporate time with space in the field- objects (1D time and 2D space). A spatio-temporal
based approach, changes are either recorded with object is an aggregate of spatio-temporal atoms,
grid cells or spatially exhausted polygons. When the largest spatially and temporally homogeneous
grids are used to represent the field, each grid cell units which properties hold in both space and time.
(a pre-defined location) is associated with a vari- The Spatiotemporal Object Model uses spatio-tem-
able-length list of attribute values to denote suc- poral atoms to denote changes to a spatio-tempo-
cessive changes in the cell (Langran 1992a). When ral object. As such, the model can represent how
changes are related to spatially exhausted polygons a spatio-temporal object evolves in geometry, prop-
(such as vegetation or soil classes), “amendment erties, and location. Peuquet and Duan (1995) took
vectors” are used to represent boundary changes another approach that uses time as the basis to
of correspondent geographic features with spa- organize spatial data. Their ESTDM model records
tially homogeneous single-value attributes (Lan- event sequences with a base grid (representing a
gran 1989; 1992a). Amendment vectors can also single geographic theme, such as a lake) and a
be used for linear features (such as roads and sequence of changes to its grid cells (as changes to
rivers) in an object-based representation (Langran the theme at different locations). In the ESTDM,
1992a). Additional change-based data models were each of the event sequences “represents the spatio-
proposed by Hazelton (1991) and Kelmelis (1991) temporal manifestation of some process” (Peuquet
to account for 4-dimensional space–time Cartesian and Duan 1995, p. 11), so that we can keep tracks

84 Cartography and Geographic Information Science

of how the process evolves in space and time. Alter- objects and continuous fields that are embraced
natively, the OOgeomorph model was designed by dynamic geographic phenomena as discussed
with an emphasis on the idea that time is a property above. Rainstorms have been chosen as an exam-
of identified entities (such as a shoreline), not an ple of such dynamic geographic phenomena. Like
attribute of geometrically indexed spatial objects, wildfire, precipitation varies within a rainstorm
as is assumed in the change-based approach. Thus, and is best represented as a rain field, but individ-
entities are represented by their forms, processes, ual rainstorms may be isolated as objects that
and materials and are defined by the user accord- move in a space–time frame (Niemczynowicz 1987).
ing to application needs. Our goal is to represent precipitation events and
The Spatiotemporal Object Model, ESTDM, processes as result of rainstorms at a geographic
and OOgeomorph model contribute to represent- scale so that a GIS database can explicitly store
ing dynamic geographic phenomena in three dis- data about where and when precipitation events
tinct ways. The Spatiotemporal Object Model pres- occurred and how precipitation processes progress
ents a hierarchical structure of discrete spatio-tem- in geographic space and over time.
poral objects and atoms, with which the spatial Using precipitation data as an example, this
composition of a geographic phenomenon can study aims to build a conceptual framework that
be explicitly recorded over time to describe the represents and organizes precipitation events and
distribution of its attribute within the geographic processes in a GIS database. This research uses
phenomenon, such as the evolution of land-use a sample precipitation data set covering April 15
change. ESTDM demonstrates the use of time to May 22, 1998, in Oklahoma, U.S.A. During
to organize changes at locations for a given geo- this period, numerous storms moved across Okla-
graphic theme, whose attribute varies in space and homa, producing precipitation across the state. In
time. With this time-based organization, the evolu- order to derive knowledge about the spatio-tempo-
tion of a single-attribute theme (an event) in space ral behavior of these storms, a conceptual frame-
and time can be explicitly stored in a GIS data- work has been developed to identify and assemble
base. The OOgeomorph model illustrates a rela- events and processes from the precipitation data
tive space–time framework in which geographic and store them as complex data objects. While the
entities are represented by point data objects aggre- conceptual framework could be implemented in
gated within a spatial and temporal extent, as any GIS, Arc/INFO GIS 7.2 (Environmental Sys-
opposed to time-stamping methods that are com- tems and Research Institute, Redlands, Califor-
monly used to incorporate time as an attribute nia) was used in this research to prove the con-
for spatial objects in GIS databases (c.f. Yuan cept. Algorithms to support spatio-temporal que-
1999). Although the three spatio-temporal data ries on these storms were implemented in the Arc-
models significantly improve GIS representation Macro Language (AML—Environmental Systems
for dynamic geographic phenomena, challenges and Research Institute, Redlands, California). The
remain particularly for phenomena that possess following section presents the conceptual frame-
both object and field characteristics. Dynamic phe- work of the proposed GIS representation for events
nomena such as wildfire do not fit any of the three and processes. Then comes a discussion of query
spatio-temporal data models very well. The Spatio- support for precipitation behavior based on the
temporal Object Model cannot capture the field proposed representation. The second and third
aspect of a wildfire that varies continuously within sections together give an overview of the proposed
a burn area. ESTDM can incorporate a wildfire’s representation’s capabilities to enhance GIS sup-
field characteristics but cannot represent its discrete port for complex spatio-temporal queries from
object properties, such as moving, splitting, merg- a massive GIS database. The last section high-
ing, and incarnation. The OOgeomorph model lights the major findings and directions for further
is designed to model linear features using point- research.
based data, so that it is difficult to capture the areal
properties of a wildfire.
In this research, a conceptual framework is pro- Representing Events and
posed by extending ideas from the three spatio-
temporal data models to represent dynamic geo- Processes
graphic phenomena that possess both field and In this study, an event is defined as an occurrence
object characteristics in space and time. The pro- of something significant, whereas a process is a
posed framework builds upon both vector and sequence of dynamically related states that shows
raster data models to fulfill the needs for discrete how something evolves in space and time. An event

Vol. 28, No. 2 85

can be extreme occurrences (such as
floods), lasting conditions (such as
prolonged drought), or trends (such
as global warming). A process is a
continuing course of development
involving many changes in space
and time, and it is often captured by
states. An event may consist of one
or multiple processes, a process may
relate to multiple events, and a state
may consist of footprints from one
or more processes. Conceptually, an
event is a spatial and temporal aggre-
gate of its associated processes; and
a process is measured by its foot-
prints in space and time. When an
event occurs, its processes detail the
spatial and temporal relationships
among the elements involved, and
its states denote spatial influences
at a point in time. While the terms— Figure 1. A conceptual structure of an event and its processes and states. An
event, process, and state—used here event is a spatiotemporal aggregate of processes, and a process is a sequential
do not correspond closely to their change of states in space and time. Events operate at the coarsest spatial
usage in database management sys- and temporal resolution, while states have the finest spatial and temporal
tems (Date 1995; Langran 1992ab), resolution.
the definitions agree with general
ity, and then assembles these processes in space
applications in earth systems science (Schneider
and time to form events. The following subsections
1996) and in popular dictionaries (such as Webster’s
demonstrate the use of precipitation data to popu-
New World Dictionary).
late the proposed conceptual framework that orga-
In the case of precipitation, an event marks the
nizes events, processes, and states in a space–time
occurrence of precipitation in the study area (Okla-
homa); as long as it rains there is a precipitation
event. A process describes how it rains; that is the
transition of precipitation states in space and time
(such as the transition of rain areas of a storm The Data Set
from T1 to T2). A state marks where it rains at a The study uses a set of hourly digital precipita-
given time. There are several basic forms of pre- tion arrays (DPAs) during the period of April 15
cipitation processes. Convective cells arranged in to May 22, 1998, for the state of Oklahoma. Every
a moving line followed by a region of stratiform hour (usually between half past and the top of
rain are most common in the study area (Houze et the hour), the HAS (Hydrometeorological Analysis
al. 1990). Each of the convective cells (rainstorms) and Support) forecaster at the Arkansas-Red River
is an independent process that produces rain in Forecast Center creates a gridded precipitation
a localized area. Because multiple isolated rain- field based on composite imagery from next genera-
storms can develop simultaneously in the study tion radars (NEXRAD) and observations at ground
area, a precipitation event may consist of several weather stations. DPA data represent raster-based
precipitation processes. Consequently, an event is hourly accumulated precipitation and are used for
a spatio-temporal aggregate of all coexisting pre- hydrological modeling (
cipitation processes, and the spatial and temporal abrfc/pcpnpage.html). The DPAs are projected in
extent of an event is the conjunction of all its the Hydrologic Rainfall Analysis Project (HRAP)
precipitation processes. Applying the conceptual coordinate system and are archived in NetCDF
framework of events and processes (Figure 1), the format (Rew and Davis 1990). In general, the size
study first identifies precipitation areas from pre- of an HRAP grid cell is 4 km × 4 km. However, the
cipitation states (such as states in Figure 2), associ- geographic area covered by an HRAP grid, in fact,
ates these precipitation areas (footprints) to form decreases towards the poles, although the varia-
processes based on spatial and temporal proxim- tion is generally negligible in hydrological appli-

86 Cartography and Geographic Information Science

Starting Time Ending Time cations, especially in a mid-latitude area such as
Event # Duration (hours)
(mm/dd/yy/hh) (mm/dd/yy/hh) Oklahoma (Hoke et al. 1981). NetCDF files for
Event 1 04/15/98/00 04/15/98/08 9 hourly DPAs were imported into Arc/INFO GIS
Event 2 04/15/98/18 04/16/98/14 21 layers of hourly precipitation accumulation. In
Event 3 04/16/98/16 04/16/98/16 1
total there are 882 layers representing the distri-
butions of hourly precipitation accumulation in
Event 4 04/16/98/21 04/16/98/23 3
Oklahoma from 5 pm (00Z) on April 15 to 9am
Event 5 04/17/98/20 04/18/98/14 19 (14Z) of May 22, 1998 (Figure 2).
Event 6 04/18/98/17 04/19/98/11 19

Event 7 04/20/98/06 04/20/98/07 2

Assembling Events and Processes
Event 8 04/20/98/10 04/21/98/07 22
The assembling of events and processes begins by
Event 9 04/21/98/19 04/22/98/01 7
identifying spatial discontinuity in precipitation of
Event 10 04/22/98/07 04/22/98/10 4
individual DPA layers. Based on the above discus-
Event 11 04/25/98/04 04/25/98/12 9 sions on the precipitation dynamics in Oklahoma,
Event 12 04/25/98/14 04/25/98/16 3 the underlined assumption is that any rain area
(continuously precipitation area) results from a
Event 13 04/26/98/00 04/29/98/04 77
rainstorm (a convective precipitation cell), and
Event 14 04/29/98/08 04/29/98/11 4 any rainstorm results from a precipitation process
Even 15 04/30/98/22 05/01/98/03 6 (Figure 2). While the amount of rainfall may vary
Event 16 05/01/98/20 05/03/98/04 33 within the rain area (showing a field characteristic),
the area has continuous rainfall and is distinguish-
Event 17 05/03/98/06 05/03/98/19 14
able from a no-rain area in the DPA data (showing
Event 18 05/03/98/21 05/04/98/01 5 an object characteristic). Therefore, raster repre-
Event 19 05/04/98/08 05/04/98/18 11 sentation is applied to handle its field characteris-
Event 20 05/05/98/06 05/05/98/16 11
tics and to show how rainfall varies within its rain
area. For individual rain areas (corresponding to
Event 21 05/05/98/18 05/05/98/18 1
isolated rainstorms), vector polygons are applied
Event 22 05/05/98/23 05/06/98/12 14 to represent spatial extents of these rainstorms.
Event 23 05/06/98/18 05/07/98/06 13 Consequently, the conceptual model of a precipita-
Event 24 05/07/98/20 05/08/98/05 10
tion process is a set of temporally related areas of
precipitation, and each of the precipitation areas
Event 25 05/08/98/20 05/10/98/02 31
corresponds to a group of grid cells that show
Event 26 05/14/98/00 05/14/98/00 1 how precipitation varies in that area (Figure 3). In
Event 27 05/15/98/02 05/15/98/15 14 this conceptual framework, the conjunctions of spa-
Event 28 05/17/98/04 05/17/98/06 3
tially and temporally connected rain areas denote
the development of a process, which is represented
Event 29 05/18/98/06 05/18/98/07 2
by a set of states to show how the precipitation
Event 30 05/18/98/11 05/18/98/11 1 progresses in space and time. In some cases, mul-
Event 31 05/18/98/19 05/19/98/01 7 tiple isolated storms may occur at a given time.
Therefore, a precipitation state may relate to more
Event 32 05/19/98/06 05/19/98/06 1
than one process when multiple isolated rain areas
Event 33 05/19/98/08 05/19/98/08 1
exist simultaneously. It is necessary to group rain
Event 34 05/19/98/11 05/19/98/11 1 areas produced by the same process (i.e., the same
Event 35 05/19/98/21 05/19/98/21 1 rainstorm) across precipitation states to show the
transitional states of this process and distinguish
Event 36 05/20/98/01 05/20/98/02 2
its rain areas from those from other rainstorms.
Event 37 05/20/98/14 05/21/98/00 11 To this end, the study takes a rule-based approach
Event 38 05/21/98/16 05/21/98/19 4 to build links among rain areas of the same pro-
Event 39 05/21/98/22 05/22/98/02 5
cess from the 882 hourly accumulative precipita-
tion layers based on a simple rule:1
Event 40 05/22/98/05 05/22/98/05 1
If a rain area at time T1 does not overlap
Table 1. Forty storm events id entified from the 882 hourly p recip itation layers. with any rain area at T2, or the nearest

Note that this research uses hourly data, so the time lag between T1 and T2 is one hour.

Vol. 28, No. 2 87

Figure 2. A sample data set of hourly precipitation accumulation (digital precipitation arrays, DPA) stamped with Greenwich
time (Z). The panels show a rain storm passing through Oklahoma from the north to the southeast. Colors indicate rain areas.
Different colors mark different amounts of hourly accumulated precipitation from the rain storm. There are a total of 822 DPAs
in the data set.

rain area is beyond a distance of x to the fication of the rule is necessary if studies use pre-
region, then T1 marks the end state of cipitation data at different spatial resolution (such
this rainstorm. Otherwise, the rain areas in as 1 km) or temporal steps (such as 5-minute or
T1 and T2 belong to the same rainstorm daily precipitation). Both of the research topics are
process. In this research, the distance x was being undertaken by the authors and will be dis-
set to 70 km, which is the distance that cussed in future publications.
a common fast-moving storm travels in an Once processes have been assembled, we can
hour in Oklahoma. start building events. In the proposed conceptual
Figure 4 shows the programmatic procedures framework, a precipitation event consists of precip-
of assembling a precipitation process by imple- itation processes that occur simultaneously or con-
menting the rule in three decisions (shown in dia- tinuously in a time sequence (i.e., no breaks in pre-
monds). Although the rule merely considers spa- cipitation in the study area during a period of time,
tial and temporal continuity of precipitation pro- Figure 1). Hence, a precipitation event can be built
cesses, it is consistent with methods developed by by linking the processes between starting time of
Marshall (1980) to model storm movement. Two its earliest process and the ending time of its latest
related research topics deserve attention here. First, process. As a result, the temporal extent of a given
more sophisticated rules should be added to con- event is an aggregation of all temporal extents of
sider precipitation dynamics, such as the distribu- its processes. Likewise, the spatial extent of a given
tion of fronts, air pressure, temperature, humidity event is an aggregation of all spatial extents of its
and winds. Second, identification of processes is a processes. Table 1 lists 40 identified precipitation
function of spatial and temporal granularity. Modi- events out of the 882 hourly precipitation layers.

88 Cartography and Geographic Information Science

3). Each process-composite layer consists of pro-
cesses that constitute a precipitation event, and
these processes collectively show how precipita-
tion developed and progressed during the start
and end of the event. In a process-composite
layer, every process has a process identifier (Pro-
cess ID) and identifiers of all the associated
states. Each state is named by its time of measure-
ment. For example, a state with ID 04159800Z
is a spatial distribution of rainfall measured at
5 pm on April 15, 1998. If a process results in
more than one rain areas (footprints) in a state
(as shown in State 3 in Figure 3), the process will
have two entries of rain areas with the state ID,
such as (State 3, Rain Area 1) and (State 3, Rain
Area 2).
With the hierarchical framework of events,
processes, and states, the database is ready for
complex spatio-temporal queries about precipi-
tation. For the state layers, field representation
(spatially exhausted polygons or raster grids) is
used to represent rainfall distribution. Raster
grids are used to conform to the DPA data struc-
ture. A state list table is necessary to provide time
information of states for the process attribute
table and precipitation statistics in each state.

Information Support for Queries

Figure 3. A process is formed by a temporal sequence of states, about Events and Processes
and an event is the spatial and temporal aggregation of its
processes. In this figure, numbers are identifiers. The precipitation The proposed hierarchical framework represents
process (Process 1) consists of three states (State 1, State 2, events and processes as individual data objects,
State 3). State 3 has two rain areas. Event 1 only consists of one and, therefore, their properties and relation-
process (Process 1), although an event may have more than one ships are readily computable in a GIS. This
process. research particularly emphasizes information
about duration, movement, frequency, transition,
and spatio-temporal relationships of the identi-
The longest event lasted 77 hours, while, on aver-
fied 40 precipitation events and other geographic
age, an event lasted 10 hours.
features (such as watersheds).
The events, processes, and original DPA layers
are organized into a hierarchical representation
(Figure 5). In such representations, an event-com- Queries on Duration, Movement,
posite layer consists of all identified events, each Frequency, and Transition
of which corresponds to a spatial object in the data A good understanding of events and processes
model representing its spatial extent. The event- requires spatio-temporal information about their
composite layer is associated with an event-attri- duration, movement, and frequency. The proposed
bute table recording starting time, ending time, hierarchical framework (Figure 5) offers direct sup-
and other characteristics of individual events when port to query such spatio-temporal information
necessary, such as property damage, maximum because events and processes are explicitly repre-
wind speed, or maximum rain intensity. In addi- sented in the framework that can directly associ-
tion, every event has an event identifier (Event ate pertinent attributes to events and processes.
ID), which can relate an event to its process-com- Using the hierarchical framework, spatio-tempo-
posite layer. A process-composite layer represents ral information about events can be computed
the development of precipitation processes associ- based on event objects on the event-composite
ated with a particular event (as illustrated in Figure layer, whereas information regarding processes

Vol. 28, No. 2 89

can be derived from pro-
cess objects on the process-
composite layer. Duration
describes the life span of
an object by its starting
and ending times. Once an
event is identified, starting
and ending times become
basic attributes of the event
and are recorded in the
event-attribute table (Table
1, Figure 5). The dura-
tion of an event object
can be easily computed by
the difference between its
starting and ending times.
Likewise, the duration of a
process object is available
by computing the time dif-
ference of its starting and
ending states among all
states associated with the Figure 4. Assembling a precipitation process from snapshots of hourly digital precipitation
process in the process-attri- arrays (DPA).
bute table (Figure 5).
Query support for infor- erated to 47.213 km/hr, reduced to 39.998 km/hr,
mation about movement and frequency requires addi- and then ended at 34.055 km/hr. The result can
tional computation because these attributes may vary also be shown graphically by animating all states in
in space and time. The movement of an event can these processes to show how these processes prog-
be determined by its travel distance and travel speed. ress in space and time.
The travel distance of an event can be computed Similarly to the speed of a process, the speed
based on the net shift of the centroids of process areas of an event is determined by the ratio between its
of the identified event on the event-composite layer. travel distance and travel time. The travel distance
As there may be multiple processes in an event, and of an event can be computed based on the travel
each process may behave differently, the movement distances of all its processes, and the ratio between
of an event should be described by the movements of its travel distance and total duration of the event
its processes, collectively as a generalized measure or is its (generalized) average speed of movement.
individually as a detailed description. In either case, Because such computation only considers shifts in
an appropriate process-composite layer is first identi- centroids during the travel time of an event, the
fied via the specified Event ID (Figure 5). speed calculated is geometrically based and is most
Travel distances and speeds of processes on suitable for evenly distributed precipitation. How-
the identified process-composite layer are then cal- ever, in many cases, precipitation is distributed
culated. The travel distance can be computed by unevenly in a rain area, as shown in Figure 2. In
applying Euclidean distance or some weighted dis- such cases, it is more appropriate to use precip-
tance functions (such as weighted by area or by pre- itation-weighted centroids (i.e., multiply x and y
cipitation) between the two centroids of rain areas coordinates of the centroid by the total precipita-
at Ti and Ti+1. Because this research uses hourly tion of its rain area) as precipitation centers to
DPA data, the travel time (i.e. Ti - Ti+1) between compute the travel distance of an event. Physically
the centroids of the two rain areas is 1 hour, and based precipitation centers (such as those based
the hourly speed of a process in a given hour is on dynamics) may be best used for computing
equal to the distance it travels during that hour. In travel distance, while precipitation-weighted cen-
Figure 6, examples are given for Processes 1 and troids offer a generalized and simple alternative.
2 in Event 1. Process 1 lasted for 5 hours (from Figure 7 shows the speed distributions of some rain-
04159800 Z to 04159805 Z, i.e., 5 pm to 10 pm on storms in Event 1 based on precipitation-weighted
April 15, 1998). The speed of Process 1 started as centroids of rain areas. In complex cases of multi-
53.587 km/hr, slowed down to 9.530 km/hr, accel- cell stratiform storms, individual precipitation pro-

90 Cartography and Geographic Information Science

measures. Contrarily, an
event-composite layer in
the proposed framework
embraces the spatial
objects of all individual
events, and thus requires
only one spatial overlay
of the area of interest and
the event-composite layer.
The number of events
occurring in a defined
area (i.e., frequency) is the
number of events inter-
secting the area. The fre-
quency of precipitation
processes in an area can
also be determined by
first identifying the events
in the area and then
retrieving their processes
that intersect the area
on the corresponding
Figure 5. A hierarchical framework of GIS data about events, processes, and states. The event (process-compos-
event-composite layer consists of all events. Each event is associated with a process- ite) layers.
composite layer (Event ID). Each process-composite layer consists of all processes The capability of the
embraced in an event. Each process is associated with states and all rain areas within each proposed event-process-
state. A state ID corresponds to its time of measurement. Each state layer consists of all rain state hierarchy to facil-
areas at a given time. For example, Event 1 may consist of processes 2 and 3. Process 2 may itate information com-
consist of Rain Area 1 in State 2 and rain areas 1 and 2 in State 3. Process 3 may consist of putation on duration,
Rain Area 2 in State 2 and rain areas 2 and 3 in State 3. movement, and fre-
quency greatly enhances
cesses may have different travel directions than the GIS support for event-
overall precipitation structure (such as a front line). and process-based spatio-temporal queries, which
Nevertheless, the resultant movement of a process are important to the understanding of the pattern
reflects the combined movements of the overall and behavior of dynamic geographic phenomena.
precipitation structure and its own. A generalized For example, GIS users will be able to obtain more
path of the precipitation event that aggregates all in-depth knowledge about precipitation in a geo-
graphic region from a large rainfall database than
associated processes in space and time will pro-
simple retrieval of raw data. Using the example of
vide a general movement of the entire precipita-
Oklahoma hourly precipitation data from April 15
tion structure. The proposed framework provides
to May 22, 1998, a further understanding of this
direct support for computing travel distance along
rain season can be obtained by posing the follow-
such a generalized path for such complex cases,
ing sample queries:
because all processes within an event are recorded
1. How many precipitation events were recorded
on a process-composite layer. The spatial and tem- in the period in Oklahoma? (Asking informa-
poral extents of these processes are explicitly rep- tion about frequency.)
resented and readily available for computation. 2. How long did these events usually last? (Asking
Frequency is also a function of space and time. information about duration.)
As the area and period of interest vary, the number 3. How many precipitation cells were produced
of occurrences changes accordingly. Without the in these events? (Asking information about fre-
proposed framework, it is necessary to overlay the quency.)
area of interest with all 882 DPA layers to answer a 4. What was the general path of these events?
query about how often it rained in the area in (Asking information about movement.)
the last 30 days. This is a daunting GIS task (over- 5. What was the average, maximum or minimum
laying 883 layers: 882 DPA layers plus 1 layer speed of these events? (Asking information
showing the area of interest) by any computational about movement.)

Vol. 28, No. 2 91

Figure 6. A query on the travel speed of a precipitation event and the response from the prototype system.

Because characteristics of precipitation events and time. Other options in the prototype are also
and processes are recorded explicitly in the pro- based on the proposed hierarchical framework for
posed framework, these queries can be answered queries that seek to determine the number of
efficiently. For the first query above, the number storms (the total number of storms in the database
of precipitation events recorded during the period is equal to the total number of processes in the
is equal to the number of events recorded on the process attribute table), rainfall statistics (duration
event-composite layer. To answer the second query, and precipitation amounts available in the event-
calculate the duration of these events by subtract- or process-attribute tables), movement (paths and
ing starting time from ending time of the events in speeds based on methods discussed earlier, see
the event-attribute table. The third query seeks the Figure 7 for a sample answer to such queries),
number of precipitation cells, which is equal to the water received (by first overlaying the area with
total number of precipitation processes included in the event-composite layer, the process-composite
all events. Procedures described earlier to compute layers, and the states to compute the total rainfall
within the area), and frequency (number of events
event movements based on shifts in simple geomet-
or processes that occur in an area of interest based
rical centroids or precipitation-weighted centroids
on calculations discussed earlier).
can be used to calculate the speed and path of pro-
cesses in these events to answer the fourth query.
The average, maximal, or minimal speed of events Spatio-temporal Relationships Queries
(query five) can be obtained from calculated pro- In addition to characterizing individual precipi-
cess speed lists (see the tables in Figure 6). tation events and processes, information about
Figure 6 illustrates a response to a query from their spatio-temporal relationships with other geo-
our prototype system on the travel speed of a pre- graphic features (such as watersheds, counties, and
cipitation event. The result shows that the event a particular land cover type) is valuable to under-
(Event ID = 1) consists of 26 processes. In the standing the influence of precipitation and manag-
sample table, Processes 1 and 2 demonstrate that ing water resources. Spatio-temporal relationships
a rainstorm can travel at various speeds over space include associations (proximity in space and time)

92 Cartography and Geographic Information Science

Figure 7. Examples of storm movements. Each storm is marked with starting and ending times in the form of Month/
Day/Year/Hour, in Greenwich standard time. Each storm path is also annotated with speeds (km/hr) which change quite
significantly along individual storm paths. Arrows indicate direction of movement.

and interactions (actions and effects in space and Likewise, the spatial joins of a process-compos-
time), which are dynamic and complex beyond the ite layer with a layer of geographic features will
query support of traditional GIS data models because reveal how processes interact with geographic fea-
to support queries of this kind, events and processes tures across space and through time. For example,
must be represented explicitly in a GIS database. a precipitation event may start in the upstream
The proposed hierarchical framework of events portion of a river, travel along the river, and ulti-
and processes facilitates queries on spatio-tempo- mately produce rain for the entire watershed. Alter-
ral relationships through spatial joins over time. natively, the event may move in and out of the
An important function of the proposed framework watershed more than once and produce scattered
is the use of events and processes as information rain across the basin over time. The interactions of
filters to identify layers that need to be analyzed, a rainstorm and a watershed (such as precipitation
instead of searching on all data layers exhaustively. received in the watershed or runoff produced in
To find out how many events interact with a geo- the watershed) may vary through time, which can
graphic feature, overlay the feature with the event- be revealed by a query on the amount of precipita-
composite layer. Because an event on the event- tion from the rainstorm received in the watershed
composite layer corresponds to a data object of (Figure 8). Similarly, the following sample queries
multiple polygons representing its spatial extent about spatio-temporal relationships can be solved
(Figure 3), one overlay will reveal those events by the proposed framework of event objects, pro-
that intersect with the specified geographic fea- cess objects, and state layers:
ture. Further information on how a given event 1. How many rainstorms (precipitation cells, i.e.,,
interacts with the specified geographic feature can processes) passed the city of Norman from
be derived by overlaying the event’s process-com- April 15 to May 22, 1998? (Asking information
posite layer with the specified geographic feature. about frequency based on an interaction con-
Alternatively, a spatial join of an identified event straint.)
from the event-composite layer and a layer of geo- 2. How many rainstorms occurred in a given
graphic features will reveal which geographic fea- watershed during the above period? How
tures are influenced by the event. much rain was received from each of these

Vol. 28, No. 2 93

storms? (Asking information Duration of Duration of the Event in Water Volume Received
about frequency and interac- Event#
the Event (h) the Watershed (h) in the Watershed (m3)
Event 1 9 4 2 1 ,5 1 9
3. How often does a watershed
receive precipitation greater Event 2 21 1 4 ,3 2 0
than x amount? (Asking infor-
Event 9 7 1 77
mation about frequency based
on an interaction constraint.) Event 11 9 4 1 2 ,3 0 2
A prototype system has been
developed to test the proposed Event 13 77 30 3 9 1 ,4 2 0
framework’s support for these Event 16 33 2 340
event- and process-based queries.
The first query seeks the number Event 22 14 4 2 ,2 0 6
of processes occurring over an
Event 23 13 3 1 9 ,6 1 7
area and during a period of time.
With the proposed hierarchical Event 24 10 2 4 ,3 9 3
framework, such information is
Event 25 31 9 7 1 ,1 1 1
derived by selecting events that
occur within the period of time in Summary 404 60 5 2 7 ,3 0 5
the event-attribute table and over-
laying the area of interest with the Table 2. Results from a samp le event-b ased q uery: "Which p recip itation events
p assed watershed -50 from Ap ril 15 to May 22, 1999."
selected event layers to identify
the number of processes intersect- with a set of processes in a process-composite layer,
ing the area. The second query can be answered which is composed of process objects and their
by the same procedures, plus retrieving the states attributes. Each process object is associated with
of the processes that intersect the area of interest a set of state layers, and a process attribute table
(i.e., the watershed). Table 2 shows the prototype is built to record characteristics for individual pro-
system’s response to the second query. The third cesses. As such, object-like properties are stored
sample query seeks information about frequency with events and processes, and field-like properties
with a constraint on interaction (precipitation are recorded on the state layers. The event-com-
received by the watershed is greater than a certain posite layer provides information about “what has
amount). The procedures used to answer the happened,” whereas the process-composite layers
second query are readily applicable to the third offer information regarding “how it (an event)
query that seeks to find the number of processes has happened.” GIS users can query the event-
and the precipitation received by the watershed composite layer to identify events of interest and
from each of the processes. After this, we can select relate the identified events to corresponding pro-
all processes that produced more than x amount cess-composite layers to obtain spatio-temporal
of precipitation in the watershed and divide their
processes of these events. The proposed hierar-
number by seven (the length of the study period)
chical framework offers two main advantages for
to calculate how often these processes occurred in
GIS query processing. First, it provides a basis
the watershed.
to integrate object and field data. Information
about events and processes (objects) are readily
available on the event-composite and process-com-
Concluding Remarks posite layers, while information on the spatio-tem-
This research proposes a hierarchical representa- poral distributions of a geographic theme (a field,
tion of events, processes, and states to enhance such as precipitation) at a given time is accessible
GIS support for spatio-temporal queries and to from states. In doing so, the proposed framework
facilitate the ability of GIS users to cull informa- is able to represent events (and processes) as dis-
tion about event- and process-based behaviors and crete objects, while at the same time, it represents
relationships in space and time. The hierarchical spatial and temporal variations of phenomena as
representation consists of three data tiers: an event- fields of states. Second, the proposed framework
composite layer, process-composite layers, and enables events and processes to be used as filters
state layers. The event-composite layer records all to determine which states need to be processed
event objects and their attributes, such as starting for further information. The spatial and tempo-
time and ending time. Each event is associated ral extents of selected events and processes reduce

94 Cartography and Geographic Information Science

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Vol. 28, No. 2 95

Figure 8. An example of the prototype system’s response to a query on interactions between a rainstorm and a watershed.
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96 Cartography and Geographic Information Science

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