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John Vincent Atanasoff, Clifford Berry

first electro mechanical digital computer

William Shockley
transistor in 1947

Claude Shannon
information media can be in binary code, 1948

Robert Noyce, Jack Kilby

integrated circuit, 1950s

Steve Jobs
Apple computer, 1970s

Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency

created computer network that can maintain lines of communication

URL, HTML, http

Uniform resource locator, hypertext markup language, Hypertext transfer protocol,

format language that controls appearance of web pages

enables hypertext files to be transferred across internet

Marc Anderson
web browser called Mosiac, changed it to Netscape

coming together of previously separate industries and product categories

E commerce
exchange of goods and services using the internet

E commerce activities
business to consumer, business to business, consumer to consumer

registering a domain name to resell it to a company

Web sites
promotion sites, content sites, transaction sites

Promotion sites
marketing communications about a company goods or services

Content sites
news and entertainment, support a companies public relations efforts

Transaction sites
customers can purchase goods and services

Seven Cs of effective website design

Context, Content, community, customization, communication, connection, commerce
sites layout/design

text, pictures, sound and video on site

ways that the sites enables user to user communication

ability to tailor site to different users, users can personalize site

site to user, user to site, two way communication

degree that the site is linked to other sites

site can enable commercial transactions

Forms of online ads

banners, interstitials, pop ups, pop unders, rich media display, search related ads

ads at the top, bottom, left, right or center of page

appear between screen changes on the site

Pop ups
appear suddenly in new window in front of the page being viewed

Rich media display

have animation, video, sound, interactivity

Search related ads

text ads and links appear next to search engine results

Viral Marketing
internet version of word of mouth marketing, creating a site, or video, email

Online social networks/web communities

give consumers a place to congregate, socialize, exchange views and info

unwanted commercial email messages that clog inboxes

Permission based email marketing

sending emails to customers who want them

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