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4 Power Question 2016: Taxicab Geometry

Instructions: The power question is worth 50 points; each part’s point value is given in brackets next to the part.
To receive full credit, the presentation must be legible, orderly, clear, and concise. If a problem says “list” or “com-
pute,” you need not justify your answer. If a problem says “determine,” “find,” or “show,” then you must show
your work or explain your reasoning to receive full credit, although such explanations do not have to be lengthy. If a
problem says “justify” or “prove,” then you must prove your answer rigorously. Even if not proved, earlier numbered
items may be used in solutions to later numbered items, but not vice versa. Pages submitted for credit should be
NUMBER (not the team name) on the cover sheet used as the first page of the papers submitted. Do not identify
the team in any other way.

In standard coordinate (Euclidean) geometry, if A = (x1 , y1p

) and B = (x2 , y2 ), then the distance between A and B
is given by the Euclidean distance function: dE (A, B) = (x2 − x1 )2 + (y2 − y1 )2 . In this Power Question, we
investigate what happens when distance is measured using the taxicab distance function,

dT (A, B) = |x2 − x1 | + |y2 − y1 |.

This distance is called the taxi-distance between A and B.

1. This problem will help you become familiar with taxi-distances.

a. Compute the taxi-distance between the points (2, 6) and (7, −2). [1 pt]
b. Compute the coordinates of a point whose Euclidean distance from (3, 2) is 5 and whose taxi-distance
from (3, 2) is also 5. [1 pt]
c. Compute the coordinates of a point whose Euclidean distance from (3, 2) is 5 and whose taxi-distance
from (3, 2) is 7. [1 pt]

In Euclidean geometry, one possible definition of the line segment AB is the set of points P such that AP +P B = AB,
or dE (A, P ) + dE (P, B) = dE (A, B). This definition does not work as well in taxicab geometry!
2. Let A = (0, 4) and B = (4, 0).
a. Show that P = (1, 3) satisfies dT (A, P ) + dT (P, B) = dT (A, B). [1 pt]
b. Find the coordinates of a point P not on the line x + y = 4 satisfying dT (A, P ) + dT (P, B) = dT (A, B).
[1 pt]
c. Find the set of all points P such that dT (A, P ) + dT (P, B) = dT (A, B), and justify your answer. [3 pts]
As in Euclidean geometry, two triangles are congruent if and only if the lengths of corresponding sides and the
measures of corresponding angles are equal. In Euclidean geometry, this measure-congruence is equivalent to
transformation-congruence: two triangles are transformation-congruent if and only if one is the image of the other
under a composition of reflections, rotations, and translations. (Actually, reflections alone suffice, but that result is
beyond the scope of this Power Question.) For the remainder of this Power Question, the symbol ∼ = will be used
exclusively to denote measure-congruence; we write ∼ =T to emphasize that we are using taxicab measure.
3. Let’s investigate whether the equivalence between measure- and transformation-congruence holds in taxicab
geometry. Suppose that A = (xA , yA ) and similarly for other named points.
a. If 4A0 B 0 C 0 is the image of 4ABC under the translation (x, y) 7→ (x + h, y + k), are the taxi-lengths of
the sides of 4A0 B 0 C 0 equal to those of 4ABC? Justify your answer. [1 pt]
b. If 4A0 B 0 C 0 is the image of 4ABC under a reflection in the line y = k, are the taxi-lengths of the sides
of 4A0 B 0 C 0 equal to those of 4ABC? Justify your answer. [1 pt]
c. Let O = (0, 0), R = (8, 0), D = (0, 4), and let 4O0 R0 D0 be the image of 4ORD under a (Euclidean)
rotation of 45◦ counterclockwise about the origin. Is 4ORD ∼=T 4O0 R0 D0 ? Justify your answer. [2 pts]

4. Let O have coordinates (0, 0), let P have coordinates (1, 0), and let A be the point (4, 2). The point B has
coordinates (m, n), where m and n are both positive integers, m is relatively prime to n, and ∠BOA ∼= ∠AOP
(considered as Euclidean angles).
a. Compute the ordered pair (m, n). [2 pts]
b. Compute the taxi-lengths of the segments intercepted by ∠BOA and ∠AOP on the line x + y = 1. [2 pts]
The computation in the previous item is problematic, for the following reason. A taxi-circle is the set of all points
that are a fixed taxi-distance from a given point, and the segments whose lengths you computed in 4b are actually
arcs on a unit taxi-circle centered at the origin. So angles congruent in the Euclidean sense do not necessarily inter-
cept taxi-congruent arcs.

One way to fix this problem is to define the measure of an angle analogously to the way the radian measure of
an angle is defined in Euclidean geometry, namely, as a quotient. The numerator is the length of the arc that the
angle intercepts on a circle centered at the angle’s vertex. The denominator is the radius of that circle. If P and R
are equidistant from Q, then the measure of ∠P QR in taxi-radians is given by the formula
taxi-length of the arc from P to R on the taxi-circle centered at Q passing through P
mT ∠P QR = .
dT (Q, P )
5. Let’s flesh out the above definition with an example.
a. Find an equation to describe the taxi-circle centered at the origin of radius 17. [1 pt]
b. Compute the value of taxi-pi, πT , by dividing the semi-taxi-circumference of the taxi-circle from part 5a
by its radius. [1 pt]
c. Show that the value you computed in part 5b is independent of the taxi-circle’s radius. [2 pts]
d. Given that C = (3, 1), O = (0, 0), and B = (−1, 3), compute mT ∠COB. [1 pt]
Using taxi-circles and taxi-angles, define a rotation by θ taxi-radians about the origin as follows. The point P 0 is the
image of P under a counterclockwise rotation of θ taxi-radians around O = (0, 0) if and only if dT (O, P ) = dT (O, P 0 )
and the measure of the taxi-arc from P to P 0 (going counterclockwise around the taxi-circle centered at O) is
dT (O, P ) · θ.
6. Let O = (0, 0), A = (8, 0), and R = (3, 1).
a. Let 4O0 A0 R0 be the image of 4OAR under a rotation of 1 taxi-radian about the origin. Compute the
coordinates of O0 , A0 , and R0 . [3 pts]
0 0 0 ∼
b. Is 4O A R =T 4OAR? Justify your answer. [3 pts]
7. We now consider conditions for two triangles to be measure-congruent in Euclidean geometry and apply them
to taxicab geometry to discover whether or not measure-congruence still holds. Let 4M OD have vertices
M = (0, 2), O = (0, 0), and D = (2, 0).
a. Show that there exists a triangle 4CAB such that dT (C, A) = dT (M, O), dT (A, B) = dT (O, D), and
mT ∠CAB = mT ∠M OD, but 4M OD T 4CAB. (Thus SAS congruence does not hold in taxicab
geometry.) [2 pts]
b. Show that there exists a triangle 4P IG such that dT (P, I) = dT (M, O), dT (I, G) = dT (O, D), and
dT (P, G) = dT (M, D), but 4M OD T 4P IG. (Thus SSS congruence does not hold in taxicab geometry.)
[2 pts]
8. Define the taxi-cosine and taxi-sine of an angle as follows:
dE (C, A) · dE (C, B)
cosT ∠ACB = cos ∠ACB
dT (C, A) · dT (C, B)
dE (C, A) · dE (C, B)
sinT ∠ACB = sin ∠ACB,
dT (C, A) · dT (C, B)
where cos ∠ACB and sin ∠ACB are the ordinary (Euclidean) cosine and sine functions, respectively.

a. Given A = (3, 0), O = (0, 0), and B = (3, 4), compute cosT ∠AOB. [1 pt]
−→ cos ∠AOB
b. Show that if OA is parallel to the x-axis, then cosT ∠AOB = . [3 pts]
| cos ∠AOB| + | sin ∠AOB|
−−→ −−→
c. Let QP be parallel to the x-axis, and let A and B be points not on QP . Show that
cos ∠AQB
cosT ∠AQB = .
(| cos ∠AQP | + | sin ∠AQP |)(| cos ∠BQP | + | sin ∠BQP |)

[3 pts]

9. Suppose that triangle ABC is given with AB parallel to the x-axis, and that the perpendicular dropped from
C to AB intersects AB at C 0 and has taxi-length hT . As with conventional trigonometry, let aT = dT (B, C),
bT = dT (A, C), and cT = dT (A, B). Prove the following:
a. aT = bT + cT − 2bT cosT A. [3 pts]
b. bT = aT + cT − 2aT cosT B. [2 pts]
a2T + b2T − 2aT bT cosT C
c. cT = . [3 pts]
aT + bT
aT bT cT
10. Given 4ABC, prove that = = , where aT , bT , and cT are defined as in the previous
sinT A sinT B sinT C
problem. [4 pts]

5 Solutions to Power Question
1. Compute from the given definition:
a. |7 − 2| + |−2 − 6| = 13.
b. There are four points that can found by moving from (3, 2) along vectors parallel to the coordinate axes.
These points are (8, 2), (−2, 2), (3, 7), and (3, −3). One of these is sufficient to answer the question.
c. The classic 3−4−5 right triangle gives many more possibilities: (3 ± 3, 2 ± 4) and (3 ± 4, 2 ± 3). (One of
these is sufficient to answer the question.)
2. a. dT (A, P ) + dT (P, B) = |1 − 0| + |3 − 4| + |4 − 1| + |0 − 3| = 8 = |4 − 0| + |0 − 4| = dT (A, B).
b. Many solutions exist (see part c below), but (2, 4) is one such point.
c. Because dT (A, B) = 8, to move from A to B, find all points P (x, y) such that |x−0|+|y−4|+|4−x|+|0−y| =
8. If 0 ≤ x ≤ 4 and 0 ≤ y ≤ 4, the left hand side of the equation simplifies to x + (4 − y) + (4 − x) + y,
which equals 8 for all such x and y. On the other hand, if x < 0 and 0 ≤ y ≤ 4, then the left hand side of
the equation simplifies to 4 − 2x + (4 − y) + y = 8 − 2x, and for x < 0, 8 − 2x > 8. Analogous arguments
show that no points with x > 4, or y < 0, or y > 4 satisfy the condition. Hence the solution set is the
square 0 ≤ x ≤ 4, 0 ≤ y ≤ 4.

Alternate solution: Let P = (x, y), so that dT (A, P ) + dT (P, B) = |x − 0| + |y − 4| + |4 − x| + |0 − y| =

|4−x|+|x−0|+|4−y|+|y−0|. For any real number r, |r| ≥ r, and equality holds if and only if r ≥ 0. Apply-
ing this observation to each term in the above sum, dT (A, P )+dT (P, B) ≥ (4−x)+(x−0)+(4−y)+(y−0) =
8 = dT (A, B), with equality if and only if each of 4 − x, x − 0, 4 − y, y − 0 is nonnegative. Hence the
solution set is the square 0 ≤ x ≤ 4 and 0 ≤ y ≤ 4.
3. a. Let A = (x1 , y1 ) and let B = (x2 , y2 ). Then dT (A, B) = |x2 − x1 | + |y2 − y1 |. On the other hand,
A0 = (x1 +h, y1 +k) and B 0 = (x2 +h, y2 +k), yielding dT (A0 , B 0 ) = |(x2 +h)−(x1 +h)|+|(y2 +k)−(y1 +k)| =
|x2 − x1 | + |y2 − y1 | = dT (A, B). The same argument would apply to the taxi-lengths of BC and AC.
Therefore the taxi-lengths of the sides are preserved under translation.
b. Let A = (x1 , y1 ) and let B = (x2 , y2 ). The reflection takes (x, y) = (x, k + (y − k)) to (x, k − (y − k)) =
(x, 2k − y). Hence A0 = (x1 , 2k − y1 ) and B 0 = (x2 , 2k − y2 ). Thus dT (A0 , B 0 ) = |x2 − x1 | + |(2k − y2 ) −
(2k − y1 )| = |x2 − x1 | + |y1 − y2 | = dT (A, B). Analogous arguments apply to the taxi-lengths of BC and
AC, so the taxi-lengths of the sides are preserved under reflection in a horizontal line. (Note: It would
be straightforward to show the same result for reflection in a vertical line. What might be difficult about
reflecting in an oblique line?)
√ √ √ √
c. O0 = (0, 0), R0 = (4 2, 4 2), D √
= (−2 2, 2 2). Notice that dT (O, D) = 4, dT (D, R) = 12, and
dT (O, R) = 8, but dT (O0 , R0 ) = 8 2. Therefore 4ORD T 4O0 R0 D0 .
−→ −−→
4. a. Let θ be the angle between the positive x-axis and the ray OA. Then tan θ = 12 . The ray OB makes
an angle of 2θ with the positive x-axis, so using the double-angle identity from trigonometry yields
2 tan θ 1 4 4
tan 2θ = =  = . Hence B lies on the line y = 3 x. Because m and n can have no
1 − tan2 θ 1− 2 1 2 3
prime factors in common, m = 3 and n = 4. The desired point is (3, 4).
−→ −−→ 2 1
 3 4
 2 1

b. The rays OA and OB intersect the line x+y = 1 at 3 , 3 and 7 , 7 respectively. Note that d T P, ( 3 , 3 ) =
2 1 2 2 1
 3 4  3 2 4 1 10
|1 − 3 | + |0 − 3 | = 3 . However, dT 3 , 3 , 7 , 7 = | 7 − 3 | + | 7 − 3 | = 21 . Therefore central angles with
the same Euclidean angle measure can intercept arcs of different taxi-lengths on the unit taxi-circle.
5. a. The taxi-circle is the set of all points (x, y) such that |x| + |y| = 17. This equation describes a square
centered at the origin with vertices (±17, 0) and (0, ±17); the sides of the square lie on the lines x+y = 17,
x + y = −17, x − y = 17, and x − y = −17.
b. The semi-taxi-circumference of this circle is 68, because dT ((17, 0), (0, 17)) = dT ((0, 17), (−17, 0)) = 34.
(Note that the distance along the arc is, as usual, longer than the straight-line taxi-distance
dT ((17, 0), (−17, 0)), which is simply 34.) The radius of the circle is 17. So πT = 68/17 = 4.

c. In general, the taxi-circle of radius r centered at the origin is given by the equation |x| + |y| = r,
and one semicircle has endpoints (r, 0) and (−r, 0). Hence the arc length is simply dT ((r, 0), (0, r)) +
dT ((0, r), (−r, 0)) = 2r + 2r = 4r. Therefore πT = 4r/r = 4. (As an interesting exercise, you might try to
show that this result holds for any taxi-semicircle with endpoints (x, y) and (−x, −y).)
d. These points are both found on a taxi-circle of radius 4.
taxi-length of the arc from C to B on taxi-circle O 8
mT ∠COB = = = 2 taxi-radians.
dT (O, C) 4

6. a. First note that O0 = O because O is the center of rotation. To find A0 , note that dT (O, A) = 8, so the
arc from A to A0 on the circle centered at O passing through A must also have length 8, and if A0 is in
the first quadrant, then it lies on the line x + y = 8. These conditions are satisfied by the point (4, 4).
Similarly, R0 must lie on the line x + y = 4 and dT (R, R0 ) = 4. Assuming that 0 < x < 3 and 1 < y < 4
yields dT (R, R0 ) = (3 − x) + (y − 1) = y − x + 2. Hence the desired point satisfies both x + y = 4 and
y − x + 2 = 4, yielding x = 1, y = 3 as the unique solution. Thus R0 = (1, 3).

Alternate solution: First note that O0 = O because O is the center of rotation. Before considering the
other points, let P = (x, y) be any point in the first quadrant and let 0 ≤ r ≤ x. Then Q = (x − r, y + r)
is also in the first quadrant, Q and P are on the same taxi-circle centered at O, and dT (P, Q) = 2r.
Apply this observation to A = (8, 0) with r = 21 dT (O, A) = 4 to find A0 = (8 − 4, 0 + 4) = (4, 4). Similarly,
take P = B = (3, 1) and r = 12 dT (O, B) = 2 to find B 0 = (3 − 2, 1 + 2) = (1, 3).
b. By construction, dT (O, A) = dT (O, A0 ) and dT (O, B) = dT (O, B 0 ). However, dT (A, B) = |3−8|+|1−0| = 6
while dT (A0 , B 0 ) = |1 − 4| + |3 − 4| = 4. Hence the two triangles are not measure-congruent.
7. a. There are many examples. One such example is 4CAB with vertices C(−1, 1), A(0, 0), and B(1, 1). Then
dT (C, A) = dT (M, O) = 2, dT (A, B) = dT (O, D) = 2, and mT ∠A ∼
= mT ∠O = πT /2, but 4M OD T
4CAB because dT (C, B) = 2 6= dT (M, D).
b. There are many examples. One such example is 4P IG with vertices P (−1, 1), I(0, 0), and G(2, 0). Then
dT (P, I) = dT (M, O) = 2, dT (I, G) = dT (O, D) = 2, and dT (P, G) = dT (M, D) = 4, but 4M OD T
4P IG because mT ∠P IG > mT ∠M OD.
8. a. To use the formula, note that dE (O, A) = 3, dE (O, B) = 5, dT (O, A) = 3, dT (O, B) = 7, cos ∠AOB = 53 ,
and sin ∠AOB = 45 . Then cosT ∠AOB = 3·7 3·5 3
· 5 = 73 . (Similarly, sinT ∠AOB = 3·5 4 4
3·7 · 5 = 7 .)
b. Consider the diagram below.

O B' A

Because OA is parallel to the x-axis, dE (O, A) = dT (O, A). Then

dE (O, A) · dE (O, B) dE (O, B)

cosT ∠AOB = cos ∠AOB = cos ∠AOB.
dT (O, A) · dT (O, B) dT (O, B)
Let B 0 be the foot of the perpendicular from B to OA, so that dT (O, B) = dE (O, B 0 ) + dE (B 0 , B). Then

dE (O, B) 1
cosT ∠AOB = cos ∠AOB = dE (O,B 0 ) dE (B,B 0 )
cos ∠AOB.
dE (O, B 0 ) + dE (B 0 , B) +
dE (O,B) dE (O,B)

0 0
Substituting | cos ∠AOB| for ddEE(O,B ) dE (B,B )
(O,B) and | sin ∠AOB| for dE (O,B) yields the desired result. (The reader
may wish to show that, under these conditions, cosT ∠AOB + sinT ∠AOB = 1.)
c. Let the feet of the altitudes from A and B to P Q be A0 and B 0 , respectively, as shown in the diagram below.

Q A' P B'

Then dT (Q, A) = dE (Q, A0 ) + dE (A0 , A) and dT (Q, B) = dE (Q, B 0 ) + dE (B 0 , B). Using the definition
dE (Q, A) · dE (Q, B)
cosT ∠AQB = cos ∠AQB
dT (Q, A) · dT (Q, B)
=  cos ∠AQB
dE (Q, A0 ) + dE (A, A0 ) dE (Q, B 0 ) + dE (B, B 0 )
dE (Q, A) dE (Q, B)
=  cos ∠AQB.
dE (Q, A0 ) dE (A, A0 ) dE (Q, B 0 ) dE (B, B 0 )
+ · +
dE (Q, A) dE (Q, A) dE (Q, B) dE (Q, B)
dE (Q,A0 ) dE (A0 ,A) dE (Q,B 0 )
On the other hand, dE (Q,A) = | cos ∠AQP |, dE (Q,A) = | sin ∠AQP |, and similarly dE (Q,B) = | cos ∠BQP |,
dE (B 0 ,B)
dE (Q,B) = | sin ∠BQP |. Hence the right side can be rewritten as

cos ∠AQB
(| cos ∠AQP | + | sin ∠AQP |)(| cos ∠BQP | + | sin ∠BQP |)
which is the desired result.
Alternate solution: Let the feet of the altitudes from A and B to P Q be A0 and B 0 , respectively.

dT (Q, A) = dE (Q, A0 ) + dE (A0 , A)

= dE (Q, A) · | cos ∠AQP | + dE (Q, A) · | sin ∠AQP |

= dE (Q, A) · | cos ∠AQP | + | sin ∠AQP | ,
so dE (Q, A)/dT (Q, A) = | cos ∠AQP | + | sin ∠AQP | . The analogous formula for dE (Q, B)/dT (Q, B)
is derived in the same way. Substituting these expressions into the definition of the taxi-cosine yields
dE (Q, A) · dE (Q, B)
cosT ∠AQB = cos ∠AQB
dT (Q, A) · dT (Q, B)
cos ∠AQB
= ,
(| cos ∠AQP | + | sin ∠AQP |)(| cos ∠BQP | + | sin ∠BQP |)
which is the desired result.
9. For these three problems, the following lemma will be useful:

Lemma: Suppose that 4P QR is a right triangle with right angle at Q and P Q parallel to the x-axis. Then
cosT ∠P = ddTT (P,Q)
(P,R) .

cos ∠P
Proof of Lemma: Because P Q is parallel to the x-axis, the result from 8b applies, and cosT ∠P = | cos ∠P |+| sin ∠P | .
dE (P,Q) dE (Q,R)
In this situation, cos ∠P = dE (P,R) and sin ∠P = dE (P,R) , so substitute to obtain the following:
dE (P,Q)
dE (P,R)
cosT ∠P =
dE (P,Q) dE (Q,R)

dE (P,R) + dE (P,R)
dE (P, Q)
= .
|dE (P, Q)| + |dE (Q, R)|
However, P and Q lie on the same horizontal line and Q and R lie on the same vertical line, so dE (P, Q) =
dT (P, Q) and dT (P, R) = dE (P, Q) + dE (Q, R), yielding the desired result. 2

Consider the diagram below.


A C' B

a. Because dT (A, C) = dT (A, C 0 ) + dT (C 0 , C), it follows that dT (C, C 0 ) = dT (A, C) − dT (A, C 0 ) and analo-
gously that dT (C, C 0 ) = dT (B, C) − dT (B, C 0 ). Then dT (B, C) = dT (A, C) + dT (A, B) − 2 · dT (A, C 0 ) =
dT (A, C 0 )
bT + cT − 2dT (A, C 0 ). The lemma applies to angle A in 4AC 0 C, and cosT ∠CAC 0 = implies
dT (A, C)
dT (A, C 0 ) = dT (A, C) · cosT ∠A. Substituting this expression for dT (A, C 0 ) into the equation for dT (B, C)
yields the first equation.
b. The second equation is derived similarly. As before, dT (A, C) = dT (B, C) + dT (A, B) − 2 · dT (A, C 0 ) =
dT (B, C 0 )
aT + cT − 2dT (A, C 0 ). Again, apply the lemma to angle B in 4BC 0 C to obtain cosT ∠CBC 0 = ,
dT (B, C)
yielding dT (B, C ) = dT (B, C) · cosT ∠B. Substituting this result into the previous equation yields
dT (A, C) = aT + cT − 2aT cosT ∠B.
dE (A, C) · dE (B, C)
c. Apply the definition of taxi-cosine to obtain cosT ∠ACB = cos ∠ACB. By the Law
dT (A, C) · dT (B, C)
(dE (B, C))2 + (dE (A, C))2 − (dE (A, B))2
of Cosines applied to 4ABC, cos ∠C = . Hence
2 · dE (A, C) · dE (B, C)
dE (A, C) · dE (B, C) (dE (B, C))2 + (dE (A, C))2 − (dE (A, B))2
cosT ∠ACB = ·
dT (A, C) · dT (B, C) 2 · dE (A, C) · dE (B, C)
(dE (B, C)) + (dE (A, C)) − (dE (A, B))2
2 2
= .
2 · dT (A, C) · dT (B, C)
Use the Pythagorean Theorem in 4AC 0 C and 4BC 0 C to obtain
(dE (B, C 0 ))2 + (dE (C, C 0 ))2 + (dE (A, C 0 ))2 + (dE (C, C 0 ))2 − (dE (A, C 0 ) + dE (B, C 0 ))2
cosT ∠ACB = .
2 · dT (A, C) · dT (B, C)
h2T − pT (cT − pT )
By algebra, this equation is equivalent to cosT ∠ACB = , where pT = dT (A, C 0 ).
aT · bT
Now, obtain expressions for hT , pT and cT − pT by algebraic manipulation of previously-found equations

relating lengths of sides.
First, find an expression
 for pT . Note that dT (A, C)  = bT = aT + cT − 2aT cosT ∠B, which implies
dE (B, C) · (cT − pT ) cT − pT
bT = aT + cT − 2aT · . After cancellation, bT = aT + cT − 2(cT − pT ) →
aT · (cT − pT ) dE (B, C)
bT + cT − aT
bT = aT − cT + 2pT → pT = .
aT + cT − bT
A similar manipulation to the equation bT = aT + cT − 2(cT − pT ) yields cT − pT = .
aT + cT − bT 2aT aT + cT − bT
Now, notice that hT = aT − (cT − pT ) = aT − , which simplifies to − =
2 2 2
aT − cT + bT
, as needed. Substitution yields
bT + cT − aT bT + cT − aT aT + cT − bT

2 2 2
cosT ∠ACB = ,
aT · bT

a2T + b2T − cT (aT + bT )

which simplifies to cosT ∠ACB = .
2 · aT · bT
This equation can be algebraically manipulated to obtain the desired result.

Alternate solution: To simplify the computations, introduce notation for various Euclidean lengths. Let

a = dE (B, C), b = dE (A, C), c = dE (A, B) = cT ;

0 0
p = dE (A, C ) = dT (A, C ) = b cos A;
q = dE (B, C 0 ) = dT (B, C 0 ) = a cos B.

aT = q + hT , bT = p + hT , cT = p + q.
a. From the definition of the taxi-cosine, bT cosT A = bT · bT ·cT cos A = b cos A = p. Therefore bT + cT −
2bT cosT A = (p + hT ) + (p + q) − 2p = q + hT = aT .
b. Similarly, aT cosT B = q, so aT + cT − 2aT cosT B = (q + hT ) + (p + q) − 2q = bT .
c. The Euclidean radian measures of the angles add up to π, so cos C = cos(π − A − B) = − cos(A + B) =
sin A sin B − cos A cos B. Substitute into the definition of the taxi-cosine and multiply by aT bT :
aT bT cosT C = aT bT (sin A sin B − cos A cos B)
aT bT
= (b sin A)(a sin B) − (b cos A)(a cos B)
= h2T − pq
= h2T − (bT − hT )(aT − hT )
= (aT + bT )hT − aT bT .

Therefore a2T + b2T − 2aT bT cosT C = a2T + b2T − 2(aT + bT )hT + 2aT bT = (aT + bT )(aT + bT − 2hT ) =
(aT + bT )cT . Solving for cT gives the desired result.
10. In general, the area of a triangle ABC is equal to half of the area of the parallelogram determined by any two
dE (O, A) · dE (O, B)
sides of triangle ABC. The definition of taxi-sine, namely that sinT ∠AOB = sin ∠AOB,
dT (O, A) · dT (O, B)
implies that dT (O, A) · dT (O, B) · sinT ∠AOB = dE (O, A) · dE (O, B) · sin ∠AOB. The latter expression is equal
−* −−*
to |OA × OB|T . Thus the cross-product of two vectors can be interpreted in a taxicab space as it is in a

Euclidean space!
Now, express the area of the triangle ABC in three different ways:
−−* −* −−* −−* −* −−*
|AB × AC|T |AB × BC|T |AC × BC|T
[ABC] = = = .
2 2 2
−−* −* −−* −−* −* −−*
Notice also that |AB× AC|T = cT ·bT ·sinT A and |AB× BC|T = cT ·aT ·sinT B and |AC × BC|T = bT ·aT ·sinT C.
By substitution and multiplication by 2, cT · bT · sinT A = cT · aT · sinT B = bT · aT · sinT C. Dividing by the
nonzero quantity aT bT cT and taking reciprocals leads to the desired result.

Alternate solution: As in the solution to problem 9, let a, b, and c denote the Euclidean lengths of the
sides. With this notation, the definition of the taxi-sine gives
ab ab sin C cT aT bT cT c
sinT C = sin C = , thus = .
aT bT aT bT sinT C abc sin C
aT bT cT
Hence the Taxicab Law of Sines follows from the Euclidean version, multiplying by .

Note: Taxicab geometry is an active area of mathematical research, so many important questions remain unanswered.
Students who are interested in taxicab geometry might find the following sources helpful; both were inspirational in
the creation of this Power Question.
Eugene Krause, Taxicab Geometry: An Adventure in Non-Euclidean Geometry, Dover, 1975.
Ayşe Bayar, Süheyla Ekmekçi and Münevver Özcan, On Trigonometric Functions and Cosine and Sine
Rules in Taxicab Plane, International Electronic Journal of Geometry, 2 (2009), 17-24. Retrieved from


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