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Easy Insurance


- Fix Meta info for your key pages.

- Fix your blogs titles
- Use Google Suggest to get content leads and create articles based on that or optimize existing


Home Page:

- Move supporters somewhere at the bottom and move comparison list companies in its place
- Make separate landing pages for Insurance & Takaful if you have presented it that way. It looks
odd to come on to same page for both. It would be ok If these are 2 individual articles. You can
cut on the details you have provided about both options on the home and take the beef to
article page.

Calculator Page:

This page has huge UX problems and fixing that may increase your comparison numbers.

- Why divide it in a 3 step process when it can be a single step. Why give impression of a tedious
baking process when it can be presented as an already prepared irresistibly delicious cookie?
o Input looks too mechanical without any human emotion/compassion. Compare as
second step seems too far away while Buy at the end makes it all very commercial. Why
not remove this from the top and take your user focus directly on to using calculator.
- Asking for personal details should be at the end. That is number one put off for the tech savvy
crowd you are targeting. So remove asking for unnecessary details at the start. On your
calculator page, Jut greet your visitor in a single line and ask what kind of (category) insurance
they are interested in. Cut all the details you have given at top. They would not trust you enough
to give you your facebook. They already know what they are looking for so don’t waste their
time building the context. They know it. Get to the meat directly. This would remove following
from your calculator page.
o Sign up to skip ahead Login from your social media account to provide your basic
information so that the input process is faster. SIGN IN
o Life insurance is a good idea if: - You are looking for long term savings - You worry about
what might happen to your family in case you die Seriously?
 Who wants to plan for death? A big Put Off. Don’t talk about death. If you have
to, Indian tagline is way better “Sar utha kay geo”
- Why ask for salary details? Who would share that with an unknown site? What you are using it
for? I get to same plans for various options. And this can either be managed through filters on
next screen by narrowing down based on the amount one can spare on monthly basis for the
plan instead of what salary they are drawing, Or a more appropriate question could be to ask
how much they can afford to pay on monthly basis for the plan.
- On Buy Page, replace this line that shows more of your company.
o “We need the following details to forward your query to the insurance company of your
o Something like, please fill these details and our customer success manager would
contact you shortly to process your query. Then give the person a call, that will reassure
them that they are in being handled with care so more trust to your brand and one step
further to conversion and getting positive word of mouth. If you don’t have that role,
get someone from your team to assume that. If for any reason you can’t do that, then
change the line accordingly but don’t tell your user that their details are being passed on
to another company. Don’t lose your chance to build the relationship which you have


- Have a tagline that has a better call than simple functionality. Think of the perception. Think
what creative advantage you want to take over your competitors now. Could be like understand
insurance plans better to get better plans. Think why wikipeida tag line is “protect human
knowledge”. Add that larger than life aspect to the tagline. Some kind of epicness apart from
using superlatives. Make user feel that with you guys there is something special & positive.
- Remove insurance companies from your supporters list. People can think that your comparisons
would be skewed toward the supporters.
- Remove user insured stats from the site until you have a bigger number.
- All of your testimonials seems like corporate buyers. If that’s your niche, it should be reflected in
the site as currently it seems your site is targeting individuals more than corporates.
Alternatively, you should have some testimonials from individual buyers who have used your
comparison tool.

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