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The isomers have the same

a) Chemical Properties
b) Molecular formula
c) Physical properties
d) Structural formula

2. The number of chain isomers in pentane is

a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4

3. Give IUPAC name for the following compound



a) 2, 3 – Dimethyl butane
b) 3, 3 – Dimethylbutane
c) 3, 2 – Dimethyl butane
d) 2, 2 – Dimethyl butane

4. The IUPAC name of CH2CHO is -


a) propanal
b) propanol
c) propanoic aldehyde
d) 2- methylethanal
conc. H2SO4
5. Identify the “product” in the reaction CH3COO + C2H5OH Product + H2O

a) Alcohol
b) Aldehyde
c) Ketone
d) Ester

6. What is IUPAC name of the following compound CH3--- CH2--- CH2--- OH?

a) Propan -1-ol
b) Propan-2-ol
c) Ethan-1-ol
d) Ethan-2-ol

7. A gas formed during destructive distillation of wood, turns lime water milky. This gas is –

a) CO2 b) O2 c) CO d) NO2
8. Fullerence, an allotrope of carbon contains –

a) 30 six membered rings

b) 24 five membered rings and 10 six membered rings
c) 12 five membered rings and 20 six membered rings
d) 18 give membered rings and 15 six membered rings

9. Newland’s law of octave applies to which of the following set of elements?

a) Be, Mg, Ca b) As, K, Ca d) B, N, C d) None of these

10. Atomic weight of CI = 35.5 and I = 127. According to Dobereiner triad rule, atomic weight of Br will be:

a) 80.0 b) 162.5 c) 81.25 d) 91.5

11. Name the functional groups present in the following compound.


12. Write the molecular formulae and the names of lower and higher homologue of C4H6.

13. What is alcohol? Write the molecular formulae condensed formulae and structural formulae of ethyl alcohol.
What is its IUPAC name?

14. ‘X’ is an element with atomic number 20.

i) Is it a metal or non-metal?
ii) What will be its valency?

15. What is meant by valency? How does it vary down a group and why?

16. Define Mendeleev’s periodic law. Give two advantages of Mendeleev’s periodic table.

17. Complete the following reactions:

Alk. KMnO4
ii) C2H5OH + Na
iii) CH3CH2OH + O2

18. How does ethanoic acid react with

a) Sodium Metal
b) Sodium Carbonate
c) Soda Lime

19. Give an example of each

i) A straight chain hydrocarbon

ii) Branched chain hydrocarbon, and
iii) Ring chain hydrocarbon

20. An organic compound ‘X’ is a constituent of wine and beer. This compound on oxidation forms another
organic compound ‘Y’ which is a constituent of vinegar. Identify the compounds ‘X’ and ‘Y’. Write the chemical
equation of the reaction that takes place to form the compound ‘Y’.

21. A hydrocarbon has three carbon atoms. Write down its molecular formulae as

i) Alkane
ii) Alkene
iii) Alkyne
iv) Alcohol derivative
v) Aldehyde derivative
vi) Ketone derivative
vii) Acid derivative


22. An organic compound A having molecular formula C2H4O2 reacts with sodium metal and evolves a gas B
which readily catches fire. Also reacts with ethanol in the presence of concentrated sulphuric acid to form sweet
smelling substance C used in making perfumes.

i) Identify the compounds A, B and C.

ii) Write balanced chemical equations to represent the conversion of:

a) Compound A into compound B

b) Compound A into compound C

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