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Introduction: Advantages

 Can be simple to implement.

This method spired by the flocking and schooling patterns of birds and
fish, Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) was invented by Russell Eber-  Have few parameters to adjust.
hart and James Kennedy in 1995. Originally, these two started out devel-  Able to run parallel computation.
oping computer software simulations of birds flocking around food
 Can be robust
sources, then later realized how well their algorithms worked on optimi-
zation problems.  Have higher Probability and efficiency in finding the Global Optima
 Can Converge fast..
Particle Swarm Optimization might sound complicated, but it's a very  Do not overlap and mutate.
simple algorithm. Over a number of iterations, a group of variables have
 Have short computational time.
their values adjusted closer to the member whose value is closest to the
target at any given moment. Imagine a flock of birds circling over an ar-  Can be efficient for solving problems presenting difficulty to find accurate mathematical models.
ea where they can smell a hidden source of food. If any of the other cir-
cling birds comes closer to the target than the first, it chirps louder and Disadvantages
the others veer over toward him. This tightening pattern continues until  Can be difficult to define initial design parameters.
one of the birds happens upon the food. It's an algorithm that's simple
 Cannot work out the problems of scattering.
and easy to implement.
 Can convert Supreme naturally and be trapped into a local minimum especially with Complex prob-

 The optimisation of the spam base data set is done through the PSO/ APSO to
reduce the time complexity and to remove the less informative records (maybe
outliers) from the data set.
 This also reduces the time complexity to train model without compromising to its
classification accuracy.
 The proposed fitness function has been manually validated for the phase of pro-
posed model 1 to optimise the data said hence the decision tree.
 The idea is to store the best records as to made the training model which helps in
classifying the network email with lower complexity and good accuracy.

Fig . example

Algorithm Outline
Particle swarm is based on the algorithm described in Kennedy and
Eberhart using modifications suggested in Mezura-Montes and
The particle swarm algorithm begins by creating the initial particles,
and assigning them initial velocities.
It evaluates the objective function at each particle location, and deter-
mines the best (lowest) function value and the best location.
It chooses new velocities, based on the current velocity, the particles NAME: SHURBHI ROAT (16BE03006)
individual best locations, and the best locations of their neighbors. HARSH THAKOR (16BE03007)
It then iteratively updates the particle locations velocities, and neigh- BRANCH : CIVIL ENGINEERING
Iterations proceed until the algorithm reaches a stopping criterion SEMESTER : 7th
ACADEMC YEAR : 2019-2020

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