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Chapter 3

3.1 Transport System in Organisms

In simple organisms, the required

substances of cells such as oxygen and
nutrients go directly into the cells by
diffusion through cell membranes.
Complex organisms such as humans,
vertebrates and multicellular plants have
specialised transport systems.
Transport System in Simple Organisms

Unicellular Organisms
Simple organisms consisting of only one
cell each.
Each cell is a complete unit of life; able to
carry out all the living processes in order to
Examples: Amoeba sp and Paramecium
sp. called protozoa.
Amoeba sp.
Paramecium sp.
Euglena sp.
Transport System in Complex Organisms
Multicellular Organisms
Have more than one cell.
Multicellular organisms more complex
than unicellular organisms.
Examples: hydra, spirogyra, fern, other
plants, human being and all vertebrate
and invertebrate animal.
These larger organisms need many
different types of cell to carry out their
life processes.
This is achieved through cell
specialisation and cell organisation.
Transport in plant
Important of the transport system

Transport system carries substances

needed by cells such as oxygen and
nutrients that are used to produce energy
through cellular respiration. This energy is
used for living processes in organisms.
Transport system carries substances
needed by plant cells such as mineral
salts, water and products of photosynthesis
to carry out all living processes in plants.
Important of the transport system

Transport system eliminates toxic waste

products from the cells in organisms to the
external environment. Toxic waste
products that fail to be eliminated from
the cells will poison and kill the organism
3.2 The Blood Circulatory

Blood Circulatory System of

Blood circulatory system for vertebrate animals
The Human Blood Circulatory System

The human blood circulatory system

consists of the heart, blood and blood
The blood vessels that carry blood out of
the heart are called arteries.
The blood vessels that carry the blood into
the heart are called veins.
In the veins, blood is prevented from
flowing backward by valves.

Artery Heart
carries blood pump the
away from the blood to the
heart whole body
aorta is the
largest artery

capillary carries
blood to the
connects heart
artery to the vena cava is
vein the largest
Circulatory System in Human

Humans have a double circulatory system

A double circulatory system consists of :
1) pulmonary circulation
2) systemic circulation
The blood passes through the heart twice
for each circuit of the body
Advantages :
- oxygenated blood returns to the heart
to be pumped again before being
distributed to the rest of the body
(increases the pressure of the blood &
rate of flow, speeding up the delivery of
Type of blood circulation

Pulmonary Systemic
circulation circulation
Pulmonary circulation consists of blood
vessels that transport deoxygenated
blood from the heart to the lungs to be
oxidised and returns oxygenated blood
to the heart

Heart Lungs Heart

Pulmonary artery Pulmonary vein
Systemic circulation consists of aorta and
all the branches (arteries) that transport
oxygenated blood to the body tissues
and returns deoxygenated blood to the

Heart Body tissues Heart

Artery Vein
The Heart

The heart is a muscular organ which

contracts and relaxes continuously to
pump blood to the whole body.
Structure of the Human Heart
anterior vena cava arch of aorta

trunk of
Heart Anatomy pulmonary
left semilunar
right semilunar valve valve

right pulmonary veins left pulmonary

left atrium
right atrium
bicuspid valve
tricuspid valve

right ventricle left ventricle

endothelium and
posterior vena connective tissue
cava inner layer of
myocardium apex

Divides into two


Left: Right :
✓ upper part: left ✓ upper part: right
atrium atrium
✓ lower part: left ✓ lower part: right
ventricle ventricle
Each part is joined with the larger
blood vessel:

a) Pulmonary vein in the left atrium

b) Vena cava in the right atrium
c)Aorta in the left ventricle
d)Pulmonary artery in the right
Structure and Function of Heart
Structure Function
Right • Deoxygenated blood from the
atrium whole body except the lungs
enters the right atrium through the
superior and inferior vena cava.
• When the right atrium contracts,
deoxygenated blood is forced to
flow into the chamber below it,
namely the right ventricle.
Tricuspid Allows the flow of blood in only
valve one direction from the right atrium
to the right ventricle.
Structure and Function of Heart
Structure Function
Right When the right ventricle
ventricle contracts, deoxygenated blood
is forced to flow
out into the pulmonary artery to
be carried to the lungs.
Semi lunar Semilunar valves at the
valve pulmonary artery and aorta
ensure that blood flows only in
one direction and not back into
the ventricles.
Structure and Function of Heart
Structure Function
Left atrium • Oxygenated blood from the
lungs enters the left atrium
through the pulmonary vein.
• When the left atrium contracts,
oxygenated blood is forced to
flow into the chamber below it,
namely the left ventricle.
Bicuspid Allows the flow of blood in only
valve one direction from the left atrium
into the left ventricle.
Structure and Function of Heart

Structure Function
Left ventricle When the left ventricle
contracts, oxygenated blood is
forced to flow out into the
aorta to be carried to all parts
of the body except the lungs.
Septum Prevents oxygenated blood
from mixing with deoxygenated
Types of Blood Vessel and Function
Type of
blood Function
Vena cava Transport deoxygenated blood
from all parts of body to right
Pulmonary Transport deoxygenated blood
artery from heart to the lungs
Pulmonary Transport oxygenated blood from
vein lungs to the heart
Aorta Transport oxygenated blood from
heart to all parts of the body
The valve in the heart:
a)Bicuspid valve : separates the left atrium
from the left ventricles,
b)Tricuspid valve : separates the right
atrium from the right ventricle
c)Semilunar valve : are located at the
beginning of the aorta and the
pulmonary vein

Function of valve:
•Prevent the backflow of blood
• Ensure that the direction of the flow of
blood in one direction only.
Structure and Function of
Blood Vessel

Blood capillaries

Artery Vein


Blood capillary
Blood Vessels
Characteris Artery Vein Blood
tic Capillary
section lumen lumen lumen

Lumen size Medium Wide Narrow

Wall Thick, Thin, less One-cell

muscular and muscular thick
elastic and less
Characteristic Artery Vein Blood
Direction of Away from To the heart From artery to
blood flow heart vein

Blood High Medium Low


Type of blood Oxygenate Deoxygenate Oxygenated

being carried d blood d blood blood
(except (except for from the
for the the artery and
pulmonary pulmonary deoxygenate
artery) vein) d blood to
the vein
The Heartbeat

When our heart is beating, the sound ‘lub

dub’ is produced. The ‘lub dub’ sound can
usually be heard using a stethoscope.
‘Lub dub’ sound is produced by the closing
of valves in the heart.
The “dub” sound is produced by the closing
of the semilunar valves in the aorta and
pulmonary arteries (diastole).
The reading of blood pressure that flows
and fills the heart is called diastolic pressure
The “lub” sound is produced by the closing
of tricuspid and bicuspid valves between
the atrium and the ventricle (sistole).
The reading of blood pressure that flows out
of the heart is called systolic pressure
Cardiac cycle

Is the series of events that occur during

one complete heartbeat, includes :
1) contraction (systole)
2) relaxation (diastole)
Average : 72 heartbeats per minute
1 cycle : 0.8 second
Systole (early)
Diastole (mid to late).
•Tricuspid & bicuspid valves open • Atria
•Ventricles fill with the blood contract
•Semilunar valves close and
produce sound “dub”

Diastole (early). Systole

Both chambers • ventricles contract
relax. •semilunar valves open
• tricuspid and bicuspid
valves close produce
sound “lub”
Regulatory Mechanism of Blood
Blood pressure : the force of the blood
exerted on the walls of the arterial blood
Arterial blood pressure :
- highest during systole
- lowest during diastole
Blood pressure reading :
x/y mm Hg
- x is the magnitude of systolic reading
- y is the magnitude of diastolic reading
Blood pressure readings usually taken
using a sphygmomanometer based on
hearing the ‘lub dub’ sound produced
by the closing of valves during the
occurrence of systole and diastole
Normal bp :120/80 mm Hg
systolic pressure = 120 mm Hg
diastolic pressure = 80 mm Hg
Baroreceptors : receptors that monitor
the pressure of blood
Digital sphygmomanometer is easier to
use for measuring blood pressure
Pulse Rate

Pulse rate is produced by shrinkage and

relaxation of the muscular wall of the
Physical activities, gender, age and
health condition affect the rate of pulse
3.3 Human Blood
Blood consists of plasma, red blood
cells, white blood cells and platelets.
Blood consists of blood cells that float in
a fluid called plasma.
Plasma contains dissolved substances
such as minerals and digested foods.
Blood can be separated into two
components, that is yellow liquid and
red liquid, using centrifugal separation.
Separation of component of human
blood using centrifugal separation
➢ a pale yellow colour.
➢ 90% is water and 10% is soluble substances such as
glucose, amino acids, mineral salt, vitamin, enzymes,
waste products hormones and gases.

➢ Function:
➢ transport digested food to the body cells
➢ transport excretory products from body tissues
to the excretory organs
➢ control body temperature
➢ transport the hormones to the tissues for
metabolic processes
➢ maintain pH level in the blood

➢ do not have a fixed shape

➢ have a big nucleus
➢ do not have haemoglobin
➢ life span is 2 to 4 days
➢ produced in the bone marrow and spleen

➢ Function:
➢ protect and defense from harmful
➢Kill bacteria in the body
➢Produce antibodies to nuetralised toxin
produced by microorganisms

➢Contain haemoglobin
➢Round shaped and biconcave
➢No nucleus
➢Life span is 120 days
➢Produced in the marrow of long bones
➢Lack of red blood cell – aneamia

➢ Function:
➢Carries oxygen in blood

➢ Do not have haemoglobin

➢Cell fragments
➢No nucleus
➢Life span I4 days
➢Produced in bone marrow

➢ Function:
➢ helps in the clotting of blood
Human Blood Groups
There are four human blood groups, i.e.
A,B,AB and O.
Blood transfusion is the transfer of blood
from a donor to a recipient.
The type of blood transfused to a
recipient must be compatible to avoid
Blood groups A and B contains antigen
A (antibody Anti-B) and antigen B
(antibody Anti-A) respectively.
Blood group AB contains both antigen
A and antigen B but there is no
antibody Anti-A or B.
Blood group O does not contain any
antigen but the antibodies Anti-A and
B are present.
Compatibility of Blood Donors and
Humans who have lost lot of blood as a
result of excessive bleeding caused by
injury or sickness, need blood transfusion
to replace the blood that is lost.
In all blood transfusions, the blood group
of donor and recipient must be
compatible to avoid coagulation of
blood. The ability of someone to receive
blood depends on the presence of
antibodies in the person’s blood plasma
Can be classified into four
different groups:

➢ Universal recepient ➢ Universal donor –

– can receive blood can donate blood to
from all other groups all blood groups.
➢ Can donate blood ➢Can only receive
only to individuals blood from group O
with blood group AB only
Recipients of blood from suitable
Blood group
Recipient Donor

A, B, AB, O O O

A, AB A A, O

B, AB B B, O

The Important of Blood
Every day blood is needed to save
lives. Blood is required for surgery,
accident victims or to treat
patients with leukaemia,
haemophilia and other illnesses.

Definition: the loss of water

TRANSPIRATION through evaporation from
the stoma of leaves
Importance: Transpiration occurs
a) remove excess through the stomata on
water the leaf surface
b) helps to transport
water and dissolved Rate of transpiration can be
mineral salts from the control by the changes of the
roots to all parts of size of stomata.
the plants
c) helps to cool the The size of stomata become
plant when water small during hot day to
evaporates reduce the loss of water
Cross section of leaf

Both upper and lower surface of the

leaf, that is upper epidermis and lower
epidermis, is covered by a layer of
single epidermis cell.
Epidermis cell secrets waxy cuticle that
covers the upper epidermis and lower
epidermis to reduce loss of water
through transpiration.
Cross section of leaf
Cross section of leaf

The size of stomata is controlled by

the guard cells. The guard cells are
kidney shaped surrounding the

a)The exchange of gases like
oxygen and carbon dioxide in
photosynthesis and respiration.
b)Their size controls the rate of

Guttation is loss of water from

plants in the form of liquid known
as xylem sap through hydathodes
which are always open on the
edge of leaves.
Guttation usually occurs at night or
when air humidity is high.
Factor Affecting The Rate of

A rise in temperature of
the air will increase the
rate of transpiration
a) Temperature
because the rate of
evaporation of water from
the leaves will increase
Increase light intensity will
b) Light intensity increase the rate of
Factor Affecting The Rate of
In still air the rate of evaporation
of water from the leaves will
decrease and will cause the rate
of transpiration reduce
c) Wind
The existence of wind will
increase the rate of transpiration
because wind blow the water
vapour away from the leaf
reducing the humidity

d) Humidity Humidity conditions prevent the

evaporation of water from the
The transport system through xylem and



plant Root
❖ The transport system of plants are made up of specialised
tissues that is the xylem and the phloem tissue.

❖ Xylem and phloem are found in the roots, stem and leaf.

Xylem Phloem

▪ Woody tissue that ▪ found in the roots

made up of long tubes and stems outside
to transport water and the xylem.
dissolved mineral salts ▪ Function: transport
from the roots to the food like glucose
stems and leaves. from the leaves to
▪ Do not have the stems and roots
3.5 Blood circulatory System in
Human and Transport System in
Both is transport system
Both transport water, nutrients and
dissolve substances
Both occurs in complex organisms
Blood Transport
circulatory Differences system in plant
system in
Tube system Structure Vascular
with heart system without
and valves pump or valve
Three types of Type of Two types of
vessels; artery, transport vessel; xylem
vein and vessels and phloem

Blood Transport
circulatory Differences system in plant
system in
Arteries, Connection Xylem and
capillaries between phloem are
and veins are transport not connected
connected to vessels and are two
form one separate
continuous vessels

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