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Indonesian EFL Journal, Vol.

4(2) July 2018 AISEE

p-ISSN 2252-7427, e-ISSN 2541-3635 The Asso ci atio n of Indones ian
Scho lars of Engli sh Educatio n


Agung Ginanjar Anjaniputra
English Education Study Program, Universitas Suryakancana, Cianjur, West Java

Vina Aini Salsabila

English Education Study Program, Universitas Suryakancana, Cianjur, West Java

APA Citation: Anjaniputra, A. G., & Salsabila, V. A. (2018). The merits of Quizlet for vocabulary
learning at tertiary level. Indonesian EFL Journal, 4(2), 1-11. doi:

Received: 12-03-2018 Accepted: 28-05-2018 Published: 01-07-2018

Abstract: Vocabulary has been at the pinnacle of language learning since vocabulary mastery helps in
communicating language. However, learning vocabulary yields problems prevalent among learners of
this new digital era such as low participation and difficulties to keep learners attentive to lessons being
learned. Deploying classroom action research, this study aims to depict the implementation of Quizlet
in learning vocabulary at the tertiary level and to elicit learners' responses to Quizlet utilization in the
classroom. In this regard, observation and interview were triangulated to get an enhanced portrayal of
what occurred during the learning. These instruments resulted in findings that Quizlet to some extent
helped in fostering learners’ engagement, as well as persistence in vocabulary learning and that the
learners enjoyed learning vocabulary in Quizlet and considered Quizlet as useful and beneficial tool
for their learning development, particularly in vocabulary learning. Hence, it is suggested that teachers
make use of Quizlet to provide learners with a new way of learning that is interesting, innovative, and
probably improving learners’ learning experiences, eventually fulfilling the learners’ demand of the
21st century.
Keywords: Vocabulary learning; Quizlet; learner engagement; CALL.

Vocabulary is inextricably linked to the indifferent to the learning, leading to
production and comprehension of language. reluctance to participate. Besides, the students
Insufficient vocabulary may limit one to seem to be unenthusiastic about and inattentive
understand and produce speech as well as text. to it. Therefore, vocabulary needs are learned
In line with it, Groot (2000) affirms that an interesting way.
vocabulary has something to do with reading, One interesting way of learning
listening, speaking, and writing. As an vocabulary is by incorporating technology into
example, a person must at least master 5000 the classroom, known as Computer Assisted
words to be able to comprehend non- Language Learning, henceforth CALL. It will
specialized texts (Nation, 1990) cited in not bring about any significant technical
(Groot, 2000). Despite its primacy of problems since technology is now
vocabulary these days, many students have indispensable and students live with it. Roles
limited numbers of vocabulary (Barr, 2016), of CALL in vocabulary learning are crucial
which can prevent them from producing and since it provides students with metacognitive
understanding a large coverage of speech or activities allowing for making inferences
text. Moreover, so long as vocabulary learning through contexts using imagery and semantic
is concerned, problems of learning vocabulary techniques (Kose, Cimen, & Mede, 2016). It is
are apparent among second language learners affirmed that the use of technology in the
(Gass & Selinker, 2008). In this regard, based classroom is, in fact, beneficial in a way that it
on the writers’ experience, students are also can motivate students and engage them in
Agung Ginanjar Anjaniputra & Vina Aini Salsabila
The merits of Quizlet for vocabulary learning at tertiary level

learning (Wieking, 2016). Besides, the certain students learning with certain lexical
development of technology allows language items. The flashcard sets are easily free for all
teachers to easily make use of it. Quizlet users to create, dependent on
Technology, as Vargas (2011) argues that vocabulary to learn. Learners can also
it can be realized through CALL, promotes contribute to sets created by teachers or make
persistence in reading lessons. It constitutes their own vocabulary sets for learning. The
supplementary classroom activities which can sets consist of terms for the lexical items and
motivate students to engage in learning definitions for the description where a picture
activities. Once students are engaged, they or sound can be added.
may willingly explore their interests so that The game-like tools comprise two main
students can learn at their own pace, allowing categories: Study and Play. In Study, there are
for self-control over the learning. Twyman & five modes entailing Learn, Flashcards, Write,
Tindall (2006, cited in Vargas, 2011) assert Spell, and Test; “Learn” allows users to take
that the ability to make the learning personal control of their learning to get them familiar
brings about more involvement and success with the sets; “Flashcards” as its name implies
feeling that are likely to stimulate students to provides users with digital flashcards that can
motivate themselves in continual learning. be flipped over by only clicking on the card;
One of the realizations of CALL recently “Write” is to write the correct term of the
prevailing, especially for vocabulary learning, description shown; “Spell” provides users with
is by using Quizlet that is a new sophisticated spelling practice in which listening to the
tool specifically designed for learning spelling and writing the correct answer of the
vocabulary. Found in 2005, it comes with an spelling are encouraged; “Test” is indeed
array of features that can help teachers to designed for testing purposes, whose users are
organize their classes. It promotes given random questions based upon the given
collaborative learning, drilling, and repetition, set and results are directly shown as all the
as well as enjoyable fun ways of learning. questions are answered. In the meantime, three
Therefore, students are not bored easily. choices are available in Play, encompassing
Quizlet has been researched to measure its Match, Gravity, and Live; “Match” allows
significance for vocabulary learning. Research users to match terms and definitions scattered
on Quizlet was conducted to see its effect on around the screen; “Gravity” presents meteors
vocabulary learning (see Vargas, 2011; with words on it, then users have to type the
Ashcroft & Imrie, 2014; Barr, 2016; Kálecký, answer for the words before the meteors hit the
2016; Andarab, 2017), and to explore EFL earth; “Live” is an online collaborative activity
learners’ views on the use of Quizlet (Lander, where each group competes to reach certain
2016; Kose, Cimen, & Mede, 2016). Despite a criterion by answering correctly because one
few studies concerning Quizlet, research wrong answer will cause the group to start
descriptively qualitative investigation of from the beginning. All of the modes can be
Quizlet at tertiary level, which is particularly monitored by the teacher as long as students
combined to search for the students’ are included in the created class. For instance,
responses, is lacking. This gap is necessary to whether or not students have completed Study
be filled since it can enrich knowledge of modes can be seen or items answered by
using a digital-based tool for vocabulary students are shown statistically, allowing for
learning in Indonesia. Furthermore, the issue revising or focusing on items answered
of technology integration in the classroom is correctly or incorrectly most of the time by
prevailing and attracting many scholars. students.
Quizlet is a website that allows users to Quizlet has been reported to have some
learn vocabulary by means of flashcard sets virtues as well as shortcomings in its
using a variety of game-like learning tools. It implementation. It gives advantages in terms
is also available for Android and iOS, allowing of learners’ performance, engagement,
users to use it anytime and anywhere. For the autonomy, interests, and motivation. The
teacher, classes may be created to manage advantages of it result from some studies
Indonesian EFL Journal, Vol. 4(2) July 2018 AISEE
p-ISSN 2252-7427, e-ISSN 2541-3635 The Asso ci atio n of Indones ian
Scho lars of Engli sh Educatio n

suggesting that commonly students can Quizlet, plays a vital role to deal with those
progress if learning by using Quizlet (Vargas, shortcomings. According to Nation (2001),
2011; Ashcroft & Imrie, 2014; Kálecký, 2016; responsibility for learning is typical of
Andarab, 2017), particularly kinesthetic autonomous learners, who are also capable of
learners can generally perform well for testing taking control of their own learning. Hence, it
(Barr, 2016); learners’ engagement in the is expected that once autonomy is attained, the
classroom is apparent (Vargas, 2011; Barr, problems of spaced repetition failure,
2016; Beyer & Lynch, n.d.); it results in negligence, social distraction, etc. mean
learners’ autonomy to learn on their computers nothing as autonomous learners are aware of
and smartphones (Vargas, 2011; Barr, 2016; deciding when, where, what, which, how much
Kálecký, 2016; Beyer & Lynch, n.d.); a new, certain items should be learned.
enjoyable way of vocabulary learning is Puentedura (2006, cited in Ashcroft &
provided (Lander, 2016; Beyer & Lynch, n.d.); Imrie, 2014) proposed a model to assess the
students can control their progress and directly integration of technology into the classroom,
see at which part of vocabulary sets the the so-called the SAMR model. It is the
students to lack (Kálecký, 2016); and students abbreviation of the Substitution Augmentation
can benefit from the “spell section” to improve Modification Redefinition Model. The SAMR
the spelling of words (Vargas, 2011; Kálecký, model is recommended for English language
2016). teaching contexts in which Learning is
Notwithstanding the aforementioned particularly deployed (Hockly, 2013, cited
advantages, a number of barriers also occur. (Romrell, Kidder, & Wood, 2014). This
The barriers encompass the failure to model, as suggested by Puentedura (2006,
encourage spaced repetition (Barr, 2016), 2010), classifies four stages that can
students’ negligence of sets whose unit tests progressively impact on the learning activities
were completed (Barr, 2016), a heavy in the classroom. Substitution is when
workload on students’ mind (Beyer & Lynch, technology is used to replace old-fashioned
n.d.), social distraction so long as phones are ways of learning, yet the function is still the
used (Beyer & Lynch, n.d.), and the internet same. Meanwhile, augmentation deals with
connection, phone memory, low-charged replacing tasks with some improved functions.
battery, and acceptance of only the exact same Besides, modification allows for redesigning
answers (Kálecký, 2016). It is worth noting tasks in a significant way. The last is
that teachers who are interested in Redefinition in which new tasks previously
implementing Quizlet should anticipate the inconceivable are created by technology. The
possible drawbacks. four stages are also depicted in Table 1,
These disadvantages are however comprising the definitions and examples of
challenged to the implementation of CALL, Quizlet application by Ashcroft and Imrie
Quizlet in particular. In this case, learner (2014, p. 641).
autonomy, which may result from using

Table 1. The SAMR model for technology impact assessment

Substitution Technology is used to perform e.g., making basic digital flashcards
the same kind of task that was
done before computers
Augmentation Although still acting as a substitute, e.g., making digital flashcards
technology offers some functional with images and audio
Modification Technology facilitates significant task e.g., generating a test from a set of
redesign digital flashcards
Redefinition Technology allows for the creation of e.g., inter-class/inter-
tasks that were previously school/international digital
inconceivable flashcard learner collaboration

Agung Ginanjar Anjaniputra & Vina Aini Salsabila
The merits of Quizlet for vocabulary learning at tertiary level

In detail, (Ashcroft & Imrie, 2014) further people reach adulthood, their memory ability
exemplify the activities representing each declines. This implies that to acquire certain
stage of the model. Substitution has to do with vocabulary, adult learners need not only high
making digital flashcards as a study set. exposure but also drilling and repetition. This
Besides, Augmentation entails combining the is suggested by Schmidt (2008) that
flashcards with pictures or sounds, and maximized exposure and incidental learning,
studying in modes available, mobile Quizlet, as well as explicit intentional learning, are
and printing. in addition, Modification components required for vocabulary learning
encompasses importing data for creating the programs. Vocabulary learning through
study set, using the Test mode, and sharing a explicit learning is said to be effective, which
set through the website. Lastly, Redefinition leads to long retention. In addition to this,
comprises studying together or sharing Nation and Macalister (2010) that repetition is
resources, which puts emphasis on student necessary for a language program. It is stated
collaboration such as using the Live mode. that language-focused learning, one of which
In addition to the SAMR model, the way is vocabulary, should be taught to students
vocabulary should be taught entails some through, as further exemplified, repetition or
considerations in order that learning and vocabulary learning on cards. Repetition and
acquisition can occur. The first one is the flash cards are typical of learning vocabulary
concreteness of vocabulary presented to in Quizlet, yet in different forms which are
students. It is found that concrete and cognates online and digital-based.
words are learned more easily compared to the With regard to previous related studies
abstract and noncognate ones (Groot & and literature review of vocabulary learning,
Keijzer, 2000). This to a certain extent the process of vocabulary learning by
supports the notion of Transfer where implementing Quizlet is very much of
similarities in terms of vocabulary in the first concern. Therefore, this study is aimed at
language can ease learners' acquisition of depicting how the use of Quizlet in the
words in the second language (Steinberg & classroom is for learning vocabulary, and how
Sciarini, 2006). In addition to cognate and students at the Tertiary Level respond to the
concrete vocabulary, Nation and Macalister use of Quizlet.
(2010) propose that high-frequency words
should be prioritized. This means that words METHOD
required to be acquired in advance are those Deploying classroom action research, this
mostly used in communication. However, low- study focused on qualitative means of
frequency vocabulary can be taught as long as describing the data. In this regard, the data
the high-frequency items have been covered. It were portrayed descriptively in relation to
is further argued that regardless of high and what really occurred in the classroom while
low-frequency lexical items, academic Quizlet was implemented. The participants
vocabulary cannot be neglected (Nation, constituted a class of the fourth year students
2001). It is important, in spite of uncommon taking the Complex Vocabulary Subject,
occurrence in non-academic texts, because of which consisted of 30 students. Yet, not all the
its substantial number of words in academic students were involved since some of the
texts (ibid.). In the tertiary level, academic students missed the class as Quizlet was
texts constitute common materials for students applied. Through classroom observation, tests
in the four language skills. Thus, academic and interview, data were collected in this
words should be taught to learners at the study. Classroom observation and tests were
tertiary level of education. intended to yield the merits of using Quizlet in
Unlike adult learners, for children, as they the classroom, especially for vocabulary
are in the critical period, it is easy to acquire a learning. In the meantime, the interview was
huge number of words by means of induction administered to elicit the student’s responses
through high exposure to the use of words. on the use of Quizlet and, to a certain extent,
According to Steinberg and Sciarini (2006), as
Indonesian EFL Journal, Vol. 4(2) July 2018 AISEE
p-ISSN 2252-7427, e-ISSN 2541-3635 The Asso ci atio n of Indones ian
Scho lars of Engli sh Educatio n

to confirm what was found in the classroom administered to get a description of students’
observation so the data were triangulated. attainment.
The implementation of Quizlet was The data were then analyzed by means of
divided into four meetings. The first one was describing the activities in the classroom and
when Quizlet was solely used in the classroom how the students did the activities. To result in
and the students were able to learn based on the findings, the data from the observation and
their own preferences. Students started to get the interview were coded to generate broader
accustomed to learning by means of Quizlet. themes. The themes were categorized based on
the items learned in this meeting were several recurring patterns of the students in
synonymous words such as nil and naught, relation to how the students react to the use of
shallow and superficial, etc. Likewise, the Quizlet in the classroom. The themes of the
second meeting was also carried out to have classroom observation were compared to the
students learn antonymous words prepared in a resulted themes of the interview to confirm the
study set, for example, bring about vs avert, findings. The themes prevailing in both the
Persistent vs loath, etc.. The third meeting was data of classroom observation and the
somewhat different from the previous interview are to be analyzed for interpretation.
meetings that the students focus on the Test The findings resulted in the portrayal of how
mode to pass the criteria set by the teacher. the deployment of Quizlet in the classroom
The items learned are, for instance, in/with was for vocabulary learning. In addition to the
regard to, remind about/of, etc.. The fourth analysis of the observation and the interview,
meeting differed from the third meeting in an analysis to yield students’ responses to the
terms of the learning activities which focus on use of Quizlet was carried out, whose data are
the Game modes. The vocabulary learned was of the interview result. The result of the
verbs such as a stop to do/doing and have analysis bore the students' responses.
something done/do distinctions. The activities Similarly, these findings were also interpreted
comprised guessing games, writing exercises, to come up with a thoroughly comprehensive
the whisper game, and completing exercises. understanding of issues under investigation.
Vocabulary learned in the meetings entailed
selected words, many of which are advanced RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
words marked “A” in Cambridge Advanced This section presents findings of how the use
Learners’ Dictionary, 3rd edition. of Quizlet in the classroom is for vocabulary
Prior to coming to the class, the teacher learning and how students respond to the use
created a class so that students could join and of it. The use of Quizlet in the classroom is
provided a vocabulary set linked to the class. going to be presented separately in each
The students were given a class link to join the meeting so there will be four meetings
class and the students clicked on or followed portrayed accordingly. This finding will
the link would be directed to the class. After consecutively be discussed and supported by
clicking “join”, the teacher will accept the the data from the interview. Concerning the
students. Once the students joined the class, students' responses, the results are conveyed
access to the prepared set including Study and descriptively.
Play modes are open. Therefore, before
coming to the class, most of the students had The implementation of quizlet
joined the class. In the next meeting, since all In general, to follow the SAMR model, the use
students joined the class, what was prepared of Quizlet in the classroom realized the three
was another vocabulary set so, in advance of stages: Substitution, Augmentation, and
the class meeting, the set had been ready and Modification. The substitution was realized
linked to the class. In the classroom, through making flashcards in Quizlet;
everything was ready for students to use Augmentation was manifested in a variety of
Quizlet. During the classes, all student modes where the digital flashcards were
activities were videotaped for the sake of data combined with the spelling-sound;
analysis. After the fourth meeting, a test was modification was demonstrated when students
Agung Ginanjar Anjaniputra & Vina Aini Salsabila
The merits of Quizlet for vocabulary learning at tertiary level

were provided with test generated randomly what occurred and of students’ activities in the
from the given set in the “Test” mode. The classrooms are also portrayed in each meeting,
whole depiction of Quizlet integration in the following the table.
classroom is shown in Table 2. The details of

Table 2. The integration of Quizlet

Phases Meeting 1 Meeting
1 2 3 4
Substitution Making flashcards of a study set √ √ √ √
Augmentation Studying in Flashcards mode √ √
Studying in Spell mode √ √
Studying in Learn mode √ √
Studying in Write mode √ √
Studying in the Game mode √ √ √ √
Modification Modifying flashcards imported from other sources √ √ √
Using the Test mode √ √ √
Creating a class √ √ √ √
Monitoring progress √ √

Meeting 1 can learn at their own pace, allowing for self-

The class began with checking the attendance control over the learning.
list. After that, the teacher asked the students When students were playing Gravity or Match,
about joining the Quizlet class as it had been the teacher informed students that their scores
told beforehand. However, there were some would be recorded automatically. Match
students had not joined the class for some recorded students score in terms of seconds or
reasons such as the limited internet minutes, the faster students complete the task,
connection, problems in logging in because of the higher their ranking is. Meanwhile, gravity
forgetting the email registered as well as the recorded the score from nil to hundreds,
password losing the class link, and negligence thousands, tens of thousands, or even hundreds
as the students had missed the previous class. of thousands depending on how long users can
The teacher asked the students to go on joining last. They seemed enthusiastic to get the
the class, while other students who had joined highest score so that their names could be
the class were asked to exploring Quizlet by shown in the top three ranking. It was
learning the set for that meeting which was observed that once a student got the first rank,
about synonymous words. Besides, another then being replaced by her friend, the student
problem was that some students did not bring tried to get her position back on to the top. It
laptops as they had been told. Laptops were indicates that Quizlet encourages students to
used since some features could not be accessed be motivated and engaged in the learning. This
by some smartphones, such as "Gravity" and was also mentioned by the students in the
"Live". So to handle this problem, the teacher interview that Quizlet made them engaged in
allowed students to use their smartphones. learning. Thus, this finding is in harmony with
To attract students’ attention to Quizlet, some previous studies that learners'
the teacher asked the students to play “Match” engagement in the classroom is apparent
or “Gravity”. This was intended to motivate (Vargas, 2011; Barr, 2016; Beyer & Lynch,
students to learn vocabulary as if they were n.d.).
playing a game. Learning is better if students
can enjoy it, which in turn can engage them Meeting 2
and increase their interests in learning. This is The vocabulary items learned were presented
in accordance with (Vargas, 2011) that making in antonymous pairs. The teacher asked the
students engaged in learning, as one of the students to go to Match. Yet, some preferred
benefits of using technology, may lead to the accessing Learn, Spell, Write, Flashcards, or
exploration of their interests so that students even just scrolling down the set. This shows
that the students tried to control their own
Indonesian EFL Journal, Vol. 4(2) July 2018 AISEE
p-ISSN 2252-7427, e-ISSN 2541-3635 The Asso ci atio n of Indones ian
Scho lars of Engli sh Educatio n

learning based on their own pace. This is an score 100, the students could not believe it. A
indication of autonomy possessed by the student scored 90 several times and showed
students at it is affirmed by Nation (2001) that the scored to the teacher. Nevertheless, it did
autonomous learners are capable of taking not stop the students re-trying on and on again.
control of their own learning. Moreover, the The student was persistence in scoring 100 no
situation may be caused by the willingness of matter how hard it was. This evidence
the learners to first learn what is required for corresponds to the argument that the use of
them, instead of directly accessing Match. It technology in the classroom is, in fact,
seemed that the students internalized the beneficial in a way that it can motivate
learning in the previous meeting so that the students and engage them in learning
students monitored their learning. This (Wieking, 2016).
confirms the previous studies that Quizlet
results in learners’ autonomy to learn (Vargas, Meeting 3
2011; Barr, 2016; Kálecký, 2016; Beyer & In the third meeting, the teacher directly asked
Lynch, n.d.). students to learn the way the students want.
It is worth noting that Match to some Most of the students preferred Match to other
extent helps in increasing students’ interests to modes. Some accessed Learn, Write,
learn, yet it brings about a problem. The Flashcards, etc.. After 20 minutes of exploring
problem was that the students match the Quizlet, the teacher asked students to access
flashcards as fast as they possibly could Test. Instead of answering 20 questions in Test
without reading the words at all. Remarkably, of the previous meeting, the students were
the students can complete a task in Match in merely instructed to answer ten questions in
only 7 seconds. This was because the scores each turn of Test. The type of questions
shown in the ranking are the time to complete allowed was still the written question. The
a task. Therefore, since the students wanted students were allowed to move to the next
their names to be shown in the ranking list, stage of answering 20 questions in Test as the
they irresponsibly do so. At least, two ways students scored perfectly for ten questions.
can be done to prevent this. The first one is by Few students could pass this and started to
creating a set which has the similar number of answer 20 questions. When the students
words in the term boxes and in the definition finished completing a test, their scores were
boxes. It is better to replace the definitions that mentioned to attract the teacher’s attention.
comprise long sentences or phrases with While mentioning their scores the students
pictures, if not by a single word as the term looked proud when the score was high but
itself. The second way is by only allowing annoyed when the score was disappointing.
students to play in the hard level of difficulty, In addition, it was observed that after
not the easy or medium one. In a hard level, so answering the test and the result was
many flashcards are shown, limiting students disappointing, the students return to the set to
to match without even reading it. If they do so, remind them about the answer. Sometimes, the
much time will be spent. students also jotted down something on their
After playing in Match and Gravity, notebooks concerning the vocabulary items
students were directed to Test. The test was being learned. students can control their
deliberately focused on 20 written questions. progress and directly see at which part of
Each student was given the 20 questions vocabulary sets the students to lack (Kálecký,
randomly and no one got the exact same 2016). Once the information the students
questions. The students were challenged to get required was found in the study set, the
a score of 80. Some students were surprised students started over the test. Failure in the test
because they got bad marks. However, this seemed to boost the students to strive harder. It
initiated students’ interests as they kept on was observed that the students relentlessly
doing it until they scored 80. A few students made any endeavor to pass the criteria set by
scored 80 easily, so they were asked to score the teacher. This showed that students’
100. In contrast, it was harder for them to persistence was generated. Regarding this, the
Agung Ginanjar Anjaniputra & Vina Aini Salsabila
The merits of Quizlet for vocabulary learning at tertiary level

student interview also yields that Quizlet is interested in the game. This is consistent with
deemed effective to promote students’ the fact that Quizlet provides a new, enjoyable
persistence in vocabulary learning. way of learning vocabulary (Lander, 2016;
Albeit the prevailing student persistence, a Beyer & Lynch, n.d.). One of the features
number of problems were apparent in this generates enjoyment, as mentioned before, is
meeting, including the internet connection Gravity.
which immediately was unreachable by their Gravity interests students in a way that the
phone and mistyped answers. Several students students can maintain their focus and attention.
were impeded by this mistyping problem. A It is worth mentioning that as the time was up,
student told the teacher that “I should have a few students continued playing Quizlet.
gotten a better score if I had not mistyped the Their continual learning was also noted that
answers”. These problems were also found by there was a change in the top ranking of Match
(Kálecký, 2016). Besides, it is stated that and Gravity after the class ended. This shows
phone memory and low-charged battery that the students personalized their own
alongside the internet connection and mistyped learning. Twyman & Tindall (2006, cited in
answers were issues in using Quizlet. Vargas, 2011) assert that the ability to make
Concerning the mistyping problem, teachers the learning personal brings about more
must remind students to carefully type the involvement and success feeling that are likely
answer. to stimulate students to motivate themselves in
continual learning. The learning is continued
Meeting 4 and done repeatedly by certain students until
The students were previously asked to bring the students became one of the top scorers. It
laptops to the class because the teacher is suggested by Nation & Macalister (2010)
intended to focus on Gravity. of other features that vocabulary should be taught to students
in Quizlet, Gravity resembles a modern game through repetition or vocabulary learning on
designed not for learning. Thus, when playing cards. Hence, repetition of vocabulary being
Gravity, the students can enjoy the game. learned can lead to long retention of the words.
Games stimulate students to learn because After the fourth meeting, a test is carried
students consciously play games, yet out. The result is discernable in the table
subconsciously learn vocabulary. Gravity is below.
wrapped in such a way so students were

Table 3. Students’ scores

Students Scores Students Scores Students Scores
1 59 9 83 16 78
2 91 10 70 17 83
3 96 11 48 18 63
4 80 12 72 19 76
5 78 13 83 20 61
6 78 14 46 21 46
7 83 15 61 22 59
8 61

The average of the students’ scores is when it comes to testing. Nevertheless, Quizlet
70.68. Although the average is not quite has been proven out to be the aid for teachers
promising, the highest score among the to overcome students’ low participation and
students is 96. Besides, it can be seen from the lack of attention. Furthermore, students’
scores that only a small number of the students engagement and persistence in learning are
scored lower than 60. It is likely that those also apparent during the lessons, supported by
having low scores are not the kinesthetic type the interview data.
of learners since according to Barr (2016),
kinesthetic learners can benefit from Quizlet

Indonesian EFL Journal, Vol. 4(2) July 2018 AISEE
p-ISSN 2252-7427, e-ISSN 2541-3635 The Asso ci atio n of Indones ian
Scho lars of Engli sh Educatio n

Students’ responses to the implementation students’ chances to learn independently. The

of quizlet finding shows that most of the students
This section describes how students responded voluntarily learned vocabularies using Quizlet.
to the use of Quizlet in the classroom. The Students’ autonomy revealed in the following
result shows that students realized the positive statement:
effect of using Quizlet in learning “I often used Quizlet when I was at home since
vocabularies. The students assumed that this application could be accessed on my
smartphone. Hence, I can decide when I should
Quizlet provided enjoyable learning, generated learn and what (material) that I wanted to repeat”
their autonomy, increased their persistence and (Student 2).
engagement in the learning process. This statement indicates that students’
autonomy had been developed. It is in line
Providing enjoyable learning with the observation finding in meeting 2 that
The finding from the interview demonstrated demonstrated students’ initiation to select their
that Quizlet provides enjoyable learning for own choice to learn vocabularies. It is also
students. Some students stated that they relevant to Nation (2001) who mentioned that
enjoyed learning vocabularies due to various autonomous learners are capable of taking
features on the application. Those different control of their own learning.
features gave ‘fun experience’ for students to Another autonomy is shown from
feel ‘different way’ of learning. students’ ability in controlling their progress
Some students further declared that they by checking their score in Score feature.
rarely got bored in the learning process Student 3 mentioned that she could know her
because they did various activities through ability by observing the score progress. She
Quizlet. They could easily do drilling from could also know what vocabularies that she
Learn, Flashcards, and Match to memorize had not known yet. Hence, this response is
new vocabularies. They could check the related to Kálecký (2016) who claimed that
pronunciation and spelling of each vocabulary through Quizlet, students are able to control
in Spell and practice writing on Write feature their progress and directly see at which part of
as well. “Learning vocabularies became more vocabulary sets the students to lack.
fun”, the students said. They also said that they
felt like playing and learning at the same time. Generating learner persistence
It can be seen in this statement: Another merit exposed to students' response is
“....Quizlet makes my learning more fun. I like that the use of Quizlet improved their
the features of the apps. It made me enjoy learning
new vocabularies and decreased my boredom” persistence in learning vocabularies. All
(Student 1). interviewed students agreed that they tried
This statement is also confirmed by the their best to memorize vocabularies appeared
observation findings showing that most of the on Quizlet in order to reach the best score. The
students enthusiastically tried the different desire to reach the top preserved their
type of Quizlet features during the learning persistence in facing some challenges during
process. It also emphasizes that various types the learning process.
of features are able to give students ‘richer Furthermore, Student 3 said that Quizlet
ways’ to engage with Quizlet (Ravipati, 2017). helped her lengthen the attention span. She
It also proves that Quizlet is a new, enjoyable further explained that she had to keep
way of vocabulary learning (Lander, 2016; practicing in Quizlet and fully pay attention to
Beyer & Lynch, n.d.); the lecturer's instruction, hence she was able to
defeat her friends’ score. In other words, the
Generating learner autonomy feeling of competition motivated students to
Furthermore, the use of Quizlet in the keep their persistence. It is in line with Lens,
classroom helped students generate their Lacante, and Vansteenkiste (2005) who
autonomy. Since Quizlet is easily accessed, declared that the persistence did not only
they could use the apps inside and outside the depend on their motivation but also the
classroom. The ease of access improved competing activity.
Agung Ginanjar Anjaniputra & Vina Aini Salsabila
The merits of Quizlet for vocabulary learning at tertiary level

This finding demonstrates that the needed by them and the way of learning they
implementation of Quizlet was quite prefer. Short attention span and low focus are
successful in turning students’ short attention changed into persistence and engagement in
span into persistence in the learning. Hence the learning. Furthermore, learner autonomy is
this statement confirms the finding of the reflected in continual learning outside the class
observation in meeting 3. as the students are motivated to get their
names shown at the top scorer lists. However,
Generating learner engagement further studies are required to see its
The last finding from the interview is the significance, whether or not Quizlet can
improvement in students' engagement. The improve students’ motivation and
students assumed that they tended to be more achievement. Robust research procedures are
active in the classroom. Since all students were also suggested for the improvement of this
ordered to use Quizlet in the classroom, they study.
automatically participated in classroom
activity, as mentioned by Student 4 who said ACKNOWLEDGMENT
that: We would like to extend our sincerest
“Firstly I felt ‘obliged’ to access Quizlet but after I gratitude to the English Education Study
tried it, I became more motivated to use it again Program of Suryakancana University that has
and again. I also wanted to be more active in class
because I learned a lot of vocabularies) from it
always been supportive so that this study could
(Quizlet)” (Student 4). be done, and also to the fourth year students of
This report designates that the use of English Education Department who
Quizlet encouraged the students to be more participated in this study.
engaged in each classroom activity. Despite
some students claimed that using Quizlet as a REFERENCES
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