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Emilee St-Cyr

English 111

Professor Williams

September 24, 2019

The Reflecting Image

“Childhood is the fiery furnace in which we are melted down to essentials and that

essential shaped for good” (Katherine Anne Porter). During your childhood, your priorities are

strictly based on what you want in that moment to bring you pure happiness. These priorities are

what shapes you as a person and prepares you for the future. When this picture was taken, my

priorities were completely different than what they are today. Back then, my actions and

motivations were solely based on what I felt in that moment, at that time. Now that I am older,

my priorities are based on the goals that I have for myself and make decisions off of reason and
logic. I no longer think about what is happening in that moment, it is all based on the future that I

want to see myself in. I have changed as a person because of my priorities, experiences, and

beliefs to shape my future. When you are a child the world is new, beautiful, fun, and full of

imagination, but when you get older, you must step outside of your utopia into reality.

The little girl in that photo is completely different than who she is now. I was four years

old, living in the time of my life in my perfect three-bedroom home. I had a family that loved me

and a roof over my head. In that photo, I was at my grandmother's house in my usual attire which

consisted of a tiara, tutu, fuzzy high-heeled slippers, and everything pink. That girl was carefree,

happy, go-lucky, and was always up for an adventure. Those adventures consisted of going to the

park, mountains, playgrounds, etc. and just being as happy as possible. I was always the first one

to jump into the freezing water, jump off the playhouse into the pool, or chase down the ice

cream truck. I was a wild child who was not scared to go up to anyone and start a conversation.

As a kid, I also never considered or cared about, what people thought of me or what I did.

Throughout my childhood, my priorities never really changed. Every decision I made was

based on whether or not something would make me happy. At the time, it almost seemed like the

decisions I made were already made for me. Everything came naturally to me, which made all

my choices impulsive actions that I thought would benefit myself or someone else. My main goal

in life was for everyone to be happy and to help anyone who was not happy. Since my priorities

were not based on reason or what lies ahead, most of them satisfied me only for a short time

which I would then move on to the next thing that produced happiness. I never looked into the

future and thought of where I might end up going or who I might be. The things I prioritized

were essential to life for me at the time, but would not be adequate to fit my current life.
During these years of living my life, I had not come to my own way of beliefs or ideas.

For as long as I can remember all my thinking was based on my parent’s beliefs. Although I was

raised to have my own opinions and speak for myself, I did not do much of it until I got into

middle school. That’s when I started to acquire my own beliefs, morals, ethics, etc. But when I

was young I thought everything my parents taught me about life was the only right way to think.

Since I did have to look up to my parents, everything they taught me I took in and lived by. From

my naive thinking, I believed that everything in the world was pure and good. As a young child,

I never saw evil in the world or people, and I thought everyone and everything was perfect.

As I have gotten older I have gone through experiences and situations that have shaped

me into the person I am today. Since the picture was taken not only have I changed in

appearance I have also changed as a person. Unfortunately, I no longer run around my

grandmother’s house singing at the top of my lungs in a tiara, tutu, and fuzzy high-heeled

slippers. Now I run around my grandmother’s house trying to get all my homework and chores

done. Despite my efforts in trying to get out of this burden of work, I must complete my

responsibilities. When I am not stressing away at those responsibilities, my adventures are less

family involved and mostly consist of my friends and I. The carefree and outgoing child did

leave as I grew up and blossomed into a shy, anxious teen.

Growing up comes with a lot of new responsibilities and priorities that take over your

life. My priorities are based on very different things than what they used to be. Everything I do

now in high school will determine my future college career, so it is not surprising to most that I

prioritize school. For myself, I have big goals for the future and my life. Most of them are based

on getting into a good college and career path, but others are based on my desire to live a
fulfilled life. I want success for myself in the future, but also I want days that are lived like they

are the last ones. Being successful in your career is important but living a happy life is even more

important, and I strive for my future self to have that achievement.

My morals and beliefs have also changed as I have gotten older. I used to base my

thoughts on what I thought my parents would do or say, but now I have come accustomed to my

own beliefs. I believe life is absolutely beautiful and it is a miracle that we are even here in this

moment. I wish for people to have more moments that reflect this feeling of importance and

fulfillment. I feel that life does not make time for these wonderful moments and you must make

time for yourself to enjoy this time. Maybe the reason we do not have these moments is because

of what we prioritize, but I do not think that is our fault. As our society has grown and evolved I

think our perspectives of each other and the world we live in has started to change and decline.

The society as a whole puts a large amount of pressure on growing minds that makes them

believe they must live a certain way. I do not believe there is only one way of living, and I have

learned that from my own personal experiences as I have grown up. Now that I can think for

myself I have all these ideas on society and the general wellness of the world.

Since the photo was taken of me at the age of four, I have changed a tremendous amount.

Not only have I changed as a person, because of my experiences, I have also changed my morals

and beliefs. Most of my thinking and actions were evolved around my parent’s lessons and

parenting. The years of their intel on life has surely helped me navigate through the

ever-changing world we live in. As a result of their parenting, I believe I will be prepared for the

future ahead in and outside of school. If I was able to go back to that moment in that photo, I

would not trade it for anything in the world. Although it is amazing to be a young kid and have
all those adventures, the current freedoms and possibilities outweigh the sweet memories. The

kid in that photo has no idea what world she is about to step into, but I know she can handle it. If

I could tell that little girl in the photo one thing, it would be to not allow society to put

expectations upon her and alter her happiness. Little does she know how strong she is and how

many people she will meet along the way that will heavily impact her life.

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