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DATE: OCTOBER 17, 2019



The purpose of this proposal is to request authorization to research and test an electrical
car charging road in order to determine if this will bring more revenue to the company by
increasing the electric car populations and lower carbon emissions in the United States.


On October 17, 2019, Chief Executive Officer, Steve Zuckermusk, asked us to develop a
better way to bring more income to the company and fix the low usage and efficiency
rates of our AML Charging Stations, by researching and testing AML charging roads.

Currently, AML Productions makes, owns, and operates Car Charging Stations networks
for electric cars along the west coast. Recently our charging stations’ usage and
efficiency rates have slowly decreased, causing a big problem for AML Productions. A
big issue is that not many people own electric cars due to high prices and the
inconvenience of charging the cars. People tend to buy gas powered cars due to their low
cost, easy accessibility, and lower gas pumping times. This is not only a big problem for
our company, but gas-powered cars are hurting the environment and global warming is a
big issue that could hurt our company even more.

These global warming issues arise, because there is a low electric car population here in
the United States. There were around one million electric cars in the U.S in 2018,
compared to the 270 million gas powered cars in 2017. (Harto, Electric). The reason for
these numbers is, because of the inconvenience of charging electric cars. A new 2019
Camry can last around 600 miles on a full tank, and once it needs to refuel it only takes
around 5 minutes to do so. (Parkway Toyota). In contrast, a new Tesla Model S, tends to
last around 250 miles when it is fully charged (FAQ Plug-In). Owners need 8 hours to
fully charge the car, or a 30-minute charging wait for only 60 miles on the road. People
tend to drive an average of 300 miles a week, which means an electric car, on average,
needs to charge at least 4 times a month, compared to 2 times a month for a gas-powered
car. Another reason for our stations’ usage being low is that some stations are not all
made universally, some require a special charging port. If this happens and the car is on
low charge the driver must hurry to find another station with the same port. There are not
a lot of stations around due to high cost. Stations, on average, run around $400 -$6,000
US dollars for higher quality stations. (USDE, 3).

There have been some solutions, but they have not been effective in solving the
problems. In the U.K, the solution to prevent car pollution in certain areas was quickly
shot down in court. Other unsuccessful solutions include laws for idling a vehicle, time
and distance driven on roads, and encouraging walking or biking around (Carrington,
UK). A big issue is using more gas-powered cars which reduce our profit and increase
pollution. More charging stations have been installed, in response to the low usage rates.
We have also tried installing home charging stations, but the stations are expensive,
costing a family around $1,000 dollars to install. Many more efforts have been set forth
but are not solving the problems (ImproveNet, Car Charging).

AML Productions, has been impacted by this in all areas of the company, translating into
loss of profit. There are fewer electric cars on the road than gas powered cars, which
means less people use and buy our stations. Just testing the market for car charging roads
will prove it’s worth the investment. AML Productions will have to spend more money
annually, by hiring and training new employees, as well as purchasing and developing
new equipment in order to keep up with new stations for newer cars. These issues could
decide the future of the company, with it expanding further like we have proposed. This
does not only hurt the head of the company but all the employees in it. We would have to
lay employees off, due to low profits, or reduce their pay. Another way that would affect
our employees, is that their talents would be wasted designing stations that are not
needed, because no one buys them.

Proposed tasks

With Dr. Zuckermusk’s approval we would like to complete the following tasks to help
determine how to test and bring some more income to AML productions.

Task 1: Contact car charging companies about their thoughts on charging roads

By contacting companies that produce electric cars, car charging stations and car
charging roads we will obtain a better understanding of how this project is going to
benefit and expand our corporation. Companies such as Tesla who produce electric cars

can give a good insight as to who the average consumer is and where they live. Car
charging station companies can help our research in a similar way by answering AML’s
questions about where their stations are most requested to be located at, how much they
spend producing them, and have they been successful with making only the stations.
Contacting the agencies for the car charging roads will be more challenging for they are
only in Europe. There are a lot of questions AML has for the car charging road
companies. A few of these questions are how the installation of the EV roads has
improved electrical car sales, how many vehicles use the car charging road per day, is
there a fee for using the road, etc.

Task 2: Survey engineers on their thoughts regarding charging roads

One of our biggest priorities is making sure our employees are safe, happy and
compensated for their labor. In order to achieve this we will interview a wide variety of
engineers including but not limited to; chemical, civil, electrical, geotechnical,
mechanical, etc. These surveys will include questions concerning their knowledge of the
information included in our proposal, average wage they would receive in their field,
experience with the technology, good and bad things they have seen come from
completing it and how can AML productions make our future employees experience
exceptional employment.

Task 3: Interview people, if this road would increase their chances of buying an
electric car

AML production will be asking people that commute to driving every day to work and
home. We want the input of the people that will use our electric roads every day. To
better have an idea and implement the best situations most useful for the people to use..

Task 4: Understand how these charging roads will work

In order to fully understand and develop our electric roads, we must be well prepared.
AML productions will do research on how to correctly implement these roads and ideas
for the best production and safety for all. We will contact others or any company that has
a similar idea to have the input and ideas on this task.

Task 5: Determine what materials, technology and engineers are needed to


In order to understand how these roads will work, we will need to research the first
electric car charging road built in Sweden. We have begun our research, but more tasks
are left to be completed. The first road was opened in Sweden, in a country where the
fuel economy surpasses the fuel economy by far. It cost over 1.2 million dollars for one
Km of electric road, but it is much cheaper to make than a tramline. It would in theory get
more people to switch over electric car which reduce pollution and proving pay cuts to
the company making it. It can work with many electric cars, but those companies need to
agree and implement the technology to their cars, so it becomes a success. It is a two-rail
system built into a road and the car lowers terminals which charge the car. It only charges
if the car is moving, as a safety measure (Boffey, electrifies road). To understand this

further we will see what materials we need in order to get this done and what type of
engineering and infrastructure is needed as well. This will let us know how much money
we can bring to the company, what people we need, and how this will help our company

Task 6: Determine what location would be best suited for testing

On the west coast there is not much need for electric car roads according to Statista, there
are over 10 charging stations per 1,000 miles of road. This is due to the great number of
electric car population in the west coast. Texas has around 1 – 5 charging stations per
ever 1,000 miles due to the low population of electric cars (Statista map). This makes
Texas the perfect contestant for our electric charging roads, because it does not have too
many or too little electric cars. We can install the road in an area with high car population
with electric and gas powered, but we also need to take into consideration, if we can build
around a certain area. There are places around Texas where this could be possible, Fort
Worth and Dallas being our top favorites due to the DFW Airport. We need to research
where in Fort Worth or Dallas, the electric road would work best taking into
consideration the area, population, car population, cost of land, and some more factors.


Figure 1.0 shows the tasks we have proposed to complete for this project.

Tasks Completion of tasks (by Days)

Task 1- Contact companies in
their views on our business Figure 1.0
producing charging roads

Task 2- Survey engineers on

their thoughts regarding
charging roads.

Task 3- Interview people, if this

road would increase their
chances of buying an electric car

Task 4- Understand how these

charging roads will work

Task 5- Determine what

materials, engineers and
technology are needed to
accomplish the electric roads.

Task 6- Determine what location
in the U.S. would be best suited
for testing.

Task 7- Prepare Report.

22 24 29 31 5 7

Experience AML Production Qualifications

Global warming is a big issue facing the world today and not many people have taken the
initiative, but AML Productions will get that started. Petroleum Engineer, Michael
Moreno, is interested in solving problems regarding crude oil and natural gas spills. In
addition, transferring energy safely and the most productive way possible. Michael thinks
that trying to implement electrical charging roads is a good way to start. Aerospace
Engineering, Ashleigh Weglicki, is interested in meeting difficult challenges that stretch
over policy, science, and technology, in order to protect the environment. In the future I
hope to work on more environmentally green projects like this one. Mechanical
Engineering, Luis Pozos, would like to work most preferably on cars and renewable
energy and electric cars is a great start. Luis would like to help with increasing the use of
cars that are more efficient by creating things such as this electric road in order to lower
carbon emissions. AML Productions recognizes electrical cars, car charging stations, and
EV charging roads as an ideal place to start since fossil fuel is the biggest contributor to
air pollution.

Works Cited

Baxter, Eric. “10 Possible Transportation Pollution Solutions.” HowStuffWorks Science,

HowStuffWorks, 8 Mar. 2018,


Boffey, Daniel. “World's First Electrified Road for Charging Vehicles Opens in

Sweden.” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 12 Apr. 2018,


Carrington, Damian. “UK's New Air Pollution Plan Dismissed as 'Weak' and 'Woefully

Inadequate'.” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 5 May 2017,


Costs Associated With Non-Residential Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment. US

Department of Energy , 2015, pp. 2–3, Costs Associated With Non-Residential

Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment.

Davis. “FAQ.” Plug-In Hybrid & Electric Vehicle Research Center, UCDavis,

Expert, Product. “2019 Toyota Camry Gas Mileage and Driving Range .” New and Used

Toyota Dealers, Toyota, 11 July 2019,





harto, chriss. “Electric Vehicle Sales Hit New Peak in 2018, but a Lot of Room for

Continued Growth.” Advocacy, ConsumerReports, 15 Jan. 2019,


“How Much Do An Electric Car Charging Stations Cost?” 2019 Electric Vehicle

Charging Station Cost | Install Charger, ImproveNet,


Megna, Michelle. “Average Miles Driven per Year by State.”,

CarInsurance, 21 July 2016,


Mitchell, Russ. “Electric Vehicle Sales Are up Sharply in California, Mostly Due to

Tesla.” Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles Times, 11 Sept. 2019,


Richter, Felix. “Infographic: Density of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations in the United

States.” Statista Infographics, Statista, 4 Nov. 2016,

“US VIO Vehicle Registration Data 2018, Fast Quote on Car Data.” Hedges & Company,

HedgesCompany, 1 July 2019,



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