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{ Note: The Help Document for “Talk-Delta” you are about to read is written by

considering the s/w version <10|12|17>. You may experience the difference on
certain points as per the version of the software you are using. The purpose of this
document is to guide users through the functions and screens of the software. If
you still have any queries or doubts always feel free to call on our Customer Help
lines. }

Help Document

Login Form:

Enter proper User Name and Password then click Ok to start the software. If you find your tokens (for
F&O, Equity or Currency) expired then you can always update them by clicking on links specified at
bottom of the form.

{Note: Clicking on link will open new window; click on “Upload” to update the tokens.}

Main Form:

After entering valid User Name and Password it will lead you to our Main form:

File Menu:

Creating New Portfolio:

To create new portfolios select Menu: File > New Portfolio [ keyboard shortcut key Ctrl + N ]

Portfolios are created automatically when user trades within any new script. But for times, when you
want to create new Portfolio manually, use New Portfolio Form to create New Portfolio. Select script
name and month for which you wish to create new portfolio.

Open Portfolio:

To view all created portfolios select Menu: File > Open Portfolio [ keyboard shortcut key Ctrl + O ]

This screen shows you your Portfolio wise position with profit/loss values. All those strikes in which
you have traded will be shown automatically. You can also add new strikes if you wish to. (refer
Manual Entries). If you don’t want to see squared-off strikes; you can always hide them. (refer System
Settings). Also, you can set different IVs to different strikes. Just select a strike and press “Alt + I” and
enter new IV. (refer System Settings).

Different buttons used on the portfolio form:

1. Manual Entry of Option [ keyboard shortcut key F1 ] [See Manual Entries]

2. Manual Entry of Futures / Equity [ keyboard shortcut key F2 ]
3. Manual entry of Strikes [ keyboard shortcut key F3 ]
4. Trade Trail [ keyboard shortcut key Alt + T ]
5. Simulation [ keyboard shortcut key Alt + N ]

There are three different screens in the software which shows you online data (Open Portfolio, Live
Bhavcopy and Live Summary Portfolio). This group of buttons lets you to cycle through these three

1. Open Portfolio [ keyboard shortcut key Ctrl + 1 ]

2. Live Bhavcopy [ keyboard shortcut key Ctrl + 2 ]
3. Live Summary Portfolio [ keyboard shortcut key Ctrl + 3 ]

{Note: As you can see the first button is disabled; it means you are in first screen i.e. on Open
Portfolio screen.}


This field shows token number of Future and/or Equity for current portfolio. It will be automatically
mapped when new portfolio is created. If you find this field empty then you need to update new
Contracts [ Explained later in Troubleshoot] or assign it manually. [See Modify Portfolio]

{Note: Online rate will not be shown for those portfolios for which tokens are not mapped.}

To change portfolio use portfolio list [ keyboard shortcut key Alt + A ]

It may possible for you to have more than one user mapped into the software; if you tick this option
you can view the bifurcated position as per individual user code wise. [See System Settings]

1. Expense on expiry (valid only on Expiry Date)

2. Start Online Function [ keyboard shortcut key F7 ]
3. Stop Online Function [ keyboard shortcut key F7 ]
4. Summary of Portfolio
5. Start / Stop Automatic Upload [See System Settings]
6. Close [ keyboard shortcut key F10 ]

1. Calculator
2. Export to Excel (only Options)

1. Save all Sheets along with manual entries [ keyboard shortcut key Ctrl + S ]
2. Print Report using Crystal Report
3. Size and Color Settings (only for Options)
4. Delete Manual Entries [ keyboard shortcut key Ctrl + Shift + H ] [See Manual Entries]
5. Hides Squared-off Strikes [ keyboard shortcut key Ctrl + 0 ]
6. Toggles “Add Iv” functionality [ keyboard shortcut key Ctrl + 6 ]

This button hides the whole “Accounting profit/Loss values” panel. You can also use keyboard
shortcut key Ctrl + “ + ”.

This button is used to calculate Todays Expenses for all portfolios. You can also use keyboard shortcut
key Shift + T. [See System Settings]

Size and Color setting:

This button is used to set customised values for color and font size for options screen.

Manual Entries:

{Note: When you choose to enter new manual entry as “Temporary” then you must save those entries
explicitly prior to closing that portfolio, whereas “Permanent” manual entries will be saved
automatically as they are created.}

1. Creating New Strikes:

By default software will show all those strikes in which trade has occurred. To add single new
Strike select Menu: Utilities > Add Strike [ keyboard shortcut key F3 ]

To add multiple Strikes select “Add Multiple Strike”. Then enter number of Strikes you wish to add
above and below the Mid Strike with difference value; it will create all requested strikes for Call and

2. Manual Entry of Option:

To add manual entry of an Option first select a strike for which you wish to add option’s
manual entry then select Menu: Utilities > Option [ keyboard shortcut key F1 ]

3. Manual Entry of Futures / Equity:

To add Manual entry for Future / Equity select Menu: Utilities > Future [ keyboard shortcut
key F2 ] Select whether you want to enter Future or Equity.

4. Deleting hand-entries:

This button deletes (Forceful deletion) all hand entries entered (for current system date only)
from all portfolios.

First button will delete all hand entries while Second button will delete only option’s maunal
entries by keeping (manual) strikes whose net position is zero.

Modify Portfolio:

To modify or delete any existing portfolio press Menu: File > Modify Portfolio. This form is used to
modify the Expiry Date of portfolios and to map tokens manually.

If you wish to assign token numbers manually then double-click on portfolio and enter proper Token
No. and click “Update” to save changes.

{Note: To delete multiple portfolios, first select portfolios which you want to delete. Then click on
“Delete Selected” button.}

Delete Portfolio:

To delete any particular portfolio first select it and go to Menu: File > Delete Portfolio. [ keyboard
shortcut key Ctrl + D ]

{Note: If you delete any portfolio then all data inside that portfolio will be deleted permanently.}

Closing Application:

Pressing Menu: File > Exit will close the program and it will take automatic backup of current work.
[ keyboard shortcut key Alt + F4 ]

On every Application Closure it will ask you for automatic backup. Clicking on “Backup” button
(Recommended) will create Backup copy of a Database into “D:\Talk-Delta Access Setup\Backup\”
folder which you can use for restoring purpose. [See Troubleshoot]

{Note: The path for backup file mentioned above is default path. In some machines the actual path
could be different depending on Partitioning Drive’s names. The easy way to locate Backup files is to
right-click on Talk-Delta exe icon on desktop > click on Properties > click on Find Target > double-
click on Backup folder.}

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Masters Menu:

Script Master:

This form holds all preloaded Scripts. In case, if user trades in a new Script which is not present in the
Script Master; it will be automatically added into master. This form can be accessed by pressing Menu:
Masters > Scripts

Use this window when you wish to create any Dummy Script or change the Exposure Limit of Script.

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User Master:

To create new user or edit existing users press Menu: Masters > Users

Using this screen you can add new user, modify existing user details or delete particular user.

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Expense Master:

To view Expense Master Press: Menu Masters > Expense:

Values stored on this form are used for Expense calculation. The values shown in above image are
default values; you can change these values as per your need. To edit Expense Master Click “Edit”
button, enter new values then click “Update” to save the changes.

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Merge Script:

To view Merge Script Press: Menu Masters > Merge Script

This function is useful when you want to see consolidated position of two different scripts. (For
Example NIFTY and MINIFTY together)

Here is the example of joining NIFTY with MINIFTY.

STEP 1: click on “New” button.
STEP 2: Select NIFTY in Merge Script Name.
STEP 3: Now Select NIFTY in Scripts and click on “Add to List”
STEP 4: Again Select MINIFTY in Scripts and click on “Add to List”
STEP 5: click on “Save” button.
STEP 6: Hide MINIFTY [See Hide Portfolio Settings]

{Note: This option will show consolidated position for two scripts only from the time after we merged
them. If you have any backdated trades then their positions are shown separate. So for proper result
delete both portfolios and re-upload data since the date you traded in that portfolio.}

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View Menu:

Multi Contract:

This Form can be accessed by pressing Menu: View > Multi Contract

Multi contract shows you the simulation for selected group of portfolios. First double click on desired
Script; your all portfolios within that script will be shown into lower screen. If you want to check the
simulated effect ( i.e. effect of Days reduce, Call/Put volatility and rate change ) on all portfolios of
selected Script then select “All Portfolio” and specify the values. Remember, these values will be
applied to all portfolios. Also, if you want to see the simulation only for single selected portfolio, then
click “Selected Portfolio”. Now specify the values and press enter to see the effect.

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Delta Analysis:

This Form can be accessed by pressing Menu: View > Delta Analysis

This screen can be used as Advanced Simulation. This form shows the effects of change in Rate,
Volatility and Days on Portfolio. You can select Portfolio using second combo-box. Third combo-box
allows you to select mode of analysis. Functions of different modes are explained below:

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Mode 1: Balance vs. Rate

This report gives you the overall status of a portfolio (Balance, Delta Neutral to be done, Greeks, etc.)
if underlying rate matches with the rates specified into rate scale.
This mode of analysis shows you the change in Balance and Greeks by varying the Rate and keeping
Volatility and Days constant.

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Mode 2: Balance vs. Volatility

This report gives you the overall status of a portfolio (Balance, Delta Neutral to be done, Greeks, etc.)
if Volatility in the market matches with the Volatility specified into Call / Put scale.

This mode of analysis shows you the change in Balance and Greeks by varying the Volatility while
keeping Rate and Days constant. Further you can also choose whether you want to vary Volatility of
“only Call”, “only Put” or “both”. Enter desired values and click “View Details” button to see result.

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Mode 3: Balance vs. Days

This report gives you the overall status of a portfolio (Balance, Delta Neutral to be done, Greeks, etc.)
if days are reduced towards expiry.
This mode of analysis shows you the change in Balance and Greeks by varying the Days and keeping
Rate and Volatility constant.

Function of Different buttons on this report:

1. Clears all text boxes

2. Displays the result
3. Exports result to MS-Excel file
4. Shows result in the form of a graph.

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Market Dynamics:

To view this report press Menu: View > Market Dynamics

This report gives you the status of your all portfolios if the Underlying Market Rate falls down or rises
with the percentage specified. Enter the percentage value and select criteria. Then press first button to
view the calculated rates. After this click on green button (located at the down corner) to view the

20 | P a g e
Option Strategy:

This Form can be accessed by pressing Menu: View > Option Strategy

This report is very handy when you want to set any strategies on Options. This report gives you
analysis of your position after putting manual entries of an Option.

{Note: Save all your data and close all opened forms prior to opening Option Strategies. This form is
used only for Options. The data (Manual Entries) entered on this screen does not get save as it is only
for temporary checking. Once you close this form it will be cleared automatically.}

First, select Portfolio then click on Button next to Portfolio combo-box. It will show you your actual
position. Now enter desired manual entries into any strike for which you want to set strategy. Click on
the green button to view result. It will show you the position of the selected portfolio along with
manually entered strategy.

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Delta Short/Long:

To view this screen select Menu: View > Delta Short/Long.

This report shows you the synthetic Call/Put Ratio on your quantitative position. Scroll the screen
sideways to see the whole form. To view Call/Put Ratio, first select portfolio and click the “View
Details” button.

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Live Bhavcopy:

To view this form select Menu: View > Live Bhavcopy. [ keyboard shortcut key Ctrl + L]

This screen will show you your mark-to-market position for all portfolios (one at a time). All the
functions of this screen are same as of “Open Portfolio” Screen. But on this form, as the name
suggests, it shows you the current market rate of an each option along with current market Volatility
and Underlying Market Rate.

You can make this screen as your working screen. You can do all basic things that you do on “Open
Portfolio” form (like upload, add manual entries, changing portfolios, etc). The advantage of using this
screen is you can see both values (i.e. with theoretical volatility as well as with current market

{Note: Expenses are not shown on this form. “New Balance”, “New Iv” and “New Last” are the mark-
to-market figures. To start / stop online function click on “Start” and “Stop” button or press F7 key.}

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Upload Menu

Manual Upload:

To manually upload data select Menu Upload > Manual Upload [ keyboard shortcut key F12 ]

This form is used when you wish to upload any file manually. Use the browser button to find the path.
After selecting the path choose the File Type whether it is future or equity. After this press the “Add to
List” button to add the particular file to upload list. And press “Upload Manual” button.

To upload these files continuously after a particular interval of time; tick on “Use Regular Interval”
and specify time interval and click on button with clock icon.

Different buttons used on the form:

1. Clears the file settings saved previously.

2. Saves the file settings along with path.
3. Expands the window
4. Docks the window
5. Starts/stops automatic upload of files on regular interval of time.
6. Manual upload
7. Exit

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Multiple File Upload:

For uploading data select Menu: Upload > Multiple File Upload [ keyboard shortcut key F8 ]
This function helps you to upload multiple files from specified path on regular press of “F8”.
(See Settings menu)

{Note: Prior to upload (F8); generate text files of your trades in your B.O.L.T. using “Alt + F7”}

Delete Uploaded Data:

To delete specific data in a given date range select Menu: Upload > Delete Uploaded Data

For deletion, first select Portfolio and Delete Option; then specify the date range for which you want to
delete data. Clicking on “Delete” button will delete all data for specified date range.

In this you four options:

1. Delete uploaded data: It only deletes the uploaded data (actual trades) and not the manual
2. Delete All hand entries: It deletes all the manual entries from specified date range.
3. Delete All hand entries having units and traded not equal to 0: This option retains all the
hand entries having units and traded as zero (blank strikes) and deletes the other hand entries.
4. Delete All: It deletes all the data.

Delete currently uploaded data:

Press Menu: Upload > Delete currently uploaded data [ keyboard shortcut key F6 ]

This function deletes (unloads) all uploaded data for the current day.

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Upload Bhavcopy File:

Press Menu: Upload > Upload Bhavcopy File or you can use keyboard shortcut key “F11”

This function uploads the Bhavcopy file from the file path specified in Bhavcopy file settings and
shows the effect of the refreshed value on the Balance. [See Bhavcopy File Settings]

{Note: The values which are shown after uploading the Bhavcopy file are temporary. That means;
after you close this form all the changes will be cleared.}

Upload Volatility:

This function uploads the volatility file and displays the refreshed volatility for all the scripts and
stores it.

Upload Future/Stock Rate:

This function uploads the Bhavcopy file and shows the effect of refreshed values of Futures and
Equities on the Portfolios and stores it.

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Utilities Menu:

Expense Details:

To Calculate Expenses select Menu: Utilities > Expense [ keyboard shortcut key ALT + E ]

This form will calculate Expenses of all portfolios for given date range. Specify the date range for
which you want to (re)calculate expenses and then click on “Ok” button.

{Note: To calculate expenses you have to be on “Open Portfolio” form.}

Trade Trail:

To view track of all your trades select Menu Utilities > Trade Trail [ keyboard shortcut key ALT +

First select Instrument type then press ok button. Following screen will show up:

27 | P a g e
First, select Type (Option, Future or Cash) Next select call/put and strike if it is an option. If you want
to view trade for any particular date; then tick on “Date wise” then select desired date and then click
on “Go” button.

Deleting particular Manual-Entries:

If you want to delete any particular manual entry then tick on “Show Hand Entries” then click on “Go”
button. This will show you all Manual Entries present for that selection. For deletion, simply tick on
check-box next to desired entries and click “Delete Selected Hand Entries” button.

{Note: You can identify manual-entries by looking at Trade ID. Actual trade entries have unique Trade
IDs whereas all manual entries have zero as a Trade ID.}


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To view simulation of your current portfolio select Menu Utilities > Simulation [ keyboard shortcut
key ALT + N ]

All traded strikes are shown automatically on this form. If you wish to add more rates you can do so
by entering proper values.

{Note: Balance means today’s balance and Exp. Balance means balance on expiry. Same goes for
other fields. Just scroll the form sideways to view more information.}

Settings Menu:
29 | P a g e
Configuration File:

To view File Configuration settings for the text file press Menu: Settings > Configuration File

This form is used to set column mappings for the input files. You can add new file settings or edit or
delete existing file settings. One should be very careful while configuring file settings; or application
may not evaluate expected output.

Multiple Files Upload Settings:

30 | P a g e
To set File path settings select Menu: Settings > Multiple Files Upload Settings

This form is used to set the path of the input files. Using folder browser the entire file path can be set.
You can add new file path settings or edit or delete existing. One should be very careful while
mapping file path settings; else application may prompt the error message when trying to upload trade

System Settings:

31 | P a g e
This form holds all the settings for the software. To set Settings select Menu: Settings > System
Settings. The layout of the System settings form is as follows:

{Note: The values shown in above figure are the default settings for System settings form.}

Here we have divided the above form into different sections to make you know the functions of each
option more easily.

32 | P a g e
This section of form allows you to toggle some key functionalities of software. First two text boxes
allow you to set maximum number of tabs to be viewed for admin and normal user.

Also, there are different check boxes as follows:

1. Ignore New Users: When it is checked and if there are any users which are not yet created then
it ignores all uncreated users from the upload procedure.

2. Check for Duplicate Trades While Uploading: Tick this option if you notice that your software is
showing same trades multiple times. (Do not tick this option unnecessarily; because this will slow your
upload process)

3. Use New Upload System: Tick this option and your upload process will speed up.

4. Calculate Today’s Expense on Run Time: If it is checked then expenses are calculated
automatically after every time you upload. (If this option is not checked then expenses will not
be calculated automatically. In this case, on Open Portfolio screen you need to press “Shift +
T” to calculate the today’s expenses.)

5. Do not delete hand entries while deleting uploaded data: If it is checked then all hand entries are
retained while uploads (F8).

6. Show New (Stored) IV (Call/Put): If this option is ticked then you can set different volatility for
different strikes.

7. Use Escape: Select this option if you want to close forms by pressing “Esc” key.

33 | P a g e
8. Use Usercode in Portfolio: It may possible for you to have more than one user mapped into the
software; if you tick this option you can view the bifurcated position as per individual user
code wise.

9. Use Merge Script: Use this option if you wish to merge different scripts together. For example
NIFTY and MINIFTY together.

10. Use Close Out: This option is useful if user want to close out the profit/loss for far month
portfolios. (Do not tick this option unnecessarily)

11. Show Scriptwise / Calendar Details: Tick this option if you want to see clubbed Delta
Neutral for current month portfolio and far-month portfolios. (Use only if you have far-month

12. Show those Strikes whose Net Position is Zero: If you remove this tick then strikes which
are squared-off will not be shown.

13. Calculate Userwise Expense: If you have more than one users into User Master, and if this
option is ticked then software will calculate userwise expenses along with total expenses. (Do
not tick this unnecessarily as Userwise Expense Calculation requires more time.)

14. Use Hide Portfolio: If enabled, this option hides the selected portfolios. (Note: This option
does not delete the portfolios. Data will be uploaded into portfolios even after they are hidden.)

15. Show Balance with Live M2M: If this option is ticked it shows exact M2M position of
portfolio on Live Bhavcopy form.

This option loads the default column settings on Live Summary Portfolio

Following section of the form is used to set no of digits after decimal point for Greek calculation. You
can set default values by selecting Set “Default option.”

34 | P a g e
In our software data upload can be done by either manual or automatic mode. Please select the suitable
method by clicking on either option. Select time interval after which you want to upload data
continuously. Also set time frame for automatic uploading.

On the following section of form, if you select the first tick then after every upload the rate is
refreshed to the last price for which you traded the underlying (either Future or Equity). If you tick the
second option then Current month’s rate is applied to the all far month group.

This section defines how the difference on Live Bhavcopy form is to be calculated. That is, if user
selects first option then difference will be calculated as Theoretical Price minus Actual LTP of an
Option (as per market). The second option does it in reverse order.

This section of form allows you to format profit/loss values in the way of currency. If you want to
format balance amount please tick on “Allowed” and enter desired zeroes. (e.g. 5 zeroes if you want to
see balance value in lacks.)

35 | P a g e
This section of form allows us to define the interest rate for stock scripts. {Note: By default all stocks
are calculated with 10% interest rate.}

Broadcast settings allows you to specify IP Address of a machine, Multicast IP, F&O Port and Equity
Port. {Note: For retrieving online data these settings must be entered correctly.}

Carry Forward:

To carry forward your equities select Menu Settings > Carry Forward. All the net quantity of
equities will be carried to the next month portfolio. (Note: To carry forward units present date must be
expiry date and next month’s portfolio has to be created prior to carry forward process.)

Bhavcopy File Settings:

This form can be accessed by selecting Menu: Settings > Bhavcopy File Settings

This form is used to map column settings for Bhavcopy file for input. Please set proper position of
column for every field, then set path for the Bhavcopy file and click Save to save the settings.

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Script Setting:

This form can be accessed by selecting Menu Settings > Script Settings. This form sets the initial
values provided on this form when the new script is found.

Database Menu:


There is a provision in the software to take automatic backup of database on every application exit.
Even then, if you want to backup your database manually then select Menu Database > Backup.
Browse the path for backup file and click “Backup” button.

37 | P a g e

If something goes wrong with the data or database file gets corrupted do not worry at all. Select Menu
Database > Restore to restore your previously saved database. Browse the path for database file then
select the database file you wish to restore and click “Restore” button.

Compact Database:

To compact (reduce) the size of your database by some amount select Menu: Database > Script Log

38 | P a g e
Monthly Data Backup:

As you know that as months (Expiries) passes your data gets larger as new entries are added into the
database adding its size and lowering its performance. To avoid degradation in the performance it is
always better to take monthly backup of data. To take backup of current month’s data select Menu
Database > Monthly Data Backup.

This process removes all portfolios of specified month from the database and stores them in separate
database with same month’s name; hence reducing the size of main database.

Select the year and month for which you wish to remove the data and click “Go” button. This will
show list of all portfolios present for that month (Expiry). Click “Backup” button to finalize the

39 | P a g e
Upload Log:

This form shows log of all previous uploads. This form can be accessed by clicking Menu: Database
> Upload Log

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Portfolio Log:

This form shows log of all previously created portfolios. This form can be accessed by Menu:
Database > Portfolio Log.

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Script Log:

Whenever any new script is found it will be created automatically. Script Log form shows all recently
created scripts. This form can be accessed by Menu: Database > Script Log

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Trade Log:

Trade Log form can be accessed by Menu: Database > Trade Log. This form shows the date on
which the last trade was uploaded into software. This form can also be used to see the date and time of
last trade made within all portfolios.

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Trade Transaction Log:

This form can be accessed by Menu: Database > Trade Transaction Log. This form displays the
total number of records uploaded into the software for selected date range.

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Tools Menu:

Days Reduce:

This form allows you to see effect of day’s reduction on your all portfolios. This form can be accessed
by clicking Menu: Tools > Days Reduce

Enter number of days you want to reduce and click on “Apply to All Portfolios” button. (For example
if today is Friday and you want to see Monday’s sheet; then enter 3) If you want to reset to current day
enter zero as a days to be reduced.

{Note: The effect of Days Reduce Tool only remains until the current session of software login. That
is, the next time you login into software the value of the Days to be reduced will automatically be
brought to zero. i. e. effect will be cleared.}

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Add IV:

This form can be accessed by clicking Menu: Database > Add IV.

This form allows you to store different volatility for different available strikes. First select desired
portfolio from the list. It will automatically show all present strikes created within that particular
portfolio. Simply, type the new volatility next to the desired strikes. Once you do that click on “Save”
button to save the changes.

{Note: In order to use this function first you must select “Show New (Stored) IV” option on System
Settings Form.}

Different buttons used on the form:

1. Saves the changes.

2. Clears all stored values to default values.
3. Closes the form.

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Graph Analysis:

This form can be accessed by selecting Menu: Tools > Graph Analysis
This form can be referred as simulation because it shows the effect of rate change and days reduction
on balance in the form of graph.

Firstly select, if you want to see results by “Script Wise” or “Portfolio Wise”. Next, select name of
Portfolio. (Script in case you select “Script Wise”.)

Now enter range of rate you wish to see graph for. Simultaneously, specify the date range. {Note:
Number of “From Days” should not be more than the days remaining to Expiry.}

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Show All Portfolio Summary:

This form can be accessed by selecting Menu: Tools > Show All Portfolio Summary
[ keyboard shortcut key Ctrl + R ]

This function shows the summary of all portfolios.

Different buttons used on the form:

1. Using this button you can adjust the column order. First, select the column name and click on
and buttons to move column up or down.
2. Closes the form.

1. Exports the whole form to MS-Excel 2003 file.

2. Opens the report using Crystal Report.

48 | P a g e
3. Calculator

This option exports the Volatilities of all created portfolios to MS-Excel 2003

User can specify the name that he/she wishes to see

on the print.


To calculate Span margin select Menu: Tools > Span. First, browse the file path of Span file and click
on “Calculate Span Margin” button. Software will show your Span margin utilization by script wise.
{Note: As you can see, the first entry is “Core”; it means your total Span Margin for all portfolios.}

{Note: In order to calculate Span margin you must install PC-Span software to your machine. Also,
you need to download Risk Parameter Files from You must have same RPF file
that of current date. Span margin will only be calculated for those portfolios in which you have

49 | P a g e
Delete Hand Entries:

Delete Hand Entries form shows all manual entries entered in selected portfolio. This form can be
accessed by selecting Menu: Tools > Delete hand entries [ keyboard shortcut key Ctrl + H ]

Filter the desired entries by selecting Portfolio name and Instrument type and then click the “Show
Hand Entries” button. Now select those entries you wish to delete; after confirming click on “Delete
Selected Hand Entries” button to delete them permanently.

50 | P a g e
Customize Menu Shortcut:

This form can be accessed by selecting Menu: Tools > Customize Menu Shortcuts [ keyboard
shortcut key Ctrl + P ]

This form is used to set your own customize keyboard shortcut keys to different functions and forms
of software.

Suppose if you want to change the current shortcut key for “Upload Bhavcopy File (F11)”; double-
click on “Upload Bhavcopy File”. Then select new shortcut key from the list and click on “Update”.
Do the same procedure if you want to change anymore shortcuts. Once you set new shortcuts for all
desired functions; click on “Apply Now” button to apply the changes. This will close your application
for applying the changes to take place. Backup your data before closing.

{Note: You cannot set same shortcut key for two different functions. Hence, if you want to set any
shortcut key to a function which has already been assigned to a different function; then you must clear
or change the shortcut key for that function first. Also, to clear the shortcut key select “none” from the

51 | P a g e
Hide Portfolio Settings:

This form can be accessed by selecting Menu: Tools > Hide Portfolio Settings. This function hides
the Portfolios selected on this form from all forms. Just select unwanted portfolios and click on “Hide
Portfolio” button; all these portfolios will be hidden from all screens.

After some time, if you want to see the hidden portfolio again; then deselect the portfolio to unhide it.

{Note: This function only hides the selected portfolios; and doesn’t delete them. So remember, if you
have any hidden portfolios then they still contains data in them. You must reopen the Portfolio screen
to see the effect.}

Remove Expense:

This form can be accessed by selecting Menu: Tools > Remove Expense. This form removes
(deletes) all expenses for selected portfolio up till the date specified.

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{Note: In case, if you mistakenly deleted expenses for any portfolio; don’t worry you can always re-
calculate the expenses using Alt + T}
Live Summary Portfolio:

This form can be accessed by selecting Menu: Tools > Live Summary Portfolio. This screen
provides the highly useful functionality by showing your total portfolio summary report with live
market rate. It shows you how many Delta Neutral you need to do as per the current market rate at
only one glance.

You can make this screen as your working screen same as Open Portfolio or Live Bhavcopy. Here, you
can change volatility of call/put and upload your text files too (by pressing F8). Or you can also see
the position within portfolios of particular script by selecting desired Script name (use Alt + A). This
will show you the script wise position.

Simply, press “Enter” key or click on name of the portfolio; and it will show you that Portfolio’s
screen. Pressing “Esc” key will bring you back to last screen. {Note: You must stop the Online capture
in order to enter into a portfolio.}

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Different buttons used on the form:

1. Start / Stop Automatic Upload Mode [See System Settings]

2. Shows Column Profile adjustment settings form
3. Shows Report using Crystal Report
4. Exports the whole form to MS-Excel 2003 file.
5. Calculator
6. Start Online Function [ keyboard shortcut key F7 ]
7. Stop Online Function [ keyboard shortcut key F7 ]
8. Close [ keyboard shortcut key F10 ]

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Live Bhavcopy with Buy and Sell IV:

This form can be accessed by selecting Menu: Tools > Live Bhavcopy with Buy and Sell IV. This
form has same functionality as of “Live Bhavcopy” form. [ Please refer Live Bhavcopy section
explained above ] However, on this form, besides Live Spot rate, Live IV and option’s LTP you can
see Bid / Ask Rate, Bid / Ask IV with Bid and Ask IV difference.

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Live IV Analysis:

This form can be accessed by selecting Menu: Tools > Live IV Analysis. This form could be used to
find better opportunity while trading; as it provides difference between Bid / Ask Rates, Bid / Ask IVs,
LTR rates and LTR IVs for any specified pair of strikes. (maximum four pairs of strikes)

First select the Portfolio for which you want to perform IV analysis. Then select pairs of strikes you
want to check the differences of IVs and rates. Start the live capture. (press F7) You will see the live
data for your selection.

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Help Menu:


To see about form select Menu Help > About. This form will show you the version number of
application software along with your registration details. Further, if you face any problems or have any
queries it shows the support help-lines for contact.

Keyboard Shortcuts:

To view all the keyboard shortcuts provided in Talk-Delta software select Menu Help > Keyboard

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Help Log:

To view help select Menu: Help > Help. This document will provide you all the necessary help
needed to understand the software. This document will guide you through every aspect of Talk-Delta

{Note: To view Help Document the “MS-Office 2003 Word” must be installed into your machine.}

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