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Many mosquitoes live for 2 to 3 months.

Most will die or hibernate when the temperature drops below

50 degrees. In tje U.S., mosquito season begins in early spring, peaks in the summer, and ends with the
first freeze. In parts of the world with warmer weather, they may be actove year round.

Mosquitoes live in grass and bushes located close to areas where humans live . Their favorite breeding
ground is standing water. They gather in neglected birdbaths, clogged rain gutters, storm drains,pools,
ponds, and other bodies of water that aren't flowing. Male mosquitoes don't bite but females do
because tbey need blood in their diet to reproduce.

Female mosquitoes have long, tubular mouthparts that allow them to pierce your skin and feed on your
blood. When they bite you, they inject saliva into your body while siphoning your blood. Their saliva
contains proteins that most people are allergic to. Mosquitoes can carry viruses, bacteria, and parasites
in their saliva, tbey can transmit those pathogens into your body, causing severe and even life
threatening illness.



Most people who get West Nile Virus don't have any symptoms. About 1 in 5 will have a fever and other
flu-like symptoms. Feeling worn out could take months to go away completely. A few people get a more
serious infection that causes brain swelling or meningitis. There's a very small chance yo could die.

People in 48 of the 50 U.S. states, Africa, Europe, the Middle East and West and Central Asia had West


First found in Africa in 1940s, this virus has spread to South and Central America, Mexico, the
Caribbean, Southeast Asia, and the Pacific Islands.

Most people don't know they have a zika. The symptoms are mild and usually run their course in less
than a week. You may have a fever, joint or muscle pain, pinkeye, or a rash.


You'll likely get a sudden high fever and may bleed a little from your nose and gums. It can be very
uncomfortable. Rest and treating tje symptoms are tbe only things you can do for dengue.

Some people get a more severe form, knlwn as dengue hemorrgahic fever. If your small blood vessels
become leaky amd fluid starts to build up in your belly and lungs, you'll need medical care right away.

Most countries in Africa and the Americas require travelers the vaccine for the yellow fever. If you get
symptoms, you can reliebe them with rest, fluids and medication, although you could feel weak and tired
for several months. About 15% of people who have mild symptoms will develop severe symptoms after
they start feeling better, including a higj fever, jaundice( your skin and the whites of your eyes turn
yellow), and bleeding. The disease can make your liver and kidneya fail, and it could be fatal.


The oldest mosquito bite illness causes more than 400,000 deaths worldwide each year . Countries
around the equator in Africa and tropical islands in the Pacific, such as Papua New Guinea, have the most
cases of malaria.

You can take drugs to help prevent malaria when you travel. Researchers are working on a vaccine.

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