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Republic of the Philippines

Laguna State Polytechnic University

Province of Laguna

Name: Peter Dominic B. Bigueras

Date: November 18, 2019

Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Province of Laguna

“Work Ethics”

Work ethics is a belief that hard work and diligence have a moral benefit and an inherent ability,
virtue or value to strengthen character and individual abilities. It is a set of values centered on
importance of work and manifested by determination or desire to work hard. Social ingrainment of this
value is considered to enhance character through hard work that is respective to an individual's field of

Work ethics is being done by contributing, doing, or interacting with people you are working
with. Thus, it is also what it describes you in a work. The main point here is that work ethics is the traits
you are showing into a work. Here is the list of traits every employee or an individual should posses.
Those traits includes the first one which is the attendance. I know we always heard that attendance in a
work or in a gathering is a must. This trait is the number one in all the list of work ethics in every
company. Why? Because it describes on how active and passionate you are in that specific work or
event. Second trait is the character. Character reflects who you are in a work, bad character is equal to
bad reputation, good character is equal to good recommendation or marketable work, good character
traits include loyalty, honesty, trustworthiness, dependability, reliability, initiative, self-discipline and
self-responsibility. Third would be team work. You must understand the obligation of everyone you are
interacting with and you must also know what collaboration means in working to achieve a team’s goal.
The fourth one will be the appearance and netiquette. It describes on how you appear to your
profession and how you communicate to your clients or bosses. Fifth will be your attitude and critical
thinking. Attitude affects your performance on how you socialize in your work area, think, do, and feel
the environment of your work. Sixth will be the productivity. You must know the right procedures of
your product or service offered and keep the method done of what you are trained or taught when you
started in that job. Seventh, the organizational skills. The skills of your workmates or organization you
are working will teach you to when you will need to stop or be quiet then ask for help if you don’t know
what or you don’t know how to do that certain work. Eighth would be the communication. You need to
practice effective communication for you to have good actualization with your clients or customers. You
must avoid communication barriers like language barriers, gender barriers, cultural barriers and also be
cautious with your verbal & non-verbal communication. The ninth will be the cooperation. Learn to work
with co-workers, use leadership skills when you are assigned to be a leader for a work, and learn to
manage your patience in a work. Lastly is the respect. Accept harassment but don’t harass your
workmates or clients, learn to know your limits in communicating with clients or workmates. You should
respect others to also earn respect from them and to be able for you to have an effective
communication to those workmates you are always with.

We all know that in a business organization, being an efficient and effective employee is really
needed. But in fact, many believes that the most powerful tool in a business is to have an employees
who have a strong work ethics. Those workers who are passionate and dedicated to their work with the
ability to interact, treat people well and have a strong foundation to do their job. Developing a strong
work ethics will have a huge impact for you as an employee. Without those work ethics being discussed
and inculcate, the business is nothing.

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