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Computer Software

Kelas Sarjana

Week 03

 Arie Satia Dharma, S.T., M.Kom

 Institut Teknologi Del – Laguboti, Toba Samosir

System Software
Applications Software
Productivity and Collaborative Software
Programming Language
The Issues Associated with Legally Software

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 Mahasiswa dapat mengerti apa yang dimaksud dengan

software, pengelompokan software, dan ruang lingkup
penggunaan dari software
 Mahasiswa dapat membedakan dan menjelaskan fungsi dari
kedua jenis software yaitu System Software dan Application

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A Set Tools for Productivity and Creativity …

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Software Definition

Software is the electronically encoded instructions that tell

the computer hardware what to do.

- Williams & Sawyer, 2015

Software is the general term for various kinds of programs

used to operate and manipulate computer and their
peripheral devices.

- O’Brien & Marakas, 2011

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Types of Software

The major types and functions :

 Systems software - software that enables the
application software to interact with the computer
and helps the computer manage its internal and
external resources.
 Applications software - software that has been
developed to solve a particular problem for users
such as to perform useful work on specific tasks or to
provide entertainment.

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System Software

 System software is the interface between the user and the

application software and the computer hardware.
 System software enables the application software to interact with
the computer and helps the computer manage its inter-nal and
external resources.
 There are three basic components of system software :
 Operating systems - An operating system is the principal component of
system software in any computing system.
 Device drivers - Device drivers help the computer control peripheral
 Utility programs - Utility programs are generally used to support,
 enhance, or expand existing programs in a computer system.
 Programming language translators - A programming language is a set of
rules that tells the computer what operations to do

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Williams & Sawyer, 2015
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Application Software

 Application software performs information processing

tasks for end users.
 Application software such as word processing,
spreadsheet, database management, graphics, an
communications packages are commonly used tools for
increasing people’s productivity.
 Application software can be classified in many uses. :
 Perangkat lunak hiburan
 Perangkat lunak individu
 Perangkat lunak pendidikan
 Perangkat lunak produktivas kerja
 Perangkat lunak khusus

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System Software

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Operating System

 The operating system (OS) consists of the low-level, master

system of programs that manage the basic operations of
the computer.
 Provide resource management services.
 Control and use of hardware resources, including disk space,
memory, CPU time allocation, and peripheral devices.
 Purpose of an operating system is to maximize the
productivity of a computer system.
 It minimizes the amount of human intervention required
during processing.
 It helps your application programs perform common
operations such as accessing a network, entering data, saving
and retrieving files, and printing or displaying output.

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Types of OS

Supercomputer :
Mainframe :
 MVS / VM / OS/2
Networking :
 Novel Netware / 2008 Server / Linux / Unix
 Chrome OS
Pada lingkungan PC :
 DOS / Windows / Linux / Macintosh OS
Cellphones :
 iOS / Android / BlackBerryOS / Windows Phone

14 Arie Satia Dharma 03/10/2017

Operating System

 The operating system (OS) consists of the low-level, master

system of programs that manage the basic operations of
the computer.
 Provide resource management services.
 Control and use of hardware resources, including disk space,
memory, CPU time allocation, and peripheral devices.
 Purpose of an operating system is to maximize the
productivity of a computer system.
 It minimizes the amount of human intervention required
during processing.
 It helps your application programs perform common
operations such as accessing a network, entering data, saving
and retrieving files, and printing or displaying output.

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Basic Function of Operation

 Providing a User Interface – End User/System and Network

 Resource Management – managing the use of hardware
resources like as CPU, memory, secondary storage, and
peripheral devices.
 File Management – managing data and program files.
 Task Management – managing the accomplishment of
tasks like as storing, printing, or calculating.
 Utilities and Support Services – providing a variety of
support services like as Security management.

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The User Interface

 User interface is the part of the operating system that

allows you to communicate with it so you can load
programs, access files, and accomplish other tasks.
 Three main types of user interfaces :
 Command-driven
 Menu-driven
 Graphical user interfaces

17 Arie Satia Dharma 03/10/2017

Resource Management
 An operating system uses a variety of resource management programs to
manage the hardware and networking resources of a computer system.
 Memory management – The operating system also manages memory
within main memory where the programs and data are stored. It can
swap portions of data and programs between main memory and
secondary storage, as so-called virtual memory. This capability allows a
computer to hold only the most immediately needed data and programs
within main memory.
 Queue, buffer, and spooling – Programs and data that are to be
processed wait on disk in queues . A queue is a first-in, first-out sequence
of data and/or programs that “wait in line” . The disk area where the
programs wait is called a buffer. Print jobs are usually spooled into a
buffer, where they wait in a queue to be printed. This happens because
the computer can send print jobs to the printer faster than the printer can
print them, so the jobs must be stored and then passed to the printer at a
rate it can handle. (The term spooling dates back to the days when print
jobs were reeled onto spools of magnetic tape)

18 Arie Satia Dharma 03/10/2017

File Management

 A file is a named collection of data or a program that

exists in a computer’s secondary storage, example :
 a word processing document, a spreadsheet, images, etc.
 program files are a word processing program itself.
 An operating system contains file management programs
that control the creation, deletion, and access of files of
data and programs.
 Finding & handling files
 Organizing files: directories, sub-directories, & paths

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Task Management

 The task management programs of an operating system

help accomplish the computing tasks of end users.
 The task management functions can allocate a specific
slice of CPU time to a particular task and interrupt the CPU
at any time to substitute a higher priority task.
Example : Task Manager in Windows.
 The task management classify into :
 Multitasking - more than one program can run at a time using
a single processor
 Time-sharing - multiple users can simultaneously use the
resources of a single processor
 Scalability - easy adaptation to more users or tasks

20 Arie Satia Dharma 03/10/2017

Security Management

 Operating systems allow users to control access to their

computers especially when several people share a
computer or network.
 Protection against unauthorized access – provide Logins
and passwords, users gain access in the same manner as
accessing their email.
 Protection against damage a computer system –
protected by security management software, like as
firewall and antiviruses / antispyware.

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Applications Software

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Productivity Software

Based on productivity software :

 Word Processing – allows you to use computers to create, edit,
format, print, and store text material, among other things.
 Spreadsheets – allows users to create tables and financial schedules by
entering data and formulas into rows and columns arranged as a grid
on a display screen.
 Groupware or Collaboration – software that helps workgroups and
teams collaborate to accomplish group assignments.
 Database software is a program that sets up and controls the structure
of a database and access to the data.
 A personal information manager (PIM) is software that helps you keep
track of and manage information you use on a daily basis, such as
addresses, telephone numbers, appointments, to-do lists, and
miscellaneous notes.
 Specialized Software – software that enhanced productivity at
particular tasks.

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Word Processing

 Word processing software computerize the creation,

editing, revision, and printing of documents (e.x.,
letters, memos, reports) by electronically processing
text data.
 Word processing packages also provide other helpful
features, like a formatting and spelling checker.
 Example top word processing packages.
 Microsoft Word, Lotus WordPro, Corel WordPerfect, and
OpenOffice Writer.
 Google Docs

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Word Processing

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 Electronic spreadsheet or spreadsheet is a worksheet

of rows and columns that can be stored on your PC.
 Commonly used for maintaining formulas, functions,
recalculation, & what-if analysis. Furthermore spread-
sheet packages using to create analytical graphics.
 Example programs :
 Microsoft Excel, Corel Quattro Pro, dan IBM’s Lotus 1-2-
 Google Spreadsheet

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 A database is a collection of interrelated files in a

computer system. These computer-based files are
organized according to their common elements, so
that they can be retrieved easily.
 The most common database application is database
management system (DBMS). Example:
 Microsoft Access.
 Microsoft SQL Server
 Oracle Database
 MySQL or MariaDB

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29 Arie Satia Dharma 03/10/2017

Specialized – Presentation Graphics

 Presentation graphics software uses graphics,

animation, sound, and data or information to make
visual presentations.
 Presentation graphics more effective than tabular
presentations of numeric data for reporting and
communicating in advertising media, management
reports, or other business presentations.
 Presentation graphics software Example
 Microsoft PowerPoint, OpenOffice Impress, Lotus
Freelance, or Corel Presentations.

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Graphics Programs

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Software Alternatives

 Many businesses are finding alternatives to acquiring,

installing, and maintaining business application
software purchased from software vendors or
developing and maintaining their own software in-
house with their own software developer employees
 A large and fast-growing number of companies are
turning to application service providers (ASPs).
 The low cost of initial investment
 The short time needed to get the Web-based application
set up and running

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Enterprise Application Software

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Enterprise Application Software

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Programming Languages

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Programming Languages

 Kumpulan kata kunci, simbol, dan sistem aturan untuk

membuat pernyataan dimana manusia dapat
mengkomunikasikan instruksi yang akan dieksekusi oleh
 Penerjemah bahasa pemrograman :
 Assembler – menerjemahkan kode sumber bahasa rakitan
ke dalam bahasa mesin.
 Compiler – menkonversi semua kode sumber menjadi kode
objek yang dapat dijalankan oleh komputer.
 Interpreter – menerjemahkan satu persatu instruksi dan
langsung menjalankannya di komputer.

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Evolution of Programming Languages

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First-Generation Languages

Machine Language
 the basic language of the computer, representing data as
1 and 0

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Second-Generation Languages

Assembly Language
 a low-level programming language that allows a
programmer to write a program using abbreviations or
more easily remembered words instead of numbers

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Third-Generation Languages

 procedural/object-oriented, language resembles some
human language such as English

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Fourth-Generation Languages

 A query language is an easy-to-use language for accessing
and manipulating data from a database management

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The Issues Associated with Legally

42 Arie Satia Dharma 03/10/2017

Legal Issues

The legal issue for free software and technologies,and the

information society in general, being:
 Copyright Law – or Intellectual Property Rights is referring to
the system of protection of original, literary, artistic or
scientific creations, which include software, and which reserve
to their owners the rights to reproduction, transformation,
distribution and public communication.
 Patent and Trademark Law – also known as Industrial
Property Rights is referring to the legal instrument used
by the owner of a work (software or other content) to
grant permissions to third parties to use such work, in
exchange for an economic remuneration or not.

43 Arie Satia Dharma 03/10/2017

Software Terminology

Based on obtaining application software :

 Proprietary Software – dijual secara komersil, memiliki hak
cipta yang melarang seseorang untuk menyalin dan
mendistribusikan kepada orang lain.
 Shareware – Free for period of times, but you should pay to
continue using it.
 Freeware – Available free
 Open Source Software – diperoleh secara bebas, tidak
dilarang untuk menyalin dan mendistribusikan kepada orang
lain, dapat mengakses kode sumber untuk melakukan
modifikasi atau pengembangan.
 Free Software – serupa dengan open source software hanya
berbeda filosofi yaitu free sotware menjamin bahwa
turunannya tetap berupa free sotware.
 Public Domain Software – tidak memiliki hak cipta sama.

44 Arie Satia Dharma 03/10/2017

Software Licensing

 When an individual or company buys a software

 They have not purchased rights of ownership.
 They have purchased a license to use the software under
the terms of the software licensing agreement.
 Software is generally licensed to better protect the
vendor’s intellectual property rights.
 Prohibits reverse engineering, modifying, disclosing, or
transferring the software.
 The license is right for not to duplicate or resell multiple
copies of the software.

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Software Piracy

 Pirated software is software obtained illegally, as when

you make an illegal copy of a commercial video-game.
 Software vendors are working hard to preventing
software piracy.
 To discourage software piracy, many software
manufacturers, such as Microsoft, require that users
register their software when they install it on their
 Many software pirates are reported to such organizations as
the Software and Information Industry Association, the
Interactive Digital Software Association, and the
Entertainment and Leisure Software Publishers Association.

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Thank You

47 Arie Satia Dharma 03/10/2017

Daftar Pustaka


Using Information Technology: A Practical Introduction
to Computers and Communications, Eleventh Edition.
New York : Mc Graw Hill.
O’Brien, James A and Marakas, George M. 2008.
Management Information Systems, Eighth Edition.
New York : McGraw-Hill.

48 Arie Satia Dharma 03/10/2017

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