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Answer the following questions clearly using your own words. Put
examples if you need any.
1. What makes parentese different from any other human

The speech that parents and others use in talking to children has a number of
distinctive characteristics that evidently aid language learning. For example,
parents generally talk to their children about what is happening in the immediate
environment and not about abstract or remote objects and events (Phillips, 1973;
Slobin, 1975). A sentence like ‘The dog wants water’ and not ‘Speech
comprehension precedes speech production in language learning’ is what a 1- or 2-
year-old is likely to hear even from these two authors!

2. How to apply four phase reading program to teach 3 years

old kids about kinds of fruit and their color? Explain your
ideas in accordance to the phase.

There are many fruits that can be used as examples of the easiest colors for your
little one. Moreover, the color of the fruit that should be familiar to children Well,
this way is believed to be the easiest. For example the color of apples, bananas,
mangoes and fruit colors that are always in the refrigerator. This way is easier
because children always see almost every day. Therefore, the way to memorize is
also easier.
Before teaching children to color, the main thing to do is to teach children to
distinguish colors. It was not difficult in teaching colors to children when he was a
child. However, it should be noted that teaching colors to children must be patient
so that he can distinguish well. After the child really can distinguish colors, then
teach how to color properly.

Start adjusting the color of the object being seen, for example "The car is blue",
"Look, daddy's shirt is red" and so on, this method is very effective so that children
can appreciate and remember the color we mentioned.
Teach children to understand basic colors first, colors that are familiar and often
seen everyday. like orange, red, green, yellow, blue, pink. Because these colors will
be very easily recognized and played by children.

3. What are the strengths and weaknesses of whole-word and


Decoding strengths :

children first to learn the sound value of letters and letter combinations. They believe
that children will then be able to read whole words by decoding them from their
component phonemes. The goal is for children to be able to decode written forms into
their phonemic forms which can then be expressed by spoken words.

fluent in spelling and good in pronoun.

Decoding weakness :

 Wrongly focuses on sound rather than meaning

( which focuses on the sound values of letters, is that such instruction draws the child’s
attention to meaningless sounds rather than to meaningful concepts.)

 Decoding is a very diffificult process

Whole-word streghts :

 The Whole-Word focus be on meaning

 They know the meaning. they understand what has been read.
 the learning of whole words right from the start will be easier and more effective
for readers in the long run. Instilling early in children the habit of decoding every
word they come upon will slow the speed of reading

Whole-word weakness:
not very fluent in reading

4. Can you see differences between children raised by animals

and by human in terms of language competence? In what
aspect can you see the differences?

certainly very different, the child raised by animals on average have

abnormalities in thinking, such as being too aggressive and also in language is
not normal.

5. How do you interpret exposure and prior knowledge? Do

they play role to build children language competence and
brain maturation? If yes, state your reason(s).

A child can learn any language. Prior language is the knowledge the learner
already has before they meet new information.

Yas, both of them is importantaspect to build children language competence,

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