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purpose or task achieved? One way of assessing the Biochemistry in the Medical Curriculum
success of small-group teaching is to issue a questionnaire;
in other words, to undertake a formal evaluation rather
than relying on hearsay. Questionnaires need careful Department of Biochemistry
planning and professional advice: at the very least, Faculty of Medicine
copying or modifying someone else's questionnaire, is University of Malaya
recommended. Kuala Lurnpur, Malaysia

Conclusions Introduction
In a recent book by Weatherall (The New Genetics and During the last fifty years, biochemical principles, con-
Clinical Practice5) the author called attention to the need, cepts and technology have become increasingly important
in his opinion, for a new generation of doctor who has a for the understanding of disease, clinical treatment and
foot firmly planted on both the clinical and the basic medical research. Advances in biochemical sciences have
sciences. There was, he said, a need for not only led to progress in medicine, and this is entirely recognised
education but also of discussion of the issues involved at by the medical profession.
all levels. Of course, I am not talking here solely about the However there is dissatisfaction with the teaching of
education of medical people. These skills are required by biochemistry in medical schools, especially in the pre-
all professional scientists. The tutorial can start the clinical years. Doctors and clinical students have often
process of discussion. This is important not only as a way criticised the teaching of biochemistry, saying that the
of helping the understanding of concepts but also of taking bulk of biochemistry taught to them in their preclinical
an active and informed part in discussing the issues. This is course has been only of minor value to them in their
totally different from learning something and then of clinical studies, investigation and treatment.l-3 Biochem-
reproducing it in an examination or of learning intellectual istry is considered as a hurdle by many. A general
and technical skills that might conceivably be of use in prevalence of dislike for biochemistry has built up over
future professional practice. It is the start to making a the years amongst students and this is disheartening to
contribution in science. teachers. It has been said that biochemistry is a difficult
To summarise, I believe that we should aim to develop, subject, not only for the student, but also for the teacher
in students, such mental skills as critical and analytical and this opinion is widespread. 4-6 The fact that many
thinking, interpretation and deduction, as well as com- attempts have been made to change the emphasis on
munication skills. Tutorial teaching and group discussion, formal conventional teaching highlights the problem.
if properly organised, must be one of our major ways of There have been many attempts at developing curricula to
achieving these. In addition, in the sciences, there is the make biochemistry more relevant to the study of medicine
need to integrate different facts, see overall patterns and and textbooks have been written with this objective. 7 That
discern general principles. In this respect, too, small- those doctors who have been through a system may from
group teaching would seem to offer the enlightened experience be able to improve that system for their
teacher outstanding opportunities. Most important of all successors must be acknowledged by the teachers and
is that a properly run tutorial will demand active involve- authorities in universities as part of a developing evalu-
ment of all the students. Active involvement means that ation of medical education.
knowledge must have been remembered, digested, cor-
rected, correlated, and can now be used. Feedback
It has been reported that we remember about 20% of We must recognise the importance of inputs from
what we hear, about 30% of what we see, about 50% of students, past and present, as well as the medical
what we see and hear, and 90% of what we do, that is, of profession in general, as their understanding will facilitate
what we actively participate in. Lectures and laboratory appropriate remedial measures towards improving the
classes obviously have their place. However, I believe that teaching of biochemistry to medical students. In order to
tutorial teaching, although it is the most expensive system get feedback information on the problems associated with
in terms of staff time, has greater potential than any other the teaching of biochemistry in the preclinical years, a
for effective teaching and for the production of a fully questionnaire was distributed to all students towards the
developed individual by our educational systems. end of the academic session. The areas covered included
the lectures, tutorials, practicals and general aspects of the
t Mehler, A H (1983) 'Strategies in Biochemical Education' Biochem
course. Information was also obtained through discussion
Educ 11, 95-118 with clinical students, doctors in teaching institutions and
2Newble, D and Cannon, R (1983) 'A Handbook for Clinical Teachers' hospitals. Information gathered by the medical students'
MTP Press, Lancaster, UK society in earlier years was also utilised, s'9
3Wood, A E (1981) 'Learning in Small Groups' in 'Biochemical The responses from students were analysed and are
Education' edited by Bryce, C F A, pp 141-155, Croom-Helm, London
discussed in the context of views expressed by other
4Bion, W R (1968) 'Experiences in Groups', Tavistock Press, London
educationists on this subject. The information presented
5Weatherall, D J (1986) 'The New Genetics and Clinical Practice'
(Second Edition), Oxford University Press, Oxford
here gives some feedback on the success or failure of

B I O C H E M I C A L E D U C A T I O N 16(1) 1988

instructional programmes and staff in biochemistry as well different subjects and they inevitably do so on the basis of
as on areas of concern (Tables 1-6). tradition and estimates of importance. Views of con-
sumers are generally not taken into account and so
Objectives curricular subject time and therefore importance can be
The objectives of the biochemistry course were not clear perpetuated in an authoritarian and empirical way.
to the majority of students: they could not appreciate the There is intense competition for curricular time, as the
purpose or relevance of the bulk of the biochemistry amount of subject matter to be learnt keeps growing.
taught to them (Table 1). Factual overload continues, for it is easier to add new
Students enroi in the medical faculty to become doctors material to the course than to delete it. Some traditional
and their major objective is the acquisition of skills physiological chemistry topics are often deleted.1
needed for medical practice. Our objective as teachers is The basic sciences like biochemistry cover such a vast
to equip medical students with an adequate biochemical range of knowledge that it is difficult for the student to
background for the study of medicine, ie to facilitate the have a profound understanding of any part. It must also
study and understanding of other medical disciplines. It is be appreciated that basic medical education is a continu-
a course which should also prepare medical students for ing process. Biochemistry is only one of the several
future years of medical education. 10 subjects in the medical curriculum, and other subjects
Many students had difficulty in coping with the first- both basic and clinical are equally important, t2 There
year medical curriculum. Of the three preclinical subjects, have also been advances in other areas. We have to be
biochemistry was ranked as the subject liked most by only realistic in the time allocated for biochemistry as well as in
16% of the respondents. Students thought that biochem- selecting what biochemistry needs to be included in the
istry was taught excessively in terms of the amount of time curriculum.
devoted to the subject. It is pertinent to ask whether One of'the major complaints of students and doctors
professional biochemists should decide what is important was the irrelevance of substantial parts of the course to
for a medical student? medicine (Tables 1 and 2). Often the student finds
Universities decide how many hours shall be spent on difficulty in relating biochemistry to other disciplines such

Table 1 Students' responses to a questionnaire on the Table 2 Students' attitudes to biochemistry (at the end of the
biochemistry course in the medical curriculum biochemistry course)

Respondents Respondents
(%) (%)
A Objectives not clear 55 A Ranking amongst the three pre-clinical
subjects (Anatomy, Biochemistry and
B Difficulty in coping with the 1st year Physiology)
medical curriculum 45 1st 16
2nd 39
C Application of biochemistry (taught in 3rd 45
1st year) to clinical years:
very often 1 B Interest
quite often 4 nil 16
sometimes 50 very much 39
hardly ever 45 average 45

D Retention of biochemistry (as taught in C Knowledge

the first year) for application in clinical learnt nothing 10
years: learnt a lot 4
good 0 average 86
fair amount 9
very little 91 D Enjoyment
boring 5
E How well has the department of bio- very much 9
chemistry prepared you for the clinical average 86
very well 0 E Future application
quite well 8 very useful 12
satisfactory 41 not perceived 5
poor 50 average 83



as anatomy, physiology, pharmacology and to the func- lower entry qualifications. Some books require knowledge
tioning of the body as a whole and thus the application of of extensive clinical situations. 7 Books which are recom-
these concepts to the disease process. Substantial parts of mended are at times not accepted and students resort to
the biochemistry course are irrelevant to the future needs books used by their seniors.
of contemporary medical practitioners and are presented
when the student is ill prepared to grasp their relevance What biochemistry should a practising physician know?
and significance to clinical practice. 1,3 It is appropriate to ask: are we preparing students to be
physician-scientists, or for a teaching/research oriented
Tutorials, practicais and exams career, or of course clinicians.12 Perhaps it would not be
Some of the comments made by students are worth presumptuous to say that we would like to have a better
consideration, even though they are not revolutionary clinician.
(Table 3). The traditional aim of supplementation and Any review of the teaching of biochemistry must also
reinforcement of didactic material is very often not take into account, in addition to the course content and
attainable. Very often there is no correlation between the context in which it is taught, the students and most
practical classes and the lecture topics. Often the equip- important the teachers. Some of the suggestions made by
ment and methods used affect the quality of results. students for improving the biochemistry course are listed
Dissatifaction with practical classes is nothing new. 6 in Tables 4 and 5, and some of the factors that may
influence students attitudes towards biochemistry are
Table 3 Some of the comments of students on practicals and given in Table 6. It is important to rationalise the medical
tutorials in biochemistry curriculum and to decide what should be taught to
undergraduates and what can be left to later years to be
Tutors have insufficient knowledge for conduct of prac-
taught as part of chemical pathology. 10 It is necessary to
ticals and tutorials
reduce the factual load in terms of the chemical content of
the course as well as details of metabolic pathways. There
Benefits of tutorials vary with the topics and tutors
is a need for proper distribution between basic and
clinically relevant biochemistry, and to orient biochem-
Often practicals have no correlation with lecture topics
istry courses towards clinical problems. 3"7'm Isolated
preclinical courses are inappropriate and if they are seen
Insufficient emphasis placed on objectives and principles
as unrelated to what is considered, rightly or wrongly, to
of the practicals
be the requirements of a practising clinician. The result is
likely to be the annhilation of students' enthusiasm and
Unsatisfactory discussion of results
motivation for studying biochemistry and medicine and
which are essential for progress in medical education and
The value of many of the practicals to practising practice.
physicians is limited. Often people who conduct these The need for relevance must be accepted as far as
practicals are isolated from developments in clinical possible and we make it clear to the students that the way
chemistry. In this connection a clinical chemistry format in which each topic relates to the clinical situation at the
may be useful, as clinical chemistry determinations and
clinical correlations may be more meaningful. There is a Table 4 Students' suggestions for improving the biochem-
global trend to reduce practical classes, with the hope that istry curriculum in the medical course
practical class time, if reduced, will be filled by more
lectures and tutorials. A depressing tendency indeed! Reduce the quantity of 'irrelevant' material taught
For maximum benefit, participation from both students
and staff is essential at tutorials and this calls for adequate Improve the quality of lectures and lecturers
preparation before coming to tutorial classes. 13
At present the learning of biochemistry is oriented Highlight relevance to the practice of medicine
towards overcoming examination hurdles. Medical
students will continue to be overloaded with masses of
Table 5 Biochemistry course content: some points for
factual information, whilst examinations will continue to
assess merely the ability to recall specific facts, rather than
their competence to apply basic principles in problem What is the role of biochemistry in medical education and
solution. 3.1o the training of doctors?
The requirements for studying medicine vary consider-
ably. In some countries a basic science degree is a What are the areas of biochemistry which are of relevance
prerequisite for the study of medicine and such students to other medical disciplines and medical practice?
have a high level of academic achievement. Textbooks
designed for such students are often also prescribed for How should the biochemistry course be taught?
students with inadequate knowledge of English as well as

B I O C H E M I C A L E D U C A T I O N 16(1) 1988

Table 6 Factors that may influence students' attitudes Conclusions

towards biochemistry Anyone attempting to change the pattern of medical
education is likely to face resistance from many quarters.
Motivation of students towards medicine and biochem- Faculty and departmental staff consider such an action an
encroachment on well established practices and a poten-
tial threat to academic autonomy and existing order. Any
Perception of the relevance of biochemistry taught to the reforms in medical education, fundamental or not, to be
clinical subjects and the subsequent practice of medicine. effectively applied should not only follow other successful
new models, but also fulfil local, social, cultural require-
Are students' lecture and study time overloaded?
ments and be economically feasible. Finally it must not be
forgotten that biochemical knowledge must be seen as a
Are students too examination oriented?
means to an end in the study of medicine rather than as a
subject which is satisfying by itself.

time it is taught. It is not enough to assure them that it will I would like to thank the many medical students, doctors and clinical
be valuable later. It is difficult for students to appreciate colleagues for their comments and useful discussions, the officials of the
the value of certain material if they do not witness its Medical Society for permission to make use of some of their survey
application soon thereafter.14
i Neame, R L B (1984) J Med Educ 59 699-707
Role of the teaching staff 2Muir, G G (1968) Lancet 1:632-633
Many innovative changes have taken place in the teaching 3Wills, E D (1985) Biochemical Basis of Medicine Wright, Bristol, v-vi
of biochemistry. There are attempts to eliminate the sharp 4Candlish, J K, (1984) Lecture Notes on Biochemistry, Blackwell
division which exists between the basic sciences and the Scientific Publications, Oxford, (preface)
clinical sciences. It is often assumed that we have the 5perumal, R (1987) 'Problems in biochemical education', in Malaysian
perfect teachers in biochemistry and so it is adequate to Biochemical Society Newsletter, 1-5
modify the curriculum - - or sometimes the students. 6Vella, F (1980) Innovations in the teaching of medical biochemistry, in
Biochemical Education Bryce, C F A editor, Croom Helm, London,
A good teacher is one who is interested and prepared to 81-94
work sufficiently hard to get to know his subject and its 7Montgomery, R A (1980) A Case oriented approach-design, imple-
physiological and clinical applications. Adequate recog- mentation and results, in Biochemical Education Bryce, C F A editor,
nition needs to be given to good teachers, as judged by Croom Helm, London, 69-80
students. It must not be forgotten that the most effective 8Chandrasekharan, N (1985) The biochemistry course in the medical
curriculum - - Trends and students' attitudes, Abstracts X1X Malaysia
judges of a good teacher are the students them- Singapore Congress of Medicine pp 132
selves. 1,10.15
9The Medical Society Survey on the medical curriculum, Faculty of
The teacher must explain, in terms the students can Medicine, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, 1979
understand, the complete concepts and principles. He 1°General Medical Council Recommendations on basic medical edu-
must guide and direct the student to assume a greater cation, GMC London, 1980
responsibility for his own education. As an integrator of H Richardson, I M (1983) Med Educ 17, 8-10
experiences, the teacher assumes a multidisciplinary ~2Dakshinamurthy, K (1980) Syllabi construction, curriculum content
and relevance in medical biochemistry, in Biochemical Education
approach with the major functions of co-ordinating, Bryce, C F A editor, Croom Helm, London, 58-68
relating, harmonising and associating all aspects of acad-
13Woods, A E, Learning in small groups, in Biochemical Education
emic life and study. Performing this role the teacher Bryce C F A editor, Croom Helm, London, 141-55
correlates knowledge, skills and behaviour with pro- 14Smith, A D (1983) Med Teacher 5, 56-93
fessional practice. Perhaps it should be realised that no 15Veiga, S M G, Miller, M D, Hammock, J (1983) Med Educ 17, 87-9
educational system works better than that which is
acceptable to both students and teachers. The main thing
is to combine good teachers with good students.
The medical profession has a strong lobbying potential
and has taken considerable interest in postgraduate Erratum
medical education. However, it has paid relatively little
attention to the undergraduate medical curriculum. It Drawing a Porphyrin Formula
must take an active interest and institute remedial
measures in this long neglected area of medical education In the article with the above title by H B F Dixon which
and emphasise the need for periodical review and change, appeared in Biochemical Education 15(4), 208, point (2)
and not allow those who have no interest or stake in the should have read 'Draw alternate double bonds round the
future of medical education and practice to influence porphyrin ring . . . . '. We apologise for any confusion this
professional training. omission may have caused.


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