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Social Media's Affect on Human

Page Views: 252120


By Haley Jones
on June 7, 2013

How does social media affect interaction in our society? Will face-to-face communication ultimately
diminish because of these new social technologies. These questions are ones that many researchers
have found extremely intriguing since the advent and popularization of social media in the last
decade. Within this topic, social competency is an important ideal that most people strive towards,
but there is evidence to support the claims that social media is actually harming people’s ability to
interact competently in an offline setting. Studies on the social competency of youths who spend
much of their time on social media networks are sometimes very conflicting. For example, a study
executed by the National Institute of Health found that youths with strong, positive face-to-face
relationships may be those most frequently using social media as an additional venue to interact with
their peers. As a pretty outgoing person myself, I find myself wanting to use social media as an extra
outlet to interact with my friends, whether it is through a random funny post from Tumblr or posting
pictures from our adventures. Although I personally agree with this study’s findings, I also believe
that social media can be an excellent avenue for introverted people to find a comfortable setting to
interact. From my own experience, I see many of my friends who aren’t as comfortable with face-to-
face interactions thriving in an online environment. However, on a case-to-case basis, there can be
dramatic differences. For example, a study performed by Jean Twenge, a professor of psychology at
San Diego State University, showed that a sample of high school students from Connecticut with
problematic levels of Internet use were more likely to get into serious fights or carry a weapon.
Despite the seriousness of this type of situation, I think that this study really focuses on the extremes
of a certain situation, and not the norm of people’s interactions on social networks. The other
problem with this particular study is that the connection between this type of antisocial behavior and
excessive Internet use has not been set in stone by comprehensive research. There is only a
correlation, and it is not clear which behavior is causing the other. This discrepancy especially leads
me to believe that social media is mostly positive for young people in my generation.

Despite my opinion that social media is positive, I definitely believe that face-to-face
interaction must continue to be our main source of communication. According to Forbes magazine,
only 7% of communication is based on the verbal word. That means that over 90% of communication
is based on nonverbal cues such as body language, eye contact, and tone of voice. Technology’s
rampant popularization over the past decade in terms of social media has meant that texting,
Facebook, and Twitter have inevitably taken over as the most efficient ways of communicating with
each other. I do agree that the “efficiency factor,” or our reliance on the most efficient ways of
communication, is becoming one of the largest concerns for people in our interactions with one
another. However, there needs to be a constant reminder that face-to-face interaction must remain a
staple in our society because it is of a much higher quality and has the ability to satisfy so many more
of our inherent social needs.
Social media of all kinds has become such an important part of our society that looking at it
in a negative way will only set us back. We as a society must push forward and continue to
incorporate social media in more positive ways. Social networking sites have been categorized as
both beneficial and consequential to offline contact. Although I believe that it can be mostly positive,
in some cases, both sides can be true; however, the affect that social media has on each person in this
world is always different and can only be looked at on a case-by-case basis. The future of social
media is also highly unknown. According to each company’s respective reports, in March 2013,
Facebook reported having 1.11 billion active users, Instagram reported having 100 million users, and
Twitter had 200 million active users. These numbers have experienced immense growth even in the
past year alone. This just proves the fact that social networking is a rapidly changing field, and even
if we solve the question of how current social media affects interaction, more questions will continue
to arise as these sites continue to change. So now the question remains: Is our society really ready to
harness these new social media technologies to our advantage?

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