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Reflection Paper on Learning Environment

Jingting Katherine Liu

GE 1000 W21

Due on Oct.27th

Professor Dai Mengmeng

Reflection Paper on Learning Environment

In today’s lecture, we discussed about the environments that are suitable for us

learning. First of all, our professor asked us to list the types of learning environments,

such as library, study room, coffee shop and so on. The answers were various. The

following task was defining a good environment for studying. Some of us claimed that

a tidy and quiet environment works, while others refuted that a hardworking partner

who is able to supervise us helped us more. From my point of view, we can study

efficiently when there is no distraction in the environment. The distraction can be our

friends’ interrupting or messages on our phones. Only when these distracting factors

are removed can we learn better. After that, we watched a video concerning a student’s

learning environment. We also learned some methods from this. In the end, we shared

our own opinions regarding the pros and cons of a certain environment. In this task, I

talked about the advantages and disadvantages of studying in the library, which gained

6 points for my team.

The discussion about learning environment is significant to me, since I was once

bothered with low study efficiency due to the wrong option of learning environment. It

was my first year in high school, I was so addicted to the internet that I would

procrastinate doing my homework. I realized the ponderance of this, so I considered to

switch to another place to study on the weekend instead of staying at home. There

happened to be a Starbucks near my home. I took my textbooks there one day without

taking my phone with me. As a result, I studied concentratively and efficiently. Then I

discovered that Starbucks was the right place for me to study, since it offered relatively
quiet and cozy environment. Most importantly, I was far from my “interference source”.

From then on, I went to Starbucks to study a lot. Had I not found my ideal learning

environment, I would not save so much time.

Since I already figured out that I should make sure there is no distraction in my

learning environment, I know where to study in the future. Even if there is no Starbucks

in our campus, the study rooms here meet my need. Actually, I go to the study room

after finishing my classes almost every day. My study efficiency there is much higher

than that in my dorm. I will probably try to spend more time in study rooms during my

four years in the university. I am expecting to make the use of my time to its fullest.

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