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PSM from OSHA Department

Ulasan per poin untuk PSM

1. Process safety Information

This should be completed before conducting PHA. Contents included within this PSI are
information of highly hazardous material used or produced by the process, information of
the process technology, and information of the process equipment.
MSDS of the chemicals used and produced within the process
- Toxicity
- Physical data
- Reactivity data
- Corrosivity data
- Thermal and stability data

Process technology
- Block flow
- Process chemistry
- Max intended inventory
- Safe upper FL and lower FL
- Evaluation on the consequences of the deviations

Information of the process equipment

- Materials of construction
- P&IDs
- Electrical classifications
- Design codes and standards employed
- Relief design and design basis
- Material and energy balances
- Safety systems

2. Process Hazard Analysis

After completing the PSI document then you can conduct the process hazard analysis
within the factory. Merupakan analisis secara menyeluruh dan sistematis untuk
mengidentifikasi, mamahami dan mengendalikan hazards yang ada dalam system proses
dalam rangka untuk mencegah terjadinya kecelakaan akibat kegagalan proses, alat atau
prosedur. Daftar hal yang harus termasuk dalam PHA ada di Web Resmi OSHA, secara
sadar semua poin itu sudah tercakup pada analisis HAZOP. Salah satu metode untuk
PHA adalah HAZOP.
3. Operating procedures
The up to date written operating procedures should be provided, consistent with the PSI,
that provide clear instructions for safely conducting the process activities involved in
each covered processes. Steps for each operating phase, operating limits, Safety and
health consideration. Need to be reviewed as often as necessary.

Operating phase

- Initial start up
- Normal operations
- Temporary operations
- Emergency Shutdown
- Emergency operations
- Normal Shutdown
- Startup following

Operating limits

- Consequences of deviations
- Steps required to correct the deviations
Safety and health Considerations

- Precautions necessary to exposures

- Properties of, hazards presented by the chemicals used or produced by the process
- Control measures to be taken if physical contact or exposure airborne occurs
- Safety systems
- Any special or unique hazards

4. Training

Implementation of effective training enhances employee safety. Training include

overview of the process, operating procedures and special remarks on safety and health
concern. Safe work practices, emergency operations including shutdowns, special
emphasis on safety and health concern.

Initial training  For freshmen

Refresher training  To refresh on what’s in the operator minds and check the operators
to adhere the current operating procedures, to each employee involved in the operating

5. Contractor
Ada macam2 pekerja dalam pabrik, pekerja yang mengoperasikan suatu fasilitas
produksi, mengerjakan tugas special karena punya pengetahuan atau keterampilan yang
khusus. Kerja yang lain cuma sementara pada periode tertentu, contohnya maintenance
saat Turn Around operations.
- Employer responsibilities  Provide PSI to the Contractors related to the known
potential fire, explosion, or toxic release hazards related to contractors work and the
process; explain to the contractors the applicable provisions of the emergency plan;
develop and implement safe work practices to control the presence, entrance and exit of
the contract employers
- Contract employer responsibilities  training about safety; know the hazards posed by
the covered process and activities.

6. Employee participation
Write plan of action to implement employee participation required by PSM. Employers
must consult with employees on the conduct and development of PHA and other
elements of process management, employers must provide access for PHA and other
information required to the developed standard.

7. Pre start up review

Safety review thoroughly takes place before any highly hazardous chemicals introduced
in to the process.

8. Mechanical Integrity
Maintain mechanical integrity of the critical process equipment to ensure that the
installed equipment operates and installed correctly.
- Pressured vessel and storage tanks
- Piping systems
- Relief systems and vents
- Emergency shutdown
- Controls
- Pumps

Using written procedures to maintain, check and re check, on the on-going process
equipment. Inspection and testing based on good engineering practices.

New equipment  check to ensure its suitable to conduct process

9. Hot work permit

Permission on hot work conducted on or near the covered process.
10. Management change
OSHA believes that contemplated change to a process must be thoroughly evaluated to
fully assess their impact on employee safety and health to determine the needed changes
on operating procedures.
Then the employee (contract and operator) affected by the changes must be well
informed, trained in, related to the change, the start-up process or any part of the process
11. Incident Investigation
Crucial part of PSM, thorough investigation of incidents to identify the chain of events
and causes so that corrective measures can be developed and implemented. As promptly
as possible not later than 48 hours.
12. Emergency and planning response
Emergency training to make employee and employers aware of, and able to execute
proper actions on emergency situation might occur. Include procedures for handling
small releases of hazardous chemicals.
13. Compliance audits

Conduct audits with the provision of from the PSM. At least one person knowledgeable
in the process and report of the findings of the audits must be developed and documented
noting deficiencies that have been corrected.
14. Trade secrets
Bahkan Rahasia dagang, kesepakatan rahasia terkait dagang harus disediakan oleh
employers kepada orang orang yang bertanggung jawab terhadap safety, penyusun PSI,
investigator, dll.

Diamond Hazard

Gambar C.1. Diamond Hazard Description

Hazard dari proses dan utilitas mencakup hazard alat, bahan dan proses.
Hazard alat Utilitas
- Boiler

- Hydrazine
- Gas Chlorine

Lanjut hazard bahan yang digunakan pada proses. Sekaligus dilanjutkan dengan pengurutan
bahan dari yang paling hazardous berdasarkan diamond hazard

No. Bahan Blue Red Yellow White Keterangan

1 Acrylonitrile Very Irritant, Flammable, Toxic;
4 3 2 LD50 (mouse) : 27 mg/kg ; Flash
Points : -1,11 oC (Closed Cup)
2 Water 0 0 0 -
3 Asam Sulfat 3 0 2 Corrosive, Very irritant, Oxidizing
4 Etanol Slightly irritant, Flammable ; Flash
0 3 0
Points 17 oC
5 Acrylamide Irritant, Slightly Flammable to
3 2 2
flammable, Light Sensitive
Produk samping
6 Ammonium Toxic, irritant
3 0 0
Produk utama
7 Irritant, Flammble ; Flash Point -2 oC
Ethyl Acrylate 2 3 2
(Closed Cup)
Bahan Utilitas
8 Ca(OCl)2 3 0 1 Irritant, Oxidizing
9 HCl 5% 2 0 0 Irritant
10 NaOH 1 N 3 0 0 Irritant
11 Flammable, irritant, explosive thd
N2H4 3 3 3 bahan oksidator dan logam ; Flash
Point 37,78 oC (Closed Cup)
Urutan bahan proses yang hazardous

1. Acrylonitrile
2. Acrylamide
3. Ethyl Acrylate
Urutan bahan utilitas yang hazardous

1. N2H4
2. Ca(OCl)2
3. NaOH 1 N
4. HCl 5%
Urutan secara umum
1. Acrylonitrile
2. N2H4
3. Acrylamide
Pengolahan limbah yang dihasilkan dari proses produksi dapat dilihat pada uraian berikut:
Produk samping proses

Limbah kristal amonium bisulfat ((NH4)HSO4) yang merupakan hasil samping dari reaksi
pembentukan etil akrilat. Limbah ini tersuspensi dalam arus campuran keluar dari reaktor
esterifikasi, yang mana bersifat korosif, toksik dan iritan, namun memiliki nilai ekonomis karena
kristal amonium bisulfat terdiri atas ammonia dan asam sulfat. Kristal amonium bisulfat yang
tersuspensi pada arus keluar reaktor esterifikasi dipisahkan menjadi hasil bawah menara distilasi
1 (MD-01) bersama dengan asam sulfat, akrilamid sulfat (heavy organics), sedikit air, sedikit
etanol (light organics), sedikit akrilonitril (light organics), dan sedikit etil akrilat (light
organics). Limbah kristal amonium bisulfat ini akan dipisahkan terlebih dahulu dari suspensi
campuran hasil bawah MD-01, setelah itu akan diambil sebagai produk samping. Hasil bawah
MD-01 diuapkan pada kondisi vakum untuk menguapkan air dan light organics (etanol,
akrilonitril dan etil akrilat) yang kemudian dikondensasikan untuk diambil sebagai produk atau
di-recycle kembali ke proses, sehingga tersisa campuran heavy organics, asam sulfat dan
amonium bisulfat. Campuran tersebut didinginkan hingga suhu 30 oC sehingga kristal amonium
bisulfat mulai terbentuk. Kemudian kristal amonium bisulfat dipisahkan dari campuran dengan
menggunakan alat filter, berupa rotary vacuum drum filter, kemudian didapatkan kristal
amonium bisulfat (Patent US2890101 : Recoveries of ammonium bisulphate from the distillation
residues from the manufacture of acrylic acids and their esters).
Gambar C.2 Ammonium Bisulfate Recovery

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