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iLearn and Share Activity: English for

Academic and Professional Purposes

This iLearn and Share (iLS) aims to apply and demonstrate the skills that are discussed in the subject by creating
a strand-specific magazine.

Intended Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the iLearn and Share Activity, the students should be able to:

 create a strand-specific magazine.

Procedure and/or Evaluation Guideline

1. In your first session, discuss the iLS in class.

2. Ask the students to form groups with five (5) members each.

3. Provide the performance task assigned to the students for this iLearn and Share Activity. Distribute the
iLS Guide to Students to each student. The breakdown of the performance task is also provided below.

Performance Task:

The company that you are working for wanted to give free educational magazines to Grade 11 and 12 students
in your area. Your group, the research, and development team were tasked to create the magazine.

The magazine should include different feature articles and make sure that there are good illustrations or
photographs to keep the magazine interesting for the students.

Goal To create a strand-specific magazine

Role Members of the Research and Development Team
Audience Grade 11 and 12 students
The Research and Development Department was tasked to create an educational
magazine for Grade 11 and 12 students in their area.
Product Strand-specific magazine
The magazine should include different feature articles and make sure that there are good
illustrations or photographs to keep the magazine interesting for the students.

4. Tell the groups that they have to participate in all the tasks in order for them to accomplish the project.

5. Inform the groups that they have to create a group journal to monitor each member’s contribution to the
project. This journal is subject for submission to help you assess and evaluate the students.

Note: The journal should include only the contribution for this iLS activity related to this subject. A
different journal is to be submitted for the other integrated subjects. Journals should be checked

6. Inform the students that the deadline for submission will be on their 2nd Periodical Exam date.

iLS Guide for Instructors *Property of STI

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7. Use the Grading Rubric below in grading the students’ output.

Excellent Proficient Progressing Beginning

4 3 2 1
Ideas and The Magazine The Magazine The Magazine The Magazine
Information communicates communicates communicates communicates
X10 relevant information relevant information irrelevant information irrelevant
appropriately and appropriately to the or communicates information and
effectively to the intended audience. inappropriately to the communicates
intended audience. intended audience. inappropriately to
the intended
Organization The Magazine has The Magazine has The Magazine has The Magazine’s
X5 excellent formatting appropriate and some organized format and
and very well well-organized information. organization of
organized information. material are
information. confusing to the
Graphics The graphics go well The graphics go The graphics go well The graphics do
X5 with the text and well with the text but with the text but not go with the
there is a good mix of there are so many there are too few. accompanying text
text and graphics. that they distract or appear to be
from the text. randomly chosen.
Writing All of the writing is Most of the writing is Some of the writing Most of the writing
Convention done in complete done in complete is done in complete is not done in
X5 sentences. sentences. Most of sentences. Some of complete
Capitalization and the capitalization the capitalization and sentences. Most of
punctuation are and punctuation are punctuation are the capitalization
correct throughout correct throughout correct throughout and punctuation
the Magazine. the Magazine. the Magazine. are not correct
throughout the

8. Sample Grade Computation:

Ideas/Information: = 40%
Organization: = 20%
Graphics: = 20%
Writing Convention: = 20%
Total: 100%

Note: Instructors should only reveal the general criteria guide for the students. The contents of the
rubric should not be revealed.

You may use the questions below for processing:
1. Will this activity help you in your project in the future? How?
2. Were the skills and knowledge that you have learned so far from this subject helpful in doing this
activity? How?

To end the iLS, you may share this with your students:
“Without hard work and discipline, it is difficult to reach your goals.”

iLS Guide for Instructors *Property of STI

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