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Disusun Untuk Memenuhi Salah Satu Tugas

Pada Mata Kuliah Bahasa Inggris

Dosen Pengampu : Ima Frafikasari, M.Pd.

Disusun Oleh

Kelompok 2:

Gita Puspita Ningrum (102190121)

Khaula Restiana (102190125)

Khoirul Huda (102190126)

Lolyta Irda Damayanti (102190129)





With all the praise and thanks to God the Almighty, who has given His love and mercy so
that a paper entitled "NARRATIVE TEXT" can we finish well. The paper is structured to meet
one of the tasks of the English.

On this occasion, we would like to thank profusely to all those who have helped us in
completing the writing of this paper.

We are fully aware that the many falws in the writing of this paper, in terms of material ,
technical and presentation material. Therefore we, expect criticism and constructive suggestion
to further refine the writing of this paper.

Finally, we hope that the writing of this paper can be useful for the readers.

Ponorogo, 14 October 2019



PREFACE .......................................................................................................................... i

TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................. ii


A. Background ............................................................................................................. 1
B. Problem Formulation .............................................................................................. 1
C. Objective Discussion............................................................................................... 1


A. Understanding Narrative Text ................................................................................. 2

B. Purpose Narrative Text ........................................................................................... 2
C. Types of Narrative Text .......................................................................................... 2
D. Generic Structure .................................................................................................... 5
E. Language Features .................................................................................................. 6
F. Grammar Used ........................................................................................................ 6
G. Example Of Narrative Text ..................................................................................... 15


A. Conclusions ............................................................................................................. 18
B. Suggestions ............................................................................................................. 18

REFERENCES.................................................................................................................. 19



A. Backgroun
Narrative text is a kind of genre that the series of events or stories from time to
time and described in the order beginning, middle and end. So it should be chronological,
meaning it is told in a coherent chronological and should not be jumping. In the English
dictionary, literally Narrative means
1) A spoken or writer account of connected events, a story.
2) The narrated part of a literary work, as distinct from the dialogue.
3) The practice or art of narration.
B. Problem Formulation
1. Understanding Narrative Text?
2. Purpose Narrative Text?
3. Types of Narrative Text?
4. Generic Structure of Narrative Text?
5. Language Features Narrative Text?
6. Used Grammar Narrative Text?
7. Example of Narrative Text?
C. Objective Discussion
1. Discuss the notion of narrative text.
2. Discuss the purpose narrative text.
3. Know the types of narrative text.
4. Knowing generic structure of narrative text.
5. Know the language features of narrative text.
6. Knowing grammar of narrative text.
7. Knowing example narrative text.



A. Understanding Narrative Text

Narrative text is a kind of genre that the series of events or stories from time to
time and described in the order beginning, middle and end. So it should be chronological,
meaning it is told in a coherent chronological and should not be jumping up and text that
tells something imaginative or something that just mirages and aim only to entertain the

B. Purpose Narrative Text

The basic purpose of the narrative text is to entertain and attract readers with a
story or event that has the problems that lead to conflict and in the end no resolution or a
happy ending or even depressing. Actually narrative text is not only limited to the
mystical story, fiction, legend, fairy tale or fable, but another story in the form of
adventure, mystery and all forms of story. In essence, narrative text is about the story.
But the lesson in school, genre narrative text is usually only used to show the fictional
story like a fairy tale or legend. If the views of its kind, the narrative text that is often
meant by the father's mother was a teacher Suggestive Narrative category, ie text that
purpose so that the reader gets the wisdom of a story.

C. Types of Narrative Text

Narrative Text has a core story that usually only in the form of the author's
imagination or a real incident that was captured by the author or even a combination of
both. In various sources Narrative Text can be found in the form:
a. Fables (Stories about animals behave like humans pictured), is a story that tells
the life of an animal that behaves like a human. The story may not be the real
story. Fable is a fiction, a fantasy point (fantasy). Sometimes fable enter
characters minority human form. The characteristics of fable:
1) The use of animal figures.
2) animals as main characters can behave like humans.

3) shows the depiction of moral / moral element and the human character and
criticism about life in the story.
4) The story short.
5) Using a simple word choice.
6) In the fable story, which is told is the most excellent among the human
characters are weak and the strong.
7) Using a natural setting.
b. Fairy stories (The story is fantastic, full of wonders), fairy stories / fairy tale is a
type of short stories that usually features folkloric fantasy characters Europe, such
as dwarves, elves, fairies, giants, gnomes, goblins, mermaids, trolls, witches, and
usually magic or charm. Fables can be distinguished from other people's stories as
legends (which generally involve belief in the truth of the events described) and
explicitly moral of the story, including the fable.
c. Mysteries, genre fiction is usually focused on the investigation of crime. Mystery
fiction is often used as a synonym for detective fiction or crime fiction-in other
words a novel or short story in which the investigator (whether professional or
amateur) investigate and solve the mystery of evil. Sometimes nonfictional
mystery books. can whodunit that the emphasis on puzzles or elements of tension
and logical solutions like a mystery story. Mystery fiction can be compared with
boiled detective stories, which focuses on action and gritty realism. mystery may
involve supernatural mystery or thriller in which the solution is not to be logical,
and even no crime involved.
d. Science Fiction, is a genre of fiction dealing with such imaginative content
futuristic settings, futuristic science and technology, space travel, time travel,
faster than light travel, parallel universes and extraterrestrial life. It often explores
the consequences of scientific innovations and other potential, and has been called
"literature of ideas.
e. Romances, is expressive and pleasant feeling of emotional appeal to the people
associated with love. In the context of romantic love relationships, romance
usually implies a strong expression of romantic love a person, or a person's
emotional desire and stronger to connect with others intimate or romantic.

Historically, the term "romance" comes with the ideals of medieval knights as
stated in his knight romance literature.
f. Horror Stories, horror and fantasy literature horror is a genre of literature, which
is intended to, or has the capacity to scare, frighten, or surprise the reader by
inducing feelings of horror and terror. Literary historian JA Cuddon has defined
the horror story as "a piece of prose fiction in the form of variable length ... which
shocks or even fear the reader, or may induce feelings of disgust or hatred." It
creates a frightening and intimidating atmosphere. Horror usually supernatural,
though it can be a non-supernatural. Often the main threat of a work of horror
fiction can be interpreted as a metaphor for a greater fear of society.
g. Legends, a legend is a narrative of human actions are perceived both by teller and
listeners to take place in human history and has certain qualities that give
verisimilitude story. Legend, for active and passive participants that includes no
events that are outside the "possibility", as defined by a set of highly flexible
parameters, which may include the miracles that are considered truly special has
happened in the tradition of indoctrination where the legend appears , and where
the tradition may change from time to time, to keep it fresh and vital, and realistic.
Many legends operates in the areas of uncertainty, never be fully believed by the
participants, but also became firmly doubted.
h. Historical Narratives, is the practice of writing history in the form of a story
based. It can be divided into two subgenres: the traditional narrative and narrative
modern.Narasi traditionally focused on the chronological order of history, it is
event driven and tend to center on individuals, actions, and intentions. For
example, in the case of the French Revolution, a historian who works with
traditional narrative might be more interested in the revolution as a whole (one
revolution), the center of Paris, and is highly dependent on the great figures such
as Maximilien Robespierre.On the other side,modern narrative usually focus the
structure and the general trend. A modern narrative will break from rigid
chronology if historians explain the concept better. In the case of the French
Revolution, a historian working with modern narrative may indicate general
characteristics possessed by the revolutionaries in France but also will describe

regional variations from the general trend (many revolutions confluent). Also the
kind of historian may use different sociological factors to demonstrate why
various types of people support the general revolution.
i. Personal Experience (personal experiences written), the experience of the human
person is the experience moment-to-moment sensory awareness and internal and
external events or experiences some form of empirical unity as the period of life.
j. Ballads (ballads, which can be a touching story readers, usually in the form of a
love story that is not up), a ballad / bæləd / is a form of verse, often a narrative set
to music. Ballads derived from the medieval French chanson balladée or ballade,
which originally "dance songs". Ballads in particular the characteristics of popular
poetry and song from the British Isles later medieval period until the 19th century
and is widely used throughout Europe and then America, Australia, and North

D. Generic Structure
Generic structure on Narrative Text is divided into four, namely:
1. Orientation
Namely the introduction of the form: a story about what (what is the story about),
who the actors in the story (who is the participant), of the story (where is the place
setting) and the story when it happened (when is the time settings ).
2. Complication
In this paragraph which became the core of the narrative text. Without any
problems, this text is only one form of exposure to events that followed with
another event. Problems that arise can be distinguished:
a. Natural Conflict Namely the problems that arise because of the perpetrator
stories dealing with the forces of nature.
b. Social Conflict Namely the problems that arise because the perpetrators
were facing each other. They met at the same time with different interests.
c. Psychological Conflict Namely the problems that arise when dealing with
the perpetrators of the story itself. The contradiction between the good and
bad, between greed and tolerance.

3. Resolution
That problem can be solved. In Narrative text, any problems that appear to be no
solution, can be closed with a happy ending (happy ending) or not slightly ended
tragically, the sad (sad ending).

E. Language Features
1. Use Past Tense (S+V2)
The past tense is a grammatical tense whose main function is to put an action or
situation in the past. In the language which has the past tense, thus providing a
means of grammatical indicates that the event in question occurred in the past.
2. Use time connector
Time connector is used in the description of time in the narrative text, the
information is usually as a liaison paragraph 1 with other paragraphs. For
example: Paragraph 1 (in the morning), Paragraph 2 (in daylight).
3. Using conjunction
Conjunction is used in conjunction Narrative text. Example: After, before, That,
So, After that, etc.
4. Using saying verb
Saying verb meaning in the narrative text using the verb. Example: Told, Spoke,
Promised, etc.
5. Using adjective
Adjective meaning in the narrative text using adjectives. Example: Good, Bad,
Beautiful, ugly, etc.

F. Grammar Used
Grammar (grammar) that often arise in making the narrative text is tenses "past", both
simple, past perfect, past continuous, past perfect continuous, future or past continuous.
1. Simple Past Tense
Simple past tense is a simple form of the verb to indicate that an event occurred in
the past. In the simple past tense, time of occurrence (yesterday, last two days, last
year) or time period (for two months, for a day, for an hour) can be specifically

mentioned. Simple past tense can also be used to form a conditional sentence type
Types Formula Example Sentences
Simple Past Tense
Positif (+) S + V2 (past tense) Yesterday my father
S + be (was/were) + V1 planted a guava tree
I was stamp collector
Negative (-) S + did + not + V1 Yesterday my father did
S + be (was/were) + not not plant a guava tree
+ V1 I was not a stamp
Interogatif (?) Did + S + V1 Did my father plant a
be (was/were) + S + V1 guava tree yesterday?
Was I a stamp collector

Function Example Sentences Simple Past Tense

Simple past tense to talk about the Vina and I went to the Ragunan zoo
action that occurs at a specific time in three months ago. (Saya dan Vina pergi
the future duration of past. Preposition Ragunan tiga bulan lalu).
"for" can be used to express a period of Did he come on time yesterday?
(Apakah dia datang tepat waktu
The party started at 10.00 a.m. (Pesta
mulai jam sepuluh pagi).
Did you sleep enough last night? (Apa
kamu cukup tidur semalam?).
I studied civil engineering for almost 4
years. (Saya belajar teknik sipil selama
hampir 4 tahun).

Simple past tense to talk about habits in I often did exercises in the gym when I
the past. Subordinate conjunction lived in Bandung. (Saya sering berlatih
"when" is usually used in this situation. di gym ketika tinggal di Bandung).
When I was a senior high school
student, I always got up at 4 am to
study. (Ketika saya sma, saya selalu
bangun jam 4 pagi untuk belajar).
To show that there is a short duration of I was reading a journal in the library
action (simple past tense) that occurs when someoneburped out loud. (Saya
when a long duration of action (past sedang membaca jurnal di perpustakaan
continuous tense) is underway. ketika seseorang bersendawa keras).
To indicate that an action (simple past I had already finished my breakfast
tense) directly follow the action that when he pickedme up. (Saya telah
has been completed (past perfect tense). sarapan ketika dia menjemput).
Simple past tense is used If she studied hard, she would be pass.
padaconditional sentence type 2. (Jika dia belajar keras, dia akan lulus).
I would buy a sport car if I had much
money. (Saya akan membeli mobil
sport jika punya uang banyak).
2. Past Perfect Tense
Past perfect tense is a verb form used to express that an action has been completed
at some point in the past before another action occurs. The action has been
completed in the past it may happen repeatedly or only once. In addition, past
perfect tense can also be used to form a conditional sentence type 3 and reported
Sentence Formula Past Perfect Past Perfect Tense
Tense Example
Positif (+) S + had + V3 My brother had slept

Negative (-) S + had + not + been + My brother had not been

Ving slept

Interogatif (?) had + S + been + Ving Had my brother been

Function Example Sentence Past Perfect Tense

Past perfect tense to express a past action When he came last night, the cake had
that has been completed happen run out. (Ketika dia datang semalam,
sebelumpast conjunction kue sudah habis).
lainnya.Subordinate events that can be The student had gotten a verbal
used include: • after, before, when • by warning before his parents were
the time • prior to called. (Siswa tersebut telah mendapat
peringatan verbal sebelum
orangtuanya ditelepon).
I had already eaten my breakfast by
the time he picked me up. (Saya telah
sarapan ketika dia menjemput).
Prior to the proclamation, Indonesia
had been colonized by Japan for 3
years. (Sebelum proklamasi, Indonesia
telah dijajah Jepang selama 3 tahun).
Past perfect tense to indicate how often I had read the book three times. (Saya
something happened in the past. membaca buku itu tiga kali).
They had met twice before married.
(Mereka bertemu dua kali sebelum
Yulia had gone to the gym every two
days until 2012. (Yulia telah pergi ke
gym setiap dua hari sampai tahun

Past perfect speech tensedigunakan He said that he had listened carefully
padareported setelahverbs: said, of toll, the instruction. (Dia mengatakan
asked, thought, wondered. bahwa dia telah mendengarkan
instruksi dengan penuh perhatian).
I thought he had changed to be better
man. (Saya pikir dia telah berubah
menjadi pria yang lebih baik).
Past perfect tense to express the hope / If he had taken a bath fast, he would
dream that is not accomplished have missed the train. (Jika dia telah
(conditional type 3). mandi cepat, dia tidak akan
ketinggalan kereta).
Rina would been the same level with
me if she had studiedharder. (Rina
akan berasa pada level yang sama
dengan saya jika dia belajar lebih
3. Past Continuous Tense
Past continuous tense or past progressive tense is a verb form used to express that
an action is happening at a particular time in the past. The action has been started
but not yet completed at the time.
Sentences Type Formula Example Sentence Past
Continuous Tense
Positif (+) S + be(was/were) + Ving Diana was running

Negative (-) S + be(was/were) + not + Diana was not running

Interogatif (?) be(was/were) + S + Ving Was Diana running?

Function Example Sentence Past Continuous


Past continuous tense to indicate an I was shopping at this time yesterday.
action that occurs during certain. (Saya sedang belanja pada jam ini
What was she doing at 5 am this
morning? (Apa yang sedang dia
lakukan jam 5 pagi ini?).
They were roasting corn at this time
last night. (Mereka sedang membakar
jagung pada jam ini kemarin malam).
I was doing physically exercises all
day yesterday. (Saya sedang
melakukan latihan-latihan fisik
sepanjang hari kemarin).

To show that there is a short duration of She was sleeping when you called her.
action (simple past tense) that occurs (Dia sedang tidur ketika kamu
when a long duration of action (past meneleponnya).
continuous tense) is
underway. The door was knocked while I was
Subordinate conjunction "when" or studying. (Pintu diketuk ketika saya
"while" can be used. sedang belajar).

Past continuous tense is used to ridicule The girl was always yelling out loud.
or criticize the actions that occur at (Anak itu selalu menjerit keras-keras.)
random intervals, but it is actually a My neighbor was always chasing stray
natural habit. cats offwith his broom. (Tetangga saya
selalu mengusir kucing-kucing liar
dengan sapunya).
4. Past Perfect Continuous
Past perfect continuous tense is a verb form used to express an action (with
certain time duration) has been completed at a given point in time in the past.
Sentence Type Formula Example Sentence Past
Perfect Continuous Tense

Positif (+) S + had + V3 Lia had read a novel
S + had + been + Ving Lia had been reading a
Negative (-) S + had + not + V3 Lia had not read a novel

S + had + not + been + Lia had not been read a

noun book
Interogatif (?) had + S + V3 Had Lia read a novel?

had + S + been + Had Lia been happy read

adjective a book?

Function Example Sentence Past Perfect

Continuous Tense
Past perfect continuous tense to express When the guests came, we had been
a long action in the past before another waiting for an hour. (Ketika para tamu
action occurs. datang, kita telah menunggu selama
satu jam).
He had been standing in front of the
door for thirthy minutes before it was
opened. (Dia telah berdiri di depan
pintu selama tiga puluh menit sebelum
Past perfect continuous tense to tell She was annoyed since she had been
how long something happens (period of waiting for 2 hours on the bus station.
time) or until a certain time in the past. (Dia kesal karena telah menunggu
selama 2 jam di halte bus).

By the time the teacher came, the
studentshad been reading a half part of
the text. (Pada waktu guru datang, para
siswa telah membaca separuh bagian
dari teks).
I had been working with my computer
all day, and all I wanted to do was eat
some chocolate. (Saya telah bekerja
dengan komputer sepanjang hari, dan
yang ingin saya lakukan
adalah makan coklat).
5. Past Future Continuous
Future continuous tense or future tense progressive form of the verb is used to
express the action that will be taking place at a certain time in the future. The
action has been started but not yet completed at the time.

Type Formula Example Sentences

Future Continuous
Positif (+) S + would + be + Ving He would be sleeping
Negatif (-) S + would + not + be + He would not be
Ving sleeping
Interogatif (?) Would + S + be + Ving Would he be sleeping?

Function Example Sentences Future Continuous

Future continuous tense to indicate an I together with my friend will be
action that will be taking place at a walking on Carita Beach tomorrow
certain time in the future. morning. (Saya bersama dengan teman
akan berjalan-jalan di Pantai Carita
besok pagi).

Reny will be working at the office
when you arrive. (Reny akan sedang
kerja di kantor ketika kamu tiba).
He will be sleeping at 10 p.m. (Dia
akan sedang tidur jam 10 malam).

G. Example Of Narrative Text

Generic Structure Story
Orientation One day there was a fisherman
fishing in the sea. The fisherman was
fishing alone on his small old boat.
Complication That day was not a good day to
fish. The fisherman got none of fish even
he had been fishing for several hours. The
fisherman could not stay longer for fishing
if there was no fish eating his bite.
He was bored and hungry. But he
thought that he had no fish then he would
have no money for his family.He was
confused and sad.He prayed to the God for
his lucky. He decided to fish for more few
minutes and if he got none then he would
back home soon but if he got one then he
would continue to fish.
After praying, the fisherman changed his
bait and fish one more again. Not too long
after he threw his hook, a fish bite his bait.
Finally, he got one. After that he was so
lucky, he got more and more fish easily.
His boat was almost full of fish and he

could go home and sell the fish. On the
way back, he saw something at the sea
surface. It was like a buoy moved round
and round.
The fisherman moved his boat
closer to it to see clearly. It was like what
he thought, that thing is a net with the buoy
at the surface. If the buoy was wobbling,
there must be some fish trapped at the net.
But whose net was that? There was no boat
except that fisherman at that area. It meant
that the net was a missing net. The
fisherman took that net to see what kind of
fish which made the buoy wobbling. It was
a dolphin trapped at that net.
What a pity dolphin. It was a
beautiful dolphin with white colour and it
was rare kind of dolphin at that sea. The
fisherman took it free. The dolphin looked
happy after that. It swam around the
fisherman and jumped three times before it
finally leaved him.
Resolution A month after that, the fisherman
met that white dolphin at the different
situation. It was a cloudy day and the
fisherman was still in the middle of the sea.
The storm would come soon and the
fisherman in a hurry prepared to back
home. But it was too late, before the
fisherman closed to the beach the storm
was coming. The wave was so high and the

fisherman’s boat was slowly sinking.
The fisherman could not do
anything else except trying to swim. But he
was too old and he could not stand any
longer. At that moment the white dolphin
came and saved the fisherman. The storm
was over and the fisherman was already at
the beach.
He did not remember how he was
there but what he can remember was that
the dolphin had saved him. He looked at
the middle of the sea and he saw the white
dolphin jumped several times.


A. Conclusions
Narrative text is the story sequence, so if you want to make the narrative text of
the story you want to be discussed at the start of the early events of a story to the end of a
B. Suggestions
Narrative text is the story sequence, so if you want to make the narrative text of
the story you want to be discussed at the start of the early events of a story to the end of a

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