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Case Taking Performa

Case#________ Date:_____________

Name._____________________. Gender.__________. Age.________. Adress__________________. Ph._________

Tongue  White(Stomach disorder)(402)__,Dirty(401)__,Yellow(402)__,Brown(401)__,Pale(401)          

Taste   Bitter(422),insipid(424),Saltish(425),Sour(426),Sweetish(426),Wanting Tastless food(427)             
Mouth  Dryness plate,Tongue(404)__, Dryness Throat(450), Dryness Lips (364)         
Thrist  Thristwith(527)__, Thristless(530)__, unquanchable(530)       
Appetite  Diminished(476)__,Wantning(479)__,Canine/Excessive(478)__,Loss of appetite      
 

Fullness eating after(498)     

Aversion  Aversion to meat/milk(481)__,Salt food(482)__, Sweets(482)__,Tea(482)__, Fats/Rich  
food(480)__,Bread(480)__, Drinks/Colddrinks(480)__, Vegetables(482)          
    
Desires  Colddrinks(484)__,Lime Chalk/Coal/clay/Pencil/Flour(485)__,meat/milk(485)__,   
Salt food(486)__, Sweets/Sugar(486)__,Vegetables(486)__,Tea(486)__,     
       
Flatulance  Flatulance eating after, here and there(548)__, Rumbling(600)      

Constipation  Incomplete/insufficient/unsatisfactory stool(607)__,Inactivity of rectum(621)       
Stool   Hard then soft(638)__, Knotty(638)__,Soft(641)__, Scanty(641)__,      
    
Extremities   Heat foot sole(1013)__, uncovers them(1013)__,       
Bathing   Bathing Dread(1345)__, Bathing Desire(1346)   
Respiration  Respiration Accelerated(762)__, Respiration Arrested(763)      
Palpitation  Regular irregular    
Agner  Absent Persons(2)__,Quick Repentance(2)__,Past event(2)__,Voilent(3)__,    
    
Anxiety   Business about(5)__,Children about(5)__,Future about(7)__,Health about(7)__,       
 Trifles about(8)__,Thinking about it, from(8)        
  
Aversion  Husband(9)__, Family members(9)__, Company(12)__, Company Desire for(12)__, Keep  
   
at alone(12)      
 Cowardice(17), Cursing(17), Death desire/thoughts of(17), Contarary(16),         
contemptuous(16) concentration active/difficulte(13) confidence want of self(13)        
      
Fear  Alone of being(43)__,Death of(44)__,Alone when(44)__, Behind someone is(43)__,        
Happen somthing will(45)__, Dogs of (44)__, Animals of(43)__, Something under the    
bed(47)__, in the dark(47) work dread of(48)__, Accidents of(43)__, Bad new of          
hearing(43)__,Ghosts of(45)__, Hight Places(45)__, Menses before(46)__,Noise      
from(46)__, Thunderstorm of(47)__,      
     
    
Grief  Ailments from(51)__, Silent(51)__, Trifles, about(51)__,Undemostrative(51)__, Love      
ailement from disappointed(63)__, Home sickness(51)__,    
   
        
Delusions  Animals of abdomen are in(21)__, bed under it(21)__,Sweets, is made of(22)__,Cat    
sees(22)__, Dogs sees(24)__, Faces sees(25)__,Footsteps, hears(26)__, Insect     
sees(28)__, Insulted thinks he is(28)__, sick imagines himself(32)__, Superiority(33)_        
Talking Fancies herself(33)__, Unfortuate that he is(34)__,wife is faithless(35)__,     
Wood, is made of(35)__, Work is hard at(35)__, Washing always her hands(92)          
   
       
      
Weeping  Future about(93)__, Consolation Aggravation(93)__, Alone when(93)__, Joy from(93)__,     
Contradition from(93)__, Past events thinking of(94)__, Trifles       
at(94)__,Whimpering(94)__, Child cries piteously if carried(93)__, Child quiet only when        
carreid(93)__,     
     
Dream  Dead of the/Relatives(1237)__, Death of(1238)__,disease of (1238)__, Dogs of(1238)__,    
Enemies (1239)__, Fire of(1239)__,Fright full (1240)__, Nightmare(1242) Pleasant        
(1242)__,Unpleasant(1243)__,Snakes(1243)__,Unremembered(1243)__,        
Wedding/weeping(1245)          
    
   
Genitalia   Masturbation, disposition(701)__, Erection Incomplete(695)__,          
Male   Wanting(impotency)(696)__,Penis relaxed when excited(696)__, Seminal discharge quick     
too(710)__, Coition aversion to(693)__, Enjoyment absent/Extreme(693)__, Condylomata         
anus/Itching(693)__,Condylomata Penis,Scrotum/Itching(694)__,Eruption        
Penis/Scrotum(696,697,698)__, Inflamation/Itching/Pain(699to707)__,     
    
Genitalia  Menses absent,amenorrhoea(724)__,Black/Clotted/Dark(725)__,Copious(725)__,           
Female   Irregular/Late/Painful,dysmenorrhoea(727)__,Pale Scanty/Short duration/Supressed       
(728,729)__,Masturbation, disposition(724)__, Delayed in girls, first menses/Frequent too     
early(726)__, Leucorrhoea, Bland/acrid/burning/copious/Jely like/Milky/    
offensive/thick/thin/Transparent/White/yellow(721,722,723)__,Coition aversion             
to/Enjoyment absent/orgasm delayed/easy/painful/wanting(715)Pain(731to742)        
   
  
  
Extremities   Sciatica(1064to1066)__,Heat lower limbs/uper limbs/Heat foot sole/uncoverthem (1010 to      

 1013)__, Heaviness tiried limbs(1013to1016)__,Numbness uper,lower      
limbs(1035to1043)__,Pain uper, lower limbs(1044to1176) Paralysis(1176to1180)__,         
    
Stiffness(1191to1195)__Perspiration(1181to1184)__, Restlessness(__,1187,1188)__,          

Swelling(1196to1202)__,Tention lower uper limbs(1202to1207)__,       
Varices(1223)__,Warts(1223,1224)__ Tingling/Trembling/Twitching(1207to1220)        
Weakness uper lower limbs(1224to1232)

Skin  Eruption/Dry/Blister/Blotches/Boils/Chickenpox/Measles/Pimples/Psoriasis/Pultules/  
Rashes/Scaly/Urticaria/Freckles/Gangrene/Inflamation/Chapping/Cracks(1304to1326)       
Itching(1327to1329)__,Lousiness/Rough/Naevi/Moles(1330)__,Stings of Insects(1331      
Warts(1339,1340)      
  
     .. 

       
Generalities     Anaemia/haemorrhage after(1344,1345)__,Bathing Dread(1345)__,Burns/Caries of    
bone(1346)__,Catalepsy/Chorea(1347)__,Faintness(1358to1361)__,Inflamation/Injuries(1368,1369)__,       
Lassitude/Leukaemia(1370)__,Obesty(1376)__,Pain appear gradually/Disappear        
gradually/appear suddenlly/disappear suddenlly(1377)__,         
Pain(1378to1389)__,Plethora(1391)__,Pulse abnoramal/Full/rregular(1393to1397)__,      
    
Thrombosis(1407)__,Tremling externally/internally(1408,1409)__,Varicose         
veins(1410)__,Weakness(1414to1420)__,Weariness(1421)__,Wonds(1422)         
       
Modalities 

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