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Elena Bria End Unit

Post 3.0m H

.20cm w

Guter attach
down spout
to catch

fire wall
fire wall 2.0m W x
2.5m H x 2.10m H
9.0m W

steel trusses
sq. tube G.I
2x2x 1.2

Concrete Structural
attach to
fence. .60cm H roofing rib type .35
bria canal
6.0m W x 6.0m sq. meter

Prepared By. Eliazer L.Danao B.49 L.25

Angeli Bria Unit

Dirty kitchen Extension with roof Area of

2.0mx2.0m.Guter connect to bria Catch basin.

 (L )fire wall 2.0m w x 2.5m H.

L  (R) fire wall 2.0m w x 2.5m H.

Front Extension with roofing Area of 2.0m x

4.0m.Guter connect to bria canal.

 (L) fire wall 2.0m W x 2.20m H

 (R) fire wall 2.0m W x 2.20m H
 (F) front concrete fence .60m H x 3.10m w

Fence an Gate
 Man Gate 90cm W x 1.80m H @ 2
x2 x1.2 G.I sq. tube for frame. for
division gate materials for gate is
 Fence 3.10m W x 1.20m H @ 2 x2
x1.2 G.I sq. tube for frame. for
L R division gate materials for gate is

Man Gate and Steel Fence Prepared By. Eliazer L.Danao

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